#electrical stamping
jaybeelaminations · 2 months
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web-viewerxp · 11 days
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made more stamps :]
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soulsoffairlight · 5 months
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I made some Mayhem stamps!! This isn't all of them I'll rb with the rest shortly. Sorry if they're bad this is my first time making stamps
F2u btw!
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cursed-elo-images · 5 months
18:56-19:01 HUGH SCREAMS
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jellypawss · 2 years
hardly surviving paycheck to paycheck with two jobs really puts a damper on my motivation to make mods and I really apologize. I’ll come back to it at some point, but things aren’t going very great for me right now.
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simplyghosting · 2 years
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Wax seals my beloved
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hafwen · 1 year
The vet called earlier than expected and that's never a good sign
Pumpkin has always had a weird shaped kidney and a normal one and 3 years ago his kidneys values were normal
Now most are bad but one is still normal. They think it’s possible that he has a bacteria infection that they can’t see without doing a urine culture so that’s happening now. It will probably take 2 days so we’re waiting hoping it’s that.
Otherwise his funky kidney is probably failing and if he’s going to be okay we need to remove it which is even more than teeth stuff.
If he needs to have a kidney removed I’m doing a go fund me there’s no way I can pay for it. It was going to be almost impossible and I would need to ask for help for his teeth but this is worse.
The culture is $180 the tests we already ran were $210 plus the office visit plus we hadn’t paid for putting Ollie to sleep. I knew I needed to call and do it I was just waiting until I wouldn’t sob but since we were there they made us pay that too.
In total I’ve spent close to my entire disability check in just the past 2 days
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Well I hear Ruin is out. Hmmmm…
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sunriseindustries · 13 days
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Sunrise Brass Industries are Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier of customized Components in Brass, Stainless Steel, Copper, Bronze, Gun Metal and special alloys at Jamnagar. https://www.sunriseind.co.in/index.html
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jaybeelaminations · 3 months
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sources-across · 2 months
Metal Laser Engraving - Control Panel Engraved
Command solar cells work because neurological heart associated with conventional machines, orchestrating sophisticated operations having detail in addition to accuracy. Making certain these kinds of solar cells are not only seen useful but also great looking is where conventional engraving has play. By way of leverage the strength of engraving strategies, enterprises can raise this productivity, trustworthiness, in addition to graphic appeal of their control solar cells around impressive ways.
Also, engraving presents a very good opportunity for branding. Which includes enterprise art logos, brands, or maybe solution information and facts in to the user interface pattern, enterprises can strengthen its brand identification in addition to create a specialist image. This kind of not just improves brand acceptance but also instills self-assurance around buyers in addition to stakeholders relating to the quality in addition to toughness for this equipment.
Wood Engraving
Around industries where regulating submission in addition to wellbeing expectations will be important, correctly referred to as command solar cells will be essential. Conventional engraving lets enterprises to fulfill these kinds of requirements having ease. Very clear in addition to standardised product labels associated with user interface parts aids employees establish characteristics easily in addition to lowers the danger of problems or maybe accidents.
Tools Engraving
Some sort of well-organized in addition to plainly referred to as user interface can substantially increase working productivity in addition to productivity. Having etched markings, employees can browse through this command slot speedily in addition to correctly, lowering down time in addition to increasing throughput. Regardless of whether it's starting/stopping machines, altering configurations, or maybe problem solving concerns, spontaneous product labels streamlines this workflow in addition to cuts down on the chance of errors.
Industrial engraving regarding command solar cells presents numerous advantages in which go over simple aesthetics. Via detail and durability for you to modification in addition to wellbeing, this impact associated with engraving strategies on user interface performance in addition to productivity can't be overstated. By purchasing superior engraving products and services, enterprises can raise its operations for you to fresh elevations, ensuring easy performance, regulating submission, in addition to elevated brand image.
Control Panel Engraved
Each industry have their own exclusive requirements in addition to features, in addition to command solar cells aren't any exception. Having conventional engraving, enterprises currently have the flexibleness for you to tailor-make command solar cells in accordance with its unique needs.
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get-free-vpn24 · 2 months
Unlock the Internet's Potential with a Free VPN Download
This is Shared Information, Original Source is: https://medium.com/@laborcoz5/unlock-the-internets-potential-with-a-free-vpn-download-520ee6c8ef44?postPublishedType=initial
In today's digital age, accessing the vast realm of the internet comes with its own set of risks and limitations. Whether you're concerned about privacy breaches, geo-restrictions, or censorship, the solution lies in harnessing the power of a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Now, imagine having the freedom to explore cyberspace without boundaries, all with the simple click of a button. That's precisely what a free VPN download offers - unparalleled access, security, and peace of mind.
What exactly is a VPN, and why should you bother with a vpn download free? Let's break it down. A VPN encrypts your internet connection, shielding your online activities from prying eyes, be it hackers, government agencies, or even your internet service provider (ISP). This encryption ensures that your sensitive data remains confidential and secure, even when connected to unsecured networks, such as public Wi-Fi hotspots.
Now, you might be wondering, why opt for a free VPN download when there are paid options available? The answer is simple: accessibility. While premium VPN services offer advanced features and enhanced performance, a free VPN download provides an excellent entry point for users who are new to the world of virtual private networks. It's a risk-free way to experience the benefits of VPN technology without committing to a subscription fee.
One of the most significant advantages of a free VPN download is its ability to bypass geo-restrictions and access content from anywhere in the world. Whether you're traveling abroad or simply want to stream your favorite movies and TV shows that are unavailable in your region, a VPN allows you to change your virtual location with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to frustrating "content not available in your country" messages and hello to unrestricted access to the internet's wealth of information and entertainment.
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In conclusion, a free VPN download is more than just a tool for circumventing restrictions - it's a gateway to a safer, more open internet. With robust encryption, unlimited access to global content, and enhanced privacy protections, a VPN empowers you to take control of your online experience. So why wait? Unlock the internet's full potential today with a free VPN download and embark on a journey towards digital freedom. After all, the world wide web is yours to explore - why not do it safely and securely?
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lemonadeindia · 4 months
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Lemonade's Bespoke Heat Stamps: Elevate Corporate Gifting Discover bespoke heat stamps by Lemonade for personalized corporate gifts. Elevate your brand with custom designs. Order now!
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tgirlwithreverb · 7 months
I saw that post about what to do if you're homeless again (the one that starts by telling you to spend all of your money on motel rooms lmao) anyway, here's a few thoughts, specifically for trans girls, cuz I don't really care otherwise tbh:
1) plan ahead, most trans girls are in precarious housing situations, you will have a much easier time when it falls apart if you already have a pack with most of the gear you need in it. Also, if you find yourself in a situation where you cant make rent, dont pay part of it, spend that money on gear, pocket the rest and leave, youll have a much nicer time. Look up your local eviction laws, you have plenty of time. (Gear list at the end)
2) travel! If you're in Arizona in May, leave. it's about to be hot as hell. If you're in Michigan in October, leave. It's about to be cold as hell. If you're in a big city, leave. It's way easier to be homeless pretty much anywhere else. Amtrak is cheaper and more comfortable than greyhound, hitchhiking is free and easy, if you're alone it's not that much slower than the previous two, and it's more fun, and sometimes people buy you food or whatever or give you money. I promise it's not scary and you're entirely capable of doing it, no matter who you are. 95+% of people who will pick you up are very nice. All you have to do is take the bus out of town, as far down the highway you can, to an exit with a truck stop if possible, then just stand on the side of the road with your thumb out until someone picks you up. You can stand at the bottom of the ramp(on the highway) near where the merge lane ends or at the top of the ramp(where there's usually a traffic light), the former is more likely to lead to cop interactions but will maybe get you a ride faster, check on hitchwiki for how the cops are in the area. don't be afraid to take a commuter bus or Amtrak to get out of a shitty cop area
3) skip shelters if you can (they are very occasionally a decent place to get stuff from) and encampments, good places to sleep include the trees near railroad tracks or highways, wooded areas behind shopping centers, sections of parks without paths, overgrown empty lots. Hang a tarp above you if there's an appreciable chance of rain, there's tons of YouTube tutorials on how to do this, maybe I'll make a post about what I usually do some day. There are many habits more fun than motel rooms, save your money for them lmao.
4) get on food stamps. This is easier in some places than others, but it makes the whole thing a lot easier. Just tell them you're homeless, if they don't give you a card the same day, you can probably ask to pick it up from that office, alternatively some drop in centers/day shelters can receive mail for you, or you can have it sent to general delivery(USPS service, look it up)
7) libraries are great for charging your phone and using wifi, but also keep an eye out, plenty of random outlets on the outsides of buildings are also powered
5) dumpster. sidewalk trash cans, Aldi, Einstein's, trader Joe's, pizza places, etc. You need to develop a bit of a sense for it but it's an easy way to get cooked food or travelling food or expensive food without spending resources. Also it's fun.
6) water is free, go into the bathroom of any gas station or grocery store in America(offer not valid in most big cities or on the west coast, but in that case just go to the library) and fill up your water bottle
8) hygiene notes: truckers get free showers from chain truck stops(loves, pilot/flying j) go there and ask them. convenient if you're hitchhiking, also you don't need to shower 3 times a day, really, you'll survive. Ditto with deodorant. Take care of your teeth though. Take your socks off every. day. Change them consistently. Safety razors give a good shave, work well without adequate water pressure, and the replacement blades are very stealable, they're kind of heavy though. Walmart makes these electric razors for women that take AA batteries and are pretty light but give a worse shave, also they kinda go through batteries, pick whatever works for you(cartridge razors suck)
9) traveling food notes: peanut butter is great, tortillas and bagels travel pretty well, tuna packets are pretty good protein for traveling(the ones with rice and beans or whatever are nice since theyre often the same price as the regular), condiment packets are free, hot sauce makes everything better, and mayo goes well with tuna and has a bunch of calories in it, salad dressing packets are free from truck stops and work well turning the Walmart shredded vegetable packages (labeled for making into slaw, next to the bagged salads) into a salad with real vegetables(not iceberg lettuce) in it or mixing in with tuna packets for even more calories than mayo
Gear world:
Necessary items(in order of importance): a gallon of water carrying capacity(an Arizona jug or other twist top jug is conventional, but a bladder+arizona bottles also works), a tarp(larger than 6'x9', not brightly colored), a hank of parachord, a sleeping bag (20° rated, synthetic insulation), a backpack with a padded hip belt(at least 50L, no more than 75), rain gear(a rain poncho might cover your pack too, a rain jacket can help with wind when its cold, a trash bag inside or outside your pack can keep it dry, a plan to watch the weather and not get caught also works), a z-fold foam sleeping pad, three pairs of socks, two pairs of underwear (at least one pair of boxer breifs strongly recommended if you arent incredibly skinny), a decent pair of shoes with good arch support, a functional jacket(skip if you got a rain jacket before), a base layer(wool or poly, absolutely no cotton)
Convenient items: a sleeping bag liner(cotton free, keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer), gallon zip locks to pack your stuff in(helps keep it dry and organized), no more than one change of clothes(as light as possible), a multi-tool(can opener, pliers, wire cutter), lighter(burning rope ends etc), spoon, floss and needles for patching
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syyds · 1 year
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