#eating up this art like a vacuum cleaner
kcciny · 2 years
Sigurd fans are getting served a whole buffet lately
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helsensm · 4 months
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Can’t remember what was the premise for this and I’m too lazy to make a decent comic out of it, so just have this poorly digitalized railao doodle I found in my sketchbook, y’all can add any context you want~
I posted some Kung Lao and mk1 Kung Jin headcanons earlier, so now I think I’ll drop railao thoughts too. Nothing too crazy - I prefer to read/hear about other’s hc more than to think about them myself afgHjHh
- Raiden fell first, but Kung Lao fell harder.
- Lao did confess first tho. After the mk1 events and some chill time together they both realized that they can't stand being separated and stressed about the other’s safety.
- They used to have these red-string “lucky bracelets” when they were kids but stopped wearing them in middle school (prob lost them or because it wasn’t “cool” anymore hah). Later, after mk1 when they officially started dating, they got a pair of matching ones, as a substitute for the wedding rings. 😊 (now go find all of them on my railao art 👀)
- Right now (mk1 and right after) Raiden’s hair is longer than Lao’s, but Lao is growing his hair out so in the future he’ll be rocking that one long-ass braid we all love. 🥰 Also he has no idea how to style hair besides the ponytail and a simple braid, so sometimes Raiden will do his hair for him as soon as it grows long enough.
- Since childhood Raiden collects cool rocks he found around the village and sometimes he gives them to Lao. I suspect that Raiden is a penguin.
- When Lao noticed that the flower petals have a strange tendency to follow him everywhere, he began collecting them and leaving in various places, including Raiden’s home and school desk. After they got together, the petals would follow Raiden on their own volition every time the two are separated. 🌸
- Lao began to pierce his ears right after the school graduation and Raiden thinks he looks cool, but he did only one piercing per ear for himself much later. Although I'm starting to dig Novice’s idea that he can’t wear them because of his lightning powers. 🤔
- Raiden calls Kung Lao just “Lao” or “my Lao” (but not in a “professional setting”, like on missions or in front of people who are not considered their friends). Kung Lao loves giving Raiden cheesy nicknames.
- Lao is so passionate in his affection, he’s borderline aggressive, he kisses and hugs like it’s their last time. Raiden is more sensual and a fan of prolonged physical touch, like holding hands for the whole day.
- Kung Lao is a professional shit talker and yapper, Raiden just nods and listens. He remembers everything tho, even if it’s something ridiculous that Lao himself will forget after five minutes.
- Lao actually can cook at a reasonable level. I also think he’s very creative and resourceful and can make a decent meal from a limited number of ingredients.
- A relatively new follow-up hc inspired by this tt and personal experience discussion with D3rpy: Kung Lao eats like a vacuum cleaner and can’t stand people wasting food because when he was a kid his family had a rough few years when they could barely afford enough food. And although things have changed for the better, it’s a habit now, he’s like a stray animal - you can’t waste food when you don’t know when you’ll eat next. Also this is when he got closer to Raiden’s family, hanging out in his house more often.
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villainsimpqueen · 9 months
Below it Glows
Miles Quaritch X Cave dweller Na'vi Reader.
Chapter One
Art made by @nin3kyuu
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He had served his country, going to wars, doing operations others wouldn't dare do nor have the guts to do so. He lost many men, brothers and sisters due to the earth wars fighting over limited resources as their home planet continued to die more and more. 
A planet that once was rumored to be filled with vast forests and  clean waters and where humans could once live on Earth's lands without eco packs and masks glued to their face to filter clean air. 
Despite the Earth dying quickly, humans like a disease, cockroaches found a way to prolong their lives. Building even more cities but ones entirely of walls and filtration systems to pump filtered clean air into its halls and giant rooms. Levels were made with the rich being at the top and the poor to the bottom. 
  And still they all fought, they always were fighting and He was thrown into the fighting, a soldier, a commander, a colonel. Fighting for his country of endless mazes of filtration walls with small homes in them. All to be barely considered middle class.
He fucking hated it all. 
Quaritch breathed the filtered air from his mask as he stood outside the large doors of the city of walls he lived in. His shift was nearly over. He just had to carry on for another half hour and then he could go home, shower, put on clothes that weren't covered in toxic dust and ash and sit down with his fiancé. 
He huffed out the carbon from his lungs exhaling it out of the mask as he watched the wind pick up slinging dust and ash over the dead landscape. He could not fathom an Earth that was covered in plants and forests and even clean water, because even now as he walked the city's borders taking in the barren lands of dust and ash and the rivers of tar and slog it was an unbelievable thought. 
Paz liked keeping hologram screens around their unit playing simulations of what such a landscape would look like, having them even over their two windows that look out to the dead landscape to make it look like there was a vast forest with clean waterfalls instead. 
He wondered if she would even be home before him, her work was endless being an engineer she was always on call to fix some fucking thing. He admired her handiwork, she was one of the important workers in the cities, making sure the filtration system and environmental systems stayed on top notch standing at all times. Any time a filter leak happened she was called immediately, no matter the time of day or night. He sighed wondering what they had in storage to make a meal with, for if she wasnt there when he got home he would then shower and make them dinner. 
The thought of powdered meat and sustainable greens didn't appeal to his stomach not one bit, it brought back more anger. The upper classes actually enjoy the real shit. 
Real meat, real fresh greens and fruit. They got to eat meals he couldn't even imagine and it pissed him off. 
He should be able to buy real fucking food for himself and his fiancé. He should be able to enjoy basic fucking needs, why did those pansy bastards get too? He would love to see one of them suited up in protective suits, a mask glued to their face and trudge around in the hot dusty atmosphere their ancestors caused by sweating their balls off and coming home to eat powdered sustainable food. 
His ecopack beeped its warnings of needing cleaning and he forced a low growl before turning and walking back to the large doors slamming his keycard against its security panel allowing him into the sanitary station. He stood still as it sprayed off the toxic ash and dust from his body and vacuumed it out by exit shoots before allowing him to the next room where he could strip off the protective suit and gear. Sweat sheened on his skin as it was exposed to the cool filtered oxygen of the city. He breathed, feeling his lungs greedily accept the cooler 'cleaner' air as he watched his recruited replacements take their shifts leaving through the doors to the shitty atmosphere outside. He watched the doors open and close a dust storm brewing behind them. 
poor bastards.
He thought before he moved heading to the holo computer to clock his times file paperwork and then headed to the lift that raised him to his living level. Walking through the vast halls of the city and past the stores he watched bots move doing delivery services and the other humans of this city move around doing shopping.
Parents walking around with their kids buying them pointless shit that will end up outside of the city walls once the brat gets tired of it, making the outside even worse than before. 
He walked past simulations of decorated trees  that hurt his eyes along with the florescent lights of the city. 
Finally arriving at his and Paz's unit he walked inside seeing all the lights off. 
He let out a sigh trudging through the living room and towards the bathroom flicking on the light as he stripped his clothes and climbed into the shower having its hot sanitation water pour over him and his skin. His skin prickled under it slightly stinging as he stared at the showers tiles avoiding the sanitation water to burn his eyes. 
Grime and dust that made under his suit washed down his body and into the drain with its murky color. 
I gotta get us the fuck outta here. 
Gritting his teeth as he glared at the tiles. 
There were rumors, rumores that the top level had real fucking plants as decoration. 
They didn't have as many filtration systems because of real plants producing real oxygen. They had clean water, drinkable water. 
not packed water, or water cleaner packets to mix into the sanitation water to make it safe for consumption. But real fresh clean water. 
Real food, They had an environment system that was supposedly like how the Earth was supposed to be hundreds of years ago before great wars fucked everything up. 
He wanted that. 
God, he wanted that so badly. 
Dinner was nothing but slop in a bowl and he glared down at it as his spoon scooped it up and brought its dull color to his lips.
"I got a raise today." Paz's voice called to him and he glanced up at her from his bowl. Her brunette hair thrown into a messy bun and her dull green eyes surrounded by dark circles much like his own, her skin not pale but gray like his own it looked as lifeless as the ash and dust outside in her bright clothes she wore. 
"Yea?" He asked her, forcing a smile on his lips.
lifeless, they looked so lifeless in here..
Paz smiled back at him and nodded. 
"I was thinking…maybe we could look at some of the units on the south side of the city..something bigger." She told him.
He moved his eyes back to the slop in his bowl.
"Paz." He warned.
"You gotten a raise last month and now i have one, maybe a few more months and we could find a really nice unit and start thinking about ki-"
"Paz enough." He snapped, glaring up at her to pause, her dull green eyes dulling even more.
He didn't mean to snap, he really didn't. His anger was misguided and he let it focus on her like he always seemed to do in these past few months. 
He only sat in silence as she moved from their shared table with that bowl of slop of hers and took it to the kitchen leaving it and heading to their room. the slide of doors ringing in his ears as he was left alone. He slammed his hand on the table gritting his teeth, feeling his rage build through his body, tensing his muscles, flexing them before he let out a  sigh and dragging his hands up his face into his hair pulling on it. 
"Fuck.." He grumbled letting his head fall back and his hands falling to his lap he stared at the ceiling for a while until he forced himself up to gather his bowl and take it to the kitchen washing his and Paz's dishes before cleaning the kitchen. 
He went ahead and packed his and Paz's lunch pouches for the next day before he headed to the bedroom and met with the lights turned off and Paz already in bed. He stared at her back as he moved under the covers. He stared at it for a few moments watching her steady breathing before reaching out and pulling her towards him. Wrapping his arm around her, He held her close burying his face into the back of her neck.
"I'm sorry.." He whispered, only met with her breathing steady and soft, his apology fell on sleeping ears. 
He moved his hand to hers where the simple plain engagement hand rested, he dragged his fingers over it before clasping her hand in his. 
"I want more for us Paz…Ya get that right? I don't want another shit hole of a unit with the slop they feed us with..I want more. I want us up there with the other rich bastards. " He whispered to her as he kissed her shoulder blade. 
"I want ya to have real plants hanging around the unit, not some screen…I want us to eat real food Paz, us and any little tikes we have..not that gritty ass shit we ate tonight…" He let out a shaky breath and pressed another kiss to her shoulder before settling his head on the pillow staring at the back of her head, rubbing his thumb over hers.
"Ima get us out of this shitty level..Just be patient with me Sweetheart." He whispered out the promise he always whispered to her each night. 
She had to understand, she had to feel the urge to want more too, right? She must know how much she deserved then the shitty hole in a wall unit they had. 
He just needed her to stay patient with him, he will give her so much more than this, his secret promise to her the day he got on his knee. 
A better life, one where she didn't have to work if she didn't wish it, where his pay would be plentiful to carry them and their children. They live in some nice unit up on the upper levels and he could surprise her with a new plant to add to her collection. Their kids would never have to breathe in contaminated air due to a filtration leak and get sick stuck in medical units for months or years because the outsides dust and ash had radiation infecting their lungs. They wouldn't be so…lifeless. 
"I promise." He whispered holding his fiancé so tightly to his chest afraid that if he let go she too would fade away into the dust like so many of his past friends did in the war zones he had been in. 
The dust he was going to vanish in as well had she not met him the day they met. 
He had stared at the exit doors, sweat dripping from his brow as he moved his hand towards the keypad. The protective suit and ecopack in the other clearance room. His hand didn't tremble as he was about to tap the keypad with his keycard. 
They were always told that being out in the outside atmosphere without protection suits and gear, without their eco packs and masks that they'd be dead by suffocation within minutes. 
He had felt so numb, that the thought of dying so painfully by suffocation didn't scare him. If anything it had excited him, he had felt nothing since his last mission, where he had lost his best friend by a gunshot in the head, lost all his teammates and was the only one who arrived at the checkpoint alive but wounded. He had wanted the lung infection he got from his suit and ecopack being damaged to take him out as well…It didn't, he survived while his team all died.
He licked his lips, as he pressed the keycard to the panel hearing the loud beeps it made and the door starting to open breaking its seals as it heavily gilded open. 
Dust flying into the room, some of it hitting his face and burying into his hair as he squinted his eyes, lashes protecting his pupils as the doors slowly exposed him to the dead earth's atmosphere.
"HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" a voice screamed at him and he had turned surprised that someone was even up at this hour. But there she was, a woman shorter than him storming over to a computer panel viciously typing away at the holo screen forcing the door to beep and glide shut. 
"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!?" she yelled at him as the sanitation began spraying him down with chemicals and what not before deeming him clean. She had stormed in snatching him out of the room, easy with the daze he was in and she ripped him a new one all while he stared at her like she was a lunatic.
"Whats your fucking name?" She demanded of him.
He had licked his lips staring at her, taking in her bright furious green eyes.
"Miles…Miles Quaritch." He told her.
"Well Miles Quaritch..Yoru a fucking dumbass!" 
And he laughed, he laughed harder than he ever believed he had in his life as she stared at him like he was a madman.
"Ya have no clue sweetheart." He had crackled out and she had huffed running a hand in her hair before sitting beside him.
"I'll make ya a deal, you meet me at the dindime dinner for lunch everyday and i won't report you." She told him.
He raised a brow at her.
"It's not a choice so you know." She clarified before getting up and leaving before he could answer. 
The next day, she was waiting for him outside of the dinners unit.
The days drooled on, everything was the same.
Wake up.
Get dressed.
Have breakfast with Paz if she was there, by himself if she wasn't. 
Go to work.
Do the routine routes around the city borders.
Paper work.
Clock out.
make dinner or occasionally go out to eat. 
 So when his presence was demanded to the job distribution area, it had taken him by surprise. Paz had been excited, hoping it was him getting a promotion; he had worried about it being a demotion due to a shortage of workers in other areas of the imprison walls they lived in. 
When he entered the private office he was met by several officials who made him sit down. They had panels open displaying some kind of planet, ships and what not, and his records.
His eyes shrunk at his records, all his military files, his ranks, his specialities. 
His eyes moved towards them sharply.
"The hell is this?" He questioned feeling his body start to stim ready to defend himself, ready for attacks his brain logically knew wouldn't happen.
"How'd you like to be head of security on a base we're setting on this planet?"
He froze, eyes landing on the hologram of that planet. 
The recruiters of the organization that was setting this all up information drop not landing to him as he saw the screens flash other images of the planet.
great vast forests, real forests, real trees, bright vibrate plants. Real greenery.
Crystal clear oceans and rivers, clean drinkable water that reflected the sun on it.
Real sunlight, one that could clearly be seen through a living breathing planet than hidden by dust and ash storms. 
Paz would love it there…
He moved his attention back realizing they were waiting for him to answer, he had missed everything they had said. 
He made them repeat it and he listened to every single word. 
"I ain't leaving without my fiancé." He started sternly as he leaned back into the chair. 
it was too good to be true, and it was, they only wanted him and him alone. 
He wouldn't leave her, he wouldn't leave Paz behind. 
"...We can make sure your fiancé will have a spot on the ship." the head RDA recruiter spoke as She slid a holotablet over to him.
"All we need is you to confirm the job." She had told him.
He signed, not reading over the contract of the job. What he would be putting himself through, he didn't care. 
He would be able to get him and Paz out of that shitty unit they lived in. They would be somewhere even fucking better than the upper levels. A new planet, a new Earth and he would be able to see the woman he loves surrounded by vast forests and clean waters. 
He would do whatever the hell the RDA wanted him to do, without hesitation. 
He was ecstatic as they told him when they were to leave. He had rushed home making sure to page Paz to be home. He had practically ripped the sliding doors apart as he entered their unit seeing her stand from their couch confusion in her eyes as she looked up at him.
"Quaritch?" she questioned as he rushed towards her hands going to his waist as he picked her up spinning them around grinning widely his cheeks hurt. She squealed , clinging to him and laughed.
"What is going on? good news?" She asked excitedly as he was. 
"Good news? Baby girl i got fucking fantastic news ." He told her before pulling her into a deep kiss, when he pulled away he explained everything and he laughed as she squealed telling him to stop wasting time and to help her pack their things. 
By the end of the week they were boarding a ship, being put into cryo chambers. 
He stared at Paz across from him watching her settle in place and look at him for assurance. He smiled at her as the chambers turned on.
"I love ya." He told her, watching how she smiled.
"I love you too, Quaritch." She answered.
"I can't wait to see you on that planet." He told her feeling his eyelids grow heavy, if she had said anything he didn't hear her as his body shut down in a deep comatose sleep, frozen in time and place as the ship took its human passages light years away from earth to this bizarre resource full, living planet.
They named it Pandora. 
Chp 2
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evelhak · 8 months
Old art #18: Self portrait
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Lol I found this one I had made for my DeviantArt profile in I'm guessing 2011, so I was probably 17. I was not that cute. Arina Tanemura was in my head. (Can you tell how much I had been reading Shinshi Doumei Cross, just by looking at that hair and face? Wasn't that some manga, huh. Would certainly spark... conversations these days. But even looking back, there were a few things that were quite captivating and great about it.)
Meet my whole cat gang. If you've been here a while, you already know Bell, she's the grey one. A little princess with two braincells and a bottomless stomach. Eats literally like a snake, without chewing. She's the pinnacle of self-centredness which she gets away with because she's just so dumb. Also very loud and fond of crocodile tears. Really, the complete lack of self-awareness is impressive. The way she walks through life sticking her butt and puke exactly where she pleases at any time she pleases reminds me of the people I was always kinda jealous of. The ones who can be as unapologetically annoying, shallow, selfish and boasty as they want and most people still love them. Probably because they are very pretty and perceived to be too stupid to be held accountable for their lack of consideration of others. Bell is also so pretty everyone compliments her face, her bones, her colour and the pattern of her fur. My drawing really doesn't do her much justice. Her beauty is very superficial and decreases significantly as soon as she moves or opens her mouth, because she just looks that dumb doing anything. But alas, I love her.
Then we have Aatu, the black one, who is Bell's kitten actually. Still small in this picture but he grew up looking a lot like his dad who was a neighbourhood cat and the biggest one I had ever seen. Very hairy, clearly some Norwegian forest cat in him. Aatu ran away when he was two, but I think in truth he just got hit by a car or eaten by a fox because he had zero self-preservation instinct and half a braincell. He went towards all animals and cars in oblivious curiosity as they approached him. He was attracted to the vacuum cleaner when it was on. He was literally not scared of anything. He thought he was a dog, an owl, a cow, and also human. He loved when you made him slide across the floor. He loved to be dragged around and ruffled in all ways. He didn't know how to hiss, growl or make any type of angry or dissatisfied sound. He was very, very happy. Apparently too happy and unbothered by anything to survive.
Then there's Nöpö, the big one. He died a few years ago at 17. He was our first cat. Braincell count would compare to a human. Very sensitive, very angry, dominating but also gentle, intelligent, pessimistic and depressed. The look of his build resembled that of a lot bigger wild cats, especially when he hunted. He wanted his own space, didn't enjoy people initiating touch, he would come to you instead when he wanted it. He was always like that but it got worse when Bell came into the house and was her charming self. Nöpö's nervous system clearly couldn't handle sharing his territory and had I been able to anticipate it, I wouldn't have taken Bell. Nöpö did everything with so much more care and attention. He needed time and space, he wouldn't even be able to eat with Bell, because she gulped everything down while Nöpö chewed each bite with care, and nothing would be left for him because Bell has no concept of moderation. So Nöpö would always need to be fed in a closed room. He would attack people and other cats frequently because he just had a very strong hunting instinct ever since he was born and didn't like anyone too close unless he asked for it. But he was also very cuddly when he wanted to be, and he didn't want his people to go too far away. He would come crying after me every time I went to get mail. Classic example of "Leave me alone, no wait, where are you going??" I miss that grumpy old guy.
This wasn't supposed to be about cats but there you go.
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novelmonger · 8 months
Thoughts on FMA: The Final Alchemy
tl;dr - All the live-action FMA movies suck like an industrial-grade vacuum cleaner, and watching them will only not be a waste of your time if you do so with friends who are already familiar with FMA so you can have fun bashing them with each other. Still, this one managed to suck ever so slightly less than the previous one...maybe???
Elaborating slightly on the notes I took while watching, here are my thoughts:
I can't get over how unbelievably stupid and nonsensical the title is! "ThE fInAl AlChEmY" What does that even mean? Not "The Final Transmutation," oh no; we can't make the title be an actual reference to a line Ed actually says in the original ("the last transmutation of the Full Metal Alchemist" or however it's worded). "The Final Alchemy." I ask you -_-
There were so many scenes where they didn't play any music at all, and it was super awkward! What kind of creative choice is that? Instead of it being used to make a statement or ramp up tension or whatever usual reasons people have for not putting music in, it just came across like they forgot to add any music in some scenes.
What on earth is up with Raven's actor? He was overacting so much, it was distracting - especially when contrasted with Mustang's complete lack of expression, lol. It's like Raven's actor just saw that one panel of Raven guffawing and decided that was his entire character. Like...there's overacting like some of the villains in the Rurouni Kenshin movies...and then there's this. Super weird and out of place.
Not that I'm surprised at all, but the CG looked really bad for the most part in this movie. By far the worst was Sloth, though. I can't remember when the last time was I've seen something that bad x.x Not only did it look super fake, it just looked...really low-quality even compared to some of the other stuff in this movie, like a child's scribble next to an art student's painting. All of the effects around Sloth (like broken pillars and crumbling walls) looked terrible and fake too, like he was infecting the entire VFX team with his mediocrity or something.
But on the flipside, I actually thought the effect of Ed, Ling, and Envy flaking away as they went through the Portal of Truth was really good! Guess that's where all their VFX budget went.
Al's actor was nowhere near emaciated enough. Sure, they didn't go into the whole thing about Ed eating and sleeping his share, and I get that they wouldn't want to make the actor starve himself or anything...but still. Just sayin'. Also...he had zero emotion, even after soul and body were reunited. What's up with that?
And speaking of which, just like in the other two movies, they hardly had Al do anything at all, nor did most of the other characters act like they cared about him much at all - not even Ed most of the time. If I didn't have such a wealth of other versions of this wonderful character, I'd probably think he was super boring. Which is a crime, I tell you! He's one of my favorite characters ever!
So many of the sets were so empty. You could really tell when they were using greenscreens.
When they showed Greed inside Ling's head, they made him blue??? When it's supposed to be depicting the torrent of souls that is a Philosopher's Stone, and the Stones are red??? Just...why?
Oh, also...when the Stones were in a liquid form, it totally looked like sweet-and-sour sauce you get from a Chinese restaurant ^^' It was like...almost pink! Weird. I always assumed the Stones were supposed to look red like blood.
Yet again, the way they messed around with the timeline is paying dividends of confusion in this movie. Because they shoved all of Scar's character arc into the second movie, and everybody's okay with him now, they have him just come out and show Ed and Al his brother's research notes, which is how they find out about the country-wide transmutation circle, and only after that discovery does Ed decide to go to Briggs. Or how about Greed just immediately deciding to leave Father practically the minute Ling accepts him? And Father doesn't do anything about it? And later on, Greed joins up with them for literally no reason other than "lol I'm a rebel," because there was nothing about Devil's Nest or the previous Greed, so he didn't have the realization that Wrath killed his friends.
Wait. They didn't do Devil's Nest, did they? They didn't do Devil's Nest. THEY DIDN'T DO DEVIL'S NEST HOW DO YOU MESS UP THIS BADLY ALDKGFJSLKDGJSLDKGJSDKLGF
Also, because they never bothered to put Yoki into these movies, Mei's brainwave for the secrets within the notes make waaaaaay less sense. Sure, you could say her figuring it out because Yoki sneezed is too convenient, but she had even less reason to think along those lines in this movie. Oh, and they never even tried to explain why she's the only one reading the notes, and Ed and Al can't.
Buccaneer's head looks just as lumpy and bulbous as Armstrong's. Why didn't they just shave these actors' heads instead of slapping a bald cap on top of their hairy heads, or whatever they did? It would have looked a million times better.
Okay, Olivier is practically perfect in every way. A+ casting job for once. She looks about as natural as a blonde Japanese woman can, and she gets across the disdain, poise, and hyper-competence of the character really well.
They never explained why Ed can't speak freely with Olivier about the Homunculi, etc. The revelation that Winry's being used as a hostage isn't revealed yet when Ed first shows up, and Raven's not there yet, so why did they have to go to the trouble of going into the underground tunnel to talk? Yet another example of the film creators trying to condense and simplify while still keeping in iconic moments from the anime, but showing a glaring lack of understanding of why those moments happened the way they did. Because now you've got a bunch of disjointed scenes that are supposed to be iconic, but will make no sense unless you already know the story.
Speaking of which...why did Ed go to Briggs in the first place? Because he already knows about the country-wide transmutation circle at this point, his stated purpose is to stop them from carving the last crest of blood they need at Briggs and completing the circle. And yet...the crest gets carved anyway, and Ed just sort of...leaves? Without much, if any, protest? At first I thought they were going to do the whole Briggs arc because they wanted to show what I would definitely classify as an iconic moment: Ed getting impaled. But they never did that scene at all! Kimbley is absent from this movie, so there's no scheme to get Winry away from him, Raven disappears as soon as he shows up (yeah, they don't even do the memorable scene of Olivier stabbing him and shoving him into setting concrete), so they don't even need to get Winry away from him, there are no chimeras (probably because it would be quite taxing on the budget, which I kind of understand), and they've already covered the whole Winry-forgives-Scar scene in the previous movie, so I guess they decided there was no way to work in Ed falling down a mine shaft, getting impaled, and then closing his own wound by using his own soul as a Philosopher's Stone. Nope, instead they just abruptly shift to a goodbye scene between Ed and Winry whose dark hair still bugs the heck out of me whyyyyyyy is she special like that.
Wait, let me reiterate: Kimbley is absent from this movie. I actually don't remember if he was in the second movie or not (it was that forgettable if he was). Yeah, they just decided that one of the most interesting and memorable characters from FMA didn't need to be in their movie. Besides the part I mentioned above, Kimbley's absence also throws a wrench into a very important part farther down the road: Ed defeating Pride. In the original, Pride eats Kimbley to take advantage of the extra souls he has in his Philosopher's Stones, but because he absorbed such a strong, rebellious soul, Kimbley is actually able to help Ed overpower Pride in the end. This is a very important factor in Pride's defeat, because he looks down on humans, while Kimbley points out that the way he's acting is actually dishonorable. "You are nothing to be proud of," I think is how he puts it. If you consider the thematic implications of the Homunculi and how each one dies, you'll realize that this is the only way Pride could be defeated, because Homunculi are defeated by their opposites. But then, I don't think the people who wrote these movies would recognize a theme if it smacked them in the face. Many of the events are the same in these movies as they are in the original, but they're stripped of any subtlety or significance.
Oh, also Pride's death is much stupider in this movie because it looks like he just stands there and lets Ed do it, rather than it being an actual fight with the shadow-spikes and everything, and Ed getting the drop on him because he knows what it's like to be shorter than his opponent....
Okay, but one thing I will say in favor of this movie is that Ryosuke Yamada was by far the best actor in the whole cast. He captured the various sides of Ed's character, and there were far fewer moments where it felt like he was an actor on a stage than anybody else. I believed him. I've thought that in both of the previous movies, but I don't think I realized just how good of an actor he was until this installment. Because he doesn't just have to play Ed. He also has to play teenage Hohenheim in the flashback, and Father's final form on the Promised Day. And in both instances, Ryosuke Yamada utterly killed it. He didn't just do a good job of delivering the lines with appropriate emotion and expression. He also made the characters feel like completely different people. Everything, down to his stance and the way he talked, was different! And I could tell that he'd studied the way Seiyo Uchino had done his performances as both Hohenheim and Father, and was trying to match them in his own performance. That was so cool to see. I've never seen Ryosuke Yamada in anything else, but now I kinda want to.
Oh, and while we're praising the cast, Kokoro Terada did such a good job as Pride! It's a tall order to ask such a young kid to act like such a creepy monster, but he did an excellent job. That kid's got a future in acting for sure.
They cut out soooooo many of the best scenes about Mustang and his team, and what they didn't cut out was so rushed and just gutted of all emotion T_T They didn't even bother taking the team away from him, which leaves the Homunculi looking a bit stupid and lax. Because the whole fight with Lust went down differently (in the first movie a;ldkjfa;dlskf;sdlkfj DX), Havoc isn't even paralyzed! I never thought I would be upset that he didn't get paralyzed! But because we don't go into any of that, a huge chunk of character development is just gone completely. And though they did do the whole showdown with Envy, which is one of my absolute favorite parts of the story, it was taken out at the knees by the actors being terrible and emotionless. Oh, and the coup is introduced very abruptly and just as abruptly forgotten about, and there's nothing about Mrs. Bradley. And the moment with Hawkeye's neck getting sliced open? Blink and you miss it. Mustang barely reacts, and they don't even use Hawkeye's life being threatened as a way to try to coerce him to do human transmutation! Hawkeye doesn't give him the signal with her eyes, Mei doesn't close up the wound...I honestly have no idea why they bothered wounding her at all.
They already did the zombie things in the first movie (ad;lkjfgda;slkjg;sdklfj;dskfl), so they show up in one scene in this movie, have little to no impact because we've already seen them, and then are never heard from again. What even.
Why in the name of Flamel did they wait the entire movie to reveal that Miles is part Ishbalan? Why did they bother revealing that at all? They literally could have just said they were going to help Scar rebuild Ishbal, and left it at that, instead of having Miles dramatically take off his sunglasses and make the audience try to figure out why because it's not immediately obvious that his eyes are red because they made the color much duller than it is in animation and a;lkdjfg;ladkjhg;dlksgjlsdgj;ldksfjdslg
Oh, and you wanna know what the biggest kick in the teeth is? THEY DIDN'T EVEN HEAL MUSTANG'S EYES. Marcoh isn't in this movie - I can't remember if he died or what in the first movie, and can't be bothered to check - so there's no one to use the Stone on him. So Mustang's storyline in the movie ends with Hawkeye saying, "Maybe we'll find a way to heal your eyes somehow." Maybe. MAYBE?! -_-
So yeah. To sum up, this is a terrible movie and an even worse adaptation. I didn't think it was possible to take such a phenomenally good story and butcher it this badly. FMA is one of my very favorite stories of all time, and even though I've read and watched it more times than I can count, the fight scenes and tense moments still grab me to this day. But I kept on finding myself bored while watching this movie, and checking to see how much time was left. I never thought I would be bored watching the Briggs soldiers or the Armstrong siblings fight Sloth, or Wrath and Scar duking it out, or the last stand against Father.
But here we are.
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bryan360 · 2 years
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
🇵🇷Me: Hey there! Today that I got a special art trade order for my P-Pal, but also his OCs of Spot, Riya, Cude, and Murukir to enjoy. This month of August before Summer comes to an end, here's something I've been working so hard of what I feel like it. So much so, I'm completely fresh out of big sheet of paper from my Simply A+ Sketch Pad. The 20 sheets kind that I originally brought it from the store back in 🍀March 2020; though before staying in houses during the pandemic.
Link Here #1
🇵🇷Me: Since now I'm run out of big sheets, I needed to take time with one huge sheet of paper when making room in doodle art form. This is exactly I'm going for as my P-Pal 's request, but forgive me that there's some marks and coloring mistakes I've tried to covered up. Nevertheless, here's my latest secret art trade request for him; by having my squirrel character Brown while wearing his clothes in bagged size!
🥜Brown: Yeah! It wasn't the first time I'm doing this since I had with EStar99 Jason's clothes, but it'll be an honor to have this for your P-Pal and our friends. We had a good time having our sleepover at my house last month with all snuggled up of my clothes of theirs; including mine. So here I am again wearing my bagged sized clothes, but this time while doing some normal activities....well almost everything is normal. Anyways, here's what I'm talking about in this 10 part doodle art that our creator friend made.
1st through 3rd Part
Doing yoga exercises, reading CN's comic book, and eating peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. References from my April 2020 artwork I've posted on DeviantArt. Link Here #2
4th Part
Putting his chef's hat on and doing some stirring. He's making a cake with his mother like any parent and children do together.
5th Part
Hugging with Pibby and Bun Bun; especially last time where he made them during my P-Pal's previous art trade I've requested him. Link Here #3
6th Part
Accidentally got a Happy Horn on his head; causing him to change his personality and color of happiness. That’s goes for another reference from my previous artwork I’ve posted back in August 2020. Link Here #4
7th Part
Vacuuming the floors with his electronic vacuum cleaner. Do hope it’ll never caught his bagged sized clothes while he cleaning around here, though. 😅
8th Part
Putting his wireless headphones and dances to the rhythm of his favorite songs. Though I wanted to draw his dance pose a bit similar to the Cow and Chicken intro that I seen from my childhood. Just wanted to boost up his interests of CN stuff, ya know. Link Here #5
9th Part
Just a random part of holding a huge pencil. Don’t know why, but something to do with interests of drawing animation? At least that’s what I’m going for.
10 Part/Final Part
And finally here’s him having a relaxation time, but no surprise to included this for last. My P-Pal asked to draw Brown while he’s in resting his pillow bed; especially both wearing in bagged sized clothes. He does enjoying this like the same way he’s had a sleepover with his friends. Link Here #6
🥜Brown: That really takes me back about a month ago, but worth to remember how we getting along just right. As for snuggling our clothes in bagged sized? It’s perfect when snuggled up together. 😉👍
🇵🇷Me: Indeed as always, Brown. Hope that you enjoy this doodle art post I’ve made for my P-Pal. Though again forgive myself that it had some coloring mistakes when doing on one big sheet of paper I had left.
🥜Brown: That’s okay. At least it does looks good that you worked hard for. Anyways, here’s to your P-Pal and friends where I do some activities; while wearing my bagged sized clothes to remember for. Hope you’ll enjoy this as well.
Brown created by me; BryanVelasquez87 (Bryan360)
Pibby and Bun Bun - Pibby (also known as Come and Learn with Pibby! and Learning with Pibby: Apocalypse (TBA) © Adult Swim
A Happy Horn item - Unikitty! (2017-2020) © Ed Skudder and Lynn Wang, The Lego Group, Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Bros Television Distribution. Cartoon Network
@murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301
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krissiefox · 1 year
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog - Black Bot The Pirate (Screenshots and Review)
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Ooh, this is exciting! This episode is the start of a special 4-part mini-series called "Quest For the Chaos Emeralds" which has higher stakes and a continuous story-line, and is also animated by TMS Entertainment with noticeably better quality animation and extra-cute art! Neat!! The story begins with  a scientist being forced to work in Dr. Robotnik's lab. He's building a time machine for the Doctor, who is wanting to collect 4 Chaos Emeralds. Each emerald has a different magical trait: Immortality, Invincibility, Invisibility, and Life. Interestingly, the look of several emeralds shown matches the appearance of gems from various SEGA games: The Chaos Emerald of Invisibility resembles a Glyph form Ecco The Dolphin  and the Chaos Emerald of Immortality looks like the emeralds from the original Sonic title on Genesis.  The Chaos Emerald of Invincibility also looks like the Master Emeralds from Sonic 3 & Knuckles,but that game wasn’t out yet.  This could all just be a coincidence since of course real gems have these cuts as well, but I like to think of them as game references. :) In additional the introduction of Chaos Emeralds to the series, this also feels like it could be a nod to Sonic CD, since it also follows Time Travel themes.
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After the scientist finishes, Scratch and Grounder walk, mistaking the time machine for a new vacuum cleaner. Scratch turns it on and ends up going to the age of The Pilgrim invasion of the Americas, and they try to eat Scratch! This suggests that, just like in the Archie Sonic comics, Mobius is in fact a far-future Earth. That would explain a lot of the little cultural carry overs from our own world into theirs...
Robotnik is delighted to know that the time machine works, and gets right to heading towards the first emerald in his sights - The Emerald of Invincibility.
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Meanwhile, Sonic and Tails are relaxing at the beach. Tails wants Sonic to surf with him, but Sonic is more interesting in flirting with a hedgehog gal he sees walk by. Sonic's hormonal hedgehog quest is interrupted when the scientist from earlier arrives at the beach, explaining that Robotnik forced him to build a time machine and has left to collect the Chaos Emeralds.  The Scientist gives Sonic nuclear powered sneakers that can help him travel through time. Sounds dangerous! Hopefully  he doesn't scuff them and cause an ecological disaster that would even impress Robotnik...
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The gal Sonic was eyeballing is an almost grayscale version of Breezie, and she’s hanging out with a....buff giant grayscale Sonic? Why does he have gray skin? Is he a living statue?! There are stranger creatures in the Aosth world.... Thankfully, the new sneakers are not only safe but also work like a charm, ad we get to see a cool sequence of them warping through time. They're not far behind Robotnik, and eventually catch up with him and his badniks in the era they've arrived in - the pirate ages. 
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Robotnik comes aboard the ship of Captain Blackbeard himself, and in a preview of Sonic SatAm, he pulls out a portable Roboticizer ray that transforms and enslaves Black beard! Yikes! If he'd use that thing more often, he'd probably have taken over Mobius by now...
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Sonic and Tails eventually get on board and fight the villains for a while, but are eventually hindered when Robotnik also roboticizes a whale and has it swallow them up. Thankfully, they figure out how to manually control the big whale robot themselves and catch with Robotnik again, who is already set shore on the island where the Chaos Emerald is buried.
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It’s so cute when they hold hands!
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It weird me out seeing Tails drawn with flat teeth. He’s a fox, he should have sharp little fangs!
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Our heroes stealthily trail the no-gooders as they eventually find the big "X" on a dirt path in the jungle, and begin digging. Sonic burrows under ground so he can get to the treasure chest first, and he and Tails hide inside it. When Robotnik opens it up they seem to attack him and...dress him up like a bird to humiliate him? I remember this scene even from when I was a kid and it was another one of those odd gags in the show where I couldn't tell where they going with the gag. Maybe it's someone's fetish?
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Whatever’s going on there, Robotnik gets his cool pirate outfit back on and catches up with Sonic and Tails on the beach, who are trying to re-bury the chest. As Robotnik opens it again, he sees nothing in it, which bewilders him and also gets Sonic curious as well. Sonic realizes the emerald itself is invisible, so he tricks Robotnik into throwing him into the chest, giving Sonic the chance to hold onto it and use its powers. Sonic, now unseen, quickly clobbers the badnik and even shreds Blackbot into ribbons (that's a MURDAH!), but then Robotnik throws sand in Sonic’s eyes and takes the emerald, along with Sonic’s shoes, which he destroys )and hopefully doesn’t give everyone in the immediate vicinity cancer form radiation - you’d think Robotnik would know to be careful with nuclear devices!). Robotnik then hops in his time machine and vanishes. Tails is horrified but Sonic has already cooked up a plan for them to avoid being stranded - he goes to the treasure chest and puts a note in it for people in the future to discover. It asks to have the Scientist from earlier send him back another pair of time travel travel shoes. That's one smart hedgehog kid!  With their time travel abilities regained, Sonic and Tails warp through time to catch up with the Doc.
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It’s adorable when Scratch picks up Tails. He looks so confused! 😅
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Oh yeah! Time to boogie!
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In the Sonic Says Segment, Sonic teaches Tails to ease up on wanting to play with Blank Beards sword and encourages the viewer to always get permission to use blades (if they're a kid) and to be safe with them! That is good advice. I played with pocket knives and axes as a kid and was thankfully never seriously hurt, but I do also remember when I was really little I accidentally stabbed the palm of my hand with a box knife, that was no fun. So do be careful! This episode was a lot of fun! The animation for Sonic and Tails was super cute and expression, and Robotnik had very expressive body language, too. TMS Entertainment  did a great job with these characters. There's fun adventure and good slapstick, and some more serious story continuity going on, too! I'm looking forward to the next one. :)
Til next time folks, stay cool!
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nurtureliterary · 2 years
A Few Things I Think About Differently Now That I’m Older
Aaron Burch
How, when we’d return to California to visit family in the summers, my dad would drive us around on little nostalgia tours — that’s where I went to high school, this was the strip we’d cruise on the weekends, that used to be our favorite burger joint…
The wooden model NASA space shuttle, hand-carved and -painted by my uncle, given to me as a gift in my preteen years; knocked off a shelf when I was a teenager, resulting in a broken fin and a few chips in the paint; left behind when I moved out of the house for college; and which is still in one of my parents’ closets, I presume.
Every sketchpad and package of pens and pencils and little kid watercolor set and every other art supply that my parents ever bought me.
How every Sunday was for chores, my brother and I tasked with cleaning our rooms or yardwork when it was nice out or sprinkling down deodorizing carpet freshener powder and vacuuming or moving framed photos and knickknacks and other small pieces of décor and spraying wood cleaner onto old rags and washcloths and wiping down tabletops and the fireplace mantel and windowsills.
The boxy 80s cars I grew up with and hated at the time—my grandmother’s giant blue Ford boat of a car that I thought was so big and ugly and grandparenty that my mom and grandmother would tease was going to become my car, as a punishment; my dad’s ugly Datsun station wagon that I didn’t understand why anyone (much less my dad) would ever purchase; my grandmother’s mid80s Mustang that she gave me when I got my driver’s license, which I loved but also treated like shit and also never understood how it could be the same make and model as such cool muscle cars from the 60s and 70s.
Every weekend that we drove a few hours to go camping or hiking or fishing or to some festival that I didn’t really care about—blues, bluegrass, kite, etc.—or to go on some kind of tour—chocolatier, cheese, brewery, candy, etc.
All the toys and report cards and baseball cards and photos that are still in my parents’ various closets.
The coffee table made by my grandfather that I took with me when I moved to California with my girlfriend-at-the-time after college and that I’m not sure what happened to after we broke up and I moved out but that was the nicest piece of furniture I’ve ever owned.
Eating healthy, exercise, drinking water, going to the dentist, sunscreen.
The smell of that Arm & Hammer carpet freshening powder, that Old English wood spray.
All the sports equipment and league fees and Taekwondo lessons and tournament fees and travel costs, often whether they could really afford it or not, whether it meant borrowing money from their parents or my dad working overtime or skimping on something else that I probably didn’t know about at the time, always so supportive and encouraging in every endeavor I wanted to try.
Aaron Burch's first novel, Year of the Buffalo, is out this month from American Buffalo Books. Recent short work (fiction and non) has appeared or is forthcoming in Hex, Menagerie Magazine, Complete Sentence, and Schuylkill Valley Journal. He is (too) on Twitter @aaron__burch and on the world wide web at aaronburch.net. The last time he visited Washington with his girlfriend, he felt a deep desire to drive her around and show her the house he grew up in, where he went to high school, his favorite teenage skate spots. He often wishes he took better care of things—probably most especially himself and also those things made and given to him by loved ones—when younger. His apartment is a mess, which only highlights the pleasures of when it is clean, and while he sometimes fears the slide from packrat to hoarder, he loves looking through his old ticket stubs and notebooks and other ephemera he has collected and kept over the years. He started painting again in the last couple of years, after not making any visual art since he was a teenager. He has written about this before, but he thinks often, and more and more every year, about how loving and supportive his parents were and still are, having always encouraged him to seek and follow passions and all those things in life that bring him joy, which he is hesitant to say he ever took for granted but will be the first to tell you he has only become both more aware and appreciative of as he has gotten older.
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aestheticsworldasmr · 7 months
 "Monster Eater Hole: Dive into the World of Debris-Merging Madness!"
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Welcome to the chaotic and captivating universe of “Monster Eater Hole,” where you take on the role of a powerful black hole shredder with an insatiable appetite for devouring mix monsters of all shapes and sizes. This thrilling game offers a unique blend of strategic thinking, quick reflexes, and monster evolution, making it an addictive adventure for players of all ages.
The Voracious Black Hole:
As the protagonist of this monstrous saga, you control a voracious black hole that acts as a powerful vacuum cleaner. Your mission? To swallow and hoard the monsters that come your way, leaving nothing but monster debris in your wake. The black hole shredder is your tool for creating chaos in the monstrous world, as you strive to eat mix monsters as quickly as possible.
Shred, Swallow, and Hoard:
The gameplay is simple yet exhilarating. Maneuver the black hole shredder to strategically shred monsters into debris, then swallow and hoard the remains. The more monsters you devour, the larger and more powerful your black hole becomes. But the real magic begins when you delve into the art of merging monster debris.
Monster Debris Merging:
In “Monster Eater Hole,” the key to unlocking new and formidable monsters lies in your ability to merge the debris of conquered foes. Carefully select and blend the monster debris to create entirely new and unique mix monsters. Experiment with different combinations and watch as your collection evolves into a diverse array of creatures.
Strategic Scooping and Crushing:
To succeed in this monstrous world, strategic thinking is crucial. Scoop and crush mix monsters strategically, considering the attributes and abilities of each. Some monsters may enhance your black hole’s speed, while others could provide defensive capabilities. Experiment with various strategies to maximize your monster-eating efficiency.
Unlocking New Monsters:
As you progress through the levels, you’ll unlock new monsters with each successful merger. Witness the birth of extraordinary creatures as you combine the debris of your conquered foes. The challenge intensifies, pushing your skills to the limit as you strive to create the ultimate monster.
The Watermelon Monster Challenge:
The pinnacle of “Monster Eater Hole” is the quest to merge debris from all monsters into the majestic Watermelon Monster. Can you strategically blend the remains of every conquered foe to unveil this formidable creature? The journey to the Watermelon Monster is the ultimate test of your monster-eating prowess.
“Monster Eater Hole” offers a thrilling and addictively entertaining experience, combining quick reflexes, strategic thinking, and the excitement of creating unique monsters. Dive into this monstrous world, devour mix monsters, merge their debris, and unlock a collection of extraordinary creatures. Are you up for the challenge of reaching the legendary Watermelon Monster? Embrace the chaos and embark on a monster-eating adventure like no other!
DOWNLOAD NOW : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.theasmrgames.monstershredder
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joshmraymond · 9 months
Healthy habits of cat owners
Ah, cat ownership, a delightful journey filled with purrs, cuddles, and the occasional hairball surprise. As we bask in the glory of being humble servants to our feline friends, it is important to recognize the healthy habits that come along with this esteemed position. So grab your lint roller and prepare for a dose of laughter as we explore the comical side of responsible cat ownership!
First and foremost, let's talk about exercise - for you, not your cat. Yes, my fellow cat owners, the mere act of trying to keep up with our furry companions can provide us with a surprisingly effective workout. Picture this: you dangle a feather toy in front of your cat, and within seconds, the dance begins. You twirl, you spin, you crouch, all in an attempt to keep up with the lightning-fast moves of your feline fitness coach. It's like a high-intensity aerobics class, but with more claws and less coordinating gym wear. So embrace the chance to break a sweat and let your cat's playful antics turn you into a workout warrior.
Next on our list of healthy habits is stress relief. Believe it or not, cats have an uncanny ability to sense when you've had a rough day at work or endured a traffic-laden commute. They'll saunter over, give you a sympathetic meow, and plop themselves right onto your lap. Suddenly, the weight of the world melts away as you stroke their soft fur and listen to the relaxing sound of their purrs. Your stress levels magically plummet, replaced by a sense of calm and tranquility. Who needs meditation apps when you have your own personal Zen master, complete with a fur coat and an insatiable appetite for Temptations treats?
Let's not forget the importance of maintaining a clean and tidy living space, courtesy of your feline cohabitant. Yes, cat ownership is like having a tiny, four-legged cleaning machine at your disposal (although, they do tend to leave the occasional furball as a quirky calling card). With their immaculately groomed fur, cats effortlessly keep your carpets lint-free, your couch cushions fur-free, and your floors in a perpetual state of sweeping. It's like having your very own Roomba, only fluffier and far more adorable.
Lastly, cat ownership teaches us the art of patience. Cats have a unique way of testing the limits of our sanity - they'll knock over a glass, shred the toilet paper, or stare at you intently while you're trying to enjoy a peaceful moment on the toilet. But it's during these trying times that we learn the virtue of patience. We take a deep breath, perhaps mutter a few choice words under our breath, and then we remember that our cats are simply living life by their own quirky rules. So we embrace the chaos, accept the mild inconveniences, and learn to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
As we navigate the wild and whimsical world of cat ownership, let us celebrate the healthy habits that come along with it. From the impromptu exercise sessions to the stress relief and the constant reminders to stay on top of our cleaning game, our feline friends help us lead healthier, happier lives (even if they do occasionally leave us scratching our heads). So next time your cat pounces on your vacuum cleaner or stares you down while you're eating a sandwich, remember to embrace the laughter, relish in the love, and treasure the endless supply of entertaining stories that come along with being a responsible cat parent.
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freshmaple · 1 year
Why is Upholstery Cleaning in Burlington Services Essential for Toddlers' Health?
Upholstery Cleaning in Burlington
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Every mother is always conscious of the health of her kids. She tries to take care of everything from their clothing to what they eat. When your child is playing, you should always clean their toys and the floor. Germs are harmful to the health of youngsters because of their low immunity. Cleaning, mopping, and washing your feet maintain the floor free of harmful germs. Many folks seem to underestimate Upholstery Cleaning in Burlington. The deepest layer of the Upholstery is made up of textured fiber, which traps bacteria and dust particles that are impossible to remove with mopping or basic dry cleaning. If you're worried about your child's welfare, professional Upholstery cleaning biweekly is a good idea. The best Upholstery cleaning services can help you restore the beauty of your velvet or wooden Upholstery.
Effect of Professional Cleaning on Health
The critical aspect of professional Upholstery is to avoid any health issues. If you or anyone else in your home has lung problems, the clouds of dust in your Upholstery can exasperate and cause respiratory issues, such as seasonal allergies. These contaminants in your furniture can inflict a wide range of health problems, especially in toddlers and people above 60. Vacuuming assists in the removal of mold spores, filth, and harmful bacteria, but it does not completely eradicate them, and they accumulate over time, raising the chances of health issues. Dust bed bugs, pathogens, and other allergens are removed by expert Upholstery Cleaning in Burlington in order to make it easier for your loved ones to take a breath and reduce the risk of sore throats and other ailments.
Professional Upholstery Cleaners Improve Airflow
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As strange as they may seem, dirty Upholsteries can impede air circulation in your home. When things have become cluttered with sand, scum, and debris, particularly around the wall surfaces, where the atmosphere in your home needs to move the most, the airflow in your home will be limited. The rooms in your residence are more likely to become horrid and fusty when your Upholstery is clogged with crud and particles. Because essential vacuuming cannot remove all contaminants, you should regularly get your services from Upholstery Cleaning in Milton. Clean Upholsteries will work on improving the airflow and value of your home. There are various techniques used in professional Upholstery cleaning. They are hot water extraction, dry cleaning, bonnet cleaning, encapsulating, and Upholstery shampooing in which the most used methods are
Hot Water Cleaning
Steam cleaning penetrates Upholstery fibers with hot water under high pressure, breaking out dirt and germs that have built up deep within. A vacuum is subsequently used to remove the heated water. The cleaning process begins with applying an item to the target area. The cleaning chemical is next applied with a brush to break up grime. The actual hot water extraction process commenced when the cleaning agent had a chance to do its magic.
Air Drying
An absorbing chemical is utilized in dry cleaning to bind to grime and other impurities in your upholstery. A mechanical brush is the most typical technique for spreading absorbent chemicals and rupturing filthy fibers. The chemical is allowed to remove dirt from Upholstery fibers for some time. The mess is then cleaned up using a moist vacuum of the highest caliber.
Take Advantage of Fresh Maple's Solutions 
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If you are worried about where you get the Upholstery Cleaning in Burlington services? We are here to help you out. Our skilled cleaning staff offered excellent and professional Upholstery cleaning services in a short period. We clean your Upholsteries extensively with state-of-the-art Upholstery cleaning equipment and environmentally safe cleaning products, making them seem more like new. We give the best, fastest, and highest-quality service at a low price. We're also recognized for our exceptional customer service and dependability. For a speedy Upholstery cleaning consultation in Burlington, contact Fresh Maple right now.
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #102
(taken january 17th; uploading surveys taken while gone)
What is the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given? I worked extremely hard in art class making an anatomically correct heart out of clay that I painted and then put in a shadow box with a poem I wrote dedicated to him as the background for Jason once. I think I gave it to him as a Valentine's Day gift. I sometimes wonder if he still has it.
Whatever happened to the first person you ever loved? I have no idea what he's up to these days. It's probably better that way.
What is the biggest difference between you and your best friend? I am very emotional and he's barely at all. Or at least, he doesn't know how to show it.
Do you currently have a job? No, but I'm kinda regularly looking online... and it's stressing me out.
What brand is your vacuum cleaner? I don't remember, but something good. My mom's brother gifted her a vacuum cleaner once when she mentioned all she really wanted to buy for herself with the inheritance was a quality vacuum.
Could you win a staring contest with someone? Absolutely not, eye contact is extreeemely uncomfortable for me.
Name the last video game you’ve played. Girt and I are still playing Silent Hill 2. <3 We're in the prison area now, so making real progress.
Name someone who has changed your life for the better. The psychiatrist I went to for many years since my partial hospitalization program. I only ever left him because my insurance changed and he doesn't take Medicaid.
Can you say the alphabet in more than one language? Yeah, in German.
Do you ever get carsick? No.
Did you used to watch Blue's Clues? I sure did, I loved it. I got so emotional when Steve's actor published that video a year or two back addressing our generation.
What is the best way to tell someone that they stink? I just... wouldn't. Especially if I didn't know the person very well, because I don't know their living situation or if they have access to (hot) water, etc. Also as someone who has difficulty showering enough out of self-worth issues, I just don't think it's a good idea. I guess MAYBE I would if it was someone I was very close to and they were going to like, an interview or something, but I can't even imagine how I'd manage to do it.
Which movie’s musical score is truly memorable? Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron stands out.
What’s your favorite scene from the movie Titanic? I don't really remember because I've seen the movie only once a very long time ago. The last scene is super memorable though, where Rose throws the necklace (I think it was a necklace?) Jack gave her into the ocean. God did that movie make me cry, I remember that well. It's funny, I actually saw it while in the mental hospital and pretty much everyone was crying, like goddamn what a choice for mentally ill people at their worst lmfao
First kiss: quick, sloppy, and forgettable or passionate and memorable? It was quick and painfully memorable.
What is your favorite band's most popular song? Ozzy's is pretty obviously "Crazy Train," and I'm going to assume "Du hast" is Rammstein's because it was featured in The Matrix.
Are you listening to music right now? Yeah, I have "Little Dark Age" by MGMT on. Girt got me into it a long time ago.
Have you ever made the opposite sex cry? Yes.
Do you say the "H" in the word “herb”? No. I did for a very long time though, until I learned considerably late that it's silent.
What have you thought about most today? Girt and how he's coping. He's talked more with me today and seems a bit more perked up, but I'm still worried. I wanna see him really, really bad. This question prompted me to decide I'm bringing him lunch tomorrow btw lmao
If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be: Probably like a little toy computer and a mini model of my iPod. OH and don't forget a pill organizer lmfao
What type of food do you eat at your grandparents? My grandma tended to make all the things I didn't like, honestly, lmao. Though granted we saw each other super super rarely.
I find the thought of childbirth… fucking TERRIFYING and disgusting. "It's a miracle!" no bitch that is horror beyond our comprehension
What sea creature scares you? GIANT SQUID
What was the last thing to make you cry? Thinking Girt was going to leave.
What serial killer do you find most disturbing? Gotta be honest, I don't know nearly enough about like, any in order to give you a proper answer.
Who knows a secret or two about you? Jason, Girt, Mazzy, Tez, Mom... Really any of the VERY few people in my real, face-to-face life who know I RP. I guess the Joel situation I got in as a pre-teen could been seen by some as a secret, especially when SO few people know, but it's not something I'd deliberately hide anymore if it was relevant to share and haven't felt the need to conceal it for many, many years. I'll fully admit I was a backstabbing snake.
Where is your sister right now? I would assume they're home now.
Does anyone regularly tell you they love you? The two very regular people are Mom and Girt, but I feel like Mazzy and Tez do it a notable amount too.
Any posters of a band on your bedroom wall? I have multiple, but I am ACTUALLY considering taking them down, amazingly. I really, really am thinking of lessening the decor in my crowded room and making it a more nature-based, peaceful location that I can go to to feel safe and relax soundly.
Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate? I don't believe in soulmates.
Do you share your bedroom with anyone? My snake Venus' terrarium is in there, and Roman almost always sleeps with me. He sometimes roams to other places in the house to snooze during the night, though.
What’s your crush’s/boyfriend/husband’s name? Donald Jr. but I've always known him as Girt.
And their occupation? He's worked in a tire factory for like, a decade.
Do you think it’d be cool to have your body mummified after you die? No, honestly. I completely respect the cultural reasonings and even find mummies super fascinating, but for me PERSONALLY, I'd be very grossed out by the idea of it being done to myself.
Are you leaving the house tomorrow? Yes; I'm buying Girt lunch and bringing it to him at work, and I'm going to try and stop by the tattoo parlor to drop my deposit on my tattoo and get the appointment date!
Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? To a degree. Sometimes they're just too excruciatingly ordinary/expectable, but I do very much enjoy a well-written love story.
Would you or do you allow your children to watch television? Yes I would, though especially when young, I would try to set limits. If I have kids, I really don't want them to face a technology addiction like I have. I want them to take adequate time to be present in the real world that is directly before them, experience this one trip they've got on Earth.
Can you read music? Not well anymore. Some things, sure, they've stuck with me, but not a lot.
Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month? Honestly, way too much. I have been very bad with fast food lately and it needs to stop.
Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house? Not with my current one yet. He prefers coming over here.
Is your mother diabetic? She is, actually. Runs in the family. Her sugar level is VERY volatile so she can't mess up/miss those meds. It frighteningly regularly goes so low that she has to take emergency measures like glucose tablets and stuff.
Are you? No, but it's something I really do need to watch. I don't think I'm considered pre-diabetic anymore, my doctors keep track of that stuff closely and have told me I'm good right now, but I know I'm still at high risk for it just by genes, personal history, and lifestyle. And I do NOT want it. Diabetes has either affected or straight-up taken too many people in my life.
Would you like to learn how to make ceramic pottery? Eh, not especially. I mean, I'm not AGAINST it, but I'm just not very interested.
Ever sang someone to sleep? No.
What was the last TV show you were hooked on? Lol Girt and I went on a nearly full-day binge of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives the other day when he was here. We have streaks where we just let the episodes keep going and going and going... lol. It's interesting stuff though and always makes us way too hungry.
Have you ever started a book and never finished it? Yeah. I remember in specific I once got pretty damn deep into this MASSIVE book that was a story about a guy who adopted/raised a baby fawn or something like that but I just like... randomly stopped. I do think I tried reading it at too young an age though, it was pretty advanced, even for me at the age I tried it. I just found it with some googling: The Yearling. Apparently it's a classic. Maybe one of these days I'll try it again.
Do you have a favorite drummer? Who? Not talent-wise but I definitely have a bias for Rammstein's Christoph Schneider because he is a fucking PEACH
What about a favorite guitarist? Who? Again, talent-wise I really don't know, but I make it obnoxiously obvious I adore Rammstein's Richard Kruspe because he is one of the most charmingly chaotic and adorable human beings ever sobs I'm not supposed to be into 50 y/o men help
Do you ever write fanfic? Of what? I feel like this would surprise people that know how overly invested I get in some things/people, but I don't and never have. Never even read any. Nothing against it, it's just not my thing.
Do you ever READ fanfic? Of what? ^ oh, got ahead of myself
Have you ever thought somebody was plain-looking, but found them attractive once you got to know them better? I initially thought Jason looked kinda weird but then through just loving him he became THE most attractive person on the planet to me when we dated, like genuinely.
What specifically about them made them so beautiful? Look man it took me years to get OVER this dude, I ain't doing this lmfao
What is your #1 dealbreaker with friendships? For a friendship... hm. Being manipulative/gaslighting me over things is a very strong contender. I could also never, ever be friends with a person who thought they were better than everyone else. Well, I could never do that AGAIN. Been there, done that, no seconds please.
Are you interested in fashion? No.
Do you like Led Zeppelin? I enjoy some songs, yeah; "Kashmir" is fuckin legendary with one of the best riffs ever and I also *technically* love "Stairway to Heaven," but it's my #1 trauma-associated song that I physically CANNOT listen to so haven't for many, many years. My mom absolutely adooooores Zeppelin.
Have you ever seen a real-live cop chase? IIII don't think so? Maybe?
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allareass · 1 year
Floor Sweeping Sydney - How to Keep Your Floors Looking Great
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There are many ways to keep your floors clean and squeaky-clean. You can sweep your floors daily or use a mop with detergents to clean them regularly.
Concrete floors are hardwearing and stain-resistant, but they can lose their lustre over time if not properly maintained. Regular cleaning will extend their lifespan and keep them looking new. To know more about Floor Sweeping Sydney, visit the All Areas website or call 1300659609.
As the temperature heats up around Sydney, it’s essential to keep on top of your cleaning routine. A sweeping machine is a great way to keep your floors looking their best. However, it’s not the only way to clean your home or business.
There are many different types of floor cleaning equipment out there, from simple brooms to specialized vacuums and dusters. The newest and most expensive machines feature sophisticated technology that can make even the dirtiest of floors look like new.
If you’re in need of a floor cleaner, be sure to check out All Areas. They’re a top-rated company that offers a wide range of services, including floor sweeping and buffing, deep cleaning, and carpet washing. They are also known for their eco-friendly products and state-of-the-art equipment.
You can learn more about their services by visiting their website. You can also request a quote onsite. The team at Spotless Sweepers is always ready to help you clean your home or office, and will provide you with the best possible results.
Floors should be damp mopped weekly in high-traffic areas of the home, such as the kitchen and bathroom. If you have children or pets, consider damp-mopping more often to help reduce irritants in the air.
It’s also a good idea to pre-wash sticky or gunky spots that you might find on the floors with a sponge and a bit of soapy water. This will ensure that you’re not spreading them to other areas of the home, where they can cause a bigger mess.
A quick tip to make your weekly sweeping and cleaning easier is to use the right tools for each area of your house. For instance, if you have a family room with hardwood flooring, then you will need a damp mop for that area. It’s important to choose a quality cleaning mop for your needs so that you can clean it thoroughly and efficiently. This will help you maintain the beauty and durability of your floors.
When it comes to keeping your property looking great, pressure washing is one of the best ways to do so. It can help remove dirt, grease, oil stains, and more, which can greatly increase your property’s curb appeal and value.
It can also keep your property free of harmful mould and mildew. Mould can eat away at wood, stone, and paint, which can cause serious damage to your home or business.
Another important reason to consider pressure washing your property is that it can protect your family’s health. If left unchecked, mould and mildew can lead to respiratory problems and allergies for you and your family.
Pressure cleaning is a great way to keep your property looking good without having to worry about repairs or maintenance costs down the road. It also gives you a chance to see small issues before they become major ones. It can also help you improve your curb appeal and make a positive impression on potential clients.
There’s no doubt that keeping your house clean is an essential part of maintaining a healthy and happy home. However, it can be difficult to carve out the time to do so.
A good way to help you get started is by developing a cleaning routine. Create a list of daily, weekly, and monthly chores and then work out how often you can fit them in.
Having a schedule will help you get a handle on your household responsibilities and free up more of your valuable time to do the things that matter most. For example, decluttering can be a great family activity that will make your house feel more spacious and tidy in no time. To know more about Floor Sweeping Sydney, visit the All Areas website or call 1300659609.
Similarly, the best way to clean your house is by scheduling regular domestic cleaning in Sydney. This will not only save you time but also keep your home free from germs and dirt. This is a particularly important step if you have small children and pets in the home, as it helps to ensure they don’t pick up any nasty infections.
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riffsandfragments · 1 year
The Prodigal Son
A certain man had two sons. One day, the younger of the two said to his father: "Father, give me the portion of my inheritance that falls to me." And so the father divided up his fortune between the two sons.
Soon thereafter, the younger son gathered his belongings, stuffed two hundred and seventy six thousand dollars in cash into a Family Mart bag, and took his journey into a far country. There, he spent his days kicking at dead jellyfish on beaches, scraping his way up the sides of volcanoes, and being told he was not allowed into the museums of art with his cherry chip waffle cones. He spent his nights with sex workers. This went on for quite some time, and everyone was pleased with the arrangement, particularly the younger son. And then, one afternoon, the younger son peered into his Family Mart bag to find that the two hundred and seventy six thousand dollars in cash had vanished. He knew he'd vanished it, and he knew the museums were mostly free and the cherry chip wasn't that expensive. And so he figured it must have been the sex workers.
The younger son sat in the lobby of his hotel, listening to the distant hum of a vacuum cleaner and gazing absently at the empty Family Mart bag. How to fill it? He would have to get a job. Yes, a job would be just the thing. How long could it take to earn another two hundred and seventy six thousand dollars? He tried to do the math, but all he could think about was the distant hum of a cherry chip waffle cone.
There was a gentle shaking as the hotel manager woke him up. "You fell asleep, younger son," said the manager. "It must have been the distant hum. Why don't you go back home to the near country? I'm afraid," the manager lowered his voice and glanced at the empty bag, "that you can't stay here." The younger son roused himself and stood. "I find that I begin to be in want of more sympathetic company," he said. And he went out from that place.
Soon, the younger son had taken a job with a citizen of that far country, a swine farmer of whom all spoke with great admiration. On his first day, during orientation, the younger son recognized the farmer's daughter as one of his favorite sex workers. And so it was that the farmer sent the younger son into the swine fields to feed the swine, and to haul swine shit from one side of the field unto the other, and then back again.
By noon, he was starving; he would gladly have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat. And no man gave unto him the time of day.
That night, lying behind the barn after his tenth imaginary shower, the younger son said unto himself, "Look here, my father's servants have milk and honey, peanut butter and jelly, soap and water, while I perish with hunger and stink of swine ass! Perhaps I could go to my father and say unto him: 'Father, I was accosted by bums, and they stole my belongings and kicked me until I began to bleed internally, and the hospital bills were simply astronomical, father. I spent my inheritance on individually wrapped acetaminophen tablets!'"
The younger son thought it over, working out the details in his mind, before remembering that the far country in which he found himself had nationally funded healthcare, and that the bums here were very polite. And he said unto himself: "Maybe I shall just keep it simple. I shall say unto my father: 'Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and before mother, presumably. I've spent my days thoroughly enjoying myself, and my nights thoroughly enjoying others. If that is a crime, then I am not worthy to be called your son. But if that is not a crime, I'd like to come home.' That ought to do it." And the younger son fell asleep listening to the distant hum of the farmer's daughter.
The next morning he arose and hitchhiked out of the far country, finding himself in a string of successively worse vehicles until the last driver accused him of being a far country terrorist and kicked him out of the car. From there, the younger son walked. And so it was that when he was yet a long way from home, his father saw him. His father had excellent eyesight, and happened to be looking in the right direction.
Later that night, after dessert and his sixth real shower, the younger son's father came to tuck him into bed. And the younger son said unto his father: "Father, I have sinned before heaven, and against thee, and something about mother. I came up with some other stuff, too, when I was lying behind that swine barn. Anyway, I wish I'd never left."
The father laughed and said unto him: "Son, when you saw only one set of footprints in that swine field… that's when I was watching you from the farmer's house, laughing my ass off. As soon as you got all that swine shit to one end of the field, I'd send him out to have you move it back to the other end!" The father laughed until tears ran into his beard.
The son sat up and stared at his father. "You…"
"Yes!" The father could barely wheeze his confession out between gales of laughter. "Not only was I was watching you the entire time, I meticulously planned your entire escapade! Who do you think killed all those jellyfish on the beach? Me! Who do you think sold you the cherry chip? Me! Who do you think hired the diseased sex workers? It was all me!" the father laughed.
Then the son said unto his father: "Wait, diseased?"
"I own the hotel! I own the art museums! I own the swine farm! Hell, I'm actually king of the far country, come to think of it!" the father howled.
The younger son glanced around the room for something to bludgeon his father with. "So what was the point of all this?"
His father roared with laughter. "The point? The point, he says! A point, his kingdom for a point! Tell yourself it was to build character or to learn a lesson, for your moral wellbeing or revelation. I might use the change jar under the nightstand."
"For what?" the younger son asked.
"To bludgeon me with," the father replied.
The younger son dove out of bed, scooped up the glass jar full of coins, and smashed it over his father's head, cutting his own left hand to shreds in the process. His father's lifeless body slid off the edge of the bed in a shower of copper, the head lolling sideways and smacking the floor. Sludgy pools of blood poured from his ears, soaking into the carpet.
His father's gleeful laugh came from the bedroom door, and the younger son spun around, ice cold dread spiking down his back as he fell under his father's living shadow. He looked at the body and back at his father's silhouette, which was shaking with laughter. "How?"
"Tug the beard!" his father chuckled.
The younger son pulled frantically at the beard with his good hand. The beard began to shift, and the skin beneath it stretched, and he realized it was part of a mask. The mask tore as he pulled harder, and there beneath shreds of his father's face lie the older son, dead on the floor.
The younger son began to weep before the body of his brother. Another evil trick! Had his brother known the truth? Had their father deceived them both? His father knew all, including what the younger son himself now knew: he was a fool; wounded, diseased, penniless, fatherless, brotherless. The younger son's face became foul with weeping, and his eyes darkened under the shadow of death.
But his father was filled with joy, and said unto him: "I hear the voice of your weeping, and it annoys me! We must make merry, and be glad: for you and your brother were alive, and are now dead; were found, and are lost! Now where's that fatted calf?"
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sexstories-101 · 2 years
A blowie beginner's guide
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Do you have a fear of sucking cock? If you don't have one yourself, it might be extremely confronting. Even if you're a guy, taking one in your mouth for the first time can be intimidating. It's not like you've ever sucked your own!? (Please contact us if you are able; we would want to speak with you...)
'Am I doing this correctly?' you may wonder. Did I just eat with my teeth? What if it tastes gross?! Don't be afraid.
We chatted with a couple of the most qualified pros on how to get comfortable and genuinely enjoy it. Here's what Jacqueline Hellyer, a sex therapist, and Isla View, who conducts the 'Art of Fellatio' course, had to say during the episode.
First and foremost, you must be in the mood!
It goes without saying that if you're in the mood, you'll appreciate anything more. But, according to Jacqueline, if you're doing a blowjob because you think you have to, it won't be fun for you or them.
"It's a whole different feeling if you're already turned on and want c*ck; the recipient of the blowjob always enjoys it when the partner is having fun," she told The Hook-Up.
Relax and get out of your head.
If you're 'in your head' wondering if you're doing it correctly, you're not relaxing, and you're probably not enjoying it. If you're not, they're probably not either. Consider it a blowjob domino effect of no pleasure.
"You have to learn to relax," Jacqueline advises. "Relax your jaw, throat, and cheeks; it will also modify the type of pleasure the other person experiences. [When you're relaxed, your mouth is] soft, flexible, and molds, and your tongue will work better."
"There's a tremendous difference between a calm blowjob and one from someone attempting to imitate a vacuum cleaner."
Is it spits or swallows, the age-old question?
Of course, if you're not using a condom for your blowjob, you have to worry about STIs and HIV. But if you've decided not to, Jacqueline has some advice for you: "Because the majority of your taste buds are towards the front of your tongue, place the penis at the back of your tongue. That way, it travels directly into the digestive tract, which is quite difficult on pathogens."
Furthermore, brushing your teeth beforehand can expose the gums or cause bleeding, both of which can raise the risk of HIV transmission if they accumulate in your mouth. If you are unclear about your partner's HIV status, it is advisable to avoid having someone cumming in your mouth at all costs, especially if you have cuts or ulcers in your mouth or throat. These are high-risk areas for HIV transmission. There are plenty of additional locations where they can blast their load, so get creative! (This is especially important for males who have sex with men.)
Still not convinced you're doing it correctly?
Ask! You'll probably get a sense from him whether they like it or not. If they're groaning or saying, "ohhh yeahhhhh," it's a positive sign that they're having fun. That might also be a huge turn-on for you!
But, whether or not they say anything, it's always a good idea to check in and see if they enjoy what you're doing. Everyone is different; some people may prefer it slower or with less suction.
"Ask what works for [them] so you're both enjoying it more," Isla explains.
So there you have it. Have fun sucking!
   If you are looking for motivation to enhance your sexual drive.
Kindly visit https://porno19.com/ a Vietnam porn website about sucking cock sex movies
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
El goes over to Steve’s to get out of the cabin for a little bit and they have pizza and board games and stuff.. so Steve’s house is a little messy so Steve’s dad comes home earlier then expected he freaks bc he can’t see el here so he goes upstairs and puts her in his room and his dad is pissed at the mess so basically el overhears how much of an ass his dad is :,)
tear my heart in half why don’t you?
ok but seriously, could I have just written a short and sweet ficlet on this gorgeous headcanon? yeah. do I have self control? no.
that is why instead I present to you a 6.3k deep dive
also on ao3
It’s just a little thing the two of them have going for them. El hated being left alone in the empty cabin when Hopper was on duty and would often sneak out to the Wheeler’s for some company. Usually it was fine. Mike would let her in through the basement door and she’d always made sure to be back before Hop. Usually hitching a ride on the back of Mike’s bike. It was a pretty perfect system. Hopper never found out and she got to get away from the lonely woods for at least a couple hours.
Until one time they weren’t home and Mike wasn’t answering on the walkie. it was cold out and dark and she wasn’t prepared to make the long walk back to the cabin. But she did anyway. Shivering as she tried to forget that her powers still weren’t working quite right. Trying to forget the fact that she was defenseless.
That’s when Steve had pulled up beside her in the beemer. Headlights bright in her eyes, only recognizing him once the lights went out and she could see him through the windshield.
Steve was safe. One of the few people she was told she could trust, despite Mike showing his own disdain for the guy. But she was told that was only because he dated Nancy, and he didn’t like Jonathan either for that very reason. So she trusted Steve. Felt a wave of relief wash over her when he pulled up beside her from where she was walking on Randolph Way.
He rolled down his window with the crank and stuck his head outside. The quick change from hot to cold biting his nose, making it run.
“It’s past nine, El. What are you doing out here? How did you get out here?”
El shrugged her shoulders. Rubbing her hands against her arms to generate some heat to combat the cold from the Indiana night air. “Walked. Came to see Mike.” She said. The words coming out with a breath that was visualized by a misty cloud as vapor froze.
“He wasn’t home?”
She shook her head. Arms still crossed over her chest, hands now tightly gripping the flannel she stole from Hopper’s closet. A calming mechanism she’d use when she felt like she was in trouble. A way of protecting her palms from her sharp and jagged fingernails because she had a habit of biting them when she was scared, which came more often now that her powers were only functioning at a ten percent capacity.
Steve didn’t have to think for very long before telling her to get in, and that he’d take her home.
He turned the heat up to the highest setting, and pulled out a blanket he had stored underneath his seat. Handed it over to her because he could see her lips had begun to turn to a bluish color. Steve spared her the talk about how she needed to be more careful. He wasn’t her Dad or her babysitter, even though he kind of was at times. But she was just a teenager who wanted to see her boyfriend, he did the same thing when he was her age, and still does it now. He figured he could leave that conversation up to her Dad, even if he suspected it wouldn’t do much to curb said behavior.
Instead they said nothing to each other the whole drive to the cabin, aside from words of direction since he had never navigated the path in the dark before. El never talked much in most situations, so it wasn’t weird.
When he pulled up, he noticed Hopper’s Blazer was unmistakably missing from the premises, and there was no light indicating anyone lived there other than the singular bulb hanging from their front porch that looked to be only days away from burning out. He waited for El to get out of his car and head inside, but she didn’t. She just sat there in his passenger seat with the blanket pulled up high enough so it covered her nose and mouth. Still and unmoving, staring at the front door that was illuminated by the dying light source with a pained expression evident in her light brown eyes.
“Everything okay?” Steve asks, with hesitation clear in the way his voice cracks with a whispered tone. The dead silence of the empty forest creating an unnerving tension that made them both feel like just the sound of a pin dropping to the floor could set something off.
She heaved a sigh, the shakiness clear. “Could you stay? Until Hop gets home?”
She didn’t have to explain it to Steve. Just looking at the Cabin gave him the same feeling that looking at his own house did. Empty and abandoned and lonely. That’s why he was out driving that night. He had no destination other than anywhere but his house. He hated the way the floorboards creaked so loud in the silence and echoed around the house. Didn’t like the way he could hear the sounds of water droplets dripping from the bathroom sink from all the way upstairs. Didn’t like the solitary feeling of it all. Not even a ghostly presence to keep him company. Just him and his thoughts. Never a good combination.
So he agreed. Turning the key and shutting off the car, flipping off the headlights and following her inside. He liked El, and it was much better than going back to his vacant home on the outskirts of Hawkins.
He’d never been inside before. The only times he’d ever come by was to drop off Dustin and the rest of the party when El was still on probation from leaving the Cabin. For those he’d never leave the comfort of his drivers seat.
El flipped on the lights and he was greeted by a sight juxtaposed from the outside’s appearance. The outside looked abandoned. Rusted and worn. Moss growing on the roof, breaks in the wooden steps leading up to the porch, unmanicured ground covered in rotting leaves from the previous Fall. The inside, however, was lively. Sure, it still looked a little run down and had the rustic feel to it, but it looked like a home. Warm and cozy, messy with different books strewn across the floor, clothes hung on the backs of chairs, vinyl records stacked haphazardly next to the turntable. The sink was full of dishes that needed to be done, a laundry basket full of clothes that needed to be folded. It was clear that someone lived here. Like really lived here. Not like his house which was always kept clean and proper. Fancy decorations cluttered the halls, carpets were vacuumed and floors were swept. Steve never got behind on doing his dishes or laundry because there was never much for him to do with it only being the product of one person. And what else was he supposed to do to occupy his time? He preferred the sound of the running water or the rattle of the laundry machine or the loud hum of the vacuum cleaner as it picked up debris over the echoes of his own thoughts. He had to keep it clean anyway because his parents always came home without warning, and always expected the house to look just as pristine as they left it. So the house always looked more like a museum filled with expensive art and less like a home with dirty dishes and crumbs on the floor that indicated proper use.
He felt a warm feeling inside the cabin. Feeling the coziness radiate through him as he sat down on the couch. Rips in the upholstery, beer stained cushions. Comfortable. Like sitting on a cloud.
El was in the kitchen, rummaging through the freezer, he assumed she was just hungry. Maybe she had been expecting to eat at Mike’s house. He always did save her some leftovers just in case. He’d done so for all three hundred fifty two days she was “missing” and continued even after she was found.
He looked through the books that were scattered all over the floor as she did her thing. Noticing books his parents used to read him when he was little. Many of them by Dr. Suess. The Lorax, Green eggs and Ham. Some “I Can Read” books that looked to be well below her level, and several books he didn’t recognize at all like “Alexander the Magical Mouse”. She must have liked that one a lot considering the spine had been creased and torn and the edges were folding in.
He was pulled from his thoughts by the sudden sound of the pop of the toaster oven. Hearing the slight sizzle of whatever had been cooking.
He turned around to see Eleven carrying two plates with Eggos on them. Already coated in butter and syrup, holding one out to him.
“I made you some.” It’s the first thing she’s said since they’d walked through the door. She wasn’t shy, she just didn’t talk a lot, having only ever been allowed to speak if she had something important to say, often going hours or even days without even having anyone to say those things to. It was no wonder she didn’t want to be alone in that cabin.
He took a seat with her at their little table. Big enough for just two people, perfect for just El and Hopper, and perfect for just the two of them now. He could tell the seat he was sitting in was typically the seat Hopper sat at. The table had cigarette burns on only that side, and he knew those didn’t come from El. Her side of the table had clear indication of someone who used a lot of syrup. Dried maple drops stuck to the wood. He dug into his waffles, which looked to have been cooked to perfection. Golden brown with a nice crunch as he cut off a piece with the side of his fork. She looked up at him and smiled before shoving a large bite into her mouth. Nearly half a waffle’s worth. Syrup escaped past her lips as she closed her mouth around the fork, sticking to the outside of her cheeks.
“You got a little.” He gestured to his own cheek, tapping it twice.
She stifled a laugh with her mouth full and wiped away at it with her sleeve.
It was nice seeing her laugh. El had a smile that brightened up a whole room. The one thing about her that not many people had, you know, aside from the whole ‘having powers’ thing, was that she said what she meant, and she meant what she said. You never had to worry about her faking a smile for your benefit, or worry about her lying to you. She was honest even if that sometimes got her into trouble. So when she smiled at him and laughed, he knew she was happy. Happy he was there, and so was he.
Before she stuffed a second bite into her mouth, still chewing the remnants of the first, they could hear the roar of a familiar engine. Headlights beginning to peek through the gaps in the curtains. El didn’t seem nearly as on edge as he was that Hopper was home. Steve was in his house. Uninvited. Okay he was invited by El, but not by Hopper and that’s what mattered more, right?
Steve wasn’t necessarily scared of Hopper per se. But he definitely tried to avoid being on his bad side at all costs.
But hey, it’s not like Steve had done anything wrong. On the contrary. He kind of rescued her, not that she really needed it. She survived months during Hawkins winter out on her own in the woods. But the point was, he should thank him.
At least Hopper should recognize Steve’s beemer out front so when he opens the door to his house Steve’s presence isn’t a total surprise. Like he won’t walk in guns blazing at the intruder who’s in his house with his daughter.
Okay should he be worried?
Luckily for Steve, Hopper walks through the door with his gun securely in his holster and sans a look of rage. More so a look of confusion.
“What are you doing here kid?”
El gives him a pointed look. Almost like she’s trying to use her mind powers on him. Get him to not tell Hopper that she was out by herself after nine at night in the cold… to see her boyfriend.
But here’s the thing. Steve likes El. He really does. But he’s far more terrified of what Hopper might do to him if he lies to his face about Eleven’s whereabouts.
He gives her a look back. An apologetic one.
“She was out wandering in the cold so I brought her back home. Decided to stay until you arrived.” Steve decided to leave out the part about her going to Mike’s house. Figured that’s better left unsaid.
Hopper pursed his lips. Nodding his head with his arms crossed, clearly trying to keep himself from yelling. He’s gotten better about that lately.
El is once again gripping the cloth of the flannel she is wearing tightly. Bowing her head and squeezing her eyes shut tight.
“Why did you go out El?” Hopper asks. His voice was a strained kind of calm. A calm that if you pushed slightly too far could easily go away.
“I don’t like being here alone. Not after everything.”
Oh yeah. Everything.
Everything being Starcourt. Those painful couple of days when she didn’t even know where he was while the rest of the world was falling apart in front of her. Those several hours before he finally emerged from under the Russian base below the mall. Hours without hearing from him, not even a confirmation that he was alive. And no way to confirm it for herself with her powers completely drained. All she could get was a black void. She couldn’t see anything at all.
Steve got a similar feeling. He’d experienced loneliness before. But nothing like when he was trapped in that room with those Russian guards. Beating the ever living shit out of him and no matter what he did or said, it wouldn’t stop until he was completely unconscious. The unconsciousness coming much later than he’d hoped it would. He could still sometimes feel his eye twitch with phantom pains from the damage done that night. He recognized it very distinctly from the memories of previous black eyes he’s received in the somehow two fights he’s lost. He also understands the feeling of dread that she felt when she didn’t know where Hopper was. He had that same feeling with Erica and Dustin. Not knowing whether they made it out alive. Had the same dread with Robin. Feeling her back pressed up against his as they were tied up in chairs and threatened with torture, knowing he was the one who brought her into all of this. Knowing that whatever happens to her is blood on his hands. That point where he had to make a quick decision and slam his car into the side of Billy.
Feeling the shockwaves pass through him. His head jerk forward upon impact. Watching as the Camaro burst into flames in a blinding blaze. That moment of not knowing whether or not he survived the crash, not knowing if that was a good or bad thing, and not even having the time to even think about it before he’s piling into the back of the Wheeler’s station wagon and driving away from the mall.
So yeah, Steve got it.
Hopper’s face fell into a frown and he decided not to press the issue further.
“We’ll talk about it later. Finish up your waffles and get ready for bed. I’ll walk Steve out.” Hopper said. Wiping at his nose and taking off his hat and hanging it on the hook by the door.
El finished her waffles rather quickly. She practically inhaled the contents of her plate. Not sparing a moment of time before shoving another piece into her mouth. Messy enough making it clear that the syrup stains on the table were most definitely her doing. Steve finished up his own and promptly followed Hopper out onto the porch after putting his dirtied plate into the sink of dirty dishes.
“Thanks for bringing her home, son. I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem, chief.”
“You wanna smoke?” Hopper asks, pulling a pack and lighter out from his shirt pocket and pulling one out, offering it up for Steve to take.
This was definitely weird. Smoking with adults. Hopper nonetheless. Sure he was of age, but that didn’t make it any less weird.
He accepted the cigarette anyway, because it was cold and god he could really use one right about now. He let Hopper light it up for him and he took a long drag, letting the smoke fill his lungs creating a burning sensation he grew to enjoy. It almost functioned as proof that he was a living human being. Feeling as the damage was done to his internal organs, reminder that he was alive. Not lost to the void he felt like he drifted into so often.
“So what are you doing right now? You graduated right?”
“Yup.” Steve replied. Popping the ‘p’. As if basically scraping by the G.P.A. decent enough to walk across that podium was something to celebrate. His father most certainly didn’t think so.
And that was the reason why. He couldn’t get an acceptance letter from anywhere. Not even the schools that supposedly accepted everyone and didn’t even send out rejection letters. Steve was living breathing proof that they did.
“No. Working mornings at Family Video.” He tried to say it with at least a little pride. Like, hey, at least he wasn’t a total bum living off his parents dime. At least he was doing something with his life. Even if that something was a dead end job in a dead end town.
“It’s honest work, kid. Good for you. College ain’t for everyone. I most certainly wasn’t cut out for it.” Hopper tightly gripped his shoulder and shook him a bit. In a way that seemed fatherly while also being a way his own father never interacted with him.
And god that statement felt good to hear. That acknowledgment and validation that Steve wasn’t just wasting his life away at that job. Validation for his hard work and attempt at bettering himself. Felt good, especially coming from someone so accomplished as him. Steve could only smile, unable to come up with any worthy response to that.
“So mornings. What’s your availability like in the evenings?”
“Typically free. Sometimes I get called out to cover for the night shift, but that doesn’t happen often. Why?”
Hopper put out his cigarette in the ashtray sitting on the porch ledge.
“Well, it would be nice having someone watch El when I’m patrolling at night. I don’t like leaving her here alone, and now I know she doesn’t like it either. And I’d rather her spend that time with you than Mike.” The way he says the name like it’s a slur almost has Steve laughing.
Okay look. Steve didn’t really tell the whole truth right there. His house isn’t always empty. He’s not always free. But it’s best he didn’t divulge that information to a man with a gun in the middle of the woods.
Instead he said yes. Because he wasn’t her babysitter, but he might as well be.
And he also had no idea how to say no to Hopper. Another thing you wouldn’t want to say to a man with a gun in the middle of the woods.
That was how it started. Hopper randomly calling up his house and calling him over to the cabin. Sometimes just choosing to drop her off at his house instead because he didn’t have the time to circle back. Luckily those times he didn’t have the company of a very recognizable blue Camaro parked in his driveway. And eventually everything became routine. Figuring out the patterns of Hopper’s work schedule so he was better prepared for those surprise visits. Eventually telling Hop to just keep bringing her over to his because it was on the way to the station and safer for the rest of the kids to travel to for the occasional hangouts he begrudgingly chaperoned.
Hopper did eventually catch them red handed. Or more accurately, with his pants down. He didn’t hear the phone ring and it was instead the honk of his horn that pulled the two from their current distraction. No point in trying to hide what they were doing with an elaborate lie as soon as Hopper yelled from outside “Harrington. Hargrove. Pull your damn pants up and get out here!”
They couldn’t be that loud. Could they?
Steve didn’t even want to entertain that thought.
When they did the walk of shame out the front door, heads bowed and arms crossed over themselves, Hopper was standing there with his hands on his hips. A stance that looked almost ridiculous on him, but also struck enough fear in the two of them that it silenced their laughs.
“Sorry.” Is all Steve could say. Unable to even look him in the eyes. Focusing his attention on El who sat in the passenger seat of the Blazer. Looking entirely confused. Good. She should be.
“No. No. My fault. I should have called. Uh, you still up for watching El tonight?” Hopper’s eyes darted between the two boys. They were all very uncomfortable in this current situation, and they were all equally desperate for the conversation to come to an end.
Billy looked over at Steve, both faces matching with the same kind of confusion. Distinctly different confusion than the look that washed over El’s face.
“Uh. Yeah I can go home, he can watch her.” Billy said, already moving his feet to leave.
“You don’t have to go. Hell, it’d be nice having someone who has actually won a fight around her.”
“Hey! I’ve won a fight.” Steve interjects, earning a small chuckle out of Billy.
“I didn’t see it. Doesn’t count.” Steve scoffs at the reply. “Anyway, point is, he can stay if he wants. Just no funny business if you don’t mind.”
Billy and Steve both blush simultaneously and nod their heads a little too aggressively. “Yes sir.” Says Billy.
Hopper tips his hat at the boys who are both just standing there stunned and trying to figure out if they just had a near death experience or not. Not before long El is getting out of the car and Hopper’s pulling out of the driveway and suddenly his house feels 300% fuller.
Billy stays sometimes for her visits now, but they don’t make too much of a habit of it. Still concerned about how the nature of their relationship looks to have a young girl in their presence. It’s wrong and stupid, but most people were nowadays. Despite Hopper’s insistence on being okay with it, they couldn’t put that much trust in people.
Except for maybe El. That girl he would trust with his life. No questions asked.
It took awhile for her to actually get what was going on. Not that they were together in the first place, that part she deduced pretty quickly. It was more so the reason that they were so private about it that she didn’t get. She didn’t get why she couldn’t tell Max or the party or anyone else for that matter. They’d constantly brush it off with an “it’s complicated” because they didn’t find joy in telling this sweet and innocent girl how terrible the world could be. But to El it was perfectly simple. Billy and Steve love each other like El and Mike love each other. Easy, straightforward. When they finally explained it to her, how “stupid people don’t think two men should be able to love each other” they could see the anger clear on her face. Veins popping out on her forehead and a red tint forming beneath the skin on her face. They explained how people might go as far as to hurt them if they found out. Her face only got redder and the clench of her fists only grew tighter.
“Bad people.” She called them.
They would just nod their heads in agreement.
“Does that mean Max and Mike and everyone else are bad people? Because I can’t tell them?”
That was a hard question to answer. A question that they tried to avoid thinking about yet always seemed to be at the back of their minds. Because they might be. And that was scary to think about. Steve liked to think that Dustin wouldn’t look at him any differently, the same with Billy about Max. They thought highly enough of them that they never liked to entertain the thought that they could potentially be “bad people.” But there was always the potential that they could.
Still they answered with a no. Because even if they did end up being “bad people” they weren’t bad people. “I don’t think they are,” Steve started. “But the more people that find out, the higher the chance some really bad people might find out. It’s safer to keep the bubble small. Is that okay?”
El nodded in agreement, and the three of them quickly went back to what they were doing like they didn’t just have a really deep conversation. It was scrabble. Thought it might be a more fun way of teaching El new words instead of just shoving a book into her face. She seemed to enjoy it, and was able to come up with some surprisingly long words. A huge grin popped onto her face when she was able to spell out the word “compromise.”
“Hop taught me that one.”
Eighteen points.
Nobody expected it to be Billy who was trying to pass off made up words.
But for the most time, it was just Steve and El. No party get together’s. No Billy. Just the two of them, pizza delivery, board games and movies. And it was honestly a blast.
Steve never thought it would be so much fun to make a mess like this. Paper plates scattered across the floor along with loose puzzle pieces and an array of VHS tapes strewn in front of the TV so they were easier to look through. Usually when something was out of place, Steve felt an overwhelming need to put it back. To keep things clean, neat, and tidy. That’s how he was raised. Vases dusted, dishes cleaned, laundry folded and put away. But he was behind on laundry and the only reason his sink wasn’t full was because he’d been eating off disposables since El wandered into his every day. Which reminded him. The trash needed to be taken out yesterday.
Usually the chaos would have him losing his mind. Like the way it did when he first snuck into Billy’s bedroom and was met with dozens of beer cans everywhere the eye could see. Hamper piled high with dirty laundry, and that was just what made it into the basket. And god it reeked of smoke and teenage boy. Like the combination of a wrestling mat and a casino. He had actual car parts sitting in his closet that he’d stolen from the junkyard. His room was a junkyard. But he’d never tell him that. Just kindly suggest that perhaps he wipe down some surfaces with disinfecting wipes because there are definitely some eradicated diseases living freely underneath his bed where he could see a large collection of socks. Yeah. He knew what those were.
But this was a mess he could handle. It wasn’t a hotel for rats like Billy’s room was. It was more like how he described Hopper’s cabin. Lived in. Proof that there were people having a good time and living there. Finally getting the living room to live up to its title. When he looked out across the mess of food and games and the fallen down fort they attempted to build, the word home started to feel like an apt word to describe the place. It felt like it was his and not like just some place he slept at night or the place he parked his car and had his paycheck sent to.
He’d be regretting letting it get so messy when he heard the familiar purr of a car outside. Distinctly not the roar of the Camaro or the rumble of the Blazer. No it was the purr of his father’s Buick.
He looked out once again over the mess in his living room.
He was going to be pissed.
El noticed the way his face fell when the sound had echoed outside. And then Steve noticed El.
He couldn’t see her here. She was allowed to be out in public but it was still slow going as far as who she was and how she was the chief's daughter. He didn’t want to take any risks.
“El. I’m going to need you to hide in my room. My Dad can’t see you. He won’t go in there.” Steve’s trying to stay calm so he doesn’t alarm her, but reading people’s emotions is something she’s really good at. Not sure if it’s a feature of her powers or just her, but she can always tell if you’re faking a smile and she can feel the emotions that lurk beneath the surface like an empath. So naturally she started to grow fearful as well.
“What’s going on?” She’s still sitting on the floor but appears to at least be shifting her legs to raise herself up. But it’s like everything is moving through molasses but his father’s footsteps don’t seem to be slowing at all.
“My Dad’s home. Take the back steps upstairs and lock yourself in my room. I promise I won’t be long, okay?”
She nods her head, she can see the urgency in his voice so she takes no time at all before sprinting up the stairs and finding Steve’s bedroom.
When she walks inside she realizes she’s never actually been in there before. Only knowing of its location after seeing Steve walk in and out of it from the base of the stairs. It’s not quite what she was expecting.
It was boring. Flannel wallpaper with a perfectly made bed. Shelves organized containing nothing of significance upon them. It looked like one of those bedrooms she saw in furniture catalogs. Steve wasn’t boring. He had a fun and bright personality. He screamed bright blues and bright reds, not the dull greens, grays, and browns that decorated his room.
Then there was an unexpected noise coming from down the steps. The walls were thin, she could hear everything so clearly.
“What the hell is all of this, Steven?” The voice was low and thunderous. Resonating through the entire house. It kind of reminded her of Hopper’s voice, but the underlying tone was distinctly different. There was a condescension to it that she rarely heard out of him. Almost like he was talking down to him. “You’re expected to keep this house clean, and you can’t even do that? How did I get stuck with such a stupid fuck up for a son?” The swears and insults rolled off his tongue like second nature and it made El’s blood boil.
She pressed her ear to the door to get a clearer picture, Steve talked in a very quiet voice in comparison to the fortissimo of Mr. Harrington’s.
“I was just getting ready to clean it up. I had a couple of friends over and they just left. I didn’t know you’d be home, I’m sorry.”
“I don’t let you live under my roof for you to be throwing parties Steven! You should be spending that time actually making something of yourself so I don’t have to explain to my friends what an embarrassment you’ve become.”
“I work full time Dad!”
“Don’t you raise your voice at me.” Steve had barely even gotten louder. “What? You think a career at Family Video is some kind of achievement?”
El could feel the tension in the room as it fell silent. She wanted to burst from that room and fling him through a wall. Break his arm.
“Your mother will be home in a few hours, she stopped to see a friend. You will have this mess cleaned up before she gets home and you will help her with her luggage. Understand?”
“Understand.” Steve’s voice sounded broken. Cracking with an inconsistent tone.
“I’ll be in my office. Don’t disturb me.”
The only sounds that follow that line are the sounds of shuffling feet and a slam of a door downstairs. She’s startled when she hears the gentle knock against Steve’s bedroom door.
“You can unlock the door now.” He says.
She does so quietly. Slowly turning the lock so not to make sound that Mr. Harrington could potentially hear.
When she gets the door open she’s met with a Steve that she’s never seen before. He’s squeezing the bridge of his nose and his eyes are red and glossy. His cheeks are pink from wiping abrasively against tears that fell upon them.
“I need to get you home, okay? I can um… I can call Hop or someone to stay with you if you need. I’m sorry.”
El just doesn’t know what to say to him. Doesn’t know how to make things better without her powers.
So she just hugs him. Wraps her arms around his waist tight and lets her head rest where it meets his chest. Squeezing gently just waiting for him to return the gesture.
Which he does, albeit, hesitantly and guarded. Barely letting his own hands come in contact with her shoulders. She’s so small, and if he didn’t already know the strength she was capable of he’d be worried he could break her.
“Bad man.” She whispers.
Steve fights off the tears and squeezes her tighter.
“I’m sorry you had to hear that.” Is all he can say.
The two of them quietly sneak out the front door. Steve knows his Dad wouldn’t care if he left so long as he did what he was asked. He’d picked up the mess and took the trash with him on the way out.
The two pile into the Beemer and Steve quickly turns on the music to distract himself from the words rattling around in his head. Letting the sounds of Metallica play over his speakers. Billy was always doing that. Shoving one of the tapes he made for Steve into the stereo when he wasn’t looking.
Look, a successful distraction!
But they barely made it a mile down the road before El was turning the knob to the left and the car quickly fell silent. She doesn’t look over at him when she says it. Just looks out the window at passing trees and street lights. Watching as power lines appear to move like ocean waves. Up and down, up and down. Fiddling with the cuffs of her shirt like she’s fearful of the words that were to come out of her mouth.
“Is your Dad like Papa?”
She wasn’t afraid of the question, but she was afraid of the answer. Steve knew who Papa was. They all did and were explicitly instructed to avoid that topic at all costs. But she was the one bringing him up.
“No he’s not like Papa.”
“But he’s a bad man.” She says matter of factly.
“Sometimes he is. Yes.”
“Is your Dad like Billy’s Dad?”
That one stung a little too sharply. Not at the premise of his father potentially being like that, but the reminder of Billy. That he was still there under that damn roof with that poor excuse of a man. And that he wouldn’t let Steve protect him no matter how hard he tried and how far he pushed.
That was another thing El knew that most people didn’t know. Another secret she was forced to keep. One she chose to keep on her own, recognizing it wouldn’t be fair to share the things she learned from entering into his mind without giving him a choice in the matter.
Steve was sometimes grateful for that. The fact that El respected Billy and showed him nothing but kindness. But so often he’d wish she’d just spill it all to Hopper. Do the thing Steve didn’t have the strength to do himself.
“No. He’s not like Billy’s Dad.”
“But that doesn’t make it okay.” She looks at him this time. Reaching over the center console to place a hand gently on top of one of his outstretched hands that tightly gripped the steering wheel.
He lets a tear fall. “You’re right. It doesn’t.”
The rest of the drive is silent. The only sounds are the purr of the engine and the tires rolling over rough asphalt.
Pulling up to the cabin with El in the passenger seat felt a lot like that first time he took her home. That same painful silence and that same hesitation as they sat in front of the cabin from the comfort of the cabin. Staring out at the porch. The lightbulb that looked almost dead last time now replaced with a brand new one that shined bright and illuminated the whole front of the house.
He was half hoping she would ask for him to stay. Not wanting to go back to that house alone with his Dad. He wanted to go to Billy. Crawl in through his window and curl up next to him in his bed. Make himself feel safe by making Billy feel safe. He’d accept crashing on Hopper’s couch if that was all he could get.
But he knew he couldn’t. Knew he had to get home despite having every reason not to.
“Steve?” She said, grabbing his attention.
She opened the car door and stepped out, looking at him intensely through the open door.
“You’re not stupid.”
That right there made him smile much more than her asking him to stay ever would.
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