#oc: eliza clarke
florbelles · 11 months
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tagged by @inafieldofdaisies to make the girlies in this picrew, ty beloved!!
sending tags to @unholymilf, @adelaidedrubman, @belorage, @henbased, @corvosattano, @jackiesarch, @roofgeese, @swanfey, @shallow-gravy, @shellibisshe, @firstaidspray, @leviiackrman, @nokstella, @risingsh0t, @shadowglens, @queennymeria, @chuckhansen, @denerims, @roberthouses, @shegetsburned, @minaharkers, @indorilnerevarine, @noonfaerie, @aartyom, @morvaris, @arklay, @cybilbennettgf, @poetikat, @ri-a-rose, @gwynbleidd, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @confidentandgood, @loriane-elmuerto, @strangefable, @purplehairsecretlair, @trench-rot, @derelictheretic, @nightbloodbix, @teamhawkeye, @nuclearstorms, @blissfulalchemist, @playstationmademe, @fourlittleseedlings, @devil-kindred & anyone else can @ me xx
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ofstormsandsaints · 1 year
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"The transition from being hurt to hurting was natural. Even though I didn't really know why he'd started crying - it felt like something I did. It felt like being a great big black widow and realising that all the male spiders were tiny and weak and covered in soft vulnerable bits, whereas I had this hard, shiny thorax and great big teeth."
Boy Parts, Eliza Clark
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zaenight · 2 years
Masterlist 2
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Wattpad : zae-night
a03 : zae_night
tiktok : zaenighteditz
ch1 ch5 ch9
Ch2 Ch6 ch10
ch3 ch7 ch11
ch4 ch8 ch12
ch1 ch7
ch2 ch8
ch3 ch9
ch4 ch10
ch5 ch11
ch6 ch12
Crazy but she's mine // Ez reyes x Oc(COMPLETED)
ch1 ch5 ch9. ch13 ch17 ch21
ch2 ch6 ch10 ch14 ch18 ch22
ch3 ch7. ch11 ch15 ch19 ch23
ch4 Ch8. ch12 ch16 ch20 ch24
The dragon and her knight // Bellamy blake
ch1(263 yrs ago)
ch2. ch7 ch12
ch3. ch8. ch13
ch4. ch9. ch14
ch5. ch10. ch15
ch6. ch11
Act1 | Act2 | act3
ch1. | ch1 | ch1
ch2. | ch2 | ch2
ch3. | ch3 | ch3
ch4 | ch4 | ch4
ch5 | ch5 |
ch6 | ch6 |
| ch7 |
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Should I use Eliza Taylor or Lindsey Morgan to potray an OC in another fic in the future???
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I don't know which Fandom it would be for its just a thought I had
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torturedpoetskywalker · 5 months
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As you all know, the Femslash February event of this year starts tomorrow so I decided I’ll be taking prompts and posting them in my account on AO3 iammyownsaviour (ant1hero), and pseuds ant1hero and transacelovegood (ant1hero). Here’s the full list of the fandoms and ships I want to write this year, you can send me an anonymous or non anonymous inbox with your prompts and you can even say in the inbox, in case you have an AO3 account, if you want me to gift the fanfic to you. And you can find the prompt list I'll be using for this event on my tag #fanfic events, but you can send prompts that aren't there too. Please be welcomed to send as many prompts as you can and I'll try writing and posting them for the whole month of February!
My Little Pony
Applejack/Rainbow Dash
Studio Ghibli
Lisa/Granmamare (Ponyo)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Steven Universe
Peridot/Lapis Lazuli
Scott Pilgrim
Mean Girls (2024)
The Hunger Games
Lucy Gray/Tigris
Ginny & Georgia
Outer Banks
The OC
Star Wars
Natasha/Laura Barton
MJ/Betty Brant
Stranger Things
Teen Wolf
Doctor Who
Once Upon A Time
The 100
The Wilds
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 11 hours
We're All In This Together-Chapter 7
Fandom: Supergirl, Batman, Superman, The Flash
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, Barbara Gordon, Leonard Snart, Mxyzptlk, John Stewart, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Cat Grant, Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Winn Schott, Caitlyn Snow, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Nora Allen, Alura Danvers (OC), Alex Danvers, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent, Eliza Danvers, J'onn J'onzz
Summary: Kara, Clark, and Barry are taken off guard by a request by the imp Mxyzptlk: watch over and protect the children of their alternate selves from a different Earth. Will our heroes rise to the occasion?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Kara and Barry smiled as they watched the kids sleep. Kara stretched, looked down, and chuckled as she stared at her watch. 
Barry raised an eyebrow and asked, “What’s so funny?”
Kara smiled and said, “We have been standing here staring at them for 30 minutes now.”
Barry smiled and said, “But they are so adorable.”
Kara chuckled and said, “I know, but we should probably be a little more productive. I know I am officially on leave, but I did have three articles I was in the middle of working on…”
Barry sighed and said, “I know what you mean. I had several cases I was working on. Normally, you have to offload your cases before going on leave. Not sure if Mxy in all of his planning arranged all of that.”
Kara shrugged and said, “He seemed pretty thorough…”
Barry rubbed the back of his neck and said, “I will probably run to Central City just to make sure. By the time I find out, I’ll swing by S.T.A.R. Labs to talk to Caitlyn, Felicity, and Oliver.”
Kara raised an eyebrow and asked, “Wouldn’t Felicity and Oliver be in Star City?”
Barry nodded and said, “Normally, but S.T.A.R. Labs is hosting an energy-saving conference with Caitlyn and Felicity being some of the main panelists. Oliver is hosting the entire thing.”
Kara winced and said, “Crap, I forgot with everything going on that I was supposed to be covering that event with Jimmy and Winn today for Catco. I need to check to see if they got someone to replace me for that or not.”
Barry asked, ”Did you want to meet at S.T.A.R. Labs while they are setting up for the event? I would imagine Clark would be back before then.”
Kara nodded and said, “Sure.”
Barry smiled and said, “Okay. Well, I am headed out. I will see you shortly.” 
And with that, Barry zoomed off as a red blur. 
Kara chuckled while shaking her head. She turned to head to the kitchen to grab her laptop when she heard her phone ring. She quickly zoomed to her room to grab her phone. 
“Ah, Kierra. So your phone is working.”
Kara stuttered, “Ms. Grant…”
“You seem surprised to hear from me,” mused Ms. Grant. 
Kara chuckled nervously and said, “I just didn’t know that you got up this early.”
Ms. Grant sighed and said, “I decided on a quick vacation to Paris yesterday. I am several hours ahead of you right now.”
Ms. Grant cleared her throat and said, “That is beside the point. I must say, Kierra. I know that we don’t communicate all the time, but as your mentor, I thought you would have the decency to let me know of important life changes.”
Kara stared at the phone shocked. She knew that Ms. Grant would have received the email from HR about her leave. However, Ms. Grant usually had her assistant field through those emails and dealt with it unless it was something that needed her direct approval. Kara had started to shift slightly back and forth. 
Ms. Grant scoffed and said, “I get that you wouldn’t have been able to tell me in person, but I at least expected a phone call, not a random email from HR saying you have three months of parental leave.”
Kara winced and said, “Ms. Grant, I didn’t mean any slight about not letting you know about the adoption. When, my friend, cousin, and I went into this, we didn’t know that it would be this quick of a process.”
“Adoption agencies usually give you some type of guideline of when you get the child.”
Kara stuttered and said, “We didn’t go through the adoption agency though. We had to do the reclaim process with LexCorp…”
The line was silent for a moment before Ms. Grant said softly, “Oh…I didn’t realize…” Ms. Grant was silent for a moment and asked gently, “Are you okay Kara?”
Kara looked down at her phone in surprise. She had seen multiple sides of Ms. Grant’s personality ranging from anger to indignation, but this gentler side she was displaying was a new one.
Kara said warily, “Yes, I'm fine. Why?”
Ms. Grant was silent momentarily before saying, “What Lex did to you and the others….that is such a violation. I am surprised honestly that Lex didn’t get a harsher sentence for what he has done…”
Kara gave a soft smile and said, “Oh, I agree with you. However, I choose to look at the positive which is that my friend, cousin, and I have three little ones to fawn over.”
Ms. Grant gave a slight chuckle. 
Kara frowned and asked, “What’s so funny?”
Ms. Grant sighed and said, “You are the only person I know who takes such a bleak situation that Lex caused, and puts a positive spin on it. I heard that LexCorp hadn’t been notifying the biological parents when they would give their child to them so some of the parents were not prepared for the kid’s arrival. I hope that you had a more positive experience than that.”
Kara chuckled nervously and said, “Nope, we just had an hour warning before the kids arrived.”
Ms. Grant scoffed and said, “The nerve of those Neanderthals.” Ms. Grant sighed and said, “That probably explains why HR put on rush on the leave of absence request for you. Normally, it would have taken a couple of weeks for approval, but we have been making exceptions with this whole LexCorp thing.” Ms. Grant paused for a moment and said, “If you need help with making living accommodations or kids supplies….”
Kara smiled and said, “Fortunately, we had enough space for the kids and enough supplies for them.”
Ms. Grant breathed a sigh of relief and said, “That’s good to hear. It is not only good to have supplies, but also to have a good support system. You know the saying that it takes a tribe to raise a child.”
Kara chuckled and said, “Actually, we are gathering our tribe as we speak. We just got the kids today, but we are throwing a party this Saturday to introduce them to family and friends. I would love it if you could come.”
Ms. Grant sighed and said, “I unfortunately won’t be able to attend. I promised Carter we would stay in Paris until Sunday, but….” Ms. Grant was silent for a moment before she asked, “How old are the kids?”
“The three kids are six years old.”
“That is perfect! They are the same age as Carter! We should do a playdate.”
Kara smiled and said, “I would like that.”
“How would next Monday at around noon sound?”
Kara was surprised. She didn’t think that Ms. Grant would take her up on that so quickly.
“Sure. Monday at noon would be awesome.”
“Wonderful. I will text you my address and Kara….”
“Yes…” said Kara hesitantly. 
Ms. Grant said warmly, “Welcome to motherhood.”
Read the rest on AO3
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not-krys · 8 months
Fictober 2023: Reaching Out
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Prompts: #15 (Fine, explain it to me) and #18 (We can’t do this on our own), along with a prompt from my 100 Themes Prompt Challenge, #65: Horror (tho loosely used here)
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Rating: Teen
Characters: Abigail Clarke (OC), Auntie Eliza (OC), Vincent van Gogh (Ikevamp version)
Summary: Abby has worked up the courage to tell her aunt where she has been the past year, having not contacted her family at all since she went on a trip to Paris and had been assumed missing. What would her auntie have to say if her beloved niece told her that she had time-traveled to the 19th century and had stayed in a mansion full of famous historical figures that had been turned into vampires?
Notes: OC lore building, OC x Canon, Spoilers for Vincent’s Route ending (specifically his Dramatic Ending, but here it’s a little vague), Family AU, Fluff (lots of it towards the end), pregnancy, use of Dutch when it is not a language I speak so if any usage is wrong, just know I’m using language blogs and machine translation so some things are bound to be incorrect, not beta-read
WC: 2599
My masterlist!
Also on ao3!
"Abigail Grace."
Stern eyes stared into Abby's eyes, wrinkles more of a highlight rather than a feature on the older woman's face. Her aunt frowned. "Where have you been? Everyone's been worried about you."
Abby swallowed, her hands raising to her chest, her fingers curling into fists.
"It's… a little hard to explain, Auntie."
"Fine." she sighed. "Explain it to me in a way that's easy to understand."
"…Promise you'll listen to the whole thing? The whole thing?"
"There's more than just… You reappearing after being missing for months--for almost a year--with a man at your arm and a baby in your belly? And you're sure he didn't kidnap you?"
"No! Vincent didn't kidnap me! No one did!"
"Well, as long as we're clear on that…" She held her hand towards her kitchen, pulling out a chair and sitting in it. "You've got some explaining to do."
Abby sat in the opposite chair, placing a hand on her belly and taking a calming breath.
"…It started with the trip to the Louvre. I met a tall, mysterious gentleman there."
"So, you were kidnapped. Then he's the one who-!"
"No! Le Comte didn't kidnap me either! Everyone was nice! There was no coercion or bad intentions on anyone's part!"
"… A gang, then? And you've been sworn to secrecy?"
Both sets of eyes fell to a wooden bat in the corner, full of bent nails and Abby wasn't completely sure it was all red paint that was flaking off it.
"NO!" Abby shouted. "You promised you'd listen to me!"
"You've been missing for a year, Abigail." Her aunt repeated, "You're not the only one who's been on edge."
Abby flushed red, pounding her fists on the table with a loud smack.
"On edge!? I time-traveled to 19th century Paris and lived with a bunch of famous historical figures that had been turned into vampires! And when I finally got back to the present day, I wanted to keep to myself because I knew if anyone found me and I said what happened, they'd explode like this! The only reason I sought you out is because I'm having a baby and Vincent and I don't have the means to take care of him on our own! But looking for help here was clearly a mistake if this is how you're going to treat us! How's that for 'on edge', Auntie!?"
Her aunt had been stunned into silence.
"Hold on a second," she started, "Time travel? Famous historical figures? Vampires?! Abigail, have you lost your mind?"
"It's all true!" Abby clenched her fists, "Vincent is the same Vincent van Gogh! The painter! He painted Starry Night and the Almond Blossoms! Café Terrace at Night! A-and Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers!"
"Abigail, he's not *the* Vincent van Gogh. He died over 130 years ago, let alone did not become a vampire, of all things. Not only that."
Her aunt flicked Abby's ear, making her grit her teeth and shield it with her hand.
"Last I saw, Vincent still had both ears. That's part of his legend, remember?"
Abby stood up abruptly, hot tears pricking her eyes. Her son was kicking frantically, no doubt worried because she was so upset. She turned her back to the woman and grabbed her purse.
"Hey, what are you-"
"I thought I could trust you. Out of everyone, I thought you'd be the one I could turn to if I needed anything. Just like when I was a kid, you always looked out for me. When everyone else either turned their back on me or criticized me for not living up to my parents' standards, you were always there to help me."
Abby felt a hand on her upper arm, red painted nails coming into her peripheral. They were as sharp just as she remembered them, like the claws of a ferocious beast.
"Abigail, baby girl, understand what you're saying." She pulled Abby so they faced each other. "You're telling me that you time-traveled to 19th century Paris and lived with Vincent van Gogh, who was a vampire? Honey, anyone would find that hard to believe."
"But it's the truth! I lived with Vincent and his brother Theo, and-and Arthur, Arthur Conan Doyle! Isaac Newton! I got to draw sometimes with Leonardo da Vinci when he wasn't napping on the floor somewhere in the mansion! Mozart… Mozart was always a little curt, but he's like that with everyone! He always played such beautiful music when Sebastian and I were out hanging laundry! And Napoleon! Napoleon liked to tease me sometimes but he was always one of the first to help if I needed anything!"
"Abigail, calm down." the older woman rubbed her arm. "You've clearly been through something, that much is clear."
Abby sniffled, rubbing her eyes with her other arm.
"And I… I know it all sounds so… so… so ridiculous. But, this isn't something I could make up. There's just…too many specifics for it to be made up, Auntie."
"Yes, famous people being turned into vampires sounds right out of a romance novel my girlfriend Hazel'd love to read."
"You… you have a girlfriend?"
"Three of them. Hazel, Gertrude, and Maud. And yes, I do mean girlfriend in the same sense of feelings you and Vincent share. We're buying some land soon and having a few houses built so that we can all be neighbors. Your dad hates the idea of four old biddies living independently, though. We're retired, he shouldn't care what we do with our lives. Nosey little creatin, hmph!"
Abby shivered at the idea and memory of her father. Auntie smiled apologetically.
"But, to make up for upsetting my favorite niece, how about you take my future house and I'll live with one of the other girls? Free of charge."
Abby froze as her aunt continued.
"And you'll need more help than just a house with a new baby, after all. Gerty has 10 kids and at least 25 grandchildren and three great-grandkids; someone is bound to have some hand-me-downs you can have. Hazel used to be a teacher and has her hands in the local quilters guild and she's always out at a charity shop somewhere. Maud is quiet, but she's a wizard with tools and the most stone-faced driver you've ever seen. You should have seen her when we vacationed in Houston. And New York. And in Shanghai! That broad can drive, ha!"
"A-Auntie… I couldn't…"
"What, you were the one to reach out for help. And I'm giving it to you."
"B-but, Auntie, I couldn't take this much!"
"Don't think too much about it, baby girl." She pulled her into arms, hugging her tightly. "Your Auntie Eliza has always looked out for you, remember?"
Abby nodded, feeling tears in her eyes again but for a different reason.
"And… I'm glad to see you again, kiddo. You really did have all of us worried. Especially me."
Now Auntie Eliza was wiping her eyes, mysteriously not smudging her makeup.
"I wanted to choke your father when he came here, looking for you," she mumbled, "Giving me no answers. Just that you had disappeared in Paris without a trace."
"And, honestly, a phone call… or a letter would have been nice." She pouted. "I would have supported you if you said you'd eloped with a painter in Paris or something!"
"I'm not that adventurous, Auntie." Abby laughed quietly.
"Hmm, I doubt that. More than you're giving yourself credit for, anyway."
"You think so?"
Eliza smirked and pointed at her large belly.
"That certainly proves it."
Abby blushed and looked away, rubbing her belly out of habit. Eliza chuckled and kissed her cheek.
"Now, how about you and I have some tea and you can tell me about your adventures time-traveling and escaping the vampires. I'll have Maud take you back to your place later."
"…Thank you, Auntie."
"Anything, if it's for you, sweetie. I'm glad you're here …and alright. And happy."
The two smiled at each other, feeling like old times whenever Abby visited in her childhood. She felt safe and supported in her aunt's presence again, her strongest lifeline before Vincent came along.
They chatted as Abby told her story, how she time-traveled in Paris, meeting all the famous figures turned vampires, and, most important, how she and Vincent fell for each other, how they were separated and reunited again in the present day.
Auntie Eliza couldn't help but notice how much Abby had grown from her trip to the past (that's what they're calling it now, seeing as Abby wouldn't say anything to the contrary). How the once sullen little girl, afraid of her own shadow, was smiling more and talking excitedly, especially when she was talking about Vincent. Eliza had always been proud of her niece, more than her parents had ever been, but, even as she was being regaled with fantastical tales no one else would believe, she couldn't help but feel the change. A change for the better, in her opinion. When she met with Vincent again, she'd have to remember to thank him for helping Abby come out of her shell and into the woman she was becoming. And if she ever met this le Comte and all the others she met at this mansion she kept talking about, she'd have to thank them too, for helping her too. She put her hand under her chin with a smile, listening to Abby rattle on without a care in the world, glowing happily.
Vincent sat on the couch of his and Abby's apartment, tapping a pencil in his hand with a sketchbook in his lap. On the page were several scribbled gestures from memory of Abby. Cameras were more advanced in this time and his phone was filled to the brim with pictures of her, of course, but it eased his nerves to sketch her. Messy as his lines were, he could still recognize her face and silhouette.
He should have gone with her, he thought for the hundredth time. He still had nightmares of the day she disappeared behind Comte's door, where he couldn't reach her for three months and a year. What if she disappeared again, he thought with horror. Her and their little son he never got to properly meet? Gone from his reach for good this time?
A small snap brought him back from his spiraling thoughts, broken wood and silvery lead coating his hand. Vincent breathed in and set the sketchbook and the crushed pencil on the couch.
"She will be back," he said softly. "She will be fine. They will both be fine."
He closed his eyes, picturing her perfectly in his mind's eye. Her inquisitive eyes as she watched him paint. The way her hair fell in her face when she was concentrating on something she was working on. Her graceful little hands cupping her belly more and more as she grew with their son. He reached out for her, longing to touch her, unfortunately only finding empty air.
He sighed heavily.
"I'll call her."
He fussed around in his pocket and pulled out his phone, finding her name in his favorites to call.
Before he could press the green call button however, the front door opened, revealing Abby with her hair all over the place and heavy bags in her arms.
"Schatje!" Vincent was quick on his feet, making his way towards her.
Her bags fell to the floor with a loud crash, revealing various baby items and knitted socks spilling everywhere. Before Vincent could react, however, two arms encircled him tightly while his lips were captured much the same way.
After a moment, Abby finally pulled away to catch her breath.
"We have a house, Vincent." she said.
"My auntie, she's… she's giving us a house!"
"I-I told her everything and she and her girlfriends are helping us. That's what all this stuff is. A-and there's more coming, too."
"We don't have the room for it right now, but--a house, Vincent! We're getting a house!"
Vincent, still partially stunned at the news, could only smile at how happy Abby was. He reached for her cheek, rubbing his thumb against her escaping tears.
"That's wonderful news, Schatje." he said, "I'm so proud of you. See what you can do when you set your mind to things?"
She nodded, leaning into his touch.
"I'm glad things turned out so well."
Vincent pressed his cheek against hers, brushing back her mussy hair and holding her close.
"I'm glad you're back. I missed you."
He rubbed her back, his earlier anxiety evaporated as he was wrapped in her once again.
"I missed you too," she said before giggling, moving one of his hands on her belly. "We missed you."
Vincent laughed, feeling the little kick against his palm.
"And I missed you too, Little Theo. Just as passionate as your Oom."
Abby laughed softly, putting her hand over top his, leaning up to kiss him again. He returned her kiss in kind, pulling her in again, tempted to just sweep her into his arms and love her on the first surface he came across. He only refrained when he could sense her fatigue as she leaned against him.
Instead, he opted to sweep her up and put her in their bed, her squeal of surprise making him laugh again.
"But, Vincent, the bags…"
"We can clean them up later." He rubbed his nose against hers. "I said I missed you, remember?"
"I'm correcting that now." He set her in the bed and crawled up next to her, pulling her closer.
"A-alright." She put her head on his chest, hearing his racing heart. She laced her hand with his, squeezing it gently. Vincent hummed in approval.
"Welcome back, Schatje."
"I'm glad to be back, my love. Today was a good day."
"Any day I'm with you is a good day."
"Yes, that's true."
Vincent pulled her closer, running his fingers through her hair.
"…Ik… Ik hou van jou."
Vincent looked at her blonde head as her fingers curled against his hand, feeling his cheeks warm. He then smiled and kissed her head.
"Ik houd ook van jou. You're getting better."
"T-thank you. I'd like to be able to fully talk to you in Dutch… one day. For Little Theo too."
"You're improving all the time. Have you been practicing the lullaby I taught you?"
"The one about the little sheep? It's so cute. It reminds of Lotte, Sebastian's sheep. I picture her whenever I'm practicing."
"Sing it for me? I want to hear how it sounds."
"…I don't have the pronunciation down quite right yet."
"I'll help you. Please, sing for me?"
Abby still hesitated, burying her face in his chest. Thinking he had pushed too far, he was about to apologize before he heard her soft voice, tentative in her notes and words.
"Slaap, kindje slaap… Daar buiten loop teen schaap…"
"Een schaap met witte voetjes," Vincent joined her when she stumbled, her soon following his lead, "Die drinkt zijn melk zo zeotjes…"
"Slaap, kindje slaap…" Her voice was growing softer, her eyes growing heavier.
"Slaap, Schatje, slaap…" Vincent sang to her, closing his eyes as well. "Slaap Schatje, slaap…"
He soon only heard her soft breathing, his love having indeed fallen asleep. Not that he was too far behind, comforted by her warmth and presence. He only released her hand to turn off the nearby lamp, picking her hand back up again the dark, keeping it close as sleep soon took over him too.
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multivcrsity-archive · 5 months
THE 100
bellamy blake + bob morley
clark griffin + eliza taylor
jasper jordan + devon bostick
john murphy + richard harmon
octavia blake + marie avgeropoulos
raven reyes + lindsay morgan
madison montgomery + tati gabrielle
misty day + lily rabe
flora fairchild + india eisley
luke crain + oliver jackson cohen
theo crain + kate siegel
adaline bowman + blake lively
caleb danvers + steven strait
pogue parry + taylor kitsch
reid garwin + toby hemingway
tyler simms + chace crawford
billy batson + asher angel
cassandra cain + ella jay basco
chato santana + jay hernandez
floyd lawton + michael b jordan
freddy freeman + adam brody
harley quinn + margot robbie
lucy quinzel + chloe moretz
selina kyle + ana de armas
carlos de ville + ross lynch
chad charming + nicholas galitzine
evie grimhilde + sophia carson
jay + booboo stewart
mal bertha + dove cameron
malinda bertha + elizabeth gillies (oc)
anna + sadie sink
aurora + elle fanning
belle + troian bellesario
chip potts + asa butterfield
elsa + gabriella wilde
eugene fitzherbert + thomas mcdonell
merida + sophie turner / eleanor tomlinson
moana + auli’i cravalho
maui + jason momoa
rapunzel + lily james
tinkerbell + freya allen
vanellope von schweetz + mackenzie foy
deena johnson + kiana madeira
ruby lane + india eisley
sarah fier + kiana madeira
avery hockstetter + felix mallard
beverly marsh + jessica chastain
bill denbrough + james mcavoy
eddie kaspbrak + timothée chamalet
greta keene + sabrina carpenter
henry bowers + nicholas hamilton
mike hanlon + isaiah mustafa
patrick hockstetter + owen teague
richie tozier + bill hader
stanley uris + andy bean
maisie lockwood + mackenzie foy
peter parker + tom holland / andrew garfield
curly shepard + jordan connor
johnny cade + steven r mcqueen
ponyboy curtis + jake t austin
adelaide wilson + lupita nyong'o
red + lupita nyong'o
aphrodite + nyané lebajoa
cerberus + aidan turner
dionysus + toby regbo
hades + cheyenne jackson
hermes + faceclaim
persephone + gugu mbtha raw
poseidon + jason momoa
cormac mclaggen + freddie stroma
dominique weasley + faceclaim
hannah abbott + faceclaim
hermione granger + jessica sula
lily luna potter + luca hollestelle
lucy weasley + elle fanning
luna lovegood + evanna lynch
millicent bulstrode + barbie ferreira
neville longbottom + matthew lewis
rose weasley + ashley moore
scorpius malfoy + austin butler
lestat de lioncourt + cody fern
louis de pointe du lac + felix mallard
original characters
alejandro valdez + danny ramirez ( serial killer based on ahs' the night stalker )
axel zimmermann + aidan turner ( vampire )
elijah catton + jacob elordi ( twin brother of @everyoneismytoy's felix )
gabriel + jamie campbell bower ( archangel )
isabelle blackwood + taylor momsen ( witch )
michael fitzpatrick + max thieriot ( spn hunter )
oliver todd + richard harmon ( serial killer / nightclub manager associated with @painofhumanity's alexander )
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your-lovely-rose · 1 year
A word of introduction...
If you’re here, you’ll want to order something. Don’t be shy. Below is a list of what you can ask for (I don't judge, and I’m fine with a lots of dark subjects) - it's a safe zone for everyone.
Before we begin: I won't be angry if one person fills my inbox. It is for you to send me your requests (even if there will be more than 10 or 50 or they even will appear every few minutes). Do you have another idea or do you want me to write you something else? Then send it to me.
Additionally, if you accidentally send me the same request several times (because you thought you deleted it by accident or for other reasons, I don't go into detail) I won’t be angry/upset. I understand that it can happen.
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☞ What I can write?
– Alphabet,
– Headcanons,
– Preference,
– Scenarios,
– Short story (One Shot, Drabble),
Important note: Sometimes things can go wrong and something longer will come out...
☞ Typ fic | Genre:
– Crossovers,
– Death fic,
– Dark fic,
- Horror,
- Angst,
- Case fic,
- Romance,
- Fluff,
- Hurt/Comfort (H/C) | Hurt/No comfort,
- Smut | Suggestive/Lime/Lemon,
☞ Ships ♡ Relationship:
– Reader x Character,
– OC x Character,
– Character x Character (Canon/No canon);
- Polyamorous π
- Male/Female ⚥
- Yaoi ⚣
- Yuri ⚢
- Platonic (relationship/love),
- Forbidden Love | Mutual Pining | Unrequited love,
- Friends with benefits (FWB / FWBR),
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☞ What else can you add to your request?
– Reguest with only one character,
– More than 1 character (I have no limit),
– Type of reader,
– Modifications of characters,
– AU's,
– Things from another fandom/crossover (like mixing characters, worlds, etc.)
– Everything you will see on the blog (prompt, etc),
– Mix 2 types (or more) of prompts (but write me what is of what),
– Links - if you think I can't handle something, I don't know something or you just want to be more sure that your request will be accepted give me a link with additional information.
⚠ Various kinks/parafilia (Minors Do Not Interact!),
Note: if you send me a request from your profile (not as anon) it may happen that I will write to you if I need help with the request (or to let you know how my work on it is going).
☞ Dark theme (trigger/warnings), which you can choose:
– Abortion,
– Abuse/Torture/Violence,
– Arranged & Forced Marriage,
– Blackmail,
– Blood/Gore,
– Cannibalism,
– Death (execution, murder, suicide, etc),
– Degradation/Humiliation,
– Drugging,
– Incest/Stepcest (+ pseudo),
– Infertility,
– Kidnapping,
– Manipulation,
– Phobia/Anxiety,
– Prostitution,
– Rape/Sexual assault (Non-con/Dub-con),
– Risk Aware Consensual Kink,
– Stalking,
– Starving,
– Stockholm Syndrome,
– Unplanned Pregnancy,
– Yandere (obsessive/possessive behaviour),
⚠ What I do not write?
– Most illnesses,
– Scat,
– Things that I don't know,
– Phedophilia/Grooming,
– Real person/people fiction (RPF is a fan fiction works, that tell stories about real people, usually celebrities, instead of fictional characters) - I can only write to a fictional character played by an actor (like: Buggy, Draco Malfoy, Connor RK800, Steve Harrington, Eliza Esposito, Harley Quinn, Daenerys Targaryen), but to the actor/actress (Jeff Ward, Thomas Felton, Bryan Dechart, Joe Keery, Sally Hawkins, Margot Robbie, Emilia Clarke), model or singer, to a real person - no.
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If you're not sure about something check here for the answer already [Ask] →
That’s all for now, but the tags/things may change or add as needed in future. If you are unsure, you can always shoot me an ask for clarification.
I don't bite ♡
~ Your Lovely Rose
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seasonsfm · 1 year
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⸻  ⊰  𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄  𝐓𝐎  𝐌𝐀𝐘𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑  !  the  ton  is  buzzing  at  your  arrival.  the  following  character(s)  and  faceclaim(s)  are  now  taken  and  closed  for  applications.  please  make  sure  to  read  through  and  follow  each  step  of  our  checklist  and  submit  your  blog(s)  via our  asks  within    the    next    24    hours  so  we  are  able  to  send  you  the  discord  link . 
ana  de  armas  as  aurelie  dogood,  the  lady  of  rosse  by  taryn  (  oc  dormer  spot  ).
anya  taylor - joy  as  theodosia  duffy  née  howard,  the  duchess  of  fife  by  velvet.
arsema  thomas  as  frances,  miss  maynard  by  bonnie.
ben  barnes  as  grayson  cecil,  the  marquess  of  salisbury  by  marie.
charitha  chandran  as  henrietta,  miss  olivier  by  garnet.
corey  mylchreest  as  edmond,  mister  lambton  by  faye.
dev  patel  as  miles  wilson  by  ferb.
elle  fanning  as  lilac,  miss  dunbar  by  ferb.
florence  pugh  as  elizabeth,  lady  hayes  by  dani.
hannah  dodd  as  lyanna,  lady  hastings  by  krystal.
india  amarteifio  as  louise,  the  duchess  of  macklenberg - strelitz  by  kai.
jessie  mei  li  as  eliza,  lady  duff  by  s.
joe  alwyn  as  robert,  earl  spencer  by  di  (  oc  grosvenor  spot  ).
jonah  hauer  king  as  james,  earl  grosvenor  by  juno.
jonathan  bailey  as  edward  melbourne,  the  duke  of  wellington  by  meg  (  oc  hanover  spot  ).
katie  findlay  as  sophronia  blakely,  the  mistress  and  innkeeper  of  the  white  rabbit  by  faye.
kelvin  harrison  jnr.  as  ludlow,  mister  maynard  by  velvet.
kylie  bunbury  as  elisabeth,  the  duchess  of  macklenberg - strelitz  by  annie.
matilda  de  angelis  as  sophia,  the  princess  of  great  britain  by  lu.
morfydd  clark  as  eleanor,  miss  lambton  by  circe.
ozge  yagiz  as  defne,  miss  cecil  by  taryn.
patrick  gibson  as  felix,  the  duke  of  york  by  s.
rege - jean  page  as  albert  augustus,  the  duke  of  macklenberg - strelitz  by  di.
sai  bennett  as  catherine  grosvenor,  the  duchess  of  york  by  annie.
simone  ashley  as  lalitha,  miss  selvam - townsend  by  circe.
theo  james  as  william  augustus,  the  prince  of  wales  by  kai.
timothee  chalamet  as  westley  evans  by  kell  (  oc  hanover  spot  ).
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femori · 2 years
MUSE  LIST  (non-carrd  edition)
amber  freeman,  mikey  madison,  scream  5
anita  ‘needy’  lesnicki,  amanda  seyfried,  jennifer’s  body
bex  warren,  hari  nef,  assassination  nation
cassandra  ‘cassie’  swann,  sasha  lane,  daniel  isn’t  real
deena  johnson,  kiana  madeira,   fear  street
evie  jackson,  nathalie  emmanuel,  the  invitation
hallie  mcdaniel,  tati  gabrielle,  scream  2
heather  duke,  kaitlyn  dever,  heathers
jill  roberts,  emma  dumont,  scream  4
kirby  reed,  jemima kirke,  scream  4
lily  leblanc,  mila  kunis,  black  swan
lydia deetz, tbd, beetlejuice (film)
mckayla hooper, alexandra shipp, tragedy girls
rochelle  zimmerman,  lovie  simone,  the  craft
sadie  cunningham,  brianna  hildebrand,  tragedy  girls
sarah  fier,  juliet  landau,  fear  street
taylor  gentry,  angela  goethels,  behind  the  mask
original  characters
pamela  clarke,  jaz  sinclair,  fear  street  (1960s)
valerie  marie  beaumont,  emma  dumont,  affilliated  slasher  oc
agatha   &  dorcas  night,  adeline  rudolph  &  abigail  cowen,  caos
ava daniels, hannah einbinder, hacks (horror based?) -- TEST
carmilla  karnstein,  natasha  negovanlis,  carmilla:  the  series
coco  st  pierre  vanderbilt,  leslie  grossman,  ahs:  apocalypse
ellie williams, bella ramsey, hbo's the last of us -- TEST
lark  feldmont,  billie  lourd,  ahs:  red  tide
madison  montgomery,  sophia  anne  caruso,  ahs:  coven
mallory,  billie  lourd,  ahs:  apocalypse
marienne bellamy, tati gabrielle, you -- TEST
queenie  sidibe,  gabourey  sidibe,  ahs:  coven
sarah  ‘belle  noire’  cunningham, frances  conroy,  ahs:  red  tide
vanessa  ives,  eva  green,  penny  dreadful
zoe  benson,  hannah  einbinder,  ahs:  coven
video  games
claudette  morel,  angelica  ross,  dead  by  daylight
rin  yamaoka  /  the  spirit,  karen  fukuhara,  dead  by  daylight
yui  kimura,  devon  aoki,  dead  by  daylight
yun-jin  lee,  park  so-dam,  dead  by  daylight
laura,  samara  weaving,  carmilla  novella
maggie leigh, jahkara smith, nos4a2
agnes  montague,  eline  powell,  the  magnus  archives
basira  hussain,  golshifteh  farahani,  the  magnus  archives
georgina  ‘georgie’  barker,  wunmi  mosaku,  the  magnus  archives
jude  perry,  bae  doona,  the  magnus  archives
melanie  king,  eliza  dushku,  the  magnus  archives
nikola  orsinov, no  faceclaim, the  magnus  archives
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florbelles · 1 year
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tagged by @roofgeese​ to use this meiker, ty beloved!! 
sending tags to @unholymilf, @adelaidedrubman, @belorage, @heroofpenamstan, @henbased, @morvaris, @aartyom, @phillipsgraves, @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @corvosattano, @jackiesarch, @shellibisshe, @jendoe, @leviiackrman, @indorilnerevarine, @playstationmademe, @loriane-elmuerto, @confidentandgood, @weisshaupts, @arklay, @devil-kindred, @teamhawkeye, @reaperkiller, @risingsh0t, @blissfulalchemist, @galeboettichergf, @nuclearstorms, @shallow-gravy, @derelictheretic, @purplehairsecretlair & anyone else can @ me xx
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wildfirehq · 3 months
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primarily in polis, the coalition main settlement near washington dc, but also sometimes at mount weather. currently on the path to making alliances with the commonwealth/alexandria/hilltop/etc
IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs etc):
(please see main doc timeline for more in depth specifics related to the 100 plot and timeline)
due to her parents jobs and political connections, clarke started out in washington dc in the early days of the pandemic. she was kept safe with her family and friends (the jaha family in particular) in spite of the proposed plans to move the family to atlanta to help out there. this ended up not happening, especially when operation cobalt is discovered by her father-- something her and clarke agree to try and go public about in order to protect lives and stop the atrocious acts. however, this doesn't happen. instead, clarke's father is killed and clarke has a hit on her head for her attempted role.
alongside her childhood best friend, wells jaha, clarke escapes and goes on the run.
she soon comes to meet bellamy blake and his sister, octavia, who are leading a group of survivors that inevitably come to be lovingly dubbed the delinquents.
together with bellamy, clarke leads the group.
along the way, her best friend is killed and it causes a significant change in clarke and how harsh she becomes in ensuring Her People survive.
the group thrive for a good two years, eventually branching out from their safe camp/base.
this is when they come across another group, calling themselves the grounders.
it's Not Fun. jasper, one of the delinquents is speared through the chest and clarke has to race to save him. (before the apocalypse she was a surgeon).
a war breaks between the two groups, with losses and cruel acts commit by both sides. inevitably coming to an end when clarke is responsible for killing hundreds of the grounders. clarke and bellamy finally travel to meet with their leader, lexa.
eventually, a ceasefire is agreed upon and the groups merge and clarke and co become aware of just how vast lexa's coalition is. they have good resources, an incredible defence, plans for the future. and over time, the groups come to truly become one.
betrayals and assassinations later, we get to 2020. not without a lot of harsh acts along the way to survive (clarke picking up the title of 'wanheda' meaning commander of death along the way for her acts-- the 'i'll stop at nothing to protect my people' measures).
this is when mount weather is discovered.
it's been a wild ride since then but now, clarke is among a group of their people reaching out to the likes of the commonwealth etc with the aim to grow their alliances. they've been watching, have seen the changes these groups have gone through, and want to see if they can really become something bigger and better, protecting one another, growing their new world.
clarke has her reservations, of course, but she dares to still have hope.
can't catch me now by olivia rodrigo
ooc information: 
NAME/ALIAS: admin andy
AGE: 29
TRIGGERS: misrepresentations of mental health, cancer, terminal illness.
0 notes
pinkykitten · 4 years
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Back at it again w my sister’s art. Her bnha oc is left, Eliza Clarke and mine right, Rui Fukuda. Thnx big sis 😊😘 I cannot tell u guys how much I love this piece it’s a little art bio of our ocs. Akakslskslslsksm I LOVE THIS SO MUCH OMGGGGGG TYYYYY!!!!!!💜💚💜💚💜💜💚💜💜💚
FOREVER TAGLIST: @carat-bebe @witchofinterest @chlobenet @abbysarcane @myocmultiverse @nkskywalker @whctsherncme @ocfairygodmother @fandomchick80 lmk if you want to be tagged in Eliza Clarke or Rui Fukuda content
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s1ater · 3 years
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death era, part one. bellamy blake x fem!oc
summary 📣: with a cross over of the 100 x the walking dead, a group of young adults find themselves amongst a zombie apocalypse
warnings 🚫: violence, swearing, and...
slater’s note 🗯: i just decided to pull the trigger and post this because i’ve been wanting to for awhile (and for my followers/cobra kai fans, i’ll be posting requests soon)
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nights like these made athena glad she’s alive. those nights are rare, but they were real and they happened, but only for a little while. 
the wind rustles through her hair while the pitch dark night sky had a tint of navy blue in it. the stars were bright and she just let it all seep into her skin. eyes closed, head tilted back, while her lips were pressed in a relaxed line, breathing in and out with relief.
the fire makes sounds like small twigs breaking beneath the pressure of ones foot, it’s almost too loud, too bright, but it created heat and athena needed heat if she was going to get through the night, at least while she was conscious.
athena exhales, lowering her eyes back to the small fire inked out in orange and yellow, so pretty but so dangerous. it could take out the whole forest if it wasn’t tamed. 
everything was so pretty and peaceful in that moment, but like she knew, those moments were rare and barely happened, so when she heard the real break of a branch, not the fire, she was ready and not surprised that the peaceful moment came down shattering, like broken glass.
she had the gun pointed at a man who was quick to throw up his hands in surrender, but his legs continued to move, slowly, and steadily. 
“stop moving.”
“calm down, little girl, i’m just here for the heat.”
“the heat isn’t to share so stop fucking moving,” she wasn’t scared, people like him didn't scare her. the kind of people who traveled alone and put up the defense that they weren’t scared when deep down they were just cowards who stole things that weren’t theirs. 
she cocked her gun, following him as he made the movements to begin to circle her. she knew that trick, it was one made to intimidate people, to catch people a little off their guard. when would they strike? what would they do? how would they do it? 
his hands were still up, that meant he was stalling and he was thinking of a plan. she had her gun still raised, athena wasn’t concerned, he could come charging at her and he’d be another life added to her list, “you come any closer now i’ll shoot you.”
“i don’t believe you, little girl,” he stopped right across from her, the fire flaming up his body from the angle he was at. his hands lowered slowly but he still kept his shoulders up in hesitation, like he was trying to figure her out. 
the nickname angered her, it made her think he must have done it on purpose to defy her, to anger her from her calm exterior, but from the position he was in made her think otherwise, he didn’t seem that smart.
“you don't have to believe me, it’s just what’s gonna happen.”
he breathed out, “i just want to share the fire.”
everyone wanted fire but not everyone was willing to share it. there was always that hesitation in the back of everyone’s brain the gnawed away, wondering whether or not if in the moment you were going to die, that that person, that stranger sitting across from you, were they going to kill you?
athena, she wasn’t afraid to die, it was like her whole life she had been preparing to do so. everyone died, it was the outcome of everything and you couldn't prevent it. 
no one should be afraid to die.
she pulled the trigger, air exhaling out from her nostrils in some sort of relief of pressure, “it’s not yours to share.”
she watches his body sink to the ground, folding to his knees before falling over on his side. no one should be afraid. 
not even the cowards.
“you shot him.”
athena froze, she could feel her heart in her throat.
so he wasn't alone...
she flipped around just like before with her gun raised just as high, pointing at the more built man who looked quite opposite to the man she had just shot. this man was younger, and yet more built. he had muscle and meat on him while the other one looked to be only skin and bones. 
“he wouldn't leave.”
“you didn't ask him to.”
“i asked him to stop moving.”
“he did.”
“he would have killed me.”
“now how do you know that?”
she pursed her lips, the feeling of air almost felt entirely pushed out of her throat like she was suffocating. this man for some reason made her feel a lot more nervous than she usually was with other people. 
it was because he didn't seem scared, he seemed comfortable, like talking to her was a normal thing and they were only old friends who just came across eachother. and those were the type of people that worried her. 
“i just wanted him to ask you some questions,” he finally said, his arms lightly raising as if to caution her more than himself, “just some questions, nothing dangerous.”
“questions can be dangerous,” she mumbled quickly, her arms beginning to hurt from the position she had been holding for so long and uncomfortably. 
“not the ones he was asking.”
“then why didn't you ask them yourself?” she quirked a brow, “you seem to know you were going to get your friend killed but if you knew your questions weren't dangerous how come you didn't ask them yourself?”
she stumped him, he pursed his lips while exhaling audibly through his nose, “i’ve been watching you, i knew you would've shot before he had sat down, and look at that, i was right.”
she was caught off guard, her posture and hold on the gun slightly weakening as she narrowed her brows at him, her jaw clenching. that was her worst nightmare, being watched, but it had never actually happened before because she was good at what she did, she was silent and could sense things very easily. apparently not as well as she thought. 
“I've been watching you,” he repeated, licking his lips slightly and quickly, “i think you can help me-”
“why would i help you?-”
“because i’ll kill you if you don’t.”
she scoffed, slightly tilting her head to the side while her eyes were closed a bit, “that’d be really nice wouldn't it?” she lowered her gun, turning her back to him, no longer perceiving him as a threat, not as a big one anyways, if he wanted to kill her, he would’ve already, if he wanted to hurt her, he would’ve done that the moment she shot his friend or even during the moments he had been supposedly watching her.
what he said was a stupid thing to say. 
“dying is a luxury not all of us are privileged with,” she mumbled, looking back up at the blanketed sky full of bright stars that could light up a room like a lamp, “you’re gonna have to come up with a better threat if you want me to help you.”
he presses his lips together, watching athena discreteetly before rubbing his face in frustration while tipping on the back of his heel. the man before her was not used to rejection, and athena could tell even with her back turned to him.
“you’re athena,” he mumbles, saying it precisely as if he was about it give her a whole speech, already having a new plan. 
he was hoping to pull this one out later, but he hadn't planned to be practically laughed at after his key sentence that was supposed to start it all, I'm going to kill you. 
it made her freeze, tightening her grip on the gun she still had in her hand. 
her name, how the fuck did he know that?
him knowing her name seemed to be scarier than the threat of death. 
“you’re athena, and you’ve been alone for how many days now?”
he continued to stare at the back of her head, waiting for her to just turn around with the shocked expression he just knew she had on. just waiting for her to turn around so he could redeem himself, so he could have the upper hand once again.
but the truth was, he never did have the upper hand. if he wanted it, he would have had a gun pointed to the back of her head, he would have been the one to confront her instead of using that poor skeleton man already bound for death. 
athena was always the one with the upper hand. the hand gun now once again pointed to him, her body turned just as he wished but not with the expression he had expected. 
she glared, her eyes in slits as she was just daring him to make a move. 
“you leave me alone now,” she whispered, her voice filled with so much will and power that he couldn't mistake it for anything else, “i don’t care who you are or how you know my name, just get the hell away from me before i blow your brains out.”
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bellamybellamyblake · 4 years
Six Years (Part 1)
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Past/Eventual Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader, Platonic Octavia Blake x Fem!Reader
Octavia knew who she was now, but you couldn’t figure out what the hell you had become.
Some mf ANGST, themes of mental illness and addiction
Word Count:
1.2k ~roughly~
FUCK JASON || I will write a part two if requested
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It was just supposed to be a few years. Five to be spent underground, escaping the radiation-soaked earth so Praimfaya could finish ravaging the planet.
The arrangement seemed good on paper, but as soon as those steel doors closed, chaos ensued. Clan leader after clan leader came after Skairipa; everyone wanted the bunker to themselves, despite the initial decision to unite. The youngest Blake held her own, taking each of them down, spouting the same phrase after each and every one of them.
“You are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru. Choose.”
At some point, they gave in, deciding that living under someone else’s reign was better than dying bloody. It was then that a new energy seeped into the bunker, red stained the walls and ghosts lurked the halls, their reminders to choose or die. No one dared to defy her again.
Now, it felt weird to call Octavia, Octavia. That woman - the one wearing her face - that wasn’t her. That was Bloodreina; a ruthless, unforgiving dictator doing what needed to be done to keep her people alive. You and Miller were the only surviving members of the Hundred in the bunker and there wasn’t a day she didn’t ask you for your council. Along with Kane, Indra and Abby.
All that being said, as she lost more and more of herself, so did you.
Everyone could see what you were doing, why it was you and the Red Queen being judge, jury and executioner. You had seen how things were going and decided to take a page from Clarke’s book. It forced Octavia to split the load, even if she didn’t want to.
We bear it so they don’t have to.
You were doing just that when you pulled the trigger that day; but, you couldn’t stop the guilt that filled your stomach, nor the bile the crawled up your throat at the view of the light leaving that blonde girl’s eyes. You held the sobs in, only letting a few silent tears fall as Kane’s begs echoed through your ears. His attempt to beg for the life of a girl with a target between her eyes, futile.
You had a job to do and only when Bloodreina gripped your arm in support, did the two of you raise your guns.
That’s when you remembered what Lexa used to say.
Love is weakness.
Leksa kom Trikru was the last thought you let yourself have of before. If you thought of anything or anyone else, he would slip into your mind. You knew that if he was there with you, none of this would be happening - he would stop it at all costs. That simple fact was overwhelming, leading you to sneak into the infirmary and take the same things as the doctor. You saw the stashes; she was stealing things periodically - so you started pulling from the morphine stock.
The irony didn’t escape you, but it kept you breathing. Every kill, every beating, every memory, sucked the air from your lungs. Eventually, thousands of days bled into nights and not only would he not recognize you anymore, but nobody would. It started getting harder and harder to resemble that person staring at you in the mirror; just as difficult as it was to see whatever was left of Octavia.
Then, you got caught, and the confrontation with Bloodreina was exactly what you expected. However, she was anticipating a fight - a last string of hope that maybe you weren’t all lost, that maybe you still wanted to live. When you confessed at the immediate accusation, you saw a flash of a girl you used to know in her eyes.
A flash of the girl they found hidden under the floor. A flash of the girl you held when her first love was killed in front of her. A flash of the girl that is simply a little sister and a daughter, terrified of seeing what life wanted to throw at her. A flash of Octavia. But it was just that. A flash. For Bloodreina saw no trace of the girl her brother loved, all remnants of who you were, gone.
You broke the rules again and no one, no matter the status, was to be exempt from punishment. The Red Queen knew what she had to do and within two days, you were in the fighting pit being reckless. You had no strategy and relied entirely on how well you handled the axe you grabbed at the jump.
Somehow, at today’s reaping, you and Kane ended as the final two. He stared at the crimson liquid you bathed in, the way your shoulders heaved with each breath, and the tears pooling in your eyes. The only sign you were still in there.
You had forgotten Marcus Kane. You had forgotten that the man who raised you was the man standing in front of you. Your axe was at the ready, almost to his neck, but then your father’s eyes connected to yours and you froze. With a deafening screech, the sword in his hands fell to the ground. His mouth was opened to speak, voice low and comforting - words hitting you directly in the chest.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. If this is what you want, it’s okay.”
Neither you nor Marcus noticed the commotion surrounding you, eyes locked on each other’s. It didn’t matter that a hole had opened up from the ceiling; all you could see was the absolute devastation that lived in his muddy orbs, disguised as reassurance.
It ruined you.
There was a sudden change, a ghost you had given up on ever seeing ever again stood in front of you - a torn type of resistance to his posture. He pushed himself between you and your father, your name spoken precisely and with caution. “What are you doing?”
All other thoughts of the current predicament were discarded, only one thing running through your mind. This cannot be real. Why your head decided to fuck with you now, after almost four full years of never letting him in, was what confused you. You couldn’t fathom why he looked different, he looked older. A beard adorned his face, his hair was longer and it looked like he spent the last decade exercising.
Unconsciously, your arm came down, moving the deadly weapon from play. This didn’t feel like a memory, it felt like a memory being created. You felt yourself be dumbfounded when he repeated the question from before, his voice deeper than you remember.
“Bellamy...”  The name left your lips in a breath, it tasted so foreign, one you hadn’t spoken in years; it didn’t even feel like you were the one that said it. Taking the smallest step towards him, you just wanted to feel him again. It was as if every time you had pushed him away was meaningless; your heart fluttered and the smallest bit of a wish blossomed in your chest.
But he immediately stepped away from you, something unrecognizable in his eyes - it was a look you had never seen someone wear towards you. You gazed at your father, not knowing if it was for support that you weren’t completely lost or confirmation that you had been gone for too long. You couldn’t read him anymore, and you guessed that was your answer.
It snapped you into the reality that you’ve tried to avoid at all costs.
They’re fucking scared of you.
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