#edit: if you saw this being reposted no you didnt
sidesteppostinghours · 2 months
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besties who take down criminal mob bosses together stay together 💖
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f4ceache · 9 days
audio that lives in my head like a worm
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butch-bakugo · 1 month
I would have an ounce of sympathy for Zionists if they didnt:
make islamophobic circa 2013 jokes
repost racist propaganda about arabs to the point of charicatures
make a million claims about "innocent Israeli counter-protestors being attacked!" With no videos (beyond a lady who was going around randomly punching pro-palestine protesters then got mobbed LIKE SHE SHOULD to stop her from hurting others. But of course, no one can find out who she is to verify, they never say the location in question and they conveniently leave out the fact she was the instigator and agitator. Hell there's videos of a Zionist rabbi professor running into an encampment and trying to beat up the pro-palestine protesters. Litterally knocking over their food, kicking them and eventually just starts swinging. Edit: another rabbi professor got caught running around an encampment with an agitator student putting up mein kampf posters and tried to claim it was the protestors... While this man was actively Holding freshly printed ones.... With tape... Then when the protestors and cops found him, he tried to run in the encampment and throw the unhung posters and fight protestors until the members of the encampment blocked him. He then whines about how Jewish men can't even walk on campus anymore and left without comment.) proving the supposedly shouted anti-Semitic remarks (with videos of counter-protestors randomly trying to shout out "kill all Jews" and other remarks then claiming it was said by the pro-palestinian protesters then whining when they got arrested. Oh and there's two of three of those videos circulating)
make a million claims of seeing posts on here with "straight up nazi rhetoric" and other "examples of leftist antisemitism" to the point of claiming their saying nazi slogans but never with any screenshots or proof then call you antisemitic if you dont automatically believe them
a whole account by a token pro-zionist "2nd gen American from gaza" who essentially wore a "all lives matter shirt" about " just wanting peace" and walked through an encampment and, just like that video of that little white girl crying when protestors gave her a wall of silence, said he felt "threatened" because the protestors wore masks, side eyed him and ignored him. He even accounts how many people were nice to him, asked him if he wanted food or water and generally left him alone. He Litterally said he felt threatened because he went in to agitate and no body took his bait. I'm sorry but masks dont make people violent. He kept saying he felt like he couldn't talk about his views or felt like "they could do anything to me and I wouldn't see their face" like this is Karen level paranoia bro.
Spout pretty much every alt-right insult in the book to the point I have to wonder if they are trolls but have to toss out my suspicion cause their either too low key to be a troll or just remembering its a fachist movement. Calling people whores and sluts, saying they are giving Palestinians their "OF money", calling the Palestinians "immigrants who need to get out", calling people retards/n words/various other slurs, calling leftists litteral snowflakes and wokes. Like wtf
Snuggle up, reblog and like from alt right American blogs with bios like "pro life pro guns pro liberty", litteral pepe the frog icons, praise the fact Republicans like Matt gatez, tom cruz and other famously terrible and racist people support their movement.
Own up to the fact they want all of palestine and more and talk about Palestinians in a way that feels very familiar to me as a native American. Calling us backwards, primitive, dogs and other horribly racist shit.
Say they deserve an ethnostate because the Holocaust happened. No.
Like.... Wtf? Why are y'all cuddling up to diet Nazis right now? That's independent of any news source I saw, I saw that shit with my own eyes scrolling your blogs. I knew you liked fascism but like? Wow.
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imeldasboot · 3 years
okay so imagine that phone exist in imector's year and pretend hector is still courting imelda (and i edited them as skeleton cuz imelda doesnt have a scene where she's alive, i wouldve edited her and hector as alive), and they couldnt see each other becaude imelda's papá is not allowing her, then hector in the middle of the night was drinking at the bar with ernesto, and imelda's been waiting for his messages and calls for about 22 hours now, but then luckily her papá told her to get the laundries that's been hanged outside their house since imelda's still awake at 3 am waiting if hector will message or whatever's gonna happen, she's been wondering what that man is doing the whole day, why he's so busy. and the only thing she could think of is hector being at the bar again, so she sneaked and ran to the bar before her father calls for her, and looked at the bar's window and saw hector drinking with a couple of friends laughing and enjoying, forgetting imelda. then hector was drunk and thought of imelda then he messaged her, imelda knew he's drunk, it hurted her because why didnt he send something to her like just a hola! or how are you, one single message never appeared on her screen, and it pissed her so much. (i added more details to it ⬆️ and cuz i remember hector's messaging her at 3am lmao💀)
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST!! (reblog is fine :)) it took me hours to make the iphone thing and the texts HAKWHAJAHJA, and fun fact that's actually my lockscreen wallpaper. follow my IG (@gqrdonramz) for more coco edits! :D
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violetnotez · 3 years
When They Taste Their s/o’s Chapstick| HQ Edition
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Welcome to Hannah has no sleep schedule lmao-but I remember I did these HC for BNHA and they did really well, so I thought I would do some for HQ too! I might do more characters and not make the HC so detailed, but I hope you like these! 🤍
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Music Genre: Acoustic | HQ
Characters: Atsumu, Yamaguchi, Bokuto
Warning: cursing
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
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Atsumu: Cherry
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The bright ass teacher who thought it would be smart to put your boyfriend right behind you was realllllllyyyy smart 🙃
Okay sarcasm aside this dude is annoying in the cutest way possible????
This guy gets bored super quick, and knowing his dear, sweet s/o is gonna take all the notes he needs makes him use the class period to just mess with you
(Also him not paying attention in class secretly gets him to be able to have study dates with you, so yeah, Atsumu isn’t learning nothing from the teacher 💀)
Some days it’s bad-he will kick your chair just to laugh at your pissed off face,
He’ll air drop you memes, cute puppy pics,,,sometimes shirtless pics if he’s reallllyyyy bored 🙃😳
But some days he’s a little better and not so annoying,,,,like playing with your hair, passing notes to you, or just casually texting you about random things that are on his mind
But today he was poking your back like his life depended on it
You tried to ignore it for as long as you could, trying to just focus on the teacher droning on about some random war-
Until this fucker flicks your head
You instantly swivel around, pissed written all over your face as he gives you a smug ass look
“Took ya long enough,” he whispered, clearly enjoying bugging you, “but ya got some chapstick?”
Kinda wierd and not what you were expecting but-whatever
You just roll your eyes and nod yes, quietly shuffling through you pencil bag
Poor Atsumu lost his a few days back and hadn’t been able to get more, so he’s really feeling it on his fifth day of no chapstick
He takes it, putting it on and going to hand it to you but soemthing stops him
Cause whoa-this tastes just like you
He hand sit back, kinda just mesmerized...cause this taste is exactly what he tastes everytime he kisses you, like he’s eating candy
No wonder why to him kissing you was addicting cause you tasted like a lollipop lmao 💀
But anyways, after class he decided to test this theory of his out
He walks you out of class, shouldering your backpack for you as you two walk to the cafeteria
“Cmon, lets go this way today,” he says with a small grin, leading you down a more secluded hallway
The moment you two seem to be alone he attacks
Atsumu is a fricking good kisser maybe a little rough but UGH he is gooooddddddd 🥴
He grabs ahold of your back, pressing you against him, you feet slowly rising to meet his lips
He pulls away, loving how surprised and flustered you look as he brushes his thumb against your lips
He’s really happy, cause yup, you taste exactly like the chapstick-sugary sweet but still tart, just like a cherry
you will never find your chapsticks ever again he will always be stealing them so he can taste you 24/7
Yamaguchi: Mint
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Practice had finished, but today it was pretty cloudy
And of course, the moment the gym was cleaned up and everybody was ready to head out
It was pouring buckets
Yamaguchi was always a big softie, but he was also super protective over you
So he always makes sure to walk you home everyday
Fricking cuteeee 🥺
He was getting all of his stuff under the awning of the gym when he saw you running towards him in your uniform
You were smiling, trying desperately to keep your backpack dry as you ran through the rain shower
The way this boy yelled your name 😂💀 you would have thought you were dying
Yamaguchi can be really protective he has tooooooo
He doesn’t have an umbrella, so he unzips his black volleyball jacket and just starts running towards you like his life depends on it
His white volleyball tee cannot survive this amount of water and is soaked, but he really doesn’t mind,,,,
Your confused on why he took of his jacket, until this sweet guy uses it as a makeshift canopy and shields both your heads from the rain
You start to chuckle, cause he just looks so cute, his cheeks red from being sheepish making his freckles more prominent but this proud grin on his face
“Yams, you didnt have to get all wet for me,” you say with a smile, your digits wiping away droplets of water from his cheeks
*cue him turning even redder
and then you give him a quick kiss on his lips
this guy gets flsuetred so quickly ITS SO CUTE😭
But something is much, much different about that kiss than before-
His lips are tingly and ticklish and he’s like WTH
But it feels-nice?? Like it almost makes the kiss feel like its lasting longer on his skin-
You dont even notice him being totally just dazzed out as he tries to figure out whats going on and  grab his hand, leading him inside the gym to wait for the storm to pass
As your digging in your backpack to make sure none of your notes got wet from the rain, Tadashi noticed that something rolled out of your backpack
And lo and behold! Its chapstick! ☺
Before he hands it to you, he notices its a Mint flavor-
and it allllllll makes sense to him
After he walks you home he guiltily SPRINTS his ass over to the convivence store
He was in there for a good hour searching for hat same brand+flavor
After he found it he is now obsessed with it and applies it like crazy cause it reminds him of you 🥺
Bokuto: Strawberry Sorbet
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Bokuto has just gotten out of class, Akaashi right next to him as he went to go meet you by your locker
You three were lowkey like the Three Musketeers-
just two of the musketeers happened to be dating lmao
Anywayssss the man was already jumping around just from the idea of seeing you
It had been 5 whole hours since he last had contact with you-the horror 💀
Akaashi was pretty much used to this behavior, as Bokuto always needed a dose of y/n love every other hour to keep him preppy and up beat
Once Bokuto saw you, he immeditaely bounded over time you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder
“Hey baby birdie, missed me?” He said eagerly, placing a kiss on your lips
Usually after kissing you he’d just cuddle you close to him as the three of you waited for the rest of the team to go to practice....but soemthing was off
But in a good way
You tasted reallllyyyyyyyyyy yummy to him-but he had no idea what it was
This man has no shame
Like at all
He just starts kissing you
Over and
Over again
He can’t figure out why you taste so good! He can’t even figure what the flavor even is...So of course he has to keep “taste testing” 💀🙃
You have no idea the hell is going on, your face flushed you were in school still lmaooo
The dude was just attacking your poor lips at this point
Poor Akaashi is just as embarrassed as you 😂💀
“Bo!” You finally were able to muster out, gasping after the assault to your airwaves you just had
Poor guy looks so defeated and confused, still not knowing what was going
Sad baby bird look 🥺
“B-but babe,” he said, almost whimpering, “I don’t know why you taste good,,,”
You give him a “the hell you talking about face”,,,until it dawns on you that you had bought a new chapstick
Your just laughing, cause who knew Bokuto would be so intense over some damn chapstick
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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annetteblog · 3 years
Intro & My take on KM
I’m new around here so it’s supposed to be (not so short) introduction, since I don’t know how to start a blog heh. I hope to sprinkle my 0.5 cents into the KM conversation and maybe to bring a new perspective from someone, who is not a part of the typical English-speaking West.
Who /the hell/ Am I?  
(please, consider it to be said with NJ’s voice from Intro: Persona :D)
I was born in Siberia (it’s in the Asian part of Russia), currently live in the European part of the country while studying at a Uni (European in terms of geography, not in terms of everything else i’m definitely not shading rn lolllll). English is not my first language, I’ve just kind of learnt it to some extent. Due to this it takes me more time to write a post; and I may (and will) make some grammatical & other mistakes. Plus I’m lazy AND busy with Uni, so I won’t even promise to be consistent in posting smth lol. But I thought I need more practice in terms of writing in English, so here I am, actually scribbling something. This feels weird, because I’ve been around stan Tumblr since 2015, but never ever interacted, just read.
How I ended up around Jikook/Kookmin (and BTS) & My (long&messy) take on this matter
Although I had heard of BTS before, I became an Army only in October 2018. I had kinda avoided them, because you know... boybands.... sing songs about romantic love and how they love girls.......... (+I had been around Twitter when 1D been at their peak and I remember a quite toxic community of fans, whom always had scared me). Shortly, hello stereotypes. Obviously, after I got engaged I felt terribly sorry that I had been sleeping on them, but what is done cannot be undone. 
Someone I knew back then reposted one of their MVs and I, during my sad hours of procrastination, decided to watch it. Then I saw their live performance with the same song. And I thought “wow these guys can sing and dance and the music is kinda cool, i need to check this out maybe??” 
Then a funny thing happened. One of the next videos I watched (the same person had it added to their page) was a 2016 BangtanBomb where JM and JK practiced their Coming of Age dance. 
Do you know this moment with Gina from the 1st episode of Brooklyn 9-9:
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Well, that was precisely me after I watched it. I don’t even know how to explain this, it was kind of a gut feeling? Whatever you call it, I started to get suspicious and couldn’t even explain to myself why. /actually now a do have questions to this vid and the main one - why does everyone cringe that much? if it’s a girly choreo than they had done some “girly” moves before. why is there such strong reaction??/
I started to get deeper and went to some ru-shipper communities. Shipping culture among Russian speaking fans is... well, weird to some extent, but I maybe address this topic some time later. You need to consider that (as far as you probably know) Russia is quite homophonic country and sadly is not the greatest place for LGBTQ+ community at the moment. The non-frienly influential attitudes hanging in the society + the general shippers’ weirdness = the result is not that nice honestly. 
I struggled for some time in order to find more mature people (not just in terms of age but in general sanity), failed, ended up with some EXTREMELY toxic ru-fans of TK, which was/is the most popular pairing here, spent among them like 15 minutes and ran away horrified. After that I didn’t even try to engage with shippers or believers or whatever of any pair and just decided to enjoy the music and the content (which is a great idea, highly recommend!)
After a couple of days I discovered that JK makes videos. I love video, films and visual art so I immediately found them on YT, saw the titles with names of different cities from all over the world and was like “Oh that must be so cool, he’s visited so many outstanding places I’ve never been to, so I really need to watch it! I shall enjoy some beautyyy”. Then I clicked on GCFt.
Well, what can I say. I did enjoy some beauty, but not the type I had initially anticipated. The biggest clickbait in my entire life. JK should be proud of himself.
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                                       /as I said - the beauty/
I had already known Troy back then and I known the song’s lyrics so it would not be an underestimation to say - the video just blew my mind. I was like - hold on is this real? seriously?? no really really????? he manage to get away with something THAT obvious?????? dude how
As a person who edited videos AND is not a native English speaker, I don’t buy the explanation “oh he mustve didnt get the lyrics lmao”. You just don’t do that. You don’t. DON’T. You google and translate every shit you don’t understand, every word and idiom you’ve never encountered, because otherwise the possibility of an epic failure is very likely. You wouldn’t want to give your mum a video as a birthday present and then discover that you used a song with WAP-ish lyrics, right? (well maybe that would be okay in your family, I don’t judge, but that’s not the case for people I know). So don’t you dare to degrade JK’s intellectual capacities; such assumption is really offensive. He is a smart boii, he knows exactly what he’s doing in terms of his art.
So I was shocked, but decided to look for the context - maybe I missed some previous events regarding this Tokyo thing (another great idea - always check the context). Well, apparently I didn’t, because the whole narrative with the trip for two, lovely selfies etc. made my poor brain lowkey explode. (I still don’t buy the rings theory thing though)
But I didn’t give up lol! I’m a bit stubborn and it’s very hard to convince me in anything, so I decided to search for more context, more of their interactions, moreeee. Remember, the late October 2018, there were no swan lakes, RB, and even MMA18 hadn’t happened yet. 
This time I ended up watching content in more or less consistent way, and when I saw all of these scenes with affectionate JM and a cool badass i-don’t-care-about-anyone-i’m-a-manly-man-with-no-feelings-whatsoever JK, I just hysterically laughed. 
Homophobic Russia, remember? I recognized this. Growing up here being LGBT myself, taught me the same type behaviour during my high school days. When a girl I kinda liked but didn’t what to admit it to myself was nice to me or (oh god) flirted with me, I did something similar. It’s like a huge panic mode. Being an introvert doesn’t help either. The funniest thing is that you may not entirely realise what exactly is going on in terms of your own feelings, especially at that age (16-18ish). In my personal case, I thought I liked her but as a friend, only later to realise that well not as a friend oops :DDD The second thing (already not so funny) is that you actually consciously or unconsciously try to avoid the subject as much as possible, as long as possible and pretend that nothing is going on. We’re just bros. Stop doing this stupid gayish thing and don’t look at me like that, you’re annoying. If you ever do this again I (gently) kick you. I’m straighter than a straight line in my math textbook. IDK, but probably that’s your brain is somehow trying to protect you. Again, in my case&position I knew that the consequences for any non-straight person being outed would be bad (TW not to the point of being killed bad, but to the point of being excluded from a big part of society). So for me it was a mixture of the internalized homophobia + lack of self reflection + just being a bit emotionally slow + very! straight community around. Shit happens, I was a teenager and made my share of mistakes, but that experience helps me to recognize the same pattern of behaviour up to this day.   
So coming back to KM, because the post is already waaay too long and I just ramble. It’s been 2+ years for me being a part of this fandom, and what can I say... Things become more intense and eventful with every year passing by ;) Funny how I felt that vibe from the 2016 dance practice video. Seeing the Black Swan performance a week ago almost had me choked, no joking. They are amazing.
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                                                    Pure Art
However, and I would like to emphasize that, I do not incline that KM are 100% romantically involved and/or gay or whatever. I tend to treat people with respect and not to make too much assumptions about their private life. That’s not my business. However, I’m also not a fan of heteronormativity, so I’m just sitting here and observe everything that’s going on putting some distance and not forgetting being generally polite and critical thinking. But if they are just straightest besties please give them an Oscar before Grammy
Anyways, I hope this blog won’t kick the bucket from the very start and I will post something every now and then. You can always ask me questions about some BTS/Jikook related stuff or something about Russia and a Russian view on mass culture topics, since I’m pretty sure some of you have very stereotypical view of what is going on here :) However, do note that I’ve never been to America or Europe, therefore I may not be aware of something verrrry obvious to you or just have a completely different experience. 
P.S.  And yeah, I’m used to say Jikook, since it’s the name which is used much more frequently in Russian.  i like it better and what will u do haha
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9116 · 3 years
also i just wanted to let u know that the drawings u were able to edit are on twt? hopefully its ur account i hope that person didnt steal ur art
my account is private so it's not me!!! i'm not really mad about that since they're edited screenshots.... i saw them being reposted on insta too...... it kinda sucks but 🙂 and thank you for sending this you're an angel 🌹
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jjuuppiter · 4 years
life updates, a story about anxiety attacks, cat tower, sketches
since this tumblr is also my blog i will actually write about my life for once. my gemini needs to overshare is tingling right now hahaha but i can see myself the next morning being too afraid to open tumblr because i said some dumb stuffs that will embarrass me.
anyway it’s kinda long so i’ll put a keep reading here so you dont need to see my long ranting about my life in your timeline haha
oh someone edited the parody i made! that’s something new. no one ever reposted or edited my stuff before so i never thought my stuff are worth reposted/edited. it irked me that they put watermark on the video with my parody on it (can’t they like put my name too on the watermark? hahaha) but dealing with it and starting a commotion asking to be credited on the video too is such a work T_T they did put my twitter handle name on the post description tho so... i’ll let it slide i guess. tbh im okay if you wanted to edit/repost/use my work but please let me know haha (also huge thanks to anon and two other people on twitter for letting me know)
okay back to personal life report... covid is still happening (and worsening) here, im still working from home, havent been outside since march, okay well i did go out but the amount can be count with one hand. since wfh ive been healthier, commuting to work everyday (it took 1,5-2hours), work related problems, personal life problems really stressed me out before and i guess little by little it fucked up my body. i remember for the first time in my life getting an anxiety attack while waiting in line for the bus home, okay i dont know for sure it's an anxiety attack but i was spinning, out of breath, feeling like i was going to faint. so i decided to order a taxi bike (it's faster!) and on the ride i kept holding on the helmet so it didnt fully cover my neck cos the feel of the helmet squeezing my head made me feel like im gonna faint, thankfully arrived safely at home and literally flopped down on the floor after my mom opened the door. it was so weird. the next day i told my coworker and they told me it was an anxiety attack and told me to try hypnotherapy? so i guess it really is a mental thing? but never thought it can affect my body like that... im good now since being at home means i can manage my stress better
and after 6 months of wfh i finally bought some expensive stuffs to help me work like a monitor (it can be rotated 180 deg! i really wanted this kind of monitor the first time i saw it at the office!) and a chair massager. i dont really like spending my money honestly so it was an achievement to buy these stuffs. in college i was really into the minimalist lifestyle and learned that if you wanna buy something, delay it for 2 weeks and if you still want to buy it after that you can buy it but if you forget about it then you dont need to buy it. i guess that trick sticks with me even after my minimalist phase had pass. i also bought a cat tower for my cat!! she was super afraid of it the first time (weird), but i forced her to sit on top of it and brushed her so she will get use to it faster, and now every time i come into her room (yes she has her own room cos my mom is kinda a clean freak) she'll jump on the tower, it's really cute ❤️
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my real life work is kinda monotonous but falling in love for the second time with miraculous ladybug is such a gift (for my right brain and my mental health). it got me back into drawing streak! before this i didnt even know that ml have terms like lovesquare, marichat, adrienette, ladrien, ladynoir. i only know adrien x marinette🙈 i love ladybug and chat too but i want them to end up together as adrien and marinette. but knowing there’s marichat trope changed my life and how i viewed these two. also all of the wonderful fanfics! every one say thank you fanfic authors!
anyway some of my real life friend asked me about what i did at home, i told them i usually draw and they asked me what kind of stuff that i draw and if they can see them. lol im sorry friends you cant, im not going to out myself as a sappy hopeless romantic okay. if you knew me in real life, i was that type of person who "what the fuck is this. really in front of my face? *pukes*" when i see real life pda. so im worried that if they see im this sappy they might think i wanna be in relationship or something. some of my real life friends dont understand shipping or fandom so they might not understand that everything that i draw does not describe what i want for myself. i told them to find my art account themselves and gave them a hint that my acc name is one of the planets (but they never guess jupiter lol it’s the biggest planet cmon, okay but that’s not why i picked jupiter as my online nickname)
these past week ive been slowly reading this fanfic called the rejects club by Mikauzoran and it's so so so gooodddd and i dont want it to end so i read them super sloooowww. i love reading the author's note about their life too haha. anyway this is one of the bazillion part that i like from the fic
“So, you’re saying that I only get a hug if I almost die?” Chat hums sadly, laying it on a little thick. “You’re going to make me do desperate things, Princess.”
it's marichat adrienette centric and mari has this rivalvy feeling with her alter ego (which is something ive been wantingggggg to read and explore, mari being eclipsed by ladybug even tho it's also her) so because of it i keep sketching marichats lately haha (+ old adrientte sketch that i post on twitter). these are the cleanest sketches i have and they still look super messy haha
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this was a post about my life but as usual i cant not sprinkle some mlb stuff hahaha. anyway im trying to avoid any mlb salt because it affects the way i enjoy the show. it happened to me before for another shipping fandom, i was exposed to too much salt and ended up falling out of love. i still like the ship but i just cant enjoy them as intensely as before since it tires me out and im really afraid it'll happen again 😖
im off to bed~ im living in the UTC+07:00 zone so bonne nuit everyone~
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
I know many of us like Colby at least on here, but lets not put him on a pedestal. Im not trying to attack the anon who said he doesnt try too hard to be emo but my personal opinion is that Colby wasnt always that way either. If you go back and look at photos or videos of him in Kansas and even the first one or two years in L.A, he wore fitted clothing none of this black with chains stuff. His hair was brown and flipped to the side like early Justin Bieber. He didnt paint his nails, dodnt have tattoos, and even the wasy he spoke was different. Somewhere along the way came the black clothe, dark tweets, chains and rings, hair dye, tats,and using slang like "Dawg" or even the way he says "You know what I'm sayin'". Everyone changes, it rare to see someone who doesnt in terms of style and taste. Ones environment and surroundings has a lot to do with that. As a Californian i can tell you that being kooky and weird here is very expected and not judged like it is in other states or towns. A guy walks into a store with neon green and purple hair wearing platform shoes and no one makes a big deal out of it or does a double take.
The only people who do get that response no-a-days are those who wear the American flag and a red hat because...well we all know why.
i can see what you mean. i think, like i said in the other ask i just posted, that maybe colby seems to be more "authentic" bc his style change came gradually, while jake's was a bit more abrupt.
but i would like to add that colby has always liked the darker stuff/emo style. he's talked about going to warped tour and liking all the famous emo bands from way back in the day. he's even tweeted a couple times back in like 2014-15 about maybe getting snake bites (which nothing screams emo to me more lmao), about getting tattoos, reposting punk edits of himself and thinking they looked cool, and how his mom hated that he wore a lot of black. i think to some extent he didn't go into his full style that he has now bc first off, he was young and maybe just didn't know how to conceptualize it. also, idk what it's like to grow up in kansas, but i don't think it screams 'accepting of alternative styles'. and moving out to la, he probably saw a lot of the alt styles and thought 'hey, i like that' and decided to change into it. and that's not being fake or pretending, so much that it is more like him slowly finding himself by being around ppl he wanted to look like, not to mention being more comfortable with himself.
personally i think he's always had a bit of more melancholic vibe to him, and i think that came out more when he got his heart broken. by 2017 is when he was going more into the dark/emo tweets, and that's around the time he was starting to get over his heart break. and he's also kinda eluded to the fact that between the trap house and the apartment, he grew up a lot and part of that comes with getting introspective and writing bad poetry/tweets (trust me i would know haha).
i agree with you, in case i didn't make that clear lol but i do think colby's vibe could be seen as more real bc his came slowly.
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souryogurt64 · 4 years
Is it true that Joey used to invite fans backstage and try and sleep with them? I saw an account you reposted that is claiming to be one of them. That’s odd to me, because he never seemed to interact with fans in any way, much less sexually. But hey, I guess we never really knew him. Remember when he would talk shit about the party and women culture of Rock bands like motley crew?! New they apparently do the same...was anything they said not a lie?
this is the first i heard of it, but i believe @azalaska 100%!!
a separate employee of swmrs told me that joey encouraged her to call him “sir” and it was very uncomfortable because they were the same age and joey made BDSM jokes all the time. several people over the years messaged me about inappropriate behavior from some of their crew and people tweeted about it post shittening too
also, that person isnt just a fan, but also works at a venue, which is how they met joey. joeys behavior was incredibly inappropriate, but theres a distinction i think. im totally sure you didnt mean anything by it and just misread their post!!!!!!! 💖 but i dont like reducing women/non-men who work in the industry to JUST “fans” and feels like it devalues their accomplishments and infantilizes them. i just dont feel like referring to joey being pushy and sexual and trying to cheat on his girlfriend with someone he met through work as “bringing a fan backstage” is the right way to talk about it :-)
also i agree, i think that if joey HAD been interacting inappropriately with *FANS* rather than *people at work*, more would have come out. a lot of people who work in the industry dont want to burn bridges or get involved in stuff like this or anything because it can damage their career. finally, i think i remember the motley crue comment. swmrs are, undoubtedly, massive hypocrites, but i think that was mostly in regards to joeys weird health nut anti-drug anti-party crusade/superiority complex lol
EDIT: i just checked azalaska’s blog and they did say that joey was being inappropriate with fans. however, to my knowledge, aza is the only person who has posted about it
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ellistruggle · 6 years
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i waited 10 weeks to be able to make this post
here they are, my headcanons on how the bedrooms of the Sanders Sides would look like in my opinion. Since I started this project, many things happened. it started out as a silly idea, and then it ended up being one of the biggest personal projects i have ever worked on. i would say these pictures took roughly about, 70 hours. Edit: imma add the links to the original, more detailed posts
Logans Room / Romans Room / Pattons Room / Virgils Room
I was at 400 followers for a year, now i am at 1300.
i got many comments. many reblogs. many reblogs from very popular blogs.
People actually taking the time to look at these, read through my thoughts, and pointing out things they noticed.
sometimes they got reposted. sometimes with credit, mostly without.
i made some tumblr friends with these
i got someone asking if i would be interested in making backgrounds for a project of theirs
i got my first hate comment on one of them :D
i read little drabbles surrounding some of the pictures
and most recent, Thomas saw one of them, and commented =)
i really didnt think so many people would see this and i also didnt think so many people would actually look at these and point out all the details.
so lemme just say, thank you SO SO much for all the support i got for these pictures. they took a really long time to make and an incredibly large amount of my nerves =D. i hope to make something like this again in the future. Maybe redraw them in a year or smth.
if you have ANY questions regarding these, think about headcanons or write stories mentioning these. If you get inspired doing something like this on your own, if you have some thoughts about these, or what some of the things i put in could mean, please, PLEASE let me know. i am incredibly honored if something like this happens and you can be sure, that i will have the biggest smile on my face for a week straight =)
thank you so much
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Body lotion
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Hi guys!
I recently stumbled onto a ksoo smut on ig and the author had given me permission to repost this on tumblr ( i also had edited a few parts in,for the kick ;)
Pairing : Kyungsoo x Reader
Genre : Smut with light humor 
Music : I recommend listening to Love Love Love by exo ,it goes well with the story
Original Author : Huge shoutout to @exolove_fanfic on instagram (Do follow them :D) The story was so good i just had to post it here!
You were waiting for kyungsoo at the park as he promised that you’d go back home together after practice. After half an hour of waiting, he sent you a message saying that there had been a slight change of his schedule and asked for you to go home first instead. You cursed silently at him for not telling you the news earlier and so you reluctantly dragged your weary body back home and immediately went to take a warm shower.
“ugh, ksoo has always been busy these days, i miss him” you said as u slowly closed the tap and reached out your hand to take the towel. “huh, where is it, i am 100% sure that i hung it here”, you thought as your hand slowly dried from the cold air.You became alert now, anticipating something bad is about to happen but nonetheless, you walked out from the shower, naked and opened up a drawer within site to grab a new one.
The sound of the bathroom door opening shocked you and you screamed and covered your body in instinct. You saw kyungsoo standing by the door, his hand holding the towel. ”Calm down,baby it’s just me”, kyungsoo said soothingly. As much as you were happy to see him, the cold air was fucking freezing your tits off. "Give me my towel!”, you said as you tried to covering your body as goosebumps slowly started to form all over your body. He walked towards you and handed it out to you, only to to hide it again behind his back as you reached for the towel (that teasing mf adndhbf). “Kyungsoo! stop playing i’m so cold, give me my towel back!” “What towel? Me? I am your towel baby, come here", kyungsoo mischeviously smirked as he hanged his hands out to you, dropping the towel to motion you to hug him. You didnt move.
You just had a fresh shower and didn’t wanna dirty yourself again by hugging sweaty kyungsoo (lol cleanliness is important guys) “Haishii, you’re such a clean freak” ksoo said as he took a step, engulfing ur wet body with a tight hug.You blushed instantly at the contact with the warmth of his body. Lips instantaneously conecting and eyes wandering your body now.(oh boy) You saw him smirk at the sight of your harderned nipples from the cold. “I think you’re gonna need another shower after this”, kyungsoo slowly whisphered in your ear, as he bit your earlobe lightly sending electricity down your body.
He grabbed the towel from the floor and helped dry yourself before attacking your lips hungrily and throwing the towel aside (in reality, it flew into another dimension tbh. Needy ksoo is such a mess). "Kyungsoo hold on, i need to put lotion on first, you know how sensitive my skin is (you needy bitch lmfao) “Lotion?”, kyungsoo playfully chuckled (bitch thats sexy af) as he broke the kiss and looked into your eyes. He lifted you up onto the bathroom counter, spreading your legs in the process, positioning him between them. 
“hmmmm, which scent do i want my baby to smell like today”, kyungsoo said as his fingers moved forwards and back, to pick from the lines of body lotions you had on the counter”. “I didn’t know i had a hoarder as a girlfriend”, kyungsoo joked because he had a hard time picking between all the scents aligned before him and in response you hit his hand jokingly. “Vanilla cream brûlée ..Strawberry Cheesecake...Coconut frosting. Aha! Peaches & Cream, my favorite.”, he exclaimed as he made his pick. He opened the lid and rubbed a generous amount of it onto his palm while kissing you deeply. “I bet this will taste delicious”, he whispered into your ear as he gently massaged the lotion all the way onto your arm.Your hand felt good in his warm hands, his fingers intertwining with yours, making sure the lotion was spreading evenly throughout.
His hands busy squeezing the lotion bottle, as he kept his mouth busy with yours. His hands now massaging the sweet scent onto your neck, shoulders and down around your arms. His hands rubbing your skin back and forth, the friction between you two is so sensual and alluring that you sneaked you arms around his neck, deepening the kiss,prying his lips open, allowing your tongues to dance together (idk how else to explain this). His hands now dangerously low, groping and massaging your breasts as has he flicked your hardened nipples, softly biting onto your lips only to get soft moan from you in response. Impatiently, you started unbuttoning his shirt as his hands found it’s way down your stomach and around your waist. You guys parted away for air, things sure are starting to get more heated than ever before.
He pulls you close and spreads your legs with his pants positioned teasingly right on your entrance as his busy hands makes it’s way up from the back of your leg to your thighs. You pulled his hair softly, bringing his head closer to your mouth, breathing heavily to show him the aftereffects of his touch. ”Kyungsoo...” you moaned into earlobe lightly as you felt his member growing harder on your center. You are hooked to his touch like a fish caught onto a bait, each touch feeling sinful than the next.
You snap out of your ecstasy when kyungsoo pulled away from the kiss. "I finished my job, you can get your towel now” he said smirking as his teasingly stroked your thighs. ”Shut up and kiss me”, you said as you pulled him in for a deeper kiss as your hands wondered to his zipper, earning a low growl from him in response. You touched his prominent bulge slightly, feeling him harden in your hands. “Now it’s my turn”, you smirked as you lathered the lotion onto your hands and started stroking him, never breaking eye contact as you listen to his breath getting heavier with each lingering touch. 
“That’s enough” he said as he held you wrist and with that he grabbed you and threw you onto your shared bed before climbing on top of you, brushing his member onto your throbbing heat that made you buck your hips towards him uncontrollably. "Patience baby”, kyungsoo teased his mouth latched onto your nipples while putting his length in line with your womanhood. He started to slide up, you moaned momentarily with pleasure and urged him to do you faster. He tasted all of your body, moaning how delicious you tasted from the sweet flavored lotion, screaming each others names before riding out both of your climaxes.
You both looked at each other, clearly love in both and laughed. How much you loved every moment spent with him.
Both of you spent the night kissing and cuddling each other. ”Kyungsoo why did you came home early all of a sudden, i could have waited for you in the park you know?” you begin. “My manager kind of messed up my schedules and it turns out i didn’t have to attend that interview and came straight home for my baby. You don’t like me being home early?” kyungsoo teased. “i don’t like it”,you replied pouting. “Why?”,kyungsoo asked his tone leaning towards a worried manner. “Because...you always make me dirty again after showering!”,you said as u lightly hit him. “ I always clean up my messes y/n. Are you ready for round 2 ”, kyungsoo said as winked and got up to lift you up towards the bathroom.
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jaredletobrasil · 7 years
This brazilian article has some news about Walk On Water :)
Translation from Portuguese to English from our team: 
Four years after 'unforgettable night', Jared Leto returns with Thirty Seconds to Mars to Rock in Rio.
Attraction from “Palco Mundo”, the alternative rock trio launches new single next Tuesday.
RIO - Five minutes before the scheduled time for the interview, at 3:35 pm, an encouraging message: "He is very interested. The interview will yield." The subject of the phrase in question is from the American star Jared Leto, 45, singer, songwriter, director and Oscar-winning actor - best supporting actor in 2014 for his role as a seropositive transgender in Dallas Buyers Club. Endowed with numerous and recognized positive attributes, Leto is also known for being a difficult, slippery interviewer with an unstable mood.
This time though, he really seems to be "super interested". After all, the conversation focuses on his beloved alternative rock band, Thirty Seconds to Mars, who rode alongside his older brother drummer Shannon in 1998 - multi-instrumentalist, Tomo Milicevic, completes the trio. And it involves another subject that is very interesting to the star: Rock in Rio, where they performed in 2013, when he flew over the audience on the zipline, called fans to the stage, made vows of love to the açaí, in a performance so memorable for the noisy fans of the trio.
"My God, that experience was unforgettable and transforming for us. The Rock In Rio’s audience does the show by itself. To this day, I remember the adrenaline rushing through my veins as I saw the sea of ​​people chanting, from beginning to the end, songs like "Kings and Queens", "Closer to the edge", "This is war", "The kill"... And I think I'll remember this until the end of my life - melts the singer and songwriter, who will reunite at Rock in Rio on September 24, in the closing of the seventh edition, in the evening that will have the american group - Red Hot Chili Peppers as main attraction.
Leto is also encouraged by two years of hiatus, filled by a long and intense preparation work to live the Joker in the blockbuster "Suicide Squad" (2016) - which involved bizarre episodes such as the gifts he distributed to castmates (Used condoms, anal balls, porn magazines...) and the tests of annoying laughter with random people on the street - to be able to go back to the 30STM. The band returned to the stage at the end of May and is preparing to release "Walk On Water", their first single in four years, which sounds like yet another of their hymns to great arenas.
- We've been working on new songs for three years, and we've just finished "Walk on Water" this week. The single looks like a gospel song, at the same time it's a protest song. The song has a special energy. I look forward to hearing from our fans. When you compose a song and then release it to the world, it ceases to be yours. It's belongs to the people. I want to see how they connect with "Walk on water" and I'm curious to play it live in Rio.
Leto further explains what is the message of protest about some verses like "times are changing" and "do you believe you can walk on water?" Try to pass:
"The song raises important questions and dialogues with what's going on in the world right now. Who do you want to be? What kind of country do you want to live in? What are your goals? It's a timely song for the moment we're living in, and that's one of the reasons it was the first single from Thirty Seconds to Mars's new album.
In addition, a little is known about the successor of "Love, lust, faith and dreams" (2013). Information like title and release date follows a mystery. It is known, however, that Leto is an autobiographical composer, and his songs usually involve his vision of society. And, well, a lot has changed in the world and the life of the American from Louisiana since the last album was released. Will these changes be reflected in the next compositions?
- Yes. The United States is an important topic now, for example. Because what happens here, the debates that we have internally are a global interest. Reflect everything on the world. So examining, debating, and discussing our situation and how it hits others is something important to do now as an artist - says Leto, who publicly supported Hillary Clinton in the last USA presidential race.
Despite the current focus on the Thirty Seconds To Mars’s return and the production of the new album, Leto, as usual, is full of side projects - some completed and others underway. In October, for example, "Blade Runner 2049" premiered, the long awaited sequel to Ridley Scott's classic, which hits 35 years after the original, now with Denis Villeneuve in charge. Harrison Ford returns to the role of the android hunter - Rick Deckard, share the protagonism with Ryan Gosling. Leto will be Niander Wallace, the villain of the plot. In addition, he will produce and star a biopic star about Andy Warhol (1928-1987), as yet unannounced release date.
After all, how to deal with creative demands as so plural as diverse?
- Well, the main challenge is finding the time for everything. You need to build a great team that will help you achieve those goals and prioritize what needs to be done at a given time. And respect what excites you the most. What do you really want to do? What do you want to talk? Life is short, you know? Your book has many pages to fill, so write the story you want to leave behind and act on it - philosophizes.
Despite admitting that it unfolds to account for all the projects he embraces, Leto shows that he is far from putting his foot on the brake. Quite the opposite: he wants more.
"I was born to a single mother in the southern United States, and you know, we didnt have much money. She was struggling in her studies to become a nurse while taking care of two children. She did her best to make a better life for herself and her children. My brother and I take what we learn from it and apply the same professional ethics to everything we do. So I've learned that hard work pays off and overcomes times of apparent instability. It's the only way to fill in the gaps between you and your dreams and do something true” - concludes the star, before making a few requests: - “Tell everyone that we are homesick and crazy about anxiety for this reunion at Rock in Rio, okay? And buy an açaí for me.”
I’m really sorry for my bad english, I did the best as I can. I hope you enjoy and understand some things... If you see something weird or wrong, please tell me, That way I can learn more about the English language with you <3 
If you repost this in english, please five us credits. 
I beg! Thank you :*
Team Jared Leto Brasil
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mustlovelance · 7 years
alright i’m going to make a proper call-out because this is getting ridiculous. hit that “j” key if you want to skip past this.
bluemcclain does not have my permission to use my audio clip in this post, so please do not reblog it.
first of all, i had blocked her months earlier because i saw the toxic drama and didn’t want to get caught up in it at any point. i do this with a lot of discourse blogs as well. she knew this because when i unblocked her to ask her to take it down, i found that she had also blocked me. basically, she stole my audio while fully aware that i had blocked her and thus didn’t want her interacting with me or my posts. there was a reason why she couldn’t reblog the original audio post, but apparently that wasn’t enough of a hint. 
second of all (which is actually just me being touchy tbh but), she tagged it as: “#i also tried to fix the audio bc it sounded windy and i didnt like it”, which is just rude considering i took it at a convention. but hey, look, i fixed it too! 
third of all, which i didn’t realize until someone else pointed it out, she watermarked the video that used my audio without permission, and when that someone pointed it out, all she had to say was that she forgot to properly link back to my post and she worked hard on the video so she gets to watermark it. 
fourth of all, which is honestly why i’m mad, she’s being a giant hypocrite. on the same day, she made a callout post for people reposting her friend’s photo without permission, and then reblogged another callout post about it. 
So recently a friend of mine had her cosplay pictures edited and reposted without her permission.
this is exactly what she did--edit and repost my content without permission--but worse, because she knew i had her blocked.
so either it’s not okay to “edit and repost without permission” or it is okay to “edit and repost without permission.”
look, my post has 10k notes. i’ve provided four download links so that people can use it as their ringtone and whatever else. i want people to have fun with it. i called it a “present for you guys” because that’s what it is. i was so nervous to ask him but i thought it would make people laugh, so i went for it. i’m aware that it’s blown up and thus people will end up using it without permission. i’d appreciate credit, but i won’t get upset if it’s not there. it’s not as if i delivered the line myself.
but if you know that i blocked you, yet you repost and edit my content without my permission, after making a callout post criticizing exactly that behavior, then i’m going to say something. 
look, i’ve blocked a ton of discourse and drama blogs for a reason. i never wanted to need to make a callout post because i always just block people instead. but if blocking someone isn’t enough to get them off my posts, then i honestly don’t know what is. i just want to appreciate lance and make fun of 80′s lotor in peace.
don’t use my shit if i’ve blocked you. it’s that simple. 
thanks to someone for bringing this to her attention! the post has been deleted and she’ll be messaging people to delete their reblogs. i hope she practices what she preaches going forward and asks people before using their content.
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
1- well I'm the anon who wrote than ask about the brumars and little princess and stuff and guess what, they DID defend her. I read a lots that comments ppl from Brazil wrote about all those alleged Neymar affairs in past weeks, and pretty much everyone in Brazil believed it and shit oh him calling him immature, cheater, naughty.. how he ruined the relationship again, how Bruna is a diva that deserves better.. etc. Now that this gossip with her photographer and their alleged came out,
Anonymous said:2- I thought the fans will dismiss it and say it’s not true, but NO! Now the comment are, “Oh wow, what a handsome man, what an upgrade from Neymar, way to go Bruna, linda, maravilhosa, you deserve anything you want, money can’t buy you everything Neymar, Bruna doesn’t need Neymar” etc… Just look it up on insta! Like even on news she might cheat they support her.. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?! Is Bruna’s management pouring something into drinking water in Brazil to brainwash everyone into
Anonymous said:3- collectivity worshipping her?? I have nothing too much against her personally and those rumours are probably fake, but the reaction of Bra ppl to rumours on Neymar vs rumours on her are ridiculous. This way of thinking really disgusts me.. they are all brain-dead sheep! Why the hell do the hate him so much? he really doesn’t deserve that :(( Brazilian ppl, can you tell us is this how everyone there thinks or is it only silly girls on instagram because that is really sad and unfair..
I mean I’ve seen a few posts on Insta on that matter and I haven’t looked that much at the comments still. But the comments I did saw where indeed or featuring Neymar (negatively) in it or just saying he’s hot (I mean they photos they put with the story I can’t deny he’s hot haha).
We all know how it works how she is Brasils sweetheart and he is Neymar the fuckboy. That’s just the image he has and the rumors and photographs of him with rumored girls leaving a party or at a party don’t help. They went from happy on a vacay in South Africa to breaking up and then him being rumored with girls immediately after. With the image he already has that just 1+1 for them…
I think besides being hugely loved in his country there’s also a big part that doenst like him. Maybe because of his cocky attitude and some remember him from his Santos days, but you could also see that during the Olympics last year. When they lost (or just tied) they kept on finding things to criticize him for. Partying, focused, is he dedicated enough to the NT, is he the rightful captain etc etc… 
As long as they think he isn’t Bruna’s soulmate I’m ok or if they think that other guy is prettier whatever. As long as they don’t doubt him when he plays for the NT, I’m ok. 
@imahighfunctioningdisaster said:Hi :) Do you know why Ney, Dani, Geri and Shak weren’t on the red carpet for Leo&Anto’s wedding ?
Hi! I think Ney & Dani because they were alone and that’s a bit awkward haha. Geri and Shak I have no idea.. Maybe they didnt wanna steal the attention away from Leo & Anto?
Anonymous said:When was the fedora era anyways (last january-2016?)😂
Yeah around that time and before haha. When he even wore one to the BdO’s haha. 
Anonymous said:i think ney is just getting his party on probably because he has a hard month. but also because he has a big season coming up and than from there it’s the world cup! big year for him
Well it’s his vacation so I would say party on Ney! No criticism you can just see by his eyes he had enough to drink + was sleepy xD Indeed big football year coming up for him. 
Anonymous said:you reposted the 🍮 vid of the original owner or just someone who reposted it…?
Yeah, I reposted it. Normally I try to find the source of a vid or picture (sometimes people have a funny caption with it), but with this one I couldn’t find it. Nor did the accounts that posted the video know where it came from…
Edit: nevermind a restaurant where the dessert it from posted it xD  
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byeoltan · 7 years
Hi! Hope im not disturbing you, i just wanted to ask, are you by any chance in the army amino app also known as ARA? Asking because i saw that one post you made about the meaning behind spring day mv, i thought it was wonderful and truly a master piece, it was reposted in said app and not given credits, maybe it was you there, i know many tumblr users that use both tumblr and ARA and post the same, but i didnt see a link to your post or thanks to or anything like that. Pt1
Maybe you dont mind your stuff being used? Anyway i have had art stolen before and i know how discouraging it can be having your material taken without credits, specially if you invest time in them and actually research about the topic you are covering in them. http://aminoapps.com/p/o6g4bj theres the link to the post, ( i dont know if you’ll be able to see if you dont have the app installed)Then again i dont know if this is important to you at all but i thought it let you know, sorry and have a good day~
first of all thanks so much for sending me this bby you have no idea how grateful i am :’) i saw it the first time (someone else also linked me thansk so muchh you guys are darlings) and it wasn’t credited at all
edit: apparently this blog claimed it’s their writing and told ppl they could repost everywhere im gonna cry http://bts-confess.tumblr.com/post/157257208945/meaning-behind-bts-spring-day 
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