#eliza tag games
postwarlevi · 11 months
Back with picrew Sunday!
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tagging everyone!!
@roseofdarknessblog @theferricfox @youre-ackermine @whattheheckmidoriya @yakaaamoz @svftackerman @humanitys-strongest-bamf @happybird16 @levisbrat25 @lucysarah-c @levi-supreme @chaotic-on-main @charlotteplsdosth @notgoodforlife @mootheskinnycowsblog @chaotic-nick @thevelria @arlertwitch
and whoever else wants please! :D
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deathamaranth · 1 year
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poppypickle · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by mi amor @cfr749, so obvs I gotta do this.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 29
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 230,379
3. What fandoms do you write for? I've written the most for The Rookie. I've also dabbled in: The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Avengers, Community, and Miss Scarlet and the Duke.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Lots of Chenford up in here...
• Come a Little Closer • I Can’t Help Myself • Want You to Stay • Bang Bang (Look What You Started) • Break Up With Him
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do! It's really important to me to respond to anyone who takes the time to leave a comment. That reciprocal appreciation is a really vital part of fandom for me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm...probably Let Me Tell You a Story About War, which adds further angst to the canonically angsty ending for Clint and Natasha in Avengers: Endgame.
But all of my Gale-centric Hunger Games fics are suitably angsty too. 😅
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Can’t Help Myself is ooey gooey sweet. Let Me Name the Stars for You isn't sweet in the same way, but giving Gale and Johanna a happy ending still warms my heart.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I have found most people in my fandoms to be very kind and considerate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
"Yup... the horny kind?"
Lana, I LOL'ed. That pretty much sums it up. I had Chenford banging in closets and on tables and in cars and in bar bathrooms! Very satisfying for all, I hope.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. They aren't really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
I think someone asked me if they could translate Let Me Name the Stars for You many years ago, but I'm not sure I ever saw the finished translation.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Want You to Stay with the amazing @cfr749. The collaboration brought me so much joy, taught me so much about writing with someone else, and helped me push through some major writing block. Lana is an amazing friend and we need to write something together again!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I can never choose a favorite, so I'll say that my favorite ships that I never finished fic for are Dan/Blair and Jonsa. I have quarter-written fics for each pairing somewhere in my notes and google docs.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The one I currently have rattling around in my brain where Miss Scarlet and the Duke's William and Eliza try out a Victorian friends with benefits thing. 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
This is too loaded of a question. Hmmm...I think I write humor and banter-laced-with-feelings well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't love writing climactic love confession moments, and I think it shows. I think I could let my characters be sappier sometimes. I also don't write action very well! Muddling my way through the gas station hostage crisis (LOL) in Want You To Stay was a STRUGGLE.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I would want a native speaker to review before publishing.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First fandom I wrote for (but never published) was General Hospital. Jason & Robin 4eva. 😂
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Let Me Name the Stars for You. It's a quiet little thing that covers a lot of emotional ground in not that many words, and I really love exploring how broken people find ways to put themselves back together again.
I also loved some of the moments I created for Hermione in Could You Leave Me With a Scar?
Tagging @itsoneofthemuses @crose84 @farfarawaygirl - but no pressure!
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vault81 · 8 months
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Had the geck reinstalled for 5 minutes, and I'm already making the twins a player home in goodsprings lmao
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whimsyswastry · 9 months
Tagged by the wonderful @alenkosx to make some OCs with this picrew
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Ellaria Trevelyan (Dragon Age, Pre-Inquisition era)
Oriana Lavellan (Dragon Age, Trespasser era)
Eliza Shepard (Mass Effect trilogy)
Davina Rilynt’tar (Baldur’s Gate 3)
No-Pressure Tags || @greypetrel @n7viper @quietborderline @ripley95 @unicorn-farm @mallaidhsomo and anyone else who’s interested 💛
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filmografo · 11 months
heads up, seven up!
i got tagged by @cat-esper, @dallonwrites & @encrucijada! thank you :)
since i haven't written in a while, i am answering the three tags in one post. this is from the first chapter of Warm Climates! cecilia being a writer is the reason why her yearning is this big... i think. could be projection. could be the lesbianism. could be grief!
As soon as the clean clothes hit her body she notices how hungry she is, notices the absence of food, blood pressure low. Cecilia is lost in the world, out on the fields, inside this old house and inside her own mind. She needs to finish her novel and find herself and understand the reason behind her divorce with Diana even though deep down she already knows, even though it's very clear. There's still a long way to go before Cecilia becomes human. The only piece of humanity she has in her is hunger. Her desire. Something that keeps coming back.
(soft) tagging @cream-and-tea, @ibuprofen-exe, @chauceryfairytales and anyone else who feels like doing this! go crazy! i love getting inside your oc's minds!
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queenofbaws · 1 year
“Tarot cards are not for playing Go Fish,” Eliza sighed as she collected the deck scattered across the table.
"Well they sure aren't for telling the future, I know that much," Jacob scoffed, quickly flipping through the few burnt cards he still held in his hand before turning them outwards to show her their faces. "Hmm, let's see here...Wheel of Fortune, The Tower, The Star, oooh, The Lovers - nice, nice! - weirdest goddamn thing, though, none of these are the Murderous Hillbillies Who Shoot You in the Face Until You're Fucking Dead card!"
"That's in the expansion pack, I think," Dylan said as he dropped his own cards, letting them fan out across the table.
Quick to scoop them up, Abi flashed Eliza a small, wincing smile. "Sorry, we're, um, still just pretty...new to, um...the whole 'being dead' thing, I guess."
She stared at the cards offered out to her for a moment, then took them with a long-suffering sigh, shuffling them back into the deck; this was what she got for relying on children to enact revenge on her behalf - an afterlife twice as exasperating as living had been.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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florbelles · 2 years
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tagged by @dihardys, @confidentandgood & @shellibisshe to use this iconic meiker again, ty beloveds!! sending tags to the usual suspects @unholymilf, @adelaidedrubman, @heroofpenamstan, @belorage, @henbased, @jackiesarch, @loriane-elmuerto, @leviiackrman, @queennymeria, @chuckhansen, @arklay, @morvaris, @indorilnerevarine, @shallow-gravy, @risingsh0t, @teamhawkeye, @multiverse-of-themind, @aartyom, @prometheas & anyone else can @ me xx
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enbylestat · 9 months
Archive of our own wrapped 2023…
I did the math, for once, I cannot believe (positive) I wrote 239,000+ words of fan fiction alone. I can only imagine my word count were I to count everything else.
Tagged by: myself.
Tagging: @musicboxmemories, @thefairylights, @enchi-elm, @malicious-compliance-esq, @johannestevans, @arrthurpendragon, @flower-crowned-lady, & @desertfangs. (If you want) 💞
Template (make a copy and edit to your desire).
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My archive of our own.
My Link of links.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
New Fall Tag Game!! Pick one from each category. To make it more fun if you wish, try to guess what the people you tag will pick!
1 A- Flannel shirt / B- Wool socks / C- Warm sweater / D- Cozy Scarf
2 E- Pumpkin carving / F- Apple picking / G- Bonfire / H- Leaf peeping (seeing foliage colors change)
3 I- Apple cider / J-pumpkin spice latte / K-Mulled wine / L- Autumnal Beer
4 M- Pumpkin pie / N- Candy corn / O- Hearty soup / P- Caramel apple
5 Q- Haunted house / R- Corn maze / S- Craft festival / T- Hay ride
6 U- Cupcake decorating / V-Scavenger hunt / W- Face painting / X- Costume Contest
Okay here we go! tagging:
@levi-supreme -DGJORV @ack3rlady -CHJMSV
@levisbrat25 -BEIPTU @m-jelly -AGLOQX
@theferricfox -AHKOSU @hauntedhousecat -BEJM/NTX (I forgot if you love or hate candy corn!!)
@happybird16 -CEAPQW @nelapanela94 -CAJOTU
Anyone wanna guess mine? I'll post later to give you time :)
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First Lines Tag Game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
I was tagged by @starrybouquet and @melliabee. Thank you, loves! I may have gotten a wee little bit carried away on the "first line" part, though 😅
1. O’Neill² (SG-1.Team-as-family fic in which I take Jack’s clone from Fragile Balance and run)
Late October winds fling icy raindrops to sting Jack's face and hands as he steps out of his truck and he tugs his leather jacket high enough to snag it in place against his forehead in a haphazard rain shroud. The mental image of the comical silhouette he must cut as he jogs toward the nearest entrance to Cheyenne Mountain Complex is enough to make him grin, but if the marines posted at the door find the damp and disheveled spectre amusing in the slightest, they give no hints. Jarheads. No sense of humor.
2. Susan (MacGyver 1985. WIP. Season 1, still working on the title alkfhsjdsh.)
In the six months since he’d first shown up, Jeep piled high with boxes, skis, and what appeared to be some kind of domed foosball table, Susan Wilkerson had grown accustomed to her oddest tenant showing up after absences varying anywhere from three hours to three weeks in equally varied states of disarray. There was the time he came home with a concussion, the time he’d come home with two black eyes, the time he’d come home with two black eyes and a concussion, the time he’d come home with three broken fingers, the time he’d come home with his face dark with soot, hair and eyebrows singed.
3. Show and Tell tag (SG-1, Jack & Sara. WIP.)
Jack’s truck isn’t in the driveway, which isn’t an unusual thing in itself. That’s been normal for going on four years. It’s the missing truck combined with the fact that he’s here, sitting on her porch, soaked to the bone and shaking that gets her attention.
4. And So This Is Christmas (SG-1, Jack & Daniel, season 1)
Daniel frowns up at Jack where he's kneeling on his kitchen counter, searching through the impossible depth of the oak cupboard's top-shelf. "Wouldn't it be easier if we'd just picked up a box when we were in Wal-Mart?"
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.” Jack’s voice is slightly muffled in the cupboard as he reaches back with one hand to slam a book against Daniel’s chest.
5. Touch: Chapter 1 (SG-1. Jack & Carter, tag for "Entity.")
She finds him in Dan—Jonas’ office, feet propped on the few inches of clear desk space, his weight balancing precariously on the chair’s back legs.
6. Touch: Chapter 2 (They're standalone, shhhh. Jack & Daniel, tag to "The Light.")
Jack is at Daniel’s side before the single shaky word has fully left his lips. “Yeah.” He catches the younger man’s arm—not much insurance, but something tangible. For both of them. “Yeah. I’m here. And so are you.”
Daniel frowns at him, blinking in confusion. “What, um...Why are you here?”
7. Touch: Chapter 3 (Pre-series. Jack & Sara & Charlie.)
Jack wakes abruptly, bleary eyes cracking open in search of whatever it is that's interrupted his sleep. Sara lies still at his back, curled against him, one arm draped over his ribcage; her deep breaths tickle his ear.
8. The Courage or the Fall (MacGyver 2016. Prologue for the Prison Break AU I haven't actually written yet. I know, I know.)
“Two weeks ago, the world was shocked to learn that billionaire Tiberius Kovacs, world-renowned for his philanthropy, particularly his involvement with environmental organization Codex, was shot to death outside his home in Los Angeles.”
9. Jack + Mac - Hair (MacGyver 2016, Mac & Jack, pre-series.)
Jack lets out a still-slightly congested growl as he fishes another tissue out of his pocket before his nose can drip on his phone screen. A moment's hacking has him spitting into the wastebasket on the floor by his bed. He grimaces. The only thing worse than a regular flu is a flu that keeps you quarantined in medical for four days while your clumsy, careless, danger-magnet of a bomb nerd is out playing with explosives, watched over by an overwatch who isn't Jack.
10. Scientific Method + Markers (MacGyver 2016. Mac & Jack)
It’s not a loud clatter. On a normal day, he would have ignored it. On a normal day, he probably wouldn’t even have heard it over the ambient sounds of life in the MacGyver house.
No pressure tagging @holbytlanna, @hollers-and-holmes, @refinedbuffoonery, @impossiblepluto, @commanderbunnbunn, @kazoosandfannypacks, @nativestarwrites, and anyone else who'd care to participate 😚💛
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melpomeneprose · 1 year
What soft romance cliché are you?
Love at first sight (Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton).
let's be real, only children believe in "love at first sight." but you're a hopeless romantic probably sitting around in coffee shops waiting to meet "the one." and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. infatuation at first sight is more accurate. you are the moment when two people lock eyes, and the whole world stills. nothing is there but you and them. and there is suddenly a strong sense of longing. you love love, don't deny it. flowers, chocolates, the whole nine yards. because of this you are loved by many. hopefully you know it too: you are loved.
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Because I love you! (Angelica Schuyler-Church).
passionate; you are the heated moment of an argument. when the person you care for has done something outrageously stupid or dangerous. all of your pent up emotions that you've kept inside of you come bursting out: "beCAUSE I LOVE YOU!" how could they be so dense. how could YOU be so dense. you've loved each other this whole time. your love tends to be strong, and loud. sometimes it might be hard for you to express your feelings but you let people know that they are cared for. you're also hot. good for you.
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Because I love you! (Sarah Livingston).
passionate; you are the heated moment of an argument. when the person you care for has done something outrageously stupid or dangerous. all of your pent up emotions that you've kept inside of you come bursting out: "beCAUSE I LOVE YOU!" how could they be so dense. how could YOU be so dense. you've loved each other this whole time. your love tends to be strong, and loud. sometimes it might be hard for you to express your feelings but you let people know that they are cared for. you're also hot. good for you.
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the almost kiss… (Ariel Triton).
you're unsure about things, always hesitating. why is that? maybe there's something to lose for you, but maybe (just maybe) the risk is worth it. you're the moment when the main characters lean in, lips parted and almost touching. but it's not the actual kiss everyone loves, it's the anticipation. when they look into each other's eyes before their lids flutter close. and there's a lot of frustration when things are interrupted. trust me though, you're a lot more memorable than the actual kiss. you're nervous, but at the end of the day all you want is to be loved.
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Borrowed from: @honorhearted. 🫡
Tagging: @notwhileimcaptain, @historiavn (Grimbsy), @herresponsibiliity, @unyieldingvalxr (Samuel), @keptflame, @withinycu (Adrienne), @fromnevis, & @curseconsumed (Clara). 💕
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septembersghost · 1 year
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the lovely @lookingforrainbows tagged me to describe myself in four characters, thank you!!! i am calling this #musicaltheatreedition ☺️🎶💖
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I was tagged by the lovely @metalicats and I haven't done one of these in aaages so why not!
Last song listened to - Wandering Eye by Fat Freddy's Drop
Currently reading - As ever I have four on the go lol. Dark Water Daughter by HM Long, Penance by Eliza Clark, The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams and Sphere by Michael Crichton.
Currently watching - uhh the new Futurama I guess? Spoiler alert they're super mid and I honestly can't recommend lol
Current obsession- Baldur's Gate 3. Like, last thought at night first thought in the morning I would absolutely do nothing but BG3 if I could lol
I've been pretty incognitus lately so I feel too guilty to tag 😩😩😩
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channelrat · 2 years
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tagged by @heyitsphoenixx to post the nine most recent pics on pinterest. (also hihi ily thank u for tagging me i love tag games <3)
ive been workshopping every single thing in my mind because ive not been creative and i got bit by creativity and have to act on it on pinterest
tagging (with no pressure & if you don’t use pinterest idk post pictures from your camera roll or something if you wanna play) @sockos @swiftermidnights @whoareyoubagelbites @firefly464
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