#eddsworld yandere
luciel-anciel · 5 months
Love you like an Alcoholic (Matt x Tom)
TW: Abusive & Toxic relationship, dubious Consent, Alcohol Abuse, Co-dependant Relationship.
A/N: Wanted to make Matt the 'obsessed' one, though wanted to show what goes in their mind.
"Tom, do you remember about our reservation?" Matt stared at the mirror, carefully applying pink lipgloss on his lips and adding a bit of warm blush to make himself look lively. He noticed by the large mirror, that his partner was behind him near the closet and was facing away from him.
"Mhm," Tom mumbled, fumbling with his suit with glossy eyes. Though for just a simple formal outfit, it was taking him quite some time to place the button.
Though Mathew didn't care so much, just ecstatic that he'd finally go on a date night with his beloved after a rough week, their reservation was just an hour or two away anyway. And continued to stare intently at his appearance, fearing for any blemishes and imperfections.
"Won't it be romantic! Just us! I even got us the balcony view, gazing into the stars and drinking light champagne!" The flamboyant man was already imagining how lovely they'll night go and turned to look at Thomas, his face showing a lovey-dovey expression but his small dream was crushed as he noticed the brunette becoming sluggish with his movement.
His mumbling became slurred which was a sign
In their shared apartment, the ginger-haired male was relentless, in pursuing Tom's attention. Adorning himself in expensive and fashionable clothes became an obsession, a desperate attempt to grasp onto a validation that always seemed just out of reach.
Tom, however, remained elusive, drowning himself in alcohol or escaping the confines of their shared space.
"Did you drink again, my love?" His bubbly voice, turned sour— becoming a more dark one. Though the gentleness didn't disappear, a small hint of disdain was mixed into it. He had planned this reservation for months! Not to be ruined by his partner's silly antics, doesn't he understand what he did to keep this relationship afloat?
Trying to keep his dear tommee bear out of trouble from thugs when he was batshit drunk, or carrying out from bars when getting kicked out? And paying the rent despite their savings being drained dry by Smirnoff.
The atmosphere in the apartment became suffocating as Matt took the flask hidden in Tom's pocket and threw it on the tiled floor, crushing the liquor container with his bottom magenta heels. The flask punctured and then crushed between the weight of the sharp heels and the liquid seeped out.
"Are you listening to me, Tom?"
Matt's patience wore thin. His carefully crafted appearance had crumbled, his lipstick smudged, and his eyeliner now resembling a messy canvas. Frustration and resentment boiled within him as he stood tall and stared down at him.
Tom, inebriated and indifferent, regarded his partner with a mixture of annoyance and apathy. "What's your problem, Matt?" Tom slurred, the alcohol dulling his senses.
The shorter male, however, pushed the ginger aside and stumbled towards the door, acting nonchalant about the whole situation. He looked to be more irritated that his favorite flask was crippled beyond repair, than ruining his lover's preplanned date night.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?! " Matt yelled out and threw his favorite makeup pallet, onto the wall, and the branded makeup crumpled into nothing.
Strands of his hair pointed in every direction, the perfectly applied makeup now smudged and his mascara running down his face, he was panting— taking deep breaths.
"It's what's wrong with you!"
His voice dripped with bitterness. For once, just wanting to be in control of the situation, Mathew locked the door behind him before Thomas could leave the argument.
"I've sacrificed who I am to be what you want and take me for granted! " Matt spat, the toxicity of their dynamic surfacing.
Has he forgotten who's paying for this apartment? The one who had to bust out Tom numerous times out of jail due to his drunken behavior which created a scandal for his reputation? Has he forgotten that?
"Just shut up Matt, We'll miss the— reservation." Tom's response was dismissive, exacerbating the growing resentment within Matt.
"Can't you see what I did myself for you?" Matt continued, his words fueled by a toxic blend of anger and desperation. Tom, unmoved, leaned against the wall, the distance between them a stark representation of their fractured relationship.
He waved his hands around frantically, showing what he had to do to keep them financially stable, to work his ass off, makeake sure he looked his best, to look always picture perfect around Tom.
Goes too far to lavish himself in designer clothes and soft makeup to make himself look more appealing, just to get a
. warm smile.
"I did all of these for you! I try to get your attention!" He screamed at him, recollecting all those times, the pure effort it took to have Tom's affection whether that be putting himself in uncomfortable positions to satisfy his needs or giving him all his hard-earned money to buy whatever the brunette wanted from him.
"Any sort of praise! Just any thank you!"
He cried tears started to spill down his cheeks before Tom leaned towards him, giving soft kisses on his smudged lips. Matt wanted to push him away, wanted to cut ties with him but he couldn't— he adored Tom too much.
The drunk man pressed a lingering kiss to Ginger's forehead, and, they felt a static feeling.
It made him feel lightheaded and nervous,
"I've done everything for you, Tom"
He's already in this deep. What's more than a few touches could do? The ginger-haired man allowed his vulnerability to be taken advantage of as he felt the other man, slip his hand under his silk blouse, feeling the unwanted touches all over his skin.
"Can't you see what I'm willing to do for you?" He muttered, hating Tom with every ounce of his fiber, hating how he craved this man's affection even if it gave an icky feeling afterward, he just couldn't help but feel a sick twisted sense of reassurance, knowing that Tom was trapped in this relationship with him too.
If he can't have Tom's attention, then nobody else will. Even when the attention would only be given to his drunken state.
"Can't you see what I'm willing to do just to keep you, even if it's so painful?" It was useless to talk anymore, he wasn't even sure if Tom was listening to his scenic pleas or lost to exploring his pale body, the feeling of repulsion drowning him to the point where he wanted to tear off his smooth skin that was being tainted by the touches he so dearly desired.
As Matt's emotions reach a breaking point, he realizes this is the only way he'll receive the love he badly craved so it doesn't matter about his boundaries anymore— that's how much he loves Tom.
The apartment, once filled with the promise of connection, now echoed with the painful of the young adult, out of pain, out of desperation with his unfulfilled desires.
In the end, this was just another night in their apartment, trapped in a never-ending cycle of bitterness, the sad reality of a relationship that had soured beyond repair.
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dgknightblue · 2 years
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obsessivelyloved · 4 months
No no your fine! (Btw this is the same anon who asked the question), but um could you do something with Tord with this sentence? “stop looking at the door, please”
(Preferably with reader; but you can decide if you’d like to add that)
I haven't written anything this long in like two years
CW: Kidnapping
One moment you were walking home, the next, you were tied up in some guy's car, lying in the backseat. He looked giddy at the road as you screamed and begged through the gag in your mouth. He looked pained as he met your eyes in the rearview mirror. 
“Stop tugging against the rope. You’re going to hurt yourself,” he scolded. Like he was really concerned for his victim. “We’ll be home soon.” 
You trembled, unable to stop yourself from tugging frantically at your wrists. The longer this went on, the more you felt as if someone was continuously dumping you into ice water. From your hogtied position on the seats, all you could see was the blue sky steadily dulling. It was hard to tell how long you lay there before the car stopped. 
The man opened the car door, carrying a duffel bag on his shoulder. You couldn’t see any recognizable sights. 
“You poor thing” he crooned, pulling you closer to him. He inspected your wrists, clicking his tongue. He bends down and slings you over his other shoulder. 
Frantically, you darted your head around. Houses went on for all you could see. There were no road signs, and no people outside. No eyes to see you carried inside. The door closed and tears blurred your vision. He set you on a couch, humming. 
“No more tears, love. I’ll take a look at your wrists and get you out of these nasty ropes.” He wiped your face with his red sleeve, much gentler than you would have ever expected. 
Hope bloomed in your chest. Maybe you could punch him? Or just, something! You had to be able to do something. 
He left the room and returned with…. pink fuzzy handcuffs? It was so absurd you almost stopped crying. 
“I’m sorry,” he says gently. “It was the only thing I could find on such short notice. I’ve got another pair coming in the mail, you’ll enjoy that color much more.” 
He sets the handcuffs down next to you, reaching down into his black jeans. Out of his pocket, he pulls out a switchblade. He firmly grabs your wrists, pulling them as far as he could from your body. 
You sit as still as you can. With wide eyes, you watch as he cuts through the rope. You barely move your hands an inch out of the ropes before he swiftly closes the cuffs on your wrists.
He pats your cheek, smirking. “Doesn’t that feel better?” 
You don’t bother trying to answer. Drool dribbles out of the corners of your mouth, pooling around the gag. 
Your kidnapper stands up straight, rolling his shoulders. “As much as I’d love to get you used to the house, my roommates will be home soon. They’re a bit… much. I don’t want to overwhelm you even more, sweetheart.” 
Nausea rolls through you. Your face felt hot and sticky, a fresh wave of hot tears starting again 
The man’s face softens. He reaches out, cupping your face. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but you’re going to be fine. Let’s get you to my room and you can get cozy and start settling in.” 
He gathers you into his arms and over his shoulder again. This time, all you’re interested in is the blurry floor. Down a hall you go and into a bedroom. Laid down on the bed, you stare down at your wrists. From what you could see beneath the cuffs, they were an angry shade of red, rope marks snaking around your wrists. Tugging made it worse, pain shooting up your arms. 
The man moved around his room, singing under his breath. You couldn’t make out the words or what language it was. 
“Up we go now, dearest,” he says as he gently sits you up against his pillows. He has a different gag in his hands. 
As soon as he takes out the one you have, you rush out, “I won’t scream!” Your voice is hoarse and your throat is dry. He paused, eyebrows furrowed and you added shakily, “Please. I-I promise I won’t scream.” 
He sets it on his nightstand beside the bed. 
“A single shout from you and it goes right back into your pretty mouth. Understand?” 
You violently shake your head. “Y-Yes. I, I understand.” 
He smiles at you, sitting down next to you. “Good. It’d be such a shame if your first night home was… unpleasant.” 
You tense, turning your head away from him. Your heart races as you look around his room. Against his wall was a bookshelf, with both books and robotic parts. A TV was raised flat against his wall. On his dresser was….. Pictures of you. 
Your hands grow clammy as your mind struggles to process what you are seeing. Pictures of you. Are on. His dresser. 
What the fuck. What the fuck. 
His eyes follow your line of sight and he cheeses at you. 
“They’re my favorite ones,” He chuckles. “It took me a while to get them. You’re hardly ever outside your house without work clothes.” 
You sitting in a nook, curled up against a wall reading a book with a mug of coffee steaming on the table in front of you. You planting flowers. You excitedly looking at something, clearly beyond a camera. 
You in a cafe. In front of your house. At the mall. You don’t recall a single memory of the man beside you. Of ever seeing him in these places, much less someone pointing a camera at you.
“How long have you been…” your voice comes out in a hoarse whisper. “How long have you been watching me?” 
The man leans in to press a kiss to your cheek. “Too long,” he mumbles against your skin. He kisses you again, not minding the tears. 
You jerk your head to the bedroom door. Hope rises against your better judgment but you have the sense not to scream. 
The bedroom door opens to reveal a brown-haired man in a green hoodie. “Tord, we found the- Oh, hello!” He smiles at you, eyes warm and face nonchalant. Like this was normal. “You’re here much earlier than expected.” 
You say nothing, staring wide-eyed. 
He turns to the man -Tord you’re assuming- and scolds him. 
“You were supposed to wait until we had dinner ready!” 
Tord sheepishly shrugs. “They were walking home! It was perfect timing!” 
The brown-haired man rolls his eyes and sighs. “I’m truly sorry,” he tells you. “But I suppose it’s good to let you get settled in first. I’ll be back with a hot drink.” 
He closes the door and like clockwork, you burst into sobs. You try to stifle them as best you can. It would be best not to test how loud it would take for you to be gagged again. 
You stare at the door as Tord pulls you close. “Oh honey,” he murmurs. “It’s going to be alright.” 
Tord grabs his remote on his nightstand and turns the TV on. You don’t need to look to know you’re hearing your favorite show. All you can do is helplessly stare at the door and strain your ears to hear how many other people are in the house. 
“Tom, move your damn vodka out of the fridge! You don’t need the whole pack cold at once!” 
“Oh so you can have all your soda cold but I can’t have my smirnoff in there?”
“Not all of it’s mine! Some of it’s for Tord’s partner.” 
“Oh! They’re here?! I want to see them!” 
“Wait until dinner. I’m sure the commie’s got his pants down by now.”
“Oh that’s just gross! Don’t talk like that Tom, it’s very rude. They in fact both had their pants on and clothing intact when I popped in.”
You don’t hear more than three voices bicker and move around. But still, it’s…. a lot. Four people total are keeping you in this house for god knows what reason. You refuse to think about the clothes comment. You wouldn’t you wouldn’t you wouldn’t or you were going to puke. 
“Stop looking at the door, please.” 
You nearly jump out of your damn skin hearing Tord’s voice. It snaps you out of your thoughts. You sniffle, taking deep breaths. You turn your attention to the tv and desperately try not to think about what fucked up situation you’re in.
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therealestgalthereis · 8 months
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Warnings; Mentions of stalking, drugging, kidnapping "And I've got eyes to watch you sleep" - Stalker's Tango ---------------------- For weeks now, you had been on edge. Not only was your.. 'lovely' London being taken hold of by the Red army, but an odd feeling had developed. It was like you were being watched almost constantly, you could feel someone's eyes on you often, and it made your skin crawl. Everday you'd have your blinds closed, making the effort to stray far away from any windows whilst changing. It never helped. 'Paranoid. I'm just paranoid," you thought to yourself as you brushed your teeth. The feeling of being watched had only worsened today - to the point you had called in sick from work just to avoid going outside. Spitting out the toothpaste into your sink, you ran a hand through your hair, trying to calm down your nerves. You switched the bathroom light off, stepping into your dimly lit hallway. Standing at the end of it was a tall man. Your heart began racing and you blinked, narrowed your eyes, trying to get a better look at whoever was inside your apartment. Looking away for a moment, you tried to convince yourself you had gone delusional with fear - and you wished you had. Once you looked back, it.. was gone. A sigh of relief escaped you. Then, you felt a hand snake around your waist. "GET THE HELL OFF ME!" you screeched, eyes wide with fear. "Shh, don't thrash around so much," a voice with a Norwegian accent cooed in your ears. It was deep, and gruff, almost scratchy. It send shivers down your spine. You felt his other hand grab something in his pocket, before he slammed it over your mouth. It was a cloth, and it smelled funny. For a few more moments, you thrashed around, before slowly going limp. Tord easily supported your weight, a fond smile spreading across his scarred face 'Finally..' he thought to himsef, a content sigh escaping him. He had been stalking you for months, and couldn't help himself from finally getting what he so deeply wanted. You.
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youregunnabemine · 6 months
CHAPTER THREE; "Awkward is an understatement."
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{Y/N} flinched back slightly, eyes widening. Mr. Larkson was staring straight at her now. The two made eye contact, interest on his scarred face. She kept her eyes trained on him, furrowing her eyebrows slightly. After a minute or two of intense eye contact, {Y/N} looked away, swallowing thickly. 'It.. doesn't matter. Not gonna talk to him if I have any say in it.' she thought to herself firmly, stalking off to one of the other patrons. Almost half an hour had passed, and {Y/N} had forgotten all about the mobster sitting a few tables away, busying herself with preparing drinks. That was until she looked over slightly, and saw him sitting at a bar stool. She swore her heart stopped. When did he even get there? Soon though, she felt annoyance bubble to the surface. One thing. She wanted one thing - to avoid him. And now he was somewhere she couldn't ignore him. Begrudgingly, {Y/N} made her way slowly to him. She didn't want to, but she'd never hear the end of it from her boss if she ignored a patron. So, once she had found herself in front of the man, she offered her best smile. "What'll it be?" She asked in an almost chipper tone, though all she wanted to do was get the fuck out of there.
The man took one last drag on his cigar, before snuffing it out on the pub table in front of him. When he finally spoke, {Y/N} wished he had kept his mouth shut. His voice was rasped, gruff. It sounded almost guttural. She assumed the reason for his disturbing voice was all the scars - made her wonder how he had gotten such a bad injury. "You got Aquavit?" He had asked, leaning forward across the counter slightly. ..Aquavit? Okay, now that was something {Y/N} was sure they didn't have. {Y/N} shook her head, "Eh.. no, I don't think so." For a moment or two, his face went sour, "Well.. whatever." A small grin spread on his face, "Y'know, you're quite the sight," he mused, raising his eyebrows, "Got a name?" In that moment, every red-flag went off in {Y/n}'s mind. She didn't want this murderer knowing her name! But she wasn't stupid, and knew it was much easier to answer his question. "..{Y/N}, I'm {Y/N} {L/N}." He whistled appreciatorily, "{Y/N} {L/N}, eyh? Gorgeous." He chuckled. Truth be told; {Y/N} wanted to get the fuck out of here. Perhaps to Tord, he was having the time of his life, finally able to talk to his little lady. But {Y/N}? This was horrifying. She didn't want to be associated with some murderer
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OMGHIHIHI THIS MAY BE A LITTLE ODD BUT COULD WE GET A TOM X READER X EDUARDO? maybe reader is a neighbor from like across the street or smthn and usually edd n eduardo fight, but since they(reader) moved there tom and eduardo have been getting in fights over them?
| " Don't even look at her. "
YES???? HELL YEAH ^_^ YAN!Eduardo x reader x YAN!Tom Warnings; YANDERE STUFF (obvi), threats, sexual innuendos Drabble ALSO I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG-- SCHOOL N LIFE HAVE BEEN KICKING MY ASS
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Quite literally, the only thing you could hear was your roommate and the neighbor fighting. What time even was it?
A glance at the clock showed it was 6:45 am.
To be honest, you weren't even sure why they were arguing; typically quarrels with Eduardo were fought with Edd, not Tom.
With sluggish steps, you made your way outside, yawning.
"Tom?" You asked groggily when you made it outside, only to see Tom attempting to climb the fence, harpoon in hand. "Tom-!" With as much haste as your tired body could muster, you ran to Tom, yanking him away from the wooden fence by his waist,
"Wh-- Y/N?" he blinked a few times at you, his face going pink with blush. "What're you doing up so early?" Tom asked, looking genuinely confused. "I could ask you the same thing," was your retort as you let go of him. He mumbled something you couldn't quite hear over Eduardo clearing his throat. Looking up you saw the tanned man slicking back his hair with his hand, a big grin on his face.
"Hello, Y/N! Long time no see, ey?" You smiled at him, "Hello, Eduardo," was your short, but kind enough, response. It seemed to make him happy-- perhaps even elated, as his grin grew, and you swore you could see his cheeks turn rosy red. Tom huffed, wrapping his arms around you- something which caused your own face to flush.
"Why don't you go do something important, huh?" Tom sneered at Eduardo, holding you closer still. The man on the other side of the fence seemed to ponder Tom's words, before looking at you for a few moments, then back to Tom,
"I wish I could," he winked at you, biting lightly on his lower lip. The meaning wasn't lost on you, and it caused your face to heat up more, a nervous-- but rather flattered smile crawling onto your face.
Tom caught the meaning as well, "And what's that supposed to mean?" He began hotly, "If you ever make that kind of comment about Y/N again I swear I'll beat your ass!" The sudden aggression in your friends voice caught you quite off guard,
"I can say whatever I want, freak," Eduardo replied, scowling at Tom. "no need to be so hostile."
A growl emerged from Tom, and in a huff he dragged you back inside, middle finger stuck up at Eduardo.
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ilikesillythings · 4 months
Tom x reader
Edd x Reader
"Sweeter than a milkshake" Tom x Reader x Edd
Tws; none Fluff Established relationsips Poly (TomEdd on top<3) (Im so sorry if you dont like ships, if you dont just pretend Edd and Tom are PLATONICALLY together- I would've written two different fics, but I wouldn't know who to @.)
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It was days like this you were glad for your two boyfriends. A boring, but sunny day never stayed boring for long when you dated the two insane men known as Edd and Tom.
"Love!" Edd called to you from the kitchen, holding a flyer, "A new cafe opened up nearby, wanna go with me to check it out-- oh, and ask Tom if he wants to as well!!" he added the last part with a goofy grin. "Kay!" You returned, walking to your other boyfriends' room.
Your knucked rapped against the door, "Tomme?" Hearing something thud softly from inside of his room, and small footsteps, you took a step away from the door right before it opened slightly.
"Oh- {Y/N}!" Tom said, his once grumpy face shifting to an excited, goofy grin once his eyes (supposedly, it was hard to tell) settled onto you. He always seemed to brighten up upon seeing you, or Edd for that matter. "Edd wanted to know if you wanted to go to this new cafe with us?"
Immediately Tom nodded excitedly, "Hell yeah!" was his reply as he hooked his arm with you, shutting his door with his foot, walking briskly to the kitchen where Edd was stood, skim-reading the flyer. "You ready, smeg head?" Tom asked Edd, who in turn chuckled, nodding
The cafe wasn't too far away, and since it was nice out you enjoyed the walk. In fact, it was almost a bit too warm, the sun feeling hot against the back of your neck, but the prospect of this oddly made it worth it. "I wonder if they have Cola.." Edd mused to himself softly, causing you and Tom to chuckle.
Eventually, the three of you reached the cafe. It was clearly based off of the 1960s, so with renewed interest, you were the first to step in, followed by Edd, then Tom.
It was fairly empty inside in terms of people, decorations on the other hand were a different story. The walls were white, with black and white checkered floors, red seated booths with long cyan blue tables, a juke box, playing 'These Boots Were Made For Walking' softly, a static hum faintly following the melody, as the thing seemed as though it had seen better days. The walls were covered in photos, Coca Cola signs, photos of dramatically lit lava lamps, barbies, surfers, and tie-dyed shirts. Near the wall was a long counter, red surfaced bar stools in front of it.
Your eyes surveyed over everything, in awe. "Whoa.." you whispered, sitting down at one of the bar stools. Chuckling to themselves, Edd and Tom sat on either side of you, "This is certainly something, huh?" Tom asked with a raised eyebrow,
"Look.." Edd murmured with stars in his eyes, pointing at the large Cola sign. Tom rolled his eyes, mumbling under his breath, "It is cool in here," you eventually said, tilting your head to the side.
Once a waitor gave each of you a menu, Edd got a Cola, Tom black coffee, and you? A milkshake. But, no matter how sweet the {F/F (favourite fruit) } milkshake turned out to be, you knew for a fact that your boys were much, much sweeter.
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skelethom · 2 months
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I posted it on my insta so why not post here
First one is a post from March 2021
And the other one is April 2024 :3
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sillymaxing · 2 months
I just found your blog and your writing is SO good omg
May I request platonic yandere future tord with a younger sibling reader?
Platonic Yandere Tord & Younger sibling reader part 1
Gender Neutral reader
Btw, this is kinda like prologue. You don’t actually meet Tord in this part. I PROMISE IM WORKING ON THE NEXT PART. This just started feeling way too long for me.
You were born 8 years after Tord was born.
Growing up with him was filled with bickering, but also a scary undying loyalty from his end.
God, you wish you could go back in time and relive those days. He was your go-to for almost everything. Your best friend.
He moved out to search for apartments when he was 21. You were just about 13 at the time.
House after house, apartment after apartment, Tord had trouble getting on his feet. But throughout your teenage years you stayed in contact. You two stayed very close.
Until one day, when you were turning 18, All of Tord’s social medias seemed to just disappear. You had decided to reach out to him, blowing up his phone, but he never responded. You asked his roommates what happened.
They said he just left in a hurry. He packed his things and was gone.
For a long time you obsessed over finding him. You gave up after a few years.
You moved out when you were 20, able to find your own apartment and get on your feet relatively easily.
You had never forgotten about your brother. The way he abandoned you. Left everything behind.
You knew he wasn’t kidnapped. He obviously took the time and effort to wipe himself off the face of the internet.
And sure, you cried and screamed and threw a fit for a while, but eventually you decided to put it behind you.
Plus, all that is the least of your worries when you start to notice a car outside of your apartment. Tinted windows. You couldn’t see inside. It would park on your street and stay there.
For the next week things felt off. The whole town seemed tense. You would occasionally see strangely dressed figures lurking around town in blue trench coats.
Eventually, someone got out of the car. And they came to your door.
It was a man with an upside-down name tag, you could barely make it out.
He explained to you that your brother wanted to see you. Tord wanted to see you. He explained that you could go willingly or go fighting.
A part of you was curious, but this was certainly an odd way of reaching out. You didn’t trust it.
But still, you complied. Plus, this dude was carrying a gun.
He told you to pack your things. Personal items and any medication. He explained that all toiletries, clothing and food would be covered by Tord.
Something twisted in your gut. Something was wrong. Something told you that you weren’t gonna see this place again.
While packing, you decided to call the cops. The phone call didn’t go through. Actually, nothing seemed to go through to anyone. You tried to reach out for help, but all your communications were seemingly cut.
The man seemed to notice these attempts, but didn’t say anything.
After about 20 minutes, he was ushering you into the backseat of the car. There was another man in the driver’s seat.
He looked serious and mean. Cold. He didn’t even give you a glance.
It was a long drive, and any questions you asked were just met with silence. You tried to open up your door at one point, but it was locked. Child safety or whatever.
Eventually you pass out. It gets late, and you’re just being driven on empty roads.
Of course, eventually you do end up at the Red Army base.
And it isn’t likely that you’ll be leaving anytime soon.
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regular-clown · 6 months
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someonemultifandom · 3 months
Well, after so much time drawing shopkins I've drawn a cover for My fanfic!
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stela20 · 5 months
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( Eddsworld Yandere Tord x Y/N حبيبتي ، سوف تكون لي يوما ما ️)
هذي صفحتي من موقع quotev و حبيت انشر قصتي
❤ استمتعو
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thislucagirl · 11 months
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Hello, to the people who are reading this.
I'm Eri, I go by LUCA. I'm still new to this, so it will take some time for me to get comfortable around here.
What I write may not be to your "liking", or according to your request. Have my condolences. I'll try better next time.
I will get some inspiration from some blogs that I find fun in reading their work, i won't steal them. I repeat, I won't steal their work.
With that cleared up, let's start.
south park
FNaF / afton family
into/across the spider-verse
gravity falls
dead plate
hazbin hotel / helluva boss
undertale / AUs
obey me
bungo stray dogs / demon slayer / haikyuu / blue lock / chainsaw man / spy X family / deadtube
=> I can make any gender of reader.
=> I won't do: kinks, bullying, OCs. On another note; SH, S/A, and body shaming. If you are suffering from one or both of them please reach out for help. You are loved.
=> I will do: angst, fluff, yandere, gore content, headcanons, poly relationships etc.
=> Please do not request smut. I'm not comfortable with writing any type of sexual thing.
=> I won't write romantic things about kids in the fandoms I mentioned.
You can request from my profile. While requesting please include:
• character(s)
• gender and detail of the Y/N.
• the genre (angst, fluff, yandere etc.)
• the style (headcanon, oneshot, scenario etc.)
• lastly, if you have a plot on mind include that too :)
Have a great day.
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Signing off... 2.03.2024 23:56
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obsessivelyloved · 9 months
Day 1: Monster
The prompt is from this list. Hope you guys enjoy!
There were scratch marks on your porch this morning—big, deep ones. You called out of work. You called animal control. There was nothing they could do.
A set of large footprints circled your house. They wrapped around it over and over, as if something was pacing. They stopped, deep, in front of your bedroom window. There were claw marks on your windowsill.
You had slept with your curtains open.
“Sorry,” The man from animal control had apologized, wringing his hands. “More than likely, it was a curious bear smelling food from your house. It’s long gone into the woods. But if you hear anything at night, hide up in your attic and give us a call.”
You numbly nodded your head. “Will do, thanks for- thanks for your time.”
The man left and all you could do was stare down at your porch, at the large footprints, with fear stuck in your throat. It wasn’t a bear. Bears didn’t have such large claws or feet like a coyote. Or the kind of feet bunnies have, whatever it was.
You didn’t want to stay home but you had nowhere else to go. You had recently moved to this dreary part of England, a little away from the city. It was in your grandmother’s will for you to inherit the house; you couldn’t turn it down. It was completely paid off, all you had to pay was the normal stuff like electricity and water. But now, well, maybe you should have waited until you your friend's lease was up. You would have been dealing with this stress better with someone.
Trees lined the back side of the house, but your grandmother had never been worried about animals. She didn’t even have a backyard fence, not having too many neighbors out here.
“I should go see if the hardware store sells cameras,” you say to yourself.
With a shaky breath, heart still hammering inside your chest, you gather what you need and head out. Thankfully, there’s a couple of stores ten minutes away. They’re mostly the necessities, anything but the basics and a few variety items, you have to drive to the city for. It’s a tad annoying but it’s nice to be able to own a house. Something you thought was going to be impossible in this day and age to do.
You feel as if you're in a fog, entering the small parking lot. Watching through a camera as you enter the hardware store.
Fuck you were so scared that the thing was going to come back. What if it turned out to be the Rake? That thing had haunted you for years. Stuff like that has always scared you even though you know it’s not real. Or, hope it’s not real.
“Hi! Need any help today?”
The cashier snaps you out of the fog a little, but you’re still freaked out.
“Hi,” you say, your voice cracking a little. “Do you guys sell cameras here? Like, the ones for outside?”
The lady, Jess, her name tag helpfully supplies, hums a little. She looks off to the side as she thinks.
“I um, have an animal problem,” you add. “The animal control services think it’s a bear, but I’m not sure.”
Jess lit up. “We should still have some trail cams leftover from hunting season. They’ll be right this way.”
She led you through the small store, the small aisles feeling suffocating. The cameras were on an almost completely bare shelf, the words 50% in bold hung on a banner above the shelf.
“Now that hunting season is over, we can’t really sell these. This-“ she grabs a black camera off of the shelf, “-model is the last we have. I’m not going to lie, it kind of sucks but it’s better than nothing if you really need it.”
You take a deep breath. The panic sinks in a little harder. “How does it suck? I actually really need something. I-I want to be prepared to call animal control if the bear comes back tonight.”
She gives you a sympathetic smile.
“It has a three minute delay. Most hunters hate these since their prey tends to scatter by the time they’re caught on the feeds, but this should work for you since bears aren’t too fast when they have nothing to do. I’d recommend trying to set at least one up further from your property, so you can catch the bear quicker.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.”
“Of course! Let me know if you need help with anything.”
Jess sets the box back onto the shelf, leaving you to your thoughts. Even at fifty percent off these were expensive…..
In the end, you could only afford three. Jess rang you up and wished you well with your bear problem.
You didn’t want to go home. Somehow, you did. One moment you were sitting in your car, staring blankly at the woods, then the next, you were setting up the cameras as best you could.
One was set as high up as you could get it onto the trees behind your house. Another went next to your porch light. And the last, you put above your back door.
After you set them up, connecting them to your laptop, you waited. You waited and waited. Restless, pacing the house with your laptop plugged in and open. Night falls and you distantly think you’re going to be sick. You don’t make dinner. You hardly drink. All you can do is wait.
Eventually, you move your things up to the attic. You turned all the lights off in the house before moving some blankets and pillows upstairs. You’re so thankful there were plugins in the attic. Your laptop dying would have stressed you out more.
By 12 a.m., you start to relax a little. Nothing has triggered your cameras. Whatever it was probably won’t come back. Nothing of worth laid outside your house.
You blink and 1 am glares at you from the corner of your screen. You curl into your blankets and drift off to sleep……
Your laptop beeps.
You bolt awake, scrambling to pull your laptop close. The furthest camera caught movement. Something big was making its way past the tree line. Next, your back door caught it. The night vision didn’t help you at all in trying to figure out what the hell was out there.
If it didn’t have horns above its head you’d thought it was a bear.
Fear crawled up your chest as it sniffed the back door, pawing at the wooden steps. As it moves towards the side of the house, your brain starts to work again.
You scramble around for your phone, desperate to call animal control. But…. you left it downstairs.
Tears prickle your eyes as your laptop beeps again. The porch camera caught it.
You press your hands tight against your mouth. Tears and whimpers escape as you can only stare at the screen.
Sharp purple horns jutted out from its head, dark purple scales lined it’s body. And it’s face….. It had sharp teeth and one black eye.
It was inside the house.
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therealestgalthereis · 5 months
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Silly drawing from a rp im in wit a friend {COLOURED VER UNDER THE CUT :3}
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youregunnabemine · 6 months
CHAPTER TWO; "Not him."
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Yet another day of grueling work. {Y/N} slid a glass of Bourbon to a man with shaggy brown hair, stubble, sunken eyes with slight eyebags underneath. "Thanks, miss." He gruffly mumbled. She weren't sure why, but he looked fairly familiar. Not someone {Y/N} had talked to or something, but she had seen Laurel laughing with him once or twice. "..So, you know Laurel?" He asked, sipping from his glass. {Y/N} quirked her head to the side at this, nodding. He chuckled, "So you must be {Y/N}, right?" Surprise flashed across her face, but she nodded, a smile tugging at her lips "The one and only." She said with a now big, proud smile. The man laughed roughly, setting down his glass. The liquid splashed out the side slightly. "Like that attitude! I'm Eduardo." He stuck out his hand, which looked worn, and calloused. Briskly, {Y/N} shook his hand. For a few minutes, the pair chatted, laughing and joking about god knows what. That was until one of your co-workers shouted for {Y/N} to come over. She sighed, waving bye to Eduardo. "What?" {Y/N} asked, placing a hand on her hip. "Shh!!" The coworker, Hellucard put his finger to his lips, before pointing at a table towards the back of the bar. It was the kind of place that had booths, most towards the exit. Sat in one, alone, was a man. He was tall, even sitting down. Deep brown hair that sat on his shoulders in a short mullet, though he had bangs that sat just above his eyes. Most oddly, in the front of his hair was two pieces standing on end, resembling heavily of devil horns. Clutched in a hand covered in what looked to be burn scars was a fat cigar, smoke rising and curling into intricate patterns before disappearing into the air But it wasn't his hair, not his scarred hand that caught {Y/N}'s eye. It was his face. The left side was normal, with smooth skin, sunken gray eye, and a sneer of his lips. But the right? Fuck was that a sight. Scars littered it. The eye grossly mutualized, parts of his jaw and chin almost looking like they were frayed. "Wait.. is that-!?" Hellucard laughed at {Y/N}'s sudden frightful response, and he nodded, "Yep! The Larkson." {ONE AND PROLLY ONLY A/N RN; I won't be using real last names ever.} "Why is he.. y'know.. here? Not like this place is much good anyways." {Y/N} kept her gaze fixed on Mr. Larkson, unease building up inside of her. "No idea," Hellucard shrugged, running a hand through his messy blond hair "..I don't like this." She mumbled to herself, a pit building in her stomach.
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