#edmure tully fanfic
axelsagewrites · 1 year
Hi. Can I request Edmure x female Snow (Jon’s sister) where Edmure, reader, Jon etc learn her heritage and after dany’s mad queen thing is reader selected to be queen and Edmure her consort. Maybe smut too, either way more Edmure.
Edmure Tully*My Queen, My Love
Pairing: snow!f!reader x husband!edmure
A/N: I did change your request slightly since I just couldn’t think of how to write danny as the mad queen or how to get the plot going so now its edmures reaction to her heritage and danny naming her as her heir and them celebrating with some soft smut at the end so I hope you still like it!
Word count: 2705
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Warnings: talks of death/red wedding, praise, ‘my queen’ honorific, f!receiving oral, fingering, slight teasing, thighs, soft smut 18+
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When Jon left for the wall, you thought you’d never see him again. When your sisters got taken as hostages in the red keep you thought they were as good as dead. When Winterfell was taken you thought your youngest brothers were gone for good. Everyone around you began to drop like flies and if not for Edmure you would have thrown yourself from Riverrun’s walls when you got the news of Robbs brutal murder and at a wedding no less.
Your stomach churned at the memory, and you wondered what your own fate would have been if Robb had not sent you and Edmure back to Riverrun to defend it from Lannister attacks. Sometimes you wondered if he knew, if somehow Robb felt the unease in the air of the twins. When you hugged Robb goodbye for the last time you clung on, but you did not know why you did or why your direwolf star was so reluctant to leave Greywind’s side. She, like ghost, was a pale white but unlike his red eyes hers were the palest of purples, so pale you wondered if they were clear in certain lights.
You were only halfway to Riverrun when you heard the news. You tried to back, hell bent of trying to avenge Robb with a sword, a wolf, and only three men but Edmure had to hold you back. He screamed at you in the forest ‘do you want to die? What of your sisters who will they have to save them when your dead at Walder Frey’s feet? Dying won’t bring him back.'
'My father is dead. My brothers are dead. The girls are as good as dead and only the gods know where Jon is, you screamed it back, face wet with tears and your voice tearing the air. I have no one.'
'You have me and you have star and the gods be good your sisters in time, but you won’t have anything if you run without thinking.'
His words swam about your heads for the weeks you spent traveling with Edmure and the two others Robb had sent with you. Your gold ran out quickly and there were no friends for you to find. That was until you came across the man with half his face scorched off. You’d found him in a heap at the bottom of a mountain and were shocked when you noticed his shallow breaths.
You didn’t know why you felt the need to stop your travels for a week to nurse him back to health, but you did and when he was not insulting you or trying to start fights his roughness started to slip. 'Did you see a girl dressed as a boy? Brown hair, face like a pinched arse, a tiny needle of a sword. Goes by Arry.' Arya. Your sister was alive. You had hope again.
Eventually the gods turned your fate. You may have lost the two guards Robb had sent with you in skirmishes, but you were left with Sandor and Edmure and eventually the brotherhood found you. With them came travels and with travels came Jon. Finally you had Jon back. Then Sansa too and with the hope Arya was out there you dared continue.
Meanwhile you had Edmure beside you the entire time. He backed all your decisions publicly and debated you in private but never to berate. He helped you heal the wounds you couldn’t reach and didn’t eat till he made sure you had your share. He was the rock securing your tie to reality.
You remember his reaction to meeting Daenerys Targaryen, first of her name. Its not her dragons we should fear. A woman who brings the Dothraki across the sea on the hope of a promise not given to her holds power. Her words hold power.
While Sansa was sceptical of her you felt yourself drawn to her. As time went on you began to view her as more of a friend than a foreign queen. You found yourself added to her small council. Despite Tyrion being her hand, it was you she turned to in her dilemma.
Then one day Jon barged into one of your chambers, insisting it could not wait a day longer. He forced Edmure to leave the chambers despite you insisting that the man who had become your husband could hear anything he had to say. 'Ned Stark was not our father sweet sister, but he was not a stranger either.' You felt the colour drain from your face as he spoke. 'Bran, he saw it, Lyanna Stark on her birthing bed. Twins in her arms. We had a mother sweet sister and a father too. Rhaegar Targaryen.'
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After he broke the news, you demanded he leave, not wanting him to speak another word till you could bare to tell Daenerys yourself. Then Edmure returned. As you told him everything Jon had revealed you felt your world spinning as Edmure sat silently taking it all in.
The feel of Edmures hands grabbing yours slowed your rant, your breathing steadying. “Breathe my love. It is going to be okay,”
“But what if its not?” You asked, a break in your voice.
You looked to the man that had kept you afloat during this war with wide eyes brimmed with tears. His hand gently moved to hold your face, “You are still you, my love. This does not need to change your world unless you choose it too. Your brother will back you; he always has. I am here for you love. We are safe, we will survive this,”
“What if she thinks us a threat?” You said, voice barely above a whisper, “Rober Baratheon would’ve murdered them in their cribs if he had got there in time to swing his hammer. What will she do to me?”
“She has shown you no signs of tyranny, no signs of madness. If you lie to her, scheme against her, she will know but even if ned Stark was not your father you still have his honour,” Edmure said, leaning to kiss your forward softly, “and you have me. I may not breath fire, but I would fight any dragon for you,”
You watched as Daenerys face turned as Jon told her the truth with you by his side. “If it were true, you would be the last living male Targaryen. Are you here to threaten my claim?” She asked, her face twisting into betrayal.
“No,” you said, finally speaking up in the silence, “Jon has no interest in the iron throne, do you brother?” You said, scared when he paused for a moment before agreeing with you.
Daenerys turned away, pacing to the fire in silence, “Leave us,” she said, her head raising to face Jon, “and do not speak a word of this to anyone. Swear it,”
“I swear it your grace,” Jon said, nodding his head solemnly before leaving.
As the door shut Daenerys finally turned to look at you, “I assume Edmure knows,” she said dryly, “Who else?”
“No one your grace,” you said, crossing the room to try come to her side but she backed away, “No one needs know if you don’t want them too. But you cannot deny you need a family,”
“I have my dragons,” she said, almost spitting the words before looking into the flames, “A woman told me once they would be my only children,” she said with a softer tone.
"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," you whispered back, having heard her tales of her first marriage many nights.
“When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves,” she said, her eyes not leaving the flickering flames, “I believe I will see my child when I die. The son a witch stole from me. The family I was told to dream about having as a child, gone. What is a queen with no heirs?” She said, finally looking from the flames. “If I was to name Jon my heir people would cross their fingers for the day I died. Your land has never cared much for their queens,”
You paused for a moment, thinking back to the talks you had with Edmure the night before. “There is another way your grace,” you said, moving over to sit in the armchair by the fire, Daenerys moving to the other, “The northerns have never liked to bend their knee to the south but what if you didn’t make them? Allow Jon to be king of the north, recognise Robbs kingship and his will naming Jon as his heir. No southern lord is going to fight for a bastard to sit the iron throne,”
Daenerys sat back in her chair, thinking over your words carefully, “And what of you? You would stay in the north to take the throne after him?”
You shook your head lightly, “No your grace. He may be my brother, but you are my queen. I will follow you south, fight your battles and die for you, if need be, serve however required,”
Daenerys paused, chuckling slightly under her breath, “Even as my heir?” She said, her eyes hard to read.
“Unless you have children,” you said but Daenerys just laughed and stood again.
“No. My dragons are my children. One of them is already dead. My womb has been cursed and the child bed is more dangerous than any battle ahead. Now I will not have children. But I will have an heir. An heir who will act as a delegate to the newly independent north. You,” she said, finally turning back to see you, “You shall be my heir and you shall rule when I am gone. Not your husband, not Jon. You,”
The feast announcing Daenerys decision was one of the last moments of joy for many before the long night. You sat at the head table, Daenerys on one side and Edmure on the other. He held your hand under the table, his thumb stroking over your hand. Jon sat on the other side of Daenerys; a shoddy silver crown placed on his head unlike the one Daenerys wore made of gold.
After the festivities you walked back to your chamber, slightly lightheaded from the wine but with Edmures arm wrapped around yours to steady yourself. “One day you will be a queen,” he hummed, smiling down at you, “The title suits me,”
“Hopefully not for a long time,” you said, kissing his cheek as you stumbled to your chambers, “Excited about your future promotion?” You joked with a drunken grin.
He shook his head with a chuckle, “the title is yours not mine. I will not rule for you love for you will be my queen. Though I hope you will at least allow me on your council when the time comes,” he said as you turned into the corridor your chamber lay in.
“Of course,” you said, hugging his arm tighter, “You have always been my hand. Without you I am nothing,”
“No, my love,” he said as he unlatched the chamber door, “You are everything and more,” he said, kissing your lips softly in the chamber doorway. “Give me a moment to light the fire,”
As Edmure stoked the flames you began to slip out of your northern clothes, leaving them in a pile at the side of the bed and leaving only your shift on for coverage. You sat on the foot of the bed, watching as Edmure finally had the fire burning bright before he took his own outdoor clothing off.
“You look divine my love,” he said as he sat his neatly folded tunic on the armchair by the fire.  You held your hand out to him across the room, silently beckoning him over. Edmure did as you asked wordlessly, gently taking your hand and moving to stand between your legs. He bent down, pressing a slow soft kiss to your lips. Your hands rested on his shoulders, his cupping your jaw lightly before he stood up straight again, “It is time for rest my love,” he said, moving back to kick off his boots.
You shook your softly at him, a smile toying your lips, “We are celebrating tonight remember?” You said, standing so you could wrap your arms around his waist to pull him closer. His body, left with only his trousers, pressed flush against yours leaving no gaps between your skin. “Wont you celebrate with me, husband?” You asked, a teasing smile on your lips.
“I suppose some celebrating could be in order,” Edmure said with a light chuckle. He lifted your chin with his fingers, his head dipping to reconnect your lips. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders in an attempt to pull him closer somehow. You were breathless as Edmure walked you back till the backs of your thighs hit the bed frame. “Lay down my queen,” he said, panting as he pulled away from your lips.
“I am not queen yet,” you said, the wine making the idea more funny than terrifying. None the less you moved to lay on the bed, letting your shift bunch up to reveal more of your thighs.
Edmures eyes scanned your thighs, soaking in your frame. You couldn’t help but notice the outline in his trousers by this point but you did not protest as he began to crawl up the bed to you, kissing your calf then knee and up to your thighs, “Let me serve you my queen,” he said as he placed a kiss to your inner thigh, “You have always been my queen,”
Your breathing was ragged as you felt him kiss up your inner thighs, his breath fanning over your skin making it tingle. Your fingers ran over his hair, toying with it softly, “Serve me husband,” you said, aching for his mouth which was less than an inch from where you wanted it to be, “Serve your queen,” you inhaled sharply when you felt him place a soft kiss to your wet cunt, his lips moving up to place another wet kiss to your clit. Your fingers tugged his hair gently as he began to lick soft stripes up your cunt, his pressure increasing with each lick to tease the feeling. While you were usually the one doing the teasing Edmure wanted to make sure this was truly a celebration for you tonight as his tongue worked its wonders while his hands softly squeezed your thighs.
His mouth moved up, his focus turning to gently sucking your clit as curse words slipped from under your breath. His hand slipped from your thigh, slowly grazing over your skin till his fingers began to tease your hole. You moaned lightly when you felt his fingers slowly slipping in as he had practised many times with you over the years. You could feel your thighs tighten around his head and how he moaned sending vibrations through your wet cunt.
You could feel your body tightening, a knot forming in your stomach as Edmure began to hit your sweet spot, his fingers curling gently to hit closer with each move. “Yes,” you gasped, your fingers suddenly tightening in his hair, “Like that,” you said, your voice caught as your body tightened.
Edmure did exactly as he was told as he felt your thighs begin to twitch. Your body felt close to bursting till your orgasm spilled over you, your legs clamping around his head as your body tensed up, toes curling. Edmure did not attempt to remove his tongue or mouth as he let you ride out your wave, only moving when he felt your legs begin to release his head.
He came up for air, his face slick and an adoring smile on his face, “You truly are amazing,” he murmured, kissing your thigh before moving up to lay beside you.
You turned, trying to reach for his trousers to return the favour but Edmure caught your wrist, raising your hand up to his lips to kiss, “Not yet love. Catch your breath my queen,”
You laughed lightly at his words, “Are you always going to call me that?” You asked.
“Yes, for it will always be true,”
Taglist @clairacassidy @nyotamalfoy @valeskafics
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samieree · 7 months
"Dawn of the North || Robb Stark" Masterlist
(fanfiction)(Robb Stark x OC)
[General Masterlist with list of boys I can write one-shots with here]
[Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon Masterlist]
[my works are also avaiable on Ao3: Samiere and on wattpad: _Saelin]
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Introduction + Prologue
Chapter I "Family"
Chapter II "War in the south"
Chapter III "Silver-haired"
Chapter IV "News are various"
Chapter V "Truth?"
Chapter VI "First step"
Chapter VII "Mutual happiness [+18]
Chapter VIII "Temporary peace"
Chapter IX "The Twins"
Chapter X "Wildlings"
Chapter XI "The Letter"
Chapter XII "In the sight of the Seven..." [+18]
Chapter XIII "Harrenhal"
Chapter XIV "Proposition"
Chapter XV "Are you a witch?"
150 notes · View notes
countrymusiclover · 2 months
19 - Three Very Important Words
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Part 20
The Last Velaryon
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila
Spinning around on my feet throwing my hair over my shoulders I eyed my husband seeing his hands clenched at his sides. “Robb, please don’t be angry with me over speaking to Walder Frey without telling you I was going to in the first place.” 
“Oh I have every right to be angry with you.  We’re supposed to be a team, Haelesa.” 
I parted my lips, releasing a breath. “We are still a team, Robb.” 
“It didn’t appear that we were out there in front of Walder Frey and his household.  It looked like we had completely different plans in mind and didn’t communicate that to one another.” He threw his hands away from his sides in frustration. 
“I’ll take full responsibility for the miscommunication.  With that said, may I tell you of my plan that I wanted to propose to him?” 
Robb gestures with his right hand. “Continue, my lady.” 
“Robb, those girls all deserve an escape from that man.  I mean he's old and has had four different wives over how many years.  I'm afraid if young wives of other houses stop sending their daughters to him, then he might start making babies with his own children.” 
Robb pointed out. “Like the Targaryen's did to keep their bloodline supposedly pure.” 
“Exactly.  I - I want to help then escape from him in some way.  I know that there can’t possibly be that many lords wanting to be married to the Freys but it would be a start and create the loyalty between your two houses once again.” 
Robb ran a hand over the growing beard on his chin, thinking in deep thoughts. “There’s a few sons of my bannermen who are not wed off just yet.  My uncle Edmure of House Tully has no wife either.” 
“My brother has borne some bastards but since you’re a King now you can make them into official members of our house.  Unless of course you aren’t truly open to this idea at all.” 
The young wolf glanced at me, closing most of the distance between us taking my hands in his larger ones. “Whatever you want to do, we shall do to the best of our abilities.  So he also has another daughter the age of nine and ten named Rosaline.  We could wed her to my uncle.” 
“That’s a good start.  For the other girls I think we should help find husbands for Merry, Freya, Marianne and then I can take little Shirei under my wing.  I was raised by someone who wasn’t my mother and I’m terrified to think of who will talk with her about her bleeding among other things.” 
Robb kissed my forehead once cupping my face in his gloved hands. “Your heart is one of the things I love about you.” 
“Did you just say you love me?” I drew my head back slightly with a curious look. 
Robb smiled down at me longingly. “Yes, I did.”
“Say it again, Stark.” 
He nuzzled his nose against mine with a cheeky grin spread across his face when he uttered the words a few more times. “I love you.  Do you hear me, I love you.  I will always love you, Haelesa.” 
“I think I love you too, Robb.” I grinned at him feeling overjoyed at this moment.  I knew if I told him now he wouldn’t let Jaime live another night so it was best to keep the secret from him and visit a Maester here before we left.  If I don’t know who the father could be after that the Moon Tea was my only option left that I had in my back pocket. “Robb, there’s something you should know along with me loving you.  I think I am pregnant with Jaime’s-“ 
Robb connected my lips with his wrapping one arm around my waist bringing me in as close as possible.  Wrapping my arms around his neck I deepened the already heated kiss.  He threaded his other hand into my silver locks of hair that cascaded down my back and we would have remained that way if it wasn’t for someone knocking on the closed door peeking their head inside revealing none other than his mother Catelyn. “Robb, Lord Frey is getting tired of waiting for your girl to finish whatever her plan is for his daughters and granddaughters.  What would you wish me to tell him?” 
“Tell him we’ll be out in a minute to tell him our offer.  Thank you, mother.” He glanced over his shoulder responding to her. 
She nodded, closing the door when shen left. “Of course.” 
“On your lead, my king.” I extended my right hand to him waiting for him in return to which he looped his larger one with my small palm. 
“On our lead, my queen.  Now and always.” 
Together we exited the chamber room making our way into the throne seeing all eyes shift to us regardless of Lord Frey being the one to speak first and break the uncomfortable silence that had surrounded us the second we had left moments ago. “So Lord Stark, what has your lady wife come up with for our two houses to become united once more?” 
“Lord Frey, we have come up with a solution.  We will choose some of your granddaughters to choose which of my unwed bannermen to try and form a connection with them.  But under no circumstances will we force them into an arranged marriage where they aren’t happy.” Robb explained to the elderly lord before our eyes. 
Lord Frey eyed his uncle Edmure. “I’ll agree to that on one condition. We shall join house Tully and house Frey through Edmure and my daughter Roslin who was supposed to marry you, young wolf.” 
“That can be done, my lord.  You have my word.” Robb bowed his head. 
Lord Frey clasped his hands together. “Then it’s settled then.” 
“We did it. Ahh!” I squealed caught off guard when my husband scooped me up into his muscular arms twirling me around in circles of laughter briefly sitting me back down on my feet. 
Robb put one hand on my hip and his other on my stomach grinning ear to ear. “Now all we need is a baby of our own.” 
“Actually there’s something I’ve been needing to tell you about.  I told you before that I gave my maidenhood to Jaime, that was true but there’s more to it.  Robb, I think I’m pregnant except it might not - urgh!” I grunted grabbing at my belly feeling serious pain with a liquid falling down in between my legs. 
Robb's face went flushed with fear. “Haelesa?” 
“What’s wrong with her, son?” Catelyn came over to where we stood. 
Chezney ran over where I grabbed her shoulder for balance until she bent down seeing something staining on the stone floor. “That can’t be too good.” 
“Is that blood?” I cried, feeling tears welling in my eyes. 
Robb shouted at the people in the room scooping me up into his arms where I winced feeling more pain spreading through my belly. “We need a Maester!” I was rushed into the nearest available room and empty bed with no clue of what was happening to me and my secret baby growing inside of me. 
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corleonewrites · 6 days
Non ducor, duco
AU: Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
main pairing: Edmure Tully x Original Female Character fanfic.
additional pairing: Jaime Lannister x Original Female Character fanfic
Summary: Being forced to take the homeland under the ruling, young Lady Isolde Meverell learned how to lead, how to make decisions with cold heart and mind, how to speak for her own people and how to protect her land. She knew how to hide her emotions from everyone due to protect herself from others. "The Ice Lady" she was famously called. Without having time to take care of her own feelings, young Lady began her own prudent game of thrones, where the future of herself, her homeland and her relationships are at stake.
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Chapter 3. Nunquam obliviscar*
*Never forget
In couple of days before King Joffrey’s wedding the great entertaining tournament was organized. When all soldiers who were participating in the tournament were getting ready for it by cleaning their armors, swords and horses in the streets of King’s Landing, I passed them by almost unnoticed, two of my guards were following me when I was reaching the gardens where the private meeting with Lady Olenna Tyrell was taken place.
“Ah, the famous Ice Lady”, Lady Olenna stood up from the bench to greet me, when I dropped into a curtsy, “Forgive me for nicknaming you, but the legends of your cold heart arrived faster than you”, she saw no reaction on her words from me and she continued, when we sat back on the bench, “Please, take my condolences for your great loss. Your parents were one of the wisest people that have ruled Einarland.”
“Thank you for your kind words, Lady Olenna”, I looked around the gardens, nodding to my guards to check around: birds could be everywhere and probably could hear us.
“There is no need for that, Lady Isolde, no one can hear us here”, Lady Olenna took my hands in hers but I simply replied:
“All precautions must be made, especially when one is talking with the lord or lady from North.”
The woman smiled softly at me. Of course, she knew my reasonable precautions as we were talking about the future assassination which will lead us to, probably, very long and painful deaths.
“I’m glad we understand each other”, she continued softly, “My granddaughter should not make sacrifice by marrying that monster and your late parents must be revenged. I am still impressed by your determination, Lady Isolde.”
I looked directly into the woman’s eyes. Of course, I knew that she didn’t care neither about my late parents nor about me: Lady Margaery, her happiness and her aim to be the Queen were the main driving reasons for Lady Olenna to make allies with The Ice Lady. It did not bother me as long as I knew that I would make Lannisters pay for their actions.
“Lady Olenna, both you and I care dearly about our families, about our Houses, and when someone or something that is so dear to us is in danger – we are taking all the opportunities that will protect and save them from tyranny. Without paying attention to what should happen to us. Without caring as long as our loved ones are safe”, I gave her a very cold look. The woman just nodded and then she took off a small bag which was hanging over her shoulder and gave it to me.
“You will find a small necklace with a poisonous stone in there”, she said calmly, as I put the bag over my shoulders, “It should be slipped into a cup of wine during the most memorable day for King Joffrey and Lady Margaery…”, the woman silenced for a moment and glanced at the bottle, “It will not work immediately, but the result will be fatal.”, the woman looked into my eyes again and stood up from her seat “Let Lannisters have their own Red Wedding. We will see each other soon, hopefully, Lady Isolde”
With these words Lady Olenna left the gardens, when I continued to sit on the bench silently, guarded by my soldiers, looking at the small bag in my hands. I sighed quietly, understanding that from that point there was no way back. ______________________________________________________________
The great feast and entertaining tournament were taking place in Shieldville due to the end of the conflict between House Meverell and House Tully. All great lords from North, Riverlands and even the King himself attended the celebration. Everyone was cheering, laughing, eating and drinking, the musicians were playing loudly and unstoppably.
I sat quietly, beside my parents, still angry with the fact that they were planning to marry me with Edmure Tully, who was sitting across from me at the table. Not only age difference was separating us, as he was fourteen years older than me, but the hate that I had for Tullys was the main reason why I was angry with parents and their decision. They knew how I detested Tullys, how I did not like Edmure, but it did not stop them for making this proposal. Of course, they heard my angry rejections but they hoped that I would eventually change my mind. It never happened even until the present day, many moons after the end of conflict.
And here I was, sitting at the feast table, glancing coldly at Edmure and my parents, when the music was bursting out on the background.
“Lady Isolde”, suddenly I heard King Robert’s voice and it woke me up from my thoughts, “Your father told me that you’ve been learning how to fight and to use sword, bow and arrows and you are quite good at it”, he finished, smiling at me.
I looked at the King, then at my father, and finally at Edmure, who looked back at me with curiosity. I just looked back at the king and nodded:
“Yes, your Grace”
“And your father also said that you’re the best with fighting with bow and arrows. Can you show all of us your skills, then?”, Robert Baratheon looked at me again, when I suddenly froze, taking aback by his words. My father never told me that I was the best in this. He only told me to practice more and that I was good. But never best.
I silently stood up from my seat, and took my bow and arrows from one of our servants, when others were preparing the target in the furthest place I've ever reached before during my training sessions.
Everyone was quiet, even the musicians stopped playing. I gave the final look at Edmure, who stood up from his seat, looking directly at me. I just sighed loudly, gave final look around the curious public, turned my sharp gaze to the target, trying to concentrate on its center, which was so far away from me. Calmly squinted, pulled the bowstring with an arrow, holding my breath for a second, and released the arrow.
After I realized that it reached the target, I immediately repeated the same action, trying this time to break the arrow in the center in two halves. I’ve tried to do this before but only one attempt was successful. This time I knew I won’t miss.
There was silence when the second arrow cut through the first and hit the center again. But then everyone cheered so loudly that I thought I would become deaf. When I reached my chair, both my father and uncle Ned nodded at me with a smile on their faces, when the King said to my father:
“Lord Meverell, your daughter can be the great knight and the protector of your land, you can be sure about it. I think that with such skills she can break hearts of other lords in two halves as well”, the king winked at both me and Edmure, when Tully said to me, when I finally sat back on my seat:
“It was a really great shot, Lady Isolde”
Of course, when someone was admitting my skills, I felt flattered, but when Tully told me that I felt irritated at the same time. But manners were above all of my inside feelings and I coldly replied:
“Thank you, Lord Edmure”
The entertaining tournament in King’s Landing was on its zenith: the final combats were over, almost everyone was drinking and cheering for King Joffrey and Lady Margaery. I was sitting near my cousin Sansa and Tyrion Lannister, when Jaime was sitting right across from me, glancing and smiling at me.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come earlier, Sansa”, I said to my cousin, believing that no one was going to hear us, “I hope you were alright here and they were treating you right”, I whispered, glancing back at Jaime, but before Sansa could say something back to me, I heard Joffrey’s voice:
“Lady Isolde, my father once told me, when I was practicing with my sword, that you’re, probably, one of the best fighting with sword and with bow and arrows, was he right?”
“Oh, is that right, The Ice Lady?”, Jaime asked cunningly, as if he wanted to read the lie is this fact, but I coldly replied, looking back at Joffrey:
“Yes, your father was right, Your Grace. He saw my skills during one of those tournaments, many moons ago”
“Can you prove his words now, then?”, he asked, but it sounded more like a command.
“Of course, your Grace”
I saw how Jaime’s eyes followed me when I was reaching the arena, where servants were preparing the target and a table with arrows and bow. My eyes froze for a second as I saw a crossbow, also laying on the table. The servants placed three targets in the arena: they were at different distances from each other and from me, one of them was further away, another one was closer to me. Most likely, the king wanted to see my skills not only with a bow, but also with a crossbow. And I learned how to use a crossbow much earlier, when my father took me hunting with him in the forests of Einarland.
The next thought that caught my mind was to quickly put and arrow inside it and shoot directly into Joffrey’s heart. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do this even and I didn’t have the chance to leave the crime scene unnoticeable for guards and the public.
I sighed quietly, when preparing to release the bowstring with an arrow on it. A bird screamed on the background, and probably all eyes of every person who was enjoying the tournament were on me, but I didn’t pay attention to any of it as my sharp gaze was aimed on the target.
When the arrow was finally released and hit the target, I took a crossbow in my hands, finishing the remain targets, hitting the center of each of them. Roars of cheers and hand claps came from the audience, these cheers reminded me so much of all those happy times when I attended same tournaments in Einarland and the North. Now they were gone, but I promised myself that soon I would hear the cheers again, this time at home and it’d be the sound of my victory.
“My father was right, Lady Isolde”, Joffrey clapped his hands again, when I was walking back to my seat, “You’re indeed very good at it. Maybe we’ll ask you to train our soldiers here in King’s Landing, I’m not quite sure that my uncle is capable for it”, the king looked at Jaime when he said those words, who hid his golden fake arm under the table and replied, looking at me:
“Well, if I’m not lucky in this I will be successful in terms of love, then”
“I think we can all agree about it, isn’t it so, Lady Isolde?”, Cersei asked, smiling cunningly at me.
At that point the interaction between me, Jaime and, probably Cersei herself in discussing the matters of my possible betrothed to Kingslayer was inevitable and would probably take place either the same evening after the tournament or the next morning. I wondered if Lannisters knew to whom I was betrothed before, but I guessed they didn’t really care about lords and ladies outside King’s Landing, especially if lands were close to the North.
“I think Ser Jaime knows better than we all are”, I dryly replied to her, but put a fake smile on my face.
“I hope we will have a small talk this evening”, Cersei added, continuing to look at me with her cunning eyes, “Moons have passed and we never had a chance to talk properly, especially with Meverells”
My heart sank. She knew how to put pressure on a sore spot.
“Of course”, I replied, looking at the woman with straight cold look.
Sansa, who looked at our interaction with undisguised interest whispered to me quietly: “What does she mean, cousin?”
I looked sadly at my cousin and replied: “You will, soon enough”
She reminded me so much of my mother. The same cold beautiful eyes, the same grace and the same beauty. When Arya, who I haven’t seen in moons but believed with all my heart that she was alive and safe, since she was a little girl, reminded me so much of myself. The same arrogance, the same sharpness, the same self-confidence, the same interest in fighting trains. Something inside was always telling me that at some point in our lives we’d meet at the battlefield as great allies.
“Lady Isolde Meverell”, Lord Baelish, whom I noticed when I was standing in the arena, getting ready for my shot, now bent down and said quietly to me to make sure that no one could hear us besides Sansa, “It seems to me that we haven't had the opportunity to meet up to this point”, he paused and looked around again.
I met Lord Baelish only with cursory glance when he visited Shieldville moons ago, and we only greeted each other with nods of heads and greets like Lady Isolde and Lord Baelish. He was one of few people who I used to know who never called me Ice Lady before. Not openly to me, at least.
“It’s true, Lord Baelish, but I do remember your visits to Shieldville, when my parents were still alive”, I said dryly, glancing at Jaime again, but he didn’t notice it.
I was always doubting Littlefinger’s character, I knew that he would do whatever would be good for him and his abilities, he could betray everyone and build impressive cobwebs of intrigues and lies.
But I needed his help. That’s why Amela flew to him with my message with an offer which would safe both my cousin and me when we would need to leave King’s Landing.
“I hope both of us can find time to have a small meeting in the gardens later today”, he continued, “To discuss some matters”
Musicians on the background played as loud as they could, the cheers and songs could be heard from everyone, so no one could hear our little chat.
“Of course, Lord Baelish”, I replied, and looked at the crowd, rising from my place, facing Littlefinger, “But my guards will follow me, in the matter of precautions, you understand it”
The same second my guards moved closer to me and Littlefinger as we were heading to the gardens, when no one from the public understood that we suddenly disappeared from the feast.
The gardens were very quiet, and I was very pleased to leave the tournament as it was too loud and busy. The sun began to slowly sink below the horizon – the long day was almost over.
“I assume that the final matters have already been done?”, I asked Littlefinger as we were walking slowly through the huge bushes, flowers and fountains.
“Of course, my Lady”, the man replied, “The ship arrived to King’s Landing today. After the wedding it will be waiting in the bay bound for the Vale of Arryn.”, the man stopped and looked at me, “Sansa will be safer there than in Einarland”
I needed to agree with him: Lannisters would definitely search for her in my land as she was my cousin and my mother was Stark.
"I have the plan how to make Lady Sansa arrive to her aunt unnoticed, she will be safe, I guarantee you that, Lady Isolde.", he suddenly stopped and looked at me with cunning look, "But both you and I know how people like to talk and make false accusations, the main motive will be that not only Lady Sansa but also you, Lady Isolde, had all reasons to kill king Joffrey..."
"He is not my king, Lord Baelish", I interrupted Littlefinger, as I got irritated by his words about "your king", "My House recognizes only King in the North. It was moons before my ruling of Einarland and it will be moons after me", I finished coldly. "Careful, my Lady, wrong people in King's Landing can hear you" "So let them hear me. Let them know it. You are talking to half-Stark, Lord Baelish, and I'm taking all responsibilities about any kind of accusations and consequences which will be revealed after the royal wedding", I said in anger, sharply and confidently.
"Of course, Lady Isolde", Littlefinger replied and looked at the sun, which almost disappeared behind the sea.
“I must inform Sansa about the ship, I can’t say nothing more, I don’t want her to be concerned about all the details of the plan, she has suffered enough”, I said quietly, my mind was far away at that moment, in Einarland, in the past, when parents were alive.
Littlefinger simply nodded, and left the gardens, when I saw the sun disappeared completely behind the sea, which seemed endless to me as I was far away from home and was counting days before my departure.
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@salzrand​ - annnnnd we’re back <3 Did you miss us?  Well, hopefully not as much as Edmure’s currently missing his luck XD
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alleyskywalker · 1 year
NEW FIC: Riverwife (Asha-centric)
Title: Riverwife Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire Characters/Pairings: Asha-centric; (pre-ship) Asha/Edmure, Asha & Theon Rating: PG Word Count: 1,925 Summary: AU. After the Greyjoy rebellion was defeated by the Iron Throne, both of Balon's living children were taken as hostages, but while Theon would spend the entirety of his time at Winterfell, it was deemed proper for Asha to be married off to a loyal greenlander lord once she came of age. Four years into her marriage to Edmure Tully, heir to Riverrun, Asha prepares for even more changes in her life.
Read on AO3
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kingoftheu · 2 years
Jon and Robb were sent West to avoid trouble. They get into trouble.
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tortledimlr · 1 year
The Princess Who Was Promised: A Game of Thrones Fanfic
Chapter Two: Arya
Arya stared up at the great gates of Riverruns castle as she rode in behind her father. They were almost as grand as Winterfell’s gates, but the humidity of the recent rainfall left her longing for the snow of home. Her direwolf, Nymeria, walked next to her, sniffing the air and ground of the new area. 
It had been a month since her brother, Bran Stark, had fallen from one of Winterfell’s towers and died. A month of them traveling from their home and his final resting place. Arya closed her eyes, thinking back to her last conversation with him. How excited he’d been to train with the prince’s in King's Landing. How he’d already packed his clothes. 
A loud ‘BANG’ tore her out of her reverie, and she felt her horse stop. Eddard Stark, her father, looked around for the source of the sound. 
“Missed again, my lady!” A man's voice shouted, and Arya looked in that direction. In the courtyard, a few Tully guardsmen stood, one of them checking a target. At the opposite end of the target, a young woman with long, black hair stood, looking slightly disgruntled. Out of the corner of her eye, Arya noticed her father relax a little.
“Brynden’s girl, I reckon,” He said, pushing his horse forward once more. Arya stared at the girl curiously, until the girl looked up. She had big, dark brown eyes and brown skin, nothing like any of the Tully’s Arya had met. Sansa tsked as she passed.
“It’s rude to stare, Arya. You’d know that if you ever paid attention during Septa Mordane’s classes,” She said snootily, and Arya fought the urge to roll her eyes. Brynden’s daughter waved at Arya shyly, and she waved back before looking ahead and following Ned into the stables.
As they unhorsed, they were greeted by their uncle, Edmure Tully, the lordling of Riverrun. He greeted Ned. Arya listened to their conversation as she helped clean up her horse.
“Catelyn sent a bird. I’m sorry about your son,” Edmure murmured, petting Ned’s horse. Ned nodded solemnly, and Arya felt her chest tighten. “If there’s anything we can do…”
“Thank you for your condolences, Edmure. This has been…a very hard time for me and my family,” Ned answered. It was silent in the stables for a few long moments, before Ned shook his head. “How is your uncle? I saw his daughter in the courtyard messing with some loud object.”
“Ah,” Edmure smirked a bit, crossing his arms. “Yes, Elayne’s been working on a special new weapon for the past few years. Calls it a ‘firearm’. The Blackfish decided to have a blacksmith make it for her nameday in a few months.”
Ned raised his eyebrows and was opening his mouth to ask, when another bang rang through the yard. Sansa yelled a bit, and Ned looked back at the door. “Perhaps we should go see this ‘firearm’ ourselves? Is that something you two want to do?”
Arya nodded quickly, and Sansa was hesitant. “Oh, come on, Sansa. Live a little.” Arya pleaded, holding her hand. She was shocked at herself for being so affectionate in front of people, but ever since Bran’s death she’s seen her sister in a different light. She was annoying as ever, but even Sansa had been nicer since. 
“Oh, fine,” She said, exasperated, and Arya dragged her out to the courtyard. Ned chuckled a bit as he followed them.
In the courtyard, Elayne Tully stood holding a strange metal object in her hand. She aimed at the target with a serious expression, and another bang echoed around them. It nearly deafened Arya, and Sansa covered her ears with her hands. Ned pulled them to a stop at the edge of the stone platform she was shooting on. 
One of the Riverrun guards moved towards the target and looked at it for a moment. “Closer this time, my lady!” He said, looking back at Elayne. She looked marginally more pleased before setting the firearm into a fancy box that another young woman had brought forward.
“Elayne, you have some visitors, cousin,” Edmure said, standing next to them. Elayne turned to look at them, and Edmure spoke again. “This is my sister Catelyn’s husband, Lord Eddard Stark, and his children, Sansa and Arya.”
Elayne bowed her head. “It is a pleasure to meet you, my lord and ladies. Apologies if I startled you with my firearm. I was unaware that it had already been an hour since the announcement of your arrival.” She folded her hands in front of her as she looked at them.
Arya and Sansa bowed in greeting, and Ned spoke. “The pleasure is ours, Lady Elayne. It is lovely to finally meet you.” He smiled, but Arya could tell it wasn’t quite reaching his eyes. After a few moments of awkward silence, Edmure walked over to Elayne and whispered something in her ear. She gasped and covered her mouth.
“Oh my…Lord Stark I am so sorry for the loss of your son. And Sansa and Arya, for the loss of your brother,” She said, looking down at her feet. Ned made to say something else, but they were interrupted by the sound of trumpets. The king had arrived.
After the initial meeting of Edmure Tully and King Robert, Arya and Sansa were finally given leave to do what they wanted. Septa Mordane wished to start a study session with Riverrun’s septa, but, much to her dismay, Elayne suggested that they join her in the courtyard so she could show off her firearm. 
Sansa was, once again, hesitant, but when Prince Joffrey stated that he wanted to see it, she was all for it. Arya was irritated that the prince insisted on joining them, but couldn’t bring herself to be that bothered by his presence. The idea of seeing a new weapon was too exciting for even Joffrey to ruin.
In the courtyard, Elayne first showed them the firearm. She told them that it was meant to work like a faster crossbow, but better. She showed them how one was meant to use it, and they all took a turn pulling the trigger. Joffrey was the first, as he was the future king, and he seemed overly excited to pull the trigger. To his disappointment, the firearm was unloaded.
“This isn’t fair! You get to shoot it loaded, why can’t I?” He demanded, glaring at Elayne. Arya felt Sansa tense up next to her, and grabbed her hand. Before Elayne could answer, a woman’s voice spoke up.
“Joffrey, my dear, it's a safety precaution. We don’t want you to hurt yourself or anyone else,” Queen Cersei said, walking onto the stone slab. She wore a deep red and gold gown, her mane of golden hair falling in ringlets down to her waist. “Let me see it.”
Joffrey seemed unwilling to give the firearm over, but a stern look from the queen had him handing it over. He sulked over to the bench that Arya and Sansa sat on, but Arya barely noticed him. She was watching the queen look over the firearm. 
“You invented this, did you?” She asked Elayne, turning it over in her hands. She looked at Elayne when it took her a minute to answer. “Well?”
“Oh! Yes, your grace, I did invent it,” Elayne said, folding her hands behind her back. Despite her darker complexion, it was quite obvious she was blushing. Most likely from embarrassment.
“How many of them have you made?” Cersei asked, pointing the firearm at the nearest guard. Arya tensed, and she noticed the guard back away slightly. 
“Just the one, your grace,” Elayne said, staring at the weapon. It was quite obvious she wanted to take it from the queen. Cersei was silent for a moment before handing it to Elayne. As she turned away, Arya watched Elayne let out a breath of relief.
“You should show that to the king, Lady Elayne,” Cersei said without looking at her. “I’m sure a weapon such as that would be most useful in the kingsguard.”
The queen returned to Riverrun castle, followed closely by Princess Myrcella and Prince Tommen. Joffrey remained with them, watching Elayne show off the firearm a bit more. She didn’t let anyone else hold it before they were called to dinner in the grand hall.
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lj-todd · 5 years
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Third set of fancasting for Of Sand and Snow, again I decided to go with the characters ages in the books as I could and, as such, the actors from the show most definitely do not fit for this fic. Of Sand and Snow, which is going to be the first in a short series of fics, is set between 281-283AC so I chose actors/actresses who I feel better reflected the canon!ages (a few characters ages aren’t listed canonically so I made some educated guesses). If an age is not listed with a character then it means that character is no longer living. (Set I || Set II) Aerys II Targaryen – Jason Isaacs Rhaella Targaryen – Sofia Helin Viserys Targaryen – Joel Dawson Jon Arryn – Patrick Stewart Hoster Tully – David O’Hara Lysa Tully – Isolda Dychauk Edmure Tully – Iain Armitage Brynden Tully – Eric Johnson Olenna Redwyne – Diana Rigg Mace Tyrell – K. Trevor Wilson Alerie Hightower – Hera Hilmar Willas Tyrell – Braxton Rodammer Garlan Tyrell – Sander Thomas
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xxlittle0birdxx · 5 years
Ch. 3: Putting the Pieces Back Together
‘You’ll still have guards at Riverrun,’ he patiently explained, yet again. ‘They just won’t be comprised o’ men from the Riverlands. They’ll come from all over Westeros.’ He nodded toward Yara. ‘If they don’t want to fight on foot or on horseback, we can send them to Yara to turn ‘em into sailors, if they’re so inclined. Or they can be stewards or builders. Like in the Watch.’ Edmure made a dismissive noise in the back of his throat. Jon rose slowly to his feet before he could stop himself. ‘The Night’s Watch lasted for eight thousand years.’
‘And look what happened to them. Wiped out completely,’ Edmure scoffed.
‘They died to protect you from the Night King.’ Jon set both hands on the table and glared at Edmure until the older man met his gaze. ‘Do not presume to tell me about the Watch,’ he said evenly. ‘I am well aware o’ its flaws. We can’t keep doing things the way we’ve done them for three hundred years because that’s how we’ve been doing it for three hundred years!’ He didn’t realize he was shouting until he heard his voice echo off the walls of the Dragonpit.
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samieree · 7 months
Dawn of the North || Robb Stark
Robb Stark x OC
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-> Chapter XIV "Proposition"
Chapter XV "Are you a witch?"
Immediately after the boat with Hoster Tully's body was pushed out into the river, Edmure Tully (his son) took his bow, lit one of the arrows on fire and began aiming at the boat to burn the body in this way, as was customary.
But well... The arrow missed the target. And by quite a lot.
But that didn't deter him, and soon second arrow shot through the sky, and third -  accompanied by Robb's quiet laughter before his mother silently scolded him for it... There was no fourth one.
Well, Blackfish could no longer look at his nephew's incompetence and decided to take matters into his own hands, literally. He didn't even look after the arrow until it hit the target, he just pushed the bow into his nephew's hands and walked away, squeezing through the crowd.
"That was quick..." Amy muttered to Robb, quietly enough to make sure only he heard that.
"I actually expected it to end like this." he answered her equally quietly, while casting a discreet glance at her.
Well... As you can see, not everyone has mastered archery so well, but Amy, for example, dared to claim (only in her mind, of course) that she would also hit such a "moving target". She was curious how her little brother was learning to shoot a bow. She herself liked these exercises very much as a child, although she once experienced severe irritation of the skin on her hand. But never mind that, she always had fun and was just waiting for the moment when she managed to hit the very center of the target, to then turn around and see her happy father, and then hear his praise. That was so long ago... When was the heir due the lack of brother.
Does her little brother feel the same way now? It's very possible, she wonders if he is as enthusiastic as she was about such exercises...
* * *
Not that long later, they were sitting in Riverrun and Edmure... Well, he was presenting his latest "contribution" quite colorfully, while everyone in the room was hardly willing to listen to him. Robb was leaning against the wall and looking out the window, Blackfish was sipping wine from a goblet, and Amy was sitting nearby on a chair, twirling the goblet in her hand, staring at the wine.
She didn't feel like drinking, she felt like she would faint if she took even a sip of any alcohol...
"As I said, nephew, I fought quite a serious battle at the stone mill..."
"Can you please stop talking about that damn mill?" his uncle suddenly interrupted him, freeing everyone in the room from listening to this chatter. Amy smiled to herself, holding back a laugh, and set the goblet down on the table, deciding that she can't drink this wine. "And stop calling Robb nephew, he's your King!"
"He knows that I respect him and we're alone here..."
"You're lucky I'm not your king. Then you certainly wouldn't portray a mistake as a victory." he stated, passing his nephew and going to the table where Amy was sitting to pour himself some wine. "And you don't drink, Your Grace?"
"I don't feel like it, thank you..." she muttered, pushing the goblet even further away from her. Just looking at it felt like her stomach wanted to do somersaults.
"This 'mistake' - as you put it - caused Tywin's dog to run away with his tail between his legs..." Edmure defended his arguments, ignoring his uncle's dismissive look as he looked at him over the glass with another portion of wine.
"I can't stand this sober..." Blackfish muttered, more to himself than to anyone else, without interrupting Edmure's argument.
"...We can't win the war if only the King fights. There is enough glory for everyone...!"
"It's not about glory." Robb finally said, looking over his shoulder a little. "Your instructions were clear, you were to wait for him to attack."
"I saw an opportunity and took advantage of it." Edmure spread his arms as he said this, as if surprised by Robb's words.
Amy, on the other hand, was not surprised at all, she had already heard her husband complain several times about Edmure that he had gone completely against his plan, which was why they had lost the opportunity to kill the Mountain.
"How much is the mill worth?" Robb asked, instead of going straight to scolding his uncle.
"It depends on how much grain you have to grind..." Amy muttered quite quietly, but loud enough to be sure that everyone in the room heard her.
"And then we'll throw sacks of flour at our enemies, great idea. The Lannisters would never have expected this." Blackfish added, smiling at Amy and raising his glass to her before drinking from it again. "I can already see how such a battle will become history... 'White Rain'..."
"More like 'White Fog.'"
"Yes you are right. It sounds better and more appropriate."
"The Mountain was across the river." Edmure interrupted these torturous thoughts, emphasizing each word and looking towards Amy and Blackfish. Before Robb replied, he sighed quietly.
What exactly was he facing?
"Is he still there?" he asked, trying to calm down a bit. He's your uncle, he certainly didn't want any bad..., he kept repeating to himself.
"Of course not. He had no chance, there were too many of us!" Edmure announced a little too enthusiastically.
"I wanted to lure him here..." Robb began, looking dangerously into his uncle's eyes. "He would attack us and we could surround him and kill him. I wanted him to come after us, which he certainly would, because he's... A mad dog ​​with no idea of ​​strategy, I could have his head on a stake by now. But instead I have a mill."
"And quite an interesting opportunity to make history..." Blackfish said quietly, of course talking about the mentioned possibility of fighting using flour bags, which would indeed be a pretty funny element of surprise.
However, Robb chose to ignore it, as did Edmure.
"We took hostages..." Edmure said, more quietly than before, looking away for a moment. "Willem and Martyn Lannister..."
"They are fourteen years old." said Robb dryly, still looking at his uncle with obvious anger.
"Martyn is fifteen, if my memory serves me right." Blackfish interjected. At that moment, Robb slowly started to approach his uncle, who seemed a little scared by this fact.
"Tywin Lannister has my sis-"
"Excuse me." Amy said unexpectedly and stood up abruptly, almost running out of the room. Of course everyone, looked at her, but the chamber door had already closed behind her.
"We haven't finished this conversation." Robb stated firmly, but put the worry about his beloved's sudden exit above the argue with his uncle.
She sat on the stone windowsill next to the open window, leaning her head slightly against the wall and breathing in the fresh air. Somehow she felt so weak as she sat there and had the impression that her dinner was about to escape from her stomach...
"Is everything all right?" she heard next to her, and then she saw Robb sitting next to her on the windowsill. "What happened?" he asked caringly, taking her hands. The tone of his voice was definitely different from the one he used to address his uncle a few moments ago. Besides, his gaze was also softer.
"Nothing, I just needed some fresh air, don't worry." she managed to smile, looking up at him. "Really, everything's fine now." she added when she noticed that he probably didn't fully believe her.
"Why don't you go get some rest?" that didn't seem to be a question at all...
"I really feel good no-..."
"Rest." he repeated.
She sighed quietly at this, maybe she would start arguing with him that she didn't need any rest, that she felt good... If she really felt as good as she claimed, but the truth was that she would gladly just go to sleep. But... How long can she rest? It's a pity to waste days like this when she could go and do something.
"Okay, okay..." she finally nodded in response, lowering her eyes a little but still noticing the slight smile on Robb's face. He leaned a little towards her and placed a kiss on her forehead, then pressed their foreheads together for a moment.
"You are the light in my life, don't blame me for wanting to take care of you." before she could reply, Robb had already stood up and returned to the chamber where Edmure and Blackfish were waiting, the latter of whom was once again pondering the idea of ​​using flour in some battle.
Once Amy was alone, she sat by the window for a while, looking out and trying to calm her thoughts. The nausea seemed to finally subside, allowing her to breathe normally.
It's probably obvious that she wasn't going to just lie in bed and do nothing. But if she was just supposed to 'go rest', she would treat it that way when she visited the captured teenage Lannisters, whom she knew Talisa was going to see to take care of their wounds.
The dungeon wasn't a particularly appealing place, although surprisingly it didn't smell musty or anything like that. And there was a window through which at least a little light entered the cell. But she still didn't envy the boys who had to live in such conditions.
Although it was good for them that someone came to take care of their wounds.
Amy, looking at everything, leaned against the dusty wall. Even though she felt a bit bad about wearing good clothes, she didn't want to risk feeling sick or weak again and falling over without such support.
"You are Robb Stark's wife?" asked the boy whose hand Talisa was taking care of. He looked over her shoulder at Amy standing against the wall, who even smiled slightly at those words.
"How do you know that?"
"They say you're young, but you've already turned you grey because of him. And that you are a witch." she laughed at these words and Talisa also had to stop working for a moment because of the boy's words.
"I'm afraid I've had hair like this since I was born." Amy explained once she had calmed down. But she didn't say even a word about the statement that she was a witch.
"And... Is it true what they say about him...?" he asked, with a slight fear in his voice.
"And... What do they say about him?"
"That he turns into a wolf at night. And that he eats the entrails of his enemies." Amy pretended to think about the answer to this question, putting her index finger to her chin.
"All truth." she finally replied, looking seriously at the kid. "But there's nothing to be afraid of, neither my husband nor I harm children." she assured him, even smiling sincerely.
"Unless there's a full moon. Then you have exceptions." Talisa added with a slight smile on her lips, looking over her shoulder at her friend.
"But luckily there's no full moon today." Amy replied, looking at her before glancing back at the boy. "So you can sleep without worries."
* * *
Despite these unusual visit, she was still in bed much earlier than her husband. It was already quite late, but neither he was there yet nor she could sleep.
She was lying on the side, running her hand over her exposed belly. Even before she and Talisa left after visiting the teenage Lannisters, she told her what had suddenly happened and how she felt. This brief exchange reminded her that she hadn't paid much attention to the last time she bled.
However, despite such suspicions, she was still not sure, after all, everything could be delayed due to stress, and for example, dinner could cause nausea and that's why she felt bad.
But despite this uncertainty, she lightly ran her hand over her belly, wondering if she was expecting a baby. Was it because of it that she felt so bad sometimes in recent days...?
"Do you feel better now?" she suddenly heard from behind and immediately covered her stomach with her nightgown, just after that turning on her other side, facing him.
"Absolutely." she replied, this time completely truthfully.
She decided not to tell Robb anything about her suspicions. After all, if it turned out to be just some cases of indigestion, it would be a bit stupid, so it would be better to wait a little longer and make sure she's pregnant.
She closed her eyes as he lay down next to her and wrapped his arm around her, finally able to stop thinking and worrying about anything. She could say that the moment when they go to bed together is her favorite moment of the day - after all, everything around her didn't matter, whether it was good or bad.
At that moment, they were just for themselves. They were not King and Queen, but simply husband and wife.
~ -> general masterlist -> Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon masterlist
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gizkasparadise · 5 years
None of it’s worked out how he thought it would: he’s in love, but she won’t marry him. He’s legitimized, but none of his family's alive. He’s a Lord, but he doesn’t know how to read or write. And now he’s a Baratheon. One allied to the Targaryen Queen who just brought all of King’s Landing to the ground.
Above everything, Gendry needs help. One day, it rides in on a white horse.
chapter 15: what the fuck just happened
Arya snarls at Geraint Lannister when he challenges one of Jon’s suggestions, and Gendry falls in love with her a little more as the older man visibly recoils.
That’s my future wife, he thinks, awed.
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corleonewrites · 16 days
Non ducor, duco
AU: Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
main pairing: Edmure Tully x Original Female Character fanfic.
additional pairing: Jaime Lannister x Original Female Character fanfic
Summary: Being forced to take the homeland under the ruling, young Lady Isolde Meverell learned how to lead, how to make decisions with cold heart and mind, how to speak for her own people and how to protect her land. She knew how to hide her emotions from everyone due to protect herself from others. "The Ice Lady" she was famously called. Without having time to take care of her own feelings, young Lady began her own prudent game of thrones, where the future of herself, her homeland and her relationships are at stake.
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Chapter 1. Sic infit*
*So it begins
From the book of The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms
Elric Meverell, first of his name, born to Lord Everard Meverell and Lady Genevieve Meverell, at Shieldville in the 247th year after Aegon's Landing. Brown of hair, grey-green of eye, fair complected. Wed to Virgilia of House Stark at the Great Sept of Sigrid in Shieldville. Died in massacre during The Red Wedding in his fifty third year.
Virgilia Meverell, first of her name, born to Lord Wolf Stark and Lady Eira Stark, at Winterfell, in the 250th year after Aegon's Landing. Dark-brown of hair, blue of eye, fair complected. Wed in her nineteenth year to Lord Elric Meverell, he of House Meverell at the Great Sept of Sigrid in Shieldville. Died in massacre during The Red Wedding in her fiftieth year.
Isolde Meverell, first of her name, born to Lord Elric Meverell and Lady Virgilia Meverell at Shieldville in the 277th year after Aegon's Landing. Grey-green of eye, brown of hair, fair complected, scar on the right cheek.
The sun was at its zenith when my horse was on her way to The Red Keep. Four guards from the army of my House were riding their horses. My sword which was made out of valyrian steel together with bow and arrows were close to me so I could protect myself at any second if someone wanted to harm me.
“People from North are never safe in King’s Landing” my father once told me, not so long ago. I always remembered it and never forgot. I never wanted to visit King’s Landing, never wanted to be the queen there, never wanted to leave my home. And the reason for my arrival to King’s Landing was just one: to have revenge for my family.
“I believe that it is the ideal plan if we want to have North secured with our own blood. Marriage is the one and only way that we can do this now without so that not a single drop of blood of our soldier is spilled”, Cersei looked at Jaime and Tyrion waiting for their approval of her plan. But both brothers were confused and not sure as they had their own opinion about Lady Isolde Meverell of House Shieldville, despite the fact that they’ve seen her only once, many moons ago.
“Of course, I’ve heard about her looks and beauty that, my dear sister, you forgot to mention”, Jaime looked at Cersei, but she just turned her gaze away from him, “But I wasn’t planning to marry The Ice Lady, even for the sake of our land”
“You must do what is right for our family, and this is a perfect marriage alliance for Lannisters”, Cersei turned to Jaime looking irritated.
“I’ve also heard that she was betrothed to one lord…don’t remember to whom exactly”, Tyrion was trying to unsuccessfully recall the name of that lord and shook his head in protest, “This is a bad idea and I don’t agree for it”, Cersei wanted to reply something to her brother, when Jaime moved closer to his sister and asked:
“How can you know, my dear sister, that she will agree for this?” Jaime smirked, looking at the figure of a young woman on a black horse, which was slowly getting closer and closer to The Red Keep, “She’s known as The Ice Lady for a reason and you know it perfectly well”
Cersei pretended she didn’t hear her brother, when Tyrion also pointed out:
“Besides, her uncle Ned was executed and her parents were killed because of our affairs. Don’t you think that she could possibly make a revenge for destroying her family and relatives?”
“She doesn’t have allies at King’s Landing, and Shieldville is too far, her army will be late for saving their dear Lady Meverell”, Cersei smiled with the tips of her lips, glanced at the figure once again, then softly touched Jaime’s shoulder, “Go down and meet our dear noble guest.”
The gates of The Red Keep opened and I saw the man riding towards me on his white horse. With every step our horses were riding towards each other I recognized Jaime Lannister, who was smiling at me, but, of course, I knew that it was a smile of great pretender.
“Lady Isolde, welcome to King’s Landing”, he greeted me, trying to move closer, when my guards didn’t let him do it, “I hope your brave soldiers don’t think that I can harm you, you’re arriving as our guest for the wedding of King Joffrey and Lady Margaery.”, Jaime pointed out, but I just nodded to them stay close to me.
I never liked Lannisters. I didn’t hate them in the way of how I hated Tullys, of course, I just didn’t like their attitudes towards their exclusiveness. But the Red Wedding changed everything. After what they’ve done to my family none of them could possibly live.
“They’re taking precautions, Ser Jaime”, I replied dryly, but with a small smile on my face. It was my time to pretend, “Even the wedding can turn out as bloody massacre”
The smile disappeared from Jaime’s face. I wondered if he knew that his family was responsible to the death of my family.
“Please receive my great condolences…I didn’t know your parents very well, but I’ve heard about their bravery and nobility…”
We were coming closer and closer to The Red Keep, where King Joffrey and his future Queen Lady Margaery were waiting to greet me, but there was still time for me and Jaime to have a talk. I knew that Joffrey was his son, that, probably, Cersei was planning to wed Jaime to me, as I was one of the keys to North as Shieldville situated in the middle between Winterfell and Riverrun. Just how Sansa, my cousin, was the key to Winterfell. And I knew that the marriage between Jaime and me would never happen.
“Wisdom and bravery” are the motto of my land, Ser Jaime”, I coldly looked at him, “Of course, they were noble. Only they didn’t know that they would be killed during the wedding”
“I hope that you and your guards will see that you’re safe here, Lady Isolde”, Jaime gave up trying to move closer to me and my horse when we finally arrived to the great castle of The Red Keep, where the greeting ceremony was waiting for me.
“Lady Isolde, we are grateful that you’ve accepted the invitation to attend the wedding,”, Joffrey looked at me, when I greeted him with curtsy, “Both me and Lady Margaery are happy to have you here as a representative of the North and we believe that we remain in good senses and I would be the good king for the North as well”, he smirked and glanced at Sansa.
“My dear cousin, you’ll be free soon”, I thought to myself, looking at Sansa, who I haven’t seen for many moons since she lest Winterfell with my uncle Ned Stark and my other cousin Arya. I wondered where she was now but I believed that she’s alive, no matter what everyone else thought
“Thank you for the invitation, your Grace”, I looked at the boy again, thinking how he was so young and already a king but then I recalled that I was forced to rule my own land, Shieldville, at the age of twenty-three, “I believe that the house of Meverell can build right relationships with every noble house, which doesn’t want to harm my land”
“I’m glad to hear it, Lady Isolde”, Joffrey smiled again, but then Lady Margaery Tyrell whom I knew from the talks of others and never saw in real life before said ot me: “We hope that you’ll enjoy your stay at King’s Landing and the wedding ceremony. Our servants will guide you to your room”
“Lady Margaery, can I say hello to my dear cousin, Lady Sansa first?”, I looked at Sansa again, when she looked at me with hope and a little fear. What did these people do to her I wondered. I hugged her tight and didn’t want to release: I recalled my uncle Ned, my parents. All of them were gone and both Sansa and I knew and understood each other’s endless grief with which we had to live for the rest of our lives.
“Thank you”, she whispered to my ear. I hugged her once again and then I was ready to leave the Great Hall to my chamber, glancing at Joffrey, then to Cersei, Tyrion and Jaime. My glance froze on Jaime, who was looking directly at me, as if he was trying to read my emotions. He would never know them. I was called The Iron Lady for a great reason and I always knew it.
It was a very quiet and very warm night, I never got used to such warm nights, we didn’t have such hot nights at Shieldville even though we always had warm summers. I was combing my hair with a brush when I heard the wings of an owl, approaching the balcony: my polar owl, Amela, a gift from my uncle Ned, arrived with a note attached to her leg:
“We should meet at the gardens of The Red Keep in the morning. I have been waiting for your arrival.” It was signed with a rose – a symbol of House Tyrell.
I stroked Amela’s soft feathers and quickly burned the note in the remains of the fire in the fireplace. No one must see this note, none should know about its existence and about the meeting. No one except for me and Lady Olenna Tyrell.
The candles were finally extinguished and I put my head on a soft pillow, turning my head towards the sofa where I put my sword and bow with arrows. I sighed and closed my eyes. Let my revenge begin.
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