#eleven sixteen
beau-gar · 4 months
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thepunkmuppet · 4 months
new thomas video with only janus actually healed my heart I’m sorry cringe culture is dead idgaf it brought me joy when I was eleven and it brings me joy now I LOVE HIM HE’S MY FAVOURITE AUUUGGHGH HE’S SO SILLY
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gabyoficial3 · 4 months
Crazy Algerbralians AU desings!!
I finally finished it!!
I finally finished it!! i add eleven,twelve,thirteen and sixteen in the AU yet:3 and yes,from the designs of some you can get the idea of ​​the AU
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wizard-eater · 1 year
Wizard curse of beated to death
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
doctor who human!au with multiple doctors but they’re all named by their numbers because they’re all trans and picked them out theirselves.
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13-the-lucky-unlucky · 6 months
Mission Name: Get Everyone To Chill!
Seventeen was, for the first time ever in his life, bored.
If he was being completely honest, he hasn't been alive all that long. Even so, he's been spending nearly every conscious moment of his life in the art gallery anyways, it's not like he did much else..
Except agent work-
But he liked forgetting about agent work, and preferred his nights go uninterrupted by night terrors.
That still did not change the fact that he had nothing to do.
He had already swept ten times over and done his due diligence replacing the artworks again.
The artist stared up at the ceiling in confusion.
He never got bored, he always had an idea for a painting, or a sculpture, or busy with agent work, or being dragged into some crazy idea Sixteen or Eighteen had.
Or at least spending the day with Nineteen..
But today none of that was happening, none of the other teens had come over, there was no agent work due, and Nineteen had gone shopping..
Not even prime club had something going on.
And there was always something going on with prime club!
(I mean it has Three, Thirteen, Twenty-nine, and Five in it, there's definitely drama almost every day, you can't convince me otherwise.)
The artist was currently watering his now blossoming marigolds, Sixteen was a great gardener, and had lent him some of her plants when he had expressed his love for her garden by painting it. He was grateful for the gift and Nineteen had a field day coming up with names for each and every single one of them.
Seventeen sighed when he planted the last seed, "There. All done! How's your end, Nineteen?"
"Almost halfway there!"
"What? We started hours ago-"
He was cut off by Nineteen mumbling something.
Turning fully to face the one-off, he was taken aback by her pressing kisses to every seed before sticking it in the ground, but not before whispering something.
"...and you're Junior, and you're Ronald, and you're Mia, and you're Susan, and you're Sam, and you're Iris, and you're Edward-"
She stopped, "Hm?"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm planting." She stated, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"I know, but what are you doing with the seeds?"
"I'm naming them." Nineteen blinked.
"Naming them? All of them?" Seventeen dropped his tiller, "But that's a lot of seeds.."
"Yeah, it is. And I've still got a lot more to get through. What did you name the others?"
The artist rubbed his head, "I...didn't?"
"What?! Why not?" Nineteen's sunhat fell off her head with how fast she stood.
"...I'm not very good at names?" He shrugged.
"Then I'll name them! You finish my side and I'll go through your side, okay?"
"But Nineteen-"
"Ooh, this is a pretty seed, what should your name be?" She held it out to him, "Got any ideas?"
He blinked at the object a few times, before hopefully offering, "...Seed?"
Nineteen looked like she was ready to cry, "What? No, you can't name it Seed!"
"Why not?" He frowned, "That's what it is."
"You can't name everything after what they are!"
"But..that's what names are for. So you know what something is!" Seventeen pulled out his paintbrush, "If I asked someone to fetch my paintbrush everyone knows what I'm talking about. But if I name it something else and ask the same question, they won't know."
Nineteen sighed, "I never thought I'd have to teach an artist how to be creative."
"What do you mean?"
She chuckled, replanting the seed. She softly took the brush from him, bringing out her pencil, "Names are more than just labels, Seventeen."
"Isn't that the point of a name?" He asked, perplexed.
"No. Sometimes a name gives one thing more meaning than others of that same thing." She pointed to him, "It's more personalized, if I asked someone to go and help me find the artist, they won't know who. But if I asked for help finding Seventeen, they know who."
He fumbled with his words for a bit, "Well.. Then only certain things must be named, but why should-"
"Because you can personalize your plants! It's easier to talk to them with a name."
"I..suppose. But why would I be talking to them?"
"Who knows, but at least you'll have something to call them!"
"It does make sense now, right?"
Seventeen hummed once more, taking his paintbrush back, "I guess."
Ah, that was a fun day..
He continued humming Ten's song, honestly, he quite liked the soft melody, it was similar to his own, "There you are Goldilocks.. That should be enough for now.."
He carefully watched the water dribble down the stem and seep into the soil below, it pleased him that his compost collection was working perfectly.
He may not be very strong or particularly skilled in something that actually matters, but he was definitely very big on recycling. He'd once had a run in with Rexie, Sixteen's dinosaur, having an issue with his stomach, after finding out the poor dino had consumed an insane amount of trash, he couldn't stand seeing plastic bottles or anything else that had a place anywhere but a recycling bin.
"That, and it just ruins the natural beauty of the planet.." He sighed, "I do hope Numberland can avoid being so cluttered."
It wasn't really anyone's fault, though.
Things randomly showed up on Numberland, it just happened, and it was nice to learn about something new, but the fact that some of it was falling from space was a more than a little concerning.
"I do wonder how a tennis racket got up there, though."
He really should go do something, he's starting to talk to nobody..
The front door opened, the small bell ringing as to get his attention.
His fear spiked, but he swiftly calmed down.
It's not Nineteen, she would've let me know, so it's someone else.
Interested that somebody had ventured their way to the art gallery, he finished watering the last of the plants and hurried to the shed.
"Hello? Who is it?" He placed the watering can back on the shelf and walked into the main gallery.
His immediately relief when he caught a glimpse of apricot and a purple hat.
"Oh, Twenty! How are you?"
Twenty didn't respond at first, he was admiring...something in the corner.
"Ah, Seventeen! Here you are!" Twenty beamed, "I was just about to look for you, friend!"
Seventeen was about to answer with nearly as much enthusiasm, but unfortunately looked down at where Twenty was watching, and froze at the sight of a spider scurry up the wall corner, "Um..y-yes..Right."
"So I came to fetch you because-"
There's a spider-
"Um, Twenty?"
"Yes? Is there something wrong?" Twenty seemed puzzled, as if he hadn't just released one of Seventeen's top ten fears into his home.
He gestured to the arachnid, "Uh, why is that there?"
"Oh, that's just Carl, I brought him here with me." Twenty nodded.
So it has a name..? Does he just not know how to name things, because spiders don't deserve names- Who would need to name it?
"You....you brought a spider into the art gallery?"
"Yes?" Twenty raised an eyebrow, he reached a hand out, seemingly ready to steady the artist should he fall, "Are you alright? Something wrong?"
Seventeen gestured to the spider now higher near the ceiling, where it could disappear into the cracks and never to be seen again until it was too late-, "Yes, you cannot bring spiders into the art gallery! They're going to scare everyone!"
"I only brought one.."
"For now, do you know how many minispiders it can make?!"
"Like- thousands!" Seventeen's hand reached out to the side for a broom that wasn't there.
"Oh, interesting."
"No, not interesting. Terrifying. Now please take it out.."
"Besides, there's nothing here for it to eat, it'll starve." Seventeen pleaded, "Please take it back out."
Twenty sighed, "If you say so."
He stood tall and plucked the spider off of the wall, "Do you want to hold him?"
That was an absolute no, and he needed a different subject, now.
"No thank you, but what did you need?"
Twenty brightened up, eagerly tapping his cane against the ground, "I'm gathering everyone together! I have a fun thing for us to do!"
That got his attention, "Oh, really?!"
Twenty nodded enthusiastically, it was a wonder how his hat didn't fall off, "Indeed. You're gonna love it!"
"What is it?"
Twenty chuckled, waving his hand, "I can't let you know, It's a surprise! I haven't gotten everyone yet, and I don't want to keep repeating myself."
That was fair, Seventeen surmised, Twenty was all for efficiency. If it didn't make sense to do it, he wouldn't give it a second thought, he relied on this method for many situations, and it's often gotten him out unharmed.
Seventeen let out a slight huff when Sixteen practically glomped him, "Hello Sixteen!"
"Did Twenty tell 'ya what we're doing yet?"
"No, not yet."He shook his head.
"Aw man, I was hopin' he'd tell you." She pouted.
Twenty chuckled, "Not yet, my friends! It won't be a surprise if I tell you!"
Sixteen groaned, "Why does EVERYONE say that..?"
"Because it's true!" Twenty laughed, "Alright, let's go find Eighteen and Nineteen!"
Seventeen pointed to the doors, "Nineteen went shopping a while ago..she should've been home by now.."
Sixteen hummed, "Well, do we wait for her? 'Cuz I've got loads a' things for us to do while we wait!"
She brought out a rather impressive assortment of board games and other toys, tossing them to the floor of the art gallery, Twenty stepped back, mildly impressed, "I had no idea you carried so many things with you, Sixteen."
Sixteen snorted, "The more the merrier! Six let me have this one- Roly-poly, I think.."
"Yeah! That's what she said! N' Thirty-six let me have Clue. Then I have these spare airhorns just in case!"
"In case what?"
"In case I need more airhorns! Duh!" She laughed, honking them, "Can't have too much noise!"
Seventeen, who already thought it was too much noise, winced, "I do hope she's alright.."
"Oh?" Twenty looked back at the doors, "Nineteen?"
"Last time she went to the store she ran into Octonaughty-"
"And escaped?"
"Well..yeah, but-"
"Then she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself. I'm sure she just took a detour of some kind. She'll join us again very soon, my friend, I'm certain!" Twenty placed his hand on his shoulder, giving an affirming nod, "We could go looking for her and meet her halfway!"
Sixteen, who was already setting out the Monopoly pieces, cheered, "Great! I'll get to putting these back! You guys go 'n get her, I'll catch up!"
"Are you sure?" Twenty blinked, a small frown playing on his lips, "I would hate to leave you behind."
"I'm fine! I gotta clean up anyways! Seventeen likes this place neat, and I don't wanna ruin his hard work."
Seventeen sighed, "I can clean up, Sixteen. It's alright."
Sixteen managed to shove everything back into it's place, "Well you guys oughta wait for me now! I'm almost done!"
Twenty nodded, "Do hurry."
As soon as silence began to flood back into the room, it was abruptly interrupted by the sound of Nineteen slamming open the door, completely out of breath.
"Nineteen! There you are! I was beginning to get worried-"
Nineteen let out what sounded like a strangled gasp, bringing Seventeen in for a hug, almost squishing the poor artist.
"You're safe.."
Seventeen held her at arms length, "I'm safe?? You're safe! You were taking so long!"
"Yeah, but at least you didn't come home to the door just left open! I thought someone broke in!"
He blinked, "It was?"
"Uh..yes!" Nineteen let go of him, still holding his left hand, "How did you not notice?"
"I..didn't check?" Seventeen glanced at the other two numbers in the room.
Sixteen chuckled, "That was me, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
The one-off sighed, "No...No, it's fine. I'm just glad you're okay. I've got the groceries outside, I'll bring them in."
"I'll get them, I have square power!" Sixteen jumped up, "I'm done cleaning, I can go put up the groceries then we can go!"
"Go?" Nineteen glanced at Twenty, "Where are you taking us this time?"
Twenty, mildly surprised, held a hand to his chest, fidgeting with his bow-tie, "Ah? How did you know I'd suggested that?"
"Seventeen doesn't get out unless I make him, Sixteen would've been gone already, I just got here and I haven't even suggested leaving again. So that left you, Twinkle Toes." She laughed.
"..Hm, rather logical." The tango choreographer glanced to the side, "I didn't know you were that quick with your mind."
"Are you calling me slow?" Nineteen uncrossed her arms, unsure if she should be offended.
"No, not at all!" Twenty waved his arms.
Nineteen laughed, "I'm just messing with you. So we're on our way to Eighteen's, then?"
"Right again." He tapped his cane on the ground, "As soon as Sixteen comes back we'll depart."
"So...what's the surprise?"
Twenty blinked, "I'm not even going to ask how you knew it was a surprise-.. I can't tell you!"
"Figured." She elbowed Seventeen, "Hey, can you help Sixteen find out where everything goes?"
"Will-do!" He bolted to the front door, helping Sixteen find her way to the upstairs area, "I'll show you where to put everything."
"Sure thing!"
Nineteen turned to Twenty, "Can I guess what it is?"
"Maybe." He grinned.
"Is it..another rescue mission?"
"No rescuing teddy bears from evil museum dungeons this time."
"...Hm, are we...dancing?"
"That's almost a better idea.." He stared at the ceiling, "I still have yet to show Carl how to dance."
"The spider." Twenty held out his hand, the small critter balancing on his array display.
"Do not worry, Nineteen. I'm not leaving him here."
"Why is he IN here?!"
"Are you and Seventeen both scared of spiders?"
"N-no! It's just- Why would you bring one in here?"
"Because he's my friend." Twenty blinked, ever the clueless.
"Please take it out." Nineteen facepalmed.
"...If you say so." Twenty nodded down at the spider, "Meet me at home, the window is open, you can crawl in through there."
He opened the front door and put it on the ground, and as if it didn't even happen, he turned back to Nineteen, grinning widely, "Anymore guesses?"
"Wh-..that's just.. random."
"Well, do you have any more?"
"..Can I have a hint?"
"...What about..walking?"
"A hike?"
"I guess we would be hiking there.."
"Aha!" Nineteen pumped her fist, "I guessed!"
"Not entirely, we'll be doing more than hiking."
"Just let me have this small victory.."
Sixteen and Seventeen returned down the stairs, having finished their tasks.
"You, I surmise?"
Sixteen huffed and put her hands on her hips, "Don't act like you're not excited."
"If you say so."
Twelve answered the door, "Oh! Hi, thank goodness you're here!"
Twenty glanced sideways at Nineteen, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing!...I hope." Twelve sighed, opening the door wider, "Come in."
Shrugging at each other, the group entered and found a seat in the livingroom.
"You're here for Eighteen, right?" Twelve had her hands clasped together.
"Yes?" Nineteen hesitantly replied, "Is he alright?"
"I'm sure he's fine.." Twelve looked around, "But he hasn't been himself lately, and locked himself in his room."
"Why didn't you say so?!" Sixteen jumped from the floor, "I can have him out faster than you can say 'Squares'!"
(Why did my mind go 'buncha munchy crunchy carrots' lol)
"No! No! He's not locked in! He locked it himself. He wants to be in there."
"Oh, then what's the problem?" She sat back down.
"That is the problem!" Twelve grabbed at the sides of her head, she couldn't find anything to hold onto, though, "Eighteen never stays in his room unless he's upset about something! And I can't get him to say anything as per usual!" Her voice cracked at the end of her sentence.
As Twelve struggled to keep herself from crying, the Teens looked at each other frightfully.
"...Dearie me..it's okay to cry, Twelve.." Seventeen got off the edge of the couch, making his way to the super rectangle, who had a slightly better handle on herself, and slowly touched her arm, "It's natural, and it's good to express yourself. I'm sure we can fix it."
"Why didn't you tell us before?" Nineteen also rose, her eyebrows angled with worry.
"I thought I could get him to talk to me..I don't know why he never tells me- It's like everyone can talk to him better than I can.. And I just want to be a good older sister.." She mumbled, wiping the few tears that did fall, "I did ask Fourteen to help, but Eighteen wouldn't even let him in. I had to force Fourteen to go home, and now I've worried him too.."
"...I'm very sorry. I'm sure he just doesn't want to worry you.." Seventeen stared back at them worriedly, "Can someone try to talk to him? I need to call Fifteen."
Nineteen rubbed Twelve on the back, the other hand taking her arm, "You go call her, I've got Twelve."
He nodded and pulled out his communicator, walking outside.
"Twenty, I'm going to make her some tea," Sixteen got up, "Do you have Eighteen, or do you want to wait?"
Twenty sullenly watched Twelve, "Go ahead, Sixteen. I'll go cheer him up."
She nodded.
Twenty slowly made his way upstairs, noting Eighteen's room was indeed closed.
Peering down at the crack of the door, he saw that it was a lot darker, implying Eighteen had the drapes closed.
"Hm." He knocked on the door briskly, "Eighteen? Are you in there?"
A small shuffle.
He used his cane to knock again, "Eighteen?"
Twenty smiled, "Ah, there you are. Are you feeling alright?"
"...Twenty?...Yeah, I'm fine. Whaddya' want?"
"I was just wondering if you wanted to come with us? I have a surprise planned, and I'm sure you'll like it!"
"...'mnot interested.."
Twenty blinked, "You don't even know what it is."
"I'm not interested."
The tango choreographer glared at the crack of the door, truly perplexed as to why Eighteen's drapes were closed, the super rectangle loved sunshine and open spaces almost as much as racing. "Why not?"
"....'m a little tired..okay? Can..can you come back some other time?"
"Unfortunately I cannot accept your request. Twelve is mighty worried, and I am as well."
"She'll be fine.."
"I believe you've underestimated how much she cares for you."
"...'m fine."
"Then please come with us."
"I don't feel like it.."
"It'll be worth it. I promise."
"...leave me alone."
"Not a chance friend." Twenty finally picked the lock on the door, opening it, "Sorry to intrude, Eighteen, but I do have to make sure you're truly unhurt."
Eighteen didn't even move, only turning over in his bed, "M'kay, jus leave everything where it is.."
Twenty glanced at the drapes, opening them, "Eighteen, please. I do need to talk to you."
"You already are..now close those.."
"No." Twenty pulled over a stool, "You need to discuss with me what is bothering you."
Eighteen finally sat up, surprising Twenty.
He looked...tired.
Really tired.
Burnt out tired.
"Have you been getting sleep?"
"No! Because everyone keeps bothering me! I was trying to sleep, but then Twelve started asking what's wrong, then Fourteen, and now you- I'm just really tired.. and...Its as hard to fall asleep as it is.." Eighteen yawned, laying back down, "I'm so tired.."
"...My sincerest apologies.." Twenty fidgeted with his cane.
"T's fine..Tell sis that she's good too.. I'm just... I can't get comfy.. So I don't sleep, but finding a comfy spot is so hard.."
Twenty stared at the bed, "Will you come with us, Eighteen?"
"Really? Are you still on that- I just told you I'm tired.. And I'm getting cranky and stuff. I don't wanna snap at you guys.." Eighteen sighed.
"I promise you'll like it." Twenty nodded, "Please. I want to help you, friend."
The super rectangle blinked a few times, "You...fine."
Eighteen stumbled down the stairs after Twenty, and Twelve was in a way better mood.
It still didn't stop her from nearly dropping her teacup upon seeing them though.
"Eighteen! I-"
"It's alright, Twelve. 'M fine..just really tired.."
Twenty nodded, "Sleeping here is stressing him out."
"What? Did I do something wrong?" Twelve gasped.
"No, no. It's not you, Twelve. Honest." Nineteen interjected.
Sixteen nodded, "Yeah, sometimes you get really stressed out, and your room isn't comfy enough to sleep in."
"That's when you know you need a vacation." Twenty finished, "So Eighteen is coming with us."
Twelve seemed, less on edge. She looked to her brother, "...Okay..then, have fun. And get lots of sleep."
Eighteen hugged her, "Mhm. Now calm down..You can't be panicking while I'm chill...That's wrong."
Tears welled in her eyes again and she nodded.
"Are you gonna be okay here by yourself?" Nineteen asked.
Before Twelve could answer, the door was flung open and the tweens rushed in, carrying various soft items and... a handful of lavender??
"Twelve! Apologies that it took us so long!" Fifteen started, placing her green tea bags on the coffee table.
"Are you okay, Twelve?!" Eleven almost knocked Nineteen over with how she shoved her aside, pulling Twelve in for a hug much like the one-off did Seventeen earlier, "Tell me you're okay!"
Fourteen threw his skateboard and a heated wooly blanket to the side, joining Eleven in her hug, "I'm so sorry I didn't check on you, dudette!"
"I BROUGHT YOU RELAXATION!" Thirteen tossed the lavender at her, also near tears as he also engaged with the group hug quickly forming, "I'm a terrible friend, I know! But I couldn't think of anything!"
Twelve was still processing the initial entrance, and slowly began to realize that she was surrounded by her friends, and burst into tears.
"Shh. It's alright, Twelve. We're here."
"We'll fight the sadness, don't worry!"
"S'okay dudetee.."
"Was it too much lavender?"
Seventeen slowly walked back in, gasping, "Hah! You got Eighteen?"
Twenty nodded, "He's tired. So he's coming with us by default. Ready, friends?"
"Sure thing!" Sixteen answered, being the only one not watching the Tweens slowly devolve into a cuddle pile.
When they finished hiking up the mountain, all of them except Twenty gasped in amazement.
"Surprise friends!" Twenty spread his arms, "I've built us a treehouse!"
If the treehouse already didn't look magnificent, the scenery sure did, the house sat atop steady wooden poles attached to the mountainside, a thick canopy of trees below oozing the smell of evergreen and freshness. A calm mist hung over all of it, as the waterfall nearby made for the perfect background noise.
This would be the best place to relax, if Nineteen had to pick one.
"...You built this?" Seventeen piped up.
"Yes! I wanted to surprise you all, so I couldn't ask for help."
Sixteen squealed, "It's amazing! Can we stay? Pretty please?!"
"Of course, it's a vacation is it not?" Twenty grinned.
Eighteen smiled, "This..this is nice..and quiet.. but not too quiet.. And wide open.."
Nineteen laughed, "Right, go get some sleep, champ. You've earned it!"
The super rectangle yawned, slowly flying up to the treehouse and opening the door, "WOW THIS PLACE HAS EVERYTHING!"
"REALLY?" Sixteen activated her rays to join him, Twenty following them.
"Whelp. They forgot us." The one-off nudged Seventeen.
"Don't worry, I'll make a way up!" Seventeen began to paint some stairs, "This is the perfect spot for ideas! I'll come back out with my sketchbook!"
"Sure thing, buddy." Nineteen opened the door, feeling the warmth of the fire Twenty set, "Oh, it is nice in here.."
Eighteen was already knocked out on one of the nearby couches, snoring peacefully. It was clear he needed this more than all of them combined.
"Wanna play Clue with me, anyone?" Sixteen was already setting out the pieces, regardless of their answers.
Twenty chuckled, "Sure Sixteen, I'll play. What will you be doing, Nineteen?"
"...Hm. I'll read over there."
"Ah, fireplace reading, can't get better than that." Twenty nodded, "I'll be Mr. Green."
"I'll be Madame Rose, then." Sixteen laughed.
Seventeen was already out on the balcony, sketching the waterfall in his own unique inspiration.
Twenty smiled, "Well, I'd say mission accomplished."
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thedawningofthehour · 10 months
How much time has actually passed since the initial kidnapping? I know its been over a year, maybe a year and a few months? Draxum has all their hatch dates, and last I remember Galois is 15, but Leo is 16 (since they only guessed their hatch dates) and Draxum even tells him so in the latest chapter, it feels…idk it feels like something, but I cant pinpoint it exactly. Something soft with a hint of ridicule, maybe? Or maybe I missed Galois‘ second birthday during all the managing of war and stuff
Donnie's kidnapping took place March 13th, 2019. Currently, we're somewhere in early-mid July of 2020. Leo was going to mention in one of his sections last chapter that Independence Day had passed without fanfare and how weird that felt, to not have fireworks in New York. But then I forgot, because you know how I am. Leo's sixteenth birthday has passed; Gale's has not. But neither of those dates are their actual birthday.
Donnie and Leo hatched on the same day. Considering when spiny softshells hatch this with probably in fall of 2004, (Leo was hatched by a breeder so he didn't necessarily need to hatch when wild sliders usually do) so they are technically still fifteen! But Draxum also doesn't go by their real hatchdate for Gale's birthdate-December would be way too late for a spiny softshell to hatch, and in his fiction Gale never really hatched at all. He got thrown together in a petri dish like an IVF baby. So he didn't need to be 'born' in a certain season; he was entirely on Science Time.
I went back and forth on whether Draxum should acknowledge him as fifteen or sixteen, but ultimately I decided it would be more impactful for him to acknowledge Leo's own agency over the matter and Splinter's judgement over their approximate ages. And anyway, it wasn't like it really mattered. Galois's own birthdate is a month or three after his 'real' one. Not to mention time was sort of of the essence-he didn't have time to argue with Leo over whether he was fifteen or sixteen.
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iwakuraz · 2 months
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ebenholzs-husband · 4 days
Edit: Just got a Moze baby, the curse is lifted!
For now…
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Even more Numberblocks Infection Au things! This time, it's the teens! Human hands are hard to draw on MS Paint.
Wow, I really had to make my favorite character suffer here.
Hostility check: Thirteens at Stage 5 infection grow more hostile. Squares, Step Squads and Sevens at Stage 5 are more resistant to growing hostile. Other Numberblocks at a Stage 5 of Infection grow hostile at a normal rate.
Oh, and I'm not illustrating Numberblocks that are at Stage 3 or Stage 4
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
Ocean gives the vibes of someone who didn’t get her period until she was, like, fifteen or sixteen. and once she gets it, she probably misses her cycle a bunch, so it’s like she hasn’t even started. but when she does actually have her period like normal, she suffers from anemia.
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beau-gar · 4 months
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star-ocean-peahen · 17 days
so its not normal for your shoulder/chest to go click click click click when you laugh apparently
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t4t-apexeclipse · 3 months
hey besties have yall ever watched doctor who
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fiveandanotherfive · 2 years
I, like many Numberblocks fans
Have ships
Honestly the only ship I'm against is Twelve and Eighteen because
They are siblings
Please do not ship them
I will block anyone that ships Twelve and Eighteen /srs
Other than that people can ship any Numberblocks
Now, I said that I have my ships, so I shall get into that
But before I get into that
I headcanon that Six is polyamorous
Now that that's out of the way, first I'll do the romantic ships, then my headcanon queerplatonic pairings
Six and Eight
Probably the most common ship (and the only one that isn't a same-gender ship) I have on this list, but honestly it's the only fandom-agreed ship that actually makes sense to me (mostly because of all my LGBT HCs) and it's just really frikin sweet and there's a lot of ship fuel is the actual show
Thirteen and Fourteen
Unlucky X Double lucky, no matter what I like this ship and will stick by it no matter what, although I do like to think of this one as a wavership instead of just a straight up romance
Fifteen and Sixteen
Opposites? Yes (A quiet, serious step squad and a loud, fun-loving square), but do I love this ship? Also yes! They're basically magnets (metaphor) and also I imagine Sixteen changing into isosceles triangle form (1+2+3+4+3+2+1) to try to impress Fifteen but Fifteen is just like "Sixteen sweetie I already love you no matter what shape you make" and then Sixteen gets so flustered she just splits into the four Fours
Seventeen and Eighteen
"Sunset this is the third ship you ship where the numbers are right next to each other in numerical order" hush these are my ships I get to ship Seventeen and Eighteen if I want to and I do ship them so I will talk about it, I imagine them trying to spend quality time together but it always ends up failing because I imagine that Eighteen hates trying to spend hours painting because because the only movements you can make while painting without ruining it all is the simple brush strokes, and Eighteen's idea for quality time is riding on the rays track with the people he cares about (both platonically and romantically) and Seventeen is afraid of heights, but they both still love each other nonetheless
Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Seven, and Twenty-Eight
The polyamorous lesbian foursome that coincidentally consist of all composite numbers, Twenty-Five and Twenty-Eight steal each other's oatmeal cream pies 24/7 but they all love each other the same, and Twenty-Four likes to shine her rays when it's dark so that Twenty-Seven doesn't have to be scared, and all four of them will have fun forming both 2D and 3D shapes together
Forty-Five and Forty-Nine
I kid you not when I say that I thought of this ship while making this post, but I will not let this ship go now that I've thought about it! They both love each other a lot but they used to think step squads and squares being in relationships is forbidden because they think the annual steps vs squares treasure hunts mean feuds between them (they realized it was all just fun and games when they realized that Thirty-Six is both a square and a step squad) and even when they realized that step squads and squares are cool with each other they still keep their relationship a secret because they're both not ready to announce it to the world yet
Now onto the headcanon queerplatonic pairings
Five and Six
This is why I mentioned before that I headcanon that Six is polyamorous! Anyway, I am more passionate about this than I am about any of the actual ships I ship mainly because Five is my favorite Numberblock ever anyway yeah Five and Six are the QPPs ever
Eleven and Nineteen
Another headcanon queerplatonic pairing that I am less passionate about but I will still hold onto this one for life
Twenty-One and Twenty-Two
I refuse to elaborate about this headcanon queerplatonic pairing I just headcanon this for some reason
Anyway that's all of them
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kaydear · 2 years
psych: one side effect of this medication is a reduction in libido... me: psych: ... but you're asexual! so that will probably be a minor side effect for you. me: 😎
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