#elongated knight rises
starsandrogues · 2 years
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Zoey Clark aka ‘Prank’
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levwrites · 1 year
A knight finds out his king has been replaced by a demon - or was he a monster all along?
This was inspired by @raineandsky's prompt.
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It's a fraction of a second. The knight turns the corner in the King's chambers and sees it: something strange in the King's eyes, an elongated fleshy shape disappearing under the hem of his shirt. Immediately all his instincts are screaming in alarm.
Anyone else would dismiss it as paranoia, as a trick of the mind. But the knight has seen too many demons, faced too many, to be so naive.
"What is the matter?" the King asks, turning to fully face him. Somehow he always seems to know when the knight has something on his mind.
And usually the knight is happy to tell him. Not this time.
Fire in his veins, ice gripping his heart, the knight unsheathes his sword and levels it at the thing in the King's bed. "Who are you?"
This creature stole my King.
The demon blinks. Looks down to the sword hovering so close to his chest. When he looks up again, he has the same expression the King reserves for traitors. "Ah, a wonder you haven't found out before today."
"Where is he?" The knight still sounds calm. Too calm. "Where is the King?"
How long has he been here? Fear consumes him. How could I not notice?
"I am the King." Vague amusement slips into the creature's tone, despite the faint frown creasing his brows.
The knight grits his teeth. "You will give him back to me. I am the King's knight, I have killed countless of your kin." Threat in every word, danger dripping from them. "I'll make you rue the day you were brought into existence."
"Oh, my love." The demon rises then, calmly pushing the sword out of the way as he does. "You don't know what you are talking about."
The knight's rage turns incandescent at the pet name. He almost sinks the sword into the creature's chest, but he can't - not yet, first the monster needs to tell him where is his King. "You are in the heart of his castle. There's no way you'll make it out of here alive." His grip on the sword tightens. "Tell me where he is."
The demon tilts his head, that dark look melting away in favor of proper amusement. His eyes are dark, magnetic. For the first time there's a strange new pull in them, something actively drawing the knight in. "My castle, you mean? You swore loyalty to me, my knight. Are you taking it away, after all these years?"
With a angry shake of his head the knight plunges the sword forward, aiming to hurt but not kill. He has no time for games, not when his King's life is in danger. Desperation consumes his mind.
I failed him. I let him get captured. I didn't even notice I was sleeping in someone else's arms.
The sword is yanked to the side as the demon deflects it without blinking, used to his knight's style of combat.
"I am the King." His words are firm. "For a decade I have ruled this country. Now let me ask again, my knight: are you taking back your Vows?"
Breathing hard, the knight looks up at him, desperately seeking the truth. The King watches him back with dark, inhuman eyes.
The sword clatters to the floor.
The knight folds to the ground, with none of his usual grace. He gets on his knees, his forehead pressed to the ground. Prostrated. He's shaking.
He's fine. He's fine, he's here.
"Sire." A word full of relief. "I am sorry, I didn't know- I am your loyal servant." Horror fills his chest. He flattens even closer to the ground. "I apologise. My actions are inexcusable."
I held a sword to his chest. I threatened him.
The demon - his King - watches him for a moment more. Then he leans down and picks up the sword, holding it surely in his hands as he did when the knight took his Vows. "Kneel."
The knight's heart falls. I failed him after all. He feels his heart contract painfully in his chest as he rises up on his knees, head still bowed. Offering his neck to the King, unprotected.
He's fine. That's what matters. He's here. He blinks, eyes burning. He's going to kill me.
"Do you refute your Vows?"
The knight would rather die. "No, Sire. I stand by them."
I don't care that he's a demon, he's my King.
"Recite them for me."
The knight still knows them by heart, even after all these years. Voice clear and firm despite the tremble that has taken to his fingers, he recites them.
The sword rises. It touches his right shoulder. His left shoulder. The point of it comes to rest on the very centre of the knight's chest, nearly above his heart.
The knight looks at his reflection on the blade. A part of him still expects it to sink into his chest. It feels like he deserves it, right now.
"I accept your Vows." The King's voice comes from above him, echoing a little with something not quite of this world. The sword is lowered. "Rise."
He forgives me.
As soon as he's on his feet again, the King reaches out and tugs him into a hug, holding him firmly against his own chest. "You were trying to do your duty," he murmurs in the knight's ear. "You have no fault."
The sword is placed back in the knight's hand, where it belongs.
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miirshroom · 8 months
Wings and Flight in Elden Ring
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Misbegotten are feathered and have wings, although they are non-functional on all except the Winged Misbegotten. One of the main. places where they can be found is Castle Morne which is strewn about with many copies of a winged crest. This crest is just at the correct height to give the illusion that the player has wings of their own, when stood in front of - wings forged of metal. There seems to be a theme here connecting the concept of developing wings as "misbegotten" which can mean "an idea that is poorly formed".
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Consider also the meaning of the word "imp". Because while the word can mean a mischievous creature or child, it is also an obsolete term for grafting plant buds. The term "imping" is still used today to describe the practice of repairing the broken wing or tail feathers of falcons - giving them wings. The Cat Imps have slender little wings and the Long-Tongued Imps have dragonfly/fairy shaped wings. The Fanged Imps have wings of various sizes between their appearances as statues for receiving stone sword keys, enemy types, fire pillars, spirit ashes, holding the books at the sorcerer rises, etc.
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Wolf Imps do not have wings and neither do Elder or Corpse Imps judging by their catacombs statues. The linguistic connection of imping implies that grafting is at the very bedrock of culture in the Lands Between. Thinking back to the Misbegotten and Castle Morne, this is also the location where the Grafted Greatsword can be obtained.
The Crucible Knights use "Aspects of the Crucible" Incantations and from them are dropped the Tail, Horns, and Breath incantations. When fought, these Crucible Knights also seem to be using an "Aspects of the Crucible: Wings" incantation, but it is not obtainable by the player. This ties into a theory that I have about the general nature of the various equipment and items that we can see used by enemies throughout the Lands Between but are not obtainable. These items and incantations/spells are still considered something precious by Radagon of the Golden Order and the Elden Beast. Thus, the Wings incantation is unavailable because "flight" is in a subset of tools that only an Elden Lord can grant, and you are not Elden Lord (yet).
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To explore further the meaning of wings leads to a tangent into Wizard of Oz theory. The north and purple-coloured country of the Land of Oz is called "Gillikin" and this is also the country from which the flying monkeys employed by the Wicked Witch of the West originate. The purple-eyed Demi-Human Queen in the Lux Ruins is called Gilika, and demi-humans in general have a design resembling a hairless cross between bonobos and wolf/rat (typical grunts have simian face & feet with pointed ears - the Queens, Chiefs, and runt subtypes like Boc have more elongated snouts of undefined species). No wings though. But that in itself is an interesting choice because as it happens the term "flying monkey" as used in the Wizard of Oz has been picked up as a psychology term meaning "people who carry out the work of a narcissist or an abusive person".
In the context of the above, it is notable that the witch queen of Raya Lucaria in the west also lives in a fortress guarded by winged marionettes in the similar spirit as winged monkeys. The west county of Oz is known for having the best craftsmen in the land, particularly tinsmiths. This is not to say that mapping the counties of Oz to some kind of 1:1 connection with Elden Ring is likely intended - the official map of the Land of Oz is itself a major source of confusion as it accidentally printed west and east backwards. On the other hand, Elden Ring does seem to use colour-coded regions in a way reminiscent of the Land of Oz - green for Limgrave, blue for Liurnia, red for Caelid, gold for Altus Plateau.
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And for a final note, there are two demi-gods who sprout wings in their second boss battle phase - Malenia and Mohg. Of the two of them it is Mohg with his dark feathery wings that has the closest thematic connection to the Winged Fanged Imps and Misbegotten. And Malenia's butterfly valkyrie wings are something unwanted - manifestation of her blooming into a goddess of Rot in desperation. What unites both are their close ties to Miquella, who seemed to be in the process of trying to metamorphose and develop wings of his own.
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lipeg · 9 months
The truth about Remnant's origin: Dragon God First part
Before the universe was created.
There was a dragon.
A God.
Of incomprehensible size, there was no limit to its size and POWER.
For thousands and billions of years, the God flying in absolute void, alone.
After thousands of centuries, he decided to create life.
Like this so the first sunrise.
Then came the stars.
And so it was that God created and reshaped his creation.
After 7 days, he created the universe.
Then he made the concepts take shape.
Rusted Knight Jaune: Like this?
Sophia: It's complicated, but look, what is the concept of fire
Rusted Knight Jaune: Burn?
Sophia: Yeah. He was applying this in reality, it's like writing your ideas on paper, executing your ideas in real life. Imagine that the concepts were your ideas, So he executed his ideas
Rusted Knight Jaune: Oh
Soon the universe was was filled with planets and plant life. But life had not yet emerged.
The Dragon stood still in the certainty of its creation, he saw that something was missing in his universe, something was missing, something mystical. So the magic was born.
With magic, then the Dragon decided metaphysical worlds.
He created the world of wonders where magical creatures could live.
Rusted Knight Jaune: So this is a world of wonders?
Sophia: Yes
This world is supposed to be something out of the norm and something full of surprises and wonders, whether they are good or bad.
So he created kingdom of the dead.
Place where souls rest eternally.
Where sinners went through the worst punishments.
Those who have done neither good nor evil will have their souls erased from existence.
For those who had a little evil in their hearts, they are taken to Purgatory to cleanse their souls of evil.
For those who have lived an honorable and righteous life and who demonstrate compassion and humility. They save by taking themselves to the heavenly kingdom, call of Elysium.
Only the Dragon God is allowed in and out.
This kingdom is protected by 7 guardians that anyone trying to enter without permission, will die.
Rusted Knight Jaune: My ancestors... where are they
Sophia: Everything is found in Elysium.
Rusted Knight Jaune: Oh
Sophia: The patriarch of your family is a very eccentric man
Rusted Knight Jaune: How?
Sophia: He criticized Pyrrha for hiding her feelings for you. He said it was possible you two were married before the attack on Beacon
Rusted Knight Jaune: ?
After creating all this, he felt alone.
So the Dragon God decided to split up so he wouldn't be alone.
It should only divide into two parts. But it divided into three parts.
Because he created a lot of things in a single second, his being was worn down.
It was divided into three parts. Their personalities and their power.
Their personalities gave rise to the Two Brothers, but strangely that one was supposed to represent the good side of the Dragon God. Your kindness was lost, your compassion was lost.
His bad side became more perverse, the Dragon God was good but he could get angry, but the anger developed and created a completely different being.
Both sides shared characteristics that the Dragon God had.
The Twin of Light, who was supposed to represent the goodness of God, inherited his deer antlers, his mustache and elongated body.
The Twin of Dark, inherited the second pair of horns from the Dragon God, ram horns, your great wings, and your great arms.
Rusted Knight Jaune: So both brothers, besides being parts of the same being, they inherited characteristics from him. And they developed their own characteristics
Sophia: Exactly
The third part, your power.
Something that was not inherited by the twins, they are nothing compared to your true self.
There was nothing that could withstand such power. If a mortal had any contact with this power, he would die instantly.
Nothing could change this result, absolutely nothing.
That power should have been lost, but it didn't.
But his power was imprisoned in a container.
When both brothers are defeated, the power would free itself and return to its rightful owner.
Rusted Knight Jaune: I'm Excuse me for asking so boldly, but where is this container that holds the power of God?
Sophia snapped her fingers.
Sophia and Jaune were in a cave far below the surface. With her illusion magic that she used to demonstrate where God's power was stored.
Jaune recognized the location.
How could he forget this place, he had already lived in this place for a few years.
Ever Alter or world of wonders
Sophia: There the power of God is stored
Sophia pointed to the large tree in the center.
The Great Tree
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The Flash Sentence Meme - The Elongated Knight Rises
“Okay calm down. Nobody needs to get hurt today,”
“You are missing the point. You need to be more cautious,”
“You can watch the clock all you want, but it won’t go any faster,”
“This is grosser than usual, does pudding go bad?”
“What do you want from me?”
“It’s not as bad as I thought it would be,”
“I just can’t believe this is our new normal,”
“I don’t want this to be our lives,”
“It’s happy hour, you’re buying,”
“Now the police are looking for you,”
“I wanted you back in my life,”
“He doesn’t want to be a part of this family and he never did,”
“I don’t want any trouble,”
“Now we know what your kryptonite is,”
“I was just wondering why you helped me?”
“Is there anything you can’t suck the fun out of?”
“I’m not that strong in the face of danger,”
“I’m not ready to die,”
“I’ve been trying so hard to ignore this feeling, but I’m not fearless like you are,”
“You really believe I can do this?”
“Are you single? “What can I say, when you got it, you got it,”
“What do you want, a cookie?”
“Thanks for getting this coffee by the way,”
“I didn’t even bring my wallet with me,”
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reusedsuperheroutfits · 6 months
This The Trickster Costume is worn on Devon Graye as Axel Walker/The Trickster in The Flash: The Elongated Knight Rises (2018) and seen as prop in The Flash Museum in The Death of Vibe (2018)
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The room was silent, still even. It'd happened again, she was sure of it. Anger placated as the knight looked down to her. "who art thou child?" She drew blade, longer and stronger blocking her. Steel meeting flesh, fury falling to behind her. "Oh knight. Tell me. What are thous tenets?"
The knights looks at the girl, despite her small stature, a righteous fury blazed behind her eyes. He halted. Considering his words. "Protection. Loyalty." He decided, he chose not to say a third one. Since, well it didn't exactly apply.
Her head tilted. Definately happened again. She caressed the flames, heat flickering into her palm as the blades still held. "so tell me. Would a mistress of a home of those who'd lost those of older positions in a child's life were to abuse those impure. Would she be... Reprimanded? Would the children be moved? Or say our Knight Reginald and his inner circle of knights. If he... murdered someone. Or our Knight Orion, I'd he massacred entire communities of Hybrids. Would he per say lose his title? Be stripped of rank?" Her hand began fizzling with focused mana, energy coursing into a focused ball. She put it behind her.
The girl was clearly in rage. Lord Reginald. King Orion. They'd likely done those acts, I had not known. She'd glared at sister Mary when she mentioned the mistress. Perhaps this was a misunderstanding. But the scars and dead men said otherwise. I chose words carefully.
"if they deserved it. If those actions were true. Yes. Most likely.".
The man said his belief. The girl looked up her him. "Sir Michael. You hold the life of three of the primary figures within the Paladins on your hand. One in your company. Do you, under the order of God, agree to their punishments?"
This. Changed the dynamic. This girl didn't seem religious. Nor holy. He chose carefully.
"it is my belief, if the charges are true. Yes. They shall be committed."
That was all she needed to hear, wings. Larger than her frame could support gree out her back, knife in her hand growing and she herself morphing larger. Not quite towering, but growing older. The captain still sat on a chair. Watching and listening to it all. Large, dark skinned and with piercing blue eyes, an emissary for a far away land, he said nothing as hilts were grabbed.
She spoke in an older accent. She walked up, her shadow betraying her form. Then she asked questions, now she seemed ready to do what she implied. Ellie grabbed her shotgun, cocking her KS-23. Shells loaded, while the woman looked at the two by her side. Glaives raised to her sizable chest.
"lower your weapons. I'm here for the nun." She looked at sister Mary. Fear filling her as she recognised her. The scar on her arm, elongated but still showing the marks of the whip. The knife marks on her fingers, her legs strong but still marked by not faint cane beatings. Her face lightly stained with tear ducts. With a sword in one hand, her other glowing. A room of 12 knights ready to fight. Then the rest of the nuns all stepped back.
The women glowed, magic forcing limbs to bend and step away from the nun. They cried out protests, rushing to support their sister, to find they couldn't go near or stand close to anyone. Boxed behind the knights, the woman sighed. Looking at the two distracted guards. Stepping back, she drew her blade into a resting position. Molten iron fell to the ground, the weapon forged into the man's body. He barely looked down, noticing the molten metal. Before screaming and disintegrating. She drew a blade at the woman's neck. "Lower the weapon."
Blades dropped to the floor, several being reached. Firearms couldn't work against her, combustion would barely start before she'd rise her blade. Several stepped back, blocking the woman with their body and weapons. She looked at the twelve, swirling glaives, as it melted to the floor. The woman falling down into dust as she stepped into the molten iron. It rose upon her touch, metal shoes forming around her feet as she drew her blade once more. "So we dancing?"
Blades fell to the ground, metal cooling as she lifted the Head Sister with a flaming fist. The heat reached through her clothing. Then, she was gone.
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crearuru · 3 months
"where have all the good men gone (ancient cookies in ruins) and where are all the gods (beast cookies empty lairs) wheres the streetwise hercules to fight the rising odds. isnt there a white knight upon a fiery steed, late at night, i toss aand turn and dream of whaat i need
i need a hero (flash of dark cacao's sword)
im holding on for a hero til the end of the night
hes gotta be strong and hes gotta be fast and hes gotta be fresh from the fight
i need a hero (close up of pure vanilla's eyes closed)
im holding on for a hero till the morning light (pv begins to gently glow)
he's gotta be (blue text) *sure* and hes gotta be *soon* (pure vanilla's breakdown sprite hits) and he's gotta be larger than life (cut to shadow milk cookie's towering form during his reveal)
(larger than life)
somewhere after midnight (moonlight cookie) in my wildest fantasy (sea fairy) somewhere just beyond my reach theres someone reaching back for me (tower of waves).
racing on the thunder (a flash of stormbringer cookie) and rising with the heat (the sea boils as the tower of waves rises)
its gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet (sea fairy freezes embracing the moon)
i need a hero (flash of lightning illuminates an undersea cavern)
im holding on for a hero till the end of the night
hes gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta fresh from the fight (the captain's submarine is narrowly missed by a swipe of a massive black tail)
i need a hero
im holding out for a hero till the morning light
hes gotta be sure and he's gotta be soon and he's gotta be larger than life (black pearl cookie is shown dwarfing the submarine, her titanic form encircling the cavern and coiling inward to glare at the submarine)
(larger than life)
(the screen transitions upwards from the sea floor, passing dark cacao's ship on the sea's surface)
up where the mountains meet the heavens above (the camera slighty overshoots then returns downward to centering mystic flour cookie's mountain)
and where the lightning splits the sea (stormbringer cookie slashes downwards through the heavens, her seasplitter outfit appearing once she breaches the surface. possible she damages the tower of frozen waves but thats not as thematically necessary its just cool)
i could swear there was someone somewhere watching me (the glow of the moon gently radiates down from the heavens)
through the wind and the chill and the rain (wind deity cookie, cloud deity cookie, and rain deity cookie gaze down upon stormbringer)
and the storm and the flood (lightning crashes again where stormbringer descended, the equivalent to an earthquake's aftershock but with lightning instead, the sea parting and tsunamis crashing over cliffsides)
i can feel his approach (the flour fog which carries the pale ailment retracts from the flood, but slowly creeps back over the sea approaching the dark cacao kingdom) like a fire in my blood (with each repitition of "like a fire in my blood" from the chorus, a candle from the weeklong buildup to mystic flour's release sputters into being, with the final "fire in my.... blooooooooood" leading to mystic flour's eyes snapping wide open on the elongated note, with a crack forming in her cocoon)"
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brain-rot-central · 1 year
Thinking about Astarion and Liriel's (my Tav) little dhampir twin kiddos and I'm so...
Anastasia is a carbon copy of Astarion. Silver hair and red eyes, all sass and quite literally the apple of Astarion's eye. Seriously, do not go near her without asking him. She follows him everywhere and he carries her on his shoulders during outings in the woods to hunt. She has long, wavy hair and bangs that fall over her giant ruby eyes. She's got Astarion's little doe-eyed pout down to a T and he's an absolute bumbling fool over it. Astarion had assigned Liriel a personal knight during her pregnancy with the twins, Sir Gideon, though Gideon has now become the young lady's loyal guardian. Ana often follows him around the palace if Astarion is away on business. She has a budding relationship with Harold Ravengard as she ages, son of Wyll Ravengard, who is the current Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate. Wyll turns a blind eye to Astarion's business so long as he keeps his activities underground.
Nathaniel looks more mortal than vampire. Silver hair with streaks of auburn cutting through his roots, and violet eyes. Liriel ponders if it must have been the color of Astarion's eyes while he was alive. His teeth are blunted and he struggles to drink his meals properly. Liriel often has to slit their necks and bleed them into a goblet for her son to consume. Nathaniel is much more timid and shy, very reserved. He hides behind his mother's coattails quite often. He has a strained relationship with Astarion and often feels outshined by his sister, until the night of his 13th birthday.
Astarion takes him out into the woods in a final attempt to teach him how to properly hunt prey. The scent of blood overwhelms Nathaniel's senses and he's suddenly on all fours growling and snarling fiercely at his father. His hair is stark white, his eyes hot embers, and his teeth have elongated. Astarion is stunned into silence; the display ends as quickly as it began. Nate rises from the ground, ashamed and horrified at what just occurred. He tells Astarion this has been happening, with Ana being the only other person to know. Astarion ends their hunt and brings them back home.
(I love the concept of these kids so friggin much omg. Like I seriously love the idea of Astarion's kids being two sides of the same coin, basically two sides of his own coin, and then essentially tag-teaming against Astarion and Liriel and having their own arrangements and secrets and ohhhhh my god 😭😭😭
Also um Anastasia sitting at the table in their giant dining hall in Astarion's lap as a young child and Astarion is explaining to her that Gideon is now her knight and protector. The first thing she does is order him to get her a glass of water because she's thirsty I'm so fuckin UGH
Like imagine this tiny little pale child with curly silver hair and giant ruby eyes speaking in childish babble to a giant, burly knight and giving him the cutest orders)
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Most Hollywood blockbuster films typically have an hour and a half or more runtime. However, some narratives are so complex that they require more time to delve into their deeply layered storylines. In today’s fast-paced world, though, some viewers may find it challenging to dedicate three hours or more to watch a single film, especially if they prefer shorter viewing experiences due to limited free time.
Ultimately, the length of a movie may not matter as long as it remains entertaining and of good quality. While a long runtime might turn some viewers off, others do not mind it, recognizing that it can be necessary for certain epic films like “The Godfather,” “The Lord of the Rings,” and “Ben-Hur.” In these cases, the extended runtime makes us question the plot’s breadth but adds to these cinematic masterpieces’ brilliance.
Cinematic epics such as “Seven Samurai,” “Ben-Hur,” and “Schindler’s List” have all demonstrated that their length is not merely for show. They are magnificent works created by skilled directors and enhanced by exceptional actors and various film components. Their elongated runtimes provide room for profound character development, intricate plotlines, and unparalleled exploration of themes that leave a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of the audience.
Christopher Nolan debuted with a 70-minute independent film, ‘Following’ (1998). But over the years, he has made intense and thrilling blockbusters with longer running times, like Inception (148 minutes), The Dark Knight Rises (165 mins), and Interstellar (169 mins). Now he has hit the 3-hour mark with his latest magnum opus, Oppenheimer. Though it’s a biopic and a historical drama revolving around the famous physicist Robert J. Oppenheimer, Nolan’s magic and astounding performances have brought a sense of urgency and thrill to a conversation-filled article. Films like Oppenheimer, in fact, can stimulate movie lovers’ fascination for such detailed narratives. Hence, we have compiled a list of must-watch and thrilling 3-hour-long movies like Oppenheimer.
1. The Irishman (2019)
“The Irishman” is a compelling blend of crime drama, character study, and historical exploration, brought to life by a talented cast and masterful direction. It’s rich storytelling and complex characters have made it a film that continues to fascinate and captivate audiences worldwide. The Irishman is not just a crime thriller but a character study that allows viewers to explore its main characters’ moral dilemmas and internal struggles.
The film is known for its Epic Length and Narrative, which spans several decades, chronicling the life of Frank Sheeran, a truck driver who becomes involved with the Bufalino crime family. Martin Scorsese’s masterful direction, the outstanding performances of Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci, and the inventive use of music all play a role in creating an immersive and engaging viewing experience. Since Frank’s story is based on the non-fiction book “I Heard You Paint Houses” by Charles Brandt, which claims to be the true story, its extended run-time makes it even more intriguing for viewers who cherish stories that are rooted in real-life events.
2. Seven Samurai (1954)
This Japanese Classic is one of those long movies viewers can see and revisit over and over again without getting tired of its intriguing plotline. With its richly developed characters, alongside the narrative’s emotional depth and stunning action sequences, Seven Samurai is regarded as one of the most influential and celebrated films in cinema history. Directed by Akira Kurosawa and set in 16th-century feudal Japan, the film tells the story of a group of seven ronin (masterless samurai) who are hired by a small farming village to protect them from marauding bandits.
“Seven Samurai” is a great film due to its visionary direction, timeless story, complex characters, and pioneering cinematography. Its enduring legacy continues to inspire and captivate audiences, making it a true classic of the medium. The film’s perfect pacing and expertly choreographed action sequences allow the narrative and characters to be fully explored, creating a powerful and emotionally resonant film.
3. Schindler’s List (1993)
This compelling and critically acclaimed historical drama, directed by Steven Spielberg, tells the story of a German businessman, Oskar Schindler, who embarks on a transformative journey during one of the darkest chapters in human history. Initially portrayed as an opportunist seeking profit, Schindler has a change of heart when he witnesses the atrocities inflicted by the Nazis upon the Jewish population. The film unfolds through a series of powerful and poignant scenes, capturing the Jewish workers’ daily struggles, fears, and acts of heroism under Schindler’s protection.
Understandably, “Schindler’s List” spans over three hours to comprehensively portray its devastating story, intricate character development, and thorough examination of the historical events of the Holocaust. Extended runtime is an advantage for those who appreciate immersive storytelling and thoughtful exploration of history.
4. Magnolia (1999)
“Magnolia” is a remarkable and intricately woven drama celebrated for its ambitious and innovative storytelling, making it a unique and artistically valuable film. Set in the San Fernando Valley, the movie follows the lives of various characters, each grappling with personal demons and challenges. As the narrative unfolds, their individual stories converge and intertwine over the course of a momentous day. This ambitious film’s duration delves deeply into themes of forgiveness, regret, coincidence, and life’s unpredictable nature. The extended runtime provides ample room for a thorough exploration of these themes, enriching the movie with intellectual and emotional depth.
For those who relish immersive storytelling, in-depth character study, and ambitious filmmaking, the longer runtime of “Magnolia” proves to be a significant asset, elevating its impact and resonance. The gradual buildup of emotional moments culminates in a profound and cathartic experience for the audience. As the film embraces its extensive runtime, it masterfully captures the complexities of human existence.
5. The Godfather Part 2 (1979)
“The Godfather Part II” stands out as an exceptional sequel, surpassing its iconic predecessor. Expanding on the underworld of the Corleone family, the film delves deep into its characters, exploring the family’s history and dynamics. This cinematic masterpiece received widespread critical acclaim and earned six Academy Awards, testifying to its brilliance and quality.
Functioning as both a prequel and a sequel, the film artfully follows two parallel storylines. One traces Michael Corleone’s ascent as the new Don of the Corleone crime family, while the other reveals his father’s early life, Vito Corleone, and his rise to become a renowned cartel leader. The intricate narrative captivates viewers, leaving them engrossed and unaware of the passage of its 200-minute runtime. Director Francis Ford Coppola skilfully balances dual narratives, maintaining a consistent tone and atmosphere, displaying his artistic vision and filmmaking expertise. “The Godfather Part II” is a rare gem that continues to enthrall audiences, cementing its place in cinematic history.
6. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003)
Directed by Peter Jackson and serving as the third and final installment of the epic fantasy Return of the King, it picks up where “The Two Towers” left off. It follows the perilous journey of Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) and his loyal friend Samwise Gamgee (Sean Astin) to Mount Doom in Mordor to destroy the One Ring, the source of the dark lord Sauron’s power. Much like the monumental success of Titanic six years before, this film garnered critical acclaim and achieved tremendous box-office success, ultimately securing 11 Academy Awards.
It solidified itself as one of the most outstanding cinematic achievements in the fantasy genre. The extended runtime of “The Return of the King” may require a significant time commitment from viewers. Still, many fans and critics consider it an essential aspect of this exciting, adventurous film. It allows for a more comprehensive and immersive experience, elevating the film from a mere blockbuster to an epic and emotionally resonant cinematic achievement.
7. Ben-Hur (1959)
Ben-Hur is a timeless epic historical drama that won 11 Academy Awards for its grand scale, impressive chariot race sequence, and powerful performances, particularly Charlton Heston’s portrayal of Judah Ben-Hur. It is based on the 1880 novel “Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ” by Lew Wallace, and follows the journey of Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish prince who seeks vengeance against his childhood friend turned Roman adversary.
Despite its 212-minute run time, which may challenge some viewers, “Ben-Hur” remains a classic and enduring film, revered for its impressive scale, compelling story, and breathtaking visuals. With a longer runtime, the film has the opportunity to develop its characters more deeply, allowing viewers to become more emotionally invested in their journeys and experiences. To this day, “Ben-Hur” continues to be regarded as one of the most epic films in history, with an ageless appeal that never wanes.
8. The Right Stuff (1983)
“The Right Stuff” is a compelling and inspirational portrayal of the pioneering era of space exploration, showcasing the early astronauts’ courage, determination, and resilience. Based on Tom Wolfe’s 1979 book of the same name, it chronicles the early years of the United States space program. For enthusiasts of historical dramas, space exploration, and compelling storytelling, “The Right Stuff” proves to be a must-watch.
With a runtime of 192 minutes, the movie delves into the astronauts’ personal lives, aspirations, and fears, revealing the human side of these legendary figures. Its epic scale and quality earned praise from critics, leading to several Academy Award nominations and four Oscar wins in categories such as Best Sound, Best Film Editing, Best Original Score, and more. Overall, The Right Stuff is undeniably a well-crafted and compelling film that offers a deep look into the early beginnings of the U.S. Space Program. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best films of the 80s.
9. Titanic (1997)
“Titanic” stands tall as one of the highest-grossing films of all time and remains one of the most memorable and heart-wrenching love stories. The extended runtime allows for emotional moments as it follows the gradual development of Jack and Rose’s relationship, and the unfolding tragedy creates a more profound emotional impact. Being committed to historical accuracy, “Titanic” meticulously depicts the events surrounding the ill-fated ship’s sinking. The long-running time enables a thorough exploration of the disaster’s timeline, contributing to a more authentic portrayal of the momentous event.
With numerous Academy Awards, James Cameron‘s Titanic remains an adored and iconic film, thanks to its enthralling narrative, breathtaking visual effects, and the undeniable chemistry between its lead actors. Overall, Titanic is considered influential because it successfully combines an emotionally engaging love story with a historically significant event. Its spectacular visuals, captivating performances, and impactful themes have made it a beloved film that continues to touch the hearts of audiences worldwide.
10. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Directed by David Lean, this historical film is based on the life of T.E. Lawrence, a British officer who played a significant role during World War I in the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire. As the film unfolds, it shows Lawrence becoming immersed in Arabian culture, becoming a pivotal figure in uniting the disparate Arab factions and leading them in guerrilla warfare against the Turk.
With a runtime exceeding three hours, the film has the luxury of delving into the intricate political, cultural, and military complexities of the Arabian Peninsula during the war. Despite its lengthy duration, “Lawrence of Arabia” captivates and mesmerizes its audience scene after scene, unfolding the compelling story of this brave British adventurer and soldier. The film’s stunning visuals, thrilling storyline, captivating music, and exceptional acting create a powerful and enthralling cinematic experience, drawing viewers in and keeping them entertained throughout.'
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mr-kiwi-the-wizard · 1 year
It was the 12th of Moontober and the princess had not returned to the castle.
The king had many small holdings throughout the country side so he and his family could attend local settlements and public issues in comfort.
The princess had said she wanted to stay at one of the isolated towers near the eastern meadows to get away from the many forward suiters who wished to court her. The king agreed she could go for no more than four weeks and was to be accompanied by an escort of knights. But now the worried king had to send for her.
He sent for Sir Gallent. A former adventurer and now knight who the Princess had once saved from certain doom.
"Please Sir Gallent. The princess is in danger and only you can save her."
Sir Gallent rode out on his horse Bumble the Glitter Hoofed towards the east to meet with the princess once more.
After two days journey by horse Sir Gallent could see the tower from the open meadow. It sat high upon a rocky outcrop on the edge of a man made forest. He could see smoke rising in a small wisp from the base of the tower. Sir Gallent was coucious and made for the woods by horse so he could scout closer on foot.
As the amber afternoon came Sir Gallent crept forth trying to remain hidden.
He saw in a window up high in the tower a maiden with star hair. The Princess no doubt. But at the foot was a large fat green dragon surrounded by bones and crumpled armour. And the ground marked by many quarels.
Sir Gallent knew of the dragons and faced many in battle but has never bested one yet.
The princess was more important than glory.
He snuck around the stones and rubble of a ruined redoubt to the back of the tower and threw a small stone so it would strike near.
The princess looked out and saw the knight bellow. "Oh sir Gallent it's you I knew you would come!"
"Princess has the dragon held you err long?"
"he has not, he is an old friend and has guarded me so. for the knights worked for the evil baron and sought to spirit me away to be wed against my wishes. But beware for the dragon may think you too a foe!"
"can you not speak to him princess?"
"I cannot for I left him the key and he will not let me leave."
Sir Gallent marched forth with no sword in hand and a loud gaunt in his voice.
"ok dragon i-!"
"who dares disturb my princess!"
The dragon had awoken and his roar was loud. His fire was hot and he was not happy.
"I am Sir Gallent and I have come to return the princess to the castle."
The dragon elongated it's neck unnaturally and sniffed the knight with his forked tongue.
"on you I smell no evil but assure her safety to you I cannot."
"The Barons son she has slain. Her bolt guiding true. And so great evil here waits for you. I am too old to fly. But a solution I have for you."
The dragon handed the knight a small bag. In it was many bottles.
"blood from my wounds and a fallen scale too. The wizard of the woods you must bring them to."
Sir Gallent nodded and waved to the princess who heard gathered his steed and courage for the Quest ahead.
He was off to see the wizard to aid a sick dragon and a damsel in distress. No doubt others will have need in this perilous woods.
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fyeahgrantgust · 6 years
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I miss prison Barry (2/2)
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starsandrogues · 3 years
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I saw this text post and it reminded me of a certain someone (please click for better quality)
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icedteaandoldlace · 4 years
Trickster taking Vibe's goggles off on live television always hurts me a little, but let's just take a moment to appreciate the fact that Cisco and Caitlin were both captured in full superhero mode, and both had their (granted, minimalist) identity protection taken away, and not only does it never become an issue that they were outed to everyone tuning in to that broadcast, but when Cicada went after Vibe a year later, he had to stalk Joe in order to find him, because there was no information available anywhere to tell him Vibe's identity--no social media posts, no tabloids or news articles, and the reporter who had interviewed Ralph after Trickster and Prank's arrests kept the focus on coming up with an official name for Elongated Man.
If something like this had happened in our world, or even to a different team of superheroes, people would be recording and screencapping that shit and posting it online so fast, and doxxing them 'cause people can't mind their own business and they want to be the first to know/report everything. But the people of Central City really said you can pry their local heroes' identities out of their cold, dead hands, and I think that's just ducky.
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theflashdaily · 7 years
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Ramon, you've had all this time, you can't come up with anything?
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yourlocaldudebro · 7 years
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They’ve become self aware
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