#economic rights
tmarshconnors · 4 months
French Revolution Constitution
The French Revolution resulted in several significant constitutional changes, marking the transition from the Ancien Régime to a series of revolutionary governments. Here is a brief overview of the constitutions developed during the French Revolution:
1. The Constitution of 1791
The first constitution of France, adopted on September 3, 1791, established a constitutional monarchy.
Key Features:
Limited Monarchy: King Louis XVI retained the throne but his powers were considerably reduced.
Separation of Powers: The government was divided into three branches: the executive (the King), the legislative (the Legislative Assembly), and the judiciary.
Legislative Assembly: A single-chamber assembly with 745 members elected for two-year terms.
Voting Rights: Limited to "active citizens" who paid a certain amount of taxes, thus excluding a significant portion of the population.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen: Incorporated into the preamble, asserting fundamental rights and freedoms.
2. The Constitution of 1793 (Year I)
Adopted on June 24, 1793, but never implemented due to the ongoing war and internal strife, this constitution was more radical and democratic.
Key Features:
Republican Government: Abolished the monarchy and established a French Republic.
Universal Male Suffrage: All male citizens aged 21 and over could vote.
Direct Democracy: Frequent referendums and primary assemblies where citizens could propose and vote on laws.
Rights and Welfare: Strong emphasis on social and economic rights, including the right to work and education.
3. The Constitution of 1795 (Year III)
Implemented on August 22, 1795, this constitution established the Directory, marking a shift to more conservative governance.
Key Features:
Bicameral Legislature: Consisting of the Council of Five Hundred and the Council of Ancients.
Directory: A five-member executive body chosen by the legislature.
Limited Suffrage: Voting rights were restricted to property-owning men, reversing the universal male suffrage of 1793.
Stability Measures: Designed to prevent the rise of another dictatorial power and address the chaos of the previous years.
The Constitution of 1791 (Excerpt Translation)
Here is an excerpt translation from the Constitution of 1791, focusing on key articles that outline the new political structure:
Preamble: The National Assembly, wishing to establish the French Constitution on the principles it has just recognized and declared, abolishes irrevocably the institutions which were harmful to liberty and the equality of rights.
Title III - Public Powers:
Article 1: The sovereignty is one, indivisible, inalienable, and imprescriptible. It belongs to the nation; no section of the people nor any individual may attribute to themselves the exercise thereof.
Article 2: The nation, from which alone emanates all powers, can exercise these powers only by delegation. The French Constitution is representative; the representatives are the Legislative Body and the King.
Article 3: The legislative power is delegated to a National Assembly composed of temporary representatives freely elected by the people to serve for a given period.
Article 4: The government is monarchical; the executive power is delegated to the King, to be exercised under his authority by ministers and other responsible agents, in the manner and to the extent determined by the legislative power.
These documents reflect the evolving political philosophies and tumultuous changes during the French Revolution, capturing the struggle between democratic ideals and practical governance.
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indizombie · 2 years
There are two significant episodes when the Constitution of India has been attacked. One was during the emergency and the other is starting 2014. And yet I think it is important for us to understand the difference between these two attacks. During the emergency our battles revolved around the implementation of social and economic rights. Our generation fought for social and economic rights at the Courts. We took our civil and political rights for granted because internationally these rights were directly protected and enforced. So, we thought that social and economic rights is what our battles were for. The emergency of 1975 gave us a huge shock. The legitimacy of all our protests and the legacy of our struggles was brought to a brutal end when the emergency was declared. The emergency brought in a transformation in our understanding of a liberal democracy. We saw the end of liberal democracy. Despite its attempt, the Emergency did not succeed in delegitimising the Constitution. On the contrary, the emergency and the struggle against it, I believe, strengthened the Constitution as both sides claimed they were defending liberal democracy. After 2014, the ruling dispensation...actually say in all their utterances that they do not believe in liberal democracy. They try to convince us that the freedom struggle never happened and is rather happening now, that all our rights and democratic practices originate from the Vedas and we are in a continuity that was paused, that the word secularism must be dropped from the Constitution and that we must be governed by cultural nationalism instead of a Constitution.
Indira Jaising, senior advocate
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humanrightsday · 2 months
(Part 3) - 18th International Human Rights Summit.
The International Human Rights Summit serves as a platform for top human rights activists, dignitaries, officials and youth, to exchange ideas, develop plans of action, and forward a movement in the name of international peace. Youth for Human Rights International holds the Summit with the purpose to bring education of the #UDHR to the forefront of academic attention as the medium to end the inhumane violations of these rights that plague our society. United Nations Human Rights
United Nations Headquarters.
Watch (Part 3) - 18th International Human Rights Summit!
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rinumia-blog · 4 months
" These two rights, liberty and property, seem like perverse foundations for a system of broad social coordination, for they guarantee that, except for specific prohibitions, people can do as they wish.
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Yet coordination would seem to require that people do not simply do as they wish but instead bend to the requirements of cooperation and peacekeeping. All the more interesting, then, are the ways in which the two rights support cooperation and peacekeeping. "
Charles Lindblom, Ph.D (The Market System: Bones beneath Flesh)
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Why women matter in diplomacy?
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Women have been playing a crucial role in global governance since the drafting and signing of the United Nations Charter in 1945. Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and, therefore, also half of its potential. Women bring immense benefits to diplomacy. Their leadership styles, expertise and priorities broaden the scope of issues under consideration and the quality of outcomes.
Research shows that when women serve in cabinets and parliaments, they pass laws and policies that are better for ordinary people, the environment and social cohesion. Advancing measures to increase women’s participation in peace and political processes is vital to achieving women’s de facto equality in the context of entrenched discrimination.
Out of the 193 Member States of the United Nations, only 34 women serve as elected Heads of State or Government. Whilst progress has been made in many countries, the global proportion of women in other levels of political office worldwide still has far to go: 21% of the world’s ministers, 26% of national parliamentarians, and 34% of elected seats of local government. According to a new UN report, at the current pace of progress, equal representation in parliament will not be achieved until 2062.
The UN General Assembly (UNGA) is the world’s largest yearly meeting of world leaders. While the UNGA has been the setting for several historic moments for gender equality, much has yet to be achieved regarding women’s representation and participation. Just four women have been elected President of the UN General Assembly in its 77 years.
The 15-member UN Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. While women currently represent slightly over a third of the Security Council's members — far higher than the average — it is still far from enough. Explore the participation of women at the Security Council.
International Day of Women in Diplomacy.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Sublime Equine.
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humansolidarityday · 4 years
Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development.
ID: IE on International Solidarity - 16th Meeting, 44th Regular Session Human Rights Council.
Item 3: - Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development,
Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity.
44th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council.
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vietnamlawyers · 2 years
Shareholder rights in Joint Stock Company in Vietnam
What Rights Shareholder Holds in Joint Stock Company?
Shareholders are individual or organization that owns at least one share of the joint-stock company and also are owner of the joint-stock company. Along with these roles, their interests are tied to business operations although they may not directly manage the day-to-day company affairs. In order to implement governance, the powers and responsibilities of each interest group such as shareholders, the board of directors, managerial personnel, etc. should be assigned based on the statutory principles and procedures.
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                               Litigation dispute law firm in Vietnam
According to the regulations on shareholders in the Law on Enterprise 2020, the rights of shareholders can be categorized into the following groups: economic rights, governance rights, information rights, and litigation rights.
Economic rights
Economic right is the right to gain all pecuniary interest with respect to the shares. The purpose of starting a business or investing in securities comes mainly from earning income or gaining profits. Economic rights accordingly include:
-Right to entitlement to dividends
-Right to transfer ownership
-Priority right to acquire the newly issued shares
-Right to entitlement to a portion of the assets after dissolution or bankrupt
-Appraisal Right
Among these above rights, right to entitlement to dividends and right to transfer ownership are the fundamental economic rights of a shareholder.
Dividend of common shares is determined according to the realized net profit and the dividend payment from the company’s retained earnings. Despite right to entitlement to dividends, shareholders are still subject to a number of limitations in law and in fact. Dividend entitlement is determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors, after the company has fulfilled tax obligations and other financial obligations, contributed to reserve fund, paid for previous losses and met the solvency for all due debts and other property obligations. Dividend is not required to be distributed annually. Depending on the business situation, the General Meeting of Shareholders may decide to retain profits for reinvestment.
Besides dividend entitlement from the company’s operating results, shareholders can also gain profits by share transfer. This kind of investment is popular with respect of shares or securities of public companies, investors do not aim for corporate governance rights as well as dividend, they intend to earn benefits by the difference of the market values of stocks, especially when the stock value increases.
Governance rights
Modern corporate governance has two principles, one is to separate ownership and governance and to separate governance and management. It means that the major shareholders should not hold senior managerial positions in the company and Chairperson of the Board of Directors should not be assigned to other senior managerial positions such as General Director and/or Director.
Shareholders may be an individual or organization which they have their own different interests, goals and abilities. The separation between ownership and management makes the situation of whom the owner is and how the share get transferred not to affect the business operation. In the meantime, the separation helps gather professional managers to implement target intended by the company. According to the laws, members of the Board of Directors of a public company concurrently holding several executive titles must be reduced to the minimum to ensure the independence of the Board of Directors, specially the Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall not be the Director/General Director in a public company as of August 1st, 2020. There are no similar rules applicable to joint stock companies which are not public company.
Attendance, speaking and voting at General Meeting of Shareholders are fundamental in governance right of common shareholders, applicable to all shareholders holding at least one share. ty. In principle, being a shareholder who holds shares of the company regardless of the number has equal rights to attend and vote at the General Meeting of Shareholders. By the General Meeting of Shareholders, the shareholders holding a certain number of shares can impact decisions on some matters such as election, dismissal, and removal of members of the Board of Directors and Controllers, amendment and supplementation of internal documents, major transactions, and others as stipulated in law on enterprise or charter. In addition to the above rights, the majority shareholders also have a number of other rights related to governance as follows:
The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to:
-Call a General Meeting of Shareholders
-Request Board of Controllers to inspect each specific matter relating to management, governance of company affairs if necessary
-Recommend matters to be included in agenda of General Meeting of Shareholders
-The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 10% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors, Board of Controllers
Information rights
Shareholders have the right to access documents and information of the company. In addition to the basic documents such as the charter, list of shareholders, meeting minutes and resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders, shareholders have the right to access to reports related to the business affairs.
However, some information is only reviewed by shareholders who own required percentage of share:
-Access and extract information on full name and contact address as specified in list of shareholders having voting right and list of shareholders having right to attend General Meeting of Shareholder; request to adjust his/her inaccurate information
-Access, extract and scan charter of company, meeting minutes of General Meeting of Shareholder and its resolution
-Access, extract and copy partial or whole list of involved persons and their contracts, transaction of which the company is other party, interests of Board of Directors, Controllers, Directors or General Directors and other managerial positions of company
-Access and extract minutes and resolutions of Board of Directors, annual or mid-year financial reports, reports of Board of Controllers, contracts and transaction approved by Board of Directors and other documents, excepting for documents related to company’s know-how and trade secrets (applicable to shareholder and group of shareholders who own at least 5% of total number of common shares, the charter may require a smaller percentage)
-Access profit and loss statements, finacial reports, governace and management assement reports; inspection reports of Board of Controllers (applicable to shareholder who own shares at least 1 consecutive year, the charter may require a smaller percentage).
Different to common joint stock company, a public company must annouce fully, accurately and promptly the periodic and extraordinary information on business, finance and governace. Other information must be annouced if it influences share price and investment decisions of shareholders and investors.
Litigation rights
The Law on Enterprises has provided a mechanism to request the Court or Arbitration to rescind the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders or sue the managerial personnels when they fail to fully and properly implement their tasks, including:
The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to:
-Request to rescind resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders when the orders and procedures of calling the meeting and making resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders seriously violate the regulations of the Law on Enterprises and company’s charter
-However, the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders adopted by 100% of the total number of voting shares is legal and effective even when the orders and procedures of calling the meeting and adopting such resolution violates regulations of the Law on Enterprises and company’s charter.
-Request to rescind resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders when its provisions violates the laws or company’s charter
-The shareholder, group of shareholders holding at least 1% of the total number of common shares is entitled to:
-Sue members of Board of Directors, Directors, General Directors separately or jointly under certain circumstances
The Chairperson of Board of Directors or the Director or General Director usually acts as the legal representative of the company, representing the company to perform rights and obligations arising from the company’s transactions, representing the company to take proceedings before the court or arbitrator. However, when their interests conflict with those of the shareholders, shareholders have the right to initiate a lawsuit claiming benefits or compensation. The Law on Enterprise also permits shareholders to sue on behalf of the company when the above managerital personnels commit violations, causing damage directly to the company and indirectly to shareholders.
Not all shareholders have the right to sue for the above managerial personnels, only those who own at least 1% of the total number of common shares. This restriction makes sense with respect of public companies, in order to eliminate unfair competition actions conducted by minority shareholders who is controlled by the rival companies because amount of 1% in public company is not a small number.
Similar to a lawsuit against a manager, shareholder or group of shareholders is also required to own at least 5% of the total number of common shares to request rescission of the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders if there is violation on substantive law and procedural law. Accordingly, all resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders violating the substantive laws or the company’s charter are rescinded at the request of shareholders, but only serious procedural violations may be rescinded. There is no specific instructions for serious procedural violations at this time, the assessment will depend on personal perspective of the court and arbitrator.
In order to seek further advice, please contact us at [email protected] or call + 84 912 817 823.  ANT Lawyers, your law firm in Vietnam.
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Shareholder rights in Joint Stock Company in Vietnam
What Rights Shareholder Holds in Joint Stock Company?
Shareholders are individual or organization that owns at least one share of the joint-stock company and also are owner of the joint-stock company. Along with these roles, their interests are tied to business operations although they may not directly manage the day-to-day company affairs. In order to implement governance, the powers and responsibilities of each interest group such as shareholders, the board of directors, managerial personnel, etc. should be assigned based on the statutory principles and procedures.
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                                Litigation dispute law firm in Vietnam
According to the regulations on shareholders in the Law on Enterprise 2020, the rights of shareholders can be categorized into the following groups: economic rights, governance rights, information rights, and litigation rights.
Economic rights
Economic right is the right to gain all pecuniary interest with respect to the shares. The purpose of starting a business or investing in securities comes mainly from earning income or gaining profits. Economic rights accordingly include:
-Right to entitlement to dividends
-Right to transfer ownership
-Priority right to acquire the newly issued shares
-Right to entitlement to a portion of the assets after dissolution or bankrupt
-Appraisal Right
Among these above rights, right to entitlement to dividends and right to transfer ownership are the fundamental economic rights of a shareholder.
Dividend of common shares is determined according to the realized net profit and the dividend payment from the company’s retained earnings. Despite right to entitlement to dividends, shareholders are still subject to a number of limitations in law and in fact. Dividend entitlement is determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors, after the company has fulfilled tax obligations and other financial obligations, contributed to reserve fund, paid for previous losses and met the solvency for all due debts and other property obligations. Dividend is not required to be distributed annually. Depending on the business situation, the General Meeting of Shareholders may decide to retain profits for reinvestment.
Besides dividend entitlement from the company’s operating results, shareholders can also gain profits by share transfer. This kind of investment is popular with respect of shares or securities of public companies, investors do not aim for corporate governance rights as well as dividend, they intend to earn benefits by the difference of the market values of stocks, especially when the stock value increases.
Governance rights
Modern corporate governance has two principles, one is to separate ownership and governance and to separate governance and management. It means that the major shareholders should not hold senior managerial positions in the company and Chairperson of the Board of Directors should not be assigned to other senior managerial positions such as General Director and/or Director.
Shareholders may be an individual or organization which they have their own different interests, goals and abilities. The separation between ownership and management makes the situation of whom the owner is and how the share get transferred not to affect the business operation. In the meantime, the separation helps gather professional managers to implement target intended by the company. According to the laws, members of the Board of Directors of a public company concurrently holding several executive titles must be reduced to the minimum to ensure the independence of the Board of Directors, specially the Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall not be the Director/General Director in a public company as of August 1st, 2020. There are no similar rules applicable to joint stock companies which are not public company.
Attendance, speaking and voting at General Meeting of Shareholders are fundamental in governance right of common shareholders, applicable to all shareholders holding at least one share. ty. In principle, being a shareholder who holds shares of the company regardless of the number has equal rights to attend and vote at the General Meeting of Shareholders. By the General Meeting of Shareholders, the shareholders holding a certain number of shares can impact decisions on some matters such as election, dismissal, and removal of members of the Board of Directors and Controllers, amendment and supplementation of internal documents, major transactions, and others as stipulated in law on enterprise or charter. In addition to the above rights, the majority shareholders also have a number of other rights related to governance as follows:
The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to:
-Call a General Meeting of Shareholders
-Request Board of Controllers to inspect each specific matter relating to management, governance of company affairs if necessary
-Recommend matters to be included in agenda of General Meeting of Shareholders
-The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 10% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors, Board of Controllers
Information rights
Shareholders have the right to access documents and information of the company. In addition to the basic documents such as the charter, list of shareholders, meeting minutes and resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders, shareholders have the right to access to reports related to the business affairs.
However, some information is only reviewed by shareholders who own required percentage of share:
-Access and extract information on full name and contact address as specified in list of shareholders having voting right and list of shareholders having right to attend General Meeting of Shareholder; request to adjust his/her inaccurate information
-Access, extract and scan charter of company, meeting minutes of General Meeting of Shareholder and its resolution
-Access, extract and copy partial or whole list of involved persons and their contracts, transaction of which the company is other party, interests of Board of Directors, Controllers, Directors or General Directors and other managerial positions of company
-Access and extract minutes and resolutions of Board of Directors, annual or mid-year financial reports, reports of Board of Controllers, contracts and transaction approved by Board of Directors and other documents, excepting for documents related to company’s know-how and trade secrets (applicable to shareholder and group of shareholders who own at least 5% of total number of common shares, the charter may require a smaller percentage)
-Access profit and loss statements, finacial reports, governace and management assement reports; inspection reports of Board of Controllers (applicable to shareholder who own shares at least 1 consecutive year, the charter may require a smaller percentage).
Different to common joint stock company, a public company must annouce fully, accurately and promptly the periodic and extraordinary information on business, finance and governace. Other information must be annouced if it influences share price and investment decisions of shareholders and investors.
Litigation rights
The Law on Enterprises has provided a mechanism to request the Court or Arbitration to rescind the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders or sue the managerial personnels when they fail to fully and properly implement their tasks, including:
The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to:
-Request to rescind resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders when the orders and procedures of calling the meeting and making resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders seriously violate the regulations of the Law on Enterprises and company’s charter
-However, the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders adopted by 100% of the total number of voting shares is legal and effective even when the orders and procedures of calling the meeting and adopting such resolution violates regulations of the Law on Enterprises and company’s charter.
-Request to rescind resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders when its provisions violates the laws or company’s charter
-The shareholder, group of shareholders holding at least 1% of the total number of common shares is entitled to:
-Sue members of Board of Directors, Directors, General Directors separately or jointly under certain circumstances
The Chairperson of Board of Directors or the Director or General Director usually acts as the legal representative of the company, representing the company to perform rights and obligations arising from the company’s transactions, representing the company to take proceedings before the court or arbitrator. However, when their interests conflict with those of the shareholders, shareholders have the right to initiate a lawsuit claiming benefits or compensation. The Law on Enterprise also permits shareholders to sue on behalf of the company when the above managerital personnels commit violations, causing damage directly to the company and indirectly to shareholders.
Not all shareholders have the right to sue for the above managerial personnels, only those who own at least 1% of the total number of common shares. This restriction makes sense with respect of public companies, in order to eliminate unfair competition actions conducted by minority shareholders who is controlled by the rival companies because amount of 1% in public company is not a small number.
Similar to a lawsuit against a manager, shareholder or group of shareholders is also required to own at least 5% of the total number of common shares to request rescission of the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders if there is violation on substantive law and procedural law. Accordingly, all resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders violating the substantive laws or the company’s charter are rescinded at the request of shareholders, but only serious procedural violations may be rescinded. There is no specific instructions for serious procedural violations at this time, the assessment will depend on personal perspective of the court and arbitrator.
In order to seek further advice, please contact us at [email protected] or call + 84 912 817 823.  ANT Lawyers, your law firm in Vietnam.
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Shareholder rights in Joint Stock Company in Vietnam
What Rights Shareholder Holds in Joint Stock Company?
Shareholders are individual or organization that owns at least one share of the joint-stock company and also are owner of the joint-stock company. Along with these roles, their interests are tied to business operations although they may not directly manage the day-to-day company affairs. In order to implement governance, the powers and responsibilities of each interest group such as shareholders, the board of directors, managerial personnel, etc. should be assigned based on the statutory principles and procedures.
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                                Litigation dispute law firm in Vietnam
According to the regulations on shareholders in the Law on Enterprise 2020, the rights of shareholders can be categorized into the following groups: economic rights, governance rights, information rights, and litigation rights.
Economic rights
Economic right is the right to gain all pecuniary interest with respect to the shares. The purpose of starting a business or investing in securities comes mainly from earning income or gaining profits. Economic rights accordingly include:
-Right to entitlement to dividends
-Right to transfer ownership
-Priority right to acquire the newly issued shares
-Right to entitlement to a portion of the assets after dissolution or bankrupt
-Appraisal Right
Among these above rights, right to entitlement to dividends and right to transfer ownership are the fundamental economic rights of a shareholder.
Dividend of common shares is determined according to the realized net profit and the dividend payment from the company’s retained earnings. Despite right to entitlement to dividends, shareholders are still subject to a number of limitations in law and in fact. Dividend entitlement is determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors, after the company has fulfilled tax obligations and other financial obligations, contributed to reserve fund, paid for previous losses and met the solvency for all due debts and other property obligations. Dividend is not required to be distributed annually. Depending on the business situation, the General Meeting of Shareholders may decide to retain profits for reinvestment.
Besides dividend entitlement from the company’s operating results, shareholders can also gain profits by share transfer. This kind of investment is popular with respect of shares or securities of public companies, investors do not aim for corporate governance rights as well as dividend, they intend to earn benefits by the difference of the market values of stocks, especially when the stock value increases.
Governance rights
Modern corporate governance has two principles, one is to separate ownership and governance and to separate governance and management. It means that the major shareholders should not hold senior managerial positions in the company and Chairperson of the Board of Directors should not be assigned to other senior managerial positions such as General Director and/or Director.
Shareholders may be an individual or organization which they have their own different interests, goals and abilities. The separation between ownership and management makes the situation of whom the owner is and how the share get transferred not to affect the business operation. In the meantime, the separation helps gather professional managers to implement target intended by the company. According to the laws, members of the Board of Directors of a public company concurrently holding several executive titles must be reduced to the minimum to ensure the independence of the Board of Directors, specially the Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall not be the Director/General Director in a public company as of August 1st, 2020. There are no similar rules applicable to joint stock companies which are not public company.
Attendance, speaking and voting at General Meeting of Shareholders are fundamental in governance right of common shareholders, applicable to all shareholders holding at least one share. ty. In principle, being a shareholder who holds shares of the company regardless of the number has equal rights to attend and vote at the General Meeting of Shareholders. By the General Meeting of Shareholders, the shareholders holding a certain number of shares can impact decisions on some matters such as election, dismissal, and removal of members of the Board of Directors and Controllers, amendment and supplementation of internal documents, major transactions, and others as stipulated in law on enterprise or charter. In addition to the above rights, the majority shareholders also have a number of other rights related to governance as follows:
The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to:
-Call a General Meeting of Shareholders
-Request Board of Controllers to inspect each specific matter relating to management, governance of company affairs if necessary
-Recommend matters to be included in agenda of General Meeting of Shareholders
-The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 10% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors, Board of Controllers
Information rights
Shareholders have the right to access documents and information of the company. In addition to the basic documents such as the charter, list of shareholders, meeting minutes and resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders, shareholders have the right to access to reports related to the business affairs.
However, some information is only reviewed by shareholders who own required percentage of share:
-Access and extract information on full name and contact address as specified in list of shareholders having voting right and list of shareholders having right to attend General Meeting of Shareholder; request to adjust his/her inaccurate information
-Access, extract and scan charter of company, meeting minutes of General Meeting of Shareholder and its resolution
-Access, extract and copy partial or whole list of involved persons and their contracts, transaction of which the company is other party, interests of Board of Directors, Controllers, Directors or General Directors and other managerial positions of company
-Access and extract minutes and resolutions of Board of Directors, annual or mid-year financial reports, reports of Board of Controllers, contracts and transaction approved by Board of Directors and other documents, excepting for documents related to company’s know-how and trade secrets (applicable to shareholder and group of shareholders who own at least 5% of total number of common shares, the charter may require a smaller percentage)
-Access profit and loss statements, finacial reports, governace and management assement reports; inspection reports of Board of Controllers (applicable to shareholder who own shares at least 1 consecutive year, the charter may require a smaller percentage).
Different to common joint stock company, a public company must annouce fully, accurately and promptly the periodic and extraordinary information on business, finance and governace. Other information must be annouced if it influences share price and investment decisions of shareholders and investors.
Litigation rights
The Law on Enterprises has provided a mechanism to request the Court or Arbitration to rescind the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders or sue the managerial personnels when they fail to fully and properly implement their tasks, including:
The shareholder or group of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of common shares (charter may require a smaller percentage) is entitled to:
-Request to rescind resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders when the orders and procedures of calling the meeting and making resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders seriously violate the regulations of the Law on Enterprises and company’s charter
-However, the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders adopted by 100% of the total number of voting shares is legal and effective even when the orders and procedures of calling the meeting and adopting such resolution violates regulations of the Law on Enterprises and company’s charter.
-Request to rescind resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders when its provisions violates the laws or company’s charter
-The shareholder, group of shareholders holding at least 1% of the total number of common shares is entitled to:
-Sue members of Board of Directors, Directors, General Directors separately or jointly under certain circumstances
The Chairperson of Board of Directors or the Director or General Director usually acts as the legal representative of the company, representing the company to perform rights and obligations arising from the company’s transactions, representing the company to take proceedings before the court or arbitrator. However, when their interests conflict with those of the shareholders, shareholders have the right to initiate a lawsuit claiming benefits or compensation. The Law on Enterprise also permits shareholders to sue on behalf of the company when the above managerital personnels commit violations, causing damage directly to the company and indirectly to shareholders.
Not all shareholders have the right to sue for the above managerial personnels, only those who own at least 1% of the total number of common shares. This restriction makes sense with respect of public companies, in order to eliminate unfair competition actions conducted by minority shareholders who is controlled by the rival companies because amount of 1% in public company is not a small number.
Similar to a lawsuit against a manager, shareholder or group of shareholders is also required to own at least 5% of the total number of common shares to request rescission of the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders if there is violation on substantive law and procedural law. Accordingly, all resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders violating the substantive laws or the company’s charter are rescinded at the request of shareholders, but only serious procedural violations may be rescinded. There is no specific instructions for serious procedural violations at this time, the assessment will depend on personal perspective of the court and arbitrator.
In order to seek further advice, please contact us at [email protected] or call + 84 912 817 823.  ANT Lawyers, your law firm in Vietnam.
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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gnome-punk · 1 year
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
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Capitalism is built on the illusion of scarcity.
How can we possibly pay workers? We have no money after we gave the millions in stolen labor value to the CEO.
Don't fall for the tired lies. Stop CEO greed.
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humanrightsday · 2 months
(Part 4) 18th International Human Rights Summit.
The International Human Rights Summit serves as a platform for top human rights activists, dignitaries, officials and youth, to exchange ideas, develop plans of action, and forward a movement in the name of international peace. Youth for Human Rights International holds the Summit with the purpose to bring education of the #UDHR to the forefront of academic attention as the medium to end the inhumane violations of these rights that plague our society. United Nations Human Rights
United Nations Headquarters
Watch (Part 4) 18th International Human Rights Summit!
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reasonandempathy · 6 months
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And these idiots think this is persuasive.
Give people a $20 minimum wage and it'll cost TWENTY FIVE CENTS MORE.
It's always been a damnable lie.
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womenindiplomacyday · 2 years
Who are the Women who shaped the universal declaration?
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Drafted as "a common standard of achievement for all peoples and nations," the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) for the first time in human history spells out basic civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all human beings — men and women alike — should enjoy. The Declaration is a milestone document in the history of human rights, drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world. Women were key contributors who played essential parts in shaping the document.
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