#elaine the cat
kingludoavarius · 4 months
Billie and Seve’s Adventures in Love and Friendship.
By request, my series featuring Billie Bust Up and Corn Kidz 64, Billie and Seve’s Adventures in Love and Friendship. This ongoing series follows Billie, Seve, and their friends and family as they contend with the evil demon menace Vadrigar, and as they form relationships that strengthen their bonds. This series is updated roughly every week or two, depending on how long it takes me to get out a one-shot or a chapter. The point is, it’s consistently getting worked on and I aim to finish it eventually. I will repost when the series is finished as well. Take this an an AU, and none of the characterizations or liberties within seriously. I just wanted to have fun and make beautiful stories for everyone to enjoy. Thank you.
@billiebustupofficial @bbu-fan-blog @a-little-ray-of-fantasy @megamanzero5098
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rockrosethistle · 8 months
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals and Cats are structurally the same musical in that they both open with an establishing number, followed by a long barrage of "I am" songs, culminating in one massive "I want" song for our main hero. This is immediately followed by the death of our main hero and a closing number without any real resolution. This is my hot take.
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deboecia · 4 months
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I see them here too
And so does @intairnwetrust 🌸 thank you for the suggestion! I love sketching Elriel inspired by cats
These beautiful cats are taken from this video
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sad-scarred-sassy · 1 month
I’m laughing alone because imagine Tamlin accidentally turning Lucien into a cat and doesn’t realize and Lucien is like what the fuck?
Imagine he’s the cutest orange cat running around while trying to get back to Tamlin, when he stumbles upon Elain.
And he’s like oh, hell nah, and Elain gasps and picks him up and starts telling him he’s cute and cuddling him and for a second he’s like ☺️ and then he realizes how weird it is and he starts trying to get away.
But Elain holds onto him and he doesn’t want to hurt her so he is doomed to let her take him.
Anyway that’s Elain with her new stray cat Lucien coming back to the River house.
Feyre: that cat seems… oddly familiar
Lucien: 😐
See the inspiration 🐈
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cauldronblssd · 2 months
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The only thing cuter than Elain cozy in a sweater, is Elain knitting a matching sweater for her cat! 🐈
Elain already has lots of creative, relaxing hobbies like baking and gardening. And @moonpatroclus and I have a headcanon that she’ll be crafty too! Elain deserves more cozy, comfortable, easy days like this one! 💚
Thank you so much to andreamar_art for creating this for us! We love all the details the artist added like the cat’s footprints and the yarn wrapped around the plants!
Hit us with your best cat name ideas!
Art by @/andreamar_art, commissioned by Willow and me.
Please do not repost.
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crazy-ache · 13 days
Chapter 6 - Update (in honor of Eris Week)
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Summary: When Elain is unexpectedly transformed into a cat, Lucien thankfully comes to her rescue. Well, she would be more grateful, if he also wasn't so incredibly infuriating.
Notes: Rated T for language and Elain’s mildly dirty thoughts. This is pure fun. No posting schedule, no rules, just weirdness.
Read Chapter 6 on AO3
Elain has an unfortunate encounter with someone from Lucien's past and childhood. This chapter heavily features a certain guest appearance in honor of @erisweekofficial (Day 2 - Childhood).
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lucienarcheron · 8 months
Permission to share granted by the lovely artist ✨ how dreamy is our girl Elain?!
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sparklingsora · 4 months
new animatic weee
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toolsofmyenemy · 5 months
The necklace is not that big of a deal.
I don’t think it is even going to come up again.
It was a means to an end. A way to leave some breadcrumbs. And nothing more.
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storyweaverofgondor · 4 months
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My first piece for @statisticalcats2's event! There are so many amazing Grizabella but i have say my favorite is 98 Elaine Paige. Her Griz is exquisite, angry and hurting and desperate and proud. I adore her.
I'm really proud of this piece. This is my first attempt at something like this with my digital painting and I'm really proud of how it turned out.
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kingludoavarius · 13 days
Dreems Come True Part Two - The Reformation of Lost Love
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deboecia · 4 months
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New Elriel 😸 just dropped!
How should we call this series?
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zenkindoflove · 5 months
Elucien Parallels: Eddard and Catelyn Stark's Arranged Marriage/Marriage of Convenience Trope
I'm back again with more ACOTAR and ASOIAF/GOT parallels. You can go read this post where I breakdown my thoughts on comparing Elain Archeron and Sansa Stark as representing similar character archetypes in fantasy.
Today I want to talk about one of my favorite ASOIAF/GOT ships - Ned and Cat. What I want to do with this post is sort of breakdown the dynamics of their relationship and story arc and apply it to some common criticisms of Elucien and why in order to get the kind of tension Elucien have in canon, you need to have an understanding of how this particular trope works and the way these types of characters inhabit it.
So, a quick rundown on Ned and Cat and their relationship, just to get anyone reading this up to speed. Catelyn Tully was betrothed to Brandon Stark, Ned's older brother. Their betrothal represented a political alliance between the Starks of Winterfell and the Tullys of Riverrun - the liege lords of their respective regions. Despite being betrothed for political reasons, Catelyn fell deeply in love with Brandon anyways. And when he was tragically murdered by the Mad King, alongside his father, she was heart broken. Enters Ned, now the Lord of Winterfell, who has to secure this political alliance because he is about to wage a rebellion alongside his friend Robert Baratheon against the Targaryens. It makes perfect sense for him to marry his brother's betrothed. Ned and Cat get married quickly and off to war he went. When he returned a year later, he brought home his bastard, Jon Snow. He and Cat now have to figure out their marriage on top of not only being effectively strangers, but also with this betrayal looming over their relationship. When we enter the story of Game of Thrones, they have 5 children, the oldest Robb who was conceived just before Ned left for war, is 16. Cat and Ned are very much in love, showing open affection and devotion to each other. Cat is quoted later in the series telling her son Robb (show canon):
"Love didn't just happen to us. We built it slowly over the years, stone by stone, for you, for your brothers and sisters, for all of us. It's not as exciting as secret passion in the woods, but it is stronger."
Okay, so where does Elucien come into all of this and why should you care if you ship them?
Well, I think Cat and Ned's story illustrates a lot of things and disproves many doubts that are thrown at Elucien being endgame.
First is this issue of betrayal - that Lucien's involvement with Tamlin and his inevitable association with the situation in Hybern (though he did not know the extent of the deal with Hybern nor at all that Feyre's sisters had been kidnapped) will be such a huge breach of trust that Elain will never be able to get over it. That the relationship is dead before it even started.
Ned and Cat are a perfect example of how many anti-Eluciens are wrong when they think that Elucien are essentially dead before they start. By bringing home Jon Snow and raising him in his home amongst his trueborn children, Ned inflicted a huge betrayal onto his wife before they ever truly started their relationship. Although, at least in show canon, we know this ends up being quite a noble lie by Ned, this is never something that he reveals to Cat. So, Cat must swallow her pride and her jealousy and continue to be Ned's wife. This does not mean she has to fall in love with him, as it is not expected of her to, but she does all the same. Why? Because of Ned's inherent goodness and devotion to her. Cat sees that Ned is a good, honorable man - which is why she ultimately believes the rumors that Jon must be Ashara Dayne's son and that he is a love-child that Ned cannot bear to abandon. Because as she comes to know Ned, she sees his heart and his moral standing.
Which is all to say, that regardless of whether Elain begins her journey angry and blaming Lucien for association with her being Made and the end of her engagement, by getting to know him and spending time with him, she too will be able to see Lucien's inherent goodness. It is unavoidable and undeniable. Lucien, much like Ned, is honorable, loyal, and stands up to the face of evil, even if it will stupidly get him killed. He takes ownership over the people in the lands he runs and cares for that responsibility and their well being deeply. He commits violence when he must but he does not enjoy it. These are all traits that suited Cat well and why she ended up having such a loving marriage to Ned through many, many years. And likewise, suit Elain well and why she and Lucien will have a healthy and loving mating bond.
Reluctant Tension
Many anti-Eluciens do not understand the romantic tension presented in their situation. They see their distance, polite exchanges, and reactions as a sign of indifference or discomfort. It is a far cry from the explosive anger and deliberate pushing away that Nesta displayed with Cassian. Sometimes it's easier to understand Nessian's romantic tension because passion can exist both in anger and desire. But what about the stilted interactions of Elucien?
This is also where I will draw parallels to Ned and Cat. Ned and Cat did not go to the alter kicking and screaming. They were not political rivals or enemies. Catelyn did her duty with her head held high, living her house words (Family, Duty, Honor). Catelyn is often described as the picture of a noble lady - well-mannered, kind, diligent, dutiful, and respected. She held a high place of honor at Riverrun, effectively serving as Lady of the house after her mother's passing at a young age, and then taking over the role of Lady of Winterfell. She earned loyalty and respect amongst her subjects. We don't know much about the dynamic of Ned and Cat at the early days of their relationship. But what we can infer based on how Cat describes this time period, is that Cat hid her reluctance and anger behind silent pride. It was over time, as she grew to know Ned that this distrust and distance was thawed and she fell in love with him.
Similarly, Ned is not a hot head. He is grounded and stone-faced, a trait that Cat actually did not like initially because it was so different from his brother who she was in passionate love with. Brandon was a hot-head, charming, and funny. He was a showboat and is basically how he came to duel Petyr Baelish in the first place. But Catelyn eventually realizes the wisdom in loving a man like Ned, rather than the girlish love she had for Brandon.
Now Elain and Lucien are not mirror images of this. Lucien is certainly much more savvy and charming than Ned. And Elain is not forced into a romantic relationship with Lucien at all even with the mating bond. She has been given total freedom to choose, unlike Cat. But, my point here is that the presentation of their romantic tension, which is more quiet and understated and can confuse some readers who have a preference for the more passionate displays of tension, is very similar to Ned and Cat in the beginning of their relationship.
Now, as we learn both in the books and the show, Cat and Ned at the start of the series are well into their 16+ year marriage and are quite passionate now. They have many loving physical displays with one another, often passionately kissing or referencing passionate lovemaking they just had. They speak to each other with such warm affection others have to look away. It is clear they have deep love for each other that goes beyond duty. The passion certainly developed between them along the way. With Elucien I'm sure this will play out much differently given the presentation of the mating bond and how we know it affects people. It's very likely both of them are deeply desiring each other already, and very likely that they will have some dramatic rows between them, as it is likely Ned and Cat had as well, once they start really talking about the hard topics. But the point is that passion and the potential for passion does not have to be readily observable right from the start. If anything, there is something very delicious in the steady build-up to it through many of the tropes we see in historical romances where there are rules and etiquette to courtship (which many suspect Elucien will play with some regency era tropes).
I really love finding parallels between ships of my favorite series, and there is of course a lot to draw from when its two fantasy series. In the end, my bigger point is that great love can come from Arranged Marriage/Marriage of Convenience Tropes which Elucien inhabit with the nature of their bond snapping right when they met. It's not for everyone, but for those of us who get it... we really get it. Fortunately for us, Elucien exist in a romance with HEAs and not the world of ASOIAF/GOT so they won't meet the same tragic fates as Ned and Cat *sobs*.
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jmoonjones · 1 year
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It's @nestaarcheronweek! Day 1: sisters
I had this other (better) idea for Nesta and her sisters but it didn't really work out as planned... so here are the Archeron sisters as cats.
Several of Nesta's (best) traits are somewhat cat-like anyway: aloof, viciously clawed, capable of both hissing and purring, impeccably groomed, unpredictable, beautiful... Oh, and not fond of being thrown into water.
BTW their kitty names are: Purr-eyre (Purr-ruh), Mew-lain, and Hiss-ta
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crazy-ache · 19 days
Chapter 4 Update
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Summary: When Elain is unexpectedly transformed into a cat, Lucien thankfully comes to her rescue. Well, she would be more grateful, if he also wasn't so incredibly infuriating.
Notes: Rated T for language and Elain’s mildly dirty thoughts. This is pure fun. No posting schedule, no rules, just weirdness.
Read Chapter 4 on AO3
Lucien receives some upsetting news and there's not much Elain can do about it.
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noriseyebrow · 4 months
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