#ehehe tysm for the ask
strawbubbysugar · 23 days
What does June think about the month of June? Does he hate it cuz people would probably make jokes about it? Does he like it cuz it’s pride month?
(…do Hello and Goodbye make comments about it during the month of June? Like for example Hello saying smn like “It’s my favorite month because it has the same name as my wonderful Junie!!” lol)
June wouldn’t mind people making jokes at all! He’s used to it and he has a great sense of humour so he’d probably just “pfff, yeah I know” at people makin the joke.
Hello would! He’d make as many jokes as he can think of! But he claims every month is his favourite month, every time it hits the first of a new month
Goodbye wouldn’t make jokes about it, assuming that June has heard it all before (he is correct)
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ghostputty · 2 years
can i be a bother and ask wcif the eyes from ur witches eyes post? i lov eyes i feel like i don't have enough even tho i have like 500. thxxxxx <3 also im so excited for ur story and i don't usually read simblr stories but urs looks so cool already. keep working hard! :]
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mickmundy · 1 month
For the fandom asks you reblogged, "something you see in art a lot and love" or maybe "a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!"
2. a headcanon you weren’t sure about at first but have come to like? i honestly can't think of any i Wasn't Sure About, i've seen a lot of great headcanons, and i like seeing people's different interpretations even if i might not "agree" or apply them to my own creations ykwim! but for the sake of throwing something down, and i don't know if this is really a "headcanon" or not, but since it was a topic of Debate for a little while i guess i'll say i enjoy thinking about sniper being characterized Pretty Much The Same whether he's 27 or 47! i'd always just assumed it was bad math on the comic side of things and perceived him as older, but i have such a soft spot for the idea of him being younger.... i personally don't really think that it matters as long as the characterization is good! :-) in the context of my fics, he could be younger or older, it doesn't matter!
6. something you see in art a lot and love? this is a really difficult question because tf2 art is just Always so fucking Incredible. but specifically with sniper art, i always enjoy the color palettes people use for him, and how they exaggerate his poses a lot in favor of a more dynamic composition.. i also love when he's just a bloke that does fuck all SKDFKSDF!! AHHH, there's too many things to pick to only pick just one! HEHE
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sunnysssol · 2 months
Are we allowed to make our own Assistantverse ocs? (With credit ofc) (sorry if you’ve already answered this LOL just wanna make sure ur cool with it)
Yes, you are! It's an open AU and in fact, I kind of encourage it because all the OCs I put up there (with the exception of Suzie and Wilfred, of course!) are all placeholders. But I recommend either DMing me or waiting until I get around to uploading the updated lore because I have been slowly developing it some more behind the scenes LOL but overall, just credit me and you're free to do as you like !! 🫶
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mr-stottlemonk · 2 months
Here are two ideas I can't get out of my head:
Monk infodumping to Stottlemeyer about household appliances/cleaning supplies/rock polishing/etc. Leland couldn't care less about the subject matter but he loves the way Monk lights up when he talks about it
Leland seeing a rock somewhere outside and thinking "hey Adrian would like this one" and keeping it to give to Monk for polishing
Leland definitely has sat through little infodumping talks about all of that and probably always gives his own two cents about it [see: mr. monk and the election when they talk about doughnuts and mr. monk and the paperboy when adrian is gushing about marmaduke 😭🥺]
OMFFFF, ANON. driving me insane here haha. Leland collecting all the perfectly even, circular rocks and giving them to Adrian... i'm crying. that's so sweet gaaaaaaaahhhhh (╥_╥)♥️
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losersimonriley · 7 months
(BARRELS INTO YOUR ASK BOX) 3, 6, 20 & 27 please ‼️
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Gotta be my Detroit become human wip breathe simply because I’ve never managed to get that many words into one story before—my brain has big trouble with writing longer word counts and this fic has been in the making for literal years. I deleted the original off ao3 a long time ago but kept my google doc and decided to repost and pick it back up early this year! I’m determined to finish it eventually!
6. Favorite title you used?
Titles are my absolute nemesis—usually it’s just lyrics to whatever song is stuck in my head, but once in a blue moon I can think of something pretty good. My fav is definitely one I haven’t posted yet—part 2 of my ghoap Christmas fix-it. It’s titled Christmas ain’t the only thing coming (😏),,,OR I guess hold on moments eternal is pretty cool too considering how long I wasted trying to think up a meaningful backronym for the word “home”skshsgsh
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
Probably my fuck or die ghostsoap when it all crashes down because, first off, it took me forever to write and then a couple months later after rereading it one too many times decided to heavily edit and add to the darn thing 💀 (if anyone clicks on this one beware the tags!)
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Most of the time I put on instrumental playlists because I get too distracted when words are thrown in the mix lolll. I try to match the vibe with whatever story I’m working on!
Ao3 wrapped
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kuiinncedes · 7 months
Spotify Ask Game: 3, 27, 82
3. "colorado" renee rapp
27. "wildest dreams (taylor's version)" taylor swift
82. "ur so pretty" wasia project
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rabid-catboy · 8 months
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MOTH!!! lil guys got some torn up wing ..
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ghostputtyarchive · 2 years
I know you aren’t doing wcif’s but I wanted to ask just in case you ever do again (but if you don’t no worries <33)
Could you share what uniform you are using for the dof sims (literally the most gorgeous cratures I have EVER seen)
oooo i'll answer this one cause somebody else asked about them too awhile back but i'm p sure they're these ones here 1 / 2
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kazumahashimoto · 2 years
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basically (@rudeboimonster)
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jenivi · 1 year
1, 22, and 24 for the song asks 😃
[song ask]
1. makes me happy
Rocketeer - Far East Movement ft. Ryan Tedder
Throwbacks make me the most happy and Rocketeer is my #1 ^-^ Its not just the nostalgia but the melody and everything is great too!
22. reminds me of a character
My Favorite Thing - Tonight Alive
This song just generally makes me think of the characters i love seeing together and ship :)) 💓
and then 24 got already answered!
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bethiewhimsy · 1 year
Bethie Bethie we vaguely talked about tapeworms in class and it made me think of Will Wood and the tapeworms then Will Wood then you 👁️👁️💕
omg ♥️✨ u thought of me 🥺🥺
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ghostputty · 2 years
Helloooo, sorry I know you probably get so many wcifs about your amazing beach post, but wcif the outfit from the second sim in the first picture? If it’s too much of a hassle then please don’t worry, just know that post is A++++++!!
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acc hoodie (it's by dreamgirl but the patreon link is gone) / top / shorts / sandals
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mickmundy · 1 year
Top 5 musics? Like genres, albums, artists or songs?
OMG YEAS i already did songs so this time i'll do genres!! First and Foremost there's really nothing i don't enjoy. i'll give anything a listen no matter what tbh!! my favorite genres though are
country (think johnny cash, marty robbins, etc.)
ask me my top 5 anything!
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bloomous · 1 year
🦋🐰✨ <3
hey birdie<3
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
not really, my name is too short 🥲
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
empathy plays a big role in this for me. how you treat others when they're down and how willing you are to see the world through their eyes (this does not included racism, homophobia, misogyny, and xenophobia)
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
oooh, I'd say: creative, witty, and stuck-in-a-dreamy-haze
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itsmariejanel · 2 years
4 and 16 for Spotify wrapped thing!
4. wicked game - him
16. balboa - blind channel
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