soulrebellon · 9 months
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This was drawn within this year when I was first getting back into Dungeons and Dragons. He is a rune knight Warforged, created by one who obsessed over eltrich beings and craftsmanship.
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I'll explain more if someone asks ;3
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Monster Spotlight: Quickwood
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CR 8
Neutral Huge Plant
Bestiary 2, pg. 228
These misleadingly-named carnivorous ambush predators stake their territory in forests filled with oak trees, which they resemble when in bloom and at rest. Not only does this offer them camouflage, but their unique Oaksight ability allows them to see and hear through any oak tree within 360ft of themselves so long as they know the tree is there--yes, amusingly enough, Oaksight doesn’t confer any special ability to DETECT oak trees, a Quickwood must find and identify them itself before it can cast its senses to them. Their +11 to Knowledge (Nature) checks makes this a non-issue, and also allows them to identify the presence of any delectable creatures that may be living near their chosen hunting grounds.
Strangely wise and intelligence for Plants, Quickwood utilize their network of spies to keep tabs on their territory, patiently waiting for easy prey. While perfectly able to live off mundane wildlife, Quickwood prize the flesh of humans and elves above all others because they’re a carnivore on Golarion, so of course they do. Such prey requires a careful approach, much more careful than snaring wolves, rabbits, and deer, so the Quickwood become incredibly patient when such a meal approaches, especially since--like I alluded to in the first sentence--they have only a 10ft movespeed, so fleeing prey is difficult to keep up with. Able to speak both Common and Sylvan, the brutish tree may call out for aid to lure in the soft-hearted, but with no ranks in Bluff it’s much more likely to wait until victims come closer on their own, carefully tracking them from tree to tree with its Oaksight. And “closer” to a Quickwood is much, much further than you’d probably ever think.
Amusingly for a Huge creature, a Quickwood only occupies a 5ft space, but its trunk is flexible enough to give it a 15ft reach with its bite (2d6+9 damage). That’s not the ‘far reach’ part, though, the ‘far reach’ is its preposterously lengthy Roots, which have a reach of 60ft. Able to cause three* of its Roots to erupt from the soil anywhere within its reach as part of a Full-Attack, each one deals 1d6+4 damage (though it can augment any of them with Power Attack) but more importantly immediately attempts to Pull any creature they damage 10ft closer to the Quickwood. If all three roots strike the same target that’s 30ft of forced movement right into the Quickwood’s personal space, and if a creature is pulled within range of its bite? It gets to bite them as a FREE ACTION with a +4 to the attack roll! That doesn’t override the bite they get from their normal Full-Attack, either, so a Quickwood that pulls someone into its bite zone gets to chomp onto them twice!
*the Roots ability in the actual book says it can attack with six roots, but the creature’s actual statblock--as well as every online resource--states it can only use three. In addition, each online descriptor of Roots replaces ‘six’ with ‘three.’ Just something interesting to point out! If you wanted to considerably up the challenge, doubling the number of roots it can lash with would certainly do it.
Not only is a Quickwood spooky when on the offense (especially if it’s attacking from an area you can’t see via its Oaksight), but its defenses are startling in more ways than one. While immunity to Electricity is no oddity among Plants, immunity to Fire is certain to catch players hoping to easily clear out this old growth off-guard. Even more than that, it has Spell Resistance 19 and the unique ability to absorb any magic that fails to pierce its SR, holding the magical charge within its body until it needs it. Rather than healing itself or replicating spell effects, though, it can eject the spell energy as a standard action to create an aura of supernatural terror around it. The aura’s radius is 10ft times the level of the spell it absorbed and it lasts for only 1 round, but anyone who starts their turn in the aura must make a DC 20 Will save or be panicked for a whole minute, effectively useless in combat and forced to flee at top speed from the Quickwood, unable to bring themselves to fight back even as it snares them in its roots and pulls them back round after round.
Though it has no remarkable defenses against a madman with an axe willingly diving into its melee to chop it to bits, the potency of its Fear Aura is typically deterrent enough, scattering the party and letting it pick on whatever members made their save. A DM wishing to add some wicked challenge to this fight (I mean, more wicked than it attacking from an unseen location) can have it START the battle with a store of magic from a previous unfortunate meal. This is a powerful opener, especially since its SR lowers to only 14 while it stores its magic and it can only hold onto one charge at a time, prompting it to loose the fear as soon as it feels like it’s in danger. Like when the party’s caster reveals they have Cold or Acid magic, so it needs its SR as high as possible... or, y’know, when the Hasted Barbarian charges in.
You can read more about them here.
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myth-lord · 9 months
If I could create my own D&D Monster Manual
It would look something like this:
The names with the little dot before them are sub-species/variations of the name above, like Kenku, Nagpa, Tlacatecolo and Vrock are variants of the Aarakocra.
Air Elemental
Invisible Stalker
Animated Broom
Flying Sword
Guardian Portrait
Living Tome
Rug of Smothering
Craud (Sea Ankheg)
Blood Hawk
Assassin Vine
Choke Creeper
Astral Defiler
Astral Dreadnought
Astral Filcher (Temporal Filcher)
Astral Marauder
Astral Slayer
Astral Stalker
Axe Beak
Babau (Blood Demon)
Balor (Pit Demon)
Barbazu (Bearded Demon)
Id Fiend
Rock Reptile
Eye Tyrant
Gauth (Spectator)
Black Dragon (Deepwyrm)
Black Pudding
Void Ooze
White Pudding (Snowflake Ooze)
Blink Dog
Moon Dog
Yeth Hound
Blood Amniote (Bloodrot)
Bloodthorn (Vampire Rose)
Blue Dragon (Stormwyrm)
Bugbear (Boogeyman)
Hezrou (Pod Demon)
Carrion Crawler
Rot Grubs
Cave Fisher
Clay Golem (Terra-Cotta)
Clockroach (Clockwork Horror)
Iron Cobra
Cloud Giant
Fog Giant
Storm Giant
Cloud Ray
Copper Dragon
Coral Golem
Cranium Rats
Crawling Claw
Soul Shaker
Crystal Dragon
Black Willow  
Darkling (Dark Creeper)
Deadly Dancer (Impaler)
Death Knight
Deva (Angel)
Angel of Decay (Rot Harbinger)
Erinyes (Fallen Deva)
Justicator (Order Deva)
Planetar (Battle Deva)
Solar (Light Deva)
Dire Angler
Light Devourer
Dire Ape
Dire Bat (Mobat)
Fire Bat (Inferno Bat)
Sinister (Shadow Bat)
Dire Bear (Cave Bear)
Dire Beaver (Afanc)
Dire Boar (Tusk Terror)
Dire Catfish (Namazu)
Dire Chameleon (Ambush Drake)
Dire Constrictor (Titanoboa)
Dire Crocodile (Deinosuchus)
Hatori (Sand Crocodile)
Dire Eel (Abaia)
Cave Moray
Dragon Eel
Lightning Eel
Dire Elephant (Mammoth)
Dire Elk (Megaloceros)
Dire Gar 
Dire Hippo (Behemoth)
Dire Lion
Sea Lion
Dire Otter (Dobhar-Chu)
Dire Pufferfish (Kalothagh)
Dire Ram 
Dire Rat
Dire Rhino (Karkadann)
Gulgar (Diamond Charger)
Dire Seahorse (Hippocampus)
Dire Shark (Megalodon)
Dire Skunk (Aniwye)
Dire Sloth (Megatherium)
Dire Tiger (Smilodon)
Dire Whale (Leviathan)
Dire Wolf (Worg)
Winter Wolf
Dire Wolverine (Gulon)
Displacer Beast
Dragon Turtle
Dwarf Ancestor
Earth Elemental
Galeb Duhr
Sandman (Sandling)
Tomb Mote (Necromental)
Eladrin (Spring Eladrin)
Autumn Eladrin (Bralani)
Summer Eladrin (Firre)
Winter Eladrin (Ghaele)
Evistro (Carnage Demon)
Feyr (Fihyr)
Firbolg (Wood Giant)
Fire Elemental
Belker (Smoke Elemental)
Magma Hurler (Magma Elemental)
Magmin (Lava Child)
Fire Giant
Flesh Golem
Rot Ripper
Eldritch Giant (Fomorian Noble)
Plague Spewer
Frost Giant
Kapoacinth (Reef Gargoyle)
Gas Spore
Gelatinous Cube
Devourer (Soul Eater)
Ghast (Witherstench)
Lacedon (Drowned)
Giant Anemone
Giant Ant
Abyss Ant
Giant Antlion
Giant Assassin Bug
Giant Beetle (Boring Beetle)
Bombardier Beetle (Fire Beetle)
Deathwatch Beetle (Slicer Beetle)
Siege Beetle (Rhinoceros Beetle)
Water Beetle
Giant Centipede
Giant Clam
Giant Crab
Carcass Crab (Cadaver Collector)
Kalka Kylla  (Giant Hermit)
Giant Dragonfly
Giant Eagle
Giant Firefly (Firefriend)
Giant Frog
Giant Jellyfish (Man-o-War)
Death Embrace
Giant Leech
Giant Mantis
Giant Moth
Tenebrous Worm
Giant Octopus
Darktentacles (Swamp Octopus)
Decapus (Tree Octopus)
Silt Horror (Sand Octopus)
Giant Owl
Noctral (Celestial Owl)
Giant Raven (Valravn)
Giant Salamander
Frost Salamander
Giant Scorpion
Giant Slug
Bone Whelk
Flail Snail
Metalmaster (Sword Slug)
Giant Spider
Bristle Spider
Darkweaver (Shadow Spider)
Phase Spider
Snow Spider
Tomb Spider
Giant Starfish
Giant Strider
Magma Strider
Giant Tick
Bloodsilk Tick
Soul Tick
Giant Toad
Fire Toad
Ice Toad
Giant Urchin
Land Urchin
Giant Wasp
Advespa (Hellwasp)
Spider Eater
Gibbering Mouther (Chaos Beast)
Skybleeder (Abyssal Mouther)
Gith (Githyanki)
Glabrezu (Deception Demon)
Flind (War Gnoll)
Marrash (Pestilence Gnoll)
Witherling (Famine Gnoll)
Gold Dragon
Gorgon (Khalkotauroi)
Gray Jester
Gray Ooze
Gray Render (Skindancer)
Green Dragon (Grovewyrm)
Green Slime
Arcane Ooze
Greenvise (Mantrap)
Annis Hag (Death Hag)
Bheur Hag (Frostwind Virago)
Green Hag (Bog Hag)
Night Hag (Nocnitsa)
Sea Hag
Hamatula (Barbed Demon)
Hell Hound
Death Dog
Hoard Scarab
Hook Horror
Intellect Devourer (Brain Mole)
Brain Collector (Neh-Thalggu)
Cerebrilith (Mindshredder)
Iron Golem
Adamantine Golem
Shield Guardian
Knucklehead Trout
Carcass Eater
Skull Lord
Lillend (Muse)
Luck Eater
Werefox (Foxwoman)
Mind Flayer
Elder Brain
Shocker Lizard
Skirr (Mummy Lord)
Dark Naga
Guardian Naga
Spirit Naga
Water Naga
Nightwalker (Death Giant)
Shardsoul Slayer
Dryad (Wood Nymph)
Lampad (Shadow Nymph)
Nereid (Aquatic Nymph)
Oread (Mountain Nymph)
Sylph (Sky Nymph)
Obliviax (Memory Moss)
Ochre Jelly
Oni (Ogre Magi)
Osyluth (Bone Demon)
Abyssal Maw
Pech (Deep Gnome)
Pixie (Sprite)
Allip (Doom Whisperer)
Caller in Darkness (Mindstorm)
Pseudo-Dragon (Orange Dragon)
Faerie Dragon (Purple Dragon)
Purple Worm
Masher (Blue Worm)
Ravid (Rage Drake)
Red Dragon (Hellwyrm)
Ruin Demon (Swarm Demon)
Rust Monster
Kuo-Toa (Skum)
Satyr (Faun)
Ankylosaurus (Macetail)
Brontosaurus (Mokele-Mbembe)
Ceratosaurus (Bonesnapper)
Deinonychus (Scytheclaw)
Dilophosaurus (Spitter)
Dimetrodon (Bloodseeker)
Mosasaurus (Gambo)
Plesiosaurus (Coast Stalker)
Pteranodon (Razorbeak)
Stegosaurus (Mbielu)
Stygimoloch (Charger)
Triceratops (Ngoubou)
Tyrannosaurus Rex (Fang Titan)
Sea Serpent
Shadow Demon
Shadow Dragon
Shadow Mastiff
Shambling Mound
Tumbling Mound
Sibriex (Craft Demon)
Silver Dragon
Mercury Dragon
Crypt Thing
Giant Skeleton (Gashadokuro)
Skin Kite
Skiurid (Soul Nibbler)
Slithering Tracker
Spectre (Ghost)
Banshee (Wailing Ghost)
Sphinx (Gynosphinx)
Steel Predator
Stone Golem
Gelugon (Ice Demon)
Hundred-Handed One (Hecatoncheires)
Tlincalli (Scorpion-Man)
Saguaro Sentinel
Tri-Flower Frond
Rot Troll
Twig Blight
Umber Hulk
Ecalypse (Dusk Unicorn)
Vampiric Mist
Crimson Death
Violet Fungus
Phantom Fungus
Wastrilith (Styx Demon)
Water Elemental
Caller from the Deeps
Chraal (Ice Elemental)
Poison Weird (Poison Elemental)
Web Golem (Adherer)
White Dragon (Frostwyrm)
Winter Wight (Entombed)
Will o Wisp
Helmed Horror (Helmed Wraith)
Sword Wraith
Trap Haunt (Trap Wraith)
Wood Woad (Wood Wraith)
Abyssal Drake
Yellow Dragon (Sunwyrm)
Yellow Musk Creeper
Corpse Flower
Wendigo (Famine Spirit)
Zombie Clot
HUMANOID: Aarakocra / Kenku / Abeil / Bullywug / Cloud Giant / Storm Giant / Cyclops / Darkling / Drow / Duergar / Eladrin / Autumn Eladrin / Summer Eladrin / Winter Eladrin / Firbolg / Fire Giant / Frost Giant / Gith / Gnoll / Goblin / Hobgoblin / Hadozee / Lizardman / Kobold / Tortle / Werebear / Wereboar / Wererat / Wereshark / Werewolf / Ogre / Orc / Sahuagin / Tabaxi / Thri-Kreen / Yuan-Ti
ABERRATION: Aboleth / Astral Defiler / Astral Dreadnought / Astral Filcher / Astral Marauder / Astral Slayer / Astral Stalker / Banderhobb / Beholder / Eye Tyrant / Gauth / Mindwitness / Slaad / Carrion Crawler / Rot Grubs / Ulgurstasta / Choker / Skulk / Chuul / Uchuulon / Cloaker / Cranium Rats / Deadly Dancer / Deepspawn / Destrachan / Digester / Dharculus / Phane / Doppelganger / Derro / Feyr / Fomorian / Remorhaz / Froghemoth / Death Embrace / Puppeteer / Darktentacles / Decapus / Silt Horror / Darkweaver / Dustdigger / Gibbering Mouther / Argos / Boggle / Gray Render / Braxat / Grell / Grick / Intellect Devourer / Brain Collector / Kraken / Meenlock / Mind Flayer / Elder Brain / Ulitharid / Mohrg / Nothic / Shardsoul Slayer / Otyugh / Neothelid / Roper / Piercer / Kuo-Toa / Morkoth / Swordwing / Protean
UNDEAD: Tlacatecolo / Ragewind / Blood Amniote / Fog Giant / Crawling Claw / Soul Shaker / Black Willow / Death Knight / Dullahan / Angel of Decay / Sinister / Hullathoin / Fetch / Tomb Mote / Plague Spewer / Ghoul / Berbalang / Devourer / Ghast / Lacedon / Bone Whelk / Tomb Spider / Soul Tick / Witherling / Meazel / Carcass Eater / Lich / Demilich / Dracolich / Skull Lord / Mummy / Grisgol / Skirr / Nightwalker / Bodak / Splinterwaif / Poltergeist / Allip / Caller in Darkness / Shadow / Shadow Demon / Shadow Dragon / Shadow Mastiff / Tumbling Mound / Skeleton / Boneyard / Crypt Thing / Flameskull / Giant Skeleton / Skin Kite / Spectre / Banshee / Hangman / Rot Troll / Vampire / Nosferatu / Vampiric Mist / Crimson Death / Vargouille / Caller from the Deeps / Wight / Boneclaw / Winter Wight / Will o Wisp / Trilloch / Wraith / Helmed Horror / Sword Wraith / Trap Haunt / Wood Woad / Zombie / Atropal / Dustblight / Revenant / Zombie Clot
FEY: Almiraj / Behir / Blink Dog / Cooshee / Yeth Hound / Bugbear / Bagman / Grung / Carbuncle / Centaur / Corollax / Couatl / Osquip / Gulgar / Kirre / Winter Wolf / Displacer Beast / Eblis / Eldritch Giant / Blindheim / Gloomwing / Tenebrous Worm / Flail Snail / Aranea / Quanlos / Spriggan / Gray Jester / Gremlin / Annis Hag / Bheur Hag / Green Hag / Sea Hag / Harpy / Siren / Korred / Nightshade / Leprechaun / Clurichaun / Luck Eater / Werefox / Dark Naga / Nuckelavee / Nymph / Dryad / Lampad / Nereid / Oread / Sylph / Oni / Owlbear / Winterclaw / Pixie / Nixie / Quickling / Redcap / Satyr / Gambol / Troll / Scrag / Unicorn / Ecalypse / Zorbo
FIEND: Vrock / Mihstu / Achaierai / Babau / Balor / Barbazu / Hezrou / Catoblepas / Armanite / Chasme / Erinyes / Barlgura / Fire Bat / Fhorge / Rylkar / Maurezhi / Durzagon / Evistro / Immolith / Abyss Ant / Adaru / Dybbuk / Draudnu / Tlexolotl / Hellstinger / Bebilith / Voracia / Magma Strider / Advespa / Skybleeder / Glabrezu / Marrash / Barghest / Quarrak / Night Hag / Hamatula / Hell Hound / Canoloth / Death Dog / Howler / Imp / Mephit / Quasit / Cerebrilith / Kyton / Larva / Lemure / Rutterkin / Abishai / Jarilith / Goristro / Phycomid / Spirit Naga / Nightmare / Cauchemar / Yochlol / Tanarukk / Osyluth / Abyssal Maw / Fiendwurm / Ruin Demon / Skulvyn / Sibriex / Simpathetic / Skiurid / Solamith / Succubus / Incubus / Rakshasa / Gelugon / Hundred-Handed One / Twig Blight / Thorny / Wastrilith / Abyssal Drake / Wendigo / Marilith
ELEMENTAL: Air Elemental / Invisible Stalker / Earth Elemental / Crysmal / Galeb Duhr / Mud-Man / Sandman / Fire Elemental / Belker / Magma Hurler / Magmin / Jann / Dao / Djinn / Efreet / Marid / Pech / Salamander / Shardmind / Water Elemental / Chraal / Poison Weird / Xorn
OOZE: Black Pudding / Reekmurk / Void Ooze / White Pudding / Gelatinous Cube / Gray Ooze / Green Slime / Arcane Ooze / Corrupture / Mimic / Trapper / Ochre Jelly / Slithering Tracker / Ghaunadan
DRAGON: Basilisk / Id Fiend / Pyrolisk / Rock Reptile / Black Dragon / Blue Dragon / Copper Dragon / Crystal Dragon / Hatori / Dragon Turtle / Zaratan / Gold Dragon / Green Dragon / Hydra / Drakkoth / Pseudo-Dragon / Faerie Dragon / Ravid / Red Dragon / Sea Serpent / Silver Dragon / Mercury Dragon / White Dragon / Wyvern / Yellow Dragon / Yrthak
BEAST: Axe Beak / Boobrie / Cloud Ray / Dire Angler / Dire Ape / Dire Bat / Dire Bear / Dire Beaver / Dire Boar / Dire Catfish / Dire Chameleon / Dire Constrictor / Dire Crocodile / Dire Eel / Lightning Eel / Dire Elephant / Dire Elk / Dire Gar / Dire Hippo / Dire Lion / Dire Otter / Dire Pufferfish / Dire Ram / Dire Rat / Dire Rhino / Dire Seahorse / Dire Shark / Dire Skunk / Dire Sloth / Dire Tiger / Dire Whale / Dire Wolf / Dire Wolverine / Giant Anemone / Giant Ant / Giant Antlion / Giant Assassin Bug / Giant Beetle / Water Beetle / Giant Centipede / Megapede / Giant Clam /Giant Crab / Kalka Kylla / Giant Dragonfly / Giant Eagle / Giant Firefly / Giant Frog / Giant Jellyfish / Giant Leech / Giant Mantis / Giant Moth / Giant Octopus / Giant Owl / Giant Raven / Giant Salamander / Giant Scorpion / Giant Slug / Giant Spider / Bristle Spider / Snow Spider / Giant Starfish / Giant Strider / Giant Tick / Giant Toad / Giant Urchin / Land Urchin / Giant Wasp / Jaculi / Knucklehead Trout / Muckdweller / Quipper / Ankylosaurus / Brontosaurus / Ceratosaurus / Deinonychus / Dilophosaurus / Dimetrodon / Mosasaurus / Plesiosaurus / Pteranodon / Stegosaurus / Stygimoloch / Triceratops / Tyrannosaurus Rex
MONSTROSITY: Nagpa / Ahuizotl / Amphisbaena / Ankheg / Craud / Arrowhawk / Blood Hawk / Aurumvorax / Bulette / Cave Fisher / Avalancher / Chathrang / Chimera / Cockatrice / Light Devourer / Girallon / Boalisk / Cave Moray / Dragon Eel / Sea Lion / Disenchanter / Drider / Ettercap / Bombardier Beetle / Deathwatch Beetle / Siege Beetle / Carcass Crab / Steelwing / Roc / Thunderbird / Frost Salamander / Metalmaster / Phase Spider / Bloodsilk Tick / Fire Toad / Ice Toad / Spider Eater / Flind / Nilbog / Gremishka / Griffon / Hook Horror / Jackalwere / Krenshar / Lamia / Leucrotta / Pterrax / Troglodyte / Manticore / Minotaur / Shocker Lizard / Water Naga / Brohg / Ettin / Merrow / Tulgar / Peryton / Purple Worm / Masher / Rust Monster / Sphinx / Stirge / Su-Monster / Tarrasque / Tlincalli / Umber Hulk / Yeti / Abomination / Medusa
CONSTRUCT: Animated Broom / Carrionette / Flying Sword / Guardian Portrait / Living Tome / Rug of Smothering / Scarecrow / Azer / Bladeling / Clay Golem / Clockroach / Iron Cobra / Coral Golem / Dwarf Ancestor / Flesh Golem / Rot Ripper / Gargoyle / Kapoacinth / Margoyle / Scaladar / Gorgon / Hoard Scarab / Iron Golem / Adamantine Golem / Shield Guardian / Steel Predator / Stone Golem / Eidolon / Juggernaut / Web Golem
PLANT: Ascomoid / Assassin Vine / Choke Creeper / Bloodthorn / Orcwort / Quickwood / Gas Spore / Greenvise / Kelpie / Myconid / Obliviax / Shambling Mound / Tendriculos / Treant / Saguaro Sentinel / Tri-Flower Frond / Violet Fungus / Basidirond / Phantom Fungus / Yellow Musk Creeper / Corpse Flower
CELESTIAL: Moon Dog / Deva / Justicator / Planetar / Solar / Phoenix / Noctral / Hollyphant / Lillend / Guardian Naga / Pegasus / Lammasu / Empyrean / Kirin / Nyth
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herostourney · 11 months
DnD Characters Part 1
I'm gonna tell you a little about each character we'll go name, age, pronouns, race, alignment and class. And then a little blurb about them.
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Emmett Cloverflame
Chaotic neutral
wild magic sorcerer
Once a young mage with great talent, now a man simply trying to reunite with his wife Foxglove and right the wrongs of his past while trying to work around his blighted arm.
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True neutral
Rogue arcane trickster
An urchin boy with quick hands and a talent for spotting magical items, taken under the wing of Bennie Fitz.
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Bennie Fitz
Neutral evil
Bard college of Whispers
A smooth talking con man in pursuit of Fauna's hand. He's know for petty crimes but always seems to manage talking his way out of them.
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Fauna Thorn
Moon elf
Neutral Good
Conjuration wizard
A studious and talented mage, she's the only child and therfore the heir to her noble house. Out on her second big adventure with her second party after the first one didn't work out.
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Neutral good
Monk way of the open hand
A spiritual guide and care taker for the young prince Kai, she's sworn to assist him in his mission and continued to provide council as he takes the throne.
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Clark Oaksin
Lawful evil
Paladin oath of vengeance
A man of the cloth formally traveling with Fauna and Ash, but after a Falling out he's moved on to pursue his own path and uphold justice.
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Finch Brushfoot
Shifter long tooth
Chaotic good
Ranger beast master
A child of the forest she's lived mostly cut off from the rest of the world within the Quickwoods, but a blight making the forest sick and killing her parents has forced her to head out in search of her older sister and a cure for the forest.
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Genasi Fire
Chaotic good
Barbarian path of the berserker
All muscle and ready for glory rejected by the monastery she tried to join due to a short fuse with her temper, she now plans to make a name for herself weather it be in a fighting ring or in the tourney she's ready to test her skills.
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Kai Kimura
Chaotic Neutral
Bard/ warlock
The only prince in his family it's his duty to take the throne as the sovereign for his people, but first he must track down his stolen soul and reclaim it.
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Wednesday 19.. December 1832
7 25
fine morning – ground whitish with a very thin strinkling of snow  F46 ½° none at 8 ½ a.m. at which hour breakfast – the mason came to finish resetting the stove – told him to fit another hearth-stone for it – out at 9 ¾ - found Pickles and his son John digging over west slope – took them off John P- to clean out the channel for the road water and then returned to his digging and took Pickles to take up and embank and then replant (as we did the hollies) the bit of the young quickwood hedge (starved in clay and water) between Dolt and John Oates’s field – had John Booth too, for a little while helping to get up the quicksets – then took the latter to plant out 50 seedling brooms and 2 ragnal oaks and 3 thorns in the walk, and after dinner to trench the far corner of the paddock and plant there the 17 remaining fine young quicksets and 4 ragnal oaks – P- and his son to finish the Dolt job in the afternoon – home at 1 ¼ - Sugden came to say he had heard of a cart horse likely to suit – to be here at 9 a.m. tomorrow – Charles H- took up the 2 floor boards Wilson laid down in the library passage to put them down firmly and properly – dressed - off to Lidgate at 2 - went by the Dolt and it then
 began to rain - took shelter for 10 minutes at Lower brea - then again at Washington’s about ½ hour first in the coal hole there finding the door open for 20 minutes then in the house - at Lidgate about 3 ¼ - Mrs Carter came immediately and staid above ½ hour - then sat with Miss W- till about 5 ¼ and home in ½ hour she had not sent her letter to her sister  could not get it done on Monday night so would not send it till she saw me again as I had said that if we were not to be together I thought the thing had better not be mentioned to her sister   Miss W- had been miserable again as usual of course all this surprised me as much as any wavering of hers can do    I explained the train of mind I supposed I had left her in on Monday   (to send the letter and be guided by the answer) and on her saying she would send the letter if I liked    said I thought she had better and she gave it me and I sent it by John this evening night to ‘Mrs Sutherland Braelangwell House Fortrose Ross-shire’ - I said I saw she would be no more able to decide even when the answer came than now   my manner shewed that I was not quite pleased    I said the additional length of unnecessary suspense was not fair    had she known half the uneasiness she gave I was sure she could not have found in her heart to act as she did     she sobbed and cried and said I made her very nervous   both today and Monday I expressed my great sorrow at this and at my not even having the consolation of believing that her seeing me did her good    I made two or three moves to leave her but she hung on me and kept me and said she was better after a glass of sherry     I hoped to find her better   mentioned Mr Musgrave’s coming tomorrow to administer the sacrament to my aunt     that Miss W- could not see me tomorrow and neither I named nor did she ask me to name any day for seeing her again   she said she did not know what would become of her when I was gone    if she could but hope to see me again (I knew what she meant that is to wawdle [dawdle] on in the hope of our having a chance of coming together here after but I said nothing)   I said I confidently anticipated her sister’s answer  if she Miss W- had written what she told me would     she said she had begun the subject rather differently    not being able to find the sort of beginning I had written for her   tho’ she said afterwards she had copied the rest that was on the paper relative to the business part   she said her going to York depended on a more important reason than her sister supposed and then introduced the subject    (now this was not what I wished   nor true    for I had promised to go to York in any case till she herself declined making what she must do for the Plowes’s   an excuse but is now said not a word in reply to this)   I asked her to let me see her sister’s answer which she seeming not to lik[e] I withdrew the request     she said she did not think her sister would give the answer I thought she would that is    for our being together     if said I you had written exactly what you read to me I think there was no doubt thought to myself I see how it is     you wish the answer to be no    you have taken care it shall be so and let it be so     I myself take fright and there is a no in my mind as well as in yours  how can such a girl make me happy     I said to myself if I really cared much all this would make me miserable    she would think form my manner I should not go again in a hurry     perhaps no Saturday in passing to see Mrs Priestley surely the thing is virtually at an end now - found note from Mr Jeremiah Rawson - apology for not sooner answering my last note but one -‘I have persuaded my brother to take the soft or lower bed at your price but he declines have anything to do with the hard bed - my steward think the loose will not loose ten acres unless we get below Shibden Hall in which case we might let the whole of the Shibden water to our side which would be a great detriment to your colliery as well as my brother’s - I therefore should propose the agreement to be made for not less than 5 or more than ten acres and then we should be able to see how it would affect the 2 concerns’ - I see plainly they want to have as little as they can just to gain their own object of fasting Hinscliffe and compelling him to let them have his 4 or 5 acres of coals in the waste at their own price some £60 or £70!!! - dinner at 6 ¼ - could not settle to do anything – sat leaning and sleeping on the sofa till my mind was composed - went into the other room at 9 ¾ and staid talking to my aunt till 10 ½ - told her of Mr Jeremiah R-‘s note (tho’ had not named it to the rest) - and said how things were with Miss W-    she would either marry in a twelve-month no good match or go to the dogs  that is be poorly and unhappy and perhaps like many such nervous people take more than she ought (drink) at last    she had everything to be wished for but the power of enjoying it - Came back into the drawing room at 10 ½ and till 11 ½ wrote all the above of today -  my cousin came very  gently this morning just after breakfast but have gone all the day (as I often do the first day) without putting anything on – came to my room at 11 ¾ - prepared for my cousin fine day till about 2 ¼ p.m. then rain for ¾ hour – afterwards pretty fine – a little drizzling the 1st ½ my way home – F45° at 12 ¼ tonight -
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wolfy58 · 2 years
1835 February Tuesday 17
7 40/..
12 10/..
no kiss very fine morning F 43 3/4° now at 8 25/.. at which hour breakfast till 9 – having been out with Charles Howarth a minute or 2 – a few minutes with my father – George took my note to Mr. Freeman at 9 – William Keighley came at 9 1/2  - out with him at 9 40/.. – we went down to Throp (planting thorn behind the well in the Hall wood) and took him to Lower brea wood and gave order to take up part of the quickwood hedge to be planted in the daisy bank above the new walk on the slip down into the wood – William Keighley and I then looking over the wood on the Wallroyde side Tilley holm stile – marked and valued trees to be thinned out for the good of the rest – then went below stamps to see the bit of wood I have and then forward to Salterley worsted mill (lets for £250 per annum) – turned up the hill there and came out by (above) Stamps to see the whole of my purchase – then looked into and went round Lowgate wood and walked the boundaries of my bit of common wood – the Keighleys took fall in 1829 which cleared to the Town and the Duke of Leeds (the former taking 1/3 the latter 2/3) £100 in 1830 = £60.0.0 in 1831 = £56 i.e. altogether £216 and nothing more to be taken for some time – bad ground for growing wood – but if it all belonged to some private person, it might be better – the coal might be worth something sometime ‘yes! said I 2 or 3 generations hence – William Keighley. said the wood was called 60 DW – we then went and pruned and marked and valued thinnings in Medley park wood, and in the far and lesser clough 1/2 of which of which belongs to the heirs of Jonathan Walsh Told William Keighley to try and get them to give up to me the whole of the fence along the wood that belongs to them – I would pay for the trees – if not I must make them keep up the fence between – then to Southholm wood. in it and all round it – W. Keighley advised my taking out all the larches (soon) to which I agreed, and to have the wood brushed and pruned – he advised me also to take in the Shroy and 3 or 4 more DW. to the wood, which I shall think about and perhaps do – then went into the house for a minute or 2 to speak about the affair of Pickells the other day with the young man gathering sticks – said I should see above[?] and perhaps make a new arrangement about the wood – Mr. Hemingway very civil – then into yew trees wood – grieved over the quarry but said it was my own fault – no fault to find with Mr. Freeman – but for the 3500 yards I had sold 2 or 3 times as much would be spoiled – if it was to come over again I would have no quarry there – what I got would not pay me, at least for my annoyance to see the wood so cut up – on looking at the bare ridge beyond it, from the Southholme side, had told William to see if he could buy it for me of Mr. Thompson that I might plant it – William agreed with me that all the baring-stuff should be piled on the present mound without spoiling more wood, and that the face of the stone should not be covered up – home by the high road Brighouse at 3 40/.. and sent William in to the kitchen to dinner – Adney had just had Cordingley who seemed so hurt I sent for her in to the north diningroom and had her from 3 40/.. to 4 1/4  - Marian seems to have managed her going away woefully ill – I really had some pity for poor Cordingley and as she made all the amends honorable she could to me, I said I should retract my saying she was ungrateful and that I should never ask her to come here, and told her I should be glad to see her, but that so long as Miss Marian was here I should consider Cordingley Miss Marian’s company, and would not interfere, but leave her to manage for Cordingley as she thought best – wished Cordingley her health, and consoled her, and I gave her a sovereign and Adney gave her 1/2  ditto – then out with William Keighley again at 4 20/.. cutting down the large dying lime tree near the dry bridge – then with him on Trough of Bolland wood pruning while Adney walked about in the new is-to-be approach road – sent off William Keighley at 5 1/2 and walked with Adney till near 6 – then with Throp and his man and Pickells planting thorn in the Pearson Ing then dressed – dinner at 6 35/.. – coffee – with my father from 8 to 9 – then had Oddy in the library – Eugenie too intimate with Matthew – more her fault then his – explained a little about Cordingley – told Oddy I was pleased and obliged by her telling me what she had done – would not name it as she wished me not – but hoped she would pluck up spirit to keep Matthew out of the room – she thinks Eugenie would have him if she could get him – then 1/2  hour with my aunt till 10 – then till 10 1/2 wrote all the above of today – very fine day F 46° now at 10 1/2 p.m. –
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lilatomicx10 · 7 years
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Here's tonight's progress on my #custom #rachnera #nendoroid. There was a gap that needed to be fixed so I used #quickwood #putty to fill it in. I also added the little triangles on the upper arms because I forgot to add them before. >_> #monstermusumerachnera #monstermusumenoirunichijou #monstermusume #smoothcast300 #mold #resin
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The early stages of a project, I had a katana from BudK I was in the process of customizing when the idea hit me. Disguise the sword to look like a sapling tree, so I started to apply and sculpt quickwood and steelstick epoxy putty. Many layers, I easily spent over $100. If it’s worth doing it’s worth over doing, it required many layers to get the thick sturdy coverage I wanted. The sheath is quite heavy, it also stands on its own. These pictures are months old, so I’ve finished this since then. I wanted to create a comic and draw it and color it and all that, I’ve named this sword “forest demon” as that was going to be the name of the sword in comic.
Side note, the katana is slightly longer than a regular katana, it’s not quite a tachi or Okatana. I also applied gun bluing to the blade, to make it black. I find black blades very beautiful. So I’m not sure what category it would fall into, the hilt was very long and full-tang, about 2 feet. So the branch and tree thing really seemed fitting
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skgway · 4 years
1829 Jan., Wed. 7
10 55/60
Two last night, the first good. 𝜋 [Mariana] is quite enough for me nowadays. It seems Mrs. Milne was annoyed at my conduct at Langton and altogether displeased with her visit. Told Lou she seemed in the way of us all, that I had behaved very oddly as if I was afraid, and mentioned how when the soufflet was mad[e] the last morning I had darted off, as if not daring to be left a moment with her.
Lou told 𝜋 [Mariana] who said by way of [e]xplanation that she knew I did not like Harriet. Now knew of all her conduct and could not esteem her well. Said nobody helped to spoil her more than I had done and nobody flirted with her more. 𝜋 [Mariana] said I was much altered for the better, as Mrs. M[ilne] had told her it was much for the worse.
Major and Mrs. Wallace in York. She so infatuated as to be determined. Her husband and Mrs. M[ilne] shall meet to shew Mrs. M[ilne] how well he will behave. Poor silly woman. 𝜋 [Mariana] thinks him a ro[g]ue. What is Mrs. M[ilne]? And what will be the end of it if they do meet? He fixed his eyes on 𝜋 [Mariana] all the evening. She supposed from the likeness to Harriet. If Mrs. M[ilne] is not kept steady by the hope of marrying, she will be off with Major W[allace] or somebody –
At my desk at 7 1/4 wrote the last six lines of yesterday and the above of today which took me till 7 40/60 – M– [Mariana] asleep all the while – She gives a bad account of Duncan, so indolent and lethargic, indifferent to everything, and childishly unable to do anything for himself. Sad to see him – Bad accounts, too, from his colonel – Idle in study – Incorrect and sometimes disobliging out of study hours – There must have been some nonsense or other – The lad must be in some scrape or other – Advise M– [Mariana] to write to Steph, and get him to investigate the matter –
About 1/2 hour lolling on the bed talking to M– [Mariana], then looked over the rents proposed by Mr. B– [Briggs] while M– [Mariana] dressed – Breakfast at 9 50/60 in about 1/2 hour – Very kind little note from Mrs. C[hristopher] Saltmarshe to ask me to dinner on Tuesday to meet the vicar and his brother the professor – Wrote a few hasty lines of excuse, saying I should see Emma better that time and this –
Mr. Briggs came at 10 1/2 – Would advise saying nothing about advance of rents for the present – Said I merely meant raise Hemingway, Sowden, Hardcastle, Jno [John] Oates and Thomas Pearson, and felt sure the farms were worth what we proposed. Mr. B– [Briggs] knew nothing of the coal agreement with Wilkinson –
Mr. William Priestly called on M– [Mariana] about 11 – He shewed me a note Mrs. W[illiam] P– [Priestley] had had yesterday from Mrs. C[hristopher] Saltmarshe who asked them to dinner and asked Mrs. P– [Priestley] to use her influence with me to persuade me to go –
Went down to the Mytholm at 12 and got there at 12 10/60 – Saw Hemingway, Pearson, Oates, and Sowden – Pearson and Oates refuse paying any advance – Did we must all consider about it – Sowden will consider – Hemingway will probably come to terms – Then came Hepworth who owned he was doing well – A comfort after so much grumbling –
Left Mr. B– [Briggs] to go to dinner, and came away at 1 1/4 – Waited for M– [Mariana], and then went out with her about 2 – To the gardner trenching for holly-hedge along the walk and to the wallers banking up for quickwood hedge along Wellroyde-brow wood – Then we measured per 2 rood tape the railing in Wellroyde brow, Lower Brook Ing, Cheese hill, and Benjamin’s well field –
Then took a walk to warm us from the courtyard here to the top of the new bank and back and came in at 5 35/60 – Dressed – Dinner at 6 1/4 – It seems there is some chance of 𝜋 [Mariana]’s being with me before long, but as I wish all this to be done without my being consulted or knowing anything about it, we do not talk much about the thing
My father and Marian came to us about 7 1/4 – Wrote the last 16 lines, and then had coffee at 9 1/4 – 2 or 3 light flying snow showers during the day, but fine winter’s day – Mosey and his companion railing up the guards of the single trees – Came upstairs at 10 6/60 –
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timehasbeenbusy · 3 years
Canterbury - Dover
Friday 13 June 1834
7 55/..
10 25/..
A kiss last night fine morning Fahrenheit 61º at 8¼ - breakfast at 9¼ - 10¼ - Out at 11¼ - ½ h[ou]r at the cathedral – all new-done-up, white and clean – Crypt not to be seen full of stone from France for the new west tower – the cathedral all built of stone from Caen in Normandy – 
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Source  en.wikipedia.org
The tombs of Edward the black prince and Henry lV the government some time ago promised to repair, as all the private tombs are undergoing repair by subscription - The choir looks light and white and cold, the old oak wainscotting and tabernacle work being all taken away, and merely the stone work screen (small gothic arches glazed) remaining – 
The old altar screen is also removed and replaced by a stone one of handsome gothic work, but unfortunately not straight-topped and consequently looking ill and out of keeping with all around – it rises in steps from the ends to the centre, and is a sad disgrace to the taste of Mr Austin (I think the man said), the architect – all strangers observe and abuse it; and everybody sees the error now it is too late – 
Sauntered about the City – then to the John Dean walk or Dunge hill, or mound or tumulus thrown up by the Danes, just within the old fortification wall of the city – there is now a winding quickwood fenced-off walk winding to the top (480ft high) of the tumulus on which is erected a column commemorating Mr……….. under whose mayoralty and chiefly at whose expense the walks seem to have been laid out, and recording that they are now made over to the public the corporation having alloted £60 per annum to keep them up – they cover about 6 acres – The walk (shaded with limes) is 1130ft long and 13 ft broad – the terrace is 1840 ft long by 12 wide -
Canterbury is a nice clean looking town, with good shops; and the Fountain is an excellent Inn – Sauntered to the remains of the old castle – merely part of the dungeon keep remaining, now a coal-magazine – 
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Home at 1 10/.. – tired – somehow I do not get up the strength – lay on the sofa till off from Canterbury at 2 5/.. and alighted at the Ship Inn Dover (now Worthington, who succeeded Charles Wright about 4 months ago) 
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Source  Dover-Kent.com
At 4¼ - dressed or rather washed hands etc wrote the above of today – rain more or less almost all the way from Canterbury and rainy afternoon and evening – Dinner at 6¼ in an hour –
Wrote and sent at 9  3 pages to my aunt Shibden – account of our arrival – Sarah to bottle the cowslip wine immediately - Miss Walker will write to her aunt from Paris – no letters to be sent to her but those from her sister or from Washington and none to me but from Washington or Mr Parker and all Miss Walker’s too to be directed to me at Nº 27 Rue St Victor – till I give my aunt another address – M Audoin will forward the letters from Rue St Victor - Will write to my aunt as soon as we have fixed the day for leaving Paris and can give her another address –
Tea at 9 in ½ hour – then went to bed – fine day till after 2 pm afterwards rainy, more or less, afternoon or evening – Fahrenheit 65º now at 10 pm –
WYAS Reference Number SH:7/ML/E/17/0043
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1826 Saturday 1 April
6 10/60 11 5/60
Went into the stable - read over again a few pages of the tome iii. vie du chevalier de Faublas to examine all the words I did not quite understand, and had not time to investigate yesterday - spoke to James Sykes - sent him to Throp's for as many hollys as he can plant today - all the holly plants are to be thus got as they are wanted - Copied Washingtons account (before taking it to Mr. Parker) of the land taken and money owing to me by the commissioners of the Brighouse and Denholme Gate road, - amounting to £66.7.4 - wrote the above of today, etc. went out at 8 55/60 -
Down the old bank to the vicarage - sat 1/4 hour with Mr. Mrs old and young Miss Knight - Mr. K- [Knight] as well as he was before his last illness - in very good spirits, but still no voice - very glad to see me - told them we were going to Northgate for 8 or 10 weeks - and abroad in September - where we should not quite fix till we got to Paris - should follow the climate that suited my aunt - said I had called also to pay our vicar dues we always give half a guinea - the 1st Mr. K- [Knight] had received this year - the 1st payment he had received this year of any kind; for his year begins at Easter - then went the office of Messers W- [Wiglesworth] and P- [Parker] took the latter his copy of the receipt for Mr. Kershaw who merely said it ought to be £39.2.6 but, of course, he should take £39 said the receipt would do very well - He had heard the trustees of the Brighouse road were very poor - I fear I have little chance of being paid - then went to Northgate - the men had begun doing the wall -
Sat above an hour with my father and Marian and Mrs. Veitch - Marian always full of the badness of the times - owns she gives much more in charity just now than their income will afford - said my aunt and I could not do so - Got home at 11 1/4 - breakfast at 11 20/60 - afterwards fell asleep for 1/2 hour - sat talking to my aunt -
Went out at 12 3/4 - James Sykes had been at Warley (Throp's nursery) for holly plants - planted them along the bottom of the Dolt 4 in a yard, and 2 in a yard in part of where the quickwood fence is set at the bottom of Lower brea wood in Tilleyholme - made out the afternoon filling broken stones from our approach road (4 loads to finish the walk) etc. etc. Mosey was here all Thursday and 1/2 yesterday taking the bark of the railing - Examined the hedge at the bottom of Mitham (Lower brea) wood - very bad - several gaps - must have something done with it - walked up and down the walk in Lower brook Ing wood -
Came in at 3 10/60 - came upstairs - cut my nails etc. wrote all the above of today - read over Miss Mc.L-'s [Maclean's] letter all which took me till 4 3/4 - then till 5 3/4 wrote the latter 1/2 page 2, and the former 1/2 page 3 (small and close) of my letter begun on Wednesday to Miss Mc.L- [Maclean] Dressed - dinner at 6 20/60 - tea and coffee at 8 10/60 - my aunt had a bath tonight (the 1st this time) and therefore went up to bed at 9 1/4 and I came up to curl my hair there had been a little damp and small rain before I got up this morning - afterwards fine day till between 3 and 4 p.m. then a flying drop or 2 of rain and rain in the evening about 7 - Barometer 1 3/4 degree above changeable Fahrenheit 42 1/2° at 9 1/4 p.m. - at which hour came up to bed - went downstairs again at 10 for 3/4 hour, and sat reading over again from page 122 to 134 (examining the words) iii. vie du chevalier de Faublas - E..O. -
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/9/0078
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wanderingmoonsword · 6 years
A blast from the past – even republished for Pathfinder, it’s been a while since the Bestiary 2 was released! – the quickwood is a massive carnivorous plant, but unlike someone plant monsters, these guys are intelligent. That doesn’t make them the gruff-but-good-hearted type like a treant, either. Even though they’re neutral, quickwoods like the taste of human and elven flesh, an odd trait in a neutral being, who generally are not that gung ho about turning other sentients into food. Of course, quickwoods hail from Ravenloft, so their standards might be slightly different from other people’s. Even if you toss the alignment, though, an intelligent, possibly carnivorous oak tree has a lot of potential as a monster. Their roots can move to pull victims close, they can bite, and their bark sheds a fear aura when spells fail to affect them. Don’t bother with the old standby of fire, either – quickwoods simply aren’t affected, although a nice cold snap can be punishing. As symbols of strength and endurance, possibly ones that have been subverted, quickwoods could appeal to all sorts of groups, and their immunity to lightning and the wildfires it sparks might be a gift from the thunder gods who are traditionally symbolized by oaks. In the Tome of Horrors, an old feature is mentioned – quickwoods who are using their ability to peer through nearby oaks twist the oak’s bark with a human-like face, much like their own – and that’s the kind of colorful ability that deserves a place at the table.
Striking a deal with a quickwood, a group of orc bandits, clad in gruesome masks, moves through the stand of red oaks with little fear. Until it comes time to live up to their end of the bargain, that is. They offer up a toll of human and elven flesh – first generation half-elves are a special prize – but the orcs are careful to pay attention to the subtle signs of extra-planar influence within the blood. The one time their former chief mistakenly offered a tiefling, the quickwood tore the leader’s head off with its teeth, spitting out the mask and pointedly demanding the orcs’ new leader wear the same mask or suffer the same fate.
Though several of the forests within Yeimura are known as the domain of bandits and poachers, the eastern reaches of the Yarwood see little enough of either one. Though the quickwood known as Bramblemaw long ago swore off eating legal travelers – ones accompanied by one of the druidic adepts or forest gnomes – the plant is permitted to eat any criminal it encounters, seeing them as a socially acceptable source of meat. Particularly heinous crimes are sometimes punished by being sentenced to Bramblemaw’s larder, a fate that inspires many to desperate flight.
Known as a place of beasts and witches, the Rastatian Forest is a place even the bold and the desperate only venture into by necessity. An isolated stretch of fog-shrouded woodland in a remote valley, the forest is the dominion of a quickwood dread lord. The great tree’s hungers and appetites for flesh has warped the woodland it inhabits into a spectacle of fear, with savage beasts who drag captives before their master before they dispose of the body pars left inside. At least two hag covens have made their home within the Rastatian at different time, offering a tithe of their victims to its master.
- Tome of Horrors Complete 498 and Bestiary 2 228
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enddaysengine · 7 years
Eberron Planar Monster (Bestiary 2)
Here’s something that has been sitting in my drafts forever. I just did some touch ups on it since Keith just posted a couple of articles on Eberron’s Planes.
All Planes
Aeon, Akhana
Aeon, Bythos
Aeon, Paracletus
Aeon, Pleroma
Aeon, Theletos
Inevitable, Lhaksharut
Astral Plane
Daemon, Astradaemon*
Daemon, Thanadaemon*
Dragon Horse*
Daanvi, the Perfect Order
Devil, Belier
Inevitable, Arbiter
Inevitable, Kolyarut
Inevitable, Zelekhut
Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams
Animate Dream
Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead
Daemon, Astradaemon
Daemon, Cacodaemon
Daemon, Thanadaemon
Demon, Kalavakus
Inevitable, Marut
Soul Eater
Ethereal Plane
Daemon, Thanadaemon*
Dragon Horse*
Fernia, the Sea of Fire
Azata, Brijidine
Devil, Immolation
Dragon, Magma
Elemental, Magma
Magma Ooze
Irian, the Eternal Day
Archon, Star
Shining Child
Kythri, the Churning Chaos
Chaos Beast
Elemental, Lightning
Protean, Imentesh
Protean, Keketar
Protean, Naunet
Protean, Voidworm
Titan, Elysian
Titan, Thanatotic
Lamannia, the Twilight Forest
Agathion, Avoral
Agathion, Cetaceal
Agathion, Draconal
Agathion, Leonal
Agathion, Silvanshee
Agathion, Vulpinal
Amoebas (all)
Badgers (all)
Bats (all)
Bees (all)
Beetles (all)
Centipedes (all)
Cockroaches (all)
Demon, Omox
Dinosaur, Allosaurus
Dinosaur, Compsognathus
Dinosaur, Parasaurolophus
Dinosaur, Tylosaurus
Dragon, Brine
Dragon, Cloud
Dragon, Crystal
Dragonfly, Giant
Elemental, Mud
Fly, Giant
Maggot, Giant
Gars (all)
Hippopotami (all)
Lycanthrope, Werebear
Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lycanthrope, Weretiger
Megafauna, Arsinoitherium
Megafauna, Glyptodon
Megafauna, Megaloceros
Megafauna, Megatherium
Mosquitos (all)
Primates (all)
Qlippoth, Cythnigot
Rays (all)
Scorpions (all)
Snakes (all)
Solifugids (all)
Spiders (all)
Ticks (all)
Toads (all)
Turtles (all)
Whales (all)
Mabar, the Endless Night
Daemon, Astradaemon
Daemon, Ceustodaemon
Daemon, Derghodaemon
Daemon, Hydrodaemon
Daemon, Leukodaemon
Daemon, Meladaemon
Daemon, Olethrodaemon
Daemon, Piscodaemon
Daemon, Purrodaemon
Daemon, Thanadaemon
Demon, Vrolikai
Dragon, Umbral
Nightshade, Nightcrawler
Nightshade, Nightwalker
Nightshade, Nightwave
Nightshade, Nightwing
Plane of Shadows
Dragon, Umbral
Tenebrous Worm
Risia, the Plane of Ice
Elemental, Ice
Shavarath, the Battleground
Archon, Shield
Demon, Shemhzaian
Devil, Accuser
Devil, Handmaiden
Syrania, the Azure Sky
Angel, Cassisian
Angel, Monadic Deva
Angel, Movanic Deva
Thelanis, the Faerie Court
Azata, Lyrakien
Gremlin, Jinkin
Gremlin, Nuglub
Gremlin, Pugwampi
Gremlin, Vexgit
Lurker in the Light
Xoriat, the Realm of Madness
Denizen of Leng
Hound of Tindalos
Leng Spider
Mu Spore
Qlippoth, Augnagar
Qlippoth, Chernobue
Qlippoth, Iathavos
Qlippoth, Nyogoth
Qlippoth, Shoggti
Qlippoth, Thulgant
* Not native to this plane, but can travel there using spell-like or supernatural abilities
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myth-lord · 3 years
D&D Monster Madness
Aboleth Abyssal Maw Ahuizotl Air Elemental - Ragewind (Caller in Darkness / Voidwraith) Almiraj Ankheg - Kruthik ANT - Abyss Ant ARCHON - Lantern Archon - Hound Archon Arrowhawk - Steelwing Aurumvorax Axe Beak - Achaierai
Babau Balor Banderhobb Barlgura - Girallon (Yeti) Basidirond Basilisk - Dracolisk BEETLE - Water Beetle - Fire Beetle (Bombardier) - Siege Beetle Behir Beholder Belker - Phiuhl Black Dragon - Shadow Dragon Bladeling Blindheim Blink Dog - Cooshee Bloodthorn Blue Dragon Bodak Boneyard Brown Dragon Bulette Bullywug - Grung - Hezrou (Pod Demon)
Carbuncle Carrion Crawler - Ulgurstasta Catoblepas Cave Fisher - Avalancher Cave Moray Centaur - Armanite CENTIPEDE - Adaru - Remorhaz Chasme Chathrang Chimera Choker - Skulk Chuul Cloaker Clockroach (Clockwork Horror) Cloud Giant - Fog Giant Cockatrice - Pyrolisk Copper Dragon Coral Golem Couatl Crawling Claw Crimson Death Crysmal Crystal Dragon Crystal Ooze Cyclops
DARK TREE - Hangman Tree - Quickwood - Orcwort Darktentacles Deadly Dancer Death Knight Deepspawn Destrachan Deva - Erinyes DIRE BEAST - Dire Rat (Osquip) - Dire Bat (Mobat) - Dire Boar (Fhorge) Displacer Beast - Phane Doppelganger - Maurezhi Dragon Turtle DRAKE - Water Drake (Dimetrodon) - Fire Drake (Zezir) - Air Drake (Wyvern) - Earth Drake (Rock Reptile) Drow - Drider Dryad - Splinterwaif Duergar - Derro - Automaton Dunkleosteus Dust Digger - Silt Horror
Earth Elemental - Tomb Mote Eblis Eidolon Ethereal Defiler Ethereal Dreadnought Ethereal Filcher Ethereal Slayer Ethereal Stalker Ettercap - Vermin Lord Ettin
Faerie Dragon Fetch Feyr Fire Bat Fire Elemental - Fire Effigy Fire Giant Flesh Golem - Rotripper Fomorian - Plague Spewer - Eldritch Giant Froghemoth Frost Giant
Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Gas Spore - Ascomoid Gelatinous Cube Gelugon GENIE - Dao - Djinn - Efreet - Marid Ghaunadan GHOST - Poltergeist - Allip (Wraith) - Banshee Ghoul - Ghast (Witherstench) - Berbalang - Devourer Giant Dragonfly Gibbering Mouther - Argos Glabrezu Gloomwing Gnoll - Witherling - Marrashi - Flind Goblin - Nilbog - Spriggan - Gremlin (Quarrak) Gold Dragon Gorgon Gravorg Gray Render - Cadaver Collector Green Dragon Green Slime - Arcane Ooze - Alkilith Greenvise Grey Dragon Griffon
Hadozee HAG - Bog Hag - Bheur Hag - Night Hag Hamatula Harpy - Siren Hatori Hell Hound - Yeth Hound - Canoloth Hippocampus Hook Horror Hullathoin Hydra
Id Fiend Imp - Mephit - Quasit Intellect Devourer - Cerebrilith (Brain Collector) - Grell Iron Golem - Adamantine Golem - Juggernaut
Kelpie Kenku Kirin (Celestial Stag) Korred Krenshar - Carcass Eater Kyton
Lamia Lemure - Rutterkin Leprechaun Leucrotta Lich - Demilich - Skull Lord Lillend LIZARDFOLK - Drakkoth - Kobold - Pterrax - Salamander - Troglodyte LYCANTHROPE - Werebear (Firbolg) - Werefox (Kitsune) - Wereshark
Magmin - Magma Hurler Manticore - Jarilith Marilith - Spell Weaver Medusa Merman - Merrow Merregon - Barbazu Mimic - Trapper Mind Flayer - Ulitharid Minotaur - Goristro Mohrg Morkoth Mudman Mummy - Grisgol - Skirr Myconid - Phycomid
NAGA - Dark Naga - Water Naga Nereid Nightmare Nightwalker (Death Giant) Nothic - Shardsoul Slayer (Phthisic) Nuckelavee
Obliviax (Puppeteer) Oni Orc - Tulgar Osyluth Otyugh Owlbear
Paeliryon Peryton Phoenix Piercer - Roper POSSESSED OBJECT - Book of Vile Darkness - Carrionette (Soul Puppet) - Helmed Horror - Slithering Hoard - Trap Haunt - Xaver (Deathdrinker) PUDDING - Black Pudding - White Pudding Purple Dragon Purple Worm - Fiendwurm - Neothelid
Rakshasa Ravid Red Dragon - Hellfire Wyrm Redcap Roc Rot Grubs Rust Monster
Sahuagin - Skulvyn Sandman - Skriaxit Satyr - Bulezau Scarecrow SCORPION - Hellstinger Shadow Demon Shadow Mastiff Shambling Mound - Tendriculos Shardmind Shocker Sibriex Silver Dragon - Mercury Dragon Simpathetic Skin Kite Solamith (Soul Eater) SNAIL - Balhannoth - Flail Snail - Metalmaster Solar   - Angel of Decay Sphinx SPIDER - Phase Spider (Wraith Spider) - Aranea (Tomb Spider) - Darkweaver - Bebilith Sprite Steel Predator Stirge Stone Giant Su-Monster Succubus (Incubus) Swordwing
Tlincalli Treant - Saguaro Sentinel Troll
Umber Hulk Unicorn - Dusk Unicorn Uridezu
Vampire - Varrangoin Vargouille Vrock
WASP - Hellwasp Swarm - Quanlos (Advespa) Wastrilith Water Elemental - Caller from the Deeps Web Golem Wendigo White Dragon Wight - Boneclaw Will o Wisp - Trilloch Winter Wolf
Yellow Dragon (Sunwyrm) Yellow Musk Creeper - Twilight Bloom (corpse flower) Yrthak Yuan-Ti - Abomination
Zombie - Drowned - Dustblight - Entombed Zorbo
UNIQUE Demogorgon Juiblex Tiamat Bahamut Lolth Cryonax Imix Ogremoch Olhydra Yan-C-Bin Pazuzu Kraken Tarrasque Leviathan Eye Tyrant Elder Brain Zuggtmoy
UNDEAD: Shadow / Adherer / Coffer Corpse / Crypt Thing / Huecuva / Necrophidius / Penanggalan / Revenant / Death Slaad / Son of Kyuss / Blazing Bones / Flameskull / Sinister / Skuz / Dracolich / Nightwing / Nightcrawler / Gravecrawler / Charnel Hound / Vitreous Drinker / Atropal / Spectre / Skeleton / Giant Skeleton / Entropic Reaper / Famine Spirit / Wraith / Deadborn / Vampiric Mist /
FIEND: Nalfeshnee / Cornugon / Pit Fiend / Larva / Amnizu / Hellcat / Mezzoloth / Nycaloth / Arcanoloth / Charonaloth / Dergholoth / Hydroloth / Oinoloth / Piscoloth / Ultroloth / Yagnoloth / Demodand / Cambion / Abishai / Spinagon / Yochlol / Molydeus / Nightmare Beast / Wastrel / Jovoc / Zovvut / Advespa / Durzagon / Arrow Demon / Sorrowsworn / Deathdrinker / Whisper Demon / Evistro / Draudnu / Remmanon / Blood Fiend / Echinoloth / Dybbuk / Nabassu / Braxat / Death Dog / Howler / Soul Eater / Tanarukk / Skybleeder / Incubus / Barghest /
ABERRATION: Eyewing / Eye of the Deep / Giant Leech / Lurker Above / Giant Octopus / Giant Jellyfish / Giant Slug / Thought Eater / Xorn / Flumph / Thoqqua / Volt / Xill / Land Urchin / Burbur / Giant Sea Anemone / Giant Clam / Giant Sunstar / Fachan / Neogi / Giant Squid / Decapus / Darkmantle / Delver / Ethereal Marauder / Frost Worm / Grick / Avolakia / Odopi / Rot Reaver / Gorbel / Spectator / Slaad / Digester / Meenlock / Chaos Beast / Balhannoth / Masher / Vodyanoi / Uchuulon / Dharculus / Brain Collector /
HUMANOID: Hill Giant / Halfling / Hobgoblin / Weretiger / Yeti / Aarakocra / Babbler / Dark Creeper / Dark Stalker / Dire Corby / Dune Stalker / Mountain Giant / Gibberling / Grimlock / Meazel / Norker / Quaggoth / Formian / Verbeeg / Selkie / Thri-Kreen / Wemic / Dragonkin / Asabi / Werebat / Athach / Abeil / Death Giant / Lumi / Phoelarch / Storm Giant / Nightshade / Gith / Flind / Bugbear / Wereboar / Wererat / Werewolf / Ogre / Tabaxi / Skindancer / Pit Master / Shadar-Kai / Lizardman / Triton / Kuo-Toa / Nagpa /
OOZE: Ochre Jelly / Slithering Tracker / Stunjelly / Aballin / Flareater / Phasm / Bone Ooze / Flesh Jelly / Teratomorph / Conflagration Ooze / Corrupture / Graveyard Sludge / Brown Pudding / Gray Ooze /
BEAST: Ankylosaurus / Brachiosaurus / Ceratosaurus / Elasmosaurus / Mosasaurus / Pteranodon / Stegosaurus / Triceratops / Tyrannosaurus / Giant Eagle / Giant Eel / Giant Frog / Giant Gar / Giant Lamprey / Subterrean Lizard / Mammoth / Giant Otter / Giant Owl / Giant Sea Horse / Sea Serpent / Giant Constrictor / Giant Cobra / Giant Snapping Turtle / Giant Weasel / Giant Wolverine / Blood Hawk / Bonesnapper / Jaculi / Quipper / Rothe / Behemoth Hippo / Boobrie / Giant Catfish / Compsognathus / Deinonychus / Dimetrodon / Struthiomimus / Tanystropheus / Giant Raven / Verme / Megatherium / Cloud Ray / Quetzalcoatlus / Spinosaurus / Gambol / Moonrat / Guulvorg / Amphisbaena / Dire Bear / Dire Crocodile / Dire Elephant / Dire Shark / Dire Rhinoceros / Dire Stag / Dire Tiger / Dire Wolf / Worg / Muckdweller / Brain Mole / Ixitxachitl / Jackalwere / Pegasus / Sea Lion / Androsphinx / Hieracosphinx / Ice Toad / Bunyip / Disenchanter / Fire Snake / Kamadan / Mantari / Nonafel / Afanc / Baku / Boalisk / Kech / Ascallion / Frost Salamander / Kirre / Dragon Eel / Tojanida / Mudmaw / Rejkar / Zezir / Lodestone Marauder / Rylkar / Julajimus / Sand Hunter / Cranium Rat / Witherstench /
PLANT: Shrieker / Whipweed / Kampfult / Mandragora / Giant Sundew / Vegepygmy / Wolf-In-Sheeps-Clothing / Death’s Head Tree / Thorny / Phantom Fungus / Twig Blight / Dread Blossom Swarm / Night Twist / Burrow Root / Assassin Vine / Bloodsipper / Burnflower / Vine Horror / Tri-Flower Frond / Violet Fungus / Wood Woad / Battlebriar /
FEY: Brownie / Nixie / Nymph / Sylph / Atomie / Boggle / Green Hag / Grig / Hybsil / Frost Fairy / Lhiannan Shee / Ragewalker / Lunar Ravager / Banshrae / Frostwind Virago / Wild Hunt / Eladrin / Grimalkin / Sea Hag / Annis Hag / Kercpa / Skiurid / Pixie / Pech /
CONSTRUCT: Homonculus / Caryatid Column / Iron Cobra / Margoyle / Mongrel / Magic Golem / Bone Golem / Glass Golem / Shield Guardian / Hangman Golem / Merchurion / Clay Golem / Clockwork Horror / Dwarf Ancestor / Stone Golem / Emerald Golem / Retriever / Hellfire Engine /
DRAGON: Bronze Dragon / Dragonne / Pseudo-Dragon / Cloud Dragon / Mist Dragon / Linnorm / Gorynych / Tether Beast / Styx Dragon / Ambush Drake / Guardian Naga / Spirit Naga /
ELEMENTAL: Invisible Stalker / Water Weird / Azer / Mihstu / Ice Elemental / Lightning Elemental / Time Elemental / Energon / Earth Weird / Nishruu / Nyth / Orglash / Immoth / Tempest / Blackball / Breathdrinker / Chraal / Gulgar / Zaratan / Chaos Shard / Kapoacinth / Visilight /
VERMIN: Rhinoceros Beetle / Water Spider / Assassin Bug / Ant Lion / Death Watch Beetle / Slicer Beetle / Megapede / Giant Solifugid / Tenebrous Worm / Fyrefly / Bonespear / Sword Spider / Spider Eater / Spellgaunt / Brood Keeper / Chelicera / Harpoon Spider / Tomb Spider / Boring Beetle / Giant Ant / Giant Crab / Bristle Spider / Death Jumper / Snow Tarantula / Giant Tick / Bloodsilk Spider / Heart Tick / Carcass Crab / Giant Centipede / Giant Mantis / Giant Scorpion / Giant Spider / Wraith Spider / Giant Wasp /
CELESTIAL: Lammasu / Titan / Planetar / Swanmay / Trumpet Archon /
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veryfineday · 3 years
Tuesday 17 February 1835
7 40/..
12 10/..
N  V  U  U  U
no kiss
very fine morning Fahrenheit 43 3/4º now at 8 25/.. at which hour breakfast – till 9 having been out with Charles Howarth a minute or 2 – a few minutes with my father – george tooK my note to mr. Freeman at 9 – william Keighley came at 9 1/2 – out with him at 9 40/.. –
we went down to Throp (planting thorn behind the well in the Hall wood) and tooK him to Lower brea wood and gave orders to take up part of the quicKwood hedge to be planted in the daisy banK above the new wall on the slip down into the wood – William K-[Keighley] and I then looKed over the wood towards on the wellroyde side Tilly holm stile – marKed and valued trees to be thinned out for the good of the rest – then went below Staups to see the bit of wood I have and then forward to Salterley worsted mill (lets for £250 per annum) – turned up the hill there and came out by (above) Staups to see the whole of my purchase – then looKed into and went round Lowgate wood and walKed the boundaries of my bit of common wood –
the Keighleys tooK fall in 1829 which cleared to the town and the duKe of Leeds (the former taKing 1/3 the latter 2/3) £100 in 1830 = £60.0.0 in 1831 = £56. i.e. altogether £216. and nothing more to be taKen for some time – bad ground for growing wood – but if it all belonged to some private person, it might be better – the coal might be worth something some time  yes! said I 2 or 3 generations hence – W.K.[William Keighley] said the wood was called 60 DW [Day's Work] – we then went and pruned and marKed and valued thinnings in medley parK wood, and in the far and lesser Clough  1/2 of which of which belongs to the heirs of Jonathan Walh Walsh – Told william K-[Keighley] to try and get them to give up to me the whole of the fence along the wood that belongs to them – I would pay for the trees – if not, I must make them Keep up the fence better –
then to Southholm wood – in it and all round it – w.K-[William Keighley] advised my taKing out all the larches (soon) to which I agreed, and to have the wood brushed and pruned – he advised me also to take in the shrog and 3 or 4 more DW [Day's Work] to the wood, which I shall thinK about and perhaps do – then went into the house for a minute or 2 to speaK about the affair of PicKells the other day with the young man gathering sticKs – said I should see Abraham and perhaps make a new arrangement about the wood – mr. Hemingway very civil –
then into yew trees wood – grieved over the quarry but said it was my own fault – no fault to find with mr. Freeman – but for the 3500 yards I had sold 2 or 3 times as much would be spoiled – if it was to come over again I would have no quarry there – what I got would not pay me, at least for my annoyance to see the wood so cut up – On looKing at the bare ridge beyond it, from the Southholme side, had told william to see if he could buy it for me of mr. Thompson that I might plant it – william agreed with that all the baring-stuff should be piled on the present mound without spoiling more wood, and that the face of the stone should not be covered up –
home by the high brighouse road at 3 40/.. and sent william in to the Kitchen to dinner – A-[Ann] had just had Cordingley who seemed so hurt I sent for her in to the north dining room and had her from 3 40/.. to 4 1/4 – marian seems to have managed her going away woefully ill – I really had some pity for poor Cordingley and as she made all the amende honorable she could to me, I said I should retract my saying she was ungrateful and that I should never asK her to come here, and told her I should be glad to see her, but that so long as miss marian was here I should consider Cordingley miss marian’s company, and would not interfere, but leave her to manage for Cordingley as she thought best – wished Cordingley her health – and consoled her, and I gave her a sovereign and A-[Ann] gave her 1/2 ditto –
then out with w.K-[William Keighley] again at 4 20/.. cutting down the large drying lime tree near the dry bridge – then with him in Trough of Bolland wood pruning while A-[Ann] walKed about in the new is-to-be approach road – sent off w.K-[William Keighley] at 5 1/2 and walKed with A-[Ann] till after near 6 – then with Throp and his man and PicKells planting thorn in the Pearson Ing – then dressed –
dinner at 6 35/.. – coffee – with my father from 8 to 9 – then had Oddy in the library – Eugenie too intimate with matthew – more her fault than his – explained a little about Cordingley – told Oddy I was pleased and obliged by her telling me what she had done – would not make it as she wished me not – but hoped she would plucK the spirit to Keep matthew out of the room – she thinKs E-[Eugenie] would have him if she could get him – then 1/2 hour with my aunt till 10 – then till 10 1/2 wrote all the above of today – very fine day Fahrenheit 46º now at 10 1/2 p.m. –
0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 13 June 1834
7 55
10 25
a kiss last night fine morning F61° at 8 ¼  - breakfast at 9 ¼ to 10 ¼ - out at 11 ¼ -  ½ hour at the cathedral – all new-done-up white and clean – crypt not to be seen  full of stone from France for the new west tower - the cathedral all built of stone from Caen in Normandy - the tombs of Edward the blue prince and Henry iv government sometime ago promised to repair, as all the private tombs are undergoing repair by subscription - the choir looks  light and white and cold, the old oak wainscoting and tabernacle work being all taken away and merely the stone work screen (small Gothic arches glazed) remaining - the old altar screen is also removed and replaced by a stone one of the handsome Gothic work, but unfortunately not straight-topped and consequently looking ill and out of keeping with all around - it rises in steps from the ends to the centre, and is a sad disgrace to the taste of Mr Austin (I think the man said) the architect - all strangers observe and abuse it, and everybody sees the error now it is too late -  sauntered about the city - then to the John Dean walk, or Dunge Hill, or mound or tumulus thrown up by the Danes, just within the old fortification wall of the city - there is now a winding quickwood-fenced-off walk winding to the top (480 ft high) of the tumulus on which is erected a column commemorating Mr ........ under whose mayoralty and chiefly at whose expense the walks seem to have been laid out, and recording that they are now made over to the public the corporation having allotted £60 per annum to keep them  up - they cover about 6 acres - the walk shaded with limes is  1130ft. long and 13ft. broad - the terrace is 1840ft. long by 12 wide  - Canterbury is a nice clean looking town with good shops and the Fountain is an excellent Inn - sauntered to the remain of the old castle - merely part of the dungeon keep reaming now a coal-magazine - home at 1 10 – tired –somehow I do not get up my strength – lay on the sofa till off from Canterbury at 2 5 and alighted at the Ship Inn Dover (now Worthington who succeeded Charles Wright about 4 months ago) at 4 ¼ - dressed or rather washed hands etc wrote the above of today – rain more or less almost all the way from Canterbury and rainy afternoon and evening - dinner at 6 ¼ in an hour - wrote and sent at 9  3 pages to my aunt Shibden – account of our arrival - Sarah to bottle the cowslip wine immediately -  Miss W- will write to her aunt from Paris - no letters to be sent to her but those from her sister or from Washington and none to me but from W- or Mr Parker, all Miss W-s’ too, to be directed to me at no. 27 rue Saint V- till I give my aunt another address -  M. Audoin will forward the letters from rue Saint V- will write to my aunt as soon as we have fixed the day for leaving Paris and can give her another address - tea at 9 in ½ hour - then went to bed – fine day till after 2pm afterwards rainy, more or less, afternoon and evening – F65° now at 10 pm
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