#ehh i think i misspelled it
ltorekdraws · 1 year
Tumblr media
i drew her for contest and even got a special prize but my main goal was to make everyone remember her because heavens know we don't see her enough
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unwhelve · 7 months
Hi :)
Welcome to my bullshit.
My name's Alex or Alexander but feel free to make up nicknames based on my user. I'm a trans man(he/him), and aromantic asexual who's gay but not gay. I'm dyslexic so there will be misspellings, I would apologize in advance but ehh you'll get used to it.
I like Cats, animals, museums, crime shows, FICTIONAL violence n' torture, and taxidermy. Some fandoms/media I like r SPN, Prodigal Son, (Olympic)Figure Skating, whump, thriller Books, deer, Taylor Swift (her songs not rly her(sorry swifties)), DC/batfam and a lot of streamers/YouTubers/content creators.
I don't know what to do with this. I made it just to see what the buzz is abt and to explore the site. Until I know what to make it about this blog is gonna be Abt anything and everything. My attempts at writing, art, fanart, text posts w/ no plot, ect. Atmosphere's the limit y'know.
I have one tag for now : "dog coded dean" for dog dean post idk it's self explanatory
I think this is sufficient as an intro post and even if it isn't idc, I need sleep. Gg I'll update this later probably
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faiyamon · 1 year
15 Questions for 15
Tagged by the amazing and wonderful @skyrim-forever!
I will tag @illumiera, @ladydov, @nightingalehours, @bunniletto, @titanwolfackerman, @budder-tigress, @saxhleel, @thattalviel, and @crysdrawsthings ! no pressure to answer though!!
1. are you named after anyone?
a person in a song. but my dad was tipsy while signing the paper to confirm my name (? idk what it's called theres gotta be a word for this thing) and misspelled it with the final A becoming an E
2. when was the last time you cried?
literally last night bc I was thinking about my dad :( I miss him so
3. do you have kids?
no, and I don't plan to, using any method. I'm only gonna have pets lol
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
sometimes, though I make it clear, because I myself have quite the inability to register sarcasm in others' words
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
ehh I'm not really a sporty person lmao, and never participated in any clubs/teams. I do like to run and swim tho
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
their faces, especially their eyes - what colour they are, and what kind of vibe they give off (window to the soul and all that)
7. eye color?
brown, usually dark (but not enough to look black) but can shine a sort of amber if the light hits them right
8. scary movies or happy endings?
honestly even though I like angst throughout the story I'd much prefer a happy ending than a downer one
9. any special talents?
remembering the smallest, most specific, and weirdest details :P
10. where were you born?
in a major city of my mom's home country in Eastern Asia
11. what are your hobbies?
I like to draw, write, play video games, create oc's and imaginary worlds and roleplay with them
12. do you have any pets?
not currently (cannot keep in dormitory) but I have kept fish in the past and wish to get some cats and/or lizards someday
13. how tall are you?
167cm, that's around 5'6" iirc. used to think I was short but ended up being the tallest person in a server once
14. fave subject in school?
science, especially biology
15. dream job?
probably something related to animal care or conservation, the direction my education will take me - but I could also take a side job as a writer
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chaoskingofplatypus · 2 years
Mk, so let's talk about shipping in the amphibia Fandom.
Mainly Sashannmarcy.
(Before you start judging me saying I'm homophobic to lesbians or whatnot, IM LESBIAN. ACE ARO LESBIAN. I just hate this once ship, but other ships like Lumity or Yunan and Olivia or cute and fine.)
(I saw some person saying anyone who doesn't think Sashannmarcy is canon is just a homophobic straight. Red flag much?)
So I completely understand if you say Sasha is gay because obv she is bisexual (ending of show). But for Anne and Marcy I completely disagree.
First of all, I don't think Anne is gay. Sure, I haven't studied every episode she's been in for glimpses of her blushing or holding hands with someone but ehh. She doesn't seem like she does like girls or guys, we just haven't seen that side of her yet and so I say she's completely fine to think whatever u want about her (same with marcy)
But Marcy...
The problem isn't the fact you're shipping her, it's the fact that I see so many people claiming "ITS CANON, SHES HOLDING HANDS WITH SASHA" or something like that. Or they bully anyone saying "Uh, no. I think they may just be doing that platonicly, it's common for girls to hold each other's hands." And send them death threats on the dime.
And sometimes I see kinda weird shit like people calling them wives when they barely even have a non toxic friendship. I feel like all these posts of comics or drawing of marcy having gay panic around Anne or Sasha are very VERY ooc.
Marcy has never shown any signs of liking anyone that way. I personally headcanon her to be ace aro (just like myself 💅) and I think that fits her very well.
But it's your opinion, I just wanted to rant here a little lmao do whatever u want.
* Editing this I realized I completely misspelled Sashannarcy but I'm too lazy to fix it so deal with it.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 58 - [NSFW] The truth behind the DIR EN GERY misprint, and a mysterious voice...
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru, with this week's episode of the Freedom of Expression. Joe, Tasai, welcome...Um..
T: Ah!
J: What is it?
T: No way!
K: Its 'Young Jump'
J: Ah, Young Jump.
K: I think you already know about this, but we put an ad on it like this *shows back page*.
J: Oh, looks great!
T: Yeah, it does. Very impactful.
K: Its good, isn't it?
T: Yeah, great impact.
K: There's something a bit odd about it.
J: Haha
T: Huh? Where?
J: Eh? Something odd?
K: Yeah, its a bit strange. There's a bit of a mistake.
J: Is the kanji for Oboro correct?
K: Yeh, and this is right, about the release on the 28th of April.
J: And Wenesday is correct, right?
K: Yeah, and the explosion screening schedule is ok.
T: Yeah, it is.
K: The ticket price info is also all fine.
J: Yep.
K: After that there's only this bottom section.
T: DIR EN...
T, J: GERY, haha.
J: Has a new band formed?
K: We screwed up.
J, T: Hahaha
K: Its hard to believe, right?
J: Incredible. I did not expect this..Dir en gery.
T: I thought it was like a trick or something.
J: Oh, to make it go viral or..?
T: Yeah, going with Dir en gery.
J: Kaoru, what was it?
T: We'll find out about it here.
K: It was a total mistake.
J, T: Hahaha
J: Seriously? Eh? Really?
K: Yeah.
T: Does that mean it was done on a hurry, if its a seroius mistake?
K: Yeah, I guess so.
J: Well, Tasai, you work for a newspaper, and I also work for Rolling Stone, so we understand this, but our work is handed in for checking, you know, proof-reading. And they do spot mistakes, but honestly, I have never seen mistake of this size before.
T: Yeh. This is at the level of 'accident'. However, there is a case for saying that we cannot attack this. What I mean by that is that we too make mistakes.
J: Yes, thats true. There is that. Well, this goes for magazines etc too, but if you do proof-reading within the organization, for example, if the writer writes an article, the editor will proof-read it, and they may intend to, but if everyone is really busy with loads of other work, they will run out of time. Then they will get it checked by an external proof-reader. Even then there are sometimes still typos left over.
T: Yeah, there are.
J: There are, right? Human error happens.
T: Yeah, like if I misspell a name or something, I can correct it on the digital version, but on paper it appears on every copy out there.
J: Yeah..
K: But like this?!
J: Yeah, we say this, but we've never seen a typo this bad. Like, I've mistaken small details in names and stuff before.
K: Yeah, like Young Jump becoming Young JumP, right?
J, T: Yeh, haha.
K: Not like this! *points to 'GERY'*
J: Haha, this is...
*Sound of strange voice occurs in background - On screen text: 'What was that voice?! One more time.. (Clip of strange voice re-plays) No-one during the filming heard this. Its a mystery voice'*
J: Tell us what happened?
T: Yeah, lets ask.
K: Um, we had the design made, and the designer made the regular logo and put it down here in this fixed spot, so it looked as if the logo was done, even though there was a mistake in it. At the time, I wasn't looking at the band name, I was looking at the overall design, and ths impact it had. Like this image of Kyo from RokumaykanGIG. My eyes were drawn to the best parts of the design. It wasn't really designed to emphasize the band name. Its designed to showcase this top part, so I, like, didn't see it. Die didn't even see it, and he normally checks these really carefully. Even if we miss something, he normally spots it straight away. 
J: Ah, even Die didn't notice it! ???*1
K: Yeah. We were too busy checking that there were no mistakes in the tour schedule.
J: Yeah.
K: But the information is all correct, so if its just the band name with a mistake, well, maybe its ok.
T: This could become a really rare item in time to come.
J: Yeah, cause there isn't gonna be a misspelling with Dir en grey again after this. That point will be strengthened.
K: Not for a while yeah. A long time ago, we had a single out called 'Filth', and there was a mistake in the title of the song on the cover jacket.
T: Eh? So this is the second time this has happened to you?
K: Well...yeh.
T: Hahaha
K: Well, we occasionally make small mistakes *2, but...
T: This is big.
J: Can I suggest something? Good things come in threes.
K: Ah, terrible.
J: So there will be a third time to come, imagine it, it could be both the title and the band name with a mistake.
T: Hahaha
K: Well, what can I do about it now? If you buy the single 'Filth' even now, its still like that. So filth is spelled f-i-l-h..huh? h-f...um, it's..
T: ..t-h
K: f-i-l-t-h, but the i became f, I mean h. So because there were two h's I realised the mistake. If there really is only one h, it could be that they just made the letters look in that style, but they look the same to me.
T: Ehh? I want to line Filth up next to this magazine.
J: Yeah
J, K: Hahaha
T: Don't you have it here? Filth?
K: We do.
T: Lets put them out together!
K: When I saw this (*Young Jump*) though, well, I thought it was quite rare*3, it could become a talking point. If you take a bad thing in a smooth way, someone will notice, so I thought we could just go with it.
J: Brilliant!
K: And then I posted on Twitter, like 'Ooops'. And that was a photo of the actual magazine, so it really was like 'ooops'.
T: As soon as I saw your Tweet, I was like 'Huh?!' and I went to the convenience store and bought it. haha
J: Well, in that sense it is a rare item
T: Can we decide on the correct reading for this? How would you say it?
K: Ge-ri?
J: Dir en gery (ge-ri).
K: jeri? geri?
J: geri? jeri?
T: gari?
J: Its geri, right? Well, jeri is like..
K: In the basic form its geri, right?
J: Yeah. jeri might have to be 'Gerry' with two r's.  Which is best Dir en jeri or Dir en geri?
T: Should we decide? Even though it doesn't really matter.
J: Yeah
J: Dir en geri sounds like a struggling country rock artist or something, haha. Dir en jeri has jellyfish vibes.
T: The official name: Dir en Gery (jeri). haha.
J: I want you guys to do a joke live show as Dir en gery. You could switch parts, like Kaoru, you could be on drums.
K: Ah, but we did kinda do that once, we changed parts on stage. I just made a load of noise.
J: Ahh, so you could do that as Dir en gery somewhere officially and play one song.
T: Ahh, thats a good idea.
J: Do a cover or something.
T: You could do ???*4
K: Er, no. haha.
J: Haha, this will getting bigger and bigger.
T: But I heard recently at the MeguroRokumaykanGIG screening, Kyo said  that Toshiya used to play guitar a long time ago.
K: He was playing guitar the first time we saw him playing in a band...well, I don't know if he was playing it, or just waving it around a lot.
T: Yeah, Kyo said the stage was going wild.
K: Yeah, he wasn't playing.
J: So, when you guys switched instruments on stage, what did you do Kaoru?
K: Drums.
J: Oh, drums?
K: Thats the one I wanna try out the most.
J: So if you guys played as Dir en gery, Kaoru, you would be..?
T: Drums?
K:...Nah....*imitates playing the castanets*
J: Tambourine? Oh, castanets? So, it doesn't necessarily have to be the same instruments you play at the moment?
K: Yeah. As long as we play as a proper band.
J: Yeah, so Kyo could play the recorder..
T: Someone could hit the ???*5
J: Yeah, yeah. Oh, that would be good.
*The single Filth gets passed over*
K: I'll just get it out.
*K shows cover jacket to J*
J: Oh, here, right?
K: Can you see, there are two h's.
J: Yes. I see.
*K shows it to T*
J: The first h is a typo?
K: Yeah.
T: Its a bit difficult to spot though.
K: We didn't even notice, we thought it was just the design.
J: Yeah. Put them together now.
*K puts magazine and CD together*
J, T: Hahaha
K: By the way, it was the same person who designed both of these.
J, T: Haha
K: When he saw it he was so pained.
T: Its ok, ???*6
J: Ahh, well, it can't be helped though.
*On screen note: Again? (weird voice appears)*
J: Even if there is a spelling mistake, its conveying the atmosphere that is the main thing.
K: Yeah, thats the emphasis.
J: But on the other hand, you could say that as soon as 'Dir' appears, people recognise it as Dir en grey, even with this kind of misspelling. The name is that well know.
T: Hmm, yeh
K: Hm, well, yeh, if you look at it up to here. But for us, its impossible.
J: Well, I guess yeah. It goes for Rolling Stones too. For example, if the last n in Rolling Stones became an m, you wouldn't immediately spot it. If it came up all of a sudden, you would just think 'Ah, the Stones'. It's that kind of name recognition. You could see it in that way. But I didn't know it was the same designer who did it both times.
K: Our boss was pretty mad about it.
J, T: Hahaha
J: Really? I see.
K: He couldn't believe it.
J: Well, yeah. Its also the most important part.
T: Well, yeah, and cause its already in circulation.
J: Yeah. Well, everyone can keep it as a treasure.
K: Where's Kami?
J: Yeah, isn't he here?
Kami: Oh, Im here, I was just listening the whole time. People make mistakes, right?
T: They do.
Kami: This is just a mistake. So its wrong to point blame.
T, J: Yes.
J: Kami, have you made a mistake recently or something?
Kami: Im always making mistakes, and always getting into trouble.
J, T: Haha
Kami: As soon as you've made a mistake, it hurts, right?
T: Yeah, I know that feeling.
Kami: Yeah.
J: Yeah, the person who made the mistake knows it, you don't have to tell them.
T: Yeah, that hurts the most.
Kami: I bet if you made a mistake like this though, you'd get into big trouble.
T, K: Haha
Kami: I think you really would.
T: Well, heh, yeah. But if even Die overlooked this..its like a demon interferred..
J: Yeah, unbelievable.
K: But, anyway, Im taking it in a good way. Well, I mean, it's not good to take just any old thing in a positive way, but....its a bit like those remarks by Mori that we discussed recently.
J: Oh yeah.
K: Like how to move on with it.
J: Yeah, we can learn from that.
K: Yeah.
*Sound cuts out. On screen note: Suddenly, we were unable to record to voices. Was it linked to that sound we heard earlier?*
K: Um, the sound..
J: It seems as if the sound went off.
T: I wonder whether its to do with what we just talked about?
K: What, like, 'Stop this conversation?'
J: Haha, like from ths designer's perspective...'Please stop it!'
T: Haha, yeah, 'Please!'
J: So, what about the Oboro single?
K: So, we're at the last stage, just the mastering, and a little more discussion, and we're about finished. And then the packaging. Well, there's just a little bit longer till the 28th, about another month.
J: Well, Im looking forward to it.
K: Ok, lets finish here for this week. Thank you.
*On screen note: The voice that no-one, including the staff, heard during recording was recorded into the mic data.*
*1,4,5,6 Couldn't catch
*2, 3 Not entirely sure
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infernallegaycy · 6 years
rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people u want to get to know better
tagged by: @souldagger​ (tysm !!!)
nickname: various misspellings of my name
zodiac: taurus
height: 5′1″
last movie i saw: uhhhh. in theaters, i do not remember, and in general? tomb raider 2018 i think?
last thing i googled: cake flavors
favorite musician: mitski babey!
song stuck in my head: the gilmore girls theme
other blogs: @birdmarrow​ (art) / various sideblogs for projects i haven’t started yet
do i get asks: every now & then
following: 188
followers: 294
amount of sleep: ehh 6-7 hours. closer to 6 recently, i keep waking up at 5-6 am
lucky number: 9 + all multiples of 5
what i’m wearing: a yoda t-shirt & shorts. also bull-shaped stud earrings
dream job: comic artist/author!!! i’m also interested in concept art & general writing. sometimes i daydream about being a teacher/librarian but i know i would hate that in actuality
dream trip: recently i’ve really been wanting to go to ireland/wales/etc, especially like stonehenge... in general i really want to travel someday so pretty much anywhere is a dream trip hjgfhj
favorite food: mac & cheese probably
play any instruments?: i used to play keyboard & guitar but i haven’t touched either in years... i’d like to pick that up in the future but. who knows
languages: english & basic spanish
favorite songs: washing machine heart, remember my name, & townie. yes they’re all mitski songs
random facts:
i had ass-length hair until the summer between 4th-5th grade when the stylist at supercuts fucked my shit up & cut ELEVEN (11) INCHES off (it was supposed to be 2-3) & then i realized i liked shorter better and it’s been getting steadily shorter since
the two scientifically proven things to calm me down from an anxiety attack are: 1) buying things & 2) looking at pretty girls in costume & thinking “there are pretty girls around you can’t cry!!” (i was at a ren faire when i learned this so the costume bit might not be relevant)
i currently can barely bend my right arm because i had blood drawn yesterday & now it’s all bruised
describe urself as aesthetic things: rain in the distance, messy notebooks, old posters, floral patterns, tarot cards, the smell (but not texture) of paper, somehow both really bright & really dark colors, bird sounds (all of them), the sound of dice/rocks clicking together
tag 21 ppl: hmm... i can’t count or think of anyone right now. uhh if u wanna do this just say i tagged you HJFGJ
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royalriii · 6 years
Saioumota Week Day 1
I am new to posting on this app, and do not know how to make a readmore. I'm sorry.
Please, do not hesitate to point out any grammatical, misspellings or characterization errors. I will do my best to fix it immediately.
"Glad you two caught me," Shuuichi smiled as he entered the room with Kokichi. "I was about to head out."
"Ehh?!" Kokichi complained. "But it's New Year's, Shuumai! Stay here!"
Shuuichi simply giggled, "New Year's Eve. And it's a private detective office Ko. I'm vice-head. I can't very well skip when Uncle's making everyone else report."
"No one'll be mad! You overwork yourself anyway! Today's the perfect time to stay in and cuddle with your boyfriends."
"Still unfair. The office is flooded with adultery cases at this time of the year. Next time tell me earlier and I'll be sure to schedule a leave, okay? Ah, I'm gonna be late-" Shuuichi quickly made his way towards the door and shoved his shoes and coat on.
"Be safe." Kaito kissed his forehead. "Don't forget to pull your hood up."
"Mhm. Bye, love you!"
3:00 pm
"Ugh!" Kokichi exclaimed.
"What's going on?!" Kaito immediately yelled back taking the stairs two at a time to get to where Kokichi was.
What he expects to find that Kokichi had stubbed his door into a dresser and was gonna over-dramatise it and make Kaito kiss it better.
Instead what he sees is Kokichi simply sitting on the floor with gift wrapper scattered everywhere.
Kokichi turned towards his direction and pouted.
"Remember when Nanami-chan texted and she said that we'd celebrate Hinata-chan's birthday with Kuwata-chans's on the third rather than tomorrow since everyone would be with their families on New Year?"
Kokichi pointed towards the mess on the floor.
"Well, I already got the gifts but I haven't wrapped them yet, so, yeah."
Kaito looked around at all the torn gift wrap, tape, and ribbons around the floor.
"...Kokichi? Do you not know how to wrap gifts?"
The answer was clear by the looks of the room. It had taken an extremely long time but Kaito had learned to see the slight change of expression as Kokichi weighed the pros and cons of either lying and shooing him away or telling the truth and getting his help.
"... Yeah. I don't. Never needed to before."
"Okay, I'll help you." Kaito kneeled down and grabbed one of the gifts. "...Really? A DIY grow-your-own-girlfriend kit?"
Kokichi giggled. "Some Danganronpees-" Now Kaito laughed at that fanbase name Kokichi coined. "-recognized me so I quickly went into the nearest store- which happened to be a prank shop, bought two of the same thing, and then bailed. They'll be grateful I didn't just lump it in with their Christmas gifts. But since I half-assed the gift so much, I at least wanna make the presentation look nice. So..." Kokichi waved a scrap of gift wrap around.
Kaito laughed again. "Okay, so, first you need to actually measure the amount of giftwrap to the gift itself. Unlike Shuu, I really just, y'know, eyeball this."
Kaito quickly laid the gift in the center of some wrapping paper and cut an amount of space around it then waited for Kokichi to do the same.
"Then, you fold this side over the gift, and this other side over that, then secure it with tape." Kaito quickly made a circle with the tape around his fingers then put it on the box.
"You fold this side down- tape. And then, the small triangles go inward. And then the bottom flap goes up- tape. Other side's the same way. Easy, right?"
"Huh?" Kokichi complained looking over. "Your tape is barely visible at all!"
"Takes practice. I always helped Grandma wrap the gifts for family. Yours is pretty damn good for a first timer though." Kaito complimented, turning his gift over. "Now, just put the ribbon under. Make it so it's this sorta cross then-" Kaito turned the gift over again. "Let them meet and seal with a bow!"
"This was easier than I thought." Kokichi happily hummed. "Hey- do you think Shuumai will be proud of me?"
"Dunno. But all that's left to do now is label it."
"Great! Lemme see! ... Oh." Kaito said as he realized that both of their gifts have been labelled as being for Hinata.
"Okay..." Kaito sighed and stretched his arms. "I'll redo mine. You go do whatever."
"Really? Yay! Thank you Kai-chan!"
6:00 pm
"I'm home!" Shuuichi shouted, instantly making Kaito's day.
"Welcome home, Shuumai!!!" Kokichi launched himself into Shuuichi's arms making the bluehead stumble back.
"How have you been? I've missed you terribly! Kai-chan gave me the most horrible day today! Wanna know what happened?!"
"I'll drop you."
Despite all their training, Kaito could see that Shuuichi was already tired and carrying their midget boyfriend wasn't exactly helping.
Standing up, he carefully transferred Kokichi to his own arms and carefully angling himself as to not hit the purplette anywhere he kissed Shuuichi's forehead.
"Welcome home, Shuu." He said, and set Kokichi down.
Smiling warmly, Shuuichi hugged them both, "I'm glad to be back."
7:30 pm
"You think that's done?" Kaito asked uncertainly as he looked at the creamy yellow sauce.
"Yeah, good job! Just pour it into the pasta and done." Shuuichi grinned before reaching into the cabinet and pulling out plates and cutlery.
"Smells yummy! Oooh, mac n' cheese!" Kokichi poked his head into the kitchen. "Y'know, thank goodness that even if it's Kai-chan's turn, Shuumai decided to help him. Otherwise, our last dinner of the year would be sooooo gross."
"Hey, you little shit!-"
"Have a seat at the bar. Dinner will be ready soon," Shuuichi smiled. "I made Kaito cook chicken as well and you are not complaining."
10:00 pm
Kaito sighed as he heard the familiar high-energy music bounce through the living room while waiting for the pot to boil.
He carefully transferred the hot water to mugs and dropped the tea bags Amami had gotten for them on one of his travels. After waiting for them to infuse he quickly took them out and threw it in the bin.
"I don't understand why you do this," Kaito mentions as he carried the two mugs to his boyfriends.
"Apple Cinnamon?" Shuuichi asked not bothering to look at Kaito or answer the question.
"Yeah," Kaito handed him a mug and Kokichi the other.
"It's cuz they're sick fucks." Kokichi snapped, answering Kaito's earlier question. He jabbed a finger at the screen as if it would stop Sonia refuting Hinata identifying Nanami as the traitor. "Of course they'd do this. Of course. On the eve of the protag's birthday. Of course."
"I see..." Deciding to be blunt, Kaito continued, "I don't think this was a good idea though, tonight was supposed to be happy but all you two are doing is giving those asses a higher viewership revenue."
"Yeah..." Shuuichi said staring somewhere else.
Kaito simply sighed, picking up the remote and changing the channel.
"I love you both, you know that? Please stop doing this to yourself."
Shuuichi hummed. "Yeah, love you too."
He set his mug down and hugged Kaito. After a while Kokichi decided to simply slip between their arms and they stay like that for a while
11:59 pm
"10!" The TV screamed.
"9!" Kokichi shouted at the top of his lungs as he ran into the room.
"Ko..." Shuuichi trailed off.
"Whaaat? Everyone's still awake by now. Only losers aren't."
"5." Kaito interrupted, smiling.
"4." Shuuichi continued.
"3! 2! 1! Happy New Years!!!!" Kokichi screamed. After hugging them one at a time, Kokichi bounced around.
Giggling, Shuuichi pulled out a wreath from behind the TV and hung it on their door.
"To a better year for everyone and our families?" Shuuichi asked uncertainly.
"Anyway... we should go to bed. We're going to a shrine tomorrow and then Kai-chan's grandparents! I'm excited for cookies and mochi!" Kokichi exclaimed.
"Weren't you the one who said only losers are asleep by now?" Shuuichi wondered.
"Yeah! Before the countdown! Duh..."
Laughing, as he remembered how much Kokichi loved his grandparent's mochi last year, he quickly agreed. "Fine, but we're cuddling some more, got that?"
"Yup! Did I ever say we weren't gonna?" Kokichi grinned, crossing his arms behind his head.
Yeah... it'd be a better year for everyone. Kaito was certain of that.
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mr2ou-blog · 7 years
The 39th Norigusuri radio (2017.12.26)
Watching Norigusuri radio (hosted by NORISTRY & Ichouyaku) with Yorukichi as the guest (THIS) over and over again xD 
Ichou and Yorukichi have known each other for a long time but that is the first time Nori and Yorukichi have a conversation so these two seem to be a little bit worried at first (but I’m excited to death ‘cause Nori is also one of my most favorite utaites along with Ichouyaku, nory and Denchigire xD).
Ichou starts by telling Nori that Nori usually has really great harmonies in his utattemita and Yorukichi is referred to be the god of harmonies too www
I wonder if Yorukichi’s name is hard to spell as Nori keeps calling “YoruCHIKI” instead of Yorukichi xD Confidently and loudly, he misspells the title of the radio. When Ichou says sorry, then Yorukichi begins to giggle, he still can’t realize what's the wrong lol.
Next, they talk about food, hot spring in Hokkaido (where Yorukichi lives) and much more interesting things but I’m not really confident in my Japanese, so xD.
Let’s talk about the speed xD  Nori (Asking Yorukichi as he does everything himself from recording, mixing to mastering and encoding, etc): “How long does it take when the recording begins until the mix is finished?” Yorukichi: “About that, usually one day” Nori: “Ehhhhhhhh!!!” Ichou: “That’s too fast!” Yorukichi: “I start to record at noon then mix and post at night.” No wonder how he can post new utattemita video EVERY WEEK.
Not really understand why the topic is changed to THAT but they also talk about high-priced stuffs on Yahoo and end up suggesting using Amazon instead ww.
Yorukichi doesn’t have many pictures showing his face. But Ichou mentions that about three or four years ago, he met Yorukichi at a Nico event. At that time Yuzuru Hanyu was really famous and when Yorukichi appeared, Ichou had the feeling like “Ehhh is that Yuzuru Hanyu?!”. Yorukichi is tall (yeah of course he is 1m78) and Ichou describes Yorukichi as an ideal man www Nori keeps “ehh” and “woww” when talking about the similarity between Hanyu and Yorukichi and says that he want to see (Yorukichi’s face?) when the broadcasting ends xD.
And Yorukichi makes me laugh really hard in the question corner www For each answer he has to think for a long time www Nori: “If one morning you wake up and are born again, what do you want to do?” Yorukichi: “Sleep” Nori: “What do you want to eat at the end of your life?” Yorukichi: “Meat” Nori: “What do you want to be received?” Yorukichi: “Money” Nori: “What’s your favorite scent?” Yorukichi *think for really really longgg time*: “Pass” lol
Btw there is a joke about money on Yorukichi’s twitter. I don’t remember when it started but he keeps mentioning that he wants 5000 trillion yen so badly. He suggested followers to give him 5000 trillion yen wwww He said that his ideal types of lover is someone who’s willing to give him 5000 trillion yen wwww Someone cannot get the joke and he has to tell that he has no financial problem. He just want to play with money lolol
Then there is a corner where the guest has 18 seconds for announcements about his work or live performance but Yorukichi starts with “I have 18 seconds to announce something but in particular there is nothing to talk about” www And about an event that may happen, or may not. He talks slowly and it fits 18 secs perfectly lolol
When it is 10 mins left till the end of the radio, Nori asks: “How was Norigusuri?”. I expect the answer to be “It was fun” but actually the answer is “I’m worried!” w
Yorukichi doesn’t broadcast and talk much (at this time but he used to broadcast a lot). Nori “hehhhhh” and he must be surprised because he broadcasts veryyyyy often xD It’s rare to hear Yorukichi’s speaking voice, even in his cover as he replaces all the speaking part by his own melodies (so I’m about to cry when he joined the radio). Other Yorukichi’s fans call this 39th Norigusuri “the precious broadcasting” lolol.
And just end this post with Ichouyaku’s conclusion: “Yorukichi-san’s fans must be so lonely.” Can’t agree more.
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stormypaint · 4 years
did you misspell whippersnapper and snickerdoodle wrong on prupose? (in your bio!!!)
Oh fuck. What??
No! No I did not!
How long have I had that bio and not noticed??
Ehh, I’m not changing it. I think it’s funny that way.
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years
Literally copy pasting a survey bc I’m bored af
What does your town’s name begin with? B Are you a seafood fan? Yeah. I have a near constant craving for seafood paella Do you prefer dark, brown or white chocolate? Milk or sometimes dark Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means. Aventura. Means both adventure, and affair Which city would you like to visit- Rome, Tunis, London, Madrid or Paris? Paris bc Disneyland.
Have you got perfect vision? It’s good enough to not need glasses but also I can’t read shit in the distance.
What song(s) do you put on repeat often? Sofia by Alvaro Soler, and a lot of stuff by Genitallica How many letters long is your last name? 8 Are you wearing shoes, just socks or nothing on your feet? Nothing Do you like the smell of a barbecue or bonfire? Sometimes, depends on my mood How often do you drink soda? Most days What accent is the sexiest? Depends on who’s talking Do you currently live in the same country you were born in? No. What’s your current mood? Is “tired” a mood? A romantic meal, a trip to a theme park, or go to a concert? Theme park please How good is your memory? Sometimes it’s really good, sometimes it’s absolute rubbish What was the last pill you took? Paracetamol Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided seeing them? Of course Are you smiling in your default picture? No You think you can last in a relationship for six months? Probably Do you like pickles? Sometimes Are you texting someone? No Be honest, do you miss your ex? One of them kinda yeah just because he was ripped Do you believe exes can be friends? Depends, but generally no What was the last thing you looked up on Google? "employment agency maritime shore spain” Is your hair naturally straight? yep Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out? yeah Do you remember the Pepsi Commercials with Britney Spears? no ..? Have you known your best friend a long time? Like 9 years I think Have you kissed someone with the name beginning with J or B? A couple of both What’s something you really want right now, be honest? To be travelling and having more adventures Would you be able to name everyone you kissed in 09? Yeah it was one person, once. Who’s the last person who you went out to eat with? A sort-of-ex a couple of weeks ago Is it awkward when you run into your exes? I don’t think I ever have How did you get one of your scars? Got cut by someone’s thumbnail during a karate tournament Do you wear makeup everyday? No Were you single for your last birthday? Yep When will you be in a relationship next? Who knows
Does your middle name begin with letters A-G? No
What is your state’s largest city? Barcelona
Pick your three favourite vegetables. Leek, Capsicum, Potato
Have you ever broken a movie or game disc? Probably
What colour are your brother’s eyes? Hazel I think
Do you watch Law & Order: Special Victims Unit? No
How many flights of stairs are in your house? None, but many in my building.
Have you ever played a drinking game? Which ones? Yes, so many.
Do you often feel excluded? Sometimes, but probably because I moved to the other side of the world from all my friends
Are you good with managing your finances? Yes, I am weirdly good with money and I don’t even try.
Do you have an accountant? No
Did you ever play Neopets when you were younger? So much.
Have you ever been to Mexico? Not yet
How big is your bathroom? Big enough I guess
How many friends do you have on Facebook? 226 apparently
Do you regularly check anyone’s profile online? There’s one or two
What is the closest pizza place to your house? I have no idea
What age did your mum stop helping you clean your room, if she ever did? I have no idea
What colour is your toothpaste? Blue
Have your parents ever worked in medicine? No
Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names? My dad sometimes calls me shrimp because I’m little, but he’s been calling me that since I was like 7
Are you any good at drawing? No
Is there anything unusual about your house? HAHAHAHA my bathroom is weird as shit. You have to walk THROUGH the shower to get to the toilet and then there’s a balcony next to the toilet too
Can you maintain a text conversation or do you run out of things to say? Depends
How old will you be turning in 2020? 26
Have you ever met anyone with Multiple Personality Disorder? Yes
What is your favourite type of cookie? idk, chocolate chip?
When was the last time you painted your nails? Several years ago for a cosplay
Do you like word or picture tattoos better? Picture
Do you find it hard to talk to strangers, even people who work in stores? Yep
Have you ever tasted goat’s milk? Goat’s cheese, yes. Goat’s milk, i don’t think so
Are you a fidgety person? Yep
How many serious relationships have you been in? None
Did you ever take classes for a musical instrument when you were younger? Drums
Is there anything going on outside your window? Just people on the street doing their thing.
Have you ever taken care of a newborn baby? No. I had never even held any age baby until a few weeks ago.
How old were you when you got your ears pierced? 10
Do you snore when you sleep? Not that anybody has ever told me about
Have you ever been 10-pin bowling? Yep
Do you have your own bowling ball and shoes? No
What was the last type of burger you ate? I have no idea when I last ate a burger. Oh no wait I had an egg and bacon roll in a slightly pretentious cafe in northern Colombia.
Have you cried in the past week? Nah, I don’t really cry
What were you doing yesterday at 8 AM? Pressing snooze on my alarm Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Mine How long have you known the last person you spoke on the phone to? I don’t talk on the phone much so I think it was the boss from the job I just left so I guess 2 weeks? About how long is your hair? Not very
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? Back to somewhere in central america
What were you doing an hour ago? Watching Netflix When was the last time you kissed someone? A couple of weeks ago just before I left Panama Do you think it meant anything to that person? That he could go back to sleep because it was 4:30am and he was only awake to say goodbye to me. Pretty sure he then slept in until like 5 minutes before the hotel checkout time. How did you get your worst scar? My brother had me on the dog lead when I was about 2 and he tripped over and it yanked my head into the corner of the wall. Are you on good terms with your most recent ex? Depends on your definition of ex.  Could you go a day without texting? I could but I’m not going to. Who was the last person you rode in a car with? The driver who took me to the airport in Panama. Bc I don’t think a bus counts. Do you have any plans for the weekend? I don’t have any plans ever. I literally have no future plans at the moment. Do you have any nieces or nephews? No Are you wearing a watch? No. The strap broke when I was in Colombia and I still haven’t fixed it yet. Does your current/last job require that you wear a uniform? It did not. But the one back in australia, yes.
Do people misspell your name often? Yep When will your driver’s license expire? No idea and i cbf getting my wallet to check Do you have any plans to see anyone special today? No. Plans. Ever. What was the cause of the last time you cried? No idea, don’t remember when that was. Are you in any kind of a club or organization? Nope Where did you go to grade school? Primary school? Back in my little hometown in aus Who is your 23rd phone contact and how do you know them? It’s my mum! She birthed me. What would you do if your found out your mom was pregnant again? I’d be very surprised and curious who the father was. Do you want kids of your own someday? Probably not Do you live in an apartment? Yep Did you have a high school sweetheart? No If the last person you kissed proposed to you what would you say? I’d be like, “Whoa slow the fuck down there buddy, we literally spent 2 weeks together.” Would you ever get back with one of your exes? Ehh maybe the ripped one, but not for anything serious When was the last time you ate a poptart? God I don’t know, like two years ago? What kind was it? Not a clue Do you have any friends of the opposite sex you can tell anything to? Yeah Where is your dad right now? Probably at home asleep Are you wearing anything that belongs to someone else? No
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chelsorz07 · 7 years
it’s that time again, y’all
Got a new (old) survey! Originally taken on this day eight years ago. 2017 answers in bold, as always.
What is on the walls in the room you're currently in? all my pictures, artwork, posters, etc. All my funkos on the windowsill, a felt oil painting of the Pink Panther that Amanda and I found at goodwill, a Sean Huntington watercolor, a wine cork holder, and a tin L that my parents got us for Christmas a couple years ago.  Do you have a picture of yourself when you were a baby? there are so many pictures around this house i can't keep track of them all. My parents have them all. What does it look like? yeah...no. Like me, minus two and a half decades. Have you ever thrown anything off a roof? Did it break? probably just like, cigarettes. We used to throw cardboard out the second floor window into the bed of my truck because we were too lazy to carry it downstairs. What was your favorite toy when you were a child? no clue. Barbies probably. idk What was the first kind of alcohol you ever tasted? absolut. And it was gross.  Do you use any styling products on your hair? surf hair. Rarely. Sometimes if I don’t feel like drying it I’ll throw some mousse in and scrunchy scrunch. What color are your socks? purple and blue. One is black with purple and green stripes and one is black with orange and yellow stripes. How much cash have your got on you right now? $26. None. I’m livin’ la vida broka till Friday. Even then, I don’t carry cash. What kind of camera do you have? the one on my phone. My phone camera, which sucks, and an old digital camera that I haven’t used in about five years. What song do you think describes you well? there are a lot. Weightless - All Time Low. Would you call yourself high-maintenance? yeah right. I mean I take a long time to do my makeup but that’s probably it. Is there a certain historical period that particularly interests you? a couple. Several. WWII, Ancient Greece, anything having to do with the Titanic, medieval times. Do your prefer war movies or romantic comedies? both. Still both. Gummy sharks or gummy frogs? neither? bears, worms, sour patch kids. I’ve never had sharks or frogs. Right now I’m living for the great value fruit snacks. But like, the tropical ones, not the originals. Where was the farthest you've ever traveled from home? hagerstown, MD. Georgia. Ever spent any time on a military base? no. Nope. If you were a rapper, what would your name be? my name. I wouldn’t be a rapper sooo. A word you absolutely hate? panties. and i had a dream that it was the next word maranda learned to say. Moist. Ugh. A word you absolutely love? dank. Ballin’. Name something you might find in Norway? norwegians. Actually that’s a really good answer. Viking shit? haha Do you own an article of clothing in an obnoxiously bright color? yeah; a lot. Most of my clothes are black or navy blue. I had an orange shirt but I took it to goodwill. Who was your favorite character on "Doug"? porkchop. The Beets. Do you keep an actual photo album, or are your pictures on the computer? both. I have a couple old photo albums, but most are either on my computer or my phones, or random SD cards lying around the house. Favorite place you've visited or lived in? ehh. none really.  Visited: Nashville. Ohio is the only place I’ve lived besides Bradford and I want to move home.
Least favorite? here. Can’t say I’d ever want to be in Atlanta traffic again. One of the worst panic attacks of my life and I wasn’t even driving. Ever play on a varsity sports team? no. Nope. I tried out for volleyball in grade 9 and got cut, but after seeing what vicious bitches the girls on that team were, I was totally okay with not making it. Ever win first place for something? maybe? i don't frickin' know. I don’t think so. I’ve never really been in a contest of any kind.  What was the last thing you fell off of? almost fell off the cooler i was sitting on last night. was a little shitty. The stairs. Constantly. Are you a Grammar Nazi? YES. You betcha. Do you have a favorite local band? no. most of them suck. I don’t know any bands around here. Bradford bands do suck though, except Witch Hazel. Do people often misspell your name? yes. Not so much now, but when I was a kid they did. Have you ever been consciously influenced by advertising? maybe if i saw something and thought, that looks spiffy, and bought it, sure. I’ll get intrigued by advertising, but I put more stock in reviews. Do you like cream puffs? no. Definitely not. First of all, I don’t want my pastries to be flaky. Secondly, I don’t like cream filling. Can you cook anything from scratch? of course. Probably could but I wouldn’t. I prefer my food to be made for me. That’s why McD’s and Sheetz get most of my money. What does your deodorant smell like? it says shower clean. so i guess that. idk. I couldn’t describe it. It’s Axe Phoenix. Yes, I wear men’s deodorant.
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