#edit: tumblr removed the image when i posted it so it sounded like i was vague posting
symerr · 5 months
when i close my eyes... all i see... is her...
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domaystic · 2 years
Domaystic 2023 is back!
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[Image description: a blue clothes hanger with clips where socks are drying under the sun; among the socks the word domyastic is separated in three parts and hanged as well. On the right side: the list of 31 prompts and 5 alternatives.]
Hello! This is THE post for DOMAYSTIC 2023 :D
Domaystic is the combination of “domestic” and “May” and it's a prompt event run on May based on the domestic trope: anything inside, outside, beside the house or that has that normalcy flavor of everyday life.
If any of these prompts inspire your muse, please, don’t hesitate and join!
Text prompts
01 Housewarming   02 A stash of...   03 List   04 Packed lunch    05 Learning something new   06 Under the same umbrella    07 Stained clothes   08 The things in that drawer    09 Mistaken identity   10 Bath   11 Volunteering   12 Crisis    13 Taking turns   14 Parade   15 Junkmail    16 Sleeping habits   17 Marked date on calendar    18 Discount at favourite store   19 Police at the door    20 In the nearby park   21 Handmade gift   22 S/o on the local news    23 Small couch   24 Secret language   25 Misdialed calls    26 Sounds from above   27 Passage through a fence 28 Recycling   29 Lottery   30 Feeling of doing nothing    31 Midnight snack
A. No, no, don't lift it!   B. There's a ... in the room! C. Stop the car, now!   D. Look, I made it work! E. Oh, I can't wait to do it!
Text prompts in German: click here Text prompts in Spanish: click here Text prompts in Italian: click here Text prompts in French: click here
Lots of text under the cut!
General rules and guidelines
All fandoms or original content are welcome.
Any kind of media is welcome: fanfiction, fanart, fanmixes, puzzles, diy art, quizzes, podfics, edits, fic recs or whatever it is you feel like doing. That’s all good.
No restrictions in ships, size, min/max word count or the language you want to write into.
As last year, feel free to mix the domestic prompt with anything you like: more drama and lots of crying? YES! The thrill of an investigation for the disappearance of your characters’ fave socks? YES!
There's one prompt for each day for a total of 31 prompts + 5 alternatives with an exclamation point at the end (predictable!).
You can share your work on any platform you like. If you share it on tumblr and tag the blog, I’ll reblog it.
Combine more prompts together? That’s fine but I will reblog the entry only once here on tumblr.
Combine these prompts with another event? Fine too.
You don’t have to do all the prompts to join the event. Do the ones you enjoy.
The event is consistently checked upon during the month of May, but in case you want to share your creation at a later date, you can. I just reblog on a lower pace after May is over.
As for the reblogs, last year I gave myself a bit of an headache, so this time I’d like to try it this way: once the day of the corresponding prompt comes, people will post their work and then I’ll reblog it when that day comes for me too. Does it make sense? I hope so. I’ll miss the world clocks but let’s just trust each other.
AO3 collection
The domaystic2023 collection is open from May, 1st: click here - all the info and prompts are also on the profile page of the collection.
In your tumblr post I ask you to:
Mention the blog in your post @domaystic - tracked tag: #domaystic2023
State clearly the fandom name or if it is original content
State clearly if it is sfw or nsfw
State clearly which prompt you used
In case of lengthy posts, use the “read more option”: ctrl-shift-k on rich text; [[*MORE*]] on html (remove asterisks)
Please, TAG PROPERLY. If there are any trigger warnings, I will base my own reblog on your tags so, please, take even a moment longer to carefully tag it. I hope all participants to stay safe in this event.
Here’s an example:
blablabla my story is beautiful, look @domaystic ! 
#domaystic2023 #day1 #[extraA - E if alternative prompt is used] #[fandom name or oc] #[sfw or nsfw] #[trigger warnings that I get from your post] tw
If you have any question feel free to send an ask, inbox is always open. :D
Hi, @thebigbangblogproject​ can you reblog this?
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exsqueezememacaroni · 9 months
Sure, I'm over-tired and over-caffeinated and procrastinating on work, so here are my official thoughts on my image edits/gifs getting reposted on IG, pinterest, etc.:
These thoughts are for me and MY posts ONLY
I post self-made gifs and de-watermarked pics here mainly because i want these things to be seen, but seen outside of my public self. The relative anonymity of a tumblr blog is perfect for me. When 'content' I have worked on migrates to IG without credit to me that is actually preferable to me. To see gifs that I've made get lusted after on IG honestly gives me great satisfaction, a little smirk to myself, and it's not exactly that'd I'd be embarrassed to be outed as the gif-maker, but like....it's not like that's what I want to be known for in the larger world, you know? Like of all the things I create - gifs and mostly illegal photoshop edits fall to the very bottom of the list of things I make for credit.
And not to sound nauseatingly self-righteous but like....are we not just here to enjoy Mike's beauty as a person/muscian? Are we not just here to appreciate the actual creatives behind the content? The video makers, the camera operators (and I think it's a crime that those folks are often not credited), the photographers? Hell, even the concert bootleggers? At this point in my posts I try my hardest to track down the originator of the actual image, etc. Because lord help me, is the hypocrisy of wanting my own credit for images that I am literally removing visual creator credit from not clear enough? I understand that there is labor involved in curating/finding these things in the sea of otherwise grainy and lackluster imagery, but at the end of the day I put in that labor as a service to myself...so that something I love that someone else has ultimately created is out there in the world...and my only regret is that when it gets transferred the metadata/og photocredit is sometimes lost.
For those that DO feel a sense of injustice over their curated/scanned images being reposted cross platform...I really am open to how we might address this? Is there something to do other than feel slighted/angered? I'm not saying that feeling isn't valid, but feeling it alone doesn't keep it from happening and I'd rather you live your life free from it.
Let's have this conversation....I'm not saying I'm right here...I'm saying I've made peace with my own posts...let's get you to make peace with yours in a way that makes sense with you.
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A Robot and a Girl - Part 1
I've been working a lot on polishing things up for this series, including doing a full rewrite of all three chapters of the first story in this series.
So let's start things off with a bang.
You'll also be able to read this over on Fiction Press, Ao3, and Tapas.
Edit: Unfortunately, because Tumblr has somehow become even more broken, posts with certain images can't register in their tags! And Tumblr removed the ability to have line breaks without having to code them in HTML by hand a long time ago. So, unfortunately, the Tumblr version of all of these stories are going to be without those linebreaks! Which sucks! THANKS STAFF!
The stylus shifted about in D'Anna's grip as she trailed along the pages of her notebook. Her knuckles stood out against her dark skin, gold-alloy joints smoothly shifting with every curve and line. She followed along the edges of the coat in her memory. The image lay over the page before her eyes, like a digital ghost.
It had been difficult to get it out of the tower security systems. Tanu had tried to piece it together as best they could. Lines of loose code bled into the image of the man, roughing up the edges of his coat. 
But still, she sketched them in. A little flourish of her own. She kept her focus on the notebook in her hands-
The light panels overhead flickered, and the trams rumbled down the center of the corridor. The door beside her opened and shut as people moved past along the side of the transport lane.
-and the security door across the way.
Every flash and tone of the signal light ran ahead of the next wave of sound as it crashed through the corridors like a current. Passengers rode past on the transport lanes. Cargo runners raced somewhere over their heads. And people gathered at the lane crossings. The rumble of the trams faded down the corridor, the crossing gates opened, and the crowd rushed away. The signal flashed again as another wave gathered-
D'Anna glanced back and forth from her sketch to the crowd. 
-the cargo runners racing by-
There he was. Stepping right into the crowd as the lights changed-
-and the crossing gates opened. D'Anna watched as the man approached the door across the corridor. Circuits silently whirred to life in her eyes, tracking the man as he unlocked the door - scratching down the code as he punched it in - and slipped inside.
It looked like the info she'd gotten from Tanu was right on the mark-
She brushed her thumb over a name she'd written on the same page, Rosi.
She'd made a promise, and she planned to keep it…
She tucked everything away, the gates sliding shut behind her as she crossed to the other side.
-now she just had to stay on him.
D’Anna’s breath turned to fog in the cold air of the hall as she trailed her mark.
The man tugged his coat tighter against the cold, the steam of his breath glowing in the cold lighting of the panels overhead. Dark green spread across his shoulders, a stark contrast to the pale gray that wrapped his arms and waist. It wasn’t too uncommon to see on an engineer’s coat… But she could see a white synth-silk scarf poking out over his collar.
That kind of fabric wasn’t cheap. Hardly something she’d see on an engineer this far down in the city. He was owned, whether he admitted it or not. That scarf was as much a collar as a comfort, paid for by his patron. But who paid him didn’t matter-
Another door slid open with a click, the engineer more focused on pulling his data card from the lock and tucking it away than on the hall. D’Anna followed close behind him as he stepped through.
Too close. Dammit, she was too close!
The door failed to close when it should have, the engineer’s heel grinding to a halt on the concrete floor.
She had to be quick. Think of something…
D’Anna tucked her hands away in her pockets as he turned, quickly speaking up, “I’m sorry, sir. I would have announced myself sooner, but my employer prefers discretion.”
-what mattered was the job.
With a cautious frown, he looked her up and down, nervously adjusting his scarf.
If he knew she was lying, he didn’t show it. He was too twitchy for her liking…
He kept glancing at her wrap-tunic, eyeing the synth-silk with a thoughtful tug of his scarf.
Sometimes it paid to keep a few of her old things.
His voice was low and ragged, “What sort of work, ma’am?”
He waved a hand over a sensor by the door, shop tables lining the wall next to him lighting up all at once. The light was just as cold as the hall, old metal arches casting shadows along the curved ceiling of the narrow shop. A pair of mech tables formed an island in the center of the room, their mechanical arms and cables neatly folded away.
It seemed innocent enough, a mechanics shop like any other. And yet, it felt wrong. It was too clean and put together, almost like a showroom. What was it hiding?
He chuckled as he looked back at her, waving to the selection of parts that sat neatly on his table, “We can work with whatever you might need: Mechanical, Cybernetic, even Mechatronic.”
Every piece had its place like he was proud of his work. He probably was. But it wasn’t good enough. Come on. If he could just show her where he could be keeping them…
“A mech,” she said, earning a pause from the man as he looked at her more carefully. “It’s my employer’s understanding that you’re in supply.”
The engineer frowned in thought as he picked an eye from the table, the gold-alloy iris shining under the light as he turned back to her. She stared at the eye as he rolled it in his hands, thankful for her tinted glasses.
“Well, that depends,” he started, slowly turning his back. He tossed the eye behind him, inquiring over his shoulder, “What model?”
D’Anna caught it on reflex, her joints glinting in the shop lights. She did her best to ignore the gleam in his eye and the self-satisfied smile on his face. He was getting a little too curious…
“An RC-N unit,” she said, keeping her voice gentle as she set the eye back in its place on the table.
“Workhorse,” he mused. “Now why is an expensive android like you coming here? And all for a mech that’s easy to order anywhere?”
“As I said, my employer prefers discretion,” D’Anna said with a frown. “And a workhorse isn’t the only model they’re looking to get, even if you’d have to reset their cores.”
She was pushing him, but if he took the bait…
He hummed thoughtfully, striding over to the far end of the wall as he spoke, “Very well, miss…?”
“AT-S-039,” D’Anna lied, earning a chuckle from the man.
“Tower staff, hmm?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I see why your employer would wanna keep things quiet,” he said, eyeing her over his shoulder as he rummaged for his tools. “Folks up in the towers have reputations to uphold.”
“Yes, they do,” D’Anna said, her eyes scanning around the shop as she approached a tool chest embedded into the opposite wall.
“Well-” the engineer said as he came up behind her, core resetter in hand, thumb waiting on the trigger. “-you’re in luck, ma’am. I came into an RC-N unit recently.”
She heard the tell-tale click and crackle of electricity, spinning around in time to block the prongs of the resetter with her hand. Lightning arced from the three metal prongs, surging up through her arm, and into her shoulder as it threw her back. She slammed into the drawers behind her, shoulder screaming from the impact. She clutched at her arm, limp and numb from the jolt. Her hand was smoking…
“Took the shock to your arm and not your body. You’re pretty quick,” he hummed, giving the resetter another crackling click as he loomed over her. “Now, why are you here?”
She groaned as she tried to flex her fingers, “Looking for someone…”
D’Anna cried out as she slammed her arm into the drawers, shocking some sensation back into the limb.
The engineer just shook his head with a ragged chuckle, “No one else here but us. Not that it matters.”
Sparks arced across the triple prongs as he lunged for her.
One good jolt, and she’d be out like a light. She’d have to be quick.
She jabbed him in the arm - alloyed knuckles slamming into muscle - and sent the tool clattering to the floor. She surged up from her place on the ground. Her burned hand ached as another punch to the button of his chin sent him stumbling back into the mech table, head rattling.
“You…!” he sputtered, leaning against the table as his head spun.
She closed the gap in a single lunge, stepping like a boxer as she hooked an arm under his ribs. With her whole weight, she yanked him up and drove him back down onto the floor. She hauled him up by shirt and scarf, her joints whirring as she held him tight. He grabbed her wrist as he tried to stand, his feet scrambling against the floor. But she wouldn’t budge.
“You’ve got a storage space somewhere, don’t you, sir. Somewhere out of sight,” she kept her voice a soft-spoken threat, knocking his footing with a firm shake that ripped his collar.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the engineer snapped, looking back at the tool chest embedded in the wall.
“It’s behind there, isn’t it, sir?”
She shook a yes from him before she threw him onto the floor again. She grabbed his collar and dragged him back over to the worktable, harshly propping him against its leg.
She yanked off his scarf, the man groaning as she tied his hands to the table, “W-Wait. Wait!”
“Don’t worry sir,” she dismissed him with a shake of her head. “I’m sure you’ll get yourself out in an hour-”
-maybe three, if she was being honest. But now-
D’Anna sighed and rose to her feet, her eyes scanning over the walls and floor as she approached the tool chest.
-she had a door to find.
She frowned at the wall as she looked it over, muttering under her breath, “Now, how do you open…?”
She could see the way the tool chest moved, her eyes picking up the grooves it left behind.
But she couldn’t find the lock…
She closed her eyes as she ran her hands along the sides of the chest, focusing on the contacts in her palms. As her hand trailed halfway down, she felt it, a gentle signal pinging against her palm.
“Data lock,” she hummed, feeling out the interface. She looked back at the man, still struggling against his scarf as she spoke, “Your card’s the key, isn’t it, sir.”
It wasn’t a question.
His data card wasn’t hard to find. No one’s was really…
She paused as she pulled it from his pocket, a softer green than his coat. But it was the emblem etched into the plastic circuits that caught her eye. A white oval with two flattened sides, three diamonds cut out along its center. 
She knew it well.
“Mr. Archer,” she said with a frown, curling her hands into a fist. “Now why is he funding a chop shop?”
“Wouldn’t know,” the engineer coughed, trying to get the wind back in his lungs.
“Yeah, you do,” she said, rolling her eyes as she walked away.
“Who are you?” he asked, staring at her as she looked back.
“I don’t really know myself, sir…”
She could feel the circuits firing as she tapped the card, the tool chest sliding out along the wall.
The room beyond was lined with storage stalls, five of them full. The back of the room was some kind of loading bay, the sounds of the transport lanes just beyond its rolling door. Each mech was held firmly in place with straps, their heads hanging low, without power.
D’Anna clenched her fists as she walked down the line, the lights flickering on overhead.
Just how long had he been running like this?
“Most of these are archer mechs, combat models,” she muttered to herself, frowning in thought.
She stopped at the last stall before the loading dock, running a hand over the scorched metal of the mech’s chest plate. 
They were an RC-N model, exactly who she was looking for… 
The engineer had pulled out their power cell, leaving it on a small table built into the stall. With a grunt, she pulled open their chest plate and slotted it back inside. Its circuits flickered to life as she twisted the cell into place. She could hear their systems warming up as she closed them back up.
“Rosi?” she asked, stepping back as their eyes came online, pulsing as they regarded her.
“You–” their voice box crackled. “You…know my name?”
She gave them a small smile as she undid the straps, “Somebody missed you a lot when you disappeared. Sweet lady asked me to find you.”
As the last strap came off they stepped free of the stall, arms turning and clicking in sturdy shoulder joints.
Rosi tested and flexed their hands after being bound so long, tilting their head inquisitively as they spoke, “You know Cole?”
“I’m gonna get you back to her,” D’Anna said, meeting their eyes as they studied her.
They clenched their hands at their sides, looking around at the other stalls.
“What about them? What will happen to them?” they asked, watching as she studied the other models.
“I’ve got a friend that can take them in-” she ran a hand along the chest of one of the archer mechs, their body brand new. “-I won’t leave them behind.”
“Do you mean that,” Rosi asked, towering over her as they stood at her side.
She took their hand in hers and squeezed until her nerves ached, the servos in her knuckles whining.
“I give you my word, Rosi. They’ll be safe,” she said softly.
Rosi stared at her for a long time, longer than most would be comfortable with.
It was a look that asked too many questions. A look that held thought behind it. It reminded her that even a machine like them, a workhorse, was alive.
“You surprise me,” was all Rosi said.
D’Anna gripped the hem of her coat, thumb trailing along the once white synth-silk, long since dyed red.
She looked back at them with a smile, irises glinting as she spoke, “That’s a good thing, Rosi, thank you…” she rubbed her hands together with a small chuckle, “Now, let’s get the rest of ‘em online, shall we?”
The Gardens were always warm, humidity dripping from the solar shaft’s machinery. Greenery grew along the walls, vibrant in the sunlight that spilled in from above.
The air rushed past D’Anna as the corridors of the city opened up into the Gardens’ wide open spaces, sunlight glinting off her glasses. She shaded her eyes as she let her circuits adjust to the natural light.
“So it’s morning already?” she muttered to herself, knocking her glasses up as she kneaded at her brow.
She would never get used to seeing so much growth outside the Towers. Vines and branches wound their way around metal and concrete, cleaning the air for the rest of the city. But that wasn’t all it did.
She could see people tending gardens mounted on the walls, picking fruits and leaves that thrived in the sunlight. Flowers bloomed in planters along the path she was walking, an absolute riot of color. She could see traders setting out their wares, gardeners gathering their harvest, and engineers readying their equipment.
“Looks like a smuggler drop’s coming,” D’Anna hummed, glancing up at Rosi beside her.
Rosi gave a sage nod, then tilted their head in confusion as they spoke, “Smuggler drop?”
She nodded towards the massive airshaft that dominated the space, climbing towards open sky.
“You’ll see,” she said. “We should hurry, we don’t want to get in the way, trust me.”
They looked back to their fellow mechs, the other four giving Rosi a questioning look. And Rosi just splayed their hands in a small, helpless, gesture.
D’Anna frowned in thought as she looked around, circuits whirring as her eyes scanned around the space. She let out a soft sigh as she found what she was looking for, a yellow diamond marked on the nearby wall. She laid a hand over the marker, the paint still pretty new, and turned till she found the next.
This wasn’t where the path was last time she was here… She’d have to ask about that later.
She waved for Rosi and the others to follow, tucking her hands away as her eyes traced from one diamond to the next. The gardens continued to hum with activity. The tension building to an event she knew all too well. She continued to follow the trail, her eyes scanning about
Her eyes scanned about, racing along the trail until she found a familiar sight. Hidden in the branches and vines was an alcove, a small door marked with that same golden yellow beckoning her. She could hear the rumbling overhead, the electric hum of engines.
Bell tones rang out all around the shaft as several aerial craft started their descent. Their atmo-drivers whipped the wind into a frenzy as they hovered. Men and women barked orders, machines creaked and groaned, landing pads sliding out from where they’d been hidden amongst the green.
A young woman’s voice crackled out all around the Gardens, “Starting the clock, ninety minutes.”
The crews clicked on their watches, small screens flickering to life. And all counted down-
The moment a craft landed, the smuggler crews went to work, opening panels and pulling their contraband from their hiding places.
Others opened their cargo bays as they descended, barkers leaning out to announce their wares.
Mechanics raced out to meet them, trading work for whatever they had to offer.
-counting down the small window till sector security took notice.
D’Anna flashed a small smile as she watched everyone go to work, bringing goods to trade and sell.
Before she came here, she had never seen anything quite like it. She’d hated the chaos back then, but now she could see the beauty in it. The people here were full of life, brimming with ideas. Now, she could hardly imagine any other sight that brought a smile to her face quite like this.
She turned to Rosi and the others, one hand still in her coat pocket while the other tapped against the door.
“That-” she said with a nod to the organized chaos around them. “-is a smuggler drop.”
Himari was probably hard at work already.
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dude-ler · 1 year
If you're my fan, Please Read ALL this Post!! VERY IMPORTANT!!!
Hello, Hello, Hello! Yep I'm still here, I just finished all the ref-lists for my OCs (If you haven't seen them, check them out on this page). But bear with me now, because I have a lot of explaining to do… You may not notice, but I just removed one of the words from my username, why? Here's what happened:
Recently someone from Instragram DMed me to bring my attetion to the meaning of that word and suggest me to reconsider my name. So I googled this word and… not gonna lie… It has a LOT of bad meanings (which is why I want everyone to completely forget that word)… In my defense, I didn't think it had actual meanings and it never sounded bad for me. No one told me this before, which makes me think they also didn't know the meaning.
I tried to fix everything as quick as possible, not to mention all the hassle. I even had to replace my profile images, lock posts/videos in private, delete posts that can't be edited and even trim my videos. Luckily, in Tumblr it's possible to replace images without having to create a new post. But, unfortunately I'm not able to return the speedpaints of my OCs… It's such a pity. But what I am planning to do is create a simple video of showcasing all my OCs, all in one video.
Now I'm here left with just being called The Dude-ler… There are accounts with “Dudeler”, but mine has a “The” and a dash, so it's still different right? I'm still trying to come up with a perfect replacement of that word, but it's very hard. No one needs to help, I'll try to figure it out all by myself, I don't know how or when, but one day I guess. And I WILL verify meaning this time.
If there's anything that just comes out of nowhere, do not worry, everything will surely be fine. I myself can't even predict what's going to happen, but I do know that redemption is waiting for us. Please keep in mind that I'm a normal human being, who just loves to draw and do fun stuff, who never claims themself as a professional, who doesn't know everything, who always lives with everyday troubles. :)
I would like to post a spoiler of a new project, but now is not the time, I just think I need a long break after all this, but I will spoil something later. I'll also say this: I no longer do Color Studio Indonesia paintings, it was just getting boring, I don't even know what has happened to it.
Anyways, that's all the anouncement. I want to say huge thanks to everyone who has supported me and enjoyed my content. See you soon and have a good day! ^^
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coquelicoq · 3 years
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attention! if you or a loved one was diagnosed with virgotricennial tactotelepathy, you may be entitled to anguish and heartbreak
cherry magic x text posts, part 3
[Image description: 10 stills from the Japanese drama "Cherry Magic" with tumblr text posts edited in. Each still has an IrozukuSubs watermark in the top right corner.
Image 1: A still of Adachi sitting on the floor by his desk holding his knees against his chest when he's hiding from Kurosawa in episode 4. The text post is by tumblr user wodneswynn and reads "I will be removing myself from situations"
Image 2: A shot of Kurosawa and Adachi when they are picking up the files Adachi dropped in episode 2. Kurosawa is tilted away from Adachi with his eyes closed as he fantasizes about Adachi's mole. Adachi is staring straight ahead. The text post is by tumblr user xmichaelmyers and has been divided into two portions to fit inside the image; the first portion appears at the top and reads "being horny is so fucking stupid. if you horny you’re immediately a dumbass. that person could literally just be wearing a t shirt and the sight of their collarbone feels like you just snorted a line of coke. god fucking forbid they wear pants rolled over their ankles." The second portion appears at the bottom and reads "you’re foaming at the mouth and crounched on the floor like a fucking animal. you catch the sight of (1) toned muscle? flatlined. dead."
Image 3: A still from one of Kurosawa's fantasies in episode 9. Kurosawa and Adachi are lying in bed wearing bathrobes, and Kurosawa is leaning in to kiss Adachi. The text post is by p13rr0ts and reads "you are not immune to homoeroticism"
Image 4: A still of Adachi standing in the rain under an umbrella while he watches Kurosawa and his sister offscreen in episode 5. The text post is by adamusprime-deactivated20180809 and reads "i see you're paying attention to someone who is not me. why is that."
Image 5: A still from episode 2 of Kurosawa leaning on his table toward Adachi as he offers to make him breakfast every day. The text post is by 1995lahaine and reads "i am always kidding but i am also always serious. do not underestimate me"
Image 6: A still from one of Kurosawa's flashbacks in episode 7 in which he is sitting in the cafeteria gazing at Adachi. The text post is by sleepydebris and reads "VIBE CHECK! *yearns deeply for you from an unfortunate distance*"
Image 7: A still of Adachi and Fujisaki standing next to each other in the elevator in episode 4. The text post, by my-dirty-life-and-times, is on Fujisaki's side of the image and reads "single and unwilling to mingle"
Image 8: A shot of Kurosawa and Adachi in profile and facing each other in episode 4. Kurosawa is smoothing down Adachi's hair after having protected him in a fight. The text post is by tankaramo and reads "google search: how to say ‘I Would Do Anything For You’ but make it sound casual"
Image 9: A shot from episode 11 of Kurosawa and Adachi facing each other over Kurosawa's table, which is laden with food and candles. Kurosawa is standing and looking at Adachi with a smile; Adachi is looking at the candles with a troubled expression. The text post is by gothhabiba and reads "lighting a candle is such a commitment. yes I do want to be in this room for the next two hours at least. yes I’m sure"
Image 10: A close-up of Kurosawa's face in episode 11 when he's asking Adachi if they should break up. He is looking at Adachi with devotion and is attempting a smile. The text post is by tumblr user greenmossloveisreal1998iloveyou and reads "congratulations i love you and its unconditional"
/end ID]
continued in cherry magic characters as
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miniwolfsbane · 3 years
Sweet Tooth S1 thoughts (BIG SPOILERS)
First off, I am disappointed we were shown a PURRING PUPPY BABY in the trailer and had 0 follow up with it? Did he/she escape to Istanbul with it’s parents? Get captured? Live a nomadic life? Live in the forest? I WANT ANSWERS!! :( Also, puppies don’t purr, so I want answers to that too. Unless they were trying to go for a whimper or an animal noise and just went with that instead.
BIG SPOILERS under the cut
Anyway, the only two things, aside from the bits of gore and violence (Reviews are all like “IT’S A FAMILY SHOW!” And I counter back with “I would not let any child under 13 watch this and I have never seen a family show with three seconds of guts being removed and two scenes of implied, live vivisecting on sentient beings without anesthetic.”), the only things I didn’t like about this were using 2 overused cliche’s. One being the hero hanging off a bridge for what seems like 12 years above peril, and the other I can’t remember. It was Jeppard nearly missing the train. The only thing that saved it was the flashback.
The other thing was that, while dark, there’s a bit of predictably and not much depth to the story. I realized last night that the comic source material my have the depth I’m craving out of the story. Just because it has child actors doesn’t mean the story can’t be dug into deeper and have more meaning. I applaud them for what they did and how they handled it, mixing in human-ish vivisecting with neighbors burning down their friends houses and being murderous hypocrites into a story about children, but it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted more.  Edit: Not more violence, obviously, just more to the story. dig into the universe, hard. Like gardening, just shove both metaphorical hands into that story soil and root around in it. Find all the gems that are the interesting parts of this universe and answer our questions. 
Sadly, I see someone on tumblr called it...something. Like, were we even watching the same show?? A multi-racial cast that gives all it’s characters dignity isn’t...that.
Bobby isn’t creepy to most and not shown that much. If you really think Bobby is that creepy, you need to go see original Bobby and get back to me. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=mv4YBZHa&id=071BD6BDAA183CA5965247E7F8F68E873375399B&thid=OIP.mv4YBZHau8dTzxGoK0L0ggHaHD&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fmarvel_dc%2Fimages%2Ff%2Ffc%2FBobby_Sweet_Tooth_001.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20150813115735&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR9afe180591dabbc753cf11a82b42f482%3Frik%3Dmzl1M4eO9vjnRw&pid=ImgRaw&exph=616&expw=647&q=sweet+tooth+comics+bobby&simid=608026455638091252&ck=7A4DBACCF6BFE43E3B1E799F7F88C55A&selectedindex=0&adlt=demote&shtp=GetUrl&shid=3fb5000d-4d63-494a-986d-006fedeb28d5&shtk=Qm9iYnkgKFN3ZWV0IFRvb3RoKSB8IERDIERhdGFiYXNlIHwgRmFuZG9t&shdk=Rm91bmQgb24gQmluZyBmcm9tIGRjLmZhbmRvbS5jb20%3D&shhk=NjRWN4Jv1KDrxu8T30I3UN0IQ71oVtCAEnsLIeSmFl4%3D&form=EX0023&shth=OSH.nyb0RMh%252Bnm%252B%252B%252FIH1cnkhHw
Okay, kid does sorta look like a gremlin mixed with a Furby in the show, like one post said, but I’ve seen worse. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=F9mlBjUo&id=49C0257935E4A941563E579C7E9DCF48B72BEC01&thid=OIF.eyTVbAuEqt0R%2bKFmrIK4gA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fepipoca.com.br%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2021%2f06%2fE3NUK2kVoAE5Ct_.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR17d9a5063528805f1ade0ea77464df86%3frik%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw&exph=675&expw=1482&q=sweet+tooth++Bobby&simid=297111136187&ck=7B24D56C0B84AADD11F8A166AC82B880&selectedIndex=49&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0
Sometimes stuff goes over my head. I had no idea that the babies were being born and not made in a lab. When they showed them in the maternity ward, I genuinely thought they had been experimented on and didn’t come out of the womb like that. Apparently I missed that it was a maternity ward in a hospital. That’s my other problem with this show I forgot to mention: It defies logic and you really have to turn off your brain to accept the hybrid concept. I’m guessing the virus or other means (possibly according to the comics, I tried to avoid big spoilers), mutated them in utero. That still doesn’t satisfy me. Thankfully, Gus was somehow lab created, so that helps. (More information and context would be appreciated. Was it, like, they were experimenting with in-vitro or what?) Edit: This article https://screenrant.com/sweet-tooth-theory-purple-flowers-cure-sick-virus/ explains that putting the virus in a chicken egg produced Gus. Which makes even less sense. Edit: This MAY or MAY NOT be right. Someone on YT pointed out they never said this in the show.
 IRL, Virus + chicken embryo=would never randomly produce a human/deer hybrid baby. It’s so freaking random it sounds like nonsense or the delusions of a madman, not a rational comic book author with a presumably sane mind. Just...I’ve said it before...things have to make sense, even in fiction. 5 step process of anything cannot equal random result. It goes against all science, right? And made up worlds have to have rules, even silly worlds. Like I said, you have to turn your brain off, but this stretches even my disbelief. Hybrids, I get, fine, but that? I’m sorry, what? *headdesk* I don’t know, maybe the comics had something I’m missing since I never read them.
I’m eager to learn the connection to the kids and the virus as we go. And if we don’t get a season 2, I’ll be getting the comics to satisfy my thirst for this show.
Gus is my baby and I don’t understand how a kid could be that cute. Jeppard is the GOAT (lol) Bear could use better line delivery at times, but her acting will improve I’m sure. Nice to see Diana Ramierez acting again, her character is likeable. Wendy is cute, but kinda just there for me. Needs more traits or character development to get on my favorite characters list. Bear also needs more than just backstory and a tough girl persona. She’s not bland, she just needs more spark to her as a character. More personality, if that makes sense. 
Lastly, I wanted a tiny bit more from the make-up department. Wendy and rabbit kids (yes, I took note of this detail and I love bunnies) make-up is on point, but the rest look like kids dressed up in dollar store feathers and fur for a school play. Get more creative if you’re gonna show these hybrids, even if it’s just for a few seconds. You have the budget!! (But I think most of that went to Bobby’s puppetry/CGI and Jeppard’s baby, to be honest.)
I wanted a cat girl or boy, because the lulz for the anime community (Also, because I have 2 cats and stuff), but at least we got bird kids, even if they weren’t cockatiels like mine. I’m ready for Season 2, hurry Netflix!!
I can see why people wouldn’t like this show or wouldn’t recommend watching it, but I see many have embraced it. It’s either you’re thing or it’s not, but you should give it a chance and see. Just don’t shoot it down if you hate it, there’s enough wet blankets out there and we all have different tastes.
Edit: One last thing. I do have a problem with hybrids being half-human. Like, you would think that being half-human, they’d still have all the problems humans have with causing wars and all. I know it’s a dark story with a good outcome, but there’s something too saccharine about hybrids having “The best parts of us.” What exactly are those best parts? Last I checked, humans are selfish and vain at their core. Even the most altruistic, giving person can be greedy about something or want more. It’s like Genie said in the new Aladdin, “You can have all the money and power in the world and it still won’t be enough”.  Wouldn’t bird people and pig people and deer people all want to side with each other instead of living in some grand utopia? Fighting over land and resources? Portraying hybrids as taking over the earth after people are gone from extinction and everything going peachy doesn’t quite work for me. Not that I’d want it to still be dark, but, eh, they’d have to have SOME problems, wouldn’t they?
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themariotheme · 4 years
okay i’ve had enough
not to sound like i have a superiority complex, but as an artist and as someone who has been on the tumblr and the internet in general for a very long time, reposting infuriates me on a personal level, because tumblr has the potential to be the best platform for artists.
the reason tumblr could be the best platform for artist is because content gets reblogged.
when posting content from someone who has not posted it on tumblr. (another example)
when posting content from multiple sources. (do it with links, to the original photographer and the tumblr post you took it from)
(long version, a little bit rant-y, under the cut)
not to sound like i have a superiority complex, but as an artist and as someone who has been on the tumblr and the internet in general for a very long time, reposting infuriates me on a personal level, because tumblr has the potential to be the best platform for artists.
the reason tumblr could be the best platform for artist is because content gets reblogged.
please i am begging you people to take the time to actually credit. not only does it benefit everyone by giving you access to the highest resolution versions of pictures, but it also doesn’t fuck over artists and creators. thanks.
for example, if Frog Insta Page A created a meme and posted it. Frog Insta Page B likes it and wants to repost it! in this scenario, Page A allows reposts (even though that doesn’t even matter cause people repost your shit regardless of if you allow it so whatever). Frog Insta Page B screenshots and reposts Frog Insta Page A’s post and leaves their @ at the TOP of their caption. this is the best possible scenario to occur on instagram. if Frog Page B’s post gets 500 likes, even though the meme is credited to Page A, they don’t benefit from it at all.
BUT if Frog Tumblr A creates a meme and posts it, Frog Tumblr B would reblog their post. therefore, credit is always already attached to the post, and the creator benefits from it.
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(above screenshot taken from my instagram story, take a wild guess as to which one is the artist’s post) (the artist’s tumblr) (this is more a critique on instagram, the issue i have with this is that it doesn’t need to occur on tumblr, yet it does.)
and i know for arctic monkeys/alex turner shit in general, pictures always get sourced either from pinterest (the devil itself, i hate it and love it so much as an artist) or instagram fan accounts (who also get their shit from pinterest but whatever) so obviously the photographer isn’t sourced or credited.
Arctic Monkeys Tumblr B posts 4 pictures of Alex Fat Ass Turner. they took these pictures from Arctic Monkeys Fan Insta Page, who took those from pinterest! THOSE pictures from pinterest were pinned FROM Arctic Monkeys Tumblr A. and the original tumblr post (usually) has the photographer credited or took those pictures themselves! (example) (example)
not ONLY does this A, steal from artists and B, lower the resolution of images because they’re like 8 steps removed from the original source, but it also clogs up instagram, tumblr, and pinterest.
go on pinterest right now and tell me how many times you see the SAME PICTURE of alex turner as MULTIPLE different pins from multiple different people. and HALF of those wont even bother LINKING the source, or they just link to tumblr.com, which just brings you to... tumblr dot com.
(i’m not even going to go into twitter because yeah i hate twitter except for like 6 people there)
when posting content from someone who has not posted it on tumblr. (another example)
when posting content from multiple sources. (do it with links, to the original photographer and the tumblr post you took it from)
please i am begging you people to take the time to actually credit. not only does it benefit everyone by giving you access to the highest resolution versions of pictures, but it also doesn’t fuck over artists and creators. thanks.
[edit: i’m aware no one ever credits on instagram or twitter at all. i am/was on am twt , but i'm very close to the point where if i see one more post from a fanpage on my explore that has "credits: pinterest" in the caption i’m literally going to fucking lose it.]
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milktoaster · 3 years
How I find lost Sims content  through the Wayback Machine
This post is absotively-posilutely massive due to all of the very chunky images, so viewer be warned.  NOTE: I only tested this on Dropbox links, I have not tested if this method works for SimFileShare, Mediafire, etc. I will update if possible.
▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂ I know it might sound quite silly, but I realize that something that is instinctual for me, well it might be difficult to a stranger, someone who’s never done it before. The Sims 4 modding community is very elusive, it’s hard to keep a grip on it. Content creators come and go, dropping like flies. And for whatever their reasons might be, they have a tendency to PURGE ABOSOLUTELY EVERYTHING when they turn tail and run. So we, the consumers, are left to pick up the pieces and put their catalogue back together like a digital puzzle. When Mr. Average comes along, desperately eyeing up a pretty pixelated dress to put his Sim in, only to find that there’s seemingly no trace left of it’s existence save for a single image and a Pinterest post from four years ago, he is left mildly disappointed, and that artwork could potentially be forever lost to the sands of time. That, my good lad, is where I come in.
Let’s say you’re browsing the Google image results for a specific piece of content in mind- for the example I’m using Hayny’s Spiked Headband. You click on it, and you are brought to a Pinterest post.
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Within this Pinterest post, is a link to Hayny’s Tumblr, to where the Custom Content supposedly is, so you click it, and...
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There’s fucking nothing. You have been trolled.  HOWEVER! DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO THAT GOODNIGHT! Click that bastard link, click him where it hurts. And by that I mean, snag the link before Tumblr boots you back to the front page.
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Take this link, and input it into the Wayback Machine.
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For this particular link, anything beyond 2018 appears to be a dud. I suggest picking a date with the largest amount of captures, though most of the time you’ll be lucky to have a single working capture at all. From what I have expierenced, Simblrs tend to have a 50/50 chance of being documented properly, if at all.
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Now that we’re surfing the sands of time, it’s time to get that content we’ve been lusting after. Most people who create Custom Content for the sims will use websites like Dropbox, Mediafire, SimFileShare, and even their Google Drive to store their files.
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Once clicking on the link in the Wayback Machine, you’ll be met with this. Do not fret! Select every character, including the dashes, that comes before the ‘www.’ in the URL, and remove them. Paste the edited link into a fresh tab, and open the gates.
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It should lead you to a page like this ⤵
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And here is the fruit of our labour, modeled by a lovely(?) pre-made Sim. It’s a cute hairband, though it leaves a noticeable gap between the hair and the band, so I would only really use it on large hair that’ll be clipping into it.
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And then there’s... this. I can tolerate a small gap if it’s a normally unnoticeable spot, but the headband is just straight unfinished.
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But, here she is at last! A once lost item has been raised from the dead, and it only took me like two hours to figure out! I’m running off the assumption that this will work for most things, I have been able to recover more than one item this way. If anyone else tests out the method and finds what works/what doesn’t, please message me privately so I can edit my post with the new information. Happy Simming! Stay safe, and for the love of all that is holy, never click an AdF.ly link if you value your computer. ▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂
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Want to see my specs for 2021? For the sake of fly-by readers, I removed the image and added a Read More break...
It's not all that surprising, although the top post of the year was only last week and already has more notes than the other Hetalia updates that were popular through the year.
I posted 1,466 times in 2021
337 posts created (23%)
1129 posts reblogged (77%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.4 posts.
I added 414 tags in 2021
#hetalia - 95 posts
#fanfiction - 74 posts
#the english quixote - 64 posts
#hetalia world stars - 49 posts
#hetalia spoilers - 35 posts
#hws england - 32 posts
#hws canada - 19 posts
#aph canada - 18 posts
#aph belarus - 14 posts
#hws russia - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#and why i stick with the base character profiles and elaborate on their personalities instead
My Top Posts in 2021
The Russia & Latvia episode is out now.
Just like we expected, it's their view of the Industrial Revolution.
Poor Russia suffering the whims of his "let's trash everything the prior administration did" leaders, and not being allowed to research all that oil under his feet.
And of course Latvia gets dragged in, and gets a small much-needed ego boost. Such an industrious, compliant little sweetheart.
15 notes • Posted 2021-05-12 16:34:23 GMT
No, seriously, that newest Hetalia World Stars chapter is going to live rent-free in my head for a while.
Russia announcing a list of "nations who aren't doing good enough at being my friends and such gets sanctions put on them" as a television show.
Lithuania showing sass, going from "what the fuck is this shit" to "yep, knew it, fuck you Russia" as soon as his name is called first with the comment "I liked you better when you were humble".
(Honestly, this is how I imagine him in a post-Soviet era setting, no longer having the patience for Russia's bullshit, so I'm VERY happy to see Hima put that in the manga.)
Latvia, you sweet bean, going hysterical and wondering if this is a sign that Russia's coming to step all over him again.
And Estonia, of course, just laughing his ass off, prepping to set his new wallpaper, and cringing at the theme song at the end.
Overall, a hilarious chapter that definitely adds more character to the Baltic trio.
23 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 02:04:00 GMT
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Lithuania's woes this week are interrupted by Latvia selling his cut-out on eBay and by America bringing his cutout to Miami for a BBQ with Canada and Australia.
Just bros being bros.
Edit: spoiledflor pointed it out, and the translation proved me wrong. That's England here, not Latvia.
28 notes • Posted 2021-09-01 20:33:33 GMT
Oh my god, I figured it out.
So I've been listening for the first time ever to Second Citadel over the last few weeks, along with Juno Steel on The Penumbra Podcast. Sir Angelo seemed so familiar to me, like I've seen another character like him before.... Some type of soldier, a major himbo....
I figured it out today. It was Apollo from the Disney Hercules movie.
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This god, whose only lines are "On, to battle!" and "Three cheers for the mighty Hercules!". Sir Angelo sounds JUST LIKE HIM to me!!!
30 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 00:04:07 GMT
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Um, excuse me? Why are you so glittery?
33 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 13:19:40 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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shitsngiggles666 · 4 years
Now that Cam’s parents and brother has been discussed, we will get to what I find most disturbing, namely the accusations Leopard made of the Camily having parallelisms with a cult. I will start by giving some background on Leopard and how she got the Camily’s attention. Leopard blogged on tumblr where she mostly discussed Queen, particularly drummer Roger Taylor. She quickly got a reputation for not shying away from discussing many topics taboo with Queen fans, namely the fact that all four members had flaws and seem quite different than how they are widely perceived by fans. The biggest taboo with Queen (asides from Paul Prenter, but that’s a whole other mess) is John Deacon. John has made no public appearance since 1997. I honestly have no idea why. There’s a very infamous video out there on YouTube of John Deacon being swarmed by autograph seeking fans. John becomes overwhelmed and starting moaning into his hands. I admit, it was hard for me to watch as John seemed quite vulnerable. Some have suggested he was crying or saying “I’m scared!” but I think he was simply having a meltdown. This footage is over ten years old. If you read the comments, you will see examples of fan reactions, many showing disgust and anger at the video. One that stood out in my mind was “we need to form a Deaky Protection Squad” or “I wish I had some cheese on toast to give him”. This will be relevant later on. In the mean time, ask yourself, does John Deacon need fans to protect him from other fans? Why do people fixate on his favorite snack so much? Maybe it’s because Americans find it random but it’s a common food in England, especially for people who need something quick, cheap and easy to make. I cannot state anything as fact, but there is probably more to John Deacon than how he is perceived by fans of Queen. Because of her willingness to answer any question even if they were about uncomfortable topics, Leopard got many anonymous questions about John, the great Queen taboo. She did receive some backlash even though she was respectful in her answers, being careful to note that she doesn’t know what really happened as she is unable to answer any questions for sure. She eventually did get some asks about Cameron Deacon, one about his perceived lack of hygiene, the other suggesting he only had so many fans because of his famous father. I will have to agree, these asks were mean spirited. Regarding Cam’s hygiene, Leopard simply wrote she didn’t know how to respond as she said she only ever visited Cam’s page once and wasn’t interested. The second ask called Cameron’s content “cringe” and that he only had fans because of his famous father. Leopard replied with “Anon don’t be mean” and that there’s definitely followers who shared his interests but that he blew up in popularity after fans of the Bohemian Rhapsody movie found him. I think this is very fair. It’s undeniable that many fans found him through Queen. I’m sure his subscriber and view count exploded in the late 2018-2019 after the film came out. Do any of these statements made by Leopard suggest hate? She even defended him by pointing out that many children of celebrities use their famous parent’s image to sell merchandise, after Cam was criticized for selling t-shirts with the Deaky name on it. Does any of this sound like spreading hate and her being a bully to you? Does any of this justify death threats? Leopard began receiving death threats from the Camily. One, a “Larry the Dolphin” messaged Leopard that they “will have to break their neck” if they “had something to say“. Leopard claimed the Camily was like a cult, due to their unquestioning devotion to Cameron and their extreme aggression towards her simply because she answered some rude asks. Leopard had told me that Larry learned of her after Cam mentioned her blog on stream. In fact, her blog and her asks were discovered by Cameron himself. Rather than trying to contact Leopard directly, he chose to read them live on stream. Cam was (understandably) offended by the asks regarding him. He also was upset to see some rather uncomfortable discussions of his brother and father. There are two asks critical of Luke Deacon. One was an anon mentioning he followed sex workers on social media. Another addressed a serious accusation of Luke made on a public social media by an ex-girlfriend of Luke. If she was enabling untrue stories about John to be spread, why didn’t he reach out to her, debunking them rather than trying to silence her with bullying from his followers, many of them still children? Leopard’s blog isn’t the only blog to discuss John Deacon’s personal life, and certainly isn’t the first-or last. I get the impression that Cam and Luke have a strong bond as brothers and Cam wanted to protect him. It’s understandable for Cam to feel defensive, but if he felt so bothered couldn’t he have talked to his brother about it? If the accusations are false, both Luke and Cam could politely reach out to Leopard. Since many fans of Queen are young girls, Cameron needs to understand that such behavior, if Luke did treat his girlfriend that way, is unacceptable. Even if Cameron doesn’t have a tumblr account he could of easily created one to pm her, like many of his followers did. I understand Cam is put in a unique situation due to his father. John is both reclusive and famous, of course people are going to talk. But, Cameron has five older siblings. Surely they would understand what he is going through. In fact, since some are old enough to remember when Father was in Queen and even when the press was hounding Freddie Mercury and Queen with AIDS rumors. A blogger replying to some gossipy asks has nothing on Fleet Street! There are a number of adult, mature ways Cam could handled the situation. Instead, he not only allowed his followers to harass Leopard, but actually encouraged them to. Leopard received death threats, rabbit emojis spammed her inbox and there were threats of mass reporting of her blog in an attempt to have it removed. Remember, Leopard made it very clear that her knowledge of John, Luke and Cam is limited and that people should never take her word as fact. What I am saying is the Camily’s behavior is uncalled for. What is worst, Cameron has no remorse choosing instead to see himself as the victim. Any “Camily” members who objected to the cyber bullying or confronted him for his behavior was blocked. In a later post, I will discuss Leopard comparing the Camily to a cult, and why she isn’t wrong at all. I will also discuss the nature of cults, how they work, and how the Camily’s behavior can be considered “cultish”. If Cameron or his followers are reading this and feel offended, please pm me. These are all my words and not Leopard’s. If they feel the need to harass anyone who posts or shares this talk to me first.
Edit: Some of the events aren’t in chronological order, I will fix them as soon as I can
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helloprettybb · 5 years
Hey! I wrote something cause why not. Sorry for going MIA, but I may post something else eventually. Who knows?
Edit: I forgot that “adult content” was banned and tumblr won’t let me appeal it. So I removed the gif and reposted it.
Warnings: Smut 
Word Count: 1.3k
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“Coming!” Spencer hears from the other side of the door. Checking his watch, he realizes he’s about ten minutes early. The two of you planned to see the new exhibit opening at the Smithsonian. After staring at his dress shoes for a couple moments, he sees the door open and expects to see you in your usual sweater and jeans. He’s taken aback when he sees one of the most beautiful sights of his life.
Sinful thoughts immediately attack his mind when he sees you dressed in only a lacy bra and unbuttoned flannel. With further inspection, he notices the red and blue flannel is his and assumes he left it on your bedroom floor. He mentally thanks his past self for forgetting it, since you look better than he ever could. While he’s ripped the bralette off you numerous times, Spencer’s never taken in how stunning you look in it. The lack of pants lets him gaze at your beautiful legs, beginning at your thighs, his favorite place to be. He would’ve kept lingering if it weren’t for your voice, pulling him out of his stunned euphoria.
“Sorry, I’m not ready. I just woke up when I heard you knocking on my door.” You explain frantically. Spencer walks into your apartment and closes the door behind him. 
You notice him staring and apologize, “Sorry, for wearing your shirt. I was only sleeping in my underwear and I got cold. The flannel was the closest thing to me.”
Spencer gulps, trying to contain himself and battling the image of you sleeping in your underwear. “It’s alright.” he struggles to say without letting too much out.
You frown, noticing his timid nature. “Hey, if you don’t want me to wear it, I can take it off.” 
You begin to shed the flannel when he accidentally yelps, “No!” Eyebrow raised, you don’t understand his thoughts about the shirt. He shyly explains, “I like you in it,” His bashful smile makes you melt and you pull his lips into a gentle kiss. 
At first sweet and soft, the kiss turns into much more when he grabs your waist and deepens it. He turns you so that your back is against the door. You don’t even try to fight for dominance as you submit to his desperate mouth. Usually a gentle kisser, Spencer always shocks you on the rare occasion he acts this primal. While you love his soft and gentle nature, you can’t deny the effect his dominant side has on you. Encouraged by your moans, Spencer moves to your neck and gives you a hickey, that will definitely be difficult to cover. 
He starts to kiss down your body, stopping to give a couple marks and love bites. He leaves a trail of kisses between your breasts and you can’t prevent your mind from becoming fuzzy. His hungry kisses are so intoxicating that you almost forget why you were so hectic.
“Spencer,” you gasp, trying to fit a word in before another moan escapes your mouth. “Don’t...we... have to... go... to the mu... museum.” you struggle to say through your pants.
On his knees, Spencer removes his mouth from your body for the first time to say, “Fuck the museum.” He continues to kiss your abdomen and you feel his fingers toy with your panties.
Struggling to maintain your train of thought, you begin, “But, weren’t you, uh, really excited to see it?” He talked about it all week and it became the forefront of your conversations.
“Now, I’m more excited to eat you out,” Spencer states bluntly. It seems he always knows what to say, with now not being an exception. Fully convinced that your plans have changed, you give in and let his fingers and mouth do the talking. 
Purposely trying to drive you crazy, he runs your clit over your panties, which are already soaked through. “Spencer,” you whine impatiently, needing something more. He decides to relieve you of your sexual tension when he swiftly pulls your underwear down and connects his mouth to your clit. The quick movement against your clit followed by his mouth is overwhelming and your pussy clenches at the exposure to the air. When he first ate you out, you thought you’d have to teach him everything, but apparently, he already had enough experience. While he’s gotten better, Spencer Reid has always been a man who knew how to eat pussy. 
Unintentionally pushing his head down, you wrap your fingers in his curls as you moan loudly. Luckily your apartment has thick walls since you don’t know how loud you’ll be in a couple minutes. He glides two fingers in you smoothly and you warn him, “I’m going to cum if you don’t slow down.” Spencer ignores your warning and continues, pumping his fingers faster in you. Overpowered by all the sensations, you clench around his fingers and cum with a loud moan.
“I need you in me,” you struggle to say, still loopy from your orgasm. Spencer gets up and wraps your legs around his waist. His pants are uncomfortable around your bare legs, which gives you one more reason to take them off. He carries you to your bed, which is only a short distance from the door. While he unbuttons his shirt and unzips his pants, you feel for a condom on your nightstand. Completely naked and rock hard, Spencer rolls the condom onto his cock before pushing into you. Groaning at the feel of each other, you both connect your lips again. Unable to wait for you to adjust, he begins to thrust at a medium pace. 
Always one to praise, you moan, “Fuck, you feel so good.” Spencer quickens the pace at the sound of your words. Loving the bruising speed he set, you begin to yell his name followed by numerous expletives. Due to the sensitivity from the first orgasm, his thrusts feel more powerful and make it harder to not cum quickly.
Luckily, Spencer is close too, so you pant, “I’m so close baby. Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” You uncontrollably clench a couple of times around his dick before you cum hard with a final clench. Spencer groans loudly before spilling into the condom. 
He pulls out of you and lays down. You put your head on his chest and joke, “Maybe I should steal your clothes more often.”
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
Submitted Post from Firija
English is not my native language, I apologize in advance for my mistakes. And this is my first time to try and contact someone per tumblr, so I hope this is the right way.
I have been thinking about how to make your Ocs happy (or happier in some cases) and stumbled upon the good old game mechanic of giving gifts.
So, how would your Ocs react if they started getting gifts from this random Smuggler on Odessen base? She doesn’t have an ulterior motive, doesn’t want to hop into anyones bed (she is in a happy relationship with Corso), she just likes people to be happy. And giving gifts. Maybe see them happy. (Does that count as an ulterior motive?) She has no problem admitting that.
How would they like these specific ideas?
Jediahi – claw polish, chip-resistant. (There has to be an equivalent for nail polish for Cathar. And my Smuggler would find it. Or bribe someone from Oggurrubs lab to invent it.)
Kal – She is decent at judging people, but he is more than decent at lying so… she wouldn’t even get close to his real personality. She would have to choose on basis of his gameface. In his character portrait he seems to have a pierced ear, she would try an ear stud, small, not easy to grab, silver (that should go well with his skincolour).
Beryon – he is the most grumpy and unhappy-looking person on base she is reasonably certain will not kill her (in contrast to most Sith), so he will get the most effort. She would probably start with chocolate. Wether he likes chocolate or not – one present will not make him noticable happier, therefore she needs to up the game. Next she would try flowers with interesting smells. Then she somehow gets her hands on some Miraluka art. (Objects can be infused with the force and since every Miraluka is force sensitive, I headcanon that there has to be art that can just be „seen“ in the force.) She aquired a box with a variety of objects and checked with a Miraluka Smuggler, since she is completely forceblind. He confirmed the status as art objects. She presents the box to Beryon with a lot of badly hidden hopeful enthusiasm. Most of the art are the Miraluka-equivalent of landscape pictures – nice, but not spectacular. At least one of them is porn.
Ven'fir, the Commander – She would try to enlist Quinns help: An album of holo-stills of Quinn. She wouldn’t try to go for nudes or something like that (though I guess Ven would like to see them, Quinn would in no way be okay with her taking them) but a combination of snapshots and staged holos. I first had this image of her sneaking around base, trying to take snapshots, but for one, stalking him would be kind of creepy, and second, it would be very dangerous. I mean, she is really good at sneaking, being invisible and being visible but unremerkable, but this base has Ex-ImpInts. (And taking holos disrupts invisibility.)
She would offer Quinn that he can be the one to give it to Ven. (And Quinn gets every copy of every holo, too, of course). Should Quinn completely refuse… then she has to make a new plan (and so do I).
Avior – I am not sure if he even is on Odessen, but if he were… a rubic’s cube not with different colours, but surfaces that feel different to touch. If it isn’t to his liking, it should at least not be offensive enough to make him murder her.
Qel – She wouldn’t know a lot about him and would know better than to sneak after a Sith to get information (and I cannot remeber a lot about him), but judging from your picrew he has long hair. A hair ornament with a hidden lockpick, in a style matching his other jewellery.
Ryali – lemon sherbets and jumping chocolate frogs. Wrong universe? See, a funny thing happend last week in some old ruins…, nevermind, not important.
Thank you for all your stories and your great OCs!
- Firija
Oh, goodness! This is wonderful, thank you so much for submitting this! (I made a funny noise when I read it <3 ) You have excellent taste, I must say. These ideas are absolutely perfect!
(I have edited this post with my response rather than reblogging it, so as to keep you anonymous. Tumblr shows the email address if it’s supplied with a submitted post! :) )
I shall respond in character, for funsies. 😉
Jediahi – claw polish, chip-resistant.
She blinks down at you, a little confused why someone she doesn’t know is handing her something. She’s trying to figure out if she knows you and has forgotten your face.
That doesn’t last long however, before she breaks out in a large grin. She tries to be careful with the gift as she removes the packaging, but her claws snag the paper in her excitement.
When she sees what it is, she’s delighted.
She immediately starts to gush about the gift, talking about how she likes the colours and how they’ll go with her armour. She gathers you up in a hug, lifting your feet off the floor, beaming.
She thanks you again as she sets you down and asks you if you want to go to the cantina and get a drink. She could always use more gal pals, she says, and you’re a sweet one. She asks if you like flamethrowers, and you realise that you’ve gained a friend weather you wanted one or not.
Kal –an ear stud, small, not easy to grab, silver.
Kal looks at you with a smile that’s bordering on fixed. He seems to be too still, his eyes searching for your ulterior motive.
He seems to decide on something and then his smile looks almost natural, and he accepts the gift, carefully unwrapping it from it’s coverings. He pauses when he sees it, and he looks from it to your face and back again.
He grins.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” He says, and you can’t tell if he’s being honest. You think he is though, because you see him carefully put the box away in his pocket as he leaves, his expression strangely open as he does so.
From then on, he smirks at you in the corridors, and you’re not sure if his attention is a good thing or not. At least no one bothers you anymore.
Beryon – Chocolate, scented flowers, and Miraluka art (with some steamy pieces thrown in)
Beryon tells you to fuck off when you try and present him with your gift.
He’s convinced you’re making fun of him, and his cheeks start turning red as you insist that you’re not.
He accepts it with a gruff thanks, and all but flees from you. He opens his gift later, in private, and stares at the chocolate for a long time before he tries some. He likes it and keeps it for special occasions or when he’s feeling particularly off balance. He puts a square in his mouth and mediates, and it helps.
When you present him with the flowers, he doesn’t know what to say. He awkwardly tries to tell you that he’s not interested in you like that and seems relieved when you assure him that that’s not your intention.
He breathes in the scent of the flowers, and he smiles before he remembers that you’re there. He mumbles a thank you, and marches away again. He puts the flowers in his quarters, and they made him smile when he smells them.
When you give him the art, he tries to refuse. He tries to tell you that you shouldn’t be wasting your credits on him and attempts to push the box back into your hands. Your insistence makes him flustered, and he informs you that he will find something to give back to you. It sounds a little bit like a threat, but you’re mostly sure it isn’t one.
He goes through them in his quarters and enjoys them, until he gets to the steamy ones. He blushes bright red and hides them back in the box, before taking them out again ten minutes later.
He puts the art in his room when he can enjoy it when he’s stressed, and the steamy ones go in the box under the bed.
When he next sees you, he shoves a little present in your hands. It’s not wrapped and he’s very awkward about it, but he’s found a little hanging charm for her pilots chair. It’s a crystal that shines when the light hits it, and it can be cracked open to hide something small inside. He mutters something about it being purely practical and doesn’t mention that he went to Kira to help him find something for you.
Ven'fir, the Commander –An album of holo-stills of Quinn (gained with Quinn’s co-operation).
Quinn stares at you when you outline your plan to him. At first, he’s cool towards you, and he sounds defensive when he talks about the Commander, as if he’s suspicious of your motives.
Eventually you seem to thaw him enough to hear you out, and he listens. He blushes pink when you tell him the intricacies of your plan, and he automatically refuses. Before you can say anything else, he seems to think for a second before sighing. Ven’fir is a sentimental person, and he really would like the holos. Quinn seems uncomfortable with the idea of using himself in a gift, feeling it too close to arrogance to assume Ven’fir would want holos of him.
It takes a while to convince him, but you do.
He agrees to help, and soon you have a small collection of holos. He’s fussy about them, often insisting that you retake them if there’s something he doesn’t like, but the result is undeniable.
He stuffily complements your holo taking skills as though you he was doing your performance review, but he seems to be trying to be nice.
He insists that you be the one to present Ven’fir with the gift, abjectly refusing to take any credit at all.
Ven’fir looks amused when you hand him the holo album, but his expression softens as he flicks through it.
He’s delighted, and showers Quinn in vaguely inappropriate compliments that make him go red.
He smiles at you and thanks you sincerely, looking a little misty.
From then on, he greets you with a smile and a wave in the corridors, and he always buys you and whoever you’re with a drink in the cantina when he sees you there.
Avior – a rubic’s cube not with different colours, but surfaces that feel different to touch.
Avior doesn’t visit the base often, but you manage to catch him on one of the occasions that he does. He waves away his security, as if he needs it, and allows you to approach him. He’s a looming presence, and static sparks on your fingers when you hand him the gift. He seems to consider you, and you get the strange feeling of being weighed.
Whatever he senses from you, it seems to satisfy him. He thanks you, deadly serious as ever, but doesn’t open the gift in front of you.
Later, you receive a holomail that’s encrypted to within an inch of it’s life, expressing thanks in the most formal way possible until the end, where he admits that he’s caught himself playing with it in dull meetings. You get the feeling that you’re not really supposed to spread this around.
Qel –A hair ornament with a hidden lockpick, in a style matching his other jewellery.
Qel is suspicious of the gift at first, frowning at you when you try and press the box into his hands.
He signs at you, asking what it is. When you tell him it’s a gift, he asks again. He only relents when you admit what you’ve been doing, and he realises that you’re the one who gave his Master, Avior, his gift. Wary but deciding that if Avior deems you safe enough then you must be alright, he accepts.
When he opens it, you can see how surprised he is.
You previously spotted that he already wears jewellery, hammered bracelets on his wrists that clink as he moved, and his ears are pierced through with silver. Charms and pretty things are on his belt and you can see him smile as he turns your gift over in his hands.
His cheeks turn purple as he blushes, and he signs his thanks to you, hands moving almost too fast to make out.
When you explain the other function, he looks fascinated. His hair, a mess of a long braid, is soon pinned behind his head and he offers you a shy smile when you comment on it. It suits him, and he awkwardly thanks you again, genuinely pleased.
He insists on giving you something back, apparently unable to fathom something coming with no price attached and removes one of the hammered silver bracelets from his wrist. There’s a charm hanging from it that looks handmade, bone and some polished stone you don’t recognise, and he presses it into your hands. When you touch it, you feel a sense of security settle over you and you’re sure it feels cooler than it should.
He smiles when he sees you wearing it.
Ryali – lemon sherbets and jumping chocolate frogs.
Ryali’s perpetual smile widens when you present him with your gift. He accepts with a demure thank you, and his violet eyes are warm even as they sharpen on you.
He opens to gift, exceedingly careful with the wrapping so as not to tear it, and beams at what is inside.
He’s thrilled with the gift, and promptly invites you to share some tea with him to try the sweets.  
He gets you talking, and the two of you share stories and gossip over perfectly brewed tea and lemon sherbets. When the tea finally runs dry, he stands and walks you to the door with the smile still on his face, and you realise that you’ve been talking for hours when you’d only meant to stay for a few minutes.
He winks, and you realise just how a Sith like that keeps the Academy in check.
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travllingbunny · 4 years
Clarke Griffin’s memories and images in her mindspace
 In this post I will list all the drawings from Clarke's mindspace seen in season 6 of The 100 (in episodes 6x06, 6x07 and 6x10) that we have been able to spot - most of which (over 90 of them! Yes, this is gonna be a long post) we've been able to identify, with image comparisons to scenes from the show. 
First, credit where credit is due: this idea first came from @ofnailbatsandaxefives who identified many of the drawings and made a bunch of side to side comparisons last year after 6x07 aired in this post. 
I later tried to identify the rest of the drawings, with the help of a few people here and on Twitter (rewatching the show also helped), but this resulted in an endless number of reblogs. Episode 6x10 Matryoshka also had more drawings that weren't in 6x07 Nevermind, some images were misindentified, and I decided to redo all the images with better resolution screencaps. 
Big thanks to everyone who helped in identifying some of the trickier images (many of them are on Twitter and I don’t know if they have Tumblr profiles), especially (Twitter handles) SheiGarche (who identified several of these and corrected some of my mistakes), Lovestory813, BellarkeMood, taunadora, becki_travels, fabiana_vec, indreamswake, KindZouzou and my Tumblr mutual @jeanie205​ (I’m sorry if I forgot anyone).
See also my earlier post about Sets, props and costumes in 6x07 Nevermind.
As a BONUS in addition to the images on Clarke’s memory wall, I’ll also go over audio flashbacks heard at the end of 6x06, in 6x07 and 6x10 -  as a mix of voices representing Clarke’s jumbled memories. Many of them can be heard and identified in the episodes, but special thanks to (Twitter user) klarksbell for removing the background sounds from the scenes so some of the background voices could be heard clearer. 
(In a follow-up post. I’ll go over Clarke's drawings from her Shallow Valley home in season 5, which we also saw in the mindspace version of her Shallow Valley home in her happy place; and those we saw in season 5, many of which overlap as the set was re-used for 6x07. I’ve also noticed that the art department used many of these drawings for the drawings representing Clarke’s memories on her mindspace wall.)
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Before I start listing the moments from Clarke’s memory wall - her mindspace version of the actual cell in Skybox she used to be locked in on the Ark - let’s compare the two different versions of this wall. The first one was seen in the very last scene of 6x06 Memento Mori - where we first learned Clarke was still alive (yeah, yeah, of course no one really bought it that she was dead ;) but it was still such a Hell yeah moment) and in 6x07 Nevermind.
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But when we saw Clarke in her mindspace again in 6x10 Matryoshka, the walls were different: there were at least 3 new images that weren’t seen in 6x07, and many other images were moved around and placed in different ways. Which does make sense, as Clarke’s mindspace was reacting to her states of mind, so we should probably assume it was always changing, with different memories being more or less prominent at any given time. 
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And finally here are the identified images with side-by-side comparisons. Some were obvious and taken straight from the scenes (I've been told there's a software for that), others are a bit less straightforward (and several of them were also seen as Clarke's drawings in season 5).
I'm going to do them chronologically, not by episode but by when those things happened in Clarke's life. 
Starting with the image of Clarke and Wells as children on the Ark (confirmed by Jason Rothenberg on Twitter). The closest thing in the show is the video of them Jaha watched in 1x12.
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The next one was tricky as it's not a scene from the show either. It was first misidentified as Clarke watching what ALIE showed her in 3x16, nuclear plants melting on Earth, but that scene is shown in another drawing. It shows a young girl watching the Earth from the Ark.  We've decided that this is young Clarke on the Ark. I used the Octavia flashback scene from 1x06 for comparison to show this is a window on the Ark and a view from there (not because it's the same scene - which it can't be,as this wouldn’t be Clarke’s memory). But the girl looks younger and is touching the window as if yearning for Earth.
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Flashbacks in 1x03, a year before the Pilot: Abby and Jake during the happy times; Jake when Clarke overheard him tell Abby that Ark was dying and he'd go public with it; Wells when Clarke told him about it.
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1x01 - there are more images from the Pilot than from any other episode.
The first scene of the show - the image on the floor in the mindspace version of Clarke's cell in Skybox is the same image she drew on the floor of her actual cell.
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This portrait of Abby seems to represent the next scene where Abby told Clarke she was being sent to Earth. When the camera zoomed on it in 6x06, we heard the dialogue from that scene over it ("Clarke, I love you so much!" -  "Mom?")
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When the camera zoomed on this pic of Wells on the dropship in 6x07, we heard Wells' voice saying "Welcome back" as he did in that scene. 
I've been told that the inscription from the Ark we see below is a Chinese proverb that means, more or less, "A friend in need is a friend indeed".
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"We're back bitches!" twice - the second is from Clarke's POV. The first one was one of the drawings Josephine touched and we (and Josephine) heard an audio flashback of it and this, uh, memorable line. 
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Mount Weather - the first time Clarke saw it, after landing. 
 I spot the same image among Clarke's drawings we saw in her Shallow Valley home in season 5, though it was really tiny in the background.
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More scenes from the Pilot:
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It's a pity that the plan to have Eli Goree guest star in 6x07 didn't work out, but at least we had many Wells images and even in the voice memories - I clearly heard Clarke telling him "How can you forgive me?"/"I blamed you because my father's dead and it's my mother's fault."
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1x04 Finn with one of the pencils from the shelter he found, trying to impress Clarke. 
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1x05 Brief time of Clarke being happy and infatuated, right before Raven arrived and her heart got broken for the first time.
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There was a bit of disagreement about this Bellamy image (or images). It shows up as a part of the drawing of him torturing Lincoln in the scene from 1x07 on one of the walls, but it also appears on its own on the ceiling:
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@SheiGarche believes that, since this appears as a part of the Lincoln torture scene, the Bellamy image must be from that episode. However, while the rest of the scene 100% matches the 1x07 scene, Bellamy's image doesn't match - in posture or expression - anything from that episode.   On the other hand, especially when you look at the Bellamy image on its own, as it is on the ceiling, it looks most like a drawing based on the scene from 1x02 - "I heard you have a gun''...
I think that the ceiling drawing represents season 1 Bellamy in general, and was drawn based on the 1x02 scene. OTOH, the art department made the 1x07 image from the 1x07 scene but couldn't get a good Bellamy angle so they edited in that same Bellamy image in. You decide.
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A Raven portrait, which is probably not about any particular scene (some images just represent certain characters), but it most closely matches this love-triangle moment from 1x08. 
The same portrait was seen as one of Clarke's drawings in season 5.
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1x09 - negotiations with Anya and the Grounders on the bridge. Also the first time Clarke has ever seen horses in real life.
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Probably some of the Grounder warriors who got burned in the Ring of Fire, but this scene clearly indicated that Clarke was thinking about closing the door on Finn and Bellamy and that they may have been burned.
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This image gave us so much trouble, until it turned out it was just a random woman from Mount Weather who yelled "CONTAINMENT BREACH!" when Clarke entered the mess hall dragging Maya and saw all the people sitting there.
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Another one of character portraits that are probably not important for any particular scene or moment. But going by Miller's hair and facial hair, it can only be season 2 Miller at the time he and Clarke were both in MW (this is from 2x02).
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Ending of 2x02:
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2x03 - Escape from Mount Weather
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2x04 Anya after Clarke beat the crap out of her and managed to win their fight. "You fought well".
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Now a few more character portraits. This image of Raven with a brace doesn't 100% fit a scene from the show, but it looks a lot like this promo pic of her - except for her red jacket, which she wore in 2x05 when Clarke first saw her with a leg brace.
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Since Jaha has a beard and hair, it can only be from season 2 or 3, which limits it to 2x07 or 3x16, the only times he and Clarke were in the same place. I used 2x07 image of non-chipped Jaha, when he came to Camp him and argued for Arkers leaving, pitting him against Clarke,as this would’ve meant abandoning her friends to their fate in MW.
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Portrait of Indra - also probably not about any particular scene, but it looks like their first meeting in 2x07. It was also among Clarke's drawings in season 5.
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2x08  This image is one of the few that were not seen on the memory wall in 6x07, but appeared in 6x10.  Maybe it's because the ALIE projection said in 6x07 her most painful memories were not on the wall - and the scene of Clarke killing Finn was only seen represented in her dark place by the pole and knife. Maybe she was able to process some of those memories better by 6x10?
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2x09 Raven holding Finn’s dead body
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This profile of Lexa is probably not from any particular scene, but a general image of the warrior leader/ally Lexa from S2. I used the scene of her making a speech in 2x15, but there were scenes in 2x09 (like when she told Clarke that Love is weakness) that looked similar.
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2x10 Well, an attack by giant mutant gorilla would be pretty memorable to anyone.
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2x11 I previously thought this image of people in radiation suits (also seen among Clarke's drawings in S5) was from 4x12/13, but looking more closely, now I think these are Mount Weather Ground unit guards - specifically, are Emerson and the other Mountain Man who tried to assassinate Clarke in 2x11. The outfits, helmets, guns are the closest match.
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2x12 Clarke's guilt over letting the MW missile drop on the people in Tondc was referenced not just in 6x07 when her projection of Octavia called her out on writing her off there, but also in 6x10: 
Josephine: I wasn't always like this. 
Clarke: I know the feeling. I mean, look around you.
*Josephine looks at this big image on the wall*
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2x15 - breaching the Mount Weather door
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I'm about 95% sure that this picture of Lexa is her betrayal in 2x15.
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 "Together" - "Together"
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3x01 The most important character in the show! LOL
...seriously though, this little bunny (? who looks more like a squirrel in the drawing?) that Clarke used as a bait to catch a panther, stands for the 3 months Clarke spent in wilderness.
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The only image of Niylah on the wall. It's the scene when she lied to protect Clarke when Roan and a bounty hunter came looking for her.
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Another character portrait not related to a specific scene, and another one that was seen as one of Clarke's drawings hanging in her Shallow Valley home in S5. Going by the hair and beard, it's seasons 3-4 Kane, so I used the scene of his and Abby's meeting with Clarke in 3x03.
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3x07 - there are 3 images of Lexa from this episode
Lexa smiling during the talk in which she asked Clarke to stay - this is the most prominent of the images of Lexa (one of the images that appear multiple times on the wall + had a flashback). Seems these softer moments are larger in Clarke's mind than warrior/leader Lexa.
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The second most prominent image of Lexa (one of the pictures the camera zoomed in on in 6x06, when we also heard the dialogue among the audio memories - "Can we talk about something else?" - "We don't have to talk at all").
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and Lexa right after she was shot by Titus.
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3x11 What turned out to be the most important of all Clarke's memories, as it contained info on the neural mesh and how Raven was freed from ALIE and that Clarke has to remove from the wall and hide from Josephine.
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3x13  Luna, refusing the Flame
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3x15 When Clarke didn't break and give ALIE the password and it almost cost her her mother's life. This drawing was previously misidentified as Murphy being hanged in S1 - some thought there were two hanging scenes, but there's just one and it's clearly indoors.
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3x16 - there are several scenes from the City of Light. Including the image of the COL itself. You can see even see the tiny figures of Lexa and the people she's fighting.
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What ALIE showed Clarke: the Earth, full of nuclear plants melting, telling her about the upcoming Praimfaya.
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Clarke pulling the kill switch and destroying COL
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One of the first things Clarke saw after returning from the City of Light was Murphy is one of his most heroic moments - pumping Ontari's heart so Clarke could take the Flame.
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 This one seems a bit random: it's a moment when Indra came and hugged Kane while Octavia, Clarke, Bellamy and Abby were already there in the Grounder shrine - but I think it's important as the scene when they all discussed what to do in the situation and Clarke told them all about Praimfaya.
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Roan, after agreeing to an alliance because of Praimfaya, giving a public speech in Polis to say that 'an attack against the 13th clan is an attack on all of us'.
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The drawing of Arkadia is another one that was hanging in Clarke's Shallow Valley home in season 5 - and was also seen in the mindspace version of that home in 6x07. I used a scene from 4x03.
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4x04 There are 3 scenes from this episode, and all of them have to do with Jasper. The first two are two of Jasper's pranks: "floating" Jaha, and the prank Jasper pulled on Clarke. But the mood of the latter got ruined because he had already found the List before Clarke came in. (Josephine touched this drawing briefly in 6x07 and we heard the audio flashback: (Monty: "Clarke, wait..." - Clarke: "Really?" )
And what happened right after, in the same scene, when Jasper started telling everyone present about the List. (Jasper's angry comments can also be heard clearly among the mix of voices at the beginning of 6x07 - more about that later)
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The portrait of Emori is probably from 4x07, when they had their first major interaction. It was also one of Clarke's drawings that could be glimpsed in the background in S5.
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Skip the next one if you don't want to see an image of a person dying a gruesome and painful death in a radiation chamber.
4x08 The unfortunate Grounder thief from the Rock Line clan whose name we never learned, at the moment of his death.
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4x10  Octavia in the Conclave - more of a symbolic representation (with the sigils around her). This was a very prominent drawing in Clarke's sketchbook that we saw a couple of times in season 5. 
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4x11 Another one of the 3 images that weren't seen in 6x07 but were in the second version of the memory wall, in 6x10 - Clarke pointing a gun at Bellamy to stop him from opening the bunker door, before she broke down and cried. The drawing even shows Clarke’s hand with a gun.
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4x12 the rocket in Becca's lab
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4x13  Clarke being left behind in Praimfaya and watching her friends leave while she was aligning the satellite dish so they could get to the Ring and survive. 
This was also another prominent drawing from Clarke's sketchbook we saw in season 5.
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There's another scene from 4x13, but that one happens 6 years later, so I'll come back to it later...
5x01 Post-Praimfaya
Polis was Clarke's destination after she left Becca's lab - trying and failing to open the door of the bunker after the temple had collapsed on it. Then realizing she'll be alone for at least 5 years.
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Then she went to Arkadia, where she only found "ghosts" - the chest with Maya's music player, Jasper's goggles and his letter to Monty (as we saw in the flashback in Clarke's "dark place", where the chest played an important role).
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The bird that kind of tried to eat Clarke (?), showed Clarke where Eden was, and then got thanked, shot and eaten by Clarke.
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Shallow Valley
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This image is both a memory of 6 year old Madi (not the moment they met, but when Clarke was drawing her while she was fishing), of Clarke drawing her and of the drawing she made and gave Madi to make friends with her.
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Madi and Clarke, but some 6 years later.  This image was prominent of at the beginning of 6x07 when we saw a flashback of it when Clarke touched it ("I'm sorry they left without you" - "If I was with them, I never would've met you").
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4x13 - 2199 days after Praimfaya: Gagarin transport ship, the moment when Clarke saw it clearly and realized it wasn't the ship she was hoping for ("Never mind, I see you"), but one to be afraid of.
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5x03 - Makes snse that images of Diyoza, Shaw and McCreary are all from the episode where they captured and tortured Clarke.
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Bellamy reuniting with Clarke. 
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Coming out of the bunker. 
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 5x06  - Madi watching Octavia practice. 
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5x09 - There were quite a few changes between the memory wall in 6x07 and 6x10, and the most obvious one was seen right after Clarke woke up in her mindspace - the big image of Bellamy when Octavia arrested him and right before Clarke left him at her mercy in Polis.
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5x12 - This is one of the rare drawings that doesn’t fully represent a memory correctly as Clarke saw it. But it makes sense to me that Clarke remembers it this way - seeing Madi in pain when she zapped the shock collar to stop her from leaving and going to war. But in fact, the screenshot shows Madi shocked that Clarke put a shock collar on her. Clarke closed her eyes and had her back turned to Madi, because she couldn’t watch it when she actually zapped the shock collar,  and only heard her scream.
This was another drawing Josephine touched and had a flashback of (we  heard Madi screaming and Clarke saying “I won’t let you die in this war”), commenting "Child abuse dressed up as protection!"
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5x13 - Clarke pulling the lever to close the door of the Gagarin ship, after waiting until the last moment for Bellamy to come in, closing the door after Bellamy, Monty, Emori and Murphy were inside and the missiles were already hitting the Earth.
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One last image. It's clearly Madi, and with the horizontal placement of the drawing, I thought it was Clarke putting Madi in cryo. But it turns out the same image - only vertical - was one of her drawings she had in Shallow Valley in season 5... so, I don't know.
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There are other images that we couldn't link to anything specific or weren't sure. Mostly locations, objects and nature images.   1) A forest? 2) Waterfall/rocky shore? 3) Rubble?) 
If anyone identifies any of them or notice other images or anything else, I’ll be editing and reblogging this post.
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BONUS - audio memories
ending scene of 6x06
Lines I can hear:
over the image of Abby: Abby and Clarke in 1x01: "Clarke, I love you so much!" - "Mom?" 
 "I'm scared"? - this line can be heard clearly but I don’t know who it is. It sounds like a child, but I don’t thin Madi or Charlotte ever said it.
Finn in 1x01 when they see the deer: "No animals, eh?"
Madi in 5x11: "I love you, Clarke" (the entire line was “...but we’re on the wrong side of this war”
Clarke to Wells in 1x03, after learning the truth: "How can you forgive me?"
Madi to Clarke in 5x01, during the scene by the fire: "I'm sorry they left without you."
Bellamy trying to convince Clarke not to leave in 2x16 “You don’t have to do this alone”.
Clarke to Madi in 5x12, as she puts a shock collar on her: "I will not let you die in this war!" 
over the image of Lexa in bed with Clarke - Lexa and Clarke in 3x07: "Can we talk about something else?” - We don't have to talk at all." 
over the image of Bellamy: Bellamy to Lincoln in 1x07: "You're gonna give us the antidote or you're gonna wish you had". Other lines whispered in the background:
Bellamy in 2x16: "(If you want forgiveness) I'll give that to you" 
Bellamy during his reunion with Clarke in 5x04: "Clarke, you saved us all."
 "This is how we get to peace" (sounds like Bellamy but Clarke was the one who actually said it in 5x08)
Bellamy in 1x07: "Who we are and who we have to be to survive are two different things."
opening scene of 6x07
Clarke to Wells in 1x03: “I blamed you because my father’s dead and it’s my mother’s fault” (heard while Clarke is looking at the wall with the image of her parents, among others)
 (over the image of Wells) Bellamy: “Who else knows about this?” (in 1x04, when Clarke realized one of the Delinquents had killed Wells)
(also over the image of Wells) Wells: “Welcome back!” (1x01)
 (over the image of Roan & Lexa fighting in 3x04: “It’s always something with you!” – Roan to Clarke in 4x01 
we also hear Lexa’s and Roan’s grunts during their fight
(over the two images of Madi) Madi (5x11): “I love you, Clarke” 
Madi screaming when Clarke zaps the shock collar in 5x12
Two angry lines by Jasper are overlapping as the camera slides from Lexa to Bellamy:  
as we see Lexa in focus: “Truth hurts” - Jasper in 3x11, after ALIE!Raven blamed her for the deaths of Jake, Wells, Finn & Lexa
 as we see Bellamy in focus: “I found your list. I guess we know who really matters to you” (Jasper in 4x04)
Madi in 5x12: “I’m not a child anymore, Clarke. I’m the Commander, and my people are dying”
(ETA) Jasper yelling “We are Apogee!” and Clarke, Octavia, Monty and Finn yelling happily with him, just before he gets speared in the Pilot
Clarke in 3x11: “I let her get to me.”
the flashback to Madi and Clarke by the fire in 5x01 “I’m sorry they left without you” - “If I was with them, I never would have met you” 
more of Jasper’s ranting in 3x11: “I was going to save everyone!” (talking about his plans in 2x16 to kill Cage)
flashback to the Pilot, as we see the drawing on the floor: “Prisoner 319, face the wall!”  Some of the lower volume lines in the background, which can only be identified after the background noise was removed:
Bellamy to Clarke in 3x11, after ALIE!Raven had made her lost it: “I’ll let her beat me up for a while.” 
ALIE-controlled Raven yelling “Let me go!” in 3x11, when she’s trying to find out the location and help ALIE, and everyone grabs her and subdues her
Octavia in 2x16: “I know where my loyalties lie!” 
Bellamy in 5x09, when he brought Madi to see Clarke in her cell: “Clarke, this isn’t goodbye”.
I also hear someone yelling "Octavia!", and mentions of Jasper’s and Jaha’s names.
Josephine and Clarke  in 6x07 
Josephine touching images and we hear flashbacks of scenes from 1x01 (”We’re back, bitches!), 5x12 (Madi screaming when Clarke puts a shock collar and Clarke saying “I won’t let you die in this war”) and 4x04 (”Clarke, wait...” - “Really?” when Clarke got covered in foam as Jasper pranked her). There are many other whispered lines I don't recognize.
In 6x10, however, everything was mixed up -  Clarke's and Josephine's memories were all mashed up, because the boundaries between their minds were disappearing - so it’s pretty much impossible to make out anything. But Clarke’s memories are probably the same mix as in 6x07, because I can still hear Wells saying "Welcome back". 
If anyone notices something I did not, please tell - I will edit this post with any new info!
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feral-anarchy · 5 years
Drama with TDP... Again
Quick Edit:  I am NOT choosing sides. I am still open to any and all information. I am simply giving you a side of a story I believe plays some part in all of this. Do with it what you will.  I am going to continue doing what I have been doing since the beginning until more information presents itself. If Aaron is bad- He will be dead to me and I will advicate for his immediate removal within the prefession as well as protection for these girls. Justice. If the girls are lying- I will continue to support Wonderstorm and keep doing what im doing now without much change. 
If you come to me aggresively, I will not aknowledge you, I will block and move on. Though I will still answer questions and take in any information with an open mind and a calm tone.  Secondary Edit:  I realised some of my times were off and a helpful anon was able to present me with a more accurate timeline. Ive copy and pasted their message to me so that you can have the accurate times.  Please be aware of this before reading the post below. I will not edit my original post as I wish to keep the original content intact to avoid possible confusion.  “The story with the aaravos blog can't have happened last year in april. That would make it april 2018 and the dragon prince wasn't even released before october 2018. All of this happened this year. Dani left in June. Lulu left like a couple of months later. August or september? But anyways it's not true that they left wonderstorm a year ago. It's been merely a few months and Lulu's departure is super recent.“ Final Edit: After searching on Twitter, I have come across this image. Aaron has spoken about this when it originally came out and had this to say of it. (This is a private message to someone who then went on to make it public.) 
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~~~~~~~~~~~ Original Post Below ~~~~~~~~~~~ I really do not want to give any more effort into this but I feel that I must post. Im unsure of how many this will reach but I believe you need to know something before you continue to blindly choose sides. 
Listen, at the end of the day you will choose your ‘side’ though I wish there was no need for sides. 
This drama that is appearing all over twitter is OLD NEWS. Danika and Lulu DO NOT and HAVE NOT worked at Wonderstorm since this all went down a year ago. 
Here is my take on all of this: 
A year ago, I believe it was April? There was a very popular blog called Ask-Aaravos-Anything. This blog was liked and followed by a lot of the fanbase.  Well, out of the blue there were accusations of AAA child luring, having NSFW material littering their blog and not taking into consideration the younger fans. 
Now, anyone who actually interacted with this blog knew all of that to be absolute lies. AAA was always very traight forward, took everything into consideration, repeatedly reminded us to be mindful of how we tag things and never had actual nsfw materials on their blog. 
At the time Danika was managing the tumblr tdp blog. Danika DMed AAA and was vile and aggressive in her messages, enough so that AAA deactivated shortly after.  You can still find some of the screenshots of the actual DMs as well as some DMs of AAA conversing with others about what happened and how they had felt about it and why they were deactivating.  Soon after AAA’s deactivation, we got news that Danika had been scolded for her actions (As the entire fanbase who knew what was going on got up in arms about it) and she suddenly, convenietly had ‘another better job oppertunity’ And shortly after that we began to hear of general workplace harassment and gaslighting and sexual harassment from Danika.
As you know, that brought everyone up in arms once again and there was discourse. Then her friend, Lulu popped up as well with the same talk of harassment and having to deal with a negative work enviroment. Being in this industry for one is absolutely grueling, its not for everyone. It can be as bad as being in the film industry with actual actors.
Eventually things simmered down and life moved on. 
Both Danika and Lulu have had an ENTIRE YEAR to talk about this, to continue pushing the issue, to continue speaking of these issues- they were fine speaking of it last year. Yet they remained quiet for all this time. 
Now, when season 3 is about to drop, when Netflix likes to cancel shows, at this critical moment- they suddenly both pop up again?  Neither of them work there anymore, this shouldnt be an issue for them anymore. Especially when they had ALL THIS TIME to talk of it. Yet they didnt. 
And in regards to Danika stating they already had season 3 ready long, long ago- I have been in this industry briefly and I know people who are still in it, thats not how these things work. I doubt they were done months and months ago and were just sitting around doing nothing. Animation takes time- I wont get into it but its a lot. 
Now listen.. As hard as it might be to swallow, we DO NOT know all the facts, only what we have been told by Danika and Lulu. And with Aaron refusing to make any statements or even acknowleding theres anything going on its hard to gather any real information- and we wont. We will not get anymore information, we will not get any more facts. 
Unless authorities are involved or someone brings in a hidden camera into the studio, we will never know what the actual truth is. If it comes out that the girls are right then I’ll eat a spreader bar. 
But I am going to continue supporting TDP and those who are part of this creation. (I dont care about Aaron, I care about the animators, voice actors, sketch artists, ect) I am going to continue posting content, continue writing fanfic, continue interacting with TDP related blogs. 
Because I find it VERY suspicious this crap pops back up right now when its been so silent for an entire year. 
If you couldn’t tell already, I already am wary of these girls because of what they did to AAA and the community at the time. 
I refuse to be a mindless follower, I will not take sides until there are actual FACTS presented.  I know this all sounds harsh, but I am wary of trusting anything spoken without proof. I have proof- just look it up, the old screenshots are still floating around.  Im a assault survivor too- I am in full support if this all comes out to be true- and Ill eat that spreader bar. 
I just thought I would put in my two cents and let you all know what originally went on, and why i am suspicious of this all flaring up again after being silent for so long.  I will not be speaking of this again, nor will I be posting another big post such as this. However I will answer any questions you may have on this topic.  Im not bashing on the girls, I am simply wary of believeing anything they say after what they did to AAA. 
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sunsetsinhoenn · 6 years
hiii I was wondering how Sal’s S/O would react to seeing his face under his mask for the first time?
thank you for sending something in for sally face *_* im nervous that his might not be that good, but I hope everyone likes it. 
if you are reading this on mobile, I am SO sorry… I usually edit any bunching of words on my phone so it’s easier to read, but the app won’t even let me do that anymore. if anyone knows how to stop tumblr from screwing with my posts… please tell me…. or i’ll… cry
Sal Fisher _ “expressions”
Ever since the two of you had begun dating, you realized that Sal was trying his best to make sure you both had enough time spent alone together. You both loved the rest of your friends, but you also loved each other a lot and the exclusivity of your relationship required time for the both of you to catch up together. Since you and Sal were just high school students barely going into your senior year, this time together usually took its place in the form of homework sessions or dates, but every so often there would come a time when no one else but you and Sal had any free time.
You loved these times.
“I get that your ghost friend is up here and all, but what enticed you to check the fifth floor out in the first place?” You said, slowly walking around and scoping out apartment 504. “It feels like if I accidentally get poked by whatever’s in here, I’ll get… rabies… or something.”
You heard your boyfriend chuckle where he stood by the bathroom patiently, watching you check things out.
“Well, I don’t touch anything I shouldn’t, that’s for sure. Although,” You turned your head quickly towards him, giving him a disbelieving look before he could even finish his sentence. “If I do find something interesting, I’ll take it. Random stuff pops up often up, here.”
You began walking towards him, content with your brief look-around, still eyeing him somewhat incredulously.
“That’s weird. Please tell me you carry around a little bottle of sanitizer in your pocket?”
You saw the bottoms of his eyes raise up behind his prosthetic, giving you the impression that he was smiling, but other than that he seemed rather straight-faced.
“I don’t! Are you ready to meet Megan?”
You shrugged, sighing a little.
“I suppose. You said she’s shy, though. What if she doesn’t want to meet me?” Still facing you, his hand went behind his back to land on the doorknob and turn it open.
“I’m hoping that she’ll sense how sweet you are and come out anyways. You’re cute too, so she won’t feel scared, either.” You blushed and he laughed again, walking backwards into the bathroom. With your mouth twisted into an embarrassed, tiny frown, you felt the tips of your ears turn red as well. Your boyfriend was sweet, but he really liked to lay the compliments on thick.
Following him inside, he closed the door behind the two of you and started speaking out. With the dim light of the bathroom and the fact that Sal was trying to summon a ghost, which you were pretty sure didn’t exist, you felt your nerves working up. It was just… so creepy and dirty in the bathroom and the only thing that kept your mind from running rampant was the sight of Sal right in front of you. If it weren’t for the calming image of his familiar prosthetic and blue hair, you would have bounced out already.
“Megan… are you sure you don’t want to come out? Y/N is really nice, they won’t hurt you or anything.” He turned towards you. “Do you want to say hi, to see if she might come out?”
“Um…” You fiddled with your hands, a little nervous. “H-hey, Megan. I’m Y/N… I won’t bite or anything. I-in fact, I don’t think I can, haha…”
…You were met with nothing but silence. Sal tried calling out once more as a last try to get her to come out, but received no response again. Part of you felt a little hurt for not being okay enough for Megan to come out for, but the other part was relieved, just a bit. Maybe Megan was able to sense that part of you that wasn’t ready to see her… Or maybe she didn’t. You didn’t really know.
You looked at Sal, who had been staring at you.
“She might be tired. Maybe you can meet her some other day.” You nodded, taking his hand and leading him out, rushing him a bit.
“As long as you’re with me. This place is creepy without the ghosts.” You took a few steps out of the bathroom and down the apartment to the exit.
“I don’t really like the idea of you coming up here without me, anyways. There hasn’t been any demons for a while, but this place can be dangero-“
With a shriek, you halted your steps and squished yourself against sal, frightened by the man sitting in the room. He looked like your average homeless man, but with darkness surrounding his eyes. You could tell that he wasn’t okay nor was he normal due to his subtle transparency and his crazed rocking back and forth.
“You need to leave.”
“There will be-“ It sounded as if his voice was echoed and distant, like from another world. You tried to take a step back, but ended up tripping over Sal and you both ended up falling backwards from the imbalance. Frantically, you panicked and got up, ignoring the man that had appeared suddenly in the apartments.
“Sal?! I’m sorry, are you okay?” He grunted a bit and said he was fine, but you could see that his eyes were closed and that he was trying to wipe something off. You noticed that there were dirt particles and other miscellaneous… unsanitary stuff on the ground, so you both got yourself back on your feet quickly and you pushed him out of the apartment as fast as you could.
“Come on, Sal! Let’s get to your apartment to take care of that.” Nodding, he followed you into the elevator and down to the floor below. The trip was quick, but you also noted the fact that his prosthetic had been moved on his face a little bit, revealing more of his left side and less of his right. You could see a scar popping out.
Once inside of his apartment, you guided him to his bathroom and made him sit on the toilet, so you could grab a rag and wet it.
“No, Y/N, I’m fine. You don’t have to help me. Really, I can take care of it.”
“But if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be having issues right now. I’m the clumsy idiot, please let me help you. Close your eyes.” He did as he was told and closed them hesitantly. As you kneeled in front of him, he leaned towards you, so you could clean it better. “I am… having a hard time cleaning this, though. Do you still feel dirt and stuff in your eyes?”
He nodded.
“I- yeah… I think some dirt might’ve gotten underneath too, though I’m not sure how that happened.” You continued dabbing at his eyes,trying to make sure that he wouldn’t get an eye infection because of your dumb actions.
“Well, your prosthetic did get turned a little.”
“It did?”
Sitting in silence for a few moments, he listened to you breathe as you worked. He had been thinking about this moment for a long time, shortly after the two of you had started dating. But no matter what scenario he had imagined in his head, it would always turn out bad. You would see his face, give a look of horror or disgust… and then run away.
No matter how kind he knew you were, no matter how sweet or open-minded you were, he could not foresee a good outcome to him removing his prosthetic, so showing you was something he had always procrastinated on. He knew that in order to be with you in the future, as more than just a high school couple, you would have to see him eventually, but it… scared him. A lot.
With a shaky hand, he gripped your wrist, silently telling you to stop. Slowly, you watched as he began removing the straps on the back of his head, and as your heart began speeding up for the second time that day, you watched with wide eyes as you saw his face for the first time.
His face was littered in scars, both small and big. You could see that the worst area was on the right side of his face, which was practically mauled. There was dirt on his face from the tumble you both took in apartment 504, but what drew your attention was his… expression. Part of his eyebrow was missing on the right side, but you could tell that he looked incredibly worried and scared and… that he was watching with bated breath on what you would do next. He was staring right in your eyes, wondering and waiting.
For some reason, you felt tears well up, and carefully you began cleaning his face again, having a much easier time without the prosthetic.
With a wide smile and a soft laugh, you spoke, a couple tears spilling down.
“Wow… you have dirt everywhere.” You quickly dabbed it away. “And… y’know, I’m really happy because now I finally get to say this with absolute confidence. I mean, I was able to say it before, but now that I’ve seen your face you are legally obligated to believe me when I say it.”
“Huh?” He looked at you, a little skeptical, but still worried. This was not a scenario that he foresaw. What are you saying? After setting the rag aside, you looked straight back into his face, your smile somehow growing wider.
“You are, without a doubt, the cutest boy I’ve ever met.” Your hands went up to cup his face. “I never really thought about it before because… the Sal I had always known was the Sal with the ‘mask’, but I can’t even begin to explain why I’m so happy to see you like this.”
He rolled his eyes, turning away from you.
“You don’t have to sugarcoat this, Y/N. I’m not cute. Don’t lie to me.” You frowned, turning his face back towards you. You would not accept him talking himself down like that.
“Sal, I am not a liar. I’m one hundred percent telling you the truth.” You raised an eyebrow, your demeanor becoming somewhat playful. “You’re my boyfriend and you are just. That. Handsome. I feel like giving you… a thousand kisses right now. Maybe even… a million.”
You laughed mischievously when you saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. You were glad he was pale, because it was easy to see. It was difficult to notice on the side that was heavily scarred, but you could from looking at the left side.
“Are you blushing, Sal? Is what I’m saying embarrassing?” You reached up and gave him a loud kiss on the forehead. “I’m sorry! I can’t help it!”
You heard him laugh and you glanced at him to see him smile at you. You could practically feel the arrow pierce your heart. You laughed as well, deliriously happy.
“I never really realized how much I wanted to see you smile. Thank you for showing me, Sal.” He gave you a deep kiss, tears falling down his cheeks.
“No, thank you.”
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