#eggplant seal
madmarchhare · 10 months
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suyahime · 11 months
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turtiowo · 1 year
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songweaver · 2 years
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barblaz-arts · 8 months
Barblaz's Wenclair AU's masterpost
*NOTE: This is sorted by order of chronological events. If you want to see them by date posted, make sure you're in my blog before clicking on the name of the AU in the tags if ur on mobile. If ur on desktop, click on my blog's name first then click on the tag for the AU. Have fun backreading mwah!
Inuyasha AU - AU based on the anime Inusyasha. For the youngsters unfamiliar with it, it's an old anime about a modern Japanese teenager named Kagome who gets magicked to a feudal Japan that is terrorized by demons. She accidentally awakens a half-demon named Inuyasha(literally means demon dog) who was sealed frozen in time by Kagome's ancestor and Inuyasha's first love, Kikyo
Wednesday meets the half-demon Enid
Familiar faces
Kitty the Manticore
Pokemon AU - name speaks for itself i think.
Hex Maniac Wednesday and Cute Trainer Enid want to battle!(over a Mimikyu?)
Cover art
Getting to know Wednesday and Enid's Pokemons
List of Gym Leaders, Elite Four and the Champions
The Balcony Talk: Pokemon AU Edition
The boys awakening some "green-eyed monsters"
Challenging Champions Morticia and Gomez Addams(warning: it's still a WIP)
When you're part of their team...
Fanart by @enidtendo64
"Wenclair in my moot's styles" drawing meme by @kris-6758
Fanfics inspired by this AU by IntrusiveCreativity on AO3
Next Gen Nevermore AU - Wednesday and Enid as wives with a daughter named Vega
Meet Vega Addams
She has (both) her mothers' eyes
Mothers and daughter
Enid the wildlife rescuer
Baby's first wolf out
Vega's love for the extraterrestrial
Domestic Addamses
Full Moon nights are Family Nights
Finding the right 'do
The Heroes of Nevermore
Height Difference
SkyWolf Meet Cute
Meet Sora Toriyama
Clowning each other like an old married couple
Principal Barclay
Clingy wolf
Family Day
Meeting Mrs. and Mrs. Addams
Full Moon Nights are Family Nights(ft. Sora)
Vega's favorite place: Sora's shoulder
Vega's Uncle Pugsley and his diverse children
Vega's Uncle Pubert, bane of her existence
Pubert fucks around and finds out
Happy Halloween
Regine Ottinger
Voices for Vega, Sora, Regine, and Pubert(ask)
The Mystery Missfits
Get to know Vega's cousins
Sora and Regine's parents
Bonus Vega fanfics by other authors:
Enid and Wednesday have a very important conversation with their daughter (by @eggplant-crusader)
Sora visits the Addamses (by TheVeryGayLouvio on AO3)
The aftermath of Vega's first wolf out by @whitebeltwriter
Vega and Sora's misadventures by @whitebeltwriter
Meet the Addamses AU - based on the movie Meet the Robinsons. Due a magical mishap, Vega Addams accidentally brings teen Enid Sinclair into the future and desperately tries to hide from Enid that the Addamses are the family she will eventually marry into.
Wednesday's daughter is full of woe(and stressed as FUCKK)
Addamses of the future
Enid Addams
See you later
Witchcraft Baby AU - loosely inspired by Lilo and Stitch. Wednesday is a witch who used Enid's blood to make a homunculus. The consequences are dire as their creation is taboo and Wednesday used the blood of a Sinclair to do it. Wednesday wants everyone to leave her and her creation alone, meanwhile all Enid sees is a chance for family.
A deal is made(fic)
Wednesday backstory(fic)
Vega the Homunculus (art)
Jailbreak (art)
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Sweet Dreams, My Love
Nanami Kento x Reader
Warning: Some spoilers of the Culling Games if my readers haven’t read/spoiled much of the manga.
You watched as Gojo unleashed his domain expansion with hundreds of civilians in close proximity. Your hand was over your mouth as you gasped. Within a blink of an eye, Gojo destroyed the transfigured humans around the civilians. The background blurred, you were in a tropical island. You noticed the three people in front of you: Maki, an older gentleman who you don’t recognize, and Nanami.
“Kento…” You looked around. Deep down, you know it wasn’t good. As beautiful as the surroundings were, your guard was up. Many large sea creatures with large and sharp teeth appeared, attacking all three of them. Tears formed in your eyes when Nanami was attacked.
Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!
You knew this scene well. You dreamt of it for the past couple of weeks. And every night, the scenes prolonged.
This time, you were in the subway. Your eyes widened at the stocky, one-eyed creature that appeared in front of Nanami. And before you know it, he was in flames.
You breathed heavily as you sat up. You were covered in sweat and tears. You covered your mouth, muffling the soft cries escaping your lips. You paid attention to the silence surrounding the bedroom. Your eyes widened.
“K-Kento…” You turned. His side of the bed was empty. You immediately stood up and ran out of the room. The apartment was empty with lights dimming the kitchen for him to see when he arrived home. You checked the time shown on the oven.
You quickly walked back to your room and grabbed your phone. You immediately called him, disregarding any texts or calls you might’ve gotten. It only took a couple of rings for him to pick up.
“Sweetheart.” The sound of his voice brought you so much relief. Your body shook and your tears fell. Nanami was alarmed when he heard your soft sobs. “My love, what’s wrong? I’ll come home right now. I just finished talking to Ieiri-san and Gojo-san.”
“I-I—“. You held your phone tightly in your hands. You knew what to say but had no energy to explain.
“Was it the nightmare?” The louder sobs escaping your lips was enough confirmation for him. You never hid anything from your husband. “I just got in the car. Do you want me to stay on?”
You were a wildcard. Ever since you two met, he could never figure out what you were. You were just a normal human. Zero cursed energy. Yet the dreams didn’t add up to it. He never sensed any cursed energy while you were asleep. You were a mystery. A mystery that only he, Gojo, Geto, and Shoko knew about. Because deep down, he knew that you were truly powerful. Dreams of the past, present, and future. He doesn’t know anyone else that holds that ability.
“H-How did your day go?” you asked when you finally calmed down. You sat on the couch, sitting quietly to yourself in the dim home.
“The mission was good. I was with Takumi-kun and he is improving well,” Nanami answered. “How was your day, my love? I missed you.”
“I miss you, too, Kento. I just had my meeting and lots of paperwork,” you answered. “I met with Hana. We had dinner and a few drinks together. I brought you home some pasta. It’s really good. I had an eggplant parm. I brought you home chicken Cajun alfredo with a side of garlic bread. A-Are you hungry? I’ll go heat it up for you so it’s ready.”
“I would love that. Thank you, love.”
“Kento. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
There was destruction everywhere you went. So much blood. So many people dead. But there was only one person you had to find. One person to make sure that was okay. You watched Gojo become sealed. You let your tears fall more and more. The background changing to different scenes. You forced yourself to one scene. That was after you watched Nanami burn.
You were at a familiar area of Shibuya subway. You see the transfigured human attack. The sound of the familiar grunts of someone fighting.
When you found him, you watched in horror yet relief. Half his body burnt. But he was still alive and fighting. The longer he fought, the aching pit in your stomach grew and grew. You don’t want to know why you were scared. Maybe because you already knew. Because in a blink of an eye, a man with long gray hair appeared in front of him. His finger pointing and touching Nanami’s chest. Nanami’s expression of exhaustion and defeat.
You and Nanami turned around. A young boy with pink hair. You don’t recognize him. Maybe, just maybe, this can be avoided.
“Itadori-kun, you got it from here.”
“Kento! No!” You thrashed in your sleep. Nanami held your arms as he shook you awake. He hated these dreams. They hurt you emotionally. He wished he could have them instead. That way, you never have to feel that pain.
“Sweetheart! Wake up!” he yelled. He called your name, but to no avail. All he could do was wait. It didn’t take very long. Maybe another minute until you finally opened your eyes. But he knew that it would feel like an eternity for you. An eternity of pain and misery in your nightmares.
You gasped loudly as if you had no air left in your lungs. Nanami backed away ever so slightly when your body shot up. He watched you observe your surroundings and when your eyes finally landed in him, you hugged him tightly. So tight that it almost hurt his body but he would never pull you away, especially in the state you’re in. So he gently lifted you up and placed you on his lap. You cried and cried and all he could do is let his heart break from the pain that you were experiencing instead of him.
“Please don’t leave me,” you said. “Please. Please don’t, Kento.”
“Sweetheart,” he said so softly. He hugged you tightly. The tight squeeze brought you back to the reality of the present. You two were here. He is alive. Holding you.
“You-You died,” you confessed. Your confession made him freeze. “You like, blew up. Your body transformed and blew up.”
“And this boy was just in distraught. And he was fighting the guy that killed you. And I just…I watched a girl around his age die too.” Nanami was silent. He remained patient, waiting for you to either continue to officially stop. You slightly pulled away from his embrace and looked at him. “Gojo was sealed in this gray box. G-Geto sealed him but it wasn’t Geto. A-And I was trying to find you. Half of your body was burned and you were fighting these transfigured humans. Then, this sinister person appeared out of nowhere. You didn’t even notice him, Kento! And the young boy with pink hair appeared. You told him that he got it from here and you exploded. And this Itadori pink haired guy was fighting this person until the young girl came. It was horrible, Kento.”
“Sweetheart, I’m going to call Gojo and I’m going to have him come over. This is serious, love.”
“I-I know. I just…I don’t want it to come true. And the thing is, it can come true.”
“Then, we’ll have to prepare ourselves, right?”
“I-I know Geto despises me but, we need to tell him too. If he dies, his body gets taken and used. And…I-I don’t want that to happen to him.” Nanami nodded. He softly kissed your forehead and embraced you tightly again.
“Okay, love.”
All Geto could do was laugh. He looked at you with disgust while Nanami and Gojo stood close by behind you.
“I am ashamed that I became close to you in the past,” Geto said.
“I can’t say the same myself,” you said. “But you should know that I’m telling you the truth.”
“How should I? What proof do you have that I’ll get killed and my body will be of use? Huh? And what? Everything that I worked for will be gone to waste?”
“Your two girls,” you said as you looked at the teenage girls behind him. “Ryomen Sukuna will kill them. Your girls tried to save you by making a deal with Sukuna. But he had to be an egoistical bastard that doesn’t like to be told what to do. When you’re killed, your body will be used by Kenjaku.”
“That means nothing to me.”
“Gojo was killed by Toji. Rika was shot in the head. Yuki spoke to you after Haibara’s death. That’s why you are who you are today.” You watched him falter ever so slightly. “I’m telling you this because I know you love the people around you, especially Nanako and Mimiko.” His eyes widened this time.
“H-How did—“
“I told you so, Geto-san. You may despise me. That’s fine. But you love them,” you said and turned around. You looked at Nanami with a small smile. “I have more information.”
“Wait.” The three of you turned to face Geto. “Let me in on it. I’ll be civil with you, monkey.” You felt Nanami’s grip on your hand tighten.
“That would be better. Your girls can come too.”
You explained it all. From when the dreams started when you and Nanami became an official couple, during the time he was a salary man, to now. Geto and the girls looked at you with worry.
“From everything I know with jujutsu and what Gojo and Kento told me about Sukuna and Kenjaku, it’s going to be bad. Not just Japan, but the whole world can be in danger.”
“When will this start?” Geto asked.
“Halloween, year 2018.” You reached into your purse and pulled out a sketchbook. You’ve only shown them to Nanami. So when you showed them to Gojo and Geto, they were in shock. “Mahito, Hanami, Jogo, and Dagon. This boy, Itadori Yuji, will become Sukuna’s vessel. So we need to collect those fingers immediately.”
“Tell me about these four,” Geto said.
“They talk and work together,” you simply said with a small shrug. “And crazy strong.”
“Special grades,” Gojo and Geto said.
“Gojo killed Hanami. Sukuna killed Jogo. Mahito killed Kento. Yuji defeated Mahito but Kenjaku absorbed him. Then modern sorcerers came about from Kenjaku. It’s—it’s a lot. So many people were killed. Both civilians and sorcerers. Kenjaku was killed and Gojo…” Tears filled your eyes again. “Sukuna managed to kill him. There’s so much that…that…” It was exhausting. You wrote down everything and tried to organize all of the information together. You were exhausted. Forcing yourself to sleep and go through everything that will occur.
“Geto-sama, this is a lot,” Nanako said.
“It is.”
“This human is trying to save us, too,” Mimiko added.
“It’s hard to believe that this can happen,” Geto said. His eyes met your determined yet fearful eyes. “I walked away for a reason. I’m supposed to be executed.” He then looked at Gojo.
“Those olde geezers don’t know what they’re talking about,” Gojo said. “We can’t let them know.”
“I know.”
“You could’ve said something about me,” you said. “Why haven’t you?” Geto was silent.
“You’re Nanami’s girl,” he said. “Monkey or sorcerer, I’m not that inhumane. We have to go. However…” Geto bashfully rubbed the back of his head. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” The three of you watched them leave. Nanami pulled you close to him. “Kento, I’m really tired.” Nanami gave you a soft smile.
“Let’s go,” he said then looked at Gojo. “Can you take over my shift?”
“Of course! Gives me an excuse to buy some goodies in Tokyo!”
You opened your eyes from the sunlight shining through the window. You were more tired than usual. You wondered if you were actually dreaming or not. You looked at the calendar that Nanami likes to keep by his night table.
“April 2020,” you said to yourself and flipped through the calendar. You stopped at September, a pink drawn circle on the blue inked 12th. Your hand automatically touched your stomach. You looked down and stared at the bump. The bedroom suddenly opened. Nanami looked at you with the softest smile that you couldn’t help but smile back, the sleepiness washing away. “Kento!”
“Good morning my love,” he said kissed you softly on the lips. You cupped his face. Your eyes wandered at his face and body. No burnt injuries. No injured eye. No death. He is here. “I have breakfast ready. Geto-san is having his girls get the place ready for the party.”
“P-Party?” Nanami chuckled.
“Silly girl. Is this what they call pregnancy brain? Your gender reveal. You gave the results to the girls. Gojo-san is getting the food. Geto-san is helping with decorations. Itadori-kun, Fushiguro-kun, and Kugisaki-san are getting the cake. Everyone else will arrive too.”
“It’s supposed to be a surprise party instead of a small one and I dreamt of this, huh?”
“Yes because you wanted a small party but the girls couldn’t help but throw you a huge party.” You smiled widely. “So act super surprised.”
“W-What happened on Halloween 2018?”
“We took Gojo’s team out for trick or treating,” Nanami answered.
“No mission?”
“Did you have a nightmare?” You shook your head and smiled.
“Kento, I love you.”
Nanami looked at you in your peaceful slumber. A smile formed on your face. It was the first time you ever smiled in your sleep. He chuckled and gently caressed your head. He leaned in and kissed your forehead softly.
“Sweet dreams, my love.”
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jo-harrington · 6 months
TW: Death and Catholicism
Eddie as someone you meet at a funeral.
You’re a great-niece, he’s a grandson’s friend. You both really only knew the deceased distantly but in different lights.
To Eddie she was the lady who pinched his arm, fed him too much food, asked if he had a girlfriend, and said she knew some nice girls if he was having trouble dating. To you she was the lady who pinched your arm, fed you too much, asked if you had a boyfriend, and said she knew some nice boys if you were having trouble dating.
Nice to him. Rude to you. That’s just who she was though. To everyone. She had her favorites.
But you’re both there for your cousin more than you’re there for yourselves.
He ends up sitting near you at the funeral home, dressed in black. Well, everyone is. But it’s how you wear those black clothes. You both wear a comfortable shroud while everyone else shuffled in dresses that don’t fit and shoes that pinch and rented suits with ties that choke.
Funeral homes have formative memories for both of you. You bond over it in those drawn out minutes…hours where you connect with strangers only to probably never see them again. For him, it’s his mother and in return he gained a love of heavy metal and the inexplicable need to March to the beat of his own drum just like she did. For you, a grandma you were too young to really know.
“You and Danny have that in common then,” he tries to lighten the mood. “Dead grandma’s.”
“I think everyone gets a dead grandma at some point. Sometimes even two.”
“That’s fair.”
“Mine died on my 5th birthday though,” you tell him truthfully. “So I think I had it worse off than he does.”
“Gotta hold him to that then. He’s a cocky shit.”
“Yeah he is. He still holds some Mario Kart victory over me from when we were 7.”
You both fumble at the church as you seek out a familiar face—although for you it’s a sea of familiar faces you wish you didn’t have to see—and you guide him through, to you, partially forgotten prayers and the sitting and standing and you even hold his hand during the Our Father. He doesn’t let you go because he feels you shake with the uneven ground of your faith.
“I don’t do church anymore,” you whisper.
“Me either,” he whispers back. “Would you believe me if I told you people used to think I worshipped Satan?”
“Would you believe me if I told you I might currently worship Satan?”
“No shit.”
“Meh, anything that isn’t Jesus might as well be Satan to my mom so it’s not that much of a stretch.”
He doesn’t ask where your mom is. Where the rest of your immediate family is. And it’s nice for that to be the first time not to have to answer that question.
You continue to hold hands as the casket is sealed behind a stone wall, as your aunt and her secrets get locked away forever. Eddie remarks that it’s weird to bury people behind walls instead of in the ground. You think it’s weird that he thinks it’s weird; it’s all you’ve ever known.
You offer to show him around the big mausoleum if he plays his cards right.
It’s a joke. You both know it’s a joke.
But after Danny approaches the two of you once the service is over, and thanks and hugs are shared, he stands there with his hands in his pockets and stared at you expectantly.
“So?” He shrugs. “Grand tour?”
You’re speechless but you nod.
“And I know a place that does a good eggplant parm san—”
“Eggplant Parm Sandwich,” you nod. “Cue’s. Off Wolf Road? Yeah it’s my favorite.”
“Mine too. We can get some lunch?”
And you both think as you walk around the silent cemetery.
You think your aunt must not have been so bad, and he thinks she must have been as good as he always thought she was.
Because she filled her promise of introducing you both to someone nice after all.
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maireyart · 1 year
Good Memories, Yours and Mine
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A little illustrated drabble for @kakashiweek Rating: G Day 4: Any AU. Post-war. Obito could tell getting used to this version of him wasn’t an easy task for Kakashi, but their awkward attempts at being friendly seemed like a good start. Twice they’d found common ground, and twice it had ended in parting soon after; if not for the Sage’s mercy and jutsu mastery, they wouldn’t be strolling the streets of Suna now, during a small break between court sessions. Getting in sync had felt natural in the midst of battle, but getting along in the thick mire of post-war stagnation turned out to be way more difficult.
Frankly, Obito still barely recognized himself; self-restoration was a work in progress. He hadn’t associated what he saw in the mirror with “Uchiha Obito” for a good deal of years, but now he sometimes absently wondered if his real self could still be seen through the battle-weary shell of his body or the grim lines on his face. Only the eyes seemed the same – dark, restless, and brooding, the Sharingan sealed away.
But apparently grannies could sense something regardless. They’d always clung to the lively boy he’d been, and when an old lady tugged at his sleeve and asked if he could carry her enormous suitcase up a flight of stairs (which were abundant in Suna), Obito got lost in the feeling of déjà-vu. It took him a few moments to process her words, and then he silently fulfilled the request under Kakashi’s amused stare. He knew one thing for sure: grannies’ intuition never lies. If that Suna lady approached him, then perhaps he did have something of the former Obito in his aura again; a tiny flicker of warmth only a perceptive person could notice.
“There was a time when I couldn’t stand your granny-related excuses. But now they’re good memories,” Kakashi commented with a lilt in his voice when Obito returned. “But I… I didn’t leave you any good memories, did I? If I did, it might have…”
Obito sighed. “You probably did,” he admitted quietly, “but they were few. Very few. And poisoned by what – what followed later…” It was a precipice they’d been hovering on for quite a while but couldn’t jump into just yet, so he made a mental step back and clutched onto a tiny vision that twinkled like a firefly in the dark mess of his mind. “Oh! Remember the day when you helped me with granny Hiroko’s errand? You were so nervous we’d be late for some stupid team training with some stupid invited specialists that you sank to my level just to make sure I’d be on time.”
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“Uhuh. We ended up being late together anyway, only appearing after they’d left. An unforgettable event,” came the light-hearted response, and then Kakashi giggled. It was the strangest sound in the universe.
“‘Criminally negligent irresponsibility in time of war,’” Obito quoted Sandaime’s words mockingly. “For once I wasn’t the only one being scolded. And you actually enjoyed running that errand with me – don’t tell me you didn’t. You didn’t even chastise me after. And maybe you even snickered under that mask of yours when Sensei, pale and fidgety, tried his best to explain your ‘degradation’ and my bad influence on you to his superiors.”
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“True, I was smiling,” Kakashi let out slowly, lost in the memory. “Their faces were funny.”
“Took you a long time to admit it.”
“Took me a long time to change.” He hummed and closed his eyes in delight. “Besides, granny Hiroko’s eggplants were tasty.”
Obito couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh, really?” They had been ninja, and fighters, and soldiers, but sometimes they had been just kids.
(They were late for the court session; Tsunade was outraged by the irresponsibility (something familiar, huh) and gave them an earful, but both of them were only smiling...) _____________________ Huge thanks to @professor-of-naruto for proofreading, but I've changed 1/3 of the text since then, so I might have "enriched" it with new mistakes 😁 And huge thanks to @cool-thymus for the title idea and all the fun we had discussing this AU!
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sidewalkchemistry · 11 months
Simple Tips
Store fruit and veggies whole. This will allow them to keep longer, as their surface degrades faster when it has been cut and exposed to air – makes sense, right?
Handle your fruit and veggies gently, as bruises and cuts will lead to rotting which can also spread to other veggies stored nearby.
10 Rapidfire Veggie Storage Tips
#1 Leafy Greens
Lettuce, spinach, rocket, kale and chard can be stored in a sealed container or reusable produce bag in the fridge after being washed and spun to promote hydration.
#2 Tomatoes, Chilli & Capsicums
Fresh tomatoes, chillies and capsicums should be stored on the bench at room temperature until ripe. To preserve for longer, just pop them in the fridge.
#3 Garlic, Onions & Potatoes
Store in a cool dark place and they will keep well for up to a few months. Hint: don’t store potatoes with onions and garlic, as they release gases that may quicken decay.
#4 Pumpkins or Squash
Whole pumpkins can be stored for months in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Sliced pumpkin should be stored in the fridge with the seeds removed, as these decay faster than the flesh.
#5 Cucumbers, Zucchini, Eggplant & Fennel
These immature fruits have thin skin that is sensitive to bruising and cuts, so handle carefully. Store them dry in the fridge in an unsealed reusable bag to allow for airflow.
#6 Carrots, Celeriac & Parsnip
Storing them in a reusable bag in the fridge with their tops removed will allow them to last for over a week (or longer).
#7 Beetroot, Turnips & Radish
Remove the leaves as soon as you get home to preserve the moisture within the roots (keep the leaves for compost or to feed your chickens or worm farm). Store the roots in a reusable produce bag in the fridge.
#8 Cabbages, Broccoli & Cauliflower
As broccoli and cauliflower are the unopened flower buds of a plant, they are best consumed within 3 to 4 days, before they begin to open and turn yellow. Store them in a crisper in the fridge in a reusable bag. Cabbages, however, will last for weeks.
#9 Celery & Soft Herbs
Celery and soft herbs such as parsley, chives and basil can be stored in a jar of water on the kitchen bench at moderate room temperature. Otherwise, in hotter months they can be washed and wrapped in a damp tea towel in the fridge.
#10 Dry Herbs
Dry herbs such as rosemary, thyme and oregano can be stored on the kitchen bench. The flavour becomes more potent as the herb dries, allowing them to keep for a long time. Once fully dry, seal in a container to sprinkle over your food later.
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zonedoutart · 3 months
Oh that reminds me of a headcanon someone else came up with that I loved involving Ray-gnarr cause his bio describes him as discovering a major location in Rayman.
The headcanon was that Ray-gnarr was the first ever hero of the Glade of Dreams and was the one who defeated Jano and sealed him into the Cave of Bad Dreams. Then he died and the Glade never got another limbless dude until Rayman.
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I also love that HC, it’s mine now /hj
I also love reminding people that Betilla is old as dirt, so it’s possible she was friends with the first limbless hero of the glade (like a Ly figure to him)
I chose to just, fuse two names so he’s called Shay-lot. Gets called Onion boy as much as Rayman gets called Eggplant
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madmarchhare · 11 months
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suyahime · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Eggplant Seals 🥳❤️
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daveykimy · 9 months
old-timey folk remedies (& folk magic?)
I've been neglecting this tumblr for awhile (TBH I forgot) But I'm back to my slow journey of reconnecting with my Chinese side of my ancestry and I got a treat for you all! Here are some old timey Chinese folk remedies.
TW: gore
The best part of chatting with your elderly members of your family is when they start spilling stuff from the past. I love it when my grandma and grandpa starts recounting folkloric shenanigans they did and the small folk remedies their parents and grandparents gave them. These remedies are all oral traditions, as it's the norm for most Chinese folk religion-related things. From a time when your average person didn't have access to a physician, doctor, or hospital. Or when the did, they couldn't afford to visit for non-urgent reasons.
-TO REMEDY DIARRHEA: when you buy pomegranates, save the peelings and dry them under the sun. They can be simmered in water into a tea and given three times a day to those with an overactive bowel.
-TO GET RID OF WARTS: roll a blunt out of well dried mugwart leaves that was collected and hung on the front door during Duanwu Festival (dragon boat festival). Light the blunt and place it just close enough above the wart that you can feel the heat but not so close that it burns you. Make circular motion around the wart with the lit blunt while gently blowing on it. Do this when you wake up and before you go to bed. Repeat daily until your wart disappears. Collect the ashes of the blunt every time and rub it onto the wart.
-A SALVE FOR BURNS: obtain a dead newborn baby mouse, place it in a jar of sesame oil and seal it. Bury the jar in the earth near the hearth. Check on it often, and when the oil has become a putrid liquid, it is ready to be used to treat burns.
- TO HELP RECOVER FROM A FLU OR COLD: roast a tangerine, unpeeled, just until it is soft and hot. Eat that between meals and it shall help you recover fast.
-FOR CONSTIPATION: drink a shot of sesame oil. easy.
-FOR MIGRAINES & HEADACHES: rub tiger balm on your temples in a circular motions. You can put two slices of fresh daikon (the giant white asian radish) on your temples for 15 minutes.
-FOR FROST BITE: simmer dried eggplant stalks and leaves in some water and strain. Let it cool just a little and soak your frost-bitten feet or hands in it. Repeat daily and it should heal fast.
-FOR PSORIASIS: Mix some dried powdered orange peel or orange zest into some sesame oil. Use it as a salve on the affected area.
-FOR IBS OR STOMACH PROBLEMS: take 2 hawthorn berries, 3 dates, and 7 peppercorns and crush them all together. take it with a shot of vinegar.
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songweaver · 2 years
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