#i also love Richard’s dress shirt and the red suit
cursed-elo-images · 9 months
18:56-19:01 HUGH SCREAMS
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mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Caring is the Greatest Advantage- Mycroft Holmes x Reader (Part Five)
Word Count- 3921
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Morning had come around a lot quicker than you had hoped it would, the sunlight peeking through the curtains and birds singing outside making drifting back off an impossible task. Though you felt well rested, you simply just didn't want to move anywhere any time soon. Last night had begun with Mycroft shyly placing his hand on your hip as your back pressed close to his chest, but this morning had ended with Mycroft on his back and you with your head resting between his chest and shoulder, hand crossing over with fingers hooked over the pyjama's pocket. You'd never expected to be the type to wake up earlier than Mycroft Holmes, particularly not two days on the bounce, but you wouldn't complain. He looked so peaceful as he slept, the sunlight turning his auburn hair far more ginger, his freckles on his nose matching. You slowly reached one arm backwards, blindly feeling around for your phone on the bedside table and reading through your messages. You grinned seeing a text from Greg and had to fight the small laugh that threatened to escape you.
'Hey, just thought I'd check in on you both and see how you're getting on. I hate to feel pushy but we do really need to start that paperwork, today ideally. Figured I'd pop round later if it's alright- I need a sodding nap first though. Spent the majority of last night receiving phone calls about mysterious activity around St James', load of dodgy cars sending people away, loads of papers.. don't suppose you saw any of that down your way did you, makes life easier?"
Your fingers typed a response- 'Uhh..guilty as charged.. Myc was in jeans and a Who top, daren't be seen by the public..I'll get him to fix it when he's up x'- a grin playing on your face. Yeah okay you felt a little bad, but Greg had dealt with worse. After pressing send, you scrolled further through your notifications, spotting one from John. Nothing major, just checking in and inviting you both over for late lunch, mentioning briefly how it'll do Sherlock some good seeing his brother, even if he doesn't believe it himself- evidently also receiving a message from Greg as he also explained how it would make Lestrade have to do one less visit for paperwork if you popped over a little earlier. Before you could type an answer, you felt Mycroft shift beneath you, stretching out the arm that wasn't trapped beneath your body.
"Morning Sleeping Beauty." You teased, turning your head and placing a small kiss on the Holmes' chin. Mycroft blinked, rubbing his eyes and offering you a 'good morning' in response as he eyed up you typing on your phone.
"Needed to be whisked away to catch a criminal mastermind already?" He asked, sitting up a little as you moved to give him a little more space, his arm still loosely tucked behind your back, though his torso now free.
"Your deductions in the morning are lacking.. though close. Mastermind, but not criminal. John and Sherlock have invited us to late lunch, Greg's popping over to start the first part of paperwork handling, only the basic stuff this time round, so figured it would make it easier on him only having to go to one home before we left." Mycroft breathed deeply, fingers raising to pinch the bridge of his nose.
"I think I'd have rathered the criminal." He spoke, already mentally planning the afternoon, the conversations he would likely have, the way Sherlock would behave. What if he still hadn't forgiven him? It was surprising enough that you had let him off so easily, but Sherlock was different. Sherlock was a Holmes, and someone of whom already had feudal tendencies with Mycroft, it was bound to end terribly. As though you had read his mind, you moved your hand to take his from his face as you noticed his fingertips whitening as he pinched harder.
"Hey, it'll be fine. He doesn't blame you, he's been far too silent for that to be the case. From the way John sounded, it actually seemed more like he was worried about you, though you know he'd never admit that." Mycroft hummed in response, not being able to find the right words to say before reaching over and grabbing his own mobile. "World ending yet?"
"Not yet. Though with any luck, quarrels could happen before lunch." He mused, one side of his mouth raising slightly in a playful smirk.
"Mycroft you can't wish for conflicts amongst empires to get out of a meal with your brother."
"Can't I?" He raised a brow.
"Anthea wouldn't allow it anyway. We're on strict instruction to not go into work for the next couple of weeks, nations be damned. Lunch sounds far more appealing too." You slid yourself out of bed and grabbed one of the bags from Anthea that you brought upstairs last night, taking a handful of clothing items and tucking them under your arm.
"But it isn't lunch, is it? It's LATE Lunch, settled approximately around 3pm, too late for lunch, too early for dinner. It's impractical by any means; you starve yourself at real lunch so you do not ruin your appetite, and then by dinner time you're hungry once again. And if you eat at both of those times as well as the late lunch, your feeding schedules become on par with a bloody Hobbit." You rolled your eyes and headed to the bathroom. "Though you may be more accustomed to such choices given the height similarity between yourself and Mr Brandybuck."
"Cheeky sod, not all of us have glorious Holmesian legs. I'm sure you'll survive a few hours.. Oh, you also owe Greg an apology." You chuckled, opening the message back up and tossing your phone in the general direction of Mycroft's lap before going to get dressed. After reading the message, you heard Mycroft let out a laugh from the other room, the rare kind that you knew made the sides of his eyes crease and his head tip back slightly in amusement; you were sorry you missed it.
Leaving the bathroom, you couldn't help but notice the silk pyjama clad man standing mindlessly in front of his open wardrobe, glancing over each individual item of clothing. Wandering behind him, you moved up on your tiptoes and peered over his shoulder at the rows of suits. You were still dressed relatively comfortably in a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt, which you felt was appropriate for the later meal that would likely be somewhere like Angelo's- but you equally knew that Mycroft's idea of 'comfort' lay within his three pieces, pocket squares and oxfords.
"Don't panic, I'm not going to begrudge you of your precious suits today. You deserve it after actually going through with my wardrobe choice for you.. I didn't actually expect you to do it." You laughed, squeezing his shoulder fondly. "We slept in late again, there's barely any morning left." You commented, glancing over at the clock that read 10:53am. "Can I tempt you in Elevenses, Mr Baggins?" You grinned, your Lord of the Rings reference not being missed by Mycroft. He cast you a playful glare, fighting the urge to childishly poke his two fingers up at you. "What? Not judging my bedside manner this time?"
"It is useless to meet revenge with revenge; it solves nothing." He quoted Frodo without hesitation, bastard probably already planned that you'd quip back with something smart and already armed himself with Shire related comebacks. You, in contrast to Mycroft, did have the tendencies to become childish and did opt for the two fingered response, an adoring smile unnaturally paired.
Not many people got to know of Mycroft's little nerdy side, and you took pride in being one of the few that did, though you took more pride in him for being able to easily reel off the quotes. Though he had told you before that The Lord of the Rings trilogy had been his favourite of everything you made him watch, then when he read the books? You wouldn't hear from him for hours at a time while he binge read through them for the tenth time round, and of course you had noticed the varying editions of the three books on his bookshelf in his personal office, rather than lining the shelves in his small library room. If anything, it just made him more endearing.
Though it was nothing compared with his love of Doctor Who. Bless his heart, you had taken him to watch David Tennant's Richard II a few years ago for his birthday and he was insistent on waiting behind after the performance to catch David leaving and got him to sign his special edition box set of his DW seasons. He even had a photo taken with him, his expression being easily comparable to the likes of a child who just got a puppy for Christmas- and, much to his dismay, the photograph had had a prime place on your desk at NSY since the event.
You made your way downstairs, calling out something about making omelettes and leaving Mycroft alone to get ready. His fingers skimmed across the expensive fabrics, tugging out an olive green suit and red tie and pocket square to match. The smell of the food you were preparing began to fill his nose, making his stomach growl as he rushed to the bathroom to get dressed. After removing his pyjama top, Mycroft caught a glance of himself in the mirror, prodding at the pudge of his stomach that settled just over his pyjama bottoms, before sucking in flat and looking again. Maybe he should forego the omelette and just wait until later.. another growl.. okay maybe just a little, just so he didn't raise suspicion. He sighed, stomach relaxing back to its natural state before finishing his morning routine, tugging his trousers up a little higher than usual to tuck away the offending belly fat.
Mycroft had always suffered with his weight, he knew that. He also knew of his past, how he would skip meals, or spend hours upon hours on his treadmill, or the time he was under Doctor Chinnery for just shy of three years following his habits of completing his meals with his fingers down the back of his throat over the toilet just after his job promotions exceeded and he found himself in much higher rankings- public appearance being far more important than any personal preference. Though his eating disorder had improved, the years of therapy didn't miraculously improve his self-confidence. It was one of the many reasons he preferred inviting others for dinners, or at the very least having his days to himself when he knew he would be going out later in the evening. Spontaneous meals out like the one he would be attending in a few hours, or having somebody at home with him while he waited for said meals threw him off balance completely- his usual routine of fasting beforehand as to not appear rude or raise suspicions when he ate in public being disturbed significantly. You knew of his past, deduced it, actually, and had been nothing but supportive, trying your best to convince him for years that he was perfectly healthy and encouraging him to eat better, to actually consume meals. He was thankful, of course he was, but it didn't help his insecurities around you, no matter how welcoming you had been or however many compliments you gave him. His body was covered in stretch marks and areas of loose skin from his weight loss over the years, his chest hair, though scarce, was a coppery ginger and his body was covered in so many freckles he looked like an explosion at a dot to dot factory. It led him to remember the other reason why he had never previously attempted to pursue a relationship with you; if he was disgusted and horrified at the appearance of his nude body then what on earth would you think when that time eventually came around? He daren't even try to imagine your face. You'd worked with Sherlock long enough to have seen him wander around naked and Mycroft had to admit that his brother at least had a body worth parading about in the nude, then there was Gregory who, despite not having an exactly chiseled body, still had the rugged good looks and toned chest- a physique that clearly represented the physical aspects of his occupation- there was no doubt you'd compare him to them and he would come up short every time.
"Myc? You gonna be long? Yours is going to be freezing!" Your voice had knocked him out of his thoughts and he quickly shrugged on the rest of his clothes, straightening his tie in the mirror and plastering on a small smile as he headed downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Apologies.. the cufflinks failed in succession to cooperate at first." You had eyed him suspiciously, knowing that Mycroft had worn enough suits in his lifetime that he could probably find a way to put one on to completion in 5 minutes in the dark with oven mitts on.
"I know I've been so against the suits, but I have to admit that you look incredible.. I think that one's my new favourite." You commented casually, placing a quick kiss to his temple as he sat at the table. "That colour is lovely." He quirked a brow.
"New favourite? You've had old ones?"
"Obviously." Imitating Sherlock. "Charcoal pinstripe with that light blue shirt- brings your eyes out wonderfully... and your bum." You winked, positively enjoying the pink that dusted the man's cheeks, and the way he would open his mouth to speak and then close it before any words came out. In his defence, he was really not used to receiving such compliments. And in your defence, you weren't particularly used to giving them, not like that anyway. You'd blame Greg, he was a terrible influence and an incredible flirt- using his charm to at the very least try and make you laugh when you had shitty days.
You lay his plate in front of him, a coffee to its side, before beginning to tuck into your own meal. You had learned early on that if you didn't wait until Mycroft was able to eat then he likely wouldn't eat at all. While drinking his coffee fairly happily, you hadn't missed that the vast majority of Mycroft's breakfast was still on the plate, cut in smaller pieces and rearranged to appear as though he had eaten more than he truly had. Frowning, you didn't press- knowing better than to point out his behaviour and just being thankful he had eaten anything at all (about a third of the omelette and half a slice of toast if your judgements were correct) but had elected to keep an eye on him. You finished your own food in silence before crossing the cutlery over on your plate and beginning to speak.
"I figured if we left now we could have a bit of time for you to go through the first set of paperwork, Greg should be getting there in the next 10 minutes or so, and then by the time we finish and have a cup of tea it'll be time to go out." You suggested, taking Mycroft's plate to clear away after he had sent a nod to show he was finished. He made a small groan at the need to go at all, but soon acquiesced, sent a text for a car and stood to go to the front door. Tugging on a hoodie, you opened the door and took a step back, the wind shooting in your face and making you scowl. Mycroft made an amused sound and offered you the scarf of his that you had worn last night. Rather than taking the garment, you stood and waited for him to wrap it the same expert way that he had the night before. "I also text Greg to run by my flat and grab my coat so I'll be able to stop stealing your expensive scarves soon.. though this one feels so lovely I may text him again to leave it on the tube." You laughed, stepping back outside once again and walking with Mycroft to the end of the road where a car was waiting. Mycroft had wanted to respond, to make a comment about how he didn't mind letting you wear his things, how he actually quite liked it. But he stayed silent, offering a small smile instead and a soft hand at the small of your back. Mycroft opened the door for you, climbing in after and settling against the plush seats of the lavish car.
As the car began to move you tensed a little, a thought popping into your head.
"Myc.. does Sherlock know yet? About us? I might have hinted at it a little when I spoke to Lestrade earlier but I didn't press.. I just.. I didn't know if you were telling people." You asked awkwardly. Christ it made it sound like you were in some forbidden relationship. Mycroft's jaw clenched a little.
"I wasn't aware it was secret knowledge, if that's what you are asking Y/N. In response to your question, no. I haven't spoken to Sherlock at all since.." He trailed. "And I am not the sort of man to walk into a room and actively announce that kind of thing. But you should know that he will likely deduce it the moment we walk through the door being as you are wearing my clothing, your hair smells like my shampoo and your skin still has traces of the scent of my soap. So if you didn't want anybody to know, then I strongly suggest we rearrange our plans for this afternoon." Who was he kidding? Of course you didn't want people to know that you were actually together now- you would look ridiculous being such a pretty young woman with a man like Mycroft in tow. You opened your mouth to speak but he cut you off. "If you are going to say you could argue the soaps then it would simply be futile, he knows I have your regular brand at your disposal; he'd know you used mine in the form of... sentiment." The last word felt wrong on his tongue now, knowing you had hoped to keep your.. relationship.. behind closed doors. Mycroft Holmes was a very private man, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't want knowledge of your relationship to be at least semi-public, having felt a little giddy when you'd chosen to cross that line with him.
"What? No, I wasn't going to talk about the sodding shampoo." You grinned, reaching a hand over to place on his knee. "Jesus Myc, I asked because I didn't know if YOU were comfortable with people knowing. I'm pretty sure everyone inside that flat knew I fancied you the last few years, I'd proudly walk in and show that my pining eventually paid off. I just know you have appearances to keep up and I didn't want to ruin that, or embarrass you in front of Sherlock." For what seemed like the millionth time in the last few days, your words surprised Mycroft. He felt his jaw loosen and he took a breath, moving only to briefly place his hand over yours for a small squeeze and moving back again. You didn't expect him to say much, he was Mycroft Holmes, not Romeo Montague, but the small smile you sent back his way let him know that you understood his thoughts. The drive to Baker Street was only 10 or so minutes from Mycroft's home so you soon arrived in no time at all, the slick black car smoothly pulling up outside number 221.
"I can only hope my dear brother deduces our relationship correctly and doesn't make a vast attempt to embarrass me in front of his peers.. again." Mycroft knocked on the door, his words casting you back to a Christmas you had all shared a couple years ago.
It was a small gathering, consisting of the pair of you, the Baker Street boys, Greg and Mrs Hudson, and a few weeks beforehand, after multiple arguments of whether or not presents should be shared, Mrs Hudson had come up with the wonderful (terrible) idea of secret Santa which, incase you wasn't aware, isn't a fun game when played with two Holmes' that knew everybody's present and Secret Santa before the packages were opened. You had pulled Mrs Hudson and couldn't have been more thrilled, neither could she when she opened her new tea set- a simple floral design decorated its sides, but she was thankful no matter the pattern, the last teapot having been found at the hands of Sherlock housing human eyes. Conveniently enough, Mycroft had pulled your name and elected to subtly buy you a personalised travel mug for work. After you had opened it, Sherlock had scoffed, muttering something along the lines of "Mycroft isn't that shit at buying presents. He bought you a necklace at first but felt too embarrassed to give it to you in such a public setting and panic bought that cup." Continuing on about how Mycroft had put a lot of thought into your original gift and how it was unusual and how it "obviously" meant he favoured you and was attracted to you. Mycroft had left shortly after that, not making eye contact with any of the silent people in the room and climbed into the back of his car, but you had followed suit and clambered in after him- easing the tension by ignoring Sherlock's allegations and giving him the envelope that you had in your pocket. You had told him you had bought him something special anyway, even though he wasn't who you were supposed to buy for, because you cared for and appreciated him- he had opened the envelope slowly and his eyes widened, that rare smile appearing on his face when he was presented with the Richard II tickets. After your exchange Mycroft had given you the necklace anyway, spouting derogatives about his brother's deductions as he did so. It was a small silver chain necklace with a sparkling silver pendant that, upon closer inspection, you had noticed was a police badge.
You smiled fondly at the memory and instinctively placed your hand above your sternum, feeling the small piece of metal beneath your clothing that you hadn't taken off in two years. You turned to face the man beside you a little more, placing a hand on his shoulder and reaching up on your tiptoes to place a lingering kiss on his lips, moving back only when you heard the latch unlock in front of you, and noticing the ever so slight pink tinge to Mycroft's bottom lip from the lip balm you had put on earlier. "That should make it easier to get it right." You commented, fighting the small grin from your face as you noticed Mycroft standing in the same way, lips parted slightly from where your own had been moments ago, a matching pink dusting his cheekbones. The door opened revealing a smug looking Sherlock.
"Be careful Mycroft, you'll catch flies like that if you aren't cautious enough."
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killingbill · 2 years
Well...if you want a Schneider ask 😁 with the new tour just around the corner, what do you want Schneider's outfit to be on this tour? 🍀
you reminded me of when he posted his latest insta snap of his kit, & i had a meltdown remembering that we're finally going to get to see the tour. the serotonin boost has been #real. this is a hard one. in all honesty, but firstly i have never once expected to see Schneider in sleeves, on stage. & who would ever want that? his arms, arguably, are top tier on my list of his attributes, in the sense that they're (sexy, toned & ridiculous) so attractive basically due to the practicing of his passion, so it gets me riled up. so, i suspect a sleeveless number. i feel like he always has the coolest costumes. my mans changed his bio, & It says "Father, " don't say "Daddy" - meaning he's a distinguished man, with babies. you know. no more booty shorts & fishnets to keep us happy. i would..... be in my peak prime if the outfit can somehow, let me peek at his belly. his belly is s tier, god tier... it is everything. it clears my pores, aligns my chakras. when we got the picture of him on set, thirst trapping us poor souls... (come to think of it he loves to thirst trap us.... & i think he knows what he's doing after the ... #darkn00d) i was busy absorbing the belly content i've been so deprived of since he used to take his shirt off on stage. even if it just peeks out, or something. there's also a certain wonder if they'll theme their costumes, like they did during the MIG era w. the laborer sort of vibe. you know, idk if their untitled EU tour had a theme for the outfits, although it didn't feel like it? but perhaps with a more concrete theme of this upcoming album, they will try & coordinate the outfits. i realize now i've hardly answered your question. but chances are, he'll be in a tank top of some description. fancier than lifad days. i do want this to continue being the case, though i'd like a bit looser fitting perhaps? maybe something cut like the chain mail looking costume circa rammstein paris/mig. but i think despite that, it would be nice to have him a little more understated than last tour, yet - i always like it when he feels on par with how the others are dressed. he's all the way in the back, so any details or embellishments they give him when till & richard are looking #flashy for example... it makes me smile. so yeah!! that's basically it. alternatives / wishful thinking include: put them all in suits like the beatles, at least for like - a few songs. remember that one show i forget which one but like, three of them are dressed in red & the other three are dressed in silver????? i'm pretty sure it's 100 Jahre. anyway, i fucking ADORED that vibe a lot? i'd like to see something like that again. the same vibe as when bridesmaids wear the same color but different styles of their dresses. it would be super super super cool to see him in a skirt, actually. not for any other reason than, i think he could pull it off well & they could do something super interesting with it. he arrives on stage in the black, zick zack outfit. this was so long, i missed this so much, thank you. lmfao. i very much appreciate it.
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cl0wnmama · 3 years
Take me away
Warning! Violence and abuse
Cesar's POV-
Today was the day, I get to visit my darling friend! Maximilian, he was such a treat to be around, it's refreshing to have someone who truly understands you, I mean I love my other friends, Spencer and Peter but..they are different, they watch me perform not join me, it can be boring
"Master I'm sorry.. please"
Butler? I turn around a corner to see Ivan towering over the small porcelain doll, an broken tea cup as under their feet "useless! Why must you be so useless!?" He was about to hit him!
I rushed over to them and grabbed my brother's hand before he can even lay a hit, he looked a me in a intense glare
"Cesar unhand me"
"I will, unless you don't hit your Butler, you're being selfish! You're being just like father!" I shouted
I fell to the ground letting go of his hand, Ivan hit me with his other hand, he was fuming
"Watch yourself, do not forget who I am, I'm the oldest! I'm in charge you are merely an shadow under me! You are nothing, now. get. out. of. my. sight!
He turned away as Butler followed behind, looking at me, I gave him a small smile.
I wanted to cry, he does this me all the time when I point out his awful behavior... I hate it..my must greed take away my brother! WHY WHY WHY!
Tears fall from my eyes, as I gotten up, I quickly wipe them, Maximilian needs me.. I can be unhappy in front of him.. he'll think I'm pathetic too.
I walked down the hall and open the door to the basement, walking down the stairs, and going through the portal.
I smell the fresh air, as I walked to the entrance, I when inside, I quickly ran to the stage, please be here I repeated in my head
I saw him, the stage illuminated under him, he looked..nice.. I smiled
"Maxi!" I called out for him, he turned to look at me, his red eyes looked at me
Maximilian smile brightly and he walked down the stage to basically lift me off the ground, and spin me
"Cesar!! I'm so happy you're here!! I have everything planned, look look!" He excitedly handed me the script, it was an romantic, he loved writing those, but it took an unexpected turn and both the lovers die, turning into a tree where there souls intertwined forever, truly beautiful script.
"Oh Maximilian, it's wonderful, I'm already suspecting you have our amazing actors?"
"Yep, you and me! Richard is being the evil sorcerer"
"Uh? This is new Maxi but alright I like change" I say happily, I was feeling nervous however.. I actually never played a main role in a romantic play before.
Despite that I sucked in a breath and followed Maximilian to the stage.
We got in costumes, I wore a beautiful rose gold pattern dress shirt matched with an dark pink corset, also black dress pants and black heeled boots, last thing was an rose in my hair.
I walked out feeling fabulous! Maximilian cleared his throat as I turned around
He was wear an royal purple that had an golden vine vest, under was a white dress shirt, he wore matching purple pants, and golden boots and to tie everything together, and beautiful golden coward.
He stared at me for quite a while, I smile at him, and waved at him, trying to get his attention "why~ hello my good Juliet" he flirted
Typical Maximilian, can't get away from him without at least one flirty remark
I chuckled "and to you as well my dear Romeo, are you set on those names?"
"Not ready, I thought of something more magical, like Celeste and Magus" pointing to me for 'Celeste' then himself for 'Magus'
I nodded, loved those names, suited the story very well
"Well let's get to practicing while Richard is away hm?" I suggest as I quickly walked on stage, I was so ready!
As everyone was set in motion,
It starts
"Oh my darling,why must you come here? You know our love will only kill us in the end!" 'Celeste' says as looking at 'Magus'shocked and despair
"I know this, but a world without you is a world I cannot live in! I dream about you, you never leave my mind, because I love you to dearly to let you go" said 'Magus' as he reach for his lovers touch
'Celeste' look at his lover in the eyes, he cannot say no.. he embrace it, looking at 'Magus'
'Magus'touch his face..
My eyes widen as I flinched hard, and felt scared of on sudden, I'm sorry I didn't mean it, don't hit
"Cesar? That wasn't apart of the script" Called out Maximilian, he was slightly irritated, he known to be an harass.. no please no Ivan I'm sorry
"Cesar?.." he called out more worried this time
I realized my eyes were flowing with tears, as I looked at him "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Maxi.." I apologize to him
"What's going on Cesar? You never like this, does this make you uncomfortable?" Asked Maximilian, which surprised me a lot, this is kinda out of character for him..
"I'm fine"
"No you're not"
He can see right through me
"Please tell me.."
He said gently
I can't take it, I hug him, and cried into him "I-It's just when I was coming here, Ivan was angry with someone and I stopped him from hurting him, he's acting just like father! He hit me! Where you touch me that's where! Oh Maximilian I don't wanna go back, please take me away!" I cried as I felt Maximilian hold me, caressing my back
"Oh Cesar.. my darling, you are safe with me, I will not let him touch you again" Maximilian whispered to me, I felt calm
"You really mean that?" I say looking at him
He smiled and nods "why of course"
I don't wanna pull away from this warm embrace,it felt so safe
"Now let's take a break, and have some wine, I know how much you like that!" Said Maximilian
I nod happily as I wiped my teary face
As we walk side by side to the wine pantry.
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arcturusreads · 3 years
Save A Dance - Merhayes
This one's based off an ao3 promp where Meredith and Cormac have a moment and Maggie and Winston's wedding
Weddings had always stirred up emotions in Cormac. It didn’t matter whose it was or where it was. The church weddings for the multiple aunts, uncles and cousins that he had attended as he had grown up in Ireland, the extravagant American weddings he had been invited to when he had moved to the country, his own quaint wedding to Abigail which had been anything but quiet. They’d all had memories and feeling attached to them that meant a lot to him.
The first wedding Cormac had been to was when he was seven months old and acting as a ring bearer. His mother still had a photo of that moment on the mantelpiece back at home, much to his embarrassment. She’d always said he was a fussy baby but that day he behaved perfectly. Not a wail to be heard from his strong lungs.
The first wedding Cormac remembered, however, was when he had been a pageboy for his mother’s best friend’s daughter. While the other young boys complained about being stuck in stuffy shirts and dress shoes and how boring the ceremony was, Cormac was entranced by the whole event. He thought it was amazing that two people wanted to tell everyone that they loved each other so much. The thought of yelling about how much he loved his Ma made him embarrassed so they had to love each other a lot to be willing to do all of this.
As Cormac grew up and attended more and more weddings, he began to truly understand the commitment these two people were making to each other. How there wasn’t just an immense amount of love present, but also respect and trust. The magic of a wedding day had not been lost on him as he transitioned into adulthood and when he had finally married Abigail, he had felt as though he was on cloud nine. It wasn’t just the wedding day; it was the thought of the life that they were going to share. A time that was cut short far too soon and far too cruelly.
Weddings no longer just stirred emotions in him now, it was more like a hurricane. When the first invitation had dropped through the letterbox, Cormac was certain that he wasn’t going to go. He couldn’t bear the thought of it but eventually, after a call home to his Ma, he managed to get into his suit and go. It hadn’t been as bad as he thought it was going to be, but the day had left Cormac with an ache in his chest that demanded to be felt.
Cormac had known, by the time he had been invited to Maggie and Winston’s wedding, that days like that were always going to be tinged with sadness but that didn’t take away from the beauty of them. Nowadays, Cormac knew how to get through the wedding and only giving into the feeling of grief when he got home. He wondered if that feeling would ever completely go. The feeling of longing, the anger and upset of being robbed of growing old with Abigail. Sometimes, he wasn’t always sure he those feelings to go.
This wedding felt different to the other he’d been to though. Maybe it was the fact that he knew that there was someone else sat in the congregation who had been through the same things that he had, who was battling with those same emotions. Maybe it was the fact that it was also that same person that he had grown so close to. That he had found someone that sparked feelings in him that almost felt foreign, it had felt like an age since he had felt that way.
Once the ceremony was over Cormac went over to congratulate the happy couple and thank them for inviting him. He had formed a solid friendship with Winston over the past few months and had gotten the chance to know Maggie a lot better both through Winston and Meredith. As he stepped away, letting the other guests pass on their well wishes, Cormac scanned around the beach. He saw Meredith’s kids with Link but no sign of her. Eventually, he found her chatting with Richard. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he slowly walked over, hoping that the two would have finished talking by the time he got there.
“Hayes!” Richard had seen him walking and waved him over.
His ears tinged red; Cormac had been hoping he could just make it seem like he’d bumped into Meredith rather than coming over to talk to her. You can’t always get what you want though. Still, he quickened his pace to join the pair.
“Richard, Grey, how are you both? You did a great job up there,” he complimented Dr Webber who gave him a grin in return.
“Thank you, Cormac, it was one of the greatest honours of my life.”
Richard looked between Cormac and Meredith and knew neither were fully paying attention to him. Both were staring at each other with smiles on their faces. He wasn’t offended though; it was clear as day that something was going on between them. Even if they didn’t want to admit it themselves.
“I’m gonna leave you, two kids, alone,” there was a cheeky grin on his face as he slowly back away.
Meredith’s eyes snapped away from Cormac quickly and looked over at Richard in alarm. “What? No, you don’t need to do that.”
Chuckling, Richard shook his head at the protests. “I’m going to go and find Catherine before she causes some kind of trouble, you two enjoy.” He winked at them both and walked away whistling.
Meredith looked at him in disbelief before turning back to Cormac, “I’m really sorry about him.”
Cormac waved a hand in the air, “Don’t worry about it, I’ve gotten used to the fact that everyone in that hospital likes to get involved in people’s personal lives.”
Barking out a laugh, Meredith couldn’t help but agree. “Yeah, we just can’t help it.”
“Want to go for a walk?” He suggested, trying to make it sound casual but really he was praying she would say yes. Cormac knew that as the wedding turned into the reception Meredith was going to be busy.
“Sure that’s a good idea? I’m pretty sure it’ll set tongues wagging.”
Cormac rolled his eyes, “I’m not sure they ever stopped but if you want to say no, Grey…” He trailed off in a teasing tone.
Meredith began to walk away from the wedding part leaving Cormac standing there. After a few steps, she turned around. “Are you coming, or what?”
Grinning and shaking his head, Cormac caught up with her. That woman was something else completely. They walked in silence for a few moments, enjoying each other’s company as the babble of the guests behind them quietened the further away they got.
“You look beautiful today, Grey.” Cormac didn’t care to admit how long it had taken him to build the courage to say that.
“Oh, thanks,” Meredith hadn’t expected a compliment from him.
Up and until now, their relationship had mainly been built on a lot of teasing but the sincerity in his voice told her that he wasn’t joking around here.
“You, uh, don’t look too bad yourself.” What Meredith had really wanted to say was that he looked great in a suit, like amazingly good but she wasn’t going to tell him that.
“Is that all I get, Grey? I tell you that you look beautiful and all I get is that I don’t look too bad?” He bumped her with his shoulder.
“Oh, I don’t think your ego needs inflating. I’m sure some of the nurses here would love to compliment you.”
“Aye maybe, but they aren’t the ones I want to compliment me, Grey.”
Meredith stopped in her tracks and stared at him with curiosity.
“I meant what I said, Meredith, you look absolutely stunning today.” Cormac gently cupped Meredith face, his thumb stroking her cheek. He wasn’t quite sure where all this courage had come from but decided not to question it.
Even though she was slightly surprised at how forward Cormac was being, she couldn’t help but lean into his touch. She savoured in the warmth that it brought, the sparks that his touch ignited.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see some of the staff beginning to look their way. He quickly removed his hand from her face and instead laced his fingers with hers and continued walking. Meredith frowned when he had pulled away but was immediately comforted the moment, he took her hand.
“Weddings are still a difficult one for me. Not as bad as before but they aren’t the same. You’ve made it easier for me today though.”
“Me?” Meredith was slightly confused. “I haven’t done anything.”
“You made me realise that I can still have a future. That moving on from Abigail doesn’t mean that I love her any less or that I’ve forgotten her.”
Meredith wasn’t 100% sure what Cormac was getting at her, “Cormac, wha-“ she tried to get him to clarify but he quickly cut her off.
“Save a dance for me later, would you?” There was a glint in his eyes as he asked. He knew exactly what he was doing and exactly what Meredith was going to ask but he wasn’t going to give her an answer just yet.
“Momma!” They both turned around to see Ellis five metres away, grinning and waving her hands in the air.
“You should probably go, Grey.”
Meredith looked between Ellis and Cormac before finally nodding, “Uh, yeah, see you later.” She began to walk away when Cormac called out to get again. Turning around, the breeze making her dress twirl around her legs and the sunlight making her hair glow like a halo around her. Cormac’s voice almost got stuck in his throat seeing her like that.
“And Grey? Make sure it’s a slow dance.”
Slightly flustered, a blush spreading on her cheeks, Meredith quickly nodded before turned around and walking away as fast as she could from Cormac. He couldn’t help but chuckle before thinking how lucky he was to have a dance with the most gorgeous woman here.
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count-v-dracula · 3 years
☞     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ?
I know Richard R. is a different height but VLAD is 6ft, 6′2″ in his boots. I have to state both heights XD
☞      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ?
Of course! Not a giant, not a shorty -- just a nice masculine height.
☞      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ?
Currently: thick, silky, night-black, glossy and fairly long. He keeps it typically drawn back, but I made a headcanon long ago that he wears it loose when he feels comfortable around somebody/in a situation. His hair falls past his shoulder blades/middle back, well over his shoulders. He also has those shorter, face-framing pieces in the front. Growing up it was typically messy because he was always running about outside doing boy things and training, etc. It wasn’t until probably his 30s that he paid better attention to himself. He also loves it when it is being brushed/braided/played with -- makes him melt.
☞     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ?
Oh yes! Even when he couldn’t get a reflection of himself, he did his best (lol). Growing up he didn’t think of tending to it because there were more important things. He wasn’t filthy or grimy, but he would do just basic grooming to get by. As a vampire, there isn’t much to be done because it’s perfect now XD He will brush it and make sure it fans perfectly about his shoulders and the front pieces are just right
UHMMM. OBVIOUSLY. As a vampire, he dresses extremely well, he picks things that flatter his stature, his hair, jawline, and eyes. He cares very much that he looks elegant and suave. He also has all shades of black in closet, some things are embellished or embroidered to his liking, some are plainer. He does wear other colors (particularly red, gold, and deep shades of blue), but black is his color. He is also a stickler about having a good selection of shoes/boots, earrings, other accessories and cufflinks. He’s a fashionista.  As a mortal, he dressed well when he had to do more “official” noble wardrobe, but if he was doing things like working outside/training/fighting/etc. he wore a simple shirt, trousers and boots -- nothing fancy.
▸     INDOORS   OR    OUTDOORS ? ▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE SUMMER HEAT ? ▸     FOREST   OR    BEACH ? ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS  OR    GEMS ? ▸     FLOWERS   OR    PERFUMES ? ▸     PERSONALITY  OR    APPEARANCE ? ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR   BEING    IN    A    CROWD ? ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?   ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS   OR   WHITE    LIES ? ▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ? ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ? ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ? ▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ? ▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ? ▸     MANY   ACQUAINTANCES OR  A    FEW    CLOSE    FRIENDS? ▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?
☞      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ?
Vlad is a walking bad habit, lbr. He has a bad and quick temper, is callous, is vain, plays games (dependent on the relationship/situation), manipulates situations and people to suit him, holds grudges, and is a general pain in the ass. He is often motivated by his own needs and what he thinks is right -- to hell with everyone else and their feelings. He also has a habit of making a bad situation the other person’s fault, even though he knows its him when it is buuut he does own up eventually because he doesn’t want to be left alone. this is why sometimes I HAVE to take a break from writing him because he is AWFUL when all is said and done.
☞      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ?
Oh...y e s. He lost his mother when he was quite young, she is blurry memory to him. He remembers though that she was always kind and protected him, and was patient with him when no one else was. Then he had a waxing/waning relationship with his father -- very complicated with him and I can make an entire separate post on that. He lost his older brother, Vlad the Monk (lots of Vlads in this family lol) that was killed, and Radu to the opposition (and Radu became intimately involved with Mehmed). I’m just speaking of his full-siblings here, he has several that are illegitimate/half-siblings he never even knew. Anywho, he then lost Gabriel and/or the woman he loved as an adult (dependent on whom I am writing with). Most of his losses were betrayal/loyalty being redirected elsewhere...and funny thing: Vlad is incredibly loyal still. These losses have shaped him: they have fueled his anger and his outrage at injustices directed at him.
☞      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ?
This is verse-dependent. Vlad remembers how he met each of his brides and how he did really fall in love with each of the ladies. Despite what happened with Gabriel, he remembers with fondness the adventures he had with him in all different corners of their half of the world. He remembers the Romani people he befriended and attended their festivities and would dance around the bonfires drunk on wine. He had a difficult mortal life, but it had its good moments.
☞     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ?
.......is this even a question? CLEARLY.
☞      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ?
Depends! Vlad can either fall completely silent and shut himself away for days or weeks at a time. Other times he will e x p l o d e and decimate anyone/anything nearby. He is talented at lashing with his words and his hands. He delights in hurting others in the heat of it. 
He often only trusts himself, because he is the only one (he thinks) who really knows himself. There are many muses he is in a relationship with that he does trust his life with. However, only one thing can kill him so he can be flippant sometimes with his life, but not always.
☞      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ?
As Noah said, it is complicated. Vlad has convinced himself (and to an extent it is true/real), he does not feel love as he did when he was living. It is like a phantom limb to him: at best he is good at imitating it. But, as his mun, he does love, the fool that he is. He can foolish about it, dance around it, or dive head first -- depends on the person he has affection for and how long the relationship has been. He is a besotted fool when he is deeply, truly in love. He will lay his heart and soul bear, he will be stupidly loyal, though he knows he will more than likely be hurt/wounded to some degree, at some point. Then sometimes he will be guarded and only allow so much of himself feel and receive love. Though in general, when he is in love -- he doesn’t love in fractions -- he loves until he feels he is going insane, even when he is being more careful about it. Even in stable relationships, he can vacillate between being fully immersed to being distant.
He is all shades when in love: attentive, giving, jealous, a pain, controlling, submissive, dominate, lenient, strict, a flirt, vicious, tender -- you get the idea ;)
tagged by: @terreur (thanks^^) tagging: STEAL IT
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the-moon-prince · 4 years
The Last Of us~Kurapika x Reader ~Chapter VI
AN: Hi my lovely fellows!
I’m glad to deliver the sixth chapter of my story! I want to thank you, from the bottom of my soul, for your support. It really means a lot to me!<3
I wish you a pleasant read, and I hope you’ll enjoy the new chapter of my story.  (Chapter I) (Chapter II) (Chapter III) (Chapter IV )(Chapter V) (Chapter VII coming soon!)
Paring: Kurapika Kurta x GN! Reader
Word count: 2 449
TW: None!
The buzzing sound of the alarm loaded Kurapika's ears.
This time it was not a "Tic-Tic" sound. It was an unfamiliar tune. Starting with sonsy drums and trumpets. The music was in crescendo with a chorus that sang "love, love, love" until a male voice sang 
"There's nothing you can do that can't be done~"
"Nothing you can sing that can't be sung~"
A cheesy way to start the day. It was different from the rest of his mornings. It felt warm. Only it wasn't the kind of heat he habitually woke up wilting from a nightmare. It was the feeling of homely warmth and tenderness. Remembering the comparable emotion you have when you are unwell and your mother hugs you.
He sensed something twirl beside him, he began to open his somnolent eyes. That fatigue was not the usual either. Instead of a burning and stinging in the eyes, he felt a comfort he didn't want to abandon. The movements continued until they extended to the covers that surrounded him, to ultimately calm and recover a state of calm. The music ceased as well. It wasn't his pillow, it wasn't his bed, and the chamber was alien to him. It surprisingly smelled distinct. The first item he saw when his sight adjusted were frizzy (hair color) (curls/waves/strands). (Y/n) was standing on the left side of the bed. They had a bed-hair. He certainly wanted to see that goofy bed-hair very more often.
"Shhh shhh, sorry I disturbed you."-their voice was crispy.-"Go back to rest, I'll return a touch later to nudge you." 
Kurapika allowed himself to a defeat and laid his head back on the pillow. Some seasons had passed since he had a restful night. He was able to hear the sound of an opening door for it to immediately close, followed by the flow of water. The door was opened again, and an extra further door gave a short crack noise. Kurapika doesn't quite recall how long it lasted, but (Y/n) returned to the room. They placed a cup of hot black coffee on the night table.
"What time is it?"-Kurapika groaned and tried to rejoin.
"Good morning sunshine, and it's 4:23 am"-they answered, sitting in bed with another cup in their hands.
"Why are you doing so early? Not even I arise that betimes."- He stirred early, he had to. But this seemed absurd.
"I must be in the psychiatric ward. I have patients who rely on me. I'll be exiting the home in a moment."-He was shocked at how composed they were, considering the events of the night before. They continued their routine impassively as if nothing disagreeable had occurred.-"Would you desire for me to drive you to the Nostrade mansion?"-(Y/n) suggested to him with a smile. He almost forgot he had to work that day.
"I will get prepared for the moment,"-He sat, resting his back on the bed frame, reaching for the coffee.”And your proposition would be convenient." The caffeine intake helped him shake the drowsiness off his mind.
"I would be amazed to propose to you something to eat, but I only possess chocolate robots at the moment. You don't exactly appear the type of person to have that for breakfast."-they provided an apologetic smile, half-joking half-ashamed.
"Do you ever eat something besides sweets?"-It was agreeable to joke a little in the mornings.
"I ate the flowers you gave me."-(Y/n) answered with the most solemn voice they could deliver. The first time in his 19 years of life that Kurapika heard something of that bearing.
"You ate them?"-Although it was evident that it was not a joke, it seemed so outlandish that he did not see another explanation.
"Yes! Peonies and carnations are edible! Although they taste sweet and fruity. So it might count as sweet." they affirmed smiling.
 Sometimes the sincerity of that person perplexed him. They could say the most unthinkable things in the most sudden moments. Above all, with an enormous naturalness. He even wondered if they were even conscious that they did.
The handy part of sleeping dressed was that getting ready was rather quick. Once he put on the black jacket, the wrinkles on his shirt were hardly noticeable. Though, as much as he would love to stay and talk to (Y/n) all morning, the depart ended up arriving. What if the two of them could skip work with an excuse? It was possible. However, both were stiff with their obligations, so it was not feasible. Kurapika was going to show up pretty early for work, he didn't care if it meant to spend more time with (Y/n).
During most of the voyage, he stared at (Y/n) driving and chatting. 
"You always use the same earrings." He remarked, staring at the drop-shaped pearl pendants dangling from their ears. They turned to see him and agreed.
"You also wear your red earrings every day."-they were getting close to the Nostrade's residency. 
"You're not wrong."-Between spending the day with Neon or with (Y/n), he preferred the latest option by a lot.
"I rarely am, dear. I wish you a good day!"-Kurapika no longer remembered the last time someone wished him a good day in the morning.
8 pm, another day had passed. If Neon's attitude hadn't improved since the beginning of her therapy, Kurapika had no idea if he would still put up with her whims. Whoever worked for her without attempting against her life was a saint. However, his crusade hadn't ended yet, remote from that. The advantage of that specific job brought was being able to maintain close contact with the flesh trafficking industry. Kurapika was finally exiting through the vast gate of the Nostrade mansion. Being able to get to work on his vendetta again.
"Kurapika!"- a voice he knew fully squealed. He turned in the direction it came from, to make sure it wasn't a dream. He had his suspicions about working for Neon for so long that it gave him some variety of brain damage. Luckily not. It was (Y/n), running towards his direction, nearly stumbling in the middle of the path. If they were coming to him like that, something serious must have happened.
"(Y/n)! What are you doing here?! What happened?! Aren't you supposed to be on guard? Why didn't you call me? "-the blonde interrogated packed with worry.
They were panting laboriously, as they inclined on their legs to catch their breath and raised their index asking for a moment. 
"I'm presumably to be on my pause, plus you weren't answering your cell phone..."-their face was darker due to the lack of oxygen-"I received information regarding a pair."- they murmured to be prudent. To avoid malicious overhears, they continued their chat in the car. 
"I had a proposal from an acquaintance to purchase a pair of scarlet eyes!
The only setback is that it has to be tonight because he has another interested. For my part, with the ward, I'm available. I told the nurses that I would use my recess and would be back."- It was explicit that (Y/n) had already taken charge of organizing the plan so that it could be implemented immediately.-"Reasonably, I haven't confirmed the purchase yet. As the principal concerned I judged proper to tell you first."
"This is a fabulous opportunity, thank you (Y/n). Confirm our attendance."
It was agreed that the purchase would take place at 9 o'clock, In a black market shop located in YorkNew's downtown. The pair would cost 1,450,000 Jennys.
Although the connections and information of (Y/n) were trustworthy and had been valuable until the present day, Kurapika still wanted more information regarding the plan. He wanted to prioritize their safety.
"Where do you know the individual from?"- Kurapika hinted, trying to obtain information without directly doubting the references.
"I have... I've purchased articles from him before.  I am a frequent customer, he maintains me abreast of his inventory as well as offers."- they informed.-"In those commerces, information travels at great speed. As I've been seeking information on the scarlet eyes, he found out."-He could then conclude it was a credible provider.
Since the dilemma was solved, he could ease a bit.-"In the first instance, when I listened to your voice, I believed I was hallucinating, and working for Neon for a prolonged amount of time had caused me brain damage!"-Kurapika laughed
"Oh! But it's plausible."-they did not understand it was merely a joke-"Chronic Stress produces autophagia in neural stem cells. Normally autophagia is a process to protect cells from unfavorable conditions through the digestion of inner cell materials. However, under certain circumstances, this survival method degenerates into self-destruction. Essentially, the neural cells commit suicide, concluding in brain damage. Plus, chronic stress enhance the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease."-It sometimes was bothersome to date a psychiatrist...-"Even if it was only a pun, I'm a tad concerned about you, Kurapika."-At the end, they got the joke, they were just being a doctor. 
Kurapika couldn't decide whether to be frustrated for his joke or flattered that (Y/n) cared so much about him. 
At the accorded place an hour, they entered the shop. An old man with big glasses and a suit greeted them.
"Mx. (Y/n)! It's always pleasant to see one of my favorite customers!"-his voice was croaky and rusty.-"I'm glad you accepted the offer."
The elder was very polite towards (Y/n).
"Helle Mr. Richard, I may say the same. I brought Kurapika with me, my bodyguard,"-the same strategy as the previous times.-" he will accompany us."
"A pleasure to meet you, Mr.Kurapika."-the rusty voice spoke once more.-"Since we are dealing with a more elegant object, it is stored in the back room. Be so kind to accompany me there."- the so-named Richard pointed at a big wooden door at the back of the store as he directed it. 
He opened the door for them after they were all inside, closed the door again. Richard sat at the end of a big ornamented oak desk. There were also oak chairs with padding on the other side of the desk. The man motioned for them to sit down. He continued to pull out the vials with the pair of scarlet eyes.
"Both of you can confirm that they are authentic. And the agreed price was 1,450,000 Jennys"-The white-haired senior placed the vials in the middle of the table and reached out his hand, waiting for the money.
(Y/n) took out of their customary side-bag an envelope to deliver it with both hands. The elder took it and pulled out the cash and began to count. All the actions were carried upon the table and in the view of all presents.
"Everything is perfect, as always. Thanks, always a pleasure to do business with you Mx-" 
The sentence was interrupted by a loud crash.
The wooden door had been knocked down, and a group of armed men began to enter the place. With the loud noise (Y/n) swiftly took the vials with the scarlet eyes and pressed them protectively.
"What is happening here, what is this intrusion into my establishment?!"-Richard exclaimed, his voice sounding even rustier.
"These two attacked one of the associates some time ago."- One of the men, presumably the head of the gang, spoke. He had a sloppy beard and reeked of cheap tobacco. He also had a disastrous taste for fashion. He wore a tacky shirt with half the buttons unbuttoned, garish orange fishnets that didn't match at all, and a vulgar red hanky that was sticking out of his shirt's pocket.
"Both of you, don't move. The information runs around here."-the men approached to talk directly to Kurapika and (Y/n).-"We learn that a pale man with blond straight hair wearing a suit and a (skin/color) person with (hair color) (curly/wavy/straight) hair who dressed pretentiously with flowers, both searching for scarlet eyes, attacked one of our sellers. What do you think, we were not going to find you?"-the pestilence was even more intense up close.-"The boss is not far away. You'll see, duo of idiots."
The situation was complicated, Kurapika couldn't use most of his chains if it wasn't against the Spiders. (Y/n) could only use Misericordiae, since they did not know the attackers adequately to use their distinct technique. Plus with the one they had available, they couldn't kill. There was the possibility of a melee attack. Only it was the least viable option. Kurapika would have to use his scarlet eyes or (Y/n) use their feline form. It involved putting their identities in jeopardy, and they still didn't know if the circumstance was desperate to get to that point. The best choice was to divert the group of men to head to the window and jump to escape. The reversal was that to minimize the damage from the shattered glass, they would have to shield themselves with both arms. 
"(Y/n), leave the eyes. I'll use my Dowsing Chain to move the enemies aside and leave by the window."-Kurapika bossed after a moment of reflection. It was still the option with the highest probability of success.
"No, these eyes belong with you. I'm not leaving without them."-(Y/n) growled. They had a look of pure completion, almost as if that judgment contained all their credos compressed.- 
Kurapika couldn't avoid conjuring "This is the worst moment to unleash their stubbornness."-"(Y/n), listen to me!"-he was starting to lose his patience.
"No! I have an approach. Trust me please."-(Y/n) glanced down at their left hand, laced with white ribbon. It was gradually diffusing across the carpet. 
Before any action could be taken, a man, much properly dressed-The leader of the deluded men's ball, most likely.- entered the room yelling with a deep crusty voice and a foreign intonation.
"Okay pack of idiots. That in the end, you did your silly duty. Where are the two rats?".-The man was flat and plump. He was middle-aged, with a round face, almost bald. He was dressed in a semi-formal, dark gray suit:  he wore a geometric patterned tie and matching tissue in his vest's pocket. He entered taking big steps and turned to Kurapika and (Y/n).
At the moment he saw them, his eyes widened, and voiced full of shock.
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rockcrow20 · 5 years
Reasons I Still Believe in Kaylor - 
Observations since the red “wedding” that make me still believe that Kaylor are still together.
Thank you to everyone in this fandom for there contributions, posts, observations and secret government agency level clue finding skills. (X = links to relevant posts). 
Oct 22nd 2018 - Taylors forget me knots flower t-shirt while in OZ..X
Oct 31st 2018 - New Video in Karlie’s Kitchen and she still had the Kaylor photos up.. X
Nov 9th 2018 - Tay sings out of the woods on Tour and Karlie and co post photos in the woods.. X
Nov 16th 2018 - Taylors matching Karlie Clutch at the AMA’s.. X. also kinda matching outfits..X
Jan 15th 2019 - Karlie’s Astrology post with Sagittarius book shown underneath.. X
Feb 25th 2019 - Karlie rocking a Tye Dye t-shirt at Paris Week with Gigi in tow, hello lover merch and also similar to a shirt Tay was seen in also another PR episode themed tye dye (in 2020).. X X X
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March 3rd 2019 - Karlie was in Paris for fashion week - Off White walk on 28th Feb then mysteriously posts that she was passing through NY on the 3rd of March before appearing back in Paris for the Stella McCartney show on the 4th March. Where did she mysteriously fly to and why point it out that she was back in America for some unknown reason - plus we know beginning of march is significant for them aka Big Sur or Love locked down...X X X X
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March 14th 2019 - Taylor leaving/disappearing early from the Iheart awards the same night Project Runway Premiered..X
March 14th 2019 - Watch what happens live - Karlie getting asked about Taylor - there is a smirk..X
March 14th 2019 - Interesting anon telling Kaylors not to give up.. X
March 31st 2019 - Tay and KK liking the same Ciara post - X
April 2019 maybe??- The i need to make a phone call when filming ME when adopting Benjamin..X
April 16th 2019 - The Lover Butterfly Mural - 2 lady birds, giraffe print, similar previous to karlie VS wings..X X
April 2019 - Berlin video of karlie playing piano with “a interesting” female voice laughing at the end and saying you always.. X X
May 18th 2019 - Tays ‘we’ slip on the Ellen show then saying its just me and the cats.. X  X
May 30th 2019 - Karlie using ME! and 2AM in a story.. X X
June 3rd 2019 - Tay wearing a yellow T-shirt with her Wango Tango rainbow outfit.. X
June 6th 2019 - Karlie using a BBF vogue video gif.. X X
June 17th 2019 - THE HAND in the YNTCD teaser video - no one can convince me this isn't Karlie’s hand.. X X X X X
June 17th 2019 - Lover straw in the YNTCD video similar to Karlie’s bride straw. Also the Mint mojito it’s sitting in linking to Karlie’s 73 Question video where she says Mojitos are a favourite..X X
June 2019 - YNTCD with Taylor carrying out a Daisy from her burning trailer plus Daisies making a number of appearances.. X X X X
June 25th 2019 - KK’s Dad liking certain comments on the Wyoming stunt..X
July 4th 2019 - Abigail liking a KK insta post after the SB drama started.. X
Aug 3rd 2019 - Tay posts Lover Heart crispies pic on KK’s birthday.. X
Tumblr media
Aug 16th 2019 - Release date of Lover Track being 13 days after KK’s bday and also track 3 aka KK birthday day also its 3.41 long (3+4+1=8).. X X X
Aug 16th 2019 - Lover lyric video with the kaylor sparklers video plus potential daises and big sur falcon pic.. X X 
Aug 22nd 2019 - Lover video fishbowl scene X
Aug 23rd 2019 - Lover release date may coincide with a certain date range where Kaylor may have gotten engaged.. X X
Aug 23rd 2019 - Lover album in general - Cornelia street, Lover, False God etc etc we all know it plus the release letters all over NY..X X
Sept 10th 2019 - Lover Paris Concert Mural ummm a polaroid, locket..X X X
Nov 14th 2019 _ Karlie’s off the wall post during when SB was not letting Tay perform her songs - which i think is her being off the wall angry.. X
Nov 14th 2019 - Selena liking a Hung Vanngo post of Karlie..X
Nov 13th 2019 - Lover remix released on the anniversary of their first meeting VS2013 - “the girl in my story has always been you”..X X X
Nov 21st 2019 - The orange girl In YNTCD along with the Karlie Vogue cover in orange with cactus jewellery.. X X
Nov 25th 2019 - Use of a ballerina for her Lover AMA performance and then karlie also mentioning said ballerina months later in a insta story.. X X
Dec 4th 2019 - Taylor Wearing the VS angel ring on the kiss gate anniversary X X X X X
Dec 6th 2019 - Christmas Tree Farm song lyrics and happiness 
Dec 12th 2019 - Taylor posting a pic of her with the huge cats door and then low and behold the following PR episode Karlie walks through a giant door for a Cats promo episode.. X X X X
Jan 2020 - PR episode with Cyndi Lauper aka photo with Taylor at Billboard Women awards and also having Laverne Cox as a guest too..X X
Jan 2nd 2020 - Martha liking KK’s post celebrating her vogue covers which includes the Kaylor one..X
Jan 23rd 2020 - The use of the song Karlie what you want, (karlie would you want to) song in Miss Americana when talking about her partner also the home video.. X X also this X 
Feb 6th 2020 - The song release of the Man and KK having a suits themed PR episode..X X X
Feb 12th 2020 - KK’s Daisy coat X
Feb 18th 2020 - The drawn Bethany Richards picture of the rainbow dress Taylor wore to the NFL draft on KK’s Galantines insta story..X
General - Karlie continuously latergraming and the Fiordland spelling mistake incident plus always periods of days where she is  MIA aka christmas and coming back looking a bit sun reddened and wearing jumpers, posting dark pictures.. X
OTHER posts to note..X X X X X X X X X
Let me know if i have missed any other obvious big observations.
547 notes · View notes
lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 76 - SBT
Here it is!
"Welcome home, mon amour." Lucien went to hug the Aussie, whose jaw had dropped to the floor.
"Y-what?!" Mundy asked, flabber-gasted. 
"I know, it is quite empty for now but we can buy the furniture, little by little. Come, I will show you…" Lucien took him by the hand and pulled his lover to follow him. "This here is the entrance." He spun around with open arms. 
"Let me shut the door, voilà. Now this is a spacious room, it could be the living-room and dining room. As you can see, there is an old sofa that I got from Maurice as well as a carpet. Over this door here, we have the kitchen. I particularly like the light blue walls, the kitchen when I was a child was painted this way too. All the kitchenware also comes from Maurice, it isn't much but it is a good start. Now, come here…" Lucien pulled his lover. "This is the downstairs bathroom."
"Downstairs? Is there an upstairs to this place?" 
"Oui, come here!" Lucien pulled Mundy to the stairs, they went up excitedly, the wooden stairs creaking below their eager feet. "This is obviously a corridor but on our right here is the upstairs bathroom and next to it is our bedroom. On the opposite side is a guest room."
Lucien took Mundy to their bedroom.
"There is only a bed for us in our bedroom, and the fireplace. But in time, we will find the furniture we need. It could do with a newer layer of paint too, but it shall do."
The herd of fluff was following them everywhere, discovering their immense new territory as much as Mundy was. The Aussie was in awe and completely taken aback. Lucien and him went down the stairs again and they sat down on their sofa, in the spacious and empty living-room. The walls were painted in a beautiful shade of red, like roses. 
"What do you think?" Lucien asked.
"W-how did you do all this?" 
"A few chats with the right people. Your van is getting smaller while the cats are growing up. It was high time both you and I found somewhere that we can call home." 
"Home?" Mundy repeated. 
"Oui, our home, yours and mine." 
Mundy lowered his head and covered his face with his hands. 
"Are you alright, mon loup?" Lucien scooted over, closer to him on the sofa.
"I… I don't know… Thank you, Lu', thank you so much!" He latched onto Lucien like a desperate man and hugged him hard. The Frenchman softened into a smile.
"I presume you haven't set foot in a house you can call home since your parents passed?" 
Mundy silently nodded against his lover's shoulder. 
"I never thought I…" He sniffed against Lucien and fell silent for an instant. "I never thought I'd live in a house again…" He clawed his fingers in Lucien's sides. "Lu', I… Thank you, thank you so much..!" 
Mundy's voice was tainted by the sobs he was trying to contain. 
"Mon amour… Did you really believe you would live in your van till the end of time? Did you really think no one would see the wonderful man you are? Non, even if you hide in the desert, someone will find you, I will find you." Lucien hugged him through his cries and kissed his head repeatedly. "There is a parking slot nearby for the van. That is the van's new home and this here, all around us, this can be our home if you want. Of course, if for any reason you don't like it, we can still find somewhere else."
"Oui, mon chéri?"
[My darling]
"I… I love you, thank you so much…" 
Lucien gently rocked his lover left and right as he held him tight, with one hand behind his head, through his hair. 
"I love you too, Mundy, immensely. You know, it is fairly similar for me. The flat I have been renting in Paris since Marie and Jérémy passed never felt like home." He brushed Mundy's hair as the Aussie still cried silently. Only his syncopated breath and his sniffs betrayed his emotion. "I thought I would live forever in that flat. Why? Because how much more cruel could life make it for me? The worst that could happen after losing them, was living forever with that pain and not know the sweet liberation that death would bring. But non. I was wrong. I was wrong and blind. I had no idea that my lust for revenge would lead me into the arms of a formidable sharpshooter."
Lucien smiled and felt Mundy take a deep breath against him. 
"A wild man but so soft at heart. Someone who not only would understand me, but would also trust me, and even love me. Although this last one is the easiest. A lot of people have loved me in the past, but none of them did like you do. None of them trusted me blindly like you have been since the day we met. You kept on following me blindly through all my lies, my half-truths, my manipulations. Well, I did get knocked out for it, do you remember?" 
Mundy nodded again, hiding his face and still hugging Lucien as if he was the air he needed to breathe. 
"I remember it too. I know you clung to cooperating with me because you wanted revenge for your parents above all. But I like to think that maybe you felt something for me too?" 
Mundy nodded again and sniffed. 
"I did. Do you also remember the day that you came backstage after a concert in your beige suit, the one made by Richard?" 
The Aussie nodded. 
"I was the one who ordered it for you. Do you know why?" 
Mundy shook his head gently on Lucien's shoulder. 
"Because I saw how distraught you were when Richard told you off because of your clothing style. And I wanted to help you, or at least try."
Lucien lay down on the sofa and pulled Mundy to lie on top of him. The Aussie buried and hid his face against Lucien's upper chest. 
"And what a sight you graced me with, that night, in my backstage room…" Lucien scratched his lover's head. "You looked like a model from a magazine, your tall silhouette; tall, yes, but oh so gentle. I saw the jacket, well fitted to your shoulders, your vest, half-hiding a white shirt and beautiful tie. As my eyes went down to take the full view, your trousers were a delight… God gifted you with long and, may I say, sexy legs. Mon Dieu…" 
Mundy left a quick peck on Lucien's neck. The Frenchman smiled and went on, staring at the ceiling as he felt Mundy's head rise and fall in rhythm with his breathing.
"You looked ravishing, handsome as a God, all dressed in white and light beige, your long hair beautifully tied with a ribbon that I dreamt of untying more times than you can imagine; sometimes slowly, watching your long brown locks fly free, other times, tearing that thin, black ribbon away with my very teeth and drowning in your beautiful maine…"
"Mmmh…" Mundy moaned low, his eyes closed and taking a deep breath. He smiled when Lucien's perfume filled his lungs. 
"Oui, I couldn't even admit it to myself but you made such a deep impression on me…"
"Oui, it is the truth, Mundy. J'en pinçais pour toi déjà quand tu venais me voir chanter." 
"Have no clue what that means but bloody hell… Love you, love you so bloody much!" Mundy kissed Lucien in his neck and pushed his body harder against the Frenchman. 
"I said, approximately, that I fell for you when you came to see me sing already." 
"What did I do to deserve you?" Mundy asked, kissing him again, but on his cheek this time. 
"I don't know what you did but I can tell you what you will do." 
"Oh?" Mundy raised his head and looked at Lucien in the eye. 
The Frenchman chuckled and took a handkerchief from his pocket. He wiped his lover's face from the tears that he had shed. 
"First, you will kiss me here, on our sofa, in our house." 
Mundy smiled, his red eyes teared up again. 
"Then, we will go outside, there is one errand that we need to run together."
"What's that?" 
"The kiss first…" Lucien wiggled his eyebrows and Mundy slid up to his lips. The Frenchman slid his arms around the Aussie's neck and his legs behind his back. "Je t'aime." He whispered and shivers ran down Mundy's spine. 
[I love you.]
"Love you too, gorgeous." 
Their lips parted and they took a second to look into each other's eyes. Their cheeks were pink and their eyes, half-lidded and dreamy. 
"Shall we?" 
"Sure, let's go." 
They headed back to the front door. 
"Before we go…" Lucien turned to Mundy. 
"Do you… like this house?" 
Mundy smiled. He grabbed Lucien by his waist and pulled him closer to himself. The Frenchman looked up to him with his feline, light blue eyes.
"I love it. I want it to be yours and mine. I… I'm not good with furniture and decoratin' and stuff but… We'll make it work… together?"
"Oui, together." Lucien cupped Mundy’s cheeks and brushed them tenderly. 
"Gosh… I don't know what to say… I mean… D-d'you need me to do anythin' for this? How will we pay for it?" 
"You have our money and it is more than enough. I will deal with the papers and you will just have to sign a few things." 
"I love you."
"So do I."
"Hold on…" Mundy frowned. "With all the money you left me when you… well… died…?" 
Lucien smiled. 
"I'm sure we could get something more… Uh… More posh, fancy and stuff… More like you in a way." Mundy said. "You sure you like this one?" 
Lucien nodded. 
"I don't want fancy, I don't want posh. I am tired of all those things. Those belonged to L. Now, I am your Lu', and as such, I want to lead a simple life with you. Oui, this house needs a bit of work and a lot of love. But I think this is precisely why it suits us. We both need to work hard to build this new life together, but we will make it ours with the sweat of our brow and maybe of other places…" 
"Gosh… You really thought this through, eh?" 
"I tried my best. Besides, if modern houses are pleasant to the eye, they lack the feeling of a warm and welcome home. I much prefer this to the suite I was living in at the Grand Palace."
"Seriously? I thought it suited your style well…."
"It suited L's style well, not mine. And I am doing what you asked me to do, Mundy." 
"Do you remember when you asked me to love you 'like I'm your Lu'?"
Mundy smiled. 
"Course I do." 
"Well, here he is, the true me, a version of me so honest that even I don't know it." Lucien leaned forward and let his head rest on Mundy's chest. "I don't know myself. I am… I am lost, especially without you."
"Don't worry. We'll build you up, bit by bit, like this house and like the rest." Mundy pushed his lips against Lucien's forehead and stayed there for a while. The Frenchman took a deep breath and exhaled. His shoulders sank and he closed his eyes under the soft proof of love. "But yeah, let's go and do what you wanted. You ready?" 
Lucien took Mundy's hand in his. 
"One last thing. Here, this is yours." 
Mundy felt something cold in his palm. He looked and saw a silver shining key. 
"I have a copy of it. Oh and to not lose it, look at what I will add…" Lucien fished something out of his pocket. It was a key ring. He slowly put Mundy's house key in. "Voilà. That is for you." 
"Hold on…" Mundy squinted to observe the keyring better. "What's that…? Oh…" on the ring was a short chain and a silver capital M pendant. 
"I have mine too." Lucien showed his copy of the key and the capital L. 
"Bugger, I'm… I'm all outta words… Thanks."
"You're welcome, mon loup. But yes, now we may go." 
Mundy took Lucien's hand in his and they exited the house. They walked through the streets, Lucien leading the way. But soon, he stopped. 
"May I have the credit card, please?" 
"Sure, there you go, luv'." Mundy fished it out of his wallet. 
"Wait for me here, please."
"Alright." Mundy watched as Lucien entered a florist's shop. It lasted a few minutes and he exited with a bouquet in his hand. "What's that for?" 
"You shall see, follow me." 
Mundy was intrigued and curious, a little excited too. The walk was much longer this time. 
"Lu', where are you takin' me?"
"You shall see. It is something that I had wanted to do for a long, long time. And we had discussed this. I think now is the time." Lucien stopped walking and Mundy turned his head from his lover to what stood in front of him. 
The tall man's jaw dropped when his eyes met with the even taller, dark wrought-iron fence. 
"Now, you should lead the way." Lucien extended his hand, like an invitation.
Mundy gulped down hard.
"Unless you don't want to?" Lucien tilted his head. 
Mundy frowned. 
"Mundy, take a deep breath." Lucien put his hand flat on Mundy's chest and felt it rise and fall. "Bien. You decide. If this is too much, we can go back home, it is fine." 
"Why… Why do this now?" Mundy asked. 
"Because we are about to buy a house and live together in it. I feel this is the right moment for me to meet your parents." Lucien answered. "Only if you agree to it." 
Mundy looked in the direction of the tombstones. 
"That's why you got the flowers?" He asked. 
"You told me your mother liked daisies best." 
Mundy realised the bouquet was full of them. He felt moved by the fact that Lucien remembered that tiny detail. However, he was terrified. 
"I… I don't know if I can do this." He lowered his head. 
"Hey… Mon loup?" Lucien went in front of him and looked around. There wasn't a living soul, so he put a hand on his cheek. "It is fine, let us go back home." Lucien took Mundy's hand and spun on his heels. 
Lucien stopped sharp. 
"Sorry?" He asked with wide innocent eyes. 
"We're doin' this." Mundy tightened his grip on Lucien's hand and pulled him deeper in the cemetery. They walked through the paved alleys with tombstones standing at attention left and right, judging them in their deafening silence. 
Soon enough, Mundy stopped and held Lucien's hand behind his back with both hands.
"M-mum? Dad…?" He was frowning and his jaw was clenched hard. Lucien observed him keenly. The Aussie's eyes were riveted on his mother's grave. "I… This is Lucien, uh… H-He… He's my… My…" 
You're holding his hand, Micky, I know who he is. 
Mundy's eyes snapped wide and he blushed. His mother had talked to him. 
"I-I… He came to… Y'know… Meet you." 
He brought some flowers?
"Lu', you can give Mum the flowers." 
Lucien took a step forward and went down on one knee to place the flowers on Mundy's mother's grave. 
"I am delighted to meet you, Madame." 
Oh, he's got good manners, eh? He can call me Caroline.
"You can call her Caroline." 
"Thank you very much." Lucien bowed and backed off. "The bouquet is both for you, Madame, and for you, Monsieur." Lucien looked at Mundy's father. 
Come on, Mike, say something.
Lucien looked at Mundy and the Aussie lowered his head. His cheeks were red with shame. 
"I… He… I mean…" 
Mundy heard it. Mike's disappointed sigh. 
"I'm sorry." Mundy said. "I'm sorry I'm not bringin' someone you'd expect to see. I-I… But if you give him a chance, I'm sure you'll see, he's really-"
Mundy stopped sharp and gulped down audibly. He felt his knees wobble below him. 
All this for that? First, the gun, now this? What next?
"Dad, please…?" His voice trembled.
Mike sighed and looked away. 
Caroline looked at Mundy with those same eyes Mundy had seen billions of times. She wished it could all go differently. She wished Mike and Mundy could get along. She had always stood in the middle, without really taking a side. For her, there was no side to take. The problem was obviously not for her to lean one way or another. The problem was that her husband and her son never seemed to agree on anything. 
"I… Please, Dad, I've stopped huntin', I help the poor like you and Mum used to, I… Yeah, yeah, I ditched my rifles and all the other weapons in a hole in the desert… What? No, I didn't destroy them…! Well, how the hell d'you destroy guns?! You can't just throw them in the bin, can ya?!"
Mundy's tone of voice escalated and Lucien now managed to hear the complete dialogue too.
"Yeah! I know where they are but I won't touch them ever again!"
Son, you already said that and it changed nothing.
"But Dad, this time, it's different! We got him! We got the bloke who killed you!"
Ah, and what did you to him, eh? You aimed through that bloody gun of yours and shot him cold and dead?
"No! I tortured him! Huh?!" Mundy slammed his hands on his mouth and screwed his eyes shut. His knees couldn't carry him anymore and he fell down on the floor, on his knees. He lowered his head and frowned. "Why d'you never understand…?" He asked softly. 
You tortured a bloke…? Mike shook his head. You never listen. 
"I do…! I listen!" Mundy's eyes were glistening. "I… Dad… I gave up huntin', I go and do normal stuff now, I-I got cats, I rescued a male, Lu' rescued a female, they have kittens now and we take care of them, they're lovely, y-you should see them, they help Maurice, hunting the mice down while I repair stuff and sometimes prepare the soup for the poor. Dad, please, you've gotta give us a chance, y-you've gotta try, please?" 
I gave you so many chances, Micky. I really did. But that day that your mother and I died, you were busy playin' with yer gun miles away. If you weren't so obsessed with it, you'd have been home with us, helpin' around the farm and playing the sax' to get yourself some clean money. But no…! You were at the other end of Oz, hunting God knows who for God knows what beasts again…!
"I know! Dad!" Mundy's tears were blurring his vision. "Please! It's taken me ten years to go over that and do something of my days, please don't push me back there, I'm tryin' to do the right thing!" 
Yeah, as always.
You're tryin' but you're not listenin'.
Mundy exhaled and his arms fell left and right, his shoulders sank. He wiped his face with the back of his hand.
"We… With Lu', we're gonna buy a house." Mundy said, his voice calm again.
Lucien's eyes snapped wide. He had been standing a step away from it all. This was Mundy's fight to win, he couldn't interfere, however hard he craved to. 
"We're gonna buy a house and uh… We wanted to tell you about it, and about us. Lu's a bit older than me and he wanted to do things in the right order. And me…? Well… I… Remember when I used to disappear sometimes for days on end with the van in the desert? You thought I was huntin' beasts left and right. It was wrong." He raised his eyes to his mother. "I was off because I couldn't bear it." 
Bear what?
"The solitude… Even when I had you, you used to spend your days tellin' me that I should go find a sheila to settle with. It always made me sick… Not because I didn't want to or I didn't like sheilas, no, because I felt like you were behind my back pushin' me all the time. I felt like each day you'd tell me about it, it would pile up with the million other things you'd tell me. Micky, you should go find a proper job. Micky, you should go in the city. Micky you should have your own place. Micky this, Micky that…" He sighed. "Nothin' I ever did was good, or good enough. Everythin' I've ever done was wrong, useless and sometimes even stupid to you. That's why I used to go in the middle of the desert, sun scorchin' and all. No one told me I was doin' things wrong there. No one looked at me like I was a… a…"
Well, be a man, get it out. 
Mundy's eyes flashed to his father. 
"Like a mistake! A failure…! The sun burnt me everyday, some days I refused to eat because I felt so bad. I couldn't sleep at night because I was terrified of how you saw me…" 
Mundy's eyes went to his mother and he sat down, crossing his legs. 
"But then I met Lu'. He… I eat everyday. He cooks super good food. I sleep like a baby cause I'm not scared or anythin'... I know he likes me and he… He helps me do things I never thought I would on my own." 
Like what, Micky? 
"Like the house, Mum. I never thought I'd live in a house again, look…" He took the key out of his pocket. "That's the key! I wanted to get a camera, take pictures and show you guys. It-it's not a palace, it needs a bit of work, but it feels like home. It feels like… Like…"
Say it, Micky, don't be scared. 
"Like I'm finally settlin' down, like I'm finally doin' what you wanted me to do for bloody forever…! And now I get it, I get why!" 
Why, eh? Livin' with a bloke doesn't make sense. 
Mundy's eyes moved to his father. 
"I don't care that he's a bloke, Dad, he saved me and I… I…"
Well, c'mon, spit it out… 
"I love him."
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Ok here me out, Marinette Project runway winner
This is for @ozmav @mindfulmagics @maribat-archive @realrandomposts for inspiring me to do this even though I’m probably annoying you people.
She moved to Gotham after defeating Hawkmoth to study abroad
During this time she begins her time on Project runway
Even after having commissioned her work to celebrities such as Clara Nightingale and Jagged Stone she is out in the bottom 3 in 2 occasions
This causes her to work even harder to win
Marinette creates looks based off of Ladybug, the miraculous team, and the heroes of Gotham (Chat’s Miraculous was taken long ago, before defeating Hawkmoth)
Her Robin look was the one that made her the win (it was a simple, but elegant black blazer with a small robin embroidered on the right breast pocket, a white-based shirt with prints that resembled a bird making its nest, black slacks, and brown dress shoes).
The judges loved her craftsmanship, “You have magic in the tips of your fingers!”
“The embroidery is so detailed, how did you have time for that?”
“I love it! Marinette Dupain-Cheng you are Project Runway’s 20XX’s winner!”
*Cue Marinette being so happy she burst into tears*
After this, she begins working on building her brand. She began shipping her clothes internationally. Her work becomes huge in Asia and blows up, K-pop and C-pop idols love her. BTS was once caught using her clothes as airport fashion. Jackson Wang and BOYSTORY are always wearing her clothes.
Because of this Marinette’s celebrity clientele, just became a heck of a lot bigger.
Jagged now brags about her work at every red carpet event he goes to (if he didn’t already).
“Jagged, please. Jagged no. Jagged why?”
Clara does the same, but not to Jagged’s extreme.
Marinette is constantly embarrassed by this and try’s her best to give credit to the other contestants she met on the show. They all loved her and were as happy as they could be when she won.
All of this leads to Jagged introducing Marinette to Bruce Wayne.
“I hear you’ve been Jagged’s exclusive designer since you were fourteen? That’s impressive.”
Marinette waves it off, “I was just trying to help a friend.”
“I was wondering if I could commission you to create mine and my sons’ next charity gala suits. I’ve seen your work and it is very practical, most of the designers sacrifice functionality and practicality for aesthetic. But you seem to know that there is more to it then looking nice, your work seems to be able to be on the go as well.”
Of course, Marinette agrees, “Y-Yes! I would love to!”
This leads to a later fitting session at the Wayne Manor to get their measurements.
“Ah, Ms. Dupain-Cheng, you’re early,” Alfred points out while Marinette waits for entry.
Alfred allowed for her to get inside after a moment.
“On time is late and early is on time, Mr?”
“Pennyworth, but you may call me Alfred. That is exactly what I always say, Madame.”
“Well, in that case, you can just call me Marinette.” She smiles at the well-seasoned gentleman.
The well-mannered man shows Marinette to the living area to wait on Bruce and his sons.
What she wasn’t expecting was for two men to come barreling down the stairs, locked in combat over a trivial subject. “Take it back, Todd!”
“Not a chance, Demon Spawn!”
“I’ll break every bone in your body so badly, that not even the Lazarus pits could undo the damage caused!”
“When you say things like that, you just prove my point!!”
Marinette silently watched as the two continued their squabble. ‘What’s a Lazarus pit? I’ll have to ask Master Fu.’ (After defeating Hawkmoth, Master Fu retrieved Tiki. But that didn’t stop her guardian training.)
Eventually, the two boys got physical and Marinette decided it was time to intervene.
“Say it AGAIN!”
“You are JUST like your grandfather! You bra-”
“Umm, excuse me... Who are you two?”
The two stop to see a small, French woman physically keeping the two apart. The boys look completely gobsmacked.
“The better question is who are you?”
“I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I’m here to get Bruce Wayne and his sons’ measurements for a piece he commissioned me to do. I’m a designer,” She said smiling, extending her hand.
Jason takes it before Damian, “I’m Jason Todd-Wayne, nice to meet you.”
Damian scowls, “How polite of you...” he murmured to himself.
Marinette looks to the boy who has yet to introduce himself, “And you are?”
Both Damian and Jason’s jaws dropped, she really didn't know who they were. She was in their house for Pete’s sake, “I’m Damian Wayne.” Damian took her hand and gave it a kiss for added effect.
“Show off,” could be heard from Jason’s direction.
Marinette didn’t care for what the peanut gallery had to say, she was bright red after Damian did that.
At this moment, Dick, Tim, and Bruce walked in at the same time.
“Ms. Dupain-Cheng, you’re early,” Bruce said walking to greet her.
“I didn’t want for you to wait for me, also you can just call me Marinette. It feels weird when someone older and with a much more esteemed reputation calls me Miss.”
Once she finished speaking, Tim basically ran to her at the speed of light. The Flash, who?
See all the boys enjoyed Jagged’s music, but Tim, Tim was the grade A fanboy that everybody at least knows of. He’s watched every interview, heard every song, bought every album, poster, t-shirt, and every bit of merch he could get his hands on.
Needless to say after all the praise, Jagged gives to his personal designer, Tim knows exactly who she is.
“It is an honor to meet you Ms. Dupain-Cheng, I am Tim Drake-Wayne. I’m a big fan of your work.”
“You like fashion, Timmy?”
“I’m interested, sure, but Ms. Dupain-Cheng has done work for Jagged Stone. Since. She. Was. Fourteen. Her work has won awards since she was fourteen!” Tim said, disgusted by his brothers’ not knowing who she is.
“Please, it was completely by chance I met Jagged. Plus, I wasn't the only designer he’s ever had.” Marinette tried to take the attention off of her achievements.
“You just the only one who has made Jagged look like something other than an eggplant. I love the guy’s music, but his outfits before you... they looked cheap.”
Dick moved to speak, “It’s true, looking back at his old ensembles, there was a dramatic shift in craftsmanship. I’m Richard Grayson-Wayne, but you can call me Dick.”
Marinette’s face rivaled her old Ladybug costume. “Please, it was nothing. I made a million mistakes when I was designing back then. Anyway, let’s talk about what’s happening today. Your measurements for your suits. I assume Mr. Wayne has more important things to do after this.”
This got the boys to get down to business (to defeat the Huns) and shapes up real quick at the sound of her “serious” voice. The same one she used to use when Chat Noir used to flirt in the middle of an attack.
She when in order of oldest to youngest. Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Tim, were all done. Damian had been waiting patiently for his turn, watching her work. 
Marinette had this habit of sticking her tongue out whenever she was hyper-focused, Damian found this endearing. While she was getting his measurements, he was staring hard. This did not go unnoticed by the Batfam. 
After she’s finished, it’s kinda late. Alfred invites her for dinner and Marinette graciously agrees. Marinette helps prepare the dessert, Alfred repeatedly told her she didn’t have to, but she insisted. 
During dinner, the Batfam began to ask about her personal life, “So, are you seeing anyone?” 
“Master Dick, that is not appropriate to ask a young lady!”
Marinette almost chokes at the question, “That’s... um... I just got out of a controlling relationship. I... um... really don’t feel like talking about it.”
Adrien had done a number on her mentally, once he discovered she was Ladybug he wanted her and him to get together immediately. She agreed after some time, but Adrien was always pushy. He always pressured her into doing something that she wasn’t comfortable doing.  One day she had enough, she told him that she was done. Let’s just say that didn’t go over well. Marinette shifted in her seat as she recalls that night.
Damian seems to notice this and tells her that she doesn’t have to say anything if she doesn’t want to, Marinette appreciates this and thanks him. 
Quickly Marinette switches the topic, “I really like that Gotham has heroes, that protect the city. They make me feel safe like I'm back in Paris.”
This gets all the boys’ attention, Bruce asks her why.
“In Paris, there were heroes to protect them from a magical terrorist, named Hawkmoth. He possessed people who were at their worst and turned them into these things called, Akumas. Ladybug and Chat Noir were the heroes. After he was defeated, Ladybug and Chat Noir retired.”
Damian was baffled by how the league did not know about this, “Why haven’t we heard about this?”
“Mayor Bourgeois kept everything quite to keep tourism flowing, but if you really want to know about it there’s a blog. Be careful though not everything on there is reliable.”
Tim makes a mental note to check it out later. 
By the end of the meal and time to go home, all members of the Batfam+Alfred give and get Marinette’s personal contact info. 
They gained a friend and a new designer. 
Let me know if you want more because then and only then will I do more. This is my first time posting my writing, so please be nice. Thank you for taking the time to read it though! :)
Edit: here’s the ao3 link https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Farchiveofourown.org%2Fworks%2F20572886&t=MGFkNWY5ZDVjOTcwNmIyOTU3YjM0OGQwOTc1YTU5MWZkNDlkNzliYSwwZjg5ZTA1ODIyY2M5MGUyNWYxY2YyMzYyZTY3ZjY2NmNjNzIwMDg5
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safflowerseason · 5 years
veep rewatch 3.01
Some New Beginnings
aka - The One With the Book Tour 
Richard! I love Richard. I love what he brought to the Veep ensemble and I love that the dumbest, purest person in the ensemble ended up as the sidekick to the other dumbest and most vile person in the ensemble. I didn’t mind that he suddenly had a doctorate in American constitutional law or whatever (it’s not like being an academic means you are a functional adult with practical life skills), and even though his rise to the presidency in S7 is patently stupid, I just love his bumbling, relentlessly positive, and super literal approach to life. Sam Richardson is great. 
“I call it Some New Beginnings because it’s plural!”
Now begins the reign of Kathleen Felix Hager, who immediately injects more life into Selina and Amy’s business wardrobes. We won’t really see the change until the next few episodes—Selina always wears a red dress in the premiere, and Amy’s at a wedding where she can’t wear a monochrome skirt-suit or a shirt-dress—but still, it’s very exciting!! And KFH does manage a slight departure with Amy’s formalwear, which has previously tended to dark colors and conservative necklines. This turquoise dress is the brightest and lightest color we’ve seen on Amy so far, and she looks stunning.
As discussed previously, I appreciate that the costume team did not feel the need to vacuum-pack a clearly post-baby Anna Chlumsky into some Spanx underneath her dress, or choose a looser dress for her to wear. The dress is very well-tailored and they’re not trying to hide anything—every newfound curve is on display. Meanwhile, Dan looks very good in his totally-not-intentional matching suit and not at all like Amy’s boyfriend. It’s not like he’s standing next to her in pictures and sharing the cost of a wedding present and making jokes about the fact that they’re basically married. What a ridiculous notion. 
Mike: See what everyone's gifting us? Some New Beginnings, Our Next American Journey. Dan: Really well written…by me. (He’s offscreen for this line, but I love this little aside…one day I’m going to write a one-shot where Dan writes Selina’s book. Ugh, Writer!Dan...so hot.)
Amy: Selina’s never been away without us this long before.  Dan: I guess this is what it’s gonna to be like when our kids go to college too, huh, sweetie?  Amy: Yeah, dream the fuck on, Dan.  Dan: You know I'm only being nice to you because I know that Selina's gonna make me the campaign manager. Dan’s version of being nice to Amy is teasing her about their future children. I cannot. This whole exchange is just too much for my heart now. (Also, what a ballsy thing to say while Amy is ostensibly dating another man. Dan must be feeling very confident in his relationship with Amy at this moment.) 
His unhinged impatience with Hughes not announcing is some neat foreshadowing that he’s going to be a terrible campaign manager. 
I enjoy Mike and Wendy’s relationship…Kathy Najimy is lovely and funny, and she and Matt Walsh have a fun chemistry. She has a kind of smooth composure to her manner that’s a good contrast with the more frenetic energy of Selina’s staff. 
I like to think part of the reason Dan snarks at Amy for not having a second phone is that he really just wants to be scheming with her at all times. 
Selina: So, these rumors, right? I'm getting Maddox. What are you getting?  Richard: I…I’m not getting a huge amount, if I'm being honest. Selina: Hey, Richard, no offense— Richard: None taken. Selina:—you’re a catastrophe.
In general, Iannucci Veep is better at marking time than Mandel Veep, but seriously…when is this wedding happening? We know it’s been two months since the S2 finale, in which both Selina and Amy appeared to be wearing clothes appropriate for mid-late D.C. spring (long sleeved dresses on both of them). So if it’s two months later, does that mean we’re in May-June? The end of June can be hot in D.C., but everyone is walking around outside dressed like it’s a pleasant spring day. Furthermore, the timeline is complicated by Episode 2, when it seems like we’re suddenly in early autumn…but also, Mike is on his honeymoon and Jonah has clearly just been fired! So WHEN is this wedding?! (Some of this confusion is obviously influenced by the uncontrollable dimensions of filming on location, such as weather…) 
Love how Ben goes straight to the minibar in Selina’s suite. 
Ben: So where’s the team?  Selina: They’re all at Mike’s wedding…I kind of miss ‘em. *phone rings* Oh, it’s just Gary, press ignore. 
Dan and Jonah’s scene in the bathroom made me actually kind of miss their DC bro antagonistic energy. I can’t believe they shared no scenes together in S7!
First mention of Bill Ericsson…considering how many political flubs/bone-headed campaign decisions Bill actually makes in the series, he doesn’t exactly live up the all-knowing ice-god of strategy reputation they give him in the beginning. (My blog is basically an anti-Bill Ericsson blog now, sorry.)
Dan: You keep a second phone there? Hypocritical…and horny.  Love Reid Scott’s eyebrow arch on this line. 
Jonah: “Team Veep goes into meltdown as Sec Def Maddox news breaks”….And upload the money shot. Sue: I hate how he learned English from pornography. 
Richard: Ma’am, if you need any help with your campaign, I'm real good in a high-pressure situation. Selina: Really? In what sense “good”? Richard: Well, I was all over that book line thing.
It is intriguing how…active Dan is in this episode compared to Amy, or to be more specific, how his actions are highlighted by the script in a way that hers are not. He manipulates Jonah to get the ball rolling on the President’s announcement, runs back to the White House to witness/further exacerbate the fallout from that, actually asks Selina to make him the campaign manager, and in general is just furiously scheming all over the place. And it’s all explicitly tied to his desire to be the campaign-manager. Meanwhile, Amy is Hendrix-texting and presumably dealing with the Maddox news in some way, but we don’t really see her doing it. This will be a trend to follow in the first half of the season…some interesting gender dimensions to trace, for sure. 
Kent: Don’t go interrupting any major sporting events! Unless it’s golf. 
Jonah: I’ll be back! I’m gonna be back as the fucking President. Jonah Ryan, 2026!  Staffer: That’s a midterms year, Jonah.  Jonah: Well then I’ll change it!
I tend to think that Jonah’s career as a politician was a Mandel-era idea, but I do wonder with this line what Iannucci’s team of writers had planned for the character, if they also saw Jonah as an actual campaigning politician rather than just representative of the scuzzy underlings who populate D.C.
If it’s day six of the book tour, it makes you wonder how long Selina has been separated from her team. In light of Amy’s comment, it’s interesting to think about the logistical ramifications of it…six days feel like a stretch for Selina to be without her full staff, especially Gary and Amy. Not to mention Dan would want to gloat on the road about the success of “his” book. Were they just all on the book tour with Selina and then flew back to DC for a quick weekend wedding break? That would explain why they all appear to arrive together, at the very least. 
“The seven foot mouth” is maybe my favorite Jonah insult of all time. 
Amy’s drunk dancing is so cute! (In contrast, it is literally impossible for me to imagine Dan drunk dancing.) 
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itslight-ishred · 5 years
Valentine’s Day Dance
Okay, so I’m a couple hours late on this, but I made it through all the distractions to finally bring you my first completed fic in over a year! This is my gift to @mlm-benvolio​ for the RvB Valentine’s Day gift exchange and first time posting one of my works to Tumblr. Enjoy. (will fix formatting if needed) @rvbgiftexchange Ship(s): Grimmons w/background Docnut and Locoboose and mentioned Tuckington 1,800+ words    "Dude, if you don't ask him out, I'm not talking to you ever again."        The lanky red-head gave out a sharp, fake gasp at those words, closing his locker and holding the non-robotic hand to his chest and faking a hurt expression. "You wouldn't. Who else would I talk to?"        "Wouldn't I?" This led to a full two minute stare-down between them both before a taller boy came by and picked up his older brother, squeezing him tight.     "Tucker! I just asked Loco to the Valentine's dance!"        "Okay, if Caboose can ask Loco, you can totally ask Dex," Lavernius gasped out, struggling to get out of his adopted brother's tight grasp. "Seriously, though, what's taking you so long? We all know you like him. Well, except maybe Dex himself."    
   Slinging his bag onto his shoulder, Richard just thought this over a bit as the three headed for the student parking lot. Passing through the commons, they noticed Franklin hugging Frank tight, but not nearly as tight as Michael had done to his brother. The blond noticed them and quickly broke the hug, dragging his boyfriend over to them. Before he could even say a word, Richard stopped him.    "He just asked you out to the dance?"        "Yes!! Has Dex asked you yet? Cause then we could go suit shopping together!" As usual, his younger brother was way too excited about these things than anyone had a right to be, but Franklin had always loved dressing up and going to parties.         "Dude, you don't need to go out and buy a whole suit for this. Not like it's prom," Lavernius told the junior. "Just pick something nice you already have. And can someone please tell Rich here that there's no way Dex would turn him down?"        Franklin's head perked up at that, looking his older brother dead in the eyes. "Rich, if he doesn't say yes, he's an idiot and in denial. He's been over for dinner more this year than the last three combined."        "I rest my case. Now c'mon, I've got a baby who's probably driving my dad up the walls."        Once out in the parking lot, Richard looked around for Dexter's old beater that was in this horrible, bright orange with the doors painted an even brighter yellow. Apparently having sensed his rising anxiety, F.I.L.S.S. started playing music from his relaxation playlist through the headphones around his neck that were connected to his prosthetic arm. "Thanks," he muttered to the AI before speaking up to get his younger brother's attention, giving the keys an underhand toss. "I'm gonna go find Dex. I'll be home in time to make dinner, promise." All of the other teens smiled at him as he jogged off, going up and down the rows to hopefully beat Dexter to his own car.        Thankfully he'd made it just a couple minutes before the shorter senior came over, drinking a soda that he'd gotten from one of the vending machines. "Oh, hey, man. Not goin' home yet?"        "Told Franklin I'd be back to start dinner. Wanted to hang out with you a bit." Dex raised an eyebrow at this but just shrugged, unlocking the car and getting in. It didn't take long for Richard to realize they weren't going to the middle school to pick up Kai. "Uhh. . . ."        "Relax, she's spending the weekend with some friends at a sleepover since our parents are out of town."        "So you're staying home alone? All weekend?"        "Yep."    Somehow this felt like the perfect opportunity to finally suck it up and ask him. No Kai around to spy on them, and nothing embarrassing to try explaining to their adopted parents. So far, so good. When they got to the Grifs' house, both teens kicked off their shoes and put their backpacks by the door, Richard setting up Halo 12 while Dexter went to the kitchen to grab some drinks and some chips. He made sure the red head was getting a thing of carrot juice, while he grabbed another soda for himself. "So, what's up? Normally you give me a heads up before showing up at my car."     "Eh, just didn't wanna hear Franklin talk my ear off about matching suits with Frank or whatever. Also hoping to avoid having Tucker call me to complain how stupid it is that he can't invite Wash to the dance. Pretty likely he'd also complain about Caboose not shutting up about asking Loco out."     "Are those two actually dating or . . . . ?"     "Dunno. But they're definitely going to the dance together." They sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to play a couple practice games of capture the flag before deciding whether or not they wanted to do an online match. "So, uh, are you going with anyone? If at all?"     "Maybe? No one's asked yet, and I'm not sure anyone would really wanna go with me. You going?"     Richard just shrugged before recoiling a bit at a sudden, sharp pain in his arm. "Ow! F.I.L.S.S.!"     "My apologies. I must have hit a wrong nerve trying to move the fingers."     The taller teen glared down at his metallic arm for a second, going back to their game and attempting to continue the conversation. "Been thinking about it. Had sort of an idea who to ask. Besides, Sarge'd want me to go to keep an eye on Franklin anyway."     "Good ol' Sarge."     Feeling the AI in control of his arm in the back of his head and ready to send more shocks up his arm, Richard took a deep breath. "Do you wanna go to the dance? With . . . . me? Maybe? You don't have to, y'know, but if you want, it'd be nice. But you don't have to!"     "Dick?"     "Yeah?"     "Course, dumbass. Who else would I go with?"     About an hour later, the lanky teen found himself back home and in-between on steps in cooking dinner, Franklin bouncing in place as he sat on the counter, watching impatiently. "So?"     "So what?"     "Did you ask him?"     "Did Rich ask who what?" Sarge asked, coming into the kitchen to see what his boys were talking about.     "Richard asked Dexter to the dance this Valentine's Day," F.I.L.S.S. spoke up for the boy, knowing he was too nervous from earlier still to hold any sort of conversation.     "Bout dang time, son. You been fawnin' over him for the last four years now. How late's the dance s'posed ta go?"     "11:30 the latest," the blond teen answered back, their dad just nodding, knowing he could trust them both to not stay out too late.     Later that night, Franklin had texted Lavernius the good news, and the two proceeded to gush over this new development together, the older of the two saying he was afraid they wouldn't ask each other out until well after they graduated in a few months. The next few days were then spent with both of them trying to pick out a classy outfit to the dance, Lavernius saying he'd probably have to take Dexter shopping if the man had any hope of looking decent. So by the time the dance was there, their entire group showed up dressed in black slacks(minus Franklin who was in white with Frank), and they all had their own solid-color button-ups.     Loco and Michael tried splitting their time between the dance floor and eating snacks, while Franklin couldn't sit down from sheer excitement. Richard was too awkward to even attempt dancing, so he was glad to hang back and have some snacks with Dexter, making sure the shorter male didn't get the shirt or pants Lavernius had bought too messy. Speaking of which, he hadn't seen the darker skinned teen since getting into the main hall. This wasn't going to end well. . . .     "So, probably brought this up sooner, but why did you ask me here? I mean, we're not dating or whatever Loco and Caboose are."     "And you call me the dumbass. . . . I kinda thought it'd be obvious? I asked you out to the Valentine's Day dance. Should be pretty self-explanatory."     Dexter nodded a bit, eating a few more bites of his snacks. "True. But I wanna hear you say it."     Now Richard's face was starting to turn a similar shade of red as his hair, if just a shade darker. It wasn't a nearly full-body blush like Wash was known to get from time-to-time, but it did make his freckles blend together a bit. Just as she had last week, F.I.L.S.S. threatened to shock him again if he didn't speak up soon. Her personality had been really weird since Thanksgiving, he'd have to talk to Dr. Church about that.     "I- I like you, okay? I missed you a lot after you had to leave, and then you came back and I thought things'd be like when we were kids again, but it wasn't, and it still isn't, which I think is okay, y'know? We still bicker a lot sometimes, but it's not like when we were little. And you're always there for me when I need it, and you didn't hate me when you found out about me being a boy. Still can't believe you outed me in bio, though. I know, it was an accident. But you're my best friend, and I don't think I would've wanted to ask anyone else to come with me." Taking a deep breath, he started calming down a bit. "Honestly, it was probably a good thing you had to leave cause I think even when we were kids I had a crush on you. And I don't think I could've sorted that out on my own if you were still living with us."     "Huh. Good to know. I like you a lot, too. Thought about you the whole time I was gone. I mean, hard not to, considering you're why I was able to get my skin grafts. So even though you weren't around, you kinda were?" Side-eyeing the other, Dexter noticed the blush had gotten darker "So . . . are we dating now?"    "I think so? If you want to, anyway."     "Cool, guess I can finally do this," the heavier teen said, more of to himself, before leaning over and kissing his now-boyfriend, able to feel the heat radiate off his face from how flushed he was. It was at that moment that a bright flash got their attention, making them look up and see the overhead balcony where one Lavernius Tucker Church stood with his phone out, cheering in triumph.     "Finally! I've waited four years for this!" he cheered before running off to find his younger brother for safety.     "Wha- Tucker, no, I wanna dance with Loco more!" the younger boy tried telling him, as he tried climbing up his back and onto his shoulders. Lavernius just reassured him it'd just be for a little bit, to protect him from Dexter.     "Okay, Tucker's officially the group dumbass now."
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gxenbev · 4 years
Reddie Prom AU
Based on this headcanon: https://gxenbev.tumblr.com/post/613860178007326720/hc-that-richie-and-bev-bond-over-reality-tv-and
Hope you enjoy!
“Richie, stop squirming,” Bev said around the pins in her mouth.
“I’m trying, Miss Scarlet,” Richie whined. When he suggested remaking Fashion Runway dresses, he hadn’t anticipated standing in front of Beverly for hours while she pinned layer after layer of fabric over him.
“Patience, Richard,” she mumbled as she stuck him with a pin for the fourth time in five minutes.
“Ouch! Watch it, Bevvie,” he screeched.
“Sorry,” she said, setting the pins down and stepping back to admire her work.
Richie looked down, but all he could see was a mass of ruffles surrounding his lower half. He looked up at her with curious eyes, but Beverly only smiled.
“We’re not even close to done, are we?” he asked.
“Nope,” she laughed, beginning to cut more crimson fabric.
“Maybe Eddie will finally think I’m hot,” Richie giggled. 
“He already thinks you’re hot, dumbass.”
“Is that what he says when he’s talking to you on the phone instead of cuddling with me?”
“Guess he loves me best,” Beverly shrugged.
Eddie wasn’t a fan of Fashion Runway. Richie thought he would love it, considering Eddie was the most judgmental person he knew, and that was ninety-eight percent of the show. Since Eddie wouldn’t indulge in his guilty pleasure show, he and Beverly watched it together.
“Will this eventually look like a dress?” Richie asked. Richie was confident in Beverly’s skills, but he wasn’t sure he would be able to move with the tight layer of fabric hugging his waist when she was finished,
“I sure hope so,” she mumbled.
“Next time, we’re doing this to Stan,” Richie whined.
Beverly laughed. Getting Stan to stand still and be patient wouldn’t be an issue like it was with Richie. Getting Stan to agree to wear something besides neat, pressed khakis and polos was the problem.
“That would be hilarious. I think we could wrestle Eddie into a mini skirt.”
Richie blushed. “Do I want to see Eddie in a mini skirt.”
“Oh, you definitely want to see Eddie in a mini skirt. Straighten your shoulders, I need to work on the bodice.”
“I think Tim Gunn would be proud, Bevvie,” he chuckled. 
Beverly took the red, lacy fabric and pinned it around Richie’s middle. There was a plain white, silky layer underneath the lace. She decided to pin it tight and leave it sleeveless.
“Open back or no?” Beverly asked.
“Damn, I don’t know. I just want it to stay on.”
Beverly called the boys earlier and told them to stop by for dinner just so she could show off her creation, but Richie was even more pumped than she was. 
Beverly continued to work for the next couple of hours while an antsy Richie wiggled around. She placed pins, took them out, sewed the pieces together, ripped seams, ruffled, ripped, and ironed fabric. By the time she was finished, she was exhausted and wiped a line of sweat from her brow.
“Alright, Richie, go look in the mirror.”
Richie carefully walked to the full-length mirror on the other side of the room, cautious of the mass of red layers surrounding his legs. He was absolutely stunned by his appearance. He looked amazing. Better than he ever thought he could look.
“Bevvie,” he started.
“You like it?” 
“I love it,” he told her, turning around to smile at her.
“Yeah, but I don’t know what we’re going to do with it after we show the boys.”
“Its worth just keeping around,” he said, twirling around in the mirror to watch the ruffles fly around him.
“Don’t rip it,” Beverly warned him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, still dazed by the dress.
When the others arrived, Richie opted to stay upstairs and make a big entrance.
“Where the hell is Richie?” Eddie asked.
“Scheming,” Beverly deadpanned and Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Gentlemen,” they heard Richie yell from the top of the stairs. “You aren’t prepared for the beauty you’re about to witness.”
Richie walked down the stairs as properly as his lanky limbs would let him, holding his head high and keeping his shoulders as stiff as possible. He did a little wave as all the Losers stared.
“Beverly, how the fuck did you get him to stay still long enough to make that?” Ben exclaimed.
“It wasn’t easy.”
“Hey!” Richie squawked. “You’re supposed to be admiring my beauty right now.”
“It looks fantastic, Bev,” Mike said. 
“It looks great. Even better if it wasn’t on Richie,” Stan laughed and ruffled his hair when Richie gave him a mean look.
They all admired Bev’s handiwork for a little while longer before Bill said, “Its lovely. Such a shame Richie doesn’t have the balls to wear it in public.”
Eddie giggled and Richie glared. “Says who?”
“You wouldn’t,” Beverly laughed, making Richie frustrated.
“Sure I would,” Richie stated, not one to be insulted like this. Of course he had the balls to do it.
“Okay then, how about you wear that to prom?” Stan suggested.
Richie could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. He couldn’t wear this to prom. He could only imagine all the horrid things Bowers would say, but he also couldn’t back down. He had a reputation to never back down from a dare, and he wouldn’t ruin it for shit.
Richie looked at Eddie. Prom was next week and he asked Eddie a month ago. He gladly accepted, but now Richie wasn’t so sure he even wanted to go. Eddie didn’t seem to care. He was laughing along with everyone else at the horrified look on Richie’s face.
“You won’t,” Stan said, crossing his arms.
Richie didn’t want to, but he would do anything to wipe that smug smile off Stan’s face.
“I will. I’m going to. Just help me out of this fucking thing so I can take it home.”
Richie tried to keep a steady face as Beverly helped him step out of the dress and handed him back his t-shirt and jeans, but he was feeling apprehensive as fuck. What would people say? Word spreads fast in Derry.
He took the dress home and hung it in the closet before going to bed, but it stared back at him through the open door. He couldn’t sleep. He got up and shut the closet door, but it didn’t help.
When Saturday rolled around, Richie knew he couldn’t procrastinate any longer. He had to look at the dreaded thing. He carefully pulled the dress out of his closet and laid it on the bed. He looked around for a pair of dress shoes, and really wish he went shopping earlier. He pulled his cleanest pair of chucks out from under his bed and decided they’d have to do. 
Richie cautiously stepped into the dress. It was mostly open back, so he could zip it up without any help. He turned around and looked in the mirror. He had to admit, he looked pretty nice, but his hands were shaking and his eyes look even bigger than usually behind his giant glasses.
Richie went straight for the hair gel once he stepped into the bathroom. He tried relentlessly to tame his mess of curls, but he didn’t have much luck. He parted it the best he could instead of leaving it in shaggy bangs across his forehead and called it good. It looked better than it usually did, which was the most he could ask for.
Eddie was picking Richie up before going to get their other friends. Richie didn’t have a car, which he whined about constantly, but Eddie bummed one off a family friend once he finally convinced Sonia he was a safe driver. 
When he heard the doorbell ring from upstairs, he rushed to get it, almost tripping on the crimson fabric falling to his ankles.
“Eds,” he grinned as he opened the door.
Richie was silent for the first time since he met Eddie. He looked stunning. His suit was neat and pressed and wore a little red bowtie that matched Richie’s dress. His hair was neatly combed and gelled and his wide smile made him look even better.
“You’re actually going to wear it,” Eddie laughed.
“Of course I fucking am,” Richie replied charismatically. “Ready to get the others?”
Eddie nodded and took Richie’s hand in his own. From inside the house, his mother called, “Richard! Your legs are gonna get cold!”
“I’ll be fine, Ma. Love you!” he called back before shutting the door and clambering into the passenger side of Eddie’s car.
Eddie looked over the console at Richie and frowned. He took Richie’s hand in his own and squeezed it tight.
“You look beautiful,” he reassured. Richie relaxed his shoulders a little, hoping Eddie wouldn’t worry about him. “What are you worried about, ‘Chee?”
Richie shrugged, but Eddie threw him a questioning look. He couldn’t get anything past Eddie, and he usually didn’t try. He trusted him with everything, and he could never lie to him.
“Bowers, I guess,” he whispered. 
“Oh ‘Chee, I don’t think Bowers will even show up to prom,” Eddie said.
Richie nodded. “But what if others tell him?”
Eddie squeezed his hand again. “If Bowers comes at you, I’ll beat his ass.”
Richie rolled his eyes. “Babe, you’re like, almost a midget.”
“Fine, I’ll get Mike to beat his ass. He has ‘farm muscles.’”
Richie laughed. He felt safer with Eddie. He always had. Eddie was never anywhere near calm until he had to be for someone else, and that was one of the many things he loved about him. 
When they reached Stan’s house, Stan walked out the door looking as proper as ever. His hair was gelled neatly and he wore a light blue tie with his simple gray suit.
“Goddamn, Richie. I never thought you would go through with it,” Stan smiled, climbing into the backseat.
“You underestimated me, Staniel. Maybe next time you’ll estimate me.” 
Stan rolled his eyes but continued, “I have to admit, you pull it off.”
They were headed to the dance after Eddie picked up Mike. Bill and Beverly were riding with Ben. Eddie held Richie's hand as they drove across Derry and didn’t let go until they reached the school.
Derry High School was never superly financially stable, but the decorations in the gymnasium looked nice. The room was flooded with blue and purple lights and silky looking drapery hung across the walls. It was more than Richie was expecting. The dark lights made it nearly impossible to pick people out of the crowd from a distance. Richie’s nerves started to evaporate.
Bev, Bill, and Ben arrived just after the others. Beverly’s fiery hair stood out even with the fancy lighting. She looked absolutely stunning. Richie knew she made her dress herself, too, and it was even more beautiful than any other outfit he’d seen that night.
“Wow Rich, I should make dresses for you more often,” she said, admiring how it looked, even with Richie’s beat-up converse.
Richie smiled. He forgot about worrying what people were going to think. He got a few compliments from random students, but he wasn’t truly listening. He was focused on his friends. 
Mike and Bill were dancing together. Richie saw Stan leave, and he thought he saw him on the other side of the gym with Patty Blum. He didn’t know her very well. She was in his calculus class, but they rarely talked. He didn’t even know Stan knew her.
Beverly and Ben were laughing as Beverly tried to convince her boyfriend to dance. Richie shook his head. Shy Ben would do anything to make Beverly smile.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Eddie asked, tugging Richie towards the center of the room to dance.
“How good you look in that suit,” Richie said, waggling his eyebrows. Eddie dropped his hand and turned away, but Richie caught his shoulder and turned him back around. He giggled and bent down on one knee. “May I please have this dance, my spaghetti?”
“You’re so goddamn dramatic,” Eddie responded, pulling Richie up and putting his arms around his neck. He pulled him in close as Richie settled his hands on Richie’s waist. More couples flooded to the dance floor as the songs got slower and slower.
“Remember when you said you would never go to prom in middle school because you thought it was stupid?” Richie teased.
Eddie blushed, looking down at his nice dress shoes next to Richie’s chucks. “Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting someone to go with me then.”
Richie leaned closer to press a kiss to Eddie’s forehead. “I was expecting it.”
He wasn’t lying. He imagined taking Eddie to prom with him for years. 
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paulvibe · 5 years
The Assistant (Paul McCartney x Reader) Pt. 4
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Words: 3.9k
Warnings: Drug use, Sexual themes, Smut!!
A/N: hi! enjoy ;)
September 1968
After last weeks fiasco with Klein, you’d avoided Paul almost entirely. He could tell something was wrong, but never made a conscious effort to ask. In the meantime, he’d started to bring Linda to the studio almost everyday. She was like a little sliver caught under your skin you just couldn’t pick out. The sad thing is, you used to like Linda. You, her and Pattie would often get lunch together. Was this Paul’s fault? Yeah, maybe... it seemed that way. 
Everybody was already at the studio. However, you guys were in a small conference room waiting for more people to arrive. All the boys were dressed nice, in blazers, suits, and vests. Today was the day they were revising their contracts. Lawyers, managers, the whole big thing. You could feel their nerves, and no one dared to speak. You were standing near the door, John sat at the opposite end of the table, Ringo next to him. George was standing next to the windows and Paul was on the other side of the table away from the rest. 
“How’re we feeling?” You asked, surveying each of their faces. John scoffed and rolled his eyes. You were a little hurt by it, but brushed it off looking at the others.
“As good as we can be, darling.” Ringo spoke, his tone was a little dreary. You began to feel worse; they truly looked miserable… and to think only two years ago they were on top of the world. Rain started to patter against the windows, covering the silence with some white noise. You sighed, taking a seat against the wall away from the table. 
The meeting lasted nearly two and a half hours. You took notes when told to, as well as made tea and food runs. When the boys would get too heated over some negotiations Klein had to whistle loudly to interrupt any voices. You also helped the boys calm down and focus on the course of action. With all the people yelling, throwing fits, and causing trouble, by the end of it you were nearly exhausted. But, glad they had finally come to an agreement. Paul was going to leave a day after the last concert they had scheduled on the 30th of January; John around the same time. Both Ringo and George were also to leave, officially disbanding the Beatles. Though, that was still four months into the future. 
As everyone was leaving, Paul and you stayed behind cleaning up the conference room. He was quiet, gathering papers and pushing in chairs. Since you’d been ignoring him all week-- due to Kleins orders-- it felt weird to finally have a moment alone. Once he’d finished assembling his things, he walked passed you to the door. His hand, however, in passing, lingered on your lower back. You wanted so badly to speak to him, but when you opened your mouth, you couldn’t find the words. Just before the man opened the door to exit, he turned to face you. You could tell the meeting not only wore you, but Paul as well. 
“I’m throwing a party tonight, just for fun. I'd like for you to be there.” He focused on your face, a gentle innocent glance. You could feel your cheeks heating up as you stuttered out an answer. 
“I-I’d love to.” 
“I'll-” The man paused, his eyes looking you up and down as though you were a piece of candy, “See you there.” His gaze lingered on your body before he exited the conference room.
‘Now hold up,’ Your conscious spoke before you could gather yourself. ‘You just agreed to go to a party, which Paul will be at… and possibly Linda as well... Fool.’ ‘Well, it could be fun anyway.’ The otherside of your brain argued back. You let out a huff and quickly left the conference room.
You showed to Paul's home shortly after 8 P.M.-- of course, after battling your mind for hours whether or not to attend. The man had a valet service set up so they took your car to spare parking behind the lot. The home was already bursting with life and music as you passed through his garden to the front door. You entered the home, not bothering to knock, and immediately greeted packs of people mingling. Pushing passed the hot bodies, you kept scanning every open space you could to find the man. You’d ended up seeing a few of the crew, and even Mick Jagger with Keith Richards and Jim Morrison. You knew Paul was friends with them, but certainly wasn’t expecting that. 
You kept pushing forward, and did a loop around the home before the host finally appeared. He had a cigarette in hand-- though you weren’t sure if it was tobacco or another substance-- and a drink in the other while socializing with a few people you didn’t know. He must’ve heard you footsteps because he turned just as you got up to the group.
“Ah, love, I’m so glad you came.” Paul smiled. He leaned down, kissing your cheeks before quickly excusing himself from the group. The man was tispy; you could tell by how touchy he was. One of his arms snaked it’s way over your shoulder, and began guiding the two of you away from the crowds. He opened a door which led to his small study, and then followed in behind you, firmly closing it. To your surprise, nobody had taken the room for sex or drugs yet. 
“I just wanted to get somewhere quiet.” He commented, sitting on the tufted couch. You couldn’t help but notice his eyes as he scanned you up and down, and the subtle lip bite as well. You’d chosen a more revealing outfit tonight, wearing a pair of yellow pants with a collared, black crop top, tied in the front, as well as a large faux fur coat. He had changed from earlier also, now donning more casual clothes. He wore black slacks, with a pair of loafers and on top, a long sleeved red shirt. His hair was comb slicked back, and his beard was neat as well. 
“You’ve got quite the company out there.” You spoke with a snort as you shucked off your large coat, and started to walk around the room. Your fingers grazed the books he had on built in shelves. Paul’s study was your favorite room in his house. On one wall, there was a fireplace with two built in bookshelves on the sides of it; and a large dark oak desk was to the left against the wall. In the middle of the room, in front of the fireplace, was the seating area with one couch, a armchair, and coffee table. Paintings hung on the walls added a bit of life, and Paul’d even had a few guitars hung next to them as well. Two lamps lit the room just enough, as well as the fire which had been turned on to combat the cold air outside.
“Yes, well, it’s out of my control now.” He took another swig from the beer bottle, then relit the cigarette in his grasp and took a drag. You circled the room before sitting on a small tufted chair to the right of Paul. He reached out his hand, giving you the cigarette. Upon closer inspection, you saw it wasn’t a cigarette, but a joint rolled with papers that mimicked cigarette wrapping. 
“Clever,” You commented, then took a long puff from it. Paul watched you as you did so; he always liked the way your lips looked wrapped around things. His eyes, dark in the dim lighting of lamps, gazed at you; nearly burning a hole in the side of your face. You looked back at him, feeling butterflies erupt as you passed the marijuana cigarette back. His fingers grazing yours caused even more nerves to light up.
“I didn’t think you were going to show.” He added, taking a drag. You began to feel the affects of the marijuana, making the world seem in slow motion. 
“Yeah, well…” You started but trailed off.
“You’ve seemed distant this week, darling.” Paul sat up, and leaned towards your figure a little more as he passed you the joint. A sigh escaped your lips before you took a puff and answered him.
“It’s Klein. After the press conference, he told me to leave you alone. Except if you need me to do assistant work.”
“That dirty man. He’s always been skeevy.” Venom laced Paul’s tone as he drank from the bottle, then wiped his mouth. You nodded in agreement and glanced around the room once more before asking.
“Where’s Linda?” 
“She has business in New York.” He responded. You felt your heart-rate pick up and bit the inside of your cheek as a response. So, you were alone? 
“Ah,” You spoke, hiding your excitement.
 The two of you continued to chat, as well as pass the joint. Paul even left at one point to go gather some more marijuana and rolling papers. It was getting more and more hot in the room, but you didn’t mind. It gave you an excuse to wear your skimpy outfit. You hadn’t even known how much time had passed, but occasionally the two of you would hear the party rage on. 
Once you felt sufficiently stoned, you two sat in silence. By now, you’d moved so you were both sitting on the couch, instead of opposite chairs. With each movement, you two had scooted closer until your legs were touching from knee to hip. You looked into his eyes, the firelight causing them to shine brighter.
Paul looked at you through his black lashes. His doe like eyes seemed more intense in the dim lighting. The two of you sat cross legged on the floor, facing the other. Smoke swirled in and out of your vision and around Paul as well. Music could be heard, but was distant as you two were in a private section of the home. You took a puff off of a half smoked marijuana cigarette and made eye contact with the man as you performed a simple French inhale trick. His eyes focused on your lips, causing his to gently part in return. You could feel his energy in your hazy state. He wanted you, he wanted you so bad. 
Your sitting bodies felt electric together causing your heart to beat faster. Paul leaned towards your figure, a sensual expression across his face. You shifted your weight, leaning closer to him as well. His eyes glanced down at your chest gazing delightfully at your cleavage. It only gave you confidence as you rest your hand on the man's leg. His eyes came back up to meet yours as he finally connected your lips. You put your hands on the sides of his face, holding him there as you switched your position; as Paul sat cross-legged on the floor you straddled his lap still keeping the kiss going. You eventually broke the kiss, grabbing the Joint from a random ashtray you set it on. Still sitting in Paul’s lap, you relit it and took a large drag before handing it  over to the man in front of you. He too took a long puff before setting it back onto the ashtray.
His hands then moved and melded firm on your bum, as he didn’t want you to get away. You two began to kiss again, though it ended up morphing itself into a heated makeout. Your hands found their way to Paul’s jeans; slyly unbuckling his belt and with one motion undoing his button as well.  Your hand began to explore, finding his member semi hard and still tucked away behind his underwear.
In the meantime, Paul’s hands found their way to the zipper of your dress, he’d managed to unzip it entirely and then unclasp your bra as well. You broke the kiss while he pulled the apparel and undergarment off, freeing your breasts and leaving you in panties and socks. You’d skipped stockings tonight, having a knowing feeling about the events that were occurring. Paul’s mouth was swift to latch onto your breast. His tongue swirled your nipple, occasionally flicking it with the muscle.  The sensation only fueled the fire down south, and you began to grind against the man; underwearing being the only thing separating skin. You grabbed the Marijuana cigarette again, finding it still burning, you placed it between your lips and took another pull, blowing smoke around the man between your breasts. 
Paul adjusted your position shortly after, moving you from sitting on his lap to laying you on your back as he sat between your legs; basically putting you in the missionary position. The joint still sat between your lips and you kept puffing on it. By now you were extremely stoned; every little movement and pleasure Paul caused you was experienced tenfold by your senses.
 You two still lingered on the floor, however the bass player had placed your discarded dress under your head to act as a pillow. He gently took the Joint from your mouth and placed it into his own, now smoking it himself. You sat up on your elbows, palming his member through underwear as he carefully maneuvered his shirt off his body- not having to take the little weed cigarette from his mouth. You admired his body; he was slightly toned on his chest, however his shoulders and arms were more defined. He donned a small patch of chest hair, and a dark happy trail that led to a nice patch of dark pubic hair. His hair was messy, and he combed his fingers through, desperate to remove the strands from his eyes. 
Paul now stood on his knees, quickly shucking off his pants and underwear leaving the man completely nude. After that, he set the joint onto the ashtray so he could get to work with nothing in the way. You took the moment to ogle him in the warm lighting. He was already glistening from sweat, adding fire to the fantasy. He linked his fingers into the sides of your panties, gliding them down and off your legs all while staring at you through his lashes. Afterwords, he spread them, eyes gazing you up and down. He bit his lip, his doe-y eyes admiring your pussy. One of his hands left the grip on your leg and single digit ran up your slit, hitting your clit at the end of it’s journey. You squirmed and gasped at the sudden sensation, earning a head-cock from Paul. He redid the motion, this time with two fingers. You reacted the same, a squeal and squirm, gripping your hand onto his thigh. 
“Darling, so wet for me already.” He commented, voice heavy. “How would you feel if I have a little snack?” Seductive undertones laced every word.
 He leaned down and scoot back until his head came level with your stomach. With the last word escaping his lips, he kissed around your navel, working his way further and further down until a light kiss peppered your clit. Your hands flew to the man's head immediately tangling themselves within his hair. He took this as an eager invitation, and began to suck your clit. One of his free hands worked its way up and began to twist your nipple gently. The sensitivity of your body caused you to moan and tighten your grip on Paul’s hair. Paul’s free hand left your nipple and moved down to your vagina. He continued to lick and flick your clit with his tongue as he slowly inserted a single digit. You tightened around his finger, enjoying the feeling of it all as he began to finger you carefully. 
“Oh, Paul,” A breathy moan left your lips. Paul’s reaction was to finger you faster while he sucked your clit harder. His beard rubbing against your inner thigh felt so wonderful, and you nearly suffocated the man between your legs. The bass player began to move his fingers as though he was plucking guitar strings. He kept tapping your g-spot as he did so, earning even louder cries of pleasure from you. Paul could tell you were getting close, as you kept tightening around his fingers. He gently pulled them out, and gave one last sweet kiss to your clit before sitting up on his knees again. His dick was now fully hard and he nonchalantly jerked himself, scooting closer to your position. 
You sat up a little, reaching out to grab his member. Your hand replaced his and you switched positions once again, landing you on top. He now lay his head on your discarded dress. However, before he fully laid down, he grabbed an additional joint you’d rolled earlier and lit it. He knew what you were about to do, and he was going to enjoy it. You moved your hair from your face and leaned your head down so your lips were just above his cock. You gently licked the tip, earning a shudder from Paul. You were on your hands and knees now, basically switching the man positions entirely. One of your hands gently rubbed your clit, and the other held you up as you sucked the bass player off. Your tongue swirled around and you bobbed your head, making sure to keep your mouth as airtight as possible. Paul kept letting out delightful moans, occasionally letting his hand hold your head or fix your hair. He even used it to guide your bobs, keeping you on beat.
“Oh, love,” The man breathed. You cast your gaze up to his face, making sure to stay within rhythm. His usually hazel eyes were turned a dark brown from lust as he watched your pretty mouth circle his cock. You then stopped playing with yourself and used that hand to rub him while sucking. His moans only increased and became more frequent with each nod. You finally popped off, finishing with a few kisses around his navel. You wiped the corners of your mouth with a slight grin, sitting back on your knees. Paul was only harder now, periodically causing his member to twitch from need. You lazily jerked him with one of your hands as you straddled his lap again, placing you into the cowgirl position. You lined yourself up with him, your entrance just barely touching his tip. 
He passed you the fresh marijuana cigarette and rested both his hands on your hips afterwards. As you began to inhale, Paul guided you down onto his cock. You quickly grabbed the joint from your lips as you moaned, not wanting to drop it. His hard member filled you so perfectly as you sat down on him, giving you that warm feeling deep in your stomach. The room was still smokey, adding to the heat and charged environment. Paul’s hand stayed firm on your hips as he began to help you bounce up and down on his dick. He even began to thrust up, only resulting in his member going deeper and harder in you.
Each ram seemed to make his hard cock find your g-spot perfectly. Your stomach kept twisting with every thrust, getting closer and closer to your orgasm. Paul kept averting his gaze between your face and breasts while you fucked him. When you were able to, you would look into his eyes showing you how much you were enjoying him. He removed one hand from your hips and took the joint from between your fingers, swiftly putting it between his lips. You could tell how erratic his breaths were by his exhales of smoke. It gave you confidence seeing him so pleasured by you, prompting you to only go faster. 
Paul surprised you by wrapping his arms tightly around your bum, trapping his cock in your pussy, as he lifted and laid you on your back again. He then began to thrust more rapid than he’d done before. Slaps of sweaty skin echoed around the room but you didn’t care at all in the throes of pleasure. He grabbed the joint from his mouth while still fucking you and put it between your lips, allowing you the enjoyment of the marijuana. You moaned loudly, Paul as well, only fueling both of your satisfaction. One of his hands found their way to your clit and he began to rub with his thumb. Swirling sensations began to fill your tummy, prompting louder moans from both you and Paul. 
“Oh, baby, I’m going to cum.” You moaned, opening your eyes long enough to see Paul’s reaction. 
“Darling, cum for me.” He raised his eyebrows in bliss, immediately rubbing your clit faster and harder. In response you tightened around his cock as he thrust, causing the man to close his eyes. The pressure was building fast and before you knew it, an orgasm overtook your entire body. You wrapped your legs around the mans back, trapping him deep within you. He let out a loud moan as his thrusts became staggard. You could feel his cock throbbing deep in you as he collapsed and lay with his head snuggled in your neck. You both lay still, but breathed heavily trying to recover from the incredible orgasm you both just experienced.
Paul slowly sat up and pulled himself out of you, wincing from how sensitive he was. You felt his hot cum slowly drip out of your pussy, but you didn’t care. Your mind was so clouded it didn’t even cross your thoughts that he just came inside you with no protection. The man groaned as he laid down next to you, now both of you on your backs. You’d calmed down, but he was still breathing a little heavy.
“That was everything I imagined it to be.” Paul commented after a few moments of silence. You couldn’t help but let a giggle escape as your turned on your side to face the black haired man. Both of you were still stoned out of your minds, but didn’t even care. Right now, your worlds revolved around the other. 
You two laid there naked for what seemed like an hour before you actually had the energy to get dressed again. First Paul got dressed, then helped you get put together as well. His touch was so gentle when it came to you, he acted as though you were made from glass. Well except when it came to fucking. None of your ex’s had sex like that, it was a nice change from the typical bloke from the bar. 
In the tired bliss of after sex glow Paul’d managed to find a blanket and two pillows in the closet of the room you were in. He then made the makeshift bed and you two climbed in, snuggling up to the other. His hand gently rubbed your back as you cuddled into his chest. ‘You just had sex with Paul.’ Your subconscious screamed in your ear. You tried to push the thoughts away, but they refused. Reminiscing about the last hour and a half made you want to squeal and cheer. 
“Goodnight, love.” Paul spoke. You could see he was dozing in and out. Even though the room was lit up like a Christmas tree, you too were starting to fall asleep. You closed your eyes and lay your head on Paul’s chest before answering.
“Goodnight, Paul.”
A/N: i’ve never written smut before, so like pls tell me how i did <3 more graphic, less graphic? idk. Also!!!! my wifi got turned off for three months, i cant afford to pay it rn, So i may not be as active! 
Pt. 5
Taglist: @vixenstail​ 
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naraism · 5 years
Two concerts. First rows. An afterparty and a meet and greet.
Aka the two best days of my entire life. My hands are still shaking, so pls ignore typos.
Okay, so, Bára/ @followthecreeper , Lucy/ @beauty-at-matrix, our friend Terka and Anna/ @062467 (who joined us to the first rows) and I attended the two concerts in Prague. I’m gonna write down everything I can and the girls are encouraged to add just as much they can. ♡♡♡
The First Concert
The first day we got to the arena at 8am and our waiting began. We managed to be right behind a couple so we were among the first people there – the waiting was annoying but so much worth it. When the gates finally opened we sprinted down into the venue and managed to get a spot in the first row right in front of Paul. (We risked by going to a different entrance than we had on the tickets, thankfully, all went well.) Then came a couple of more hours of waiting and the duo Jatekok started to play. Not your usual choice of a support but I rather liked it. Also during the waiting one of the security guys came to us, asked us how are we doing and then he opened his hand and had a number of Richard’s pick in it. They were gone in a matter of seconds lol – Lucy managed to get one, I had one gripped but a dude was stronger than me. The last ten minutes were the longest minutes in my entire life – though what came after them was the most beautiful thing ever.
Rammstein started playing at 19:40 – Schneider’s intro really knocked the air out of you and as each member started to walk out onto the stage, the madness began. I wanted to cry when I finally saw them all right in front of me and when Paul walked to our side and IMMEDIATELY started looking into the audience, we lost our shit. @babypaulchen was right, the man keeps staring at you, keeps smiling at you and plays with you the entire time! We could see he really loved when we started to headbang and our hair went flying everywhere – I can remember how he was looking at me, smiling, and then he started to headbang too, encouraging us to be crazy.
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I think that somewhere in the beginning of the concert Till came to our side and sung right in front of us. Then the motherfucker looked at me and mimicked at me that I should take my shirt off and show him my tits. I just raised the crop top so my bra was visible but that was not enough for him and he kept raising his hands up, so I would take the bra off too. With so many people around I was too shy to do that so I just laughed and shook my head, screaming NO! at him. He pretended to be offended, waved his hand in dismiss and returned to the center. Later in the song he came back and did the leg thingy where he threw his leg onto the railing and kept singing.
Paul kept running from one place to another, being the sweetheart that he is, he even climbed behind Schneider to play with him and then kissed his forehead. My heart melted. And every time he was on his side he kept looking down, seeing us party down there and laughing so much. I never really could hold his gaze longer than for a couple of seconds, It just felt like you’re suddenly the only person it there. He also went down to the fence and signed a couple of things, then he touched our hands as he walked by. The same thing went with Till when he was kicked down during Mein Teil and he walked by us in all his butcher glory.
During Links one of the main security guys was walking down the row, stopped right in front of me and just offered me the Afterparty bracelet. I couldn’t believe my eyes as he strapped the band around my hand and told me where to go after the concert. Fucking speechless. He then continued into the middle, picking up some other random people as well. I also saw Joe so I waved at him, hen noticed me and winked back lol.
During the concert you could really see how much fun the guys were having, laughing all the time, goofing around, running around and enjoying the energy coming from the audience. The entire stadium flawlessly sung Du hast and Sonne, it really chilled us to the bones, hearing so many people sing in unison. And the same thing can be said about Engel – while the guys were moving to the B stage, the camera was pointed at the audience and guess who had her face shown to the entire arena – I diiiiiiid. They took shots of all different people and before you knew it, the sign to use your phone’s light appeared and everyone was singing their heart out. Really magical. The guys then returned on their boats and our partying with Paul continued. We were doing the fucking Macarena in front of Paul, making him laugh.
Also holy shit I think it was during Du hast Paul stood in front of us, hand nothing to do so he started FLOSSING. You know, that weird-ass dance. Or rather attempted it and then frowned, waved his hand in dismiss and then continued to dance his own little dances.
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Rammstein and Ich Will took our breaths away, especially when Till spoke in Czech – ruce nahoru! – and the arena went nuts. A beautiful ending, Till once again used his Czech, charmed us with his thank yous and the guys disappeared into the tower. Also, I almost caught Schneider’s stick, he noticed my screaming and jumping and threw it my way, but a dude next to me had longer hands. Oh well. That was not the end of the day for me. I once again asked one of the security guys where to go, said goodbyes to the girls and went my own way to the Afterparty.
The Afterparty
There was quite a number of us people and even before the stadium emptied, we were ushered into a room with red lights, a bar, a DJ set and couches and chairs by the walls. I was feeling kinda weird as I didn’t know anybody in there so I just shuffled to the first group that was speaking Czech. Luckily, I befriended a girl, Camie, who was also in the Afterparty for the first time and as I found out, loves Paul just as much I do. We got some mojitos, the barman was happy to hear Czech lol, and we kinda stood there together talking about the concert – in like half an hour Paul was the first one to come out of doors that were curtained and lead to their dressing rooms. It was discouraged to follow them around, you were supposed to enjoy the free booze, the music and if you were lucky enough, one of the guys would start to chat with you. So Paul moved from one place to another, greeting people and talking to them. Then came Schneider and spend some time talking by the dressing room doors, talking to one of the girls I chatted with too.
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While that happened we saw Flake emerge together with Ollie and holy shit, even when they’re both really tall, it’s so easy to overlook them. I think that Ollie immediately went back to the hotel while Flake hanged around for a bit and then also kinda disappeared. We were both freaking out, because holy shit, they’re suddenly so freaking close asjdhhkjasbdkjsad. Till then walked out as well and together with his body guard made a beeline to the exit. He looked like a fucking mob boss, in a dress shirt, suit and a cap. I think he had kinda different plans, as I saw somewhere a pic with him and couple of girls, that were supposedly pole dancers. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And then the diva walked out. Richard was basically wearing the same clothes he was wearing during the Berlin aftershow, where he was dancing with Khira. He got immediately swarmed by girls, either asking for a signature or for a hug (pics weren’t allowed). We used the situation as well and joined the group, waiting for our turn. Richard was so kind, he was smiling the entire time, laughing, and generally being really friendly. When I asked him for a hug he was like “Sure! :D” and laughed and his hug was so warm and my heart melted. He was also so much smaller than I expected. It might have been also because I was still wearing my steel boots while he had his worn out pair of converse shoes lol. Nonetheless, he was really charming and welcoming.
We then moved in front of the DJ set, with new drinks and danced for a bit – Joe was mixing the songs and it was all really good, he played anything from Depeche Mode and Joan Jett to Billie Eilish and Britney Spears. (I wanted to make a short vid of us dancing later but Joe immediately told me not to do that and wanted me to delete the vid lmao, which I did. I just found it hilarious that we were dancing to Dschinghis Khan’s Moskau jsahajsfka).
We then took a break for a while and discovered that Paul was just next to us, talking to some people. We joined the circle and me and Camie took a vid of us hugging Paul. I talked to him for a bit, thanked him for the show, telling him how much I enjoyed it and that it couldn’t have been better. He smiled that adorable smile of his and offered me his hand so I took it and before I knew what’s going on he raised it and kissed it. Then he hugged me and thanked me as well. He is also so so tiny ksjaflshfkskfa. And because Paul’s attention span is non-existent, he was already turning to other people to talk to them. We were both freaking out, Camie shook me by my shoulders in joy, not realizing she was pushing me accidentally into Schneider’s back. We then went for more drinks, the poor barman was almost out of alcohol, so he tried to mix up anything drinkable lol.
(we weren’t allowed to take any pics but Camie managed to make a sneaky video, bless her - PLS DO NOT STEAL THE GIF, DO NOT REPOST IT)
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We talked for a bit, saw Richard hanging by the doors into the arena – if someone wanted to smoke they had to go out, it made sense he’s going to be there. I told Camie that I’d like to talk to him but before I could come with anything sensible she was already pushing me towards him. We stopped by him and I just started to babble about how I like his work, that especially the last Emigrate album was great. He put his hand onto his heart and kept thanking me, doing these tiny bows and looking absolutely adorable/hot. I also mentioned that Brig was at the 1,2,3,4 video shoot and that it was really great and he just kept smiling, thanking and being happy in general. Then other people came to talk to him so we left them alone, going to relax a bit.
We could see that only Paul and Richard remained, although more and more people were dancing. We joined them and danced our hearts out, loving every song that Joe played. Not soon after Paul got up from the couches and joined the dancing group, dancing there with us. It was so surreal – he was dancing right next to me, being his little energetic self and also trying not to spill his wine. We kept dancing there for some time and Paul then slowly moved through the groups, dancing around till we lost sight of him.
I had to check if there were any trams going back to my flat as it was already after midnight. We danced for a bit longer but some drunk guy was trying to get our numbers and kept inviting us to him so we tried to distance ourselves. We also discovered that Paul had already left as there were not so many people – there could have been like 70(?) of us, now probably not even half. Richard was still there, though he was again talking to some girls. I was already getting tired and didn’t want to wait for another hour for the trams so in a hurry I said goodbye to Camie, looked around for the last time and left the afterparty. And because I was an idiot (and drunk) I fucked up my night trams and in the middle of nowhere, with dead phone I had to go to the nearest opened pub and asked for a taxi. I returned home around 2am and barely had any strength left.
The Second Concert and the Meet and Greet
Since I had the meet and greet event I did not have to wake up early – Bára left in the morning to wait with the rest of the girls again for the first row and I had a chance to sleep in till 4pm and get rid of the hangover. I asked the girls to write down everything that happened in the first row again, because apparently, it was wilder than the first time – just seeing Bára “pick her nose” in the gigantic screen while Lucy was facepalming made me laugh so hard. They returned with with drumsticks and a pink hat signed by Paul. And supposedly simulated sex with glow sticks during Pussy, making Paul lose his shit.
The Meet And Greet
(I will upload my pics on a separate post :) )
For a month or so I was in a group chat with the other people that were also attending the M&G and we agreed to meet a bit earlier to finally meet each other. I wanted to stop at the merch-truck but the queue was so fucking long I left it be (I just hope they’ll put the shirts into the rammshop like they did last time). We all met, chatted for a bit – there were people from all over Europe – from Germany, Poland, Sweden, Holland, Italy, Russia – I was actually the only Czech there lol.
We were picked up around 18:50 by the guy who was responsible for us, he checked our IDs and then took us through the VIP zone down the stairs to the same room where the afterparty was the day before. We had to wait for a bit as there were some other guest meeting the guys who were then escorted up the stairs. Thee guys apparently received Gold for the 7th album. Also one of the guys that was taking care of us told us that one of the grannies living nearby the arena called the fire department, thinking it was on fire lmao.
Anyway, after like ten minutes, we were let in and stood in a row against the wall where a couple of hours before I was dancing my head off. There was a woman that was telling us how it’s all going to happen, that the members will have pens, will sign one item and can take a pic. She couldn’t even finish her sentence and Richard already walked in, in his full stage outfit, took some pens from her and moved to one side of the line. She said something like “Ah, here is the first one.” And Richard, nonchalantly replied “I’m always the first one.” while beginning to sign stuff. What an experience. It got a bit chaotic then because the rest of the guys suddenly appeared too and stared signing stuff from the other side.
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Before Richard could get to me, Oliver singed all of our stuff and apologized that he’s not taking any pics today as he is in hurry. I did not understand at first but then I realized he was the only one who was not in a stage outfit and they were supposed to play in like a half an hour. Then came Richard, now much taller with his boots and signed my album. Joe was again with him and because I did not really want to have selfies with the guys I asked him to take the pic. He did, just as he did it to other people as well.
Then came Flake in his glorious golden outfit, smiling and being friendly. A girl on my left complimented his outfit, pointing to her silver top, telling he inspired her. It was so cute seeing him thanking her and complimenting her outfit just as well. I greeted him, thanked him for the show, took a picture with and wanted to also thank him for all the books he wrote, though there was already a queue forming – Schneider was right behind him, so he had to move forward.
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Let me tell you, Schneider is such a sweetheart. While he was getting ready to sing my stuff I told him how I started drumming because of him and how it helped me to deal with stuff and he immediately started grinning and going “Aawww, thank you so much, that is wonderful!” and was smiling like an idiot, just as me. There was nobody free to take a picture so with him I took a selfie – even when I tried to stay cool my hands were shaking a bit and he was patient enough to take a proper pic. Than he thanked me once again and moved forward.
PAUL. Paul, baby, I love you so much. Again a very cheery Hi! And that wonderful smile of his. When he was about to sign the album I asked him if he could draw that smiley face he does and he laughed and said “Sure!” and drew the prettiest self-portrait ever. It was so surreal to watch him draw it, focusing hard on it to make it perfect. He did a couple of re-touches until he was satisfied with it and then proudly smiled as he observed his creation. I asked the girl next to me for a pic. Her hands were shaking quite a bit so when she took the pictures, Paul was concerned with the results. “Are the pictures okay?” He asked as he looked down into my phone. “Are they blurry?” So we checked them together and they were fine; again, he was so happy with the result. Meanwhile Till was going from the other side of the line so Paul was stuck next to me so he turned to me and smiled – he pointed to my red crop top and told me: “Oh, we match!” he had the red beanie and red boots on and in that second I died inside. “We both have red!” he said happily and then slowly moved to the girl next to me. The last thing he did was that he looked at me and asked “Alles okay?” I just managed to laugh and told him that “Ja, just perfect.”
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He then spent some time with the girl next to me, looking at the pictures she had brought for signing – he was amazed by the quality and took his time looking over them, looking at each individually. He even called Till over to look at them. That’s where I internally cried as my almost non-existent German did not help me. What I could understand was that Till looked at it, telling him that those were pictures from Instagram. Paul asked him where from and they both started discussing the pics and Instagram. It was adorable – Paul was in awe while Till just shrugged and continued signing, taking pictures. Paul signed the main picture she had and then she quickly showed Paul a picture of him, where he was striking a pose with his guitar leaning back. He was overjoyed and immediately copied the pose, leaning back, doing the same pose. He then laughed and signed some pictures and moved on.
Till was the last one to come, he quickly signed my stuff and I let the guy next to me take the picture. I can’t describe the feeling when he put his gigantic paw around me – he really is a bear turned into a human. I also loved how nonchalant he was about the whole M&G. He then moved to the guy next to me and signed his stuff and I was supposed to take the pic. Except I put my phone down onto the ground next to my things and expected him to hand me his phone. “No, take it with yours, it’s better!” so I bent down for it and heard Till laugh and say “Too late!” and moved to the next person. He was of course just joking and when I was ready with the phone he returned and I took the picture.
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In another minute or two it was all over, Schneider and Paul told us to enjoy the show, smiled and then again disappeared into the dressing rooms. Us people with the standing tickets were escorted out into the arena and I had a pleasant surprise – on the other side of the doors stood Ulrike, in her beautiful black dress. Holy shit she’s really tall. I wanted to compliment her dress though she was busy herding their sons, it was hilarious. We passed, let her inside and went to find a good spot.
The Second Concert
I stayed with the guy who was next to me during the M&G, nicknamed Probo, who was from Italy. He told me he managed to not spoil himself the concert so it was really precious watching his reactions. We stayed near the B stage, meaning we had a beautiful view of the entire stage and the fire show. It was also nice to see the guys singing Engel and encouraging the crowd to sing as well. Especially Paul did jsahjsfkuftjhchd. Then we had a wonderful view of the guys on the boats – Schneider and Paul tried to stand up but fell down to their knees in a moment while laughing like maniacs. We enjoyed the rest of the show, danced and sung with the crowd. Last nice surprise was that People sang Sonne while the piano version was in the background as the guys kneeled.
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Oh and when there was the camera from the backstage, filming the guys as they’re getting into the elevator, there was nobody to give Richard a cigarette, so he just stood in front of the camera, opened his mouth and kept pointing his finger into it till somebody finally came to him and put the cigarette right into his mouth. That was really… something.
Anyways, this is all from me and I hope @followthecreeper, @beauty-at-matrix, and @062467 will add their stories from the first row.
Best two days of my entire life. ♡♡♡
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findcalums · 5 years
Two Can Play That Game
Taron x Reader 
Contains strong language and smut*
Word Count: 2.1k
You arrived in Cannes with Taron and he was looking radiant and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling, you loved seeing him like this. He turns to look at you “why are you smiling so much?” “because the love of my life is absolutely killing it” you wrap your arm around him and he reciprocates. “lets go and get ready for today” he kisses your forehead before making your way to the hotel.
You was watching Taron from the sidelines with his family just enjoying being out in the sun and watching Taron interacted with people, especially when he was close to Richard Madden. You could tell he was nervous and it made you want to squeeze him real tight and let him know how great he was really doing.
The day goes by quickly and before you know it you are at an after party with a very slightly tipsy Taron and you can feel the alcohol taking affect yourself. “was you nervous today?” You say to him as you hold your wine glass in your hand and start swaying side to side “so nervous, I just want people to be proud” you press your hand against his chest and grin at him “you should undo three buttons on your shirt, you look so good like that”
You walk away from Taron and he instantly has his eyes on your arse just undoing his buttons on his shirt “do you need a bucket for your dribble” he turns to see Richard standing next to him “her arse looks so good in that dress.” 
Richard looks at him “you have no filter when you have something to drink do you?” Taron just shakes his head no “i’m going to head back to the hotel” he pats Richard on the shoulder before walking over to you and grabbing your head “we are leaving” you look at Taron a little bit surprised but also couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel.
Taron walks into the hotel room and sighs as he lays down on the bed “i am just going to get changed” you say as you place your earrings on the bedside table, you go to walk into the bathroom but before you walk in you turn and look at Taron ‘i’m so proud of you” Taron sits up to look at you and smiles “thank you” you close the door behind you.
You strip completely naked and you wrap a floor length silk robe around you before looking in the mirror getting ready to hopefully relax some of Taron’s nerves that you could clearly see he had most of day. As you step outside you see him sat on the edge of the bed with a few of his shirt buttons undone. 
As soon as Taron hears the door unlock he looks up at you and you see his lips smack together like he wanted to say something but totally forgot his thoughts. Your bare feet walk across the carpet but you walk past Taron and you feel his eyes following you.
“You done so well tonight” you keep your back towards him as you pull the curtains shut “you know what happens when you’ve done well?” Taron just gulps as he sees you push your robe past your shoulder “you get a reward” you undo your robe and let it fall to your feet. Taron instantly gets of the bed and walks up behind you wrapping his arms around you “you are so sexy” he starts kissing your neck and you feel goosebumps run all over your body.
Taron runs his hands across your breasts and starts rubbing his thumbs over your hard nipples and a moan comes from your mouth “its been hard watching you walk around in a suit all day” you tilt your head back as Taron keeps playing with your breasts “its been hard work for me to, you looked so beautiful in your dress” Taron sweeps a hand down your belly and cups your vagina as he slips one finger into you, you feel your chest go tight. 
Taron keeps pleasuring you and you dig your fingers into Taron’s trousers “Taronnn” you drag out his name “god, I love it when you do that” he removes his finger and starts rubbing your clit. You feel his boner pressed against your arse and its turning you on even more. 
Taron stops what his doing and spins you around and goes down on his knees “this was meant to be your reward” he looks up at you and bits down on his lower lip “trust me this is a reward for me” he grips his hand on your arse and lays his tongue flat across your clit and licks up with one smooth motion. “Fuck” you say as you run your fingers through his hair.
Taron keeps flicking his tongue over your clit, going slow and then fast which is driving you crazy to the point where it was teasing you “Taron please” you beg him and his grip on your arse becomes tighter as he keeps up the pace just waiting for you to cum. You moan really loud and start tapping your toes against the carpet “please don’t stop” Taron keeps up the pace and knows you are going to have your orgasm because you always tense your thighs and that’s when you let go feeling your legs shake and moans coming from your mouth.
Taron stands up and holds your face in his hands “you are going to be the death of me” he kisses your lips and you lick your lips to get the taste of yourself. You pull at Taron’s shirt hoping the buttons will come undone fast but it just moves the fabric slightly “why do you have to have expensive shirts?” He laughs and starts unbuttoning his shirt. “Don’t be so impatient” 
Taron slowly pulls his shirts away from his shoulders and you find yourself just staring at him waiting for the moment for him to be fully naked. He was waiting for you to beg him, he loved it when you done that “i’m not going to beg you” you already knew what he was waiting for, you already gave in early and begged him you will not being doing that again.
He could see your chest raising and fallen at a rapid pace, nipples still rock hard and he knew you couldn’t wait much longer and before you know it he will be hearing your pleases. His trousers were hanging low on his hips and you could feel your back tense as his hands lowered down to his button but he still wasn’t undoing it. You think ‘two can play that game’.
You pull a bobby pin out of your hair and drop it on the floor “oops” you go to bend down but he grabs your wrist to stop you “don’t even think about it” you knew his kryptonite was your arse and you always got your way, particularly when you was naked and bent over. “Take of the rest of your clothes and we can both have our way” you step closer to him “i’ll even let you fuck me in your favourite position” you whisper in his ear.
You don’t think you have ever seen Taron remove his clothes so fast in your life. You get onto the bed waiting on all fours and you feel Taron’s hand runs across your arse and you hear him grunt before he smacks it very light but very fast, you feel your body jolt forward and you let out a tiny moan of pleasure. 
Taron rips open a condom and just throws the wrapper on the bedside stand. He places one hand on your hip and puts a finger up inside you to find where to guide himself into and before you know it he dick slams into you and you let out a very loud moan. Taron places his other hand on your hip and starts moving back and forth waisting absolutely no time by just going in hard.
“fucking hell Taron” you scream as you pull at the duvet just trying to grip onto something, you was in pure bliss and you wanted nothing but more “faster” you shout and Taron starts going faster and his moaning running his finger tips down from your love handles down to the bottom of your arse. 
Your arms start to shake and they eventually give way letting your face fall into the pillows giving you a even better angle then before and you can hear Taron moans even louder, he keeps pounding into you and you start to rock your body with Taron’s trying to edge him on even more. “fuck baby girl, keep doing that” all you can hear is Taron’s body slapping against yours.
You can feel Taron’s hand start to shake “cum for me” you say as you keep bouncing your body against his, you can tell his trying to keep going and you know what will finish him off “Taron, god please” “oh fucking hell Y/N” and that’s when you feel him release and his body relax. You sink your body down and feel Taron lay next to you, both out of breath.
You can feel your eyes starting to get heavy ready to fall asleep any minute its been a long day and Taron has worn you out “goodnight beautiful” Taron kisses your forehead before he wraps the duvet around you both.
Taron starts to wake up and sits up on his elbows looking around the room for you, he rubs his eyes as he sees you sitting at the dressing table “morning” you say as you apply lip balm. “morning beautiful” he throws the duvet away from him and gets up to kiss you. “Want to grab breakfast before we make a move?” You smile at him feeling all giddy from last night “I know what I would like to eat for breakfast” he kisses down your neck, you start to giggle wrapping your arms around your body. “Taron please” “Don’t beg, you know what that does to me” he stands behind you just staring at you in awe “give me 10 minutes”
You and Taron make your way to the dining room hand in hand and as you are about to sit down Taron sees Elton John and David “Taron and Y/N come and join us” you look at Taron in shock you haven’t formally met Elton or his husband yet. You both sit down and now you feel nervous, Taron squeezes your thigh to let you know everything is going to be ok.
“Me and David was just talking about how nervous you looked Taron, honestly the funniest and cutest thing” Taron feels his cheeks go red and you can’t help but snigger at the comment “i honestly thought you was going to pass out” he laughs as he sips on his drink. You look at Taron and try so hard to suppress your laughter. “look his cheeks are going red now just talking about it” Elton says as he grabs Taron’s left cheek. 
Taron just sits there pouting really not amused with this conversation “i came down to have something to eat not to be mocked” “did you work up an appetite last night?” Now it was your turn for your cheeks to go bright red, Taron starts fumbling around his words “i- What- Huh-?” Elton looks at you both “because you was so nervous, you hardly ate anything” he crosses his arms “but I see you two think I meant something different” you really wish the ground would sallow you up right now. 
Your waiter comes over to take your order and you can hardly look at anyone without feeling completely and totally embarrassed, you really wish karma wasn’t a thing. “it’s perfectly ok for two people to have sex” you eyes go wide and Taron shoots coffee out of his mouth on the table. Taron wipes down the coffee he just spat everywhere. “Well I guess that’s our cue to leave” Elton and David stand up and say their goodbyes. You look at Taron ‘it felt like I was talking to my dad about sex” he sinks into the chair and just ends up laughing. “I just can’t wait to go back home” he says and kisses you on the lips.
Requested: Hey could you do a smut one shot with Taron celebrating after the Rocketman afterparty in Cannes (he looked so stressed and nervous omg 🥰) ?? And maybe getting mocked by Elton John himself the day after?
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