#fic: nowhere girls
constelationprize · 6 months
1 3 and 4 for the ask game!! - maridayurno
Thank you @dayurno for the questions and giving me a reason to look away from AutoCad becuase college was driving me insane. Anyway
1. last sentence you wrote
Alright, thing is, last thing I wrote was an edit in the middle of a chapter, so can't be really sure. However, I THINK it might have been this one (technically 3 but it was the middle one so it makes no sense without a bit of context):
When Aaron's door closes, Andrew says, eyes still on his book:
"That was just strike three."
3. how do you feel about your current wip
I have like. Five current wips. But going for the one I used to answer the previous questions: it is my baby, dead men walking. It's the fic that made me truly come back into the fandom (I was just gonna lurk betaing Nani @queer-lovebot otherwise), and that prompted me to reread the books last year. I am so proud of everything I have planned for it, and I think every single sentence I write on it is the smartest bestest thing ever written, unless I get something so factually wrong I spend five months away from it in shame of having to go back and correct like half of a 3k pov. In my defense, it HAD been five years, how the fuck was I supposed to remember that the Twinyards backstory had this many details.
Anyone it's going to be so over for you guys once this drops in uuuuuh 8-24 months at least.
Here are some Nani reactions to the (now finally fucking finished I hope) prologue the quote was from, that made me feel very evil and very proud:
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4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
Again, it's gonna be hard picking just one, but… The unwritten apple of my eye right now is nowhere girls, a Dan/Renee AU that came to be because I read Dan's EC and the potential was so blinding my dick exploded. Anyway, it's a no-Exy world, so they were soccer rivals in school instead and didn't manage to get any scholarships, and it's kind of a bad ending for them both in the sense they don't have the Foxes as that groudind presence. Dan is juggling community college, her strip club job and also occasional shifts at a diner. Renee is feeling kind of lost after graduation, and maybe sort of joins an underground fight club as a way to manage her anger. Dan recognizes her at the diner and tries to avoid her, up until Renee starts showing up with bruises, and trying to intervene leads to Renee inviting her to the fight club. Homoeroticism ensues. Seth and Allison run rival betting rings. Matt is also going to show up eventually.
The title was inspired by this part of the Dan EC:
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I have listened to brutal by Olivia Rodrigo and thought about Them like daily ever since I came up with the idea.
I also included the first sentence to this in that challenge a few weeks back, but I'll tell you a trade secret: I made that one up on the spot because I thought the number of actual wips I had started was kinda sad and I wanted to do it anyway. Really liked it though, so it's staying :)
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complex-pdf · 1 year
Common Sense | Nanno x Plus Size Reader
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request: “Hellooo, can I request a scenario of nanno x reader where the reader just questions everything and doesn't immediately retort to dumb decisions like most of the characters in the show 💀 and nanno is thankful to have met SOMEONE with some sense Imao”
a/n: when I be watching this show I be like “damn that was evil Nanno…that’s what they get lmao” 🗿 and I didn’t know if I should base this off of an episode or not so I did anyways
‘This school’s system is trash…’ You thought as you walked about your school. You went to Lerdvithi School, a school that focuses on talented kids and make anyone else that isn’t a “genius” feel lesser than. You thought it was disgusting and will only lead to trouble especially when you see people get jealous at the “geniuses” all the time. Like this girl in your class looked so jealous after her friend one that writing award and became a genius. Now all of the sudden she’s one too. ‘What’s her name? Ugh I’m so bad at reme-‘ “Hey!” Suddenly a voice ruined your train of thought.
You turned around to see Nanno. “Hm? Oh, hey Nanno.” She was one of your favorite non-friends that you were cool with. “(Y/n) have you seen how quickly Mew became a genius? Pretty cool right?” Nanno asked as she speed up to match your speed. “Eh…I guess so. It’s kinda suspicious that she did it so quickly though.” “Someone’s jealous~” Nanno chuckled which made your cheeks heat up a bit. “Yea right. I’m not a suck up to the school’s ways like you or Mew. Besides that shit sounds stressful.”
You turn your head to look at Nanno and see she was just starring at you with a bright smile plastered on her pretty face. You stopped in your tracks and raise your eyebrow. “What?” “You know~ I know how she did it~” She said in a singing tone as you shake your head in disbelief. “Please, I don’t wanna get roped into dra-“ “She stole artwork online, splattered that stupid red paint on it, and called it hers.”
What Nanno told you made you angry…for some reason. ‘Why would anyone do that?!” You weren’t an angry person, but you just felt like you blew a fuse out of no where. You felt your face contort as your fists ball up. ‘Art is personal! Why would Mew steal! To get a stupid lunch? To get fame? To feel smarter than everyone else? She’s a fraud!’ You close your eyes as you got more frustrated with every thought. “(Y/n)~ You can bring her down by, I don’t know, be better at her own game?” You heard Nanno say, as if she said it in your mind.
You took three deep breaths. In and out, in and out, in and out. You felt relaxed already, like the anger never existed. You looked at Nanno and told her, “No. You know why? Because she’ll get her karma anyways. Why would I become a fraud to better one?” You gave your acquaintance a small smile, “Some times, though this is my only time getting your advice, you don’t have the best things to say.” You started to walk away from Nanno as to get to class before everyone came into the hallways to get to their classes.
“(Y/n).” Nanno’s voice made you turn quickly as she was right in front of you. Kind of too close. “You know…”, Nanno started to caress your left cheek, “You’re pretty smart. You think before you take action. Some might say it’s…common sense~” You saw Nanno smirk as you, and she, felt your face heat up tremendously. “W-Well…I…I guess a lot of people don’t have that nowadays…” You stuttered out nervously. “I’ve seen a lot of people without common sense, you have no idea…And you know, you look cute. Cuddly and bouncy even. Stay that way for me.” Nanno told (Y/n) with a smile. She walked away humming like she never said anything to you. While you just stood there flustered.
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clandestinegardenias · 8 months
They are…sliding, James careening past Francis rather alarmingly, his mouth a round little ‘o’ of surprise, and as Francis watches, rather stunned, a hand shoots out and grabs Francis by the waistcoat and then he is sliding as well.
Inspired by some fabulous art by @jacquelying on Tumblr of the ship taking matters into her own hands and quite literally throwing James and Francis together. 
Tagging some folks I thought might be interested!
@sunlaire @atkeks @apocalypticdemon @plutoshark @merit-rose @anicety @anthonymire @fitzconte @marshmallow--galaxies @croziers-compass @tigerballoons @caleblandrybones @girljopson @bunnyloaves @jkrockin @girljopson
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helloooooo mr! friends!!! the first 3 chapters of bijou fic are drafted!!!!! yayyyyy :) also it is 6.5k so far!!
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mossing-around · 1 year
This is entirely unnecessary
Now, I firmly believe that the Drs Fenton would be the most accepting parents in the world.
However. If you really want to up the angst factor…
Let’s say we’re in a reveal goes wrong situation. Let’s also say we ascribe to the trans!danny hc.
Now, hypothetically, Jack and Maddie had been really accepting up till this point. And, hypothetically, they think their kid had been replaced with a ghost.
Would they think a ghost took away their little girl?
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shootingthe-stars · 17 days
love writing regulus black because no matter how bad my day is i’ll always get to put him through a worse one
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sandewich · 8 months
Never Felt This // Nanno x Fem!Reader. CHAPTER 2 // S1:E2 - Apologies.
[28/08/23] mew
chapter one.
[ Warning :: I'm sorry for leaving y'all so there's little light lime (wink wink) to make up for it. ] <333
✦- INFO -✦ The boys all want to take advantage of Nanno, and the girls are jealous and cruel. They try to destroy her but Nanno always has the upper hand.
»»--⍟--«« Y/n's POV
I wake up, the sunlight from the window shining on my face as I'm laying on a bed I assume. I yawned, I looked around the room I'm in.
It seems like I'm in my bedroom? I lift the blanket off of me, and well I'm just wearing normal clothes that you would wear to bed.
I sit upright on my bed and then a headache came out of nowhere, what did I even do last night? Alcohol? Drugs?-
Oh wait...
Okay, I remember now, it wasn't drugs but it definitely felt like ecstasy, I get out of bed, went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
After I'm done, I notice a piece of paper on my dresser, and I pick it up, and it reads:
' Hello, darling. If you're reading this, that means I've already left.
I made breakfast for you before I did, I hoped you enjoyed it.
♡ - N - '
The handwriting looks like Nanno's handwriting, and there's a N at the bottom so I guess it is Nanno.
Honestly, that was kind of sweet of her, and the ink is red. I guess she used a red ball pen? But why red?
Oh yeah because demons like red and- okay yeah I get it.
I went downstairs, and saw no one in sight. Did my parents go to work early? Well, I guess I'll just eat the breakfast Nanno made for me.
I walk into the kitchen and saw a white plate with tissues covering what's on the plate.
Some of the oil was absorbed by the tissue, I take off them and it revealed-well it's just a basic egg and rice.
But hey, she did cook it for me before she left so that means she cares for me 💞.
Okay, I have to eat now since I'm basically home alone —by myself, in this house— with no one here.
Yeah, sounds about right. I get a spoon and began eating the egg and rice (on the table where you usually eat at, and not on the kitchen counter obviously.)
I eat it quite quick as if I haven't eaten in so long, and soon enough I finish it, and then I walked back to the kitchen with the dirty plate and spoon in hand, before putting them in the sink.
I'll wash them later, after all-I need to go to a new school.
[ A/N: By the way, your mom enrolled you in a new school because of what happened to the old one :3 ]
As much as I hate school, there's no way I'm going back to the old one-if it's still going to be open.
»»--⍟--«« Nanno's POV
All of us have heard countless apologies in this beautiful world.
If we make a mistake, we apologize.
And yet, we still make more mistakes.
Perhaps, our apology is actually meant for our next mistake.
I walked around in the hallways, and I could see jealous or "flirty" glares and stares from the students that were in the hallways and I could hear whispers and gossip about me even though I just joined, I didn't mind because this was gonna start my plan.
I eventually reached my classroom and took a deep breath before getting inside, the teacher greets me as usual and tells me to introduce myself to the class, I put a fake smile on my face before doing it.
" Hello, I'm Nanno, I hope we can get along. " I happily spoke, the teacher points to my seat next to two people named Taew and I-Tim, they raised their hand so I could know who they were, and I slowly walked there, I put my bag on the table, and then put it beside me, I sat there comfortably and listened to the teacher.
I brought out my pen, and notebook to take note of what the teacher was teaching us about since I joined mid-semester, it was easy for me at least, I continued taking notes and nodding to the teacher.
I did have some conversations with my seatmates, and they looked friendly-almost too friendly.
It was good for a few minutes but then there were three boys outside the glass window, I looked at them, looking concerned and their reaction brightened up, I smiled at them, it was easy to make people fall for me, I looked back at the teacher to focus.
After a while, the teacher went outside to what was going on, it was a coach and the three boys that were staring at me, the coach was hitting them with a rolled-up paper, he was hitting them because they skipped practice for their competition.
" I-Tim, who were those three guys? " I asked I-Tim, who was beside me.
" They are 'The Three Points', They are our school's basketball players, They are funny. " I-Tim calmly spoke, smiling but then Vaew stepped into our conversation.
" They are troublemakers, Don't pay attention to them Nanno " Taew grumbled, I turned to look at her.
" Hm, Do you like them, I-Tim? " I spoke to I-Tim as I turned to look at her.
" They are handsome but they already have so many fans so I can't compete with all their fans. " I-Tim honestly stated, it was... cute? and then I turned to the teacher, getting tired as I continued to pay attention to the teacher.
»»--⍟--«« Nanno's POV ' THE QUAD '
" The Hainanese chicken rice was so good. " I-Tim spoke as we enter the quad where we both saw 'The Three Points' run around their coach that was standing behind a metal pole.
" Come on! I'm not tired yet! " The coach yelled at them, they try to keep up with their pace when running, you could tell that they running for a while. [ A/N: help that sounds wrong- ]
" Faster! Faster! " The coach yelled again, we walk near the three boys, one tried to talk to me but kept running and just look at me instead, I ignored them and walked with I-Tim and Vaew instead.
" Have you found out her name? " The coach spoke to 'The Three Points'.
" It's Nanno. " was what I said, turning back to look at them.
- - -
Tong: WhoisthisNanno?
AMmy: Thenewgirlin11thgrade, Classroom B.
J.Nop: She'scute.
Lilly<3: Youcanalreadytellshe'sbitchyjustbyhername.
NuN.Such: Shemovedhereinthemiddleofthesemester. Shemustbetroubled.
~Pimm~: Did she get expelled from her old school?
AMmy: Can her skirt be any shorter than that?
AKEkung: She's so sexy.
BomBisKing: I will be a good boy once I get to have sex with her.
~Aomm: Which rhinoplasty surgeon did she go to?
Lilly<3: She looks like she got her whole face done.
Dear09: What's wrong with you? Why are you insulting her?
WinWin K: You must think you are so pretty.
- - -
»»--⍟--«« I-Tim's POV ' THE QUAD '
I was walking around the quad, trying to get to class before it starts but that's when I heard a familiar voice call out to me.
" I-Tim! " Hok called out, he handed me a box of chocolate-dipped sticks.
" Is this for me? " I asked him, and he nodded and said 'yes'.
" Yes! " He smiled at me, and I could feel something sparking joy inside me like I'd been noticed, and then he handed me another box but this time it was strawberry-dipped instead of chocolate.
" Are you giving me two boxes??- " I spoke in an excited tone.
" No, Don't be greedy. " He said, and I felt like my world was crumbling.
" You're good friends with Nanno, right? Give this to Nanno for me. " He spoke once again, and I cracked at that point, I just walked away without saying a word, he should've just asked Nanno himself instead of using someone.
" Wait! What's wrong, I-Tim? " He called as I walked away from him, and I began back on track to go to class to give Nanno this, I won't eat it anyway, It's not for me, It's for Nanno.
»»--⍟--«« Short Timeskip Because Why Not. Nanno's POV ' CLASSROOM B '
I was just chilling at my table but then I-Tim came in and placed two boxes, one that was red and one that was pink in front of me, putting it to the side of my table, I was surprised, to say the least, and she looked angry at me.
" Hok asked me to give this to you. " She grumbled as she sat on her seat, I look at her and then look at the boxes that were placed, and I smiled a bit.
" You can eat it, I don't like it. " I spoke in a calming matter, I already knew what's gonna happen.
" No, thanks. " She responded, looking down at her table, not trying to make eye contact with me.
" Don't argue with each other! Just share it, alright? alright? " Taew spoke, trying to cool down the situation.
" No, thanks, I don't wanna eat someone's leftovers. " I-Tim harshly spoke, I looked at her as her face gets filled with anger and also jealousy.
" I'll eat it then! " Vaew excitedly spoke, taking the two boxes, I slightly curve my lips.
" Actually, It's good that you're not eating it. " I said, looking down at my notes.
" Why? It looks delicious! " Taew stated, still keeping that high-pitched voice.
" You are chubby, You might wanna lose weight. " I spoke, was I too harsh? I usually never fat-shame anyone, they are perfect for who they are, and then I-Tim was on the verge of tears when she looked at me, I smiled a little.
We just stare at each other without blinking until she gets up from her seat to go somewhere, most probably the bathroom.
" I think she looks cute being chubby... " Taew declared, I slightly curve my parted lips again into a small smile.
»»--⍟--«« Y/n's POV ' THE QUAD '
I was just chilling and sitting around the quad, It's pretty loud but that's fine but then I overheard three boys trying to bribe two girls to bring... someone? I couldn't hear them since the quad was filled with loud ass conversations but I heard one name.
And that was Nanno, I finally found her again!!!
Oh, wait, they're talking again...
Are they going to make Nanno drunk??? Oh my!- Wait a minute, oh yeah.
I was starting to get a bit overprotective before I stopped myself because I knew this was her plan but really? That's so low- but then someone sat beside me as I think.
" Y/n? " I heard a familiar voice call out for me and that was Nanno.
" Oh, hey, Nanno! " I smiled at her with my voice being happy to see her once again, it's like my whole world lights up whenever she's with me.
" Why are you here? " She questioned as she tilt her head.
" The old school was on lockdown and my parents couldn't wait for them to open back up plus they heard what happened so there would be zero chance I'm going there again. " I explained as she smiled, and she looked at my lips for a while before looking back at me, and I noticed that.
I tried hiding my flustered face with my hands but it made Nanno softly laugh instead.
" Awhh, don't cover your pretty face, love. " Nanno teased and it makes me even more flustered.
" I missed you, Nanno," I said in a loving tone as she gives me one of her signature smirks.
" It only has been a day, do you love me that much? " She teased as I smile sheepishly, clearly a bit embarrassed and flustered already.
" I- ...guess so " I admitted shyly, and Nanno's smirk just grows more amused and mischievous, and I looked back at Taew, I-Tim, and whoever the three boys were.
" Don't worry that much. " Nanno spoke out of nowhere, was she reading my thoughts?
" Hm, Okay fine. " I told her that, and she slightly curves her parted lips in a small grin, I loved it when she does that, Taew and her friend, I-Tim rejected the tickets and fled the scene as the three boys try to bribe them more but it ends up not working.
" Come," Nanno said as she stood up, and I stood up too, and she holds my hand as I followed her through the hallways and past the classrooms and into the nearest bathroom, what was she gonna do in the bathroom, piss? shit? Actually, the real question is; Does she ever need to piss or shit?
She locks the both of us in a bathroom stall, I was... confused? Concerned?- but I also knew where this was going, she locks the bathroom door and lightly pushes me on the door, pinning me while kissing me roughly but trying to be quiet.
I squeaked at the sudden movement, and we continued to kiss, our lips fitting perfectly as if they were made for each other.
" I guess someone missed me a lot " I whispered, teasing her, she just ignores it and continued to kiss me harshly in a bathroom stall at some point I could feel her hands go under my skirt, squeezing and gripping my thigh.
She teases me by grinding slowly, our hips moving in sync as she kisses me rough, pinning me to the bathroom door more harshly.
Nanno was always rough and she always liked it rough — I'm pretty sure she mentioned it before, and we continued to kiss, matching our passion for each other.
Nanno pulls away so I could breathe, and I breathe a bit heavier and so does Nanno but more lighter.
Nanno chuckles. Gosh, her voice, her laugh, I couldn't think of anything better than that, I could listen to her all day.
We still are continuing to grind as it grows more faster, making me faintly moan as a reddish pink softly spreads across my cheeks.
But as we were getting to it, we were interrupted by a knock, Nanno didn't care and continued until the third knock.
Nanno stops what she was doing, and lets her hands go out of my skirt, unlocks the door, and opens it, she holds my hand and puts on a fake innocent smile as we leave the bathroom.
After we went to a place where only a few people were in (and they weren't listening to your conversation.)
" This is not over, got it? " She says, almost demandingly as she points to my upper chest in the middle while keeps eye contact at me.
" Yes, ma'am. " I jokingly spoke as she smirked once again, satisfied with my answer.
»»--⍟--«« The Next Day >-< Nanno's POV ' CLASSROOM B '
I walked into the classroom, and greet Taew and I-Tim as they greeted me back, I was about to sit on my seat but I realized there was a white rose on my table, I looked out of the window and saw one of the boys standing there.
He was pointing to the rose and me repeatedly, and at this point, I was getting tired of them, I dropped my bag on the white rose and he expressed a hurt emotion that I cared less about so I lightly smirked at it.
Finally, he waved goodbye with his fingers that I might cut off after this, I just have to be invited to their party, and watch my plan unfold, and maybe I should invite Y/n.
" It serves him right, He's finally gone. " Taew talked, I mentally smiled at it, I sat on my chair and then Vaew spoke once again.
" Nanno, Don't you like Hok at all? " She asked, as I put on a fake smile at her.
" How about you? Do you like anyone? " I asked Taew, she just blankly stare at me and then looks at something else instead before turning straight.
" I used to but not anymore, Guys aren't trustworthy " She stated, clearly had something happen in the past.
" I agree. " I spoke, Taew takes the rose, eyeing and studying it.
" What a waste though, the flower, You hit it so hard. " Taew talked, I smiled with parted lips once again.
" If you like, you can take it, I hate flowers, especially roses. " I offered her to take it and she just talked more.
" You hate them? Why? " Taew spoke, I was getting bored at this point.
" I don't know, I just hate them. " I just denied to answer furthermore, and I-Tim just rolls her eyes and sighs at me, and she thought I didn't see that.
- - -
I-Tim: She's so pretentious.
Fuang.S: I know exactly who you're talking about.
Mathu: She says she doesn't like him, yet she still flirts with him.
SupaRat36: Should we use the word ' Slutty ' instead?
Cher_prang: She probably wants all three of them.
Ton.Tnop: Don't insult my Nanno!
NuN.Such: Oh, Did you have sex with her? How much?
AKEkung: I don't pay for sex... She's worth 4,000 baht, I guess.
NuN.Such: Can I get a discount?
AMmy: Just 500 baht would be good enough for her.
Fuang.S: You can get her for free, I heard everyone had sex with her.
[ A/N: These texts bro... They're so down bad... ]
- - -
»»--⍟--«« The Party!! Also, Nanno Asked You To Come U>U
" Come on, Y/n! At least one sip! " Hok begged me to drink the alcohol that was in front of me, I still refuse. If I even drink a small sip of alcohol, I'd be drunk as fuck.
They still continued drinking alcohol until the whole bottle finished. Jeez, how much can their stomachs take?
" Bottoms up! " were heard in the dining room, I was getting tired not because of the smell of the alcohol, it didn't leave an effect on me but I probably will be throwing up after this, we all drank our cups.
("Why will they throw up after that?" Shhhhhh secret 😻).
" How can you drink so much, Nanno? " A boy slurred because of all of the alcohol they consumed, Taew and I-Tim looked at each other with worried looks on their face, they will drug Nanno and I know it.
" Come on, One more? " Hok spoke, opening the bottle once again to fill our cups, I just wanted to be dead right now, it would be better than this so-called party, and of course, Nanno shallowed it with no problem.
" I'm bored... " I whispered to Nanno.
" It's okay, It'll be over soon, just trust me. " She half-promises me as she whispers to me in a calm and almost motherly voice.
" Let's get some snacks! " Taew spoke to I-Tim, and they both got up to the kitchen counter saying that they'll be back, I saw that I-Tim had her mom's drugs in her hand, This was getting somewhere I didn't like, I'm pretty sure my stomach didn't like it too.
" S-sorry, I'll just- go to the bathroom," I said, standing up to go to the bathroom, I did eventually throw up — But don't worry I cleaned myself after, I got back to the table with random ass people I don't know.
I guess you could say I got back with the party, I don't know these people personally, I just joined this school a day ago — I think?
" Come on, Nanno! last one, please? " I-Tim begged Nanno to drink her cup, I guess she was waiting for me to come back, such a good girlfriend, I sat down and Nanno put her left hand on my thigh, gently squeezing it.
I drank my cup even though I could see the pills in Nanno's drink, and it still irritates me so much- should I tell them she's taken? — Actually, we didn't even make it official yet.
" I want to drink this one with Nanno and Y/n. " Taew spoke, and Nanno did a soft smile while I just did a tired one, I just wanted to get out of this house and sleep with Nanno instead (not like that eh), I love her but this is just too much for me.
We, Nanno, Taew, and I drank our cups and Nanno fainted and I was shocked — not, I was kind of expecting her to fake it, man it just looks so real, she might be an actor.
Oh wait-
The chant of 'Bottoms up' stopped when she did faint, I could sense that they were smiling at her like they just achieved something, they're gonna 'use' her, right? They checked if she did faint, and I almost smiled at that but I kept myself at my netural state
They fought for her and they knew their dick sizes? — Did they just casually tell their sizes to each other?- They brought Nanno up into Hok's room while I didn't help them.
I suppose it was Hok unbuttoning Nanno's shirt but I couldn't really hear from outside of the room.
" Aren't you gonna ask? " Nanno spoke as I listen intently from outside the door. Yeah, That's a bit rude, don't you think? — Hok cursed when he heard her wake up.
I could hear some bed shuffling from the very soundproof room, it's probably Nanno pulling her upper body up with her arms to sit upright.
Man, I could just imagine how hot she looks — Okay, maybe I do need help.
" I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do it..." Hok apologized which Nanno didn't say, did she?
" I don't want an apology, I want you to ask for my permission. " God, her deep voice is sending me... Oh right, Nanno was speaking facts at this point.
" Well... C-can I... have sex with you...? " Hok stuttered, it was hard to keep my laugh in so I just slightly smiled at his attempt.
" Do you want to try again? I think you can do better than that. " Nanno asked him, I was getting pretty tired to be honest-
" Well... Can I have sex with you? I-I love you. " Hok asked once again.
" I love you too." Nanno says in the a mocking voice, but then there's footsteps getting closer to the door.
" Wait, Nanno! Nanno! " Hok called, I didn't care and I almost rolled my eyes — And I noticed I-Tim looking at me? What the?
" You don't have to eavesdrop, You know? " Nanno spoke to the people behind the door, Nanno twisted the door knob to open it, and well it does because it's a door — The girls shrieked before closing the door on her, so rude.
" Taew, Are you mad at me that you won't let me out? " Nanno calmly spoke to Taew.
" You can only come out after they're done having sex with you! " Taew yelled, still locking us in, The two boys wanted to do a foursome with them?- There is no way to convince me to share my Nanno, my woman !! mine !!! (/Hj... Kinda)
Nanno walked closer to the door, putting her hand there before laying her head on it, calling to I-Tim if she wanted to trade places with her, I-Tim just called for Hok to hurry up and fuck her, I was getting tired of them at this point.
I leaned against the wall, I-Tim, Taew, and the other two boys kept quiet, and — Okay, yep they have a boner- I forgot they are drunk as fuck, and drunk people tend to be embarrassing...
" Yeah? Do you like that? " Hok spoke while I quietly hitched my breath in disgust from what I'm hearing, the silence was too loud, and I was getting confused with my feelings — About Nanno, not you know...
" It's okay, Anything soft as tofu turns me on, big boy. " Nanno mocked, he wasn't even hard! Who wouldn't be hard?-
" Hok, let me go first if you're not hard yet! " His friend shouted, ow my ears bruv', I didn't even know what was happening since I'm not in the room obviously, I just have to rely on my hearing.
" I agree, should we let your friend go first? " Nanno spoke before laughing at him, and I have a bad feeling about this, my stomach is hurting more than before, I'm pretty sure that's just my gut feeling or I just need to puke again — Or maybe I'm hungry.
" Why the fuck are you laughing? " Hok questioned, looking frustrated by her actions, he tries to stop her by covering her mouth, and she still continued to laugh at him with her laughs muffled by his hands, and I honestly can't believe what I'm legit hearing through these walls — I mean I wanna go home already...
" You won't stop laughing? " He roared while Nanno maniacally laughs even more, I don't know if I should leave or just stay...
[ A/N :: 🐺🐺🐺🐺 ]
The dumbass decided to choke Nanno and of course, gets her unconscious but he assumes she's dead.
" Fuck... " Hok realized what he has done to Nanno while us is just confused why it's now silent...
But then I-Tim and Taew opened the door, and there's a "unconscious" Nanno on Hok's bed.
Everyone (except for Nanno and me) were panicking and getting worried that someone would find out, they would be suspended from school and even worse, brought into jail.
I crossed my arms, and I-Tim thought that it was goooood idea to bury her without checking for a pulse.
I just went along with it and they carried Nanno's body into the car where they drove into a park that was probably abandoned.
They got out the shovels and began doing what I-Tim suggested earlier, of course I didn't help.
" Y/n! Come help us! " Taew begged, I reacted to that with just nothing, a blank face before I rolled my eyes.
" I'm not helping you bury a body. " I spoke, clearly I don't want to partake in any of this.
" Please Y/n! " She begged once more, and I was getting even more tired, gosh, it's midnight already?
I sighed and agreed to help a little that is but then Nanno coughed out of nowhere (get it).
They quickly buried her without helping her get out which was a bad idea, I didn't help them, I was kinda just shook but I did expect that to happen.
The next day is gonna be crazy... I can already imagine the shock on their face and the fear in their eyes — Even if I'm a class away from them.
»»--⍟--«« I-Tim's POV ' SCHOOL: CLASSROOM B '
Me and Taew were in class, feeling guilty of what we did last night... Until someone came inside of the classroom, It was...
That's impossible, I thought we buried her alive! — Wait, that's kind of creepy but we still did it anyway.
Me and Taew were shocked to see Nanno alive and clean, not even a spec of dirt can be seen on her uniform...
" I'm sorry I'm late. " Nanno apologized, I was still in shock as my eyes widen, I couldn't believe it! Please tell it's all a dream, please, please, please!
" Come on in. " The teacher spoke, she didn't care if she was late, she told her to sit down and she walked over to us.
Holy shit.
The teacher said to take out our books but I was still frozen and Taew was probably feeling the same thing too.
" Taew, I-Tim, Why didn't you wake me up? " Nanno innocenly asked as if nothing ever happened.
We (Taew and me) just looked at each other... I give up at this point... I broke eye contact with her to look down but then looked at Nanno, she looks so life-like... This isn't Nanno, it's just someone else impersonating her... Right?
»»--⍟--«« Y/n's POV ' THE QUAD '
" Do you think she remembers last night? " I could hear faintly, I and Nanno walking towards Taew and I-Tim.
" I don't really know- " Taew got cut off by I-Tim as they scoot away from Nanno and me who was about to sit on the bench they were on.
" You want some? " Nanno asked politely, holding out strawberry-flavored Pocky (or whatever Thai brand it is, man idk) to them, they refused to make eye contact with her.
" You look so pale..." Nanno spoke, at this point I don't wanna just listen to their conversation, ahh but I can't just talk out of nowhere, right?
" Must've gotten too drunk, I guess. " Nanno spoke and smiled at them, they were gonna shiver at this point.
" Who the heck are you? " Taew questioned Nanno, finally they spoke up, and I can feel my stomach sink.
" Did you forget me already Taew? I'm Nanno, Maybe you have Alzheimer's. " Nanno says with that smile yet I could sense some kind of mischievousness.
" You are not Nanno... " Taew spoke with fear in her voice, almost trembling.
" If I'm not Nanno... Then who am I? " Nanno replied to them then she turns to me, giving me that 'It's starting~' look.
" But you're not Nanno..." I-Tim spoke out of nowhere making Nanno turn back to them.
" What? I-Tim, that is crazy, Hey, you look kind of sick today... Let me give you a check up, Come on, give me your hand. " Nanno forcefully grabbed Taew's left hand which had a bandage wrapped around it.
Nanno put two fingers below Taew's thumb to check her pulse and left it there for a while to study her pace.
" It looks like your pulse is strong... " Nanno spoke, Taew glanced at Nanno and looked at the ground frantically.
Nanno touched Taew's cheek to check her temperature but Taew moved away a little but then Nanno touched the other.
" Your temperature is fine, too..." Nanno said as Taew and I-Tim get nervous and uncomfortable...
" You guys are probably not sick... " Nanno said with her focused and almost chilling stare...
"And... This wound on your hand... Is so ugly... " Nanno spoke in a cold and almost menacing voice, the air starts to be cold and thick...
" It looks like you did some digging. " Nanno spoke, getting close to Taew's face, staring at her eyes intently...
I-Tim immediately pulls Taew to run and get away from Nanno before she could say anything else.
" Listen! The party last night was so fun! Don't forget to invite me next time!" Nanno spoke, mocking them at this point, she takes a bite of the strawberry-covered stick before looking back to me and looking up at the boys who were saying on her.
Nanno turned back to me, a small grin growing on her face as her eyes focus on me.
" Y/n, Darling, Can you throw this away for me? " Nanno spoke in a soft tone although it sounded like she was ordering me instead of asking. Nanno hands me the empty box, and I got up from the bench and walked to the trash can, I can feel Nanno's gaze still on me.
I went back to the bench, and Nanno pulls me onto her lap before I even sit — In front of almost everyone in the quad — But of course no one notices...
»»--⍟--«« Y/n's POV ' SCHOOL: HALLWAY '
Me and Nanno walked to class silently - painfully quiet, and Nanno noticed how quiet I was being.
Why you ask? Simply because of last night — Look- I was not mentally nor physically prepared to hear Nanno getting fucked for the second time-
After some classes and whatnot, it was recess, and I mostly did tasks for the juniors to avoid Nanno.
Some of the tasks were easy, some were hard, and some were just downright stupid (Not like I'll name any.)
There was one junior that was outside of a classroom, they look a tad bit scared - They said to me that the classroom Infront of us suddenly became pitch black as if there was no light at all.
The junior - of course - has a fear of the dark, and they kind of have some stuff that they left behind because they were so scared that they just instantly ran out of the door.
I sighed at the student, and agreed to get whatever they left behind - Although, it's still confusing how it could be pitch black when there's windows?
I went inside, closing the door behind - And they weren't kidding that it was pitch black.
I almost can't see a single thing, and I try to find a light switch on the side of the wall near to the classroom door.
My hand is just hovering on the wall, desperate to find a switch - But then, I bumped into someone.
Of course, I couldn't see them... But just one smell of their scent... A smell like blood yet the smell of beautiful soft roses...
Yeah it's definitely Nanno in front of me.
" Are you trying to find... This? " Nanno says in her usual playful tone, and I could almost hear that she's saying it while smirking - As she speaks, she gently grabs my wrist and put it on the light switch.
I was in shock that I almost forgot to flip the switch — I did it, and there's Nanno, towering over me with that big stupid smirk of hers.
" ... What do you want? " I say, but it comes out a bit harsh (which was not my intention but I'm still mad at her).
" My my... I just wanted to know why you're being so quiet today?~ " She spoke, as her right hand lightly grips my chin to force me to look at her.
" ... It's nothing... " I lied — I very obviously lied — Nanno's smirk just widens even more.
" Nothing, you say? " Nanno says, her grip on my chin faintly tightens, and I could feel myself getting nervous — In a good way.
" Yes- now leave me alone- " I spoke quite quickly, eager to just take the stuff and go, and not see Nanno right now.
I try to get away but Nanno suddenly picks me up bridal-style, and I make a surprised sound.
" What the- Let me go! " I exclaimed, trying to get out of Nanno's grasp but she was holding me tight.
" Shh... We don't want anyone to hear us now, don't we? " Nanno says with her low yet flirtatious voice.
I stop trying to get out, and I realize what's gonna happen, a reddish pink faintly spreads across my cheeks.
I try to say something but what am I supposed to say? Nanno just looks at me with her cold eyes and her devilish smirk and that smug ass expression... I just want to wipe it off her face.
Nanno puts me on the Teacher's desk, and I sit up right, and then Nanno began kissing me hungrily like there's no tomorrow.
Her rough and deeply passionate kisses just makes me want to faintly moan, and Nanno smirks in the kiss when she heard it.
Nanno pulls away, and I breathe heavily and Nanno does too but just more lighter.
After a while, Nanno pulls us back into another kiss, and I could feel her hands go down to my thighs, caressing them.
What a tease.
Nanno kept kissing me before moving on to my jaw then on my neck, her lips felt so soft on my skin...
Nanno continued to put her lips gently on my neck before nibbling a little bit, making me whimper slightly.
" We'll continue this later. " Nanno says with her smirk on her face, I just narrowed my eyes at her before rolling my eyes in annoyance, I get off of the table, and went to get that poor junior's stuff.
»»--⍟--«« Y/n's POV ' Y/N'S HOUSE '
Me and Nanno are in my house, yippee !! We're both in my bedroom, I was just on the bed, sitting upright, pressing my back against the bedframe, And on my phone.
Nanno's just sitting at the edge in my bed, probably spacing off or whatever... Not like I can see — Even though I could just move my phone away.
I was just peacefully scrolling on social media, y'know? Just seeing what's up today.
But then I received a text message from I-Tim.
- - -
I-Tim: Hey, Y/n?
I thought what to type for a while — I mean, how'd they get my number?
Y/n: Hi?
I-Tim: I was wondering if you would like to come with me and Taew? We're just gonna hang out since I haven't talked to you! Like a welcome!
As if... I definitely don't want to see them ever again but maybe it's apart of Nanno's plan — But then again I should ask-
" You can go. " Nanno says out of nowhere like she was reading my thoughts.
" I didn't say- " I got cut off by Nanno.
" It's okay, you can go. " Nanno says as she turns her head to look at me before smirking slightly, just slightly.
" Fine... " I spoke, I really want to say no but if Nanno wants me to then fine, I guess.
Y/n: Okay.
- - -
Though I can't help but think if we're —Me and Nanno— official or not, I mean we made out multiple times? But I don't actually know what's our relationship. Friendship? Romantic Relationship? Situationship? Something something ship?
It's what I've been thinking about all day —kind of, most of my thinking were focusing on Nanno more— and I can't help myself to ask her.
Suddenly, my phone gets snatched out of my hands —gently?— it was Nanno, she puts my phone on the coffee table next to my bed.
Nanno gets closer to me, her hands on my thigh as her finger slightly glide to my inner thighs, slowly caressing it.
I felt my face burning up, Nanno was getting closer and closer by time. Our noses were touching each other, our lips slightly brushing against each other but not really kissing.
Nanno was like staring into my soul, her eyes felt like an endless void. At this point, Nanno was in between my legs.
Nanno finally closed her eyes and smashed our lips together into a passionate kiss, I flutter my eyes shut as we enjoy the moment right now.
After a few seconds, Nanno pulled away although our lips were still touching each other.
Nanno pulled away, our lips break apart, her lips curling into a soft grin, a grin that was genuine. I'm probably the first seeing and making her like that.
" I know what you're thinking, you know? " Nanno spoke, her voice was to die for. Her eyes narrowed in a way that makes anyone fold.
" What do you want us to be? " She asked, I was still completely red because of the kiss and how close Nanno is.
" I... " I didn't know what to say, I was shocked, flustered even. Nanno chuckles softly —like a human— Nanno loved making me feel vulnerable like this.
" Oh, I know. You want us to be together like a real relationship? Is that what you want, darling? " She says, her grin turning into a small smirk.
I nodded at Nanno's question, I did want her and I to be in a relationship, I wanted her.
" If that's what you want then I'll do it... But are you sure you can handle me? " Nanno teased, she winks at me. I felt my body warming up, somehow this woman is making me feel these things and I'm not complaining.
I nodded again, Nanno's smirk widens. Nanno's eyes travel to my body, I can Nanno biting her inner lip as she does so.
I arrive at his house with I-Tim and Taew, and I-Tim knocked on the door and Hok opens it.
We three go inside of his house, it seems like the other two boys were here already.
We all are in the kitchen, discussing on the incident that they caused, I don't even know why I'm here in the first place.
" So this means that she didn't disappear, are we out of trouble now?- " One boy spoke, he seems to be calm in this situation.
" Are you crazy? Do you think this girl posing as Nanno has no objectives? " Taew harshly interrupted him.
" What do you want us to do? Kill another person? " The green shirt boy said, getting mad at Taew.
" You should really think before you ask anything. " I spoke as I cross my arms.
" That's right, Y/n. She knows all of us, she knows this place, and she knows about the party last night! " Taew said, clearly annoyed and angry by the tine of her harsh voice.
" And she even knows that we were digging! " I-Tim said in a mad voice also.
" And she said that she wanted to party here again. " Taew spoke in a bit more calming tone but the anger in still in her voice.
The green shirt boy sighed, he seems like he doesn't know what to do - I mean it was really his fault that this started.
" ... Is it her twin? " Hok said, desperate to know the answer to his question about this Nanno.
" She said she was Nanno. " I-Tim said, almost like she was this close to snapping.
It's silent, the air is thick as the tension builds. They have so many questions yet little that are answered.
" I don't want to be involved in this anymore, if you want to kill one more person, then go ahead. " The boy with a white shirt that's close to Taew.
" Isn't your father a teacher? "
" Stop!- " " Don't get my father involved in this. " The boy gripped the collar of Taew's shirt, his anger visible in his voice.
" I don't want to. But if anyone finds out, you're going down. Your father will go down with you. " Taew snapped, her gaze on the boy never breaks.
Ding dong!
The doorbell goes off, I wonder who it is? I mean, I hope it's Nanno so I can get out of this mess.
Hok went to the front door, confused on who's knocking at this late hour. He approached the door and opened it a bit quickly.
It was Nanno! She looks at Hok with her growing smirk.
" What are you doing here? " Hok said in a cold voice, Nanno just laughs softly - Not like manically, no, not yet.
" Don't sound so distant like that. " Nanno spoke as she takes a step into the house.
" Did you forget about last night? " Nanno spoke, looking at Hok, maintaining eye contact.
I-Tim, Taew, Me, and the two other boys went closer to the front door, just near to it.
" Hello. Everyone is here - Even Y/n.. But you didn't invite me? " Nanno says in a sad pouty tone.
" You guys are mean. " Nanno spoke, still with that tone.
Nanno chuckles like she likes how no one is talking and is just radio silent.
" I'm kidding, I just forgot my phone. " Nanno said before playing with her as she thinks.
" It's probably in Hok's bedroom. " Nano spoke out of nowhere (get it?) before she immediately walks to the staircase.
" Fuck- " Hok said, his breath almost shaking as he follows Nanno, trying to stop her.
Nanno doesn't give a fuck though, she just carries on walking up the stairs. The rest of us just follows Nanno upstairs.
She looks down and stares at us coldly with her netural expression when she reached the second pair of stairs.
We eventually got to Hok's bedroom and we see Nanno laying down on the bed, she seems to like the mattress or something.
" The bed is so soft... It's too bad I only spent a short time on it. " Nano says looking up at the ceiling before turning to the door where we are.
" Do you want to join me? Let's relive some history. " Nanno says, her smirk starts to appear on her face once again but it turns into a slight grin.
" Don't you love me anymore? " Nanno says, raising her eyebrows a little bit as the people just stay silent.
" Were you gonna dump me after? " ... It's just silence, the tension building up again.
" I found it. " Nanno says, pulling out her phone from under her pillow.
" There are some great videos here. Do you want to watch them with me? " Nanno said, her smirk widening.
" Oh- me! " I say, happily walking to the bed, almost skipping to it before I sit on the bed too. Nanno's smirk just grows wider.
" Nevermind, I'll watch them with Y/n. " Nanno says as I scoot a bit closer to her, our gazes turned to her phone.
H- " Can I have sex with you? I-I love you. " - N- " Taew, Are you that mad at me that you won't let me out? T- " You can only come out after they're done having sex with you! " - I-T- " Hok! Hurry and do what you need to do! " - H-FRIEND1- " Hok, let me go first if you're not hard yet. " - H-FRIEND2- " I haven't done anything! " T- " Weren't you next in line? " Taew is really speechless — Actually everyone is (except me and Nanno).
- I look at Hok as his body is in shock. H- " What... What should we do? " Nanno's gaze turns to I-Tim once again. I-T- " We need to bury her body "
The videos ended there, Nanno clapped at their very very very very very good performance and very very very very very very good actions.
And just by that, they all pounced on Nanno, making Nanno suffocate with the pillow and probably going to bury her again for the 100th time.
»»--⍟--«« [ Time Skip ]
And I was right.
They all get unconscious Nanno out of the car, and quickly dug up a hole in a matter of seconds.
They push Nanno into the hole they dug and they dig up the dirt back so it could cover her.
Of course, I still did not help at all, whatsoever. Clearly still not partaking in any digging at all...
But then, Nanno's phone goes off. The videos play once again and everyone was confused.
" What? Is it her phone? " Taew said, tilting her head slightly as her expression is confusion.
" Hok, get it! " I-Tim demanded to Hok, Hok goes and crawls on top of Nanno who is half buried — All of a sudden, Nanno grabs Hok's neck and laughed manically, her eyes wide as she stares into Hok's fearful eyes.
The laugh ringing in the squad's ears, Hok tries to get away but Nanno wouldn't budge, her grip is tight.
Everyone is panicking, Taew is on the brink of tears as the rest were just shocked and taken aback by Nanno's sudden movements.
Hok was hitting Nanno with a goddamn shovel, I didn't know what to do honestly. I just witnessed the whole thing.
Nanno is "dead" again — But then another Nanno appeared right in front of them, just a few feet away.
" Aren't you guys tired? " Nanno spoke as she crosses her arms, every one of them backed up as their expressions looked fearful.
Hok then decided to smack Nanno with the shovel for like the second time, no one stops Hok though for some reason.
They panicked. They immediately ran to the car, struggling to get in as Hok tries to find his keys — Meanwhile another clone of Nanno was just introducing herself again, she looked excited as she said they wanted to hang out again.
Hok still couldn't find his keys, Nanno came right behind him with keys dangling in her hand.
" Were you looking for this? " Nanno spoke with a soft innocent little smile but it definitely was hiding something underneath.
Hok hesitated but he took the car keys away from Nanno, he looked afraid of Nanno just like everyone else.
" Get home safe, love! " Nanno said in a tone that makes you warm and fuzzy yet uneasy. Nanno pecked her lips onto Hok's cheek, everyone —Except Nanno and I— wanted to escape so badly.
When the car made a noise —indicating that it was unlocked— Everyone rushed inside of the car, Hook hurriedly drove away from Nanno.
Nanno smirked before turning back to me. She walked closer to me, and gently pulled me closer by my waist. She buries her head into my neck, slightly kissing my neck.
" C'mon, let's go. " Nanno says in a soft and kind tone that sounds somewhat genuine.
I'M TIRED, I WROTE SO MUCH PROBABLY THE MOST THAT I'VE EVER DONE maybe I'll post another chapters in my books but tbh I don't have enough motivation 💔💔
words :: 8207 ♡ proofread kind of please point out mistakes , and I'll fix it ! - sandeewichh / MirabelBlu
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spiteless-xo · 6 months
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sammygender · 4 months
4000 words into girl dean fic am i cooking or am i cooked……
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redfish-blu · 1 year
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Concept art thing for a future chapter of the fic I’m currently writing which (god willing) will be updated soon I swear. This was just to give myself some notion of the vibe..of the scene…for when I re-write it..
[ID: a digital drawing of The Girl. She is 19 years old and anxiously fidgeting with her hands as she looks into the camera. She is wearing a dark-colored, short-sleeved dress and her lightning shaped scars are visible on her arms and chest. The background is a nighttime desert scene with a sky full of stars. /end ID]
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I meant to write more for a pt 2 lore post earlier but didn't end up doing so, so pls take these AU sketches(Mark & Jense and then some assorted sketchies)
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#i should never have drawn them as catboys bcs now they appear as catboys in mind half the time 😭😭#its only on paper but i drew more catboy sketches of them than whats included here 😭#seb reminds me of my cat where hes being all nice and cuddly and then will bite you out of nowhere#seb in his frilly nightgown is very important to me!!!#i meant to draw both of them in nightgowns but brain wasnt worked too well tonight#so thats why these are mostly half finished#the bottom seb is too remind myself i have a regular art style 😭😭😭#mark in this au is so funny to me. bro is tortured by having to be with seb like practically every waking moment#he basically is a offically provided live-in bestie 😭😭#*based on real life thing. i think its funny how you can be royalty yourself +#but bcs youre not part of the imperial family you can still be reduced to the job of having to dress the emperor 😭#^ so thats mark in this au#seb promoted him to an important role when he became emperor but still makes mark do his old duties 🤭🤭#jense is in charge of all the horses and transport and things. thus: ye olde horse girl#im sorry but in historical AUs all f1 drivers are legally obligated to be horse girls. its literally canon#so sorry for the catboy sketch. it will happen again.#but ig i dont wanna go too deep into lore stuff in these tags cause yeah. another post in the works!!#i think about it and have talked about it a lot. but its hard to like contain all of it to bullet points and such#my brain is not built for writing fic i think so idk of youll ever get that from me. but lore yes i will deliver#sebastian vettel#fernando alonso#jenson button#mark webber#f1 fanart#formula 1 fanart#catie.art.#formula 1#boy king au
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popstart · 10 months
The urge to do heathney week day 5 (meeting family) but completly butcher the prompt because those girls both have the worst familial issues in the entire world neither of them would ever want to let the other meet their family
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Can you do a oneshot of Klaus trying and failing to share his problems regarding the ghosts , training, drugs and everything with his siblings (whoever you think he would go to) ? Asking for the canon verse. I think this is something that might have happened.
Love your writing.
Encounter With Karma (TUA Fanfic)
Word Count: 1,5 k
Warning: Strong language, alcohol, mention of death, gore, and drugs
a/n: Thank you so much <3 I decided to merge this request with another one I got to include Nanno in one of my Klaus fics. Hope you both enjoy it!
Another horrible day, the end of a week high, and Klaus felt like he just got run over by a truck. He was laying on the sidewalk a few blocks away from his childhood home. Tired, hungry, lonely, and now the voices were starting to get louder again.
"Shut up! Shut up!" he cried, squirming helplessly.
"You don't seem so well," a girl called.
Klaus opened his eyes, a young Asian lady with shoulder-length hair and a school uniform stood looking down at him. She was incredibly beautiful, especially her smile, although there was something wicked about it, her cheery look was a little offputting.
"I feel like shit, thanks," he breathed.
"But I guess one could say you deserve it," she murmured, taking a drink from a bottle of gin she was holding.
"Aren't you a little too young to be drinking?"
"As if you care, when you started drinking you were much younger than me, weren't you?" she crouched. "I'm Nanno, I'm new in town."
"Klaus, I'm old in town," he sat up with a grunt and held his head which seemed to be spinning. The more he looked at that girl, the more uncomfortable he got, something wasn't right about her. "Wait, you're not dead, are you?"
"No, of course not, I'm just like you," she explained.
"What does that mean?"
"You don't know? Wow, you're more pathetic than I imagined."
"I have no idea what you're talking about, do you mean the powers? You have powers?" Klaus mumbled in confusion.
"You can say so…"
"What are you? Superhero?" He scoffed. Sometimes, once in a blue moon, people would recognize him from the Umbrella Academy, maybe that's why she stopped to talk to him. He usually took advantage of it, he could get free stuff or a place to stay, but didn't seem like she had much to offer.
"I'm Nanno," she repeated with a careless shrug while twisting the ends of her thick dark hair with her finger.
For a moment, when Klaus stared up at her, she was wearing the Umbrella uniform, domino mask and all, she even had the same tattoo he carried on his wrist. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes to make sure he was really seeing it but turns out when he looked again, she was back to wearing a normal school uniform.
"You're weirder than my siblings."
"Thank you," she seemed extremely amused by the way he freaked out and her manic laughter was probably one of the most disturbing sounds he had ever heard. "Klaus, only stupid people wallow in self-pity instead of looking for help. I know you're a pathetic junkie and also not the brightest-"
"Hey!" He yelped, offended.
"But quit your whining and look around, you're actually very lucky. If you're not careful you might end up seeing more of me than you would like. I am not stopping and I'm much worse than the little ghosts you're so scared of or your daddy," Nanno grinned before getting back on her feet and dusting her skirt. "Bye bye, Seance."
He watched as she left, wondering what she meant. "You're not my mom!" He shouted defiantly.
Without a word, she turned to look over her shoulder, only this time Nanno's face was completely disfigured. She was covered in blood and bruises, her ethereal beauty was disrupted with cuts and wounds that seemed to be rotting. She looked exactly like one of the spirits Klaus had been trying to get rid of.
"Boo…" she whispered before turning back around to continue on her way.
A chill ran down his spine, somehow he knew those were not empty threats. Why did she wanna help him anyway? She didn't strike him as the type of person who would want to help anyone… not as if he had many ways to be helped.
He put this moment off as long as he could, Klaus hated to ask for help in situations like this, but only thinking about seeing that devilish grin again was enough to make his feet move on their own and take him to the Academy where he knew he would find Luther at least.
It wasn't the first time Klaus found himself standing out those doors, but usually, it was in the middle of the night. He would make his way inside, steal whatever he needed to buy more drugs, and leave without making a sound. This time was different.
"Luther? Lulu?" He called as soon as he entered the living room. "It's me, your most handsome brother!"
"Klaus? What are you doing here?" The Number One made his way down the stairs, still wearing his stupid uniform. He had grown quite a bit, he was massive and tall, although not as massive as he would be in a few years when he received the serum. "Jesus, you smell horrible, what happened to you?"
"The mean schoolgirl said I needed to talk to you, big guy," he slurred.
"Nanno! She was um- she was a schoolgirl and she looked like that character from the book, the book Ben had. The one with the girl who dies and comes back and each piece of her became another girl- Tomie!"
"A mean schoolgirl who looks like this Tomie told you to look for me?" Luther grimaced, almost entirely sure his brother was high and hallucinating.
"Yes! She was scary and she said she's like me. She said I need help or she'd haunt me, and it sounded very convincing! You're the only one I can really ask right now, Lulu."
"Klaus, take a shower, you're in a horrible state and you're not making any sense, come on…"
With a nod, he accepted. It was a start, getting a shower, maybe eating something, even if the coke didn't make his appetite very big.
Luther offered a towel and a change of clothes, Klaus used his old bathroom and realized that when he was submerged in the tub, the voices in his head seemed to calm down even if for a moment.
Once he was done, the two brothers sat across from each other on the couch. For the first time in weeks, Klaus was clean (at least on the outside), no makeup on, and his hair starting to curl again. He still looked like hell, but at least a tidy one.
"So, what's actually going on?" Luther asked.
"I'm not messing around, a schoolgirl did threaten me," he sighed, rubbing his eyes. "But I'm not even sure what's real and what isn't. I keep taking everything I can get my hands on cause I can't deal with myself when I'm sober."
"What? What do you mean?"
"I mean I keep hearing dead people and it's fucking terrifying!" Klaus cried. "I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't sit on the fucking toilet without ghosts haunting me non-stop. The only way I know to shut them up is to get high."
Luther shook his head, he knew his brother was prone to doing that sort of thing. Even as kids, he would break into the liquor cabinets and sneak weed or cigarettes around the house. It wasn't uncommon for him to have burn marks on his shirts, which drove their father insane, but he always blamed it on some villain.
It was one thing to be a mischievous kid who liked to mess around and break rules, it was another thing to destroy his own life because of some ghosts. He had never seen Klaus so thin, his eyes so sunken in, his ribs all showing, it was like he was one of the dead people he kept complaining about. He was clearly miserable even with the drugs, they were a short-term solution to something he would have to deal with his entire life.
"Klaus, did you try rehab?"
"Oh! Now that you mentioned it, what a great fucking idea! You just solved all my problems!" He scoffed. "I've been in and out a few times, I just can't stay clean. I have a collection of those 30-day tokens, everyone knows me around there."
"Well, I don't really know what to say. I think you're strong enough to deal with those spirits without all this shit in your body. They can't hurt you, they're just manifestations of people who aren't even here."
Klaus rolled his eyes, more and more Luther started to sound like their father. Of course he would say that, it wasn't him spending every second of every single day living a nightmare he couldn't escape.
"You make it sound so simple. It's not like that, don't you think I tried to do it the right way? They just don't leave me alone! I can't get a single-" Klaus stopped and shook his head. "Actually, forget about it, I don't know what I was thinking. This is so stupid, you can't help me, no one can."
"No, wait!" Luther called as his brother left the room, despite actually not knowing how to help.
"What can I do for you?"
"Do you have twenty bucks?" Klaus asked.
"What for? Food?"
"Yeah… food."
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @salvador-daley @seanfalco @firstpersonnarrator
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hazellvsq · 18 days
was thinking about my yellowjackets au again for the first time in a while. piper's plotline would adhere most closely to shauna's because she's the only one who could truly access that level of derangement. annabeth's is mostly taissa's but also a little bit of nat. hazel's is van's - obviously not personality-wise but her role in the narrative. which led me to deranged van gifsets which made me realize how much i WISH hazel had been allowed to express anything like the gifset below. growth for her is being proud of her own decision! she should stand by her own resurrection someday! why else did she come back?
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moonlight-prose · 3 months
top gun summer 2024 (i say crying while making dinner).
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loumauve · 1 year
what's your favorite ship and why? Not limited to any particular fandom
hi! thank you for the ask :)
at any given point in time I usually have a few different favourite ships at once, so I'll give you the most relevant ones from right now:
Beta/Milu: because they're baby and cute and deserve happiness, and Milu seems like the best match for Beta. and I really want Beta to be happy and enjoy life after everything she's been through. plus Beta could definitely help Milu with some science related to helping the Utaru, I'm sure.
Ikrie/Yarra: because I thought about it for two seconds once, and mentioned it to @tjerra14 and was met with nothing but support, so now there's two story ideas floating around.
with this one I'll explain more thoroughly (bc I talked about Beta/Milu a little more recently). thing is.. there's no way in hell Ikrie would have stayed in The Cut considering even Aratak made the journey. so I hc her being at the final battle in HZD and then moving West with Talanah and Milu, and possibly making her way across the mountain bc she's Ikrie and mountains are where she grew up, so the invisible plot barrier would not keep her out of Tenakth territory if she thought Aloy might have come through.
tjerra and I hc her then making her journey towards Scalding Spear and stumbling upon Meat in the clasps of a certain group of Rebel Bandits and saving Meat, but not getting away unscathed, and Yarra then being alerted to her presence. ANYWAY all that to give the setup. (the other story idea involved a lot more birds and puns)
the reason I think they would be well matched is that Yarra is just as dedicated to her people's ways as Mailen was, which is sth Ikrie could certainly understand, but we see later on that she is also willing to change and admit when her ways may cause more harm than good, so: matched in ferocity, bonding over Yarra's pet companion and just overall a fun dynamic imho. I JUST THINK THEY'RE NEAT
Nanno/Yuri: would be my third fave atm, mostly bc the whole enemies to lovers dynamic can be fun, especially where the supernatural is involved. and I love a good you kill me I kill you back dynamic every now and then. so there's that
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