#mind flare
soulrebellon · 9 months
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This was drawn within this year when I was first getting back into Dungeons and Dragons. He is a rune knight Warforged, created by one who obsessed over eltrich beings and craftsmanship.
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I'll explain more if someone asks ;3
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bixels · 5 months
I think 90% of my gripes with how modern anime looks comes down to flat color design/palettes.
Non-cohesive, washed-out color palettes can destroy lineart quality. I see this all the time when comparing an anime's lineart/layout to its colored/post-processed final product and it's heartbreaking. Compare this pre-color vs. final frame from Dungeon Meshi's OP.
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So much sharpness and detail and weight gets washed out and flattened by 'meh' color design. I LOVE the flow and thickness and shadows in the fabrics on the left. The white against pastel really brings it out. Check out all the detail in their hair, the highlights in Rin's, the different hues to denote hair color, the blue tint in the clothes' shadows, and how all of that just gets... lost. It works, but it's not particularly good and does a disservice to the line-artist.
I'm using Dungeon Meshi as an example not because it's bad, I'm just especially disappointed because this is Studio Trigger we're talking about. The character animation is fantastic, but the color design is usually much more exciting. We're not seeing Trigger at their full potential, so I'm focusing on them.
Here's a very quick and messy color correct. Not meant to be taken seriously, just to provide comparison to see why colors can feel "washed out." Top is edit, bottom is original.
You can really see how desaturated and "white fluorescent lighting" the original color palettes are.
[Remember: the easiest way to make your colors more lively is to choose a warm or cool tint. From there, you can play around with bringing out complementary colors for a cohesive palette (I warmed Marcille's skintone and hair but made sure to bring out her deep blue clothes). Avoid using too many blend mode layers; hand-picking colors will really help you build your innate color sense and find a color style. Try using saturated colors in unexpected places! If you're coloring a night scene, try using deep blues or greens or magentas. You see these deep colors used all the time in older anime because they couldn't rely on a lightness scale to make colors darker, they had to use darker paints with specific hues. Don't overthink it, simpler is better!]
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thebibliosphere · 15 days
For all the progress I've made with my health (and I've made a lot), it's still one of the most annoying features of my MCAS that stress--or basically any too strong an emotion-- can trigger an anaphylactic reaction.
On the one hand, it's forced me to do so much therapy to get a hold of my emotional dysregulation and trauma, and that's a good thing. That's good for my emotional wellbeing.
But it's also a bandaid to the fact that my immune system is so broken it throws my entire body into fight or flight mode at the least provocation, and instead of choosing either fight, flight, or fawn, it goes for the secret fourth option which is to set fire to the house (me) and swell my throat shut.
Like that is the opposite of a survival instinct.
That is my body sensing the tiger in the tall grass, and going, "No, thank you," and noping the fuck out before the tiger can even get to it.
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chekensheppppp · 3 months
I saw this shirt while doomscrolling months ago. Earlier this day, I remembered it and went to doodle this cursed little thing on ms paint while working on print jobs at my part time lmaooooooooo.
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i don't have anything to say for myself other than I should reaaaalllllyyyy not get bored HAHAHAHA. Serious art soon I prommy.
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glazedcroissant · 3 days
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Marx attack!
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ganondorf--apologist · 5 months
Radiance, in PK's body: Yes! Finally! Back on the physical—OH HOLY FUCK WHY DOES EVERYTHING HURT?!
Pale King: Wdym?
Pale King: I assure you I do not.
Pale King: It does?!
Pale King: No!
Pale King: I do! I do! I eat regularly and sleep... sometimes...
Radiance: ...
Pale King: ...
Radiance: When was your last vacation?
Pale King: What's a vacation?
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ibrithir-was-here · 21 days
Anyone else ever have moments where they feel like they have a scream trapped inside? But you're also just too tired to actually care? But also like, nothing is happening to actually make you feel anxious? Apart from the slowly eroding force of time itself and the oncoming future that you can only blindly hope to plan for....but also you're fine?
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m4ggot5 · 2 months
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melonthesprigatito · 3 months
Pokémon Legends: Z-A is really out there making me dive back into certain character hyperfixations from my earliest Pokémon fandom days. I haven't thought about these people in nearly a decade
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The vintage blorbos are resurfacing
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 19 days
decided to have a bit of fun while doing some Fable art!
Flare is my little allay-sona, and I wanted to doodle her a bit more, along with wanting to draw Arisanna again
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So here's a little doodle! I headcanon that Ari would've switched Flare's torch or flint and steel to a lantern- because that's a big fire hazard. When Flare's not lighting up the books or halls for the visitors, Caspian, Ari, or other allays, she's got her nose deep in books related to nature and medicine!
I imagine she's taken quite the liking to her big sister's new girlfriend as well, due to the nature stuff. And if Ulysses or Rae ever visits, she's probably somewhere near them, wanting to listen in.
And Ari's in the archives and I think that's neat! For this drawing I imagine Flare giggling in return to the light-hearted notification, before lifting the lantern again.
I love the silly little allays RAHHHH :]
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jcqlnsart · 1 year
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John Marston and a little John
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thingintheroad · 1 month
hmmm do we think Nigel had a pain disorder? i have some arguments i could make
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lizarddiary · 6 months
I've seen many posts, and video essays, and what have you about how harmful it is for stories with disabled characters to "cure" them at some point of the story, or as their conclusion.
And I understand, I totally understand the reason why it is. We are a complete person with and without our disabilities, we do not need to be cured to be loved and understood. And society needs to learn that once and for all.
But as a disabled person myself... That is a kind of fantasy I relish in, sometimes. Not when it's a gift, or something easy, because I know that a path to recovery is anything but a walk in the park. I cannot really connect with those, and they anger me in a way. No, I'm talking about something like what Viktor does in Arcane.
He is fucking willing to awaken the void to be able to run and walk again, to save himself. And fuck if that doesn't resonate with me.
I am very aware that in the text, this is framed as a bad thing. It costs the life of a person, and there is no justification for that. I know that it is meant to represent an obsession with a future that cannot be, and how that is killing him, transforming him into something he is not.
But that boat scene is just... He runs, against the boats in the background, winning the race, for the first time in who knows how long, perhaps for the first time ever. A masterful parallelism with that scene with him as a child, when he couldn't keep up with his toy boat. The scream, the catharsis of being able to finally do it... The obsession with more that comes afterwards.
Fucking hell, I wish more stories would do that.
I know that ultimately this is framed as a bad thing, that he shouldn't be doing that. Probably the story would want him to accept reality and wait, patiently, for his inevitable demise. Probably, that's what the story thinks is the moral thing to do. Afterall, I am aware that in the original League of Legends lore Viktor is a villain. I know we probably aren't meant to sympathize with him.
But I cannot look at him and not see a part of myself in that struggle.
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mydmdcorner · 3 months
Anyone else have those fics that just stick with you? Like you read it years ago but then you listen to a song that reminds you of it or see a trope that you just really associate with that fic and suddenly you're catapulted back to the emotions you had while reading it and just sit there thinking "This might not be from my main fandom anymore but nothing will ever change that that was a damn ✨masterpiece✨"
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ragingbullmode · 9 months
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uhhh the ghostrider post but im not finishing it bc i destroyed my hand just penciling this shit out
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monstergirlstink · 3 months
It just fucking sucks to be thought of as a threat. The idea that I will never be able to prove myself to people because there's always "the chance I'll do something awful." The chance that I'd hurt someone.
It sucks that I'm going to have to live my entire life under that stigma and die with it and only then will people believe me. And even then they'll say,
"Oh, she was just one of the good ones I suppose."
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