#el tiempo no para
chane-vel · 7 months
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No tienen idea de las ganas que tenia desde hace añooos de dibujar a estos dos kawlñdpzx. pero en esos tiempos mis habilidades artísticas dejaban mucho q desear jaj
Como sea outlast es mi juego de terror favorito por definición, si todavía no lo jugaron haganlo(?
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megalomari · 5 months
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Superarlo toma tiempo 📼🎶
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serendipia03 · 3 months
No hay nada más bonito que saber que hay alguien pensandote todo el tiempo.
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berry-s0da · 10 months
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9 de Diciembre
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skirino · 8 months
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' nunca he puesto un pie dentro del karaoke joysound. todo el mundo parece haber ido aunque sea una vez. si esta ciudad se acaba el próximo mes... ' ríe empezando a imprimir jocosidad vacía en su voz, ' definitivamente tiene que ser uno de los lugares que debo visitar sin falta. ¿qué dices? ¿tienes algo que hacer hoy? '
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latinotiktok · 1 year
Como se defender de um Coach Financeiro (How to defend yourself from a Financial Coach)
Transcript and translation:
A bald man with a well trimmed beard in a white shirt, black trousers and a yellow belt tied to his hips. He says: How to defend yourself from a financial coach. That's what we will learn today in this self defense class.
The camera zooms back a little and the man points to the right where a cut out picture of a white blond man in a suit starts sliding from right to left slowly as the bald man says: Generally the coach comes in a sneaky way trying to force a friendship that doesn't exist.
The camera zooms into the picture cut out and it's mouth is made to move as a puppet while saying: Hey there cousins!
The camera zooms out and the man says: Right after that he puts his hand on your shoulder.
The picture is animated to extend one straight arm to rest in the shoulder of the man while he continues saying: So that he can start giving financial advice. (The cut out says: Stocks) He stays talking and you lock his hand here and and with the other you apply the blow.
The man demonstrates while talking, puting his right hand on his left shoulder and uses his right hand to go up in a blow where the arm of the cut out is, the arm is edited to look broken with a little bit of blood splattering. The man continues talking: Applied, he will stay talking because financial coachs are insistent. And it's the hour for what? (The cut out says again: Stocks)
The man kicks the cut out with a one legged kick while saying: A kick to the chest. The cut out goes flying off the screen to the right and the man continues saying while walking to the right, the camera cutting to a wall where the cut out picture is edited as if it fell sitting against the wall, the arm still broken, the mouth hanging open and one eye closed. The man is saying: Kicked the chest? He will seem surrendered in this position but he is not, (he's) still talking about investments, real state funds (the cut out says again: Stocks) And it's time to apply the final blow.
The man lifts his arm close to his shoulder: You lift your arm like this and, huh.
He lowers his arm in the direction of the cut out as if hitting it and pulls back holding a smartphone: Got his phone. When you get his phone then you can delete all accounts and contents from the internet. And that's the most efficient way you can defend yourself from a financial coach.
The cut out starts saying: If you let money control you, the money will be-
The man throws the phone at the cut out and the screen cuts to black before it hitting.
In the black screen appears the text: follow, share and leave in the comments suggestions of what you want to see.
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zimba-limba-blog · 8 months
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A todos mis enemigos les hare un HS
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abejavatareada · 2 months
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¿Podemos estar así de cerca para siempre?
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tepara3s · 1 year
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hasta hoy encontré el sketch q tenia de esto. iba a ir con el otro dibujo de ellos pero DESAPARECIÓ...
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tyttamarzh · 7 months
Missasinfonia song "El tiempo"
I think we can all agree that the last few weeks have been turbulent enough and many of us are going through too much to process, but we should not get discouraged or sink into sadness, life never stops, everything is constantly changing and some changes are painful, but some changes may be good, the important thing is to always move forward.
That's what Missasinfonia's song "El tiempo" (the time) is all about, which have a which has a very sad backstory, because Missa wrote several years ago dedicated to a friend who lose her life against the depression.
It is very sad but at the same time it is one of his most emblematic songs and in the fandom we have a lot of affection for it. That's why I wanted to bring you the translation
The song:
At what point do dreams come to an end? At what point does sadness take hold of us? Dreams have to end, but it is not the end. There is more than one way out without paying.
I know it's worth a try… I know the pain is temporary…
Time changes for the better, and it can't stop. Things are not like they used to be, you have to get used to it. Time teaches us that you must go on. There's no turning back.
Time rips away so many things that at birth they give you. It leave marks on our souls made to remind us that if you're alive it's because you have something to finish, something to heal. There is no turning back.
The marks on your arms speak for themselves Bleeding is not an option I know it wasn't your time but I swear it's over Realize that this pain is not only yours Your selfishness is too much You should think of others.
I know it's worth a try… I know the pain is temporary…
Time changes for the better, and it can't stop. Things are not like they used to be, you have to get used to it. Time teaches us that you must go on. There's no turning back. Time rips away so many things that at birth they give you. They leave marks on our souls made to remind us that if you're alive it's because you have something to finish, something to heal. There is no turning back.
Many of you may remember this song, because Missa played a bit of it on his piano at the prison event, it sounds a little different, but keep in mind that the song is at least 7 years old. He recently told us that he is working on a new version in which he uses the piano and has a slower rhythm (which would be more similar to the version he played in prison), of which we only have a small preview that he showed in his stream, which you can hear on TikTok.
In any case, it is one of the most beloved songs by fans, with which many identify and personally, although I love the original version, I am very eager to listen to the new full version, because it shows that in many aspects, Missa has improved quite a bit these years.
As a bonus, I leave you this from when he played the song with his guitar in QSMP, simply because I really liked how he sang it here.
I love you so much See you!!
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elbiotipo · 5 months
Es chistoso porque literalmente tengo la Campera de Alpaca con Motivos Andinos de American Psychobolche
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soy un estereotipo andante
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welele · 1 month
Se me olvidaba comentar una cosa curiosa.
Hace un par de semanas estuve en el Parque Warner de Madrid (no publi) con una camiseta de Welele puesta. Pues unos tipos me dijeron algo así como "¡eh Welele, guapardo!", no sé si esos chavales seguirán visitando la web o simplemente la conocían o les sonaba.
La cosa es que en TODO el mundo como mucho habrá 10 camisetas así y yo tengo 2 en casa. Las otras 8 no sé si siguen exisistiendo. Tampoco es que me la ponga mucho pero si veis a alguien con la camiseta probablemente sea yo xD
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sambuchito · 3 months
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nunca te disculpes por tener razon sobre como juegan estos hdp reina
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42bakery · 5 months
Dani's passion for bikes comes from his dad. Antonio had a motorcross bike at first and later on a street bike.
The first races that he remember watching was around the 1990-1992 season. He remembers watching the races at the sofa with his dad when it was the Australia GP.
Dani usually got up 15 minutes befor the race and then going up to wake his dad. The night before, he would ask his mum to make coffee for his dad so he could stay awake at 4am to watch the race.
Apart of that, Antonio had the races in VHS and Dani watched them until it wasn't possible to watch it again
Source: Source: Dani Pedrosa, elegido para ganar (Dani Pedrosa chosen/handpicked to win) from Teledeportes or MotoGP. It’s also in DAZN Spain under the name El origen del samurái (The origin of the samurai) and Cuatro Tiempos (Four periodos or times or also four strokes. It kind of a word play).
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frantasmagorie · 5 months
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December - January - February - March - April Trying to draw Miku once a month
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doble-d-2 · 1 year
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