#eltrich beings
soulrebellon · 9 months
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This was drawn within this year when I was first getting back into Dungeons and Dragons. He is a rune knight Warforged, created by one who obsessed over eltrich beings and craftsmanship.
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I'll explain more if someone asks ;3
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sweetie-peaches · 5 months
Tubbo rushing to be any kind of fucked up god like being as soon as a server does (or does not) call for it:
That boy and any chance to be an eltrich horror
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rain-world-headcanons · 2 months
I personally like to imagine Iterators as more of their puppets, but think they are the structure, and while they still are the structure, it is also like a limb, but so is the puppet. Eltrich and beyond our compression, but the consciousness and most things are stored in the puppet. Weird and funky, that's how i like the compression.
Along with that, the puppets are also test tube grown and then given cybernetic enhancements, and sometimes being more metal than flesh. And with this, they are very resilient. Even the weakest and frail puppets can survive lizard bites and escape with relatively little help (minus if they are bit at any soft squishy parts they have).
I also like the idea of iterators not only having mouths but also entire organs systems, new or natural, flesh and metal. Although it normally ends at a stomach as with how they are structured with metal and flesh, they can use every ounce of material they consume, but their bodies will still reject some things like data pearls for the simple reason of them being pearls, and, yknow, they use those for data storage. So they just spit out the stuff they don't use instead, and it varies iterator to iterator on what they can eat.
While they have all this, I think they also, while connected to the structure, are pumped full of chemicals that suppress every natural bodily response, like getting hungry for example. Being either lied to by ancients for... some reason, or bands of rebal ancients implementing these things into iterators while they are in a robotic coma, I forgot what the word is. I'm not sure which I like more yet, but eh.
Oh, also, when off the string, their memory storages are, of course, cut down in size, still exponentially larger than any scavenger or slugcat, but still a fraction of their full capacity. Some also need neurons like this, like Moon, and others not so much, like Pebbles.
Oh yeah I also hc that Iterators can pop off their arm but they don't as they think they will just die the second they do it, and besides that, its incredibly hard to break and will need added help, say from a purposed slugcat or something.
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miscellaneouspoision · 5 months
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cosmiischillin · 1 month
I am alittle bored so hey! Here are some Fun Facts/Headcanons for the characters in Twilight Town (Reminder: Twilight Town is takes place in a rebooted version of the Ruby Gloom cartoon where they’re all adults)
1. Iris is the youngest of the main 8 with Ruby being a few months older. Frank is considered the oldest being a second older than his twin Len. (Halo would have been oldest overall at 2100 but I decided to only portray her as 21)
2. Misery is a native Irish speaker though she can speak several other languages thanks to her family tree including Latin, Chinese, French, and Swedish.
3. When Skull was 13, he tried to change his name to Skull Guy but literally no one liked it so he dropped the second part of his name. Misery, Frank, and Len still call him Skull Boy from time to time to tease him since they’re older than him.
4. Ruby’s middle name is Lily which I got from Lily Munster.
5. Frank is actually Frank II. His father, Frank Frankenstein is the first. In fact. My friend said the twins names together sounded like Frankenstein (Frank) L(eN) Stein.
6. Both Frank and Len have separation anxiety due to how long they’ve been conjoined. If not near by each other for long periods of time, they get anxious and tend to lash out more.
7. Jackie was my first ever OC for anything and back then her name was Lantern. She was never gonna be shipped with anyone until recently where she’s with Len.
8. Misery has the highest kill count of the group at 666 via natural disasters and freak accidents. Frank and Len are in second place with 25 kills and will resort to eating humans to get rid of evidence.
9. Skull has never killed someone but he is capable of it as he took up marksmanship as one of his 100+ hobbies.
10. Ruby’s more monstrous side is based on Other Mother from Coraline, Nightmarionne from FNAF, Eltrich and Lovecraftian monsters, Raggedy Ann, and Wally Darling from Welcome Home!
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skylertheghost · 2 months
im placing my bets rn so that in like 2-3 years time i can reblog this and be like "NO FUCKING WAY"
okay so its like a theory (GAME THEORY) that skids dad is the cult leader, most likely. and we know that his mum wanted to get rid of her husbands stuff, right? no normal widow would want to get rid of all her husbands possesions so he mustve done something REALLY bad. (probably making a death cult idk /sarc)
thats pretty obvi, but skid has also shown that he has an immunity to monsters and spirits and stuff (besides moloch). and even pump has a bit of immunity to a degree, not going into a daze like everyone else when seeing the eyes. it makes me think that skids dad probably had similar abilites like this and made this community of people to figure out if they could achieve human immortality by being able to communicate with these eltrich beings that no normal human is able too. at same point he probably fucked around too much and died somehow to these beings.
due to being, ya know, A CULT LEADER, he probably manipulated Lila a fair bit. which could be part of why she wanted to get rid of his stuff, but maybe also she found out about some of the things he had been doing. but maybe not the eltrich monster part, since she seemed scared and shocked by dexter like any normal person who wouldnt know of things like that (or at least thats what i remember i havent rewatched the series in a bit) and by ep 6 she probably thought all these incidents were related to him somehow.
Now with skid. like i said i think these "powers" got passed down by his father. and it seems these beings always come to skid in some way or another, maybe they knew of his father and took some sort of liking to him. and even though moloch did NOT like him, skid unknowingly kept him at bay. which is odd, seeing how Father gregors attempts at banishing Moloch was hard and repetitive to do.
And with Pump, i think somehow he might have some sort of "powers" like skid. just not as powerful as his. and i think that might be partly why his parents have completly abandonded him and his sister. in those photos they seemed exetremely loving and careing, even making sure to leave the two of them with a family member. there mustve been something dangerous.
so tldr i think
-skids dad has these "powers" so he can talk to eltrich beings and used them to start his cult.
-uses these abilites to find knowledge about how to achieve human immortality
-probably died the beings somehow.
-skids dads powers got passed down to skid
-pump also has these abilites just slightly different and not as powerful
-may be why pumps parents left
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gecemi09 · 8 months
SO im not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not but am i the only one who finds dick+the graysons being connected to the court of owls extremely odd and kinda dumb? Like dont get me wrong the angst potential is delicious but like. Why are a bunch of people from a TRAVELLING CIRCUS that tours the WORLD connected to the thousands of years old(?) eltrich cult dedicated to a batgod from gotham? it seems so.. random. the wiki says the coo are just a local branch of a bigger organization but it still has somethn to w the waynes somehow? i think?? anyway of all people why is dick connected to the court. literally all the other robins besides damian would make more sense(specifically tim. and i don't even like tim that much) Idk it just doesn't make sense to me. It seems like it's trying to make dick's and bruce's relationship kinda predestined instead of a coincidence. and that seems like it takes away its meaning to me?? like its similar to saying the waynes murder was orchestrated by someone. it ruins it to me. but i dont read a lot of comics so.... take this w a grain of salt lol
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ladykailolu · 8 months
Legend of Zelda Shadow of Sun
I don’t know about you, I’m but I’ve always been a fan of the ship of Link x Malon, I think Link would be good with his farm girl gf (I also like the idea of him and Romani from Majora’s Mask)
I’ve seen a lot of comics about domestic family fluff with them and I had an idea
We always see a young, kid, or teenage link getting told it’s time to save the world. But what if we got a DILF link as the main character
A late twenties to early thirties Link is married to Malon and they live on their farm in Hyrule.
Malon, similar to Romani, is good with a bow in this story
Link went back in time after he stopped ganon in Oot and after completing Majora’s Mask he went back to Hyrule, and after a more peaceful 7 year cycle, married Malon
Some notable change in this timeline is that
The Sheikah have moved back into Kakariko village after hiding in the shadows for many years (I always wished there were more sheikah)
As the story starts, Link and Malon now have a infant daughter named Ester. She has light blond hair, freckles, and looks kind of like her dad, but with her mom’s eyes
The villain isn’t Ganon but a different evil. Some demon creature similar to Majora.
It’s this eltrich light demon that’s trying to suck the life from the 3 goddesses who made Hyrule in the name of Hylia “the true goddess”
By the end of the game The leader of the cult [second main villain](Alma) fuses with the ancient evil to become Shadow Hylia and they end up being the final boss
To get the story started some of his minions raid Lon Lon ranch and kidnap Ester because something bloodline something vessel. Link and Malon go on an adventure through new Hyrule to save Ester
Malon is Link’s sidekick this time with her bow and fills a role similar to Minda or Navi or Tatl
What do you think?
I love that idea! And maybe in the beginning, the monsters also took Malon away because she was holding or protecting Ester, and one of the minions knocked Link out so he couldn't do anything to save them. When he wakes up, he's in a panic and follows the trail of destruction that the monsters left behind. It's not too long before he finds Malon, who is slightly injured, with her bow, and she explains that the monsters took their Ester away.
What happens to Ester in the end? I figured that Alma would have used her to fuse with this demon and become the anti-Hylia who blots out the sun. It could also go a twisted route that in order to stop the fusion of Alma with the demon, Ester must be removed. In other words, sacrificed by an arrow fired from Malon's bow. Of course, she couldn't go through with killing her own child.
Just so I understand: is this light demon in allegiance to Hylia in some twisted way? Or are they against all the goddesses and act against them? You could also add a religious twist to this, in that Alma brands themself as a bishop of light, an arbiter of justice, and the savior of Hyrule. Kinda like the bishop of Gresit in Castlevania. Corrupted to the bone and twists fanatical religion to their favor. It's obvious in the beginning that Alma is hiding some dark secret. Yet, it's hard for the public to go against Alma because they do so much tangible good for the community and preach the virtues of the Goddess Hylia or of this light demon.
And since the Sheikah dwell in the shadows, let's say that Alma despises them for being "creatures of shadow", and when they fuse with this light demon, they'll purify the world of the Sheikah. The Sheikah's bloody past during the Hyrulean War is probably brought up as justification for making the Sheikah pay for their sins.
And I feel that Ruto would be heartbroken lol. Poor fish girl.
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sn1ckie · 2 years
let erin be in her villain arc, let her hold grudges against the family she risked her for. she risked everything to save these kids who turned around and doomed her entire plane of existence to the whim of an eltrich chaos being. if she’s still alive let HER BE UPSET!!!!
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
I have to said this Eltrich Deltarune stuff is pretty interesting.
in my half joking and half serious, the empire fortress government was actually fine with the town being there and leaving it there(assumed with some taxes). They started to go after the town when all the cult stuff happened. It would make the sacrifices even more tragic and ironic
Thanks a bunch!!
Well, the empire and fortress was definitely having a negative impact on the town, at least through exploiting their space and resources if nothing else. But yeah, the actual big guys in charge probably wouldn't know or care about any kind of secret cult goings-on in Hometown until the eldritch monsters actually showed up!
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lacefuneral · 1 year
btw the tags on that tumblr sexyman poll are SCARING me. what do you MEAN you don't know who cecil palmer is. cecil palmer first canonically gay podcast man (probably) who goes on to move in with, marry, and have a child with his partner. played by (and named after) a man that is openly gay and HIV+ and, for a lot of people, their first non-negative introduction to a pos person.
cecil palmer eltrich being. cecil palmer inspired thousands of pieces of artwork and cosplays and discourse and cracked open the whole "hey, why DO people tend to headcanon characters with no canonical appearance as white?" issue. nightvale inspired so much creative artwork and so many interpretations of the character.
this man DESERVES sexyman status. not your boring anime boy who you make memes about sometimes
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acutiewithagun · 5 months
Sometimes I think about if I canonically would have survived the bad future of Rise. The answer is no.
Like, I'm a very trusting person and can't defend myself at all. I'd probably be one of the unlucky ones to be crushed by a building or Kraang-ified.
But, if I were to be protected long enough, maybe I could survive the initial invasion. Or be used as a decoy to lure Resistant members to their deaths.
People trust me, for some reason. Especially people I'd consider dangerous. So that's what invoked that last point.
Or if I was protected by the earlier Resistance, maybe I'd be used to help with medical care, child care, botany, and possibly just an all around errand boy. I know some stuff, but not enough.
I could see like Landon being protective over me because... eltrich horror and yan. But even then I don't think unless we framed with the Resistance we'd make it that far.
Oh and Landon would definitely devor Kraang instead of humans. Just to satisfy hunger and because it'd piss off the Kraang leaders.
I think Landon would be more interesting to expand on in the bad future.
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|| || _ _ 🦴﹒Luna COLLINS ﹗
|| || she☆they☆it☆anarchy☆null☆blood
|| || ﹒🎧﹕18
|| || certified vamp kin, bella swan kin, weird girl punk, eltrich-being other-hearted, final girl kin, and SICK of normies
—💜 weirdgirl ; my genders
—💜 reblogz ; reblogging
—💜 deepvoid ; venting
—💜 bitinghours ; kin posts
—💜 journal ; liveblogging
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I am my favorite morally grey stunted annoying possible eltrich being but clumsy idiot skrunkle vile being character all in a pair of glasses.
I am my own favorite crumbled piece of newspaper
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Alright. Imma put some writing ideas here because I want to put them out there even if I don't get around to making them
“How To Hide a Body in the Band Room”: A short story that is a murder mystery where a group of people are in the band storage room and one of them is killed when the lights are turned out, leaving the rest of the group to hide the body in that room and cover for each other while trying to figure out which one did it. Told from the perspective of one, or all of those in the group. If all, then ending with the killer.
“The Acadamy”: A group of people who go to school on the island of East Eblington, a district of the island country of Eblington. This school is a boarding school where they take people who exemplify powers, typically from a young age, and try to snuff the powers out of them with suppressants, all while being heavily sheltered from the rest of the world. Told from the perspective of one Blake Ingram, a lifelong student of the academy.
“EvraCoric”: Where students, focused on the main three, discover that they have dragon’s blood inside of them. They then go to a school in a district called Daystar (also in Eblington) dedicated to honing their draconic powers. This is to replace the magic school that I lost to transphobia. Told from the perspective of one Izzy Bright, a light dragonite who is part of a trio of friends.
Unnamed: A story about this suburban town in the district of Oldester, Eblington, that is trying to raise a deity of order out of its shackles beneath the town square and start an apocalypse. Told from the perspective of many of the people who live in the suburbs and are involved in this Eltrich conspiracy.
“Tales from Eblington”: A series of short stories that take place in the chaos born country of Eblington, and its four districts: Oldester, Daystar, Treeblen, and East Eblington. The country is on an island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.
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