#elaith talk
tay-likes-toons · 1 year
Elaith color palette:
-Hair+eyes: Black
-Skin: same as OG Melinda
-Armor: Silver
-Leaf engraving on his armor: forest green
-That little thing on his side hair: Silver and forest green (leaves)
-Shirt: dark red
-Cloak: brown
-Pants: dark brown
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livewireprojects · 3 months
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A small collection of sketches I did recently, most of these were talked about with my friend @tay-likes-toons who has gotten into Muppets again recently
Left to right
-This is a new version of Elaith(forgot which version) as a muppet, I’ve only really drawn him from a distance or drawn Arthur in his outfit
-Kermit dressed as Elaith because Vincent joked about the idea of Kermit playing the role of Elaith in something. His face reminds me of Kermit from Scoob & Shag which I need to reread cause I haven’t seen it in a long time. I wasn’t sure how to pose him & mostly had him flip off Merlin cause Merlin is an asshole & I needed an excuse to show his arm to show off his sleeve.
-This is my Welcome Home version of my OC Arthur dressed as Elaith. Partly cause it’s cute & partly cause Elaith is a version of Arthur & since the theme of this collection of sketches is Muppets why not use a version of Arthur that reminds me of a horror version of Sesame Street which is connected to Muppets. I find it funny that when it’s Welcome Home puppet people I give them joints but if it’s Muppet related puppet people they get noodle limbs.
-Vincent asked me to draw to draw this, it’s the Reawakened dealing with Elaith(in muppet form) having a level 5 Kermit style fit. Elaith is usually a calm person but the Unicorn Warriors just bring out a lot of raging. Lao Xi & Clarice are worried about their lover & wondering what they got into. I find it funny how before their return they’re seen as the crazy people but this makes them look like concerned sane people while Elaith is the crazy one. It’s semi funnier cause Vincent made jokes about Elaith puppeteering muppet Elaith meaning Elaith is using muppet Elaith to channel his rage. That likely also means his partners are watching him likely kneel down while making a puppet version of himself rage.(I dunno where I’m going)
-This wasn’t intended to be here but I got nowhere else to put it & didn’t want to start up another sketch dump at the moment. Pretty much Sage & Lou with their daughter Chrysanthemum & her newborn brother Basil. This is an oddly sweet moment between some creepy people & their young kids. I don’t know how Basil looks so I tried to not add many features in.(Then again this is a small pic so it was tricky anyway)
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lavampira · 2 years
small dnd update but I talked the DM into letting me adapt elaith as a circle of spores druid so she can finally live her fungi hopes and dreams while fitting her motives into the campaign since the big bad is a lich attempting to break the cycle of life and decay
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keks-dnd-rants · 4 years
Short introductions (Anarchy Campaign)
There are a lot of professors and deans, because 3/4 of the players are artificers (don't question) and one of the main quests is related to universities.
Characters in alphabetical order:
Adam, gnome, 100+y.o.: Dean of Oseburgh university, loves biology, especially genetics, but does not like that he has to follow ethical guidelines, he says that that's slowing down progress
Claudia, human, 21y.o.: Johnny's little sister, with whom she lives, really caring and optimistic, but also quite concerned about her brother, because his daily routine is work, eat, sleep.
Craig, half orc, 39y.o.: Part of the Ahnford University staff. Teaches history and celestial (as in study of gods, not the language). Good friends with Xavril and Edrym.
Dometrius, half Elf/half Aasimar, 33y.o.: Flamboyant, smug, gay and eccentric. His eyes glow red and he knows a lot of stuff about the Hesinde and Nandus cult (The Dark Eye, not DnD). He used to be friends with Johnny, they had a really special relationship noone ever understood.
Edrym, Half Elf, 27y.o.: 3rd oldest of the Traleth siblings. Lost an eye and an ear in a lab accident as a student. Now works as a professor at Ahnford University. Really eccentric and a punk, also a bit insane, and has a small robo-lizard named Dibbs.
Elaith, Elf, 336y.o.: Mother of the Traleth Siblings, really caring but also really naiv. Has a bit of a chaotic persona, kinda like Edrym but not as horrible as him.
Eleonora, Half Elf, 2y.o.: Daughter of Talutius and Havrakhad, really shy and besides her parents and her brother, she only likes her godfather Litav. (She's two, the time where children hate every person that is not their parent)
Havrakhad, Kalashtar, 34y.o.: Talutius' husband and Ella’s adoptive father. Doctor in his town, loves nature and every living being, but he can also be really intimidating. But mostly he's really chill and rather quiet. Best friends with Litav.
Griz, Dragonborn, a few months old: Second adoptive child of Talutius and Havrakhad. When he's too excited his dragon's breath goes off. Can talk, but only a few sentences. He's learning.
Jaime, Yuan-Ti Pureblood-??? Mix, 22y.o.: Adam's adoptive daughter. Works as his assistant and replaces him when he's out of town, but that almost never happens. Rather quiet but really caring, but she hates when people goof around while they're actually supposed to work.
Jim, human, 63y.o.: Owner of a tavern and always grumpy. If you ask him for his most shittiest alcohol, he'll give you rubbing alcohol. Took care of Claudia and Johnny when they were kids, because their parents couldn't.
Johnny, Human, 30y.o.: His actual name is Gionata (Gianni), but he changed it because of several reasons. He has a little sister and a dog. Quite the workaholic and he gets nervous when he has nothing to do. Loves his job as substitute dean of Ahnford University, still complains a lot because his co-workers don't take him seriously. Really sweet and loving, but also emotional, dad of the group but when you make him angry, you will instantly regret it. He used to have anger issues.
Joseph, Elf, 289y.o.: Substitute dean of Xeles University. Dresses to impress, but is quite the snob. Dedicated himself to social sciences, especially psychology and economics. He despises Johnny and everything he does with a burning passion.
Kolec, dwarf, 250+y.o.: Dean of Breburg University. Really chill and would share some weed with you. Believes in the good of everyone and would help everyone to reach their full potential.
Litav, Half Elf, 29y.o.: 2nd oldest of the Traleth siblings. Has a prosthetic arm and works as a blacksmith. Loves cuddles and is really friendly. With him it's all fun and games until he gets irritated. And he gets irritated easily. Can turn into a dog.
Lonán, human, 55y.o.: Father of the Traleth siblings. Used to be a ranger, but even though he's retired, he still helps animals that are sick or injured. Has a small sheep farm.
Maelyss, Half Elf, 17y.o.: 3rd youngest of the Traleth siblings. Not a social person and likes machines more than everything that is alive. If you ask her about her opinion, she's really straight forward and she can be really mean. Built Litav his prosthetic arm. Doesn't care what others think about her.
Mariola, Aasimar, 20y.o.: Kolec's new assistant. Actually really shy but really competent in her field of work. Will soon become substitute dean and Kolec's really optimistic about that, because everyone loves Mariola.
Odva, Vedalken, 200+y.o.: Dean of Ahnford University. Really strict and wants her employees to do their work perfectly. Is really harsh to Johnny, but only because she knows he didn't reach his full potential. If you'd ask her who's her most competent and most important employee, she would say Johnny.
Persephone, Tiefling, 35y.o.: Dean of Xeles University. Unhappily married and everyone knows she'll be divorced soon. Rumors say she has a new lover and is pregnant with their child, but it's not confirmed.
Quirrel, Human, 28y.o.: A follower of the Hesinde cult. Lives in an abandoned temple and guards a holy artefact. It's said he's a really stoic person, but he's actually a huge goof. Can turn into a snake. Related to the Traleth siblings.
Rania, Half Elf, 15y.o.: 2nd youngest of the Traleth siblings. Wants to become a bard and loves to play her ocarina. Loves all of her siblings a lot, and looks up to all of them, especially Edrym.
Talutius, Half Elf, 31y.o.: Oldest of the Traleth siblings. Married to Havrakhad and they adopted two kids. Works as a tailor and never lets anyone wear old or washed out clothes. Really talkative. Litav likes to compare him with a poison dart frog: cute but deadly.
Thassam, Dwarf, 73y.o.: One of Litav's best friends and also his favourite customer. They spend a lot of time in Jim's tavern. Thassam can also be found at the black market in Ahnford rather often.
Thio, Yuan-Ti Pureblood-Elf-Mix, 16y.o.: Adam's other adoptive daughter and assistant. A real sunshine and full of energy. More interested in the experimental side of science and loves genetics, like her adoptive father.
Virici, Half Elf, 15y.o.: Youngest of the Traleth siblings and Rania's younger twin. Constantly in trouble for stealing or other thiefy stuff. Sees Xavril as his role model, who hates it and doesn't want his younger brother to become a rogue, like him.
Xavril/Zavreth, Half Elf, 23y.o.: Middle child of the Traleth siblings and really annoyed by them. He loves all of his siblings but is also fed up by them, especially Edrym. Ran away from home at the age of 13 to become an assassin. Keeps socializing to a minimum because he doesn't want other people to get in trouble because of him. Gives everyone silly nicknames.
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silvanils · 4 years
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I’m still tweaking his design a bit, but I finally created Elyssen in-game! Elys is Talori’s husband and father of Syrus, Aril, and Eira! I haven’t talked about either of them as much as their kids so have a bit of family history:
Talori is a mercenary, but she’s fought among and beside orders like the Knights of the Nine, the Fighter’s Guild, and even the Blades on occasion. Elyssen has always been fascinated by alchemy, science, and magic. Both he and his sister, Elaith, were Blades agents - but Elys was sent to Cloud Ruler Temple while his sister stayed in Valenwood.
Elys actually met Talori because he was sent to help protect her on a mission that went HORRIBLY wrong... or horribly right, maybe. While they were on that misadventure they fell in love. They got married and settled in Anvil for a while, where Syrus was born.
He was still a toddler when the Great War started, which... wasn’t a great time for anyone in this family. Elys found out his sister was murdered by the Thalmor and both he and Talori joined the fight against them. Elys was wounded near the end of it and wound up losing one of his legs - which he’d later craft a prosthetic for based on Dwemer technology.
Aril and Eira were born not long after the war, and Elys has tried to live quietly and stay low-key despite still wanting to stop the Thalmor. Once the twins were grown enough, Talori and Elyssen decided to go to Solstheim for a bit, which is where they still are hanging out during the events of Skyrim.
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willowingends · 5 years
insult elaith i dare u
Angsty motherfucker tragic background emo Princeling! Smooth talk his way out of battle but can't look his girlfriend in the eye because she's too human and pretty and what a disaster of a man.
Scarface ain't got nothing on this boy have you seen that long slash of charmer sliding down his face what a mess.
Careless, so careless. Promise not to get hurt but 9 times out of ten he's coming back to the town a bloody mess and just wanna yank out his hair by the roots. It's snow white so it's gotta be weak locks to rip out right?
5 out of 5 would fight bc family issues.
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magicrobins · 7 years
Galen Lavellan/Solas Headcanons
These headcanons are primarily set in the dual AU I have with my sister and friend (which is the default worldstate I write my Dragon Age fanfics in). Some headcanons aren’t specifically about Galen and Solas, but related to them. Requested by @ghostsmooches. <3 (These were going to be fluffy then I remembered Trespasser and got angsty.)
Galen doesn’t fully realize his feelings for Solas until after Trespasser, or rather he doesn’t allow himself to fully realize them. A part of him always knew his feelings for Solas were more than platonic. However all the events of the Inquisition and starting a relationship with Dorian had kept him too busy, too distracted to give those feelings much thought.
There were times when he almost acknowledged those feelings. He didn’t think there was anything wrong with liking more than one person at a time. He didn’t think he should have to choose between Dorian and Solas. Rejection has always been one of his biggest fears, though. He was afraid of being rejected by Solas, Dorian, and even Elaith.
On multiple occasions, Galen almost kissed Solas. There were many times when he wanted to get the other man alone, to spend time just the two of them. But there was always other people around, and he was always afraid that Solas wouldn’t return his feelings. He’d been scared enough that Dorian wouldn’t feel the same way. And Solas and Elaith looked so happy. He didn’t want to risk ruining his best friends’ happiness.
So he pushed his feelings down and refused to think about them or acknowledge them. Giving them thought only hurt. That hurt easily melded into the struggles he was going through with himself.
Galen and Solas’ friendship has a lot of romantic undertones, flirty looks and teasing. Galen doesn’t think Solas thinks much of it since his friendship with Elaith also occasionally involves the two of them jokingly flirting.
Of course Elaith knows Galen well enough to notice that the way he looks at Solas is the same way he looks at Dorian. And Dorian notices it too. Dorian brings it up to Elaith at one point before the two of them try to ask Galen about how close he is to Solas. Galen dodges the question, though Dorian tries to reassure him that it’s normal for some people to want to be with more than one person to which Galen states he understands that (I personally headcanon that the Dalish, or at least some clans, are fine with poly relationships). The conversation doesn’t go far, though, as Galen ends it to go to a meeting with the Advisors.
Cole also knows how Galen feels, being able to read his mind and sense his feelings, but there’s already so much pain coming from Galen that he already finds it hard to help the Inquisitor feel better. Also any time he tries to bring it up, Galen dodges the topic and at one point firmly tells Cole he doesn’t want to talk about it.
Pushing his feelings down eventually causes Galen to grow frustrated and the natural affection between him and Solas turns more so into tension, sometimes sexual tension, especially as we get closer to the final battle against Corypheus. And it worsens when Solas breaks things off with Elaith, as Galen is protective of his childhood friend and can’t help but resent Solas a little for breaking her heart.
Galen is heartbroken when Solas left after they defeated Corypheus. He tries to be there to comfort Elaith, especially after learning that she’s pregnant.
(Also this isn’t related to Galen/Solas but Galen and Elaith are basically a platonic power couple, and I just wanted to include that ‘cause I love their friendship so much! They’re a platonic power couple who are co-Keepers of the Clan Lavellan they rebuild together, post-Trespasser. <3)
Galen even helps raise Varras, Elaith and Solas’ son (who Solas doesn’t know exists).
Post-Trespasser, Galen is practically shattered by Solas’ betrayal (as well as the other events of Trespasser - the Inquisition being disbanded, everyone going their separate ways, and Dorian having to stay in Tevinter). Elaith eventually helps him admit how his feelings for Solas, and she also admits that his affection for Solas was obvious to her and Dorian, and that Dorian doesn’t have a problem with it (Dorian and Galen have been in a relationship for over two years at this point, giving them both plenty of time to be confident in the other’s affection for them. Also Dorian’s only problem is the fact that Solas’ betrayal broke Galen’s heart).
Galen never truly stops believing that Solas can be redeemed.
He also never stops wondering what could have been, if only he had acted on his feelings sooner.
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rotteprinsen · 8 years
Highlights from the D&D session
With @youngamphibian as our DM and @goblin-jim, @oliverwastaken and I
- fantasy FINN.no - Elaith pickpocketing everyone and the bartender in the Tavern of their gold and pants, while Oliver’s Bard furiously played Darude Sandstorm atop a table and everyone was enthralled - The Cave Inspectors™ - “I don’t think my insurance covers this” “Oh that’s right you don’t have Fantasy health care” “I’ll make my people talk to your people” - “do they have sleeping bags” “yes” “I PUT THE SLEEPING MIMICK IN THE SLEEPING BAG, I ADD ANOTHER SLEEPING BAG- AND ANOTHER” - rolling a check for whether or not Elaith will puke because of the sight of chunks of flesh being ripped off - I put the goo in my pocket - arm and hand puns when seeing that a character has had their arm off
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littlelovingmouse · 8 years
RULES: repost this and tag 10 people you want to know better
I was tagged by @ellicelluella (thanks again! :))
Favourite fictional characters: Oh my, so many, some real obscure, Elaith Craulnober (from Forgotten Realms), Raistlin Majere (from Dragonlance), Prosecutor Nahyuta Sahdmadhi (from Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice)... shit, I see a pattern o.O” Favourite books: American Gods, Le Lit d’Aléinor (oui oui), Johnathan Strange & Mr Norrell, llddz, the Harry potter series, the Forgotten Realms novels, the Dragonlance novels, the Star Wars novels, les Gestionnaires de l’Apocalypse, Chroniques du Pays des Mères, 1Q84, I can go on... Video games: the Ace Attorney games, the Myst series, any point and click by Wadjet Eye Sports: Ehhh... I sometimes watch tennis and hockey with my mom, but otherwise I only watch sports during the Olympics, and I dont play any (unless you count hardcore daydreaming while walking) Last song I listened to: Tag You’re It - Melanie Martinez First language: French
eeeh taging people is always meh cause i’m shy and i don’t actually talk to ten people on here so i’m gonna tag people i already know, too :) @tiamatomega, @scienceoftheidiot, @chloro-ephydriad, @maverek, @viam-inveniam-aut-faciam, @skinnysisk, @chraliecox, @ladygr4ce, @intoxicatingimmediacy, and also @rykemasters (because how do i not know what your favourites are, i’m a bad gf), and anyone who wants to do it too :)
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inkytealeaf · 6 years
Kisses that taste like honey
The first thing Nelaeryn saw when he opened his eyes was salmon pink hair. A lazy smile stretched his lips as his fingers brushed his boyfriend’s jaw, carefully as he didn’t want to wake him up. Them. The night before had been pretty wild for all of them, he didn’t want to deprive his boyfriends of the rest they deserved.
He remembered how Orian, the one still asleep in his arms, had wrapped his limbs around his body, like a cute little koala, and had fallen asleep like that, his face hidden in the crook of Nelaeryn’s neck. He remembered how he had made his fingers dance on his body, while talking with the others who weren’t feeling sleepy enough yet. They had talked but had mostly pampered Orian with kisses and caresses making him smile in his sleep.
Nelaeryn didn’t remember when they turned off the lights, but it was now past noon. He stifled a yawn against his hair then put a kiss on his forehead before sitting up and the sight he saw made his heart melt; Orian was trapped between Elaith’s arms as Gaelin had tried, apparently, to embrace them all with his legs.
He couldn’t wipe off his smile, nor take his eyes off them as he put his underwear back on. He could spend hours just looking at them, whether they were asleep or awake. He loved them so much, loved how different they were from one another, but they loved each other with the same force.
Gaelin was their angel, the one who would always end up as red as a tomato if showed affection in public, the one who would grumble after a kiss but would ask for another, the one who really didn’t know how to show and accept affection, but had made so much progress since they started dating.
Elaith was the sweetest of them, a real cinnamon roll with his hair alike to cotton candy and smile that could enthral anyone. The sweetest but also the shyest. They loved to tease him about that, loved to see that blush spread from his cheeks to his neck, loved when he would hide his face behind a pillow, or against their body.
And then, there was Orian, the youngest of them. Their little devil who would tell them many times a day how much he loved them. Their little devil who knew how to turn them crazy, with his ‘special’ outfits like he loved to call them. Their little devil who loved to be carried.
In the kitchen, Nelaeryn boiled some water and started to make breakfast in the meantime. Pancakes for all with maple syrup and fruits, and green tea for Elaith and himself, hot chocolate for Gaelin and a blueberries smoothie for Orian. He put everything on a tray then went back to their bedroom, focused on where he was walking as he didn’t want to spill a single drop.
There, he put the tray on the ground before walking to the bed where they were still asleep. He straddled Gaelin, his long legs on each side of his hips, and caressed his skin with his lips. His forearm, then higher on his shoulder, his cheek, and smiled as Gaelin started to move beneath him.
“Five minutes,” He grumbled, rolling on his back, arms on his eyes.
“It’s past noon, baby. Wake up, breakfast’s ready,” Nelaeryn said, lips on his neck and hands dangerously close to his ribs. “Don’t make me use my secret weapon.”
“You wouldn’t,” He propped himself on his elbows, brows knitted together. “They’re still sleeping.”
Gaelin tried to keep his hands far away from his body, but his boyfriend was a sly man and sometimes he would forget this fact. His lips pressed against his, Gaelin closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around his neck, fingers lost in mint curls. He let his kisses wake him up, the feeling of his warm body on him giving him flashbacks of the previous night. He bit Nelaeryn’s bottom lip as one of his hands wandered under the sheets and brushed his naked thigh. Gaelin whimpered when they parted, a flush spreading over his face as he got lost in his pale purple gaze. He wanted more, wanted to feel the warmth of his palm more, wanted to feel his lips and teeth on his skin.
He spread his legs a little more, arms above his tilted head, his body an invitation. He should have known the smirk he had on his lips wasn’t the same as the one he would have during their intimate moments, and yet, Gaelin fell head first into his trap. Each time.
His body jerked to the side, too close to the edge, but if he had to fall, he would drag him with him, and tried to get away from his hands, tried to quiet down his laughter. It was easier said than done with those long and nimble fingers tickling his ribs. Gaelin was begging him to stop between each laugh, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, but no matter how much he begged, Nelaeryn would only tickle him more.
“Could you please pipe down?!” Orian said, not pleased at all to have been woken up. “Some people here are trying to sleep!” He then pointed at himself, and at Elaith still sleeping soundly.
“Seriously Gaelin, look at what you’ve done,” Nelaeryn started, a big grin on his lips. “You woke Grumpy up.”
“Ass.” And Nelaeryn did the most mature thing he could do right now; he stuck out his tongue, winked then moved closer to Orian who immediately snuggled into his arms and put soft kisses on his throat.
“Good morning to you too, kitty,” Nelaeryn said against the top of his head, a hand tracing his spine up and down, the other caressing the tattoo on his hip.
Orian made a sound close to a purr, brushing the tip of his nose against his skin before he laid his eyes on Elaith, his pink hair hiding his face, and Gaelin’s limbs once again around his body.
“Don’t wake him up,” Orian said resting his head on Nelaeryn’s shoulder, “He’s too cute like that.”
“But breakfast is cooling down, kitty.” He smiled as Orian’s pointed ears dropped down, disappointed he couldn’t watch him sleep longer. “Wake him up while I bring the tray, loves.”
Getting out of bed without dragging Orian with him was a little hard for him when he was being clingy, not wanting to leave the warmth of his arms. His smile didn’t leave his face as he heard them whisper sweet nothing to wake Elaith up, telling him breakfast was ready and that they would eat everything if he wasn’t waking up in the next thirty seconds.
Elaith was rubbing his eyes when he came back on the bed, smearing his eyeliner a little more on his eyelids. His pale green eyes widened when he saw the still steaming cup of tea ready for him and stretched his hands like a baby would do, trying to grab what had caught its eyes.
“Isn’t it a little late for breakfast?” He asked enjoying the warmth of the cup in his hands.
“It’s never late for breakfast, angel.” Gaelin answered while putting a few pancakes topped with slices of bananas on a plate he gave to Orian.
“You say this because you’re always hungry.”
Gaelin feigned shock, already plotting a small revenge as the others were laughing.
They took their time to eat their breakfast, simply enjoying being with the ones they loved.
Later on that day, they spent some time in the gardens of the city and enjoy the nice weather, enjoy their day off before they all would have to be serious adults the next day.
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tay-likes-toons · 1 year
Does Elaith own any pets or plants?
He owns a golden tabby named Mordred, Whom he loves and spoils dearly. As for plants, his shop is usually stocked with hemlock, jars of magnolia juice, and weeping vines. They are all for decoration, for obvious reasons.
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livewireprojects · 4 months
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As part of the stuff for the anniversary of Unicorn Warriors Eternal I decided to draw my OCs dressed up though might not fully be obvious. It's been a while since I drew Terry who is my OC Arthur's boyfriend & part of the time work partner.(I don't think I've talked about him here on Tumblr) I've changed his design some since I last drew him, I should make a ref for him eventually.
Terry is meant to be dressed as Seng but it's hard to tell with his hair, he's wearing an bandana or something cause he's not shaving his head for this but he has a lot of hair so doesn't help much. It'd maybe be more obvious if I drew him in a full body image(due to the outfit) but I messed up by staying technically half body, I didn't feel like fixing this by redrawing cause I worked a lot on trying to get Terry's face right.
Drew Arthur on a box so his outfit is more visible cause due to their weird heights(Arthur is short & Terry is taller than average) Arthur would have come up to Terry's chest. Arthur is dressed as an OC for the show named Elaith(specifically a version my friend calls v3 cause they made some different versions of him) due to the fact Arthur kind of caused Elaith so Elaith is an alternate universe Arthur/UWE version of him. Arthur is also holding a unicorn plushie I tried to draw in the style of the unicorn in the first episode. The way his eyes are aimed might look odd cause he has a glass eye.
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lavampira · 2 years
omg can elaith talk to me about her acid magic. how/when did she learn. what does she like about it. etc <3
[send questions for my ocs]
Elaith glances up from a haphazard array of paper, fungi, and flora clippings, which one might consider a mess, yet seems to have some sort of order to her mind. She tucks her hair behind a pointed ear and purses her lips.
“I shouldn’t share this, not really. Druids and secrets, secrets and druids. You know how it is.” A heavy sigh escapes her as she waves a flippant hand. “My mentor—another druid, you see—found me as a girl wandering the forest. I begged them to teach me their magic, thus a druid I became.” She pauses to place a pile of papers into a folded leather book, blinking owlishly as she looks up again. “Where was I? Oh, yes, my magic. I’m particular to acid spells for the same reason I’m fascinated by decay, the natural order of life and death. This magic allows me to be a proactive part of the cycle.”
A pink viper slithers out of a nearby satchel, which Elaith scoops up with a pointed look, muttering to it as if scolding a child. “And, of course, when having a venomous friend like Strawberry around, it’s useful to know a thing or two about corrosion.”
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tay-likes-toons · 1 year
Does Elaith have any hobbies ? :)
Of course!
His Hobbies include:
documenting peculiar sightings in the forest on the outskirts of london
tinkering with broken bot parts, including making little figurines like a tiny little Copernicus figure
collecting flowers
sword training
rearranging the books in his shop
preparing a complicated tea recipe
collecting his thoughts in a journal
updating his journals regarding Unicorn and their hosts (which he's shared with the Reawakening; he personally also has collected Seng's old writings and kept them preserved)
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tay-likes-toons · 1 year
its adorable that elaith is a bookshop keeper! what are some of his hobbies?
Reading is one, of course. He also likes to document peculiar things, tinkering with broken bot parts (he even made a miniature Copernicus figure!), collect flowers, sword training, and rearranging the books in his shop.
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tay-likes-toons · 1 year
Did some editing to my AU/writing, and I've decided to change a few things, like some OCs and how they interact with canon. I've decided to make Elaith enter a relationship with Clarice and Lao Xi, as a polycule, as I thought it would be more interesting
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