#either way it’s not looking good for becky rn guys
4stars-uswnt · 4 years
I’ll Be Home for Christmas [Lindsey Horan x Reader]
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requested by anon: Bro you’re amazing!!! I was wonder if you could do one with Lindsey where Reader is like a badass military person who has been away for a long time and like surprises her at team dinner or something. And Tobin is totally in on it and helps reader out. Bonus if reader is totally soft for Lindsey.
A/N: thank you anon! you’re amazing for this request! i rly hope you enjoy it even tho it’s a lil on the short side :)
also check out some of the USWNT holiday vids:
Secret Santa, White Elephant, Caroling, Caroling pt 2
“Linds?” Emily snaps her fingers in front of her best friend’s face. “You there?”
“Yeah, sorry.” Lindsey shakes her head, pulling herself out of her daze.
“Well,” Sonnett drawls, “as I was saying, I have your sweater here.” The defender holds up an ugly Christmas sweater with snowmen and reindeer adorning it.
“My sweater?”
“Remember? We’re all matching!” Emily exclaims. The youngsters and Kelley had all planned on wearing matching sweaters to the USWNT’s holiday party that this was evening.
“Oh, yeah,” Lindsey sighs with realization, her thoughts still miles away. Noticing her friend’s distant eyes, Emily’s face softens.
“Lindsey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she huffs. “I just miss (Y/N) so much, and I wish she was here to celebrate Christmas with me.”
The blonde defender feels her heartbreak for her friend. “Linds, I know she misses you just as much as you miss her, probably even more.”
The two women both let out a soft laugh at that, as you were completely smitten with your girlfriend.
“And I know,” Emily continues, “that she wishes she could be here with you too.” She reaches out to squeeze Lindsey’s hand.
The midfielder nods and gives the other woman a small smile. “Thanks, Em.”
“Anytime,” Sonnett says with sincerity lacing her voice. “Now, put on your sweater. We have a party to go to!”
Lindsey just laughs at her friend’s antics, as the defender jumps up from the bed and heads out the door. After pulling on the ugly Christmas sweater, Lindsey glances down at her phone, staring longingly at the photo of you and her on her lock screen, before heading down to the conference room.
As you slide into the backseat of an Uber, you feel your phone vibrate, as a text from Tobin appears on your screen.
Hey u on ur way?
Yup, leaving the airport rn
👍🏼 we’re about to start white elephant
We’ll be in a conference room so j text me when ur here and I’ll meet you in the lobby.
Will do. Thanks Tobes
Shutting off your phone, you turn your attention to outside your window, taking in the streets of Denver you’d missed so much.
For the past year, you’d been deployed overseas in Afghanistan, meaning, except for the Skype calls and the occasional letters, you haven’t seen your girlfriend, Lindsey, in almost thirteen months. But now, after few complications on your last tour, you had been honorably discharged and were now on your way to surprise Lindsey at her national team camp.
The last time you spoke with your girlfriend, you had told her that you wouldn’t be able to spend Christmas with her, but you after hearing the news you’d be able to go home, you schemed with Tobin to surprise the blonde midfielder.
So here you are, sitting in an Uber, stilled dressed in your green camouflage uniform and combat boots, on your way to the DoubleTree hotel in downtown Denver to crash the USWNT’s white elephant party.
Meanwhile, at the hotel, Tobin joins her teammates in the conference room, where there’s decorations all around and presents on the front table.
Seeing that everyone has arrived, Megan gets up from her set and moves to the front of the room, where she starts to give some instructions. “Alright, everybody, we’re gonna get started. Did everyone pick up a number on their way in?”
The girls nod, waving their slips of paper in the air, a chorus of yeses wave amongst the crowd.
“Okay, the rules are simple. When it’s your turn, you can either go up and pick a gift from the table,” She gestures to the table crowded with bags and wrapped boxes. “Or you can steal someone else’s gift who picked before you.”
“And you can only steal before you pick a gift,” Becky adds, earning a couple snickers from the veterans, as they remember HAO’s mishap all those years ago.
“Yes.” Pinoe nods. “And if your gift is stolen, you then have the option to steal or pick another one. Everyone got it?”
With no objections, she claps her hands. “Alright, let’s get started. Who’s got number one?”
Tierna raises her hand and gets up from her seat. “Me.” The young defender approaches the table and scans the selection of gifts, before ultimately picking a small rectangular box wrapped in polka dotted paper.
“What is it?” Kelley calls out, eagerly bouncing in her seat.
“Trader Joe’s chocolate,” Tierna reveals, waving the gift for all to see.
This routine continues down the line of women, the first steal not coming until number 10, when Ash decides to steal Mal’s scarf.
As Sonnett, who had number 13, one before Lindsey’s, picks out a gift, Tobin feels her phone vibrate.
Here in the lobby.
👍🏼 cool. I’ll come get you in a sec. it’s Lindsey’s turn next.
“Who’s next?” Emily shouts, as she returns to her seat with the phone case she’d unwrapped.
“Me.” Lindsey gets up and makes her way towards the table. But before she can pick a present, Tobin stops her.
“Wait, I forgot to put my gift up there.”
Many of the women who had already chosen voiced their displeasure and annoyance.
“What? Come on, Tobin, seriously?” Kelley exclaims.
“We already started! You can’t just add your gift into the mix now.” Emily whines.
“Chill, you guys.” Tobin just smirks. “Besides, I’m pretty sure Lindsey would’ve stolen this gift if any of you had chosen it.”
Sonnett just mutters something under her breath, still not satisfied that she’d missed out on another gift option.
“I’ll be right back. Don’t pick yet,” Tobin tells the younger midfielder, pointing at her.
Quickly, Tobin jogs out to the lobby, where you’re standing awkwardly with your duffle bag on the floor next to you.  
“(Y/N)!” She calls out to you from across the room. Hearing your name, you eyes perk up, and you smile upon seeing your friend. As Lindsey’s girlfriend of almost three years, you’d spent quite a lot of time in Portland, meaning you’d gotten quite close to the older woman.
“Hey, Tobes.” You pull her in for a hug.
“Missed you, (Y/N/N).”
“I missed you too, T,” you say, nerves evident in your voice.
Sensing your nerves, Tobin chuckles. “You ready to see your girlfriend?”
You just nod, unable to find the words to describe the emotions you’re feeling.
“Well, come on then.”
As the two of you make your way down the hallway, you can hear the loud voices and laughter of the team, and you feel the anticipation bubbling up inside you. But when you approach the door to the conference room, you push down whatever nerves you have, as you catch a glimpse of your girlfriend and hear the sound of her voice for the first time in a little over a year.
“I’m back,” Tobin announces. “And with my gift this time. I hope—”
Before the midfielder can finish, Lindsey spots you over Tobin’s shoulder and lets out a scream.
“Oh my gosh!”
A wide smile breaks out across your face, as you drop your bag to the ground and open your arms. Lindsey immediately runs across the room and crashes into you, bringing you in for a bone-crushing hug.
As she buries her face in your neck, you can feel tears wetting your skin. Cradling Lindsey’s head, you whisper sweet nothings into her ear, tears pooling in your own eyes.
“I’ve missed you, Linds. I love you so so much. Shh, baby, I’m here now.”
Lifting her head to look at you, Lindsey breathes in adoration and shock, her eyes teary. “How?”
“I’ve been honorably discharged,” you explain, as you brush the blonde hair out of her face, taking the time to admire your girlfriend. “So I’m home for good. So long as you’ll have me?”
Lindsey just shakes her head in disbelief and lets out a wet chuckle before connecting your lips. You melt into the kiss, ignoring the cheers and whistles from the women around you, as you revel in the feeling of Lindsey’s body against yours.
Pulling back, you grin. “Gosh, I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” She pecks your lips again. “So much.”
“C’mon.” You take her hand, intertwining your fingers. “Let’s go sit and celebrate.”
As she leads you back to her seat, the rest of the team, who you’ve also gotten to know quite well, stop you for smiles and hugs of their own.
“Welcome home, (Y/N).” Ashlyn slaps your back, squeezing your shoulder.
“Thanks, Ash.”
“(Y/N)!!” Emily shouts, hopping onto your back.
You laugh at the defender’s childish behavior. “Come on, Sonny, get off.”
“Fine,” she pouts, jumping down, before hugging you. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too, Em,” you whisper.
Once you sit down, Lindsey plops herself down in your lap. Instead of protesting, you just chuckle and wrap your arms around her waist, placing a kiss to her neck.
“I love you, Linds.”
“I love you, too, (Y/N),” she hums, relaxing into your embrace. “My very own Christmas miracle.
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#36)
5x13, the series finale i have heard nothing but good things about - I made it y’all! *wipes tear* this is a show i will definitely rewatch! It definitely feels like the kind of show that’s so layered that every time you go back you’ll pick up something new. I love shows like that.
i haven’t been on tumblr on my computer in a long time but im gonna go through and add “read more”s to all of these recaps! 
(thanks to anyone who read these nonsense recaps! if you enjoyed these...in addition to my currently-on-hiatus riverdale podcast @bodysuitsforbughead, I have another teen drama-centered podcast in the works, follow @LeftyTeenDrama on Twitter and @leftistteendrama on Instagram to get updates when it launches! I’m taking a break on working on it till i move but it’s gonna be a big part of my 2021 projects. I’ve already recorded one episode with two of my favorite people in the world and it’s gonna be amazing. It will be about a variety of teen dramas, but FNL will definitely be included.)
and without further ado, my final FNL ramblings under the cut:
And we open with one last montage of shots around Dillon from a car, with a “Christmas in Texas” song playing. Amazing. 
Oh wow, I love the “FIVE DAYS TILL THE CHAMPIONSHIP” vibe. The build-up is already here. A shot of Julie in the stands watching practice! 
It’s super uncomfortable that people are talking to Vince about his “future teammates” on the Panthers before the post-season is even over.  “I don’t really wanan talk about that. I want to talk about how the East Dillon Lions are gonna win State.” “Is that a promise?” These Texas sports journalists are WILD. this is a teenage boy whose school’s funding just got cut right before the biggest game of his life! Can we have some sympathy?!
“I hear they’re taking the cream of the crop for the Superteam so I’m gonna be honest with you, what are you gonna do?” EXCUSE ME SIR? I repeat, TEENAGE BOY. Tinker’s response of “you’re an asshole” and storming away was more than appropriate!!!
“No comment”ing his way out of there like a champ.
Ah, the age-old tradition of decorating a Christmas tree while arguing about a five-year football coach contract in Dillon or a dean of admissions job offer at a prestigious Philadelphia college. Julie’s just sitting there with Gracie like ooooh boy 
“Here is where we put our tree, not Philadelphia! It’s a Texas tree.” OMG STOP IT. Lol Julie putting her hands over her ears.
Wow I did not expect this proposal to come that quickly into the episode! Like i knew it was coming in this episode but aw. They’re so soft! Just like, oh i’ve been thinking about you nonstop since our perfect Chicago tryst and oh look here’s grandma’s ring let me casually get down on one knee in the town where we fell in love. And after she was just talking about how much she misses Matt to Tyra the episode before? That “yes” she gave feels so certain because of it. Aw.
The grandma’s ring really fucks me up because you know how close Julie and Grandma Saracen have gotten over the years. My heart!
“Oh my God, your dad must’ve flipped.” “...What do you mean?” OH NO Eric Taylor is totally the type to care. “...When you asked him to marry me.” Oh I knew this proposal was too early in the episode, im dying!
“You need to go man to man.” Ugh Julie i liked Matt’s plan of just going and telling them much better. His look of fear when he repeats “man to man.” dead. 
Wow no theme song??? That’s how you know it’s gonna be a long series finale!
Andddd here we are, a bickering Riggins “I may or may not be going to Alaska.” “Is it because you raw dogged Tyra last night?” i literally gasped.
LMAO Mindy trying to say Tim and Tyra are incest now that Mindy and Billy are married and then Tim and Billy immediately being like “nope, no blood lines, that’s not how incest works.” Someone should send that memo to all those anti bughead stans about bughead and falice
“What do you think about me taking Stevie for the day?” “I’m fine with that. There’s no going back, I’m going to get the bag.” LOL Mindy spoken like a true parent also YES to Tim and Stevie spending time together.
Poor Jess not realizing that asking Eric if she can follow him to the Panthers is a much bigger question than she thinks se’s asking.
AWW Tim and Stevie at Grandma Collette’s. How cute. 
“Seven’s back in town?” “Yeah, he and Julie got engaged!” 
Tim/Tyra and Matt/Julie double date?? Aw I love that Tyra knows that Matt and Julie got engaged. I really love Tyra and Julie’s friendship. 
I’m laughing really hard at Matt’s speech to Eric trying to ask permission. This is so funny. 
Eric’s like, “is this kid serious rn?” 
Not to be that northern bitch but don’t kids get married at 18/19 all the fucking time in Texas?? I feel like it’s more common in even more rural parts of like...any state.
“The answer to your question is gonna be no today, it’s gonna be no tomorrow, and it’s gonna be no until the sun burns out.” LMAO wow i didn’t see this coming
“This was really just a courtesy, we were hoping for your blessing.” YES MATT.
OH BOY Eric did not just try to speak FOR his daughter, im not about it. “My daughter’s answer to you is ‘no.’” That’s some patriarchal shit right there.
“We’ll never know if we’re East Coast people if we don’t try it!” “We have a MUCH BIGGER problem.” Dude, it’s Matt Saracen, the softest boy who has loved your daughter for years, i actually think the fundamental decision of where you and Tami continue your future might be slightly more pressing. 
“I don’t know why you’re yelling at me! I think we agree on this!” IM SCREAMINGGGG 
Aw, Tami getting teary-eyed at Grandma Saracen’s ring. “It’s just, y’all are so young.” I know but this is a TV show universe so we let teen marriage slide for the right couples, ok. 
Tami and Eric wanna take Matt and Julie to A CONVERSATION DINNER??? This is gonna be so funny. 
Aw, Vince got his dad a ticket to state? “I want you to be there.” if this fucker doesn’t just come and shut his mouth
Oh wow Becky’s mom is finally coming back? And yay Becky’s finally over her Tim crush. “So friends?” “I say family.” AWWW MY HEART.
“You guys were our age when you got married.” ARE YOU SERIOUS? “It was a different time.” Y’all have no leg to stand on here.
“Marriage requires maturity.” Says the man who won’t let his wife take a huge job offer. What, who said that? (Okay the way Tami’s watching Eric give this speech about compromise, thinking she’s thinking the same thing.)
“You guys got married when you were my age, and how many times did you move? How many different things you’ve gone through and look how you’ve made it work. You guys are my inspiration.” AW. I wish my parents had a stable enough marriage to be able to say that LOL but nope.
OH NO poor Tami getting up from the table because she’s emotional! Because she’s clearly always thought of her marriage that way too but maybe not lately AH
Eric, babe, that’s your cue to follow. 
Oh shit, Jess’s family is moving to Dallas? Well, damn.
Eric saw Vince not take a ticket for his dad and came to his watering hole to hand deliver it? “Young man gets a chance like that maybe once in a lifetime.” and mic drop, walk away.
Luke casuaklly meeting Becky’s mom for the first time while coming by to try to win Becky back. “I love you. I’m so sorry.” AWWW. growth!
YES cheers to Matt and Julie! “Here’s to Mr. and Mrs. Saracen.”
“Always thought you’d be the first person to say that.” AW
Yes halfway through college, go Tyra!
Awwww, Matt being like “let’s dance” and pulling Julie up. So cute. Yes, Tim asking Tyra to dance. 
“I got plans.” “I don’t.” OMG is Tim saying he’ll just follow Tyra? Damn.
Why tf is Buddy calling Eric first thing in the morning to tell him about Buddy Jr.’s cast and “staying here el permanente” and GETTING HIM TO SIGN A CONTRACT BEFORE THE GAME? Y’all are shady as fuck!
I love that seeing the Braemore papers made him stop, tell Buddy off, and not make a decision in that moment. What’s gonna happen???
“I won’t be a part of your Superteam after all.” Hopefully Eric won’t be either! Aw Jess thanking him “for the greatest experience of his life.” “I think it’s been mine too.” AW.
Eric’s gonna give a coach in Dallas a good word for Jess? So beautiful. Yesss!
AW Julie and Matt decorating the Saracen Christmas tree, and Grandma trying to get Julie to wear her old wedding dress!
Emotional at this hug between Julie and Mrs. Saracen. “I love you.” “I love you too.”
Awww Vince finally being glad that Jess is part of the team...at the moment when it’s about to end.
Yess Tyra and Tim picnicking on the land? 
And YES to Tyra going into politics, I could see it! “Along the lines of Mrs. T. Except bigger.” YES GURL.
“I’ve been in love with you since I was five years old.” AWWW that is so precious. 
“I’m gonna build a house exactly where we’re sitting. I’m gonna get a job. And I’m never gonna do anything illegal for the rest of my life.” Oh, Tim. my heart!!!
“Maybe one day, our dreams can merge together.” THAT’S SO BEAUTIFUL. What more does one really want? Oh, these beautiful life-filled shots of them drinking beer on the land where Tim wants to build a house. Art!
Oh shit, Eric’s racing to get to Santa in time to be there with Tami and Gracie?! “You scared me half to death. What’s going on?” 
“I turned the contract down. It’s your turn. I want to go to Philadelphia. Will you take me to Philadelphia with you, please?” YESSSSSSSSSSSSS what they deserve! What Tami deserves!!!! My heart!!!!
Ugh, the imagery as they get to State is amazing. The boys taking in the field, the players suited up praying and getting in the zone beforehand. The screaming in the stands waiting for them.
“You may never know how proud I am of you.” “You changed my life, coach.” AW.
Eric’s pre-game prayer overlaying the image of the Lions bursting out onto the field! Yes yes yes!
The way they slowed everything down with just music, and focused in on the faces of so many characters - Vince’s dad showing up, Eric and Tami saluting one another from stand to sideline, Becky cheering in the stands excitedly for Luke, Matt and Julie holding each other, Buddy on the sidelines screaming, Vince’s mom jumping up and down - just absolute perfection. 
And we’re back in, with actual in-scene sound at 26-21 with 3 seconds left on the clock??? Jesus!
AH and every single character watching the football fly in the air, WOW the DRAMA.
Holy shit, they fast-forwarded to one of Eric’s players in Philly catching a football eight months later in Philly??? THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD. WOW.
Tami looks like such a badass strutting around campus!
YES Tinker is on the Panthers! Take that, bullying reporter! 
Aw, the East Dillon Lions sign coming down. :( feels.
Nooo Luke don’t go to the military! Noooo I hate that. Poor Becky. They’re the exact type of couple who gets caught up in that really sad cycle - too poor to really have many other options, so the whole “free college when i get out!” thing starts to look really attractive. smh.
But i love how they used the championship ring he gave Becky as a way to signal that the East Dillon Lions did, indeed, win the state championship eight months earlier...and that Jess is wearing the ring on the sidelines of a new field where she’s working with the coaches! amazing!
Yay Matt and Julie live in Matt’s beautiful Chicago apartment? Perfection. They really look so good in that city together. 
New beginnings in a new city together for both Tami and Eric AND Matt and Julie? I’m living! It’s what they deserve!
Tim and Billy building Tim’s house and drinking beers! “Texas forever.” “Texas forever.” MY HEART.
“Clear eyes, full hearts.” SILENCE. “Ah, we’ll deal with that later.” LOL
Yesss Tami coming out to meet Eric on the field!!!
“Ready to go home?” “Yeah, let’s go.”
And the lights go off on the field. End show. AMAZING. Truly, an epic series finale! An epic show! I will definitely rewatch and i am so glad i finally did! Thanks to anyone who gave a shit about my ramblings.
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theaerofanfics · 6 years
Fanged: 2-- Setting Our Board
A/N: Hey everyone! Chapter 2 is up on Ao3 ( Here is the link ) ! Feel free to reblog, comment, and even tell me your thoughts in the ask box! I should be making another story as well (because yeah all my fave ships are killing me rn and ideas out the window hah) so keep a look out for that! Also check out any of my other fanfics here as some you may or may not see them revived ;)
Anywho! Here’s the lovely chapter! Enjoy!!
Becky stopped right in front of Roman’s house and let out a breath, smile on her face.
It was like she was returning home after being on a long trip. She knew Roman was probably excited to know she was coming, but she knew someone who was even more excited.
Becky and Seth were two peas in a pod since they were assigned the same pack with Roman and Dean when they were 14. Roman was in line to get the pack, which is currently the case, but before it was to train the four of them to run together like a pack, a family. So here they were, one family.
Becky could hear some laughter and she heard a big rumble of laughter and she rolled her eyes, knowing who it was as she walked through the door. “I swear Braun, I probably could’ve heard you five miles away from the house.”
Everyone turned and she could see the excitement lighting up on Seth’s face as Braun spoke. “Well at least we know it is of laughter and now a howl or scream.”
“Of course—Oof!” Becky chuckled lightly as she wrapped her arms around Seth. “Hey Seth. I see you’re still as Sethitive as always.”
Seth pulled away and rolled his eyes. “Of course. I have to miss my fellow wolf sister.” He grinned happily. Becky chuckled and gave Dean their typical “secret handshake” they had come up with before she was face to face with Roman. He had a straight face and so did she. They just stared while everyone was just watching in silence, Dean moreso smirking.
Becky then smirked a little and spoke. “I’m glad you still have the angry look. We can’t be running a sensitive daycare. Only Seth can be sensitive.”
“Hey!” Seth said and nudged her, for which he got one in return as Roman had laughed at the two. Becky looked over at Roman again and they gave each other a brief hug.
“It’s good to see you again, Becky.” Roman said as he pulled away and smiled. “How was your nomadic trip?”
“It was good! Met people, did some things. You know, typical me!” Becky grinned. “Though I heard Wolf King is coming to town so I wanted to be here when he does.”
Roman nodded as they all went into the living room area, which had two couches that were parallel to one another and one lounge chair, and they all sat down. “Yes. He is thinking of adding a new Sheriff to this area with the Vampires exposing themselves.” Roman sat in the lounge chair, as usual, and the others sat on the couches. Roman then continued to speak. “That’s also why I have us five here.”
“What about Ember?” Becky asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
“She’s off talking to a fellow pack nearby. She should be here pretty soon, but she knows the deal.” Roman ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I won’t lie to you all on this but this is going to get bad.”
“No shit.” Dean blurted out and sighed. “Everyone is going to follow suit and it’s going to be a clusterfuck.”
“That may be so, Dean, but if the Wolf King does decide to have us following suit to what the Vampires did, we have to do so. Though from what I heard, he does not want us too but he is adding the sheriff so that we don’t have any wolves being seen as vampires and being killed.”
Becky sighed heavily. “Either way, some are going to get killed. The sheriff may help and all but all of us mythical beings are being exposed to this shit because of the Vampires.”
“Did Charlotte tell you anything on this?” Seth asked, looking at the Irish woman.
Becky nodded. “She just said they’re being barcoded and she hates this idea. It’s not going to go well and backfire on them. Her dad doesn’t see reason—”
“—Which is also no surprise.” Dean added as Becky continued.
“—So, her father will be speaking to her on everything in regards to it all and when I see her before the sun rises, she will tell me of what their meeting is transpiring.” Becky shrugged. “Overall, they’re going to be preparing themselves for the barcodes and the idea that the Hunters will start appearing more now.”
“Right.” Roman nodded and then shut his eyes in thought. Becky and the others kept silent, trying to study his features before they heard his voice fill the room. “Well, keep in contact with each other. With this big, new event in the supernatural world, I don’t want any of us to fall victim to any hunters or anything like that. This is the Vampires choice currently. If Wolf King does decide to go through with exposing us as well, we shall follow. However, for now, we remain as we are: Hidden in plain sight.”
Charlotte crossed one leg over the other and sighed a bit, running a hand through her hair as she and her father were in yet another boring meeting about the new events. She had been texting back and forth with Sasha for the past hour, discussing the whole thing.
[Text: Sasha] Why don’t you guys have your vampire seals tattooed on you than a goddamn barcode? It’s not like they’re going to be scanning you to be bought.
Charlotte snickered, trying to be quiet with it but her father did briefly look over at her before he spoke.
[Text: Charlotte] True. There are at least 20 vampire seals, I believe. Wouldn’t hurt to even put that in motion than the barcodes.
[Text: Sasha] Exactly. Plus I’m sure Bex would find it attractive on you as she does with your other tattoos.
[Text: Charlotte] Oh shut it.
Charlotte felt a tap on her shoulder and she looked up to see her dad smiling at her. “Yeah, dad?”
“Do you have anything to add with this conversation?”
Charlotte looked at the other men and women at the table that were now staring at her and she shrugged. This was a good as a time as any, right? “I do.”
“Then please” One woman vampire stated softly. “Speak.”
Charlotte sat up more, clearing her throat, before speaking. “I think the barcodes are a terrible idea. I think what should be done is more of the vampiric seals. All, or at least the vast majority, are under a vampiric seal. They all have at least one thing in common so it wouldn’t be a huge difference, but it would at least keep us all together in some way rather than having a barcode on us like we’re food. It can still be with the color for black lights to be hit on, but I think the barcodes would be way too much and not everyone would actually do it.”
Everyone fell silent. It made Charlotte’s nerves wrack up heavily and she ran a hand through her hair as she was a bit nervous and she saw the elders speak to each other before staring at her. “We shall speak more on that with the Council. That does sound like a rather interesting and a better idea than the barcodes indeed.” One of the Elders spoke. “We shall adjourn this meeting for now and speak more on this tomorrow evening.”
With that, Charlotte up and left without speaking to her father and moved to call Becky. After a couple of rings, all she could hear was some laughter as Becky spoke. It made Charlotte’s lips curl into a smile.
“Bex, it’s me.” Charlotte said as she got to her car.
She could hear the laughter start to die down and she had a feeling the other was moving into a better room. “Hey, gorgeous. What’s shakin’?”
Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Just wanted to let you know the meeting is done. It was boring and I swear sometimes I don’t know why I hang with my dad with these. Though for once, I spoke up.”
“Oh? What’d you do?”
“Sasha reminded me of the vampiric seals that we have. It’d be better to use those on our skin rather than barcodes anyways.”
“Oh! Well look at you two being smart as hell.”
“Yeah, what are you up to? I heard laughter from guys, so I am assuming you’re with your pack.”
Charlotte could hear Becky chuckling. “Ah, yeah. I am with them. Roman wanted me to come over since their meeting was done and he wanted to tell me what was up in our side of things. I’ll tell ya all about it later.”
“Nothing bad?”
“Nope! Just some things to expect and all tha—” Becky paused and Charlotte could hear who could be Seth’s voice and then it disappeared. “— all that. Sorry, Seth was being nosey as always.”
“It’s okay. Go back to them. We can speak later, alright? I’ll be waiting at home.”
“With my shirt in one piece?”
“Well the only one that’d rip it off is on the phone with me, so yes. In one piece.”
“Char, don’t tease.”
“I’ll talk to you later.” Charlotte said before hanging up with a smirk on her face. She went to move outside and to her car when she was stopped by a voice.
“Well I see that the Flair is leaving so early, hm?”
Charlotte turned to look over at where the voice was and sighed, rolling her eyes. “What do you want, Alexa?”
The short, blonde woman walked closer and shrugged. “Oh nothing. Just find it amusing that you looked very bored since the beginning and the one moment they let you shine, you act like you’ve been listening the entire time.”
“I have been.” Charlotte spoke sharply. “Some people can multitask. I figured you’d know that given your reputation.” Now that she could see struck a nerve as Alexa’s eyes squinted and her jaw tightening. It made Charlotte smirk enough that one of her vampire teeth could be exposed to see. “Maybe instead of paying attention to me, you pay attention to your territory that is currently pending you being ripped of your title. Maybe then you’ll still be a Queen and not one about to be impeached.” With that, Charlotte turned on the heel over her thigh high boots and walked out. She went to her car and she drove off after waving to her father. She sighed heavily as she relaxed in her seat while driving.
Her and Alexa had always had a battle of wits and irritation with one another. It actually was no surprise given that the two had history, intimate history. It was bad enough that the two had been together, but it was worse that it was as intense as it was heated. The sex was amazing, Charlotte hated to admit, but it wasn’t as special as she had with Becky.
She remembered when her and Becky got together, officially, and how she and Alexa got along. It was the stereotypical of what Sasha and Becky should’ve been: Cat hates the dog and vice versa. They yelled at one another, screamed, shout, and on a couple of occasions they’d fight physically and that wasn’t all that great. It’d end up bruising, scratches, broken bones, you name it. She wished they were on better terms, as they still weren’t, but at the same time even Charlotte was no longer on good terms with Alexa. Alexa made it that way. She was the main one that made it hostile, but Charlotte never really was phased. If anything, she would make witty comments and leave it at that.
              Charlotte stopped at Sasha’s house and walked to the door. She could hear explosions and shooting sounds from Bayley’s study and she let out a breath. The whole “inviting” deal was annoying, but luckily Sasha always had a work around for it. Charlotte opened the door and poked her head inside. “Hey guys!” She called.
“Hey Charlotte! Come on in!”
She smiled warmly and walked inside, about to shut the door when she felt a hand on hers and her head sharply turned. Her eyes had turned red and her teeth exposed until the thick Irish accent she knew spoke.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. No biting!”
Charlotte relaxed as her eyes turned to the ocean blues and she snapped her teeth to normal as Becky let go of her hand. “Jesus, Bex. You almost got thrown like fifty feet!”
“You know, I’d probably find that as a turn on from you.” Becky smirked as she walked passed the other who had rolled her eyes and finally shut the door. “Funny how we both got here at the same time.”
“Well isn’t Roman’s place right near the council’s mansion anyways?”
“Probably. Though I assumed it was because I was speeding too.”
“Of course you were. You’re an insane driver.”
“I am not!”
Charlotte stopped by Bayley’s study door and smiled at her two other friends before her gaze went to Becky’s and responded. “You totaled my first ride.”
“We got hit!”
“Oh my God, you guys are making me lose!” Bayley whined as she was playing a game.
“You got this, babe.” Sasha mumbled softly, kissing her girlfriend’s cheek briefly before looking at Becky and Charlotte. “How was the meetings you two went to?”
They both shrugged.
“The Vampiric seal idea may actually work.” Charlotte said with a smile. “They’re taking it up to the Elders on the Council.”
“—And the Wolf King may or may not have us reveal ourselves like the Vampires.” Becky said with a breath, leaning on the wall behind her. “Though Roman thinks it won’t happen because of the ideal that this can backfire on the Vampires, we don’t want it to happen to us.”
“Well that’s smart.” The blonde vampire spoke and sighed a little as she walked more into the fairly big room. “What have you two been up to, Sasha?”
“Movies and gaming mostly. Bay is trying to start livestreaming but she wanted to check her system and well.” The feline turned to look at her lover and smiled a bit. “She got deep into ten games.”
“I got to top 5 okay!” Bayley said with a little huff. “I am addicted. I’ll admit it. I just want to be one of the bests, is that wrong?”
“As long as you don’t stay up for days at a time, no it’s not.” Sasha said with a chuckle.
              Soon they all had pretty much went to bed. Or rather, Sasha and Bayley did. Becky was staying up with Charlotte in their shared room, the two sitting in front of each other and talking. It usually how things went because Charlotte only went to bed really when she could see the crack of sun through the window. It was another reason why Vampires was addicted to the blood of other supernatural sometimes: It gave them their moment to go through an actual day and see the world in the light. Though, with these two it never had to happen.
Becky put a hand on Charlotte’s knee and she spoke softly. “So you saw her, huh?”
Charlotte sighed and shrugged. “Yeah. She was being snippy about how the Elders were about me and how they wanna use the idea Sasha suggested to me.”
“Sounds typical of her…” Becky mumbled and rolled her eyes. She shut her eyes for a moment as she continued to speak. “What did the, um, Elders say?”
“They’ll look into the Vampiric seals, some stuff in regards to us being more open.” Charlotte shrugged. “I think what they had also been talking about is the fact of our Vampire-run businesses and how we might have to increase the idea of security.” She heard a sigh from Becky and she furrowed her eyebrows. “Speak your mind, Bex. I know you have more in your mind to say than what you’re telling me.”
Becky knew Charlotte could feel the irritation of all this, but it wasn’t Charlotte’s fault. It was her Vampiric Council yet it still enraged.
“I think this whole thing is bullshit.” Becky said simply, her voice raged. “I think the whole idea of the Vampires coming “out of the coffin” as it’s fucking known is totally out of character for your kind. It was only done because one was found out and they spilled the beans. Your Council didn’t even do anything to the guy and just agreed? It’s idiotic! I can see us wolves doing that, but I don’t like this, Charlotte. I don’t like how this whole thing is brought about and I honestly think there is something more than meets the eye. I can’t be losing you to other people’s bullshit again.”
Charlotte saw Becky start to speak again but stopped. She knew why. Becky was afraid to lose her. She admitted it even the many times of playing it off. A small smile cracked on her face and she tilted her head a bit. “You won’t lose me, Bex.” She put a hand on Becky’s cheek, looking into her eyes. “You know me better than anyone.”
“Yeah, I know you’re risky and you’d do anything to keep others alive. Not yourself.”
“You’re just as risky, Becky. I know I take care of others, but this time I am going to be careful. This is too big for me to be this risky.” Charlotte paused and after a moment, spoke again. “I wouldn’t be telling you guys all about this if I wanted to be very risky.” She heard Becky sigh and she kissed her lightly. “Becky, I need you to trust me.”
“I do. I don’t trust them, especially Alexa.” That caused Charlotte to smirk. “Yeah, yeah I know what you’re thinking and no that isn’t the case here. The point is is that I don’t trust any of them because you nor anyone else outside of that Council doesn’t know what is going on.”
“We don’t need to worry about that. What we need to worry about is that right now you’re here with me and we’re not getting attacked. So, we’re going to not worry about any of this now, alright?”
“Becky, please.”
It was rare for Becky to hear the sound of begging from Charlotte. It was rare even in bed, and this moment was even more rare with them just talking. Becky could see the look in Charlotte’s eyes that she just didn’t want to think about it anymore and she just had to listen. She had to with the other because it only made sense to do so.
“Okay. We won’t worry about it.”  Though Becky wasn't just not going to worry about it. After what happened before, it was hard not to worry nowadays.
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destielthedeathofme · 6 years
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Prompt: @becky-winchester-on-crack sent me this. You're an actual prompt goddess 💖.
Author: @destielthedeathofme
Pairing: DeanxCas
Tags/Genre: Idek, bar?, flirt Cas, clueless Dean, AU, Destiel, Fluff, oneshot.
Summary: too fucking pissed at life for a summary rn
Dean loosened his tie and sighed, today was not his day. From an abundance of paperwork to spilling coffee on himself, he was a mess today. Ever since Sam moved out a few weeks ago, Dean felt lonelier than ever, and he couldn't even properly sleep, hating the fact that his brother wasn't in the room next to his. That's how he kept Sam safe and under his wings. But Sam wanted to move in with Jess and Dean really couldn't say no to that. They were so in love, he couldn't discuss the anxiety he had from Sam living an hour away from him. He wouldn't. Because Sam would throw away his life to come live with Dean. He couldn't do that to Sam.
As for after Sam moving, his boss, had him working way too much and Dean was utterly tired of it. It was as if Crowley fed off his tiredness. Or enjoyed it. Possibly both. The staff often suspected if he was even human sometimes. But Dean didn't believe in that nonsense. After all, there were no such things as monsters.
Although today, Charlie insisted that Dean leave because it was a Friday night and he shouldn't be cooped up in a cubicle. As much as he wouldve liked to protest, she locked him out of his own office leaving him no choice but to leave. She could be a pain sometimes but Charlie meant well. She was the only other person to know about his keeping-Sam-safe anxiety. She was his best friend if he thought of it.
Today, he was going to get a drink, to prove Charlie wrong and more importantly to dull the feeling in his gut.
Bars weren't really Dean's preferred environment but desperate times call for desperate measures. He needed a drink. Something that would take away the boredom and stress of his life. If he told anyone, they would laugh at him, because no one would believe that the uptight Dean Winchester could ever need anything stronger than a glass of wine. Frankly, he couldn't either.
Dean called a cab and told the driver to take him anywhere that he could get a drink. Dean preferred walking, so he never found the need for a car, but there were no bars within walking distance so a cab seemed like his best option. He debated inviting any friends, but his friends list was exclusively limited to Charlie, Benny, Gabriel, Sam and Jo. He really didn't want to see any of them right now. Dean wasn't sure he'd be able to take the teasing.
Dean stared out the window of the cab, feeling just a hollow pit in his stomach. Was he really that boring? He had absolutely nothing to do on a Friday night, perhaps he was. Even in highschool, Dean wasn't very outgoing he preferred to stay home and focus on his studies. His father tried to get Dean into hunting and all that stuff that Dean did not care for. His father always told him that hunting was an important part of life but Dean didn't understand how deer season could possibly have any import in the real world. His father was a weird man to say the least.
The cab ride took far too little time, Dean tapped his feet nervously after the driver pulled up to a bar or club based on the music. He eyed the neon sign, cheap, the place looked cheap. What could possibly go wrong with a 26 year old going into a bar after nearly 6 years? But as fate would have it, things don't go as expected,naturally.
Dean stepped into the bar, wondering why there were people winking at him? Was this what flirting was? Oh.
The bar had dim lit red lights causing everyone's faces to have a rosy glow. But they all looked a bit hazy from the drinks anyway, droopy eyes and lazy grins adorned nearly every face. There were the flirty women with a tendency to lean over ever so often, trying for their conquest of the night. The heartbroken men and women alike, drowning their sorrows in alcohol. The regulars who seemed much to familiar with the setting and sat in the corner of the bar, not minding what was around them. The enthustiac under age and just of age teenagers and adults, who were very eager to simply "party". Meaning grinding on each other until exhaustion hit. But Dean couldn't identify anyone like him, anyone who didn't really want to be here. There were people who had a stressful day at work, however, the loose ties and abondned suits proof. Dean himself had loosened his tie and swung his jacket over his shoulder, not giving any fucks anymore. He needed alcohol in his system. Now.
He slid into the bar stool, after watching other people doing it casually. Unfortunately Dean didn't do it as easily and bumped into a man seated next to him.
"Watch it.", growled a deep voice.
Blue eyes flashed to him and Dean was taken aback by the contrast in the man's bright blue eyes, which could be seen as clear as day, even with the red lighting. His hair looked messy, crowned over his head sticking up in just the right places. He wore a dark black jacket with what looked like flannel. Dark blue, to make his eyes stand out even more.
The guy visibly eyed Dean up and down, smirking at him as Dean flushed. He didn't mean to hit the guy. He really didn't.
"No problem good-looking."
Dean flushed even darker, he may not be good with flirting but he could sure tell by the way the man acted and practically undressed Dean with his eyes that he was flirting. A foreign concept really.
What really sucked was the way his heart kind of just exploded into tiny pieces, although he wasn't a fan of flirting, partly because he didn't understand it. This guy was HOT. It didn't take a Casanova to figure that out. But Dean had given up on feelings in middle school after not even knowing how to feel. He liked girls, sure but he also liked guys. And truthfully, he didn't have time for feelings, school occupied most of his time. People did express interest him, after all Dean Winchester was anything but average looking, but he didn't know how to reciprocate those feelings. Basically Dean sucked at flirting.
The man turned in his stool so that he faced Dean completely and tilted his head curiously, "Never seen you here before."
"I've never been here before." Dean admitted, not being able to look away from the man's eyes.
The man hummed a bit while he held out his hand and as he finished his drink said,"Castiel."
Dean hesistantly shook Castiel's hand.
Castiel screamed self confidence, in the way he sat, the way he spoke, hell in the way he drank. Everything Dean wasn't really.
But Castiel looked so familiar like Dean's seen him somewhere. Work maybe? Although Castiel didn't look like someone who would work in an office. He had more of a rock god vibe going on. Dean liked that vibe.
He totally could dig that vibe.
"Can I buy you a drink?"
"Oh sure." Dean shuffled awkwardly, even though he was in a chair, he somehow managed to awkwardly shuffle.
Castiel shouted something to the bar tender who winked at him, Castiel winked back much to Dean's dismay. He wasn't sure why that bothered him yet.
Dean nursed his drink, still getting used to the burning of the drink while it made it's way down Dean's throat. But it didn't make him feel that way he wanted to. Which in fact was something, he just wanted to feel something for once in his life. Castiel must've thought that Dean was a lightweight but he really wasn't, he just didn't find the need for anything stronger till the 26 years of exhaustion known as his life finally caught up on him.
But honestly, the drink was useless but Castiel. Castiel was making hin feel things.
Weird things.
Good things.
And if Castiel was what he needed tonight, Dean wouldn't leave his side.
~time skip~
It was painful.
Extremely painful to watch Castiel flirt with nearly every girl at the bar. Occasionally a few men too. It was even more painful when Castiel punched a guy who made fun of the bees sewn on to the leather jacket he wore. Not that Castiel looked hurt, he looked fine. The man, not so much.
But Dean trained his eyes on Castiel and would not look away. When Castiel almost toppled over, Dean was the one who caught him. When Castiel tried to start another fight, Dean pulled him away. It was almost as if Dean was his guardian angel.
For the night.
He promised himself.
Only for the night.
Castiel did take an interest in him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Cause you're hot Dean." Sighed Castiel, he'd been flirting all night for gods-sake. But Dean didn't notice, naturally.
Oh what an eventful night this would be.
"Actually it's quite chilly in here."
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thegeminisage · 6 years
i dont normally make these posts but i need to process here's my review of the finale:
the good:
not that i like bad things happening to magnus but i love that he gets this depth??? he had a bad childhood! he wasn't raised by monks! i mean you could definitely make an argument for him being an abuse survivor there and i think that's rad. his voice even broke once during the ep, idr when, but i loved that, i loved it
i also really REALLY like asmodeus. he’s charming, amiable, and can turn terrifying on a dime. he’s eccentric enough to make me believe he’s magnus’s dad and i fully yelled when he flashed the cat eyes. you get a lot of sense about who he is just from a very short time spent with him and his actor really delivered his lines well. he’s very..................charismatic. (i’d like to take this opportunity to tell cathy to shut up in advance) anyway it’s Good
magnus BEAT. LORENZO’S. ASS. i was so sure he’d stop at one attack once he realized how bad he fucked up but he got pissed and he went all in and i couldn’t be more proud. normally i think he’s a little Too perfect - that the writers never allow him to make dumbass mistakes. so this was a great refresher.
magnus being mortal also presents some veeeery interesting plot possibilities but it depends on how much of a bitch alec is about it. his trope is a trope i love, and i don’t have any real worry that it’ll stick, but i also think giving up something big like that For Alec (for jace, but it was for alec, yk) is also a dumbass mistake when i don’t think alec is always the best and most supportive boyfriend he can be back to magnus. it’s hard to remember they’ve only known each other for like two months
speaking of alec, i liked him more in this episode than i have in half a season. their goodbye before edom was very sweet and so were all his interactions with jace. i wish he could be like that all the time - more like he was in season 1 - instead of like...how he is now. not necessarily more repressed just in season 1 you got the feeling he was a jerk because he was miserable and now you get the feeling he's a jerk for no good reason
becky coming the fuck through for simon??? A+++? idk about everyone else but that felt SO fucking real to me. siblings, especially if they're close in age, especially if they had a single parent...there's no one in the world who will understand you as much as someone who grew up with you. there's no one else you can be on the level with like that. it felt so organic the way she went from confusion to fear to acceptance. that's her little brother, you know??
speaking of simon good on him for yelling at jordan i want everyone to yell at jordan forever hes done some stuff thats like...like him offering his jacket to mia seemed like a weel-meaning but awkward gesture where most people, if they made a fuss about it, it would be like "wow what's ur deal hes just trying to be nice" & same with his little love confession or w/e...but maia AND simon BOTH told him he was full of shit and they SEE what bullshit he's playing at and i am SO HERE for it
i mentioned this once already but the jace and alec stuff was SO good like alec, previously resigned to killing jace, now resigned to dying himself, using his last few seconds to try and say the things he knows jace will need to hear, and in comes mganus with the dramatic rescue, oh man. the fight was brutal the dialogue delivery was on point, every beat was perfect. full n*t
AND THE BEST FOR LAST...CAN WE TALK ABOUT CLARY THOUGH...she's in HANDCUFFS and she's dominating the field. things dont go according to jia's will or the angels will they go according to HER WILL. SHE decides when valentine lives and dies. she busts her own goddamn self out of death row. you know who that reminds me of? valentine locked up in the instute's basement and still running the show. a-maz-ing. she comes up with the plan to trick lilith into killing herself. she leaves breadcrumbs for the people looking for her. she was in charge of her own fate the entire time. she was a major goddamn player. she was the only player. i am SO proud of her. y'all remember 1.04? when she had to be told where to stand on the pentagram? holy shit she has come so far
the bad:
where the fuck is maia
what's with those pilgrim outfits
i really would have loved for valentine to stick around long enough to lay eyes on jace that would have been amazing
y'all not gonna give maryse a blade? seriously? SERIOUSLY? i would die to see her fight
not a big fan of luke having to choose between his job and clary, his pack and clary, over and over again. it just feels a little tired at this point because this same guy has been making these same arguments practically since he became an alpha
i don't like heidi but i feel pretty bad for her and lilith's FEMINISM thing fell kinda flat with me
simon telling his mom he's DEAD is not doing either of them a kindness, and in fact, it is literally probably the cruelest possible thing he could do. there were so many ways around that. he could say he was moving to iceland or that she never had a son or WHATEVER but this presents a bunch of logistics problems on top of being horrible. like i did well up but im not a fan
izzy's "we'll get through this together" felt a little out of nowhere to me like that was just worded kinda weird. i get that they're endgame and im trying to keep an open mind so i dont totally hate it and be miserable when it happens but like.......he's with maia rn like Please
i wasn't really SUPER invested in will tudor like everyone else but im VERY offended about the recast on your behalf
two episodes at once is too many i need time to Process
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helmes-deep · 7 years
Thoughts on Season 3 of Fuller House (3B):
Thoughts on 3A here. So just binge-watched all 9 episodes of it today haha and here are my random thoughts:
Seriously, Andrea Barber is such a great actress!! Like honestly, she should really win an Emmy for this show I am not kidding haha. She is soooo entertaining!! and wickedly talented at acting!!!!
DJ AND STEVE YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! FINALLY!!!! I’VE WAITED SO LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! I’m not exactly 100% down on the whole DJ x Steve thing; I’ve said before that I think currently, the actor who plays Matt has more chemistry with DJ, but DJ x Steve was how it was SUPPOSED TO BE and I’m 2000% down for that. Also, idk how, but I think the Steve actor guy (Scott Weinger) somehow got cuter/more likable over the Season 3 break. He just seems to look a bit cuter and has more chemistry with DJ now lol (the kind he should have had at the beginning of Season 1).
The wedding fiasco... didn’t go down as ideally as I would have liked it to... it was the ultimate break-up — a wedding break-up — so it was, in a way, what you would have expected: really sad and harsh-letdowns all-around... idk how it could have turned out better (although there really is no excuse for how Steve and DJ treated their significant others ://). I am glad they didn’t drag out the whole DJ x Steve thing, though. And the Japanese-set episode was really fun!! Really enjoyed seeing all of the different, beautiful sights and experiences!! Wish we had gotten to see more of those :33 (The Japanese episode was definitely a bit shorter than I had expected.) Also loved how the episode was shot.
The appearance of the Japanese boy group Sexy Zone made me think of K-pop, and how much I love it, so I could relate. Sorry, guys, I just had to put that in there :PPP 
That alligator scene was top-notch. Great acting/balancing!
Seriously, as much as I love DJ and Steve, I will be so, so, so, so, so sad to see John Brotherton (the guy who plays Matt) go if he no longer gets a larger presence on the show. I have really, really appreciated the character Matt and have really enjoyed watching John’s performance.
Max, thankfully, is getting a little less annoying to handle on-screen (might have to do with his lack of scenes with the dog, which perhaps makes him less juvenile???). Also not exactly into his whole “I’m a smart guy”-type persona, but it’s not done terribly or maybe I’m getting used to it, so I can live with it. Idk, I just know I laughed more at and enjoyed his scenes more than I used to (he’s my least favorite character on the show, and probably still is).
Not really a fan of Max’s relationship with CJ’s girl, either (seems a bit forced), but whatever. If they want to make them that horrendously (I am not exaggerating when I use that word) cute couple, then more power to them.
Kinda sad/disappointed we didn’t get to see Popko for 3B, but he was a jerk, so it’s all okay. Ramona didn’t exactly get any love interests this time around, which is fine. And I really, really hope she doesn’t get with that high school dance-team guy, ugh. The dance-rival thing-y is cute enough, though, and I can see it being pulled off in the future.
I also don’t know why Ramona would skip out on SAFSPA: seemed like it was definitely her dream/goal as portrayed thus far, but okay, maybe it wasn’t. I thought the lesson we got out of that whole parent/kid situation was really good/nice.
Jackson and Rocki are a thing, and I AM LIVING FOR IT!!!!!! I’m just a sucker for nerdy guy/cool girl relationships, tbh :p :p
Still don’t like how Gia (a.k.a. Rocky’s mom) is sometimes cast as the “villain,” but oh well. I guess that discrepancy comes from us wanting post-Full House to be absolutely, 100% “feel-good,” but Gia was inherently written as a “bad” character, so she’s destined to be somewhat of the “bad” girl, no matter how far we get into the Fuller House world. At least she was written as less “evil” this time around.
ADORED Fernando and Tommy; ADORED Fernando, Tommy, and the race-car storyline; and ADORED Fernando and Tommy vs. Jesse and Pamela moment.
Tommy’s cute rn and had some really, really adorable moments this time around (funny enough, I enjoy him with Cosmo more than I do Max + Cosmo). I just really hope he doesn’t end up becoming annoying and unlikable like Michelle was on the original show. I liked Michelle as a baby/younger, but I didn’t enjoy her when she got older/was a toddler.
Honestly, I’ve never been a big fan of the “let’s be cute with babies” on TV-thing, especially on the original show, but I really liked seeing the guys or anyone holding and playing with the babies this time around. For once, I was like, “You know what?? I get it. This totally warms and melts my heart into a million pieces.” Idk, something cute and maybe more maternal?? within me just spoke :’pp
I STILL don’t think Stephanie should have a baby, especially when she has no job, no stable relationship, etc. I also kind of don’t want anymore babies lololol (first Jesse and Becky with Pamela, and of course, there’s already Tommy); there’s already so many people I have to keep up with on this show haha. But if that’s where they want to go, then hey, I’m glad the surrogate’s Kimmy and not someone else.
Needed more Stephanie and Jimmy. Or just Jimmy tbh.
When I saw Vicky, I gasped out loud. Could NOT believe she’s back, even though I already knew she’d be back/had a strong feeling she would be (idk if it was announced).
I DO NOT want the older guys (aka Danny, Jesse, Becky, and Joey) back for the majority of next season. It just seems like whenever the older guys come back it’s more of a static “callback” than actual progression of the episode/overall storyline. I enjoyed a lot of this season because there was less of the older guys; vice versa, I much more enjoyed seeing the older cast members visit this time because there wasn’t so much of them around. So yeah, reaaaalllly hoping we don’t see that much more of the older cast during the next season (if they get a next season), since they all announced they’re going to move back to San Francisco.
On the other hand, I’d really like to see Danny and Vicky finally get a news/television show together and get married already, lol.
I do like it when the older and newer generations are well-integrated, though. The Danny, Jesse, Joey, Steve, and Fernando scene was really funny and one of my favorites. Fuller House is basically just one big fanfiction that isn’t perfectly written, but it’s pretty snappin’ close, and it’s all TRUE AND Y’ALL GET TO CLAIM IT AND CALL IT CANON!! :P :P
Like I said, glad the whole DJ x Steve thing didn’t get dragged out, but a little disappointed it wasn’t exactly, totally resolved... But it’s okay; I can live with it, for the most part. At least they’ve decided they really do love each other, got in a good kiss, and want to try to pursue a real relationship again (hopefully that doesn’t get messed up next season). Excited to see what happens when they’re finally together after the “6 months” are over huehue...  
Happy that there wasn’t so much drama over “whether DJ would pick Matt or Steve”; I really didn’t want that plot point to drag on forever :V :V There was a lot more focus on the girls and family-interactions this time around, which I liked, even though it meant less of the adult pairings altogether.
TBH, there weren’t that many substantial main storylines or funny lines during this half of the season, imo (SHOUT OUT to that “ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM” EXCHANGE THOUGH; that scene was hilarious!!). A lot of it focused on everyday family interactions or Stephanie’s “surrogate/trying-to-get-a-baby” storyline (for those who are curious, I’d say the most we got this season was a solid on Stephanie’s storyline, and DJ and Steve confirming they will be getting together, but there really isn’t any further development toward their relationship. Also surprised they didn’t have a Christmas episode??) But tbh, I’m not mad. It was nice to not have to worry about any big romantic or whatever-else-possible drama, and just focus on seeing these characters interact with one another as a family. It was just ordinary, nice, and cheesy fun, and somehow kept me laughing and smiling like an idiot the entire time (which, in a way, is a nice nod to the original show’s purpose). This is really, really just a feel-good show. And you can see that reflected in the cast. You can just tell how comfortable everyone is with one another, and at times, you can see some real tears about to be shed during a couple of heart-felt scenes. It really is just about one big, ordinary, and optimistic family (although sometimes a bit too optimistic lol; I think they give themselves a bit of a dig about that at the end). So yeah, Fuller House is cheesy, ridiculous, lame, or whateverrrrrrrrr you want to call it, but I love it. And I enjoyed watching every episode of the entire second half of this season :’333
Please tell me they bring on Urkel as a special guest for Season 4.
Yup, I think those are my thoughts for now. Might add/edit some more points in later if I can think of anything!! lol :P :P
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