#elsa clearly doesn't like her
ot3 · 5 months
it's really interesting to me how much of the discussion around the use of AI image generation seems to revolve around the idea that there are really only two types of visual art that exist:
art intended for some sort of commercial use
2. art that gets made so that the artist can experience the Joys and Wonder of Creative Expressions Of Humanity
the first is one where i think there's some actual concern warranted. i do think it's legitimate to say that a lot of visual artists and photographers have had their work used in a way they couldn't possibly have predicted and had no means of opting out of. i definitely find it questionable to use ai generated images as a commercial product, especially when it's corporate entities doing it. and as always corporations will use whatever new tech they can to cut out human workers. it fucking sucks and warrants talking about but cutting out human artists for AI art use is an extension of the pre-existing phenomenon, not a new thing.
the second one is complete bullshit. would i personally get a lot of value out of Expressing Myself with ai image generation? absolutely not. maybe some people do. but for the most part anyone who values art as an experiential process and is unconcerned with the final product is already Doing That. they don't need a condescending post about the evocative nature of children's scribbling to know that the fidelity of a piece of artwork does not correspond to it's value. you're talking to the wrong fucking people.
the thing i feel like gets left out entirely is the millions of reasons why someone might want A Specific Image to exists that's outside of these two categories. maybe you just want a picture to go on your dnd character sheet but nothing on picrew has the right features. maybe you want a cartoon of your 4 year old daughter dressed as elsa to get printed on her birthday cake. maybe you want to send your coworker a picture of her dog on the rim of an active volcano as part of an ongoing inside joke. maybe you're a writer and want to whip up a quick visual for something as reference to make it easier to describe.
and i really struggle to understand what the material harm is in any of those things. the closest i can approximate is that people who have a problem with ai image generation for personal use seem to feel like either a. people are robbing freelance artists who do commissions of a Potential Sale which i don't think i need to explain why that's bullshit or b. the fact that they can have access to Images without having to Work Hard like I, a Real Artist did means they are committing some sort of karmic slight against me. and there really isn't any way to unpack/legitimize that particular critique that doesn't result in some ableism, as we've clearly seen.
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whorefortheevans · 1 year
Not His Type - Jimmy Darling x Fem!Reader (18+)
I genuinely can't tell if this is good or not lmfao, I haven't written smut in literal yearsss and I've never written for ahs please help me.
CW: fingering, oral (fem receiving), public sex, slight praise at the end word count: 1316
"I'm telling you, Ethel, I'm definitely not his type," you explained, for what felt like the millionth time, to Jimmy's sweet mother. She and you have become increasingly close over the time that you've been working at the freakshow. Two years ago, you came looking for a job, just something small to make at least a little money. Elsa turned you down at first, because you were nothing short of normal, but after offering (begging) to help Ethel with the cooking, she finally gave in.
"How do you know what his type is? You've never asked 'im," she responded, continuing to chop the vegetables you both were preparing for the night's dinner. You scoffed, rolling your eyes and sliding the diced onion into a large pot.
"He likes Maggie. And what's not to like? She's blonde, thin, pretty face..."
Ethel glanced up with a small smirk creeping onto her lips. "Listen, Y/n, I've known Jimmy my whole life and I'm telling you, he's liked you for a while now."
Jimmy was the first guy you had shown any interest in. Most of them are crude and only want one thing, but he was the first man to ask for your name, take your hand and gently kiss your knuckles as an introduction. Well, needless to say he's had you since day one.
"Nope," you denied. "I am not his type, not even close."
"Not who's type?" Jimmy asked, striding into the tent. He had a playful smile on his face, and you turned away from him immediately, praying that the blush on your face wasn't as apparent as it felt.
"Nothing, don't worry about it," you said quietly. "Just boring girl talk."
Ethel put her knife down on the table and turned to you. "Oh, you know what? I forgot to grab a carrot, I'll go find one, don't wait up!" she said, half yelling as she quickly walked out of the tent, leaving you and Jimmy alone.
You suppressed a grin and rolled your eyes, standing in front of the table and starting to cube a potato. You saw Jimmy move towards you out of the corner of your eye and felt your heart flutter. It's stupid for him to have this hold over you.
"Hi, Y/n," Jimmy said in a sing-song voice.
You smiled and looked up at him. "Hi, Jimmy."
"Who's the lucky guy?" he asked.
"What lucky guy? The one who doesn't like me back?" He grinned and shortly nodded. "It doesn't matter. I have no chance." you said, looking back at the medley on the table.
Jimmy came closer to you, now standing just mere inches away, his body heat making you impossibly warmer. "Put the knife down, Y/n."
You placed the knife onto the cutting board and pushed it away from the table's edge. You turned to Jimmy, who took your wrists in his hands and smiled at you. "Who's the lucky guy?"
He leaned his head towards yours, nudging your cheek with his nose. You gasped, trying to control your breath and slow your heartbeat, but you knew it was no use. "Um, it's you, Jimmy," you said, awkward and quiet. You felt him smile against your skin.
"And who says you're not my type?" he said, clearly amused, but your sense of embarrassment dwindled quite quickly. You didn't answer him. Your words were caught in your throat and his proximity was making you very nervous.
He didn't press the issue further, and instead kissed your cheek, then the corner of your mouth, and after a small pause to look into your eyes, he smiled again and placed his lips on yours.
His hands grasped your waist, and you placed yours on his shoulders for stability. He gently bit your bottom lip, eliciting a moan from you, and he continued to kiss his way down your jaw to your neck, biting and licking until he found the spot that made you moan yet again.
He sucked on the skin just below your ear, and you threw your head back to give him space. He walked you back a few steps, until your lower back hit the table behind you. Jimmy pulled away and lifted you up, sitting you down on the cleared space of the table. Now standing between your legs, he reached his hands under your shirt and pulled it off.
His left hand massaged your breast, hardening your nipple and sending chills down your spine. His right hand moved further down, rubbing soft circles over your clothed clit. You moaned and pulled your head away from him.
"Is this okay?" he asked you.
"Your mom will be back soon," you said, although you didn't want him to stop.
"We'd better make this quick then, lift your hips." he said, as he quickly pulled down your pants and underwear in one go.
"Jimmy! The food is right here!" you exclaimed, your heart pounding steadily.
He laughed and kissed down your body, positioning himself on his knees right in front of your dripping pussy. "The heat will cook off anything bad, don't worry." He ran his fingers through your wetness and stuck them in his mouth. "You taste delicious," he said, kissing your thighs, inching closer to where you most want him.
"Jimmy, please," you whimpered, wriggling your hips to try and find some sort of friction.
"Please, what?" he teased, looking up at you.
You groaned in embarrassment, "Please touch me, lick me...anything."
He smiled up at you and lightly kissed your clit, sticking his tongue out and flattening it against you. You gripped the edge of the table and let your head fall back in pleasure.
He kitten licked your clit before briefly pausing, and running his tongue from the base of your pussy back up to your clit, sucking it and kissing it in a way you've never felt before.
You let out a series of moans, trying to keep them quiet in case anyone was near enough to hear. You moved your hand into his hair and pulled on it, causing him to moan and send vibrations through your core. You leaned back on your left hand, hoping it would be enough to support you through this.
Jimmy took his right hand from where it rested on your thigh and plunged his middle two fingers into your hole, pushing them as far in as possible before withdrawing them. He began to pump them, slowly at first, and as your moans got louder his hand went faster.
You could feel your arousal dripping out of you, running down to your asshole and collecting on Jimmy's chin. It wasn't long before you were a wriggling mess. You could feel your pelvic muscles tightening and your walls started to clench around his fingers. "Jimmy, I-I'm gonna...cum," you moaned out.
Jimmy took his mouth away from you and pumped faster, if that was even possible. He took his left hand and rubbed hard, fast circles on your clit and looked up at you, your mouth agape and eyes squeezed shut. "Cum for me, Y/n. Cum on my fingers like a good girl,"
That was all you needed before he sent you over the edge. You bit your knuckles, trying to keep quiet but your moans still sounded loud in your ears. You clenched tightly around Jimmy and squeezed your legs together as the pressure inside you was released.
Jimmy took his fingers out but rubbed your clit through your orgasm before helping you put your pants back on. He stood up, wiped his mouth on his arm and smiled at you. "Who says you're not my type?" he grinned, backing away from you as Ethel came back in, holding up two carrots.
"Found 'em," she said, before setting them down on the opposite side of the table and sending you a playful smirk.
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imagitory · 4 months
All right...for those of you who don't know my thoughts about Wish, yes, I wasn't happy with the finished result, but no, I'm not a hater. I'm mostly just disappointed that this project that had so many good ideas came out so half-baked, and THIS is a perfect example of what I mean.
No, it's not because "Star Boy" appears in it -- at least, not by itself. I do actually like Star's "himbo" personality in this, even if I also completely understand liking the idea of a mute version of the character. (The downside is that the mute Star from the finished film honestly doesn't have much personality outside of just being cute, in contrast to other mute magical Disney characters like Tinker Bell.)
No, the lost potential here is two-fold --
Firstly, I once again felt more emotion watching this storyboarded sequence than I did at any point in the finished film. I smiled hearing the fun banter between Star and Asha, insinuating that they're becoming closer despite their contrasting personalities; I felt some suspense in how Star and Asha were going to get away from evil!Queen Amaya; I even laughed pretty hard at the cat-and-yarn gag! I didn't laugh once while watching the finished movie.
Secondly -- and this point is actually the one I want to focus on more -- is the commentary given about why this scene was cut. I truly think another unspoken reason behind the decision was that this sequence was clearly inspired by the transforming chase scene in Nimona, which Disney of course infamously dropped when they closed Blue Sky Studios and later got picked up by Netflix, only to receive glowing reviews from just about everyone...but one of the core reasons that Head of Story Mark Kennedy cites for why they changed this scene (aside from wanting Star to be mute and not a shapeshifter like other Disney characters, which I'm a bit confused about because yeah, Disney's done cute, mute non-human characters before too -- what about Dopey, Pascal, Maximus, Dumbo, Bambi, Magic Carpet, Sven, and again Tinker Bell?) is that they wanted Asha to be the hero and be able to "solve all her problems" without Star's help.
Up to a point, I understand what Kennedy means -- the theme of the film is supposed to be that we all have the power inside of us to make a difference, and that's great. But by making it so that Asha doesn't need any help from Star, it takes something away from their relationship. No human is an island, and relationships, both in stories and real life, are often built on that fact. Just look at Ariel and Eric in the original Little Mermaid -- Ariel saves Eric from drowning and from Ursula zapping him with Triton's trident, and then Eric saves Ariel from Ursula by skewering her with the broken figurehead of a ship. Even in non-romantic examples, we have Judy and Nick having to help each other solve the case in Zootopia; Buzz and Woody helping each other get back to Andy in Toy Story; the Parr family and Frozone all fighting together against Syndrome's robot with their unique powers in The Incredibles; Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver working together to save themselves and everyone else at the end of Treasure Planet; even Anna helping Elsa learn how to control her magical abilities through an act of authentic, courageous, selfless love that only she can do in Frozen. These characters needing help and deep emotional connections with others is what creates a bond between them, helps the characters grow and change into stronger people, and makes us as an audience enjoy watching the two characters together. We become invested in both the two individual characters and the relationship forged between them. Because they all have their unique strengths and weaknesses, they supplement and complete each other. Even perfect paragon Superman in most DC properties isn't an island -- when he's in the Justice League, there are plenty of times where he needs help from Batman or other team members to save the day. Even Superman is a stronger character when he has people around him who can balance out his flaws.
If Asha never needs help, that runs the risk of the challenges she's facing seeming far less consequential, because no human can handle absolutely everything, all by themselves. Yes, perhaps in the finished film, Asha asks her friends to help her liberate the wishes (a task which ultimately fails, leaving Asha to confront Magnifico alone again and realize exactly what everyone has to do to defeat him on her own anyway)...but just in regards to Star and Asha's relationship -- which even the filmmakers have said is something like a "soulmate" relationship, though not in a romantic sense in the finished product -- these two can't have a meaningful connection if one of them is completely self-sufficient. This is also why quite a few Disney fans didn't like that the Little Mermaid remake changed Ursula's defeat to have it be Ariel who killed her, rather than Eric, because it hurt the "equal" dynamic between the main couple where they both helped and supported each other.
In short, "girl power" shouldn't have to mean never needing to rely on anyone else...and honestly, looking at this scene concept, we don't see Asha relying on Star too much! She's the brains of the outfit -- she's making plans; she's providing Star some much needed common sense; she's using Star's light as a distraction so they can get away...she even escapes Amaya at one point by sliding right under her horse! Asha in this storyboard is a bad-ass!
What we see in this sequence is these two characters having to help each other in order to succeed. And that would've been a great foundation on which to build more dramatic stakes and a relationship with actual pathos, whether romantic or not.
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Further proof of Our King's anxiety and trauma: His body language. He has a habit of putting his hands behind his back. It's a self-soothing and self-preservation gesture. But then when he's more relaxed, he doesn't do that.
Case in point: Look when he meets Asha. At first you don't see his hands. They're behind his back. When he does bring a hand out briefly, it goes behind his back again. But when he warms up to her, his hands come out.
The same goes with when he's addressing his people about the magic. His hands are behind his back, and they stay there unless he brings one hand out to do something and then he puts it right back. He's uncomfortable, he's guarded and it shows.
Which is why his people should have known that something was VERY wrong when he came out on stage possessed. His body language was VERY different. He was stumbling around drunk, but his hands were both visible. His body language had drastically changed because he was essentially inebriated on dark magic. That should have been a BIG clue in that something was WRONG, not that the king was suddenly evil.
I've been stressing from the beginning about this! While hands loosly clasped in the back can be a sign of confidence and relaxtion, Magnifico's way of hiding his arms is different most of the time.
Now, I have always been good at reading people but then I studied psychology for a while and trauma conditions, the mental impact it has and how it shows.
Magnifico oozed trauma the very first minute I saw him. And when he mentioned what happened, plus the burned wall-rug, I knew it was deep! All his behavior clicked for me.
That is also a big part why haters villanizing him gets me fuming mad. If I was to follow their logic, then Elsa is a villain for running away and leaving her kingdom to freeze die, or Maui, who stole Tefiti's heart and caused destruction, or abuela Alma, for treating Mirabel like trash, or Imelda for forbitting music in her family, Abuela Elena for smashing Miguels guitar!
The hypocrisy is off the charts!
And the worst thing is exactly what you mentioned last. The people of Rosas not being able to see that something was horribly wrong with their king. He was so clearly not himself and no one gave a toot. It's easy to explain though. The didn't know their own king and nor did they care. All they cared about was their wishes. Their needs. Their desires. Magnifico was just their source for favors and when that well ran dry, they dropped him like a stone. Talking about selfishness!
Magnifico was never evil. Did he make some wrong choices because of his trauma? Yes. But nothing he ever did made him a villain. The only villain there was, was the book! The book, or rather, the evil force/entitiy in in! And yes, we saw that demon-thing drawn on the page. Not to forget the green clawed hands! No, magic itself isn't a conscious living, thinking being, it's a supernatural ability used by a fessel. And as a christian I can tell you the only thing behind "dark magic" are demons.
You will see this whole topic deeper explained in the upcoming cooperation post "the Magnifico case". But here is a little thing from it.
This isn't Magnifico
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This is!
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This isn't him
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This is!
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The fact that people cannot differentiate between this and understand what a possession is ...
Anyway. Anothing very interesting thing I wanna draw attention to is what comes out of Magnifico's mouth once he is full on possessed. He says things that are 100% contradictory to everything he stood for and fought for.
See the reflection thing in the fountain? It's where the quote "I win!" Falls! Why is this so deeply unsettling? Because there is nothing he won! All Magnifico ever truly wanted was happiness and savety for others around him. Magnifico's trauma had caused him to be immensly fearful and paranoid when it came to the savety of others because what happened to him left scars in his soul as deep as a canyon and he wanted no one else to ever have to suffer like he did. He didn't want power, he didn't want fame! He only wanted what's best for others and in return get some love and respect for what he did. Which, yes, he deserved anyway!
Back to my two cents of my christian opinion. It's pretty clear that the evil side does nothing but steal, kill and destroy. It's all it ever wants. To hurt and wreck. That thing that has been trapped in that book must have waited eagerly for who knows how long to get a victim it can use to destroy and use to destroy. So when that thing had taken control over Magnifico's clear consciousness, it obviously said "I won!"
Even sadder is that we could see the exact moment, the entity leaves Magnifico and he is left with confusion and panic because all he sees are the wishes floating away into the nightsky.
Also, where did the green enter and leave? Into and from his heart!
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This is the same fear only increased!
And NO! God NO! It is not "Ah, no, I don't wanna lose my power and control over the people because I'm a malicious beast and I wallow in their suffering and enjoy them not being able to make one of their wishes come true!"
No. Just. No. This is ignorant, this is stupid nonsense. This is seeing evil where there is none. This is villanizing trauma!
And then some people go "Oh God, what a monster! What a evil man! Poor kid! It deserves to swim! How dare he not let the kid swim!"
Compare this to a father, who previously had lost a brother or even his first child to a drowning accident. Now the next child is old enough to swim and is running towards the water. Everyone knows the kid will jump in, swim and have fun, but all the father can think of is the potential danger of his child drowning as well. Maybe it will get a cramp, or a shark will bite it, or it gets stung by a jellyfish, steps on a venomous sea urchin, gets a heart attack, gets pulled away by a current ...
You see where I'm going?
And then the father runs, sweaps the child in his arms and forbids it to go near the water and swim because it is too dangerous. He tells his child.
"You stay here with me, as long as I deem it saver! I'm your father, it is my responsibility to keep you as safe as I can! I only want the best for you!"
And of course the child is pouty.
"Well, if there is a shark, it can be stopped. I might just bite one leg off of the child ...oh well...The father clearly doesn't know what he's doing! And I must know, I don't even have children!"
"Everyone call the police! Let's put this father behind bars! He's so cruel and abusive to his poor child!"
"And good heavens! He snapped at the child for saying it is old enough to decide if it wants to swim or not! And he replied that he decides if the child swims or not! What a narcissistic psychopath! He needs to be stopped!"
Anyway, I'm very excited to soon share that big boy of a post with you, where I dive into each and every aspect as deep as ever with the help of Magnificolover from instagram. 🎶
How does that sound? And now imagine one of these judgemental, entiteled, selfrighteous, ignorant people calling the police. And the police arrests the man and no one at the beach does anything. No one thinks "wait a minute! This is wrong!"
I can already smell the haters cooking new arguments 😂 feeling snubbed at their toes cause we defenders are right! And you know what? We will only get louder! We are already the vast majority! Including children!
They're mad at us and our defense? Good! Maybe then it is time to ask themselves why it is that the majority is on Magnifico's side! Or why children starting by the age 5 (my cousins son for example) can clearly conclude that the only reason Mags went nuts is because of the evil book. Better yet, they see that Asha and the people of Rosas are in the wrong how they treat their king. And children are brutally honest.
Stay loud my fellow defenders! 🔥
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majaloveschris · 9 months
Today has been hell. I have decided to kind of answer a lot of asks in one post.
Why would the co-stars be there if not because of the wedding?
There could be several other reasons for this.
RDJ is shooting in Boston, so Renner is a big football fan (we all saw them in a football match with Evans), and Hemsworth could be there because of the Tom Brady thing too. It is a big deal in the states, and maybe Chris will have an after party, or this was a really great opportunity to reunite and to get some attention since neither of them are allowed to promote their stuff.
But Hemsworth doesn't even like football.
And how do you know that? Has he ever said that? And even if this were the case, maybe he just wanted to hang out with his friends, and this was a great opportunity to get together. Maybe Hemsworth started liking football after spending a lot of time in America. Maybe he had some work to do there. Nobody has ever said that he only flew from Australia to the States because of the whole Tom Brady thing. It's not like it would be too far-fetched to say that he flew in because of his friends. He is rich, so he has no problem spending money on a plane ticket. Or on a private plane. Hemsworth was also part of the AGBO fantasy football team, just like all the Avengers. Could be another reason for them being there.
That's Hemsworth's wife, not his mom.
That's not his wife. This is his wife.
And if you take a look at that woman who was there with them in the restaurant, you can see that the hair color immediately doesn't match. But by just taking a look at this picture, you can see that the woman with them looks nothing like Elsa.
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Hemsworth and Renner told those girls that they were there because of Chris's wedding.
I find this really unbelievable. Do we really think that they would spill the tea on random people? There is no way they don't know about the backlash their relationship has been getting, and if they are getting married, they clearly want to keep it secret, so there is no way his friends would spill anything, especially to random strangers.
Chris's friend posted a picture on Instagram of him and his friend in a car wearing something fancy.
He posted that picture when it was like 9 a.m. in Boston, so as one of my friends said, they might've gone to church.
There are also a few people that are missing who I think would be there, like Mackie, who is in New Orleans for a football game, and Alba's cousin, who is in Peru with her family. I don't think either of them would miss their wedding.
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I've said it once and twice, and I'll say it once again: the only reason all of these are suspicious is because of that one girl, that random online person, saying that the wedding will take place this weekend. I'd also like to add those people who love to stir up shite online and spread misinformation because they love creating drama.
It's also really interesting that this is happening once again after something unrelated to Alba happened to Evans.
Maybe I'm wrong; maybe they are getting married. I don't know, but nobody else does. There is just as much evidence of them getting married as there is of them not: zero.
This is only my opinion.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Can you do a romantic headcanon for Victor please from Lackadaisy
Yeeeesssss. This is sort of paired with my earlier married life HCs? This is mostly the non-married stuff (as in yall meeting way later), so sorry for the long preamble! Reader is intended to be femme.
So, the relationship is quite different depending if you were with him when he was younger, or you two got involved during the later Lackadaisy years. If it's the latter, there's ... a lot more guilt and troubled thoughts involved.
For the former - when he was much younger, Viktor was shy, but he made his intentions clear. It would've been more old-fashioned courting, especially if you both met in the old country. He smiled a lot more back then, moreso if you were around.
Attempting to start something when he's years into working for Atlas is .... tricky. Even when it's clear you two have a mutual attraction, and a steady friendship, there's a barrier between you. You don't learn until much later what that barrier is, and why there's so much guilt and sadness in his interactions toward you.
It's the kneecapping that gets you both closer, not that either of you realize it at first. You were always at the Lackadaisy, and even after the ... mess, you didn't intend to leave. Neither did he, and though you wished Viktor would get out of this life, for a long time you'd assumed he had nowhere else to go. It's around this time that you finally learn about the estranged wife, and the daughter whose letters weren't opened. It makes the shame and guilt in his interactions with you make far, far more sense.
So even if nothing may come of it, you stay at his side and with the Lackadaisy, like you always have. You give him quiet company without any strings, sometimes bringing meals (okay, often, because he doesn't cook for himself enough), help him fetch things when his knees make it impossible. Your company is a great, great comfort - even if he never says that, you can tell. Some more observant folks might be able to, as well - the big grumpy man is clearly calmer and more at ease when you're in the room. Yes, this is why Rocky consults you before asking anything of Viktor. Hell, even Mitzi brings things up concerning him with you first.
Ivy is arguably the biggest and loudest supporter of you both, though she doesn't always notice how uncomfortable it makes Viktor, so you have to try to dial down her enthusiasm. She refers to you both as a package deal to others, furthering the assumption to others that you're a couple. And unbeknownst to you, Viktor has brought you up to Elsa, even before Atlas' death and when everything went to hell ... She listened to him without judgement, as she always does, silently hoping he'd stop torturing himself over it and that you were a good person. She wants very much for you to be a good person for her friend.
Well, all the hang-ups aside... once it does eventually happen, and that line has crossed, there's really no going back on it.
Viktor's gone a long time feelings he's undeserving of both receiving and giving affection. He's so used to violence, and accepting the consequences of choosing that life. So, it'll be small-going at first. You'll sit next to him and take his big arm in your's, rest your head against him - and he may lean into it, or stay still. He'll accept quick kisses on the forehead and cheek, especially if you hold his face, but sometimes too much makes him bristle. You will have to be very, very patient.
Eventually he'll put an arm around you when you sit next to time, especially when you're both in the privacy of a warm home. He's extra comfortable and warm to snuggle against! Viktor may grumble a little when you curl up, but he never pushes you away. If anything he'll grab a blanket, since you seem so cold. Many times you two have dozed off like this.
When you're wanting a hug, it's hard for Viktor to deny you, though he feels he's no good at providing comfort. He's better than he thinks, though! You're engulfed in warmth and you feel very protected. You can feel his heart skipping when you rest your cheek against his chest. Viktor isn't sure how long to stay, so he keeps still until you get your fill. If you're actually tall enough, he'll rest his chin on top of your head and try to allow himself to enjoy your embrace.
(On the note of PDA - he isn't inclined to it at all, being a more private man, but if you're already sitting beside him and have your arm in his, he won't pull away. He'll just growl at anyone who dares comment on it.)
It's probably only you, Elsa and Ivy who see Viktor's gentler side, and you're seeing the most of it. He'll hand you his big coat when it's rainy and cold outside (and be nothing short of shocked when you return it washed and smelling floral), he holds you carefully, he speaks much less roughly. Arguably the softest thing you two do is late in the evening, when you're cuddled up on his lap instead of on his side, and playing with his hand while you chat with him. He talks so low you can hear his voice rumbling in his chest, his accent somehow thicker yet easier to understand.
Literally no one else will ever see that side of him so enjoy it and soak it up!!
This is also the time you can finally get him to teach you some Slovak, whereas he's usually brushing you off and saying there's no point. Your accent isn't perfect but that's okay, he finds it endearing. He might actually mess with you and teach wrong words or phases, just so you can figure it out later.
Oh, and in addition to the decent food you make him eat - more than once you've made or bought some good clothes for him, because you know Viktor won't spend anything on himself. Whether it be a scarf or a pair of gloves or a jacket, he wears it often. He'll wear it until it's in tatters, actually. He isn't much for household decorations (any plants will probably end up dead...) but small touches you add around his home will give him some little feelings of sentiment when he looks at them.
(Co-habitation is pretty much out of the picture if you two aren't married, even spending the night at the other's house is .... another one of those lines.)
Doing "normal" couple things with you gives him both a sense of ease and normalcy, though there's always the guilt that will be nagging in the back. In the daytime he might accompany you on some errands, leading to the sight of a huge scary cat looming over a smaller and more easy-going one. ("Excuse me, he asked for no pickles.")
He might grumble about having to carry things, but he really doesn't mind these errands. If anything, it's good for him to get out of the bar and his apartment. He's still just as protective, though... god forbid someone looks at you too long, or someone tries to talk down to you. They'd have to be stupid to try anything when he's glowering with his one eye.
You thought his overprotectiveness was just the result of rowdy customers and drunk men during Lackadaisy's heyday, but no, it still persists. It's nice to have someone who will literally throw someone that's harassing you, buuut sometimes Viktor gets too ... enthusiastic, or makes hasty decisions. There's a few stores you aren't allowed back in because he decided to threaten and/or bodily harm a man who was getting too chummy.
Overall, it can be ... a slow and trying relationship, but if you're patient and someone who also wants a steady comfort, and you already value your friendship with him - well, Viktor is a much better man than he thinks he is.
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frozenpolishfangirl · 18 days
I upload again my first chapter of my Helsa fanfic (earlier Frozen/Tangled crossover fanfic, but I changed it into full Helsa later ^^), because other platforms doesn't work, I will upload all the story here, with twenty chapters in both Elsa and Hans's POV'S here, for all the Helsa fans who wanted F2, but in a more F1-vibe retelling, because beside Helsa, this is the main goal of this work - to present Frozen 2 in more tie-in to original Frozen's royal and magical + political drama aesthetic ;)
She ran terrified across the frozen fjord, desperately trying to catch her breath in a difficult situation, having only just escaped the dungeon where she had been imprisoned for her powers. For being different and for the curse that she had to hide from the whole world from an early age. Now, feeling free for a moment, yet still terrified, she ran across the ice, and even though she knew the cold had never bothered her, deep inside she was shaking at the thought of being found by the people who wanted so badly to take her life. . In fact, she knew that as long as she lived, the kingdom would be in danger, so perhaps her own death would be the only right solution in this situation. Just at that moment, when she was running through the ice with her braid flowing and her heart beating, trying to find her way in the snowstorm, through the wall of wind and cold, she saw Prince Hans of the Southern Isles - her savior, who was the only one in all of Arendelle who trusted her implicitly and saved her from death. The man who was supposed to take care of her beloved sister, her Anna, when she herself was too weak to do so. Elsa! - he exclaimed, and a hopeful smile immediately appeared on her face. Hans... - she whispered in a trusting voice, but the wind around her drowned out her quiet voice, which addressed the man not by title, but by name, but his name that she so rarely allowed herself to say
- Take care of my sister, I'm begging you! But at that moment, something she didn't expect happened. Something that shook her to the core and would leave an impact for many years to come.
-Your sister?! She came back from the mountains cold as ice! - Hans shouted, and she saw clear pain in his eyes. "Something's wrong... Anna is back," she thought, feeling both relief and fear in her heart. How so? - she whispered to herself, clearly confused. I couldn't save her... she froze to the bone, because of you! YOUR SISTER IS DEAD! - Hans shouted, and she felt the whole world breaking before her eyes.
Her Anna, her little dear sister, died because of her. She was a monster to be feared who harmed everyone around her. She was a monster that caused only destruction. She was nobody. No... - she whispered, feeling an emptiness in her heart. The snowstorm around her that she had caused stopped immediately and silence reigned around her. There was silence in her head. Great mourning for her sister, whom she killed like the worst monster. Unexpectedly, through all the silence that reigned in her head, with the last of her emotions she managed to hear Anna's voice.
Her Anna, who was apparently alive. But she was too stunned to say anything, let alone call her name. She heard unexpected sounds - the crack of a sword, her sister's scream, and Hans' moan. There was silence for the next few seconds, and then, as she rose from the ground, she saw a sight that shocked her forever - her sister had become a lifeless statue of ice, standing in a defensive pose in the middle of the fjord.
Anna was dead, because of her.
-Elsa, wake up! Elsa, please... - at that moment, the queen, woken from her sleep, heard her younger sister's voice, waking her from her deep sleep. Elsa woke up panting, feeling cold sweat running down her forehead, triggered by the memories of the nightmare she had experienced three years ago, but which was still fresh in her mind and heart. The Queen wiped the sweat from her forehead, shaking with fear, but after a while she calmed down when Anna, with tenderness and love on her face, sat on her bed, holding her hands - Relax... it was just a dream, you don't have to be afraid...
Elsa took a deep breath, looking around her room, which was filled with the bright light of the summer sun. Despite the nice weather outside and the day coming to life, the girl still couldn't forget what happened so long ago, and at the same time so close to her memories and heart. In her nightmare, Anna died again, a dead ice statue, and she was unable to do anything about it. She still felt great remorse for not having reacted more quickly in that situation, consumed with grief over the lie of Prince Hans, now her greatest enemy and a liar like no other, sent back to his native Southern Isles, shortly after the attempted regicide against herself, and the Great Thaw, which gave her a semblance of hope for better days. She also knew that despite the fact that everything had finally worked out and she had gained a family better than ever, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing in her perfect and more beautiful life than before. Something she couldn't define, but what she subconsciously wanted more than anything. She had everything - a beloved sister with whom she had reconnected after so many years, a dear friend and his reindeer, and a creation of her power that had a life of its own, but she still couldn't understand why, despite all the happiness that had unexpectedly flowed over her like petals. winter morning snow, she still had the impression that something in her life was still waiting to be discovered. Something she really needed, despite how happy she was in her current life
-I know, Anna, and... - Elsa didn't know what to say to her sister, because despite everything, she still had some problems with talking about her innermost feelings, but for Anna, whom she appreciated so much for her daily love and care, even during the forced separation, she decided to overcome up and tell her how he feels. She didn't have to be embarrassed around her, but despite everything, problems with expressing feelings still remained in her subconscious - And thank you for helping me calm down... I really don't know what I would do without you, you know?
- I'm not going anywhere, you can always count on me... and ask for help whenever you want, Anna replied frivolously, sitting closer to her sister. However, Elsa noticed that Anna could see her sadness, and that her thoughts, visible also on the outside, quickly caught her attention - Elsa, are you okay? The girl took a deep breath. She had to talk about her innermost feelings again, so she took a deep breath and, trying to break through, began to speak.
-I... I'm just afraid that what I have isn't enough... - Elsa said, lowering her eyes, which didn't go unnoticed by her sister - I have you, Kristoff, friends, a kingdom that loves me... but I still feel that I want something more...
-You mean freedom? - Anna asked in a slightly suspicious and at the same time concerned tone - After all, we are both free, we got everything we wanted... ourselves, happiness... for the first time in sixteen years I feel that I'm not alone here... and I guess you do too... -
- Not really... - Elsa replied, and pure surprise appeared in Anna's sea eyes - I love Arendelle and I feel that I belong here, but I know that what I'm really missing is something that will make me feel like I'm really alive... something that I don't I can understand..
-You mean freedom? - Anna asked in a slightly suspicious and at the same time concerned tone - After all, we are both free, we got everything we wanted... ourselves, happiness... for the first time in sixteen years I feel that I'm not alone here... and I guess you do too...
Not really... - Elsa replied, and pure surprise appeared in Anna's teal eyes - I love Arendelle and I feel that I belong here, but I know that what I'm really missing is something that will make me feel like I'm really alive... something that I don't I can understand.
-Elsa... - Anna smiled understandingly, and Elsa felt a pleasant warmth in her heart - You will definitely find what you are looking for... you just have to wait and happiness will find you... no matter how long you have to wait for it...
Elsa smiled, looking into her sister's eyes. Anna was like a walking ray of sunshine, even on the coldest days, and was always able to improve her mood and give her the needed encouragement.
- I love you, sister... - Elsa said, hugging Anna, and for the next few moments they both stayed in a warm, loving embrace
- You always know how to make my heart feel better... A little thing - Anna replied with a smile, but just at that moment her smile became brighter than just a moment earlier, and sparks of hope shone in her eyes - Oh, I almost forgot! Kristoff invited me to a secret meeting in the royal gardens two days ago... I bet he has something really important to tell me, something he won't reveal for now! I have to go, see you later and enjoy your work!
At that moment, Anna ran out of her sister's room, excited about meeting her beloved, and Elsa looked sadly at the bright summer sky outside the stained-glass window. “If I have everything I wanted, why is there still something missing?” - thought the girl, still wondering what could be that one thing that would change her life for the better, and whose context she couldn't decipher.
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dizzydizney · 11 months
Unpopular opinion: I don't get why Mal using magic on herself was considered such a bad thing--the speed reading spell and the blonde hair spell in particular. To me, they seem like more of cries for help than anything and she was only doing them on herself. What's more she was half Fae so using her magic after 16 years of not being able to access it should have been permitted fo the safety of the other students at the very least!
Unpopular opinion: Mal had not attempted to spell Ben before the picnic date (and by spell I mean wipe his memories) because if she had, she would have had the spell memorized and would have gotten it done before Ben could even blink. What's more clearly she didn't even have the speed reading spell memorized since she still had to refer to her spell book for it so she wasn't using the spell book as often as people claim.
^^^ That part
Truthfully I do believe that Mal had barely been using magic even by the time D2 rolled around. She never busts out a single spell that she doesn't have to look up first, and the one time she did, she flubbed it bcoz she doesn't have it memorized. Doesn't sound like a lot of heavy use to me
Also yes the whole system is flawed bcoz for most of the magical beings of the land, it's not about using magic, it's about being magic. It's one thing to put away some magic wands but for characters like Elsa or the Madrigals whose powers are a part of them... It's terrible to think about
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The Nøkk's real purpose | Theory | Analysis
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So I was just scrolling along YouTube until I came across some deleted scenes for Frozen 2 (and I have to say they're really good scenes - bummer they got cut) - and when I watched 'Kristoff's Lie' and I saw a comment saying “I thought the Nook was just some murderous horse... But he's not... He seeks the truth in your heart. If you're not true to yourself or others, then it kills you”. That's how my first impressions of the Nøkk were. And being honest until I saw this deleted scene again I realised that that's what the Nokk really does. That scene really tells us clearly what the Nøkk's purpose is and why it's so rageful in the dark sea. It seeks the truth in your heart. It wants you to be open and honest to yourself and others otherwise what's the purpose of living a lie without achieving anything and living happily?
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Frozen 2 cropped IMAX poster
Kristoff's lie in the scene was living the princely life with Anna. He admits how he doesn't like being polite, and greetings lots of people, wearing fancy clothes etc all to which Anna ends up saying “I don't think we should get married”. I personally am glad this was cut because I wouldn't want Anna to feel that no one wants to marry her for her or their relationship to have such a sudden turn. But we did get a scene that shows Kristoff's discomfort with royal stuff. When Anna sees the boys all dressed up for coronation (unconfirmed if that was her coronation or after), Kristoff tells Anna she gets this for one hour. Anna tells him that's ok as she prefers him in leather anyways. So Anna is aware that Kristoff would find formality a little difficult but accepts him and lets him be himself. It's a much better take on what the deleted scene showed I believe. I hope nothing breaks them up in the upcoming movies. Both Kristoff and Anna prove to each other that they love each other for who they are and what they would do for love.
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Deleted scene: Kristoff's lie | Frozen 2 epilogue
But back to the Nøkk, that's an example of what the water horse helps you to achieve. That's why it's so full of rage to strangers or those who wish to ride it. But when Elsa meets Nøkk at first, he's like that because like the other spirits they were awoken and angry from the events of the past. Though Elsa didn't speak her heart out she was putting her heart out. She wanted to find answers about the past, about herself so she could free the forest and give Arendelle a future. Elsa's motives were clear. She was true to herself and that became determination and courage when she tried to fight/ tame the Nøkk. But finding her true self was yet to be discovered and that's where he led her too; the place of discoveries, Ahotohallan.
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Frozen 2 - Elsa meets the Nøkk
“What about their parents? He killed them. He didn't save them”
Well let me address that here too. No the Nøkk didn't kill them. It was the dark sea that killed them. The Nøkk lived in the dark sea, the same way the earth giants live beside the river, but let's not forget that between the very moment the mist forged in the forest and when Elsa woke up, him alone with the other 3 spirits were asleep. But even if he was awake, calm or in rage I don't think he could affect the waves of the dark sea.. It was with Elsa's help that he was able to push back the water when it almost hit Arendelle.
Speaking of the dark sea...
Ever wondered why the dark sea was so rageful?
I think I figured it out. Crossing the dark sea by any kind of mobility, would get that person to discover Atohollan, the frozen river of memories. It's not because Ahotohallan fears power being taken or anything of a sort as I don't think its power can be taken. But rather that whoever enters Ahotohallan would not only not be able to stand the cold but if they did, they would do too far in and freeze like Elsa with no way of being saved. We all can walk on them but not go inside as it's much colder than the outside. No other spirit can enter Ahotohallan for that reason. Not the Nøkk, Bruni or the earth giants. Elsa being the only one who has the power of ice and snow can enter the glacier.
Why Elsa didn't let Anna and Olaf rage along with her to Ahotohallan
The temperature of Ahotohallan and the rageful waves of the dark sea are the reasons why Elsa didn't want Anna, Olaf or anyone if it were, to come along to work her to the dark sea. It could have killed Anna. Maybe it wouldn't exactly kill Olaf but Elsa knew something would be there to harm Olaf and that was his own death prior to her frozen one, and so she let Olaf, the same fuzzy silly happy snowman be with Anna who needs him the most. That's why she tells Anna “And I can't lose you too”.
Back to dark sea Vs Agnarr & Iduna
And those same reasons why Anna and Olaf were pushed away were sadly the reason why Agnarr and Iduna died that night they attempted to cross the sea. The moment Elsa saw her parents death she knew that the waves would be so heavy and didn't want the same to happen to Anna. She would never forgive herself if Anna didn't make it.
Elsa was able to cross the sea because she calmed and tamed the Nøkk. The Nøkk too and the other probably sensed Elsa as the spirit or someone like them seeing her powers so they had a sense of familiarity and immediate bond with her. No one else could have calmed and tamed the Nøkk or any other of the spirits but Elsa because of her powers.
The powerful Nøkk, when calm, is actually a Nøkk that leads you to honesty even though once you're in that situation with the water horse it's a do or die situation.
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Frozen 2 - Elsa saves Arendelle
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cogentranting · 5 months
I went to see Wish a little while back, and it was... fine. I had a good time watching it, but probably wouldn't watch it again on my own. It's visually beautiful, it's funny, Magnifico is a good villain, the story mostly works. But it feels a little flat and hollow. And I wanted to parse out what I think the problem is. In short, I think the problem is Asha. And I think that problem is twofold.
A. Personality and Motivation
I heard a lot of complaints about Disney always doing 'adorkable' princesses now (I will note, of the post-renaissance princesses, there's a pretty even split of adorkable and not- Rapunzel, Anna, Mirabel, and Asha on the one hand; Tiana, Elsa, Moana, Raya on the other). But I don't think that's the problem in itself. The problem is, that adorkableness is Asha's only clearly defined characteristic. Rapunzel, Anna, and Mirabel all have traits beyond that. And that's clearest in terms of what the characters want. Rapunzel wants to see the floating lights and that transitions into wanting the freedom and love that Gothel has denied her. Anna wants to connect with her sister (or really anyone-- Hans, Kristoff, Olaf...) and to protect Arendelle. Mirabel wants to feel useful to and accepted by her family. Asha wants to help everyone else want things. It's entirely focused on what other characters around her want. She wants other people to have a shot at getting their wishes. In theory that means she's selfless and cares about others. And that's all well and good but it creates this void around Asha herself that makes it hard to connect with her emotionally. What does she want for herself? If the King weren't hoarding people's wishes, what would Asha wish for? What would she dream about? What does her happy ending after the King is defeated look like? It's very hard to tell. A character can be selfless and focused on helping others and still have things they want for themselves. Look no further than Asha's "I want" song This Wish. It's so vague.
B. The Relationships
The other half of the problem with Asha is that she doesn't have a central relationship. Rapunzel has a broken relationship with her 'mother' and finds love and trust and partnership through her relationship with Flynn. Tiana is driven by her relationship with her late father, and finds healing in her relationship with Naveen. Moana is in conflict with her father and finds her confidence and independence through working out her friendship/partnership with Maui. Raya can only regain the relationship with her father by working through her trust issues with Namaari and learning from Sisu. Mirabel working through her relationships with her sisters, and interacting with Bruno allows her to confront her relationship with Abuela.
Asha has a lot of relationships, but none of them is really allowed to take a central place in the story. She's got 7 friends but there's not really room or a need for growth in any of those (except Simon, but that's kept more peripheral and really exists more to demonstrate that Rosas really does have a problem that needs to be fixed). She's got a dead father who forms some kind of inspiration for Asha, but it doesn't drive her the way Tiana's father does. She has a mother who matters to the story very little. There could have been key relationships between her and Magnifico and/or Amaya (and I think you can see hints of that) but that's not developed either. Asha's grandfather is important to her in some way, but again that relationship is not allowed to come to center-- he's the closest we have but even if we allow that he's occupying a role similar to that of Raya or Moana's fathers, that's still only half the equation. Asha still wouldn't have someone to interact with and grow alongside in the way that Moana had Maui, and Raya had Namaari and Sisu. The story is missing a deuteragonist.
And I think that contributes to the first point, to Asha feeling flat. She doesn't have anyone to define herself in relation to. She has a bunch of generally positive relationships and so is only defined by a general kindness and altruism.
There's been some concept art bouncing around of a human version of Star, so it seems that an early version of the story HAD its deuteragonist, partner for Asha to run around with and interact with a learn from (and in some sense to receive what she needs on a personal level-- in the way that Rapunzel receives the love she needs from Flynn, or Moana gains confidence in her leadership by having Maui choose to follow her-- which would help Asha recover a personal motivation). But when Star changed from having a human form to being a little blobby thing, he moved from deuteragonist to cute creature sidekick. And the story lost a key component and didn't replace it.
There are other smaller problems too-- some of the songs feel off (and none of them are great), the friends are sometimes annoying, Amaya's characterization doesn't quite work right, some of the easter eggs don't work etc.-- and I do think the thematic core of the movie has issues (but that's another post in itself, and I don't think the issue is what other people have claimed it is). But I think it would all come together reasonably well if Asha herself had come to life a little bit better. And that is a shame because I think her character design is good and I think Ariana DeBose does a good job playing her.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
You are so fucking disgusting Elsa. Using your bland ass straight white bitch MC to be the MC of the Month for Pride Month.
You’ve gone really low
Good morning, Nonny.
I'd like to say hope you're having a good day, but clearly, you're not.
I was 50/50 on putting this in my "delete because Nonny is a bitter troll who doesn't deserve the attention/exposure they desperately crave" file. But this anon goes beyond the usual "I'm a pathetic human who hates someone on the internet who has zero impact on my life so much because of (insert stupid/insane reason here), so I'm going to be a vile bully and send them anonymous hate because - IDK - I can't find a good therapist? I'm off my meds? I'm just a vile piece of shit?" See, I no longer waste my time or energy on those.
But I decided to answer this because a) you're wrong, and b) you're engaging in bi-erasure - something that happens in the fandom and in real life every day, and I'm not going to pass up a chance to educate your ignorance and address your bigotry.
Casey was picked at random - the same way all MCOTMs and WOTMs are. I grappled with the decision to highlight her bisexuality... because of people like you. In the end, I decided to be true to the character. I've been dealing with people like you my entire life - in my personal life - never mind fandom. So let's educate.
Bisexuality is real - people.
Your ignorance in understanding it doesn't make it any less real. I am proudly bi, but trust me, it feels like a pretty shitty thing to be at times. You're never queer enough for many in the queer community, but you're too queer for those who aren't. There is no real safe space outside of a precious few who get it. And I mean few.
Your straight friends talk shit about you "doing this" to be "cool/get attention" or whatever... and they're "relieved" when you're in a hetero-presenting relationship. Your queer friends are happiest when you're with a same-sex partner, and if you're not, they accuse you of lying about who you are or "hiding." It's awesome. You know, instead of just having friends that are fucking happy if you're happy. People CAN BE and ARE attracted to more than one gender and the feelings/love we have toward both are real, valid and do not have to be explained to anyone.
Anyone who follows my MC (and I don't believe Nonny has) knows that Casey has been presented as bisexual from the day I entered this fandom. If some choose to ignore that, that's on them, not me. The fact that she is half of a pairing that is hetero-presenting does not make her any less bisexual. How ignorant are you?
Her profile clearly states she's bi. I've written about her being an activist for LGBTQ rights and about her reluctance about coming out to her parents (because she doesn't believe she should have to "come out," why is straight the default?). I've introduced her ex-girlfriend, Jessica, in fics and text fics, and discussed Casey's identity at length in numerous asks over the years.
So, yes, her current partner is a man, and he ends up being the love of her life. GUESS WHAT! THAT HAPPENS TO BI PEOPLE! And, TRUST, we know the privilege that comes with being in a hetero-presenting relationship. I've never once had someone throw something at me or hurl slurs when I've held a male partner's hand in public, but I've had it happen when my partner is a woman. But no one bi is "suddenly straight" because of it! And asking us to parade as hetero just because we're with an opposite-sex partner is pushing us into a closet - and I'm sorry, but fuck you - because no one belongs there.
Last June, I deliberately avoided all pride-related events in the fandom (NOT in real life). I did so because I was coping with the guilt that is tantamount to being bisexual. The "Should I put it out there. I mean, there are others who are more queer, right? I have no right to do this? Their characters are more important than mine, right?" And yeah, I've felt that way in real life, too. THIS is what it's like being bi. I'm out for decades, I'm comfortable and proud of who I am, I counsel younger people in the community that they are valid - and I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes right now because with all of that, THIS SHIT STILL CREEPS IN - largely because of s-bags like this Nonny.
So you know what, I'm not grappling with it anymore. It's pride month, and in real life, I'm celebrating to the fucking max. And you know what - I'm doing it in the fandom too. Casey is going to be as out and fucking proud as I want her to be, and if it makes your ass uncomfortable, well, that's not my fucking problem.
Re-read your ask, Nonny. The only disgusting person in this exchange is you. Do fucking better.
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candelwicks · 2 months
Was Lilith fucking killed?
(edit: I forgotten to add in the credits due to exightment/can't remember shit,whenever I get to excited I don't think clearly and post without second thought so I deeply apologize for not giving the proper credit))
this realization started in a discord chat that I
joined I brought up the question is that is sir
pentious REALLY was the first redeemed sinner?
And I asked that because I don't really think sir
Pentious really was the first,I believed there was
More sinners that had been redeemed without the
Hotel,the creator of the discord chat @elsa-fogen brought up the question
"what if it's Lilith being the first one"
@tyrantchimera mentioned about The possibility of Lilith's demise may be in fact plausible they
belived that Lilith was hunted down,on my end I believe She's already got killed sense tyrantchimera DID mention
Both she and alastor went missing for 7 years
Wich it is rather interesting on why that is
Perhaps if it is true Lilith is dead that alastor
Hide away sense Lilith would have been dubbed
Missing? And if it is true that she is the first
Redeemed sinner like elsa-fogen mentioned
From what we know about Sir pentious on what takes a redeemed sinner
To go to heaven is to be killed
But the question still stands Who killed Lilith?
I relized that it might be alastor
Why that conclusion? Sense he's on a leash as we all know from the evidence from the show however
if Lilith was murdered are Best bets with this
theory is roo, people including tyrantchimera have been Expecting that not
only roo owns Alastor's soul Herself Wich that on it's
own may be plausible But also been theorized by people to be
none other then eve Wich that on its own is very plausible, if it is true
Why eve seen alastor as a perfect candidate is
Unclear though for all we know it could be forced
Too tyrantchimera also mentioned how alastor was gone in the exact amount
Of years as Lilith Wich is exactly 7 years Wich also
Mean Charlie is either protected by alastor or
That Roo is sending alastor out to give the same fate
As Charlie's mother, even though Charlie is a hellborn
She's a UNIQUE hellborn she literally isn't like the
Normal hellborns we see so we can't be so positive
That her body if died will pop right back up or
Become one with a special item to posses so for all
We know Charlie may be in more grave danger then
We thought or she is in safe hands literally no one
But hey that's just a THEORY A GAME THEROY- ok I'll leave the house-
Anyways if anyone is curious about @tyrantchimera 's theory on what happened to Lilith I'll send the link here
(I relized I may need a functional computer to make the link work :'] it doesn't work on mobile for some reason so if anyone is infact curious head to my dms so I can send y'all the link to there theory))
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satureja13 · 8 months
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Jack's Dream - part 3.87. From the beginning -> here
The next morning Heidi and Peter went down to Dörfli, to meet Clara and Housekeeper Rottenmeier. Peter is going to show them the house. He is very fond of Clara. She's like a little sister to him.
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So of course he was concerned when he saw Clara like this. All dressed in black... And why is this housekeeper so insanely good looking? Peter doesn't like him at all. He's cold and distanced and rude... Peter: "What happened to Clara? I'm worried!" Saiwa: "What do you mean? She has a new style, that's all."
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They went over to the 'The Gnome's Arms' to have a drink and chat. Housekeeper Rottenmeier: "Someone should go inside and order." Before anyone could answer Clara said: "I'll go!" Peter wondered why Clara should go since it's the housekeeper's job?
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But Clara jumped up and ran inside to order their drinks. What is going on here? And why is Housekeeper Rottenmeier looking after Clara as if she was a good dog?
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The waitress, Morgan(!), brought their drinks and Housekeeper Rottenmeier flirted shamelessly with her! Clara looked a bit hurt...
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A little later Housekeeper Rottenmeier sent Clara over to the Tailor. He had ordered something for her. Then he also left.
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Peter told Heidi about his concerns. Peter: "... and he ordered Plasmafruit Nectar! And have you seen Clara's wristband with the raven skulls? Is she drawn inside of a ominous Cult?" (said the werewolf to the vampire/dark elf...) Heidi: "Oh Peter! You always come up with these crude suspicions! Do you remember when you accused Elsa, the Cow, of murdering her neighbor in his sleep?" Peter: "There were Elsa's bloody hoove prints! In his bedroom!"
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Finally Peter convinced Heidi to follow Housekeeper Rottenmeier...
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... just to find him behind the 'The Gnome's Arms' - with Morgan, the waitress! Morgan: "You should get rid of Clara and live with me."
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What??? Peter: "See? I told you so!" Now Heidi was concerned too... Clara is in trouble. Kneedeep.
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They ran through Dörfli to find her. And warn her. But she was nowhere to be found. Maybe she went to her new/Peter's old house? Peter still has the keys! Some villagers gathered in front of the house. They heard someone scream!
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Heidi and Peter went inside. They heard noises from the kitchen!
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Peter: "Clara!"
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Clara: "Oh I just tried the new outfit from the Tailor and Housekeeper Rottenmeier got a little excited..." Peter: "But... he was just making out with the waitress!"
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Clara: "Oh I don't care if he strays. As long as he surrenders to me..."
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Peter was shocked. What kind of a Dörfli is this?
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This part of Jack's dream is clearly influenced from his quarrel with Vlad. Vlad is Jack's best friend but he's struggling to forgive Vlad that he put Ji Ho in danger by trying to cut the Bond with Morgan. Ji Ho is like a little brother to Jack. TMI: Vlad and Ji Ho swapped hairstyles for this episode ^^' How did you like Vlad's eyes?
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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tugadork · 1 year
Discussing Hans' Hypothetical Return in Frozen 3
So... been a long while since I've made a post on here. For the few Frozen peeps who follow me, my Fractured fan-fic is currently on an indefinite hiatus (I still very much plan to continue writing it and seeing it through to the end and actually post it at some point, but writer's block continues to pester me and I still need much more storybeats to properly flesh out before I get any serious work done; by now I've only written like half the prologue section).
With that out of the way, and with Frozen 3 being officially greenlit, the question still wonders in the air whether or not everyone's favorite dastardly prince has the opportunity to make a comeback after being left out of Frozen 2 (though, at least we know via that one Santino Fontana's old interview that Hans was intended to be a part of the second movie very early on during development, or at least, the idea itself was discussed).
As of right now, and realistically speaking, I don't think it's very likely for a few reasons: Jen Lee clearly has changed her mind between Frozens 1 and 2 in regards to Hans' character so I don't believe she would begin to consider revisiting his character; him literally being called an unreedemable monster by Elsa in F2 is not a good indication for any chances of a redemption arc with him should he return; in that one group interview with Santino, Josh Gad and the Lopez a few years back, Hans was brought up and Gad even supported the idea of him coming back for a Frozen 3, but Santino seemed very hesitant to the idea so, if he doesn't want to do it assuming they want Hans back, then I don't think he would do it (unless maybe they give the character some depth or give him an overall importance to the plot. I don't know, something that could convince him to come back to the role.)
But I also like to consider what-ifs, and one of those what-ifs is with what to do with Hans' character should he be revisited, because there are quite a few storytelling routes they could go with him, which I will discuss below and you guys can tell me your thoughts if you're particularly interested. These are just basic ideas that came to my head:
1 - Hans is hellbent on revenge against the Arendelle sisters, is the main villain of Frozen 3 and somehow manipulates his family (who is 100% innocent and comprised of good people) into starting a war with Arendelle because of Elsa's unlimited power; still being portrayed as he was during the fireplace scene in F1. [a very generic and boring option for me; many people take issue with how almost unnatural his shift to mustache-twirling villain was, so fleshing his character out a little, villainous or not, I think would help in the long run. Plus, him being the sole main villain would get stale imo]
2 - Like F2 and Frozen Fever, Hans does return somewhat but is made into nothing but a punchline throughout the whole movie, aka the General Hux effect while one or some of his family members play the main villain(s) and ridicule him. [the least interesting and most cringeworthy route to take, and the joke would get old real fast. Not to mention, canonically speaking, Hans' family life hasn't been... great, so I feel like portraying an abusive family relationship like this, even if Hans isn't a good person, would be very uncomfortable and send the wrong message]
3 - Hans' abhorrent actions and consequences, as well as his backstory bit by bit, are fully explored, and he's disowned and exiled by his family following a trial that takes place shortly after his arrival home. Stewing with anger and resentment as he wanders alone, he is eventually approached by the actual main villain (another elemental user would be cool and long overdue for these movies in my eyes) and is ironically manipulated into taking vengeance against those he feels wronged him (Anna and Elsa included) when said villain promises him the rule of the Southern Isles and the happiness he so desires. The villain only intends to use him for their own agenda and someone to take the fall for their actions, choosing to stay in the shadows until the right moment to strike. Hans goes along with the plan, and at first he's thrilled and vindicated, but one tragic moment shatters his concept of morality (this could be any number of things as long as it results in him having a serious wake-up call) and makes him realize how catastrophically wrong his actions are and not being able to cope with it. In the end though, and through moments of actual self-reflection, he helps Frohana to take down the main villain. If he dies, then Anna realizes that people aren't black-and-white like in the storybooks she read as a kid, and decides to forgive him despite what he's done, while Elsa does not. If he survives, either Anna still forgives him or none of the sisters forgive him, but they recognize the change in his character. Hans ultimately gets to make a life for himself, one where he's not shackled by the past. Also, he gets to interact with Olaf in this (seriously guys, immediate comedic potential here, this is literally one of the reasons why I want them to bring Hans back) and Kristoff which he never got to do in the first one. [this, to me, would be much more interesting. Hans' actions would not be taken lightly and the story would later punish him, but through that experience owning up to his mistakes and starting to atone; maybe meeting a few commoners during his exile which he eventually grows to care for or something would gradually kickstart his change. I really love this concept and will probably make a separate post on this that's much more elaborate and better detailed if anyone's interested. It would have to be a different beast than Fractured though, and less of a handful to write for 😅]
4 - Hans is brought back and is still portrayed as a villain, but is given the proper time for his character to be explored and given depth. He also gets an actual villain song. He plots to take vengeance on those who wronged him, but instead of being portrayed as the cunning snake he was in F1, it's more a drive out of desperation and anger. He ends up doing things he would not normally do, horrible things that do weigh on his mind but he pushes on because he sees no other way to claim his happiness; that since barely anyone cared for him when he was younger, that he learned to only care for himself. He's given moments to stop what he's doing and not escalate things further, and despite pausing, he still chooses the worst option. In the end he becomes his own worst enemy, and accidentally dies by his own hand. His defeat is not something that brings either Elsa or Anna joy despite how much he's wronged them and how justified they'd be feel some relief, his family is affected by it, and so the ending of the movie is bittersweet. [let me start off by saying that there is no way in hell Disney would have the cajones to do something this depressing, but man I would kind of love it if they did. One thing I do love about the idea of bringing Hans back and keeping him a villain is turning him into a Shakesperean tragedy, and his quest to claim his happiness by any means unnecessary would be so compelling to watch imo. Sort of similar to Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2 in that regard. You could still have another villain in this, either one with powers - seriously, introduce another elemental user in Frozen 3, Disney, pretty pls - or one/some of his family members that are up to their own nefarious plots]
And that's it! Let me know which plot idea sounds good to you or if a combination of certain elements from all these would be more preferable in your opinion for his hypothetical return. 👍
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itsoverfeeling · 2 years
Okay I'm having some messy thoughts, but I really need to think aloud here.
Werewolf by Night, to some degree, is about family and the legacies it carries.
First we have Elsa, a member of the Bloodstone family that is essentially an outcast. Originally destined to inherit the bloodstone, she's now forced to compete with the other hunters for it. We don't get full details why she left or how she left (though in most of the movie we have a lot of context missing, for the best in my opinion). We just know she did and she's estranged. No longer worthy enough as a daughter or no longer enough of a daughter to be worthy enough for the stone.
But still she fights for it and claims that it is rightfully hers.
Then we have Jack. Jack arrives to what he likely assumes to be a normal funeral (I say this because while the other hunters appeared in hunting gear, he wore a dark, probably black, suit (EDIT: it's not black, but it's still a suit)) wearing Dia de los Muertos makeup. Makeup that is best described in the scene where he says it's to honor his ancestors. Interestingly, the other hunter he speaks to is a little.. dismissive towards that reasoning, let's say. Jack, based on facial expressions alone, is put off by that, but doesn't say much.
Later when he's stuck with Elsa, he discusses family. Saying that family is like an atmosphere constantly there. Saying that sometimes you think you can do one thing to make yourself different from them. Obviously this is directed towards Elsa who is currently sitting in front of her dead relatives. Who's trying to get the bloodstone herself for... whatever reason. Clearly she's not involved with her father anymore. Maybe this is thing that she'll change? Maybe she'll break the cycle by having the bloodstone and... what? Does she know?
And what about Jack. He's literally saying all this in Dia de los Muertos makeup!! In the comics, the werewolf curse is something he received through lineage. So is that the cycle he's trapped in? To be the monster his family made him? After centuries (?) of living, he's still not at peace with this curse. Maybe he's just given up on trying to fix any of it. Maybe he's trying to get Elsa to see something he thinks he's already figured out.
Oh, and the cage scene. He says "once". Not to bring in comics again But. Do you think that once was his sister? He clearly holds the memory close enough that he immediately tries to use it to protect Elsa. This is something he dwells on constantly. He just knew to try to repeat it the moment he realized the danger.
Elsa gets the bloodstone like she wanted. He doesn't kill Elsa like he feared he would. He frees Ted, the person he references as family and later a friend. Did they get that one change he was talking about? Can they break the cycle? Do the even know what part of the cycle they're trying to break?
... I can't help but think about how his makeup is almost completely faded at the end of the film.
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leepunzel · 11 months
So, my OTHER source says that Iger is planning to get rid of some exectutives in feature animation and Pixar because he isn't happy about the flops.
I hope he takes into consideration Jen Lee injecting the hatred of her ex-husband into the studio's milestone projects because she clearly can't leave her baggage at home. And that doesn't say leader to me.
However, this could be a blessing if she's booted out and "Frozen" can get back on track after the strikes. Because what they had planned before Iger ruined it IS what society needs. All these people who hate Hans refuse to better themselves. They only see everything in black and white. They don't pay attention to the familial abuse he endured. They also weren't paying attention to how Elsa reacted to Anna's engagement or how he shows his real self to Elsa in the dungeon, much like Ben does with Rey. (And if they're trying to get that couple back on track...)
I've said before, I've seen a few movies Universal released that understood redemption and bettering yourself very well. Two of those happened to be cartoons...it's frankly embarrassing when the competition is doing what you're SUPPOSED to be doing and excelling at it.
They need to do THE RIGHT THING.
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