#either way I’m having a proud mom moment
namor-shuri · 2 years
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3rd Annual “Critics Choice Super Awards” [2023] Nominees: Letitia Wright & Tenoch Huerta Mejía for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever [Dir. Ryan Coogler]
Categories: Best actress in a superhero movie, Best villian in a superhero movie, Best actor in a superhero movie
Full list here
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caffeinateddino · 6 days
i wanna see Kuchel Ackerman interacting with reader SO BAD. so here it is! levi x reader modern au (Gender neutral pronouns for reader. SFW)
You stepped into Levi's teashop again, just like you did every morning for the past four months. Before any other customer came in, you’d arrive, order the exact same tea, flirt with him (or at least try to), get rejected, and then leave.
"Hi, handsome!" you chirped as you walked through the door, flashing him your brightest smile. "You're looking as pret-tea as usual." So proud of your cheeky pickup lines, weren’t you?
Levi sighed, his brows furrowing as he wiped the counter. "Good morning," he muttered, not looking up. "Regular?"
Oh, isn't he just the sweetest? Already knowing your favorite order—you wish. He knew a ton of things about you by now, but not because he was interested. No, it was because you reintroduced yourself AT LEAST twice a week. He knew your name, age, job, the name of your first fish, and even that middle school friend you still had beef with. He knew it all.
"Aww, look at you! Memorizing my order?" you teased, leaning on the counter to get a better look at him.
"No," he deadpanned. "It’s just the cheapest tea in the shop, and you order it every time you come in." He stepped back like you were a germ that he had to stay away from
“There’s a customer already?” an unfamiliar voice called from the prep area. You frowned—new employee? But no, as soon as she stepped out, you realized this wasn’t just anyone. She was one of the most jaw-dropping women you'd ever seen. Long black hair, steel-grey eyes, pale skin, and a sweet smile as she walked to the counter. Definitely related to Levi.
Ignoring Levi, she smiled directly at you. “Hi, what can we get for you today?”
Okay, you were persistent, but you weren’t dumb. She was obviously related to him. His sister? His mom? Either way, time to impress.
“I already got the ord—” Levi started, but you cut him off.
“Hi! I love your eyes!” you said, beaming at her. She smiled, a little shyly. “You’re so sweet, thank you.”
“I’m changing my order,” you declared, causing Levi to pause and raise an eyebrow. “I’ll have a cup of jasmine tea,” you continued, scanning the menu above. “And, uh... lemon cheesecake, and that thing.. I can’t pronounce.”
You were picking the most expensive items on the menu. Levi couldn’t help the faint smile that tugged at his lips.
“Sure, dear, we’ll get it right out for you,” the woman—probably his mom—replied sweetly, turning to help Levi. Getting a smile from someone related to him? Wild. You thought his whole bloodline had to be as stoic as he was.
After you got your tea and moved to a table by the window, you glanced back at the counter. Kuchel nudged Levi with her elbow, her eyes glinting with amusement. "So... who’s that?" she asked, a teasing lilt to her voice.
"Tch. No one. Just a regular customer," Levi replied with a shrug, continuing to wipe the counter as if it was his life’s mission.
“Really? They seemed interested in you,” she added, clearly enjoying the moment. Levi sighed. Maybe bringing his mother here had been a mistake. “They are,” he admitted, moving to brew a fresh pot of tea.
Kuchel’s smile widened. "They're pretty, aren’t they?" He paused, visibly uncomfortable but unable to deny it. “… I guess?”
"Alright then," Kuchel said, clearly up to something, before leaving the counter to sit across from you.
'Oh god,' Levi thought, feeling a headache coming on. He knew what his mom was about to do…
You blinked in surprise as Levi’s mom—Kuchel —sat right across from you, a warm smile on her face. You glanced at Levi, who was now standing behind the counter with the most deadpan expression, silently begging the universe to stop this.
“So, how long have you been coming to this shop?” Kuchel asked, leaning in like this was a cozy little chat between best friends.
You tried not to choke on your tea. “Uh, about four months now. I, uh, really like the tea here.”
And the view, you thought but wisely kept to yourself.
“Four months! That’s dedication,” she remarked with a knowing smile. “Levi must really enjoy seeing such a loyal customer every morning.” Levi’s eye twitched from across the room.
“Uh, yeah, it’s nice to see a familiar face,” you said, laughing nervously. Kuchel nodded, clearly entertained. “You know, he doesn’t usually get attached to customers, but I think you might be special.” She paused dramatically, then added, “He talks about you all the time.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Wait, what?
Levi nearly dropped the teapot. “Mom,” he said sharply, voice low with a warning edge. what the fuck now
“Oh, hush, I’m just making conversation,” Kuchel waved him off, fully embracing her mom duties. “He mentioned just the other day how you always come in so cheerful and—” she leaned in as if sharing a secret—“how you flirt with him every morning.”
Your face burned, and Levi’s hand gripped the counter so tightly it might break.
You stammered. “H-he told you that?”
“Well, no, but it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?” she winked. “And you know, Levi here could use someone with your energy. He’s always so serious, isn’t he?” She turned her head slightly to address her son. “Levi, dear, you should take some notes—this one knows how to have fun.”
Levi groaned audibly. “Mom, please.”
You almost choked on your tea again. This was both mortifying and the best thing that had ever happened.
Kuchel continued undeterred. “He’s really sweet once you get to know him, you know? Sure, he’s got that broody, ‘I-don’t-care-about-anything’ look, but deep down, he’s very caring. Protective, too. He always makes sure I’m taken care of. Isn’t that right, Levi?”
Levi’s glare could’ve melted steel at this point. “I am right here, Mom.”
“Oh, don’t be so shy,” she teased, ignoring him completely. “What’s your name, dear?” she asked, turning back to you.
You told her, still a bit flustered but managing to smile. Kuchel’s face lit up.
“What a beautiful name! It would sound so lovely with ‘Ackerman,’ don’t you think?”
You almost spat out your tea. Levi nearly knocked over a stack of teacups. “Mom!”
Kuchel giggled, clearly enjoying every second of this. “What? I’m just saying. No harm in thinking about the future, right?”
Levi closed his eyes and took a slow, deep breath, as if summoning every ounce of patience in his body. “I’m going to the back,” he muttered, turning away before his mom could cause any further damage.
Kuchel just smiled after him, unfazed. “Well, he’ll come around eventually. Boys like him always do. Anyway, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, dear. And don’t worry—I’ll make sure he brews your tea just right.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at this point. “Thank you. I’ll definitely keep coming back.”
As Levi disappeared into the back of the shop, probably questioning every life decision that led him to this moment, Kuchel leaned in one last time. “Don’t give up on him,” she whispered conspiratorially. “He needs someone to loosen him up. And between you and me…” She grinned, eyes twinkling. “I think you’re perfect for the job.”
You were certain Levi was somewhere back there facepalming so hard, but honestly? You were starting to like Kuchel a lot.
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sukunas-wife · 8 months
YOU NEED TO MAKE MORE DAD!SUKUNA😭 It’s just soo good!!!, I’m literally obsessed with Dad!sukuna🫶🏻
lol here’s a little snippet to start the day, in other words I had a domestic dream 🥺🤍
Jujutsu Teacher Sukuna AU
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Somewhere in another time line Sukuna became a not so dedicated teacher at Jujutsu high school still after having turned himself into a curse, even 1000 years he landed a spot on the higher up’s board it hilarious when they try to execute someone and he completely disagrees.
They learned quickly is Sukuna disapproves of their actions agree with arrimen Sukuna. Don’t go behind his back and try to do it either. He’s not afraid to kill everyone and replace the entire board of Higher Ups
Then one year he met you, you came in from the sister school to be teacher. Usually he tried not to mess with staff they only last so long anyways. But maybe it was that time he saw you banging your head in the drink machine because you used your last bills to buy a drink and it got stuck. Or maybe it was that time Gojo and Toji surprisingly decided to team up against you and you managed to hold your own.
It was when YOU started to pursUE HIM he became really intrigued. At first he became annoyed because not to far behind the corner he could hear the snickering and “Oh she’s really doing it!” “She’s a brave woman to try and flirt with him…” “What are you idiots do- oh, this could be interesting.” “shhh, I can’t hear what he’s saying!”
You didn’t notice when he flicked his wrist, but you did hear your coworkers panic and the rushed steps. Looking back confused you were more confused when you looked back at Sukuna and he was leaning forward getting face to face with you before squishing your face in one of his hands. “You do understand you proud Jujutsu Sorcerers don’t live very long, so give me one good reason you want my attention.”
You wanted to badly to look away from those demanding red eyes, to pull away and breath the God given air, instead here you were getting dazed off his musk and cologne. Feeling his warm hand squish your face, nails lightly pressing against your skin. Smash- swallowing you had one chance to do this right. Don’t stutter, don’t fear, breath, don’t rush, don’t show him WEAKNESS.
“I J- ahem” ah.. I messed up already, “Wait let me restart- Okay I’m ready, I’m not gonna stand here and promise happiness smiles and endless love, praise and worship. I’m not gonna lie to your face and tell you everything you want to hear and pretend it’s all sunshine and rainbows. When I go on a mission I’m not gonna say I promise to always come back that would be a fools move. But at least in my last moments I’d have to privilege to remember you and all those wise words you used to tell me like. “Dumbass that’s why you keep more than two dollars in your wallet.” Or “Living to please others and dying with regrets if no helping everyone is vain, Live to please yourself at least in your final moments you’ll have some sense of fulfillment.” So like it or not I’m here to please myself if you say No and tell me to fuck off and send me on my way. I won’t regret having asking. If you say yes, well I won’t lie I wouldn’t really know what to do or say I came in expected to be rejected and humbled.” Finally your eyes left his, you were oblivious to stare he had. He wasn’t completely amused but he wasn’t bored of your words either. “Look at me.” You did, “you didn’t bore me entirely with your little … speech so I’ll give you one opportunity. Sunday, I have an early mission, meet me here at 4 in the morning and I’ll tell you with me. After I finish you can have the rest of my day or until I get bored.”
He didn’t get bored… it turned out you amused him so much more when you weren’t surrounded be suits.
And that’s how you ended up here.
“Yuji don’t say something stupid love can’t protect anyone.” Nobara rolled her eyes, “Yuh huh, your words can’t hurt me because my mom and dad’s love protects me.” He puffed his chest out crossing his arms and smiling with closed eyes, missing the book Nobara was throwing at him. A solid sound was made, Yuji was wide eyed, the all to familiar wrist holding the heavy book just in front of his face, “Careful Miss.Kugisaki it’d be a shame if you caught extra missions for disabling another student from completing his own.” Yuji smiled proudly, “See, protected.”
Sukuna rolled his eyes, “Get to class Fushiguro was on your ass last time for being late to class.” He nodded his head at Yuji who just smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, “Alright.” Of course the Trio ran past you greeting you with “Hi Mrs.Sukuna!” Good morning Mom!” “Morning Y/n Senpai.” You watched them all keep running until your husband stood next to you offering you the Coffee Cup he had been drinking. You were distracted by one thing “Why do you have our photo album?” Sukuna felt his eye twitch, “Damn brat.” Was all he mumbled tucking it under his shoulder, “Your son believes your love protects him.”
You laughed, “OUR son believes OUR love for him protects him. Considering your holding that book Im assuming Kugisaki tried to throw it at him or you were reminiscing on that time you had to save them from a Special Grade ambush and when you had to carry them all out Yuji was sniffling how he knew he could count on you to be there for him.”
He looked away, “Higher ups are lucky I only wiped out half of them.” You rested your head on his shoulder pulling the album from him. “Aaww this is Yuji’s baby album” you cooed seeing the picture of Sukuna holding Yuji next to a bouquet of “It’s a Boy!” Balloons. In the background you could see the blur of Geto smacking Gojo on the back of the head.
Sukuna is secure as a man and father 🥹
So it’s not a surprise to you when you come home late from the school and find true form Sukuna threatening to break the sofa under his weight coddling 15yo Yuji 🥹
As much of a brute people have him to be, Yuji might be his only son, and he might call him brat and roll his eyes a lot. But he’d be damned if he were truly a bad dad. In a whispered conversation he told you about everything that happened on Yuji’s mission. How the mission was purposely miss graded and they basically walked into a special grade curses domain. Sukuna had no doubt in his mind that if wouldn’t have been the one over seeing their mission the first years wouldn’t have walked back out alive.
Yuji was alright the entire ride but when he got home he broke down crying, speechless gasping for air. That’s when Sukuna pick him up carrying him over the sofa, coddling Yuji wasn’t as easy now that they were almost the same height, so he turned to his true form. And let Yuji cry, scream and hold onto him. Rubbing his back, holding his head against his shoulder, just talking to him to comfort him. “Do you remember that time we went to the park, and you wondered off to far chasing a duck.” Yuji nodded still sniffling, “Your mom was scared shitless when she couldn’t find you.” He laughed and Yuji laughed lightly, “y.. yeah I remember I jumped into the pond and then you and mom started screaming and then jumped in…” sukuna laughed louder, “Y/n was so mad but she couldn’t stay mad when she saw you with that little duck.” He patted Yuji’s back resting his chin on his head. Soon Yuji fell asleep.
It led you to find him this state. You asked him to go lay him in his bed, he did. He came to help you make some comfort food, it was hilarious when you asked if he could use dismantle on vegetables and it turned out he could. Now over the table in the wall is a sign that says “Malevolent Kitchen.”
The house that night was filled with the soft sounds of cooking, you and your husband talking about whatever came to mind. The Golden pot boiling with whatever broth you made. Sukuna was fighting the rice cooker while you tempura fried some shrimp and rolled some noodles to cook
It was well past 9 when you heard Yuji coming, both of you turning to see him walking yawning and rubbing his eyes. Bare feet padding along the kitchen floor. “Come sit down Yu you gotta be hungry.” you fixed him a large bowl of noodles with Tempura shrimp. On the side were the massive Onigiri Sukuna had made, he even tried to use the nori stamp to put little faces on them. More often than not they have 4 little crooked eyes that looked mad but it squeezed your heart how he laughed to himself saying “Yuji’s going to love these.”
He did, you watched as he bit into it rice sticking to his face. “These are good dad what did you fill them with?” “Nitamago we forgot to pack em for lunch so.. improvise I guess.” You both sat down with Yuji talking and eating. Just enjoying the free time you had together before Sukuna would go commit another crime against the higher ups 🤍🤍
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Yeah 🥹
Im here 10-1 in the morning 🤍 It took all day to type this out 😭😭
Also a lot of my co workers walked out today 🥹 it was rough
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p1utofairy · 10 months
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“something heavenly led me to you.”
★ what will your future partner’s family & friends think of you?
DISCLAIMER: take what resonates, leave what doesn't. omg s/o to anon for requesting this — this was such a cool read so thank you for sharing this idea. enjoy bbys.
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PILE 1. ❄️
how their family views you:
pile one i feel like your future partner’s mother is really going to like you! your person could come from a culturally different background, but you two just make sense together. i think that your charisma/mindset/demeanor is what initially made your person fall head over heels for you - and your charm will work just as much on their family as it does on them. their mother is going to ADORE you! omg i see the mom pulling your person aside towards the end of the evening (it looks like a dinner or a social gathering of some sort) and they whisper to them, “you picked a good one. i’m proud of you.” AWWW they have this twinkle in their eyes like they’re about to cry. you’re everything that they could’ve ever hoped/prayed for your person to bring home. you’ve got the whole package in their eyes! you might be a little shy when you first meet their family — i’m seeing you get all antsy and jittery while you’re getting ready, but your person is going to hold your hand the whole way through…you will never feel alone.
even when you’re talking to their family members, i see them keeping a gentle hand on your back or their arm resting on the back of your chair; just little gestures and signs to make you feel comfortable and secure. i don’t think they’ve ever really brought anyone home to meet their parents/family…i’m seeing that scene from ‘how to lose a guy in 10 days’ after the game of bullshit, andie is like “how many other girls have lost this game?” or something like that and ben’s mom is like “what other girls, honey? you’re the first girl he’s ever brought home.” and andie’s face drops like WHAT?!?!! lol yeah that’ll be your reaction if that ends up being the case, cause it'll just solidify how your person has never experienced something as real and beautiful as the connection they share with you.
your persons family will see that they’re making an effort with you. they may have been a bit of a player before they met you, but you unlock a different side of your partner that they’ve never seen before. they’re like “[YOUR PARTNER'S NAME]? is that you?” LOL they’ll be thoroughly shocked when they see how enraptured and affectionate they are with you. i’m hearing caught up in the rapture by anita baker mhm they loooooveeeeee you, pile 1. i’m tryna not to cry :,) but they love you so damn much it's so wholesome. every moment with them is gonna feel like you're on cloud 9 — this is a whimsical ‘once in a life time’ type of love. they would scream their love for you from the mountain tops if that's what was asked of them. you make them feel like they can do anything, and that's why their family is gonna love you so much. you bring out the best in this person, UGH. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS.
how their friends view you:
not far off from how their family will feel about you — their friends will also approve of you! like i said before, you seriously bring out another side of your partner that they haven’t even seen before either. if anything, they feel like their friend is more motivated and less in their head about shit since you’ve come into the picture. i think your partner used to be really pessimistic and a bit of a downer when it came to love/relationships, but meeting you helped them realize that love truly is real. their friends will think that you’re very witty and knowledgeable, you may like to debate about certain topics and they’ll find it hilarious and engage with you. they may also think that you're a bit stubborn lol but ultimately you’re persuasive enough to make them see your point of view. i think they'll really like you, and they'll love how different you are from the previous love interests your person would bring around/talk about.
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PILE 2. 🌬️
how their family views you:
hey pile 2! i'm ngl i'm kinda picking up on some mommy issues here? i don't think your partner has the greatest relationship with their mother. they posibly had an absent mother or their mother was very cold towards them growing up. your person had to grow up fast (they didn't have a choice) is what i'm hearing. if not that, then they might’ve grew up in a household where love and care was never displayed or given to them. your persons energy is very masculine and kind of cold.
they didn't have a stable home life growing up, so the idea of "family" is a bit foreign to them. YOU are their family, their home (ugh i'm not gonna cryyyyyy) and their light. before you came into their life, they were solely content with just being alone and doing what they wanted to do, cause they felt like nobody truly cared enough about them. damn someone was really tough on them — TW [one of their parents might've been addicted to drugs/alcohol/abusive] i'm sensing a feeling of neglect from your person's childhood.
their father may have raised them or an older brother or an uncle…idk there's an important masculine figure in their life that tries to help them navigate through life. this male figure will approve of you and this relationship — this is the first time in forever that they've actually seen your partner truly happy. they know what this person’s been through, and how much their trauma has held them back from positive experiences; but again, you’re the light in their life. love by musiq soulchild is playing, “through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt…love. for better or worse i still will choose you first.” your person will take this leap of faith and take a chance on this connection…that's how deep their emotions run for you.
it's gonna take everything in them not to self-sabotage due to their trauma, but this masculine figure in their life is going to have a talk with them and really make them think about what they’d be giving up if they were to let you go. after this conversation they're going to realize how much you mean to them and how they can't imagine a world without you being by their side — they're gonna put a ring on it. YUP PILE 2. you heal this person in so many ways that i can't even fully express. they’re always learning something new from you and they see you as such a positive influence in their life.
how their friends view you:
their friends know how much they've been through, and how hard it was for your person to get close to anyone platonically let alone romantically. so you coming into your partner's life will be an absolute shock to them, but they'll be super appreciative of you! they see the passion and happiness you ignite in their friend, pile 2. they'll think you're an absolute gem. they'll be happy that you two are together and i see them clowning their friend (all in good humor) about how sprung you got them lol this is so light-hearted compared to their family dynamic. your partner’s friends really became their family — they were right there in their time of need. i feel like you and their friend group will mesh together so well.
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PILE 3. ☃️
how their family views you:
seeing how tight knit this person is with their family might be a bit intimidating at first, pile 3. you're gonna be in your head like "omg will they like me? will i fit in?" their family dynamic might differ from yours in terms of how they talk/interact/express themselves — you might be used to sitting back and keeping to yourself during family events. you're not loud or overly expressive when communicating with/around your family, so seeing how boisterous and animated this person and their family members can be will catch you off guard.
i'm seeing that they might be big football fans or something of that nature where they’ll host a party/gathering and have drinks, food, entertainment — i'm getting a lot of fun and playful energy from your persons family! they'll see that you naturally keep to yourself, but that won't stop them from encouraging you to join the festivities and make you feel welcomed. i see you joining them on a lot of trips, vacations, gatherings, parties, etc. you're gonna have a ball with your future partner's family. you’ll love to see your partner in their element…that’s what’s going to make you want to open up and join in with them.
your future partner’s family will think that you have a great head on your shoulders, and they’ll truly see how much you’ve ground your partner. your person is naturally funny and flirty (they could possibly be an air sign) but their family will notice a newfound sense of maturity about them. i can hear them asking your partner, "when are you ever going to grow up?” lol they are just full of so much energy and they're playful at heart.
they operate a lot from their inner child and that's what will make you fall for them. you are rigid when it comes to letting your hair down, and just doing whatever you want whenever you want. however, your person has mastered the concept of spontaneity! they love doing things on the whim and just saying “FUCK IT, WE BALL!!!" i mean don't get me wrong they can be practical and level-headed, but they also want to be happy and allow themselves to experience the joys in life.
random but they might love ‘the dark knight’ movie and quote the joker a lot cause i'm hearing “why so serious?” lol your person is a goofball…it's so cute and it also makes sense, because their family is so down to earth and ‘go with the flow’ type of people. their family will feel like you’re a great addition to the family, and they’ll feel so proud that your partner found someone like you.
how their friends view you:
your partner’s friends are gonna feel like you’re hot as fuck? uh OKAY then! you def are attractive af pile 3 but damn someone in this friend group might be plottin' frfr uhm. i'm feeling like this is one specific friend…the rest of their friends are gonna be happy about this relationship but this specific person is giving off weird vibes 😬 like i can see you and your partner sitting on the couch all close and cuddly, in y’alls own little cutesy bubble, and this person is watching y'all from a distance thinking to themselves that should be me like WHAT?! this specific friend feels like you're a rare catch…they are giving off immature vibes ugh they could be younger than your partner or just really really childish i don't like it. they definitely want your person to fumble but guess what — that's not happening! your person will come to see them for who they truly are and they will cut them off expeditiously LOL GOOD RIDDANCE. you and your future partner's relationship will prevail and the foundation you two are building together will remain solid.
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mysticfalls01 · 10 months
Princesa III
(FC Barcelona x reader)
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Part 1 Part 2
After arriving to SGP Sarina gave you room number and she told you that your roommate hadn’t arrived yet.
The moment you entered your room you sent a text to Barca’s group informing your teammates that you had arrived, before even having the opportunity to do something else Alexia called you.
“Hija! He visto que ya has llegado al lugar de concentración” (Daughter! I have seen that you have already arrived at the place of concentration)
“Hi mama! Yes, I was about to call you! Everything went great during the flight”
“That’s nice to hear hija. So, who is your roommate?”
“Well, my roommate hasn’t arrived yet, so I don’t know mama. “
You continued talking with Alexia until you heard someone opening the door, quickly you realized who your roommate was, it was the one and only Lucy Bronze.
“Mama, debo irme mi compañera de cuarto ha llegado. Te hablaré más tarde. Si?” ("Mom, I must go, my roommate has arrived. I'll talk to you later. Yes?")
“Alright hija when you have the chance text either Ona or me who your roommate is. Take care hija”
Immediately as the call ended Lucy spoke.
“Nice to meet you kid! I’m Lucy Bronze” she said while stretching her hand.
“Hi! I’m y/n l/n” you nervously answered.
“So, with who were you talking with kid? I’m sure that you weren’t speaking English.”
“I was talking with mama, I mean with Alexia, and we were talking in a mix of Spanish and English” you answered.
“Alexia as in Alexia Putellas as in La Reina?”
While she started setting her things down you continued talking with Lucy. You learned that she currently was playing for City and that Keira Walsh is her girlfriend. You continued talking until she said that it was time for the first team meeting.
When you guys arrived to conference room you stayed next to Lucy as the only persons that you knew from the group were Maya, Alessia and Tooney as they played for MU.
At one point of the meeting Sarina asked you to present yourself as you were the only new person of the group.
“Hi! I’m y/n l/n, I’m from Manchester and I was part of MU academy. I play as a striker, and I’m currently signed with Barcelona” you said nervously.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
You fitted in perfectly with the Lionesses. Leah as captain made sure that everyone received you well, Alessia and Tooney assumed the roles of your older sisters and showed you how everything worked. Finally, Lucy and Keira they became like your aunts however you couldn’t help but to find similarities between them and Ingrid and Mapi.
Before you knew it was time for the friendly against Switzerland. As you were in the bus on the way there Alexia called you.
“Princesa! Good luck in the game I just wanted to tell you that we are going to watch the game and we will be rooting for you.”
“Thanks mama! According to Sarina I’ll be making my debut during the second half of the game.”
“Perfect! Remember that’s it’s your time to shine hija make sure that everyone realize why you are la princesa de Barcelona.”
Your debut happened just as you told Alexia. You entered the game in the 65th minute. It seemed that Leila could see the future as you did score against Switzerland.
Just as the game ended with a win for the Lionesses and after celebrating with your teammates you heard a familiar voice.
“Hey Princesa come here!”
You turned around saw that it was Ana-Maria as soon as you realized that it was her you ran towards her and hugged her.
“Princesa! I’m so proud of you, you just had your debut, and it was spectacular!”
“Thank you, auntie!”
AMC presented you to some of her teammates and as she did, she gloated about Barcelona having the princess, the player who was going to make history.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The Lionesses were able to win two out of two friendly matches and it’s safe to say that you left a great impression to the team. Before you knew it was time to go back to Barcelona and before you could leave to the airport Lucy asked you for your number as she wanted to keep in touch with you.
As soon as you landed you sent Alexia a text message indicating that you only had to pick up your luggage and after picking it up you walked towards the exit. As soon as you spotted Alexia and Olga you ran towards Ale.
“Hija! I’m so proud of you!” she greeted while she hugged you.
“Thank you mama, I had so much fun, but I missed you a lot”
“How about this we go out to eat dinner, you sleep at our apartment and tomorrow I take you to the training session.”
You separated from Alexia and turned towards Olga.
“Is this ok with you Olga? I don’t want to bother” you shyly asked her.
“Nonsense kid! You are always welcomed to spend time with us” she reassured you.
Alexia couldn’t help but to smile while she saw yours and Olga’s interaction.
“Mama, before I forget it take this. It’s the jersey of my international debut, it’s the one I used against Switzerland I want you have it.” You said after taking out the jersey from your backpack.
“Thank you hija, I’ll treasure this forever. When we get back to the apartment you better sign the jersey frilla” Alexia answered with tears on her eyes.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
As soon as you entered the locker room Jana and Bruna tackled you.
“Felicidades hermanita! We are so proud of you!” Bruna said.
“Si hermana! You played amazingly!” Jana said at the same time.
After they got off you and you could stand up Leila approached you and turned towards Ana
“Hey Ana! Just as I said la princesa scored against you!” she jokingly said.
“Ouahabi just wait for her to play against Spain I’m sure you guys won’t be able to stop her!” Ana-Maria answered.
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a/n: i am so proud of the boys and what they accomplished after everyone counted them out 💙🧡 can’t wait for next year when they’ve had a full training camp with patrick and they come back better than ever 🤍
tw: child goes “missing” for a brief moment, mild innuendo
word count: 2.9k
summary: the msg broadcast gets double the barzal men for a little bit
Offering to take the girls to the arena for a game seems like it’s a great idea until you’ve got Talia, both Martin girls, and Tulsa Horvat begging for pretzels mid-way through the second. Normally you’d have at least one of Syd or Holly with you, but since the outing is for Talia’s birthday, you’d thought it would be fine to just take the girls yourself. That you’d be a good friend, letting Syd and Holly have their Thursday night free, since all of your husbands are retired now and they don’t have to come to the arena if they don’t want to.
But Max is getting antsy and Talia is yapping your ear off - much like her father - begging for snacks.
“Mom, please, I’m starving,” she pokes her lip out at you in a pout and widens her hazel eyes. She looks unfairly like Mat when she makes that expression even though her general looks had shifted to favor yours as she got older. You’ve never really been able to say no to either kid anyway.
“Can you at least watch your brother while I go get snacks?” You ask, lifting your eyebrow and twisting your hair back into a slightly sloppy ponytail. Max swings his legs in his seat next to you, grinning at his big sister. His hat dips over his eyes and you make a mental note to adjust the strap.
Talia looks at you as if you just asked her to swallow a cup of live spiders. “Mom, please no! I don’t even know why we brought him, today was supposed to be for my birthday,” she whines a little, those pre-teen hormones working overtime. Two weeks from turning eleven, and you find yourself missing your baby girl more and more each day. She’s usually a pretty polite and delightful kid, but something about that upcoming eleventh birthday is creating that familiar teenage whine you’d been so good at back in the day. You should really call and apologize to your mother.
Max pipes up without taking his eyes off the action on the ice, “your birthday’s not even today!”
“Thank you, Max,” you hold a hand out in front of his face, covering his mouth, as Talia shoots him a glare. Max wiggles away from your hand, his head bobbing in every direction as he tries to see the players. “I should’ve known this would happen.” You pinch the bridge of your nose with your free hand.
The only reason Talia had picked this game for her birthday is because of Jack Cizikas’s last minute call up from the AHL. Her puppy crush on him is something you and Kristy like to joke about, but right now you’re not laughing. Casey, Kristy, Reese, and Cole are up in a suite with the grandparents for the moment and you should’ve just sent Max up there to join them, but your five-year-old is still a little clingy. He loves the Cizikas family, hero-worships ten-year-old Cole, but when you’d suggested it, his face had crumpled and he’d said, “I wanna stay with you, Mama!”
Who were you to argue with that?
“Okay, I’ll take Max with me, but Win,” you raise your voice and look down a few seats at Winnie Martin, the oldest of your babysitting charges at fifteen, “do not leave these seats until I get back, okay?”
Winnie grins at you, Matt’s smile copy and pasted onto her face. She gives you a little salute and nods, “you got it.”
Talia turns back to the girls, completely ignoring you, and you roll your eyes a little before holding out your hand to Max. “Come on, buddy. Let’s go get some snacks,” you say, savoring the feeling of his little hand in yours. You never know when he’ll start thinking he’s too cool for his mom, so you’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
“Can I get ice cream?” He asks, skipping along next to you. He gives Sparky a high five when you pass the mascot at the top of the stairs.
You laugh a little and point Sparky and his handler in the direction of the girls. “I’m sure Winnie will love to see you,” you say, nostalgia washing over you as you think about the early years of your relationship with Mat and Winnie’s love for the dragon. Sparky nods and gives you an enthusiastic thumbs up, before bounding down the stairs. It’s a different person in the costume now, obviously, but you all had made sure to keep Winnie humbled by making sure each iteration of the Sparky knew to stop and see her at a game. The teen plays along gamely, her mother’s daughter.
Max tugs on your hand, drawing your attention. “Mama! Can I get ice cream?” He repeats his request and you shake your head.
“Nope, sorry, kid. It’s past your sugar cutoff,” you shake his arm when he pouts and kicks his Nike against the floor, nearly tripping himself as he tries to keep walking. “I’ll split a pretzel with you though.”
“I don’t wanna pretzel,” he whines, dragging his feet as he traipses behind you. You dodge a few people, tugging Max along. He keeps whining a little, complaining under his breath, and you pinch at the bridge of your nose before squatting down so you’re at his eye level.
Max goes quiet, but his whole face scrunches up in annoyance and you smile softly. “If you have ice cream now, you’re not going to be able to sleep. And remember that Daddy’s coming on your field trip tomorrow so don’t you want to be well rested for that?” You raise an eyebrow at him while Max considers your explanation.
The line shifts forward while Max is considering and you smile awkwardly up at the family in line behind you, silently apologizing for not moving. The mother waves you off with a polite smile too. Solidarity.
“Can I have ice cream tomorrow then?” Max finally asks and negotiating with the tiny terrorist wasn’t on your to do list today, but you nod anyway, knowing it’ll bite you in the ass tomorrow.
“Yes, after your field trip you can have a little ice cream,” you stand up, knees creaking a bit, and move forward on the line. Matter settled, you hook your fingers in the back collar of Max’s Horvat jersey, worn because ‘Uncle Bo is the coolest!’ much to Mat’s annoyance and your amusement. At the self-serve counter, you grab five pretzels - even if Max doesn’t want to share, you still want a snack - and a Diet Coke, hoping for a quick burst of energy. You let go of Max’s jersey to fish your phone out of your back pocket and tap it against the reader.
“Okay, Max, back to -“ you cut yourself off, looking down at your side and not seeing Max. “Max? Oh, fuck. Where did he go?”
Your heart hammers in your chest, slight panic rising when you scan the concourse and don’t spot your kindergartener. “Fuck,” you mutter under your breath, the only thing keeping your panic at a reasonable level is the fact that Max was quite literally almost born in the arena and knows it better than anyone. Of course that also means he could be hiding literally anywhere and never be found.
“I…okay, think like Max,” you step off to the side, against the wall, so you can figure out what to do. “Where the hell is he going to go?”
The muffled cheers of the crowd filter through the arena, signifying that the Islanders have added to their lead late in the second. You smile faintly and, like a lightning bolt to the head, realize where Max wandered off to. Or where you hope he wandered off to.
You book it towards the Lab and the MSG broadcast set up, trying to see around the crowds of people that are leaving their seats now that the second period is over. Obviously, you can’t see anything around all the people and the closer you get to the main stairs, the more panic you’re starting to feel, thinking about the girls back at the seats and what you’ll do if Max isn’t with Mat.
Once the cameras and desk come into view, your entire body unclenches, Max is happily perched on Mat’s hip, chattering away with Shannon while Mat and Thomas discuss the second period’s play. The cameras are on and your son is broadcasting live on MSG. You wiggle your way through the little crowd of people around the set and get to the front, by the retractable belt barriers, and try to catch Mat’s eye.
The second he spots you, his entire expression changes, a delighted smile stretching across his face and his eyes crinkling up at the corners. He looks like a twenty-something again, not the nearly forty-year-old he actually is.
“Max!” You hiss, trying not to be heard. “Send him over here!” You wave your free hand at the duo, Diet Coke wedged under your arm and pretzels getting squished in your hand.
Mat shakes his head at you and Thomas and Shannon look over too, all three of them laughing. Mat turns back to the camera, Max smiling like the cat that got the canary. “My wife’s trying to get our broadcast sidekick back,” he says, laughing. Mat bounces Max in his arms. “But I think we’ll keep him around for his color commentary.”
“No, oh my god,” you shake your head and gesture for Max to come back to you. “Mat, stop it.”
“Max,” Mat turns to look at your son, totally ignoring you, “what did you think of the game so far?”
Embracing the fact that Mat’s going to let Max join them for a while at least, you sigh and relax into the moment, watching Max perk up as he gets to discuss his favorite thing.
“I missed Matt’s goal,” he complains, Matt Maggio must’ve been the one to score when you noticed Max was missing. “But I like Jack the best ‘cause he’s funny and plays mini sticks. And also he gave me a piggy-back all day at Easter.”
Shannon laughs and chimes in, “we like Jack around here too. But hey, Max, I can show you Matt’s goal while your dad and Thomas discuss some of the finer points of the game.”
Max wiggles out of Mat’s arms and darts around Thomas’s back so he can stand with Shannon and watch the goal he missed. You snap a picture of Max’s head poking over the desk, heart melting at the sheer excitement on his face. You also notice the dozen texts littering your phone’s screen - a multitude of laughing emojis sent from the girls while they watch at home.
The fans around you are clearly eating up Max’s presence and you feel a little spike of anxiety thinking about how exposed he is to the public now, after keeping his and Talia’s faces mostly hidden on your social media pages. It’s always a little inevitable that the kids are seen with Mat out in public, but you almost wish you could snatch up all the phones recording video and taking pictures of Max as he points something out to Shannon on the iPad.
You take a nervous bite out of your pretzel and try to just enjoy the moment until they go to commercial when you can duck under the belt barrier. Mat grins boyishly at you, grabbing your waist to pull you in for a quick kiss. “Well, this is fun,” he says, pulling back from the kiss. “Family broadcast.”
“He is so stupid sneaky,” you shake your head, offering Mat the pretzel that you’d taken a bite out of. He accepts it and tears off a piece of his own. “And fast.”
Thomas laughs, leaning his forearms on the desk. “That’ll be helpful when he’s zipping around defensemen and scoring goals,” he teases before going to say hi to the fans and take selfies.
“Mom, look!” Max pops up at your side, holding a puck. Where did he get that?
“Pretty cool,” you smile down at him and let Mat lift him back up onto his hip. Max’s long legs kick at Mat’s thighs. “Where’d you get that, bud?”
“From Dad when I got here,” Max chirps. “Can I stay? Cause I don’t wanna be with the girls.”
He cuddles up against Mat’s shoulder, the father-son duo wearing matching hangdog, pleading expressions on their faces. The day Mat taught both kids the look was the worst day of your life, weakening your already minimal willpower. This time you have to say no, interrupting Mat while he’s working is only cute for so long.
“Sorry, Maxy,” you reply sympathetically. “We have to get back to the girls, but we’ll see Dad right after the game.”
Max whines loudly, reminding you that he’s still only five, and you chew on the inside of your lip. Mat pats Max on the back and whispers something in his ear, the extra lighting catching on the few greys that are starting to form in Mat’s dark hair. You wait while Mat talks quietly to your son, trying not to worry about coming back from commercial while you’re all standing in the middle of everything. Eventually, Max huffs an exasperated sigh and wiggles out of Mat’s grip again, slumping his way over to your side.
You smirk a little, “gee, don’t look so thrilled to come hang with your mom.”
Mat laughs and you roll your eyes at him.
“I wanted to stay with Dad,” Max pouts, little fingers gripping tightly onto the puck. “But he said that he’d take me to the locker room if I go with you.”
“Bribery,” Mat winks at you. “A dad’s best weapon.”
The ten second warning that the commercial is ending blinks and you grab Max’s hand, “okay, time to go back to the girls. We’ll see Dad later, okay?”
Max waves at Mat as you guide him away from the set. “Bye, Dad! Don’t forget I wanna see Jack and the locker room,” he shouts and you can hear Mat’s laughter boom over the noise of the crowd.
“I won’t forget Max, be good for Mom,” Mat calls out.
You hurry back to your seats, Max hopping along and waving to people as you go. He gives big, cheerful greetings to the ushers and security guards he recognizes, forcing you to stop when Sparky passes by so he can give the mascot a high-five and a hug around the legs.
“Max, baby, please. We can see Sparky later,” you sigh, a little worried about leaving the girls alone for so long. You know they’ll listen and not leave the seats, but you feel vaguely like a terribly mother/babysitter since they’ve been sitting by themselves for nearly twenty minutes.
Max pouts, but takes a hold of the hand you’re holding out for him and dutifully follows you back to the seats. He clambers over the couple at the end of the row and you apologize quickly for him, making another mental note to work on the kid’s manners.
“Where did you go?” Talia pops up in her seat like a meerkat, wrinkling her face at you in confusion. “We thought you, like, got kidnapped!”
“We didn’t get kidnapped,” you huff, passing around the pretzels. The girls thank you and turn back to the on-ice intermission action. Max reaches for your half eaten one too and you’re glad you at least got a bite in earlier. “Max ran off to see Dad.”
Max grins at his sister, mouth full of chewed pretzel. “Dad gave me a puck and I got to be on TV with him,” he manages to sound smug and excited all at the same time, waving the gifted puck in one hand.
Talia pouts a little, still childish despite how she tries to mimic the older girls.
“Eat your pretzel,” you twirl your finger to get her to look back at the ice. “There are a thousand pucks at home. Oh,” you add, “we’re going to head down to the locker room after the game. Dad promised Max.”
That gets the girls going, chattering about how they get to see Jack and the rest of the players, giggling like crazy while huddled together. You lean back in your seat, smiling softly at how cute they all are. Max is on his feet, dancing along to the arena music, waving both hands in the air - your little party animal. You send Mat a video of him dancing, teasing that father and son have the same moves.
He shoots back a gif of himself dancing at the Martins’ wedding more than fifteen years ago, making you laugh out loud, drawing the attention of all five kids. “Ignore me,” you laugh, waving a hand at them.
Another message from Mat vibrates your phone: leave the kids with marts and syd when you drop the girls off after the game, i wanna show you more of my moves 👀
Giggling like a high schooler with a crush, you take a minute to appreciate that Mat still makes you feel floaty and dizzy with love. Over ten years together and he still makes your heart skip a beat.
“Mom,” Talia’s voice slices through your thoughts, “what’s Dad saying? Because you look so weird.”
Schooling your features into a more neutral expression, you lean forward over the seat and ask, “how do you guys feel about a sleepover at Aunt Syd and Uncle Matt’s?”
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eremorte · 7 months
thronecoming heritage hall gifts (rewritten)
The Thronecoming heritage hall gifts bug me. Most of them don’t feel like a parent has gifted them. They are so uninspired for the biggest moment in their child’s life.
I’ve listed my replacements below. I’m hoping for the gifts to have a, if had-to-do-it-again-here’s-what-I’d-want vibe.
blondie lockes
OG gift: running shoes
rewritten gift: a new piece of tech that helps her with her mirror cast. A shiny new microphone or even just a cute news reporter accessory that acknowledges her unintended break from destiny (or rather extremely developed hobby/career because her story can be over in like 30 minutes) it also gives off the initial impression that blondie’s story is “just right” the way it is until.. boom! There’s a note.
That mentions that as Goldilocks has reflected on her role and how she regrets hurting the bears the ways she has* and with an extra perceptive daughter like blondie she is sure to find a worthy story (within bounds) that won’t cause baby bear to develop a complex. *insert long list of things here that blondie could comment on in her stead because the story book of legends didn’t write every worthwhile critique of the bear house and the bears despite “forgiving” her won’t let her talk to them about this* and a small comment of how she is super proud about blondie that hopefully eases some of her attention seeking behavior so she’s less of a brat later on.
cerise hood:
OG Gift: picnic basket with an electronic mirror lock.
revised gift: honestly I have no comment. This is a great gift. My only question is how recently the presents are placed in the hall seeing as how that basket spit up a whole bird leg. Maybe it has a special note of the picnic menu they have in celebration once the whole shebang is done.
o hair twins:
OG gift floating hair brushes
rewritten gift given how Rapunzel’s story is that she was locked away her whole life because her bio mom ate a magical plant while pregnant that the witch wasn’t sure of the side effects of and had to lock her away because damn sure bio parents couldn’t do anything if the witch was second guessing herself. What I think should be there are odd bits an bobs function like an Easter egg hunt of a map and post fairytale notes one what they are that Rapunzel is certain her girls can figure out because they have her plant powers (though probably diluted hence the helpful notes incase they have to solve things like their adoptive grandma ).
briar beauty
NOW FOR THE GIRL WHO INSPIRED THIS POST. Her gift makes me so angry. It is the most nothing gift of the whole bunch. You mean to tell me that a hundred year sleep doesn’t come with any regrets at all? Not one thing?
OG gift A neck pillow.
revised gift: A SCRAPBOOK. The first few pages could be filled with pictures of her family. Bonus points if they’re are people Briar wouldn’t have gotten the chance to meet but knows who they are by virtue of her mom. It hits home exactly how big her sacrifice is. Also all the storybook imagery? The intro? Imagine if there was a dark time line where we were being told everything that happen through briar who missed all of it and is trying to piece back something familiar?
either way, mental breakdown and existential crisis guaranteed.
also bonus. It’s totally merchandisable. Half the book mercy was essentially scrapbooks/concept art anyhow.
Cedar wood: revealer rays
it’s a good gift but something she wouldn’t be able to use in her story at all. They are not subtle and most everyone who knows about Cedar knows that Pinocchio didn’t mess up her eyes to the point she’d feasibly need glasses. Revised gift: letters from the blue fairy (well wishes, maybe an helpful hint or two) Gepetto and Pinocchio (things to to try (and not repeat) once she’s no longer wooden and how to lie effectively) I can’t think of a physical possession for Cedar to have. But I feel she’d appreciate these. Maybe a special cricket/donkey whistle?
duchess swan:
no gift shown but what I have in mind is a mix of briar and blondie’s gift.
a collection of letters (written on leaves and paper or something) from both her mom and her bio dad detailing the bitter sweet love in the tragedy to reassure duchess it’s not all bad. And a special pair of dancing shoes for her last night as a human. I imagine this gift would only make duchess mad.
Madeline hatter:
no gift shown and honestly idk what the mad hatter gives his daughter it’s probably perfect. An old hat that looks very normal actually? A crazy new teapot? Who knows?
raven queen:
og gift wand wishing well coin
honestly I want to know the logic behind the wand. Is it a back up battery in case apple thwarts raven through zapping away her powers somehow?
I have multiple suggestions
Something that contains directions to the true SBOL
recipe for the poison apple
something that originally belonged to someone in the Snow White family that she is proud enough to share with her daughter (raven would probably give it back).
*blondie branches out mentions how Goldilocks promised to be a better person.
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icycoldninja · 12 days
Can u write the DMC boys in a scenario where they were turned into little kittens because a particularly smart devil managed to cast a magic spell on them to escape?
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When they woke up, they’re very confused as to why their clothes are suddenly much bigger than they are and so do their weapons. Only when they look at their reflection in the nearby puddle do they realize they become a little kitten
Now they’re cursing in distress, which, sound more like distressed meows from a sulking kitty
And that caught the reader’s attention as she was searching up and down for them, not knowing what happened to her bf before she stumbled across a cute little cat near the pile of fallen rocks
Reader: What are you doing here little fella? Where’s your mom? Did you happen to come across my boyfriend? Can I bring you home with me?
The boys: ‘HONEY!! IT’S ME’ *distressed meowing being inserted*
Now the reader takes care of the little kitten she brought home, not knowing it’s her bf meanwhile she’s just praying for their well-being and hope that they get home soon (erm…about that) She usually plays with them, buys things for them for enrichment, etc and not only that, she usually rants to the little kitten that even though she do love the boys, she can’t help but feel that there’s a rift between their relationship because of how much time they spend with their job, which makes her feel neglected in a way but she can’t blame them. Meanwhile, the kitten, that happens to be her bf, is actually paying close attention to her words, their heart aches because they unknowingly neglect her by overworking themselves, which leads to little to no time for their relationship
After a few days, they return back to normal. Reader is glad they’re back home but is confused about what happened to her favorite little kitty. That’s when the boys explain that the kitten is them…which leads to a very awkward conversation afterwards, ranging from ‘Are you okay?’s; ‘What happened/?’ to the boys explaining that they heard her confession and both the reader and them promising to work out their relationship
P/S: No joke V looks like an Oriental Short hair cat like…no explanation needed
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and Nero looks similar to an Ocicat
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For Vergil and Dante. It’s rather complicated but they’re either Russian Blues or Turkish Angoras
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Here’s a little illustration of cat V I made…I’m rather proud of it
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yeap that's accurate. Cool drawing, btw.
Sparda boys + V x Reader kitten situation headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Somehow, a particularly powerful demon managed to cast a spell on Dante and turned him into a cat.
-Dante was super angry about this and started screeching at thin air, convinced he was speaking English words.
-While returning home from work, you came across this very kitten, sitting and meowing in distress. Naturally, you decided to help him.
-Dante was happy to be with you, but he couldn't understand why you didn't understand what he was saying. It took some time, but he eventually concluded that he must have been speaking cat.
-You cared for the cat-Dante for a little while, growing super attached to him in the process. Oh how you loved this fuzzy little ball of fun. You also vented to it, shamelessly dilvuging all your fears and issues with your relationship due to how much time Dante spent away from you. All this information went into the cat's wars, and registered in Dante's brain.
-When the spell eventually wore off, you were very sad, but hey, at least you had your boyfriend back!
-After asking about his strange absence, Dante was reluctant to admit that he was the cat you'd taken care of all along and that he remembers every moment; every word.
-He then apologized and promised to make more time for you, much to your delight. Thankfully, Dante is lighthearted and doesn't judge much or you'd be in for one hell of a lecture.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil couldn't believe something like this had happened to him. How could he have been foolish enough to get turned into a cat?!
-He was very angry, and naturally began grumbling to himself while trying to head home.
-This was where you found him, meowing sadly like the poor little kitty he was.
-Of course, you brought him home, and began treating him like your adopted child, unaware that this was actually your boyfriend.
-You poured out your soul to this harmless kitten, venting about everything that upset you, including how Vergil's continuous absence saddened you.
-When Vergil returned to normal (which took a few days), he decided not to say anything about it. He simply couldn't bear to tell you he, the MOTIVATED one, had been changed into a cat. Instead, he took more time off for you, surprising you with his sudden change of schedule.
□ Nero □
-Nero didn't really understand how this happened, but hey, it's not all bad!
-While laughing about it to himself, he saw you crossing the street, and decided to meow to get your attention.
-Your attention he got indeed; the next thing he knew, he was being given a bath at home, and then a lot of pets and scratches behind the ears.
-He also got to listen to you talk about your day, in far more detail than you ever told him. It made him kind of jealous. A cat was getting to know more about you than your own boyfriend did.
-When you started talking about how your boyfriend (him) was hardly ever around, it all clicked into place. You felt neglected! Aw shit, Nero really fucked up this time.
-Once he turned back to normal, he set out to change things, even promising out of the blue that he'd put more time into your relationship. When you asked him why, he ended up inadvertently revealing he had been that kitten you so adored all this time.
● V ●
-V was just a few seconds too slow to avoid this demon's beam of magic, and ended up getting turned into a cat.
-Oh, this was so distressing. Griffon and Shadow were no longer around, so V was all alone. When cats are frightened and alone, what do they do? Meow.
-You happened to hear this meowing as you were out and about looking for him, and being the kind soul you are, rushed to help the terrified kitty.
-V was then given a glimpse of how royalty lives. He was pampered, doted on, petted almost every 2 seconds, and waited on hand and foot.
-He also got to hear a lot of your secrets, including how you felt lonely without him around. You missed him much more than he realized, V realized, and made a mental promise to fix that once he was human again.
-You were dismayed to lose your kitten, when that eventually happened, but overjoyed to have your boyfriend back. It was then when you were informed that he never left. V was the cat all along, and from that moment onward, he would make more time for you.
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heartbreakgrill · 11 months
Black Paint; Vessel (Sleep Token)
a/n: i am so fucking proud of this and i hope you absolutely love it. pls don't anyone tell brittany or else i'll fucking kms. thx.
description: brittany broski and friends go see sleep token. the group's energy catches the attention of the band.
warnings: alcohol, smut, cringe wattpad y/n moment.
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“Hey, guys, welcome back to the Broski report. I’m your host, Brittany Broski.”
She rambled the words out breathlessly, smile void on her face. I stifled a laugh from the seat beside her, especially as I knew the camera frame would then focus on me. 
She slammed her palms down onto the table, peering over at me with a blank expression, “Bitch.”
“I know,” I shrugged. My lips were pursed together, shoulders shaking as small giggles forced their way out of my nose. 
“Bitch!” She tilted her head from the microphone so as not to disturb the sound mix. 
I pressed a hand to my lips, dying of laughter now. “I know!” 
“Listen,” she pointed at the screen behind us, “there is no fucking time for introductions because this bitch…just ruined my life by introducing me to yet another GROUP masked men I will not and can not have!” 
“I know,” I nodded solemnly, still giggling. “I’m so sorry for what I have done to you.”
“Sleep Token,” Brittany yelled. I flinched from the volume, eliciting a soft, “Oh!”
“Sleep Token, guys,” she repeated. “Listen…before we even begin, we have a disclaimer for you horny sluts.”
I licked my lip as I silenced my laughter, looking seriously to the camera. “We do not condone the search for the identity of this band. Let them exist peacefully. If you know who they are, and you comment it on either of our platforms, anywhere, you will be blocked. Be respectful, shut the fuck up, and keep the mystery alive, kay?”
“Kay. Moving on! Sleep Token!”
It was my first time being on Brittany’s podcast. I was honored to have been asked, considering she didn’t often have anyone join her. But, considering I’d introduced her to the band I was currently hyper-fixating on, she needed me to provide my personal testimony. We spent most of the video appreciating their music, pointing out our favorite drum parts, lyrics, and Vessel vocals. Of course, we thirsted over the band, too. Why wouldn’t we have? They were hot as fuck and we were just girls. 
And, of course, the video blew up. Her podcast segments normally did, but this one reached new numbers even she could not have predicted. At one point, trending on TikTok was a video of me saying, “I would literally let this man do dirty, nasty, terrible things to me that my mom would disown me for. Things only bitches did in that fucking town of Sodom and Gamora. God would literally come down and rain hellfire over my apartment after I got done with that man.”
I wasn’t necessarily embarrassed by the videos that came out after my clip went viral, but it was a little silly. I just hoped the band didn’t have secret accounts that they stalked fans on. I would never want to know that- but Ijust hoped and prayed it wasn’t sure. 
Soon after we posted the video, the band announced a new leg of a North American tour. 
And, of course, we spent a shit load of money to get tickets. 
The months drug on before it was finally time for the concert. 
Brittany held out the glass vial towards me, a knowing smile- brows raised, round eyes suggestive- egging me on. Not that I needed it- tonight was the perfect night to get trashed. Of course, with Brittany, that was most night’s. When we had filmed for the podcast? Oh, we were smashed. 
“Duh, bitch.��
I took it from her hold, wrapped my forearm around hers, and shared a low cheer before taking the shot. Our other friend Sarah Baska, was ordering herself something at the bar. Meanwhile, the liquid burned the back of my throat, sliding down my chest in it’s fiery path. A natural lightweight, I felt warm immediately. It was also just really hot in here. 
I then ordered some mixed drink. Sarah got more, harder liquor, as per usual. And, Brittany did another handful of shots for the road. After, we headed for the stairs, giggly and anticipatory. We spent extra money on a private box, both to shake our asses in a spacious area, and to be able to enjoy the concert without being bothered by fans the entire time. It was nice getting photos with them and meeting people who looked up to all of us. But, tonight, it would be nice to just exist as normal people at a normal concert. Besides, we were all here for Sleep Token. I wanted them to get all the worship that they deserved. 
Not that this was a normal concert. This was, in any devoted fan’s words, a night of worship to the god of Sleep. This was a ritual. Tonight, I would be shaking my ass extra hard for the little dancing vessel’s on that stage who were so fucking attractive, I could drool. 
We found our seats quickly. I was grateful for the space away from the thick, sweaty crowds- it was hot in here, even though I was wearing next to nothing. I really didn’t want my makeup- done heavier than normal thanks to Britt- to run. I did, however, hope that Vessel’s paint would smear a little extra from this heat. That was hot. 
We sat down in our seats for a few minutes, gushing about finally being at this ritual. I sipped at my drink, finishing it faster than I thought possible. I tended to drink heavier when my pulse rate was this high. My chest was really warm now, and I enjoyed it. It loosened me up quite a bit. I wasn’t really introverted, but I had anxiety when it came to these situations. Liquid courage was always nice to have. 
I shed my jacket on the back of my chair, exposing my midriff and bare arms. It cooled me down a bit. Brittany was rambling on about Vessel and some video she’d saw on TikTok the night before. I went to reply to her, to ask to see the video, when a staff member interrupted us, “Excuse me, ladies-”
We looked up him expectantly. His voice was quiet against the loud chatter of the crowd and the pre-show playlist thumping through the speakers. I leaned in close to him and strained to hear his next words. 
“These seats have food and drink service. Would you like anything?” He graciously held out a menu.
We nodded enthusiastically and ordered another round of shots and cocktails. Just as he returned with the tray of drinks, after we occupied ourselves by watching a handful of videos on Brittany’s phone, the lights dimmed for the opener. I tipped the server as I joined the crowd, on my feet, hooting and hollering. We quickly down our shots. 
The opener was pretty good. Brittany, Sarah, and I danced along to the songs, clapped when gestured to, and took a few embarrassing pictures for us to regret in the morning. I liked to spin in circles as I danced, rotating my hips to the beat. I made a stank face while doing so, drink raised to the sky like an offering. Brittany and Sarah would hype me up, pretending to swipe stacks of cash over me like rain, leaning into my momentum with hollers. The more I moved, the more the alcohol took over. I was completely lost in the music. 
When the opener took a bow, Brittany, Sarah, and I screamed, loudly. Loud enough that the opener noticed us. They waved up to our seats. I jumped up and down, splashing my drink over the railing, on the floor below. I waved wildly. The opener then blew a kiss and I nearly melted. I felt like a little girl at a One Direction concert. It was awesome. 
As the crew began tearing down the openers set, and putting together Sleep Token’s, more music streamed through the speakers. The server scurried off to get us more drinks. 
Because the opener had noticed us- twice- a few people in the crowd turned to look up at our seats. Now that the overhead lights were back on in the venue, a bunch of fans started calling out our names, waving excitedly. As they did, I Wanna Dance With Somebody started playing and the energy in the venue lifted completely. 
I set my drink down in my cup holder, needing both hands to go absolutely feral over the song choice. As the first verse began, I grabbed Brittany’s fingers in my clutch, serenading her through viscous screams. I swayed from foot to foot, hitting each beat with my hips. As Miss Houston sang, “My lonely heart calls…” I grabbed the railing from behind me, leaned myself over it, back arched and head upside down, towards the crowd. Everyone freaked out at the stupid move I did. I was sure to see clips of it in the morning. 
Then, the chorus started, and we jumped around like raging lunatics. We clapped our way through the song, entertaining the crowd like we were the real show. Eventually, the crew seemed to be finishing up their work onstage. The music started to fade, the lights dimmed, and the stage lit up with bright blue. I picked my drink back up, screeching my head off as the music started.
I swear to god that the band could hear us screaming from our side of the venue, jumping around like children, holding onto each other like we just might fall over. We were louder than, probably, the rest of the crowd. They started with Chokehold, which made me nearly lose my sanity. Vessel strutted out onto the stage like a literal god, rings shining in the light, blackened skin already slick with sweat. I bounced up and down to every beat, waving my hands with the crowd, spinning in circles, downing my drink like there was no tomorrow. I didn’t focus too much on how good he looked, caught up in the music. But, god, did I know he looked insane. 
At one point, Brittany and Sarah turned their phone flash on. They switched between that and taking videos on their phones, giving me all the spotlight. They made it like I was the fucking main character of the concert. And, I loved every second of it. 
At one point, the bassist noticed our flashing lights and mini dance circle. He pointed up at us, nodding his head in appreciation. I screamed my head off in response, gripping the railing and whipping my hair. He raised his hands like he had to defend himself from my energy and slunk off to the other side of the stage. Brittany pointed the camera in my face, “How do you feel?!”
“I’m shitting my pants right now!”
The concert went by quickly, too quickly. IV interacted with us a bunch, too, especially after he’d scream his lyrics and we’d go wild. Vessel, unfortunately, avoided our side of the stage. He was so lost in the music which was, honestly, amazing to witness. His silly dances combined with his insane vocals made for a great show. 
By the time The Offering started up, Brittany, Sarah, and I were absolutely trashed. I wasn’t too far gone because I was started to sweat out what was in my system. Yet, I was nowhere near sober. Anyways, maybe it was because we were being obnoxious and loud due to our drunken states- Vessel finally noticed us. It was at the beginning of the song, when he sang, “Take a bite…’ It came out like an animalistic growl, chilling the audience. 
He pointed his hands towards our balcony, though I’d like to think he was really just pointing at me, and whispered the sultry lyric. I melted to the ground, head thrown back as I yelled. Brittany grabbed my bicep to ensure I wouldn’t fall any further. She and Sarah hoisted me back up. We cackled into each other’s shoulders annoyingly. Then, as the drums picked up, we began moving with the rhythm again. 
Before we knew it, the concert was over. Vessel raised his hands in a bow. Then, he looked around the crowd, found our seats again, and shot us a small smile. I took the opportunity to blow him a kiss, enthusiastically throwing it through the air towards him. He grinned in response, looking to his feet as he shook his head, before slinking backstage. 
I plopped back down into my seat, already cracking open a water bottle. My chest heaved for air. I didn’t even know how to process anything that had happened. All I knew was, “I need to eat so many fries right now,” I breathed out, sweat slicking my skin. I sipped the water slowly. I could feel myself sobering up more and more. I was a little more conscious, but so damn hungry.
Sarah was talking to some people next to us who she knew. Brittany sat beside me. “Vessel literally wants you,” she said, nonchalantly, like she had read it in that morning’s paper. “Like…holy fuck.”
I cracked a smile and wiped a bead of sweat off of my brow. I checked my reflection in my phone. Luckily, my makeup had stayed intact. I replied with a silly tone, “Don’t even get me excited like that. It’s rude.”
“No, cause, he kept looking up here after The Offering,” Brittany said in a matter of fact manner, again. 
“Really?” I sat up in my seat, “No way! I must have been dancing too hard to notice.”
“Oh, you were shaking your ass,” she snickered with a grin.
“Ugh, he’s fucking sexy,” I continued on. We stared at the stage for a moment in one of those silences where neither drunk girl could really formulate any relevant response. Then, I kind of tossed my weary arms around, “Well, doesn’t matter. I bet he, like, doesn’t even date.”
“No, but he def fucks,” Brittany emphasized. We leaned into each other, laughing loudly. 
Sarah turned to us at the sound. She plopped down beside me and went to add to our conversation, but the familiar staff member who’d been supplying our drinks was interrupting again. Though, this time, he didn’t have a tray of alcohol. 
“Excuse me, ladies,” his favorite phrase. We all looked up at him, curious. He didn’t have to speak so loud, considering the venue was clearing out, so it was easier to hear. Whitney Houston was playing again. 
“The band is wondering if you’d like to come backstage for some refreshments?” He asked so casually that it took my brain a moment to process the information. 
I managed to play it really cool, but internally, I was basically shitting my pants. Brittany, however, gaped at the worker. She slowly turned her head towards Sarah and I with a wild look in her eyes, seeming like she might scream at any given moment.
Sarah snorted, “What fucking fanfiction did we just get thrown into?!”
“I don’t know, but I fucking love it,” I gushed back, staring at the worker. “What the fuck.” He shrugged back at me. 
Sarah shook her head with an amused grin, waving off the worker, “Listen, yall go, have fun. My friends offered to let us go out with them, so I’m gonna split off. I don’t think I could mentally handle meeting them right now. I think I’d, like, puke all over them.”
“But, then you could say that you’ve puked on Sleep Token!” Brittany smacked Sarah’s shoulder, reaching across my body. 
“Go!” Sarah shoved back, squishing me further between the two of them. “Go, so you can say that you puked on Sleep Token.”
“Yeah, I fucking will,” I pushed up out of my seat, an eager energy in my bones. 
Brittany and I followed the worker down the stairs, clutching each other’s arms. He ushered us through the remaining crowd gently, though we had to stop to take numerous photos- and make the occasional TikTok- with fans. They gushed about our dance moves, our podcast episode. It made everything feel even giddier. We eventually made it up to the stage, where we were guided behind these large black curtains disguising the dimly lit area of the sides. 
The crew worked hard on getting everything packed up, put away. We skirted between all of them, trying not to get in the way of it all. I kept checking my reflection in my phone’s front camera to ensure I looked okay. Most of the sweat had soaked itself up and my perfume was long lasting. Hopefully that was enough to rizz up Vessel. Not that I was counting on that. It would be awesome, but I was actually excited to have a conversation with all of them. I would soon learn that was not what he wanted from me tonight. 
We went down another set of stairs and stopped before a closed door. Behind it, we could hear music playing over a speaker, a few sets of voices cheering and chattering. The worker knocked, kindly, and the voices cut themselves off. 
“Come in!” A thick British accent called out.
I took a deep, drunken breath as the worker turned the door knob. And, my stomach dropped when he pulled open the door.
Sleep Token sat, lounged out across their dressing room, on various couches. They wore those familiar masks, their stage costumes- save for a few layers- and clutched some drinks in their blackened hands. My eyes found Vessel last, who was leaning against the counter of the vanity, a drink sat beside his left hand. He had shed his cloak, so visible to us was his paint-smeared chest and back. I tried not to let my eyes wander too much- but they did. 
III stood from the couch, excitedly dancing his way over to the door where we stood. The worker abandoned us. “‘Ello, darlings!” III called out. 
He hugged Brittany first, bent down because of his insane height. As he did, I couldn’t rip my eyes from the slits of Vessel’s mask. I somehow knew that he was staring at me- probably because his distant gaze burned my skin. Then, III was pulling me into his chest, “It’s so lovely to meet you…”
“Brittany,” she gestured to herself, then to me, “Y/n. Dude, thanks so fucking much for having us! We had an absolute blast. Your performance is just- wow!”
IV and II approached us next, as III pulled us a bit further into the room. III busied himself with pouring us each a drink as we introduced ourselves to IV and II. 
“We’re so glad you had a good time worshiping,” IV cracked, hugging Brittany, “makes it all the more worth it.”
I grinned at his words as he embraced me, too, still occasionally glancing at Vessel. II added on, “Sure you’re exhausted from all that dancing. Have a seat.”
III wrapped an arm around Brittany’s shoulder, passing a drink to her hand, as he brought her onto the couch beside him. IV and II moved to stt back where they had been, probably assuming I was following. I clutched nervously to the drink III had given me. I may be drunk, but not drunk enough to not act stupid in front of men I wanted to fuck. The nerves were crashing down me instead, making me stoic, overthinking my own breathin. 
I looked back at Vessel, again, who had been quiet thus far. He held out a hand, an offer for me to come sit beside him. I hesitated, for just a moment, before taking it. His fingers were warm, even his rings, and I noticed that black paint smudged itself across my skin as I took my hand from his. I leaned up against the counter beside him as I admired the paint. 
III, IV, and II struck up a lively conversation with Brittany, full of teases and easy topics. I watched until I felt that burning stare on the side of my face again. I looked up at Vessel, a small smile forming across my lips. He returned the expression. 
“Lovely to meet you, Y/n,” his voice was just as deep as his singing tone. It sent a shiver down my spine. 
I shifted on my feet, glanced around, before returning his gaze again. “You, too, Vessel,” I took a sip of the drink in my hand. 
He chuckled down at me. My knees rocked. “So…you like Whitney Houston, yeah?.”
My face turned beat red at the realization that he had seen a lot more than I hoped. I pressed a hand over my face, groaning, “Oh, god. You saw that?”
Vessel brushed his shoulder against mine. More paint took it’s place there in my skin. “I saw everything.”
I crinkled my nose, “Ugh, that was just…I don’t claim to be a good dancer, just so you know.”
Vessel shrugged, “I beg to differ.”
Shaking my head at his words, I waved him off, “Don’t even…I just, like, throw myself around like a fucking rag doll.”
“No,” he drug out the word, deep voice reverberating in my chest, “no, you have some rhythm in those hips.” His head tilted down as he eyed my body. 
There was a beat of silence that passed between us. I examined his mask. I think I knew then that I wouldn’t be leaving until this man fucked me senseless, but my foggy, drunken brain thought still that maybe I was just being delusional. 
It wasn’t until he opened his mouth, again, that I was certain. He drug his tongue over his bottom lip, as though he was searching for the right words to say. My eyes followed the wet, pink organ with a blank stare. 
Vessel thought for another moment before leaning his mouth down towards my ear. He pressed his hand against my hip, fingers curling around my bare skin exposed there. His breath was hot against the side of my neck, though I shivered again. “I want to see how those hips would move on me.”
I flushed, bright red again, the alcohol making the heat on my blotchy skin worse. Vessel pulled away, a smirk ever-present on those pink lips, black staining the outer edges. It took all of my self control not to lick it clean, right then and there. I wanted him- needed him. And, he knew it. 
Vessel searched my eyes with that curl in his lips. I was unable to come up with a proper response. But, I think he found what he was looking for in my dilated pupils and rising chest. “Be a good girl for me? Yeah?”
Vessel offered up his hand again. I entwined my fingers in his, my own smile finally finding its place on my mouth. Vessel took my cup and chugged it, tossed it into the trash, and led us from the room. 
I followed like a puppy-dog, hot on his heels. He guided me so carefully, looking back occasionally to ensure I was okay. Then, he threw open a door at the end of the hallway we traveled down. It was dark in the room, with only a small lamp in the corner to illuminate our hushed desperations. Vessel locked the door behind us after he ushered me inside. He spun me around and forced himself against my chest, pressing my back against the door. It knocked the wind right out of me. My chest rose and fell as I took rapid, deep breaths. Vessel held me by my hip, again, thumb brushing against my bare skin gently. 
“Is this okay?” He whispered as he brought a hand to my face, cupping my cheek. 
I barely nodded, entranced by the stare coming from behind his mask. I had enough focus to touch my hands to his chest, though, running my fingers up and down his toned stomach. The paint smeared beneath my knuckles, revealing more of his pale skin. I watched it mix with our sweat with hopeless admiration in my gaze. 
Vessel looked down at my hands, too, a smirk still present on his face. But, then he forced my chin up, so my eyes were on his mask, and said, “Use your words, darling.”
“Y-yes,” I shuddered, voice breathless. 
Vessel pressed me harder against the door as our lips met, tongues clashing against teeth, hungrily. We moved together so easily, entranced by the other’s taste. I gripped at his sides, pulling me into him, arching my back to press my chest against his. Vessel’s hold tightened, too, and he ground my hips against his. 
I felt him get hard, quickly, the loose material of his pants allowing his erection to fully grind against my thigh. He was whiney, all gasping breaths, low moans, as I drug my fingers down his chest, dipped them through his waistband. I nearly got to feel him, but Vessel grabbed my hand harshly in his, slamming it up against the door, above my head. My eyes shot back open in surprise. I don’t remember closing them.
“S’all about you right now, darling,” he demanded, words against my lips. 
Vessel shoved his head into the crevice of my neck, nipping and tonguing at my flesh. My eyes dropped shut again, head hitting the door in a way that would probably hurt tomorrow. I had a feeling all of me would hurt tomorrow. But, I didn’t care. 
Vessel drug his fingers up my arms, leaving goosebumps in his path, trails of black paint like a roadmap amongst my freckles. He slid the straps of my dress down past my shoulders. Then, he kissed his way down to the arch of my breasts. He rolled the material between his teeth and sunk to the floor as he drugged it down my body. Vessel was on his knees below me. 
Vessel looped an arm around either of my thighs, nearly pulling my entire weight onto his shoulders. I clutched onto the top of his head, feeling some of his hair slip out from the cap he wore beneath his mask. It was soft, though just a bit sweaty. He glanced up at my bare breasts, smirking devilishly now
He admired my face as he said, “I watched you worship me all night. It’s my turn to pray at your altar.” STOPPED HERE. 
My head hit the door again as Vessel sunk his tongue into me. He had managed to tear my underwear down with his teeth and they were now laying across the room. I ground my hips into his face, back arching each time his nose would then rub against my sweet spot. I tried to be quiet at first, though small gasps and moans slipped from my bitten lips. 
But, then, Vessel stopped, eliciting a whine from me. He chuckled, lips slick from me. He darted his tongue out, smirking as he cleaned his mouth. He tilted his head in disappointment, “You were so loud for me earlier, darling. What happened to that good girl? I want to hear how good I am making you feel.”
I nodded, dazed, brows furrowed, fingers digging at his hair. The cap had fallen off his head at this point, but the mask managed to stay on. I was grateful it did. The mystery alive energized both of our primal desires.. 
Vessel watched my face as he pressed his tongue back up into me, running the tip of it down my entire core. I moaned, loudly, back arched into the cold air, nipples hard from the temperature and arousal. 
He chuckled into me, making my thighs shake around his head. Vessel pried me back open with his fingers bruising my skin. He continued on until I was close. I vocalized my point of no return, and he hurriedly spoke, “Don’t. Be a good girl and wait. For me, okay?”
I nodded wildly, clenching my stomach to deny myself of the orgasm. Vessel gently set my feet back on the ground. He guided me by the hips towards a counter. Easily, he picked me up and set me on it. It was freezing cold against my bare skin, but his warm hands, tongue, were on me soon enough. I took the opportunity to unlatch his belt, fingers moving hurriedly. Vessel moved to help me, tugging the pants down his thighs. 
Vessel then pushed me back from him, taking control again. He pushed my legs open further with his bare knee. Then, he grabbed me by the hips and tugged me down till my back was flat against the counter. His hand splayed across my thigh as he pushed himself inside of me. 
He was sloppy, quick in desperation as he fucked me. But, every thrust he pushed into me was strong, deep. Vessel wrapped my legs around his waist, securing me by the hip. His other hand drug itself up my chest until his fingers were wrapped around my throat. Black paint smeared most of my skin. There was even a ring around his mouth where the paint had transferred from his skin to my own. I don’t know how we would manage to keep this rendezvous a secret from everyone else with the state we were both in. But, right now, I couldn’t care.
Vessel leaned himself overtop of me, his forehead against my chest. Though, he was dominating me, he was so caught up in the pleasure that he was starting to quickly come undone. I touched his back, nails digging into his skin. He tossed his head back at the sensation, neck exposed to me. I eyed the veins protruding from his skin. 
He smirked at me when he noticed I was staring at his neck. He growled, “Take a bite.”
I held one hand, tightly, to his shoulder, keeping him steady as he fucked me. But, I gripped the back of his head with the other. I was slow at first, nipping at his neck gently. Vessel’s thrusts were becoming sloppy with each bite I took. I was close, too. So, I opened my jaw further, taking a pinch of his skin between my upper and lower canines. I bit down, hard. 
He quickly pulled out and came on my stomach. As he did, I felt myself come undone. Vessel pressed his forehead against mine as we rode out our high. We came down from the top and he gave me a sloppy kiss. 
There was a bitter cold left on my skin as he stepped back. I hugged myself, finally taking in the black paint covering my skin. “Oh, god,” I laughed. 
Vessel pulled his pants up. He looked at my body, grinning, “Fuck. That’s so hot. Darling, if we had more time…”
“I know,” I smiled up at him. 
“Here, there’s a bathroom over here,” Vessel spoke as he finished buckling his belt. He offered me his hand. 
I followed him into the side room. He found a washcloth on the side of the sink, clean and unused, and wet it with warm water. Vessel gently pried my hands from covering my body and busied himself with wiping down my skin. He focused on what would be visible: My arms, neck, hands, face. I watched him while he worked. It was fucking hot when he was dominating, disgustingly dirty. But, this, this caring demeanor? I’d fuck him again in a heartbeat. 
When he was finished, he rounded up my dress, shoes, and underwear. He turned away, without a question, while I dressed. I was no longer nervous, so I wouldn’t have minded if he watched. But, he was respectful. 
“Okay,” I breathed out, pulling my final dress strap back up and over my shoulder. 
Vessel faced me. I was finally able to take in his face and had to cover my mouth to stifle my laughter. He frowned, slightly, confused by my laughter. “What? What is it?”
I touched his shoulders, forcing him to face the mirror. His head pulled back in shock at his appearance. 
I kept laughing and Vessel peered down at me with a tilted head. “Keep laughing, darling.”
“I’m sorry,” I shrugged, “it’s fo fucking funny.”
“What’s funny?” 
I yelped, trying to duck out of the way as he jolted towards me. He caught me by the waist, rattling me around in his hold. I giggled, loudly against his chest, trying to twist out of his hold. His mouth was near my ear as he teased me, “Not so funny now, huh?”
I rested my forehead to his shoulder in my fit of laughter. Vessel calmed his movements, just holding me against him now. “It just goes to show the mess you make out of me,” he murmured against my ear, lips pressed to the shell. 
I looked up at him and pointed a warning finger, “Don’t do that.”
“I know,” he huffed as he tossed his head back in frustration. “We should be getting back.”
“Sadly,” I wrapped my arms around his neck. 
He admired my face for a few moments, silent, until he smiled softly, “Can I get your number?”
“Maybe,” I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know, I kind of like to just fuck and dump, ya know?”
“I won’t let you do that, darling,” his voice dropped low again. 
“Okay, you’ve gotta stop doing that or I’m never going home.”
Vessel cupped my cheek in his hand, nearly void of paint, “I’d be okay with that.”
“I’m gonna walk away now.”
Vessel didn’t let go, however, as I made a move to step towards the bathroom door. In fact, he held me tighter. He pressed another kiss to my lips. “Can’t go anywhere looking that, darling,” he twisted me around to face the mirror, long arms cradling my waist. 
I reached for the washcloth and wiped off my face. I faced him again and cleaned up his mouth, just enough so that it wasn’t completely obvious he’d eaten me out. We spent another moment teasing each other, eliciting more giggles from my throat. But, we figured we should get back. 
So, he took my hand again and led us back down the hallway. I flushed red as soon as the door was pulled open, considering the entire band and Brittany snapped their heads towards us. 
“Way to leave your sister!” Brittany exclaimed, holding up a cup of what could only be whiskey. “Dude, you’re missing out on some insane stories right now. Come, sit.” She patted the couch next to her. 
I glanced up at Vessel as I took my hand from his. II, IV, and III greeted me with kind eyes and small greetings. “Hey, sorry,” I said as I plopped onto the couch. “He was just showing me the, uh…”
We hadn’t come up with an excuse. So, my words fell off my tongue with no resolution. Vessel shoved his hands in his pockets, quickly stuttering out, “Backstage. Just the backstage area. She wanted to see how everything works.”
Brittany nodded, oblivious to the elephant in the room. “Dope. You’ll have to show me next.”
“We can do a group tour,” IV offered. 
Everyone agreed, enthusiastically, and we all stood to pile out the door. III and I were the last ones seated. I met his dark eyes, smiling kindly at him. His gaze dropped to my thighs, brows raising beneath his mask suggestively. 
I followed his eyes down. Where my dress had ridden up my thighs was a long line of smeared paint, not to mention reddened hickies that were starting to sprout up. I pressed my lips together and quickly tugged the material down over my legs. 
III patted my knee as he stood, “You were the one going crazy during The Offering, love.”
I gaped after him as his words lingered in the air before me. Vessel stood just beside the door, awaiting my presence. As III passed by him, he took Vessel by the chin and tilted his head. 
He tsked at the bruising bite mark on Vessel’s neck. I shoved my face into my hands, face beyond burned.
III whispered, “Take a bite.” 
It wasn’t until a few days later, when Brittany and I were hanging out, looking through concert videos with nostalgia, that she found out. I was nervous to tell her. Besides, Vessel and I were starting to see each other, so I didn’t want to expose his private life too much. I trusted her, but I just overthought it all. Apparently, though, I hadn’t enough overthinking.
I had just made a post on Instagram, making the photo we took with the band the cover photo for a dump. It blew up immediately. Brittany and I were reading comments as they came in, dying of laughter at some of the shit people were saying. 
“No, hand placement is so real!” Brittany exclaimed. She shoved her phone in my face, showing me the zoom-in of Vessel’s hand on my hip. I blushed and shoved it away. She kept scrolling. 
“Wait,” her voice trailed off. 
I glanced at her and watched as her brows furrowed. She tapped around, zoomed in a bunch, scrolled through comments. I looked back to my phone just as a new comment began blowing up with responses and likes. 
User- so is no one gonna talk about vessel’s paint on y/n’s thigh and her very obvious sex hair?
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
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Lute: “Wait- your new name Vesper isn’t in DEFIANCE of your Morningstar hell family, but a MIRROR of it???”
Vesper Bill: (cocking the gun full of heavenly bullets that their uncle Pentious made for them)
Vesper Bill: “Always was.”
Vesper Bill: (shoots Lute’s halo off her head instead of killing her) (like mother like child)
XD this is so dumb i love
behold my version of the chaggie spear baby's full character profile!
NAME: (redacted)bil(redacted)s Morningstar -> Vesper Bill, one word, not ‘Vesper’ or ‘Bill, always ‘Vesper Bill’.
NATURE: Weapon-born demonic Exorcist angel. Mortal. Slow aging.
OCCUPATION: Overlord, supplier for Rosie’s Emporium and Carmilla Carmine’s weapons business, Exorcist slayer and rehabilitator, cowboy grim reaper cosplayer, garden weeder.     
TERRITORY: Hell’s first community garden.
THEIR “THING”: Soul savings accounts and debt forgiveness programs. Killing murderous Exorcists.   - Entrust your soul to them so you can’t be tempted / pressured into selling it to anyone else. They’ll give it back if you ask, but you do have to ask first, and they’re usually good at figuring out some other way of getting what you want.  - Checks in with other overlords to see which sinners owe stuff and pays the debt / kills / scares off the overlord if they can. Then gives an accidentally terrifying visit to the former indebted sinner so they can say their favorite line of: “I’m Vesper Bill, and yours is due…. Never. It’s been paid off. Congrats.” (hands over a flyer about their moms' Hazbin Hotel)   - Their less favorite line is when they only say the first part of the above, right before killing an Exorcist. All resulting bodies are sold to Rosie, the weapons to Carmilla, and the funds go towards the community garden.
RELATIONS: Their moms run a struggling hotel business, all the live-guests of which are their uncles/aunts/grandpa.
ENEMIES: Most of heaven and a good part of hell. Their full birth name. Flower pollen. Mint.
STRUGGLES: - “It’s not a phase, moms.” (about their goth cowboy theme) – (tips hat at a lady) (walks into car bc they weren’t watching where they were going) – (coughing and sneezing and voice often sounds rough and terrifying bc they have allergies but won’t stop weeding in the garden) - Having tiny stubby demon horns that won’t grow bigger (covers with hat) (hat was a gift and orinially came from Earth) – keeping their demon tail under control (hides it under their coat).
LOVES: - Their moms, the princess of hell and her former Exorcist angel girlfriend. - The hazbin hotel family crew. - Gardening. - Cowboy stuff. - Being annoying to heaven. - Women who could vaporize them physically or emotionally with a smile or a knife either way.
PROUDEST MOMENT: Successfully infiltrating heaven, tricking Lute with a pretend hatred of their moms, wrecking shit, getting a weapon’s upgrade from their uncle, and leading a handful of now former Exorcists back down to hell with them on the way out.
POWERS: - Angelic resilience. - Demonic strength. - Summoning or banishing anyone who’s soul they have in trust, from or to the place of their choice (within the Pride Ring) (mostly used as taxi service). - Skilled at cutting weeds and brush with a scythe. - Good dancer. - Responsible gun owner and operator. - Kids love them.    
Trivia: Got into their cowboy phase after a brief one-time visit to Earth where they played guardian angel for an actual cowgirl for a day. Thinks about her a lot. Ready to go be a nuisance to Heaven again if she ends up there and wants company- is also trying to grow her favorite flowers down here in Hell, just in case. (also puts on red cheek spots makeup everyday, bc they are Charlie's kid too and PROUD of it)
and that's it, that's my take on the chaggie spear baby idea thing, all grown up!
it's ridiculous. i had so much FUN with it
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funnyjb · 5 months
My loves
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The offseason was going great! The kids were happy to have there daddy be around and Levi was happy play with Joe and I know Joe was happy to spend some time with them to. Levi our oldest (5) was throwing footballs in the backyard with Joe everyday once Joe was cleared and our youngest Lily (6 months) was of course laying around and doing what newborns do. I was soaking in some family time before the new season starts. I feel like there is a lot riding on Joe this season to go out there and play and hopefully get to the Super Bowl. I have full trust in Joe that he is capable I just don’t want him to get frustrated if he can’t perform the way he used to. I know he will but after an injury like that you never know.
Joe is starting practice up again at Paycor tomorrow. I’m so excited and proud. He’s been waiting for this moment for months and it’s finally here, but that does mean the offseason is coming to an end and it’s time to play ball. So Joe decided to take me on a date tonight before it’s gets crazy here for the next couple of months.
I was getting ready in our bathroom. It’s was around 5:30 and Levi was on the couch watching some Dora and Lily was taking a nap. Robin and Jimmy are taking care of them tonight which I am forever grateful for. I was curling my hair with my Dyson when Joe walked in. His hair was growing out so it was covering a side of his forehead and he was in some blue seats and a white t-shirt. I on the other hand was just wearing one of his basic long shirts and my pj shorts.
“Hey, babe.”- joe kissed your cheek
“Hi!”- you
Joe pulled himself up on our bathroom counter facing me.
“Haha, what are you doing?”- you
“Admiring my beautiful wife, is what I’m doing!”- joe
“Well hope you got a nice view.”- you
“I definitely did.”- joe
We both laughed
After a couple minutes of Joe filling me in on his workout today and me finishing my hair and makeup I was finally ready to put my dress on and head out.
I slipped on a pair of black heels and grabbed my purse and headed out the closet. Joe got dressed a couple minutes before me. He was wearing a white shirt and his muscular arms looked so good under the short sleeves. He paired the shirt with some black jeans and his Off White shoes.
As I walked out Joes mouth hung open.
“Wow..you look beautiful.”- joe
“Thank you, you don’t look to bad your self QB1.”- you
“Thanks, and you always look beautiful, just thought you should know that.”- joe said tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear
“Thanks, Joe! You always look handsome! Especially in that number 9 jersey!”- you
“Oh really!”- joe smirked
“Mhm.”- you smiled
He leaned in for a kiss
“I love you.”- joe
“Love you too! Let’s get going.”- you
Joe and I walked down the stairs to find his parents sitting on our couch with the kids. Robin was holding Lily while Jimmy was talking to Levi.
“There they are! You guys look amazing!”- Robin
“Thank you, robin!”- you
“Thanks, mom.”- joe
I looked at how cute Lily was bunched up in her blanket and how Levi was fascinated on what Jimmy was saying. I couldn’t leave them. They are to precious.
“Aww,Joe look how cute the kids are. I don’t want to leave them.”- you
“I know,I don’t want to either honestly.”- joe chuckled
I went over to kiss lily’s forehead and to give Levi a kiss.
“I love you, buddy.” You
“Love you too, mama.”-Levi
I can’t leave them they are so cute I thought.
Joe then made his rounds to give kisses to his kids and hug his parents.
“Ok, you two, get out of here! Go have fun!”- Robin
“Yeah, we can take care of them.”- Jimmy
“Ugh I know, I know, thank you guys,truly.”- you
“Of course!”- robin and jimmy
“Bye!”- you and Joe
Joe opened the door for me and we were out.
“I don’t know how we are going to survive.”- joe
“Hah yeah, but it will be nice to be with out our kids for a bit.”- you
“Yeah, I’m excited to take my hot wife out on a date.”- joe
“Well, I’m excited to be with my hot husband tonight.”- you
We both laughed
We got in the car and turned on the radio. We were about five minutes in when Joe spoke up.
“I miss them.”- joe
I looked over at him
“Same.”- you
“I love our family. I know I don’t really tell you a lot but I’m really grateful for you and lucky to call you my wife and the mom to our kids, y/n.”- joe
“Aww Joe, I’m grateful for you to and I’m so incredibly lucky I get to call you my husband.”- you wrapped his fingers in to yours
“I love you, Mrs Burrow.”- joe
“I love you more, Mr Burrow.”- you
Request: @elly-grace
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cainnleacghlovers · 2 years
World Cup Shenanigans - CP
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Pairing: Christian Pulisic x fem!reader
Summary: The USA have beat England, who would’ve thought? Christian only wants to celebrate in one way. (I know they drew, but for the sake of this fic, they won.)
Warnings: smut
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The final who she blew. The USA had beaten England. Read that again. The USA (the idiots who call it soccer) beat England. In what world does this happen?
You watch, as your boyfriend slides across the grass on his knees with his team mates. No, they were more than that. His brothers, his family. And you’d grown to love them too. American accents and all.
You watch, with a massive smile on your face, as Christian does his lap around the pitch. The one and a half year old, perched on your hip. Clapping his baby hands, at his dada.
Your son, Brogan, was a bit of a surprise for you and Christian. Not that your relationship was new, the pair of you dating since you did a transfer year in America, joining his high school. You two managed, and your son was the best thing that had happened either of you. The minute he was placed on your chest, you’d felt complete.
Bouncing Brogan up and down, you and Christians mum (you can practically hear him mocking your accent, and saying ‘babe it’s mom’) head onto the pitch. Christian seems to be doing a quick interview, and you congratulated Weston. He had a banger of a match.
“Dada!” Brogan exclaimed. Recognising the shirt Weston was wearing, one his dad has worn so often. The comment left Weston chucking, and he squeezed the babies cheeks. The whole squad grew very fond of Brogan.
“We’ll find your dada soon Broggy.” Kelley remarked. Dotting over her grandson. Walking across the grass, you seen Mason. Giving him a quick wave. Brogan too, recognised Mase, and gave him a wave. Mason wasting no time to wave back at the boy, he too, very fond of the toddler currently in your arms.
Kelley took the boy off of you, knowing you’d want a moment with Christian.
And there he was. Number 10. Your number 10.
His hair sticking to his forehead, as you’d finally convinced him to grow out the curls. Recognising his babies laugh, Christian turned and made his way over to you. The grin on his face, exactly the same as the boy in Kelley’s arms. Brogan was Christians copy. The same freckles, that you liked to call constellations, and the same brown eyes you’d fallen in love with, all those years ago in Mrs Browns English class.
Christian gave you a kiss. A loving kiss, as if he he was pouring all the love he had for you into it, because believe me, that boy had a lot. The kiss lingered, probably too long for tv. Awkwardly turning away to some other player in the team, maybe even a sad English player.
“I’m so proud of you Chris.” You mumbled again this lips, his arms finding your neck, as he pulled you closer to him. Chest to chest. Heart to heart.
“Thank you sweetheart.” He said, with another peck to your lips. “Did you like my goal?” He smiled against your lips, knowing that goal was dedicated to you and your little boy. They all were.
“Which one?” You smirked at him, it was true. Christian scoring twice.
“The one where I showed my love to the Irish.” He smirked down at you. The shamrock tattoo that armoured his chest, dedicated to you. His shamrock, as he’d call you, when he was feeling particularly lovey.
“The one where you took your top off? Oh i loved that one.” Dragging out the d, on loved, he gave you another kiss.
“Now where’s my boy?” Christian said, his eyes scanning for his son. Which he found, in his mums arms. Making a face at Brogan, which caused the baby to erupt on a fit of laughter, he took him out of his mums arms, and threw the toddler up in the air. Tickling his side, as he smiled lovingly at him.
Christian had so much love for his son, and any worry you’d had, of being young parents was gone as soon as Christian held that baby. He was meant to be a dad. And by god, was he a good one.
Watching Christian kiss Brogans cheeks, you made your way over to Kelley, as you both watched the boys with so much love.
“I don’t think I had any say in Brogan. Biggest betrayal ever. I carried him for 9 months, for him to have the nerve to be an absolute replica of his dad.”
Kelley laughed.
“Sure have another one.” The woman said, making you laugh.
“No chance.”
You two chatted away pleasantly, Kelley had became a second mum to you. Christian came over to his mum, and gave her a hug as he continued to play with Brogan. Walker, someone Brogan was very fond of, found us.
“There’s my favourite Puliśić!” Walker exclaimed, dramatically dropping to his knees as Brogan ran over to him, falling into his arms.
Walker came over to you, Brogan in his arms.
“I’d say you’re my favourite Puliśić, but Christian’s taking his sweet time.” Nodding his head to your empty ring finger.
“I might as well be one at this point. I’ve had two inside me at some point.” That comment earned a laugh from Walker, as he played with Brogans cheeks. God, you weren’t ready for the toddler cheeks to go.
Christian snuck up behind you, arms around your waist, as he span you around to face him. His hands drawing random shapes on your back. You knew the ‘Pulisic’ on your back was driving him absolutely insane.
“I know what you’re gonna say. The answers still no.”
Knowing Christian would love another mini him, or you, running around.
“But look, we make such cute babies!” He pouted, looking down at you.
“Well that’s true. But get back to me in a few years.”
“Oh don’t worry. I will. I have to go do a stupid interview now. I just wanna spend time with my two favourite people.” He said, holding you close.
“Well you have to show the world how much of a superstar you are. Captain America.”
Laughing at the nickname, he placed a light kiss on your forehead. No one else could call him that. Ever.
“Well i’ll see you later, because mom is taking Brogan, and I am taking you out.”
“Did you check with me? See if i’m free?” You joked.
“Well are you free? To go on a date. With your sexy, super hot, talented, man of the match boyfriend?” He joked along. You loved the banter you had in your relationship.
“Oh! Somethings freed up. Looks like I can go after all.”
“Amazing. I’ll see you in a bit sweetheart. I love you. So much.”
“And I love you Chris. So much.”
With one last kiss, he jogged off, giving his son a kiss goodbye. We’d both decided that we weren’t gonna post Brogans face. He was after all, only a baby. And he didn’t deserve that.
Brógan came trotting back over to you, Kelley close in hand. You picked up your baby, giving him a kiss, right when you got a mouthful of muck. The wonders of mother hood.
“I’m home sweetheart!” You heard Christian shout through the house of where you were staying for the world cup, thankfully your boss, let you have time off, so you could join Christian.
“Bathroom!” You quickly shouted back. As Christian came into the bathroom, he seen you kneeling on the floor, your son covered head to toe in muck.
“He’s your son.” You joked, Christian laughing softly. He kneeled down beside you, his hand cupping his sons cheeks as he lightly squeezed them.
“You’re making work for mama, eh?” Playing with Brogans cheeks, as he made the boy laugh.
“Dada!” He squealed, that word making Christians heart swell. He always wanted to be a dad, and you’d given him that.
“That’s right buddy. Dada. Here let me do it.” Christian knew you did a lot with Brogan, especially when he was away for international duty. He wanted to give you a break. Not that you minded, your son was your entire world.
“Christian, no offence, but go shower.” You joked.
“Your mama is so mean to me Broggy. Saying I smell.”
“Mama!” The baby smiled.
“That’s right Broggy. Dada does smell. See Brogan agrees with me. Daddy doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
“You won’t be saying that later.” Christian smirks at you. Giving you a nudge, earning a smack on the arm from you.
“No Christian. I won’t be saying that.”
“Hmm we’ll see.” Leaving one last kiss on Brogans head, Christian got up. Giving him the finger, as he gave it back.
“Let’s get you all clean pumpkin.”
Packing a bag for Brogan to stay with his grandparents, Christian offered to drop him off, which you were thankful for. You wanted to get a shower before you two headed out.
“I’ll drop him off with mom.”
“Thank you Chris.” Giving him a kiss, as you went upstairs to get ready. Stripping your clothes to get into the shower. As you soaked your hair, you heard the door open, and clothes fall on the floor, as a pair of familiar hands found your waist. You span around to face him, hands falling loosely around his neck.
“You were so good today Chris.” You smiled at him, as he worked his way down your neck, stopping at your collar bone, and sucking a little at the skin. He hummed against you, as he spoke.
“How good?” He decided to try his luck, see how far his teasing could get him.
“Really really really good.” You said, giving him exactly what he wanted.
“I was?” He hums against your breast. Evoking a light moan out of you.
“Hmm hmm. I was thinking of ways to show you how good you were.” Your turn to tease, your hand traced along his collar bone, and down along the grooves of his abs, right until his v-line. Feeling his hard dick against your leg, you were satisfied.
“What’d you come up with?” He mumbled, breath hitching as your hand made its way to his crotch. Giving him a few light pumps, his tip leaking pre cum.
“A few things.” You said innocently, dropping to your knees and looking up at him through your eyelashes.
“Oh baby you’re killing me here.” As your hands traced along his thigh, and your nose bumped his pubic bone. Giving him a few light strokes, before you took his tip in your mouth, giving a few light licks. He moaned, and threw his head back.
“Baby please. No teasing. I need you. Now.” He whined, and you were satisfied with his begging. You took his length in your mouth, and stroking with firm motions, what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. He threw his head back in pleasure, as his hips bucked towards your face, making you gag a little. Looking down to see if you were okay, Christian groaned at the sight in front of him. Saliva dripping down your chin, as you took him in your mouth. One hand gripping his thigh, the other palming the part of his dick that wasn’t in your mouth. His hands found your hair, as he made it into a makeshift ponytail, tugging on it slightly whenever you took him deep in your throat.
“Not gonna last long baby. I-i.” Christian groaned one last time, pushing his hips forward as he came in your mouth. You looked up at him, swallowing as he helped you to your feet. He gave you a passionate kiss, that had you groaning in his mouth. He pulled away, grinning at you.
“Wash my hair will you?” You said.
“Of course, sweetheart.” He replied sweetly, flipping you around so he could wash your hair.
Stepping out of the shower, Christian ah did you a towel, which you wrapped around your body. His eyes raking up and down your body.
“Now get out so I can get ready.” You shooed him out, plopping down in front of the mirror.
Turning the straighter off, and taking a photo of it, so you knew you’d done it. You were debating on which lip colour.
“Chris babe, could you come in here a quick min!” You shouted out the door.
Christian came in, his shirt half buttoned. His tinned chest on display. And boy, did you take full advantage of that. Your eyes widened as you stared, and he smirked. Loving that he still worked you up after all these years.
“You’re drooling baby.” He stated, making you blush. He wasn’t gonna win that easily. Bending down in front of him, you took of the hotel robe you had on, showing him the bra and pantie set you had on. Now it was his turn to drool.
“You’re drooling Chris.” He laughed, slapping your arse lightly.
“What was it you wanted sweetheart?”
“Red lip or pinky lip.” He didn’t didn’t even have to think about that one.
“You look so sexy with ref lips.” He hadn’t realised he’d said that out loud. Whoops.
“Red lip it is.”
You two had an enjoyable night, sharing a few drinks and chatting with his teammates, and their partners. At around half past 12, Christian had enough of pretending like he didn’t want to fuck your brains out, so you two excused yourself, and rushed hastily home.
Feet sore from your heels, you took them off. Christian seeing this as an opportunity to carry you, so he took your waist, and carried you bridal style into the house. Cursing as he fumbled with the locks, eventually getting it open.
“It’s like you’re trying to get in my pants Christian.” You giggled as he hastily carried you up the stairs, needing to feel you around him. Now.
“That’s exactly what i’m trying to do baby.” He replied, kicking the door open with his foot, and dropping you on the bed lightly as he took his own shoes off. He grabbed your ankles, and dragged you to the end of the bed, where he was. Leaning over you, and pressing a hungry kiss to your lips. He bit your bottom lip, a sign for you to open your mouth. His tongue entangled with yours, and the kiss shared so many things. The love you had for each other, and the desire to be as close to one another as possible.
Grabbing him by the belt buckle, and without breaking the kiss, you pulled him closer. Groaning in your mouth, as his hard dick met your clothed pussy. Moving your hair out of the way, he began to press feverish kisses down your neck, sucking on the bruised he’d already made earlier in the shower. Pushing the strap of your dress down for more skin. Hands in his hair, slightly tugging on it, he moaned against your skin. Knowing you had him where you wanted him, you flipped over so you were on top. Looking down at him, as your thighs were on the other side of his, straddling him.
“Fuck, this is gonna be a fun night.” Christian moaned, as your lips once again, found his. Your lips fit like puzzle pieces. You were meant to be, and nothing was ever gonna change that. Grinding down against his hard dick, he was sure he was gonna burst out of his jeans. Pushing your dress down, to show your black lacy bra. He groaned hungrily at the sight, and made quick word of discarding the bra. He wasted no time in taking your right nipple in his mouth, and you moaned at the contact. Christian knew your body so well, and licked a strip between your breast, as his finger rolled your other nipple. You moved his arms up, to take his shirt off, and your legs instantly shuddered when you seen him.
Beginning at his neck, you kissed down his chest, moans escaping his lips as his hands gripped your waist. His hips bucking up at yours reflexively. He craved your touch, and god, he wanted to be in you.
Pushing your dress down over your hips, and using his finger to hook your panties off. You sat on top of Christian, naked, and he’d never seen anything more beautiful.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. You know that right.” He groaned against you, as he discarded his jeans, and you began to rock against him. The friction too much for him. He flipped you back over, as began kissing up your thighs.
“Christian. This is supposed to be all-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence, as he lips attached them to your aching core, as he licked up and down, the exact motion you’d taught him 7 years ago, when you were 17. Your back arched uncontrollably, as your fingers found his hair. The slight stubble he head, adding to the erotic pleasure you were feeling right now. He added a finger, and you cried out in pure pleasure. Moaning his name, as you felt him too, moan against your core, sending vibrations through your whole body. You felt your stomach tightening, as your vision became dazed.
“Christian i’m gonna-”
“I know you are baby. I can feel you clenching against my fingers. You look so pretty like this. My head between your thighs. I love you. So much.”
You couldn’t even breath out an ‘I love you’ as he sucked on your cliff. You moaned loudly, cursing every which way as you came around him. He licked up your cum, as he made his way up your body. Feather like kisses against your abdomen, as his lips connected with yours.
You were overwhelmed with that fact, two people could share this much love and infatuation for each other, as he rid himself of his boxers, lining up with your entrance. He looked you in the eye, a devilish glint twisting in his beautiful eyes.
“Will you ride me baby?” He said against your left tit. You moaned at his words and nodded, as he flipped the two of you over, his hands on your hips, as he raised you slightly, so you could position yourself on top of him. You sank down on him, both of you moaning into each others mouths, as you began to rock your hips back and forth, your clit exploding in pleasure as his dick rubbed against it. His hands on your hips, guided your movements as he threw his head back in pleasure.
He’d died and gone to heaven. The sight of you on top of him, your tits in his face, his, his, name leaving your mouth in breathy moans was enough for him to cum his pants like his 16 year old self might of done, after seeing you in your cheer uniform.
Deciding that he wanted more, he flipped you over, and drove into you. His lips trailing across your boobs, as you moaned in pure pleasure.”
“You feel so fucking good. Doing such a good taking me cock baby.” He moaned into your skin, leaving trails of his love for you, in the form on dark purple bruises.
His hand, that wasn’t playing with your nipples, doing your hand, and he clasped it tightly. Your nails digging into his palms, as his hand snaked down your body to your rub your clit. The pleasure erupting through your body.
His hand rubbed your thumb lovingly, as he titled your chin up to look you in the eye.
“I love you Y/N. so damn much.” He said into your mouth.
“I love you too Chris.” You managed to get out, that familiar feeling in your stomach coming back.
Chris knew your body too well. “Go on beautiful, come for me again.”
That was all you needed, as you came around dick, he threw in a few more sloppy thrusts before he too, came inside you. Lying down to look you in the eye, he gave you a loving kiss. He waited for both your breaths to come back, before he pulled out of you. Lying down beside you, tucking you into his chest. The place you were meant to be. He stroked your hair, as he placed a kiss on your forehead. Flipping you over, and kissing all over you face. Ah, here you were. Squirming under him, yet again.
He grabbed your cheeks with hands, and looked at you, with those beautiful brown eyes of his. You’d always thought they looked like a warm hearth, burning brightly.
“I. Love. You.” He said between kisses, and you giggled.
He gave you one last kiss before getting up to get you a towel, wiping your legs down before he flopped onto bed, pulling you tightly into him.
“Thank you.” Was all he said, as tiredness both over came you.
You woke up that morning, reaching out for Chris, only to be met with empty sheets. Adjusting your eyes to the sun peaking in through the blinds, you pulled your shorts on, and put your bra back on. Making your way to the kitchen.
There, in all his glory, stood Christian Puliśić. His bare back facing you, as he fried something on the oven. You wrapped your arms around his back, peppering kisses down it. Paying attention to the freckles that adorned it.
“Morning baby.” You mumbled against his back.
“Morning beautiful.” He turned around, giving you a proper kiss.
“You hungry?” You just nodded, and he laughed, plating up eggs, and the toast he’s already made you. Just now you liked it. God you were so in love with this man.
Finishing your breakfast, Christian added.
“Funny enough, i’m still hungry.” You thought nothing of this comment, considering you had eaten half of his breakfast.
“Oh. What do you want? Cereal-” His hands found the leg of your chair, as he dragged it closer to him. Pulling you onto his lap.
“Baby.” He said, his hands snaking up your legs, and know you knew what he meant. Moving your legs, so both were opposite his. He stood up, your legs wrapped around his torso.
“What times Broggy coming home?” You asked, not wanting to traumatise Kelley and Brogan, when Christian was knuckles deep inside you.
“12. Plenty of time.”
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A long one!! This was loosely inspired by @thoseboysinblue amazing fic about the world cup, which was just 😙🤌
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gennyanydots · 1 year
Do you want a skittle, Mommy?
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Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x f!reader
Part of the 'Spitfire' Universe
Can be read as a standalone but makes more sense if you've read some of the other stories.
Potty training started the moment your son Eli was even slightly interested in the potty. You definitely didn’t encourage Jake to convince him that peeing in the potty was the coolest thing ever and you definitely didn’t have the rest of the dagger squad tell him the same thing every time they saw him. So the moment Eli was interested you were throwing the family headfirst into potty training. He was two. It was time. And with a new baby on the way? Yeah you needed him out of diapers. Buying one size of diapers is enough. 
Potty training was easy at home. Being a stay at home mom was extremely helpful for potty training even with you being 7 months pregnant. A couple child size potties around the house and you were golden. You’re pretty sure Jake was a little jealous of his son’s toilet that sat right in front of the TV. You shut that down before Jake even thought to ask if he could also pee while watching football. 
Going out while potty training wasn’t really hard either, especially if you were out with your husband’s co-workers since there was always someone willing to run Eli to the bathroom. 
Your only potty training hiccup was when you had gone down to Texas for Thanksgiving this year…
Now you love Jake’s dad. Love him to pieces. He’s amazing. After all these years he’s been more your father than your actual father ever was. You couldn’t ask for a better grandfather for your son. He’s a wonderful Pop Pop to Eli and dotes on him every chance he has. Eli thinks he’s the best grandfather in the world(as long as Grandpa Mavvie isn’t in the room, then it’s a toss up to who at that exact moment is bribing him with the best stuff). You know living on a ranch in Texas is a different lifestyle than your own back in California, you just wish Pop Pop would have thought of that before teaching your son your least favorite new habit. 
“Mommy! I go potty!” you hear Eli call from the living room after the song playing on the tv was paused. 
You stop rinsing dishes and wipe your hands on the towel hanging from the oven door then head into the living room, “Okay buddy, let’s go potty. Maybe we could use the bathroom this time?” 
“Outside!” Eli yells while racing to the back door with your dog, Radar, chasing after his little legs. 
Ugh. Outside. Your son’s favorite bathroom. 
Potty training had been in full swing when you last went down to Texas for Thanksgiving. Jake’s parents were both on board to help potty training while you visited. Pop Pop had taken Eli for a walk around the ranch one afternoon while you were there  and showed your son how he can pee outside and since then outside has been your son’s favorite potty. Eli especially thinks it’s super cool that he and Radar now share a “bathroom”.
You’re very proud of Eli getting better and being able to hold it until he’s outside but you just wish with everything you are that he’d pee in a bathroom. A real bathroom. An inside bathroom. With a toilet. 
You sigh as you walk to the backdoor and push the door open enough for your son and dog to both race outside to pee. Thank goodness you bought a house with a privacy fence. You watch your son as he strips off his shorts to go pee then you turn and gently bang your head on the door frame. You have no idea how you’re supposed to stop this. Maybe you should get him one of those fake grass patches for dogs who are inside all day. 
“Sure hope you’re not hurting my best girl,” a voice from behind you says, causing you to jump and actually bump your forehead on the frame. 
You groan and rub your forehead, “I wasn’t until you scared me.” 
Jake fakes a pout as he walks over to you and from behind he wraps his arms under your baby bump and kisses your head then maneuvers you both so you’re facing outside, “I’m sorry, darlin’. I thought you heard me come into the house.” 
You shook your head, “Sure didn’t. You’d think someone as tall as you would make more noise.”
Jake chuckled, “I’m not Rooster but if you want me to lumber about I’ll sure try my hardest for you. Anything for you, darlin’.” 
You roll your eyes at your husband’s words, not that he can see, then close them reveling in your husband’s arms practically moaning as he lifted up on your belly to lift some of the pressure off your stomach. 
“That sounds more pornographic than when we…” 
You then hear a small voice call from your backyard cutting off his daddy’s sentence, “Daddy! Look! I’m peeing! Outside! Daddy! Look!” 
“I see you, Eli. Thanks for the update. I’m sure the neighbors all wanted to hear about your bathroom habits, son,” your husband calls back to your son who grins at his father as if this is his greatest accomplishment. Jake groans against your hair murmuring about how he hopes Mr. Andrews next door isn’t watering his garden right now.
“That’s your dad’s fault you know,” you say to Jake as you point at your son who is now chasing after your dog without putting his shorts back on, completely uncaring about the slight chill in the air. 
He grumbles, “Yeah, yeah, I know. And I’m trying to fix the damage he’s done. I've been asking around if anyone has any ideas on what to do.” 
“Any good ideas? I mean actually good ideas. I can only imagine the things that might come out of their mouths.”
Jake snickered then shrugged, “Phoenix suggested having him decorate his bathroom so maybe he would be excited to pee in there. Maybe go online and see if there's some Bluey bathroom items or something.”
You consider it for a moment, “Not a terrible idea. Grass can’t be hard to beat. And we all do love Bluey.” 
“No, I hope grass isn’t more exciting than Bluey. It’s Bluey!,” Jake says while softly swaying the two of you from side to side as you watch your two hooligans run around the backyard chasing after each other. “Payback said that his sister gave her daughter a treat every time she used the potty.”
“What kind of a treat?”
“Like a sticker, a skittle or an M&M something small like that,” Jake said as he continued to sway. 
“Bribing our son to use the bathroom? He would probably like that,” you reply. You don’t tend to give Eli candy often. Well you and Jake try not to. The rest of your extended family including the Dagger squad however don’t share those same ideas. You’ve caught Payback sneaking Eli gummy bears more than once saying he couldn’t resist those green puppy dog eyes of his. 
Jake nodded, “I figured. Picked up a giant bag of skittles on the way home from work. Thought we might as well try it.”
And so you did. Eli was excited to get a skittle every time he went to the bathroom. He loved getting to pick out all the fun new things for his Bluey/Spiderman/Plane bathroom. Jake loved to show off the bathroom retheme to his buddies which pleased Eli to no end because clearly if Wooster loved his new bathroom then it had to be the best bathroom in the world. 
You finally felt like you had a handle on this potty training thing until you went to today’s preschool story time at your local library. Eli loved going to the library so you tried to make it to every story time. 
You were a little apprehensive about this week’s story time already due to the word your son picked up from Fanboy recently when Fanboy made his feelings about Santa Claus known to everyone and said, “Fuck Santa!” due to not getting a toy he wanted. Last Christmas. When he was very much an adult. So now any time Santa is mentioned near Eli he announces to everyone listening, “Fuck Santa!” 
You may have mentioned this to the librarian last week and she made sure to pick out a Hanukkah book. Thank goodness. 
Afterwards, because you know not to tempt fate, you made sure to hit up the bathroom since the baby in your belly loved to play footsy with your bladder. 
After your son peed you made sure to give him his well deserved skittle and then after you used the bathroom, in his adorable little voice he asked you, “Do you want a skittle, mommy? You went potty all by yourself like me!”
You chuckled and got yourself one too. 
When you both stepped out of the stall a mom you didn’t know was washing her hands with her daughter.
She turned to you as you approached, “You know I didn’t have to bribe my daughter to be potty trained. Maybe your son just wasn’t ready. My daughter was potty trained in no time at all.”
You stood there for a second, flabbergasted. Who in their right mind would care that much to comment about another person’s child? 
You shook it off and made sure to smile at her, “You know I might give my son a skittle for using the bathroom because he clearly earned it but at least I’m never going to have to worry about my son being nasty to someone he doesn’t know.” 
From beside you came a little, “Yeah! If you jealous I got a skittle you can have one too. It’s nice to share.” 
The mom scoffed at you and picked up her daughter who whined at her mom for wanting a skittle as they walked out. 
You gave your son a giant kiss on the cheek for that before you helped him wash his hands. 
Later that evening when you told Jake he laughed and told you he wouldn’t be so lazy all of the time and wait to go to the bathroom if he got a skittle every time he went which Eli made sure to let his daddy know that if Jake wanted a skittle every time he went potty then he would be more than happy to share his skittles with him. Yeah, no doubt in your mind that your son isn’t going to be anything but the nicest boy in town forever.
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heavenlyakin · 2 months
selfship coded, afab reader, established relationship, reader and Atsumu have twin girls named Ouka and Aya. Reader is an American citizen originally. Mild suggestive content at the end. 
724 words
2028. Los Angeles. 
The set is perfect. Ouka marvels at it, her brown eyes full of joy and love for the game. Aya doesn’t notice it, you see she’s too busy drawing something in her team Japan sketch pad. She completely ignored the team USA merchandise you gave her. 
You’re not surprised, their only connection to the USA other than you is Christmas time with your parents. The only team they do not ignore is the USA Women’s Gymnastics team. Much like the rest of the world, or perhaps that’s the American arrogance you can’t let go of. 
As the ball hits the ground, Atsumu jumps up and high fives Hinata Shoyo, his favorite hitter. Aya looks up as the crowd erupts, but quickly goes back to her drawing. Ouka is jumping around so much, your mother has to reach around and pull her out of the way of other families. 
“Daddy’s set!” She yells and you smile at her excitement. 
At five, this is the first olympics they will remember. Well, if Aya remembers anything beyond her drawings. Either way, you know how excited Atsumu is to have them here. How excited you are to have them here with you. When the Paris Olympics happened just four years prior, they were too young to remember. Aya slept during most of Atsumu’s matches and Ouka screamed bloody murder through half of them before you decided to leave her with your mother. 
It’s Sakusa’s turn to serve, if he can send one past USA’s libero, they’ll win Gold. The USA's crowd is wild, but after the last spike, you can tell their crowd is on edge. Japan is going nuts now, but settling for Sakusa as he prepares to serve. He bounces the ball once, then twice. Tossing it high and then jumping to meet it as it descends. 
The serve goes past the front row, between the Libero and the man to his right, but they pick it up. Sending it to their setter. They hit it right to Shoyo. He receives it well, sending it to Atsumu. You draw in a tight breath. 
The ball is high, still coming down. Shoyo, Sakusa, Aran, who could it go to next? Just as Aran prepares to jump, the ball is dumped on the ground between two of USA’s members. The ball hits the ground and then it’s a blur of cheering and moving bodies. 
When you finally reach Atsumu, Aya on your hip and Ouka running ahead of you, he looks right to you as he lifts Ouka up. He smiles before turning his attention to your daughter. 
“You won, Daddy! You won!” She yells and throws her arms around his neck to hug him. He holds her tight and you feel your heart growing tighter in your chest. 
“Daddy!” Aya yells and wraps her arms around his waist. He bends down to pick her up too. You stand beside them, your hand on Atsumu’s back. 
“Congrats,” you smile and kiss his cheek. “How does it feel?” 
“I don’t think it’ll feel real until that medal is around my neck,” he laughs and puts the girls down. Your mother rushes to grab them so they’re not lost between the three of you. 
“I’ll take them back to the stands, then the hotel. Don’t worry,” she smiles, taking their hands and you wave to them as they disappear into the crowd. 
“They’re proud of you,” you tell him and he grins wider. “I’m proud of you.” 
He pulls you in, his body flush with yours as he kisses you. His lips are warm and damp. You part yours, letting his tongue slip in for a moment before pulling away, fearful of any cameras that might be hovering around. 
“Babe,” you smile. “Just wait until we’re back at the hotel.” You tease, squeezing his bicep and stepping back. 
“Tell your mom I’m going to buy her whatever she wants for watching the girls for us tonight,” he says against your lips before kissing you again. “Hell, two of anything she wants for double the trouble.” 
You laugh and kiss him one last time. “We definitely owe her this time.”
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bunviie · 2 years
i want a baby and i want it now
summary: you caught a bad case of baby fever and your loving boyfriend eren is there to help you through it. (sfw)
your mind is in a tranquil state. eyes dragging along the crisp page. currently invading your boyfriend’s space. your head resting comfortably in his lap. not that he minds though. he’s actively trying to complete his assignments. slightly leaning over your body so that he can type on the laptop. he would occasionally take quick glimpses of you. intrigued by your random fit of giggles.
“what’s got you cracking up?” he looks down at you briefly.
“do you remember that extra credit assignment i have?” you recalled. eren hums in response.
“well, this is the book i chose. it’s all about the brutal yet beautiful journey of pregnancy. it even talks about the precious moment of giving birth.” your fascination is expressed evidently.
eren just smiles at you and kisses your forehead before gently adjusting you out of his lap. “i’m glad you’re enjoying the book. you can continue reading, i’ll be in the next room.” he excuses himself.
“don’t you wanna hear more about it?” you sit up.
“sure, come on.” eren waits for you.
you cheer to yourself silently as you follow your boyfriend into the study. you settle down on the soft couch. the squish comfort of it made you feel like you were going to just sink right through. you sat back and began sharing your summary of the book. eren listening full-heartedly and asking you questions here and there. he still had his assignment to complete after all.
you delve back into the book, nose-deep into its content. your summary had only lasted for so long as you weren’t finished with the book itself. you lay out on the cloud-like sofa. legs kicking into the air. expressions differing every moment when you turn the page.
there was a certain chapter that had you deeply invested. concisely, it’s about a married couple and their firstborn. it goes into complete detail about their passion-filled love and extravagant wedding. eye widening for the most part.
they share an enchanted kiss and the description just makes your heart swoon. hand resting on your chest fondly.
the chapter goes on to depict the wife’s pregnancy journey. it all melts your heart until you reach the aftermath of her birth. your heart was a goner now.
it squeezes as you read along the lines...
“the baby instinctively wraps his hand around his mother’s finger. straightaway recognizing his mom who sang lullabies to her stomach for months on end. the infant smiles gleefully at his loving mother. she’s staring endearingly at her baby. already so proud and ready to protect him from anything. a treasured moment shared. a bond that’ll last forever.”
by the end of the chapter, you were all teary-eyed and feeling severely emotional. wiping away your tears, you finally realized that you’ve reached the end of the book. you feel fulfilled yet as if you need more closure. you want to read more.
your eyes find your way to eren. he’s still typing away at his laptop, jotting down notes occasionally.
you get up from the couch slowly. a warm feeling of butterflies swarming around in your tummy. you walk towards him. arm lingering on the top of the chair as you smooth your way around his shoulder.
“what’s up, baby?” he stares at you for a moment. you just smile. lifting your legs on either side of him, you sit on his lap. arm’s grasping not so tightly around him. your head snuggled into his neck. eren chuckles and accepts your clinginess. “i missed you too.” he kisses your temple, an arm rubbing up and down along your back while the other remained typing. handling both the tasks of showing you affection and expertly completing his work.
your hand idly plays with his lazily made hair bun. pulling gently at the soft strands until inevitably, his hair falls. you continue to fiddle in it. fingers rubbing soothingly into the roots, massaging his scalp.
he lets out hums of satisfaction. stopping momentarily to indulge himself in the wandering feeling.
“ren..?” you start. “yes, sweets?” he replies, eyes closed from relishing in the affection. “do you want to have a baby with me?” you ask softly. your voice so soft, it came out as a whisper. slightly shrinking away from his response, which takes a few seconds.
eren pauses. pulling you to face him
“o-of course i do, sweetheart. it’s all i think about…aside from marrying you,” he adds, kissing your cheek. you perk up and your heartbeat slows down. you didn’t even realize when it started racing. feeling silly for being so worried about nothing.
you relax back into his embrace and he proceeds back to typing. his free hand locating your ass. kneading the supple flesh.
you knew this was just an act of affection. an action that happens to cause unwanted lewd thoughts to cross your mind. you just clutch onto eren tighter and he notices right away the change in your demeanor.
“y/n, baby you alright?” he asks again. you nod away. closing your eyes and subsiding your scandalous thoughts.
“what about now? let’s start” you usher. he snorts, thinking you’re joking but, when he sees your humorless face, all laughter ceases to stop.
he clears his throat. propping you up adequately. “y/n, we can’t. at least not right now, okay?” he strokes your arm reassuringly, a smile adorning his face. you return the kind expression. ‘im gonna go lay down.” you say, removing yourself from his embrace and excusing yourself.
he dramatically holds the part of his chest where his heart lies, and throws his head back to let out fake cries. “how will i manage without you?!” he stretches out his hand out to you. you giggle at his goofiness and kiss the back of his hand. “you’ll be fine. i’ll stop bothering you so you can finish your work.”
“y/n, i only have a few more pages to go, please stay.” he’s persistent.
“bye, eren.” you quickly peck his cheek and leave the room.
eren’s eyes linger on the door for a while. you don’t usually let things go that easily. he knows you as someone who doesn’t give up.
however, though, he shrugs off the idea. leaving you to your own devices while he completes his paper.
an hour passes and eren is finally done with his writing assignment.
he lays back in relief. sighing contently and shutting off his computer. he sits in silence, allowing his thoughts to consume his being. every last one of them being of you. from your sudden change in behavior to your baby questions. and eren has never felt so foolish.
you were having a severe case of baby fever.
he laughs at his conclusion. it has to be that. it just has to.
he leaves the study and heads straight to the bedroom, where he finds you only dressed in your underwear. unbeknownst to you, you were mindlessly scrolling through your pinterest. currently looking at cute baby onesies, occasionally getting distracted by the adorable videos that would pop up. eren makes himself known, knocking on the oak-painted door. 
you sit up on your knees in a rush-like manner. adjusting your bra a little.
“now what’s all this?” a smug look stretches across his face. leaning on the threshold of the door.
“eren, let’s make a baby.” you start.
“let’s make a baby?” he repeats.
“a baby?” he inches towards you.
“you want one?”
“right now?” he stood in front of the bed.
“yes, eren. what are you—”
“wait for a second, hear me out sweetheart.” he crawls into bed with you. pinning your arms on either side of you.
“you want a baby right?” he asks. you nod your head. “but, don’t you want me to marry you first?” he suggests and you go quiet.
“think about it. me proposing to you. i’m down on one knee. looking up at the most stunning girl in the world, who happened to steal my heart.” eren whispers. “you’re wearing a lovely dress that suits your curves. hugs your ass just right.” he adds, making your ears heat up.
“we had just come from a fancy dinner. eating till our heart’s content when i decided to pop the question. then, you become my beautiful bride-to-be, and shit, you look hot as fuck walking down the aisle.” eren stares at you longingly. his eyes sharing a million words.
“and on our honeymoon, i’m making love to you. showing you how much i cherish and adore you.” he begins littering slow kisses on your neck.
“you’re blissed out. enjoying the moment just as much as i am. in the end, i give you what you want and now we’re holding each other…it’s a loving embrace that neither of us wants to leave.” he ends.
“i’m saying all that to say…just give us some time. we’re still college students living in an apartment. we’re not fully financially stable yet but if we wait a while, y/n, i promise you, i’ll give you as many babies as you want.”
your can feel your eyes shimmer in admiration. your heart touched and filled with excitement.
“you promise?” you stare at him, holding up a pinky. eren chuckles, ultimately linking his pinky with yours, kissing it afterward. “i promise.”
you sigh not knowing what to do with your baby fever now and eren sees your need for a distraction.
“how about we head to the store? we’re running low on groceries,” he suggests, making you knit your brows together. he playfully rolls his eyes, mentioning a baby store nearby the grocery store.
you perk up and start getting dressed. you were ready in no time.
eren holds out his hand for yours and you two leave the building hand in hand.
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a/n: this one was fuuuun. this is the kind of extra wag i would be so i loved coming up with the little ideas lol. and yes, the photo in the cover is one i took at josh bailey’s 1000th game ceremony 😌 also, happy birthday to the big boy! legit can’t believe i got this done in time, but that’s what happens when it’s a cold and miserable rainy saturday in new york lol
word count: 8.1k 😅
tw: two smut scenes
summary: it’s andrei’s 1000th game and ceremony!
You let your fingertips trace lightly over the back of Andrei’s neck. His face is mashed into the pillow, cheek pressed flat, and a low hum is drawn from his throat. It’s still early, before either of your alarms are set to go off, but you couldn’t sleep very well. With cranky kids and the anticipation of today, you managed a few hours of tossing and turning before finally giving up.
“Solnyshka?” Andrei mumbles your nickname and your fingers still. You hadn’t really wanted to wake him up.
“Go back to sleep,” you whisper, pulling your hand back to your body.
He hums again and rolls onto his side, blinking warm brown eyes at you as he wakes up a little more. “Wasn’t asleep,” he says, a yawn cutting through his words and proving his lie.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to wake you,” you apologize, still propped up on your elbow.
Andrei squints at the alarm clock over your shoulder - the clock blinks 4:30 in red numbers - and shrugs with the shoulder not pressed into the mattress. “I think the crack of dawn is the only time we get to be alone anymore,” he laughs, reaching for you and pulling you into his arms.
You snuggle against his broad chest, brushing your nose against his collarbone. After a few moments of silence, you murmur, “big day today.”
“Mhm,” Andrei hums against your hair.
“A thousand games,” you continue, completely awed by your husband. “That’s, Drei, that’s so amazing.”
“It doesn’t feel real,” he admits, chuckling a bit. “It feels like another game day.”
At the end of the day, it really is just another game, but it’s also a cumulation of all the hard work Andrei’s put in over the last fifteen years. Not many players make it to a thousand games and you’re indescribably proud of Andrei for reaching the milestone.
You tangle your legs with his. “It’s a big day though. Even if the ceremony isn’t until this weekend.”
Even though his thousandth game is a Monday night home game, it was worked out that the ceremony would be on Saturday, since that game is an afternoon one - making it so much easier to bring the girls to the game. Only Evie, at six, would be able to handle the 7:30 ceremony start time and even she could be questionable, depending on the mood she comes home from school in. No, it’s so much easier to corral three girls in the middle of the afternoon.
“I’m glad you and Mama and Papa are coming tonight though,” he says, twisting your hair in his fingers. Your parents are coming over to watch the girls, that way you can join Andrei’s parents at the game. It works out for everyone - the girls get time with their grandparents and you get a child-free night to drink a cocktail and enjoy watching your husband play. Elena and Igor have been in town for a week and are staying for another two, that way they can be there for the ceremony and to spend time with the girls too.
“I don’t know who’s going to cry more tonight, me or your mom,” you tease, knowing Elena will probably take top prize. She’s been watching Andrei live his childhood dream for longer than you have.
Andrei laughs lowly and lets his hands roam over your back. You can tell he’s getting introspective, thinking about his career to this point, and you kiss his sternum. Your hand slides up under the hem of his shirt - the days of sleeping naked are long over for you both, with the oldest two girls constantly getting out of their beds to crash in yours. His skin is warm under your touch and Andrei sighs, his stomach contracting as your fingers dance over the ridged muscles.
“I’m so proud of you,” you murmur, throwing your leg over his hip and rolling Andrei onto his back. His erection is hot and hard against your thigh and you grin down at him. “One thousand games,” you says, wiggling your eyebrows, “your stamina is impressive, Mister Svechnikov.”
His grin is all teeth and dimples. “I’ll show you stamina,” he says, gripping your hips hard enough to leave marks. He pulls you forward so you rub over his cock and you gasp at the contact, even though the layers of his boxer-briefs and your panties. You lean down, one hand braced next to his head, and kiss him deeply, rolling your hips over his.
Andrei bites your lower lip gently, sucking it into his mouth. One of his hands slides under your oversized shirt, his fingers playing at the edges of your panties, brushing sensitive skin. “Drei,” you gasp his name when his fingers disappear under the damp fabric, sliding against your skin. His thumb finds your clit and he presses down, surging up to capture your moan with his mouth.
“I was supposed to take care of you,” you mutter, clenching around Andrei’s fingers. “We’re celebrating your achievement.”
He laughs. “Maybe this is how I want to celebrate, solnyshka.”
You grind down on him and he groans, involuntarily bucking his hips up into yours.
“Mama?” A little voice breaks through the fuzz in your brain and you yelp, rolling off of Andrei with a painful tweak of your hip. His hand is still halfway caught in your panties and he mutters a string of Russian curses.
You lift your head and there’s Alina, backlit by the light from the hallway, clutching her stuffed puppy by the ears. Her eyes are wide in her face and she looks near tears.
“Alya, what happened?” You ask, trying to keep your tone soothing even as your heart is pounding out of your chest.
Your four-year-old rubs at her eyes and her lower lip wobbles, “I had a bad dream.”
Andrei looks over at you, holding his breath a little. He closes his eyes and it looks like he’s trying to do extremely complex math in his head. You sigh. “Baby, it was just a dream and it’s early, why don’t you go back to bed?”
“Can I sleep with you and Daddy?” She asks, eyes welling with tears. She chews on one of the dog’s ears and you melt.
“Come on up, Alya,” Andrei sighs and you really wish you hadn’t gotten as far as you did before Alina interrupted. She comes running for the bed and flings her little body at the mattress, needing Andrei’s help to climb on completely. She clambers over his body and tucks herself against your side.
You cuddle her close and she twists her little fingers in your shirt. Over her head, you catch Andrei’s eye and mouth, “to be continued.”
He grins and whispers, “I’m holding you to that.”
Alina falls back asleep quickly, ending up horizontal with her feet in Andrei’s side and her head on your chest. You stroke her hair off her face and close your own eyes. The next time you wake up, it’s to the buzzing of your 6 a.m. alarm. Andrei’s getting up too, sitting up and stretching his arms over his head.
“Glad we went for the California King,” you comment, tucking the sheet around Alina’s starfished form. Andrei settles her stuffed dog within arm’s reach.
“For such a little thing, she takes up so much room,” he laughs, greeting you with a kiss. “Good morning.”
“For the second time,” you laugh. “You ready for the day?”
“It’s just a game, solnyshka,” he repeats his earlier refrain, but you can see the extra spark in his eyes. He tangles his hand in your hair and pulls your head back gently to kiss you.
You blink a little when he pulls back, resting your hands on his hips. “You’re allowed to be excited, Drei. You’re allowed to think it’s a big deal,” you say. “To get here, after the pandemic seasons, after your ACL, this is such an achievement.”
He sighs. “I know,” his forehead furrows. “I think it’s just…so much of hockey is behind me now. Not that much left in front of me.”
This is his hockey mid-life crisis.
“Drei, baby, you still have so much time left to play,” you smooth your hands through his hair. “I bet you have another seven, eight years of playing.”
He drops his forehead to yours. “Thank you, solnyshka. I’ll get excited, I just need to start the day.”
“Well, you can go handle Evie wake-up then,” you smile. “She’ll put you in a good mood.”
Andrei beams and bounces off out of the room. He and Evie have the exact same personality and you know that by the time you get ready and get Kira up, father and daughter will have already had each other in spasms of laughter and Andrei will be less in his head. You leave Alina sleeping and change quickly into jeans and a sweater. You’ve found that you get so much more done when you put on real clothes.
“Good morning, my little chickadee,” you coo, spotting Kira standing up in her crib.
The eighteen-month-old gives you a big toothy smile and shouts, “mama!” while making grabby-hands at you. Her hair, blonde fuzz at birth and turning darker by the day, is sticking out all over the place. You lift her onto your hip, pressing kisses all over her face, making her laugh.
“You woke up on the right side of the crib today, huh?” You laugh, making quick work of her diaper and dressing her in a little lounge set. You smooth down her hair and use a little bow to keep it in place.
“See Dada!” She grins and you shake your head. Of course.
You pull a face at your youngest. “You want to see Dada? Everyone wants to see Dada today.”
Evie’s bedroom door is open and you poke your head inside, but her bed is empty. There’s noise coming from the kitchen and you follow the sounds, walking in on Andrei and Evie making eggs. Andrei has Evie standing on a step stool and he’s guiding her hand while the scrambled eggs cook. Evie’s dancing on the stool, wiggling her little body along to a tune only she knows. “Hey, remember, we have to be careful when cooking, right?” Andrei reminds her, tapping her shoulder so she can focus.
“Dada!” Kira shrieks, drawing Evie and Andrei’s attention. Andrei’s smile widens and Evie jumps down from the stool to rush over and squish Kira’s cheeks in between her hands.
“Hiiii Kira,” she singsongs, brown eyes dancing when her baby sister giggles. You grin at the sight and set Kira on her feet. Evie plops down on the floor to entertain her sister and you take the opportunity to take over the egg making from Andrei.
He kisses your cheek, “I’ll be right back. Going to get ready.”
“Don’t wake the bear,” you warn, knowing Alina will be a holy terror if she doesn’t get enough sleep. Andrei salutes you, smirking, well aware of the perils of waking your middle daughter.
You finish the eggs, doling them out on plates for everyone and add toast and fruit to the girls’ plates before starting a protein shake for Andrei. “Okay, little misses, breakfast,” you announce, setting the plates on the table. Evie climbs into her seat and digs in, Kira slower behind.
With her mouth full of partially chewed food, Evie asks, “Mama, can I stay home from school and play with the sissies?”
“Chew, please,” you remind her, putting Kira in the highchair and giving her a strip of toast. “And no. You have to go to school, but remember Nana and Pop are going to be here when you get home.”
“Oh right!” She bounces in her seat, messy blonde hair flying everywhere. Where this kid gets so much energy at seven in the morning, well, you know it comes from Andrei, but you wish you could bottle it. “How come they’re gonna be here? It’s Monday.”
You scrape at the frying pan. “Remember today is a special day for Daddy, he’s played one thousand hockey games.”
Evie’s eyes go comically wide. “That’s a lotta hockey,” she says seriously.
“It is a lot of hockey,” you agree. “So I’m going to the game to cheer him on.”
You conveniently leave out the fact that Elena and Igor are coming too, because if Evie gets wind of the fact that Andrei’s parents are going, she’ll absolutely insist on coming. You love how much the girls love their grandparents, but tonight is not the night for wrangling children.
“Can we watch Daddy play on the TV?” She asks, propping her chin in her hand.
“Sure can,” you nod, putting the frying pan back in the cabinet. “But you have to go to bed when Nana and Pop say so.”
Kira drops a handful of egg on the floor and you sort of wish you had a dog to hoover it up, but three kids and a dog, when Andrei’s out of town half the time? No way in hell was that happening. Instead, you wipe up the eggs and point at Evie, “please go get dressed okay? And do not wake up your sister.”
Evie nods and shoves another strawberry in her mouth, running off upstairs while you shout after her to chew. You look at Kira, with her strawberry covered face and toothy grin, and wrinkle your nose at her, “today is a crazy day, huh, chickadee?”
“Kay-zee!” Kira chirps, mimicking you.
You get her cleaned up and by then, Andrei’s back downstairs with Evie clinging to his back and Alina wrapped like a koala around his leg. He grins at you, clearly thrilled by the chaos. “Alya has decided that she’s going to drive Evie to school today,” he informs you.
“Oh, is that right?” You raise an eyebrow down at your middle daughter. “When did you get a driver’s license?”
Alina, the cheeky little child, pipes up, “I don’t even need one ‘cause I’m fast like a runner and I can drive better than Daddy.”
Her explanation makes zero sense, but then again, half of what she says is insanity, so you just nod. “How about you have some breakfast and then you can take Evie to school?”
“Is it oatmeal?” Alina unhooks from Andrei’s leg and scampers to the table, peeking over the top.
“Yes, it’s oatmeal,” you reply, grabbing her under the armpits and swooping her up onto the chair. Alina’s on an oatmeal kick. It’s all she wants to eat and you’re tired of coming up with different way to doctor it up so she’s getting nutrients. Andrei had the genius idea of pureeing beets into it for dinner the other night and calling it Barbie oatmeal. Alone ate it up, literally and figuratively.
Andrei sucks back his protein shake, listening intently as Evie tells him all about her playground drama. She tells the story with her whole body, hands flying in the air, facial expressions exaggerated. Andrei provides the appropriate reactions too, gasping in shock when he’s supposed to. “Okay,” he cuts in apologetically, “finish the story on the road, zaychik. You’re going to be late.”
“I’m coming too!” Alina shrieks from the table, still dressed in her pajamas. Andrei laughs and gathers her up in his arms.
“Of course, we can’t go anywhere without the driver,” he kisses her forehead and ushers both girls out of the house, all three of them shouting good-bye to you.
Once the door closes behind them, the silence is deafening. You blink and lean against the counter, always a little dazed after the morning routine. Kira sighs in her highchair and pouts, “sissers?”
“Yeah,” you laugh, “your sisters are gone for now. But they’ll be back, don’t you worry.”
Andrei returns an hour later with Alina in his arms and a carry-out tray of coffees. Alina nibbles happily on a cake pop and you shoot Andrei a look.
“It was this or have her keep screaming bloody murder in the middle of Starbucks,” he mutters, setting her down on the couch. “I chose sugar.”
“Wise man,” you say, taking your coffee from the holder and sucking back a huge sip. “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.”
Andrei works on his own coffee - an iced white chocolate mocha - even as you tease him for his sweet tooth. He’s nonplussed, used to the ribbing from the boys. Once you’re both caffeinated, you split the morning tasks, Andrei taking the kitchen and keeping a vague eye on Alina and Kira in the living room, and you heading upstairs to make bed and clean up the clothes that have been left out.
You meet back up in the kitchen with the house a little tidier than before. “Morning skate is 11:45 today,” Andrei says, reading from a text. “So I should be home around 1:30?”
“Perfect, just in time to nap with the zoo animals and eat dinner,” you lean up to kiss him quickly. “Any special requests for dinner?”
Andrei shrugs, “whatever you’re making is fine. I’m not picky.” A slow, lazy smile curls at his lips, “I do know what I want for dessert though.”
“I’ll make something special,” you decide, ignoring the heat in your cheeks and the rush of want in your stomach. You’re still thinking about the denied orgasm from this morning.
“Daddy!” Alina shouts. “Come watch Bluey with me.”
“Duty calls,” you giggle, watching Andrei head into the living room. He sits on the couch and Alina and Kira are immediately draped over his lap. Alina has her little water bottle in one hand and her leg kicked up in the air, singing along to the Bluey theme song and Kira has her thumb planted in her mouth. Your heart melts when you see Andrei gently dislodge her thumb, holding her little hand with his so she can’t try and suck her thumb again.
Eventually, he has to get up, apologizing to the girls for having to leave. They pout and cry and reach for him and you can see Andrei’s heart break at having to go to work. You distract them with crayons as best as you can and pull them into hugs and a silly dance when he leaves.
Luckily, twenty minutes after Andrei leaves, Elena and Igor are at the door. Babushka and dedushka are the perfect distraction for when the girls miss Daddy.
“Baba! Dedu!” Alina shrieks, flinging her body into Igor’s knees. He laughs and lifts her onto his hip, kissing her cheek. “Come watch Bluey with me!”
Elena smothers Kira in kisses and you thank God that they’re laughing again, not crying. “That is the little dog, yes?” She asks Alina, shooting you a little wink.
“Yes! Bluey and Bingo are puppies,” Alina informs her grandmother very seriously. “And they’re sisters like me an’ Evie an’ Kira. And like Daddy and Uncle Geno!”
“Daddy and Uncle Geno are brothers,” you correct Alina, laughing.
“No, they’re sisters like me!” She pouts stubbornly.
It’s useless to try and fight with her, so you just nod and get the girls set up with Bluey. The screen time isn’t your favorite, but needs must. Once they’re distracted, you grin widely and turn to Elena. “I am so glad you guys are here. We have like an hour and half before Drei gets back from morning skate. I have a banner ready to be hung up, balloons in the garage, a cake in the downstairs fridge, and my parents should be here within the hour with Evie.”
You have a whole little surprise party planned for when Andrei gets back from morning skate and you’re so excited to pull it all together. Andrei’s parents jump in to help, decorating the open plan of the living room and kitchen and setting Kira and Alina up with crayons and construction paper to make cards.
“How do you spell bestest daddy in the whole world?” Alina asks, printing her name in big letters under a crayon drawing of Andrei and Stormy the pig. Elena sits down in one of the child-sized chairs and suggests that she help Alina write out her message. You four-year-old concedes the crayon to her grandmother with a benevolent sigh.
The house is mostly decorated when the front door bangs open and Evie rushes inside, her princess backpack bouncing against her back. “Mama!” she shouts, breathless. “Did you know Nana and Pop took me outta school early?”
Her eyes widen as she takes in the decorations and Andrei’s parents. You wait, totally delighted by the shock on her face.
“Oh my gosh! Baba and Dedu are here too?” She yelps, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “This is the BEST DAY EVER!”
Evie discards her backpack, jacket, and sneakers in a heap and throws herself into Elena’s arms for a hug. She kisses her cheek and snuggles up before whipping her head over to look at you, “wait, Mama, does Daddy know that EVERYONE is here? Because he didn’t say a single word!”
“Daddy doesn’t know,” you grin, picking up her backpack. “It’s a surprise for his special game, so why don’t you take your sisters upstairs and put on the shirts that are on your beds? Then you can come back and make Daddy a card.”
“Oh, I’m gonna make the best card ever!” She leaps off Elena’s lap and grabs Kira under the armpits, hauling her to her feet, much to the toddler’s protests. “Come on, Kiry, Mommy said to go change.”
“No!” Kira shrieks and your mom cuts in to hoist Kira onto her hip and usher Evie and Alina from the room, saying, “let’s not get your sister upset before your dad comes home. How about we practice our surprise faces!”
You look around at the adults and sigh, “seriously, thank you all so much for your help. I don’t think I could’ve wrangled them all on my own and get this set up.”
“We’re just so excited to celebrate Andrei,” Elena claps her hands together. “This is such a big moment for him.”
“He’s going to be so surprised,” you giggle just thinking about his reaction. “Oh, I wish he’d get home now.”
It’ll be at least another twenty or thirty minutes before he’s home, so once the girls are back downstairs in their matching shirts (red, with black wording proclaiming “Daddy’s 1000th Game!” with the date underneath and Svechnikov scrawled across the backs- an Etsy purchase you were extremely thrilled with), you set them to finishing their cards and drawings. Now that everything’s calmed down a bit, you inscribe your own message on the card you had also special ordered from Etsy (a cartoon-ish drawing of Andrei from the back with the Canes’ logo and a prominent 1,000 across the top).
Andrei texts that he’s on the way and you grin, “okay, be ready! Should we hide? No that’s silly. Just, we’ll all be in the living room with the balloons. That’s perfect.”
Evie and Alina are vibrating with excitement and Kira is in your dad’s arms, very ready for her nap. You just hope she’ll hold out for the surprise.
You’re checking Find My Friends, and once you spot Andrei’s little dot pulling into the driveway, you usher everyone into place. “Okay, girls, remember when Daddy comes in, we’re all going to shout ‘congratulations’.” You nod at them and they nod back, understanding the assignment.
The excitement builds and you’re ready to burst when Andrei finally gets through the door and shouts, “solnyshka, I’m back!”
You press your finger to your lips at the girls and then call out, “I’m in the living room, Drei!”
The second Andrei is in sight, you all shout, “CONGRATULATIONS!” and he rears back a step or two, clearly surprised. The girls rush him, grabbing at his legs and he rests his hands on their heads, trying to get oriented. Your heart skips when he takes in the banner pinned to the wall - CONGRATULATIONS ON 1000 ANDREI - and the gold mylar balloons, a one, three zeros, and a capital K, floating underneath.
“I…what?” He’s speechless.
“Daddy, you played so much hockey!” Evie yelps, tugging at his jacket sleeve. “Mama said we get to celebrate you!”
“I maded a picture!” Alina shoves the construction paper in his face and Andrei laughs.
“This is…I’m overwhelmed, solnyshka,” he says, giant grin on his face. He’s hefted both girls into his arms and they wrap their little arms around his neck in hugs.
You dance over to him and lean up to kiss him softly. “Are you surprised?” You beam and he nods.
He kisses his mother and your mother hello and somehow ends up with Kira in his arms too. That reminds you, before she ends up conking out for a nap, you want to get a picture. You hand your phone to Elena and pose with Andrei and the girls under the banner. You give each girl a zero balloon and Andrei takes the one, leaving you with the K. “Say one thousand!”
The girls chorus as best they can, smiling for the camera.
Looking at the pictures, you can see just how much each girl looks like Andrei. The four of them have matching brown eyes, all used to varying success when trying to manipulate you into doing something. Evie looks the most like Andrei, but Alina has his nose and the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Kira has his smile - dimple and all - which means you love that she’s such a happy kid. It used to drive you crazy, how little they looked like you, but now you just love having your mini-Andrei clones.
Kira’s nodding off in Andrei’s arms and you send him off for his pre-game nap. The two older girls follow along like ducklings and you know they’ll all climb into bed with him and snuggle until you wake them up. He kisses you on his way upstairs, murmuring, “I can’t believe you did all this.”
“We love you,” you reply simply.
After an hour or so, once you’re done making an early dinner for Andrei, you head upstairs to wake him up so he can get ready. As you thought, the girls are all nestled in bed with him, looking sweet and peaceful while they sleep. You snap a quick picture and thread your fingers through Andrei’s hair to wake him up.
“Hey Sleeping Beauty,” you whisper. “Time for you to get ready for the main event.”
He chuckles and rolls onto his side to look at you. “You’re amazing,” he whispers back. “My parents, the decorations, the matching shirts. It’s a lot.”
“More where that came from,” you wiggle your eyebrows and step over to your dresser, pulling out a small wrapped box. “A little gift,” you say, placing it on the mattress next to his hand.
Being careful not to wake the girls, Andrei shifts so he’s sitting up and carefully unwraps the gift. A pair of silver cuff links glint up at him, engraved with the Canes logo and a little 1K on one and the date on the other. Andrei smiles slowly as he takes them in and swallows back emotion. “Thank you, solnyshka,” he murmurs, cupping your face in one hand. “I love them.” He brings your face to his and kisses you deeply.
“Wear them tonight for luck,” you murmur against his lips, your forehead resting against his.
PNC is louder than you’ve ever heard it when you get there later. There’s a buzz in their air and you decide to take a lap of the concourse while Elena and Igor go to the seats. There’s more Svechnikov jerseys being worn than you’ve ever seen and everyone seems to be talking about Andrei’s milestone. You’re sure you look crazy, wandering around with a smile on your face, but you’re so proud of him and everything he’s accomplished. A few fans recognize you from social media and stop to say hi and ask you to congratulate Andrei for them.
That’s one of the things you’ve loved over the years being with Andrei and living in Raleigh - the fans are incredible and most of them are so polite and friendly. It feels like you’re celebrating Andrei with thousands of your friends.
Just before warmups start, you shoot Andrei your usual pre-game text and include a selfie, blowing him a kiss.
He sends back a selfie where he’s doing a thumbs-up in full gear, Pyotr and Sebastian photobombing in the background. The picture makes you laugh and you join Elena and Igor at your seats.
The three of you are decked out in Canes gear - matching Svechnikov jerseys included. Elena’s is bedazzled and she keeps catching the light from the overheads. “One thousand games,” she says, already looking a little teary. “From when he was a little boy and the stick was nearly bigger than he was, to all this.” She waves her hand in a vague gesture encompassing the inside of the arena.
Igor rubs her shoulder, smiling. “It’s been a ride, hasn’t it?”
You’re getting emotional now too and wipe carefully at your eyes when the guys start onto the ice for warmups. You spot Andrei immediately, even though, as a tribute, all the guys are wearing Svechnikov 37 jerseys. You laugh, not realizing that the team was going to do that. You’re sure Andrei is embarrassed as hell, but you take plenty of pictures, warmth settling in your stomach. Andrei tosses pucks over the glass to some of the kids gathered and waves to the crowd. His smile is evident even from a distance.
Andrei is in the starting line and the crowd erupts when he’s announced. You and Elena simultaneously reach for each other’s hands, screaming and cheering his name. The puck drops and Andrei’s officially off, playing in his one thousandth NHL game.
The game itself is nothing out of the ordinary - a Canes win, with Andrei picking up points for a goal and an assist. He’s named the first star of the game and you’re pretty sure you scream yourself hoarse cheering for him.
By the time all the fun is done, Elena and Igor head back to their hotel and you head home to relieve your parents and wait for Andrei. The girls are long passed out, Evie and Alina snuggled together in the guest bed. You’re curious as to how that happened, but if they stay asleep, you don’t really care.
“They were so cute,” your mom says, showing you a video of the two oldest girls cheering in front of the TV. “Evie kept saying how her dad’s the best hockey player of all time.”
You snort a laugh, “I think Wayne Gretzky might have something to say about that, but yeah. we’re pretty fond of number thirty seven in this house.”
“Neither one made it past the half-way point of the first,” your dad adds. “I think it may have been the sugar crash.”
“Yeah, I noticed that there’s very little cake left,” you reply, shooting both your parents a side-eye. “Thanks for that.”
They shrug, non-repentant grandparents spoiling the grandkids, and you thank them for babysitting, kissing them good-bye. Andrei should be home in a little bit, so you tidy up and change into something else - the red and black lingerie set purchased specifically for this occasion - and settle on the couch to scroll social media until he comes home.
You hear the car pull into the driveway and bounce up, kneeling on the couch and looking over the back of it towards the door. A few minutes later, Andrei comes inside quietly, not wanting to wake the girls. You hop off the couch and rush to him, jumping into his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist. He catches you easily and huffs in surprise.
“I am so proud of you,” you whisper in between short kisses. Your hands cradle his face and your thumbs stroke his cheekbones. “Did you hear how crazy the arena was? That’s all for you.”
“It was exciting,” he admits, grinning. “But, uh, I like this better.” His hand palms your ass, fingers catching on the lace.
“Good,” you murmur, kissing his jaw. “I was hoping you would.”
“Can I take it off of you now?” He asks, very politely, even though his eyes are more pupil than iris and his fingers are slipping under the hem of the lace.
You nod, giggling when he practically runs up the stairs to your room. He sets you on the bed gently and leans one knee on the edge of the mattress, grabbing hold of your ankles and pulling you towards him. His hands are warm and rough over your skin and it would be embarrassing how wet you are for him if you hadn’t been married to him for so many years and he wasn’t so handsome.
“This was the best day, solnyshka,” he murmurs, lifting one leg so he can kiss the inside of your ankle. You shiver at the caress of his hot breath on your skin.
“I’m glad,” you sigh, cutting off into a little whine when Andrei lets go of your leg to take off his suit jacket and toss it to the floor. The cuff links glint in the dim lighting and it’s practically Pavlovian how you react to the clinking of Andrei undoing his belt buckle.
He looms over you, belt undone and fly of his pants open. You reach up and grab at his tie, yanking his face down to yours so you can kiss him, your other hand tangling in his hair. Andrei traces his tongue over your lower lip, smoothing his hand over your hip and trailing his fingers to the front of your panties, pressing against damp fabric hard enough to have your hips bucking involuntarily.
You gasp, breaking the kiss. “I’m hoping the girls stay asleep,” you laugh, breathless, “but I don’t know if we’ll be able to make tonight a long one.”
“That’s fine,” Andrei laughs, carefully undoing the cuff links and his watch and setting them on his night table. He rolls up the sleeves of his button down and you stare at the prominent veins on his forearms. “I’ve been waiting to get my dick into you all day, ever since this morning. I can’t wait much longer.”
Your legs fall open and Andrei grins. “I don’t think I can wait too much longer either,” you confess, arching your back when Andrei pulls you closer and hooks your ankles at his shoulders. He’s kneeling a bit and his mouth is on you immediately, tongue flattening over you through lace. “Ohhh fuck, Drei!” you yelp, instinctively clenching your thighs together.
He chuckles and keeps your legs spread, holding your ass with one hand and pushing aside the lace with the other. “Solnyshka, you promised me dessert,” he brushes his nose against the juncture of your thighs. “I’m starving.”
“I…oh, god, right there,” your hands fist the sheets, heels scrabbling against Andrei’s shoulders while he gets to work. He licks and sucks, heat and desire pooling low in your stomach. His nose bumps against your clit and you have to clap a hand over your mouth to muffle your scream.
“Too bad we’re not alone,” he murmurs, scrapping. his teeth and stubble over your heated flesh. “I want to hear you scream my name.”
“Next time -“ you break off into a muffle moan when he clamps his lips around your clit and sucks, once, hard, your vision briefly going white when you come. “Fuck,” you mumble, boneless.
Andrei’s head pops up from in between your legs, the lower half of his face wet and shining. He’s got that mischievous twinkle in his eyes and he kisses the inside of your knee. “That’s one,” he says.
“One?” you murmur, registering that he’s releasing your legs and discarding his tie and button down.
“Mhm,” he hums, grasping himself through the fabric of his boxer-briefs and stroking a few times. “If the rest of the day was about celebrating me, tonight is about celebrating you. I couldn’t have made it a thousand games without you by my side for over six hundred of them.”
His face is soft, boyish, when he says it, love for you written all over his features.
You giggle a little, “has it really been that many games?”
Andrei lies down on the mattress next to you and your hand comes up to trace the angles of his collarbone. He shivers a little under your light touch. “Doesn’t feel like it, right?” He asks, pulling you closer and kissing you sweetly.
“Time really flew,” you sigh, swinging a leg over Andrei’s hip and pushing at the waistband of his suit pants and underwear. “One thousand games, ten years, and three kids,” you smile down at him, wrapping your hands around his cock and pulling it out so it curves up towards his stomach. “How did we get so lucky?”
“Because you’re the rock,” he says, tangling his fingers in the lace at your waist. He tugs, not gently, and it rips, baring you to him.
“Hey!” You laugh, faux-indignant, “I liked those.”
“I’ll buy you more,” he promises, lifting you by the hips and guiding you so you’re hovering over him. You brace your hands on his chest and nod and he settles you down. You sink onto him until he’s fully inside of you and it’s the best feeling. You roll your hips slightly and Andrei groans. “Right there, solnyshka.”
Neither one of you talks while you settle into a rhythm, just enjoying the feeling of each other’s bodies. Andrei brushes his fingers against your clit, beads of sweat gathering at your hairline while your thighs tremble from riding him. He rolls you onto your back and kisses your neck, thrusting into you. With the change in position, you wrap your legs around his waist, digging your heels into the hard muscle of his ass. The chain around his neck sways as he thrusts, bumping against your chin.
Your nails dig into his back, scratching his skin and Andrei grunts, sucking a mark behind your ear. “Moya koroleva,” he mumbles. “Love of my life, come for me. I want to see you fall apart.”
Starbursts blink in your vision and Andrei slips one hand between your bodies, his fingers slipping over the swollen bud of your clit. You cry out and Andrei muffles the sound with a kiss, pumping into you twice more before you’re pushed over the edge and coming around him. He keeps kissing you until he’s done filling you and then you’re both limp and splayed out on the bed. Andrei’s body is half on top of yours, his weight crushing in a good way. He kicks his legs lazily, discarding his suit pants and boxer-briefs to the floor. You huff a laugh into his neck, “I can’t believe you just fucked me with your pants on like we’re a pair of horny teenagers.”
“You said we might be interrupted,” he protests, kissing your shoulder. His teeth snag on the strap of your lingerie and he pouts. “I wanted to rip this off with my teeth.”
“Another night,” you push at his shoulder so he’ll roll off of you. You need to go pee before you get back in bed. After you clean yourself up and make your way back to bed, you find Andrei back in his boxer-briefs and under the covers. He smiles sleepily at you, that post-orgasm haze in his eyes, and opens his arms.
You climb in and tuck yourself against his side, playing with the chain around his neck. “Just think, we get to do this all over again on Saturday, you know, celebrate you,” you say around a yawn.
“Do you have another one of these little sets waiting?” Andrei teases, running a finger over the lace cup.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” You tangle your legs with his and before you know it, you’re both asleep.
The week speeds by in a blur of travel for Andrei and child-rearing for you, until all of a sudden it’s Saturday morning and the house is happy chaos. All four grandparents arrived bright and early, bringing coffee and breakfast, so you don’t have to cook and make a mess. There’s no morning skate since it’s a noon start time, but Andrei still has to get to the arena early and he leaves while the girls are still asleep, kissing you goodbye and wishing you luck.
“Thanks a lot,” you deadpan.
“I’ll see you soon,” he winks.
The grandparents are lifesavers and help get the girls dressed - all in matching Svechnikov jerseys, little black tutus, and red cowboy boots. Evie had picked the outfits and it’s honestly the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
“Mama, do I get to make a speech?” Evie asks while you fix her hair in two little space buns on the top of her head.
You smother a laugh and reply, “no, baby. No speeches. But we get to walk out on the ice and Daddy’s going to get some presents from the team and there will be a little video.”
“Oh,” she squints at her reflection in the mirror thoughtfully. “Am I in the video?”
“No again, little bug. It’s a video about Daddy’s time playing hockey and his teammates will talk about him. Is that okay with you?” You tie off the second space bun.
Evie nods, “yeah, since Daddy plays so much hockey I think it’s okay that the video is only about him.”
“That’s very generous of you,” you pat her on the shoulder. “Now please go sit with Pop and Dedushka until it’s time to leave.”
She scampers off, tutu swishing, and you check in with the moms - yours has Kira and Andrei’s has Alina. Everything is handled there, so you take the time to get yourself ready, curling your hair and doing your makeup before getting dressed. You’re all ready to go by 10:30, which feels like a miracle. The drive to the arena is smooth and the girls are beyond excited when they get to go through the back entrance and wait outside the locker room.
Andrei, dressed in full gear, steps out and they rush him, shouting “Daddy!” He gathers them into his arms and kisses their cheeks. “You two look like supermodels,” he grins. “Did you bring me a tutu too?”
“No, Daddy!” Alina giggles. “That’s silly!”
“You’re right,” he agrees. “Are you ready to get on the ice?”
Evie nods and wriggles out of his arms to bounce in her boots. “Can we say hi to everyone?” She tries to look around Andrei into the locker room, but you snag her hand to hold her back.
“They have to get ready for the game and we have to get into our spots, okay?” You explain. “Plus we have to go get babushka and dedushka, they’re coming onto the ice with us.”
“Oh!” Evie’s eyes go wide. “Can they skate too?”
Andrei laughs a little. “There’s going to be a carpet, no one is skating, zaychik.”
“That stinks,” Evie mutters. “I’m really good at skating, I could’ve showed everybody.”
She pouts the entire way back up to the suite, until a pretzel is handed to her by your dad and she’s all smiles again. You leave your purse and everyone’s jackets with your parents and settle in to watch a little bit of warmups before you’re ushered back down to wait in the zamboni tunnel while warmups end and the carpet gets laid out.
You hold Kira on your hip and Andrei’s parents gently usher the older girls out to meet Andrei on the ice. He grins and kisses you on the cheek and then kisses Elena’s cheek. She’s already crying and the tribute hasn’t even started.
“Hi,” he whispers to you, looking like the fresh-faced 22-year-old man you fell in love with.
“Hi,” you whisper back. “Ready?”
The lights in the arena dim and you all look up at the Jumbotron as the tribute video starts to play. The girls bounce around, pointing and gasping when video of Andrei doing The Michigan plays. Rod’s on screen, talking about Andrei’s career. Pyotr speaks, grinning when he recounts the early years that Andrei served as his translator.
Elena and Igor get video spots, talking about Andrei’s love of the game even as a child. When Geno’s on screen, Andrei smiles widely and shakes his head, brushing his cheek against the shoulder of his jersey. His eyes look misty in the dim lighting.
Jordan, retired for a few years now, speaks last, “from one Canes Captain to another, we’re so proud of you, Svechy. Here’s to another thousand games.”
You sniffle a little, eyes welling up with emotion. The girls are clinging to Andrei’s hands, dancing in place and Kira is taking in all of the sights. Once the lights go back on, Brady, Sebastian, and Jarvy skate over with bouquets of flowers for you, Elena, and the girls.
“Congratulations,” Brady grins at you, handing over your flowers and Kira’s. “Svechy’s lucky to have you.”
“You’re going to make me cry,” you say with a smile, “again!”
Andrei’s gifted a silver stick - which the girls immediately start to inspect. Brady and Jarvy pull the red curtains off of a framed, team-signed jersey with 1000 instead of 37 on the back and a painting of Andrei’s Stanley Cup winning goal from two years ago.
“Daddy,” Evie tugs on his jersey, whispering, “that’s not the right number on your jersey!”
“That’s because it’s a special jersey for all the games I’ve played,” Andrei explains while ushering them into position as the entire team skates over for a group picture. Evie and Alina ham it up for the picture, but there’s nothing you can do about that except smile.
Andrei kisses you before you leave the ice, “I love you, solnyshka.”
“I love you too, Mister Svechnikov,” you grin against his mouth. “Now go win a game.”
He winks at you before skating back to the bench.
“Now what?” Evie asks as you walk down the tunnel. She’s holding Elena’s hand and swinging it back and forth.
“Now,” you grin at her, giving a little shimmy of excitement that gets Kira giggling, “we party in the suite!”
The girls cheer and rush ahead, staying within eyesight. Igor trails after them and Elena falls into step next to you. Kira leans from your arms and reaches for Elena, so you transfer her over. She snuggles into Elena’s neck.
“This one,” Elena smiles, patting Kira’s back softly, “is just like Andreyusha at the same age. All cuddles and those big eyes, watching everything, planning.”
“They’re all little Drei clones,” you laugh. “We’re lucky to have him. Thank you for raising him into such a wonderful man.”
Elena squeezes your forearm. “Igor and I took Andrei so far, but you and he, you are a wonderful team, wonderful parents. We are so proud to have you as our daughter.”
You wipe at your eyes and laugh wetly, “too bad PNC doesn’t run on tears. We could’ve had this place powered up for a year.”
The girls absolutely thrive in the suite, dancing to the music and eating as many snacks as they can get their little hands on. At one point, you’re on the Jumbotron for the Kiss Cam and the girls scream with delight when they each plant a kiss on your cheeks. It’s one of the more fun games you can remember, mostly because the girls are engaged and excited, and Andrei is clearly having the time of his life on the ice.
When he scores, he points up at your suite and you blow him a kiss that he probably can’t even see, remembering the first time he scored after you had started dating, when you were sitting right behind the Canes bench and he had pointed right at you, grinning with the dimple.
If you could tell that girl that one day she’d be here, ten years later, living her dream life and watching that same twenty-two year old with his little hair wings and dimple celebrate his one thousandth game, you don’t think she’d believe you.
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