ellivcca · 2 months
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they gave his cravat jiggle physics... ?
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arthrmorgann · 2 years
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TTGOT houses during ‘House of the Dragon’:
Lady Lyanna Forrester of Ironrath
Lord Edmyn Whitehill of Highpoint
Lord Gaven Glenmore of Rillwater Crossing
Lady Coryanne Brownbarrow of The Oldbarrow
Lord Rogar Elliver of Silverglade
Lord Goren Greyson of Timberwatch
Lord Corwyn Branfield of Branfield
Lord Myles Tarwick of Copperfall
Many thanks to my fellow ttgot veteran @badgersighted for brainstorming all of this with me the past couple of months!
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theprenderelliepalace · 4 months
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Pt 3 , Pt 2, Pt 1
Summary: Y/n was just dropping some books off at the Salvatore residence. She expected to find trouble, being the odd one out and everything, she didn't expect his name to be Damon Salvatore. What happens when the infamous leather-clad vampire was just as unprepared for her?
Warnings: angst, violence, weaponry, swearing, probably a crisis of some kind
Word count: 1.9k
Damon's POV
Six months ago...
I was hunting, like usual. My lust for a good time as sinful as the creature of the night that I was ( as my brother would so poetically put it).
I scanned the town square with a bored expression on my face, I was anything but. My heart rate was ellivated by vampire standards. I could feel the pulse of adrenaline through my veins, I could taste the sweet, metallic, tang of prey's blood on my tongue already. The perks of being a vampire, I guess. Everything was heightened to prepare for the kill, that's what made it so exhilarating.
To some extent, the thrill of the hunt was more satisfying than the kill, for me, at least.
When I was in my early 120s, I was tangled up with this exquisite gypsy-girl from Romania. She was human, but she thrived on the thrills of life. I smiled to myself as I remembered how she'd told me to chase a high like I would chase a pretty girl, one night of passionate sin for the thrill of adventure. Her English had been terrible and she'd been high as a kite at the time, still, her words had clung to me a little harder than I thought they would.
Now, I almost felt like the old man that I was, sitting on a darkened park bench in the middle of a nowhere-town that I had once called home. I was reminiscing, when seconds ago, I was pumped up to catch and feast on some hot sorority girl spending her spring break away from college. I shook my head, trying to snap myself out of whatever emotional rush I was wigging out on.
I looked up, it was an accident, happenstance really, and still I had my breath knocked away by her. She had this secret fire about her as she walked towards the Grille. She was 100 feet away, a ridiculous distance to be noticing all those little details that anyone else would've missed. The way her eyelashes fluttered over her cheeks, the way her hair danced as she walked, the way she held a secret smile that was only for herself. Then she stopped.
I was half-heartedly brought out of my trance, realizing that I was on the edge of my seat without remembering when I'd moved. I blinked. She was talking to someone. I rolled my eyes as my enhanced vision brought me to Caroline Forbes' face. She was smiling widely at the girl, her arms gesturing in a false bravado of warmth. They hugged, I noticed that the girl went stiff, her inner fire that had me literally lost for words, bound up into a little ball as she searched for words to say to a long lost friend. Not very friendly, if you ask me. I scoffed, getting up. I considered making my way over to the pair when Elena Gilbert and the Judgey witch joined the party.
The new girl visibly seethed at the sight of Elena. For some reason I felt something stir within the magic that kept me alive after death. I stumbled backwards, gasping for breath I didn't need. Okay, what the hell?
The new girl was storming off now, away from the dumbfounded trio and off in the direction of the woods. For the same inexplicable reason that I had just been knocked backwards, I followed her. I found myself thinking that I should make sure she was alright. I stopped, stared at the faraway treeline and vaguely wondered if I was high and when I'd consumed another substance that wasn't AB positive.
Suddenly I was walking again, I was a couple hundred paces away from her now, she marched with a fury that I would've found funny if I didn't feel so weird as my legs moved on their own. I should stop this, I'll call Ric and get drunk at the Grille and forget about this stupid girl. She's nobody, and you're Damon Salvatore for God's sake, pull yourself together.
I looked around, I was in a parking lot. The bays were dirt and gravel and there was a trail that led into the forest up ahead. I tensed. I had known these woods my entire life; I went hunting in them, alone, for weeks at a time when I was a boy, but for the first time in my life I was completely lost. My head thrummed in my disorientation and my vampire instics were going haywire, there was danger, I should move, I can't move.
Then she was on me. It was so fast I didn't even know what was happening until I was flat on my back in the dirt. I groaned, my ears buzzing with the impact of hitting the ground. I opened my eyes and saw her standing over me. I wanted to smile at her, even at the worst time possible, that was my first instinct. She looked beautiful silhouetted against the stars. Her chest rose quickly as she steadied herself after knocking me down. That must've taken an insane amount of force for this-this child. Suddenly I was back. Who the fuck does she think she is pinning down in the goddamm dirt? And what the fuck was I thinking letting my guard down?
I moved my shoulders, tensing to prepare for the impact of knocking her off me when I saw the glint if silver clutched in her steady hands. It was a small handgun, delicate in nature with the pungent odour vervain radiating from the barrel. She had a deadly glint in her eye as she readied herself for the kill. Without thinking about it, I felt my head collapse against the ground in revelation, she's a lot like me...
"What d'ya want, vampire?" She said it with a snarl so venomous I almost jumped. I cocked my head to the side to see her better.
"What's your name?" I said it hastily, like the words spilled out of a nasty gash in my throat before I could stop them. I felt weirdly calm knowing this girl could possibly kill me at the flick of a wrist.
"What?" She looked surprised. Then she laughed, it was short and to the point but it was brilliant. A symphony of death and teenage turmoil. "You're about to be shot in the face and all you can think about is some girls name?" She looked at me with a skeptical smirk.
I shrugged, not feeling as blasé as I looked. "Character flaw."
"Clearly." She paused. "You do that practiced confidence thing pretty well." When I stared at her, she clarified. "I mean, it's plain to see you're stressed. I guess I would be too if I had a gun to my face."
"You've never killed before. You're not going to start now." I was testing her, waiting for that weak spot, still, the thought of harming her made the magic in my blood curdle. I held my hands out in surrender at my sides. Her grip tightened around her pistol.
"Clearly I'm not the only person in this town with eyes." She muttered it under breath, but I wondered what it meant as she slowly deliberated what to do. "If I let you up... that's probably a bad idea, right?"
"Well, if I was you, I would've shot myself already. So not really a good start darlin'." I smirked at her. Almost... She looked away, it was only for a second, but it was enough. Suddenly I was out, her stance was unsteady, her determination altered. It was the perfect chance to get the hell away from here. It wasn't often that the Damon Salvatore was known for running away, but I'd be damned if I let myself die over the wildest trip I'd ever had. Or whatever this was. "Better luck next time killer. Try target practice before you wave that thing around-" I was almost laughing, I was almost free.
There was a crippling pain in my right foot. The burn of vervain had me doubled over before I could blink. The ring of the gun firing was still blocking my senses. She was standing where I'd gotten away from her. Her shoulders raised and her brow set. "I don't like vampires following me and I don't miss. You do the math and then think about how many limbs you got." She waited for an answer, why she thought I would, was beyond me. She took a step forward pointing the gun to my left. I shuffled backwards, raising my hands in surrender.
"Alright! Alright. Calm down. I'll leave you alone." I grimaced at the pain that shot through my leg when I limped up and tried to steady myself.
"Huh. First time I've heard that one." I couldn't really tell if she was serious or not, but honestly , I didn't care. I needed to get out of here and away from this nutcase. I turned and began the painstaking journey back to the Boarding House. "Y/n." I turned back to look at her. She'd lowered her weapon and was looking at me with big questioning eyes, I wished I had the answers.
"You shoot all the guys that hit on you, Y/n?" And then I was gone.
The next six months were probably the strangest in my entire afterlife.
Between the teenage drama and the life threatening war with the Original fucking vampires, I was so tired I could barely walk straight. And still, all this time all my every consuming thought, was about this girl. This girl that was passed out in my arms in the woods, this girl that I was going to drive to Georgia for to get much deserved answers. This girl that was my- something impossible.
We'd been on the road for 2 hours when she started to stir. I tensed my hands around the wheel when I thought about what I needed to tell her. Vampires, through some mystery of the Great beyond, couldn't follow nature's path. Our souls were so burned by the magic of vampirism that it was inconceivable, impossible even, to find our other halves. The balance to the darkness, the humanity to the beast.
It wasn't in our nature to be fated to anything. We were a species of the night, cruel and unforgiving. We didn't get to be balanced. It was always the monster, so long as eternity shall be. That is what The Maker said anyways. What if he was wrong? I shuddered at the thought. "Damon?" Her voice was croaky, she sounded as weak as I knew we both felt.
"Hey. Listen, don't move yet. Just get some more rest. We'll be there soon." Coward.
She groaned. "Where?" I kept silent. She followed suit. I heard her shuffle in her seat. The rustle of her hair was almost unbearable to listen to, her breathing just as heart-wrenching. "What did you mean when you said we were mates?"
I sighed. "It means you and I might be the rarest thing the vampire world has seen in 750 years." I turned to her. She probably needed to know more than that if I was going to break the bond. "We're bonded by-" I turned to look at her just as a car rammed into the side of her door. "Shit-" I gasped as we flew to the right. The car barreling across the highway. The crash of metal and the shatter of glass was the last thing I heard before Y/n screamed and then there was nothing...
Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger! >:) I wanted to give some perspective for why they're so weird with each other. So I thought Damon could tell his side of the story, pretty well. And its Damon, come on! What else would you be here for?
And who's The Maker???? Read to find out...
Requests are open! Comment and rebolg to let me know what you think!
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jellazticious · 1 year
Coming up with character names is so easy if you don't give a fuck about origins or meaning
Callie Drise, Hughpar Lond, Phillip Truce, Colby Person, Jertrude Weller, Elliv Lumm
It's natural man
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lover-in-denial · 5 months
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→ I am Elliv. I live. I hunger. I am Sinistar. Also I'm a selfshipper!
→ I am an adult (20). If that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to leave. (I will not reblog/post any suggestive or nsft content here, however.)
→ I post in both brazilian-portuguese (my native language) and english!
→ If you follow me, I'll follow you back from @/ellivcca :]
→ My husband/main F/O is Roger (a.k.a Odiador) from Colônia Contra-Ataca. I am not comfortable with sharing him, unless it's a canon x canon ship, and even then I'm a little iffy.
→ If you're a proshipper/comshipper/"anti-anti"/"neutral", I ask that you please do not interact with me. Same with basic dni criteria.
→ Thank you for stopping by! (This post may be updated in the future.)
-> Tags list under the cut!
Aside from the tags below, I will tag long post, gif, flashing and eyestrain. (Once again, may be updated in the future.)
》》 intro [you are here!]
♡ ship: habanera — carmen ♡
💢 [roger] (f/o tag)
📅 "queue porra é essa?!" [queue]
🔄 [reblog]
❗️ [important]
💙 [positivity]
💭 [imagines]
🌟 [fave]
📍 "vou colocar essa no meu livro. essa foi boa." [save]
📣 [text]
🔎 "mas odiador..." [ask]
♥️ [gush]
💌 [other's ships]
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beeeex6 · 2 years
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This is Ivai from Elliv Island. Not my favourite choice (but there wasn't much to choose from anyways haha) Here I toned down the rendering a little and changed my shadowing technique.
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This is the reference. I hope some of you remember her!!
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Home to James Howlett (Old Man Pheonix) and the Goddesses of Thunder; Atli, Frigg, and Elliv Wodensdottir. A far future reality (tens of thousands, millions, or even billions of years into the future) where Thor Odinson is King of Asgard and Loki caused the complete destruction of mankind millenia ago.
First mentioned/appearance: Thor: God of Thunder #1 (2012)
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ellivcca · 3 months
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yoinked from the playstation store website higher quality (tumblr couldn't handle it's greatness...)
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elli-vally-aaaaaaa · 1 year
I thought and came to the conclusion that there will be only my drawings, I have my own comic for which I created a separate account @ellivally-only-fnafau if you are interested then welcome :3
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miuimusic · 6 months
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444names · 1 year
swedish forenames BUT excluding "a"
Belin Belly Celilie Celkevig Cellie Cenry Cento Coleo Coleon Colie Colix Corid Corik Corikto Corneodor Ebbel Ebbelicto Ebbeliv Ebbelixte Ebbellie Ebben Ebbente Eddielip Eddielly Eddith Edielin Edvid Edvik Edvikton Edvilder Edvinne Edvirie Edvis Elicornes Elicto Elilli Elince Elines Elinne Elinovin Elinus Elisef Elive Eliverid Elivid Elivinder Elken Elker Elkevinn Elleo Ellex Ellin Ellip Ellis Elliv Ellivis Ellykke Ellykken Elmer Eltenteon Elteo Elter Eltor Elvid Elvig Elvikton Elvinel Elvinus Emedvicor Emelin Emelke Emels Emilgo Emilgot Emilheon Emilie Emiloui Emilte Emilton Emiltor Emineo Emines Eminus Emiot Emiri Estin Felie Felilder Felin Felis Felker Felle Fellex Fellin Fellio Felly Fellykken Fellykker Felvin Felvines Filder Filgo Filhed Filie Filineo Filis Filiv Filly Filoken Filoui Filte Filteo Filton Fredie Fredvigge Grikton Guste Guster Heddiel Hedie Hedithent Heditheon Hedviggo Hedvin Helio Helte Helvine Heodor Heodorne Hilde Hilder Hilgo Hilgot Hilheo Hilie Hilin Hillie Hillielle Hillin Hillykke Hilovin Hilovines Hilton Hugotte Hugottor Hugus Huguster Incelis Incen Incento Ingri Innes Irikton Iveri Iverik Ivillykke Ivinn Ivinor Joelie Joelken Joelly Joelvid Jolex Jolie Joliotton Jolleon Julice Julie Julillex Julilli Julin Julince Juline Julines Julio Julis Julisef Juliv Julix Julixte Junice Junicto Junictor Junie Junilin Kenry Kevid Kevig Keviggo Kevincen Lente Lento Leodor Leodorne Leodornes Liceli Licen Licob Licolliot Licto Licton Lielin Lielleo Lincel Linde Linel Lines Linne Linor Linust Liotto Lisef Lisel Liver Livig Livik Livil Livilie Livin Livisel Lixtel Loken Lokenry Loker Lokeviggo Lover Lovid Lovigge Loviktor Lovilhen Lovine Lovinn Ludvid Ludvik Ludvin Lunicob Lunictor Lunie Lunilin Meddielm Medie Meditheo Medvigrid Melie Melin Melinde Meline Melip Melivis Melke Melkenteo Melle Melleo Melly Melte Meltorik Melvingri Milde Milgo Milgot Milhente Milheo Milheodor Milis Millin Millis Milly Mince Minder Mindrid Mineliv Mingrik Minus Minuster Minustrid Miottor Mirid Molicton Molie Molielie Molin Moline Molinelip Molis Mollio Nelin Neline Nellen Nellenry Nellent Nester Nestrie Nicolie Nicorik Nicton Nielin Nilgo Nilivin Nilly Niloke Noelie Noelin Noelinus Noeliot Noelis Noelkevin Noellen Noels Norid Noriktor Norne Norneo Nornes Nover Novid Novig Noviggo Novil Novilip Novin Olils Olince Olines Oliot Oliotte Olixte Osebbelis Osellip Ottelle Otter Otton Ottor Ottorneo Sebbe Selie Selin Selip Selle Selliver Sellykker Siggo Siggot Signelken Signeo Signeon Signes Sigri Sigrie Sigrik Sigrikton Simillin Similteli Simin Simineon Siminn Simio Simohn Simoleon Simoli Simollis Simolly Sirid Sirie Sirikton Sixte Sixteo Sixter Sofil Sofilde Sofilgo Sofilo Stilde Stilli Stilly Stilovig Stinelly Strid Strie Sverik Thelie Theliot Thelliv Thenry Theon Tilgo Tilgot Tilgotton Tililde Tilinn Tilio Tilip Tilix Tille Tilly Tiloke Tilokevid Tilte Tinder Tineo Tingrid Tinor Tinus Verie Veris Vicel Vigge Viggot Vigne Vigneo Vikto Vikton Viktorne Viktornes Vilgo Vilise Vilixter Villie Vilmellip Vincels Vincente Vincentor Vinel Vineo Vines Vinove Vinus Vinuster Visef Wilde Wilder Wilgo Wilheo Wilie Wilin Wilis Wilivinn Wille Willen Willeo Willeon Willie Wilmelie Wilte Wilter
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tessasocs · 4 years
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tessa’s endless ocs: elena kaplan in “fire and flood”
Elena Kaplan came from a long line of witches, women who could shape reality into anything they wanted to be. But no one has ever seen power like what she wields. Considered an abomination by her own coven and her own mother, Elena finds herself out on the street at the age of sixteen, struggling to keep herself afloat. 
Seven years later, she awakens inside a warehouse in Starling City with no memories beyond her eighteenth birthday. 
arrow taglist: @darknightfrombeyond @randomfandoming1 @perfectlystiles @the-october-reviewer @witchofinterest
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beeeex6 · 2 years
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This was my flash games crush. Ellie from Elliv Island. Pretty small game but I spent my childhood chasing after her lol.
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tessasarrowverse · 4 years
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elena kaplan + relationships
“I can’t go home okay?! before Star City I had nothing. No family, no friends, no place to return to. all I have in my entire life is this right here.”
taglist: @perfectlystiles @randomfandoming1 @vivis-ghost-wife @witchofinterest
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vicenteperomarta · 6 years
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Comida vegana en Puerto Natales #vegan #veganfood #food #tasty #potatoes #beans #salad #tomato #elliving #salad #yummy (en El living) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt6Q7SLDlZ7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4mloyguqryx9
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ellivcca · 2 months
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gyakuten_capcom on twitter is hosting a shirt design poll (click). these are the options
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