#eden : gimme attention
lunaetis · 1 year
@dnangelic replied to your post :
dark vc where's MY attention, first of all,
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​─「エデン」─  " it's international dog day, are you a dog ? " well, it wasn't like she was one either but that was beside the point. if he could justify his request for attention then she would gladly give it to him.
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scekrex · 5 months
Love your writing!!
Can I request an Adam x Lucifer’s Ex! reader? Reader is basically the same rank as Lucifer was (so he’s the same strength as him too) Basically, they split up after he and Lilith got together and gave Eve the Apple. Reader is extremely depressed about it but then he meets one of the humans from Eden, Adam . And they find solidarity and comfort in going through the same/similar situation.
Lowkey giving that one scene from Steven Universe (No idea if you’ve watched/like SU so, if you’re not sure what I’m talking about, I’ll link it here. (If you want, you can probably just skip to the time stamps or watch all of it, either’s fine, but it starts at 2:33 and ends around 3:11
Spoilers for Steven Universe, if you even care.
(The context for the SU scene is ofc different, but just the overall vibe of it is what I mean.) but just 2 people abandoned by someone who was supposed to be their soulmate (Twice for Adam) and them finding love in each other in the end.
(Like, imagine both the fluff AND angst potential.)
Also!! If/After you write this one, I might request a Part 2 of this with angst for the aftermath of EP.8. (ONLY if you’re ok with it OFC! If not, just tell me in your A/N for this one and I won’t send it!!)
I hope you have a great day!!!! 💙💙
Okay first of all: gimme that EP 8 request right now, I need it soooo badly °^° I haven't seen SU but I've watched the scene you linked and it helped to get the vibe right so much, this is a lil short but dragging it out just to make it appear longer felt wrong. I hope you like it though. Also friendly reminder: this is set in Eden before Adam became a douchebag.
Part 2
I'm a jester and I'm yours, call me your fool
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, hurt (with comfort)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Eden had always been the place for you to ge whenever you felt sad or upset, it calmed you down, eased your mind, made your thoughts shut up for only a couple moments. Lucifer had betrayed you, you knew that, you also knew that it had been for the best to end things with him before he would take it too far with his wish for free will and with the things that were going on between him and Lilith. And before you even realized how sad that made you feel, to be betrayed, to be replaced by a mortal soul that would never be as pure as you were, you started crying - it wasn’t loud and if someone wouldn’t have paid attention it was also not visible but Adam did pay attention. Lucifer and Lilith had given Eve the apple, the forbidden fruit, how much further would heaven allow them to go? You weren’t sure. What you were sure about though, was the fact that you missed Lucifer, you missed his warmth, his chaotic yet gentle way of handling things, no matter what it was. You missed his creative mind, his joyful character, the love he had held for you that he had never been able to hide. You missed your clumsy blonde little angel - you shook your head, no, he was no longer yours.
And while you tried to sort your emotions out, the brunette human carefully creeped closer, he noticed your sadness and despite the fact that he didn’t know why you were crying, he felt like he understood without knowing the true reason - he had heard them whispering about it. About how Lucifer had left his boyfriend in order to get together with the first woman, his ex wife, Lilith. And while one loss alone had been seemingly impossible to carry, Adam had not only lost Lilith to his former best friend, he had also lost Eve. Eve, who had tried to talk him into eating the apple as well, he had refused to though, he wanted to remain pure, if she decided that wasn’t for her though, then that was her deal and not Adam’s.
Once he had reached you, he quietly sat down next to you, he wanted to take the sadness away from you, a creature as gorgeous and heavenly as yours should not sit in Eden and cry. He wanted to ask you why you were crying, who caused all those tears but he felt like it wasn’t his place to do so - you were an angel after all. Was he even allowed to sit next to you? The first man didn’t know, but he was sure that if he wouldn’t be allowed near you, you would tell him so. Lucifer might be disobeying heaven’s rules, but you? You looked too pure to do so.
You quickly wiped your tears away as soon as you noticed the presence next to you, when you turned your head to look at the person that had decided to take their place by your side, you were quite surprised to see the face of the first man there. “You look so sad,” the brunette hummed as he reached out to gently touch your cheek. Your golden, broken looking eyes met equally broken brown ones and you somehow found comfort in them, even though they belonged to a total stranger. “Yeah,” you softly chuckled at his words, a small smile forced itself onto your lips, “I guess that’s normal when you get dumped, though.” So the rumors had been true, Lucifer had left his boyfriend for Adam’s former wife. He inhaled deeply, “That’s what love brings.” And yeah, he had a point. Love was able to bring joy and happiness, but it could also take those feelings away from you within seconds. Carefully you leaned into Adam’s touch and closed your eyes as you breathed in the scent of the brunette. “A creature as beautiful as you shouldn’t be sad over losing someone like Lucifer though,” the first man continued and gently caressed your cheek with his thumb, wiping away all remains of your tears. “That’s so easy to say, Adam,” your voice cracked when you said his name and you opened your eyes again, “He was everything.” Adam nodded, he understood, “So was Eve. And Lilith. But sometimes they choose a different path than you do and there is nothing you can do to change that.”
And looking at it that way made you realize that Adam was in the same situation as you were, a situation that tore apart everything just because Lucifer had made a reckless decision. You had lost everything and so had Adam, you were sitting in the same boat, sailing the same ocean of sadness. But now you had found each other, so at least you weren’t sailing alone anymore. “Adam?” you asked quietly as you looked at the first man, making sure you’d get nothing but honesty when your eyes met his, “Can you stay?” And without hesitation the first man nodded, this would not only bring you comfort and take a little bit of the sadness away from you, no, the brunette would also find comfort in this, you would keep his mind busy and that he was very thankful for.
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animalanie · 4 years
Oneshot - Detroit: Become Human [Take Care]
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Title: Take Care
Pairing: Connor RK800 x Gender Neutral Reader
Word count: +1.8K words
Warnings: Mention of death, mild language
A/N: This started off a little more depressed than I thought it would. :/
Basically Connor and Y/N acting like Hank’s parents.
If you would like to see my other works, feel free to check out my Masterlist! Or if you’d like to request something from any of these fandoms, here is where you can request!
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“Give me another one.” Hank slurred as he slammed his empty glass against the bar’s counter. 
“Careful, these glasses are expensive. Wouldn’t want to add these onto your tab as well, now, would you? I think your trip to the Eden club was enough for the entire year.” You teased as he grunted in response. 
He was slumped over, as he usually was, and tried to push the glass in your direction. You chuckled and shook your head before finally grabbing the glass and pouring him another drink.
“You know, this is your seventh?” You nonchalantly mentioned and stared at the glass as the red liquid from your serving bottle splashed gently into in.
“Didn’t know you kept count for your customers.” He mumbled, clearly displeased by your statement and you shrugged, handing him his drink back.
“I’m just worried, Hank. At this rate, coming to this bar has higher chances of killing you than your job does. And to be honest, that’s disappointing considering how dangerous being a part of the police force is.”
“Are you done?” He finally looked up at you with his usual disgruntled expression. You sighed and rolled your eyes, going back to wiping the few leftover cups on your counter. 
No one was in the bar currently but the lieutenant and yourself so you had plenty time to talk to your heart’s content. However, when Hank started getting drunk, you thought it would be better to minimize your conversation as to not piss him off over something trivial. 
“You know,” Hank started suddenly, bringing you out of your thoughts as you subconsciously rubbed a clean cloth around the glass slowly. “I had a case today and, uh, I went to the crime scene to investigate.” He gulped down whatever was left of his drink and slammed the glass onto the counter.
You remained silent as he fumbled to find any words and looked up at you, his eyes baggy from possible lack of sleep.
“There was a... a kid.” He trailed off quickly before shaking his head. “Nah, nevermind, it’s not important. I’d rather have this conversation sober.” You furrowed your eyebrows, frustrated that he suddenly decided against speaking when he finally started to trust you with his feelings. A part of you, however, thought it best to question him about it later as you stared at his troubled expression.
“Are you okay?” He only shook his head.
“For fuck’s sake, they were just trying to live normal lives like us. Like you and I want to live. They were killed just for wanting that.”
You looked down and placed the glass in your hand slowly on the counter in front of you, not quite knowing how to respond. It wasn’t difficult to assume that the kid he mentioned brought back some trauma Hank had always tried hiding from you and Connor.
“Some humans are... terrible people, Hank. We can’t stop that. But we can help figure out who did this. You can.” You tried your best to bring his hopes up but were not quite sure what effect it had when he scoffed and pushed his glass towards you once more.
“I don’t wanna fucking hear it, okay? Just pour me the drink. I am paying you, aren’t I?” He raised his finger, making you shut your lips tightly against your will as you grabbed the glass and started pouring his drink.
“You don’t have to go through it alone, you know that, right?” You mumbled and pushed his drink towards him but Hank didn’t have the time to answer, if he was ever going to. The light sound of the bell rung in your bar as your door opened and in walked the android you had grown close to because of his constant visits.
“Hey, Connor.” You smiled lightly, still feeling the weight of your unfinished conversation on your shoulders. The android, however, stared at the old man, perplexed, before turning to you with a slightly disappointed look. You furrowed your eyebrows as he walked forward and leaned onto the counter.
“I thought you would take care of Hank, Y/N.” He shook his head lightly after noticing the state Hank was in. 
“And I am! Don’t blame me!” You scoffed and stepped back in disbelief when Hank looked back up to stare at the android.
“Hey, stop bothering them! Don’t tell Y/N how to do their own job, asshole.” He grunted before going back to his drink, making you exhale sharply as an attempt of a chuckle.
“Yeah, Connor, don’t tell me how to do my job.” 
“Don’t worry. I’m taking good care of him.” You leaned closer to Connor to continue explaining to him through a whisper, “He just doesn’t know it, yet.” You leaned back and he tilted his head in confusion.
“Hey! Y/N, gimme another!” 
“Hank, let’s get you home. Come on.” Connor grabbed Hank’s empty glass and placed it away from him. With that, he tried to place the old man’s arm around his shoulders to help him up, only for Hank to grunt and pull his arm away harshly.
“No! Let me go! I’ll stay here for as long as I want!” He slurred and pointed his finger at his partner in anger.
“No, lieutenant, if you stay any longer, it will be bad for your health.”
“Hey! Are you suggesting my company is bad for a person’s wellbeing?” Connor instantly turned to you, eyes slightly wider, as he stuttered before finding the right words. 
“No! No, that’s not what I meant-”
“Calm down. I was kidding.” You waved your hand in front of you as you laughed before turning to Hank, who was now hunched over. “But, he’s right, Hank. You really should get going. I think you’ve been through enough for the day.” 
“Actually, Y/N, could I talk to you for a moment?” You turned to Connor to meet his brown eyes as he tilted his head to suggest talking away from Hank. You nodded and followed him to a far corner of the bar. He turned to you and stole a glance at his partner before staring at you. 
“I know you’ve been trying your best to help him out and ever since he started coming to your bar, he has been better at handling his drinking. So, what happened today?” 
“Well, let me assure you, his dearly concerned son.” Connor furrowed his eyebrows at the name but you continued nonetheless. “I only gave him 3 glasses that had any alcoholic content in them. After that, just mocktails- he’s literally been drinking Cranberry punch after that and he doesn’t even know.” You laughed and placed your hand on your forehead as you recalled how he acted even more drunk after every glass.
“What? Is that alright for you to do so?” 
“Of course it is, I own this bar, after all. Plus, I won’t be charging him for today.” You looked behind your shoulder to glance at the man in question, your eyes drooping as you remembered your conversation with him. 
“Hey, uh,” You turned back to look up at the android as he already had his eyes on you. “About what happened today- I know I shouldn’t pry into your business but Hank seems... emotionally moved, to say the least, after what you guys found at the crime scene. He doesn’t seem to be handling it that well so if there’s any way, take care of him. You know how he gets.” You dismissed any negative thoughts with a wave of your hand and turned your head away.
Somehow, Connor seemed to understand exactly what you were talking about as he stared at Hank. His eyes narrowed before he turned his eyes away as well.
“I understand. I’ll do my best.” He spoke without hesitation and you nodded in response, still turned away from him. He brought his hands to your face and turned you to look at him. “Y/N, you know you can count on me, yes?”
“Of course! You are possibly the only person I can count on.” You shrugged with a small smile as he removed his hands from your cheeks, now having your full attention.
“Hey! What the hell are you two doing over there?! I’ve been sitting alone over here for like 3 hours!” You rolled your eyes and turned to him, ready to head back to attend to your lonely customer.
“Minutes, actually.” You sassed and walked behind the counter as Connor went to stand beside Hank. “Well, you want another drink?” You picked up his glass and poured him another drink.
“Is that even supposed to be a question?” He slurred and sighed loudly. After placing his glass back in front of him, you turned to Connor.
“What would you like?” You asked with a smirk as he pretended to think and sat down on a bar stool.
“Well, do you have anything that would suit an android?”
“Hm, would Thirium work?”
“Oh, fuck, no. Keep that nasty shit away from him.” Hank grunted and took a quick sip as you laughed.
“Well, it’s not something I would go for as a drink but I can see why you would imagine so.” You chuckled at the seriousness in his tone and shook your head. “Would you like something, Y/N? I could try to mix up something, if you’d like.” You raised your eyebrows in surprise as you stared up at him.
I’m going to regret this so much.
“Your love.” You pressed your lips together to stop yourself from laughing as you went back to your work.
“I can’t give you something you already have.” You looked up suddenly, shocked by his unusually smooth response. Hank groaned while you stood still, speechless before finally exhaling and trying to hide your smile as much as possible.
“Well, aren’t you getting better at flirting? Who’s teaching you? Surely, not this old man that’s clearly disgusted by the exchange?” You narrowed your eyes at Hank as he finished his drink and started getting up.
“I’m gonna... go and you two can go to hell.” He slurred and stumbled, making Connor get up and support the older man. 
“Well, we’ll see you later, Y/N.” Connor wished and nodded in your direction as he started walking out. “I will make sure to pay you for tonight first thing tomorrow morning.” 
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not going anywhere.” You smiled before remembering something. “Hey, Connor,” He turned around slightly to let you know he was listening. “I know you know this but take care of him for me, please. He needs it.” You pursued your lips as you looked at the condition Hank was in. Connor looked back at his partner before turning back to you.
“I will. Don’t worry.” With that said, both of them exited your bar, leaving you to your own thoughts.
I’m glad you’re there for him, Connor.
You thought to yourself as you stared at the door they left through moments ago, letting silence take over the place.
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radiocultcontrol · 4 years
Verse for piper joining eden's gate let's gooo gimme all the deets and how it goes down with another deputy arresting Joseph.
@finalvlog => { Random Asks / Always Accepting }
Piper's Eden's Gate Verse: (Based roughly a few months and up to the arrest)
The whole idea of moving to this county was that she had found out they had an opening in their Sheriff's department for a new deputy. She had been floating across the country in her truck, lost without a purpose. Knowing there could be a chance for a new life she took it.
Sadly the spot had already been filled by someone else. But the few days she had stayed in Hope County she had fallen in love. She could see herself taking up a new life here and she was sure the mountain air would be the best medication for her sorrow. It would be like the times her family was whole and went camping. She had spoken to Adelaide about renting an apartment, luckily she had struck a deal with her too, she was to start working at the marina with her.
As she began to settle she was greeted by Eden's Gate members. She was raised heavy Irish/Italian Catholic so she knew why they were at her apartment door. She let them speak and took a flyer saying she would be by the Father's next sermon.
She had meant it too. The next sermon she was there in attendance. She sat near the back not wanting to disrupt those who truly followed him. She was only there to observe. Yet as she listened she felt herself get lost within the Father's words. Slowly through her time she attended more and more of his sermons.
Then came the baptism into the project. After that she had begun to hold a small standing within the project and it was now time for her to truly become one of them. She had gathered some personal items, a family portrait and some of her clothes, and her mother's old guitar. She left a note for Adelaide and her last months rent before she left her cozy. apartment.
She'd be given a small place upon his island to stay until she was given her assignments. Only after that would she be considered a true member.
She had made it known she was trained to handle a wide range of guns through the academy and her recruitment to the swat team, though she never joined as her father passed and she left her precinct. That she would make a perfect candidate for Joseph's guard.
For the next few months she stayed within the compound. Completing tasks she was assigned and singing and playing her guitar by the fires at night. Her favorites were 'Set those sinners free' and 'Oh John'. After earning the trust of those around her and gaining the attention of those higher within the project she could only hope she had earned the sight of the siblings themselves.
She would have been happy staying by Joseph's side as his guard or even joining Jacob's hunters as she was also skilled with a bow from years of hunting experience. Yet all of the changed when the sheriff's department came with the US marshall and a warrent for the Father's arrest. This was the moment her mindset truly changed. She had been in the church when they came she stood in the back by the doors listening carefully to the speech given out then to the marshall yelling out for the arrest.
She didn't move. She knew by his body language that he was not worried. He knew nothing would happen to him and that she would be the first to run in the reaping. She watched with icy blue eyes as the junior deputy placed the familiar metal cuffs around Joseph's open wrists. Her glare calculating as she watched the police take him from his church. Yet she did not leave the doors as she waiting for the call to action.
She would be one of the first to see the helicopter to fall and the Father to step through the flames as holy as God himself, she would be one of the first to take on the hunt if they ran.
Yet she did not hunt that night. She was pulled back away from the fires and the shots that rang through the air. She still doesn't know why. She was so eager to show the siblings she was prepared to take on anything to gain their praise. Unfortunately, she never got the chance that night.
Where she went on from that night is tale for another time.
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stillnotfromcanada · 5 years
X-Bastards part 5
Quentin learned a few things from doing karaoke with a group of misfit teenagers.
First, Enrique and Eden could both be lead vocals for a metal band. Eden could scream and Enrique knew how to death growl.
Second, Sonya wasn’t just frog in appearance. She could jump, which became apparent when she got too into it and ended up accidentally jumping into the ceiling, and crashing to the floor.
Lastly, Emerald had a sonic scream that blew out the speakers. Quentin had to pay for damages by the end of their session.
Quentin opened the door to his, Benjamin, and Nathaniel’s apartment. His family was waiting for him.
“So, how was it?,” Benjamin asked.
“Yeah, “Professor,” how was it?,” Nathaniel asked, more teasingly.
Quentin plopped onto the chair neighboring the couch. He put his head in his hands and groaned.
“How can someone so pink know how to death growl?”
That is how Quentin learned about Kawaii Metal.
The next day was the arcade. Each kid had their own game they were good at. Emerald got the high score in DanceDanceRevolution. Dominic got the high score in skiiball. Eden was good at shooting aliens, ironically enough. Enrique got a stuffed animal from the claw machine on their first try.
Enrique moved on to the pinball machine. Quentin approached.
“Bet you $10 that you can’t do that again.”
“Do what?” Enrique was barely paying attention to him.
“Whatever you did with the claw machine.”
“I want to see how you do it.”
Enrique was quiet.
“After this.”
“Take your time.”
Quentin came home, proudly holding a cheap stuffed animal. Quentin propped it upon the mantle, beaming.
“Look at what my student won me!”
Next day was a different bubble tea shop.
“How’s yours?” Quentin tried to make conversation.
“It’s good,” Enrique said, a bit hesitantly.
Enrique did not trust Quentin. It was conflicting. They knew they should be able to, but there was something glaringly wrong. They just couldn’t figure it out.
Next to them, Emerald was lunging at Eden.
“Gimme some of yours,” Emerald demanded from Eden.
Eden gave it to her without hesitation, picking up hers in the process. He drank from hers.
“Mine’s better.” Eden hated the popping boba, it got stuck in his teeth.
“You’re right, yours is better. Gimme it.”
“What? No. Give it back.” Eden reached over.
He could have easily overpowered her. He had 7 inches of height over her. But he was surprisingly soft on her, despite being raised in a society that praised violence. He relented, reaching for Dominic’s drink.
“Give me yours.”
“You’re not gonna like it, man. It’s grass jelly, a real acquired taste. It’s gross, but strangely addictive.”
Grabbing it from Dominic, Eden took a sip.
“Blegh!” Eden reached for Sonya’s.
“It’s taro. Do you even like taro?” Sonya was pretty chill with sharing. After all, she basically had to share everything with Dominic. The little shit.
Eden took a sip and hated it. Who mixes grape jelly with taro?!
Eden looked over at Enrique, then at Quentin. Eden wanted to fight for his drink. Quentin could be a fun fight.
“Mr. Quentin. Give me your drink.”
“Sure, buddy! Here ya go!” Quentin took the drink out of Eden’s claws and replaced it with his.
Eden was a bit stunned. All his life he heard horror stories about this Quentin Quire character being heartless and powerful. What happened?
“So, Mr. Quentin, what’ve you been doing these past years? No one’s heard from you since you lost the Phoenix Force.” Emerald kicked her feet against the wall.
The air went cold. It was heavy with the tone change.
“How do you know that?” Quentin’s demeanor changed from friendly to frightened.
“I read files when I’m bored. You been good?” Emerald was oblivious to how her question hurt him.
Quentin’s mood changed to a bittersweet feeling.
“After she left me for Rachel, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Benji, he let me stay with him and Nathaniel. Obviously, I had to pull my weight. Their house was filthy! Thanks to me, it’s presentable. Their lives would fall apart without me,” Quentin bragged.
“So you’re,” Emerald was a bit confused. “A househusband?”
“Yep!,” Quentin said proudly.
“And you’re fulfilled?,” Emerald probed.
“I never thought I’d be able to survive past the Phoenix, so, yeah. I’m happy, finally.”
“Good for you, man,” Dominic said.
“Hmm.” Emerald bit her lip in thought. “Whatever makes you happy, Mr. Quentin. Hell of a 180, though.”
“More of 175, honestly,” Quentin joked. “Old me would’ve been repulsed by what I am now. But fuck him, he’s a prick.”
“You’re different now. You’re not the fighter everyone told me you were.” Eden looked so disappointed.
“Isn’t it great? I’m so fucking happy! Like your dad didn’t change when he had you. Life changes you, kiddo.”
“How was my dad before me?”
“Oh boy! Angry, impulsive, pompous, arrogant, violent. A real dickhead. A royal douche. But when he got you, he shoved you in everyone’s face, he cradled you in his arms constantly. He loves you, buddy”
Eden loved his father. Kubark was his hero. He was the reason Eden felt comfortable coming out as trans. He could be exactly like his dad, a man adored by his people, strong, and brave.
Eden was always close to his father. A single dad raising his son in the monarchy. A monarchy that didn’t want him. A monarchy that called him an abomination undeserving of the throne. The empire threw a fit when Eden was crowned prince. It was no longer a game. The failed experiment was going to rule them all some day.
Eden had survived assassination attempts, coming out, and learning how to fight in a world full of violence. His father was always there for him. He knew his father loved him.
“I know.”
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jteroracleverse · 5 years
Exemplar Prologue - The End Of The Age Of Heroes.
Whenever you asked anyone about the Battle of Calenhad, for years and decades to come, they would call it the day the Age of Heroes died.
Jack Myrddin, quoted in ‘On The Night’s Fall’.
Calenhad Field, Albion, November 10th, Year 1873 of the Dreizan Calendar.
There was blood on the air. The scent of it lingered, twisting and turning through the red-tinged smog that had descended over the barren field of Calenhad. Harsh, booming sounds, like the distorted thunder of cannons, fired off in the distance, and the harsh clanking of metal on metal echoed through the valley.
A man with raven-coloured hair and a small, determined smile visible through a dark beard was standing at the head of a force of soldiers. He carried a longsword, and he was clad in a pale red tabard and heavy battle-armour, a red cloak flowing behind him.
He raised his sword, cutting through a figure in patchwork armour. A thin wisp of smoke floated from where the electrified blade had met material and skin.
“Hold the line!” he called out. All around him, Avaloni soldiers in battered plate armour fought against the raging, shambolically-equipped warriors that assailed them. Many of his comrades had already fallen, slain by their enemies in the chaotic melee around them.
Cultists and madmen, the warrior thought, grimacing, but for all that they’re insane, they’re still skilled enough to take seriously.
“For the dark gods!” a voice bellowed, and the warrior turned his attention to yet another enemy slamming into him, driving him back. With a shout, he lashed out, cutting the cultist down in a single strike and wincing at the smell of burnt flesh.
“Ser Percival!” someone called. The warrior – Ser Percival – turned, breathing hard. One of his comrades, this one an Avaloni Captain, judging by the feathered plume sticking from his helm, jogged up to him. A moment later, the man removed his helmet, showing a shock of red hair.
“Ser Percival,” he greeted.
“Captain Thorsson,” Percival replied, nodding respectfully. “What’s the situation?”
“Our men have routed the enemy on the left flank, but they’re still harrying our centre,” Thorsson replied, his voice tinged with a rough Avalonian accent, dulling his vowels. “We’re trying to rally our forces for the final push, but the line’s become fragmented. It’s difficult to gather men through the chaos.”
“And the other knights?” Percival asked.
Thorsson paused for a moment, his expression becoming dour. “Ser Jackson and Ser Vivienne have both fallen.”
Percival closed his eyes for a moment, taking the blow as stoically as he could. Two more dead friends. Grieve later. Even today, it had not been the first loss. It wouldn’t be the last.
“And the others?” he asked after a moment.
“I believe Ser Tristram was among the warriors at the centre,” Thorsson said. “Whether any of your other fellows were alongside him, I cannot say.”
Percival nodded. “I understand.” He paused, and then, after a moment, he whispered. “And… him?”
The Captain’s expression hardened. “I couldn’t tell you, Ser. The battle has become fragmentary, chaotic. There were whispers that he fought at one flank, but… we do not know.”
“Damn,” Percival swore, shaking his head. “Very well. Gather as many of our men here as you can. I’ll rally the centre, and we’ll end it there.”
Thorsson nodded, throwing a quick salute before running off, leaving Percival alone. He closed his eyes, feeling the weight of the day’s bloodshed threatening to crush him.
They had known it would be like this. Or at least he had.
Calenhad Camp, the night before.
It had been their last night together, camping in the fields near the Calenhad mountains as they awaited the arrival of their enemy’s armies.
Evelyn hadn’t been there, of course – the Lady Nimue had already seen to it that she was safely hidden in Charle City, and a handful of trusted fellows with her. Vivianne, Jackson and Geraint had been there, drinking with Tiberius and Bors: Tiberius, blue-eyed, dark haired and jovial as ever, had been making bets with everyone there about how many cultists he would kill. Tristram, the blonde haired knight normally so grim and resolute, had been laughing. Fatherhood, it seemed, had done wonders for his sense of humour. And then there was Bors, the biggest and strongest of them all, his white tabard covered in beer stains from yet another drinking game with their Avalonian allies, his bearded face split by a massive grin.
And yet Percival had not felt the same joyful mood as his fellows. He sat alone in one corner, melancholy settling over him. There was… something. A foul feeling in the air, maybe, or a sense of something coming that he couldn’t quite see.
Or maybe it was just the quiet despair of loss. So many of his friends had not made it this far. How many, he wondered, would even survive this battle?
“A copper piece to hear your thoughts, old friend?” a voice asked as he sat, brooding.
Ah, of course Myrlin was there. His shabby grey robe was conspicuous among the varied colours of knighthood present, his wrinkled face smiling, his beard bristling.
“Tomorrow will be a day long remembered,” the wizard said quietly, not waiting for his answer. “Though whether it is for the right reasons, we shall have to wait and see.”
“Am I meant to feel better?” Percival had asked. He gave the wizard a tired, empty smile. “Tomorrow might be remembered, but who’ll do the remembering? Cara, Lionel, even…” He closed his eyes. “Even him, for the Thirteen’s sake. They’ll still be gone.”
“Don’t tell me you fear death, Percival,” Myrlin said, poking him in the shoulder. “After all the battles we’ve been through, this is something of an odd time to start.”
“Not death.” Percival shook his head. “Change. And maybe… maybe the thought that whatever world we make with tomorrow, no one will remember who made it.”
Myrlin nodded. He let out a soft sigh, his smile disappearing and a more melancholic look replacing it.
“I have lived a very long time,” he eventually said, his tone even, yet tinged with something morose. “Everything gets forgotten in the end. The Dreizan Templars remember the Revanchist, but they forgot his name and the names of his comrades an age ago. Avalon recalls the legends of the Shieldmaiden, but how many warriors fought and died alongside her?” He turned back to Percival. “We who fight for the future may be forgotten, Percival, that much is true.” He gave the Knight a small, hopeful smile. “But the future will be there. That’s something to hope for, isn’t it?”
As he said it, he moved his hand, tapping the symbol sewn onto Percival’s tabard – the star of knighthood, eight connected points around a single centre. Percival sighed, mulling over the wizard’s words, and looked down at the symbol, thinking about it and all it represented.
“I don’t know,” he finally said. “Maybe…”
“Percy!” came a call from one of the knights. Tiberius Von Nachten, his hands full with mugs of beer, was grinning over at Myrlin and Percival, and he raised both mugs up. “Come over here and help us drink some of this stuff, will ya?”
Percival couldn’t help but smile. “Gimme a minute, Tiberius.”
Tiberius nodded, turning back to Bors, who was currently arm wrestling with Tristram (and winning, not that anyone was surprised).
None of this deserves to be forgotten, Percival thought, watching his friends. None of these people deserve for the world they build to leave them behind.
“Tomorrow,” Myrlin said, cutting into Percival’s thoughts, “we fight the most important battle of an age.” Percival looked at him, and Myrlin was smiling again. “We decide the shape of the world. Whatever your fears, my friend, know this.” He put a hand on Percival’s shoulder. “You all have fought to bring the best future we can have to pass. I know, whatever happens, that the world you make will be a good one.”
Percival nodded slowly. “I’m glad you, at least, believe that, Myrlin.” He stood. “I’ll say this much. Tomorrow we fight.” He grinned. “And I’m not afraid of that part.”
“I know,” Myrlin said, nodding. “Now, I believe there are beers waiting for you, and…”
He trailed off, chuckling as he turned to look at the collection of knights. Bors and Tristram’s arm wrestle had turned into something of an impromptu boxing match.
“Eden preserve us.” Percival rolled his eyes, getting to his feet. “Those two idiots are going to injure themselves, and the night before a battle, too!”
He moved over to them, letting his worries for the future fade into the background of his mind, and completely missing the knowing smile Myrlin had as he watched the knights bicker amongst themselves.
The Battle of Calenhad.
His mind returned to the present as he raced through the smog of war, occasionally happening upon injured soldiers or small fights as he did so. Deep in his bones, Percival felt fatigue beginning to settle, but he grit his teeth and pressed on.
As he did so, he came upon a rocky outcrop, upon which stood a group of warriors: some in the heavy armour of Avalon, but more in the lighter, darker armour of the soldiers of Charle City. Amongst them was a healer, the woman moving from soldier to soldier with a grim expression.
“It hurts!” one of the soldiers was yelling. “It hurts so much…!”
Percival stopped for a moment, before moving over to the man, kneeling by him.
“Alright, lad,” he said, speaking softly. “Calm down. Everything will be fine.”
The soldier – no more than a boy, really – stilled, meeting Percival’s eyes. Percival examined him – he had a ragged hole torn in his arm, bleeding copiously, and a similar hole in his leg, but nothing that would require amputation. But one look at his expression told Percival that the boy was afraid.
“It’s alright,” Percival said, putting a hand on his shoulder and concentrating. “It will all be alright, lad. You’ll get through this.”
The boy’s expression calmed as Percival channeled a small modicum of power into soothing his fear.
“What’s your name, lad?” Percival asked.
“W-Will Renner, Ser,” the soldier said.
Percival smiled. “You haven’t been a soldier long, have you, Will?”
“N-no, Ser,” the boy said, smiling nervously. “I just… I needed to do my part.” He paused. “T-this is actually my first battle.”
Percival let out a small chuckle at that. “Well, you certainly picked a time to join, didn’t you?” He put his other hand on the boy’s shoulder. “You’ll make it through today, lad, and you’ll have a tale or two to tell when you’re through, don’t doubt it.”
“Y-yes, sir,” Will Renner said. He grimaced again. “I… I'm sorry I couldn’t do more.”
“Every little is a gain, lad,” Percival said with a wink. He looked up at the healer, who was approaching the two of them. “Ma’am.”
“Ser Knight,” the woman said, inclining her head. “How is the boy?”
“Will here’s doing fine,” Percival said, standing. “I can’t see anything life-threatening, but I think he’ll benefit from your experience.”
“Of that, I have no doubt,” the woman said blandly. Her expression softened, and when she spoke again, it was quieter. “I’m afraid… one of your comrades was among us.”
“‘Was’,” Percival repeated, frowning.
“Ser Geraint,” the healer said. She sighed. “He fell, fighting a cultist berserker.” She glanced at Will. “The boy slew his killer: that is how he got his wounds.”
Percival glanced back at Will, who looked somewhat glum.
“Thank you,” Percival said quietly to him. “It was a well struck blow.”
“T-thank you, Ser,” Will said quietly. “I… I’m sorry I couldn’t save him.”
“There are many we could not save today,” the healer said. “This day will reap a heavy cost, I fear.”
That much is true, Percival thought, nodding without speaking. He patted Will once more on the shoulder, and then moved on, following the sound of battle along the field.
He still had a job to do.
Elsewhere on the field, another warrior strode among the dead, gripping the hilt of a mighty greatsword and pondering the battle around him with a feeling of detachment. Blood was splattered across his armour and black tabard, and for a moment he pondered just how much was on his hands by now.
Enough, some would say, he thought, but he dismissed it. But no. Not enough. Not until the task is done.
It almost was: only a few Knights remained. Today, he would end their order, end the war, end all of it… forever.
It took him longer than he thought it would, but finally, in the midst of the smog, breathing hard, Percival saw his brothers in arms. Their tabards and armour were covered in the grime and filth of battle, and their weapons slick with blood, though all their blades glimmered and glinted with energy that ran up and down the blades. They were clustered around several crates and a single, broken cannon. Despite this, however, they seemed to be in high spirits as he approached.
A couple of figures in the same dark, patchwork armour charged their little group, and one of them – Tiberius, in his pale blue tabard and stole – stepped forward and cut him down in a single swift stroke, blood spraying across his face. He spat, a grimace crossing his face, before his smile returned in full force. No more foes seemed to charge forward for the moment, and the group took a moment to breathe.
“Is that it?” Tiberius asked, finally, letting out a deep sigh. “Is it over already?”
“Don’t count on it,” Bors said grimly. The big man leaned heavily on his greatsword, planting the tip in the dirt with a wet-sounding thunk, and its energy dissipated. The man looked at his gauntleted hand: it was covered in blood.
“Not quite the battle for Blackreach, is it, Bors?!” Tiberius said, flashing the burly man a cheeky grin and a wink. Bors scowled, but said nothing.
“Not everything’s a joke, Tiberius,” Tristram said. The blonde man was busy wiping blood from his weapon – unlike the others, he carried an axe rather than a sword, and it had clearly been through the works, its blade notched.
“Of course not,” Tiberius replied. “Some things are a lark. Or a jape. Occasionally a jest, but I never liked the word ‘jest’.”
Bors rolled his eyes, before elbowing Tristram. “How are we doing?”
“How do you think we’re doing?!” the blonde man replied.
“Forty three,” Percival said, getting the group’s attention He glanced around the group, grinning as they smiled at him. “Or was that not the question?”
“Percival!” Bors said, laughing. “Was beginning to think you’d never get here!”
Only now did Percival see the bloody stain on Bors’ tabard, from a wound to his side. It didn’t look terminal, but there was no way to be sure.
“Aye,” Percival said, refusing to worry about it yet. He smiled again. “Well, you lot do tend to get lost without me.”
“Well, I got forty one kills last I checked,” Tiberius said after a moment, “counting those few I got when we started.”
“Thirty nine and a half, Tiberius,” Tristram snorted. “I killed the one with the axe you seemed to think was charging you, and that pikeman was half dead anyway.”
“Still about three more than you, Tristram,” Tiberius chuckled. He rolled his shoulders, his stole rippling in the soft wind.
“Children,” Bors muttered, grimacing as he clutched his wound. He paused, looking up at Percival with a suddenly grave expression. “Vivienne? Geraint?”
Percival paused, and then shook his head.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “And Jackson, too.”
Tristram cursed loudly, kicking one of the dead cultists in frustration. Bors closed his eyes, and even Tiberius’ ever-present smile faltered.
“Dead?” he whispered.
Percival nodded. “I wasn’t there. Captain Thorsson told me about Vivienne and Jackson, and Geraint died protecting the wounded. Right now, they’re gathering to push the enemy back in the centre, but I needed to find all of you -”
“Was it him?” Tiberius asked suddenly. The coldness of his voice struck Percival dumb, such a contrast it was to his usual manner.
“We’ve not seen him here,” Bors added, a growling timbre to his words. “But he must be, somewhere. He wouldn’t miss this.”
Percival swallowed. “Thorsson said there were whispers, but nothing concrete. I -”
“Wait,” Tristram said, holding up a hand. His eyes had widened. “Listen!”
The smog was thick, making it impossible to see beyond the immediate area. There was ringing in the air, but the sounds of battle were dying off.
“What?” Bors asked from next to him.
“Bet you’re just wondering how many the rest have left for us,” Tiberius said, though his renewed grin quickly faded.
Percival’s eyes widened too. He knew what the quiet meant.
“Tiberius, Tristram,” he said, “I need you to get back to the rally point. Tell them they might want to pull back.”
Tiberius raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. He immediately turned and began jogging back towards their lines, disappearing into the smog. Tristram frowned.
“You want rid of us?” he asked.
Percival said nothing, instead meeting Tristram’s gaze evenly, hoping he was conveying his feelings adequately. After a moment, Tristram nodded.
“Fine,” he said. “You’d better come back alive. My son deserves to know his father’s best friend.”
“I know,” Percival said. He smiled. “I wouldn’t miss it.”
Tristram nodded, and then jogged after Tiberius, leaving Bors and Percival alone.
“So,” Bors said after a brief silence. “What’s that about?”
“Can’t you hear it?” Percival asked, motioning to the smog.
Bors turned, frowning in concentration, then he shrugged.
“No battle,” Percival said quietly. “There were thousands of them, Bors. Where have they gone? Where are our people?”
Bors’ face paled as he realised what that must mean.
“We should pull back,” he said at once. “There’s no way we can -”
“Bors,” Percival said, smiling ruefully at him. “Can you get back to the rally point?”
Bors scowled. “Can. Won’t.”
Percival’s smile faded. “Bors -”
He paused, turning back to look at the smog. A single figure was emerging from the swirling red-tinged smoke, a purple-black cloak flowing behind him like the shadow of death. A long greatsword was held lazily in a single gauntleted hand, coruscating energy glimmering across the blade, and his black armour glinted with the light of the smog and fire around him. He wore a black tabard, the scarlet symbol stitched onto his chest a mockery of the star of knighthood.
“Ah, hells,” Bors hissed. “Him.”
“Go, Bors,” Percival said quietly. “I’ll hold him off.”
Bors blinked, and opened his mouth as if to speak. Percival held up a hand, forestalling any objections, and simply smiled again. Bors hesitated, and then he nodded, before reluctantly limping away.
Percival watched him go for a long moment, before turning to the dark figure, a scowl on his face. For a second, something twitched on his face, and he closed his eyes briefly. Then he took a deep breath, his eyes opening, blazing with anger.
“So,” he said, loud enough that his foe might hear. “It’s nice to see you again.”
The dark figure said nothing. He raised his sword and pointed it at Percival in a gesture of challenge.
“What?” Percival asked with an easy grin, bringing his own sword into a guard stance. “No mocking words, no banter? Come, old friend, this is probably gonna be my last fight. Give me something to remember you by, at least.”
The figure did not move from his stance, and quiet descended between the two of them, nothing but the distant sounds of battle and the whistling of the wind. Finally, Percival broke the silence, his tone less jovial and his smile gone.
“You won’t touch them,” he said, his grip on his sword tightening. “Not while I’m standing here.”
The dark figure said nothing for a moment, bringing his other hand up to his sword and settling into a guard stance of his own.
“Surrender,” he finally said, “or you will die.”
Percival growled. “I have stood firm against evil for my entire life. What in the hells makes you think I’ll give in to you?”
The dark figure seemed to consider this, holding his ready stance for a long moment.
“Noted,” he finally said. He raised his sword a fraction. “This will be… interesting.”
Percival growled. “Let’s just get on with it, you bastard.”
He shifted his grip ever so slightly, feeling a wave of certainty settle upon him. His enemy raised his sword fractionally, bending his knees and lowering his stance into a ready posture. Both were waiting for some unseen signal. Percival could feel it in the air. He moved one hand briefly to the symbol on his tabard.
I call upon the virtue of courage, he thought. May fear never rule my heart, may doubt never cloud my thought, and may despair never dull my senses.
How many times had he repeated the catechism in his mind, before meeting some great evil? Would this be the last?
If it is, he decided, it will be worth it, if he dies too.
And then it began.
Half a mile away from the duel about to start, Tiberius and Tristram had already reached the rear of their lines, climbing up the slopes of the Calenhad hills. This far from the main battle, the smog was visible as a red cloud hanging over the entire field. The two stopped at a small outcropping, and Tiberius looked down at the battlefield, letting out a low whistle.
“That’s… disturbing,” he said.
“Understatement of the age,” Tristram murmured from next to him, his own eyes wide in horror. “What in the hells is that? Some sort of… of sorcery?”
“I don’t know,” Tiberius said quietly, “but whatever it is, I’m hoping Percy gets his arse out of it sooner rather than -”
He stilled. Behind them, there came the sound of footsteps. Turning, both of them saw a young woman in a deep purple cloak, her white-blonde hair tousled by the wind and a pistol holstered by her side. She was followed by a man in a deep grey robe, his hood covering his face and a grey beard poking out, barely visible.
“What happened?” the woman asked. “Where are Percival and Bors?”
Tiberius and Tristram shared a glance, but before they could answer, there came the sound of wheezing and groaning.
Bors was walking up the hill, clutching at his side.
“Bors!” Tristram yelled, running to his friend’s side. “Where’s Percy?”
In answer, Bors pointed down at the battlefield. The woman’s eyes widened in horror, and she turned to look at the hooded man.
He said nothing. Hobbling over to the edge of the outcrop, he looked down at the battlefield silently, the others behind him.
“Myrlin?” the woman asked.
Still the old wizard said nothing. Tiberius’ eyes widened, and he looked back over the battlefield.
“Him,” he stated, knowing it wouldn’t be a question. Bors nodded once.
“Percival can’t fight him alone,” Tristram growled, taking a step forward, only for Bors to hold up a hand, stilling him.
“He didn’t want us there,” the burly man said quietly. “He wanted to fight alone.”
“That’s suicide!” Tristram snapped.
“I agree,” the woman said. She turned to Myrlin. “We have to go down there.”
“At this point, Nimue,” Myrlin said quietly, “we will not make enough of a difference for it to matter. Percival must face this enemy alone.”
“He’s going to die,” Tristram hissed.
Myrlin turned back and gave the blonde knight an impassive glance, only his eyes - the soft glint of liquid visible - hinting that he felt anything at all. All the others there could do was watch the smog, and wait.
The first blow sent a shockwave out that rippled outward, scattering loose stones and bodies and sending the smog flying backwards, revealing the true state of the battlefield. Soldiers in the raggedy armour of the cultists lay amongst warriors in different gear, some in gold-tinted plate with red cloaks, some with brown cloaks and light armour, some wearing the same silver armour and tabards Percival and his comrades had, and many in Avaloni and Albionite armour.
Percival’s eyes were fixed on his opponent, his sword blocking the dark knight’s greatsword at every turn. Sparks flew from the blades, the metal grinding with a harsh, screeching whine, and then the two disengaged.
Clang, clang, clang.
The sound of swords clashing against each other sounded almost like the tolling of a bell. Somehow, even as he desperately parried strike after strike, Percival couldn’t help but smile at the comparison.
He parried a blow almost instinctively, letting his muscles remember the movements. Parry, parry, riposte, block… every step, every strike, every movement, honed, trained…
But not enough.
He parried another blow, and the dark knight immediately brought his blade up for an overhead strike, but Percival was too fast, and dodged sideways immediately, before slamming the butt of his sword into his opponent’s chestplate, staggering the dark figure momentarily. Grinning, Percival slashed, but his foe brought his gauntlet up and blocked the sword with his wrist, the armour sparking from the impact. Percival’s grin disappeared, and suddenly the gauntlet had grabbed him by the throat. In a single heaving motion, the dark knight threw Percival across the field, before settling into an almost leisurely guard stance.
Coughing and rubbing his throat, Percival scowled at the dark figure, before pushing himself to his feet.
“It’s going to take more than that,” he hissed, bringing his sword up and pointing it at the dark figure.
“I know,” the figure said, bringing his own sword up.
For a moment, Percival stepped back, taking a breath and adjusting his guard as his foe did the same.
The dark figure did not move, instead merely standing there, waiting. Percival hesitated for a brief moment: here was the man who had killed dozens of his brothers and sisters in arms. Here was the man who had laid low some of the finest warriors that had ever worn the mantle of knighthood. And Percival thought he had a chance?
May fear never rule my heart.
“I’m kind of disappointed,” Percival said, giving his foe a cocky grin. “You’ve got such a reputation, after all.”
At this, a slow, low sound emanated from the dark helmet. It took Percival a moment to realise that it was laughter.
“Geraint,” the figure said, his voice low and tinged with dark amusement. “Gareth. Vivienne. Cara. Lionel.”
Percival’s face hardened at each name spoken, until it became a mask of rage, his nostrils flared, his eyes glinting with hatred.
“You dare,” he hissed through his teeth. “You dare!”
He charged forward, bringing his sword up and slashing at the dark knight. The dark figure blocked the strikes lazily, holding his sword one-handed as he parried strike after strike. He gave ground, in the manner a full grown man gives ground to a furious child striking impotently with tiny balled fists. Finally, he blocked a fierce overhead strike and pushed against it, sending Percival off-balance.
“You will not get past me!” Percival yelled, spinning and lashing out. Again the dark knight blocked the blow, before sending the blade’s tip into the dirt. A single gauntleted hand came up and smacked Percival across the jaw, sending him to the ground. Rolling, Percival avoided a strike that would have cleaved him in two, and stood up, blocking another overhead blow. The dark knight pressed, and Percival gave ground, stepping backwards but keeping their blades locked.
Suddenly, the dark knight kicked out, sending Percival sprawling to the ground and rolling away with the impact. Trying to get to his feet dizzily, Percival could only barely parry the next blow, before his opponent kicked him again, this time with enough force to send him hurtling across the battlefield once more.
The brave warrior finally came to a stop near the broken cannon he and his friends had clustered around. He looked up, to see the dark figure striding across the battlefield, stepping over bodies, sword still held lazily.
“Brave,” the dark figure commented. “They were all brave. But they still fell.” He paused, before pointing his sword at Percival. “You must have known how this would end.”
“Yes,” Percival said, coughing blood. “But I’m the knight of courage, not brains, after all. Nobody said I had to be smart.”
He brought himself to a sitting position, leaning his back against the cannon, and glanced sideways, his eyes alighting upon something. Suddenly, he grinned, and with a tremendous effort pushed himself to his feet, one hand clutching at his broken ribs.
May doubt never cloud my thought.
“But maybe,” he continued, as the dark figure approached, “I’m smarter than you think I am.” He brought his sword up in a high guard as the dark figure got closer, flicking a switch and making sure the coruscating energy of his blade was still working. Only going to get one shot. “You’ve killed a lot of my friends. Do you know that?”
“I remember every one,” the dark figure said, his voice tinged with something unreadable. He had nearly reached Percival, and he brought his sword up in a guard stance.
“So do I,” Percival said, grinning. He brought one hand to the symbol on his chest.
May despair never dull my senses.
And then, in a single stroke, he brought his sword down hard on the broken cannon – and the unignited ammunition within. The energy from his sword flashed as it carved through the metal and connected with the ammunition, igniting the enhanced gunpowder and cracking the mana-bound shell.
The dark knight raised his sword in a futile warning gesture. There was a roar like thunder, a flash of light, and then silence.
The explosion could be seen from where Tristram, Tiberius and Bors were standing, along with Nimue and Myrlin. Tiberius’ eyes widened in horror, and Bors looked away, eyes closed. The explosion was the first of a dozen more, unexploded ammunition setting off in a cascade of fire and noise across the broken battlefield, stretching along the valley all the way to the edges of the mountains.
Nimue’s hands had gone to her mouth, but as the explosion died down, she lowered them, approaching Myrlin.
“Does… does that mean…?” she asked.
Myrlin said nothing. He turned away from where he stood, and faced Tristram.
“Evelyn?” he asked quietly.
“Safe,” Tristram said hollowly. “And her child.”
“Good,” Myrlin said. “Then this was worth it.”
“Was it?” Tristram asked as the old man passed him, but Myrlin said nothing more, simply walking away.
“How many, do you think?” Tiberius asked as he stared down at the broken battlefield.
Bors clasped his hand on Tiberius’ shoulder. “Enough. Enough that we made the right choice.”
“Did we, Bors?” Tiberius asked, meeting Bors’ eyes. “Did we really?”
Bors said nothing, and silence fell, as eight pairs of eyes watched the valley below burn.
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smilingformoney · 6 years
America’s Most Eligible 2 Diamond Scene: Explore the Reef with Slater
You nod, and Eden swims over to distract Carson while you float closer to Slater. You: Hey, Slater… how would you feel about exploring more of the reef? Just the two of us? Slater raises his eyebrows. Slater: I was hoping you’d ask. I know a secret place we could slip off to… With a smirk, Slater leads you away from the rest of the crew.
You and Slater swim away from the cameras together, grinning as you make your way to shore. You: I still can’t believe we got away with this. Slater: We haven’t gotten away yet. Hopefully Eden keeps the cameras occupied for a good, long while… You: If Eden doesn’t do it, then I’m sure Carson will go on some rant that hogs the cameras’ attention. Slider smirks appraisingly at you. Slater: Y’know, I knew you’d be my favourite All-Star, but… you’re different from what I imagined. You: ‘Different’, huh?
You: You must mean I’m… -Way hotter in person. Slater +2
Slater: Amazingly, yeah. You’re a total babe on film, don’t get me wrong… He steps closer to you, his gaze smoldering. Slater: But in real life? You’re unbelievably sexy. You: You’re not so bad yourself, you know.
-More spontaneous than you expected. Slater +2
You: They labelled me the Girl Next Door last season. That doesn’t exactly scream ‘risk taker’. Slater: Nah, not really. But honestly, I had a sneaking suspicion there was more to you than meets the eye. Slater: You don’t get to be a finalist on AME without taking a few risks. You: Exactly my point.
Slater: Truth is, you’re chill, laid back, and easy to talk to… Slater: And yet here you are, inviting me to break the rules. I get the feeling you’ve got a dark side lurking under the surface. You: I mean, you’re not wrong… You: Even America’s Sweetheart has her demons. Slater: You’re damn right. And for the record, I’m always down to help you indulge in your dark side. You: I’ll keep that in mind. Now about this secret spot you were telling me about… Slater: Right, almost forgot. Just follow me. Slater leads you across the sand, past the tree line. The two of you trek barefoot over roots and vines, until you reach a clearing…
You take in the sight of a rushing waterfall, enjoying the gentle spray of ocean water as it splashes around your ankles. You: Wow. I didn’t know places like this existed in Miami. Slater: There are tons of hidden gems here. You just have to know where to look. You: I’ll trust you to do the looking for me. The two of you dive into the pool, submerging yourselves in the warm, clear water.
For a moment, you bask in the quiet and stillness of the pool, smiling as Slater does an underwater flip. You: … Then, he nudges you, pointing to a cute little fish bobbing nearby!
The fish swims in an excited circle around you and Slater, then disappears between rocks. You’re still smiling when you break the surface.
You: That was so cute. Slater: What, me or the fish?
You: The fish, obviously. -Though you’re pretty cute too. Slater +2
You: Especially when you’re showing off for me. Slater: ‘Showing off’? Is that what you think my flip was for? You: Oh, come on. We both know you just want me to think you’re cool. Slater: Is it working? You: Remains to be seen.
-You can’t compete with that lil’ guy! Slater +2
You: I mean, did you see its adorable face? Slater: Y’know, I’d be offended that you think a fish is cuter than me… but you’re right. That dude was adorable. You: I’m glad we both appreciate the wonders of the ocean.
Slater: There was something else down there that caught my eye, though. Be right back. Before you can reply, Slater dives back under the surface of the water. When he emerges, he’s holding something shiny in his hand…
-Antique Ring
You: It’s beautiful… I wonder who it belongs to? Slater: As of right now, it belongs to you. With a wink, Slater holds the ring out to you.
You: You’re giving me a ring? -That’s so sweet, Slater… Slater +2
Slater: You’re sweet. A gift from me is nothing less than you deserve. You: This from the guy who was celebrating my ‘dark side’ a second ago. Slater: What can I say? I admire everything about you.
-Isn’t it a little soon for that? Slater +2
You: I’m all for being spontaneous, but we just met. Slater: Gimme a break! It’s not that kind of ring. You: You’re just saying that because I shot your proposal down. Slater: I get the feeling I’m never gonna hear the end of this.
Slater smiles at you, and you find yourself lost in his honey brown eyes…
You: …
-Kiss Slater! Slater +2
You close the distance between the two of you, pressing your lips against Slater’s in a fervent kiss! His strong, muscled arms wrap around you, holding you close to his bare chest. You: Slater… Slater’s teeth graze your lower lip gently, making you shiver. You press against him, savouring his warmth… Then, you pull back, smiling. You: I’m starting to think we should sneak off together more often. Slater: Whenever you want, just say the word.
-Push him underwater! Slater +2
You lean closer to Slater with a coy smile… then shove his head under the water! Slater: Whoa! Slater splashes and sinks, only to resurface seconds later. He laughs heartily as he wipes water from his eyes. Slater: You are so dead. You: Aw, come on! I thought you liked my spontaneous side. Still laughing, Slater makes a point to shake his wet hair off on you. Slater: Let’s just say you’re lucky your spontaneous side is cute.
As you both get out of the water, Slater gives you a nudge. Slater: We should probably get back, but… this was fun. Hit me up if you feel like breaking the rules again. You: I know where to find you.
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nekojitachan · 7 years
❛❛ I know how you look at him - even though you’re not his. ❜❜ (gimme angst gimme gimme gimme)
Aaah, you know I had to do this one for you since you’re so amazing! ❤️️❤️️❤️️ ❤️️  ❤️️ ❤️️  ❤️️ I hope it doesn’t disappoint?
So, Ravens!Neil, Ravens!Andrew, soulmates but with a huge dose of angst! Uhm… mention of Andrew’s past and of COURSE Riko, some slight abuse but I’d say… T rating? And swearing, of course swearing….
Andrew was used to not getting what he wanted, to Fatealways fucking him over in various ways. There was the fact that he was the twin which Tilda had given upfor adoption and the long chain of nightmare foster ‘families’. There wasfinally finding what he’d thought was a home with Cass Spear and then Drake showing up to ruin it (to ruinhim). There had been the time in juvie, only for Pig Higgins to meddle andLuther to be an annoyance and off to Columbia Andrew had gone.
Things hadn’t gotten any better there, had they? Oh no,there it had been Tilda and Aaron and yet another new mess, had been Nickystepping in to try to make things better and the night out in Eden’s parkinglot with its ensuing consequences. Had been Andrew picking up Exy back in juvieas a means to escape some of the mandatory therapy sessions (everyone trying toget into his head and beneath his skin, everyone trying to control him), and then an attempt to keep an eye on Aaron, whichhad then led to a bunch of annoying birdies paying him a visit.
He didn’t give a shit about scholarships or Edgar Allan orthe best team in NCAA Class I division, about the promises of fame and fortunewhen the only thing that got him up each medicated day was the promise he’dmade to his brother. Yet an arrogant Riko Moriyama and demanding Kevin Day hadbrought with them a pretty shadow with red hair and a sardonic grin bearing a ‘3’tattoo on his left cheek, one Nathaniel Wesninski. Andrew had the impressionthat he was there as someone closer to Andrew’s age since the kid hadn’tgraduated yet and wasn’t ‘officially’ a Raven even though he bore the stupidPerfect Court tramp stamp and had lived at Edgar Allan the last few years.
All he knew was that he was in the middle of his fifthvariation of ‘fuck off and fuck you’ to Moriyama and Day when Wesninski shifteda little closer (he thought that Day had given him a push), and then it had happened; both of them stiffenedin reaction, Wesninski’s eyes widening a little but still the big grin onAndrew’s as Wesninski clutched at his left forearm and Andrew rubbed his, atthe throbbing area hidden beneath his armband.
At the dark patch of skin which could never be excised, nomatter how much he or anyone (Drake)had tried – it was his soul mark, after all, was waiting for his ‘other half’to find him so it could reveal its true form so he’d know that they’d finallycrossed paths (Drake at first had been bitter that it hadn’t changed for him,and then taunted Andrew that it never would change, that his soulmate wouldnever want him).
Wesninski was quick to drop his right hand, as was Andrew,but Riko Moriyama had noticed and snatched at the redhead’s left wrist with apleased grin. “Did it happen? Do you have something to show us, Nathaniel?” heasked in a too bright voice while Wesninski flinched, the motion slight. Hisfingers dug into the smaller boy’s forearm as he yanked back the sleeve of theblack shirt to reveal a bright black mark against skin marred by what looked tobe a few thin scars – an infinity symbol with a north star placed over thecenter of it. “That’s new,” Moriyama said as he turned toward Andrew whileWesninski – Nathaniel – shook his head.
“I… it’s nothing,” Nathaniel tried to argue, which surprisedAndrew since everyone (almost everyone) was so eager to find their soulmates;his words made Day stare at him in shock.
Moriyama clicked his tongue in disagreement. “No it’s not,you just found your soulmate!” He gave Andrew a sharp grin. “Your soulmate andour newest goalie, isn’t this such a happy occasion?” As he spoke, he dug hisfingers even more into Nathaniel’s forearm, into his wrist, until Nathanielgulped and closed his eyes as if to bear the pain… but he didn’t pull away andhe didn’t try to fight back.
Andrew never wanted a soulmate. He refused to believe thatsomeone was ‘his’, that he was tied to another person because of some stupidtwist of fate, that they were meant to be together because of some stupid markon their bodies when he could only stand to touch someone on his carefullydefined terms, when he knew thatsomeone wouldn’t willing choose anyone as broken and tainted as himself.
Yet he signed the contract with Edgar Allan to be theirgoalie for five years, signed it for room and board and a yearly allowance, andeven argued for an hardship scholarship for Aaron (there was no way they’dallow his brother on the team, not at his level of skill, but as long as Aaronkept his grades up he could get a Bachelor’s degree in Biology without havingto whore himself out for loans and then go elsewhere for medical school, whichwas all he wanted in the end). That saw through Andrew’s promise to his brotherand left Nicky free to finally return to Germany and Erik, so everyone (but Andrew)was happy (what else was new?).
He thought that Riko Moriyama only agreed to his terms as ameans to have that tighter of a leash on him, and as soon as they bothgraduated (Nicky was sticking around until Aaron left Columbia), Andrew was offto Edgar Allan for the start of training and any illusions of his lifeimproving were shattered.
Even though the Ravens had a nice big house on campus, theylived beneath Castle Evermore, the famous Exy stadium – all the better forTetsuji Moriyama to control them, he supposed. They were also formed into pairsfor the sake of sharing rooms and training, were told to stick together almostall the time… or else. Andrew hatedit, hated having to share space with another person, having someone close tohim all the time, being told he had to rely on that person, to trust them (notgoing to happen).
He hated that it wasn’t Nathaniel (he shouldn’t care).
He hated that Nathaniel was paired with Jean Moreau, number ‘4’of the Perfect Court, another backliner (he shouldn’t care, dammit).
He hated the way that Nathaniel looked at Moreau with suchtrust and affection, the way they were always murmuring in French to eachother, Moreau’s dark head bowed since he towered over Nathaniel’s 5’2” by atleast a foot (he didn’t care, dammit,it was just the drugs).
Andrew’s ‘partner’ was Ben Anders, a second year goalkeeperon the team, though his rank was much lower than Andrew’s – was ‘21’ and notthe ‘10’ that Andrew had been given. Apparently Day and Riko had argued aboutthat, with Day wanting Andrew as Perfect Court and Riko stating that Andrew hadto ‘prove’ it, so a compromise had been reached.
Anders wasn’t awful, he seemed to realize to give Andrewsome space and not to touch him, but he still was there all the time and… and he wasn’t Nathaniel. Apparently all ofthe Ravens knew that Andrew was Nathaniel’s (Nate’s) soulmate (he suspectedthat he had a certain captain to thank for that) and gave them odd lookswhenever they were near each other as if expecting some sort ofacknowledgement, but Nathaniel would only pay attention to Andrew when he wasout on the court, was in the goal.
Any other time his attention was reserved for Moreau andRiko and Day, for whatever Tetsuji (the ‘Master’) was telling the team to do,instructions on training drills or exercises. Despite his short stature he was morethan capable of taking on players twice his size on the court, in stymieingthem from the goal and snatching the ball from them to pass it on to Day orRiko or whoever else was on offense at the moment; the few times that Andrewwas in the goal which he was helping to defend they worked well together, wouldmanage an odd ‘sync’ where he could pass the ball to Nathaniel without any effortshould someone manage to get pass the kid and Moreau.
And then Nathaniel would be back to chasing after Moreauonce the skirmish was over, to sitting next to him and chatting aboutsomething, so animated and excited while Moreau smiled at him. Andrew didn’tunderstand it, especially since from what he’d seen in the showers (seen toomuch in the showers, as open as they were, seen the scars on both of thebackliners’ bodies which no one talked about), Moreau had his own soul mark – awave-like line overlaid with a fleur-de-lis.
Moreau belonged to someone else, someone not a Raven (notyet, or not anymore), so Nathaniel was fixated on someone who’d never be his.Was fixated on a man who wasn’t his soulmate.
From what Andrew could tell, few of the Ravens yet boresoulmate marks – Nathaniel, Moreau, Day, Lau, and Hebig. He and Nathaniel werethe only ones bound to each other, and they barely spoke more than a handful ofwords to each other. Yet any time Andrew performed ‘poorly’ during a practice,Riko would smile at him and tap his left forearm, right where the soul mark washidden beneath Andrew’s armband.
He’d grinned back at the prick one ‘afternoon’ anddeliberately missed all of the shots during the morning practice the next day,worn down by little sleep, by the memory of Drake’s hands on him, by how hecouldn’t leave the damn Nest and go out to drive away the awful feelings insideof him, by the fact that he was desperate for a cigarette and a drink and ten fucking minutes alone. What did itmatter if the ‘Master’ (never Andrew’s, never)beat him like he’d did Lincoln the other day for messing up the drills? Andrewwas used to pain.
Riko’s grin was a cruel, bright slash across his face whenNathaniel showed up the next morning with two black-eyes and a split lip,barely able to walk from being hunched over in pain as he hobbled onto thecourt with his racquet wavering in his hands. Moreau gave Andrew a look of pureloathing as he took his place beside his partner, and Nathaniel ignored Andrewthe entire ‘day’.
Despite his many faults, Andrew was a fast learner and didn’tslack off after that. He knew it would only get worse when classes started andAaron showed up, and had to resist the urge to dig off the damn black mark fromhis arm, to pull out his knives and put them to use.
There were numerous scars on his left (and right) arm fromhim trying to make the pain end in one way or another, but none ever took on that patch of skin. Fate indeed was amocking bastard. At least suffering through ridiculous sixteen hour daysworking out and repeating stupid drills and wasting time on an Exy court meantthat he didn’t have much time to answer Nicky’s bothersome calls. No, he justpopped his pills and counted down the days until classes started when he couldsee Aaron again and reminded himself about why he couldn’t bring his racquetdown on Riko’s or Moreau’s head.
It was getting near the end of summer training when Riko,Day and Moreau were off for some media event that Andrew came across Nathanielin one of the break rooms while fetching some coffee for himself; somethingtwisted inside of him to see the backliner wearing a sweatshirt with Moreau’sname and number across the back.
Nathaniel eyed him for a moment and resumed staring into themug of tea he was making. “You could be Perfect Court, you know, if you tried alittle harder.”
Andrew huffed as he set the pot of coffee back on the burnerand searched through the cupboards in vain for any sugar, yet another reason tohate the Nest. “Oh, he speaks, what an honor.” And of course it was about Exy.
That earned him a sour look as Nathaniel threw out theteabag. “Ever think there’s a reason why I don’t? Why don’t you try harder outon the-“
Andrew held out his left hand to stop the nonsense. “I don’tcare.”
Now Nathaniel appeared frustrated. “But you signed thecontract and came here. You’re playing Exy and everything, how can’t you care?”
How could someone be so stupid? “It’s a means to an end,”Andrew said as he pulled out some almond milk and grimaced before he added itto the coffee. “Not all of us give a damn about this stupid sport.”
“It’s not stupid,” Nathaniel argued. “So what, you’re doingit because of your brother? That’s a waste of talent.” Andrew gave him apointed look as he slurped his awful coffee, suffering through the taste for thesake of caffeine, the one vice he sort of was allowed. “You could have so muchif you just tried,” Nathaniel continued, his tea neglected on the counter andleft hand rubbing at his tattooed cheek, the sleeve of the overlarge sweatshirtsliding down enough to reveal the mark. “Go on to the pros and Court and… andgo anywhere. Could have anything youwant.”
He sounded jealous and a bit wistful.
“Not anything,”Andrew remarked as he lowered his mug, his gaze intent on Nathaniel. No, henever seemed to get what he wanted, now did he? Not the home with Cass, thebrother with Aaron, the soulmate with the gorgeous face and big blue eyes andbright red hair. It was all right, though, he was used to it by then.
It seemed to take a moment for that to sink in withNathaniel, who backed up against the counter near his mug. “I… no.” He shookhis head as he rubbed at his left forearm, right above the wrist where thedetested black mark was sunk into his skin. “It doesn’t matter, does it? It doesn’t mean anything, doesn’t mean we’rereally made for each other.” It sounded as if he was trying to convince himselfmore than anything. “Doesn’t mean we’ll be happy or fall in love.” He spat outthe words as if they were vile to him. “It’s just a meaningless symbol meant tohurt us, to betray us, so I’m not falling for it, I know better.”
It almost sounded like he was reciting those words frommemory.
Part of Andrew wanted to laugh – imagine that, someone whohated the mark just as much as he did, who thought it was bullshit, too. Whatwere the odds that it would be hissoulmate? That it wasn’t just another sign that Nathaniel was ‘meant’ for him?
Oh yes, Fate really did hate him, didn’t it?
“So what, you think you can just ignore it?” he asked with awide grin, even though that was exactly what he planned to do (even though he’dcome here in part because of that damn mark). “You think you can find someoneelse, someone who’ll ignore it?” As that acrid emotion filled him once more, asit burned hot and violent inside of his chest (it wasn’t real, that emotion, hetold himself) when Nathaniel flinched as he leaned a little closer. “You think Moreau will ignore it?”
“You don’t know anything,”Nathaniel told him, his tone sullen and expression guarded.
“I know how you look at him - even though you’re not his,” Andrewtaunted as that acrid emotion flared even hotter inside of him, strong enoughto burn through the high of the meds. “How you follow him around like apathetic puppy. Tell me, does he buy into that mark meaning nothing, too?” His gringrew wider when Nathaniel was quiet. “Oh ho, poor little birdy, yearning forsomeone who will never be his. I bethe puts up with you because you’re his widdle roommate, his partner, thispathetic child Tetsuji told him to watch over and now it’s even better, youbranded as someone else’s pro-“
He ducked as Nathaniel threw the mug of tea at him. “Fuckyou!” Nathaniel screamed, his face a mask of rage and fear, of all things. “You’rejust like him! I hate you! I’d burn this off if I could!” he yelled as he ran fromthe break room.
No, Andrew never got what he wanted. Though that time… thattime it looked as if he might be part of the reason why.
He left his half-finished mug of coffee behind as hestrolled out of the break room, past the various Ravens in the hallway who gavehim a wide berth. Just a few more days and Aaron would be there, would owe himenough to get his hands on some alcohol at the least to make Andrew’s time atthe Nest bearable.
As bearable as it could be, stuck with a soulmate who hatedhim, who he’d never have. Just one more thing on a long list of what he wantedand could never have.
He didn’t know who he hated more just then, himself orMoreau.
Or Nathaniel. He really, really hated Nathaniel just then.
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carolinabronova · 6 years
30 Seconds To Mars The Kill (Burry Me)
99 Souls The Girl Is Mine (ft. Destiny’s Child)
ABBA Lay All Your Love On Me
Adam Lambert Fever If I Had You
Adele Chasing Pavements Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Someone Like You When We Were Young
A-ha Take On Me
Akon Don’t Matter I Wanna Love You (ft. Snoop Dogg)
Alicia Keys If I Ain’t Got You No One
All Angels The Scientist
Ana Carolina É Isso Aí (ft. Seu Jorge)
Angus & Julia Stone A Heartbreak Big Jet Plane Big Jet Plane (Acoustic) Draw Your Swords Just A Boy Paper Aeroplane Yellow Brick Road
A Perfect Circle Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums
Arctic Monkeys 505 Brianstorm Do I Wanna Know? Fluorescent Adolescent I Wanna Be Yours One For The Road R U Mine? Stop The World Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?
Aretha Franklin Say A Little Prayer
Ariana & The Rose In Your Bed (Kevin Drew Remix)
Ariana Grande Almost Is Never Enough Bad Decisions Be Alright Be My Baby Best Mistake Dangerous Woman Everyday (ft. Future) Greedy Into You Jason’s Song (Gave It Away) One Last Time Right There (ft. Big Sean) Side To Side Sometimes
Athlete Rubik’s Cube
Austin Manuel I Just Want You To Love Me
Backstreet Boys If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself A Bad Boy) I Want It That Way
Banks Drowning
Bee Gees How Deep Is Your Love More Than A Woman Too Much Heaven Tragedy
Ben E. King Stand By Me
Beyoncé 7/11 Baby Boy (ft. Sean Paul) Best Thing I Never Had Blow Countdown Drunk In Love Ego Formation Hold Up Love On Top Partition Sandcastles Sorry
Biel Demorô
Black Keys Howlin’ For You
Blue Öyster Cult Burnin’ For You (Don’t Fear) The Reaper
BoA Eat You Up
B.o.B So Good
Bon Iver Creature Fear Perth
Bonnie Raitt Can’t Make You Love Me
Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse Of The Heart
Breaking Benjamin I Will Not Bow
Bright Eyes First Day Of My Life
Britney Spears 3
Bruce Springsteen Dancing In The Dark
Bruno Mars 24k Magic Calling All My Lovelies Chunky Gorilla (ft. Pharell Williams and R.Kelly) Locked Out Of Heaven Talking To The Moon That’s What I Like Treasure When I Was Your Man
Bryan Adams Heaven
Calvin Harris Feels (ft. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry and Big Sean) This Is What You Came For (ft. Rihanna)
Camila Cabello Havana (ft. Young Thug)
Captain & Tennille Love Will Keep Us Together
Carly Rae Jepsen Run Away With Me Your Type
Cary Brothers Loneliest Girl In The World
Cash Cash Overtime
Charlie Brown Jr. Me Encontra
Charlie Puth Attention How Long Marvin Gaye (ft. Meghan Trainor)
Charli XCX Boys
Cheat Codes Let Me Hold You
Chet Baker My Funny Valentine
Chris Brown Liquor Show Me (ft. Kid Ink) Strip Take You Down
Christina Grimmie Must Be Love
Christina Perri distance
Chromeo Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi)
Ciara Body Party
City And Colour The Girl
Claudinho & Bochecha Fico Assim Sem Você Quero Te Encontrar
Clean Bandit Tears (ft. Louisa Johnson)
Coldplay Charlie Brown Hymn For The Weekend (ft. Beyoncé) Swallowed In The Sea Violet Hills Viva La Vida
Colbie Caillat Bubbly
Counting Crows Accidentally In Love
Cyndi Lauper Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Time After Time
Daft Punk Around The World Digital Love Harder Better Faster Stronger Lose Yourself To Dance One More Time Something About Us Technologic
Damien Rice 9 Crimes Delicate Rootless Tree The Blower’s Daughter
Danni Carlos Coisas Que Eu Sei
Daughter Landfill Medicine Run Touch
David Guetta Bad (ft. Vassy)
Dawin Dessert (ft. Silento)
Demi Lovato Sorry Not Sorry Stone Cold
Destiny’s Child Bills, Bills, Bills Bootylicious Independent Women Say My Name
Disclosure Latch (ft. Sam Smith)
DJ Snake Leon On (ft. MØ and Major Lazer) Middle
DNCE Cake By The Ocean
Drake Fake Love Hold On We’re Going Home How About Now Marvin’s Room One Dance Passionfruit Too Good (ft. Rihanna)
Dua Lipa New Rules
Duke Dumont Ocean Drive
Earth, Wind & Fire After The Love Has Gone Boogie Wonderland Fantasy Let’s Groove September
Eden Project drowning.
Ed Sheeran Cold Coffee Drunk Give Me Love Grade 8 I’m A Mess Kiss Me Little Bird One Night She Small Bump U.N.I The Man Wake Me Up
Ellie Goulding Love Me Like You Do On My Mind
Elvis Presley Can’t Help Falling In Love Suspicious Minds (You’re The) Devil In Disguise
Erasure A Little Respect
Escape The Fate Zombie Dance
Etha Franklin At Last
Evanescence My Immortal
Fetty Wap 679 (ft. Remy Boyz) Again My Way (ft. Monty) Trap Queen
Fifth Harmony All In My Head (Flex) (ft. Fetty Wap)
Flight Facilities Crave You Crave You (Adventure Club Remix)
Florence + The Machine Cosmic Love Caught Drumming Song Never Let Me Go Seven Devils
Flo Rida I Cry
Francoise Hardy Voila
Frank Sinatra Fly Me To The Moon If I Had You Moon River
Gabrielle Aplin Home Please Don’t Say You Love Me Start Of Time
G-Eazy F**k With U (ft. Pia Mia) Lady Killers (ft. Hoodie Allen)
George Martin Pepperland - Remastered
Gilberto Girl Vamos Fugir (Gimme Your Love)
Glen Hansard All The Way Down Falling Slowly Lies Say It To Me Now
Grayscale Palette
Gym Class Heroes Cupid’s Chokehold
Halsey Gasoline
Hozier Someone New Take Me To Church
Hudson Thames How I Want Ya
Hurts Illuminated Somebody To Die For Stay Unspoken
Ingrid Michaelson Can’t Help Falling In Love You And I
Iron & Wine Flightless Bird, American Mouth
Israel Novaes Vem Ni Mim Dodge Ram
Ivete Sangalo Quando A Chuva Passar Se Eu Não Te Amasse Tanto Assim
James Blunt You’re Beautiful
Jammil Praieiro
Jeff Buckley Hallelujah
Jeremih oui
João Bosco E Vinícius Chora Me Liga
Joe Walsh Turn To Stone
John Mayer Free Fallin’ Gravity Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
Johnny Cash Hurt
JoJo Beautiful Girls
Jon Secada If I Never Knew You (ft. Shanice)
Jordan Fisher All About Us
Jorge Vercilo Que Nem Maré
Jota Quest Blecaute (ft. Anitta and Nite Rodgers)
Justin Timberlake My Love (ft. T.I) Summer Love
Kanye West Bound 2 Power
Kate Nash Nicest Thing
Katy Perry Birthday
Kendrick Lamar DNA King Kunta Loyalty (ft. Rihanna) Poetic Justice (ft. Drake)
Kid Abelha Como Eu Quero
Kina Grannis Valentine
Kings Of Leon Pyro Sex On Fire
Kodaline All I Want
Kyle Edwards Starboy (Harder Better Faster Stronger Jersey Club)
Labrinth Jealous
Lady Gaga Bad Romance Do What U Want (ft. R.Kelly) Edge Of Glory G.U.Y Just Dance Marry The Night Million Reasons Monster Perfect Illusion Speechless The Cure You & I
Lana Del Rey Born To Die Dark Paradise Freak High By The Beach Love Religion Ridin’ (ft. A$AP Rocky) Sad Girl Serial Killer Video Games West Coast Young And Beautiful
Lauren Aquilina Wonder
Leonard Cohen Hallelujah
Leona Lewis Bleeding Love
Lil Dicky Lemme Freak
Lil Wayne 6 Foot 7 Foot
Linda Ronstadt I Will Always Love You
Lionel Richie Just Go (ft. Akon)
Lissie Everywhere I Go
Little Big Town Girl Crush
Los Hermanos Anna Julia
LS Jack Ô Carla
Lulu Santos Como Uma Onda Sereia
Lykke Li I Follow Rivers Until We Bleed
M83 My Tears Are Becoming A Sea
Madonna Material Girl
Maiara & Maraisa Medo Bobo
Mariah Carey #Beautiful (ft. Miguel) Emotions Obsessed Touch My Body We Belong Together
Marianas Trench Haven’t Had Enough
Marina & The Diamonds How To Be A Heartbreaker Oh No! Primadonna Teen Idle
Marisa Monte Depois
Maroon 5 Feelings Makes Me Wonder Stutter What Lovers Do
Marvin Gaye Sexual Healing
Maskavo Um Anjo Do Céu
Matthew Perryman Jones Only You
MC G15 Deu Onda
MC Leozinho Se Ela Dança, Eu Danço
MC Marcinho Glamurosa
Michael Sembello Maniac
Miguel Adorn coffee Simple Things Sure Thing
Mike Posner Cooler Than Me I Took A Pill In Ibiza Looks Like Sex
Miley Cyrus 23 (ft. Mike Will Made It, Wiz Khalifa and Juicy J) Wrecking Ball
MKTO Classic
MØ Fire Rides - Night Version
Mumford And Sons Little Lion Man Sigh No More White Blank Page
Muse Neutron Star Collision Plug In Baby Resistance Starlight Supermassive Black Hole Undisclosed Desires
My Chemical Romance Helena (So Long & Goodnight) I Don’t Love You The Light Behind Your Eyes
Natalie La Rose Somebody (ft. Jeremih)
Natiruts Me Namora
Nelly Dilemma (ft. Kelly Rowland)
Neon Trees Animal Everybody Talks Mad Love
Ne-yo Closer
NF Got You On My Mind
Niall Horan Slow Hands
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds O Children
Nick Jonas Jealous Teacher Wilderness
Nigahiga Bromance (ft. Chester See) Nice Guys (ft. Chester See and KevJumba)
Ninja Sex Party FYI I Wanna F Your A Peppermint Creams Sex Training The Decision
Oasis Wonderwall
Olivver The Kid Attica ‘71
Olly Murs Dance With Me Tonight Kiss Me
Omarion Post To Be (ft. Chris Brown and Jhené Aiko)
One Direction Fireproof Happily Night Changes No Control Perfect Stockholm Sydrome Strong You & I
Outkast Hey Ya!
Panic! At The Disco Death Of A Bachelor Nine In The Afternoon
Papas Da Língua Eu Sei
Paramore Ain’t It Fun Misery Business Still Into You
Passanger Let Her Go
Paula Fernandes Não Precisa (ft. Victor e Leo)
P.Diddy Last Night (ft. Keyshia Cole)
Pentatonix Can’t Sleep Love Fantasy I Need Your Love La La Latch Love Again Natural Disaster
Pink F*cking Perfect Please Don’t Leave Me Sober So What Who Knew
Player Baby Come Back
Post Malone Rockstar
Psirico Lepo Lepo
R5 Dark Side
Rae Sremmurd Black Beatles
Raleigh Ritchie Bloodsport
Redfoo New Thang
Rich Homie Quan Flex (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
Richie Campbell Do You No Wrong
Rihanna Can’t Remember To Forget You (ft. Shakira) Don’t Stop The Music FourFiveSeconds (ft. Kanye West and Paul McCartney) Love On The Brain Needed Me Russian Roulette Te Amo Unfaithful Where Have You Been Wild Thoughts (ft. DJ Khaled and Bryson Tiller)
Rise Against Savior
Roberta Campos Minha Felicidade
Robin Thicke Get Her Back
Robot Koch Nitesky (ft. John Lamonica)
Ryan Adams Wonderwall
Sam Smith Nirvana Palace
Sarah Jaffe Clementine
Scorpions Rock You Like A Hurricane
Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox Stacy’s Mom
Scouting For Girls Heartbeat
Seal Kiss From A Rose
Selena Gomez Bad Liar Fetish (ft. Gucci Mane) Good For You Hands To Myself Perfect Wolves (ft. Marshmellow)
Seu Jorge Carolina Mina Do Condomínio
Shania Twain From This Moment On Man! I Feel Like A Woman You’re Still The One
Shawn Mendes There’s Nothing Holding Me Back
Shura Touch (Canvas Remix)
Sia Cheap Thrills Elastic Heart
Simon & Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water
Skank Ainda Gosto Dela Tão Seu Vamos Fugir Vou Deixar
Sleeping At Last As Long As You Love Me Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Venus
Snoop Dogg Sensual Seduction
Stevie Nicks Edge Of Seventeen
Stevie Wonder Isn’t She Lovely
Story Of The Year Until The Day I Die
Talking Heads Psycho Killers
Taylor Swift Blank Space Love Story Safe And Sound (ft. The Civil Wars) Style Wildest Dreams
Tears For Fears Everybody Wants To Rule The World
The 1975 Chocolate FallingForYou Somebody Else UGH! The Sound
The Archies Sugar, Sugar
The Barr Brothers May 4th
The Bird And The Bee How Deep Is Your Love
The Black Eyed Peas Meet Me Halfway
The Black Keys Howlin’ For You
The Beach Boys Good Vibrations Wouldn’t It Be Nice
The Beatles Hey Jude Yesterday
The Black Eyed Peas Meet Me Halfway
The Cataracs Ready 4 The Weekend (ft. Icona Pop)
The Civil Wars Poison And Wine
The Cure Boys Don’t Cry
The Glitch Mob Between Two Points (ft. Swan)
The Irrepressibles In This Shirt
The Jackson 5 I Want You Back
The Killers Human Somebody Told Me When You Were Young
The Last Shadow Puppets Miracle Aligner
The Lonely Island 3-Way (The Golden Rule) I’m So Humble (ft. Adam Levine) Jizz In My Pants Spring Break Anthem
The Maine I Must Be Dreaming Into Your Arms
The Middle East Blood
The Neighbourhood Daddy Issues #icanteven (ft. French Montana)
The Platters Only You (And You Alone)
The Police Every Breath You Take Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Roxanne
The Pretty Reckless You Zombie
The Script Breakeven
The Turtles Happy Together
The Weeknd Acquainted A Lonely Night Earned It I Feel It Coming Often Or Nah (Stwo Remix) Starboy The Hills Wicked Games
The White Strips Seven Nation Army
The Zombies Time Of The Season
T.I Whatever You Like
Tim Maia Descobridor Dos Sete Mares Gostava Tanto De Você Não Quero Dinheiro (Só Quero Amar)
Tinashe Superlove Quit You (ft. Lost Kings)
Tom Odell Can’t Pretend
Toni Braxton Un-Break My Heart
Toto Africa
Tove Lo Cool Girl
Tribalistas Aliança Já Sei Namorar Velha Infância
Troye Sivan Fools for him. Wild (ft. Alessia Cara)
U2 One (ft. Mary J Blidge)
Usher DJ Got Us Fallin In Love Hey Daddy (Daddy’s Home) U Remind Me
Van Halen Why Can’t This Be Love
Vinicius Cantuária Só Você
Wesley Safadão Aquele 1% (ft. Marcos & Belutti) Camarote
What So Not Jaguar
Whitney Houston I Have Nothing I Wanna Dance With Somebody I Will Always Love You
xxyyxx About You
War Why Can’t We Be Friends
Yvonne Elliman If I Can’t Have You
Zara Larsson Ain’t My Fault I Would Like So Good
Zella Day Hypnotic (Vanic Remix)
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doctormyuu · 7 years
@ YOUR Top 10 favorite blogs & why? :D
/* Ohhhh gosh. This is gonna be so difficult for me because I could easily list like thirty of them. There are so many talented people out there with so much passion and how can I limit this to just ten!? ALRIGHT HERE WE GO (in no particular order):1. @cruciatusxcervus— Kirin is an amazing person and she has an incredible OC that I could hype up forever. Attention to detail is superb and I’m a sucker for symbolism. Eden is well developed, well characterised and it’s clear that an incredible amount of thought has been put into her. Quality of writing is top notch and I always push myself with our threads! I can’t recommend this blog enough.
2. @shininqbeacon— I follow several of Mishka’s blogs and I love them all. When I first found this one I was so excited! Our thread is one that I loved from the very beginning. They’re a great writer and their art is also fantastic! And uh, they have amazing icons (gimme gimme)?
3. @challengingods — one of the best Goku’s out there as far as I can see! We haven’t interacted much (can we change that? :D) but I absolutely love their content. And the mun seems so lovely too! It’s clear they’re passionate about Goku and representing him well.
4. @moonfayth— I can honestly say that I love every single post I see of theirs on my dash. They just are so passionate for their character (give me more headcanons!) and I love their writing so much! Not to mention, the mun is so full of positivity and love for others. Also, that theme? HOW DO YOU GUYS DO IT. Following them is a tremendous joy and I love our interactions so far. Just follow ‘em, you won’t regret it!
5. @acceldance— loved their blog from the very beginning and was so excited to get a thread going with them. Absolutely fantastic writing and I love their characterisation of Eighteen. Theme on point, icons on point. 10/10. I always love seeing them on my dash! 
6. @hakamorraf— another fantastic OC! Our thread is only just starting but again, it’s one of the ones that I love already. Their writing is beautiful and I love the thought that goes into their character. Also, she can turn into a giant wolf? Sign me up! Oh, and more amazing icons can be found here.
7. @revengedeathball — first blog I rped with and I have no regrets! Their characterisation of Baby is fantastic and they put a lot of thought into fleshing him out and giving him more depth. Plus, do you have any idea how hyped I was to find another GT blog?
8. @xandroid18—  this is another Eighteen I absolutely adore, and Diana is so lovely. Our thread thus far has been a joy (and we really need to get one going with Super Seventeen too)! Great writing, great mun - go follow them.
9. @data-cat— here we have another great OC! Katya is great fun to interact with and our threads have been great. The mun is super friendly and great to talk to and they’re also a fantastic artist. 
10. @daytonsdopemuses— how does one person handle so many muses? We’re all baffled. yet the mun pulls it off with ease. This is a great blog which is run by a relaxed, friendly mun, and I love seeing ‘em on the dash. Definitely worthy of that follow.
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anxiety-in-glasses · 7 years
Fanfiction Playlist 2017
I haven’t done one of these in a long time. Since 2017 is coming to a close, I thought I’d share music I’ve been listening to while reading lots of fanfiction. I thought this would be good inspiration for other people’s playlists and fan vids. Be warned, this list is long.
(P.S. let me know if you guys want a list of fanfiction (or books) that I’ve read this past year)
All I Want- Ahn Trio ft. Susie Suh
Hunger of the Pine- alt-J
Illuminate- Tender
The End- Daughter
Drugs- Charli XCX ft ABRA
Magnetized- Tom Odell
Weak- AJR
Bonfires- Blue Foundation
Alone (Hyperstar Remix)- Antent ft Avenax
This Is Love- Cappa
Dead Hearts- Stars
Crawl- Tender
Fortress- Bear’s Den
Sober Up- AJR ft. Rivers Cuomo
Medicine- Daughter
Darkside- Ty Dolla $ign & Future ft. Kiiara
Messenger- Blonde Redhead
Pray- JRY ft. Rooty
Dreamer- Charli XCX ft. Starrah & RAYE
Gimme All Your Love- Alabama Shakes
Silhouettes- Of Monsters and Men
Ashes- The Bengsons
Smother- Daughter
Change Me- Fytch ft. Naika
Wonderful Life- Smith & Burrows
Danger- Migos & Marshmello
Skin- Alexz Johnson
Nara- alt-J
The Wolves- Cyrus Reynolds & Gregg Lehrman ft. Keeley Bumford
You Are Enough- Sleeping At Last
Six Feet Under- Billie Eilish
Alone/With You- Daughter
Now- Dylan Stark
Brim- Olafur Arnalds
Heart of Glass (Crabtree Remix)- Philip Glass
Not Afraid Anymore- Halsey
Strangelovehate- Scanners
Barking Dog- Phantogram
Unfamiliar Sky- Black Lab
Stomach It- Crywolf ft. EDEN
Misery Is a Butterfly- Blonde Redhead
Eyes On Fire- Blue Foundation
In The Morning- Cappa
Fuse- Crywolf
Saved- Khalid
Mind (Ekali & Gravez Remix)- Skrillex & Diplo ft. Kai
Run- Daughter
Work It On Out- Haiva ru
Feel Something- Jaymes Young
You & I- John Legend
Praying- Kesha
Where Did I Go?- Jorja Smith
I Know You Love To Fall- Message to Bears
Attention- Wyatt
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pinkcaseotakadl · 8 years
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden Kou Mukami (dark 1) ~translation~
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This translation was made by @rkyt1965
Place: Room in Eden
Yui: (Haa...) Yui: (Somehow I don't get used to the life in Makai...) Kou: Yui-! Come here for a moment? Yui: ... ...?
*Yui gets close to Kou*
Yui: Kou-Kun, what's wrong--
*Screen shakes*
*Kou gets close*
Yui: *Blushes* Kya... ... Kou: Okay, sit down above my knees and listen what I have to say Kou: Especially... I'll only tell this to you... So pay attention, okay Yui: *Looks like a tomato* Y-Yes... Kou: You 'now... I, I love Yui soooo~~~ much Yui: ... ...! Kou: Sometimes we quarrel but, I like when we solve that Kou: I really love you... Haha Kou: Well, that's all. Are you happy? Yui: Y-Yes. I'm amazingly happy Yui: (He suddenly confessing, makes my heart beat...) Kou: Then now, tell me a secret too Yui: Eh...!? Kou: I'll hear you... So tell me? Yui: (This is... In other words, he wants me to say the same?)
Choices: 1.- I love Kou (M) 2.- I hate Kou (S)
1. (M)
Yui: (Uuh, it's embarrassing but...)
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Yui: M-Me too... I love Kou-Kun... Kou: Huumm... How much? Kou: How much you say... This? Kou: Ehh, only that? Yui: (He's expanding his arms...) Kou: I thought your love to me was very bigger... Yui: But, what should I do... Kou: Then, kiss me? Yui: *Blushes* Eh!? Kou: Not a simple kiss. I want you to give me an ama~zing kiss Yui: (A-An amazing kiss says...) Kou: Let's go, hurry up and do it? Yui: K-Kou-Kun, today you are so tender, isn't it... What happened?
*Romantic music*
Kou: Is that bad I'm being tender even without nothing happened? Yui: *Blushes* It's not like that but... Kou: Then it's decided! Alright, kiss me [Already-] Yui: (I-I can't run away already isn't it...) Yui: (If I touch gently his lips maybe he'll forgive me...?) Yui: *Kiss* ...--Kya! Yui: (He clinged on my head, I can't move...!) Kou: ...Hey, there's no way this ending with just that, isn't that? Kou: I told you to gimme a amazing kiss, right? Yui: T-That's... Kou: What to do... *Kiss* Nnn... Mm... Yui: Mmm... Yui: (A-A wild... Kiss...!) Kou: Can you do that this way¡ Yui: I-It's impossible... Nnn... Kou: *Kisses* Mmm... Nn... Haa, I can't hear you... Kou: I won't let you go until you can, okay...? Nnn...
~The end~
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lookingglasstheatre · 8 years
1. What are you listening to right now? “Kill V. Maim” by Grimes
2. What song makes you sad? I have a whole playlist called “I Used to Know You, But Now We’re Strangers” composed entirely of songs that remind me of exes or old friends I’m not longer in contact with..
“Gimme Danger” by The Stooges is a big one, along with “Everlong” by The Foo Fighters, which both remind me of very specific relationships. But, my pick for this is “Farther” by Third Eye Blind.. it could apply to a lot of different people..
“And I think about you dying years from now never having known who you are […] All I think about is waiting and all the people we are fading into Farther from you every day..” - “Farther” Third Eye Blind
3. What is the most annoying song in the world? Songs aren’t usually annoying to me unless they’re overplayed. I don’t know, no song is annoying me at the moment. Maybe that song “We Are Young” by fun. I’m not even sure it’s annoying, I just hate it.
4. Your all time favorite band? The Birthday Massacre, probably. That would be the most unique pick. Or Elliott Smith, if that counts.
5. Your newly discovered band is? The Regrettes. It’s amazing to me that Lydia Night is like 16 years old. I hope those kids keep killing it. Good luck to them.
6. Best female voice? Hope Sandoval of Mazzy Star has an amazing voice. I wish I sounded even a little bit like her.
7. Best male voice? So, I don’t think he’s the best.. but holy shit, Ville Valo from HIM has a sexy voice. It’s so sexy as to almost make you forget how cheesy HIM lyrics are. Almost.
8. Music type you find yourself listening to most? Pop music, probably.. and shitty punk rock, lol.
9. What do you listen to, to hype you up? Depends on what I’m getting hyped up for. “Bubblegum Bitch” by Marina and The Diamonds for going out and looking pretty. All of Enema of the Sate by Blink-182 for energy in the morning. Kanye for working out. Aesthetic Perfection when I’m about to hit up a goth club, hah.
10. What do you listen to when you want to calm down? Belle and Sebastian, Slowdive, Radiohead, Lana Del Rey
11. Last gig/concert you went to? My friend’s band, Sleepsnack.
12. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now? My taste shifts once the weather gets warm so; Blink-182, Fountains of Wayne, Sufer Blood, Wavves, Third Eye Blind, My Chem’s Danger Days record.
13. Most hated band? I don’t listen to music I hate unless it’s inflicted upon me by other people against my will. So I’m not good with naming bands I don’t like. As far as bands I hate for personal or political reasons.. I hate ANY band that harasses or condones the harassment of women or minorities.
14. Song that makes you think? “Romeo’s Distress” by Christian Death. It’s such a great fucking track, but I want to believe that it’s anti-white supremacist, instead of the other way around… I have read the lyrics over and over trying to figure out if Roz Williams was actually just racist. I want to believe it was written mostly for the shock value and ultimately a song just telling a story and issuing a kind of warning.. but who knows for sure.. [sigh]
15. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do? I’m always kind of surprised more people I meet aren’t more familiar with Sneaker Pimps or IAMX’s early records. Chris Corner is kind of a hero of mine.
16. Coolest music video? Marilyn Manson’s “The Beautiful People” and the video for Death Cab for Cutie’s “Title and Registration.” “All I Full of Love” by Bjork. There are probably a bunch more I’m forgetting. All Grimes music videos.
17. Music video with the most watch? This question is phrased weirdly. But if you’re asking what music video I’ve watched the most… Malice Mizer’s “Illuminati.” Definitely. LOL. Along with Velvet Eden’s “SAD MASK.” Oh god, KALM flailing around in awful CG fire is what I LIVE for.
18. What do you play/would you play in the bedroom to spice things up? Souvlaki by Slowdive. With candles lit, after smoking together.
19. Ever been in a mosh pit? No. I would die. Look at the fucking size of me. I am a delicate doll.
20. Are you in a band? Nope. Someone start an all-girl Ramones and/or Blink-182 cover band with me.
21. Ever dated a musician? “Dated” would be kind of a strong word for it, but I had an ongoing casual thing with a guitarist in a band.
22. Do you wish yourself that you were a musician? Yes, but only because I wish I were any good at playing one of the myriad of instruments I’ve tried to learn. I wouldn’t want to be famous though.
23. Best all chick band you know of? Sleater-Kinney.
24. Last song that you heard on the radio/cd…etc…? I haven’t listened to the radio in a long, long time. I haven’t bought a CD in many years. If you’re counting any kind of physical media, I’m spinning an LP on my turntable right now; it’s Blink-182’s Enema of The State and “Anthem” just finished playing.
32. What do you think of Classical music? Eh, I can understand why some people find it boring. My mother was a classical pianist and I grew up listening to a lot of classical music. I just developed a taste for it after many years, I guess.
33. What do you think of Country music? It reminds me of growing up in Texas. There will always be at least one or two country songs I like - a lot of which reminds me of middle school dances and crying in the bathroom alone because my crush didn’t like me back. And everyone likes at least one Johnny Cash song.
34. What do you think of metal? I like it. I can only take so much screaming, to be honest.. but some bands I really love can be classified as metal.
35. Last BIG band that you saw live? Blink-182.
36. Are you a groupie? Nope.
37. Do you listen to music in foreign languages? I used to listen to a LOT of J-Rock. I also listen to music in Korean, German, Romanian, and French.
38. What famous musician would you like to “spend the night with”!?
Woman; Lauren Mayberry of Chvrches. She’s a great front woman and so, so cute.
Man; I’d say Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance, but I feel weird about it because he’s also married to another super-crush of mine; Lindsey from Mindless Self Indulgence… so maybe Elliott Smith when he was still alive. I get a strong impression that he respected women.
39. Worst concert moment? Any time someone drunkenly falls all over me and/or hits me. It always seems to happen. Also when I saw Kaya live with my sister there was a guy trying to hit on her the entire time and I felt really bad that I didn’t exactly notice until we were out of the show.
40. Funny concert moment? When I went to see Marina and The Diamonds there was a guy next to me with his boyfriend and right in front of us was a woman with her teenage son. At some point they lit up a joint and offered some to the mom (who honestly looked kind of square) and she and them got high together. It was pretty amusing watching them chill together.
41. Sad concert moment? I went to see IAMX with a boyfriend, who I loved very much, but he didn’t really know the band. A few rows back, my ex (who I had just recently broken up with) was there with a coworker. I was sad we’d gotten to a point where we couldn’t go together or hang out anymore because we have really similar taste in music and that concert was amazing and I was sad not to be able to hang out with him during it.
42. Best local act you can think of? King Woman is originally from this area, I think.
43. If you were a musical instrument what would you be? Vocalist. I suck at everything else. In a perfect world I’d be the guitarist or keys.
44. Do you listen to the radio? Honestly, no, and I haven’t since grade school, really.
45. Do you watch music TV? I don’t have cable.
46. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40? I did in grade school, but I haven’t really paid attention to music charts since then.
47. Have you meet any famous musicians? Met Kaya at an autograph session at Anime USA. It was at the peak of my Kaya obsession. He told me I was pretty. It was awesome.
48. Are any of your friends/family/etc. musicians? My mom was a piano teacher. My dad is basically tone deaf, haha.
49. Song that best describes your feelings right now? “I Really Like You” by Carly Rae Jepson.
50. Song that describes your life? The ENTIRE record Froot by Marina And the Diamonds. ESPECIALLY “I’m a Ruin” “Blue” and “Forget” and “Weeds”.. and “Immortal” Yeah, I can’t pick just one song… The whole record. Just listen to the whole thing and you’ll understand me, haha. Which I realize, does not paint me in a very flattering light.. but it’s accurate.
“Gimme love, gimme dreams, gimme a good self esteem” -Blue
“Cause I have lived my life in debt I’ve spent my days in deep regret Yeah, I’ve been living in the red But I wanna forgive and forget” -Forget
“I miss all of my exes They’re the only ones that know me And God knows that sex is A way to feel a bit, a little bit less lonely Yeah, I tried to keep it covered up Yeah, I thought I cut him at the root But now I think my time is up Cause he keeps growing back Like weeds” - Weeds
51. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to? Not even remotely. There are some exceptions, but for the most part, no.
52. Does a musician’s physical attractiveness play a part? A part in what? I think it plays a role in how popular they become. As far as it playing a role in how much I like them, I appreciate bands with a strong aesthetic, but it’s hardly necessary. Some of my favorite bands I wouldn’t even be able to recognize if I saw a photo of.
53. What famous musician do you want to marry? I don’t think someone’s musical output is a good way to gauge their marriageability..
54. Favourite movie soundtrack? The Scott Pilgrim vs The World OST.
55. Any musician pet hates? Any time musicians are arrogant enough to insult other musician’s work just for their own credibility. Like, you’re not cool for hating pop music, my dude. >_>
56. What do your parents listen to? My mother listens to mostly classical music, my dad likes James Taylor and Joni Mitchell
57. What are you listening to right NOW? Private Affair by The Virgins. I fucking love this song.
58. Do you wear band etc T-shirts? I hate wearing band t-shirts with a fiery passion of a thousand suns with VERY rare exceptions.
59. What do you think of people who do? I’m usually pretty.. not into those people. Like, hate is a strong word… but I’m really into fashion. Band t-shirts are like a really lazy way of expressing yourself to me. And they’re almost always printed on really boxy, non-soft material. Everyone wants to fight me on this.. I just don’t care for them.
60. What music sub-culture do you feel like you belong to? None? I always dressed too goth to really feel like I belong in the punk scene even though that was primarily what I was listening to in high school. I guess goth, but I don’t get along with or have much in common with most of the generic goths I know and I listen to too much pop for them. Is the indie-synthpop scene a thing..?
61. What song is stuck in your head right now? The theme song to Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
62. Do you sing in the shower? When I was a kid I would drag my giant boom box in the the bathroom with me and listen to it while taking a bath; mostly audiobooks, but sometimes music. I usually didn’t sing along though.
63. If so, what? If not, why not? Not sure? I sing in the car a lot. If music is on and I know the words and I’m alone, I’m singing.
66. How important is your partners taste in music to you? I’m really open about music, so whatever they are into I’ll probably get into as well. If we already share a taste in music we can discover more together, which is really fun. As long as they don’t HATE my music, it’s fine.
67. Hanson moves in next door to you, do you go introduce yourself, or do you arrange to beat them up? I’d probably just update my facebook status like, “Hanson lives next door to me. So, there’s that.” And invite them to my next barbecue.
68. Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll, you dig? Yes, sometimes, and yes.
69. Do you cook to music? Sometimes, I no longer have speakers right next to the kitchen.
70. Do you sing in the toilet? Nah.
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happymetalgeek · 6 years
On a very pleasant evening in Belfast a large crowd starting filling into the iconic Ulster Hall to see an iconic band play the stage as tonight Europe are in town.
Up on stage first was King King, a Scottish blues band that immediately made an impression as the lead vocalist and guitarist Alan Nimmo struts on in a fantastic tartaned kilt. The  gathered crowd, which was a very respectable size for a support act, were very evidently not there just for Europe. King King as they kicked of their set with “She Don’t Gimme No Lovin”, “Waking Up”, and “You Stopped The Rain” to a lot of joy. And if you had never heard King King before you quickly found out why there was so much love for the group.
King King delivered what can only be described as slick soulful blues rock filled to the brim with pure emotion. Alan, Lindasy, Wayne and Jonny worked perfectly as a rushing river of blues that just hit every emotion you could wish to have at a gig. On they went with “Long History Of Love”, “Rush Hour” and “Lose Control” as the crowd got bigger and bigger intrigued to find a support act that could very easily have been the main event. King King were consummate professionals as Alan made his guitar wail and keen with perfect blues infused melodies. You could close your eyes and hear the tones and style of Gary Moore. Almost every time Alan strolled out his meandering solos you could feel the vibes of Parisian Walkways. They finished off their set with “Stranger To Love” to huge acclaim and they had definitely won over a lot of new fans.
The stage was changed and the lights fell low. The anticipation began to pique when the backing track and then on came Europe to rapturous applause. And they hit the Ulster Hall with “Walk the Earth” and the full house gave a collective massive grin. Europe in their first song showed they had huge amounts of energy and joy and that set the tone for the whole night. On they went with “The Siege” before the classic “Rock The Night” which had everyone singing along. Every so often Joey Tempest delighted the audience with a perfect holler of “What’s the Craic?” out into the hall only to get a huge roar in return.
On they went with “Enemy”, “Eden” and “New Love in Town”. Showing absolute primacy of the stage the whole band showed pure showmanship worthy of a massive stadium. The now heaving crowd were lapping it all up as Joey and John bounced around the stage with aplomb, grace and utter joyful abandon.
Continuing to deliver an absolutely blistering set with “Firebox”, “Ready or Not”, “Vasatan” and “Lebanon” everyone was in rapture and responding completely to the infectious iconic melodic rock. “Turn to Dust” and “GTO” kept the whole place in pure ecstasy before the band took it up a notch with “Carrie” as you could physically feel the Ulster hall reverberate as every single voice raised up as one to sing the chorus. Interspersed was Joey’s incredibly relaxed interplay with the audience as they prepared to keeping knocking people’s socks of with “Nothin to Ya”. Then the light dropped before the spotlight fell on Ian Haugland standing up behind his drums as he spat, fountainlike, a huge spray of water out into the air raising his arms calling everyone’s attention in one joyous act of fun. The crowd went wild as he sat back down and produced a fantastically intense performance to the William Tell Overture. It was a joy to behold indeed.
“Wasted Time” exploded from the stage as Joey kept showing his adept skills with the microphone with a beautifully timed cover of Whitesnake’s “Here I go Again” dropped right in the middle of it all. Then came “War of Kings”, “Superstitious” and as an encore “Cherokee” that had every hand raised up in the air and clapping along before the finale that capped the whole perfect evening off – yes, they did – “The Final Countdown”. The crowd sang their hearts out along with Joey, who showed that he still had his slick superb vocal range.
What an incredible evening full of intense emotion, incredible music and unadulterated showmanship that had everyone leaving with a massive cheesy grin on their face. King King and Europe were a perfect combination. Blues rock and melodic rock in flawless symbiosis giving over two solid hours of a soul reaching extravaganza. This was the start of their tour and what a way to start – their stall was set out and it is one not to be missed. If you can get to any of the other gigs on this tour you owe it to yourself to go.
GIG REVIEW: @Europetheband Kick of Thier Incredible Tour in Belfast's @UlsterHall Giving a Night That Will Be Long remembered @KingKingUK @Rollinspromo @Noble_PR @Peter_Noble @MetalPlanet72 @SamLamb4 On a very pleasant evening in Belfast a large crowd starting filling into the iconic Ulster Hall to see an iconic band play the stage as tonight Europe are in town.
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