#eastern European cinema
honeygleam · 1 year
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ivana karbanová and jitka cerhová as marie #1 and marie #2 in daisies (1966) dir. věra chytilová
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w-armansky-blog · 2 years
I hate war. I don't understand how it's possible to kill each other in the twenty-first century. It should be forbidden, like cannibalism. Although cannibalism I can somehow understand, because hungry people eat like animals. But war is a disgusting thing. 
 Ich hasse Krieg. Ich verstehe nicht, wie es im 21. Jahrhundert überhaupt möglich ist, sich gegenseitig umzubringen. Er sollte verboten werden, wie Kannibalismus. Obwohl ich Kannibalismus irgendwie noch nachvollziehen kann, denn hungrige Menschen essen wie Tiere. Jedoch ist Krieg etwas Abscheuliches.
Kira Muratova (1934-2018), a giant of eastern European cinema
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elhnrt · 24 days
I think you'll enjoy Spalovač mrtvol (1969) and/or Občanský průkaz (2010). I feel like you're the kind of person that would enjoy a good dark comedy with great phychological/philosophical lining. Also please don't learn Czech
i promise i will never learn czech because i can not pronounce ř
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kweerfish · 1 month
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Lilya 4-Ever (2002), directed by Lukas Moodysson.
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gregor-samsung · 3 months
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Šavovi [Stitches - Un legame privato] (Miroslav Terzić, 2019)
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mumintroll · 11 months
when i was the only person in my film lecture who'd seen a david lynch film. specialest girl in da world
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Larisa Shepitko
Larisa Shepitko was born in 1938 in what is now Bakhmut, Ukraine. Though this director is largely unknown today, she was an iconic figure of 60s and 70s Soviet film. Shepitko was 22 years old and still a student when she directed her first feature film, Heat. Her work was at times controversial, and her short film Beginning of an Unknown Era was censored for its unflattering depiction of the Bolsheviks and not screened for twenty years. Shepitko's film The Ascent, regarded as her masterpiece, told the story of two partisans in Belarus during the Nazi occupation. The Ascent won the Golden Bear at the 1977 Berlin Film Festival.
Larisa Shepikto died in 1979 at the age of 41.
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dearinglovebot · 7 months
my unpopular opinion is claire dearing wouldn’t be a swiftie. not because she wouldn’t like it but because she’s pretentious and would be one of those people who’s like “modern pop has no real meaning unlike old music”. she would listen to etta james and nina simone and tina turner and she would think it means her music palette is more sophisticated than someone who likes katy perry and maroon 5
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euro222 · 11 months
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
finished the sad war movie from 1959
will watch the full-length “don’t be a sucker” anti-nationalism PSA from 1947
and tomorrow we get to see the 2 hour finale of the anti-war show about the 1950s Korean war, which started airing at the tail-end of the Vietnam war in 1972
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honeygleam · 5 months
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trzecia część nocy (1971) dir. andrzej żuławski
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rrrauschen · 2 years
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Aleksandr Razumnyj, {1919} Товарищ Абрам (Comrade Abram)
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prokopetz · 2 months
People keep trying to construct analogies for the cultural dominance of Dungeons & Dragons in tabletop roleplaying spaces like "imagine you met a guy who considers himself a cinema buff but exclusively watches Marvel Cinematic Universe films released within the past 12 months, explaining that he doesn't branch out because he just doesn't have the time to learn the lore of a second cinematic universe; when you suggest avoiding that problem by watching a standalone film that isn't part of any cinematic universe, he reacts like you're a huge weirdo, and after a bit of questioning it turns out he genuinely believes that films which are part of massive cinematic universes and black and white Eastern European art films about depression are the only kinds of movies which exist", and I know this is intended as hyperbole to illustrate the absurdity of the situation at hand, but, like, I have literally met the guy they are describing.
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gregor-samsung · 4 months
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Babai [Father] (Visar Morina - 2015)
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wizzard890 · 2 years
this is my interest in Russian cultural history showing, but I think it's really fascinating that the characters in Scorsese's Goncharov exist as imagined Soviets, particularly as articulated from an American perspective in the early 70s.
Scorsese was, then as now, a great appreciator of world cinema, and he absolutely was aware of how the archetype of the Soviet man underwent a transformation during Gorbachev's Era of Stagnation. Gone was the clean-cut, traditional wartime hero, always holding Soviet values aloft. Even the fictional Soviet woman became more adrift, lost in a modern tide of isolation, loneliness, and individual despair. (This is so so brilliantly brought to bear in Katya, and really gives lie to the old canard that Scorsese doesn't imagine the inner lives of female characters.)
Goncharov is a grey, almost temporally unmoored character, one that was previously unimaginable in Soviet cinema, and what does it mean that this new archetype was articulated, by perhaps THE American director of the late 20th century, at such an intentional cultural remove?
Idk, I think the resurgence of interest in the film really gives us an opportunity to ask questions about a piece that has previously only been discussed through a broadly Marxist lens, instead of reckoning with wider forces within the Eastern European imagination. Put more simply, what did it mean for Americans to watch a transformation of the Soviet zeitgeist through a glass darkly, and what light does that shed on the "Russian" in the American mind today?
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skipppppy · 4 months
Boo I felt like making headcanons again bc I spend more time wondering what these assholes do in their free time than I do on my job
Didn’t have access to movies growing up so Player, Zack, and Ivy have been catching her up on the most popular ones
HORRIBLE to watch with. Doesn’t really understand “suspension of disbelief” as a concept and will ask stupid questions the whole time. Player almost ended their friendship because she nitpicked Lord of the Rings for being “unrealistic”
Enjoys low stakes 2000s girl chick flicks like mean girls and legally blonde. She has enough stress in her life man she just wants to relax
HATES heist movies because of how innacurate they are. Team Red has taken to watching them JUST to hear her pick them apart
Sci-fi/fantasy junkie. Anything and everything that has aliens/magic and shitty practical effects from the 80’s/90’s he is all over
Has never said a single kind thing about the Star Wars franchise in his life. They are his favourite movies of all time
ADORES Edgar Wright and has slowly been converting Team Red to his movies. Zack loved Baby Driver. Ivy loved Shaun of the Dead. Shadowsan loved Hot Fuzz. He considers Scott Pilgrim the pinnacle of Canadian cinema
Cannot STAND the amount of remakes happening in Hollywood recently
Canon enjoyer of blockbuster action movies. Everyone dreads the nights when he gets to choose a film bc his taste is so generic
Does not know what the Snyder cut is. Thank god
His only redeeming quality is a love of early dreamworks. Will not stop quoting Madnagascar
Has seen every Marvel movie and thinks all of them are good. Player has BEGGED him to watch better movies but he won’t. He’s the type to rag on Scorsese for being “boring”
Has seen Kevin Feige’s extended filmography. Does not know who that man is
Horror fanatic
Banned from choosing movies for film night after convincing them to watch her “favourite lesbian romcom” with her. That lesbian romcom was Saw
Ellen Ripley was not only her personal hero but also her gay awakening. The Xenomorph queen was her second gay awakening
Also loves period dramas. Enjoys the tiddies and knows she would look SO good in those fancy waistcoats the men wear
Watches old slashers with Carmen and laugh whenever someone dies in a stupid way
Faculty considered movies “low brow” entertainment so he hasn’t seen a movie made before the year 2000
Loves a good mob flick. Got into Scorsese specifically because Zack hated him. Goodfellas is his favourite
Everyone assumes he enjoys samurai movies but he actually HATES them. Hideo would ramble about historical inaccuracies the whole way through and he’s still bored just thinking about it
Used to love Yakuza films back in the day but they were soured for him after actually living as one
Loved Knives Out, found Daniel Craig VERY attractive, and has since fallen down the James Bond rabbit hole
The most pretentious film hack you’ve ever met in your life. He is taking you to a back alley screening of some arthouse eastern european gay porn on a first date and it will be the most profound thing you’ve ever seen in your life
Detective noir movies and cheesy black and white romances are his favourites. He likes falling asleep to them
He and Player both appreciate animation as a form of cinema, but while Player is referring to like. the Mario movie, Chase is talking about some 3 minute Russian stopmotion surrealist piece from 1951. He attends Annecy every year and has been banned from the Oscars due to threats of violence
He likes Poirot tho. Transmasc king
If she has a few hours to herself she’d rather watch a documentary than go to a movie theatre, but she loves historical dramas
Enjoys biopics but thinks it’s stupid to make them for people who are alive
Likes watching movies for the sake of trash talking them, so she is the only person who can tolerate sitting through one with Carmen
LOVES Wes Anderson though. Chase got her into his stuff and the symmetry scratches an itch in her brain. But don’t tell him that
Also enjoys period dramas for the tiddies
Shitty cop movie enjoyer. The kind of person who insists that Die Hard is her favourite christmas movie
LOVES heist movies because of how inaccurate they are. Will mentally nitpick whatever secret service is going after them and be like “ACME wouldn’t do that lol”
She’s semi aware that she’s the antoagonist in Carmen’s own heist narrative so she’s started having fun with it
Closet lover of b-tier comedy movies. Like the ones with Adam Sandler and Kevin Hart on the cover
Does not enjoy watching movies socially. That is quality time for her and her cat. She does not have to shush Commander
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