#elsanna modern au
elsanna-week · 1 year
Hello, everyone. Across the years, we have had a rich variety of Elsanna prompts, and many now in the fandom may have been unable to participate in the early years of the fandom. That is why, this Elsanna Week (which will begin March 5th) we are going to have two different lists of prompts. One will be a list of new prompts. The other will be a list compiled of prompts from previous years.
To narrow down this list of prompts from previous years, we want you to vote for your favorite past prompts in the above poll. The poll will be open for a week.
(TO VOTE IN THE POLL, CLICK ON THE TITLE OF THE POST/LINK AT THE TOP OF THE POST. Because of the blog theme, it’s not as easy to see, but where it says “Past Prompts for Elsanna Week” is the poll link. Tell me if anything seems off.) 
This should allow for a vast freedom of choice among creators in the fandom. If you want to pick from the list of new prompts for a particular day, you can. If you really like a prompt from the list of old prompts, you can choose that one. 
Hopefully, this is fun for everyone and the wide variety of choices allows for extensive creativity and creative liberty. :)
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 years
i really should write that modern AU Elsanna fic that's been floating around in my head
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themountainsays · 3 years
94, 86 and 4 from the OTP ask, for EA?
:D thank you! Here:
4. Who is the meme lover?
I know the obvious answer should be Anna, but honestly? I headcanon modern AU Elsa to be a big old lady stuck in the 19th century. Wears long old lady dresses, bakes old lady cookies, knits every day, unironically owns a rocking chair, doesn't know how modern slang works and is allergic to technology. She doesn't even know how to turn on the TV. She'd rather ride a horse than drive a car because she doesn't know how (they probably live in a rural area idk).
Anna, bless her soul, is a much more normal human being (other than the fact she has a big sister complex). She knows how memes work. Sometimes she'll speak in meme references and The Good Place quotes and Elsa is like ¿¿?? Every time.
So she tries to go online in order to better understand her sister-wife and, of course, stumbles across minion memes (don't bully her she's doing her best 😔).
Anyway. Poor Anna now has to deal with Elsa showing her cringeworthy minion meme after cringeworthy minion meme because she thinks they're the funniest shit ever (inspired in real life events). Maybe she learns in time idk but until then she's an absolute boomer-brained gremlin (Anna has an infinite patience and Elsa is very lucky she does. She's also lucky she earned Anna's love by being a hot blonde bombshell the best big sister in existance).
86. Who googles everything?
Lol Anna 100%. She at least knows what Google is (Elsa is like "in my times we looked for information by riding for three days through the tundra to the nearest town and rumaged through the only library only to find absolutely nothing" and she was born in, like, 1996). Anna Google absolutely everything, poor girl hadn't picked a book in her life (she HAS read books but they're mostly pirated PDFs she keeps in a Google Drive folder. She's tried to convince Elsa to read them to her but last time she tried to touch a phone it kinda blew up in her hand like in that episode of La Rosa de Guadalupe and ever since then they've been making sure to always have real books for Elsa to read (hopefully out loud, to Anna, when they're snuggling at night by a cozy fire).
Anna's search history looks like this btw:
"How to know i'm in love wikihow"
"Freudian psychology"
"Oedipus complex diagnosis"
"Legality of incest in Norway"
"Can Google see my search history?"
"How to install a VPN"
"Morality of incest wikipedia"
"How to tell if my sibling is in love with me quora"
Etc etc.
Plus some Problematiqué E rated fanfics about siblings loving each other
94. Who accidental sets something on fire?
Oof this is a tough one. I think both of them are chaotic enough to set something on fire, but if i had to choose one I'd say Anna, assuming Elsa still has power, because then at least she can get rid of the problem easily. Anna would set the kitchen on fire, her clothes on fire (when snuggling too close to the fireplace), she'd set the rug on fire, she'd set the fucking fire on fire. The thing is that Anna is a cold bby who needs nice fireplaces and cuddles from her sister-wife to stay warm (inspired in real life events). She may get sleepy if she's too comfortable. And then she accidentally kicks the rug into the fire.
Elsa does set things on fire if she's being a reckless little shit but it happens less often than Anna tripping over her own feet or falling asleep in her blanket cocoon in front of the fire.
You could also say she accidentally IGNITED THE FLAMES OF LOVE IN ELSA'S COLD DEAD HEART by being an absolute sweetie, perfect angel, #1 Best Sister, literal saint.
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Artistic representation of Anna igniting the flames of love in Elsa's cold dead heart, circa 2014.
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reminaissance · 3 years
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chileanon · 2 years
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Posting it here for posterity’s sake.
This is a localization I made for the threads on snowchan.org
Link to original source in Korean:
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tonyphan27 · 3 years
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Elsa = Food
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erinmar13 · 3 years
fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about....
have a smattering of fandoms in the process.
Sadie Adler/Bonnie MacFarlane (Red Dead 1)
Bonnie meets Sadie instead of John
Sadie is hunting down a bounty for the Del Lobo gang
Bonnie asks Sadie to go after whoever is stealing her livestock
Sadie refuses at first, but then agrees for the money
dramatic things happen
Del Lobo gang attacks the farm one night
Sadie happens to be there cuz she just can’t find it in herself to leave when she and Bonnie are having such a pleasant time together
bang bang shoot em
Sadie decides to take up permanent residence at the farm....for Bonnie’s safety
romantical things happen
last scene is Sadie on the porch with her harmonica in hand, Bonnie comes up and asks Sadie to play it
Sadie thinks about it and decides to play a tune for her(anyone who remembers rdr2 and Sadie’s backstory will catch the importance of this)
Aela/Dragonborn (Skyrim)
ties in with the Companions questline
bonding as they go after the Totems of Hircine
Totem locations (3, only 1 decided)--Bloodlet Throne
Savior’s Hide quest
my notes for this are mostly feelings in my head
i love that Aela is unapologetic about her gift (whereas the rest consider it a curse)
at least a couple nights of running through Skyrim as werewolves together
i liked this ship BEFORE i realized that Aela is the one who turns you if you pursue it, which just....gods is that sexy
AC Odyssey (2 fics, cuz my notes are small)
Kassandra visits Aspasia after Perikles’ death
while she misses--and did love--Perikles, Aspasia takes comfort in Kassandra (someone she has just unmistakable, electric chemistry with)
Kassandra feels some guilt about sleeping with her so soon after Perikles’ death, but Aspasia allays this feeling
Kassandra/Kyra (reincarnation)
i have literally NO notes on this that are not questions
but it’s something on the list
the idea of Kassandra just doing her thing and then BAM running across the reincarnation of Kyra? *chef’s kiss*
did you want some Oliviza ideas too? i got ‘em!
Noir AU
no real story notes, just a genre concept and characterization ideas
my single note for this idea is:
“detectives, dames, murder, sexy button ups and cigarettes”
i’m thinking Olivier as a PI, Riza as the dame who comes to seek her services
maybe Roy was murdered? maybe i keep it as Hughes who dies?
maybe it’s not a murder but a recovery of a precious family secret that was stolen and is being held for ransom(i’m actually really liking that idea...)
this idea is 100% because i saw some fanart of them in some noir-esque clothes and was just like YES
y’all want one more? fuck it, i’ll give you one more...
Oliviza firefighter AU (been talking bout this one for a while)
Olivier is a station chief in Central
she also has an undercut and almost exclusively wears tank tops(because sleeves are bullshit)
Riza is a police lieutenant(her rank still up in the air, but it’s 100% possible for Riza especially to climb to that rank by her age)
Riza is investigating a series of arsons around town, she hits a dead end and comes to ask Olivier for her help
Roy and the gang have a private investigating group that specializes in fires and arsons(they get most of their work investigating insurance claims)
Riza and Roy grew up in a cult that worshiped fire, lead by Bertholde
Bertholde recruited Roy, who was already a firebug, to be his successor(and intended him to marry Riza)
Roy and Riza escape the cult and they process their trauma threw their respective ways of helping others
Olivier hates Roy because she has, personally, had to put out many fires he started
it’s also HIGHLY SUSPECTED(but never proven) that Roy killed the members of the cult by means of their precious fire, so Olivier absolutely does not trust him
these arsons force everyone to work together to find the culprit before he/she starts killing people with the fires
desk sex absolutely happens
possibly shower sex
this story has a LOT of really amazing things in it, but it is a bit beyond me as a writer
mystery/riddle plots are NOT my forte, but we’ll give it a shot one day
i’ll give you another, because i forgot about it and at this point i will NEVER write it.
Bering and Wells (WH13, with some Buffy crossover)
this one has two timelines in it, which is ridiculously ambitious of my brain
modern timeline has Myka and HG trying to hunt down the Marquis de Sade’s straight razor before...well, you can guess
past timeline has Victorian!HG hunting after the same artifact in London, specifically Whitechapel, 1888 (google if you don’t recognize off the top of your head, you’ll understand)
HG manages to track the razor to the possession of a dashing man named Angelus, his paramour, and companions
little bit of Victorian!HG/Darla
modern HG has to process some Things and Feelings regarding her past and the artifact that she allowed to slip away because of her naivete and letting herself be a little bit seduced by Darla
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snowmanmelting · 3 years
Hard to Find
Rating: T
Tags: Mild hurt/comfort, slice of life, mAU, backpacker!Anna, single mom!Elsa with kiddie!Olaf, best friendo Kristoff!, Unrelated, Platonic EA... Or is it? :^), 100% set and made in Argentina bc the author believes in argie supremacy.
Summary (I'll improve later I promise): After almost three years of looking for her little place in the world, Anna realizes that maybe she had been there for the most part of her life: in her hometown.
A lil snippet of chapter 1:
Now that the reality of what she was doing started to sink down on her, bit by bit, doubt began to gnaw at her stomach. Was she making the right choice by coming back? Something, this little hum that had been present ever since Anna took her seat for the next six hours, liked to whisper she was escaping. Escaping all those things she always dreamed about, right at the moment they were so close Anna could almost touch them with her fingertips. 
Maybe she could have those things here, too.
Keep Reading Here!
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iwritegayshitt · 3 years
Posting this again because I added @themountainsays fanart that she made for this fic.
Enjoy an angsty one-shot!
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l-egionaire · 3 years
Queerplatonic Elsa and Anna AU: Prank.
After getting out of the shower one morning Elsa goes through her drawers and realizes all of her clothes are gone. Confused, she wraps a towel around herself and goes downstairs to find Anna eating cereal at the table.
Elsa: Anna, where are my clothes?
Anna puts on an innocent expression.
Anna: Clothes? Elsa, really, why would I know?
Elsa crosses her arms and glares at her.
Elsa: Anna....
Anna raises her hands defensively
Anna: Okay, okay. I may have moved your clothes somewhere else.
Elsa: And just where exactly did you move them to?
Anna: Well, unfortunately I forgot where.
Elsa: Wha-?
Anna: But, if I had something to refresh my memory, say your last slice of cake from that restaurant we went to Tuesday night, I think it'd help me remember.
Elsa raises an eyebrow at her.
Elsa: Really?
Anna: Well, if I don't get, then It'll take me all day remember where I moved your clothes and you'll just be stuck being naked.
Anna chomps smuggly on her cereal while Elsa glares at her. Then Elsa shrugs.
Elsa: Fine. Then I'll just be naked.
Anna: That's what I though- wait, what?
Elsa whips off her towel, folds it up, moves over to the table, pulls out the seat across from Anna and sets it tbr towel on top of it. Then, She calmly fixes herself a bowel of cereal, sits across from Anna and starts eating.
Anna stares at her in shock.
Anna: Wha- You're really just going to walk around naked all day?!
Elsa: Why not?
Anna: What about work?
Elsa: I'll call in sick.
Anna: But-but won't you be uncomfortable?
Elsa: Why would I? You've told me before I have a beautiful body so I see no shame in displaying it. The cold doesn't bother me and I'm perfectly comfortable being naked in my own home.. Besides, the only other person in here is you and we're both comfortable being naked around each other.
Elsa then leans into Anna's face with her own smug expression.
Elsa: And while I'm enjoying being naked around the house, I can also enjoy my very last, very delicious slice of cake.
Anna gaped at her then glared and picked up her bowl of cereal in annoyance.
Anna: I'm taking my breakfast up to our room.
Elsa: I don't think you thought this threw well enough.
Anna: Well excuse me for not counting on my sister being a nudist!
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xx-lastshadow-xx · 4 years
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Source: @kooja_d on Twitter
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froelsannazen · 3 years
Elsanna Week, Day 7: Unashamed
Okay, I love today's prompt too much, let me draw this… drawing (I think it's really bad but oh well) for it too. This was originally for fun, but why not post it? :)
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I know not everyone is okay with cussing, so I did spell it all out. Though now that I think of it, I probably shouldn't have even put it in the picture. :/
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noonnon · 3 years
Okay so. Elsa as a spirit animal who needs to find a human to assist through a hardship in order to achieve her goal of becoming fully human. Anna is suffering from the recent loss of both of her parents and struggles to keep up with school, social life, and personal goals.
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themountainsays · 3 years
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“With another shake, Elsa let out a choked sob, and Anna realized she wasn’t just being stubborn to spite her. Of course she wasn’t just being stubborn to spite her, why the hell would she even think that in the first place.
So instead she tried to calm down herself and, with some effort, she turned over flat on her back, moved closer to Elsa, then turned all the way over to face her. She moved even closer still, until her own butt was not hanging over the edge of the bed and Elsa’s butt was snug against her pelvis.
She circled an arm around Elsa’s waist, and the trembling stopped.
She was literally stiff as a dead body for a few seconds.”
This piece was drawn for @itstooshy, author of the lovely fic “Rubble of Babel” which you can read HERE (if you like elsanna I strongly recommend doing so because it’s *chef kiss*). I hope this can live up to her writing!
Want to bug me into drawing fanart for your fic? Join us at the Elsanna Shenanigans Server!
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reminaissance · 2 years
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chileanon · 3 years
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Posting it here for posterity’s sake.
These are a bunch of localizations I made for the threads on snowchan.org
Links to original sources in Japanese:
1) In the first image, Anna and Elsa are sharing a “Love shot”, a type of drink that requires two people to put their mouths on both ends of the container: https://imgur.com/lwxzySn
2) The 2nd and 3rd images are a crossover with the  2019 videogame “Sky: Children of the Light”.
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