#elliot solace/franklin/singleton
itsjuliak5 · 2 years
Hey I just met you - And this is crazy!
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But I’m your husband,
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And that’s our baby!
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rockturbot · 2 years
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Some doodles
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
I did a rewatch, here are a bunch of smaller things I feel like can be important in the future (cancellation? what cancellation?):
Ada’s ghost ship story. It’s about how the sea gets so angry when the passengers and crew of a ship kill a whale that it sends a storm their way and turns it into an actual ghost ship. Could be an allegory for what the passengers do to Elliot and the simulation subsequently killing them afterwards, or it could be part of an even larger narrative.
Franz has been part of Eyk’s crew for as long as Maura and Daniel have been married.
Several important characters have scarring and wounds on their faces or arms, and some of Franz’ are fresher even before we see him physically fight.
Anker literally means anchor. It’s probably just a characterisation detail for Anker but still an interesting name choice.
«Die Gedanken sin frei» is a song celebrating freedom of thought.
When Maura wakes up the first time it’s Henry’s voice telling her to do so but afterwards and for everyone else it’s Maura’s voice.
When Ramiro and Angel hook up in 1.02 the scene ends with a shot of a painting of a wolf and a sheep.
While the earth symbol is everywhere, only Ling Yi, Virginia Wilson and Clémence seem to have it on their clothes or accessories. It might be a stretch, but I also think the embroidered flower on Clémence’s collar looks like a bug.
Tove describes Iben’s religious conviction and the fact that she hears voices as creating her own world that the people around her have decided to follow. This could be a parallel to Maura creating the simulation and pulling everyone into it.
In 1.05 Maura tells Eyk that she remembers being a doctor and that her father must have changed her memory to make her a patient. This is probably her doing because of the Elliot reveal, but she also says she thinks she managed to remember the purpose of what was happening and was made to forget. Is this her projecting her deeds onto her father again, or did she actually manage to remember one time and get forced back into forgetting by someone else?
After exiting her first flashback into the shooting scene, Tove sees that she stands in front of room 2102. There’s a big visual focus on room numbers in general too.
Speaking of numbers, Maura’s room in the ship and the room in the mental hospital are both numbered 1011.
Virginia Wilson is confirmed to speak and understand English, French and Cantonese so far.
There are multiple closeups of Eyk’s family photo.
All of the photos on Daniel and Maura’s nightstand seem to be from the same day. One of the photos shows Elliot holding the bug, indicating that this day is the same as Elliot’s flashback. Also Maura and Elliot’s clothing in the photos seem similar to if not identical to their simulation outfits.
When Maura and Daniel kiss we see flashes of them together, the mental hospital, the wooden cross from the tomb, a brain and Maura walking down a corridor with a hammer.
Daniel says that if Maura doesn’t wake up, there will be nothing left to wake up for.
Elliot and Daniel’s simulation flashbacks both end with either of them holding Maura’s frock in the middle of the same faulty simulation that Henry is in.
Henry says Maura has fooled «all of us».
Ángel’s song (a version of La Tarara) mentions a finger that can’t be healed and a white dress. The finger could be Virginia and the white dress could be Maura in her hospital gown. The white dress verse claims La Tarara only wears it on Maundy Thursday, and the finger verse says no surgeon can cure it.
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mutliwankenobi · 2 years
Same energy tbh
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huntseric · 2 years
"One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, is multiply. Therein, let the strongest live, and the weakest die. Eventually, a species can become complacent. At that point, a de-evolution can occur. A spiral downwards, signaling an end for that lifeform."
Character list (in order of appearance):
- Eyk Larsen
- Maura Franklin
- Daniel Solace
- Maura Franklin
- Henry Singleton
- Elliot (The Boy)
- Ling Yi
- Lucien
- Jérôme
- Sebastian
- Tove
- Iben
- Ramiro
- Eyk Larsen
- Daniel Solace
- Maura Franklin
After a whole month, I can finally share this with everyone. I apologize if your favorite character is not here, I tried to include as many as possible but I wanted the lyrics to match the characters, so this is the result! I started working on this way before the cancellation was announced, so that was sad. I wanted to continue anyway, so I hope you guys will like it! I've worked so hard on this and I'm overall happy with it :)
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harrietmjones · 2 years
I spent the first two episodes thinking that Daniel was English (but with a Welsh lilt because of Aneurin’s real accent coming through), to then realise, as the episodes went on, that he was getting more and more Welsh. 🤦‍♀️
Also, love that they cast the son as being Welsh too, rather then going English and following Maura. 🥰🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Though both of their accents are very subtle in general (in real life, Aneurin and Fflyn have stronger accents).
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avaelangel · 2 years
So. I watched 1899 again. I have thoughts. Spoilers!
I think, Daniel is a stowaway. We see him wear the same suit everybody has in the end. But he also says ''I'm not going to leave you again''. Did he leave in the very beginning, seeing his wife getting absolutely consumed by her desire to avoid the pain? There is also an open capsule on the spaceship. I thought it was Maura's, but hers is between Eyk and Krester, and the second one is beside Jerome. I might be wrong, but could Ciaran move Daniel out of spite? Out of the way? We don't know how death actually works there, but I'm assuming that the turning off works only in one cycle of the simulation. But what about the outer body? I don't want to think about Daniel ending up as a brain in a jar or a core of a massive computer. Because the spaceship is just not real. He does say ''I'll always be there''. It could have been an oath to his maddened wife or a consolation oath of a person who might not be alive for long.
Every memory ends with Maura's ''Wake up'' and a pyramid-pupil in a person's eye. The show ends with a zoom into Maura's eye with a pyramid-pupil. The spaceship might be closer to Ciaran, but still not enough. It might be an actual bridge between the simulations of a greater scale. Maura's monologue (poem?) in the very first scene actually shows us the entire scope of that particular branch of the simulation. How long ago Ciaran took over? Two years or four months?
These are two dates we here about the most. Two years ago Eyk's family died, two years ago Maura miscarried. Four months ago Ciaran reached out and four months ago Prometheus vanished. So, did Maura's project start two years ago? Did Ciaran hijack it when Elliot died, four months ago? Henry does say to Elliot that ''his body remembers''. Could the project start before Elliot's supposed diagnosis?
Maura and Daniel created ''home away from home'', so Elliot's playroom, of course, wasn't a grave from the start. They lived in that landscape that Maura must have took from her memories. But we do see a homely inside of a grim pyramid, with no toys or a trace of Elliot beside the pictures. Was the playroom a basement of the pyramid that is seemingly in a different place?
I feel so sorry for Elliot. I am conflicted on how much of the real him there is actually left. Like Maura, he has the same attire exept for the Mental Hospital (I'll do a post on clothes). In his memory he says things and behaves in a way that a child, who wasn't exposed to the weird and dark false-reality of things, would. But he also says things that Maura would probably want him to say and think. Elliot also seems older in the Mental Hospital scene. Yeah, kids grow fast, but was this scene filmed later on purpose? Or was it just the magic of cinema, not the timing?
That mark on his neck. Could mark a simulated person? Could mark him as core of the whole thing? You know, sometimes in games there are simple cubes that hold a part or a whole location. Those cubes are out of sight, under the whole thing. Did Elliot hold the entire simulation above him? Is it why he can't die, be turned off and was important in Henry's part of getting out? Of course, he held the pyramid, but maybe that's why he did? Because he takes part in loading the simulation and in the turning it off. Maura wanted him close in the whole process.
Henry does have some control, I think. Would Maura put him at the imaginary high step of an imaginary food chain, only to feed her ilusion of being his victim? I doubt it. He probably has some control, enough control to torture people, but not enough to get out or do more. He has orderlies. They kick in whn he needs them. His own thumb-dudes like in Spy Kids. The ship is his experiment inside someone else's. Probably, Ciaran's. Henry is aware of his older son's doing, probably. I don't really thing they are aligned, though. Maybe, Ciaran used him to take over. They teamed up to take Maura's discovery away and in the midst of it Henry got betrayed.
Daniel says ''all will be lost'' if Maura doesn't stop Ciaran. Is he the only voice of reason or the tool to steer her in the right direction? I absolutely believe in Daniel, by the way. I think Maura remembers his touch, she instantly cares for Elliot. He is the only link to the 21st century, I think, we have. Dated and era-not appropriate vibes are there for the same reason too, probably. Also, Maura swears only in the end, when Henry has got her. I am SURE ''fuck'' & ''fucking'' existed in the 18th century, but the way Maura and Daniel use it seems so much more modern.
Yes, this is The Solace House. Why Solace though? Solace in Denial seems to be too easy. Maybe, it always was his name. Like Maura is the Star Of The Sea, Daniel was meant to mellow out her comet-like genius, to keep her away from the storms. From falling. But he loved her too much to overpower her high-reaching desire to alter the grimness of their actual reality. What also proves their connection to me, that his ''I love you. Never forger'' has a responce from Maura. ''Never ever''. She says it in the moments that would mean most, maybe, thinking that saying it to much might devalue the answer. To overthink this even more, she doesn't say I love you back. But they also might have switched places in that exchange, so there is no need at times. The important thing is that the one knows that he\she is loved. And will never ever forget.
Maura says that as kids her and Ciaran didn't get along much. But she still looks for him. Is there a trauma link? They seemingly expierenced the same treatment from their father, maybe Maura had it tougher because of Henry's preference. She still wanted to know what happened to him. Could the real reason for her search be coded under a desperate attempt to find her sibling? Whoever coded it, just tweaked a few things, making it out to be a selfless journey to defeat her monstrous father.
Also...isn't Maura a bit too much of the protagonist? British lady with knowledge that (at that time) is expected of men. She isn't taken seriously by most of people, but she is more helpful and more caring than anyone, really. She is smart, she is stubborn and has a dark secret. I feel like I have met her before. Was it a script for 18th century expierence created for Elliot? A family of travelers looking for adventures.
I've been going for long and haven't even touched on anybody else. I will. The last two things I want to talk about here: Albert and relationships inside Maura's family.
Albert is a bug, also the bug in the program. Daniel and Elliot clearly mastered bugs to their advantage, but I also thing the first appearance of Albert might have been a sign of the last calm moments, before the experiment with the ship started. The first loop, if you will.
At their core, Henry and Daniel are similar. They both would do or did everything to help their wives, forgeting their children in the end. But Henry's children were alive. Daniel's child was dying, while his wife tried not to let him die completely. Preventing him from moving on. Daniel does love Elliot, but in the storm of Maura's grief, his own was lost and could loose Maura also.
Could Ciaran hate Daniel? Did Ciaran try to use Maura's intelligence to his benefit and Daniel intervened? If Daniel was meant to be in the second empty capsule, does he include his life in ''All will be lost''? At the simplest twist, his time might be running out faster than everybody else's.
I will continue. I have more notes. Thank you for reading, if you did.
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
A non-comprehensive, highly spoilery list of questions I have after season 1 of 1899 because I refuse to believe this show won’t go on in some form.
Is the spaceship and 2099 real or a simulation? If it’s real, how is the space voyage connected to the simulation project? What’s the purpose of either of them?
Is Maura just a pawn in Ciaran’s game who was manipulated by her wish to be with her son or is she the mastermind behind it all who made herself forget? Is Ciaran part of her psyche?
Were the simulated traumas of the passengers based on their real life traumas or were they (like Maura’s) used as distractions from what they’ve really been trying to forget in their lives?
Is Daniel real or a rogue program fueled by his love for Elliot and Maura? Is he dead or dying like Elliot? Is he actually alive and healthy but trapped by Ciaran and in need of saving? Or alive and ready to help? 
Who was in the already opened pod before Maura woke up? Daniel? Elliot? Ciaran? Ada?? Someone else?
Is Elliot still dying or already dead? What’s the cause of his death? Is he an unknowing part of Ciaran’s psyche? A knowing part?
Did Sebastian and Daniel know about each other? Is Sebastian a mere assistant to Henry or a bigger player in the grand scheme of things?
Is there a special reason for Eyk being the captain of the Kerberos in the simulation? Was he manipulated through loss as well, or was he an active partner in crime in creating the simulation(s)? Is he Ciaran, or rather an unknowing part of his psyche?
Did Henry try to use Maura’s situation for his own gain and accidentally get trapped or was he never trying anything before he was put in the simulation? Did he genuinely think his 8-day loops could do something or was he just punishing his daughter?
How many simulations did Maura and Daniel make together? What was their initial purpose? How much of a role did Daniel play in Maura’s project to keep some version of Elliot alive? What were their lives like before and when everything started to go wrong?
Speaking of what was any of these people’s lives like before they entered the simulation? Who entered willingly and who were forced? Was forgetting their real lives purposeful or a mistake or a devious act from outside?
Does being put down in the simulation affect any of the characters in real life? Will Eyk, Krester, Yuk Je, Lucien, Olek and/or Ángel still be down? And what are the real life consequences of touching the weird geometric fungi-ish stuff for Virginia?
What’s with all the parallels between the characters, like Maura and her mother forgetting their children? What about Daniel and Eyk losing their families? Or Ling Yi, Lucien, Ramiro and possibly Olek killing someone prior to boarding the Kerberos?
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
What about a Maura x Daniel AU where the 1899 setting is real though. As in Maura joins Eyk and company to check out the Prometheus and finds a starved and desperate Daniel trying to protect a barely alive Elliot. And since she’s the doctor they put both of them in the room next to her and she’s with them 24/7, getting information about the mutiny that went wrong on the Prometheus and getting to know the sweet Welsh man and the little boy he decided to take care of when his parents were killed in the mutiny.
And woops would you look at that Maura has fallen in love with one patient and wants to adopt the other.
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
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Daniel rubbed Maura’s back, bringing her back to reality. “This will be good, right?” Maura smiled and put her head on his shoulder, looking around at the house and the beach and their son trying to lift a heavy box inside. “It will. I can feel it,” she said.
There’ll Be No More Crying: An 1899 modern village AU
(Raw images: not mine)
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harrietmjones · 2 years
Predictions for future 1899 episodes
I just thought I’d write down my predictions/thoughts (again!) on what my mind has conjured up as possible theories for the future goings on in the show.
I did a similar thing as I was watching S1.
My mind went all over the place with this, so they may have some logical holes in them or they may not be in keeping with the show but just thought I’d share, as a bit of an experiment to see how right or wrong I am if/when the show comes back.
I will probably look back on all these and think how silly I was to think them!
Everyone in Maura’s room on the space ship were part of some coup or uprising (or something similar) and so they were eventually sent to be in suspended animation together.
I think there’s more to Mrs. Wilson than meets the eye. It might be how she’s being played by Rosalie Craig, as in it’s the actor, not the character giving her that particular edge but there’s just something about her that’s a secret.
There’s something ‘negative’ in Maura and Eyk’s relationship. Just how she reacted after she woke up and saw him, I watched it for the first time, and thought it was extreme relief why she backed up as she did, like she couldn’t believe he was alive, when she had not long seen him ‘die’. However, there just seemed to be something else going on that I felt could be read as something negative, that he’s not exactly as we’ve seen him so far. I really hope this isn’t the case, just where my pessimistic, dark mind went.
Same thing as above, there’s a possible negative part of their relationship but instead, maybe Maura is the guilty party. Maybe she’s tyrantesque and Eyk is just a soft, sad meow-meow or something.
Reality is another simulation. So, it’s either the ship was a simulation in a simulation, like Inception or the opposite (kind of), where reality is actually a further simulation, deeper in everyone’s minds. Maybe the reason that Daniel may not be there, is because he’s never gotten that far into Maura’s mind before, the ship was the furthest he managed to get to. @veturdraugur actually has had the same thought as me, here.
The whole show, everything we see, is actually in the mind of Ciaran, a dreamlike state and world that all stems from him. He’s the ‘creator’. Maybe all the characters existed at one point in reality or maybe they are all not real but are now just code in a machine. Also, he’s Irish, which I only thought would be the case because of his name for starters but also Daniel saying to Maura that her name’s Irish, even though she’s not.
Ciaran is a twisted guy, who might have made Daniel (if the theory of Daniel and Elliot being simply code is true), so he could have an accepted relationship with his own sister, without threatening too much of the balance of things (I can’t see incest being the case but…).
Both Ciaran and Maura aren’t real. Maybe the both of them are separate programs, designed by another, connected through a tech experiment of some kind. It would be similar to how the tunnels on the ship were separate but also all connected and how Maura mentioned how the memories on the ship were placed in a way, that was like the wirings and connections in the brain. The experiment could be something along the lines of, “What makes us human?” and it started as a way to demonstrate how an organic mind/brain and a synthetic mind/brain, if you can make both experience the exact same things, feel the same emotions etc. then how different can one be from machine, what is it that makes us, human?
Each pod on the spaceship, represents an element in alchemy, given that the characters we’ve seen have had the symbol for Earth dotted amongst their ship simulation: 🜃.
Similar to the theory above but the characters that we’ve seen, they may go into other simulations which are representative of other alchemical elements such as: Air (🜁), Fire (🜂) and Water (🜄).
Maura and Daniel are genuinely married and they do have have their son, Elliot together but for some reason, which would explain why she wasn’t drawn to them as she has been with Eyk, is that she removed her emotions towards them, for different reasons. It kind of works with the whole humans are weak because of their emotions, that Henry Singleton’s mentioned and the studying of the human brain, human behaviour etc.
Same as above (and kind of connected), Maura and Daniel are married, they do have Elliot together and the reason why she can’t remember or have feelings towards Daniel and Elliot, is because she erased it all from her brain. The reason she did so, is that maybe she’s responsible for Elliot’s death through experiments on him and got ill/died or would alternative, he was going to die anyway but she began experimenting on him, which would have probably sped things up unintentionally. She wanted to get rid of the hurt of her child dying and anyone associated with it aka. a husband. This theory kind of began because of seeing one of Maura’s flashes being a brain and that hasn’t happened yet.
Daniel and Maura simply worked together, in a similar way to what’s been said/shown in the show but that’s it. They’re not married, there’s no Elliot, it’s all a simulation created because Daniel is in love with Maura in reality but she’s married to Eyk.
Mrs. Wilson is the boss lady aka. the captain, the leader of some group of fighters etc. This is from me thinking she’s a little sus and also her positioning on the spaceship being ahead of both Eyk and Maura (and everyone else).
Everyone is a patient at a mental institution, where experiments are carried out in them. They’ve round my signed themselves away in some form. Their room numbers on the ship, are the same as their room numbers in the institution.
I’ve got some other theories that I haven’t written down. I’m probably not so strong in thinking some of these theories now, after a while of them sitting in my drafts and then my queue.
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
1899 modern village AU thoughts because I want to:
Elliot is alive and recovering from a serious illness that nearly destroyed the family and became the catalyst for Maura breaking free from not just Henry but Ciaran. Basically Ciaran brought the worst of Maura out during the hospitalization process and it broke their relationship. 
Maura and Daniel decided as a unit to move far away and start fresh. They both got lecturing jobs at an up-and coming university on the coast, and went house hunting in the neighbouring villages. They fell in love with a cottage in a tiny fishing town and bought it.
The town is called Kerberos. Its official population is a little under 2,000. Their main source of employment is the fishing industry, with a predominant French research group and a small fishing company run by migrated Germans. There’s a dominating immigrant population in town due to the fishing jobs, mostly from Germany but also Denmark, Hong Kong, Spain, Poland and more.
Maura and Daniel work at Prometheus University. Maura takes a break from experiments in favour of teaching neuroscience, but soon enough she gets into research again and works on projects with her colleagues. 
Daniel works with computer science and insists that all of his students enroll in one ethics-themed subject.
There aren’t enough kids in town for there to be a school, so Elliot has to commute to an elementary in a nearby town. There’s a school bus that ends up collecting him and Ada every morning and drops them off every afternoon.
The Franklin-Solace family (no way Maura kept the Singleton name), live side by side with Eyk, who’s in charge of the largest (and only) fishing company in town. He’s in therapy and recovery after the aftermath of a tragic family incident, and bonds quickly with his neighbours. Maura and him talk a lot about loss. He’s on endearing grunt-terms with Daniel. Elliot thinks he’s a bit weird, but likes asking him about nautical facts and showing him pictures of bugs.
Ada’s family owns a pub that they’ve styled in their home country fashion. Iben is a strict matriarch and both of the older children work at the pub at least part time. Tove has complete control over the German fishers (often pretending to cut off Franz) while Krester is a little clumsy with orders. 
A lot of the fishers live in a larger apartment block or in smaller groups in smaller houses. Franz, Wilhelm and Eugen live together, while Olek bunks with Darrel and Landon, as well as Jérôme when he moves to town.
Jérôme works on the French side of the docks and applied to get transferred over because he has a bone to pick with Lucien. Him and Clémence grow close quickly, and frankly the French trio becomes a mess on all sides and directions.
Lucien scammed his way into becoming the top representative for the French research team, but the real leader on this side is Virginia Wilson, who is also the town’s collector of gossip. She knows everything about everyone and cannot stand being left in the dark.
Ling Yi and Yuk Je moved to town a couple of years ago when Yuk Je got a managerial job for the docks. Ling Yi is enrolled to Prometheus and decides to take Maura’s class out of curiosity. She often spends hours at the campus library reading syllabus next to Olek, who is taking computer science part-time alongside his job on the docks.
Olek and Krester both take computer science, but Krester is on full-time. Krester also gets into an affair with a Spanish art history lecturer, which gets super awkward when said lecturer takes his Portuguese boyfriend for lunch at Krester’s family restaurant.
When Sebastian comes back from sea, Maura and Daniel tense up because they recognize him as a former colleague at Henry Singleton’s company. They might never get along, but the three get used to living in the same town.
Clémence joined Lucien when he was moved to Kerberos but doesn’t really have much to do so she tries to make projects for herself. She befriends Tove and starts taking random classes at Prometheus in search of a passion.
Ramiro has an explosive on-again-off-again relationship with Ángel and picks up work at the German docks to get some space. He also finds a weird companionship by discussing religion with Anker at the pub.
The amount of cultural exchange and multilingual antics in town is hilarious. The pub has Danish titles for their meals. The Germans sing sea shanties on late nights there and teach them to Tove. Daniel and Elliot gossip in Welsh when they don’t want anyone else to understand. Ling Yi and Olek are learning each other’s birth languages behind each other’s backs as a surprise. Ángel tries to convince Krester to get boquerones on the menu. As one of her antics, Clémence organizes a French New Wave screening festival. Virginia insists on trying to make the national holidays of every represented country in town official days off in Kerberos.
Eyk tries to take the kids fishing once, but Elliot finds the other fishermen scary and prefers the look of shellfish anyway. 
Ada steals Maura’s research notes while she’s eating dinner at the pub once and begs to be taken under her wing immediately.
Maura and Daniel have a fascination with late 60′s-early 70s music and style, which is reflected in the interior of their new home. There are a lot of jokes at the expense of their wallpaper.
Maura and Daniel have lunch together every day on campus and become the it-couple for students who are craving gossip out of boredom and procrastination. One time Eyk visits and sits down for lunch with Maura alone, causing all of the students to theorize that there’s a split or a love triangle. When he visits again and Daniel joins them for lunch, some of the same students jump from being ‘team Solace’ or ‘team Captain’ to shipping them as a trio. Daniel’s the first to find out because Olek snitches, and he laughs so hard he loses his breath.
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