#elena slander
readingandrelaxing · 6 months
Elena Gilbert: Heroine or Victim?
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Elena Gilbert's character is argued about by many fans of the TVDU. What makes her interesting though, is the fact that she was supposed to be the leading protagonist in the series, an active character who takes decisions by herself and doesn't need anyone to stay alive. But we can see in the TVDU that Elena is primarily characterised by the notion of how much she can suffer and endure instead of how much she can act and accomplish.
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Elena was supposed to be the leading heroine in the series, and yes, she is. But she is more like the victim than the saviour. It is difficult for a human to survive in a world surrounded by vampires, and that affects Elena as a whole because she couldn't take any major decisions without putting the people around her at risk. But the show slowly took away all of her decision-making capabilities and in turn her glamour in general.
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There's no doubt that the show revolved around Elena, and it should, since she's the main character. But the way the show took place, Elena was portrayed as the one everyone rushes to save and her life is shown to be the most important priority of other people. On top of this, she has to do nothing much to earn this kind of love and protectiveness from the people around her.
All of the care and affection shown by many characters for Elena seems animated. She comes off as the naturally lovable, loving character who is of the most importance to the show and the narrative in general.
While characters like Bonnie and Caroline have to earn even the tiniest flicker of affection from other people, Elena gets it all served over a silver platter. Without her having to do anything extraordinary to earn that, which is not the case with Caroline or Bonnie.
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Elena, as a person, isn't bad. In fact, she's a great girl, who wants no one to get harmed. In the course of showing this nature of hers, she is written to be a perfect character. Her flaws are not noticeable throughout the show when she was a human. When she became a vampire, some of her emotions were expressed. But, she transitions from being a life-savour to a 'perfect goody two shoes' who can possibly do nothing wrong and always what the right thing is and what she's supposed to say and how she's supposed to behave.
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Another problem with Elena is her dynamic with the Salvatore brothers. I mean, she is indirectly compared to Katherine too many times throughout the show, which is obvious since both the ladies are doppelgangers, but what makes this uncomfortable is the fact that primarily, the Salvatore brothers are attracted to her because she literally looks like their ex.
Yes, her character is different. But in the last episode of season 1 of The Vampire Diaries, the famous dialogue between the Salvatore brothers, I don't remember who said it, I think it was Damon.
"Elena is not Katherine."
And then they see her dressed up in vintage attire and both look at her in a certain way, as if they're reminiscing about Katherine.
It's weird to know that a certain person is attracted to you because you look like their ex.
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Another interesting dynamic related to the Salvatore brothers is that if we observe their relationship with Katherine, we can see that at that time it was always Katherine who was in command, who was in control, she had both of them wrapped around her finger.
I wouldn't disagree with the fact that that was also toxic to a certain extent, since even when she loved both of them, she also used them. That is not okay, not at all.
But their dynamic with Elena is something that sticks poorly with many viewers since Elena can't even make decisions of her own without being poked and interrogated by Stefan and Damon. Still, with Stefan, Elena had some autonomy, but with Damon, he tried to control many things he shouldn't have. Yes, he loved her, but love is no excuse for taking away her basic choices in life.
I'd like to highlight this one scene from the second season when Damon feeds her his blood forcefully so that god forbid if she died, she would come back as a vampire. He did that without asking her if she wanted to come back a vampire, just did that because her living was more important to him than her loving herself.
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It doesn't matter how much you love a person, you do not have any right to take away their fundamental life choices. Yes, you can advise, suggest, and plead, but forcing someone is not acceptable.
And yet Elena kisses him in the last episode-?
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Elena has suffered a lot, gotta say that. She lost her parents, her aunt, her biological parents, her brother and eventually her own life. Anyone watching the show can directly see that Elena is the centrepiece for every single thing ever, and because of that she is heavily involved in every plotline, but instead of her taking charge or even being like a side character, the show focuses on how constantly she is victimised, how much she suffers, and that it portrayed as a display of strength.
Resilience is also a strength, but how is it that the main character is blackmailed and left vulnerable and helpless every time a new villain shows up?
This is not even remotely inspirational, and it also makes the plotline predictable. Whenever anything happens, the viewers can already predict that Elena is going to suffer, and it also makes everything repetitive.
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In conclusion, the show revolves around Elena, but her own character is so incredibly passive that she's easily replaceable.
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writnwolph · 7 months
Sooooo I recently started vampire diaries, even though has ended for a while now, and I must say that these are the worst protagonists I have ever seen in media (book, TV, movies, etc...). Legitimately, I don't like anyone really LMFAOOOOO
It's basically who I dislike the least (Bonnie and Stefan and Matt) but I'm only half way through season 5 so that might change but honestly every character sucks ass. All of them.
How did this show go on for so long???? Sexy main characters most likely.
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vicontheinternet · 7 months
It’s funny how ppl will say that elena changed damon or damon changed to be with her when that’s simply not true I’d argue that he changed elena but that’s another post. Nothing in the history of the show has ever shown us that this grown man has changed for elena. I mean yeah they keep telling us that but they never show it ever. If you want someone to believe you you have to show that you put in the effort not gaslight us like you did elena. Every time they broke up he would snap some she had an emotional connection to neck or go on a murder spree and act like it was her fault for hurting his feelings sir you’re over 100 years old if you do not know how to regulate your emotions by yourself by now that is not on the child you decide to go after.
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Not people on Reddit saying Elena from The Vampire Diaries is a “Not Like Other Girls” Girl™. Umm I don’t think that phrase means what they think it means, she was literally a girly girl, was a cheerleader for a while, and had very close female friends…
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xvxni · 7 months
Making Her Mine
Summary: Rebekah compels Elena to reveal her feelings for you and now your trust is betrayed. Rebekah seizes this opportunity to warm up to you as she has always found you attractive. Hanging out with her escalates to a make-out session as you relish your newfound feelings for her...
Smut, angst, a lil' bit of fluff
Elena cheating on the reader, Elena slander
A/N: This is the first time I've published smut. I hope it's fine (I know it's horrible) otherwise just forget this happened... do let me know if you liked it. Happy reading!
Rebekah Mikaelson X Fem!Reader
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Rebekah was dragging Stefan by the arm to the high school library and you trailed behind them, compelled to do as the Original said.
Elena, your girlfriend of two years, gasps and stands up at your arrival. "Stefan, Y/N..."
You shot her a confused look, not understanding why was she so shocked.
Rebekah shot at the brunette. "Did I say you could move?" Elena shot her an exasperated look as she slowly sat down and you moved to sit near her.
She circled you people and spoke loudly in her accented voice. "Class is in session. You know the rules. Answer my questions honestly. No disobedience, no one leaves. April, my sweet, take notes. That's how you get answers in this town."
Her gaze lingered on you, which made you feel nervous and fidgety. Sure, you didn't show it, but she was a thousand-year-old vampire who could kill you in the blink of an eye, who was currently eyeing you like a predator would do to its prey. "In the year 1114, my brother learned, thanks to yours truly, about a brother of vampire hunters with tattoos that grew with each kill. These tattoos revealed what, Elena?"
"A map" your girlfriend answered, looking down. "Which led to... Caroline?"
"A cure for vampirism."
"Perfect. So we're all caught up. Stefan Salvatore, the last time we saw each other, you had a vampire hunter. But in order to decode the map, you need the location of the hunter’s sword, which you got out of me by using some very dirty tricks. Assuming you found the sword, you also found the cure… and you’re all still vampires. Something went wrong."
She looked at April. "What are you doing?"
"Oh, you asked me to take notes."
Rebekah sighed. "Oh, I wasn't being literal, darling. But now that you mention it, a flow chart would be nice. Which means index cards and push pins. Go fetch." The teen left.
At that very moment, the blonde Original appeared oh-so-tempting to you. The way she exercised control over all of you made you feel hot all over. It has happened quite a few times before. But you were with Elena and you had no tolerance for cheaters. There was just something about Rebekah that has always piqued your interest, but then again, loyalty was the most important thing for you. No one else but Elena had a place in your heart all this time.
Stefan grew irritated and straightened up. "You're wasting your time. We don't know anything."
"So you just gave up? I thought you'd do anything to save Elena. Y/N?"
Suddenly, all eyes in the room stared at you. The tension was so thick, you though a chainsaw was needed to cut through it. You sensed something bad and grew antsy under their collective gazes. "Why are you all staring?"
No answer. "Guys...?"
Rebekah spoke again. "I'm missing something. What is it?"
No one spoke. "I asked you what happened. You have to tell me."
Finally, the younger Salvatore brother spoke. "Elena slept with Damon."
You whipped your head around to look at the mentioned brunette. Hot, white rage was all you felt thrumming in your veins. You were known for your calm demeanor and excellent control over anger, but it was getting really difficult not to claw the doppelganger's eyes out. "What is the meaning of this?!"
The doe-eyed Gilbert just looked down and spoke nothing. She knew how much your relationship meant to you. She knew that once your trust is betrayed, it's over. She knew that loyalty was the most important thing in the entire world to you. And yet she chose to disrespect you. It made you feel so pathetic. Another victim of the Petrova charm putty in the doppelganger's paws. What a bitch. Your eyes burned with hot tears, threatening to fall down. Your throat choked and tightened, making it impossible for you to say another word. No. You thought. You wouldn't shed your tears for a cheater. Tears are so precious; blood flows from the body, tears flow from the soul. Never in your entire life you had felt so insulted and betrayed. I am going to ruin them, you thought. No, I mustn't waste a moment of my life on these worthless assholes. You decided the latter was a better option. No one was as crafty and cruel as you when it came to revenge. You would be consumed by the fire of vengeance. God, you thought you sounded like you were going on a bloodbath. But that's the dark beauty of you...
You subtly took a deep breath and leaned back, your face a stone-cold mask in which even the most observant couldn't find a crack. You felt Rebekah's searing gaze in your bones. And in some way, it made you feel safe. And damn you when you didn't know why...
"So vampire Elena is a trollop who likes bad boys, but it doesn’t explain why sweet, loving, innocent Elena could be so heartless towards Y/N. How could she hurt her like that? Answer, please." The Original said, looking at Stefan.
He sighed as he spoke. "She didn't know it at the time, but she was sired to Damon."
Rebekah smirked. "A sire bond? That’s fascinating. And what do you think about that, Elena?"
Elena spat at her, "I think you’re sad. And bored. And in desperate need of a hobby."
It angered but didn't deter the blonde. She compelled the Gilbert. "You're hiding something. Fess up."
"I didn’t sleep with Damon because I’m sired. I slept with him because I’m in love with him," she spoke in such a way as if she were proud of what she'd done. That was the last straw.
"Fuck you." You spat with so much hatred and venom, that no more words were needed to convey the message: we're over. Then you spun on your heel and stormed out, carrying a kaleidoscope of emotions and the weight of Rebekah's lingering gaze.
You didn't know it at the moment, but you and Elena breaking up might just be the best thing that has happened to the Mikaelson...
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It was nearly midnight, and you were at your house alone. You ate an entire tub of vanilla ice-cream, and now you were feeling guilty about it. You could have downed that bottle of Jack and Daniel hidden in your closet, but you decided you were not going to surrender to Damon's coping mechanisms.
Your room looked like a lowkey brothel, complete with silk sheets, roses, scented candles, and dim lighting. Hell, you were dressed in flimsy lace pyjamas, finding them extremely comfortable. But in your taste, it was a much-deserved self-care session.
Flipping through the pages of an erotic novel for the past hour, you got bored. It was so smutty, all the protagonists seemed to do was have sex. You grew irritated, your sex life was in shambles.
Suddenly, the bell rang. At this odd hour, you thought it would be Caroline stopping by with some ridiculously expensive cosmetics for a girl's night in, a not-so-subtle attempt of hers to comfort you. You might've hated Caroline at the moment for keeping Elena's secret, but you guessed you could live with it.
Every pore of your being protested when you rose, wrapped your robe around yourself and climbed down the stairs to open the door. The last person you were expecting to show up on your door was Rebekah Mikaelson.
Your heart skipped a beat. She looked so hot. Like get on your knees right now hot in those tight jeans and spaghetti top. For the first time ever, you could admire her classic, almost divine, beauty without any inhibitions or restrictions. For the first time, you really seemed to take her in. And gods, she was a sight for sore eyes. And damn you for wanting to bite that red lip and tear off her clothes.
You snapped out of it when she smirked. The look in her eyes made you weak in the knees. You knew that she knew of the effect she had over you.
You cleared your throat. "Rebekah, was an entirely unexpected surprise. How can I help you?"
She smiled. "Well, for starters, you could invite me inside..."
You knew it was dangerous. But you were so desperately praying for something to happen. You didn't care about the consequences. You wanted her so bad, you felt it in your bones, the desire running deep in your veins.
"Alright, would you like to come in?"
She looked surprised for a moment that you gave in so easily. But then she smiled wide and said, "I would love to." Then she stepped inside. Your heart hammered crazily in anticipation.
"Where shall I keep these?" She asked, holding up her arms. Then you noticed that she had a couple of bags looped in her arms. "I brought wine and something to munch."
You softened. "Oh, you didn't need to..."
"Oh, of course I do." She smiled softly.
You helped her with the bags to the kitchen. "Rebekah, this is a lot..." you began but she waved you off. You couldn't believe that an Original vampire was in your house in the middle of the night, who brought very costly wine and snacks to last an entire month. The blonde standing in front of you was the supposed nemesis of your friends, but what happened today was your defense.
"But why?"
"Well, that doppelganger bitch hurt you, and I was the one who meddled and you found out like this. So I guess I owed you one."
"No, no! I owe you one. I probably wouldn't have known for a longer period of time and that would've been so pathetic."
"Still... well, I hate her and you do too. So I thought that it's not such a bad idea to bond over our mutual loathing for her and maybe plot our revenge?" She said with that cute little smirk, making me laugh.
"Do you want to watch a movie?"
"Nothing cheesy."
"You think so? Elena ought to be the cheesiest girlfriend ever."
She rolled her eyes. "Thought so,".
"Come on,"
You guided her upstairs to your bedroom, and you were really, really nervous. Your heart was beating so loudly that you knew all too well that she could hear it.
Rebekah was in a frenzy of lust and excitement. She'd dreamt of this a little too many times and now it was real. You were the loveliest creature she'd ever encountered and she thought that you were really strong, funny and protective. And she really seemed to enjoy the not-so-decent outfit you were clad in.
The blonde glanced around your room and smirked in an almost-appreciative way. You felt a bit embarrassed about your clothes and your room, but hey, we all have those moments.
You put on a thriller on your laptop as you both sat comfortably on your post bed, with a huge bowl of chips to snack on.
About an hour must have passed in comfortable silence, and your dirty thoughts were put to rest for a while too as you focused on the complex plot of the movie. Then your patience was about to be tested.
An intimate scene was displayed on the screen and you froze. You became antsy as your thighs came in contact with Rebekah's hand. The tension in the room could be cut through with a knife. Your unbridled lust and roaring desire for her was consuming you and you couldn't control yourself as you turned to face her.
She was thinking the same thing as you and your lips collided. Your tongues fought for dominance as you explored every corner of her mouth, her doing the same.
It was a passionate, rough, and all-consuming kiss that had you moaning in her mouth and both of you had your eyes closed in bliss. She cupped your face while your hands tangled themselves in her golden locks.
It was so exhilarating, and you had just kissed... you were almost scared to know where the night would lead you.
Your lungs burned for oxygen but kissing her seemed the best way to die. Finally, you parted, gasping for air.
"That was..." you began, panting.
"Amazing," she finished, holding your eyes. You leaned in for another kiss, but she beat you to it. You kissed her senseless and your hands seemed to have a mind of their own as you began undressing her. Kissing her was your new favourite thing to do.
Her lips moulded perfectly into yours. The purpose of your life was to be hers, and at that very moment, everything was forgotten. She followed your actions and undid the flimsy lace and pushed you down, making you lie down.
The two of you were completely bare as your eyes met. You could drown and die in the blue ocean of her eyes. It was like being reborn. Her eyes held a challenge, promised an adventure and you reveled in the anticipation, the thrill and in her amorousness.
She raked her eyes all over your body and your every pore, every limb shook in bliss and ecstasy. "Damn, you're gorgeous..."
You smiled in satisfaction at her words and pulled her down to mesh your lips together.
Her lips slowly moved down to your neck, kissing and biting, leaving a trail of love bites all over. Lewd, wet sounds filled your ears as you flushed. She was a heady mixture. Slowly, very slowly, she moved down to the little dent at the base of your neck, then placed ticklish, feather-light kisses on your prominent collarbone. She kissed and licked through the valley of your breasts, down to your navel and your sensitive lower stomach.
She placed kisses along your waistline, making you gasp and moan into the silk-covered pillows. Your toes curled in pleasure when you felt her hot breath fanning over your womanhood. She had barely begun and you were already dripping wet.
The blonde moved down to kiss your inner thighs. So close but not giving you what you want.
"Rebekah, please..." you pleaded with her. Her eyes were a mixture of lust and amusement. "Please what?"
"Touch me!"
"Where?" She was such a tease. You grew frustrated and you grabbed her hand and guided it between your parted thighs. A loud, throaty gasp escaped your mouth as her fingers worked their magic upon your wet, slippery folds. You almost tore the sheets your fingers were gripping and you buried your face into the pillows to muffle your moans. But you decided against it. You wanted her to hear you. You wanted her to know just how good she was making you feel. Your body was so responsive to her touches .
Just then, her fingers hit that spot and you cried out in pure pleasure. You felt the pleasure building up and the sounds leaving your mouth resonated in every nook and corner of your house.
"Do you want me to stop?" she questioned innocently, but you knew all too well. "Shut up," you barely managed to say between your uncontrollable moans.
You wanted to tell her that you were going to reach your release, but the pleasure was too much and all you could think about was how good she was.
You started shaking and almost screaming as you reached your precipice. You quite literally saw stars as you came. Rebekah's gaze upon you was that of pure worship as she licked her fingers which were coated with your arousal. Then she leaned in to kiss you deeply and you could taste yourself on her lips. "You're so pretty..." she whispered, almost as if in a daze. You smiled and grabbed her my the arms, helping her lie down.
"My turn now," you spoke, aspiring to make her feel as good as she made you feel. You pulled her in for another searing kiss as you parted her thighs. Moving down, you maintained eye contact as you stuck out your tongue and tasted her. You'd never heard anything sexier than the gasp that left her lips when you did.
Soon, your tongue circled and lapped over her folds. Her throaty moans were music to your ears. You pulled back just when she was about to reach her high, deciding to use your fingers. Her sweet moans might as well would've been heard by the neighbours as you pleasured her all night long and to the breaking of dawn.
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You both lay bare barring the sheet covering you as you watched the sun rise. To you, it felt surreal and as if it were a dream.
"I've wanted this for so long," Rebekah softly confessed. "When I met you first, I thought you were really pretty, like a royal. Your wit and wordplay is unmatched. I love how strong you are, how you don't need anyone to fight for yourself and how you're so ambitious. But you were with Elena and-" you silenced her with a kiss.
"You've no idea for how long I've wanted this too. But I'm afraid that with the arrival of the dawn, I'd wake up and all of this would be nothing but a dream." You spoke softly.
"Trust me, your screams last night were very real,"
You laughed as you kissed her. She pulled you into her arms for another round. And sure enough, the hickeys covering you were very real...
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hyperactivewhore · 7 months
Answer if you have the balls and you're woman enough to do so, but I know you're not. Anyway, here goes.
So, you and your little cult of pick-mes are at it again, huh? Slandering Caroline for no real reason other than because she existed. Man, you guys are relentless. You just can't help yourselves, can you? And you say it's Caroline fans/Klaroline shippers who are the ones who start and harass you. And I know that's bullshit, because I don't see Caroline fans or Klaroline shippers doing anything except minding their own business, not bothering anyone whatsoever and keeping to themselves, and enjoying what they like just like everyone else does. It's you and every other Bonnie fan that's the problem. You're the ones that always look to start a problem or cause some kind of drama, all because you can't stand Caroline is more loved and liked by the fans than your faves. But oh well, that's just how it is.
And it's funny you say Bonnie was justified in acting the way she did when Caroline turned, when it's basically her fault that Caroline ever became a vampire in the first place. Quite frankly, Bonnie deserved way more heat and should've faced deeper consequences for her role in the S1 finale. And don't even get me started on the lame, half-assed bullshit excuse she gave, that "she couldn't do it, because her Grams wouldn't have." Really??? But then she has the nerve to treat her best friend like shit for something that was her own fault and that Caroline didn't ask for whatsoever, that was completely out of Caroline's hands? Fuck out of here, give me a fucking break!
But anything to hate Caroline for, right? Anything to basically make her out to be the devil incarnate. Yeah, Caroline wasn't perfect, but guess what? Neither were any of your shitty ass faves. Get the fuck over yourselves.
Also, gotta love how you only think Tyler deserved better where it concerns Caroline, but you say nothing whatsoever about what Hayley did to him in S4, which in my opinion was 1000x worse than Caroline sleeping with Klaus. But I guess since it didn't involve Caroline, it doesn't matter as much and only then, does Tyler not deserve better, huh? And what about his pack of hybrids? They didn't deserve better than what Hayley did to them? No, I guess not.
Lastly, I'm by no means a Klaroline shipper, but I give no fucks about Caroline having slept with Klaus, simply because that's the big fuck you that everyone in the Mystic Falls Gang deserved. Especially Elena, who knowingly and shamelessly was sleeping with Caroline's abuser/rapist and gave no fucks about it 🙂 But this is who you deem the most "compassionate" and "selfless" girl? Yeah, more like the most selfish and self-centered. And that's exactly why she was the most hated character. And justifiably and deservedly so. Caroline is 10000x better than Elena ever was, and I know it that bothers you and burns you deep down inside. Because you know it's a fact and the truth. Oh well, die mad about it, hun.
Then people wonder why most of the fandom eventually comes to hate klaroline and/or Caroline. This are the same people who got a woman fired off her job and who had their favorite white woman be getting all the plots who belonged to Bonnie or shamelessy self-inserted into everything 💀
"My little cult" I'm fucking dying with laughter, your pretty little sunshine vampire wouldn't be alive without Bonnie, actually no one in Mystic Falls would be alive if not for Bonnie. If people are getting harassed again by the same crazy Caroline stan, all my prayers. Just ignore this cunt 💞
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you should be scared of me
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masterlist part 1
Finally wrote a part 2!! This became a little bonkers. I've always thought that after 1000 years, the Originals should've been a little crazier and more ruthless. I get the MF gang had plot armour because Klaus and co were originally (ha) the season villains, but after being vampires for so long, you'd think their patience for enemies would be even less (at least, that's what I would do if I was an Original).
Warnings include: canon divergence, people dying who didn't in canon, MF gang and Klaus slander. Some Klaus feelings worked their way into this and I chose to roll with it.
You don't leave it there. Now that Klaus has completed his transformation, you 'keep the lines of communication open' as recommended by a book about nurturing and strengthening relationships that you read once.
The 90s were a weird time for you and you don't want to talk about it.
This means that you spam him with texts, calls and selfies from a number that him and his followers are unable to trace.
Partying in Cali just isn't the same without family.
It's me, Y/N. Hope you're having a nice day and when are you going to undagger our siblings?
Klaus groans every time he sees an unknown number pop up on his phone. He'd forgotten just how much of a little shit you could be and the years apart had only made you more annoying.
It doesn't help that you've rigged your number so that he can't call or text you to get the last word. He's secretly missed this kind of sibling interaction but he'll never admit it.
This combined with his hybrid problem makes him even more short tempered than normal.
You make contact with the Mystic Falls gang after Stefan steals the coffins.
You've always been careful to cultivate good relationships with witches and you've helped out enough covens and families over the centuries for them to keep an ear out for you.
Being dead doesn't stop some of them; in this case, you're contacted by a Richmond witch (descended from a very helpful ancestor you met 100 years ago), who tells you that there's Original shenanigans afoot.
You quickly reach out to the Salvatores and Elena.
The MF gang don't know what to make of you.
You're polite, but not as honourable as Elijah. Your remarks are even more cutting than Rebekah's and you have a temper, but you don't fly off the handle like Klaus. You don't even sound like you like your family, considering that you attempt to only get Kol back before Stefan refuses.
"In big families, there's always one sibling you prefer and Kol was always my favourite."
You decide to team up with them for the moment, if it's at Klaus' expense. You even suggest awakening Elijah, because of his influence on your brother.
You don't attend the dinner. Not officially. Instead you're the one to remove the daggers.
You don't trust either of your older brothers when there's an empty coffin with your name on it.
Your first words to your twin after nearly a century apart are "welcome back to the land of the living, idiot" followed by 2 blood bags being thrown at him.
When your siblings start attacking Klaus, you're right beside them filming the whole thing.
"Are you actually recording this?" "Consider it payback, Nik."
When your mother appears, you can barely look at her.
Why is she still alive with her magic to boot?
You don't trust her talk of reconciliation and, judging from the look on his face, neither does Kol.
You're proven right but you don't have the heart to gloat. Not this time.
While Damon bites Abby Bennett, you turn Bonnie.
Part of you doesn't like doing this to another witch. You still feel incomplete without your magic, even after 1000 years.
But the Bennetts went against your family and allied themselves with one of your biological creators.
And that is something you cannot, will not forgive.
You spend most of s3 with Kol helping him get used to modern society.
Both of you get up to mischief, especially now that Kol's no longer restricted to a spirit form.
You'd forgotten how much fun partying with Kol was when he wasn't stuck as a spirit.
Both of you return to Mystic Falls when Klaus tells you about a possible cure for vampirism and some folklore about a boogeyman called Silas.
You've never seen Kol look so terrified in his life. And he's not alone.
You'd helped him wipe out that coven that worshipped Silas centuries ago. You thought all mentions of the man were destroyed. Obviously not.
Despite you beheading Shane (and getting blood on your favourite jacket), it still doesn't stop the MF gang from going after the cure.
Everyone disregards your warnings and you're both getting sick of it.
The final straw comes when you narrowly save Kol from getting killed by the Gilberts.
You're furious, more than you've ever been in your life. You haven't spoken a word since the witch arrived and began to heal Kol. The look of fear on your twin's face, when you'd snatched him away from his would be killers, was utterly foreign and you never wished to see it again.
You hear footsteps come up to you and you notice Klaus out of the corner of your eye.
"They tried to kill Kol tonight," your voice is tight. "Our brother, my twin nearly died and you still think we're being dramatic about Silas?"
Your body is completely still apart from your hands, which are so tightly clenched that he can smell the blood dripping from the fingernail marks on your palms. Your gaze never leaves Kol, as his pained groans start to die down.
You finally turn to face him. You continue to speak in such a quiet voice that Klaus feels a shiver go down his spine.
"I dont know why you've given that group so many chances. You've made exceptions for them that you would never do for your blood. They killed Finn and you never retaliated. But I kept silent because I thought there was a plan to lure them in. But you have allowed them to become too bold and made us look weak. We are the bloody Originals. We are the monsters people warn their children about."
He will never admit this.
"This is what's going to happen. Apart from Elena Gilbert, I'm going to kill everyone involved in this Silas mess. I'm going to find the cure and shove it down that useless doppelganger's throat so you can continue making those hybrids you're so fond of. And then I'm going to burn this cursed town to the ground and you're not going to get in my way."
Klaus looks at you for a long time. You and Kol had always been inseparable as humans and that didn't change when you were turned.
He'd witnessed countless fights between you both during the centuries and just as many reconciliations. He'd seen you communicate without words, using a smile and a head tilt to say so much.
Part of him had always been jealous of your bond and how steadfast it was. It was an exclusive club that he felt shut out of. He's not alone in thinking this, Rebekah had complained in the past about how she felt like an outsider with you and Kol.
He is trying to let you go, trying not to hold on so tightly that you hate him. But his past actions have left scars on both you and Kol. Neither of you are quick to forgive him.
Maybe this concession could be a start.
What's the total annihilation of one town, he muses, in the face of forgiveness? What's the love of family compared to the slaughter of sheep?
"You have my blessing," he finally says. "I'll keep Rebekah and Elijah out of the way."
The destruction of Mystic Falls becomes the subject of news channels and government departments for months. An entire town suddenly turning up dead is a mystery people have a hard time trying to solve.
But the supernatural community knows. Whispers spread about the Mikaelsons, about Y/ Mikaelson's revenge. And if they hold their loved ones tighter and look over their shoulder more frequently?
It isn't something that any of them will confess to.
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sixty-silver-wishes · 1 month
constantly thinking about tatiana glivenko lmao. like she saw that sickly kid with tuberculosis at that crimea sanatorium and she was like. That One. she wasn't even sick she was just hangin out
their relationship was kinda on and off bc they were long distance, and it ended for good when she married someone else. but then After shostakovich died, she was like. "oh yeah btw I loved him even more than his wife ever could and he should have ended up with me" even though she was the one who broke up w him. like. you're, what, in your 70s or 80s by the time you gave that interview? and you broke up with this guy when you were both like in your 20s. why are you talking like that
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also idk how much she knew about this at the time. but shostakovich and nina had an open marriage after they remarried (they briefly divorced due to shostakovich's affair with elena konstantinovskaya). and after they got back together, they were fine. like yeah they did see other people but their marriage was very healthy once they worked it out. it was pretty common in the early soviet union and shostakovich did handle it a lot better than a lot of other men in the nep era (who would sometimes fuck off as soon as their wives were pregnant. he didn't do that), but like. it wasn't like she was the one cheating on him. this is nina vasiliyevna varzar slander and I will Not live for it
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loomiseater · 4 months
I will NEVER tolerate Elena Gilbert slander EVER!!
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 6 months
I don’t get why people call Elena selfish and always slander her, it’s incredibly confusing to me tbh. Of course, Elena certainly is more flawed than a surface-level interpretation would suggest but how many times has she sacrificed herself for her friends safety and lives at the cost of her own ?? And been concerned with their happiness above her own ? She didn’t complain once about being put into a sleeping beauty spell, she volunteered herself as a lamb in Klaus’s ritual, she even put herself in the situation where she and Klaus had mutually beneficial partnerships and negotiated on her loved ones’ behalf, asking the man who killed her aunt for his help, abandoning pride, safety, and righteous hatred of Klaus on Jenna’s, as well as her other victimized loved ones’, behalf because those loved ones, would benefit (which is really intelligent ? and also admirable ? so miss me with the bullshit about Elena sitting on her ass and letting her friends do the work because if that’s what her haters think happened, we were not watching the same show).
Elena goes out of her way to protect her friends and sacrifices everything for her loved ones. I think she has a very deep sadness that makes her very heavy to some people. People prefer characters who are lighter, that's why Caroline is a favourite over Bonnie and Elena.
But yes, they interpreted her character wrong. She is not a pick me nor a cry baby. Elena is incredibly strong and brave.
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observers-journal · 1 year
I dont know about you but recently I just saw someone here on tumblr using the Tenoch Huerta tagged doing the whole "you people should believe all victims because now there are mutiple woman accusing him. But you will defend white people like Ezra Miller"
Having you not been keeping pace and pretending to be ignorant. Many people on tumblr have been showing evidence that Elena isn't a victim, that all her so called "acts for women rights" is just her wanting political power, how she is light skin Latina who follows political that are anti-LGBT and trans. DOESN'T ANY OF THAT SCREAM 🚩
But know I bet you the who posted that isn’t keeping up with Mexcian news or how many people from MEXICO are admitting they thave either been threatened or assaulted by Elena or her family. Or better yet any document evidence against Elena that show poof she is a feminist. Even the other actress and feminist aren't clean one of them refined a man's life after convincing another actress she was SA or how the other feminist is a FRIEND of Elena which would've been fine since friend supporting friend if Elena didn't had such a dark history.
And I'll tell you this much. When this SA allegations came up I was on Elena side, however knowing Tenoch slander history I did found it suspicious. When more evidence came our that was AGAINST Elena I realized she a victim anymore regardless of her acid attack. Even if the evidence that Elena provide from her anon victims they still falled apart. While yes Tenoch being silence since the allegations is suspicious we don't know what going on on his end but I think when a other females that claim the FEMALE ACTIVIST is threating them, blocking any JOURNALIST who wants more of the story, the company that she is accusing to protect Tenoch providing EVIDENCE that they paid her, and looking beyond the Tenoch situation ND more towards Elena. People need to realize to stopping believing in the victims if there is so much evidence against them.
I think whatvi hate about this situation is that since this event is taking place in Mexico is harder for American media pick up to story unlike stories like Jonathan Majors case or the Johnny Deep case. And even when media picked up the SA allegations they didn't bother to continue their research and then dropping it leaving only the headlines the SA allegation 🙄. When there is so much more to this case that is proving innocence of Tenoch. I think unless there are other Americans who are still keeping up with this story they will know that Tenoch is innocent while Elena is a piece of shit while the majority would see his allegations.
That's a great take on the issue, Anon!
I find it infuriating, but I'm not surprised. In today's time of information overdose, all anyone cares about is the sensational news. So the allegations story made for a nice spicy, juicy piece of gossip, and it spread like wildfire. Coz people love to gossip, oh look at this actor (and racists going to the extent of labeling him as a sexual offender/addict coz he's a brown man 🙄).
Nobody cares about context, nuance, or bothering to do a little bit of research. Coz who will put all that effort! Because if anybody put even the slightest of effort, it is crystal clear who is innocent and who is not in this case. In fact, the more people here and on Twitter are investigating, the more disturbing things are emerging. We can now see there's a group of people who have come together with the sole purpose of destroying Tenoch's reputation and career.
I am a 1000% sure Tenoch is dealing with this just fine on his end. Unfortunately he is used to shit like this, although perhaps not at this scale. But I'm certain he's preparing a legal case, and there was a video posted yesterday wherein a Mexican lawyer covered the legalities of this case. All the evidence is in his favor. It's good he's staying away from social media, it will do no good to his career or his case.
I wish our group here had the means to make all this investigation gain more traction. We are trying our best, so are the folks on Twitter. But I'm also of the opinion that the American media and people have forgotten about it already. The public tends to have short-term memory. Do journalists care about clearing a man's name they very conveniently labelled as guilty? Of course not 🙄 most journalism is trash these days, barring few.
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love-too-believe · 1 year
I'm somewhat divided when it comes to the lack of updating on the Tenoch situation on platforms like Tiktok and Twitter where it spread the most when it first came out.
Like on one hand I kinda get it because really, nothing is even actively happening. Elena's tweeting and slandering him of course but legally nothing is happening and most will lose interest based on that alone. Not to mention American news isn't reporting her activity at all.
Also, realistically no one knows who Elena Rios even is. I never heard of her and I think it's the same for most people outside of Mexico.
So the majority are actually waiting for Tenoch to say or do something. I recently spoke to another Tiktoker about this and she agreed that she didn't feel comfortable talking about Elena's tweets and was just waiting for something to happen legally. Which as long as their not spreading false information or continuing to side with Elena while ignoring her tweets, I mean that's fair.
This whole thing has been a nothing-burger and it's losing attention. I honestly think the minute Tenoch speaks up again publicly or files charges on her the majority are going to pay attention again and that will open a conversation on her recent tweets and past criminal allegations.
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elenva · 8 days
feeling extra protective, keep elena slander away from me 😃🔪
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stars-and-darkness · 1 year
week #10
(wow, i can't believe it's already ten ...)
anyway, here's some faerie au-flavoured john gilbert slander. that's all the context i'll give you, because, you see, i think it's funny.
“It is kind of beautiful, isn’t it?” Elena asks softly, eyes on the snow-capped mountains far away—on the other side, the Autumn Court sprawls in all its glory. “Not in the same way as home, but …”
It kind of is, but even if it wasn’t, Caroline would find a way to twist her words so that it seems she agrees with Elena.
“Very,” she says, while Elena pulls her hat down over the lightly furred tips of her ears to protect them from the cold.
“I really like your cloak,” she says then to Bonnie. “Of course, it’s a wonder anyone could find any fur at all to buy, considering half the animal population of Fairfold must be in my trunks. Jenna hired a seamstress from the Winter Court to make my trousseau. She’s very worried I’ll freeze to death in Walakh Kor.”
“I’m sure Katherine was very thrilled you got so many new gowns, while she got nothing,” says Caroline cheekily.
“I don’t know, actually.” Elena taps her chin thoughtfully. “She kept parading in front of me in all her lightest dresses, and it was probably her way of taunting me. Which—it’s not like she’s expected to survive the wedding with nothing but tatters on, you know? She got a new wardrobe of her own.”
“That’s … likely,” Bonnie says. “And your brother?”
“Bonnie, no.” Caroline slaps her shoulder lightly, as Bon had requested she do whenever she starts moping about Jeremy again.
His and Bonnie’s fling was as ill-advised as it was unhappy, and in retrospect, they all should have known that it would end in tears. By the time Jeremy was caught in the arms of that river nymph of his, everyone was just waiting for it all to fall apart.
So it’s Caroline and Elena’s sacred duty to slap some sense into Bonnie every time it seems like she’s about to regret ending it between them, just like they do every time Caroline starts daydreaming about her time with Prince Tyler, or Goddess forbid, Elena about her family’s gardener, Matt.
It’s the girl code.
“Bonnie, no,” Elena echoes, brow furrowed.
“I …” Bonnie starts, but then her mouth clicks shut. “I didn’t mean to—”
“Certainly, you didn’t,” Elena mutters. “That’s why you can’t even say it.”
Bonnie’s lips twist, and Caroline gives a too-saccharine smile.
“Hey,” she says with insufferable smile, “do you think Prince Tyler—”
“Hey!” Bonnie warns, but Caroline just bats her eyelashes innocently.
“There you have it.”
“Jeremy,” Elena interrupts them both, “is over in the tent, listening to Uncle John talk, for some reason.” Her lips twist together in disdain.
If there’s one thing Elena and Katherine have in common other than their looks, it’s their hatred of their uncle. And fair enough—nobody actually likes the man. In their family, the title is passed down exclusively through the male line, and with Jeremy still too young to take it, John stepped in as the head of the House after their parents perished at sea.
Katherine, as the eldest sibling, has been known to bemoan that particular tradition quite a bit lately.
“I don’t like it,” Elena goes on, hands crossing over her chest. “I don’t like it at all. I don’t like that man, and Jeremy—”
Bonnie nods, and Caroline does, too. They understand.
She shakes her head. “I hate that I’ll be away, and he’ll go back to Summer.”
“Katherine can protect him,” Caroline tries to assure her. “And your aunt.”
But Elena shakes her head. “Katherine and Jeremy were never close; he’ll cling closer to John, just to spite her. And last I heard, John’s been looking into a match for Jenna, too, which I wouldn’t find so suspicious normally, except he’s obviously removing everyone he can from Jeremy’s life. I hate it.”
Bonnie snorts, then quickly covers her face. “Sorry, sorry, I know this is not the moment, but—I just pictured John trying to coerce some poor lordling into having Katherine, and—”
To that, even Elena cracks a laugh. “I mean, considering what happened the last time …”
Caroline slaps her forehead. “Oh, Goddess. I forgot about that. Did they manage to reattach his fingers?”
Elena cringes. “Katherine used Father’s enchanted dagger, but the family magic answers to John now, he was able to nullify it. She said he should be glad she only took the fingers, though. And they’re still tender when it rains.”
A part of Caroline wishes there’d been someone there to cut John’s throat when he announced Elena’s betrothal, but Elena would never do that. She loves her friend for that sort of kindness, and also desperately wishes she were more like her sister.
“Good,” Bonnie snorts.
Yeah. Nobody likes John.
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karimwillia · 2 years
Part 10
Disclaimer: Riri in this has some social anxiety which causes her to run in certain situations. But she is growing.
Warnings: Plot
Days turn to a week having gone by and Riri is a wreck. She has chosen to keep her distance to try and clear her mind but it has gotten worse. Everyday her ig feed is a blaze with people saying how they were right and that Shuri just played her to have sex. All fake, all lies and if she has to deal with one more fake page hitting her up with “tea” she may scream.
MJ, Sharon and Mrs Williams have all talked to her and want to understand. The truth is Riri was not prepared for this part of it all even though she knows Shuri did not lie the stress of the bad attention was too much at once. She has to make a choice soon because she misses Shuri so much. They even spoke more as just friends than this. Fear has her stuck..
“Ri!” MJ runs up and taps her. Carrying a bouquet of her favorite flowers courtesy of an apologizing Shuri. She gets that and Starbucks everyday on top of her favorite lunch. Shuri just has to show her she still cares. But the talking and actually seeing her Riri refuses to do until she can pull herself together. “Thanks MJ they are gorgeous.” Taking the flowers she continues to class.
“Rihanna Robin Williams, when are you going to forgive this girl.” Riri smells one of the flowers. “MJ it’s not her it’s me. I thought I was confident but at the first sign of something I believed it. That’s not fair. How can I call myself dating her and I can’t handle everything that comes with it?”
MJ pulls her arm gently, stopping them in front of Shuri’s banner. “Ri you are a human being. No one is mad at you for reacting. The way you reacted did hurt. But all you have to do is apologize.” “MJ you’re right and she deserves one big time.” “Then what is stopping you?” “I'm embarrassed, overwhelmed and unsure. Why are they interested in me?.” “There is no answer to why you. The internet is full of people who just like to tear others down. It’s sad but it’s true. Everything else you have got to stop running when things get tough.” Riri pouts with a huff.
Just then a PA announcement comes through. “Attention Benedict High School Students and Staff, can you all report to the auditorium. Thank you.” The emergency assembly was out of place but all students and staff started to file into the auditorium. Principle Maverick is now at the front podium with his daughter Elena and Shuri sitting behind him.
“Good Morning Benedict it is with deep regret that I must address you this morning with a matter that disturbs me a great deal. A week ago it was brought to my attention that we are dealing with an issue of cyberbullying within the student body here at Benedict. Not only have there been slanderous and sexually suggestive content being posted about some of our most stellar students. There has been harassment of said student with a but not limited to a fake account created in my own daughter’s likeness. An investigation into the matter has been launched and any involved students will face disciplinary action. Here at Benedict the emotional and mental well-being of our students is of the utmost importance so this behavior will not be tolerated. At this time I have one of the targeted students who would like to make a statement.”
Shuri stands and graciously thanks Principle Maverick for his introduction. “Good Morning All. I want to first show my gratitude for the support of not only Principle Maverick but to Elena who is not even a student here for her support in this matter. This disheartening turn of events may have been targeted to me but it overall affected someone whom I care for deeply more severely. To that person I want you to know that I would do anything to ensure your safety and comfort as well as others. That is why my first endeavor with my new Name Image and Likeness deal I will be the face of Why Bully Me? A social and emotional wellness organization started by a powerful young 9 year old in Ohio to promote safe and bully free environments in schools and online across the nation starting right here at Benedict. Thank you all for your time.”
The assembly was dismissed and all Riri could see around her people scrambling for their phones to delete and disable the accounts and posts.
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi @shuriris-stuff @dominiquesheart
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