#ecen if just slightly
citrusinicake · 2 years
tfw youre feeling too financially insecure to sleep
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neonacity · 3 months
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Cold fingers ghosted over your skin, teasing you to slowly wake from your slumber. His touch was gentle as they traced your spine but the roughness of his calouses made you shiver and melt even more against his touch. Jeno felt it and moved his head a little to brush his lips against your forehead. You sighed, the action warming his bare collarbones with your breath.
"Are you awake?"
You felt him slightly smile against your hair. You didn't want to open your eyes, afraid that the moment you do, he will pull away from you again. It's been so long since you had him close like this, so open and raw, and you are willing to put in the line anything just so you could live off of this moment for as long as you can.
"Look at me..."
"Jen, it's past midnight. You can leave before daybreak. I don't think anyone will care at all—"
"Run away with me."
You froze in his arms. Slowly, you pulled away to look at him, wondering for a moment if you heard his words well and clear. He looked too beautiful in the shadows of your room to be saying lies he didn't mean. Desperately, you tried to look for a hint in his eyes of guilt, but instead he only met your gaze with an openness that made your throat catch.
Jeno slightly turned towards you and raised a hand to cradle your cheek. His thumb made gentle strokes on your lips for comfort.
"Run away with me. Let's leave everything behind and start somewhere. Anywhere."
You were speechless. Unconsciously, you held back his hand to stop him from distracting you with his touch. He let you do it, but the look he gave you did nothing to soften his determination.
"Jeno, we can't leave the family. You know that. We're both—"
"Masters of a system that we both didn't want nor wished for," he said, cutting you off before you could even finish the words he's heard from you countless of times. "Don't you see? We've always had a choice. Being born into this doesn't mean you have to carry this burden forever."
He sounded so raw yet so held back in that moment that you just knew he had been thinking about this for so long. Is this why he had been avoiding you since you went back to Rosewood?
"Our lives has been set for us the moment the Arcanas chose us as their masters. To have these powers mean we have a role to play. All of us do," you answered back in a tone that almost sounded as if you were begging. You can't help it. Never in your life have you ever considered this, the freedom he is talking about.
"And I choose a life with YOU," he shot back as he finally pulled away from you to stand up from the bed. You sat up as well, your heart dropping at the distance he put between the two of you. The desperation and frustration in his voice was like a slap on raw skin. You watched as he paced and ran his hand through his hair, a gesture that told you it was costing him his everything to say these things now.
"You say there is a war coming, but you don't have to fight it. None of us do. Your father has always given you a choice to run away from this, but you've held back thinking you need to pay a debt you didn't ecen make in the first place," he paused, before finally facing you again.
"I've made my choice. And I only have ever wanted you."
Silence rang in the wake of his words. You looked at him lost, and he did the same but with an intensity you have never seen in him before. There are only a couple of things in your cursed life that you have always been sure of. One, that tragedy is in your horizon, no matter how much you try to run away from it.
Two, you want Jeno.
Just as desperately, foolishly, and madly he wants you.
Your gaze finally lowered as you let your thoughts consume you whole. Jeno, seeing that as a clear refusal, sadly softened his shoulders in defeat. He looked away and stepped back.
"Forget it."
"We leave at dawn."
This time, it was his turn to freeze. He looked back at you, stunned and silent. You met him head on, your gaze clear and also determined for the first time in years.
"Let's leave together... I want you. And I'm not running away again."
Taglist: @lostlovesoul11 , @byunniebaekhyunnie , @smolpeyy , @bettyschwallocksyee , @babyksworld , @cabaretyun , @marijmin , @glitching-wren , @jhornytrash , @coconuttiez8d, @huangberryyy , @wonyofanclub ​, @ronjunnie , @cuilwen0630
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velociraptoraddict · 4 years
I'm going on a camping trip this weekend
I'll still have my phone and access to the internet
But unlikely I'll get anything done with Chomp
I already have roughly 3/4 of chapter 17 written though so hopefully I'll have it done sometime next week then 2-4 weeks for editing (>_>; I really should figure out a better method to editing...😅 Right now my method is so complicated it's hard to describe without visual aid (no joke) but if you want to see how my weird (possibly ADHD) self edits, hit me up and I'll make a quick tutorial... maybe then someone can give me tips on how to actually edit where it doesn't take me a full month to go through one chapter)
EDIT: Apparently Tumblr only lets you have 30 tags on a post!? Thank goodness I was able to actually say everything I wanted/needed to say within that limit 🤣 (still though, I can provide visual aid like a quick video if anyone wants to see how exactly it is my mind works or if you simply don't believe me when I say this is literally how I've been writing/editing for over half a year (I'd probably be unstoppable if I didn't live this way))
#chomp#actually yeah...let me see if i can describe my editing method without visual aids#so. i have a play of music list in the background. the first 200ish songs are for writing and the other 400ish are for editing#(thats just how it seems to work out for sone reason? but its weird cause if i try writing with the 400ish i struggle and if i try editing#with the 200ish im inspired and end up wanting to write more than edit and i end up with really long chapters)#anyway#in another tab i have the music playlist again. but this time for editing which order the songs are in#then i have the fic in a third tab#now with tte fic. lets say i have 5 paragraphs on the page in front of me#i read/edit paragraph 1 2 3 4 and 5. mostly focusing on 1 and 2. when i reach the bottom of the screen i switch to the List Edit tab#and move a few songs around so it flows and nothing is too jaring (like a slow quite song immediately followed by a quick loud song can pull#me from my writing Zone)#after i move a few songs i go back to the fic#think of these as a 'pallet clenser' if you will#i now re read/edit paragraphs 1-5. if i change ecen one word in para 1 i rinse and repeat the steps#if i find i am satisfied i scroll slightly so i am now looking at para 2-6#if i edit anything in para 2 i rinse and repeat the steps above. otherwise i scroll again so para 3 is now at the top and para 7 is revealed#and i do this for the /entire/ chapter...TWICE#once im done the first time. i go through again anf find myself still finding places to change wirds around or i decided to add entire scene#the third read through is usually where i find only minor edits needed and focus mainly on flow to make sure the scenes dont switch too#suddenly#and ill sometimes give it a fourth read if i find myself editing a bit too much during the third read#then i post it#though i think i got to mention; first i write the chapter#then ill do a quick read through/edit#then ill write the next chapter#then i go back to the previous chapter and do the above mentioned through edits#then when i read the unedited next chapter#i do a quick read through edit. write the next chapter. rinse and repeat#and /that/ is how ive been writing Chomp almost nonstop for 7 months straight
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superworldunkown · 4 years
SAY WHA??: Prologue
AN: Fun fact about me, I am a runner. So you bet your booty when that MHA ‘He will Meet the Three Musketeers’ teaser image came out, ya girl took that and RAN with it. Right into headcanon territory. I tired to use as much as I know from reading the manga, so there are spoilers of the War Arc/Dabi reveal/My Lady My Queen Midnight/Bakugou rising (aka finally showing some signs of positive emotional intelligence growth)/etc. I will also be mixing in my own OCs and thoughts on the meaning behind the WHA patches on their uniforms and what happens during this moving. And yes, Bakugou will be about that melanin. I’ll try to post every two weeks but…I am TERRIBLE at timeframes. Also, IDK what to call this, so right now it’s “Say WHA?” lol
Anyways, enjoy BBs.
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Chapter 1: The Aftermath is only the beginning
Bakugou should have never jumped in front of Deku. Yes, he said it. And no, it wasn’t about the heroic act in itself or the public admittance that he does give a shit (albeit tiny shit) about that Damn Nerd. It was the fact that now, in the midst of the aftermath, everyone was looking for a hero. And, for some reason, everyone was looking at him.
The three weeks after The War with the Paranormal Liberation Army was nothing short of a blur. After intense healing and barely out of his stiches, he, Deku and Todoroki were immediately thrown into the media spotlight only to quickly be yanked back into the dark by All Might and the Hero Commission. There was so much to answer for, but no one seemed to know what to say. The Hero Comission went to work on damage control, class was suspended. Bakugou just focused on getting full mobility back to his arm. He didn’t want to think about anything else or unpack any emotions. But, swallowing his emotions was becoming more difficult with each passing day.
Everyone was clinging onto him. At Midnight’s funeral, Kirishima cried into his shoulder. Bakugou stayed silent, just letting it happen. After all, Kirishima, Mina, and Momo were the first ones that found their teacher lying breathless on the battlefield. Even if Bakugou couldn’t form the words to console his friend, the least he could do was be the strong shoulder to cry on. Even though he was breaking on the inside.
Then, of course, Deku. Despite the insane amount of growth and power his childhood friend had acquired in their first year at U.A, he was still a self-shaming masochist in the making (much like the explosion hero himself). Deku went into a week long shame spiral, blaming every death on his lack of ability to take down Shigaraki and his weakness for seeing someone that still needed saving.
He too broke down in front of Bakugou, blaming himself for the scars that graced the blond boy’s chest and shoulder. “I should have been stronger. I should have been able to save and win. I didn’t do either. I can’t make this power my own when I can’t even save the people I care about-“
Despite the emotional growth Bakugou had undertaken, he was still Bakugou. But instead of outright knocking Deku into a wall he merely shoved the boy so hard he fell back in a chair and snarled, “I’d beat your ass right now but somehow I’d think you’d enjoy that. Blame yourself for any of this in front of me again and I’ll blow your ass up so fast they’ll find pieces of you in different time zones.” Yeah, he still needed to work on his bedside manner.
Todoroki was another story. The boy hadn’t said a word, a single word in three weeks. He made himself scarce, stayed in his dorm despite everyone being ushered home to be with their families. Who could blame him? The media was in a frenzy over the reveal of Toya Todoroki and the public announcement of his father’s crimes and abuse. Todoroki didn’t even attend Midnight’s funeral. Bakugou wasn’t sure if it was Todoroki’s decision not to draw attention to the sensitive matter, or the Hero Commission. Bakugou was really starting to hate the Hero Commission.
They were protecting Endeavor with all the power and influence they had, but leaving Todoroki to defend himself.
Both Deku and Bakugou had tried, in their own ways to engage their Icy Hot friend, but it was no use. Deku tried inviting him to his mother’s to stay over, ecen offering cold soba for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Todoroki never responded to the message.
Bakugou, in true Bakugou fashion, tried kicking down his door and challenging him to a fight, only to find a giant wall of sharp icicles dangerously close to his body. After blasting them for 10 minutes, he got the hint and left him be.
There was so much to cleanup between the three of them. They were all broken in their own ways. But, as much as time stood still at certain moments, things began to move on and forward. 
And now, here they all were, standing on a runway at the early hours of the morning for a new mission that none of them had any idea about.
“The Hero committee thanks you three for your assistance with this rather important mission.” The president spoke. She dressed in all black, looking extra serious. And in Bakugou’s mind, evil as shit.
“Yeah, you didn’t give us much of a choice,” Bakugou grumbled while clutching the handle of his suitcase.
“We’re happy to be of assistance,” Midoriya answered, “But, um, can I ask where we’re going?”
“Due to the recent events and,” The president treaded carefully, “unforeseen revelations….The Hero Committee has partnered with international hero departments across the globe to form a united front against villains from all nations. We have formed the WHA. The World Hero Alliance. With a focus on the heroes of the future each Hero Commission has selected their brightest and bravest hero’s to represent Japan’s hero effort.”
Bakugou looked at Todoroki, who was currently staring at the ground, and then to Midoriya before speaking, “So you’re sending us? What are we, show horses or something?! I thought we were going to kick some ass!”
“I couldn’t agree more.” The president’s response caused Bakugou’s eyes to raise slightly, “You three were not at the top of our list. However you were personally recommended by All Might himself and we owe him quite the debt for his commitment to the cleanup the past few weeks.”
“Sorry I’m late everyone.” All Might’s voice cut through the rather thick air. The skinny man dressed in his usual oversize suit, the darkness around his eyes looking extra black and fatigued. All Might had been spending every waking moment on all the news channels reassuring the public of their faith in heroes and in Endeavour, the still number 1 hero.
“Young Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoro-“
“Shouto. Just Shouto.”
Damn, he finally speaks! And those three words managed to hit All Might, and Deku, and Bakugou with such force you would think he himself had inherited One for All.
“Right uh…Shoto. I’m so glad you all could make it. You all have your passports, licenses, and everything? Don’t worry about your hero costumes, I had some new ones created for you all to wear during the events.”
“Can anyone explain where the hell we’re going and what the fuck we’re doing?!” Damn, someone had to say it.
All Might let out a small laugh, “We’re headed to the first Annual World Hero Alliance in The United States. Los Angeles to be exact.”
“The…The… THE UNITED STATES?!” It was like the sadness washed out of Deku, revealing the eager, bright eyed hero student, and complete fanboy, “Where you became a hero?!”
“That’s right, kid. I’ll explain everything on the jet.”
Midoriya was already rushing up the flight stairs, leaving Bakugou and Shouto on the runway. Bakugou didn’t know what to do. He could tell Icy Hot was a hot mess of emotion, despite his emotionless demeanor. His natural instinct was to shake/threaten/beat the sadness out of his classmate, but he had a feeling that wouldn’t be effective.
“I know why you’re looking at me like that.” Shouto spoke, his eyes facing forward to the jet, “And no, I don’t want to talk about it. I’m fine. Let’s just…get this this stupid mission over with.” With that he walked forward and boarded the jet.
Fuck. Bakugou secretly hopped the WHA, or whatever it was called would get overrun by villains, as most of their missions/trips do. At least he would have someone to blast into smithereens that deserved it.
 AN: Alright. Just a teaser here.  I’m so excited to introduce you to The 3 aspiring heroes of The United States in the next chapter. My OCs. I can’t reveal much yet (honestly, I’m still test driving hero names). But, so excited regardless. I’ll post the next chapter by in the coming days.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
It seems that for the little accidents, big developments Logan and Patton have kinda switched mindsets in a sense? Patton now feels Virgil likes Logan more than him. there is something i have started to notuce though. it seems the bond between roman and his caregivers at least to me seems slightly weaker than the bond virgil has with his cargeivers and i was wondering if he has picked up on that?
very astute observations anon!! this is all intentional
I talk about my thoughts behind the fic and it’s finale which might be seen as spoilers? idk but just to be sure im tagging with 'little/big spoilers' for anyone who wants to be cautious ^.^
Also it got quite long sorry
I knew from early on that I wanted Logan and Patton’s character arcs to be quite the opposite from each other
Logan was unsure of his role in the boys’ littlespaces at the beginning of the fic, but was reassured by Patton and by the end of the fic (I think you can already see) is going to be quite confident in his caregiving abilities and role as a mom
Patton on the other hand started out as being incredibly sure of himself as a caregiver - it is only natural since he is literally the designated paternal side, and he has been Virgil’s CG for three months. But by the end of the fic he will start to question whether he is a truly good caregiver.
Theres a lot of reasons for this but the main ones are that he feels responsible that Roman didn’t feel he was a part of the family, and he feels he has failed Virgil by not realising that he was being bullied online (and he believes Virgil must not trust him if he didn’t tell him that without Logan’s pushing)
And the inciting incident for all of this is that moment when Virgil regressed younger from wearing a diaper and became attached to his Mama rather than his Papa. This is actually because being pushed into such a young headspace made him imprint on whoever was with him at the exact moment he slipped younger. The reason why I wrote Patton leaving the room to wash his hands after the diaper change is because I wanted Logan to be the first person Virgil saw when he was suddenly pushed into that tiny baby headspace.
So Virgil hasn’t actually overcome his separation anxiety (this is the point that i thought would be most spoiler-y). The characters in the fic believe he has suddenly overcome it due to not being attached to Patton that evening - Patton’s narration even states it outright: “Virgil had seemingly overcome his separation anxiety”. But he is an unreliable narrator. Virgil has not been cured of his separation anxiety overnight, he has just shifted his attachment onto Logan for as long as his smaller headspace will last.
The bond between Roman and his CGs is definitely less defined than Virgil’s relationship to them, and this is one of the reasons he feels so insecure in his place in the family. Plus, we will see an anxiety of his addressed in the final chapter which will explain his desperation that Virgil still wants to be brothers.
The caregivers are not favouring Virgil intentionally at all, but they have spent much more time looking after Virgil than they have Roman. By the time Roman becomes a little and starts being included in the little activities, Patton has been a CG for two months and Logan for one month. There was a lot of baby bonding in those few weeks that he missed out on. Pat and Lo are learning to adapt their caregiving methods to be more inclusive of Ro since he is so different from Virgil when little, but they will get better at looking after their little prince.
Patton is already starting to make an effort towards this by researching how to make older siblings feel like they stll belong in the family (in the last chapter it was mentioned that Patton had been reading up on ways to make Roman less jealous of his baby bro) and by suggesting to Roman that they bake together on their own - this will become a weekly routine for them that really helps Roman to feel included as a member of the family.
Also, Roman’s behaviour when little is so bubbly that the CGs don’t always notice when he is feeling left out, because he tends to hide his negative emotions by being even more playful and louder
So yeah, I have planned out some pretty extensive emotional journeys and arcs for the characters to go through and they very purposefully do not all line up! This fic presents the most important part of Logan’s arc I think? Roman’s arc peaks just before LABD in another fic I have planned, Virgil’s arc is quite ongoing, and Patton’s arc really only starts at the end of this fic. And this isn’t ecen considering Janus arc too... (I’m undecided on Remus, but he’ll probably have one as well)
I really want to be able to address each of the characters’ journeys naturally and am spreading them across multiple fics to give each one due attention so it’s definitely a long-term writing project!
as always i did not have to go that hard when talking about my writing but here we are again
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maggyme13 · 5 years
Fictober: Happy (SoA)- Build
AN: THis is my third entry for my fictober challenge
Wordcount: around 800
Warnings: abo-dynamics
The bald biker was tenser than usual, almost agitated, and that made his brothers nervouse.
Out of every Alpha in that club, he was the calmest. But not in the way one would think, no, he was like a predator tailing its pray: Collected, calm and ready to strike at any moment.
That he was now running around tense couldn´t mean any good. Just now, he was growling at hte prospect, who whimpered something about a washing-maschine not being ready, nearly peing his pants in the process.
THe enforcers growl resoated through the clubhouse, ecen the other Alpha´s shivered in discomfort.
“Hap, what is wrong?”, his President Jax Teller asked.
That the man in question didn´t get whiplash from the force he used to look around, was everything.
“Nothing Pres.”, he growled, rolling his shoulders adnd cracking his neck.
“Tha´ doesn´t look like nothin boy. Ya hav us all worried.”, Chibs, one of the few Beta´s in the Club piped up, “Wha´ up?”
“How´s (y/n) by the way? Haven´t seen her in a few days.”, Tig called out, unknowingly hitting the nail on its head. THe atmosphere in the room dropped and a growl resonated through the room. “Fine.”
“You sure? Because-”
“Hap what´s wrong? ya scared the ever lovin shite out of the prospect. Well more than usual.”
“Nothing-”, he growl- sighted,”-it´s just that-”
“Yo. Why did (y/n) just call me, close to tears, asking where you are and then why you did not return with her favourite pair of bed-sheets?”, the Alpha´s best friend asked upon entering the Clubhouse.
“Favourite bed-sheet?”, TIg mumbled in confusion, “ Wait! She is building, isnt she? Your little Omega is Nesting for the first time. THat is why you are so agitated.”
“Yes,”, the agitated Alpha finally admitted.
“They are different then. Am I right? Usually sweet and shy, becomes demanding and bold.”, Jax grinned knowingly.
“If it was just that.”; Happy grumbled,” I never saw her like this. She never cries or whines. Man, she killed an intruder with a kitchen knife without even flinching.”
“A rare treat in an Omega. That´s true.”, Tig chuckled and was interrupted by the ddoor of the clbhouse slamming open, and the distressed scent of an Omega entered.
“Haaaaaappyyyy!”; you whined, your hormones driving you crazy, “Why are you taking so long?”
It was a bruning urge that drove you. An urge you had never felt before.
“I need them.”, you whined and pouted further more, walking towards your mate and embracing him in a strong hug. His warmth and skent calming you at once a bit.
Suddenly a scent hit your nose. Applepie
Scenting the air, your eyes fell onto the newly arrived prospect. With an unhumane speed, you appeared in front of him, sniffing at his shirt.
“Give me.”, you demanded eying the shirt.
“Wha-what?”, he asked insecure.
“Give. Me. The. Shirt.”, you stated angrier, pointing at the male´s shirt.
“Wh-Why?”, the young man whimpered.
“I want it.”, your voice slowly turned into a growl.
Wrong answer.
“I.Want.Your.Shirt.”, you hissed, “And ig I have to get it from your dead body. THe scent of a dead body takes about a minute to seep into a fabric.”
“I-I”, he stuttered stepping away from you.
“Hap. I want his shirt. It smells like Apple-pie.”, you pouted, turning towards your mate, “Can you kill him for me, so I can have it? He doesn´t want to give it to me.”
Your Mate´s answer was a simple lift of his favourite Blade.
“I am going into your dorm.Bring it with you?”, you kissed against his lips.
“Of course Babygirl.”, he rumbled back.
“THank you. See you later guys!”, you called out before diappearing into the hallway.
Happy joined you five minutes later. An unbloody shirt in his arms.
Meanwhile in the Mainroom:
“Remind me to not piss her off while she is nesting. THat change just then in her demeanor had me shiver. (y/n) was scary.”, Tig mumbled, earning herself nodds from the other males.
AN: So what do you think about my Happy Lowman fic?
Let me know :P AND PLEASE REBLOG *slightly begging*
Do you want me to write more Bane`?
@jadepc@pacifyhxlsey @thankyoukarenclifford
@thankyouforanonymity  @punkrockhufflefluff
 @markusstrayya @randomgirlkensy @the-soulofdevil
@sherrybaby14 ( I hope this was okay... I think you mentioned you want to get tagged, if not: Sorry I will remove you)
If you want to get on a taglist? just send an ask or PM :)
I am alwayds happy to meet new people.
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lovingllix · 5 years
request: any 00 line + drunk confessions💚
i’ll do dream’s 00 line bc i haven’t written about them very much lately but if u want skz 00 line i can do that too :)
also i’m so sorry this took so long i’ve been so uninspired.
you’d both been drinking a bit, the alcohol hitting renjun a bit harder than yourself.
“hey! y/n!” he yells, though he sits right beside you.
you turn to him expectantly.
“i think...i think you’re pretty. and i think...oh god wait hold on...i think i’m gonna be sick. but no wait hold on iloveyou.” he slurs, face going quite pale. you decide it’s best to get him to a bathroom soon and keep his words in the back of your mind. hopefully he’ll remember later...
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“i’m hungry...” me mumbles against your shoulder, his head pounding already.
“okay, what do you want and i’ll get it,” you offer, lightly shoving him away so you can stand.
“i want you.”
the look in his eyes says he’s dead serious, but you know it’s really the rum talking.
“jeno, you just got out of a relationship, and you’re drunk.”
he looks at you with glassy eyes and an absentminded smirk.
“doesn’t mean i don’t want you..”
by the time you’re done in the kitchen, jeno has dozed off into a peaceful sleep.
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the first margarita, he got giggly.
the second, clingy.
he’s on his fourth now, mumbling nonsense quite loudly.
he stands up, his chair making a loud scraping noise across the restaurant floor.
“I JUST WANT TO SAY,” he yells, his words slurring together slightly. m
after his outburst, he plops back into his seat, slumping back with heavy eyes.
“jaems, hun, let’s get you home so you can sleep. then you can tell me you love me when you’re sober, okay?”
he leans against your shoulder and nods, a pout adorning his lips.
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it comes in a series of texts, hyuck being out with the boys for a bit.
ur stink
u stikny
ur stninky
f Uck
ur stimky
i dint ecen carr anymor
i lvoe you
i lvoe yoo
i lobe yuo
figujr it pot
hyuck, just stop
i’m coming to pick you up
send me ur location
holy shot i lvoe thatsog
you soon receive a text from mark informing you that hyuck has now been sick after singing and dancing to location.
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precipiteth · 4 years
also uhm ... while i will totally keep lydia as self-centered, irresponsible, & foolish as she truly is ... i will be writing with a slightly more subtle, sensitive notion of her character ... i think it’s unfair that she ends up this public embarrassment & somewhat comedic character when she’s literally just 15 ... so idk we’re digging deeper here babes ... also this is already a given but ??? MAJOR daddy issues ... mrs bennet may dote on & gossip w/ her but it means nothing when no one in her family takes her seriously, cares about her insights, or ecen attempts to raise her ... it’s much easier to give into excessive vanity & flirtation when nobody has ever bothered to expect more of you
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rosamond-herondale · 3 years
EX Gf turned me into a Cuckold Slave
Hi guys for a quick info. English is not my main language so please forgive if there are some mistakes.
I M24 and my EX-girlfriend W22 have not been a couple for a good 2 years. However, the sexual attraction from my side is still incredibly strong and I think quite often about the old days and especially about our sex, which was great. (at least for me) We often talked about the cuckold fetish, but never dared to really live it out in our relationship. After we broke up, we had more and more conversations about her sex life. She told me all her stories and gave me a handjob meanwhile. Over time she became more and more dominant. For example I was only allowed to come when I say that I have a small cock and can never satisfy them more. Or she ruined my orgasm and laughed that I already cum even though she is not even halfway through her story. It was great to hear how she had sex with other guys and how much better these guys were compared to me. I was not allowed to fuck her. The only thing I was allowed to do was lick her and massage her feet. Sometimes she wouldn't let me cum at all, ruining my orgasm or letting me rub my cock against her leg until I came. This went on for a while until she met her new boyfriend. She then just told me that he had the biggest cock she had ever seen and broke off contact. She now lives in another city (about 6 hours by car) and we have completely lived apart.
A year after we broke off contact I got a lovely message from her: "I'm visiting my parents for a few weeks and wanted to ask if you'd like to talk about old times :-)". I was incredibly nervous, but of course I said yes. We met at a bar and we had a really great and fun evening. She then asked if she could come up, she would like to see my new apartment. In my head were already countless movies and I could hardly concentrate. Of course we went up to my place and had a few drinks. She was meanwhile single again and I didn't quite know what will happen that ecening. When she was a little drunk, she asked me about the cuckold fetish and whether I still have this preference. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and a cheeky grin, while I couldn't say a word because of panic. I needed a short moment and then answered her with "no of course not, I have evolved and have now become more dominant". She started laughing lightly and asked me why I was so nervous then. She reached into her purse and pulled out a Chastity Cage from her bag and put it on the table in front of me. "So you're telling me this doesn't make you incredibly horny right now?" i started to shake slightly and answered again with "no". She then said "alright let's make a deal. You get up now and if you have a boner I know you are still the same pathetic cuckold as before". If I don't have a boner, I could fuck her right here and do whatever I want to her I did not want to get up, because my cock was already hard for 20 minutes. After asking several times I got up and went over to her. She took off my pants and started laughing loudly. My dick is not really the biggest (4.5 inch hard). She knew it I haven‘t changed. All my underpants were already wet and I have never felt so humiliated. She looked deep into my eyes and asked me "so what are you?" I answered in a low voice "your cuckold slave". (This was my regular answer for this question back then) I went down on my knees in front of her and lowered my head. She stroked my hair and asked me "so how do we get this cage on your little hard cock now? You have two choices. 1. if you manage not to cum for 10 minutes no matter what I do to you, then I'll make you cum and you proved ne wrong. You really changed and are more alpha then i thought. But if you cum during this 10 minutes i can control you the way i want. No matter what. Option 2. you go just accept it like it is, go under the cold shower now and put ob the cage. You will accept the fact that you‘re my slave. I did not know what to do. After thinking for a while I took option 1 even though I knew I wouldn't last a minute. But atleast there was a small chance. This was also the answer she wanted to hear.
Option 1 then. For 10 minutes I must not cum, no matter what. She got up and went to the couch while I crawled behind her naked on my knees like her dog. She rummaged a bit in her bag and pulled out a medium sized anal plug. She grinned in my face and said the 10 minutes will run once the anal plug is in my ass. That‘s part of the deal. She put it in my hand, without gel or anything else (I'm really not experienced with my ass, which is why that was impossibly hard for me) I thought long and hard about how I should put this, for me' yet quite large anal plug in my ass. She turns on the TV and took her phone bored in the hand. After thinking for a good two minutes, I finally took the anal plug in my mouth to get it a little wet. She looked obliquely at her phone and said only "I always knew what a pathetic beta you are". I felt it tighten in my stomach area. I have never felt so humiliated. "All right, eyes closed and through" I thought to myself as I put the anal plug in my little ass with my face contorted in pain. She couldn't believe it and had to pull herself together not to fall off the couch from laughing. Then she suddenly got serious and asked me if I was ready. I nodded shyly and she grinned at me again.
GO the time is running. She walked around me and tied my hands behind my back. Now I was kneeling in front of the couch, completely naked with hands tied together and an anal plug in my ass, trying to concentrate on something else so I wouldn't explode right away. She then sat back down on the couch and said she had a little extra. Suddenly the anal plug started to vibrate. I flinched in shock and pressed my thighs against my cock. I had never had such a feeling and I was now sure that I would never make it through the 10 minutes. She then grinned in my face and told me "I still have a surprise for you. Turn around" she had her phone connected to my TV and opened a video folder. When I saw what came then I was almost sick with excitement. A video of her and her EX (yes, the one with the huge cock). I stared transfixed at the screen and saw her being fucked by this monster. She screamed and made noises in this video like I have never heard before. Now she increased the level of vibration and whispered in my ear "come for me my little slave. Come on a video of your ex girlfriend being fucked. Come and you can be my slave and if you're a good boy you may watch me live. I know you want that." These simple words were too much for me. I was shaking all over and had to lie down on the floor. I could not hold it any longer. I lifted my head and looked her directly in the eyes from below. Her moaning in the video, the vibrating anal plug and deep look in her eyes from the floor was enough. My little cock started twitching and I just ran out. I continued to look her in the eyes while getting light tears in my eyes. I've never cummed like this before. She didn't even touched my cock. On the floor was already a huge varnish while it still just runs out of me. She then told me to come back up and get on my knees in front of her. I got up and looked her in the face again. "Look at the phone" the timer was just at 01:54 minutes and that was even though she hadn't even touched me yet. She then put my head on her lap and stroked my head "don't worry, we'll have lots of fun together again in the future. After you accept your place it’s clearly easy. You don't have to be ashamed. I always knew you were a little beta cuck. Now lick the floor clean and go take a cold shower and don't forget to shave everywhere like a good sissy should. You will be back in 5 minutes" So I crawled back and started licking my cum off the floor. The humiliation was almost unbearable, I knew that my life would change completely from now on
When I was done with the floor I quickly ran into the shower to clean myself up. She then came into the bathroom and told me to come out on my knees when I was done. So I quickly got ready and then opened the door on my knees. She was sitting at the dining table again and had her cell phone in her hand. I crawled over to her and noticed how she was filming the whole situation. She gave me the Chastity Cage in my hand and said "put it on" I looked down at my little cock which looked even smaller and more ridiculous than usual after the cold shower. So I locked the cage with the key while she was still filming me. I looked at the key in my hand and knew how hard it would be to give her the key. But she made it even worse. With the camera still in my face she said "come on, beg me to take your key. Ask me to own your cock and therefore you". I had to swallow hardly and said in a very low voice "please take the key" she replied angrily that she didn't hear me and that I should speak louder. With narrowed eyes I now said loud and clear "Please take the key to my cock" she laughed again and asked me why I would want that. To which I replied "because I'm a little Beta Cucky with a little cock and I'd love nothing more than to be your little slave". She took the key and put her phone back in her pocket. "I knew you hadn't changed a bit. In fact, you've become even more ridiculous." She got up and went to the front door. "I'll get back to you in a bit." She opened the door and left my apartment. Naked, on my knees and with a chastity cage around my cock, I stared at the door for 10 minutes, thinking to myself "What just happened?
Please let me know how you liked this story. I have quite a few others. Would appreciate feedback
submitted by /u/7_senses_7 [link] [comments] from Sex Stories https://ift.tt/3xTrhd6
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Happy birthday!
Hqppy birthday to my friend @foofoocuddlypoopsgavesokkaapples she's turning 16 now so give her some special love! Anyways I wrote her a thing, it's got Marichat with a hint of LadyNoir and Adrinette, and it's PURE ANGST, just like you wanted it Nav. Scary moments are all a blur, aren't they? One moment, you're laughing with the live of your life, the next you have to fight one of the worst akumas you've had in a while, then all if a sudden she's on the ground bleeding profusely. Well Chat had to say, he was not prepared for that. Thrown around, pushed away, hit in the head a couple times, that was no problem for him. But when his lady cried out and fell limp on the solid road, Chat couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to go to her immediately, but there was still an akuma to fight. The anger building up inside him brought his strength high enough to defeat it himself, a scary sight that nobody ever saw. When Chat was angry, he was unstoppable. Chat took the akumatized item, this time a pocket knife, and brought it over to his fallen partner. Apparently the victim this time had been a mugger who was finally caught and arrested, and he didn't like that. This was the first akuma who actually was as evil when they weren't a villain. When he was akumatized, he gained new weapons to use. He wanted purely power, to be able to stop everyone from catching him. This gained him the ability to truly hurt people, a power that Chat and Ladybug had never seen before. Unfortunately, Ladybug got the full experience. "Ladybug!!!!!!"Chat ran faster than he had ever before, immediately kneeling by his partner as he held her in his arms. Ladybug was still awake, but brutally injured. Chat could see blood trickle out from her red suit, a sight that he could barely look at. "It's okay, Chat," Ladybug whispered before wincing in pain. "No, it's not okay! I need to get you somewhere!" A beep could be heard as both's attention were brought to Ladybug's earrings. One spot left. "Quick Chat, give me the knife!" Chat handed Ladybug the akumatized item so she could break it once again, then she weakly purified the butterfly that fluttered above them before shouting,"Miraculous Ladybug!" That had taken the last of Ladybug's energy out of her. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak, she could nearly breathe at all. Chat held her close as a red shimmer swirled around her. Ladybug was in her civilian form. Chat didn't look down. He didn't look down when the girl he was holding cried in even more pain as her protective suit left her body. He didn't look down when she shouted his name in a pleading tone. He only looked down when he felt a hand tug his collar. "Chat, just look at me!" The superhero finally let his gaze fall on the girl under the mask. "Marinette??" No. Not Marinette Sweet, kind, Marinette could not be risking her life by his side everyday. Marinette was not just hit really hard by a dangerous akuma. Marinette was not bleeding in his arms and gasping for air and slowly dying- "I need to get you somewhere!" Marinette could only nod slightly as Chat lifted her from the ground. She immediately clung to him, showing her weaker side to her partner. This only made Chat more concerned. Chat ran. He had to get Marinette to a hospital quick. She was bleeding a lot, and he could hear her muffled cries as the pain rushed through her body. Marinette didn't deserve this. In fact, out of all the people he knew, she probably deserved it the least. Why did this only happen to the good people? "It's okay princess, I'm going to get help." Marinette responded to her nickname with a choke. She hated hearing Chat's voice in that tone. It made her feel guilty, ecen though it wasn't her fault she got hurt. Marinette tightened her grip a little, reassuring Chat that she was there and still alive. Eventually, Chat's ring had the same fate as Ladybug's earrings. He swore to himself as he was forced to find a safe alley where nobody would see him destransform. "I'm sorry princess, but I'm about to destransform." "It's okay kitty, do what you gotta do." That was so likely of Marinette to be understandable. She rarely seemed to ever think of herself, which sometimes worried Chat a bit. He held Marinette close to him as he sat down, coddling her as if she was a child. Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck, struggling to hold the choking sobs that escaped her body. Chat caressed her body, trying his best to calm her down. Soon enough, Adrien Agreste was left holding his friend in a dark alley. "You don't have to look if you don't want to, princess." Marinette only responded with more sobs as she gripped him tighter. "Kitty......." "It's okay, Marinette." "Kitty, I wanna see." "Huh?" "I wanna see......you....." Adrien didn't have time to react before he saw teary bluebell eyes look up at him before widening in surprise. Marinette could barely get a response out due to shock and pain, but managed to sputter out incomprehensible noises. Adrien could imagine it was not doing well for her health, so he tried calming her down. "Marinette, calm down please. It's still me...." Marinette could feel her heart racing. She wanted to cry, for many reasons. She wanted to cry in pain, cry at her stupidity for not knowing her crush was her partner the whole time, she wanted to cry because she felt like she was going to die. So she did. Adrien began freaking out. Now his lady, his princess, was back to crying in his arms. Adrien couldn't sit and hold her forever, though. Marinette was still bleeding badly. Adrien's heart jumped when he felt Marinette press her head into his chest. She was using him for comfort. The thought made Adrien blush, but there was no time for that. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for all of this....." "Why are you sorry? Don't be princess, it's okay...." Chat calling her princess was one thing, but Adrien doing so was another. If Marinette wasn't so dependant on him right now, she would be blushing and looking away. "But what if......." "What if what?" "What if I die?" The last words struck Adrien like a truck. What if she died in his arms right this second? What if her soul left her at this moment, leaving him to never confess his love for her? Adrien panicked, his thoughts freezing as his actions sped past them. "I love you." Adrien was shocked by his own words that came out of his mouth. He did love her, but was now such a good time to say that? He must have been scared that he would never be able to tell her. Adrien wished he could just be at home, sleeping in a nuce comfy bed with a cute pigtailed girl by his side, giggling as he held her close and- "I love you too....." came a sob from below, driving Adrien's attention away from his thoughts. He was not expecting that. Marinette loved him too? Did she live him the whole time? A wave of questions and answers spilled onto them, not helping their intense situation. Now Adrien wanted to cry. If only they could be happy and at peace, then they could express their true love for one another. Adrien had no idea what was going on, but he just wanted it to be over. Both were upset, both were scared, both were just......tired. But Adrien had to get Marinette somewhere, and he had been sitting for too long. Getting up with Marinette still in his arms, Adrien began running again. Unfortunately he wasn't as fast without his suit on, but he still had the same determination. Marinette seemed to hug him tighter than ever, her breathing becoming rasp. This scared Adrien to an awful extent. Suddenly, the sobs and the breathing stopped. This didn't feel right. "Marinette?" Adrien shifted Marinette a bit so he could see her better. She didn't seem to be breathing. "Marinette!?"
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