whumpacabra · 1 year
Day 24 - Bloody Clothes
Hospital setting, wheelchair use, angst, implied character death, referenced captivity and torture, description of a corpse
[Directly follows Sleepless]
“…Can I see?” David could see Casey’s jaw working, tension gathering in his temples.
“I don’t think that’s - “
“I want - I need to see. Please.” His voice was tightening, and he dared to look up at Sarah. Even she wasn’t immune to those sad, blue eyes - and he wasn’t afraid to use that to his advantage.
Bear was dead - he had been for a while - but some part of David still needed convincing. To see for himself the rotted corpse of his best friend, his partner.
“He deserves this. And the techs will have a hell of a time getting a dental ID.” Casey shrugged, not quite meeting Sarah’s wavering gaze. “Let’s go Dave - elevator’s this way.”
“You sure about this?” Casey’s voice was low, soft eyes watching David with deep compassion. “It’s…not pretty.”
“Corpses in general aren’t that good looking, if you ask me.” David cracked a tight smile, breathing a sigh as he looked forward to opening elevator door. “I’m ready. It can’t be worse than what I’ve been imagining it for the last few months.”
It was closer to a year. A year buried in sand and gravel - too deep for the condors or coyotes to find - a feast for ants and beetles and worms.
David hoped he wasn’t recognizable. He couldn’t stand to look at Bear’s face again after he had betrayed him.
The morgue reminded him of Cortazar’s basement. Cold and bare and illuminated only by artificial lighting. It turned his stomach that Bear was here - was it familiar to him too? Was he still scared?
“L34…here he is. We haven’t started the autopsy proper yet - he’s not cleaned up. Are you - ?”
“We wouldn’t be down here if we weren’t.” Casey gave the mortician a nod, eyes drifting to David.
It was lucky - or not - that the compartment the body was stored in was low enough for David to see from his wheelchair.
The door opened with a soft hiss, icy air and the faint scent of decay spilling out. David breathed slowly, the way RJ had tried to teach him: four in, hold, four out.
It was lucky - or not - that the body was as unrecognizable as David had hoped. A few patches of desiccated skin and hair still clung to dried bones, eye sockets long emptied of any judgement they might hold.
The clothes he knew.
The bloodstained Metallica t-shirt, ripped at the neckline and frayed at the hem. The flannel - David’s flannel - he had given Bear when he own clothes did little to protect him from the freezing temperatures or cover bloody lashes.
The cause of death wasn’t evident, unless the crushed, broken in jaw of the skull was an indication of the brutal, horrible death he had condemned his friend to. He couldn’t quite convince himself it was inflicted post-mortem.
“Dave?” There was concern in Casey’s voice, a far away sound that drew David back from the aching, guilty nostalgia gnawing at his ribs.
“Yeah.” He swallowed hard, his voice cracking. “Yeah that’s - that’s my flannel. His shirt. Um.” It was getting harder to breathe, his voice constricted.
“We good?” David nodded in response. Casey gave a wry smile and looked to the mortician. “Alright. Thank you.”
“Anytime.” She cringed briefly at the nonchalance in her voice, words growing softer. “I‘ll take good care of him. We can coordinate contact with next of kin another time.”
David gestured for Casey to wheel him back to the elevator. His hands were numb, shaking too hard to grasp the rim of his wheels.
“Did…was there anything else? Where they found him?” David was surprised by how flat his voice sounded, drained of any emotion or energy. Casey’s concerned expression was gentle.
“Some stuff. Do you want to - ?”
“Not today.” His breathing shuddered in his chest as he wiped tears from his face. “Thanks.” Casey nodded, exhaustion etched in his expression.
“It’s the least we could do.”
[Before One step at a time]
(Part of my Freelancers: Retirement series)
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tidalcreek · 3 years
helloooo! here are google drive links (pt1 + pt2) to my 4hr cut of the hobbit trilogy :-) specs n more details under the cut!
runtime is 4hr 9m (including about 4m of credits)
all scenes have open captions in english (either screen recorded from hbo or manually added)!!
i didn’t have access to the extended editions for this but i was able to find some of the extended scenes i wanted on yt (hence the portuguese and turkish subtitles on a few scenes which makes it a little messy with the english caps sry!!)
it’s split in two parts so i could get the quality up to 1080p but the parts are not like. two coherent separate movies its just one big guy
i basically did this for one reason which is that the hobbit movies r incredibly nostalgic to me and i love them but i avoided rewatching them for years because i have adhd and i just could not be fucked to watch 9 hours of cgi when i only cared about half of it. so here’s the half!!
this is heavily informed by the tolkien edit! i have my own criticisms of that cut (which is why i made one lmao) but i absolutely used it as a roadmap of what the story could survive without so credit where credit’s due
but forewarning because i made this specifically for my own use it’s very tailored to Me and my favorite parts of the trilogy! im a tiny bit of a tolkien purist bc i love the book very much and for aforementioned adhd reasons i always want these movies to move SO much faster than they do. but if there’s a scene that seems pointless it’s there just bc i like it and if there's a line that's missing for no reason it's just bc it annoys me :) however i Did try really hard to make this a good movie experience bc i have terminal film major disease!
here are the most significant changes i made if ur curious:
in general this cut follows bilbo/thorin/the company’s pov pretty tightly! it’s the part of the story that i personally care about most and it’s where the most coherent and interesting arcs are in my opinion! 
i could not care less for peter jackson’s cgi action scenes so most of of them are trimmed significantly or sometimes just deleted. this especially applies to the orc chase/fight scenes..i simply cannot sit through the full six minute barrel scene again. the big smaug scenes and botfa battle scenes are also especially cut down
gandalf’s dol guldur plot is completely cut (including radagast, galadriel, etc); ive never liked how the extra lore adds such huge All Of Middle Earth stakes to the hobbit (that's not bilbo’s fight and it never was! he didnt know what he was starting when he started it and neither should we!) so i took the tolkien edit’s line on this one. sorry to galadriel but i know what gandalf was doing during dos i dont need to see it 
crimes against the kiliel community: this is my most dudebro tolkien opinion but i have never loved the tauriel/legolas/kili dynamic and they have SOOO many scenes that i Personally just do not want to watch every time. i love the version of tauriel that lives in my brain but i do not vibe w the movie universe >:-( to that end both tauriel and legolas are almost entirely cut and you ARE allowed to hang me in the town square for this. im sad about it
bilbo's prologue scene is moved closer to the middle of the movie rather than introducing that info immediately in auj. i like having the audience find out about thrain and dale only once the company has seen the lonely mountain for the first time! idk if it reads as well as i think it does so lmk what u think!!
iiiii recut thorin’s funeral scene with hozier’s version of the parting glass. this is simply because ive always thought the funeral music was boring and i wanted to have fun! it’s one of the biggest changes i made to a specific scene so pls tell me if u have thoughts....it's at around 1:50:00 of part 2 if you want to skip
there are about 4 minutes of (incomplete) credits because sitting and listening to the last goodbye after botfa ends is a ritual <3
ummm thats it! if you actually watch any of this and you have thoughts please come talk to me about it!! i want to talk to you specifically!!
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yume-fanfare · 3 years
hi i am that anon from like 29th Dec (last dang year) who said i read ur tsuki no hime and loved it and that u understand Aizou. i have read more of ur stuff since then and now i NEED to ask you for writing advice, on both characterization and general writing tips since I didnt mention it before. Sorry about that! i just forgot i sent an ask and i do not get notifs at all (or does anon asks not get notifs?) Also, ART STUDENT! That's why the nice art and art leaning!! I feel smart for sensing it
oh yup, tumblr doesn't send notifs for anon asks! but i'm glad you did see the answer anyway
this post is hideously long, so answer under the cut!
so, on characterization: it is mostly a matter of what would they say, rather than what you want them to say. the joke about "the characters do what they want to" instead of what the writer wants is pretty much true if you want them to be in character lol (that's why sometimes a little bit of OoC isn't too bad)
checking the source material is the most important thing: look at prior similar interactions the characters have had and how they reacted
this is kind of hard with LIPxLIP, as there aren't that many translated texts about them but with honeyworks the most canon and reliable thing to use as reference are the mvs. the mvs are drawn in a way that can pretty much be understood even if you don't have the lyrics, and sometimes it's even better if you can't read them, to properly focus on the images better
look at their expressions closely: while aizou is always explosive in his anger, yuujirou often has a more indifferent expression. so, when they fight, aizou is probably the one to blow up first while yuujirou maintains his composure better. it's kind of the classic "this was only a brief passing panel but i am going to expand on it" www
but the thing about fanfiction is that it's always a bit of a character analysis in itself. you don't start writing having already a color-coded folder of possible situations and reactions a character would have for each setting. you just throw the characters in a scenario and then think from there onwards, and eventually you'll be able to have the folder of situations and what you think their reactions would be like. (though, this links back to the prior point, if the characters have gone through a similar situation in canon, use that as guide! plus, finding little references to canon when reading is always fun)
for general writing, i'm going to mostly talk about my own experiences and process! i'm in no way a professional though
the basic is reading a lot. not just books but also fanfic. in fact, since you're writing fanfic, i Encourage you to read fanfic. even if your story ends up novel length, the way of treating the story is different from that of an actual novel. for example, because you're working under the premise that everyone knows the characters already. the general style of fics is different as well.
in fact, the style is the main reason i'm saying this slfkslfkslkf
read a lot of stuff and find a style you like. think of it as sewing together pieces from here and there to make a frankenstein amalgamation: this person's metaphors, the comparisons from here, the descriptions from there
personally, i adore the "long one-shot with a long title formatted (like this)" fics that are mostly feelings and descriptions and as little dialogue as possible, and some that occasionally play with the "show don't tell" rule, and some months ago i read a book whose descriptions amazed me because you could feel what the character was focusing on the most, rather than being general descriptions of the situation (i actually have a lot of thoughts about descriptions but that's a post for another day). but also i really like dialogue and plot-driven stories, descriptions can get boring and before trying to break rules, you have to be really good at following them
but, let's go step by step: developing an idea
for this i'm going to mostly reference the multichap i finished a while ago as an example
i started with just a few vague concepts in mind: non-idol au with aizou who does some sport and likes music but is insecure about his singing and yuujirou who does some music related thing and encourages him to sing in a way that's somehow related to the hozier song to noisemaking (sing), because it's what inspired me to write in the first place
then, from then onwards i wrote down what would happen in the first chapter of the story bullet-point-list-style, including things like the roommates part or the clubs the boys were in (at first yuujirou was in the choir club lol the change was a last second decision that idk why i took) and then bits of dialogue here and there that would be The Turning Points. those first dialogues were for the fight at the end of ch 1, the apology-date in ch 3 and then some vaguely unused ones for the "yuujirou encourages aizou" part, as those were the first key moments i thought of
because, since it's enemies to friends to lovers, an important aspect was character development
not all fics have character development bc not all of them are long enough (if you're aiming for short and sweet then there's no need). but if they do, i recommend you write down how the character was at the beginning of the story and then how they were at the end and then fill in the middle later, think of what those key turning points that made the character change were (the more little things you add, the more gradual it'll be)
samishigariya illustrates this very nicely: the song starts and finishes with the same lines, but the ending ones feel more light-hearted. the beginning has pre-arisa ken and pre-getting-along-with-yuujirou aizou, when they were the lonely people the title mentioned, and the ending, when they're not lonely anymore. the in between can be seen in depth during the other songs: ken before arisa was a playboy who didn't take love seriously, but after meeting her he realized that games were not all there was to love; and aizou used to be quite cranky and high-key a loner, but then he "meets precious things and knows of love". i will not elaborate on that because this isn't an aiyuu post but Oh You Know
for the fic, aizou would go through that same process, more or less: someone who doesn't really form meaningful connections with people but who, in the end, would end up having quite a bunch of people who care about him as his relationship with yuujirou advances too
since the relationship was the main focus, i wrote a very simple outline for how it would develop throughout 5 hypothetical chapters that was just: 1. civil w each other but mostly bad > 2. bad > 3. half friends > 4. pining > 5. date
and then with that in mind and the bullet point list, the final basic outline ended up like this:
Tumblr media
there were scraped ideas and ideas that made it in later, but i believe having a simple outline, a bare skeleton to add things to, is important. stories need continuity, development requires a prior buildup
it's especially important in multichapter fics where you post as you write, you need to have a more or less clear idea of what's going to happen because you can't ignore scenes you've already posted
shorter stories don't need it as much, you can think as you go, but it's still helpful to know where you're going with things to avoid getting stuck
and, on getting stuck: don't be afraid of deleting things. if you can't figure out how to continue things, then delete the situation and start again. it might feel like you'd be wasting time but in the end, it is so much better than being stuck on the same scene for weeks
in fact, you don't have to write in order. jump to the next scene and you'll figure it out later. you Can write the scene you want to write and then build everything else around it
it's normal to write a scene and then realize it would make more sense later in the story, or that it would be better if you added another scene earlier, or sometimes you just find it easier to jump from one part of the story to another. rely on your outline to keep track of what you've written, what you have left to write and what's the best way to arrange your story. make your story understandable
which bring us to editing
there's a lot of much better posts on editing stories, but yeah ctrl+f is your best friend: don't repeat yourself too much. and be sure to vary sentence and paragraph length, as well as sentence structure, to give dynamism to the writing
now, i've mentioned before the show, don't tell rule, but i'm going to talk a bit more about it because it's quite important
once again there's a lot of posts that explain more in depth what it is, so i'm not going to expand too much on that, but, very basically, try to avoid things like "then some time passed and they became friends". explain it: what happened exactly? how did they become friends? if it's important, show it to us, instead of summarizing
since things like these make the story longer, it also gives room for more development and proper explanation for things that happen
for example, the fic was originally going to start with them already in the room, and the whole situation would have been explained in a single paragraph somewhere, but by actually adding the scene where they first arrive to the dorms and argue with the lady at the main desk, the story flows better and it let me actually describe their first meeting
and uuuhhh i think that's all? this took super long to write i hope i didn't forget any super basic stuff lol
i want to add that for enemies to lovers i greatly recommend this post bc it's super good but yeah i think that's basically it, if you have any more specific questions just shoot me an ask
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
An Enjoyable Evening Part 3 of 3 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild Revali x Reader
Hello! This is actually my first time requesting on Tumblr May I request a Revali x Reader? I really liked the last one you did and I was wondering if you could do a continuation of that oneshot. I'm curious of how the party will turn out. Will the other Champions be suprised that Revali bought a "date?" :0 
Here’s the final part to the series! Sorry if the ending is rushed, enjoy!
Also yes, this was reposted, because I was trying to edit a typo on my phone and I accidentally deleted the entire thing...good job me!
It was around 9pm when the two of you landed at the castle grounds. The towering stone walls of the castle were in stark contrast with the tranquil view of nature you had witnessed in the sky not an hour earlier. Revali was leading you through a stone path. Ahead you could see a silver gazebo, with cream colored lanterns illuminated the surroundings, basking nobles and servants alike with light. Figures of blue, gold, black, and red drifted and danced through grass. While most seemed to be Hylian, there were also Zora, Sheikah, and other races in the mix. The night air was now cool, winds only strong enough to barely sway the lanterns. You walked behind the Rito as a guard approached the two of you.
��Ah, Master Revali. We thank you for your presence tonight.” He gave a polite bow. His deep blue outfit, adorned with silver trimming and gold tassels, gave an aura of authority.  “The Princess and the other Champions are here, shall I show you to them?”
“No, I don’t need an escort, thank you. I have the gift of sight so I’m sure I’ll manage fine.”
“Alright then, how about you lover here?”
“My wha-”
You both suddenly tensed. Revali’s feathers poofed up. You shuffled to the side and put some distance between you and Revali. The two of you started speaking rapidly over each other.
“Oh no, he’s not my— ”
“Uh, no. That’s not. they didn’t actually want to be here—”
“He’s incredibly annoying, and we hate each oth—” 
“I mean, me, with a Hylian, *cough* obviously I w—”
“Well I don’t hate him, I’m just not, er—”
“Who would surround themselves with such a rude, and intelligent, b-but mostly rude—”
“—um, the point it”
“We’re just friends.” You both finally sputtered out in unison. When you went to look at Revali, your eyes met, and you both quickly turned away. Your cheeks were on fire. WHY? Why were they on fire???? The guard stood there with a raised eyebrow, staring at you both blankly.
“…OK then.” An awkward silence. “So, do you want me to—”
“We’ll just be on our way then!”
Revali quickly grabbed your hand before pulling you away towards the courtyard. You moved past the guard with steps, wanting to leave behind the embarrassing scene as fast as possible. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to take your mind off it as when you approached the rest of the party, delicious smells filling the air. 
You stopped in your tracks, taking in the full picture. Tables were lined up on the side, cloaked in white cloth. On them, sat plates and plates and plates of food, more than you had ever seen in your life! There was meat and sauce and fish and steamed vegetables. Cakes and sweets and stews and rice. And in the center of it all sat a tower of exotic fruits, filled to the brim with apples, berries, hydromelons, bananas, and palm fruit. Sweet and savory aromas filled the air, not clashing, but blending into indescribable sensations that allowed you to taste everything before you could even touch it. 
You then noticed Revali staring, how long had he been observing you?.
“Why are you smiling so much? I thought the sight of such a large gathering might intimidate you.”
“Oh it does, but the food! Can you smell all that?? The food! It smells so good here…”
“Yes, well you see at parties, typically people attempt to enjoy themselves by eating edible foods, rather than five-day-old honeyed candies that you store away in a desk for when you stay up all night.”
You ignored his comment. “I’m going to the buffet.”
“Woah-woah, wait. We had a deal didn’t we? I’m sure you’ll still have ti—”
“A-shh-shh-shh-shh-shh!” You held a finger up to his face. “Hold your beak giant cucco, it’ll be just for a minute. I’ll come back if some boring noble attempts to bend your ear. Besides,” You gestured towards a Goron, Gerudo, and Zora, all adorned with bright blue garments. They were looking at Revali with curious expressions, seemingly wanting to approach . “It seems there are people here who have made the mistake of wanting to talk with you. I wouldn’t want to intrude on such a rare occurrence.”
Before he had a chance to object, you raced off towards the buffet.
… . .
“So, who was that?”
Revali sighed. “Just some scientist that desperately wanted to attend this event. So I did them a favor, considering I am known for my boundless generosity. It really doesn’t concern you, Urbosa.” 
“OH-HO! You have a DATE, Revali?!?” Daruk slapped him across the back, playfully. Revali stumbled forward, nearly tripping over himself.
“AGH! Would you— ugh, first off,” he turned to face Urbosa, Daruk, and Mipha, “their name is [Name], and as I just stated, they’re not a date. If anything, we’re enemies, I don’t like them, we hate each other.” Mipha tilted her head askew. Urbosa cocked an eyebrow. “Secondly, [she’s/he’s] incredibly boring. Don’t bother asking them questions about me, or them, or how they got here, or how we met, anything that might cause unnecessary embarrassment between the two of you. As I said, they’re not that interesting, so I’ll be taking the burden of speaking with them throughout the night. Understand?
“Thirdly,” Revali glared at Daruk, “I would appreciate it if you didn’t bellow out things like that in the future. I’m sure [Name] wouldn’t appreciate you acting out so brashly during the night.”
“Aw,” Urbosa cooed, “Is Revali afraid we’ll scare away his date?”
Daruk gave out a mighty laugh, accompanied by Mipha’s giggling. Revali then shot daggers at Urbosa.
“Ha-ha. Very funny.”
“Yes I know, that’s why we laughed.” Urbosa gave out a smirk. Mipha started to snicker.
“Look little Rito,” Daruk moved closer, attempting to give a more gentle pat on his back. “I’m sure your buddy there is really great.”
“Did you say, little?”
“It’s nice to see you making new friends! Better than you being cooped up at the flight range every day, right? None of us are judging you here, we’re happy for you! I’m sure [Name] is a great, poised, confident, and respectable Hylian.”
The four Champions, along with the other startled guests, suddenly turned towards the buffet table where the noise originated from. The once towering fruit pile now sat collapsed in the dirt. The table it rested on was now a mess of colorful juices and littered utensils. Beside the scene, stood you, arms full of exotic fruits. Revali sighed, then chuckled to himself.
“Well, you never fail to make things more interesting, huh?”
He stared at the scene as he watched servants come rushing in to attend to the situation. “Definitely more exciting than spending anymore time praising that pesky knight.”  After a moment, Revali turned back to the others. His eyes narrowed.
“Where is Link anyway?”
… . .
You were shuffling between the servants, desperately trying to apologize for the mess you made.
“I am so, so sorry! I was just trying to move a random durian, and the whole thing just fell, I’m so sorry. The structure of the tower was off anyway, maybe you should add a frame behind it or something…without any infrastructure it was bound to fall sooner or later, it’s as tall as a Vah Naboris…n-not that I’m trying to blame this on you! It’s my fault, obviously, just, you know, it could have been prevented if the fancy lords and ladies put a bit more effort into public safety rather than grandiose gestures…but again, I’m really, really sorry.”
The servant waved you off bluntly, as if to say “it’s fine.” You attempted to spout out more words, in your ever expanding internal conflict of apologizing sincerely, but not sucking up to the noble guests who were eyeing you with distaste. However, you comically slipped on a banana peel.
“Wha—OH SH-”
The world tilted, as just as you were sure you were able to eat dirt, someone caught you. You staggered onto your feet and turned around.
“That was close. Thank you so much…” your eyes suddenly widened, “Master Link?”
Link shook his head and waved his arms. It’s not a problem, he seemed to say. You stood there blankly. You had heard about the Champion Link. Supposedly he rarely spoke, only in instances when it was necessary, or if he couldn’t communicate with his body language. He was wearing his bright blue tunic, the same shade as Revali’s scarf, and it was outlined with pearl white designs, spiraling down his chest in the shape of the Master Sword.
He then started moving his hands, around. His fingers danced through the air, leaving you a bit confused, before it hit you. Oh! He’s using Hylian sign-language. Really committed to keeping silent, then. You asked him to repeat the motions before you understood.
Can you understand?
“Yeah, I learned Hylian sign in college.”
That’s good. Not many know it now-a-days. Are you all right?
“Nearly fell flat on my butt, but I’m fine now, thanks to you.”
Is your name [Name]?
“…yes, how did you know?”
Revali used to talk about you a lot.
You gave a half-hearted chuckle. “Oh really? That’s…nice.” You moved your fingers through your hair in an attempt to give your hands something to do. “Master Link is rather blunt, isn’t he?” You thought.
You know, in Rito culture, they typically trade their feathers to show affection. 
“AH! Would you look who it is, the knight of the hour!”
Revali appeared behind you, but was looking at Link with a stern expression. 
“Happy anniversary of pulling out the Master Sword. I hope you’re enjoying yourself, considering the King and Princess insisted on celebrating with all the useless pomp and grandeur, we could muster.” 
Link just started blankly. Then, after a moment he just gave a thumbs-up.
“Well, there’s no need to irk [Name] or I with your presence any longer. I’m sure there are a variety of other guests that would trip over themselves for a word or two with you. No point in talking any further with [Name], so why don’t you start intruding on the other guests’ conversations.”
The knight looked between the two of you, still standing quietly, a confused expression just barely creeping onto his face. Then, he snuck a quick smirk your way, whatever that meant.
“Flap to it then!”
Link moved his shoulders up and down, shrugging. He waved to you before moving back towards the crowds. You glanced at Revali. 
“The hell was that?”
“Come with me, I’ll help get you cleaned up.”
… . .
You stood in the gazebo, its marble structure glistening around you, as if it brought the stars themselves down to sit on the grass. 
“And here I thought I was special”
“Back there with Link? Well, it’s nice to know I’m not the only person in your life that you’re so rude too.”
He scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself, you’re the one who startled the guests and tainted the party’s entire mood by wreaking havoc on these innocent fruits.” He picked off a piece of apple out of your hair. “Now your whole look is ruined.”
You shrugged. “Can’t go anywhere but up from here, right? Look on the bright side, the conversation tonight might start focusing on the clumsy, idiot scientist rather than the ‘little knight’ or the other Champions.” 
Revali shook his head, a typical smirk on his face. “Shut up so I can actually make you look presentable. Here.”
He took something out of the pouch by his side. A cleaned, silver quill, more specifically, your quill. Before you had the chance to question him. He plucked a few of the loose feathers on his wing. He then wrapped them around the quill and presented it to you.
“Deep, navy blue, like a setting starry sky, pairs well with the silver, no?”
“Right. And I should care…because?”
He sighed. “Well, a crimson tunic wouldn’t be my first choice of pairing,” Revali set the weave of feathers behind your ear and through your hair, “but it looks good enough on you.”
You brushed the feathers behind your ear. They were soft, the edges bending ever so slightly in the calm breeze. Suddenly, the realization hit you as you remembered Link’s words, or hand gestures. Immediately, your face suddenly became flustered, cheeks starting to pink from blushing.
“Uh, so Revali?”
“About my quills, uh,” your voice was resigned, almost meek, “my quills, they’re probably the closest thing I have to feathers, right?”
“Well, I suppose—”
“Kinda funny how we’ve been trading them around, huh?”
Now it was Revali’s turn to get flustered. His feathers were poofing up, once again. The gazebo was silent was silent for a few moments as you both looked into each other’s eyes.
“So, you know? When did you find out about the tradition?”
“Like 15 minutes ago.”
The air was still once more. For an eternity, you watched the sky. The same sky that Revali had flown through, as he showed off his grand entrances and moves, the same sky that you had seen as as you drifted above the world. And now, it was the same sky, that you both looked at together. At just the right angle, you could look past the stone walls and gaze at the fields of Hyrule. Looking towards the eastern most part, you could see crimson hues just starting to rise. It was late, or perhaps it was very early? It didn’t matter, because despite this, the stars continued to wink in the west. They were perched on a canopy of ink, strokes of indigo were painted underneath as the stars glistened above both you and Revali’s reach. Finally, he broke the silence.
“[Name],” Revali stood up, pacing around the gazebo, “look, I think you’re incredibly smart and sharp tongued and attractive and charming, and an all around brilliant person. Sometimes, I’d be annoyed by you’re stupidly blunt comments, and other times I can’t get enough of our idiotic banter. For the longest time, I couldn’t fathom why I was always looking forward to our next meeting. It took me a humiliating amount of time to come to the simple conclusion that…I enjoyed spending time with you.” He paused and turned his head back at you. “And I want to do it more often…”
You sat there, smiling. Look at feather face over here, pouring his heart out. You couldn’t hide the blushing on your cheeks. Your fingers continued to graze the feathers in your hair. However, Revali seemed to take your silence the wrong way
“U-unless of course you don’t feel the same way!” Revali started sputtering out nonsense. “Wait, wait, this was a joke! My acting skills are quite convincing, I know. Obviously, you prefer to keep stay friends, right? I mean, platonic friendships are just as strong. Anyone would be lucky to simple be good friends with me anyway, It—”
“Ok, now’s the part where you shut up.”
“—and I would, wait what?”
You got up, and pecked a kiss on the tip of Revali’s beak.
“I said, now’s the part where you shut up”
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sleepless-rain · 4 years
Karasuno studies! – View from the first years (Part 4) –
Translator: Leo | Sleepless-rain | Leoppii
Editor: San | Naffnuffnice
  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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“Damn that Tsukishima… comparing me to an animal...” Even after practice Hinata was still fuming. 
Yachi followed closely behind. “There, there, animals are cute! And when you jump like ‘bam’! It gives off a very animalistic aura,” she piped.
“... Animalistic?”
Please do NOT repost this translation ANYWHERE. If I see the whole thing elsewhere I will stop translating novel chapters and delete all chapter translations I have done. Sharing small snippets are okay but not the whole thing. Please link back to this tumblr post if you want to share it.
    Perhaps Hinata was imagining a puma or a tiger pouncing, which had him grinning.
Speaking of jumping power, it is said that cheetahs and pumas can leap one hundred and fifty times their body length, but that is a topic for another time.
“Wait a second, was it really about that? I don’t think Tsukishima meant it that way…” 
Yachi turned to Hinata who was frowning again and replied wholeheartedly. “Hinata you should think about everything positively! I’m trying to practice looking at the bright side of things too, even though it is a little bit difficult… If I let my guard down, thoughts of death begin to plague me.”
“That sounds rough.”
“I try my best.”
Both of them stopped to show respects to each other’s problems by bowing their heads before heading off again. The dry winter air began to tug at their cheeks, and to stop the cold from nipping at him, Hinata readjusted his scarf.
Grabbing his bike and leaving the parking lot, Hinata looked up at the already dark sky, stars glimmering. “All the third years sure are studying hard.” 
“Well, they are taking university entrance exams. I’m sure that’ll be us in no time.” Yachi nodded in agreement, and for some reason Hinata reeled in shock. “Even though we’ve just started high school!?”
“Not at all, it’s almost been a year.” Yachi laughed nervously.
Second term was ending soon and as soon as the short third term ends they’d be second years. The current third years would graduate and new students would come.
It was hard to believe.
“Time really does fly.”
In response to the deflated Hinata’s words, Yachi replied, “Study hard while you are young, boys grow old easily and it makes learning harder.” She nodded but suddenly turned pale, shouting, “Wait! That means even if I’ve avoided danger up until now, I’ll encounter something dangerous in my senescence*!? ”
“Huh? Sentence?” Hinata asked, but Yachi, with the face of a cornered animal, clenched her fists. 
“Hinata, let’s study while we’re still young!”
“There’s no time to waste! Let’s go!”
Yachi suddenly broke into a sprint, with Hinata fumbling to get onto his bike to follow after her.
 “W-where are we!?”
The two stopped at a book store by the station which closed late. Looking at the shelves filled with books, Yachi sighed, “There are so many books… do you think I can get through all of these before I die?”
“I’ll take this one.” In Hinata’s hands was ‘Learn through manga for High school entrance exams – Math edition’. Was Hinata going to retake the high school entrance exam? 
However Yachi calmly nodded. “It’s important to find something that matches your own ability.”
“I see. You’re right. Then how about this one…” Hinata pulled out one of the many past university entrance exam question books lined up on the shelf.
“Do you think the third years are solving all these past questions for their preferred universities?” asked Yachi.
“Past questions?”
“These books have all the questions that were in the past entrance exams.”
“There isn’t much point looking at questions that have been in past exams is there?” Hinata asked curiously. 
If he were asking Tsukishima, he would have gotten a glare from him before he left the room, explaining nothing. But it was Yachi who was described as “amazing” by Tsukishima. She would explain so Hinata could understand.
“There may be questions that are similar to past ones, so if you understand the general trend of the questions you can formulate some strategies to answer them. Just like in volleyball where you watch previous matches of the opponent you’re up against.”
“Ohh, so that’s what it means.” Now understanding, Hinata flipped through the book nonchalantly. “I see. I see. Even I can do this.” Before quickly shutting up. “…Hm.”
  To not hurt the frowning Hinata any further, Yachi shyly spoke, “These are for National universities …So it would be difficult for everyone, not just you.”
But Hinata’s difficult expression didn’t change as he glared at the book. “W-wait a second.”
“Huh? You know the answer?”
“No…” he replied, swinging his head to face Yachi. “This question asks about wheat and peppers and apples and rice…doesn’t it all sound delicious?”
Were entrance exam questions ever about whether something was delicious or not?
Yachi took the book from Hinata’s hands with a “let me have a look” and laughed in relief. “Oh it’s just a geography question. The prefecture indicated as number 1 on this map is Aomori prefecture… here the production of wheat and apples is the highest, so the answer is b. The one marked 2 is Niigata prefecture and with a high production of rice the answer would be c. Oh and number 3 is Miyazaki prefecture so it’s peppers. Due to the effects of the Japan Current the weather is warm here, even in winter, so they can be produced out of season. So the answer is peppers.”
“C-come again?” Hinata’s face went pale and he took a step back. Yachi panicked and looked over the book again. “Sorry, did I get that wrong?”
As Yachi muttered to herself, pouring over the book, Hinata asked with a serious expression, “Are you planning to take over Japan?”
“Why are you so well informed about every nook and cranny of the country?”
 In this bookstore there was another member of the Karasuno volleyball club. With the ‘Monthly Volleyball’ volleyball magazine in his hands was Kageyama. Standing before the shelf of sports magazines he muttered to himself, “Yachi-san…tako-pho...”
At that moment Kageyama’s stomach rumbled. The image of Yachi making an octopus version of pho** surfaced in Kageyama’s mind.
-          * senescence: Here Yachi uses a very uncommon word for ‘old age’ pronounced as ‘rousui’ which is the exact same pronunciation for the word that means ‘water leakage’. So I tried to pull a similar joke in translation.
-          **Tako-pho: please let me explain this in detail - Hinata uses the word 牛耳る gyuujiru, meaning ‘to take over’. But in this case Kageyama thinks of the Japanese dish 豚汁 tonjiru, or a soup using pork, but a beef version of it, which would be 牛汁 gyuujiru with the exact same pronunciation. I did my best to replace it with a similar play on words DESPITE Kageyama probably not knowing what pho is. Btw pho is pronounced similar to fir (or fur) (please say take over really fast). Please don’t criticise my pun making skills.    
  As a small disclaimer:  I have taken some liberties in translation to make the novel read smoothly. So please don’t quote specific words as canon. That being said I tried my best to stay faithful to the original.  For this reason I will not allow translations into another language using this as the base text. I apologise to anyone who is keen on sharing it in another language but please do so using the original Japanese text.
Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter please consider supporting Haikyuu and buying a copy of this novel (volume 11) ! I may consider doing more novel translations in the future!
 I do have a Ko-fi so if you do feel like it, please donate!
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cupidhaos · 5 years
(2nd attempt lol) So I went through Newsflash! and Move! with a fine-toothed comb...
This is structured into 4 parts to make it a bit easier to read. The first part is interesting information I 'found' again after reading through everything with watchful eyes again. The second part is a listing of everyone who could've done it, and what reasons they may have. The third part is not necessarily informative, but still interesting stuff I 'found' while reading through it again. And last are questions I had or things which didn't add up for me. This is extremely long (the Word document I have is 6 pages long RIP), so grab a drink and get comfy. Also, this is mostly just based on what is in Newsflash! and Move! itself. Hope you'll enjoy!
Interesting information:
“It’s crucial to the plot that you know” (DK in Newsflash! 5) implies there’s a hidden plot, one we don’t see
“You’re going to make plenty of friends soon enough y/n” (DK in Newsflash! 5) Did DK orchestrate Y/N becoming friends with SVT? Why? Does he want to tear SVT down? But why through Y/N?
Oh, remember that girl who told the schoolboard about Jeonghan and Chaeyoung, angry Jeonghan planned on resigning from SVT for Chaeyoung? The one who essentially was the cause for Jeonghan & SVT ghosting Chaeyoung in the beginning of Newsflash! because she got word to Chaeyoung’s father and he threatened to take away their scholarships? Maybe it has something to do with her… (Newsflash! 10)
Joshua said himself that the others give up easily (Newsflash! 10) as soon as the situation becomes a bit dire
Newsflash! 11 “I know what it feels like to just have someone slip away from you when you could’ve done more” (Y/N texting w/ Mingyu) Who?? Is she talking about?? COULD IT BE A REASON FOR SOMEONE TO BE A BITCH TO Y/N???? Adding to that the next text: “You have the chance to fix things before it’s too late” WHEN WAS Y/N TOO LATE?? FOR WHOM??
The Barista from Newsflash! 13 (I FORGOT HER NAME I’M NOT IN THE LOOP WITH GIRLGROUPS) could’ve heard everything SVT+Chaeyoung talked about when they were locked in that back room… maybe that started something? (Edit: okay in Newsflash! 22 several girls comment on Y/N’s tweet and one has the same profile picture as the Barista… so her name is something along the lines of Hyunie?)
Newsflash! 17 DK texting “He’s not the one for you trust me Y/N” makes DK all the more suspicious. How do you know that? Who are you trying to set us up with?
Newsflash! 21 DK knew before Y/N said anything at all that Y/N was out with Jeonghan and that Jeonghan had kissed her. How did he know?
Newsflash! 23 DK texting “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see” makes me think he didn’t actually plan all this… but the use of the emoji makes him still suspicious. But if he didn’t plan this – why does he know so much?! Is he stalking Y/N? Why? For what reason?
Newsflash! 29 Name of one of Jeonghan’s clients was dropped – Eunha. Was she the one who bitched to the schoolboard? Wonwoo calls her ‘VIP client ;)’, which Jeonghan doesn’t really appreciate (“how about u shut the fuck up :)” Has all the passive aggressive energy in the world)
Newsflash! 31 Okay, so Yuta: ex-bf from Japan; Y/N’s first love (what was Joshua then? Didn’t Y/N leave Korea because Joshua didn’t return her feelings in Senior year Highschool?); cheated on her (did he really?); showed her pictures/nudes to his friends;
Newsflash! 31 Am I… the only one who is kind of suspicious of Wonwoo? Like, why was he there? I don’t believe he was there by chance. And even if he was, why would he help Y/N? What does he gain from this? Yeah, SVT’s motto is ‘respect women and make them feel happy’, but… it still seems suspicious to me.
Newsflash! 33 DK texting “that?? wasn’t??? supposed to happen????” “where did he even COME FROM” confirms a suspicion of mine – it wasn’t an accident that Wonwoo was there. Or maybe it was? Ugh, I don’t know. All I know is that Wonwoo and DK are both suspicious as hell.
Newsflash! 37 Jeonghan chewing Y/N out… and showing a possible motive.
Also Y/N is a dumbass for believing you can’t get phones in Thailand. HOW DUMB DO YOU HAVE TO BE??? Honestly. I mean, I get it if they were like, in a really rural part of Thailand, but somehow I doubt that
Move! 3 DK not be cryptic for 1 minute challenge: failed. BOI- “oh y/n this is where the story starts my dear friend” ???? Dear friend sounds so threatening. Like, what did Y/N do to you?
Move! 4 Why does Seungkwan want to keep Y/N away from SVT so desperately? Like, if Y/N can prove to them that the whole thread is a lie, she has 6 more people on her side. That would give her a lot more credibility, to be honest. Does Seungkwan have a reason for keeping Y/N away from SVT?
Move! 4 Chaeyoung is… surprisingly good… and QUICK… at getting Jimin’s and Seokjin’s number… even after they changed it… That’s suspicious. How good is Chaeyoung with tech?
Move! 4 Someone wanted Y/N info. And they were willing to pay for it. (This is before Y/N left, right after Jihoon posted the picture of being on the train to Busan with Y/N. So someone planned all this before Y/N even left.)
Move! 4 Jimin’s and Seokjin’s education and jobs have been threatened. (By whom exactly? Schoolboard? Or just a ‘random’ person? An anonymous person? They don’t know either – anonymous.) They were forbidden from talking to SVT (someone wants to prevent SVT from finding out the truth…) or explaining themselves.
Move! 5 Y/N mentions deleting all the photos she had of Yuta from her phone. But maybe Yuta still had some? Also (that happened to me) if you have a Google account and don’t adjust your setting, pictures taken on your phone will be saved on your Google Drive. As a backup. (I once deadass couldn’t get rid of 3 GB WORTH OF PICTURES BECAUSE OF THIS). Maybe that’s how someone got the pictures? Hacked Y/N’s email?
Move! 5 Soonyoung is very quick to point to Yuta. Then again, Yuta looks very suspicious. So… a ruse, probably.
Move! 5 DK “I trust no one and you shouldnt either” just… why should we trust YOU telling us not to trust anyone? Hm?
Move! 5 Vernon still hanging out with SVT (when did he even become friends with them? Nothing of that was mentioned during Newsflash! ? How did that happen??) is very suspicious. Like, isn’t there a conflict of interest? Or is he just stringing along either side? Making SVT believe he is on their side, or making Y/N believe he is on her side. Also, has Vernon met Sohee?? Or did he only hang out with SVT before the thread was posted? (But if that were the case… Minghao wouldn’t retweet it and Wonwoo wouldn’t say ‘we should do that again’.) Vernon, you’re very suspicious now.
Move! 5 Also interesting to note: Vernon practically pushes Y/N into Wonwoo’s direction. First saying that Mingaho isn’t a fan of Y/N anymore (true, I guess), but then leading her to Wonwoo? Did he know Wonwoo was the weakest link/the one who had doubts? Does he know Wonwoo still has feelings for Y/N, and is trying to push them together? Is Vernon playing something???
Move! 6 One of Wonwoo’s answers indicated that he didn’t text Seungkwan or Chaeyoung and never asked for clarification, but just believed Sohee. He also never asked Vernon or Chan (again, why Vernon? And why is DK and Hoshi missing here??)
Move! 7 Jihoon mentions Y/N being pulled into things she didn’t do since Sohee appeared – is he talking about the thread saying Y/N manipulated Wonwoo (a whole lie, and SVT KNOWS THAT), or is there something more? Wasn’t there once the talk of rumors? What kind of rumors? More than what is written in the thread??? Ouf…
Move! 7 Mingyu outright says "Wonwoo I thought you liked Sohee…" Makes me suspicious. Did Sohee specifically target Wonwoo? Or is Wonwoo just pretending to be on Y/N's side? Hm...
Move! 8 DK clearly hinting towards Yuta being behind it all… but can we trust DK.
Suspects and why they would do it:
Might still hold a massive grudge against SVT, and doesn’t want Y/N associate with them (Not logical – why would Jihoon and Wonwoo be okay? Why would she keep them around? They’re SVT too, and they ghosted her too, unlike Joshua.)
Might still hold a massive grudge against SVT and wants to get revenge (Once again – why are Jihoon and Wonwoo fine? They are/were SVT too.) (Thread/Rumors mainly hurt Y/N, not SVT.)
Holds a massive grudge against a specific member (don’t know who – maybe Jeonghan? Maybe one of the guys who overran Y/N?) and wants to ruin them. Orchestrated this whole thing and ‘leads’ the ‘investigation’ so it’ll lead to (a) certain member(s), in order to ruin them or keep them away from Y/N.
Got extremely jealous with how popular Y/N became with SVT. SVT is neglecting her once again, and Y/N is neglecting her as well, hanging out with her new friends instead. So, she wants to keep Y/N away from them, and hopes that this break of trust will cause Y/N to not be friends with SVT anymore, even if the situation gets cleared. She can be friends with Y/N again, Y/N will spend a lot of time with her again, and Chaeyoung’s happy again. (Might be psycho, but who knows…? Some people are crazy. And Chaeyoung seems very bossy with Y/N. (Granted Y/N needs it because DEAR LORD but still…))
General Reason for SVT members:
They feel betrayed and used by Y/N. She just left them, without even saying goodbye to them (she only texted Joshua before she left, as far as we know). They feel manipulated by her, and want to get revenge on her.
Or stereotypical ‘If I cannot have her, no one can have her’ or ‘If he cannot have her, no one can have her’. Y/N doesn’t want to be her girlfriend? (Or the girlfriend of one of their friends – JH and SC, for example.) Then you’ll be no one’s girlfriend. And I’ll drag you down.
Angry and hurt that Y/N immediately ran away after he got injured (for her, might I add), so he might feel like he was manipulated 
Angered at how Y/N treated Seungcheol and the rest of SVT, unknowingly strumming everyone along. Literally blamed Y/N for ‘everything going to shit’ into her face. Could be prone to enlisting the help of someone to tear Y/N down.
Extremely frustrated with Y/N. Feels betrayed by her and wants revenge. Finally snapped.
(Feels like he doesn’t know his friend anymore, which is why he believes so easily.)
Deeply hurt that Y/N just went away without even saying anything. Wants to get revenge on her. Feels like she didn’t give him a chance, and now wants her to pay for it.
Frustrated that Y/N is only spending time with SVT now, wants to bring her back to her old circle of friends
Fell in love with Y/N, realized there’s too much competition and decided to get rid of them. (But why would he be hesitant when Y/N contacts him? Wouldn’t he want to be immediately on her side, to get into her good graces? But that could make him suspicious again… Hm…)
Fell in love with Y/N before the others did, before Jeonghan ever saw her in Communications class. Knows the others are competition, and wants to separate Y/N from them, hoping the break of trust will prevent Y/N from getting close to them.
Knows all of the members. Knows they’re not good for Y/N. Wants to keep them away from Y/N. Hopes the massive break of trust will prevent Y/N from becoming friends with them again, even after the situation is cleared up. ’Leads’ the ‘investigation’ with Chaeyoung to lead it away from himself.
Homeboy knows too much. He said ‘and this is where the plot begins’ when Jeonghan sat next to Y/N at the beginning of Newsflash!. Always knew what was going on, even if it were unlikely for him to know. Could there be a reason for him orchestrating everything? Did Y/N wrong him at some point?
I feel like we all forget that in the first profile post, it’s stated that Mingyu and DK are close friends. Maybe he got über salty at Y/N not getting together with Mingyu, like he wanted to (?)?
Feels abandoned by Y/N. Wants her to feel the same abandonment.
In the same class as Y/N – maybe a petty ass reason but she could’ve been too much competition? So he wanted to get rid of her? Essentially make her so disliked she’s forced to leave for her own sake.
Frustrated that Y/N spent so much time with her new friends, barely finding time for her old friends.
Maybe wanted to get into SVT, but got rejected. Tries to shake them up (Wonwoo and Jihoon left SVT already) so he maybe gets a chance to join SVT.
Seems to know an awful lot; pointed Y/N into Wonwoo’s direction. If not the culprit, then someone who helped? But why would he betray his friend? Well… has Y/N been a good friend?
Same as Vernon possibly.
Mad that Y/N doesn’t hang out with him and the others as much anymore, and wants to bring her away from SVT.
Angry that Y/N won’t take him back, and that she humiliated him in public (she hit him and called him a dick)
First plan (just outright ask Y/N to come back to him) didn’t work. Now, next plan is set in motion.
(Most likely to be a red herring. He’s a bit too obvious.)
Y/N ‘stole’ Jun from her for a moment. He’s back with her now (both of them are Clownsssss), but still – hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. It could be a reason why she would want to harm Y/N, and make her stay away from Jun.
Clingy client of Wonwoo. Is not happy AT ALL that her favorite SVT member is spending so much time with another girl, someone who is not a client. Maybe wants to get rid of Y/N and keep Wonwoo to herself?
Sohee: Popular Theories:
Ex of Yuta who’s angry at Y/N because Yuta dumped her to get Y/N back. Wants to ruin her to get back at her.
Related to Seungcheol/Chaeyoung/Seungkwan/Anyone and either isn’t happy with how Y/N treated her (relative is not a dick in this route) or is the henchman of her relative, who holds a serious grudge against Y/N and wants to see her go down.
Ex-friend of Y/N who is angry that Y/N abandoned and forgot about her. (Maybe she was mentioned in Newsflash! 11?)
My theory:
Sister/Cousin/Very close friend of Sohye (clingy client of Wonwoo). Angered to see her sister/cousin/close friend being ignored by Wonwoo and not have his full attention anymore. Also think Wonwoo might be falling for Y/N, and doesn’t want her sister/cousin/close friend to experience heartbreak.
Chaeyoung’s Father:
Already has a history of being controlling over who interacts with his daughter
(Is he still part of the Schoolboard? And does the School still restrict SVT, or is that no more?)
What does he see: His daughter in distress, talking to SVT again, leaving for an entire summer… all because of who? Y/N.
Knows he can’t separate Chaeyoung from Y/N – childhood friends after all – but he can separate Y/N and Chaeyoung from SVT. Then he can start working on separating them.
‘Bitchy’ Client of Jeonghan (Eunha?):
Could be the one who bitched to the schoolboard when Jeonghan wanted to resign from SVT for Chaeyoung – or not.
Could be jealous of Y/N taking Jeonghan away from her, and wants to keep him away from Y/N
That one dude Chaeyoung dated for a hot second (were they really together??), best friends with Yuta (makes him suspicious!)
Could be in on the whole plot, planned to get to Y/N through Chaeyoung, but after that failed, they’re now doing Plan B
In Newsflash! 11 Y/N mentioned she once was too late in mending her relationship with someone. (She let someone slip away, as she said it.) Who was it? And could it be that the person is back, angry at Y/N for letting her slip away and wanting to get revenge?
Funny-informative things:
Seungcheol considered Joshua still a brother, even after Joshua left SVT and basically told them to get lost. So it’s extra ironic that he told Jihoon to leave because of a girl he just met ~2 months ago (Newsflash! 4)
You know, it’s really ironic – in Newsflash! 10 Joshua cites the fact that SVT just left Chaeyoung behind as his reason as to why he doesn’t tell Chaeyoung the truth. It’s very obvious he’s angry about them just leaving her. But look at what he’s doing now, leaving his friend of YEARS for… well, poor reasons. At least poorer reasons than SVT had to avoid Chaeyoung. Their education was at stake, while for him… what is at stake?
I like Jun calling Mingaho out on his bullshit in Newsflash! 22. First telling Jun that Y/N doesn’t like him that way and that he should go on a date with Yiren but then later on turn around and tell him ‘omg it was obvious she had feelings for you why did you play with her!!!’ Hao you just sank.
Newsflash! 26 Joshua’s whole tirade about “You should come to me when you need something, I should walk you home at night, it should be me, not Jun or Mingyu or Jeonghan” just rubs me in the wrong way. Like, dude – you weren’t there for her, but others were. So Y/N learned ‘oh, ok, can’t go to Joshua, I’ll go to someone else’. You can’t blame her for that. She went and found a different support system because you weren’t there for her. Stop being so controlling and demanding – even if you’re her friend since childhood, she doesn’t owe you shit. She doesn’t have to rely just on you, and doesn’t owe you a relationship. (Gosh, sorry went off on a tangent.)
Newsflash! 28 Jeonghan saying he’ll wait for Y/N until she’s ready (a whOLE LIE)
Newsflash! 36 Y/N doing the right thing and PUNCHING YUTA LIKE HE DESERVES GOODBYE HOE
THE MF IRONY OF JUN TEXTING “you don’t have any rights rn ur a dick” TO JEONGHAN IN Newsflash! 38 I’M DIEING XD HONEY, YOU ARE DICK YOURSELF. AND YOU’LL CONTINUE TO BE A DICK. GOSH YOU’RE MY BIAS WRECKER BUT HONESTLY SCREW Newsflash!/Move!Jun (Can we please get a moment where Jeonghan is convinced of Y/N's innocence but Jun doesn't believe her stubbornly, making Y/N cry, and then later when he sees he was wrong and tries to apologize Jeonghan pulls a "you don't have any right rn ur a dick" PLEASE???)
Also thank you Lee Jihoon for telling the guys they need to freaking CHILL. “throwing yourselves at her like DOGS” is exactly the phrase I would’ve used. 10/10 (Newsflash! 38)
Newsflash! 40 Joshua being a whole clown and texting “ill wait an eternity for you even if I get heartbroken in the end” like yeah, look at where you are now
Okay so to get this right: Y/N, Chaeyoung and Seungkwan have left for 1 week; Y/N drops her phone into a river in Thailand; that same week the thread was posted (but not on the exact same day?); very soon after that Sohee shows up and lies. That's… quick. How did no one of SVT think "wait, how come she showed up so soon after the thread was posted??" They really have -5 braincells, huh.
Questions I have/Things which don't add up for me:
Why was Chae’s Dad okay with Joshua still being friends with Chaeyoung? Is it because they didn’t have a thing for each other? Also, Chaeyoung's father still could've threatened Joshua. Either by threatening to take away his scholarship (if he has one) or by threatening to kick him out of university. Why was Joshua fine?
Why was it only Joshua who held to Chaeyoung when shit went down back then? I can understand Jeonghan, since his education was threatened, and Seungcheol, since he seems to be close with Jeonghan. But all the others? Did none of them, of all 12 (10) of them, care enough for Chaeyoung to say ‘I am resigning from SVT, I want to keep being friends with you’? My point is: it seems that SVT has a history of dropping people quite easily. Especially girls. Which is ironic, since SVT’s motto/theme is about respecting women and making them feel happy.
Then again - for how long have Joshua and Chaeyoung been friends? For how long have Chaeyoung and Y/N been friends? We know Joshua and Y/N are childhood friends (as far as I remember), but since Joshua said he met Chaeyoung during his time in SVT and only got close to her at that point, I don't think Y/N and Chaeyoung were childhood friends. But we also know Chaeyoung and Y/N were friends in Highschool, or else Chaeyoung wouldn't know about the reason why Y/N left for Japan. So... was Joshua just not aware of Chaeyoung, the best friend of his childhood friend? (How would that work??)
How did Y/N not know of SVT at the beginning of Newsflash! ? Like, she has to ask Chaeyoung who they are, even though Y/N has already been there for 2 Quarters. I get being a reclusive, I am too, but even I know about the very popular stuff going on around me. And SVT has to be popular. A host club/frat like theirs, not popular? They wouldn't bring in money if they weren't. And they do, as far as we know. So... is Y/N so unaware of her surroundings?
What also confuses me – we know Chaeyoung and Y/N have history. We know Y/N and Joshua have history. But Seungkwan and Y/N? We don’t know about them. We’re told he’s close friends with Y/N (Mingyu asking Seungkwan for help for getting Y/N and Seungcheol together, Seungkwan being the one to travel along Chaeyoung and Y/N), but we don’t see it. We see as much of their friendship – even less – than of Y/N’s friendship with Vernon, Dino, Hoshi and DK. I’m just- what’s their history? Why was he the one to travel alongside Chaeyoung and Y/N? Yeah, Chaeyoung said it’s because he’s not trying to get into Y/N’s pants, but… neither is Vernon or Dino. Or Seokmin. Hoshi is on shaky grounds, but I don’t think he wants to either. So, why Seungkwan?
Did DK and Y/N ever actually meet? Either during Newsflash! or Move! ? Because we know Y/N spent time with Vernon, Chan, Seungkwan, Soonyoung, Joshua and Chaeyoung on different occasions, but never was there any talk of DK. Speaking of which - how did DK and Y/N become friends? Was DK just an 'add-on' when Y/N started tutoring Chan and became friends with him? Does that really make them friends?
And... that's all I have. Sorry if I lost some things when I re-submitted them! And let's hope it'll work now!!
I really love what you do. Keep up the amazing work!!! 💕💕
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jamieayling-blog · 7 years
I’m Sorry.
Hello everyone. Jamie here, host of The Official Star Wars Podcast. I need to address the disaster and public humiliation that was the third episode of the podcast. Recently I was in the city and noticed a bus drive past me. On the side of the bus there was an advertisement for The Last Jedi and the date of its release was December 14. It was then that I realised that maybe I was wrong about a couple of things I said on episode three of my podcast. After some investigating online I discovered that almost everything I stated during that episode was incorrect. I made some errors on the show that need to be corrected. I need my audience to know that I’m sorry. I apologise for these errors and I apologise for my unprofessional behaviour. I’m not going to name names but the guest on that episode was involved in my temper increasing and reaching the height that it did, but I am not saying everything was his fault. It was my fault and I take full responsibility for how the episode unfolded.
I need to firstly address the biggest error that was made on that episode. My understanding was that the new Star Wars film that is to be released in December of this year is The Force Awakens. I did not know that film had already come out. After some research online I did discover that the guest, let’s call him W, was correct when he said the new Star Wars film coming out in December of this year is in fact The Last Jedi. I did not know that. I thought it was The Force Awakens and I thought they hadn’t even started shooting The Last Jedi and it was coming out at the end of 2018. W stated this numerous times during the episode and every time I got more and more angry because I thought he was feeding me false information in an attempt to sabotage the episode. W was scrutinising every single thing I said and was being extremely condescending towards me and at that time my natural reaction was to get angry and defensive but it turned out that his corrections and statements were justified as almost everything I said was factually incorrect. This brings me to the second error I made…
During the episode W sent me a link to a clip of Han Solo dying in the movie The Force Awakens in an attempt to prove to me that The Force Awakens had come out. Because I was under the impression The Force Awakens hadn’t come out yet, I immediately assumed the clip was a fake and that it was another attempt by W to sabotage my show. I said something along the lines of, “you probably whipped up that footage in your fancy editing software”, which was an accidental compliment made by me in the heat of the moment. I’d like to retract that statement. I’d also like to take this opportunity to let my audience know that I have now seen The Force Awakens. I watched it and Han Solo does in fact perish. W was right and the footage was not doctored. I said that Han would never die in the movies and that it would be a stupid idea but in my defence maybe if George Lucas was still behind the wheel he wouldn’t have killed off his own main character. I do recognise that Han Solo does die in The Force Awakens because I’ve seen the movie now.
I stated that the film Rogue One was released before A New Hope, sometime before 1977. After some research I found out that that is in fact incorrect. It came out in 2016. I was under the assumption that because the events that took place in Rogue One took place before the events in A New Hope I thought Rogue One came out before a A New Hope. This is a simple mistake that anyone could make. The other reason why I thought Rogue One came out before A New Hope was because Grand Moff Tarkin was in Rogue One and Peter Cushing unfortunately passed away in the mid nineties. I still don’t get how they got him to act in Rogue One under these circumstances.
Finally, there was a moment during the episode where I forgot for just a moment the title of the third prequel and W stated that because I host the official podcast for the Star Wars franchise I should know the name of the third prequel, implying that I don’t know it and I want to state for the record that I do know it. It’s called Revenge of a Sith.
I want to delete the episode off Youtube but I can’t find the delete button because Youtube have changed the layout of their website so many times I can barely use it properly anymore. As soon as I find the erase button I’m removing it immediately. 
So there you go. I’ve corrected my mistakes and I’ve apologised to you for my errors. But the person I need to apologise to the most is the guest from that episode. I’m sorry. When you come on my show you’re always a wonderful guest and it seems every time I manage to screw it up somehow. What’s crazy is I don’t think we’ve actually spoken about Star Wars yet. I bought one of your shirts as a gesture of friendship and resolution. I hope you can forgive me and hell, maybe we could even work together again in the future. I’m sorry. 
Well that’s it, bye everyone. I’ll see you at the movies for The Last Jedi.
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tkwrtnewsfeed · 7 years
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Newsfeed #86 August 13, 2017 (13 Úrimë)
ICYMI: Fantastic Credits and Where to Give Them.
I worked in Hollywood for 4 /12 years and one of my good friends is an intellectual property lawyer I’ve known since then--well over 16 years--with a client list that includes none other than Maurice (Kevin Kline) in the live-action film “Beauty and the Beast” starring Emma Watson.
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Image: © 2017. Walt Disney Studios. Beauty and the Beast. All Rights Reserved.
(My attorney could sue anyone spreading salacious rumors about me and my work should he choose to do so, but I’m not a jerk. But he does know about it; he’s good at what he does--he’s successfully sued Google).
Translation: I’m at least 3-7 degrees of knowing how to give credit to artists. Otherwise, my attorney/friend would have me shot at sunrise. Would you like to learn how to do it without being a pain about it and spreading unscrupulous rumors? Let me explain Copyright © from a legal perspective from 30 years of working with copyrighted materials with an actual attorney that specializes in artistic intellectual properties with 40 years of experience that includes everything from visual art, music, film, books and has won a major copyright infringement case against Google (among other high profile cases) for major A-List celebrities.
1) Whatever you do is copyrighted from the moment you put it on paper by law. You don’t have to bitch about anyone stealing it perpetually. HOWEVER, you can’t complain about someone posting it anywhere in public (Pinterest, mostly) if YOU post it anywhere in public. If you share it, even asking people not to, it is already public and can go anywhere. What people CAN’T do is SAY it’s theirs. If they explicitly say “I did this” and they didn’t, you have a case. Otherwise, it is NOT copyright infringement if someone posts it anywhere. 
It would be nice if EVERYONE would give credit--I try to do it if I do or link back to the original place I find something and that is time consuming if the work is not located where it came from (dead-link) or it was digitally stolen--something my attorney told me about a couple years ago. I see it all the time. But, if you make it public, it is assumed to be public. It is NOT ASSUMED to not to be copyrighted. Put that cute copyright sign on it and let it go. You should have the original as collateral, I would think. That’s the only way no one can claim it and you can properly bitch about it w/o an official U.S. Copyright.
2) I PUT “Images: ©2012, 2013, 2014. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. All Rights Reserved.” on pretty much every post for The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy because the photos I use BELONG to Warner Brothers/New Line Cinema/Wingnut Productions. Altered by someone online doesn’t change this UNLESS the person altering got permission from WB/NLC/Wingnut to alter it. Otherwise, it is their property and they can sue anyone that alters their work and put their name on it if they so choose. I post this disclaimer to keep from GETTING sued--even though I don’t alter the photo in anyway. Gifs are the same way and currently seen as pirated these days and are subject to suit as with screen caps. 
The reason no one gets sued over screen caps and gifs is because no one is making $$ off of them. You only get credit for edit not the work of the camera guy that was paid to shoot a film and the studio that owns his camera work. Unlike Marvel that has begun digital copyrights on some photos (you post something on Facebook, it automatically gives credit). The minute someone charges for any altered screen caps, gifs or photos and calls it their own work, that is the legal definition of copyright infringement.
Without proper credit, you are open to lawsuit by the studios, photographers. I go out of my way to avoid altered anything because then I could get sued even if I didn’t alter it--even if I am not making money from it. Which brings me to the next point:
3) IF I was making $$ and using someone’s art, then I could get sued. That means I’m not paying the original person their due (licensing fees) for use of their work. THAT includes my original story that uses and will use a great number of canonical characters from Tolkien. If I want to turn The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy into a book, I have to do it the right way--which is get permission from the Tolkien Estate (I’ve had the paperwork since 2016 when it was shown to me by a member of the Mythopoeic Society--they are close to the Estate). They can allow me to publish after negotiations of paying for use of the characters or force me to put “not affiliated with the Tolkien Estate” and/or change names if they so choose.
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Example of a Tolkien allowed to go to press with “non-affiliated” tag of Tolkien. It’s clean, so the Estate probably doesn’t mind so much. Not all of these “non-affiliated” books are bad or not liked by the Estate. The label is not exclusively a non-endorsement--there might be something unknown about as to why it’s there.
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Example of a book with the coveted “Tolkien Trademark” and approved by the Estate--spoke with one of the authors; pretty cool.
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You want this, you better have your %^$* together. Yes, they give them out, but they are particular--do it right: legal and above board.
I’m not making any revenue off of TKWR Trilogy but if I were, I wouldn’t be using film photos. I would HIRE an artist to tag along over to the final phase of getting this book turned into something sold on Amazon or in Barnes & Noble. Then, the artist of choice would get paid for their work properly. They could use the work from this book anywhere they wanted and it would be protected forever--example of this would be Ted Nasmith.
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© Ted Nasmith. All Rights Reserved.
Due to all the rumors about people say I’m doing because they have nothing better to do with their time (regardless of the obvious), I decided not to share any Tolkien Fan Art, use and Tolkien Fan Art or consider any Tolkien Fan Art unsolicited by anyone on Tumblr, Pinterest, DeviantArt or anywhere else that isn’t done by anyone not represented by an agent or a lawyer. If I so choose, artists will have to go through my lawyer--not me. After today, there will be no artists’ works mentioned or shared by me anywhere again until I’m done with the entire trilogy--unless idiots stop spreading lies and rumors (they won’t so don’t hold your breath).
I discovered a lot of fan art pertaining to my book and I could say something, but I’m not a jerk and I’m not complaining. I’m also not making any $$ of the book. It is assumed to be public but not assumed not to be copyrighted--which it actually is (ask my attorney).
I will do something should I decide to take any number of offers to publish after a lot of legalities I will go through. For now, I’ll just watch to make sure no one’s claiming my work--my words--as their own (and some have which is why I sent the book to witnesses so I have a case and proof should I do something later on). The book will change in the final form as I edit; it already has with additions and changes in Book II: The Saga of Thranduil and Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen and Book III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen.
I love artists here, but a few ruined it for everyone. I’ve had artists wanting to illustrate Book II: The Saga of Thranduil, but now that’s been narrowed to only one that doesn’t accuse me of salacious and reputation-altering deeds I’ve never done. Having a friend that’s a respected and experienced intellectual properties attorney with connections in the U.S. and Europe that has worked within the industry successfully for 30+ years with a stellar reputation protecting my works--all of them including screenplays, poetry, stage plays--makes it possible for me to help protect an artist of my choosing (and he’s already done wonders for clothing designer friend of mine in Florida that designed things for my film project HERETIC: THE LEGEND OF AKHENATEN*). He loves protecting properties and takes referrals. I’m not helping anyone spreading rumors.
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Thank you, Captain Obvious. That was obvious.
I told someone once that I would, but they thought it better to insult me rather than allowing me to connect them to a publisher I knew that could have looked at their work without the long query process. You make connections in the business and it’s good to keep them and I do.
I live by the motto: “The ass you kick today may be the ass you kiss tomorrow” so I try to be nice and respectful to everyone--even I have to draw a line.
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[By the way, there will be a LOT of versions coming for The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy. This one is the Annotated Version--complete with all the notes and references and explanations of the use of Tolkien to create the entire trilogy. Let’s just say it took 4 hours to do the first bibliography and I just added more books. This one (which will be done for both the original version and extended version) will take years.]
But if you don’t want to be seen as an artist, it’s a safe bet you won’t think pinning = stealing. Pinterest is nothing more than a bulletin board for what people like--it’s not supposed to deal in copyright protection like YouTube or Instagram where you are actually legally protected by copyright law. If they were, a lot of stuff they still allow would be subject to lawsuit against them--not the pinners. They blame pinners to keep themselves from being liable for allowing copyrighted properties. I’ve already deleted my Art page of potential artists for The Kingdom of he Woodland Realm Trilogy. I’ve gotten blocked on Pinterest by people here on Pinterest over pins I re-pinned years ago over what they don’t know--probably out of spite. I don’t mind and don’t care. My job is to finish my work to the best of my ability and move on to the next.
Writing has been my life since the age of two. Only an act of GOD is going to keep me from doing what I love. I write because I love it. If it’s liked, I’m happy. If its not, that isn’t a deterrent for me to stop. Like any artist, I want to protect my work--but I’m going to do it the right way and I’m going to give credit due when credit is due if I eventually use an artist for The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy. Full Stop--end of sentence. There is nothing left to say. I have to do it right because I have a too many people in the business watching me and if I’m not doing what is right, they aren’t going to want to work with me and that lessens the work I put in to write this and it will not be able to help a fellow artist along the way. My attorney acts as a free attorney for artists that can’t afford to hire expensive attorneys for protection because he believes in protecting the rights of artists and we often work together on helping artist connect with attorneys that work for free for all artists (Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts).
I know, that won’t keep some people from being jerks--I just wanted to put it out there.
*HERETIC: THE LEGEND OF AKHENATEN by Jaynaé Miller (me) is copyrighted by the U.S. Copyright Office. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited without prior consent for the next 100 years. In other words, I could sue a major studio if they don’t buy it from me. This is a wholly LEGAL and Recognized (and stamped) copyright. It doesn’t make the original copyright less potent, it just makes your work recognized by law and gives you further protection for your works. This includes photography, visual art, books, film, plays, videos, logos. Being a copyrighted work, it is also subject to the Berne Agreement (World Copyright Organization) guidelines for international use. With this, it wouldn’t matter where you work is posted, if someone said it was theirs, it’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. Once you put a stamp on it, by law, it is already protected by the government as it is being sent via the federal government--and it is protected from loss of materials sent as well (USPS is good and finding it, too; get a tracking number and it is found faster).
I know all this stuff because I work with copyrighted and trademarked things since I wrote my first opera and lyrics for which my music teacher taught me about this in fifth grade. I’ve written adaptations with permission of the original writers. The More You Know depends on how much you care to know.--J.
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siliconwebx · 5 years
How to Fix “Are You Sure You Want to Do This” Error in WordPress
Every once in a while, you might encounter a WordPress error like error establishing database connection or memory exhausted error. These errors are somewhat helpful because they tell you exactly what the problem is.
On the other hand, there are unhelpful errors like “Are you sure you want to do this”.
There are too many factors that can lead to this error. This is why WordPress is unable to provide any information to point you in the right direction to fix it.
In this article, we will show you how to investigate and fix “Are you sure you want to do this” error in WordPress.
What causes the: “Are you sure you want to do this?” error?
‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ error usually appears when nonce verification fails and the most likely candidates to cause this error are plugins and themes not using this feature properly.
Nonces are unique keys which add a security layer to protect WordPress URLs, forms, and ajax calls from abuse. They ensure that a script is originating from your website and not an external source like a hacker trying to gain access to your website.
How to Fix “Are Your Sure You Want to Do This?” Error
Most commonly, this error is caused by a plugin or theme that is installed on your site. To investigate which plugin or theme is causing the issue, you will need to deactivate all your plugins.
Investigating Plugins
First, you need to deactivate all WordPress plugins and make sure that WordPress is unable to locate any installed plugin.
Simply connect to your WordPress hosting account using an FTP client.
Once connected, go to the wp-content folder and rename plugins folder to plugins.deactivated.
After that, you need to go back to the plugins page in your WordPress admin area. You will see a notification for all your plugins which are now deactivated.
Now that all your plugins are properly uninstalled and deactivated, you can try to reproduce the error.
If the error does not appear again, then this means that one of the plugins on your website was causing the issue. To figure out which plugin was causing the issue, go back to your FTP client and rename plugins.deactivated folder back to plugins.
After that, visit the plugins page in your WordPress admin area and activate each plugin one by one. You need to try to reproduce the error after activating each plugin until you find the plugin that is causing the issue.
Yes, this sounds like a time consuming task, but it is the easiest way for beginners to find a misbehaving WordPress plugin.
Investigating Themes
If the plugins were not causing this issue, then it might be your theme that is causing the ‘Are you sure you want to do this’ error.
You can investigate the theme causing this issue by repeating the same procedure you did for plugins. First, you need to connect to your website using an FTP client and download your currently active theme to your computer as a backup.
Once you have backed up your theme, you can safely delete it from your web server.
Now visit Appearance » Themes page in your WordPress admin area, and you will see a notification: ‘The active theme is broken. Reverting to the default theme’.
WordPress will now start using the default theme like Twenty Seventeen for your website.
If you are unable to reproduce the error after the default theme was activated, then this means that your theme was causing ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ error.
Unable to Find The Source of The Error
Make sure that you have tested thoroughly to reproduce this error after deactivating and reactivating your plugins and themes.
If you find out that no plugin or theme on your site is causing the error, then there are a few extra steps you can take.
These steps will basically replace all core WordPress files with fresh copies downloaded from the source.
First, you need to make a complete WordPress backup for your site. This step is important as it will help you easily restore your website in case something goes wrong.
Next, connect to your website using an FTP client and download the ‘wp-config.php’ file to your computer. This file contains your WordPress database settings which you will need later.
After that you need to carefully delete all WordPress files from your server except wp-content folder and all its contents.
After that, you need to download a fresh copy of WordPress to your computer. You can download it from WordPress.org website as a zip file.
Go ahead and extract the zip file on your computer and upload the files inside the ‘wordpress’ folder to your web server using FTP.
Once you have uploaded all the files, rename the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php.
Now, you need to edit the new wp-config file to enter your WordPress database and table information. You can look at the old wp-config.php file that you downloaded earlier to enter all the information.
See our article on how to edit the wp-config.php file in WordPress for detailed instructions.
You need to add all sections except ‘Authentication Unique Keys and Salts’. Delete all the lines starting with define in this section.
/**#@+ * Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. * * Change these to different unique phrases! * You can generate these using the {@link https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ WordPress.org secret-key service} * You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. This will force all users to have to log in again. * * @since 2.6.0 */ define('AUTH_KEY', '`+7nTNb<AwtbLA$L-Q7amn;~|wH)ljXv2~TpbP?mLA+M`8H|n1`/Lz-GmAQL{4fB'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '/gkAjhhJe`iwO)V-p=J<cN_ +6D{YhrM|=E#C7gD}]c2w~OJ} y}eY^,HWn&-j:a'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'PtDl2V|01oIXDpq^K,IH-8|rhT +T(ZMpuLq>UD?|W)b3gMfG~g[zr8N6}m%MZ|L'); define('NONCE_KEY', ']Zj5i*hHlsUWKg2|>YF,X+xpd-_`I[nFmA6ZLw~;EW7g0.s5EaZCAJ=j]./5z^X~'); define('AUTH_SALT', 'e*l:hUsddFIxm1E7y-n#<a0|u- #+SsS@-#$vNz}EY4rY~-x|0_6=Q!TR=MMxUL?'); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'n]^c9nY>_}3,4)J]S sM6-MI3aB#Qk<Re^j#Lu_|x^*BhO.54aZQTtzJeCo5DWAg'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'Ba3kd1&J$~~`(|uJ0:v;w+DJ3xW}.B#R9J*r|.+V}*sTuK &8db-Mn+[boHW3{[/'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'nBv-U1qfkCZxS|13%hYdHz*s1^){.KSZWm1A^${`r!d5;EqrH:>1Xx`pwt6?**i}');
Now, save and upload your wp-config.php file back to your website.
That’s all, you have successfully refreshed your WordPress installation. You can now go ahead and try to reproduce the error on your website.
Basic Tips for Fixing WordPress Issues
We understand that fixing such issues can be frustrating at times. That’s why we have prepared a handy WordPress troubleshooting guide which shows you how to investigate and fix WordPress problems like a pro.
WordPress is used by millions of people. No matter what problem you come across, it is likely that thousands of other other people have faced it before you and have fixed it.
You can find a solution by simply entering the error in the Google search. For more helpful results, add wpbeginner.com at the end of your search term to find an easy step by step guide to fix it.
You can also bookmark our complete guide to common WordPress errors and how to fix them.
We hope this article helped you fix “Are You Sure You Want to Do This” Error in WordPress. You may also want to see our complete WordPress security guide to protect your website against hacking and malware.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
The post How to Fix “Are You Sure You Want to Do This” Error in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.
😉SiliconWebX | 🌐WPBeginner
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sheilalmartinia · 5 years
How to Fix “Are You Sure You Want to Do This” Error in WordPress
Every once in a while, you might encounter a WordPress error like error establishing database connection or memory exhausted error. These errors are somewhat helpful because they tell you exactly what the problem is.
On the other hand, there are unhelpful errors like “Are you sure you want to do this”.
There are too many factors that can lead to this error. This is why WordPress is unable to provide any information to point you in the right direction to fix it.
In this article, we will show you how to investigate and fix “Are you sure you want to do this” error in WordPress.
What causes the: “Are you sure you want to do this?” error?
‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ error usually appears when nonce verification fails and the most likely candidates to cause this error are plugins and themes not using this feature properly.
Nonces are unique keys which add a security layer to protect WordPress URLs, forms, and ajax calls from abuse. They ensure that a script is originating from your website and not an external source like a hacker trying to gain access to your website.
How to Fix “Are Your Sure You Want to Do This?” Error
Most commonly, this error is caused by a plugin or theme that is installed on your site. To investigate which plugin or theme is causing the issue, you will need to deactivate all your plugins.
Investigating Plugins
First, you need to deactivate all WordPress plugins and make sure that WordPress is unable to locate any installed plugin.
Simply connect to your WordPress hosting account using an FTP client.
Once connected, go to the wp-content folder and rename plugins folder to plugins.deactivated.
After that, you need to go back to the plugins page in your WordPress admin area. You will see a notification for all your plugins which are now deactivated.
Now that all your plugins are properly uninstalled and deactivated, you can try to reproduce the error.
If the error does not appear again, then this means that one of the plugins on your website was causing the issue. To figure out which plugin was causing the issue, go back to your FTP client and rename plugins.deactivated folder back to plugins.
After that, visit the plugins page in your WordPress admin area and activate each plugin one by one. You need to try to reproduce the error after activating each plugin until you find the plugin that is causing the issue.
Yes, this sounds like a time consuming task, but it is the easiest way for beginners to find a misbehaving WordPress plugin.
Investigating Themes
If the plugins were not causing this issue, then it might be your theme that is causing the ‘Are you sure you want to do this’ error.
You can investigate the theme causing this issue by repeating the same procedure you did for plugins. First, you need to connect to your website using an FTP client and download your currently active theme to your computer as a backup.
Once you have backed up your theme, you can safely delete it from your web server.
Now visit Appearance » Themes page in your WordPress admin area, and you will see a notification: ‘The active theme is broken. Reverting to the default theme’.
WordPress will now start using the default theme like Twenty Seventeen for your website.
If you are unable to reproduce the error after the default theme was activated, then this means that your theme was causing ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ error.
Unable to Find The Source of The Error
Make sure that you have tested thoroughly to reproduce this error after deactivating and reactivating your plugins and themes.
If you find out that no plugin or theme on your site is causing the error, then there are a few extra steps you can take.
These steps will basically replace all core WordPress files with fresh copies downloaded from the source.
First, you need to make a complete WordPress backup for your site. This step is important as it will help you easily restore your website in case something goes wrong.
Next, connect to your website using an FTP client and download the ‘wp-config.php’ file to your computer. This file contains your WordPress database settings which you will need later.
After that you need to carefully delete all WordPress files from your server except wp-content folder and all its contents.
After that, you need to download a fresh copy of WordPress to your computer. You can download it from WordPress.org website as a zip file.
Go ahead and extract the zip file on your computer and upload the files inside the ‘wordpress’ folder to your web server using FTP.
Once you have uploaded all the files, rename the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php.
Now, you need to edit the new wp-config file to enter your WordPress database and table information. You can look at the old wp-config.php file that you downloaded earlier to enter all the information.
See our article on how to edit the wp-config.php file in WordPress for detailed instructions.
You need to add all sections except ‘Authentication Unique Keys and Salts’. Delete all the lines starting with define in this section.
/**#@+ * Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. * * Change these to different unique phrases! * You can generate these using the {@link https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ WordPress.org secret-key service} * You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies. This will force all users to have to log in again. * * @since 2.6.0 */ define('AUTH_KEY', '`+7nTNb<AwtbLA$L-Q7amn;~|wH)ljXv2~TpbP?mLA+M`8H|n1`/Lz-GmAQL{4fB'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '/gkAjhhJe`iwO)V-p=J<cN_ +6D{YhrM|=E#C7gD}]c2w~OJ} y}eY^,HWn&-j:a'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'PtDl2V|01oIXDpq^K,IH-8|rhT +T(ZMpuLq>UD?|W)b3gMfG~g[zr8N6}m%MZ|L'); define('NONCE_KEY', ']Zj5i*hHlsUWKg2|>YF,X+xpd-_`I[nFmA6ZLw~;EW7g0.s5EaZCAJ=j]./5z^X~'); define('AUTH_SALT', 'e*l:hUsddFIxm1E7y-n#<a0|u- #+SsS@-#$vNz}EY4rY~-x|0_6=Q!TR=MMxUL?'); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'n]^c9nY>_}3,4)J]S sM6-MI3aB#Qk<Re^j#Lu_|x^*BhO.54aZQTtzJeCo5DWAg'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'Ba3kd1&J$~~`(|uJ0:v;w+DJ3xW}.B#R9J*r|.+V}*sTuK &8db-Mn+[boHW3{[/'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'nBv-U1qfkCZxS|13%hYdHz*s1^){.KSZWm1A^${`r!d5;EqrH:>1Xx`pwt6?**i}');
Now, save and upload your wp-config.php file back to your website.
That’s all, you have successfully refreshed your WordPress installation. You can now go ahead and try to reproduce the error on your website.
Basic Tips for Fixing WordPress Issues
We understand that fixing such issues can be frustrating at times. That’s why we have prepared a handy WordPress troubleshooting guide which shows you how to investigate and fix WordPress problems like a pro.
WordPress is used by millions of people. No matter what problem you come across, it is likely that thousands of other other people have faced it before you and have fixed it.
You can find a solution by simply entering the error in the Google search. For more helpful results, add wpbeginner.com at the end of your search term to find an easy step by step guide to fix it.
You can also bookmark our complete guide to common WordPress errors and how to fix them.
We hope this article helped you fix “Are You Sure You Want to Do This” Error in WordPress. You may also want to see our complete WordPress security guide to protect your website against hacking and malware.
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The post How to Fix “Are You Sure You Want to Do This” Error in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.
from WPBeginner https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-are-you-sure-you-want-to-do-this-error-in-wordpress/
0 notes
[1:28:24 AM] BabaShook™: (:
[1:51:54 AM] Brown-Sugar Daddy™: dude whatever happened to this max and tray draw u were working on
[1:57:29 AM] BabaShook™: HAHA SEE ABOUT THAT
[1:57:30 AM] BabaShook™: i was
[1:57:36 AM] BabaShook™: i was thinking abt that recently
[1:57:39 AM] BabaShook™: n i kinda
[1:57:47 AM] BabaShook™: scrapped it i think
0 notes