knuppitalism-with-ue · 6 months
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Ein paar mehr sneak-peaks aus Eichstätt, bis in den November hinein kann man da einen Haufen meiner Bilder sehen!
Thematisch gehen wir von dem Ordovizium bis in die Eiszeit, von Pflanzen, über Invertebraten zu einigen der größten Wirbeltiere des Planeten. Die Arbeiten sind stetig darum bemüht das Bild und die Ansichten des Betrachters zum Thema Urzeit zu hinterfragen.
Macht euch bereit für SO VIEL MEHR ALS NUR T.REX!
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akhuna01 · 1 month
I spent a night in Eichstätt in Germany, which is famous for its fossil sites (Archaeopterix was found in the area!). Mom and I went to two limestone quarries (Eichstätt Blumenberg and Mühlheim/Mörnsdorf) to try our luck finding something cool, and we did (ammonites, sea lily buds, crinoids and a tiny fish).
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But we also visited the Juramuseum Willibaldsburg Eichstätt, which was amazing.
They had fish tanks, and I finally met an adorable horseshoe crab in person!
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A living fossil!
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These are so incredible - look, the last steps of the crab are preserved as well. The little guy walked around, then passed away, and millions of years ago it's still there ♥️
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Same thing with this little lizard - its last footsteps are immortalised next to it.
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Another animal track.
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I've reached the image limit, but I have so much more. Wait for the 2nd part (i'll do a self-reblog for it)
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years
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Administration (1978-80) of the Catholic University in Eichstätt, Germany, by Karljosef Schattner
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berlinmedyumhoca · 7 days
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https://www.medyumyunus.com Sitemdeki whatsapp tan çekinmeden 7/24 ulaş
Sitemdeki whatsapp tan çekinmeden 7/24 ulaş ⚡ Uzaktan Büyü Bozma Bağlama Aşık Etme Gideni Geri Getirme ⚡Soğutma Büyüsü Ve Ritüelleri ⚡Aşık Etme Büyüsü Ve Ritüelleri ⚡ Zararsız B üyüsüz Çok Etkili Gideni Geri Getirme Ritüelleri Ve Büyüleri ⚡Boşanma Büyüsü Ve Ritüelleri ⚡ Zenginlik Büyüsü Ve Ritüelleri ⚡ Bağlama Büyüsü Ve Ritüelleri ⚡ Uzaklaştırma Büyüsü Ve Ritüelleri ⚡ Miras Alma İkna Etme Büyüsü Ve Ritüelleri
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coffeenewstom · 7 months
49-Euro-Ticket-Tour: Altmühltal - Eichstätt
Mit dem Bus geht es zurück nach Eichstätt Bahnhof und von dort mit dem Zug in die Stadt. Dabei umrundet die Bahnstrecke – genau wie die Altmühl – den Bergvorsprung mit der Willibaldsburg. Eichstätt ist eine Große Kreisstadt in Oberbayern, Sitz des gleichnamigen Landkreises sowie der Verwaltung des Naturparks Altmühltal, außerdem Bischofssitz des Bistums Eichstätt und Hauptsitz der Katholischen…
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lanternlightersblog · 2 years
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#Repost @andreysh555 • • • • • • Eichstätt Eichstätt, Germany. Sailor fude nid pen with Octopus brown ink. SMLT watercolor sketchbook #sketchonlocation #sketchwalk #sketchwalker #urbansketching #urbansketchers #eichstätt #travelsketching #travelsketching #smltartsketchbook #smltart #octopusfluidsink #inksketch #inkandwatercolorsketching #fudenibfountainpen #penandwatercoloursketch #skizzenbuch #skizze #Ukrainewillwin https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQA9rbIRJk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alexalblondo · 1 year
einfach die bayernkarte anstarren, bis morgen früh my god besties come through
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heaveninawildflower · 2 months
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Botanical engraving of Wild Marjoram (Oregano) and Elecampane by Raphael Custos taken from Hortus Eystettensis (1613) by
Basilius Besler (1561–1629).
UB Eichstätt-Ingolstad.
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english-history-trip · 6 months
In 1931, a scholar named Bernhard Bischoff decoded a cypher placed between two saints’ lives in an early ninth-century manuscript from Eichstätt, Germany. The lives were written about Saints Willibald and Winnebald, two English brothers who in the eighth century became, respectively, the Bishop of Eichstätt and Abbott of Heidenheim, both in the modern day region of Bavaria. The cypher reads:
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Secundumgquartum quintumnprimum sprimumxquartumntertium cprimum nquartummtertiumnsecundum hquintumgsecundum bquintumrc quartumrdinando hsecundumc scrtertium bsecundumbprimumm
Bischoff worked out that all vowels had been replaced by ordinal numbers - ‘second, g, fourth, fifth, n, first, s…’ and so on. Each of these numbers could be replaced with the corresponding vowel, to make the Latin sentence: Ego una Saxonica nomine Hugeburc ordinando hec scribebam I, a Saxon nun called Hugeburc, have written this ... Hugeburc is the earliest known English woman author of a full-text literary work.
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Walpurgis Night. Hexennacht. April 30.
A Short History of the Night of the Witches The origins of the image of Walpurgis night being a witches’ sabbath are unclear. However, it is striking that it coincides with Beltane and maybe other pagan festivals in earlier time. Goethe presumed in one of his poems such an origin.
St. Walpurga For Christians, Walpurgisnacht is also known as the Feast of Saint Walpurga, that is celebrated from the evening of April 30 to the day of May 1st. Saint Walpurga or Walburga was the daughter of St. Richard the Saxon Pilgrim and sister of St. Willibald and St. Winibald. When her father went on a pilgrimage with her two brothers to the Holy Land, he left Walpurga, who was only 11 years old at the time, with the nuns of Wimborne Abbey, where she was educated and learnt how to write.
She traveled in an attempt to bring German pagans to the Christian faith and she also authored Winibald’s biography, which is why she is considered as one of the first female authors in Germany and England. Walpurga became a nun in Heidenheim am Hahnenkamm, the monastery founded by her brother Willibald, where she became the abbess after his death in 751. Walpurga herself died on February 25 on 777 or 779 and she was canonized by Pope Adrian II on May 1st, around 870, when her relics were transfered to Eichstätt, Germany.
St. Walpurga is prayed to for protection against witchcraft and it is believed that during the night of April 30, she is able to ward off spells, witches, and evil spirits. This belief may stem from the overlapping of her canonization with Hexennacht or the Night of the Witches, the celebration that has its origin in ancient fertility celebrations. Hexennacht is a Germanic tradition more prevalent in the 17th century, when witches and sorcerers gathered together celebrate.
To protect against their magic, the Western Christian Church appointed the night of April 30 to St. Walpurga’s Feast. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Walpurgisnacht was popularized and its witchy connotations were revived through the literature of the time, such as in Jacob Grimm’s work who wrote in 1833: “There is a mountain very high and bare… whereon it is given out that witches hold their dance on Walpurgis night”.
Goethe also dedicated a poem to the celebration called “Die erste Walpurgisnacht” (The First Walpurgis Night), which was set to music by Felix Mendelssohn and published as his Opus 60 in 1843. The poem contrasts sharply with the Walpurgisnacht described in his main work “Faust”. In his ballad, Goethe relates the superstitions around Walpurgis night to the usage of devil’s masks by pagan’s in order to exploit the superstitions of their Christian suppressors and to protect their identities.
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knuppitalism-with-ue · 6 months
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Beware, German ahead!
Ab heute könnt ihr in Eichstätt meine Ausstellung SO VIEL MEHR ALS NUR T.REX sehen!
Weil am Museum immer noch Bauarbeiten stattfinden eröffnen wir ohne große Party aber im Sommer bin ich vor Ort!
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About 400 years ago, the European witch hunts were at their peak. Between the 15th and 18th centuries, an estimated 50,000 people, mostly women, were executed for witchcraft across Europe. They were accused of devil-worship, heresy and harming their neighbours by using witchcraft. The 1620s was the most intense phase of persecution in places like Eichstätt in Germany, where almost 300 witches were executed between 1617 and 1631. The witchcraft trials have endured as a matter of curiosity, entertainment and debate. But despite this interest, popular understandings of the European witch-hunts are riddled with error and misconceptions. So, given it’s the season of the witch, it’s time to dispel some myths.
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germanpostwarmodern · 5 months
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University Library at Ulmer Hof (1978-81) in Eichstätt, Germany, by Karljosef Schattner. Photo by Klaus Kinold.
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andiatas · 9 months
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Queen Josefina of Sweden and Norway by Sophie Adlersparre (oil on canvas, 1856)
Joséphine Maximiliana Eugenia Napoleona of Leuchtenberg was born in March 1807 in Milan, the daughter of a French general.
On 23 August 1822, Crown Prince Oskar came on a visit to Eichstätt in Bavaria, where he met Joséphine. The Crown Prince fell in love with her, and asked for her hand in marriage a few days later.
On 19 June 1823, her Swedish marriage ceremony took place at Stockholm Cathedral. Her official name became Josefina.
Josefina contributed towards the construction of the first Catholic church in Stockholm in 1837, and towards establishing the Catholic congregations in Gothenburg and Kristiania. She established and supported many philanthropic associations, including the Josephinahemmet home in Blackeberg, Stockholm, and she worked hard to help poor mothers and widows with children.
When Oskar ascended to the throne in 1844, Josefina gained increased political influence. She was the king's only truly loyal advisor.
Photo: royalpalaces.se
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coffeenewstom · 7 months
49-Euro-Ticket-Tour: Altmühltal - Burg Wellheim
Ein Tag im Herbst 2023 – er verspricht sonnig zu werden, mindestens aber trocken. Endlich haben sie die Verkehrsminister auf die Fortführung des 9-Euro-Tickets geeinigt, allerdings ist es nun ein 49-Euro-Ticket. Für mich ist das immer noch eine Ersparnis, da meine Monatskarte zur Arbeit schon teurer währe. Für viele Bürgergeld-Empfänger ist das allerdings eine Menge Geld. Meine erste Tour soll…
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raumrausch · 3 months
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willibaldsburg / eichstätt
joseph schattner / 1976
Der Umbau der Willibaldsburg in Eichstätt durch den Diözesanarchitekten Joseph Schattner zu einem Juramuseum war eine seiner frühen Profanbauten. Der Entwurf wurde vom BDA 1977 Ausgezeichnet mit der Begründung, dass sehr behutsam und respektvoll mit dem Bestand umgegangen wurde. Diese Art des Umgangs mit Bestand zieht sich durch das Lebenswerk Schattners, dass sich auch in den nachfolgenden Jahren durch Eichstätt sponn. Einflüsse von Carlo Scarpa sind offensichtlich, doch Schattner hat seine eigene Sprache entwickelt. Typisch für ihn sind die anthrazitfarbenen Stahlelemente.
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