#elise s
untouchvbles · 1 year
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Lotus Evora at the Greater Milwaukee Autoshow (2023) in Milwaukee, WI.      
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trstmeimaliar · 1 year
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Lotus Elise S
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loewens · 7 months
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Consensual hat stealing
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skeblinn · 1 year
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this unfortunately isn't going to make too much sense without some context, but here's a snippet of a scene i'm still workshopping! tl;dr silver attacks sonic and elise (un-intentionally) uses her iblis powers to beat silver back and save sonic's life. she feels pretty guilty about it, but our blue boy has something to say about that!
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This scene put Heavy on the tips of their toes! Check out our video, "Suffering in Ballet Boots"
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frankenjoly · 2 months
elise & ango + "you're a worm"
kunikida & fitzgerald + "support your family like the rest of us, be born billionaires"
lucy & kenji + "do you need any help?"
or, if you'd prefer something less obscure...
kunidazai + "your facial features are in the right spots"
poiuygfttgyhuio enjoy the randomized pairings lol <333
i love all of these :3 lemme just post them in 2 pairs bcs i'm nowhere near patient enough to wait to have all 4 lkjlkj
elise & ango + “you're a worm”
“You’re a worm.” Elise announced, snickering when those words caused exactly the expected reaction: Ango frowned, clearly trying to choose his next response carefully.
“That’s rude, you know.” He said, simply and plainly, because of course not letting her get away with saying whatever wasn’t an option; that was a power she never intended to stop using.
“Ah, no.” Was her answer, once she had enjoyed that part enough. “We’re playing this board game, and you’re getting the worm figurine. I’m saving the rock for Osamu, and the glasses for Hirotsu, and so on.” As she explained, Elise lifted up the tiny piece of plastic and offered it to Ango, who took no actual time on taking it.
“Will you explain the rules to me first? I doubt I’ve ever played this.”
kunikida & fitzgerald + “support your family like the rest of us, be born billionaires”
“C’mon, there were a million ways to do this, and you chose the worst one. Support your family like the rest of us, be born billionaires.” Kunikida had barely finished speaking when Fitzgerald snorted with no trace of shame.
“Born? Please, lad, I had to work my ass off for everything I’ve got now.” Chin up, a deep frown… no, he had by no means finished. “I don’t give a single fuck about what you think about me, understood? I was willing to burn this city to the ground if that meant I’d managed to make my Zelda smile again. If that meant we’d all could go back to being a family. I may have not succeeded, and I changed my mind now that’s not possible through that path anyway. But I’d do it all again.”
Kunikida let out a deep sigh. Alright, there was no reasoning in that case, not when they were bound to clash.
(Also on ao3.)
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
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I love this pm outing illustration tons, but every time I look at it it bugs me how the bright pink color of Elise's sweater clashes with everything else, so I made two alternative versions
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mifithemuffin · 4 months
the grape jewel end is like the Fate is fucking AVOIDED
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campgender · 3 months
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One gin and tonic. The bartender raises her eyebrows. Her shoulders, broad like a gymnast. Her voice comes out deep and tough. You got it. I suck on the lime. The tang travels through my nose. First time at Ladies Night?
I had been going to gay clubs for the better part of my adolescence—that is, gay boy clubs, where I danced next to men who smelled like flowers and tequila. They had eyelashes that sparkled with glitter, smooth, bare chests, and pretty red mouths. They told me I looked like Doris Day, hugged me close, and whispered secrets in my ear—who was fucking whom, who got cast in what play, who was peaking on what drug. I knew that other girls my age were sneaking out of their bedroom windows to go to rock concerts and parties at Hollywood mansions, but I was convinced that my nightlife was cooler. I danced up and down Santa Monica Boulevard like it was paved just for me. The posturing and stoicism of the straight guys at my high school could not compete with my warm, new friends. I had the vague hunch that we shared something fundamental, but at sixteen and seventeen, I didn’t know exactly what.
from “Confessions of a Fag Hag Femme” by Sasha Elise Cohen
published in Visible: A Femmethology, Volume 2, ed. Jennifer Clare Burke (2009)
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echosong971 · 2 years
Random thought of the day because I will never stop hyperfixating on Exos:
Exos can get sick, but it’s very rare and most of the “sicknesses” operates much like a computer virus at a functional level. Many symptoms of these viruses can mirror those of more organic sicknesses, I.e. upset stomach, headache, fever, body aches. Though there are a few Exo specific symptoms that can occur, I.e. glitching voice box, staticky optics, sudden shut downs, malfunctioning limbs, etc.
There are shops that sell “kill codes” that act as the Exo equivalent of antibiotics and antivirals, though they have timed effects and often leave the Exo feeling weak and tired after it kills the virus, since now their systems have to clean up the mess the viruses made and work on restoring potentially lost data—this takes a lot of energy.
Maybe these viruses originated from the Golden Age as a way to hack into Exos and shut them down, because some people didn’t agree with what BrayTech was doing with Exos. Those computer viruses, which were potentially programmed to be “self-learning” so it could adapt to the protective measures installed in Exos, ended up “mutating” and becoming more dangerous and “infectious” (i.e. now they can spread through contact via jumping across from one body to the other via static electricity or something idk) and so people have developed safeguards against them—like firewalls that act as their “vaccines” that are installed into their bodies and hardware so the virus can’t do anything.
I dunno, I’m just musing. Feel free to add on y’all’s thoughts haha
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ungalobrando · 5 months
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Her eyes reflect like the rain on the pavement
I take control, she explodes, sink into her depths
I'm the tremble in her voice when she attempts to speak
Fixate on the frailty
Click for better quality :3
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untouchvbles · 1 year
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Lotus Evora at Waukesha Cars & Coffee (2023) - Meet 1 in Waukesha, WI.  
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spring-lxcked · 5 days
william "pretends to be confident abt everything" af.ton will, in fact, bring up pegging / being fingered as a joke if he thinks his wife / girlfriend is straight to test the waters ( because of the time period and him having to technically pretend to be straight ). big "haha as if. right. right?" vibes
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skeblinn · 1 year
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Princess Elise III is the young, soon-to-be Duchess of Soleanna. Having lost her father as a child to the Solaris Project, all that was left of him was the heavy burden he sealed away in her soul. When G.U.N. caught wind of the accident, they gave the royal government an ultimatum-- allow her to remain in Soleanna under the condition she contain the Flames of Disaster inside her, or have her confiscated by G.U.N.---least Iblis' rage be released upon the world.
turnaround for my redesign for elise! the goal was to fina a happy medium between her 06 design and the more modernized-looking humans from the late archie comics to make her look like a sonic character!
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Although I have been tying people with rope in a Western style for many years, only a year or so ago I began studying shibari, the Eastern style of rope. I used to think that shibari was simply for aesthetic purposes, as it is very beautiful, however I now know it is so much more than that. Most interesting to me, though, is the fact that suffering and journeying are very much on display in a shibari session. Although I am absolutely no expert, I believe this is depicted most clearly in suspension sequences which include several transitions from one pose to another. In this way, the subject tied is both fluid and stable. Each transition is a journey unto itself - the need to endure extreme physical discomfort, overcome mental limitations like “I can’t handle this,” and ultimately to find comfort in the discomfort. For this, I feel that shibari offers a very rich inner journey and I am so excited to be able to play in this way with others. Watch as Kino gracefully endures his sequential suspension experience. He is extremely tough. For those who have not been suspended before, note that Kino is ultimately suspended by a single futomomo - one folded over leg. This is very intense and is made doubly so thanks to the ropes running across his shin. Trust me, it’s brutal!
Note: please excuse my messy, dangling ropes! I have not come close to mastering the art of keeping the ropes tidy as I go along - I aim to do better in the future. Enjoy!
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chibifox2002 · 1 month
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I made a Sonic Movie design for Princess Elise
Y'all can blame @smallpwbbles and their hilarious sonic art for this lmao
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