#eclipse eggs
zytes · 6 months
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a-rabid-snake · 5 days
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Something, I do not know what
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Saw the notes... got inspired by the silly! MK would absolutely be confused over the baby stone monkeys but also really think the little clones are cute. He uses the explanation Wukong had given him about the babies being clones of an old friend he'd kept preserved until they eventually morphed into a pair of actual baby monkeys to the Noodle Gang. Tang is of course, extremely excited to meet Savage and Rumble because these are basically Sun Wukong's kids and the mystery of who the baby clones original self was gets added to the cork boars alongside Wukong's baby daddy!
Macaque, jealous and feeling betrayed: WHO DID YOU HAVE A CHILD WITH!?
Wukong: You, idiot.
Ha yes! Was rambling in the notes here about the Penumbra au (with some SlowBoiled sprinkled in).
MK rambles about the babies to the rest of the gang (and theorizing thats why Monkey King needed a successor), and the while gang are "aww"-ing at the thought.
The adults have concerns.
Pigsy: "Wait, how old are they? What is he feeding them?" MK, thinking: "Uhhh super tiny-old? Monkey King said the shadows he preserved turned into newborn babies some weeks ago. He keeps them in his shirt so I don't know how he feeds them." Pigsy, concern growing: "He's probably on that island without proper food for himself..." Sandy, also concerned: "And there's a lot of good vitamins one can't get from just fruit and transformed hair. He'll need some ginger tea." Pigsy, already in the kitchen: "And some soup! Tangy! We need some fish heads!" Tang, nerding out: "Are we forgetting the huge fact that these are newborn Spiritual Monkeys!? We're talking like baby unicorns here! This is a major discovery!" Pigsy, handing him a list: "Just get me these ingredients and I'll forgive your tab!" Tang, diligently grabs list and shopping bags: "Okie dokie!" MK: "Eh? Why tea and soup?" Mei: "Odds are the Monkey King is the babies' only source of food." MK: "They're eating him?!" Mei: "Bruh. Boobs." -_- MK, embarrassed: "AH. My bad." >_<
So yeah Sun Wukong quickly gets the adults knocking on his door with big pots of soup and tea for him to take. He's touched by the gesture, but a little startled by how fast the gang were to appear on his doorstep.
So of course MK has to deal with wanting to become stronger faster (can't do certain training when the twins are in the way), and runs into Macaque.
MK takes one look at the black fur, red face marking, and shadowy powers, and thinks "omg! he might be the shadow babies' other dad/clone-original!!" - but holds the knowledge to himself for the moment.
Eventually MK gets a text from Mei during his additonal training, and she sends him an adorable photo of the twins. Macaque overhears.
Macaque, very serious: "Who are they?" MK: "Oh! It's just my friend Mei!" Macaque: "No. I mean the baby monkeys." MK: "Oh haha. Well... the big reason Monkey King can't train me as hard as he can is cus he's got... them." Macaque, grabs phone and glares at the photo: "WITH WHOM?!" MK: "Whoa! You're uh... kinda upset." Macaque: "Of course I'm upset! My former ma- friend had cubs without me!" MK, thinking Mac cannot be that dense: "Wut." Macaque: "What's their names?!" MK: "Zàoyīn and Bàoliè." Macaque: "He named them Rumble and Savage?!"
This of course leads to a confrontation where Macaque has drained MK's powers and is now knocking on Wukong's door demanding to know who fathered his twins.
Wukong: (*opens door with the twins tucked into a skin-to-skin top. Looks a bit sleep-deprived.*) Macaque: (*angry frown*) MK: (*waves nervously cus Macaque dragged him over*) Wukong: "Wondered when you'd get here." Macaque: "Let me see them." Wukong: "Say please. You're not setting a good example." Macaque, forces self to calm down: "Ok. Please let me see them." Wukong: "Thats better." (*Wukong loosens his shirt, letting the twins' heads to poke out. The twins stretch awake as Wukong kisses their heads. A pair of six-ears flutter like that of a kitten as one yawns loudly.*) Macaque: (*quiet. eyes glistening*) Wukong: "Plums, are you crying?" Macaque, trying to hide tears: "Who- who did you have them with!?" Wukong & MK: "Wut." "Seriously!?" Macaque: "They're too beautiful to be mine!" Wukong, sighing: "You literally left behind two shadow clones before you left the island. Shadows that I... had trouble letting go of. And I might have broken some rules of magic to keep them around." Macaque: "You... donated your dao to preserve them??" Wukong: "Yeah. I didn't want to like... lose all of you just yet. But about a few weeks ago they sort of collapsed into themselves and popped out like this." Macaque, doing math and suddenly blushes: "OH." MK: "What oh?" Macaque: "Shadow clones aren't like hair clones. They aren't extensions of the original's body, but rather their soul. When Wukong donated his dao to my shadows - we accidentally, uh... inmaculada." MK: "Omg I was right! You are their dad!" Macaque: "Ok yeah. Uh, here's your power back by the way." MK: "Wut." Macaque: "I had this whole revenge plan in the works but uh, knowing that these little guys are here, I just can't." Wukong: "Aww. Is that the only reason?" (*flutters eyelashes*) Macaque, still blushed: "And I uh... kinda am really touched that you couldn't let go of my shadows after all this time." Wukong, smugly smiling: "Knew it." Rumble & Savage: (*fully awake, now grabbing Macaque's face and chirping excitedly!*)
Macaque quickly turns from "edgy shadow version of Monkey King" to "super-adoring dad" once he meets the twins properly.
Rumble and Savage love having their Papa back.
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possumsarenice · 11 months
It’s nice to that The Sun and Moon Show has some cis representation with Moon. I mean, he’s the only one in the entire cast, but it’s still nice
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starheirxero · 9 months
Can I see a better ref of Servant Sun? Or some sketches of him?
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(no reason at all, just wanna see the lil guy better)
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Tbh I feel like his outfit is subject to change at any moment BUT these 4 details are FOR SURE always gunna be there.
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Did you know everytime he truly doubts his lord, he adds something eclipse themed to his body? Just thought I'd mention it......
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merosmenagerie · 3 months
Whole nest full of little guys
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
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So that eclipse, huh…
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decispark · 6 months
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Happy Eclipse Day! Remember to have the proper eclipse glasses if looking at it!
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urlocalkitkat · 1 year
Okay so i am trying to make a bbh au where he returned to the island with no memories after the ccs stream.
(*) when all the ccs stream (aka their characters wake up) they are met with an announcement of a new member.
(*)The new member wears white and blue clothes and is a human
(*)When they get to the "new member" they find out it's bbh
(*)Bbh doesn't remember anything or anyone,he just remembers being in the place they found him
(*)At first people try interrogating him, but the guy doesn't remember anything. They even show dappers tophat in the maze and pictures of dapper,not even a skeppy rings a bell.
(*)After interrogating him, he starts to explore the island,and meets bagera
(*) she asks about ron only to be met with "who's ron?"
(*) he then runs into the dragon while exploring and find foolish, foolish (foolish was there in the interrogation)and he straight up sounds much quieter,not knowing what to do since bad always played pranks on him or listened to how he was slowly losing it (and vice versa),but now bad barley knows his name and nothing more
(*) He then meets with forever and he keeps on saying that he can help him,and this all will be over and things can go the way they used to, but bad doesn't know what it was like the way they used to and certainly doesn't know the eggs.
(*)It then ends with bad in his "first house" just rambling about how people on the island don't trust him
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lakecountylibrary · 6 months
(Flash Warning 6 seconds in at 0:22)
Video description: A librarian holds two eggs in front of his eyes and says "These are your eyes. These are your eyes if you look directly at the eclipse." He smashes them into a frying pan. There is a shattering sound, cackling, and several smash cuts to the eggs frying and overcooking with an overexposed film filter. The librarian says "Wear eclipse glasses, man." and walks off frame. Text overlay reads Wearing eclipse glasses can shield you from the sun's harmful brightness and the eldritch twilight of the eclipse. Protect yourself. End description.
Only you can prevent ocular fires.
NASA 2024 Eclipse Safety Sheet (PDF)
NASA Información sobre seguridad – Eclipse 2024 (PDF)
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a-rabid-snake · 20 days
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Dude, it's very easy to draw these fools, that's why there are so many of them
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
The fact that some of Macaque's "clones" are so weirdly affectionate of Wukong and MK only serves to confuse them more. Like, it gets to the point that every time Macaque appears in S1-S3, the two little shadows can and will tackle either Wukong or MK for cuddles. In the scene where Macaque attacks them while in Sandy's airship and is focusing entirely on MK because he now knows Wukong is pregnant, the cubs have the job of keeping Wukong occupied and they do so by, what else, pinning himnto the ground like Baba-Macaque wants and full on nuzzling and purring as they don't get to see 'Wukong-Mama" a lot because Baba is so mad/sad whenever Wukong comes into conversation altho it doesn't stop him and them from spying on Wukong-Mama from a the shadows. MK and Mei are fighting for their lives in the episode where they get separated, and Rumble and Savage are hanging around Pigsy, Tang, and Wukong and enjoying seeing him acting so silly with Amnesia. It's only during the Lantern City Talent Show that Wukogn realizes they aren't just weirdly affectionate clones.
Prev post.
these clones do seem to pin/tackle Wukong a lot.
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I imagine in the SlowBoiled au - the tackling is a little more gentle given what Macaque knows by then. Wukong def notices that the two clones are still very affectionate to him and MK - and has his suspicions all the way back during S1.
In S3 when the gang gets separated; Macaque instructs the "clones" (even he's figured out that not true) to stay with Wukong while he chases MK. The Twins are delighted! Papa is giving them time to spend with Wukong-Mama! Clearly, their plans to repair the troop is working.
Pigsy, Tang, and Mo quickly notice the two stowaways and at first react with fear/anger at their presence - only for the two Macaque-shaped shadows to cock their heads with confusion, chirping like baby monkeys as they shrink to the size of cats. Wukong had already been in astral meditation at this point, so he's not able to recognise the twins' presence, even as they curl on his crossed legs and pick through his fur. The twins hoot sadly, thinking that their new "Mama" is ignoring them.
As Pigsy and Tang try to wrap their heads around the situation, the twins accidentally wake Wukong from his meditation, trying to get his attention. Tang is ofc kidnapped by Scorpion Queen in the confusion. Wukong awakens, memory fractured, and sees what he thinks is part of his Pilgrim troop, and a pair of unfamiliar baby monkeys.
Amnesiac!Wukong: "Oh! When did you two get here? You smell awfully familiar." (*sniff sniff*) "Macaque! You smell like him! Did he send you ahead to make peace?" Rumble & Savage: (*delighted chattering!*) Amnesiac!Wukong, with a wistful/worried tone: "Oh plums... do you... have a mama? Or another parent?" Rumble & Savage: (*look between each other, confused. Both shake their heads and leap into Wukong's arms, chattering a short explanation*) Amnesiac!Wukong, shocked: "Ehh?! He brought you into this world himself?! Then he managed what I've been trying to do! No wonder he sent you to find me! Oh I'm so happy!" Rumble & Savage: (*chirp a cautious question*) Amnesiac!Wukong, smiling: "Of course! I'd be delighted to be your Mama! I can't wait for Macaque to arrive so we can all be together as a family! The Stalwarts will be so glad!" (*Wukong cuddles the twins tight, all three monkeys purring*) Pigsy: "Err... Monkey? "Master" is still missing." Wukong, sighs: "Okay... c'mon cubs, I need to save Master Tripitaka. He's like the head of our troop. I can introduce you to everyone properly once we get him back." Rumble & Savage: (*cling to Wukong's front and back, chirping with excitement!*)
The rest of the Amnesia Rules episode becomes more focused on Wukong's interactions with the Pilgrims, and how he's at his core a gentle, motherly monkey. Pigsy sees a side of Wukong he never knew existed.
Once Wukong's memory returns, he is very confused by the baby shadow monkeys clinging to him, calling him "Mama". He sniffs and looks them over in Gold-Vision (the twins giggling the whole time), and with a shocked expression declares;
Wukong: "Macaque brought these two back from Diyu!" Tang: "What?! Is that even possible?!" Wukong, thinking hard: "It shouldn't be. Unless... they were hanging around the Underworld, unable to reincarnate because..." (*suddenly gets really sad/guilty look on his face*) Pigsy: "Because how?" Wukong: "If they weren't registered in the Book of the Dead... or if someone accidentally erased their names as he was going through the list of monkey demons..." Tang: (*covers gasp as he realises*) Rumble & Savage: (*confused chirps?*) Wukong: "I'm so sorry babies. I don't know why Macaque brought you back with him, but I'm glad he did. He's always had a soft spot for cubs. I hope in a... weird way, that this is a sign that he wants to repair things." Rumble & Savage: (*delighted chirping & hugging Wukong as they chatter about their "Papa"*) Wukong, chuckling smugly: "Oh really? He's been saying that about me? I just knew he couldn't get me out of his head." Rumble & Savage, both mimicking Mac's voice: "Peaches!" Wukong, slight blush forming: "He still calls me that?" Pigsy, Tang, & Mo: (*shared looks of confusion*)
Once the gang reunites after catching up with the Demon Bull family, MK sees the twins and splutters out;
MK: "Monkey King! They're-!" Wukong, twins clinging to him: "It's ok MK. They're just little demon monkeys. Macaque picked himself up some strays while he was in the Underworld. And super cute ones, might I add!" (*blows raspberries on the twins' faces*) Rumble & Savage: (*delighted giggling/shrieking*) MK, Mei, & Sandy: (*look to the others for an explanation*) Pigsy, shrugs: "He's good with kids."
Pigsy ofc starts to recognise some similarities to how the twin monkeys act, and how MK was when he was little. But that can of worms can be opened later. Now they've got Rings to gather and a bone demon to defeat.
Lantern City doesn't go as smooth as planned for Macaque. LBD has figured out that his two "persistent clones" aren't actual clones, and threatens them as collateral to get Macaque to comply.
The twin baby monkeys shriek when they glimpse at the Samadhi Fire. Almost as if they've seen it before...
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im-just-a-dumb-gay · 2 months
What do you get when you mix your at the time favorite book, favorite musical, and a fandom you got back into with mermaids? For me, this au lol.
I was reading Song of Achilles and thought Myrmidons was close to Mermaids. Then I added DCA as Patroclus and Achilles cause why not lol.
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Might be hard to see but the lyrics are "You're too sweet for me. You're too sweet for me" from my at the moment song I was obsessed with Too Sweet by Hozier.
At some point just added Epic too cause, Epic was the reason I got into greek myth which led to reading Song of Achilles.
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For this au, the gods are sirens with the main 13 being huge with special siren abilities. Example, Hermes' voice is like sonar and can be carried across oceans.
Other gods/sirens are only slightly taller than mermaids and have a stronger and sweet voice. Since Achilles is half siren, his voice is considered beautiful whether talking or speaking and his voice does carry farther than the average mermaid. (In legend, it is said when Patroclus died, all oceans could hear Achilles' cries and screams, his siren voice full with grief and no longer sweet, but harsh and cold.)
Haven't worked on the au in a while and there might be changes if I continue to work on it lol.
(Also, was because of Song of Achilles I learned Neo was the son of Achilles from the line "Neo, avenge your father, kill the brothers of Hector")
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galaxyseclipse · 2 months
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dribs-and-drabbles · 10 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #62
The Eclipse ep 8:
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The Warp Effect ep 6:
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Love in Translation ep 8:
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Only Friends ep 9:
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for @tiistirtipii from @quodekash 💙
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dailyenglishvoca · 7 days
Today's song is VOID by Egg Tan featuring the Synthesizer V voicebank Nyl
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