displaay · 2 years
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Hellix typeface, sans-serif, first sketch 2011. The typeface is part of wider exploration followed by other #ellix typefaces. #displaay #typeface #hellix #type #best #font #type #typography #typographic #graphic #design #graphicdesign (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjlUewiLQgf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
“ i've noticed you've been staring at me this whole time. ”
Ellis peers over the rim of his drink, meeting her gaze with the same tenacity he had watched her with all night. He's been tucked around in the corner, picking at disinteresting food, making his way through a handful of drinks. Back to the wall, eyes on the crowd it was difficult not to pick up on a few exciting things… his attention turned to her. it was captivating to watch her at work & after observing a handful of her games he picked up on a crucial detail. her luck with cards was cultivated with more than one skill. Ellis could night help but delight in her swindling people out of their money.
of course, it leads him to beg the question. how safe would his money be? He'd cheated his way through his fair share of card games but was that enough? well, with the opportunity presented he wasn't going to pass it up. his usually steely expression splits into a grin & he sets his drink down, using the back of his free hand to wipe his mouth.
" You're damn good at cards, you know," he admits, gesturing to the seat across from his as an invitation. maybe he's too excited, but he can't temper the feeling. He wants to see if he can out-cheat her… & even if he wouldn't deny how lovely she was. he was a sucker for a pretty face, after all, " It's a 'helluva thing to see you in action. "
" Up for a challenge? " he asks brightly, sarcasm inching its way into his words, " We can play by your rules. "
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 months
Does anyone still care about this idea? No? Well I don't care you get more stuff anyway.
I am working on the playing cards dw, but this has been sitting in my gallery for months and I wanted to get it done.
(It is HIGHLY RECOMENDED that you read the first part of this au story thing. It provides a lot of context for the world and some other characters that are mentioned here.)
Also some updates on that: This story is now called "Rayman: The Sacred Dream" and it is the concepts for a possible fangame. If people show genuine interest in these characters or this Rayman prequal's story, PLEASE let me know. I would love to construct a team to make this idea a reality.
Anyways: To the character cards!!! (Please read below I worked hard on the ref sheets)
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Xavior the Athletic Monk:
Xavior is a teensy who utilizes a special kind of elemental magic over anything else. Choosing to hit hard and dodge over magic blasts, he has learned to manipulate the magic inside his own body to shapeshift into a gelatinous water version of himself. Ze is incredibly resilient and moldable too, able to fit through almost any space and dodge most attacks with ease. He is one of Umber's closest friends. They and he often spar to release energy and get better at combat in general. Ze is also very kind, but lacks a filter, so often comes off as rude unintentionally.
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Fier the Furious Paladen:
Fier is a teensy with fire in his heart. Literally. Being a resident of Gourmand Land, they have never turned down a hearty meal, especially if it's spicy. His love for spice was so high that it turned his teal skin yellow, making him look the way he does now. They're personality is no less spicy. He is a hot head with a stubborn thought process. They swing first and questions people after, often challenging Aurthr for leadership of the group. He is not blessed by Polokus, but he does have some sort of deity watching him. It's rumored one of the four wild kings has given him their blessing. He does make a banger meal though, so he is allowed to stick around.
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Ellixer the Mysterious Cleric:
No one knows Ellixer's story, nor do they ever share it themselves. They are the only naturally yellow teensy of the Glade, with has made them a puzzlement for most who come across them. They are a very talented magic user, but it can only be used for good (such as healing and boosts). Their inability for proper fighting has made them an easy target for capture, but to their captor's surprise, they always escape undetected. Some even assume that they are Polokus themselves, but they deny it. However, Ellixer did manage to help Aurthr with his bubble magic, so they're not beating the allegations.
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Zoron the Cursed Druid:
Zoron was not always the old grump he is now. There was a time where he was a thriving showman, bringing the magic of snow and combat to the hot climates of the Glade. His best clients were the minotaurs, a kind group of hell-dwellers just wanting to cool down and have a good spar. However, while traveling to one of his events, he got into a fight with a mother frostbite, who lost her life in the battle. From that day on, Zoron had been cursed with not only her primal hunger, but the ability to turn into any creature he has fought before (which has been a lot). He was also burdened with her kits, although this is no bother to him now. After learning how to control his hunger through Soria, he's been staying isolated in caves, not wanting to hurt anyone else.
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Pyren the Rouge Artificer:
Pyren is one of the strangest teensies around. Whereas most are born with large amounts of magic, Pyren was born with none. This lack of magic has made his life incredibly hard, making it almost impossible to properly bond with his peers and defend himself alone. As a result, he started utilizing his real talent, his brain. Learning that plums are quite flammable and explosive, he learned to harness their power into artillery like bombs and makeshift guns. He also sells these weapons to others, good and bad, who also struggle with no magic or are willing to pay the pretty gem. However, insecurity leads people down dark paths, so when a large, dark-hearted nightmare strikes a deal with Pyren for him get magic in exchange for his loyalty, he becomes his biggest weaponsmith.
And with that, the cast has been fully shared! Yes, there is going to be like 10 main characters in this, but some are more main than others lol. If anyone has any questions at all, I will be more than happy to answer.
Thank you for all the support and have a wonderful afternoon!
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seriowan · 2 years
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here is a more in-depth introduction post with monthly themes/submission rules/ and more!
purpose: to provide a safe & positive platform for star wars oc creators. this gallery is here to encourage others to be creative and confident in their ocs & to also provide community. remember, every oc is different. every oc is unique. every oc is special. every oc is valued.
! spreading positivity is appreciated; reblogging is encouraged !
note: while there aren't many submissions this first time around, my hope is that this event will gain a bit more traction so that more oc creators fill out the submission form for next month's theme! — also, to those who submitted but do not see your submissions up in this exhibit, your ocs didn't quite fit the theme of the month but don't worry! they've been saved so that they can be added to the proper upcoming themes ☺️
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Bel-Eliel Jensei (@elismor) None of Us Perfect (fic)
Sa’dyra Secla (@echos-girlfriend) General info link Latest info dump
Orion Tenebris (@moonlight-sonata99) Orion (art)
Rina Caska (@l-lend) Meditation (oc x wrecker fic) Days Like This (oc x wrecker fic) Playing House (oc x wrecker fic)
Talia Riva (@baba-fett) Illicit Affairs (oc x rex fic)
Kiana and Kiho Umaki (@seriowan) Art and drabble info dump
Kei'Ara Agri (@get-wr3ckered) Biography
Zaiya Valessa (@kimageddon) A Prince of Dathomir (oc x darth maul fic)
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no submissions ☹️
Agent Eliix (@agenteliix) (old republic chiss oc) A Kept Secret: Prologue (fic) Break the Ice (fic) Agent Ellix (art)
Lt. Kaeso Blithe (@blithe-imperial-underling) Biography/Info Post
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exhibit masterpost taglist: @kimageddon @elismor @dnxgma @wizardofrozz @fives-lover @lucyysthings @babygirlrex0504 @starborncyare
(join the taglist to be added to the monthly exhibit posts where everyone's ocs will be on display! — please reblog to signal boost and get this event out there!)
please don't be afraid to DM me privately or anonymously slide into my ask box for any questions/comments/concerns!
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porridgefeast · 1 year
an undetermined number of people you’d like to know more
I did away with the “nine” because I’m not tagging anybody anyway. I was tagged by my dear @emotionallychargedtowel.
last song i listened to
The last song I know I listened to is this cover of the Karate song “Gasoline,” which I really love and find cathartic. Pelican is an instrumental band and as such they don’t have a singer, so they enlisted this guy Chris Hansen from a band called Pinebender. He does a great job—his voice isn’t completely unlike that of Karate singer Geoff Farina, but he has a different, very affecting yell-y quality that really pays off when the song reaches its climax. And it’s a very climactic song / version of the song.
currently watching
Uncharacteristically, I don’t have one main thing I’m currently watching. I should soon. I just finished watching Not Me for the second time. I’m partway through the new miniseries of Justified. Like many people, I watched the first episode of Only Friends earlier today. Already a lot going on there! And this evening I thought I’d take a look at Gay Ok Bangkok per @waitmyturtles and I guess I got sucked in because I made it all the way through the show’s first season. Oh, and Jun & Jun.
currently reading
I’m near the beginning of Harrow the Ninth, which I’m finally picking up. I read Gideon the Ninth ages ago but I felt like I needed to reread it before I attempted the sequel. I got a new ebook copy of that one & read it on my July trip to Washington. I had bought a hard copy of Harrow in June when my colleague had an event for the release of her first novel; I wasn’t going to buy her book because I already had a copy by then, but I made sure to buy one book every time I went to one of her events. Another book event was my excuse to buy a copy of The Art of Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz, which I’ve wanted for years. I guess I’m also reading that, just very very slowly and not from beginning to end.
current obsessions
I often have at least one cooking obsession but the insane heat where I live has made that hard to keep up. At a certain point, food is barely interesting. Closest thing I've got now is tofu scramble.
Making cold-brewed tea in the fridge.
Fermentation, as per my reading material. I want to try doing water kefir soon.
I've wanted to make a scarf like Kaito's (below) from Zenkaiger since I saw it, maybe 1 1/2 to 2 years ago. ("Like" as in stitch pattern, though I'd probably also do stripes.) It just looks really soft. I have yarn brain at the moment because I'm scheming about yarn for this and a knitting project.
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Probably my biggest current fascination (of a non-media-related variety) is mending things and practicing mending. My bestie is an avid thrifter who wears clothes to pieces, so I have a near-endless source of mendable items to practice upon.
Organizing, if something can be both an obsession and a source of dread.
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trekkiehood · 1 year
A post Paris Ellix story called "Mr. Americana and the heartbreak Princess"
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mollat-bordeaux · 2 years
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💛💛💛 Le Tour du Monde de la Fermentation (Traditions, techniques et recettes) Sandor Ellix Katz @scopterrevivante Un merveilleux voyage à la rencontre d’un trésor culinaire : l’art de la #fermentation #terrevivante #ecologie #librairie #mollat #bordeaux (à librairie mollat) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoNOadwKN7c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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444names · 2 years
swedish forenames + goblin and dwemer names from tes
Adorejack Adrie Agard Agnte Agrik Aleonak Alfreta Alilivida Aline Alisarl Alive Aliviand Almajke Almanchen Almarry Alton Altor Alvic Amdie Amelton Amilovid Anchar Anchoggo Anchumack Annaker Aramanton Arejac Arenthu Aretage Arlia Arlina Arrog Arron Arrumz Arrut Asmus Axelia Aximilda Aximot Bagard Bagne Bagren Benja Bonac Boomac Boomather Boothann Bthar Bthen Bther Carizt Casterks Charks Coblip Coblivac Colia Cuole Cuolin Cuolinog Cuollat Cuolly Damedvia Damin Darnog Demer Demilm Demin Demma Demmster Dhailter Dhamed Dharks Dumack Dumard Durasperk Duraug Durot Durta Dwemmst Dzefk Ebbas Ebbasteo Ebbelip Eddit Eliamirie Eliel Elielive Elila Elinfanch Elinn Elisak Elisebs Eliver Eliviggo Elivis Elivithan Ellar Ellenda Ellia Ellin Ellix Ellykken Elvack Elvid Emedda Emestin Eminch Emothen Emothogh Estrimmy Famin Famuste Felleodor Felva Felvine Femiri Femmy Filda Filder Filisefk Filovind Filsa Framus Frejac Frejalton Frenilo Freta Gamaz Gamer Games Ghandes Glova Glovanda Glovea Glovian Goblicent Gobliot Gogge Golte Goltor Goltora Goretav Gridam Grulie Hadav Halmaja Hanic Hazzeizt Helma Heodorry Herise Hildack Hilia Hilin Hilio Hiloui Ihlda Ihldan Ihldestia Ihlen Ihleo Infanth Ingreja Irimmy Isabe Isakemogh Isard Isaridam Ivgreja Ivgrejac Ivgrenjac Ivgrid Ivgrik Ivgrim Ivgrizik Jnacolia Joelie Joellin Johnch Jolec Jonacob Jonja Joscara Joscasch Julin Julip Julis Julisa Julith Julivalea Julivicob Juluncen Julungne Julut Juluthed Jungris Kagar Kagnes Kagretaga Kamus Kerid Kevis Kladowke Klaedda Klard Klaria Klatias Kloui Kothai Kotheodor Kothog Kotte Kuram Kuraug Kurgoc Kurowken Kurta Lexand Liamajkey Liamil Liande Liasper Licia Linna Linnak Linoa Lisabrik Lisamel Liselin Lissabe Livines Lixter Lootheah Loothmole Lorak Lorand Lorenja Lorgich Lornelin Lorry Louin Louind Lovalive Lovanth Lover Lovin Lucard Lucatte Luchanch Ludvia Lunak Lunvanch Lunvarid Lutbug Majack Majke Malfra Malft Malisa Mangthuan Marlic Mathalia Matte Mazzef Mebasmina Mebbaren Melia Melie Melind Meline Mezailgoc Mhucar Mhucas Mhumz Mhuva Mhuvalisa Milie Milla Milma Milteo Minelton Mineon Mingus Mirimohai Mithmoth Mohnchar Molex Molin Molinda Mollia Monac Monjack Morrumz Mzalec Mzalio Mzuli Mzunac Mzunaga Mzunak Mzunch Märthlde Namdie Namel Nbthehn Nbtheo Nbthu Nbthuna Nched Ncher Nelleo Nevid Neviggo Nevil Nevinde Nevingne Nevinne Nibom Nicolia Nielvar Nilde Nilhea Nilixte Noelive Noren Nornes Novea Novinelio Ofiangren Olian Olielip Olines Osebbarp Osebben Outbug Outharl Outharry Radard Radras Radrid Rasper Razkadam Razkadrid Regsrog Regsron Rorks Rotheo Rottonja Ruine Rulch Ruthehn Sagabe Salin Samel Scara Scasmirim Sebbas Selsa Shamue Shanch Shard Sharks Sigga Siggabrid Siggo Siggoc Siggot Signter Sigre Sigrimmy Sigris Simiraug Simmstina Simog Sirak Siraug Siraz Sirazak Sixte Sixteo Skyra Skyria Steli Sthen Stheo Sther Stilmelle Stine Stuna Stuvalec Stuvna Svalmer Svank Tagnes Tagrida Tazkades Thena Thenagne Thera Thldarp Thovines Thzga Tiampus Tiann Tildav Tilmack Tiras Tirazake Tirisabe Tirizik Tonja Tunaw Verakerk Vicolton Vigne Vikto Vinchog Vinder Vineahnch Vinna Vinne Vinoah Viseba Wilda Wildack Wilgot Wilia Wilianter Wiliv Wiliva Wilmajkey Wilmard Wiltenda Wilthug Winch Withu Zakevid Zatheo Zathone Zathova Zatilovig Zatton Zicel Zicia Ziciank
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switchbackhyperloop · 2 months
Some short video of a baby being cute: *exists*
The comments:
"I gave MY babies essential oils to remove toxins from their bodies, buy my ellixers for $1000 or you don't love your children."
"What a cute baby!"
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honyakusho · 3 months
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内田樹/著 朴東燮/編訳
黒人法典 フランス黒人奴隷制の法的虚無
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ルイ・サラ=モランス/著 中村隆之/訳 森元庸介/訳
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経済協力開発機構(OECD)/編著 佐藤仁/監訳 伊藤亜希子/監訳
ジェニファー・トーレス/著 おおつかのりこ/翻訳
英国王室はこうして乗っ取られた!① : イギリスが隠蔽する「サイコな血の歴史」
[亡命王]フランシスコ・マノエル/著 ジョセフ・グレゴリー・ハレット/著 Bonobo/翻訳
マーガレット・マーヒー/著 尾﨑愛子/翻訳 はたこうしろう/イラスト
ホルスト・S・デムリヒ/著 イングリッド・G・デムリヒ/著 川東雅樹/翻訳
プロビデンス Act3
アラン・ムーア/著 ジェイセン・バロウズ/イラスト 柳下毅一郎/翻訳
サンダー・キャッツの発酵の旅 : 世界中を旅して見つけたレシピ、技術、そして伝統
Sandor Ellix Katz/著 水原文/翻訳
Alex Martelli/著 Anna Martelli Ravenscroft/著 Steve Holden/著 ほか
私たちは電気でできている : 200年にわたる生体電気の研究の歴史と未来の展望
サリー・アディー/著 飯嶋貴子/翻訳
ジュリー・オオツカ/著 小竹由美子/翻訳
にゃんこパワー : 科学が教えてくれる猫の癒しの秘密
カリーナ・ヌンシュテッド/著 ウルリカ・ノールベリ/著 久山葉子/翻訳
リサとガスパール ルーブルびじゅつかんへいく
アン・グットマン/著 ゲオルグ・ハレンスレーベン/イラスト 石津ちひろ/翻訳
失われた古代文明 : 歴史に消えた40の民族
フィリップ・マティザック/著 安原和見/翻訳
1兆円を盗んだ男 : 仮想通貨帝国FTXの崩壊
マイケル・ルイス/著 小林啓倫/翻訳
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displaay · 2 years
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Yellix typeface, sans-serif, first sketch 2011. The typeface is part of wider exploration followed by other #ellix typefaces. #displaay #typeface #yellix #type #best #font #type #typography #typographic #graphic #design #graphicdesign (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj58t26LTko/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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besos-sabor-caffe · 5 months
Reto de escritura. Día 6.
10 canciones favoritas.
Tratar de limitar solo 10 canciones es una tarea ardua, y difícil, así que dividí en dos listas una en inglés y otra en español las canciones que me gustan, aclaro, no son definitivas, simplemente me gustan, no tienen un orden en específico ni especial, solo me gustan...
Y comparto mi playlist.
Somebody else - The 1975.
Sunflower - Rex orange county.
Save your tears - The weeknd.
The nights - Avicii
Our first time - Bruno Mars.
September - Earth wind & fire.
Murder on the dance floor - Sophie Ellix
Creep - Radiohead.
Stay here tonight - Enrique Iglesias.
You rock my world - MJ
Cien años - Pedro Infante
Si tú me miras - Alejandro Sanz
Te vi - Hombres G
A pesar de todo - Nelson Ned
Mientras llueve - José José
Si no eres tú - Duncan Dhu
No me plátiques más - Luis Miguel.
Se te olvida - Javier Solis
Nada Personal - Mi sobrino memo
Narcisista por excelencia - Panda
Son solo listas, algún día pondré quizá acordé mis situaciones vividas...
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cajunscabinet · 2 years
Firestone: The Omega & The Exiled Prince
Firestone: The Omega & The Exiled Prince
Exiled for a terrible crime, Prince Daegan lives a solitary life until an injured omega washes up on his shore.The unloved, unwanted son of the king, Prince Ellix dreams of the day he’ll finally make his escape through the marriage circuit. That day never comes. Instead, his father arranges a marriage for him. But when he reaches his new home, Ellix learns it’s all a lie. He’s not destined to be…
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chicagchq · 2 years
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@homcbound [ elton + harper ]
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angstyaches · 2 years
i don’t know if this is possible but i have an idea for an au for one of your drabbles. i’ve been thinking about a sort of age swap? with sharlie and ellix (? do they have a ship name already?) swapping roles. haha i don’t know if i’m explaining this well enough
Ooh, okay, I think I can see what you're getting at! However, this would also call for a species swap, right? With Shayne and Charlie being vampires?
Also, no one's ever called them Ellix before, but that's kind of amazing 😭🖤
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suegreene · 2 years
[PDF] The Art of Fermentation: An in-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World - Sandor Ellix Katz
Download Or Read PDF The Art of Fermentation: An in-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World - Sandor Ellix Katz Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => The Art of Fermentation: An in-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World
[*] Read PDF Here => The Art of Fermentation: An in-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World
 Winner of the 2013 James Beard Foundation Book Award for Reference and Scholarship, and a New York Times bestseller, The Art of Fermentation is the most comprehensive guide to do-it-yourself home fermentation ever published. Sandor Katz presents the concepts and processes behind fermentation in ways that are simple enough to guide a reader through their first experience making sauerkraut or yogurt, and in-depth enough to provide greater understanding and insight for experienced practitioners.While Katz expertly contextualizes fermentation in terms of biological and cultural evolution, health and nutrition, and even economics, this is primarily a compendium of practical information--how the processes work; parameters for safety; techniques for effective preservation; troubleshooting; and more.With two-color illustrations and extended resources, this book provides essential wisdom for cooks, homesteaders, farmers, gleaners, foragers, and food lovers of any kind who want to develop a
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