#edit: if anyone wants to add more songs to this please feel free i'd love to see it
neighbourhoodtwo · 1 year
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nearly finished all of mmni and i'm fully convinced that every song can be plotted on this graph
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sponesevents · 7 months
There are no spones events in the works (that I'm aware of) right now!
And I am simply too busy to host one for the next four or so months (but after that, watch the fuck out!!!) So I thought I'd share some event ideas I've had that anyone could host if they wished to
I think people are nervous to try and run an event, and there's no need. Pick something you think is fun and just see yourself as a conduit for it, not a manager. As long as everyone engaging is being genuine about it, there's no need to enforce rules. Just let it be fun.
I'm a big believer in events that don't require special art or writing skills, because those can be a bit exclusionary. There are also often more of those around, so I'm going to try and think of things that anyone should be comfortable getting involved with
So, my ideas! And if you have any of your own feel free to add them. If you want to run one of these, it might be good form to indicate so in replies so two people don't do so at the same time. But if someone else already has, you can do it again. Whyever not, time rolls on!
Take a photo of things in your life/world that remind you of spones (thinking, like, two blue cups next to each other, or the skyscrapers you can see out your window where one has a slanted roof)
Share excerpts of non star trek media that reminds you of spones (like, for me it's much ado about nothing, but I bet other people have other ideas)
Recipe exchanges. Could be done in a roleplay kind of way (I'd love to see a recipe blog doing Vulcan recipes but written by McCoy) or just southern food and Vulcan food getting shared around. Fusion!
Edited old art to have Spock and McCoy's faces on it. By old I mean pre 1900s, not fanart you saw two years ago. If you don't have a photo editor, just post the pic and explain the spones vibes, that's chill too!
Song recs!
Lastly, if you are hosting a spones event please let me know, I want to share it! I also, as my actual me @sleepymccoy want to get involved 💙🩵
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cherries-in-wine · 4 months
For some reason Tumblr won't let me edit this but another thing I'd like to add is the song writing just didn't do it for me. I genuinely think that Taylor is capable of writing beautiful lyrics and i wouldn't be so critical of ttpd if she hadn't said it's her most lyrical album. She's a great story teller even while using simple words taking folklore and Evermore for example: "all these people think our love's for show but I would die for you in secret" "I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere" "now you hang from my lips like the gardens of Babylon" "don't want no other shade of blue but you, no other sadness in the world would do" the entire bridge of cardigan. She uses more complex words pretty well too like how illicit affairs uses clandestine and champagne problems uses crestfallen perfectly. The thing is these words feel really natural when used in folklore and evermore but ttpd feels like a pretentious kid who thinks mental asylums are an aesthetic.
A (not so) quick comparison as to what I thought ttpd would be like vs how it actually was:
In my tears ricochet (i love that song so much) Taylor sings "if I'm dead to you then why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed, look at how my tears ricochet" the use of ricochet is perfect, the tears that she cried are reflecting back as bullets and hitting the people that hurt her. Here she says "and you can aim for my heart go for blood, but you'll still miss me in your bones" here "miss me" has two meanings, that the person who's aiming for heart will miss it because there's still lingering affection or maybe they're just a coward and "miss me in your bones" also means that even though they act indifferent, they're still gonna miss her when they kill her.
In but daddy i love him, Taylor says "Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see" the rhyme is so awkward, and it just doesn't make sense in the context of the song. Sanctimoniously means making a show of being morally superior and soliloquies is essential just talking to yourself. "He was chaos, he was revelry, bedroom eyes like a remedy" maybe i wouldn't hate this so much if it was about anyone other than Matty Healy but again I just expected more from Taylor.
I don't think ttpd represents female rage either, mad woman from folklore alone was more female rage coded than the entire album.
I think swifties are justified in feeling so protective of Taylor after all the kim and Kanye shit went down and people are also justified in disliking Taylor for romanticising asylums, all her carbon emissions, not speaking up for Palestine and her dating Ratty Healy. I also think it's unfair to call everyone that criticizes Taylor someone who just hates successful women. She's done some problematic shit that does deserve criticism. But i think it's also true that some people's reasoning for hating Taylor is unfair and unjustified like how only teenage girls listen to her (not true at all) or she's a bad writer. Let's just stop shaming teenage girls for their interests and let's listen to something other than shake it off before calling her a bad writer.
About Taylor not speaking up for Palestine, I did not say that it makes her a Zionist, but the thing is that she isn't just some billionaire, she's person of the year and a really influential figure that holds a lot of power so her choosing to stay silent is very disappointing.
That's all I've got for now I'll probably add more things later. These are just my thoughts so feel free to disagree but please be respectful about it <3
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zucest-week · 1 year
Hello motherfuckers, it's time to Zucest.
As many of you know, last year, I, along with a group consisting of myself, me, Kate and @ilikepjo24, organized the first ever Zucest Week. The event was a huge success, a very enjoyable process for me, and everyone else who participated. So naturally, it will be done again.
I have already started working on some background projects and planning that are related to the event, like scheduling the dates, that I will share with you right now.
Last year, I got an anonymous complain, saying that the prompts were announced too close to the date of the Week itself. So this year, I decided to switch it up a bit. The Week will still happen on the same dates as last year, but the process of collecting prompts and voting for the winners will happen earlier that year, to ensure that there will be enough time.
So, with that being said, the Google Sheet where everyone will be able to write down their ideas will be shared with the public at the 28th of February. It will be editable by for a week and a day. Normally, it's supposed to be only a week, but this year is a leap year, which means you'll have an extra day to add your suggestions.
After the predecided deadline, the spreadsheet will no longer be editable, but it will remain online and accessable to however wishes to go over the prompts once again.
Once the prompts have been collected, I will seperate all of them to five categories, depending on their energy. Those categories will be:
Smutty/Kinky Suggestions
Fluffy Suggestions
Humorous Suggestions
Sad/Angsty Suggestions
And there will be a fifth category titled Free-For-All. The suggestions that go there are the prompt that fall into two or more of the other categories. Once the prompts are seperated, I'll create a voting poll for each of the categories and I'll share all the polls with you so that you can select the suggestions you prefer. That will happen in the 7th of March and this process will last one week.
After the voting process is over, I'll collect the seven most voted prompts from each poll and arrange them in each of the seven days of the Week. That way, each day sill have five suggestions, one from each of the five categories, and you pick what you'd like to write for that day. When each of the prompts you have chosen has been arranged to each respective day, I will announce the winner prompts. That announcement will take place in the 14th of March.
The Week itself starts at the 14th of June and ends at the 20th of the same month. So from the moment the prompts will be announced, we will each have 3 months exactly to write/draw their works based on the prompts.
All forms of art are appreciated and welcome. You can write a story or a poem, draw a picture or a comic, you could even compose a song if you wish to do show, or make a post with a headcannon inspired from the suggestions of the day. You might want to do a different project for each day and that's more than okay as well! All I wish for is that, if you use your platform/account on Tumblr to spread your art, tag it as #zucestweek and/or #zucestweek2024 so that it'll be easier to find.
Soon, I'll make another post regarding other Zucest related events that will take place at the same period of time, so stay tuned.
As always, if anyone had any question/idea/suggestion/concern, please feel free to contact mez anonymously or not, any moment of any day, through an ask, a reblog, a comment, or a private message in this account, or in my other account @ilikepjo24, although I would prefer if you contacted this account, so other people that might have something similar to say could also get their answer by following this account here.
And as I mentioned before, I organize this event by myself *side eyes Zucest loving friends that do nothing* so I'd appreciate it if no anti tried to burden me with any hate, cause I honestly don't have time for that.
That is all, have a nice day, wherever you are!
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foxfireink · 1 year
Hi! I found your blog when you reblogged my "how to writeblr" post but your WIPs all look super fascinating! If you have taglists, can you please add me to the ones for "Songs of Decay" and "Bards, Courts, and Changelings?"
Also please feel free to ramble about either of these WIPs, I'd love to hear more about them.
Wow, thank you for the ask! We have added you to our taglists! :D And we are soooo happy to ramble about Songs of Decay and Bards, Courts, and Changelings. This is Inkwell. I am gonna cover Songs of Decay, and Crooked Writer will cover BC&C in a part two post.
Be warned. This is a very long post. I had waay too much fun writing it, hahaha. Bards, Courts, and Changelings will be a much shorter post, as it is in an earlier stage of development.
Part One: Songs of Decay
This is definitely a 2020 project, hahaha. We wrote draft 1 in script format because it was an easy way to write intermittently. We pulled out board games like Arkham Horror (2nd Edition) and Betrayal at House on the Hill to help us add the eldritch elements and throw in some chaos. We tracked the insanity level of different characters through some of our scenes. Then, when we were done, we were so happy with the story that we wanted to DO something with it rather than it just being a hobby project… and we were like, "What if we actually turned it into an audio drama?"
Crooked Writer does voice acting, but neither of us had ANY experience with writing audio dramas. It was our lazy way of not converting to prose, but also trying something new!
We created draft 2 by having friends come read what we'd gotten done out loud. We would edit and write for two weeks, then gather online, divvy out parts for the night, and read through it. It gave us a lot of motivation to get through the draft! I personally am not the kind of person to sit in on someone's early writing project and read it out loud for an extended period of time on a consistent basis, and it still blows my mind that our friends wanted to do that with us. It was so much fun.
Now, a great deal of research and worldbuilding later, we have four seasons planned and are midway through writing draft 3 of season 1. :D
The story isn't straight cosmic horror, it's more flavored by the eldritch, and much more inspired by the board game Arkham Horror than Lovecraft. We have our own pantheon of Horrors who have different thematic elements and warp and corrupt in different ways. Technology is roughly equivalent to the 1910s, and eldritch Horrors have been threatening to end the world as we know it for centuries. We have four countries who approach the long-standing eldritch problem VERY differently:
Our setting country, Malgrave, has a "kill it with fire" approach. They have a specially trained corps of Stewards and an Eldritch Anomalies Department (the EAD) to handle things using mostly weaponry. Malgrave views eldritch corruption as an individual's choice to bring Horrors and Fiends (Horrors = world-ends-upon-arrival monsters, Fiends = smaller monsters) into the world and destroy/remake it, so laws tend to treat cults and such in a similar way to how you'd treat the mafia. The temptations are overpowering to many. You can't trust anyone completely.
Side note, because I love the Stewards: The Stewards have really fun political power dynamics, as they are supposed to keep the king's family from turning on him/protect the family, but also can't really contradict a royal, sooo it gets messy sometimes. They technically have the power to report or stop a royal that's corrupted, but just try doing that in practice and see how it goes. Stewards tend to be more subtle. They also die, a lot. The MC's father, Sam, is one of the few Stewards in living memory to retire from active duty. Pays well, though!
Eastcairn, Malgrave's other neighbor, uses augury - magical engineering - to create wards and automatons that are powered by protective patterns. These patterns slowly corrupt over time and must be maintained regularly, or they will amplify corruption rather than negate it. Eastcairn views corruption as a contagious miasma in the air and isolates eldritch outbreaks in sanatoria and asylums. There are many strains of corruptive virus, and most if not all are incurable by current science.
Logoria is Malgrave's neighbor to the left and uses patterns just like Eastcairn, but rather than using physical augury patterns they use mathematical patterns in music and dance to ward off corruption. They have trained singers and musicians and dancers, and choirs are common.
Not a ton of development on the fourth country, because it's farther away (only worldbuild the top of the iceberg, right?) but it has a protective martial art, a caste system based around the concept that corruption runs in family lines, and people there know what different kinds of corruptive influences/objects/presences smell like.
These varying perceptions pool together in our story, as Sam is from Eastcairn but worked in the Stewards in Malgrave and has a medley of views about the nature of eldritch corruption that often conflict with prevalent theories. Augury isn't well thought of in Malgrave, but both he and Tom practice it. The conflict of "eldritch corruption: illness or choice?" is central to the first two seasons of Songs of Decay (particularly the second).
Tom moves into the very rural Malbury county because living too close to his far wealthier ex-wife will end with him losing custody of their daughter, Sara. His dad lives in Malbury county and is supposed to be living far away from all eldritch influence. However, Tom is appalled to see how rife the county is with cultists, corruption, and eldritch Fiends - such as the Moose that he and Sara run afoul of on the first day of school. Tom also has a past record that requires him to report to the EAD and means that the EAD could refuse to grant him an augury license, which is literally Tom's livelihood right now, SO Tom offers to help with local problems. In doing so, he trips into the plot of a local cult that centers on the estate of one Lady Esther Lambert, a widow with a grudge against the EAD. Esther married into one of the local noble families and is used to fighting for herself because no one else will. She throws an annual party at her house at the end of summer, but this time things go very poorly very quickly. Tom and Esther have to band together with other guests to stay alive and prevent the summoning of a greater Horror, but they don't know who to trust when you can't even rule yourself out as an enemy.
So, throughout Season 1 you've got Tom trying to be a good single parent, learning how to prep and cook three consistent meals a day while also getting drawn into fighting eldritch monsters and cultists. You have Sara, his daughter, who is trying to adjust to a lower class lifestyle, meeting a grandparent for the first time, and stressing about her dad putting himself in danger. You have Sam, who convinced his son to move to Belleview because he was worried about him, but also has so much corruption from his time in the Stewards that he is one poor decision away from snapping entirely. You have Chief Compton, a former city policeman and current head of the local EAD bullied into the role after the last chief died trying to contain an eldritch summoning. And you have Lady Esther, whose late husband's family literally built her house around the idea of summoning eldritch Horrors, and whose perception of the local EAD is so poor that she would rather fight off monsters with a shovel than call them in to help.
We are having a great time writing this story. :D The hope is to ultimately put it on YouTube, but we want to get the first two seasons ready before we get to that, as they contain the first major arc.
Okay, I am done now. If you've made it this far, thank you for reading! Again, really appreciate the ask, and absolutely delighted to be able to ramble away like this.
Songs of Decay tag list: @hd-literature @pure-solomon @blind-the-winds @sarah-sandwich-writes @lucianinsanity @coffeewritesfiction @surroundedbypearls @tate-lin @ettawritesnstudies
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fancy-rock-dove · 2 years
Ten Books To Know Me
Rules: 10 (non-ancient) books for people to get to know you better, or that you just really like.
Tagged by the lovely @landwriter whose list I am absolutely taking notes from to add to my own to-read list. Thank you for my evening of reminiscing about some of my favorite stories! I'm about to digress... a lot. I'm wordy. This is known. I'm taking the spirit of "non-ancient" to mean things-people-may-not-have-read-before to recommend, and also trying to stick to the last century or two. I will, however, immediately break the first of those rules because it is impossible to make a list of works to read to know me without including:
The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
I know, everyone and their grandma has heard of LOTR, this is probably not a shock to anyone, but it holds such a large and ever-recurring place in my life that I would be remiss to leave it out. Please excuse me as I digress into story time on this one and feel free to skip to the next one.
The very first time I read LOTR it felt almost like a rite of passage of sorts; I'm the oldest sibling by several years, and staying up at the age of nine an hour or two after my siblings went to bed to partake in silent reading time in the living room with my dad has a whole host of feelings and memories associated with it. We had this large, red-leather-bound, slipcase-contained, single-volume edition that really felt to nine-year-old me that I was reading something Special. It was I think one of the first things I read and discussed in real time in such serious depth purely for the love and fun of it. We stopped when I'd finished The Bridge of Khazad-dum for my dad to put on the Moria scenes of the movies (which I'd never seen before) because we wanted to chat about adaptation choices. And what's more these books as a whole reward thinking about. I could talk at length about love of the concept and impact of translation and language, a love for song and poetry as important and natural forms of human expression, the reframing of the angst and forces of modernized warfare within the context of epics in the style of the ways people have always talked about and contextualized war, about the ideas that everyone has something to contribute and no contribution made in good faith is worthless, the examination of the fact that evil can arise from fear and good intentions. The first time I studied Beowulf (and many other classic ballads and epics besides) the connection, the sense that I had also grown up hearing stories like this (by design because this is what happens when scholars write about their specialties, even obliquely) was distinct and rewarding. But equally important I think is that the amount it rewards revisiting has let it be a bit of a constant in my life; the first thing my sisters and I all did read together when we started doing out-loud bedtime storytime all together a few years later; one of the first things I talked with my best friend about; the thing that one of my longest-lasting groups of friends first created our "book club" around in undergrad by reading it aloud (again) together (a "club" which keeps us close years later even though our majors and career paths are all wildly different from each others'). And every time I find I have more to see or say or think about and different aspects I find capturing my attention. And of course, the story itself is one I love dearly, and which probably shaped my lifelong love of a good epic narrative.
The Hawk of May - Gillian Bradshaw
Y'all, picking one of Bradshaw's books/series to recommend was a real struggle for me I have to say. I remember loving all the ones I've read. They're historical fiction with a knack for both thoroughness of detail and immediacy of drama. I can't actually pinpoint when I started calling historical fiction one of my favorite genres but I think Gillian may be the one who did it. Most of her works are set in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. (I also highly recommend The Beacon at Alexandria [cross-dressing undercover female doctor] which was nearly my pick for this spot on the list) but Hawk of May has the double-notability of being her first book (which she wrote while in undergrad???) and the beginning of a trilogy which holds the dubious honor of containing the first book to ever make me physically throw it across the room in character-related grief. This has only happened two or three times in my life. Given that the trilogy is a historically-inspired retelling of the tales of King Arthur's knights, and Sir Gawain in particular, please take this as a compliment given how well it made me feel the emotions you'd expect to about *waves hand* all of the end of that story.
Dealing With Dragons - Patricia C. Wrede
And all of the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, basically. I LOVED dragons when I was younger (and to be fair haven't exactly grown out of it yet either though it's less all-consuming these days :) ) and read a lot of dragon-related books. I could absolutely make a top ten list just within that category (shout out to the mention I saw in one of these lists of Dragon's Milk, I thought that book was great at the time, and the mental image of prophetic visions shaped in clay on a potter's wheel is one of those ones that stuck in my brain over the years) but Wrede's series stands out also for the humor and the treatment of fairy tale tropes that I think probably actually had a formative impact on my sense of humor. I lost track of how many times I reread this series when I was young. There's a preference for the practical in all our main characters that makes for some very funny loving satire of fairy tale tropes, and also generates some unapologetically hilarious situations. If you want a princess fighting/talking down her own knights because she'd rather they not bother her dragon with their "rescues", or a king who uses his magic sword to do plumbing, this is an excellent series for you. The worldbuilding is quite fun too.
The Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Breaking my "there's any chance at all you haven't heard of this" rule yet again, but it's another important installation on my bookshelf and one of the earliest collections of mysteries that got me reading mystery as a genre. Think I read my way through a large chunk of these works between the ages of 10 and 12 and, in addition to being the excellent mysteries people know them for, I think it may also be one of the first collected series of works I'd read that I was aware and could see was published serially. There are a lot of cool things to be said about the interest of the eccentric main character and the presentation of the stories from the point of view of his resigned but invested flatmate, not to mention the way we are far less interested in the law than Putting Things Right. For me though I also really enjoyed reading and thinking about what it would have been like to read a story like this actually published serially when you just had to wonder about the answer and discuss with friends. Baby's early serious metatextual thoughts about collective experience of stories.
A Morbid Taste for Bones - Edith Mary Parteger / Mistress of the Art of Death - Diana Norman
Probably cheating to group two entirely distinct books/series here but I can't mention my historical fiction and my mysteries and then not mention my historical fiction murder mysteries! I associate them very closely because they're both set in 12th century England and feature badass protagonists that people tend to underestimate. A Morbid Taste for Bones is part of the Cadfael Chronicles, featuring Brother Cadfael the mystery-solving former-crusader monk who is absolutely not above breaking some rules or some bones to do right by people. Mistress of the Art of Death features Adelia the Sicilian-trained forensic pathologist who's kindly come out to the far-less-renaissance-influenced 12th cenutry England to help them with their murder mysteries and has a Time navigating actually doing her job while Not being accused of witchcraft in the process. The latter is generally a bit darker in tone than the former, and the former is a bit more episodic book-to-book in general, but I'd recommend them both, they're good fun (as much as a murder mystery can be). BBC also did an adaptation of the Cadfael Chronicles which I watched a couple episodes of once... maybe I should watch some again sometime. :)
Ancillary Justice - Ann Leckie
I am a huge fan of a story that's tightly written around its very premise, and this book absolutely delivers. I've been a sci-fi nerd for much of my life, so the premise of the interface between a biological and computer mind/thought process is something that comes up a lot. And even so, I distinctly remember getting into this book and feeling like the way we were using the very nature of our protagonist was innovative. This book has it all: anti-imperialism, meditations on the nature of memory and identity and personal responsibility (as they arise in our protagonist's unique situation and actually apply to all people), worldbuilding that marks the relationship between language and values and environment and beliefs and culture, thematically relevant music/poetry, a fantastically badass main character, an exquisitely wet and pathetic sidekick she does not want (said lovingly), suspense, action, intrigue, and of course, retribution. Just an excellent read with fantastic worldbuilding and a very tightly-woven narrative structure in the first book in particular. Not to mention a complete disregard for the concept of gender. :)
Story of Your Life - Ted Chiang
And honestly all of Ted Chiang's short stories. Excellent concise yet rich and fascinating worldbuilding in each one. The epitome of stories that delight in breaking down any illusion of the separateness of language and history and math and science as complimentary human pursuits in the larger search for understanding (sometimes explicitly in the mechanics of the stories). This one in particular though may by my favorite short story. It is the story the movie Arrival is based on, but while I like both, I personally found after watching the movie that I still think the two are doing somewhat different things. This story means a lot to me not least because I read it in the midst of getting degrees in both French and in Physics, was just really getting into some of the upper-level approaches like Lagrangian mechanics, relativity, gauge switching, all that good stuff, and was spending a not-inconsiderable amount of time thinking and talking about the ways my degrees were actually similar, how it was all about learning the languages to look at problems from different frames of reference. And so naturally this story made me feel that a lot of my thoughts were Seen. And of course I'm also a sucker for anything approaching time-travel and things that poke at the nature of free will and self-determination, so the meditations of this story in particular on the relationship between our understanding of physics and our understanding of ourselves were hitting real hard at the time.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - Tom Stoppard
So this is technically a play, but you CAN read it if you want to. The movie is also good and actually directed by the playwright though! I think this was one of my earlier experiences with both existentialism and absurdism in theater. They simply do not let you out with any kind of French degree without consuming a fair amount of angsty, thoughtful, existential and absurdist midcentury books, films, and plays in my experience, but I think it was actually this that was one of my earliest notable reads/views in a couple of those genres, particularly because it was one of my earlier experiences with the concept of tragicomedy. And it actually is also fun! Especially, in my opinion, if you enjoy Hamlet and are in the habit of taking it seriously. It's behind-the-scenes Hamlet, again with thoughts on free will and probability and destiny and the concept of being doomed by the narrative, but with the added bonus of Hamlet occasionally showing up and sounding particularly unhinged from an outside perspective. If The Lion King is furry Hamlet, then Lion King 1 1/2 is furry Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. This may be a trend with me, but I really enjoy the use of Hamlet in particular (already a deeply thematically adaptable play) to parallel uniquely 20th century flavors of angst and questions about the objectivity of reality. I'm a sucker for narratives that acknowledge through their very premise or form that these new-feeling questions or problems are new iterations of human questions we've been grappling with for centuries/always.
The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde
A very fun reality-hopping story (and series) with a lot of love for language and wordplay and, of course, Jane Eyre. The worldbuilding in this one is a delight, from the dodo home-cloning-kit-derived pet to the time-traveling dad who may or may not have caused bananas. Fforde is here to have fun at the expense of (or perhaps in kahoots with) language and the fabric of well-known stories and narrative structures. Characters trying and failing to fit the genre they think they're living in is a somewhat recurring phenomenon. @moorishflower's mention of this one in Radio Silence had me screaming about it because the Thursday Next series is indeed excellently fun.
Babel - R.F. Kuang
Confession time: I'm actually reading this one right now, so this is less books-that-shaped-me and more books-I'm-into-right-this-second. So I can't speak for how it ends, but I'm loving how it's going so far. Once again the anti-imperial messaging is strong in this one and it does a fantastic job of making me angry in the ways it should. Very cool premise founded on a magic system that gets its power directly from the nuances of meaning that do not carry over in translation from one language to the other. I would recommend and also love to talk about it with people.
Alright! Think I'm a little late to the tagging game, so forgive me if you've already done it, but I don't think I've seen lists (but would love to if you'd like) from @goodbye-blue, @hopecomesbacktolife, @historyandqueershenanigans, @wordsinhaled (hi!), @chiron-crow, @merytsetesh, @ashes-of-chironides, and anyone else who wants to join in should consider themselves tagged! <3
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littleragondin · 1 year
5 Songs Tag - QL Shows Edition
I'm having a blast checking everyone's selection to this new tag game from @troubled-mind so i'll throw my list out there too!
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL shows that you actually listen to.
🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series. 🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages! 🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating. 🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
ถ้าสักวันเธอจะกล้าพอ - In Budokan
Yes or No (2010)
I think I saw this movie before I even saw my first thai BL, making it maybe the very first piece of Thai media I ever consumed. And this song has stayed with me ever since. I really like the guitar, and In Budokan's voice is absolutely beautiful. If you are curious, the lyrics are also very touching.
ping-pong - Harada Tomoyo
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna (2022)
This is the song Nomoto and Kasuga listen during the car ride in episode 10. While the episode happens during new year, the song (which reminds me of some of capsule's older music) has such a fun, sunny pop vibe it is in my summer playlist of the year. Here's a translation of the lyrics (I want to make you laugh/With you/The night after the sunset/I want to live together - (´꒳`)♡)
LIFE - Tokuyama Hidenori
Ai no Kotodama (2007)
I plugged 'Eve' from the same singer/movie in one of my last music tag, but I will use this opportunity to push the second song of the OST too. I find Tokuyama Hidenori's voice very soft and pretty, and the chorus has a melody that sticks to my brain. It's also a very sweet love song imo.
รอเธอรู้ใจ - Tee Thanapon
The Miracle of Teddy Bear (2022)
I am an easily pleased rodent, I do like a good piano heavy love song as much as the next romantic person ok? I really enjoy Tee's voice (had never realized before this one that he also sang), and I always find myself humming along the chorus.
Sabi Mo Dati - Niko Badayos
Rainbow Prince (2022)
Look I can't NOT put something from Rainbow Prince given how heavily the OST weighs in my playlists since I watched it. I could have picked most of the songs from that (incredible, campy, fun, touching) musical, but I think Sabi Mo Dati is the most beautiful of the track list. Ignoring who is supposed to sing it in the story, it's a lovely song about heartbreak and broken promises and Niko Badayos' voice is stunning (*¯ ³¯*)♡
If you feel so inclined, I'd be curious to see what would @benkaaoi @petrichoraline @sparklyeyedhimbo @fandomfairyuniverse and @machikeita pick for thise one! (and if you see it and think 'hey i do listen to some QL show music I don't see here' please do it and tag me =D)
Ok and now I am going to cheat under read more, and put some of the BL openings/endings that are in my main playlist (AKA the one I play by default) that I have not yet seen on the tag.
Rakdiao  - Rakdiao by lazylox
Ameiro Paradox – Go Sign by Billy Laurent
Eien no kinou - 遠い夏の日 by Aoi Kubo
Senpai danjite koi dewa - あと数センチ by Hilcrhyme
Old Fashion Cupcake – blue blur by Ryu Matsuyama and mabanua
Fukou-kun wa kiss suru shikanai!! Perfect By OCTPATH
Ocean Like Me – Ocean like me by HOLLAND
My Oxygen – My Oxygen by Nut Supanut
I will Knock you – พรหมลิขิต by Gun Napat
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barnesafterglow · 3 years
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hey guys! so i finally hit 1k not too long ago which is insane bc i feel like i just made this blog yesterday. being on this site has been the best few months of my life, honestly. i have made some of my best friends on here, and i wouldn’t give them up for the world. i’m so grateful for every single person that follows and supports me. i love you all so much <3
that being said, i thought it would be fun to do a little something for this milestone, and what better way to do that than to make it completely based around taylor swift <3. it feels fitting both because of my username, and the very first fic i ever wrote and posted was based on a taylor swift song
this challenge will start now and end on march 25th. no minimum or maximum word count, but i do ask that if it’s more than 500 words, please use a read more.
edit: if you still want to participate but weren’t able to meet the deadline, please feel free to write something - just make sure you tag me and i’ll add it to the masterlist!
my blog is 18+ and therefore this writing challenge is too
smut, fluff, and angst are all welcome! please no dark fics
please do not write anything with non/dubcon, bathroom play, underage characters (in relationships), or anything related to suicide, eating disorders, etc. (these last few in particular are very triggering to me and i will not only not read them, but block anyone who submits them)
tag me in your work as well as tagging the post #all’s well writing challenge
message me/send me an ask if you have any other questions!
i will be going through and reading these as they are posted (to the best of my ability), and adding them to a masterlist that i’ll post when all of them are submitted! if it has been more than a couple days since you posted and i haven’t reblogged it yet, shoot me a message or an ask because i may have missed it
below are some suggested prompts, but any lyrics/anything taylor swift related can be used! you also don’t have to use specific lyrics, it can just be the vibe of the line/song. just please be sure to include what the prompt is at the beginning/in your author’s note :) you don’t need to claim a prompt, they can be used by multiple people because i think everyone can make their own unique story!
“this love is difficult but it's real” love story, fearless
“can't help it if there's no one else” hey stephen, fearless
“the stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is ours” ours, speak now
“i'll be loving you for quite some time” stay stay stay, red
“all i feel in my stomach is butterflies” everything has changed, red
“just grab my hand and don't ever drop it” i know places, 1989
“you are the one i have been waiting for” king of my heart, reputation
“now i've read all of the books beside your bed” paper rings, lover
“all along there was some, invisible string, tying you to me” / “hell was the journey but it brought me heaven” invisible string, folklore
“and i was right there beside him all summer long, and then the time we woke up to find that summer gone” tim mcgraw, taylor swift
“even now just looking at you feels wrong” should’ve said no, taylor swift
“and my heart's not breaking, 'cause I'm not feeling anything at all” the way i loved you, fearless
“and i stare at the phone, he still hasn't called, and then you feel so low you can't feel nothing at all” forever & always, fearless
“it turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you” back to december, speak now
“you never called it what it was” / “when your brooklyn broke my skin and bones” all too well, red
”gone was any trace of you, i think i am finally clean” clean, 1989
“but if the story's over, why am i still writing pages?” / “tryna find a part of me you didn't take up” death by a thousand cuts, lover
“i knew i'd curse you for the longest time, chasing shadows in the grocery line” cardigan, folklore
“august sipped away, like a bottle of wine, 'cause you were never mine” august, folklore
“now i'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life” tolerate it, evermore
misc. (ones i really don’t know how to categorize/could go multiple ways)
“but i know you wish it was me” speak now, speak now
“broke your heart, i'll put it back together” how you get the girl, 1989
“should've known i'd be the first to leave, think about the place where you first met me” getaway car, reputation
“all of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting” / “i don't want you like a best friend” dress, reputation
“tell me that you're still mine, tell me that we'll be just fine” / “i don't wanna lose this with you” afterglow, lover
“breakups happen every day, you don't have to lose it” / “if our love died young, i can't bear witness” right where you left me, evermore
“everybody wonders what it would be like to love you” gold rush, evermore
any mcu characters
any sebastian stan characters (except tommy lee and jeff gillooly)
any chris evans characters
if you want to write another character feel free to send me a message and ask!
no pressure tags if people want to signal boost <3
@pellucid-constellations @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare @sweetascanbee @sweetdreamsbuck @babiebucky @treatbuckywkisses @spidderboy @aphrogeneias @atlaese @ambrosiase @starbuckie @howdoyousleep3 @buckydaddy @bubblebuckys @buckys-left-middle-finger @foreverindreamlandd @writing-for-marvel @fandoms-writings @nexusnyx @strwbrrybucky @benignbucky @inklore @abovethesmokestacks @jadedvibes @the-iceni-bitch @asgardwinter @schmuckyschmarnes @bloomingbucky @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @smokeinherperfume @beefybuckrrito
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seconds-not-decades · 2 years
Request Rules
Hello, all!
Requests are closed for Five Hargreeves. If you send a request in, I'll put it aside and write it if I open them again.
When my requests are open, I will try to get to yours as soon as possible. I strongly prefer you to use the request button, but if that doesn't work for some reason, you can send it in through messages or you can leave a comment.
Want to request but don't have anything specific yet? Check out these prompt lists below! If you list more than one prompt in a request, I will automatically assume you want them combined. Please let me know if they're separate. (Also, it would help me tremendously if you reference which list the prompt(s) came from and what number they are.)
➭//{Prompt Lists}\\↴
A Cure For Writer's Block - #100 Dialogue Prompts to Make a Reader Swoon
A Cure For Writer's Block - #50 Dialogue Prompts Compilation
A Cure For Writer's Block - #100 Dialogue Prompts - Angst Edition
Creative Writing Prompts - Fluffy Dialogue Prompts
Dialogue and Writing Prompts - Prompt List #2
I try to be as open-minded and flexible with requests, but here are my rules* -
➭What I do write ↴
One shots
Tropes (especially enemies to lovers, best friends to lovers, forbidden love, and opposites attract)
x Reader fics. If you send me a character x OC request, please know that I will ask to change it to x Reader.
➭What I do not write ↴
NSFW content. I can write makeout sessions but, I prefer not to go any further. Even though I am personally above eighteen, I want to keep my blog as reader friendly as possible.
Dub-con and non-con
Excessive gore
Yandere themes
SA of any kind. I can VAGUELY mention it if its for character backstory, but I won't go into it. The same applies to below…↴
Abuse of any kind.
Disorders. This is due to lack of knowledge. The last thing I need is to trigger anyone and/or not write it properly/appropriately. (Unless you've got some reliable resources and/or you feel up to explaining it in-depth to a point where I understand it enough to try to write it.)
Mentions of suicide (I don't want to venture down that road and I don't want my readers to either)
A fic with more than three parts. I can write multi-part fics if you request it, but I don't want to write more than three parts, because then it starts to feel like a full fanfic. Due to burn out and for the sake of time/mental capacity, I personally do not want to write a whole book.
Anything with children and/or pregnancy. I feel like writing about that really isn't my style right now.
I write for mainly Fem!reader and some Gn!reader. Please don't hesitate to message me with any questions. Also, you can be specific, but please don't get so specific to a point where it's extremely plot heavy and it doesn't make me feel like I have enough creative liberty of my own. I'd also like to add that music HEAVILY inspires/prompts me so if you have a song that fits the mood of your request or even want a song fic, please feel free to add those, too! Plus I low key need more music to listen to anyway.
Happy reading and requesting!
*Please note that I have a three strike system if you do not adhere to my rules once or more↴
I will not write your request unless you change it and/or message me so we can work something else out.
I will delete your request.
I will block you.
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loudestcloud · 3 years
BNHA Character Theme Songs!
Pt4: Here we are lads! Final part because I do just keep forgetting to update this. Ive had this actually playlist done for literally 4 months so. Sorry lol but here we go. Villians & Vigilantes! reminder that this is spoiler free but I am up to date on the anime, and almost with the mangas
Edit: it's been a year now. Sorry about that 💀 I think I lost the motivation because a lot of my villian choices just make sense and I can't explain much about them because they are easy picks for me. Also please check out the other parts
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Explanations vvv
Stain: I was gonna pick Killer by The Hoosiers but I think this one is better. I can really see an AMV to this one and tbh it's a good song that no one reall talks about anymore. Also, blood quirk, blood song ect.
Overhaul: This man thought he was invincible, he thought he was incredibly and that no one would ever stop him. Now he's nothing 🥰 Also, people still make AMVs to this song and they slap every single time, I'd sell my soul for more audio inclusive AMVs. The presents of this song is very similar to that of Overhaul. It's very overbearing, powerful kinda iconic in a small way but at the end of the day, I mix this song up with so many others. The style, beat and vocals are just so similar to so many others like it.
ReDestro - This was chosen before I read the arc. I think it's still good. Keeping it spoiler free, while he may not be the most remembered for events he helped in, he should won't be forgotten in the Bnha history books.
All for one - A slow piano start, Soft high vocals, an ere vibe leading up to heavy metal! Add the lyrics and it's perfect for him. It feels like his into then the ground zero fight.
Shigaraki - " Everything you love turns to dust " and " You'd kill for answers but learn to live with questions " is very on brand. The vibe is also what's I see him as if that makes sense at all. It's kinda chaotic in a way. 🎵Don't get attached to live🎵
Kurogiri - This is a joke I like to make about something and I can't explain because this is a spoiler free zone. But that aside, Kurogiri gives me mother mother vibes, anyone else?
Dabi - okay I cave, I have to say it. Spoiler warning: I picked this before it was cannon and was fully just gonna say "we all know it's true by now, come on" like!! 🎵bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life🎵 Get it bitch! Headcanon this was his dance song? I think soooo!!!
Toga - 🎵the boy I loves got another girl🎵 💃🏻I just feel she would like this song choice💃🏻and vibe it a lot💃🏻 na but for real, Vibes, style, lyrics, voice? Very Toga
Twice - This was all I could come up with that wasn't wildly ablist towards him. I will be taking replacement request lol cos I think something better could be out there but for now, we have this. It feels like twice having a panic attack alone and then remembering that the LoV are his family now.
Spinner: Hahaha, gamer boy villian song. I just wanted to include him but both he and this song is very cool.
Compress - This was also added before the thing you may think. This song is here because I had a Yung Gravy obsession for about 2 months while also having a thing for Compress. I think it works but I'm bias.
La Brava - It's literally her quirk, it's kinda cheesy* and the lyrics are very VERY her.
Gentle Criminal - Old YouTuber boy! He's definitely getting rickrolled over and over, not understanding anything going on. I actually really like this song, 100% unironically and it's a romantic vibe. Gentle is loyal to La Barva too n that's most of what the sing is at its core.
Knuckleduster - He is a natural but at the start his vibes are low key ominous. He slaps tho and it's not a spoiler but I miss him.
*Koichi - It's a soft song, kind on the ears. Kochi was really out here living this song almost to a t, huh? Damm boy. No one in the Bnha fandom seems to care about him and this song is also very underplayed.
Pop⭐Step: * not as cheesy as this one, baby! Okay so this song is from a 2007 movie and in the fictional universe the song came out in the 80s. No one cares about this movie at all, even less people care about this song and I'm almost curtain my mother and I are the only ones who actually know the words anymore. That being said, Pop would 100% sing this once a show and shed think it's amazing. No one in the Bnha fandom seems to care about pop at all either.
No.6 - He really can't, can he? He's a strange little man.
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kirinda-ondo · 3 years
Where can one watch the astro boy cartoons. I only ever saw that one cgi movie they made around the same year as Coraline, and I wanna see the actual show because it looks really fun and interesting. (Also eto ranger where can I see that too?)
First of all anon I just want you to know that I love u for asking me this, just letting me whip out all my big interests
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So admittedly my Astro Boy knowledge is severely out of date, as more legit websites to watch the various series have come and gone, but as of now, here's what I've been able to find. If anyone has more legit links please feel free to share them.
I'm also about to drop a whole bunch of information on you so like please bear with me
The dubs for the 60s, 80s, and 2003 dubs can be found here though I recommend bringing an adblocker. I must also add a disclaimer that due to a lot of weird dubbing and localization situations, the dubs are technically not the complete experience
For example, the 60s version has 193 episodes in total, but only 104 were dubbed and not in chronological order (also this is literallythe first anime dub ever so they took a LOT of creative liberties with cuts and localization). You can find the rest of the series here, but it's raw (meaning no subtitles) and also the website is in Chinese. That said it's pretty easy to tell what's happening even if you don't speak Japanese (aside from the second to last episode), though I'd recommend watching the dub first to have a foundation.
The 80s dub spliced the first 2 episodes together really weirdly as well as cut out certain scenes and even a song or two, but you can find it subbed here (though I highly recommend an ad adblocker)
The 2003 dub has a whole host of weird cuts and localization changes and we even lost a whole episode and had it replaced with a clip show. You can find it subbed here.
If you like these and want to get into the handful of spinoffs, come back to me and I can hook you up (they are considerably less finicky to find and watch lmao)
As for Eto Ranger, it is also not immune to weird translation problems so I must disclaimer these too ksjdjd. It never had an English dub, but there are a couple of dueling fansubs that I will spare you my long and personal history with for now. The MugenX subs are a more faithful translation, but due to losing their translation checker, they are a lot rougher in places after a certain point, both grammatically and in timing. Then you have what I call the Baffle subs, which are cleaner and do use the rough MugenX translation as a base, but take a lot more... creative liberties with the editing and translation. I am admittedly heavily biased towards the MugenX subs, which I have placed in a playlist here so you don't have to hop channels (just make sure that after episode 15 you set the captions to English (Canada), though episode 28 is the only one without this option). If that sort of thing doesn't bother you though, you can just watch straight from the beginning with captions set to regular English here
If you sat through this whole explanation and weren't horribly daunted by any of this and actually want to watch these, know that I love and respect you so fucking much
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hello steph! first of all i'd like to say that i love your blog and from it seems like youre an incredibly nice person 💛 i would like to ask if there are any pining sherlock in tsot fics you would like to recommend? thank you!
Hi Nonny!
Aww, you’re too kind!! Thank you!
I’ve actually a MASSIVE Pining Sherlock Fic list here (Mobile Friendly Link, tap here) with over 100 fics on it, and I’ve actually a second list I’m putting together offline because I know people are inevitably going to ask for more! But this is pretty specific, so here’s what I have that are semi-related to TSo3 in some way, plus a few on my MFL list I added recently :P 
If anyone has any others they wish to add, please feel free to! Enjoy!
EDIT: I noticed while going through my pining Sherlock list I missed quite a few fics, so check out that master link, and scroll down to “John’s Getting Married” for some other fics I missed!!
Something Old, Something New by Aztecwarfareandcrumping (K, 778 w. || H/C, Angst, Pining) – Sherlock and John share a quiet moment before John’s wedding.
Velvet by headlessjess (G, 1,155 w. || TSo3-Fic, Pining, Angst, Jealous Sherlock, Loneliness, Sad Fic) – It’s the day, the wedding day - John and Mary, getting married. And then there’s Sherlock, in pain and in love, without knowing how to deal with it.
L'Esprit D'Escalier by TheSoulOfAStrawberry (K, 2,011 w. || Ace Sherlock, Romance, H/C, Pining) – A lack of understanding leads to a misunderstanding, which in turn leads to two confused men dealing with something they should have sorted out earlier, rather than on John’s wedding day.
Unspoken by PipMer (T, 2,770 w. || Drugged John, Mutual Pining, John’s Missing Wednesday, Fluff & Angst, Canon Compliant, Gap Filler) – Sherlock wanted to test a hypothesis. About John. He wanted a question answered that he couldn’t just ask, at least not under normal conditions, because John would never tell him the truth about that.
Behind Closed Curtains by twisting_vine_x (G, 2,939 w. || Dancing, Angst, Pre-Slash) – Set loosely during season two, when Sherlock and John are still, ahem, dancing around each other. Sherlock teaches John how to dance.
John’s Missing Wednesday by PipMer (K+, 2,999 w. || Pre-Slash, Pre-TSo3, Non-Con Drugged John, Friendship, Experiment) –  “Now John I’d poison. … Sloppy eater – dead easy. I’ve given him chemicals and compounds that way, he’s never even noticed. He missed a whole Wednesday once, didn’t have a clue.” – The Sign of Three. This is the story of that missing Wednesday.
Out of Time by westernredcedar (T, 3,163 w. || Wedding, Angst, Pining John, Sad Ending) – Somerset is a lovely place for a wedding, but what John hadn’t accounted for was the getting everyone there.
Nineteen Seconds of Falling by EmmyAngua (T, 3,739 w. || Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Falling in Love) – Sherlock spends exactly nineteen seconds zoned out after John asks him to be best man. He retreats to his mind palace in the desperate hope of figuring out what he wants, unfortunately for him his mind palace is full of people who keep trying to give him advice.
The Dance Lesson by bittergreens (G, 4,596 w. || TSo3 Missing Scene, Dancing, Pining Sherlock, URT/UST, Romance, Angst, POV John) – Sherlock teaches John to dip. Part 1 of Goodnight, Vienna
I think You Need A Doctor by TheGoodDirector (M, 5,254 w. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Sherlock Whump, Mistaken Couple, Humour, Platonics, Mary is Nice) – John’s not been to Baker Street in four months and returns to find a bleeding Consulting Detective. John can’t help but take care and put up with him. Set after The Sign of Three/Before His Last Vow.
The Light of Day by allonsys_girl (M, 7,297 w. || First Kiss, Angst, TSo3-Fix-It, Possessive Sherlock, ) – Rewrite of the end of Sign of Three. John actually notices Sherlock leaving the reception early, and chases after him. Angsty Johnlock. Happy ending, for sure. Part 1 of The Light of Day
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w. || Pining, Love Confessions, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock POV, Eventual Happy Ending) – “For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face.” Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
I haven’t read these yet so read at your own discretion.
About What Happened Yesterday… by Ewebie (M, 1,439 w. || Missing Scene, John’s Missing Wednesday, Sherlock is a Bit Not Good, Drugged John) – I think I’ve always wanted to know what exactly happened to that Missing Wednesday… You? Part 22 of Tumblr Shorts
I Want to tell you but i don’t know how by Lightofonesoul (G, 2,028 w. || Pining Sherlock, Love Confessions, TSo3 Fic, Angst, Sherlock’s Violin) – Have you ever wondered, what’s happening at the 3X02 after John asked at Sherlock to be his Best man? What did they say then? “Can a soul be crushed? It’s very illogical but that is what it feels like to him. Sherlock feels like a violin, tensed and tight, scratched by an invisible bow, but without any sound. ”
The Eleventh Hour by EchoSilverWolf (T, 2,968 w. || Stag Night, Drinking, TSo3, Idiots in Love, Fluff, First Kiss, POV John) – Stag Night fix-it starting from the scene on the stairs. No case interruption. “Even in the eleventh hour, it’s not too late…”
If He Knows by shamelessmash (M, 4,513 w. || TSo3, Pining Sherlock, POV Sherlock, Texting, Internal Monologue, Pillow Forts, Bed Sharing) – I imagine mornings: John handing me a cup of tea, hair sticking out at odd angles. How he would bend down to kiss me, smiling fondly as he pulls away. The way his skin crinkles at the corner of his eyes, the way his skin looks in the morning light. The soft sigh as he sits in his chair with the morning paper, the way his toes curl in the carpet, the way he rolls his shoulders before sinking deeper into his seat. I watch him, how he is when he is content, as it should be. As he deserves. Happy. With me.
You Are The Reason by ICanDoThisAllDayy (G, 9,432 w. || Post-TSo3, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Letters, Bisexual John, Song Fic, Heavy Angst) – When Sherlock leaves the envelope for John and Mary at their wedding, he forgets to take out another piece of paper from it - the paper on which he poured his heart out while preparing the Best Man’s Speech at 221B Baker Street. He intended to burn the piece right after he finished writing, but he was too exhausted from the emotions and accidentally slipped it amongst his composition for the Waltz. As things work out, somebody reads his letter. That somebody is John Watson. Part 2 of Songs-inspired fic(let)s
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