iwritegayshitt · 3 years
Surface Tension/Of Motorcycles and Wool Cardigans/White Omen.
This are my three current WIP fics. Surface Tension: Modern AU, angst, related, Elsa is a surfer, and Anna is her sister.  A choice they make when younger affects everything in their lives.
Of Motorcycles and Wool Cardigans: Anna is riding her motorcycle across country when it breaks down outside of small-town Arendelle where she meets local bed and breakfast owner, Elsa.
White Omen: Elsa is a werewolf and an outcast of her kind.  For nearly a century she has isolated herself on a mountain; content to live a life of solitude.  All that changes with a storm and a redheaded human who somehow manages to find a way into Elsa’s world, and heart.
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noonnon · 4 years
Okay so. Elsa as a spirit animal who needs to find a human to assist through a hardship in order to achieve her goal of becoming fully human. Anna is suffering from the recent loss of both of her parents and struggles to keep up with school, social life, and personal goals.
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iwritegayshitt · 3 years
drabbles pls
pls, gib me something to drabble.  just a couple paragraphs or something.  itching for it.  whether it be asks, or replies to this.  tia.
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iwritegayshitt · 3 years
Surface Tension: Chapter 4.
(sidenote: pls comment if you like story.  i just like to know if I’m entertaining folks.  danke.)
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iwritegayshitt · 4 years
Elsa and Anna are switches.  Change my mind.
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iwritegayshitt · 3 years
Tainted Confessions: Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of my short fic for @itstooshy is here!  Rated M for nsfw elements but nothing explicit!  Enjoy!
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iwritegayshitt · 3 years
Tainted Confessions: Chapter 3
Here is the last chapter of the ficlet I wrote for @itstooshy.
Enjoy the happyish angsty ending, fellas.
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iwritegayshitt · 3 years
New one shot!
Elsa says the words, "I love you," to everyone but Anna. Modern au.
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iwritegayshitt · 4 years
Honestly, not sure how I feel about this one, but eh.
Dead leaves littered the beige countertop.  The sound of snipping scissors could be heard throughout the tiny flower shop.  After a few moments, the scissors were gently placed on the counter beside the bouquet of daisies.  Slender, fair-skinned hands slid around the glass vase that the daisies resided in and lifted it from the counter.  Tapping sounds entered the air as a slender redheaded woman made her way to the window at the front of the shop.  Carefully, she set the vase down on the sill next to a bouquet of petunias. A few stray strands of copper hair fell against freckled cheeks as she turned the vase, just a tad to the right.
Releasing it, she let her dirt-covered hands rest against the indent that made up her waist as she inspected her work.   Satisfied, she raised an arm to wipe the sweat from her brow, frowning when she realized she had managed to get dirt in the green fabric of her long-sleeved shirt.  With a shrug, the young woman took a few sliding steps to her right.  She delved into her pocket and rummaged before removing a keychain.  She slid the key into the lock, unlatching it while using her free hand to flip the sign to open.  A head full of almond brown hair poked itself around the wall that stood behind the counter.
“Anna, did you send out that order for a dozen orange roses coupled with pink yesterday?” Belle asked, cocking a brow.  The woman deemed Anna nodded gently as she strolled back to the front, rounding the corner of the counter.  She brushed back the strands of hair that swayed against her face, a bit annoyed that they had managed to escape the loose braid that lay against her back.
“Yeah!  They should have arrived in time!  That weasel guy was very adamant about precise arrival,” Anna replied.  She retrieved the clipboard that contained her to-do list for the day.
“Good.  And you did it without breaking any vases this time, right?” Belle asked, causing red to encase Anna’s face.
“Yes, ma’am.  I’ve been moving at a slower pace when I handle them.  I swear.  I’m sorry for being such a klutz,” Anna murmured to her manager, who replied with a hearty laugh.
“Don’t worry about it, Anna. I’m just teasing you. Make sure to check the coolers to see they are remaining at the correct temperature.  I need to make a quick delivery,” Belle instructed before ducking back around the counter.  Anna rolled her eyes but obliged, making her way to the coolers on the right side of the shop.  She may be clumsy and break at least one vase a week, but she knew the routine. Grasping a handle, she tugged open the glass door.  Bending at the waist, Anna stuck her head in, pushing aside a pot of flowers to get at the thermometer that was pinned to the very back of the cooler.  It was one of her least enjoyable tasks.
With her head buried between pots, Anna couldn’t hear the bell above the front door ding as a customer entered the shop.  She had found out that the thermometer had decided to take a journey to the far corner of the shelf and stuck an arm in beside her head to retrieve the damn thing. Engrossed in the tedious task, she also didn’t hear the footsteps that approached and stopped beside her.  Her fingers finally closed around the thermometer.  Success!
“Uhm, excuse me?” Anna’s head shot up and immediately banged against the shelf above it as she was startled by the feminine voice breaking the ambience of the silent shop.  A string of curses flew quietly from Anna’s lips as she jerked her head and arm from the shelf of the cooler to observe the cause of the forming bump on her head.  When her eyes landed on the disturbance, her mouth fell slightly agape and the grip she currently had on the thermometer tightened.  Somewhere in the back of her mind, Anna registered pain shooting from her palm as the sharp corners of the thermometer pricked against her skin.
Before her was a woman who stood a few inches taller than Anna.  Her form was…svelte, even though she was wearing a light blue, button-up blouse and a pair of khaki-colored capris that had little blue bows on the hem of the legs.  Anna noted that, even though the blouse was loose-fitted, it did nothing to hide the delectable curves beneath the fabric.   Anna’s gaze traveled back up and her mouth parted.  Blonde hair shaded similarly to ash was collected in a partial braid while the rest gently fell against a pale, elegant face.  Prominent cheekbones, a regal jawline, and just a light dusting of barely-there freckles.  What froze Anna on the spot, though were the piercing blue eyes that returned her observing gaze.  A kempt blonde brow arched as if the woman was waiting for a response… Anna, you dolt. Wipe the drool of your chin and address the customer!  Anna straightened herself before brushing the invading free strands of hair from her heated face.
“Hi! Hello, I’m sorry!  I wasn’t trying to ignore you or anything.  Kinda’ hard to hear anything when your head in shoved inside of a cooler. I just had to check out the temp and the thermometer had escaped so I was- “Anna cut herself off, not believing her face could heat up anymore than it already was.
“Anyway! Welcome to The Flower Cottage!  I’m Anna! What can I help you with today?” Anna quickly spouted.  The taller woman lowered her gaze to her own arms while Anna followed suit, realizing the former held two vases of roses.
“Uhm.. well, I think there’s been a mistake.  I received these bouquets yesterday, but I’m most positive they were not meant for me. Unless I’ve changed my name to Duchess and it completely slipped my mind,” the woman ended her response with a light chuckle that had Anna’s head spinning.
“But it seems to be a simple mistake as there’s really only a slight difference between this address and mine.  Well, aside from the fact that this address is clear across town,” the woman continued. Anna’s heart fell at the realization that, even though she had completed the delivery yesterday, she had it sent to the wrong house.  Quickly, she swirled and tossed the thermometer haphazardly back into the cooler before slamming the door shut.  She shoved her clipboard beneath her arm.
“I’m so sorry for the inconvenience!  Here, let me take those from you!” Anna offered, extending her arms in front of her and taking a couple steps toward the woman.  Be it from nervousness or just the fact that she was inherently clumsy, Anna tripped over her own feet and found herself falling forward.  There was a crash that sounded throughout the store.
Anna wanted to disappear from existence itself when she finally gathered her bearings and realized she was now sprawled across the pretty woman’s lap.  Water pooled around them, the shattered glass, and strewn about roses.  Anna was even more embarrassed to see that some of the water had even managed to splash onto the woman’s blouse, causing it to cling tightly to her body.  Anna’s gaze traveled upwards to meet the customer’s. She expected pure rage and was a little stumped to find laughter dancing in the blue eyes.
“Oh, my Gods, I’m such a klutz!  I’m so so sorry!” Anna cried out, scrambling backwards, and rushing to her feet.  She threw her arm out in front of her, and the blonde accepted it.  Anna’s heart pounded when a cold hand closed around her own and she assisted the woman to her feet.  Dropping the hand, Anna began to wring her own together nervously.
“Accidents happen, Anna,” the woman said, glancing down to inspect the severity of wet fabric.  And, Gods, if this beautiful stranger saying her name didn’t send shivers down her spine…
“First, I send flowers to the wrong address.  Then I knock over a gorgeous woman and break more vases in the process!”  Anna cried out, gesturing vaguely toward the mess.
“Let me make it up to you! I can give you some coupons, or send you home with a fresh bouquet of personally picked flowers, or take you out to dinner-“Anna halted her blabbering words again.  Wait, did I just ask this woman out?  Straightening her blouse, the exquisite person before Anna locked eyes with her.
“My name is Elsa,” the woman said in response to Anna’s almost incoherent babbling before bending over and beginning to collect the scattered flowers.  Anna was glued in place, mouth opening and closing as a fish would, unsure of what just happened.
“Wait… What...?  Your name is… Elsa?” Anna asked, furrowing her brow in confusion as the woman called Elsa straightened with another cocked brow and hands full of roses.
“I think it’s fair that the woman who’s taking me to dinner should know my name,” she said simply, reaching out with a rose in her hand toward Anna.  Anna couldn’t help the dopey grin that crossed her face as she accepted the rose.
“Thank Gods for small mistakes.”
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iwritegayshitt · 3 years
New chapter??? Finally.
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noonnon · 4 years
Flowershop AU
Anna works at a flower shop and accidentally sends flowers to the wrong address.  Cue Elsa entering her shop and informing the redhead she had messed up the address.
Ensue Anna blubbering out an apology and asking Elsa out within the same breath.
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iwritegayshitt · 3 years
Surface Tension: Chapter 3 is up!
I rewrote this many a times.  So enjoy my hard work pls and ty. 
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iwritegayshitt · 4 years
Chapter 16!
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iwritegayshitt · 4 years
One-Shot Prompts
Yo!  I wanna’ write some more for y’all!  Send me something you’d like to see written~!
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iwritegayshitt · 3 years
New WIP: Tainted Confessions
Posted the first chapter of @itstooshy ‘s gift.
M for mature themes, nothing explicit.
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iwritegayshitt · 4 years
New blog, Same url.
Detached my shipping/writing blog from my main blog so I’m making a new prompt post to pin to my page.  Other filled prompts are on my one-shot/prompt page!
Smut, angst, fluff, au, Canon, give it to me and I’ll do a one-shot for you!  Please, no extremities on the smut!
Thanks in advance!
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