#edit also: what would happen to jack lol. because i don’t think chuck would be niceys. HELL world for cas
sunforgrace · 11 months
thinking about if dean and sam’s “we’ll play into your story and kill each other but you gotta bring the birds the people - cas - back” deal with chuck worked cas would have woken up to a world where dean is dead.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x15: Gimme Shelter
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Dean used his words to save the world once
At a food bank community center, three teens dole out food while stressing out about one attendant who’s breaking their cleanliness rules. Connor heads over to talk to the woman, but is stopped by the center’s pastor. The pastor challenges Connor’s motivation. ”We have rules, but we also have spirit too, right?” The pastor tells Connor to lead with compassion, so Connor brings the woman food instead of kicking her out of the building. 
Later, Connor walks home. Much like all other cold open walks, this one also involves a solitary alley. He hears someone calling his name. Trying to find the source of the voice, he trips and finds a talking teddy bear, and a metal hook around his neck.
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Dean and Sam discuss research. Sam’s found a non-case, while Dean’s hit the jackpot in Atlantic City. Specifically, an unexplained blackout has him thinking that Amara’s enjoying her new gambling addiction on the East Coast. 
Cas pops up and thinks he should go with the brothers, but they tell him to stay put and babysit Jack. I say TFW is just better together, but I’m not writing this episode. Hrmph. The brothers are packed and ready to go, but Jack stops them in the war room to ask about the case Sam found.
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Sam tells him it’s nothing. Dean encourages Cas and Jack to investigate --to keep Jack busy. Cas seems skeptical, but Dean insists.
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Agents Swift and Lovato meet with the local law enforcement to learn more about the case. Sweet Jesus is it cute that Cas continues to use pop-star names. It’s cute that Jack takes after his father with the upside down badge. It’s cute that Jack recognizes the teddy bear and says he has one (Did Cas buy it for him? He has a history of buying stuffed animals for his quasi-children.) 
The sheriff tells them about the victim, and how the word ‘Liar’ was carved into him. 
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Jack posits that this all seems demonic. 
Cut to Cas digging into the ground at a crossroads. Time to get some information. Cas buries a picture of himself that Dean took when he was wearing a cowboy hat (Don’t worry, Dean still has his copy, and keeps it safe…. for reasons.) and Jack sets up a social media account. He’s WAY under 13 years old, so he needs a parent’s permission. Cas grants it easily. (Also, ALSO!! ALSO, there are NOT too many cats on the internet. This writing is so OOC, smh.) 
A demon appears. 
He’s channeling his inner Crowley, and I suddenly miss the bugger for a moment. Zach, the demon, is very bored and desperately wants something to do. He’s not really British and tells the duo that no one's making demon deals right now. Rowena’s of the philosophy that “people will end up where they belong.” Cas realizes their mistake and moves to leave.  “Sam was right, it’s not a monster,” Jack laments. “He was half right. Sometimes humans can be the worst kind of monsters,” Cas adds. 
At the community center, a woman locks up, and grabs a whole lotta cash from the donation box before she bails. Once outside, she hears a voice call her name. She looks around but sees nothing. She turns back to her car to find a masked individual. A weird editing choice cuts back to her...and commercial. 
Cas checks in with the brothers. Dean tells Cas to be wary of those “Hallelujah types” and I’m like, wha? Cas is an ANGEL OF THE LORD. He’s been around the block, Dean. Lol for looking out for your BFF, tho. Also, second awkward moment of the episode when Dean just hangs up on Cas? I’m…
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Sam voices his reservations about the whole finding Amara --lying to Amara --killing Amara plan. Say it louder for the brother in the seat next to you, Sam! 
(Boris: I’m just going to insert this in the middle of this recap and never mention it again. Can we trust Billie? Is her plan actually something that is GOOD for our TFW 2.0? What is her agenda and does it align with what we want? What if what SHE wants is as equally bad as what Chuck wants? What if we as an audience are getting played right now??) (Natasha: What if the strings she’s pulling are emotional and she’s playing a dangerous game of chicken with Dean’s rage and Chuck’s entitlement?)
Jack joins the community center. He watches Dr. Sexy the pastor in a prayer circle, and talks to a disillusioned young woman who asks him to fill out a form before walking away. 
Cas walks in separately and wanders over to Dr. Sexy the pastor praying with a parishioner, and tells him about the cash stealing Valerie. She never made it home. 
Cut to Valerie tied and gagged. Her hands are in an elaborate guillotine. She wakes. Her screams are muffled. A TV turns on and flashes the word ‘Thief’. And one of her fingers gets chopped off. A timer starts on the TV. AND WE ALL RECOIL. 
Jack finishes the paperwork and tries to talk to the girls working the food line. The one girl storms off, upset. Jack follows her and tells her that he didn’t mean to upset her. 
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She tells him that Connor and her dated. Well, they watched a lot of old movies together.  (AHEM! AHEM! AHEM! “I’m your Huckleberry.” AHEM. Please stop the clowning, it hurts so much.) 
Jack confesses to the girl that he lost his mother. The girl tells Jack that her mom died three years ago, and now it’s just her and her emotionally unavailable father, the pastor. “I have more dads than most, and I’m always just feeling like I’m letting all of them down.” JACK!!!! The girl tells Jack to trust God, not people. 
And we laugh, and laugh, and, guh, laugh. 
Cas, meanwhile, meets with Dr. Sexy the pastor. 
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Cas interrogates Dr. Sexy Pastor about whether anyone else has gone missing recently. Well, there was one guy who used to work for the “faith-based community” but they parted ways. Cas and the pastor enjoy a little god talk. Cas, the weary angel, opines that God just doesn’t care. The pastor has a different take on faith - it’s about the people of his church doing what they can to take care of each other. We learn that this church recently changed from a fundamentalist branch to something more welcoming. Connor was able to come out as gay due to the changes, so some good happened. (Hindsight thoughts: this makes his death and the “Liar” all the more awful.) “A saint is a sinner who keeps trying,” the pastor concludes...and if that ain’t the truth about Cas!
Sam and Dean are on the too-slow train to Atlantic City when Amara drops in during a gas stop and invites them out for pierogi. 
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At Patchwork, the pastor asks Jack to share his journey of faith during a prayer circle. Jack falters, and Cas steps in. “I do know what blind faith is. I used to just follow orders. Without question. And I did some pretty terrible things. I would never look beyond the plan. Then, of course, when it all came crashing down I found myself lost. I didn’t know what my purpose was anymore. And then one day something changed. Something amazing. I guess I found a family. And I became a father. And in that, I rediscovered my faith. I rediscovered who I am.” BRB crying!
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Later in the cafeteria, Jack asks Sexy Pastor, M.D. how he brought together so many people with different ideas of religion. “It’s not about what they believe. It’s what they do,” he reiterates. (I imagine, for a moment, an ending where Jack calls out to the whole world and all living creatures and Heaven and Hell unite to win the final confrontation and make a better world together.)
The tranquil moment is interrupted by the TV turning on to security feed footage of the victim. The timer runs out and she loses another finger and screams and screams. Jack rushes over to the TV and pulls out a USB stick from the back.
Meanwhile, the Winchesters dine with Amara.
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They bring up Chuck’s destruction of the other universes and tell her they have a plan to stop him. They’ve got a nephilim on their side AND he’s super powerful. All they need is for Amara to help them trap Chuck and...WHAMMO. Amara gently refuses to betray her brother. She lays some new mythology on them. She and Chuck are twins - creation and destruction - and their splitting apart first brought life into the world. 
Cas and Jack barge into the church’s ex-AV tech’s room. And by that, I mean, Jack gets hurled through another door? Um. Okay. The part of me that grew up with 3 Stooges is HERE FOR IT, tbh. 
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They discover the guy is dead, chained up in bed with cuffs, with the word “lust” painted above him.
Getting ready to leave town, Sam’s ready to accept Amara’s choice. Dean “Fuck Acceptance” Winchester heads back inside and corners Amara. He asks why she brought back Mary. 
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Amara tells him that she wanted him to see that the apple pie dream life he’s always striving for isn’t real - that Mary was only human - and BETTER because of that. Amara thought that would help him to accept his life. Amara also thought that having Mary back would release Dean from his anger. 
He leans forward and lets her know that he’s furious. Everyone in this universe is trapped, he tells her - including her. And she’s doing nothing. Amara falters in the face of this, and then asks him if she can trust him. “I would never hurt you,” he LIES TO HER FACE. She tells him she’ll think about it.
That evening Sylvia, the pastor’s daughter, listens to her friend gush over the social media attention she’s getting after posting about the torture video. In a flash of rage, Sylvia stabs her friend and races away. Dr. Sexy Pastor finds the current (still alive) victim just as Sylvia catches up to him. She accuses him of laughing at her mother after her mother died from trying to heal by prayer rather than medical science. She accuses him of changing the church that her mother grew up in. Jack jumps into the fray and gets stabbed for his trouble. When Cas arrives, Sylvia is quickly subdued by his Vulcan forehead tap of slumber.
Cas yanks away the restraints from the victim (SOOOO strong) and then heals her fingers back on while the pastor looks on in wonder. 
For So Strong Science:
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Later, they gather outside while Sylvia gets taken away in cuffs. The pastor still cares about his daughter and vows to get her help. The driver of the car is Zach the crossroads demon? Oookay. 
Cas and Jack drive home. In the truck of feelings, Cas asks Jack why he couldn’t share during the prayer circle. Jack confesses that he’s been lying. The spell Billie is doing with him is turning him into a bomb to be used against Chuck and Amara. It’ll work - they’ll cease to exist. But Jack will be obliterated too. “This is the only way they’ll ever forgive me,” he tells Cas. 
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Cas is horrified. He can’t watch Jack die again! Cas refuses to watch Jack die again, but Jack seems to have fully embraced this as his necessary fate.
Back at the bunker, Dean heads for the whiskey bottle late at night when he spots Cas shuffling towards the exit. Jack’s settled in his room, Cas reports. Cas then tells Dean he’s going to look for “another way.” 
Oh AND, “In case something goes wrong and I don’t make it back, there’s something you and Sam need to know…” 
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The Se7en Deadly Quotes:
You guys go Highway to Heaven that bitch
You look greener than Baby Yoda
“Did anyone find any tiny bags with chicken bones inside?” “Did anyone smell sulfur?” “Did anyone feel cold?”
There were too many cats
Where can I find the Kool-Aid?
I wanted you to see that your mother was just a person
It was a gift, Dean. Not a trial
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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prairiedust · 4 years
The Further Folklore of Supernatural
Here’s a little more folklore meta in light of how season 15 has been playing out if anyone is game. I genuinely thought that Moriah would be the end of the folklore stuff and tossed out “Folk the Author” as an “epilogue,” so this is probably less of an addendum than it is a waymarker as I try to continue to parse these themes into the last seven episodes.
Welp. *waves hands at everything* THIS is not how anyone expected 2020 to go. Things got a little bit big and I stopped thinking about Spn in light of needing that energy elsewhere. But I also don’t want this crapfest to ruin how I fan my favorite show, so here I go again. I will attempt a TL;DR, too!
If you’ve read my old “folklore” analysis here about how I think fairy tales and all their baggage fit into Supernatural season 14, you know that I believe Castiel has stepped into a Sleeping Beauty type story, and that coincidentally a few themes and symbolism from Snow White kept popping up around Dean. (I hold Sam to be a Protagonist in the modern “literary fiction” sense of the word, but emotionally, thematically, and narratively he’s always been a little inaccessible to me. I finally understood him when the death-of-the-author plot surfaced, and I’ll get to Sam eventually here. And Jack, there’s a little Jack in here, too.) 
If you would rather have the TL;DR than read several thousands of words about how folklore and myth *might* be abstractly connected to an American genre show, all I can say is that I tried. The textual support is all in the folklore posts. This is as succinct a summary as I could fabricate. At least I’m not gonna talk about Sam and bricolage and freeplay! This is an almost completely theory-free post! If you don’t want to read or don’t need a refresher and just want to know how this has been working in 15, you can scroll down to “END OF TL;DR”.
So, to catch up, I’m not talking about the folklore and mythology that this show has always relied on for plot and MOTWs. I wasn’t drilling down into urban legends like Hook Man or world folk monsters like shtrigas or pishtacos. By “folklore” I mean the study of storytelling tropes and tale types that have been with us for ages. One of the many subtexts of the end of the series. I’ve been tracking this because I think it’s fun to see how fairy tale imagery and mythology might layer preconscious suggestions into the text of the show. I personally think it was loud enough to be seen easily, but more than likely viewers felt unsettled, felt cheered, or felt like they knew what was coming? I’m curious to know. Anyway.
When we found out that Kelly Kline was going to name her baby “Jack” waaaaay back in season 12, things started chiming. Jack and the Beanstalk. Jack the Giant Killer. Jack Tales. Jack is a powerful Western character, sort of a cross between a noble hero and a trickster, featuring in stories that often blur lines and boundaries. He is both the poor man’s youngest son and the equal to King Arthur’s heir. Jack is both everyman and extraordinary. Jack is so cool, I wish I had more time to parse that but his qualities are not subtle in the text/subtext, anyway.
But back to my half-crack reading of seasons 14 and 15. 
Once upon a time in Supernatural, there were two fairy tales being told. Both fairy tales are found all over the world and in many forms, but they all can be grouped together because they all contain shared elements of the same basic plot or shared themes, and these two in particular are sister stories. So when I mention “Sleeping Beauty,” I’m talking about lots of different versions of the folk tale, and the same for “Snow White,” which can be found in one form or another in storytelling traditions all over the place. It is both helpful and irritating that these are both Disney movies, too.
Jack makes an allusion to Sleeping Beauty in 14x03 The Scar while talking to Castiel-- it’s the kind of subtextual flash that in and of itself means little and proves nothing, but then beginning with The Scar we got three stories in a row that dealt with “sleepers” of some sort-- Lora in 14x03 doomed to die because of a witch’s spell, Stuart in 14x04 Mint Condition in a coma because of a ghost attack, and Sasha’s father in 14x05 Nightmare Logic under the spell of a clever djinn. It’s powerful subtext, like a soft light that bathes these episodes in the color of fairy tale and makes Jack’s Dramatic Swoon at the end of Optimism all the more Dramatic-- subtext amplifying the plot. Jack goes to Heaven, but is eventually cornered by the Shadow, who wants him in the Empty where he will sleep forever-- the Shadow being an entity who has claimed the husks of dead angels since their inception and thus implies a “curse” laid on Jack from the moment he came into being-- but Castiel, who is ever a thief in oh so many ways, makes a bargain with the Shadow and essentially takes over the consequences of Jack’s Sleeping Beauty story (hence my rarely used but hilarious tag “Castiel Thief of Endings.”)
Now that we know from 14x20 Moriah that the Shadow and Billie the Reaper are, if not allies, at least working together when Jack is awakened in the Empty, does that mean that Castiel’s deal is still on the table, or has that fate been thwarted? *pounds table* Was Jack’s death and Chuck’s rise as a “greater threat” in 14x20 enough to shift Castiel’s ending? It’s the kind of subtextual question that lends tension to the narrative and it’s what I am here for. 
Well, speaking of thwarted expectations, Dean’s arc was being shadowed by a Snow White tale type. We all know Snow White but why don’t I sum it up anyway, since Disney messed up the folktale ending lol. Snow White is cast out of her home by her jealous stepmother (and echoes of the stepmother’s magic mirror show up in 15x02 Gods and Monsters) who sends her huntsman to kill her; the dude can’t do it and turns the girl loose in the forest instead. Snow White joins a band of outsiders who live in the forest-- in the Disney movie and the Grimms’ tale they are dwarfs, in some versions she happens upon a band of robbers-- and they love her very much and we presume she’s safe for the rest of her life; Michael mysteriously turns Dean loose to join Sam’s gathering of hunters, however we know, like Stepmom, Michael is still out there. The stepmother finds out that Snow White is actually alive and contrives to kill her herself. Eventually succeeding, Snow White appears to die and is usually laid to rest in a crystal casket/glass coffin. Her stepmother’s machinations have _stolen her agency_ (further paralleling Dean’s possession by AU!Michael.) A Handsome Prince stumbles upon Snow White, is besmitten with her, and he asks her protectors if he can have her, as one does. Leaving the Disney adaptation aside, Snow White awakens when whatever item that has caused her death-like state is dislodged (piece of apple in her throat) or removed (magic corset) or withdrawn (poisoned hairpin) by her protectors. Snow White is a story about the community of the dwarves of band of robbers or adopted family caring deeply for her, and when Dean starts making his own crystal casket, the ma’lak box, in which he will ride out eternity in tormented symbiosis with Apocalypse Michael, he has to rely on his family to help him see the plan through. However, here’s where Jack-- who is as much a chaos engine as his surrogate father Castiel if not more so-- steps in and ruins the ending. Jack smites Michael. Dean Winchester is saved. Again. To put the final nail in the coffin, so to speak, Jack later destroys the ma’lek box entirely. 
That was quite the surprise ending… for one of the stories.
Was the end of season 14 the end of the Sleeping Beauty theme, also?
I quit writing about “folklore” for a while, but that doesn’t mean it stopped being a theme. It just stopped being fun to write about as the story got more and more dark, and when it transmuted into two parallel themes of “folklore” or storytelling by the people versus Death of the Author--or storytelling by a lauded authority-- and there was so much angst about the boundaries of Chuck’s powers, I just wanted to sit back and enjoy that. I did distill my thoughts about Sam’s new arc in the DotA plot, which I thought would subsume the folktale themes but hey, we still have folktales around, too. I mean, we have Sam and we have Dean, and we have two “literary” subtexts, or maybe rather two subjects about the nature of story, something that I thought was a little bit of a surprise.
Storytelling was a Feature of 15x07 Last Call, both in the sense that Lee and Dean swap new stories and tell old tales of their adventures together as they catch up, but also in the sense that we got additional “text”-- hints of a backstory where John and Dean hunted with Lee in that swampy long-ago “Stanford era,” and again we get storytelling when _Lee recounts how he ended up keeping a marid in his basement_. There is also an allusion to the Thousand and One Arabian Nights in that episode that I yelled about in a meta that I never put on the interwebs, but the “marid” is in a specific tale in many editions of that collection, and thus calls in not only a different folktale tradition but the concept of a framed/nested narrative, which I believe will be important to understanding the last episodes of the series, but that’s an aside. In 15x08 Our Father Who Aren’t In Heaven, Castiel _tells Michael the story_ of how everyone ended up where they are now to convince him to help. And Michael and Adam’s allyship, if not friendship, was probably the best subversion of any “storytelling” expectation we’ve ever had on this show. Belphagor set us up for “room full of crazy” or something, but, no. We got symbiosis. 
That almost sums up how I’ve been viewing the last “era” of spn. This wasn’t in the master post, but I shouted a lot about underworlds before 15x09 Purgatory 2: Return to Purgatory, and then stopped shouting because I had to ferment for a while. Also, as has been mentioned, the world turned to crap. But talking to other meta writers during the ramp up to the resumption of the season helped me realize just why this reading of myth to folktales to literature feels so right.
Underworlds and Otherworlds…. Everybody has crossed into an “underworld” or three in Supernatural, it’s really nbd. It was actually surface-level plot in season 13. By the time 15x09 rolled around, our heroes are just, like, strolling in and out of “sealed off” Hell after doing a level one spell and chilling with Billie in the Empty and even that Purgatory trip didn’t have the same feeling of danger that, say, crossing into the AU did. But also, we’re at the point where subtext is leading us to a _satisfactory_ ending. Where before we had serial text, like a cumulative tale type-- “The House that Jack Built”-- which just kept adding more and more plot, we’re hurtling o’er the apex of Freytag’s pyramid now and things are getting loud.
But they’re also getting very shifty.
I wrote a little bit about Sam Winchester successfully reviving Eileen in 15x06 Golden Time and the “Orpheus and Eurydice” symbolism of him keeping his back to her. (I’m not linking it because it’s so, so rough.) But because Sam is not an underworld hero, not completely-- I see him as a modern Protagonist coming to terms in a psychoanalytical model with things like mortality, fallibility, and mastery-- maybe bildungsroman, even -- he was able to subvert the tragic ending of the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice because it is not “his” story. But if I were pressed to find a mythic or folk tale type to measure Sam against, I could. I would probably sideye “the sorcerer’s apprentice” trope (ATU 325-The Magician and his Pupil :D ) which began as a poem that entered European folklore on different fronts. (and weirdly, that story was also Disnified in Fantasia. That’s probably more my own limitation as a gen x american lol than anything coming from the writer’s room.)
Dean got his moment in Purgatory where he was able to finally come to grips with his anger and heal the rift between himself and Castiel because Purgatory is a different kind of underworld. Dean is a successful threshold-crosser, having crossed that boundary out of Purgatory before, but in 15x09, his prayer to Castiel is all a subtextual evocation of doing the emotional and mental work of therapy, which Sam, as a modern protagonist, is usually caught up in. The mythic hero also deals with mortality, failibilty, and mastery, but in different terms. I hope I’m doing an okay job peeling apart these nuances that I’m seeing.
Since Castiel accompanied Dean to Purgatory, and in the past made his own wildly successful incursion into and out of Hell with Dean’s soul, and was the one in The Trap who actually retrieved the Leviathan blossom, Castiel counts as an underworld hero, too, but you can pull the lever and send the tumblers spinning again and make him a fairy tale character in that he has made this Bargain with the Empty which is both in the “modern” tradition of subverting a fairy tale, and the tale type “deal with the devil.” Or he could be seen as a modern protagonist in that he’s lowkey grappling with questions of selfhood and identification. “I am an angel of the lord.” “I am no one.” “It’s Steve, now.” “You are nothing.” “I am an angel.”
We even got an episode that playfully explored the concept of “hero” by subverting our expectations (Sam and Dean were rescued by, of all people, an upgraded Garth.) It was called The Hero’s Journey, after the Joseph Campbell book about mythic heroes.... !!! Like, what??? !!!! I didn’t even have anything to say about that episode, it just rocked. The “meta” was just all out there in plot, like the olives and boiled eggs in a 1950’s gelatin recipe. 
Some of this slipperiness in the subtext points right at the study of folklore and the (admittedly Eurocentric at first) efforts to transform a “soft science” into something approaching scientific rigor. The Aarne-Thompson-Uther folktale index is today a codifying or cataloguing tool, with which anthropologists and literature scholars can line up stories based on the motifs found within them-- it is useful for cataloguing tales, making comparative studies, and for trying to trace these stories back through human history to find the One First Story of that type, for instance the ur-story that led to Snow White. When did people first start telling that tale, where, how did it spread, and why are we still telling it today? The danger in using the ATU index is that by stripping a story down to it’s bones, we lose the story, if that makes sense. The beauty of using the ATU index is that you find many, many more interconnected stories. It’s sort of a paradox. Some scholars criticize the ATU, claiming that one could take a random selection of these motifs and shuffle them to create a story and, you sort of could? That’s the beauty of the system. 
So that brings us to Jack. I feel like Jack, as in Jack of all Trades, is anything that the narrative needs him to be. As far as I can find, “Jack” is not a “tale type.” He shows up alongside any number of them-- sometimes as a trickster, sometimes as a hero, almost always as a kind of slippery character. In the first folklore post, I invested many words in exploring Dabb’s obsession with threes-- AU Michael asks three beings what they desire, asks his human victim to guess his name three times, then we follow three sleeper stories, and so on. The original TFW was three people. But Jack makes four. 
What is Jack’s story going to be?
And speaking for a sec about the origins of myth and folklore-- what about ALL OF THE OTHER PEOPLE in the world? Are they lowkey churning the matrix of reality on their own and generating their own content, like Becky and her AO3 stories and mackettes? 
*¯\_(ツ)_/¯ intensifies*
It all just feels so good at this point, even the peril that I feel surrounding Castiel.
I *think* this will be the last of the longform metas before the end of the series. I mean, I can only hope so. I’ll drop some stuff about individual episodes that might be applicable as I rewatch, and I might clean up my post about Last Call and drop it on here, but I just wanted to kind of hold this up as a mile marker before the Final Seven air.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
aight aight, real shit; let's say you got the chance to rewrite the entirety of gossip girl exactly how you want. make a brief description of what would happen in each season. (you can decide whether there's a fourth season or not)
oh i LOVE this ask, and i am so flattered to be asked this, haha. i have SO many thoughts, i’ve been thinking about this non-stop, but i’ll try to be as brief as possible. also, disclaimer, i don’t remember all the seasons equally clearly. like i barely remember s2. haha, whoops.
season 1: i love this season as is, for the most part. i think the tone of it was actually very serious and involved? like the show was actively trying not to be frivolous with heavy topics, and the way we were getting to see the characters seemed like they were trying to bring out character depth and the complexities of their lives in very deliberate ways. nate’s whole thing with his parents gets so much focus, and it’s not something the show glorifies, it’s something that is meant to make you uncomfortable and worried for him. 
i would have nate be less of a dudebro, jenny & nate’s friendship being a little more solid, dan being a little more involved in jenny’s problems + helping her find her space, vanessa/nate to happen earlier - after nate breaks up w/ blair and realises she looks happier, i would have him not try and get back with her (lol, dude, the fact that she’s happy after breaking up with you means you probably shouldn’t be dating her.) more exploration of eric’s mental health. more dan and blair friendship. i would keep chair the way it is this season. i would not have a derena breakup - i’d have them take a break after the georgina reveal and get back together during the summer after talking about it and deciding to be more honest & open with each other. and, what the hell, i would have lily not blame serena (???) for being taken advantage of in the whole pete fairman situation. serena wasn’t sober, she was 16, that dude was in his 30s, georgina was taping her w/o her consent. how is any of this serena’s fault??? i hate lily’s reaction so much.
season 2: i... don’t remember enough of this season, sadly. it’s been too long since i watched it. i would majorly change jenny’s arc here, though. eleanor stealing her dress was majorly, majorly fucked up, and i think jenny should’ve done something then and there. also the whole thing with ‘lily is a mother to chuck’.... i would’ve loved it if lily had been like that to jenny. the girl needed it, and lily would’ve actually been able to help jenny establish connections in the professional world and whatnot. i think jenny should’ve transferred out of constance - not necessarily homeschooling maybe, but gone somewhere else. unlike dan, she didn’t even want to get into an ivy, she wanted to make it big as a designer. so. that. 
oh nate my love. i’d get this trainwreck of a boy some therapy. while i hate that the catherine thing happened, things like that do happen all the time, and i’d be interested in sort of handling the aftermath of it in a responsible way. i would not have... a lot of serena’s arc and decisions (from what i can remember) were really random in this season. i’d have her break up with dan at some point. and vanessa would need a new subject for her short film, and she’d choose serena.
nate doesn’t really date anyone, this season. but he and jenny open up to each other abt having gay crushes on people who treat you like shit - jenny’s thing with agnes - nate rescues her when they’re taking those pictures in her flat and let’s say she doesn’t go back to agnes. instead of kissing her, nate talks to her instead, and tells her about carter, tells her about chuck. and jenny talks about her feelings for blair, her feelings for agnes. and both of them sort of go... “it sucks, but all we can do is try not to become the kind of people we hate, right?”
dan pines for nate. majorly. massively. obviously. i think the only person who really notices is blair, and this would lead to new hijinks and shenanigans. also!! i do not want chair in s2. maybe it can go there for a bit but definitely not to the extent in canon. i want blair to have the same moment of being unable to deny her cruelty / needing to be accountable that she did in that ‘age of dissonance’ play. and. this sounds fucky but i want the dan/rachel stuff to stay as it is, and later, in s4, for dan & serena to talk about rachel & ben respectively and be like ‘hey, this was a fucked up thing to happen to us, wasn’t it?’ 
i would also like to get to know blair’s “minions” better as people. i mean. they all seemed hella fascinating to me, and the show’s decision to make them superficial and unidimensional was very depressing.
season 3: hot garbage, throw canon away. when chuck goes away to paris or wherever, let him not come back. goodbye, dude! dan, blair & vanessa friendship at nyu is so, so important to me. also im losing my mind always at how vanessa and serena catch dan on that walk of shame and they’re both like ‘college is a time for experimentation!’ and nobody does anything even slightly bisexual (unless you count that threesome later, which, blah.) a serenessa / date dynamic in college would’ve been great. dan transferring to columbia like blair does and rooming with nate and just, the gayness of it all. dan & blair become really, really close, and d&b&v watch movies + go to art exhibits together and are all SO DAMN PRETENTIOUS. serena finds it sexy, nate finds it terrifying. 
the william stuff would be interesting if he were actually held accountable. like that man has no right being a doctor, and medical malpractice needs to be brought up. and jenny’s whole arc this season makes me so sad. i think it would’ve been interesting if she’d been a ‘queen’ and ruled alongside eric, and just, the two of them forcing people to be nice, sort of like they try to do with people who are mean to nelly in s2 i think it is? but also.. jenny out of constance is very good, and i think i mentioned that earlier, haha, whoops.
season 4 : serenessa breakup, for whatever reason, probably to do with the william fuckery, because i think vanessa would react in similar ways to nate (”serena, i know he’s your dad, but we have to do the right thing” / “it still wasn’t your call to make” / “he’s a certified doctor, serena, a man like that has no right -” / “god vanessa, you really don’t get it, do you?” ). uhhh i would actually... if i had to choose i would honestly go blairnessa >>>>> dair. i love how blair & vanessa can keep each other on their toes and hold each other accountable. like? blair’s classist or racist and dan’s just like, *smiles*. vanessa would actively be like ‘hey, stop that.’ (this is one of the few actual criticisms i have about d/b as a relationship, RIP.) 
(edited to add: yeah, i think blairnessa WOULD be a sustainable relationship, more abt that here! )
yes to the milo arc, but dan gets to keep milo (his friends threaten georgina and go all ‘you made him sign the certificate. don’t make us take you to court’ because i love these morally grey assholes but also because g DID trick dan into thinking milo was his and dan was ready to reshape his whole life around that kid which is more than georgina was willing to do. plus endgame: jack/georgina are not parents i want milo to have.) i would also have more of a rufus & dan fallout over the milo thing. i think rufus would be really nasty about it all tbh.
the dair arc for blair and vanessa! let the juliet stuff happen, but let it be less awful + let it be seen as Bad + let serena get help & not forgive her for it. let serena NOT date ben after, what the hell. i want d&s to talk about their shared feelings for high school teachers and to realise, in retrospect, as adults, that what happened was crossing lines. let blair and vanessa suddenly drop dan and do the movies + galleries stuff on their own. and dan’s like ??? but he’s busy being a parent with nate supporting him. dan’s drama is very much parenting things. there would be some nonsense involving nate’s family pushing back, because ‘we stood by while you dated him, nate, we thought it was a phase. but raising a child with another man? this is unacceptable.’ i would like nate to get disowned by the family, and need to find his own feet. and to get a REAL SHOT AT HAPPINESS away from that terrible environment.
season 5: i want this to be a good serena season. let her find her calling doing creative things. let her and carter travel the world. let her just be whoever she wants to be. let her and vanessa patch their friendship up. let her have an open relationship with carter, let her have a lot of sex with a lot of random people and not feel guilty about it. let her really really blossom. i want more eric! maybe he’s in london with jenny, and she’s working on her fashion stuff, and he’s realising that he really wants to be a counsellor. 
some time-skips, maybe. i really want to see dan’s whole thing of being a parent. sending milo to kindergarten and spending the whole time milo’s gone on edge and anxious about everything that could go wrong, while nate comforts him. let nate try to get a job because he no longer has a trust fund, and navigate everything that comes with that. let vanessa be there for him. why the fuck am i phrasing my sentences like this - can you tell that i studied physics once?? oh well.
blair & vanessa handling a lot of things. vanessa meeting harold!! vanessa’s parents being disapproving of blair, but ruby standing up for her. blair & vanessa planning their future properly. blair & vanessa babysitting milo and talking about kids. 
and there can be drama too, there should always be drama. but i would like wholesome stuff at the centre of it too, you know? the ivy/lola nonsense can go on in the background, i don’t actually care that much. as long as ivy doesn’t go around fucking people’s fathers for no understandable or discernable reason, i don’t really care lkdhlfdkhg. (it was just so inexplicable and so random!)
season 6: uh, i don’t know. this was a bad season for everyone in canon, except chuck. i would throw it all away. i would actually love if we had pre-series rufly instead: every time those two bring up their past together i’m like 👀 because it sounds like a dream. or focus entirely on jenny and eric and their life. i am obsessed with jenny and eric being... sort of queerplatonic, sort of like, best friends. there’s no romance and no sex between them (eric’s canonically gay, and jenny’s a lesbian because i said so) but i think the way jenny and eric are is very, very life partners in a way that isn’t romantic OR sexual. so they’d have a little place together and would support each other. and just. what are they up to now? also. kati, iz, penelope, hazel, nelly... what r they doing now? one of the few things i actually liked about s6 as it was was that nelly was that reporter and that she’d found her people in yale. nelly yuki getting a happy and fulfilling ending and being a successful woman was so good and we actually got a little bit of that. i’d like more of that, for the rest of the girls, you know?
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ilovefanfic86 · 4 years
Supernatural S15E20 “Carry On” Series Finale
Warning!!! I am going to be very emotional in this post. I kinda still am. There will also be plenty side noes. 
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I knew they would play that version. (Grabs tissues)
They were babies. 
Bobby will always be the dad the boys desrved.
Sam was so damn buff in “Lazurus Rising”.
I like how we get to the old characters/actors.
It feels like they wanted to make us cry before the actual episode.
Here we go...
 *Deep breaths*
Lol!! “Ordinary Life”
Dean kept Miracle!
I’m Sam making the bed.
I loved this montage of Sam and Dean living a free life.
The title card for the last time.
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Pie Fest!! 
Finally Someone brought up Castiel.
*Side Note*
 What Dean said makes sense. Them honoring Cas’s sacrifice by being happy and free is what the should do, but fuck that.
What is this purge shit?!
Haven’t seen John’s journal in forever. Its beautiful to see that they still have to use it.
Evil mimes = Vamp mimes Thank you Dean.
Well its clear that Jack brought back everyone. Good cause I was worried about Garth.
I don’t trust this plan.
Dean and his ninja stars are too funny.
Yea, clearly a trap.
*Side Note 2*
I am feeling a little let down with the “MOTW” storyline. It’s not what I was expecting. Hopefully this goes somewhere.
Damn! Sam got his ass scooped up.
Wait... What? Jenny? I barely remember her.
Oh... Well bye Jenny.
DAMN IT DEAN!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dean telling Sam that he is proud of him.
I am truly speechless right now. Dean is really dead.
Poor Sam. He had a hunter’s funeral with just the dog.
My heart is really broken right now.
Thank you Donna.
*Side Note 3*
I noticed that the call is from Texas. Like “Walker: Texas Ranger” Lol!!
I am having anxiety watching Sam leaving the bunker. 
The Table...
*Side Note 3*
How did Dean fight the universe’s ultimate badasses and was taken out by a FUCKING NAIL!!?!?!?!?! 
Dean and Cas deserved better.
Dean is in heaven. 
Wait... What did Jack do?
So, no more reliving life’s greatest hits?
Rufus is with Aretha Franklin and John and Mary live up the road.
Harvelle’s Roadhouse.
Except... WHERE THE FUCK IS CAS?!?!?!?
There’s Baby! With the original license plate.
Sam had a baby and named him Dean!
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I can’t see the woman on the porch? Is that Eileen?
Little Dean has the possession tatt.
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An acoustic version of “Carry On...” Who said that this was okay?!!!!
Is he going to meet Dean on the bridge?!!
“Heya Sammy.” 
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After watching the episode a few more times and reading the lastest gossip about the finale. I do have some opinions on the matter. Some of you may agree and some may not. These are my opinions and thoughts. 
Given all that has happened this year I am grateful that they filmed anything. They risked their health and the health of their familes, to get us the finale. I appreciate that. However, there is clearly somethings that were amiss. 
First, Dean. (a.)At first I was just completely hurt about his death. I was so mad that he was killed by rebar because of a lame ass vampire. I get the angle that they were going for with it. Now that Chuck isn’t writing their lives anymore, they don’t have plot armour anymore. Basic shit can hurt them now. Just like when the didn’t have any “luck”, regular people shit happened to them. So, if you fight in a barn around random ass rebar sticking out, you’re bound to get hurt. 
(b.)Social Media. I get on Twitter and Supernatural is trending. But, not because of high praise. No. It was because a lot of the fandom felt cheated by the finale. Which is how i felt at the time.Then that Jensen did not like the ending. That he thought that the ending was going to be different than what we got. Granted that they couldn’t go full out because of the virus. If I am correct, Jensen said that they would go out “Butch and the Sundance Kid” style. Plus they edited so much of the episode “Despair” that him and Misha felt that the charaters were cheated. Also Jo (Alona Tol) and Ellen (Samatha Ferris) Harvelle were not asked back. Which I thought was strange. 
(c.) What happened to all of Dean’s earthly possessions?
Seceond, Sam. (a.)Sam’s life. I am glad that Sam got to live a long life and have the family that he always wanted. I know that because of the pandemic we couldn’t shoot everyone together. That being said, Did Sam marry Eileen? We don’t see or hear from her. The only glimpse of his wife is on the porch and its so far away we can’t tell who it is. Also in Sam’s montage, we see a lot of pictures inside his house. But not one of his wife. It just seems rushed is all. 
(b.)Sam’s aging. I am not okay with the wig that they had Jared wear. It looked like a Party City wig. Again, rushed production. But, I do forgive them for a shirtless Sam/Jared. THANK YOU!
(c.)Sam’s heaven. This may go into the plotholes area. When Sam goes to heaven will he see Jess again? Jess was the love of his life and he said that he still thinks about her.
Third, Castiel. (a.) Misha Collins did a amazing job as Castiel. His performance in “Despair” really broke me. That being said, Cas deserved better than the show gave him. A few mentions in the last episode. But no one is really talking about the fact that Cas confessed his love for Dean and it was completely ignored. We just know that Jack got Cas out the Empty and they both made a new heaven for Dean. Does Cas and Dean ever see eah other?
(b.)Destiel/CasDean. DESTIEL BECAME CANON! This was a huge thing for the SPN fandom. People who have never watched the show were interested by this. This made 2020 a little more enjoyable. Now, I know that there are some that are against Destiel. That is your right and opinion. However, it is now plain to see that Cas has always had the feelings toward Dean. And they are not on a platonic level. There has been years of evidence to this. Sam and Cas’s relationship is not the same as his and Dean’s. Naomi programmed Cas to kil Dean but couldn’t once the time came. From angel to demon, Devil and God has all said at one point or another that Castiel was in love wth Dean.. Whenever Cas died on the show, Dean spirals out of control. He always tries to find something else to get his mind off the fact that Cas is gone. Does Dean feel the same for Cas? I’m not sure, but I lean more to that he does. I have always believed that Dean was Bisexual. He’s been seen checking out men on the show. I just wsh that they would at least acknowledged it. 
Fourth, Plotholes.(a) There are so many plotholes after the finale that I need answers to. I have too many to put on here. I will put those in a different post. 
For what the finale was, I liked it. It did fall a little flat, but if I just focus on the fact that they both got the ending they deserved.
 2 brothers, hunters, Archangels vessels, Men of Letters, Legacies, Knight of Hell, Boy!King, ‘Messengers of God’s Destruction’, Dads, Heros. Thank you.
Sam and Dean Winchester... There is peace, now you’re done.
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(not my gifs)
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lalalariot · 4 years
I’m watching again gossip girl(never watch it lineally) BUT I’m doing this for HBO I guess (and this Nostradamus series predicting my love life to an extent )
1 .I still don’t like Vanessa,the most annoying character being hypocrite .
2. “SereNate” is a horrible and forced shipping . Serena wasn’t over Dan in the whole series and Nate had a platonic love towards Serena,wasn’t that real to begin with ,he was in love with the fantasy of Serena not “the flawed Serena” as Dan did(he started platonic but they loved each other even with flaws)
3. Georgina is a boss (not as good as Blair but second best) she was like Cassie from skins but evil .
4. I still love Blair ,she is childish sometimes but she is the best character
5. Jenny and Nate had WAY more chemistry than most other people they dated (Vanessa,the gay,Damian,Serena ,Milf and the ginger) They should approach more this characters and they did dirty to Jenny (yes ,she slept with Chuck but she should loose here V card with Nate ...Not Chuck)
6. Chuck is a character I have mixed feelings .
7. The shippings were toxic AF but they had sense somehow .I meant ... they talked things specially Dan and Serena .
8. Dorota and Cyrus were the best
9. I don’t understand why Georgina and Carter never dated . They could have been a power couple.(she looks good with Jack tho)
10. Eric deserved more scandals or being into the main characters drama more
11. Dan is the less toxic of the main characters ... but has an inferiority complex .But e less toxic was Vanya(the Russian door keeper) the rest were more messy
12. I don’t think Serena is a bad person BUT she always plays victim roll and put puppy eyes to justify her mistakes .EDIT she doesn’t have the right to raise her voice to Rufus for her daddy issues
13. I think Williamis pretentious as F ...
14. Why all Brooklyn people are “poor” or feel less than upper east siders?! (Maybe was the time the series was done because Brooklyn now can be as expensive as Manhattan)
15. I felt bad for Jenny ... not even hating her ,just pity her
16. When those robbers took Chuck’s ring my heart broke ;( ,honestly ... I mean,he deserved all Dan’s punches honestly BUT taking the engagement ring that was going to be Blair’s ... sad
17. Why didn’t Blair call Chuck saying she was running late because she was supporting Dorota while she was on labor.
18. Dorota’s wedding no was beautiful,thank you Chuck and Cyrus for making that wedding beautiful!
19. Eva is so nice ,I think Blair crossed the line with her for jealousy and inmaturity.
20. Juliet(Columbia chick ) is worse
21. Vanessa was nice supporting Dan and Milo (the baby) I liked Dan and Vanessa while taking care of Georgina’s baby as a couple
22. Chuck was a better person with Eva , but I sill love Chuck and Blair more but was not bad with Eva,don’t hate on her just because she dated Chuck lol... if she was a snake like Juliet or Vanessa maybe but she was nice ,just a prostitute but a nice person.
23. I can’t relate to Juliet ,her brother is nice but sheeee .I don’t know ,she had to go to far for a grudge that is not even hers , her cousin was helping her ... what kind of sabotage is this?
24. Serena is kissing a lot of guys ... damn,this is so annoying and awkward
25. Can’t believe Serena leaves Blair and acts up like is the end of the world if Blair is busy,double moral much ...so Blair has to be ok with Serena leaving following guys and Blair can’t leave while pursuing her goals?
26. Russell vibe reminds me to the guy from Shark tank ... the whole vibe ,wouldn’t be surprise if the author did based the character on him
27. I don’t want Chuck to loose his empire
28. Raina is not a bad character BUT if she has to be dragged to save Chuck’s empire we’ll .... it has to be done
29. Damian is a thot level 100 ... first Jenny then Jenny’s best friend, Eric ! That’s so low ... this guy is so complicated
30. Jenny is just easily manipulated ,but Vanessa and Juliet are bigger snakes.Still no empathy to neither
31. I still don’t think Nate’s dad is a reliable lawyer .
32. Just a genuine question ,why all characters that are not from the upper east side have inferiority complex?
33. What Lily did with Ben was HORRIBLE but I don’t think he’s for Serena,he deserves better.
34. Dan and Blair are getting into each other?! Is not bad
35. I like Charlie(way more than Vanessa or Serena)...lets hope they don’t screw her having some inferiority complex to make everyone look nice 😂
36. Selfish Serena
37. Jack Bass looks SO NICE WITH BEARD ... I would keep him ...
38. Chuck crash a window and he finally fights for Blair when she has an engagement ring?!
39. Snake Serena ...
40. Russell Thorpe has a double moral but Chuck’s dad is not behind.
41. Why everyone banish others “go,never come back to New York “ .Blair did it with Jenny and Chuck with Russell .
42. Cyrus is so nice ,he’s helping so much Blair ! God bless this man
why she made her cousin spend her trust funds ?!
43.Is getting pretty dull and boring all this boring royal family and Ivy’s boyfriend ,he’s plain imo ... never mind
44.I still like more Ivy/Charlie than Vanessa
45. Serena’s auntie is a mess,I liked her as a teen but this lady is greedy and lazy .I liked her but she goes so low :( ... this is how you destroy a good character
46. Chuck and Blair in therapy ... something that should happen way before if you ask me ,but we wouldn’t have as much seasons
47. That milf is so annoying (Elizabeth Hurley’s character) ... why can’t she make her mind if she loves Nate or is a toy boy (but we all know he’s everyone’s toy boy)
48. Nate barely has self respect ,that’s not something just women should have ...men also
49 I can understand Ivy but she goes too far ,she could run away with the money and that’s it ! That family is rich af and will “recover “ in less than a month .
50 low key Ivy and her ex dynamic is so toxic ... both greedy people who try to climb social class seducing or stealing ... damage each other during and after the relationship,wtf
51 Honestly I could care less about those two ...
52 I would rather to have Rhodes family crazy flashbacks
53 Dan is so entitled ,he says he doesn’t care what people say about him and goes to his hater’s address.Kinda creepy
54. Nate’s cousin ... Chip is not thaaaat bad :(
55 But he got what he deserved
I’ll give more insights while I advance ...
*EDIT #1 started season 4
*EDIT#2 Season 4 almost over
* EDIT#3 season 5,half way
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appleschloss · 7 years
My friend, @princesscas just hit 10k followers recently and I’m soooo proud of her and I wanted to make something but I didn’t even know what to make.
And then this came to mind. SO.
Just for you, to celebrate, here are some random and semi-crack headcanon/AUs!
(all Destiel mind you)
(this is kinda long so under the cut)
-Furry AU! 
Where Cas is a fuckin adorable ass, famous Fursona who goes to tons of cons and no one knows who he is and Dean went to like a Comic Con deal with Sam (this is like normal verse so no demons) and Cas is there and he’s like, intrigued, never seen a furry before. For some reason (insert reason here) Sam knows of him, cause maybe Sam’s gone to like anime cons and gaming cons with Jess and Dean ends up like idk. END GOAL = they date and Dean is Cas’s handler and Cas always acts hella cute around dean.
They’re cats. All of them. Nothing changes beside that everyone is cats.
-Check, Please!AU 
   **Dean = Jack
   **Sam = Shitty (they are separated at birth - JUST DONT QUESTION IT)
   **Bobby = Coach Murray (or other Coach)
   **John = Bad Bob (badass best hockey player ever)
   **Mary - Alicia (obvi - probs played women’s hockey before. Badass actress/model)
   **Cas - Bitty (how fuckin cute am i right)
   **Jess/Jody - Lardo (either go with Shardo ship or like more personality based????)
   **Kevin - Ransom
   **Charlier - Holster (we’re ignoring genders here. Also bros for life)
   **Crowley - Dex (cause he’s usually kinda high strung)
   **Gabe - Nursey (cause he’s chill) (also he and Crowley would totes fight)
   **Chuck - John Johnson
   **Garth - Chowder
   **Benny - Tater
   **Michael - Kent Parson
   **Luci - Fry Guy
((I warned you that some of these were crack. I ACTUALLY LIKE HAD TO REARRANGE THAT THO))
-Transformers AU
Dean and Sam are like Sam Witwicky (maybe they’re twins. Or they just, alter the plot of the 2007 movie to two people) and Cas is Bumblebee and Bobby is Optimus Prime aaand Crowley is Megatron and Gabe is Jazz (cause Jazz dies xD) Chuck is the AllSpark ummmm Ruby is Bone Crusher and Lillith is Star Scream aaand Garth is Ratchet and ummm Samuel Campbell is Iron Hide
(is it bad that I didn’t have to look up any of those? like the Transformer characters)
   Cas is Bella. Dean is Edward. Idek about the rest. Bobby is probably Carlisle. Who would Jacob be? Maybe Crowley?
-Craigslist!Modelling Job AU
Dean is at a party with Charlie and Benny and a few other friends and they play Truth or Dare (”Guys, this is college. Why are we playing this?” - Kevin “Because it’s fun! Or are you just chicken?” -Charlie)
Dean gets dared to accept one random ad on craigslist. Charlie takes him to a random page.
This is the ad that catches his eye.
“Need a model. class project. i can’t pay much but i can get you pizza and drinks.”
Cas is the photographer. It actually is for a class project. Cas doesnt act flustered but he’s totally blushing during the shoot. Dean gives him his number. You know what happens next.
   Cas goes to Gabe’s bachelor party and Dean is a stripper and gives Cas a lap dance and Cas was like so against coming to here cause he’s a Good Boy™ but he gets so like turned on and hot damn Dean is sexy.
Dean slips Cas his number and they go on a cute coffee date and Cas just like isn’t sure how to act because “I’ve seen you naked already?? And you totally knew I had a boner?? What are we??”
Cas is Michael. Dean is Trevor.
Bam. Best AU.
Cas is a cute ass blogger who does random collabs and travelling videos and occasionally does silly cooking stuff. His fans love him because of how genuine and like happy and smiley and just a really sweet guy. Does lots of charity work. His best friend Charlie is on sometimes, and his brother Gabe is in sometimes too when he comes for visits he loves to hop into the background and be like “YOU BETTER KEEP THIS IN THE FINAL CUT.”
Dean wanted to record him rebuilding Baby from the ground up one time and Sam edited it and made it more like a timelapse and told him he should put it on YouTube, so he did, for shits and giggles, and people really liked it. So now he does timelapses of him deconstructing and cleaning/reconstructing guns. As well as cars and other mechanical work. He’s done a few tutorials and Q&A’s. He also has a second channel, that he didn’t tell him main channel about, where he posts videos of him playing the guitar and singing covers of his favorite songs. (He keeps his face out of them).
Cas and Dean probably meet at a VidCon and become good friends.
They start dating and don’t ever announce it, but the fandom ships it so hard because of how cute/flirty they were at the con. They start noticing that Cas is wearing what appear to be Dean’s shirts, and some fans are in denial, and they ask both questions but they always just shrug it off.
Until one time, Dean wanders into one of Cas’s vlogs in only flannel pajama pants, holding two mugs of coffee, and hands one to Cas, gives him a kiss on the cheek with a husky. “Morning sunshine.” 
They start posting cute ass couple pictures after it and its just so cute.
Dean is either a marksmen or a martial artist. I can’t decide. Gabe is a sports photographer and Cas is a professional ice skater and he follows Gabe to one of Dean’s things and they end up talking after cause Gabe is at his interview after (he won gold obvi) and Dean was like “I liked your routine.” and Cas is like “You know me???” and Dean says Sam always loved the ice sports and because of Sam he took a liking to ice skating and he skates sometimes but he thinks its really cool. (Sam is olympic volleyball player as a side note.) but they exchange numbers and hang out more and watch Sam play and its hella cute and they kiss.
Cas is a famous singer and Gabe is his quirky brother. Anna is his manager. Dean and Sam get hired as bodyguards. Dean and Cas hit it off and try *not* to date but they totally do.
Also Sabriel. 
They have to hire new bodyguards. Anna hates them. (not really, but she’s like “For real guys??”)
Jody gets hired. She’s badass. Charlie is Dean’s best friend and dying cause he is dating Cas, who she loves. Also Kevin is Sam’s and like is also jealous.
Bobby’s their adopted Dad.
(long ass name ik but this is a random fuckin idea i thought of years ago and will never do anything with so i’m going to do my best to explain it here and share it with you)
SO. Heaven and Hell went to war, the world got *wasted*. A lot of angels fell and so did demons and their powers have been like diminished. The world is a wasteland and divided into segments and the demons kind of run the place and segments. The angels hide.
Dean and Sam are reincarnated. There is minimal food in this world and because of things and whatever, everyone drinks blood of various degrees to stay alive. Like they dont need much, but they need it. (If you’re rich, you have a lot of blood. It does make you stronger, but you can be fine with minimal).
Blood is also a currency. Animal blood is included in this, but its worth less than human blood.
So. Dean and Sam lost their parents early on, and Dean has always been caring for/fending for Sam. He gets caught stealing books, which are like rare as fuck but he hated that no one was reading them and he felt they were being wasted. (He was going to return them. He was a quick reader. He didn’t think they’d even miss them)
Anyways. Sam goes to jail. The price to free him (cause either he’s a repeat offender or the demon is like Alistair/another demon who recognizes their souls and ups the price cause they can) is like 4/5 liters of blood. Human blood. Sam tells Dean not to pay for it, he’ll be fine, but Dean pays with his own blood of course (cause thats how the whole human blood thing works. Rich people can pay in other people that they own but like you pay in your own blood normally).
Dean is like hella weak after this and tells Sam he’s fine. He takes a day off of work but his arm (where he cut himself) gets infected and like he gets really pale and collapses a few days later. 
Sam packs up all of their stuff and takes them to a miracle healer he’d heard about through the rumor mill.
Surprise. It’s Cas. And Gabe is with him.
Cas freaks out, cause they thought Sam and Dean were dead. Gabe stops Cas from telling him, tho, and like they heal Dean and Dean gets like a frickin flashback while he’s unconscious and being healed of like his previous life.
Also they have a horse named Impala. It was their fathers and its like the only thing they really own besides their tiny shack.
At some point, they get their memories back. They become friends with Gabe and Cas and like, maybe find some of the other fallen angels, and potentially even Crowley and like, do something? That’s all though.
That was more than I thought it’d be. And some of them actually got serious lol.
I know it’s not a lot but I hope they made you smile and just, congrats Mandy! Happy 10k!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
#2, 4, 10, 21, 28, 31 and 39 please.
All new ones. Cool. :)
(Most of these are under the cut b/c it got reeeeally lengthy.
2) Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. 
Oh, wow. *takes deep breath and puts on thinking cap* I think with this I’m just going to go with the three biggest ships I’ve had. That would be Chuck & Blair from Gossip Girl. Barry & Iris from The Flash. Aaaaand….*hmms* Anakin & Padme from Star Wars.
Chuck & Blair was the first really big obsessive ship I got into. All through high school (and before), I had so many extra-curricular activities (and a social life), as well as people telling me how very NOT healthy it was to be watching TV all the time. So, it was completely unrealistic to actually watch every episode of any show on a weekly basis. I had shows I got into, but because of this fact, I just really wasn’t able to dedicate myself to any of them until I hit college. Suddenly I had no adult telling me what I could and couldn’t do, and I had a lot more time on my hands. Season 1 of Gossip Girl aired during my last year of high school, so I was bit behind, but I was able to catch up beyond just the significant scenes/eps of that season in due time and I promptly emerged myself into the online world of fandom. I wrote fic, I made vids, I chatted with countless other fangirls on multiple sites. I found my best friend.
Barry & Iris I talked about on the previous post, but they’re the first really big TV ship I got invested in since Gossip Girl ended. I watched several other shows since then and got heavily invested in my OTPs on just about all of them. But the level of obsession and involvement online and with them in general just wasn’t at its height. Well, big congrats to the writers and casting director of the Flash. Not only did you get me sucked into a superhero TV show (I hadn’t really been into any superhero franchise since the original Spiderman movie trilogy back in the early 2000s), but you got me hung up on probably the most gorgeous ship on television rn. Bless.
And…Anakin & Padme. *le sigh* I watch the prequels now and I cringe so bad, b/c the writing and acting is AWFUL (despite the actors being pretty decent, if not amazing - I’m looking at you, Natalie Portman). But when it first came out I was but a preteen and naive to such things as good acting and the like. I fell head over heels for this forbidden romance and heavily crushed on Hayden Christensen as well. In fact, I loved them so much that I had to buy a second VHS (b/c we still used those pretty frequently back in 2002ish lmao) b/c I watched their scenes so many times and constantly did a rewind, so that the film actually came out of the encasing of the VHS. Smh. Also, they were the first ship I ever vidded. And let me tell you, I went to EXTREME lengths to vid them. I had a crap video editing program and had to multitask in the most frustrating way. But I wanted to vid them more than anything, so I took the extra time and the extra effort it took to do it. Also, that first vid I made…I accidentally deleted, and I cried for HOURS. It was my masterpiece, as miserable as it must have looked. And I was just DEVASTATED when it was gone. I remade it as best as I could, but it was still a disaster. I did write some fic for them as well, but mostly I made vids - a TON of them. They look awful to me now, but it’s nice to see the progress I made. Lol. Aaaanyways, that was my first really obsessive ship and def a defining point in my shipping life.
4) What’s your current NOTP? 
Current NOTP… Let’s see. This one’s actually really hard. Because if I don’t like a ship, even if it’s in direct opposition to my OTP, I don’t necessarily hate them. I just don’t ship them. I have reasons I don’t like them that are outside of being an obstacle to my ship, and I just…don’t know if I have one at the moment? Hook & Emma from Once Upon a Time I despised for the LONGEST time. I’m a hardcore Neal & Emma shipper, but I just felt the whole transition into Hook & Emma was AWFUL. Not to mention starting from their first kiss, I was just kinda…grossed out? But they’ve been a ship for a while now, and I’d be lying if I said I don’t root for them. I still don’t ship them, but they’re no longer on my hate list. Barry & Caitlin aren’t a NOTP for the simple fact that they’re not even happening. Imo, you can only hate a ship if it’s actually happening (or happened previously), neither of which is the case with them. I guess…oh, I KNOW! Lol. Blaine & Peyton on iZombie. My OTP on that show is Liv & Major, so they’re not a NOTP related to them. BUT I also hardcore ship Ravi & Peyton. They have chem and he is honestly the best boyfriend. While Blaine & Peyton aren’t together yet, they did have a one-night stand, and despite Blaine being the devil incarnate, it looks like Peyton is going to give him another chance, since he doesn’t remember being the devil incarnate, and so no longer acts like his old self, or has that mindset. Ravi & Peyton haven’t been together for a while, and they weren’t when she slept with Blaine, but they were basically on the verge of getting back together when feelings/this news emerged, and….*whines & cries* Blaine is the absolute WORST. Peyton needs to run in the other direction, not straight into his arms.
10) Do you ship any characters that have never met? 
Yes. Lol. Barry & Lydia is my #1 crossover/AU couple. I’d obviously be horrified if they became an actual thing on either The Flash or Teen Wolf, since I hardcore ship both westallen and stydia. But take Iris & Stiles out of the equation? Heck yes. I’m addicted to watching their AU vids.
21) Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? 
This is a pretty hard question actually, since every time a couple shows up onscreen - particularly if I end up not shipping them - I always try to figure out why other people would ship them. And much to my chagrin, I’m usually able to be open-minded enough to come up with at least one reason, if not more. I guess the only one that comes to me right now is Emily & Ben on Revenge. I get he was just supposed to be some in-between romance until the endgame couple finally got their due, but I just…don’t get it. I don’t necessarily have anything against it either, it just felt…pointless. And really the poor guy didn’t have a chance. Emily was always going to choose either Jack or her revenge, and inevitably, both.
28) Does shipping come easily to you? 
LMAO. SO easy. You have no idea. XD Occasionally there is a show where I just enjoy the couples but don’t really get invested in them away from having them be a nice decoration for the plot/theme of the show, but yeah. EXTREMELY easy.
31) Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. 
Hmmm. This one is hard as well. *thinks about this forever* Generally speaking, I don’t come up with headcanons super often. I see others, and I go, “oh yes, I agree!” And when I do come up with headcanons, I don’t usually say ‘here’s a headcanon!,’ I go ‘oh look, a fic that I wrote that’s almost 10 pages long!’ lmao XD But I guess - and this one is super generic and I have no doubt I’m not the first to come up with it - is that in iZombie, when Major & Liv get married (which they WILL at some point *glares at writers*), Ravi will be the best man, Peyton will be the maid of honor, and Clive will walk Liv down the aisle. *heart eyes*
39) Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? 
I’d say Barry & Iris b/c #1 - they’re epic & #2 - I want a Barry Allen. But I don’t think I’d want quite the kind of conflicts they’ve had dished out to them, so I’m gonna say… H.G. & Jane from the recently deceased Time After Time. There was ofc the time travel conflict (which I really would’ve loved to see resolved!!), but they were just so sweet and pure and that’s the kind of relationship you want, honestly.
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