#edmure tully imagine
axelsagewrites · 1 year
Hi. Can I request Edmure x female Snow (Jon’s sister) where Edmure, reader, Jon etc learn her heritage and after dany’s mad queen thing is reader selected to be queen and Edmure her consort. Maybe smut too, either way more Edmure.
Edmure Tully*My Queen, My Love
Pairing: snow!f!reader x husband!edmure
A/N: I did change your request slightly since I just couldn’t think of how to write danny as the mad queen or how to get the plot going so now its edmures reaction to her heritage and danny naming her as her heir and them celebrating with some soft smut at the end so I hope you still like it!
Word count: 2705
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Warnings: talks of death/red wedding, praise, ‘my queen’ honorific, f!receiving oral, fingering, slight teasing, thighs, soft smut 18+
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When Jon left for the wall, you thought you’d never see him again. When your sisters got taken as hostages in the red keep you thought they were as good as dead. When Winterfell was taken you thought your youngest brothers were gone for good. Everyone around you began to drop like flies and if not for Edmure you would have thrown yourself from Riverrun’s walls when you got the news of Robbs brutal murder and at a wedding no less.
Your stomach churned at the memory, and you wondered what your own fate would have been if Robb had not sent you and Edmure back to Riverrun to defend it from Lannister attacks. Sometimes you wondered if he knew, if somehow Robb felt the unease in the air of the twins. When you hugged Robb goodbye for the last time you clung on, but you did not know why you did or why your direwolf star was so reluctant to leave Greywind’s side. She, like ghost, was a pale white but unlike his red eyes hers were the palest of purples, so pale you wondered if they were clear in certain lights.
You were only halfway to Riverrun when you heard the news. You tried to back, hell bent of trying to avenge Robb with a sword, a wolf, and only three men but Edmure had to hold you back. He screamed at you in the forest ‘do you want to die? What of your sisters who will they have to save them when your dead at Walder Frey’s feet? Dying won’t bring him back.'
'My father is dead. My brothers are dead. The girls are as good as dead and only the gods know where Jon is, you screamed it back, face wet with tears and your voice tearing the air. I have no one.'
'You have me and you have star and the gods be good your sisters in time, but you won’t have anything if you run without thinking.'
His words swam about your heads for the weeks you spent traveling with Edmure and the two others Robb had sent with you. Your gold ran out quickly and there were no friends for you to find. That was until you came across the man with half his face scorched off. You’d found him in a heap at the bottom of a mountain and were shocked when you noticed his shallow breaths.
You didn’t know why you felt the need to stop your travels for a week to nurse him back to health, but you did and when he was not insulting you or trying to start fights his roughness started to slip. 'Did you see a girl dressed as a boy? Brown hair, face like a pinched arse, a tiny needle of a sword. Goes by Arry.' Arya. Your sister was alive. You had hope again.
Eventually the gods turned your fate. You may have lost the two guards Robb had sent with you in skirmishes, but you were left with Sandor and Edmure and eventually the brotherhood found you. With them came travels and with travels came Jon. Finally you had Jon back. Then Sansa too and with the hope Arya was out there you dared continue.
Meanwhile you had Edmure beside you the entire time. He backed all your decisions publicly and debated you in private but never to berate. He helped you heal the wounds you couldn’t reach and didn’t eat till he made sure you had your share. He was the rock securing your tie to reality.
You remember his reaction to meeting Daenerys Targaryen, first of her name. Its not her dragons we should fear. A woman who brings the Dothraki across the sea on the hope of a promise not given to her holds power. Her words hold power.
While Sansa was sceptical of her you felt yourself drawn to her. As time went on you began to view her as more of a friend than a foreign queen. You found yourself added to her small council. Despite Tyrion being her hand, it was you she turned to in her dilemma.
Then one day Jon barged into one of your chambers, insisting it could not wait a day longer. He forced Edmure to leave the chambers despite you insisting that the man who had become your husband could hear anything he had to say. 'Ned Stark was not our father sweet sister, but he was not a stranger either.' You felt the colour drain from your face as he spoke. 'Bran, he saw it, Lyanna Stark on her birthing bed. Twins in her arms. We had a mother sweet sister and a father too. Rhaegar Targaryen.'
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After he broke the news, you demanded he leave, not wanting him to speak another word till you could bare to tell Daenerys yourself. Then Edmure returned. As you told him everything Jon had revealed you felt your world spinning as Edmure sat silently taking it all in.
The feel of Edmures hands grabbing yours slowed your rant, your breathing steadying. “Breathe my love. It is going to be okay,”
“But what if its not?” You asked, a break in your voice.
You looked to the man that had kept you afloat during this war with wide eyes brimmed with tears. His hand gently moved to hold your face, “You are still you, my love. This does not need to change your world unless you choose it too. Your brother will back you; he always has. I am here for you love. We are safe, we will survive this,”
“What if she thinks us a threat?” You said, voice barely above a whisper, “Rober Baratheon would’ve murdered them in their cribs if he had got there in time to swing his hammer. What will she do to me?”
“She has shown you no signs of tyranny, no signs of madness. If you lie to her, scheme against her, she will know but even if ned Stark was not your father you still have his honour,” Edmure said, leaning to kiss your forward softly, “and you have me. I may not breath fire, but I would fight any dragon for you,”
You watched as Daenerys face turned as Jon told her the truth with you by his side. “If it were true, you would be the last living male Targaryen. Are you here to threaten my claim?” She asked, her face twisting into betrayal.
“No,” you said, finally speaking up in the silence, “Jon has no interest in the iron throne, do you brother?” You said, scared when he paused for a moment before agreeing with you.
Daenerys turned away, pacing to the fire in silence, “Leave us,” she said, her head raising to face Jon, “and do not speak a word of this to anyone. Swear it,”
“I swear it your grace,” Jon said, nodding his head solemnly before leaving.
As the door shut Daenerys finally turned to look at you, “I assume Edmure knows,” she said dryly, “Who else?”
“No one your grace,” you said, crossing the room to try come to her side but she backed away, “No one needs know if you don’t want them too. But you cannot deny you need a family,”
“I have my dragons,” she said, almost spitting the words before looking into the flames, “A woman told me once they would be my only children,” she said with a softer tone.
"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," you whispered back, having heard her tales of her first marriage many nights.
“When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves,” she said, her eyes not leaving the flickering flames, “I believe I will see my child when I die. The son a witch stole from me. The family I was told to dream about having as a child, gone. What is a queen with no heirs?” She said, finally looking from the flames. “If I was to name Jon my heir people would cross their fingers for the day I died. Your land has never cared much for their queens,”
You paused for a moment, thinking back to the talks you had with Edmure the night before. “There is another way your grace,” you said, moving over to sit in the armchair by the fire, Daenerys moving to the other, “The northerns have never liked to bend their knee to the south but what if you didn’t make them? Allow Jon to be king of the north, recognise Robbs kingship and his will naming Jon as his heir. No southern lord is going to fight for a bastard to sit the iron throne,”
Daenerys sat back in her chair, thinking over your words carefully, “And what of you? You would stay in the north to take the throne after him?”
You shook your head lightly, “No your grace. He may be my brother, but you are my queen. I will follow you south, fight your battles and die for you, if need be, serve however required,”
Daenerys paused, chuckling slightly under her breath, “Even as my heir?” She said, her eyes hard to read.
“Unless you have children,” you said but Daenerys just laughed and stood again.
“No. My dragons are my children. One of them is already dead. My womb has been cursed and the child bed is more dangerous than any battle ahead. Now I will not have children. But I will have an heir. An heir who will act as a delegate to the newly independent north. You,” she said, finally turning back to see you, “You shall be my heir and you shall rule when I am gone. Not your husband, not Jon. You,”
The feast announcing Daenerys decision was one of the last moments of joy for many before the long night. You sat at the head table, Daenerys on one side and Edmure on the other. He held your hand under the table, his thumb stroking over your hand. Jon sat on the other side of Daenerys; a shoddy silver crown placed on his head unlike the one Daenerys wore made of gold.
After the festivities you walked back to your chamber, slightly lightheaded from the wine but with Edmures arm wrapped around yours to steady yourself. “One day you will be a queen,” he hummed, smiling down at you, “The title suits me,”
“Hopefully not for a long time,” you said, kissing his cheek as you stumbled to your chambers, “Excited about your future promotion?” You joked with a drunken grin.
He shook his head with a chuckle, “the title is yours not mine. I will not rule for you love for you will be my queen. Though I hope you will at least allow me on your council when the time comes,” he said as you turned into the corridor your chamber lay in.
“Of course,” you said, hugging his arm tighter, “You have always been my hand. Without you I am nothing,”
“No, my love,” he said as he unlatched the chamber door, “You are everything and more,” he said, kissing your lips softly in the chamber doorway. “Give me a moment to light the fire,”
As Edmure stoked the flames you began to slip out of your northern clothes, leaving them in a pile at the side of the bed and leaving only your shift on for coverage. You sat on the foot of the bed, watching as Edmure finally had the fire burning bright before he took his own outdoor clothing off.
“You look divine my love,” he said as he sat his neatly folded tunic on the armchair by the fire.  You held your hand out to him across the room, silently beckoning him over. Edmure did as you asked wordlessly, gently taking your hand and moving to stand between your legs. He bent down, pressing a slow soft kiss to your lips. Your hands rested on his shoulders, his cupping your jaw lightly before he stood up straight again, “It is time for rest my love,” he said, moving back to kick off his boots.
You shook your softly at him, a smile toying your lips, “We are celebrating tonight remember?” You said, standing so you could wrap your arms around his waist to pull him closer. His body, left with only his trousers, pressed flush against yours leaving no gaps between your skin. “Wont you celebrate with me, husband?” You asked, a teasing smile on your lips.
“I suppose some celebrating could be in order,” Edmure said with a light chuckle. He lifted your chin with his fingers, his head dipping to reconnect your lips. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders in an attempt to pull him closer somehow. You were breathless as Edmure walked you back till the backs of your thighs hit the bed frame. “Lay down my queen,” he said, panting as he pulled away from your lips.
“I am not queen yet,” you said, the wine making the idea more funny than terrifying. None the less you moved to lay on the bed, letting your shift bunch up to reveal more of your thighs.
Edmures eyes scanned your thighs, soaking in your frame. You couldn’t help but notice the outline in his trousers by this point but you did not protest as he began to crawl up the bed to you, kissing your calf then knee and up to your thighs, “Let me serve you my queen,” he said as he placed a kiss to your inner thigh, “You have always been my queen,”
Your breathing was ragged as you felt him kiss up your inner thighs, his breath fanning over your skin making it tingle. Your fingers ran over his hair, toying with it softly, “Serve me husband,” you said, aching for his mouth which was less than an inch from where you wanted it to be, “Serve your queen,” you inhaled sharply when you felt him place a soft kiss to your wet cunt, his lips moving up to place another wet kiss to your clit. Your fingers tugged his hair gently as he began to lick soft stripes up your cunt, his pressure increasing with each lick to tease the feeling. While you were usually the one doing the teasing Edmure wanted to make sure this was truly a celebration for you tonight as his tongue worked its wonders while his hands softly squeezed your thighs.
His mouth moved up, his focus turning to gently sucking your clit as curse words slipped from under your breath. His hand slipped from your thigh, slowly grazing over your skin till his fingers began to tease your hole. You moaned lightly when you felt his fingers slowly slipping in as he had practised many times with you over the years. You could feel your thighs tighten around his head and how he moaned sending vibrations through your wet cunt.
You could feel your body tightening, a knot forming in your stomach as Edmure began to hit your sweet spot, his fingers curling gently to hit closer with each move. “Yes,” you gasped, your fingers suddenly tightening in his hair, “Like that,” you said, your voice caught as your body tightened.
Edmure did exactly as he was told as he felt your thighs begin to twitch. Your body felt close to bursting till your orgasm spilled over you, your legs clamping around his head as your body tensed up, toes curling. Edmure did not attempt to remove his tongue or mouth as he let you ride out your wave, only moving when he felt your legs begin to release his head.
He came up for air, his face slick and an adoring smile on his face, “You truly are amazing,” he murmured, kissing your thigh before moving up to lay beside you.
You turned, trying to reach for his trousers to return the favour but Edmure caught your wrist, raising your hand up to his lips to kiss, “Not yet love. Catch your breath my queen,”
You laughed lightly at his words, “Are you always going to call me that?” You asked.
“Yes, for it will always be true,”
Taglist @clairacassidy @nyotamalfoy @valeskafics
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justanoasisimagines · 28 days
To my love,
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Hey my lovelies, back with another love letter. My requests are open and my request guidlines are pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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I'm sorry this unexpected business has taken me from you. If they had been another way I wouldn't have left you or the children. I would have preferred it or at least allowed to have you with me. You've always been able to see the light in any situation. Something I could very much deal with right now. I understand Catelyn required my assistance. However, I wish it would hurry up. I'd much rather attend to matters at home. Although it has been good to spend time with my nieces and nephews. They change every time I see them. Sansa has made you something. She has such a natural talent. I hope you are well my love. Are the children behaving themselves? Are their lessons going well? I bet the babe has changed so much since I last saw her. It is one of the reasons I hate being away, children change so much. I cannot wait to see you all. I miss you dearly, All my love and thoughts, Edmure
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cashmere-caveman · 17 days
maybe thats just a side effect of spending a significant part of my teenage years in the dc fandom but whenever i see a story about a family w several kids i automatically assume that at least one mind somewhere had the idea of an au where the age of all the siblings is swapped and the youngest are the oldest and vice versa and when i got into asoiaf i was like oh this is Such a ripe playing ground for this kind of exploration of family dynamics via au bc there are SO many incredible opportunities and then i checked ao3 and Boom. nothing
but like. hear me out. here are so many great concepts here let me pitch this to u except under the cut bc it got long
starklings age reversal is basically a carte blanche bc like who tf knows what rickon would be like? can we really extrapolate any kind of characterisation from the semi abandoned feral cannibal toddler canon gives us? not really. But! this has an absolutely incredible butterfly effect if we assume jon is also counted as a starkling here and the baby of the bunch bc this means all the stark kids minus robb and jon are already born by the time of the rebellion which changes the game drastically. if we still want cat/ned to happen, what happened to brandon? did aerys just kill him for funsies? did he marry ashara dayne after getting her pregnant and him and ned did a little fiancee swap? did he join the nights watch did he choke on some porridge like what Happened here??? also assuming the general timeline stays otherwise intact this means that king in the north rickon is older than renly during the war of the five kings which is frankly hilarious. If jon is Not counted in the age reversal and keeps his age does that mean cat heard abt neds "affair" and named her first two kids after neds father and dead older brother respectively to really drive home the guilt? how would jon and rickon get along? how is arya dealing w being an imperfect older sister to precious little darling sansa? are arya and jon even closer here or does arya listen to cat more bc she has Oldest daughter syndrome this time around? how do the betrothals change? etc etc..... good food!!!!
would anything in roberts rebellion have gone differently if the previous generation of starklings got age swapped and calm benjen instead of headstrong brandon was the oldest? would they have made it out with more survivors or would they be driven to ruin regardless?
speaking of roberts rebellion, what if the baratheon bros got reversed and renly was the oldest? would he have made friends with ned and tried to save lyanna even if he wasnt in love with her like robert? or would he have bent the knee and the north would have attempted to rebel alone? would westeros still have a targaryen king if good old bobby b wasnt the eldest brother?
what if joffrey was the younger brother instead of tommen? even if robert still got murdered, ned would probably survive and be allowed to take the black (jon and ned at the wall, anyone???? hello??) and the tyrells would most likely never orchestrate the purple wedding and instead be warring with cersei over who gets to puppet tommen on the throne
my personal favourite: lannister age swap!!! for this to work, joanna lannister has to survive tyrions birth and i am going to be generous and let her survive the twins too simply bc i want her to. unfridge that woman!!! what would the lannister dynamic be like w a surviving mother who birthed an "unfit" heir? how would tywin treat her, how would he treat tyrion? how would SHE treat tyrion? (dead parents doesnt always mean they were good people just bc we cant see them fuck their kids up live on camera!!) do they actually acknowledge tyrion as a son or does tywin pretend it was a stillbirth and this random disabled kid thats coincidentally the same age his son wouldve been that idk. works in the kitchen or sth bc some servant didnt have the heart to murder the kid hid him has no idea he should be the lannister heir? tyrion cinderella arc here we gooooo!!! or maybe tywin would be forced to acknowledge tyrion for lack of other options for the six years or so until the twins birth? (unlikely w his ableist ass mindset but hey. aus exist for a reason. maybe there IS a way to get him to see tyrion for who he is?) also, since hed be even more absurdly too young for a post like that than he already was, what would change if jaime never joined the kingsguard? who would cersei get betrothed to? (cersei x littlefinger would be soo delicious except theres no way tywin would waste his daughter on someone whos barely better than a landed knight in his eyes but once hes master of coin..... maybe theres a chance.... much to think about!)
not getting into the targaryens here bc frankly it is 1am rn and i am losing steam but like. the epic higs of crown princess dany my beloved <333 and the epic lows of the horrors if viserys was oldest son. can u imagine. however same as w the baratheon bros would this be an opportunity for a scenario where due to rhaegar being the baby of the bunch no rebellion happened and the targaryens still rule? or would aerys have blown up kings landing leading to either civil war or something equally atrocious? would there still be a throne of the seven kingdoms or would there be Seven Kingdoms?
also skipping the martells here bc my phone is at 7% battery and if i think abt them for too long i'll cry so i will leave u w this: theon greyjoy firstborn child to balon greyjoy. would that be fucked up or what. baby boy is Not going to survive his daddys rebellion i can tell u that much but asha Is going to make an even finer heir than she already does
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tweedfrog · 2 years
Game of Thrones/House of The Dragon casting directors when they see an actor playing Prince Phillip on The Crown
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mostfandomimagines · 2 years
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Imagine: Being Edmure’s twin and you are having a mental conversation regarding him marry one of Walder Frey’s daughters
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agentrouka-blog · 10 months
The Pack Survives is not just pretty words.
I've been doing a lot of "No actually, you're wrong" posts lately (it feels like) but they just come to me...
"The pack survives" - House Stark is a team effort.
No one survives alone. They are all going to be instrumental in saving each other one way or the other. No one will pull themselves out of the mire of danger or despair by the power of their own strength and will. No one in this series survives alone. None of them have up until now. Everyone needs help, and they are worth helping. There is no One Hero. Only cooperation and compassion.
The wolves also only survived because the Starks chose to save them. Their mother was dead, but they found a pack of pups in the summer snows and chose to let them live by feeding them by hand. It was Jon's love for his brother that made the difference and it enabled them to find and include the missing white mute pup, as well. From death, life. Cooperation and compassion.
No one is ending this series as a figure of lonesome sacrifical leadership. That's the opposite of the pack surviving. Jon is not going into whatever shape of exile or separation from his family there is being imagined. Arya's travels will not imply a severance of her family connection. Sansa is not going to be some kind of unmarried virgin queen, lonely at the top as the only way to preserve her power. That's not a win for female rulership, that's a signal of the status quo actually Not Changing. Not going to happen. There will be no future pack if Sansa isn't in an actual partnership. Bran will not be a depersonalized god-figure. He'll be a disabled young boy beginning a new kind of life embedded in a support system. The way he thought he would be the day he fell from the tower.
Rickon. Eternal Mystery.
Family Duty Honor - why is Edmure the Tully that survives? Because he's the only one who didn't turn these words into a farce. He was loyal to his family, dutiful to his subject, honorable in his conduct and intentions. More so than Robb, Brynden, any of them. Hoster betrayed his daughter, Lysa abandoned her family in turn, Catelyn was strangled by the devotion to duty, the discrepancy between honor and family that is forced by patriarchy, until she snapped. Edmure chose his people, he chose his family, and he chose his unborn child, and he chose his uncle. He's not playing brilliant strategic games, he's no crackshot under pressure, he is not the stuff of songs and legend. But he's making the actual right choices time and again. "My people. They were afraid." Swim on, trout.
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thebeesareback · 11 months
Fuck it, let's talk about Littlefinger
(the ASOIAF character, not just fingers in general. Also, I've said "Brandon Stark" for Ned's brother, and "Bran Stark" for Ned's son)
Trigger warning: rape and forced abortion
So one of the things I've said before is that I love ASOIAF for many reasons, including the complexities and backstories of all the characters. I suppose that's why there's a bazillion characters and the books are so long.
Anyway, one interesting example of narrative framing is the perspective we get on Littlefinger. He's (arguably) the main antagonist in the first book and is responsible for everything from Jon Arryn and Ned's death to the Tyrell marriage to Joffrey's assassination. We see him as a scheming villain, determined to harm our saintly Starks.
Littlefinger was born as a second-generation immigrant and heir to a minor lordship. Thanks to his parents' relationship with fuckhead Hoster Tully, he got to foster at Riverrun, where he befriended Cat, Lysa and Edmure. The books are interested in the "outsider" perspective on power status, hence Jon Snow's POV, and arguably Theon and Arya, too. They live in the home, they're part of the family... kinda. Sansa always thinks of Jon as her "bastard half-brother", Theon knows that Ned might have to kill him, and Arya doesn't fit neatly into her assigned gender role. They see Rob and Sansa and want that, kind of, but know they'll never get it.
Therefore, in his youth, Littlefinger knew that he was smart, knew that he wanted power, yet was keenly aware that it was almost impossible for him to socially climb. He does -- we'll get to that in a bit -- but as a child, he knows it's unlikely. Think of Rob and Jon playing in Winterfell and Jon yelling "I'm the Lord of Winterfell" and Rob just returning "no, my mother says you won't be". It's a horrible situation to be in. We don't get Littlefinger's POV, but if we did, I think there's a good chance he would remember a similar scenario.
Then there's Littlefinger's relationship to Catlyn and Lysa. Little boys often have crushes on little girls, and it's usually pretty sweet and can sometimes become a nice romance or just fade away. We hear that Catlyn is intelligent and beautiful as an adult, so it's easy to see the appeal, and Catlyn also has status through her Tully blood and an understanding of Machiavellian power plays because her father raised her as his heir until Edmure was born. One could easily see Littlefinger's desire for Catlyn being a desire for power and status, as well as her own merits.
Lysa had a crush on Littlefinger, creating the incesty love triangle that GRRM loves so much. I can't imagine playing kissing games with a foster brother and a sister, tbh. Littlefinger himself seems to only see Lysa as a pawn, and uses her feelings to get her to do what she wants. The narrative suggests that, for a time, there's Catlyn, mourning her mother; Lysa, mourning her mother and interested in a boy who doesn't really care about her; Edmure, just being a baby; and Littlefinger, caught up in rules and restrictions: allowed to be close to what he wants, but never truly part of the team.
Events start to occur. Fuckhead Hoster Tully decides to set up marriage alliances for Catlyn and Lysa. Lysa meets Jamie Lannister, who barely pays her any attention (he's distracted by the presence of his hero, Brynden "Blackfish" Tully). Catlyn meets Brandon Stark, who has power, status, a noble house, physical prowess -- everything Littlefinger wants. On the night the Stark-Tully engagement is arranged, Littlefinger gets drunk. He can't cope with the years of complicated class dynamics, he's heartbroken, and he's what, 14? He's immature and acts like it. Then Lysa rapes him.
I'm not a psychologist so I can't comment on the impact of sexual violence, especially when gender and power play into the situation in this way. However, Lysa did an unforgivable thing, and there was nobody Littlefinger could turn to. That's horrifying. I also think that more should be made about Littlefinger's comments about shutting your eyes and getting it over with in relation to being in bed with "an ugly woman".
Soon after, he challenges Brandon Stark to a duel for Catlyn's hand. Catlyn "betrays" him (in Littlefinger's mind) by giving Brandon her favour, Edmure "betrays" him by "squiring" for Brandon, and then Brandon nearly kills him. So we have a teenager who is 1) in huge amounts of physical pain, 2) without friends or allies, 3) was recently raped and 4) considered unimportant and insignificant. Then, Lysa rapes him again. The fact that this poor child didn't have a full mental breakdown is genuinely suprising.
We don't know if Littlefinger knew about Lysa's pregnancy at the time. What Hoster did to her was also unforgivable -- violence begets violence, and Lysa and Hoster's relationship is full of toxicity and harm. Hoster is also just generally monstrous. If Littlefinger did know, that's another layer of complexity where his foster father aborts Littlefinger's baby, a physical reminder of the sexual violence Littlefinger endured.
A few years later Lysa convinces her then-husband, Jon Arryn, to bring Littlefinger to King's Landing. He is traumatised, he is resentful, and he is cunning. He works hard to enter the places he was once barred from, like the court, the Red Keep and the small council. Now he can take his revenge on everyone who hurt him.
GRRM often talks about the futility of revenge. House Martell is the most obvious example of this, and the speech Elaria gives is beautiful and poignient. Littlefinger doesn't get revenge on Hoster or Brandon Stark. He does kill Lysa, but that's more to shut her up. In a story with a different perspective -- and a few characters kept alive -- we could see Littlefinger as a Kill Bill style avenger, ruining the lives and families of all of those who harmed him. It could be easy to root for him, not against him as the narrative sets up.
Revenge isn't simple, and that's why Littlefinger doesn't succed and isn't an inspirational character. He never confronts anyone on what happened to him -- he's too psychologically damaged -- so instead he kills Ned and Jon Arryn, two people who had nothing to do with his traumatic experiences at Riverrun, and then he hyperfixates on poor Sansa, who looks like Catlyn in his memory. He's immature and stunted in his mid-teens. I wonder if Littlefinger and Sansa lived for another 10/20 years he'd find himself losing interest because she moved on and he can't.
Littlefinger will likely die because of Sansa, and nobody will miss him. He's not a good person. He's groomed and lied and manipulated her, and the horrors he inflicted on Jeyne Poole, supposedly her best friend, are even worse. I don't see his future death as triumphant, though, in an unbiased overview kind of way. The Starks will celebrate, because he killed their dad. No one else will really care. The Lords Declarant have got rid of an annoyance, and he wasn't really working with King Tommen or the Small Council any more.
I think there is some sadness, though, for the child who wanted to be included, wanted to be loved, and who was instead hated, abused, ignored and scarred. RIP Littlefinger, a victim of the patriachy and the class structure.
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ladystoneboobs · 7 days
[Jaime, to Brynden Tully:]"I will permit you to take the black. Ned Stark's bastard is the Lord Commander on the Wall." The Blackfish narrowed his eyes. "Did your father arrange for that as well? Catelyn never trusted the boy, as I recall, no more than she ever trusted Theon Greyjoy. It would seem she was right about them both. No, ser, I think not. I'll die warm, if you please, with a sword in hand running red with lion blood." -Jaime VI, aFfC
there's always been some debate about how seriously to take the blackfish's words about jon here, and whether he's actually trying to keep the lannisters in the dark about jon being a possible new kitn according to robb's will. for me, after due consideration, what seals it (but seems to be overlooked whenever this subject comes up) is the reference to theon as equally mistrusted by catelyn. except she never did distrust theon in that way! cat may have found his constant smiling suspicious, but if anything, she trusted theon too much and took the loyalty and obedience of ned's hostage completely for granted.
[Catelyn, to Brienne:]"Bran and Rickon tried to escape, but were taken at a mill on the Acorn Water. Theon Greyjoy has mounted their heads on the walls of Winterfell. Theon Greyjoy, who ate at my table since he was a boy of ten." -Catelyn VII, aCoK
there's no sense of being proved right when she learned all that theon supposedly did at wf, only that he was a member of their household for 10 years, without any mention of his being a hostage from an enemy family as the only reason he lived with them.
and if that's not conclusive enough, let's look back to when cat reunited with robb after ned's arrest while theon was still a member of robb's entourage.
[Catelyn, to Robb, about his leading the northern army:]"No one?" she said. "Pray, who were those men I saw here a moment ago? Roose Bolton, Rickard Karstark, Galbart and Robett Glover, the Greatjon, Helman Tallhart … you might have given the command to any of them. Gods be good, you might even have sent Theon, though he would not be my choice." -Catelyn VIII, aGoT
yeah, she said he wouldn't be her first choice, but still the fact that she presented theon as a viable option at all, not her best suggestion as an advisor imo. can you even imagine foreign hostage theon leading an army of veteran northmen--a number of whom must have fought against balon's first rebellion alongside ned--to save ned? (not to mention that theon was 5yrs older than robb but in no way more experienced as a commander or warrior in any sense, and not any better trained as a leader in his perpetually subordinate captive squire position.) before that, she accepted theon's bs embellishments about ned being a second father to him and knowing his family owed hers a great debt without even a thought of doubt. and when she did argue with robb about sending theon back to the islands it was framed as distrust about balon only, not disputing robb's assertion that theon proved his loyalty by fighting in battle for them and saving bran's life in the wolfswood before that.
in conclusion, any idea that catelyn distrusted theon all along and was only proven right about him without any shock would have to a rewriting of history on her part, of which there's no evidence in her own pov in asos. it's possible she could have presented this false narrative to the blackfish sometime offpage in asos, just like it's possible she wrote letters to him in the vale airing her family's dirty laundry and complaining endlessly about jon's existence without ever mentioning that communication in her own pov, but the simpler and more likely explanation imo is that this discrepancy is bc the blackfish was lying to jaime. esp considering the blackfish was also in robb's inner circle and as both were non-povs all of their convos without catelyn would have to take place offpage moreso than brynden's with catelyn, and that edmure, another tully and the one in riverrun least close to robb, witnessed robb's will, and that sers desmond grell and robin ryger, two long-serving, high-ranking, and trusted riverrun retainers, did take up jaime's offer to go to the wall, which seems an odd choice if the blackfish was indeed wholly against that institution under jon snow's command and presumably would have tried to dissaude his men from joining. and i'd say there's no evidence catelyn ever suspected jon of willingness to work with ned's killers and robb's enemies or even hated him as much as the people who killed ned and twice tried to kill bran. which makes brynden's absolutely wild accusation of jon owing his rise to tywin lannister well beyond anything cat said or thought about jon in her own pov, which only further makes me thinks his words were insincere. (she may, at times, have wanted to believe jon untrustworthy to justify her own feelings about him, but such suspicion was not the source of those feelings. idt she actually needed to see him as a true enemy to dislike him when being ned's (alleged) bastard was enough without any sins of jon's own.)
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ladycatofwinterfell · 9 months
I am wondering if you have any thoughts/head-canon/ideas about Minisa Tully and Lyarra Stark. I always get a little sad thinking about them and how GRRM won't give the fandom any info on either of them.
It’s criminal that grrm says so little about them. Like we know a lot of things about Hoster and Rickard but absolutely nothing about their wives. So here are my visions of who they were
Okay so Lyarra was half Flint of the mountains and Old Nan tells Bran that’s where he got the climbing from. Which makes me think that perhaps Lyarra, like Lyanna and Arya, was not as traditional of a lady as is expected. The way I see her she got the wolf’s blood from her Stark father, but maybe wasn’t quite as strong willed as her daughter. In my head she has the Stark look, but with more typically handsome features. Brandon got his looks from her, not Rickard. I think she was a firm, but kind mother that cared for her children’s success and that she agreed with Rickard on fostering both Ned and Brandon. She wanted all four of her children to be prepared for the world so that they would be, you know, strong enough to survive the winter.
I imagine her marriage to Rickard wasn’t a love match and that they never really fell in love, but that they cared for one another in a friendly way and respected each other as life partners. She was his lady wife and his advisor, but not his love. That respect means she can disagree with him without it being too big of a deal and that he valued her advise even as he sometimes thought her to be a little too hotheaded.
Lyarra was well liked among the northern people and quite social and outgoing. Quick to make jokes and smile while also not being a people pleaser. Could perhaps be seen as a little mean sometimes.
We have no pointer as to when or how she died (according to the wiki it might have been as late as 299AC lol), but I headcanon she died of sickness shortly before or after Ned was sent to be fostered in the Eyrie because that means a very big shift in the family. It could also be why Ned chooses not to think of it too much because it was overall quite a painful time of his life as he was separated from his family in the middle of losing his mother. The little Starks that remained in Winterfell and Rickard all mourned her deeply and tried to find support in each other. Her death was swift and unexpected as she was a strong and lively person. One day she was fine, the next she had perished.
Minisa, on the other hand, I think was a softer person in general. Not too soft though because she was a Whent and I just know something is up there. Like she grew up in Harrenhal, there were ghosts in her childhood home. The way I picture her she has a sort of haunted look over her because of being quite pale and thin with big and sort of sad eyes. This made even worse later in life when she had lost so many babies. Still considered a beautiful woman by most, though.
The marriage to Hoster is a strategic move from her family, it’s not a love match. I think they did come to love one another over time though, but that Hoster’s obsession with a male heir made him subconsciously value that over Minisa. Minisa, being all about her duty and really wanting to give her husband a healthy son, never protested against his continued attempts at having a son even as each of her pregnancies were very hard on her and that she grew weaker with every birth. I see it as sort of a Viserys/Aemma situation. It’s canon that eventually it was childbirth that killed her, even as she had already given birth to Edmure.
She was a softer parent than Hoster and was very protective of the children she had that actually survived. I think (might be misremembering) that Catelyn remembers her as being warm and gentle. Before Edmure was born I think Catelyn became very much Hoster’s kid due to being his presumed heir for the time and so Minisa doted a lot on Lysa because Lysa was more hers. Can see her turning into a little bit of a boy mom, much to little Lysa’s dismay, after Edmure was born due to the relief of actually having given birth to a male heir. Still she was keen on her two younger children not growing up too quickly the way Catelyn was doing.
Most everyone liked her. She made an effort to always be kind and gentle and stuck to the social rules. Maybe she became more drawn back later in her life due to becoming weaker and more sickly after her numerous difficult pregnancies. When she wasn’t too weary she enjoyed tending to the flower in the gardens surrounding the sept. Only after her death did they become known as Minisa’s gardens.
After her death Riverrun became a colder place as she brought a warmth to the castle that Hoster couldn’t quite do himself. Hoster, even as he was the reason for her death, mourned her deeply and ended up leaning on Catelyn due to her being the oldest one. Of his three children she looks the most like his late wife.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Ned Stark to Cersei: “Your children are not Baratheons, they hab golden hair instead of the dark. Tell me, my Queen, did something happened between you and your brother Jaime. Because I’ll tell Robert about it.
Modern Reader appears right behind Cersei: “Lord Eddart Stark, I also realised that your children Sansa, Robb and Bran have ginger hair and not the dark hair like it supposed to. Starks have dark hair and Tully have ginger hair. Tell us, Lord Stark, did something happened between Lady Catelyn and her brother Edmure Tully? Are Sansa, Robb and Bran bastards?
Ned Stark:……
Modern Reader: “Do you realise that what you said was idiotic and insulting? I never thought that an HONORABLE man like you could say that.
Ned Stark starting to feel uncomfortable and he explains that all Baratheon children have dark hair. Meanwhile Modern Reader explains that the children have features of both of their parents, also Reader brings up children from House Baratheon that didn’t have dark hair, the reason why no one knows about it is because the children were daughters of the family. Modern Reader explains that Cersei had first child with dark hair, who unfortunately didn’t make it.
While Modern Reader explains Ned Stark about the facts and the genetics works and all. Yandere platonic Cersei is very thankful for Modern Reader for saving her and her children.
I’m not sure whether the first child survives or not, but I think Ned Stark with Jon Arryn wouldn’t have suspected anything, because the first child has Baratheon features and other children (Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen) just resemble their mother and that’s it. Also I think Modern Reader would know the truth, but won’t say it in order to protect her family. I guess after that explanation Ned Stark would probably live and he won’t die.
What do you think about it? I’d like to hear your thoughts. Imagine Ned’s reaction and probably Jaime’s
Ned notices reader, who is the protective mother chicken for Cersei who comes upon him.
Ned : 😳
Reader : 😡
This moment is sure to live. But reader will never let anyone insult his brothers. 😅🤣😂 I would like to see the shape of Ned's face. He had never imagined that his own family would be accused of incest and treason. I think Cersei and Robert's firstborn will survive. Thanks to the information that the reader knows, the baby is saved. Moreover, we know that Cersenin had Robert's baby aborted at least once. I think the reader will not allow it. So Cersei and Robert will have two children. Jaime collapses from laughter when he hears it. He laughs so much that he can't hold back his tears. Ned's face grows old as he can't see the forensic shape. Ned is shocked by what he hears. The questions directed against his family cause him to get angry. I think he understands that he shouldn't be buzzing anymore. The Crown Prince has the full Baratheon look anyway. Most likely, Ned won't die and there won't be any wars.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
For an AU, Robert has a legitimate firstborn daughter from a brief marriage before his parents died and he was betrothed to Lyanna Stark. She lives in Storm's End until Robert chucks her at Edmure Tully. They have one infant daughter together. 1) How does the King in the North situation go down if it does? 2) Stannis try to make his niece queen? 3)Renly (given he would be closest to her)? 4) How much harder does Tywin hit the Riverlands?
i don't think robb would declare himself king in the north in this scenario. i think the ending "crowning" scene would be them crowning this daughter. she would be young, 20 or less i imagine, and probably got shuffled off to edmure because she fights constantly with Cersei. I imagine Cersei's ymbq paranoia starts acting up around this girl, and the girl herself probably hates Cersei the way Sansa and Margaery do, so getting shuffld off to Edmure would be a happy fate in her eyes - Riverrun is gorgeous, Edmure isn't old and ugly, she gets to have a marriage befitting a princess. Robb mostly gets crowned because Stannis is nowhere to be found and the North is sick of getting fucked over by Southron politics, so if they have an heir Right There Waiting in this girl, proof that she's fertile because she's already had one healthy child, and she has a strong husband they all seem to like in Edmure, I can absolutely see the northern lords being happy with crowning her.
i do think stannis might try to make her queen over himself. he clearly believes that naturally shireen comes before renly in the line of succession because he makes it a point to offer jumping over shireen in the line of succession. however, this is a massive change in how stannis would approach everything - he can't just hide out at dragonstone, he needs to contact robert's daughter, which involves contacting the tullys, and by extension contacting ned. at the same time, stannis sees rhaenyra s an usurper so i do wonder if he would see this daughter as an usurper of himself when he has melisandre whispering in his ear. IF he decides to go with crowning her, however, i do wonder if stannis perhaps casts himself as her Hand, her Aemon the Dragonknight, her Septon Barth - a sort of legendary leader to protect her. Oof, idk tbh but either Stannis starts looking just soooo fucking bad by naming Shireen as his heir while actively fighting a female claimant with a better claim than he has, OR he has to somehow work with the North and Riverlands...
RENLY imo, would for sure 100% crown his niece. I think like you said, they would be closest because they'd be about the same age - I think it's not unlikely he suggested she marry Willas but Robert shot it down for Edmure - and Renly is not "above" so to speak crowning a woman; he had wanted in the first place to have Margaery seduce Robert so Robert could have true born heirs, after all, so Renly isn't interested in being king so much as he's interested in continuing to be close to power. If he's already fairly close to his niece, than I think what he does is have the Tyrell forces join up with the Riverlands and the North, likely either pushing for his niece's daughter to marry like, Garlan's eventual child or a Tyrell cousin (maybe straight up marrying her himself? it's a huge age gap but it's not the worst age gap we've ever seen) to solidify that alliance. This is honestly a win for the North because if Renly and the Tyrells are on their side off the bat (because of the Edmure-Baratheon tie) they are looking a lot better at the outset of the war.
BUT HERE COMES TYWINNNNNN. Because YEAH he is fucking the riverlands UP so even if robb looks better at the beginning of the war, tywin is hitting HARD, tywin isn’t underestimating robb, tywin is going scorched earth right off the bat. the riverlands is like mad max world, it’s insane and bloody and fucked up.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Hey hiii I love your writings! Can you write something platonic about Edmure Tully and the Snow fem reader? Strangely enough, I like this guy. I hope you write. Thanks in advance<3
Edmure Tully*Who We Call Family
(Platonic) Pairing: Jon x sister!reader, Robb x halfsister!reader, Edmure x fem!reader
Summary: The reader finally gets some respect for the first time in their life and gains a new family member from an unlikely source
A/N: inspired by book Edmure since the show did this man so fcking dirty
Word count: 1588
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When Jon rode off to join the nightswatch you had never felt so alone. Jon was one of your few comforts in the world. Robb stood by your side as your brother rode off to his new family at the wall but even Robb did not know what it was like to be Eddard Starks bastard.
When Robb rode off to war you refused to be left behind again. Something you often regretted once you learned of Bran and Rickon fate at Theon Greyjoy. So much had changed. Even at war you still felt Catelyn’s eyes glaring at you around the camp. She had protested for as long as her lungs allowed at your presence but even, she couldn’t deny Robb needed fighters’ men or women. Even with her distain she knew that you would lay your life down for your brother.
It didn’t make it any less hard. Sansa was a prisoner. Arya was missing. Bran and Rickon were betrayed. And Jon was gone to whatever fate the wall allowed him. Robb was the only one left in arms reach. But now he was riding off again and not taking you with him.
In the tent that acted like a council room Robb laid out his plan he and Edmure Tully and some other lords had planned. “We shall ride west tomorrow into the westerlands and meet the Lannister’s in battle,” he began to explain to the lords, Catelyn, and yourself. Even in this council meeting she refused to meet your eye unless to glare, “Lord Edmure will stay in Riverrun to protect us from the rear while we prepare to storm Ashemark and the Crag,”
After some protest, questions, agreements, and strategies the meeting is finally drawing to an end, “Sister stays behind,” Robb said as the men began to leave. Catelyn paused, looking at her son with raised eyebrows. Since he had been declared king Robb no longer kept your familiar ties in the background, “We’ll be fine mother,”
Finally, she left, and you were left with Robb, “What is it?” you asked.
He said before he finally looked at you. Robb knew just how stubborn you could be so he knew it would not be easy, “I need you to stay- “
“Oh no Robb- “you began to protest but it was no matter.
Robb crossed the room to grab you shoulder, “I need you in Riverrun,” he said.
“I need to be by your side in battle like always,” you said as you smacked his hand away, “Robb I’m not losing another brother not now ever,”
“I need to leave someone I can trust. I already made that mistake with Theon,” Robb said, raising his voice. You knew your voices were both loud enough by now to be heard outside the tent, but it didn’t matter right now. “I need you to be my shield. If the Lannister’s come from behind- “
“I want to be beside you in- “
“I need you here- “
“But- “
“But I am your king!” Robb all but yelled across the tent. Silence fell across the room as Robb seemed to release what he said, “If I say I need you here,” Robb began to say his voice finally lowering, “I need you here. I don’t want to lose another sister,”
“We’ve not lost them yet,” you said but your words were thin. You could only hope they were telling the truth when they said Sansa was alive.
“That we know off. You know what the Lannister’s are like. They’ll burn Riverrun to the ground if they think it will stop us. I need you to put out the fire,”
When you finally left the tent with Robb you could feel the lord’s eyes on you. even more so when Robb put his hand on your shoulder and told them you would be leading the defence at River Run. There were protests all round. She’s a girl. She’s a bastard. She’s a child. Nearly every one of his council men protested; except you noticed Edmure Tully.
When Robb had finally calmed the men, he dismissed them to sleep and prepare. Edmure walked up to you, “Lady- “
“Im not a lady,” you cut him off.
The man gave a sorry smile, “Apologies. What shall I call you then?”
“Most call me bastard,” you said but Edmure just waited for you to continue, “but (Y/N) will do,” you added.
“Alright (Y/N),” he said with a seemingly genuine smile on his lips, “Shall we discuss our plans to protect Riverrun tonight or over breakfast?”
“Now will do,” you said but you couldn’t help but squint at the man. Apart from Robb he was the first lord to take you with any kind of seriousness, “You can tell me your ideas while I walk to my tent,”
“Very well my- “he said before catching himself and correcting himself with a sorry smile again. As you walked, he began to explain the defences they had available and how many men Robb was leaving behind with you. he even seemed to take your own concerns seriously.
As you stood outside your tent, Lord Tully about to wish you goodnight, you thought of something, “What of the small folk?”
“What about them?”
“Tywin isn’t against killing the innocents for war. If he was a Targaryen, he would’ve burnt half the north by now,” you said, “When he comes for your people what is the plan for them? Winterfell has molestown for when winter comes. What do we have when the Lannister’s come?”
“The smallfolk in the Riverlands are under my protection,” any hint of laughter had fell from Edmure face, “When the Lannister’s come the smallfolk know they have my protection,”
“Will we house them? In Riverrun?” you asked.
“They are my people, my responsibility. When the Lannister’s comes, I will give them my own bed if we run out,” he said sternly.
You couldn’t help but smile lightly at his words. A lord who cared for others was rare especially when the others had little money. “Good to know my lord,” you said opening your tent, “Goodnight my lord,”
“Goodnight (Y/N),”
True to his word when Tywin began to burn villages through the Riverlands the smallfolk came in droves to Riverrun, and none were turned away even as his lieges tried to yell at Edmure about their supplies. It had caught you off guard at first when Edmure defended you to his men. Up till now it had been Robb who had told the men of for laughing at the sound of your voice. Now it was Edmure who bellowed across the room at his men’s sniggers at your suggestions. The northerners respected you for fighting beside them. You couldn’t figure out why Edmure did.
“Robb seems like a good kid,” Edmure said as you ate dinner with him, something you had come to do almost every night since Robbs departure. “Truthfully I’ve not spent much time with him,”
“Well, he is my brother Edmure,” you laughed as you sipped your wine, “I kind of have to like him,”
“Trust me,” he laughed, “that’s not true. You’ve met my sister,”
You couldn’t help but blush at his words. His own sister had been the bane of your life for so many years. “I’m sure deep down she’s lovely- “
“Deep deep down,” he laughed as he topped up the wine for you both, “I love the lass, but she is absolutely awful at times,”
“Can’t argue there,” you said under your breath, but he had heard.
Edmure smiled as he sat back in his chair. “I do love her though. We don’t choose who we’re born with, but we choose who we call family. she is my sister still,”
“She’s a good mother,” you said, sitting the wine down. Edmure shot a confused look, “Not to me,” you corrected with a slight laugh, “But Robb loves her. she adored all her children. I’ve never seen a mother love so much,” you said without realising the sadness lacing your words.
Edmure smiled lightly, “It must be hard,”
“Can be,” you said, picking the wine back up and drinking the whole glass down, “But worse happens, I shouldn’t complain,”
A few beats of silence fell over you both. Edmure looked up from his wine, “For what its worth. I’ve never met a mother who didn’t love her babe. Just not all are so lucky as to keep them,”
You tried to smile but your lips wouldn’t seem to move. Instead, you just filled your cup again, “To mothers,” you said with a watery smile, lifting the cup to toast.
“To daughters,”
The next day Edmure had tried to bring the conversation from last night up only for you to shoot him down. “For what its worth you can talk to me- “
“My lord- “your conversation was interrupted by one of your men sprinting up to you both, “It’s Tywin, he’s left Harrenhall,”
“He’s going to try pass the fords,” you cut the man off looking at Edmure.
“Quick gather to men,”
The day was long, and the fight was longer, but you managed. Edmure by your side most of the fight. Tywin had to retreat, not able to catch up to Robb from behind. You could return to Riverrun content with two things; Tywin was not going to run up behind Robb and that family was who you choose. You wondered what Catelyn would think when she learned Edmure had become family.
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Terrible Fic Idea #51:  A Maiden Dark and Fair, but make it f!Jon Snow/Edmure Tully
Sometimes I have terrible fic ideas. Sometimes terrible fic ideas take hold of me and refuse to let me go. Such is the case with this one, where I had the passing thought I wonder if there's ever been a fic that has the Riverlands be the force behind the Targaryen Restoration? and it turned into: What if Edmure Tully ended up married to female!Jon Snow?
Aka: The Rhaella the River Queen Fic
Just imagine it:
Edmure is a hot-headed, good-hearted flirt. He's not the smartest fish in the barrel, but his heart is in the right place. So when he comes north with Robert Baratheon's party at the start of canon and overhears some of the Lannister soldiers saying crude things about his goodbrother's bastard daughter, Rhaella Stone, he takes them to task. It's done partly to protect the honor of a maiden, partly to protect the honor of his sister's household, but quickly grows out of hand.
By the time the story reaches the ear of the king, Edmure's defense of a maiden's honor has turned into Edmure's defense of his lover's honor. King Robert, always seeking to get into Ned's good graces, orders the Lannister soldiers sent to the Wall and legitimizes Ned's bastard so she can marry her lordling lover.
And so Edmure returns to Riverrun with a Stark bride.
Rhaella herself is too startled by this turn of events to have much opinion of them at first. In the two interactions she had with him before their marriage, she'd found him well-intentioned but ineffectual - and afterwards quickly comes to the realization that she must always be the strongest voice in his ear lest someone with less pure intentions rule him.
Hoster Tully is far from pleased by his only son marrying a jumped-up bastard, but accepts it as fait accompli - that, and he literally dies a month after their arrival. He doesn't have time to plot when his legacy is on the line.
And so Edmure Tully becomes the next Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. It would probably be a disaster if not for Rhaella gently pushing him in more constructive directions while juggling as many duties as she possibly can.
Luckily, Edmure is just self-aware enough to realize he's being handled and has just enough of an ego to want to better himself for her. This is enough to avoid most of his worst blunders in the War of Five Kings, though most still see him as a henpecked fool.
Canon proceeds apace.
Ned Stark is executed, Robb is declared king, and the Red Wedding is avoided by the fact 1) Jaime is being securely held in Riverrun and 2) Robb has no unmarried kin on hand to marry off in his place.
After the Battle of the Blackwater, the Seven Kingdoms hang in an extended state of stalemate until Dany arrives at Dragonstone, with neither the Lannister or Stark forces able to gain an advantage over their enemies.
With Dany's arrival, a Great Council is called at Harrenhal. Rhaella is among the attendees and finds kinship in Dany - kinship which is proved to be real once she's introduced to Dany's dragons and not immediately turned to charcoal.
The Great Council names Dany Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She never marries, but takes Rhaella's oldest child to be her heir. Her reign should prove to be short yet influential, with her heir succeeding her in their late teens/early twenties. This heir should very much not be a floppy fish, but the Westerosi equivalent of Edward III - popular, long-reigning, and pragmatic. Very much like their mother.
Bonuses include: 1) A strange sort of courtly love between Edmure and Rhaella, with Edmure casting himself as her white knight after his actions to defend her honor from the Lannister soldiers and Rhaella somewhat bemusedly indulging him. Edmure should be aware she does not love him at first, but wins her over through his earnestness and willingness to listen to her. Theirs surprises the kingdoms by being a remarkably successful marriage, and after Edmure's death Rhaella wears mourning black for the rest of her life; 2) Caitlyn never quite getting over the fact her stepdaughter has become her goodsister has become the mother of the next ruler. There are occasional flair ups of their dislike, but mostly they ignore each other's existence save for subtle jabs at the other's expense; 3) Rhaella never quite coming to terms with being a Targaryen - despite the dragon, - but finding all the meaning and purpose she might ever have wanted from being Lady Paramount of the Riverlands.
...and that is surprisingly more than I thought I would have, but this idea literally leaped into my brain and would not let me go. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aelor the Accursed | Aegon the Adopted | Aegon the Undying | Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Baelor the Brave | Daemon the Destroyer | Daena the Dreamer | Daeron the Desired | Dyanna the Defiant | Jon Whitefyre | King of the Ashes | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Lord of the Dance | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother | Rhaegar the Righteous | River Queen
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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melrosing · 1 year
MBO Robert's Rebellion: Episode 7
for those keeping track, another minor amend to timelines - pushed this ep's events one year later than canon to give Duskendale room to breathe, and conflated Jaime's trip to Riverrun (which has no canonical date but was probably a couple years later than this) with the Lannisport tourney (canonically one year earlier than I have it here). the chronology around each event didn't seem to matter too much and also I really wanted to introduce the Tully sisters at this point, so Jaime's Riverrun visit seemed like the most natural way to tie them in with someone we've introduced already.
also, switched the victor of the Lannisport tourney from Arthur to Rhaegar as I had it the other way round in ep3!
mostly this is a big ole check in with the Robert's Rebellion generation and what kind of kids they are. Cers and Mags didn't seem all that relevant in the grand scheme of things but it felt weird to leave it out given that all goes down during the Lannisport tourney so whatever
Prev: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6
Next: Episode 8
title for this one: Cersei's First Homicide
One year timeskip ⏱We’re in the Riverlands, where a young Petyr Baelish (9) is punting Cat and Lysa down a calm, narrow river. Cat (13) and Lysa (11) lie back together at the prow, whispering loudly to one another in their secret language - this seems to be annoying Petyr, who doesn’t understand a word. He asks them not to speak it, which makes the sisters laugh - together, they rock the boat until Petyr loses balance and falls over aboard
Edmure (aged.... let’s go with 6) appears on the riverbank: Father wants them back at the castle. Petyr asks for a hand out of the river, which Lysa says he’ll only have if he says that he loves her. Petyr looks slightly aghast, and Cat, taking pity, offers him her own hand. Lysa’s turn to look put out
The trio make their way back to the castle; in the courtyard, Hoster Tully greets Jaime Lannister (11), who is acting as a messenger between Lord Crakehall and Riverrun. Hoster introduces his daughters (proudly mentioning Cat's recent betrothal to Brandon Stark), his son Edmure, and, irritably, Petyr - who looks like a drowned rat. Jaime says he does not know House Baelish, Petyr says he imagines there’s much and more the young lord of Lannister does not know - earning an abrupt dismissal by Lord Hoster to go clean himself up
Opening 👏 creds 👏
Meanwhile: Casterly Rock, where Tywin Lannister is hosting a tourney in celebration of Prince Viserys’ first name day. Rhaegar Targ (18) is in concert, playing a sad song on his lil harp. A young Cersei (11) weeps in the audience; her friend Melara teasingly nudges her - Cersei elbows back a little sharper, embarrassed. She casts a hopeful glance to Tywin Lannister, who sits nearby: Tywin returns her looks and nods
Tywin turns to King Aerys, sat beside him, and tries to say something; however Aerys is deep in conversation with one Steffon Baratheon, making a point to ignore his Hand. Meanwhile in the background: cameo from Tyrion Lannister (4), looking bored as hell
The tourney itself: standard scenes of men playing w sticks, concluding in a final face-off between Rhaegar and Arthur. Reminiscent of their first match in ep3, they charge, and Rhaegar wins this time - he’s at the top of his game. Arthur looks entirely unperturbed by his loss, and celebrates Rhaegar with the crowd. Aerys in the background, clutching Viserys like some kind of comfort blanket
Evening, in the Vale with Ned (14) and Robert (16). The two friends are walking down the streets of a nearby town. Entering what’s not quite a brothel, more like a seedy pub, Robert tells Ned he should have his first woman tonight. Ned declines despite Robert’s teasing, but Robert, undeterred, finds a girl for himself. Ned sits awkwardly with a pint of ale whilst Robert sits with a girl in his lap, and asks Ned if Lyanna’s anything like this one?? Ned makes no comment
Cersei and Melara, feeling v giggly and excitable, are sneaking out for their own excursion into the night, to meet Maggy thee Frog. They make their way through Lannisport and vanish into a dark wood on the perimeter
Aerys, in the gallery at the Rock. Aerys is looking upon a portrait of Joanna, and looks irritated to have been interrupted when Tywin approaches. Aerys notes that Cersei looks a great deal like Joanna; Tywin agrees this is true. Carefully, he suggests that they might announce a betrothal between Rhaegar and Cersei - we get the impression that Tywin has raised this many times, and now seeks a final answer. Aerys gives him one, and says that he has no intention of marrying his son to his servant’s daughter. On Tywin, who’s really this close to starting a job search on linkedin
Meanwhile: Cers & Melara. They find Maggy’s tent, and that whole thing happens with Cers getting her horrible little prophecy idk we know how it goes. Subsequently, Cersei trying to hold it together as they leave, and Melara attempting to laugh it all off. They enter a clearing with a well in the midst (!!!!), and Melara tries to console Cersei - a prophecy can’t come true if no-one speaks of it!! Cersei looks up - cogs turning behind her eyes. And anyway, says Melara, she knows she’s going to marry Jaime, so Maggy really is just a stupid old - oh shit Cersei has pushed her down a fucking well!!! I would say Cersei’s crime wiki starts here but well. there was that shit with Tyrion already
Melara screaming at the bottom of the well. Cersei looks as though she can’t quite believe what she’s just done. For a long moment she stands leaning over the edge, looking silently down at the desperate Melara, who begs her for help. Cersei lowers to the ground, leaning against the side of the well - she needs to sit with this for a bit
Ned, leading a drunken Robert back to the Eyrie. He looks annoyed with his friend, like he’s done this before, but this time it’s worse. Then Robert says something to make Ned laugh, and Ned struggles not to smile
Back with Cersei. It’s dawn - she’s somehow fallen asleep at the side of the well. She looks back over the edge: Melara is wide awake, still trying to call, but her voice is shaky and hoarse. Cersei looks down at her for a long moment, and then departs; we hear Melara croaking in dismay
Cersei sneaks back inside Casterly Rock, using some weird connection of tunnels idk. She enters her bedchamber, dresses down and climbs into bed
At Riverrun: Jaime walking with Catelyn and Lysa in the castle gardens, blathering on about swords and squiring. Lysa attempts an interesting comment on the subject, but it doesn’t seem to register with Jaime; Catelyn gives her sister an apologetic smile, and rolls her eyes sympathetically
Back with Cersei once more, on her way to breakfast with Genna; Genna notes that her niece looks tired lol. And then, unfortunately, she must break some bad news: King Aerys has turned down Tywin’s proposition, and will not marry her to Rhaegar after all. Cersei breaks down on the spot, but Genna wills her to stop her tears, and look strong when they present themselves, show the Prince what he’s missing. Cers puts on a brave face as she enters the hall, but catching sight of Tyrion sat with their uncles, some of the façade falls away
Riverrun once more, at table: Jaime is pestering Brynden Tully for stories, Lysa is looking dejected at his side. Hoster suggests that Brynden might have duties away from the table, which Brynden happy latches onto and makes a departure. A disappointed Jaime decides to attempt conversation with Catelyn instead; Lysa looks close to tears, and asks Hoster if they might invite Petyr to table. Hoster like. no lol
A feast at the Rock. Aerys holds up Prince Viserys for everyone to applaud him: Viserys like :-|
Aerys makes an announcement!! Rhaegar is long overdue a betrothal! Tywin and Cersei actually look hopeful for a minute before Aerys goes on to say that he’ll be sending his old friend Steffon Baratheon (little wave from Steffon) across the Narrow Sea to find the most eligible woman for their future queen. nice. What could possibly go wrong
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mostfandomimagines · 2 years
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Imagine: Being Roslin’s twin sister and you’re watching her marry Edmure Tully
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TW: +18
now, thinking about A/B/O dynamics (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm new to this) A while ago I read about an Alpha! Jon x Omega! Reader. And now my mind can't stop fantasizing about my most dangerous fictitious crush. Petyr Baelish, you stupid smartass. Imagine that Petyr has always been an omega, that has been one of his most intense reasons for shame, especially the mockery of the Tully men (Hoster or Edmure, who is a stupid beta, but a beta nonetheless). Finally, he seduces the beta Lysa and manages to climb the social ladder, he is so proud of himself for having achieved everything only to discover that he is not totally immune to the effects of the Alphas. Sure, he's dealt with them (he's got hookers of all sorts and expensive suppressors), but what secretly terrifies him is finding an alpha to mark him (sort of like an au soul mate) where no matter what suppressor he takes, he's at her mercy (a little dub-con I guess). So, this is where the reader comes in, who is Sansa and Arya's maiden accompanying the Starks in King's Landing. And it's the moment where they both look at each other, when he knows it, he knows it by the damn feeling of heat, the only thing that relieves him is that she has no idea, those things are taboo in the North, I suppose.
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