#elvis presley x female reader
“As Long as i have you”
(This story took place in 1957)
I was so tired I fell on my knees. I just got back to my hotel after singing all night. I look at my clock and see it is 11:55pm. I sigh and close my door to my hotel. I get up taking off my uncomfortable shoes. I sigh to myself and yawn before getting up and stretching. After changing into some PJs, I lay down on my bed. I hear a soft knock on my door as it rapidly starts speeding up. “Come in-“, I am interrupted, “Darling, I don’t have a key.” I groan and get up. After unlocking the door I come face to shoulder with Elvis Presley. I look up and see his face. “Hello.” I say. He smiles and hugs me. I try to get the door before a fan screams as she walks past and sees Elvis. I slam the door shut and force him off me. “Move.” I grumbled. “I’m tired as fuck so tell me why the shit your here.” Elvis chuckles as he touches one of my perfume bottles. “I got locked out my hotel room after-“ “inviting a girl into your room and she kicked you out?” He smiles and nods. I sigh and hold my head. “Presley, I have a fucking ginormous headache and the last thing I need is to chop my hair off from a mid life crisis and feel like killing someone.” I say. He sighs. “Well can I stay here?” He asks. I look at him. “Whatever, don’t mess, tinker, or touch anything.” He chuckles. “Whatever, as long as I have you.” I sigh and see him sit down as I make my way to my bed and lay down. I snuggle up and feel the weight of someone else being pressed onto the side of the bed. I felt Elvis hop into bed as I try to get as far away as possible. I was only awake for two minutes before I heard a soft snore. I look over before being met with warm wrapping around my waist. I groan in annoyance. This’ll be a long night.
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headfullofpresley · 10 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Word count: 3,8K
Series summary: Elvis has worked hard to become the successful adult movie director that he is today and all that hard work is paying off by how well the public reacts to his work and how much money is coming into his bank account, despite the fact that porn is still very much illegal. Working in the adult industry is not something you saw yourself doing despite coming from a place where it always has been out in the open, but you soon find yourself swept up and away by a certain American director and right into the heart of the porn industry. The only question that remains is... will you sink, or will you swim?
Chapter summary: Working on his newest and what he believes his biggest project yet, Elvis flies to Amsterdam to shoot most of it. Everything is going well until he's forced to fire his leading actress on the spot and there's a stop being put to his work. But as he wanders into a cafe for a much needed drink in the bustling city, faith seems to be on his side.
Warnings: porn director!Elvis, European!reader, set in the year 1970 (so some details may be a little off?), obvious mentions of sex/porn etc, mentions of prostitution, Elvis giving reader a lowkey foot rub in public (honestly, he's going to be into feet in this series bc i'm feral), mentions of soft drugs, alcohol consumption.
A/N: hi! this idea was born from an ai but mostly from The Deuce (definitely watch it!), where i took most inspiration from. i'm super excited about this series, and honestly it's giving me a lot of inspiration to write in general again! this is going to be a short series- i'm thinking around 5 parts, but we shall see, hm? no smut in this part, but obvi there will be in future parts, as well as some darker topics. hope y'all enjoy! ❤
masterlist | want to be added to the taglist? just ask!
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Who ever said Hollywood was a jungle has obviously never set foot in New York City.
They’ve obviously never experienced what a real concrete jungle is like and they definitely don’t know that the Golden Age of Hollywood has seen its best days. Directors were feeling pressures from the outside – from the public that wanted something different, something more than those cringy movie kisses. The smaller movie theaters were starting to ID their customers because their movies weren’t so family friendly anymore. Establishments that specialized in peep shows were popping out of the ground like weeds. Burlesque clubs were turning into proper stripclubs and people would rather spend their money on naked girls dancing in their faces than on overpriced cocktails at supper clubs.
They didn’t know that the world was changing.
They didn’t know that even though adult entertainment was far from legal, it was one of the most produced and exported and imported products in the country.
They didn’t know. But Elvis Presley did.
Having made his start as a director ten years ago when he was in his early twenties and was nothing but a naive Southern boy from Memphis, he crawled and clawed his way through shitty jobs in New York. From parking cars, to serving drinks in sketchy bars to being a bodyguard at a massage parlor and driving around hookers to their appointments… He’s seen it all, and he’s done it all.
He worked hard to get where he currently was – being one of the most famous porn directors in New York. Everyone knew who he was and everyone respected him. Times Square was home to countless of peep shows, stripclubs and whatnot and you’ll bump into a prostitute every five steps. Elvis never used their services but he was friendly with them, greeting them as if he had known them forever. Which in some girls’ cases, was true.
Most of those girls were looking for a way out, wanting to get off the streets and into the safety of a movie studio, but Elvis has learned from a previous mistake where he hired a girl who had a pimp and the leech tried to get him to pay them more than the other actors. Since then, Elvis stuck to actors and actors only.
The director was doing good for himself, owning his own studio and brand under the name of “Presley Productions”, and living in a spacious apartment in the city, yet he still wanted more.
He wanted to make a movie so good, it would get international attention. He wanted it to be so good that theaters wouldn’t stop showing it and he wanted it to be so damn good that it would get him a shiny, gold award on his shelf.
And whenever Elvis had his mind set on something, he made sure to accomplish whatever it was that he wanted to accomplish.
It would only be a matter of time before Hollywood would get whiff of his work, and who he was, and for him to open up a second studio there. Elvis didn’t believe in “Hollywood first, the world later” though – he was going to knock everyone off their feet, from the housewives in California to the business men in Hong Kong, all at the same time.
The script he had written for his newest movie had been done for months now and all there was left to do was the casting. The process went fairly simple and easy – his main actress was Annette Haven and she was a gorgeous brown eyed brunette, but for some reason he couldn’t get used to her.
Granted, he wasn’t the one playing in the movie and her co-star seemed to have no issues with her, so perhaps he figured he was just being too picky because he was so passionate about this project. Annette was friendly during the first few weeks of filming but as they got to Amsterdam, the sex capital of the world, to shoot most of the movie, her behavior started to change.
She was cranky on set, pranced around like she was the Queen and was late for filming almost every single day. To put it mildly, she was getting on Elvis’s nerves and when she showed up high as a kite one afternoon, the director was done with this girl.
He never was a tiran on set and always made sure everyone was doing okay, but right now it was like a bomb exploded and everyone watched and were awkwardly rooted to their places as Elvis had a go at the main actress and fired her on the spot.
“Take the rest of the day off. We’ll figure things out tomorrow,” he announced to the other actors and the crew. He gave them a bitter smile before he turned around and walked out of the studio they rented, angry and annoyed at the fact he lost a full day of filming, his leading actress and money.
He needed a goddamn drink.
Amsterdam was a crowded, bustling city and in some ways, it was much like New York but it was different in so many ways too. People were a little more laid back here (and he figured the many coffee shops where one definitely was not drinking coffee but getting high at instead had something to do with that) and instead of running into a lady of the night on a street corner, they were placed behind windows in certain areas. The Red Light District, for example. It was crowded with tourists and while there was a long canal outstretched in the middle of the district, there were shops, bars, coffee shops and sexual tinted business lined up on the sides, drawing people’s attention left and right. The infamous windows were located in the alley ways, the red lights that were on indicating a girl was working at the time. While he was definitely no stranger to sex workers and what the normal citizen would call “wildness of it all”, it was like he had stepped into a different world, yet it felt a little bit like home too.
Spotting a typical Dutch brown cafe on a corner, he stepped inside and was welcomed by the loud rumbles of laughter of men shooting pool and sitting at the tables and the bar and the smell of cigarette smoke and beer. Nobody aside from the waitress even spared him a glance as he sat at a table near the window and the second he looked at the girl that came up to him to take his order, a smirk spread across his face. In the middle of August, it was only natural for the girl to be wearing a pair of shorts and he was glad this place didn’t set any strict dress codes for their employees, because Good Lord, those legs looked like they went on for days. He noticed the red heeled sandals she wore on her feet and her fresh pedicure on her toes, drawing him in even more. The way that black little apron was tied around her waist did things to him and as his eyes shamelessly moved further up and noticed the size of her breasts that were filling up the tight top she was wearing, he could only think two things – first, he needed to get his hands on those things. And second, she would be perfect for the movie he was shooting out here.
Annette Haven who?
“Hallo?!” You spoke again, waving your hand in front of the dark haired man that just sat down by the window when he didn’t respond to you the first time. Instead, he was shamelessly checking you out from head to toe and working in a bar in the Red Light District, you were used to it but it still got you a little annoyed at times. At least some men tried to hide it and most men actually spoke, with actual words. As he excused himself in English and scanned the crowd for a second, you realised he wasn’t Dutch and decided to cut him some slack.
Perhaps he really was a creep, but your boss wouldn’t be too happy if a customer walked out without being served.
Happened before, because while other waitresses accepted the bold and creepy men that came to drink almost every single day, your mother had always taught you to stand up for yourself and to not take any shit from anyone.
Besides, this was 1970. What did men expect? For you to drape yourself over their laps and beg them to take you? Absolutely not.
“A beer’s just fine, honey,”
You bit your tongue to ignore the pet name and flashed the American a smile, looking him in the eye. “Anything else? Something to eat maybe?”
Elvis grinned and shook his head, watching you walk away to get his drink. You were a very pretty girl with a very pretty body and he realised he was going to amp up his charm if he wanted to see what was underneath.
And he definitely wanted to see what was underneath.
“There you go,” you said as you came back over to his table and put his beer down in front of him. Before you could make your escape once more, Elvis spoke up.
“You know, your English is pretty good,”
At this, you almost scoffed as you stood up straight and looked at him with a hand on your hip. These Americans were always so full of themselves.
“Thanks. It’s only a language spoken in countries all over the world,” you smiled sarcastically and Elvis grinned in amusement as he leaned his arms on the edge of the table, quirking an eyebrow.
Feisty. He was intrigued.
“I been to Germany back in the day and believe me, they definitely didn’t sound as pretty as you,”
You raised your eyebrows a little at the odd compliment. Didn’t sound as pretty? That was the first time you ever heard something like that. This guy looked exactly what you imagined a pimp to look like – gold rings adorning his fingers, dressed up nicely in a velvet crushed jacket despite the heat outside – yet he used the word “pretty”, instead of something vulgar like most customers did when they’d try to flirt with you.
You knew you had probably judged him too quickly and although you were intrigued by him the same way he was by you, you weren’t going to make it easy on him.
“Let me tell you a secret,” you whispered as you leaned down and closer to him a little, looking straight into his eyes, which you noticed were very blue and very pretty. “You’re not in Germany anymore, sir,”
Elvis let out a laugh as you gave his shoulder a playful pat and raised his glass, a sly smirk settling on his features.
“You got that right, honey,”
As you walked away, he didn’t fail to notice the playful smile you threw his way as you looked over your shoulder.
Elvis wasn’t planning on spending half the day in this particular cafe, but for some reason, he was already on his third beer and he just couldn’t leave.
He could say it was because he needed to clear his mind and think of a solution to fix the problem about not having a lead actress anymore, but the little voice in his head told him he was looking right at that exact solution.
He knew it would be risky – you were just a waitress and you probably had never set foot on a movie set in your entire life, let alone an adult movie set, but he couldn’t stop imagining you in front of the camera, in all kinds of positions.
As he watched you move around the place, serving customers, it was almost like he was watching a movie right now. The way you moved so effortlessly on those little heels, the way you avoided customers that were a little too handsy and the way you were laughing with local customers who you’d probably served many times before.
The sound of your laugh was like music to his ears and he wondered how you’d sound while you were being fucked with those gorgeous long legs dangling in the air. Just imagining you moaning in pleasure had a shiver run down his spine.
And while you had pretended you didn’t like Elvis at all and he was just another annoying American tourist, you couldn’t help yourself from glancing into his direction every so often and making your way to his table to ask if he needed anything else.
When you did just that after talking to some locals at the bar, he looked at you and smiled.
“Sit down,” he told you as he nodded to the empty seat across from him as he leaned back in his seat. “Doesn’t the old man give you a break?”
You chuckled softly as he nodded to an older looking, grumpy man in the corner behind the bar. Your boss. He barely did any of the work and just sipped on his beer, watching his waitresses work their asses off.
For a shitty pay, too.
“Hardly,” you admitted honestly with a soft chuckle, noticing that your boss wasn’t paying any attention to you so you sat down opposite the dark haired man that had his eye on you the entire time. “So, what brought you to Amsterdam?”
Elvis was pleasantly surprised as you asked him that. Not only would it give him the chance to keep you at his table longer, but now was also the moment where he would have to tell you what he did. And find out your reaction to it.
So, he just came clean right away. In one way, it was a good test to see how open-minded the Europeans really were.
And if you were a full blown, crazed feminist.
God… please don’t be a fullblown crazed feminist, he prayed mentally.
“I’m here to make a porno.”
A silence lingered between you two, but it only lasted for about three seconds. You nodded your head and chuckled in an amused but friendly manner.
“Are you an actor?”
Thank God.
“No,” he laughed, shaking his head a little as he took a sip of his beer, licking his lips. “I’m the director of the movie,”
You leaned your arms on the table and sat on the edge of your seat, crossing your legs under the table as you swung your foot back and forth a little. Elvis looked at the way your breasts were pressed against your arms for a second before looking back at your face, an excited twinkle in his eyes.
“And why are you not directing your movie right now?” You wondered aloud, tilting your head a little.
“Well,” he let out a laugh as he tapped one of his rings against his glass for a second, looking at you. “My leading actress wasn’t as fit for the role as I thought.”
“Or maybe you aren’t as good as a director as you think you are,” you teased with a grin on your face.
At that, Elvis just looked at you with a raised eyebrow. He could tell you were pulling his tail, but perhaps far in the back of his mind… he wondered if that could be the truth. He decided not to let his insecurities get to him though, not right now, and when he felt your swaying foot hit his leg under the table, he reached a hand down and grabbed your ankle. You widened your eyes a little and stared at him as he gave you a cocky grin and removed your shoe, dropping the red heel to the floor before he put your foot in his lap.
You looked around nervously to see if your boss caught onto you slacking yet, but he was still busy with the locals at the bar. Elvis ran his hand down from your ankle to your foot and pressed his thumb against your sole, making you turn back to him and bite your tongue to hold back a small gasp.
While you certainly never let customers touch you, right now you weren’t trying to get away. Nor could you muster up a smart remark to throw at his head. You’d been on your feet all day, wearing those heels, and the little massage he suddenly decided to give you wasn’t entirely unwelcomed.
“I am a great director, sweetheart, trust me..” he grinned as he looked you in the eye, a kind but mischievous gleam in his blue orbs. This man definitely was bold and for the first time in your waitressing “career”, you were enjoying the attention of a customer. And a tourist, at that. “Some people just can’t resist the many coffee shops in the city,”
You chuckled, nodding your head as you tried to focus on the conversation and not his large hand rubbing your foot under the table.
“Ha! Bet she was A-American,” you mentally slapped yourself for the stutter (and the lame reply) but if he noticed it, he didn’t mention it. Instead he just grinned and caressed his short nails across the arch of your foot a little.
“Who said she was American?”
“Well, if she was Dutch, she could’ve.. resisted the tempting clouds of weed,” you countered back with a small, playful grin on your face.
He laughed as he cocked his eyebrow, his eyes staring intently into yours as he found your pressure point and pushed his thumb into it, making you nearly moan out loud right there in the middle of your work place.
You managed to save yourself with a small groan.
“Think you can do better?”
At this point, your face was flushed and he realised he was slowly breaking through that sarcastic façade of yours. Then again, he wasn’t exactly playing fair with the way he was shamelessly giving you a foot rub and while you had genuinely peaked his interest, he was a little desperate too.
He wanted to finish his movie and make sure it was good. It had to be perfect. And he didn’t want to get a professional actress now that he had laid eyes on you.
Porn wasn’t a strange concept to you despite never having been in a porno yourself. You lived in a city where sex was out in the open for everyone to see and consume and while porn was illegal here as much as it was in the States, it was tolerated. Perhaps it wasn’t such a strange idea for you to dip your toes into the world of adult entertainment.
“I know I can do better,” you said confidently, looking over at your boss who looked your way and you quickly pulled your foot out of Elvis’ grip, slipping it back into your heel. “Just tell me when and where,”
Elvis let out a hearty laugh as he widened his eyes at you a little. This had been easier than he expected – you were offering yourself for the job and while that was certainly surprising, he wasn’t complaining at all. You were perfect for this movie and the fact that you were inexperienced in the industry might even be better for the storyline.
After all, the lead girl was supposed to be a little naive and a whole lot of innocent.
You quickly urged him for a phone number and address when you noticed the sour face of your boss staring at you from behind the bar and Elvis quickly scribbled his contact information down on the back of a paper coaster as he realised he didn’t have any business cards on him at the moment. You grasped it from the table and shoved it in your pocket, getting up from your seat.
“Hold up,” he said after he paid for his drinks and you were about to walk off to the bar to get back to work. You felt him grabbing your wrist and you turned around, looking at him as your heartbeat sped up a little. “I didn’t get your name..”
“It’s Y/N,” You told him, gently pulling your arm out of his grip. You wouldn’t mind holding onto him a little longer but you felt your boss’ eyes burning in the back of your head.
“I’m Elvis. Elvis Presley.”
You nodded and flashed him a smile, tapping the back pocket of your shorts where you had put the coaster in. He grinned and nodded, slowly leaving the cafe, hoping you’d call him and go through with this.
A pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to work in a shitty place like this.
You watched him go and the entire time your boss was giving you an earful about work ethics as you stood behind the bar, you barely heard the words coming out of his mouth. Quite frankly, you just weren’t paid enough to deal with this. You liked your co-workers but that’s all they were – co-workers. They didn’t pay your bills and neither did your shitty monthly pay that your boss gave you.
You wanted a change. No, you needed a change.
And maybe it was a naive and stupid thing to do, but for some reason, you had trusted that stupid American tourist.
Maybe he wasn’t even a director at all, but the longer your boss went on and on about your behavior, you decided it was worth the risk.
“You know what,” you interrupted him loudly, pulling your apron off and throwing it at his face. “I quit!”
Your boss threw a string of profanities to your head as you opened the cash register and grasped the amount of money he still owed you. He was too slow, and too fat, to stop you and before he could get to you, you were already halfway out the door. Though ofcourse, you didn’t leave without theatrically flipping him off.
You ran down the street, squirming your way through the crowd, and into a phone booth. Closing the door behind you, you fished the coaster out of your pocket and rang the number. You were connected to Elvis’ hotel and then put through to his room after several minutes. As soon as you heard his voice on the other side of the line, you inhaled a sharp breath of air and clenched the phone against your ear.
How bad could the porn industry really be?
The fact that you were a virgin didn’t strike you as a problem. Nobody had to know, did they? You were sure you’d be able to mask it.
Even from the director.
You stared at the people walking by the phone booth and leaned against the glass wall, your next words rolling off your tongue determinedly.
“When do I start?”
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taglist: @powerofelvis @breadsquash @generoustreemystic @ab4eva @marriedtopresley @steph-speaks @notstefaniepresley @ellie-24 @dollksj @webbedwebs @re3kin @wivette @eliseinmemphis @18lkpeters @rosepresley @ccab @whatstruthgottodowithit @dkayfixates
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stardustarchivess · 9 days
Invite of a lifetime
warnings: none, just don’t do what cosette did and leave with a random man. please.
word count: 516
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Cosette laughed quietly as her friends joked around. She swirled the straw in her milkshake and looked out the window of the diner. It was a hot day in Germany, and most girls were dressed in a shorts and a matching top, including her friends.
Cosette, personally, had decided on a sundress and a simple pair of heels, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention while making an effort to blend in with the crowd. Her dress was plain and her heels even plainer.
“Sette! Are you listening?” She quickly looks away from the window and turns to her friend, Linda. She nods quickly and her cheeks burn a slight pink.
“Of course. Just thinkin about how hot it is.” She waves them off and attempts to turn the attention away from her. It proves to be successful, as Elvis Presley’s ‘Jailhouse Rock’ starts to fill the air.
“Oh I love this song!” Mary flashes a wide smile and leans on the table, her hands planted on it
The conversation takes a turn to the rising rock and roll star, leaving Cosette to simply listen to both her friends and the music. Not that she minded, she would rather listen than talk.
“Did you guys hear? He’s in Germany! Got drafted into the army.” Olivia quickly piped in, to which everyone at the table turns to look at her.
“Is he really?” Cosette’s voice is quiet as she speaks, and sits further up in her spot. Olivia nods and smiles widely.
Before anyone can continue the conversation, a man approaches the table, and the girls fall quiet. He was dressed in uniform, while his hat was pressing against his chest, due to his hand holding it there.
“My name is Charles William, and I don’t mean to intrude but I couldn’t help but hear you girls talking about Elvis, I’m a good friends of his. Me and my wife go to his house quite often. Would you girls like to join one evening?”
Cosette look to her friends, noticing the suspicion in their eyes. She nibbles on her bottom lip as she looks back to Charles. She looks him over and decides he wasn’t threatening.
“My name is Cosette Allen. I would have to talk to my folks about going, they’ll probably wanna meet you.” She kept her voice quiet and occasionally broke eye contact.
“I understand that. And what about you girls?” Cosette looked to her friends, hoping they would at least attempt to ask. Her hope was quickly shattered as they all politely declined, due to not knowing and not believing him.
Charles nodded and smiled. “Well, Cosette, I would be pleased to talk to your folks. Maybe I could drive you home, meet your daddy and talk with him?” She looks to her friends, who are silently telling her to say no. Cosette looks back at Charles and slowly nods.
“I ‘pose that’s alright. But my parents are expecting me, so don’t do anything weird.” Cosette waves goodbye to her friends, sets the money for her milkshake on the table, and leaves with Charles.
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It’ll All Come Out In The Wash
Fandom: American Actor, Elvis Presley, Elvis Movie,
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Jerry Schilling, Charlie Hodge, Joe Esposito
Word Count: 1765 // Rating: Mature
Summary: It’s gonna take more than a little blood to scare off Elvis Presley
Tags/ Warnings: Periods, Menstruation, Menstrual Cycle, Period Cramps, Embarrassment, Established Relationship, Fluff, Reader is Embarrased, Female Reader, Period Leak, Bleeding, Blood, Old Fashion Attitudes, Request, Requested Fic, Innuendo, 
Notes: I love writing soft E <3 
Elvis Tags:  @literally-just-elvis-fics @caitlin1996
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Request @elvispresleyisfit12​ -  could it be like the reader gets her period when she’s in the jungle room w elvis and the rest of the Memphis mafia and leaks onto smth but like has to tell elvis and she’s nervous about telling him ? xx
‘Says the man who comes to pitch songs at midnight,’ Jerry chuckled. ‘Hey my mother-in-law has been at our house for the past two weeks believe me I was happy to come over,’ Charlie smirked. ‘And here’s us thinking the tip to a successful marriage was spending time together huh Satnin?’ Elvis joked. You felt him chuckle, a hearty rumble against your ear which was pressed against his chest. When you heard your affectionate moniker mentioned you glanced up at him though it was done through a squint as you felt your heavy eyelids fighting to stay open.
You mumbled a non-committal ‘oh yeah,’ rubbing your eyes as you yawned. You hadn’t intended to be up this late, you hadn’t even intended to come and join in as you were fatigued by the day but you couldn’t help yourself. Charlie had come round after dinner with a couple of songs he thought might work for the new album. You'd left them alone for the most part but as the night wore on you found yourself missing him and had slipped into the room unnoticed. Eventually, he had migrated over to where you were sat on the couch and allowed you to nestle into him. You hadn’t participated much but then again you hadn’t needed to. Talk about songs had turned to general banter and ribbing as it often did.
Elvis looked down at you with a smile, 'tired mama?' 'Just a tad,' you said, feeling another yawn creep up on you. 'Me too. I'm bushed. How about we head up?' he asked. You nodded and pushed yourself out of the nestle of his chest so you could sit upright. Then you felt it.
The dampness of your panties and the back of your legs, cool and wet as you moved. Whilst you had been nuzzled up to your beau you'd come on unknowingly. You hadn't felt it happen and though you'd felt some discomfort in your lower back earlier when you'd checked yourself there was nothing there. It wasn't as if you were regular as clockwork and being a woman wasn't exactly an accurate science. Pain was just one of those things. From a bout of gas to a busted appendix women were just supposed to be able to guess what was wrong with them.
And now you were sure you'd leaked through. If you stood up now you were sure everyone would be able to see, Elvis included, and to make matters worse you were sitting on a perfect cream-coloured couch. You were mortified.
'You headed up, EP?' Joe said from his chair. Elvis nodded as he pushed himself towards the edge of the couch, his arm still wrapped around you though you didn't move forward with him as your brain worked a mile a minute trying to figure out what to do. 'Have to, this one can’t keep her eyes open,' he said smiling at you as he pressed a kiss to your temple. You forced a smile. 'We can head out too,' Joe said, moving forward off his seat and reaching for the remote to turn the TV off. A flurry of activity followed him as the other boys sat up and prepared to leave. You knew it was futile though. They'd let Elvis head up to bed before any of them left, defaulting behind as if he was a general leading the troops. Elvis stood up from the couch and looked down at you, offering his hand out.
'Ready honey?' he asked. 'Actually, I'm not all that tired any more,' you said feeling several glances come your way. 'You were practically asleep on my chest,' Elvis said with a suspicious look. 'Must've gotten a second wind,' you lied, 'you can still go up though.' 'If you've got a second wind we're definitely going upstairs,' Elvis chuckled leaning down to pull you up from the sofa but you hunkered down, refusing to yield to him. He looked at you oddly as you tried to remain as collected as possible. 'Satnin what's going on?' he asked, you dropped your gaze to your lap, fiddling with your pants as you mumbled, 'nothing just don't feel like moving is all.' 'Why?' he asked placing his hands on his hips. You looked up at him though your gaze drifted past him to where Jerry, Joe and Charlie were watching you making you flush with embarrassment. He followed my eye line and sensing your apprehension cleared his throat and said, 'uh fellas a minute.'
There was a mumble of agreements and the sound of movement as all three guys headed out of the room. Elvis looked down at you expectantly as if waiting for you to stand up. When you didn’t he sat down beside you peering into your eyes with those sparkling blue ones of his.
‘Satnin,’ he said in that voice that always made you melt. If it was anything else you’d tell him but this was embarrassing enough and you didn’t know how he’d take it. He took incredible pride in his house, especially in the décor handpicked by his mother, you worried how he’d take the mess. You worried how he’d react if you’d ruined it. You looked away but he cupped your chin and forced you to look at him.
‘E,’ you mumbled. ‘Satnin what’s going on,’ he said. ‘I can’t tell you,’ you murmured. ‘Honey you can tell me anything,’ he said. ‘Not this…’ you protested. ‘Why not?’ he asked. ‘It’s…it’s embarrassing,’ you admitted feeling the heat in your cheeks. You wanted the ground to swallow you up though sensing your true worry Elvis’ face softened and he made an attempt to make you feel better. ‘As embarrassing as the time I walked out of our bathroom butt ass naked to find your mother stood in the wrong bedroom,’ he asked raising an eyebrow and making you giggle against your will.
‘There’s my girl,’ he said, ‘now come on what’s the matter?’ ‘You’re gonna think I’m disgusting,’ you said. ‘Never gonna happen,’ he corrected. ‘But-’ ‘But I am gonna start getting annoyed if you don’t tell me what the hell is going on,’ he said. You chewed on the inside of your lip debating what to say then with a sigh you nodded and pulled from his grasp. ‘I think I’m better showing you,’ you said and then you stood up. Elvis watched you, unsure of what you were showing him until his gaze followed yours to the dark red patch on the pristine white sofa. You tried looking over your shoulder to assess the damage on your pants, ‘damn it it’s everywhere.’ ‘That’s what you were afraid to show me?’ he said standing up. ‘It’s ruined everything look,’ you whined. ‘It’s not ruined,’ he said wrapping his arms around you though you pulled away moodily. ‘Yeah right, we’re never gonna get that out look at it E!’ you said. ‘Throw it in the wash it’ll be fine, hell throw the cushion out I don’t care,’ he said forcing you to look at him. ‘You’re not cross?’ you asked. ‘Baby it was an accident,’ Elvis said incredulously. ‘I know but I should’ve known,’ you say chastising yourself, ‘I mean I’ve had pain in my back and a headache. I mean I can barely keep my eyes open just sitting there. I should’ve thought about it properly and made sure I was prepared-‘
‘Hold on,’ Elvis said making you stop in your tracks, ‘you’ve been through all this today?’ ‘Well yeah…’ you said sheepishly, ‘I mean it wasn’t really bad so I didn’t think it was anything to worry about I mean I’m not exactly regular.’ ‘You’ve put up with feeling like crap all day and you’re worried about how I’m gonna feel about a little blood?’ he asked. ‘Well yeah…’ you said again, ‘it’s not exactly proper, is it? It’s girl stuff.’ ‘Fuck proper,’ Elvis said, ‘is it always like this?’ ‘No…’ you said feeling uncomfortable. You’d never spoken about anything like this with him. Of course he knew when you were on your period but it was sort of glossed over. Your mother had taught you that it was nothing to do with men. They needn’t know the trials and tribulations of being a woman. It wasn’t their place. ‘But?’ ‘Sometimes it’s worse,’ you said reluctantly. ‘How?’ he asked concerned. ‘Well, sometimes the cramps hurt so bad I can’t stand,’ you said, ‘I mean that show you did in Phoenix I almost passed out at the side of the stage from the pain-’ ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ he asked perplexed. You felt the heat return to your cheeks once more. ‘You’re a guy,’ you said as if it was self-explanatory, ‘you don’t wanna know about that stuff.’ ‘My girl’s in crippling pain hell yeah I wanna know about it,’ he said, ‘we’re a team. You and me. If you’re not feeling well I wanna know no matter what’s causing it, got it?’ ‘And it doesn’t bother you?’ you asked. ‘Honey I have seen you in far more precarious situations don’t you think,’ he said with a smirk that made you blush once more. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your forehead before pulling back and looking at the sofa. He kept his arm around you though, pulling you into his side as he debated what to do. Then he left your side grabbed the pillow and flipped it until a pristine white cushion was looking back at you.
‘Fixed it,’ he said with a smug smile. ‘I don’t think that’s fixing it,’ you giggled as he came towards you. ‘It’ll do for now,’ he shrugged before he threw his arm around you and started to walk you out of the room. ‘It’ll set,’ you protested. ‘It’s nothing the girls won't be able to fix,’ he said waving you off and making you cringe at the thought of one of the maids finding your embarrassment in the morning though your embarrassment worsened as he looked at you and wiggled his eyebrows as he said, ‘they’ve seen worse.’ ‘You’re gross,’ you said. ‘I’m a realist,’ he said pulling you into him and kissing you. You smirked at him. ‘Is that right?’ you giggled. ‘Absolutely besides it’s all natural ain’t no use being ashamed of it,’ he shrugged. ‘Does this mean you won’t mind running to the store and picking me up some tampons?’ you challenged raising an eyebrow. Elvis’ smug expression dropped quickly, a slight pink tinge crossing his handsome features, ‘don’t push it.’
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presleyhearted · 6 months
First of all, thank you for the amazing stories, especially yours truly! I'm a fan of your creations and looking forward to reading a new one🫶🏻
Is it okay to ask a short fic or imagine for Elvis & female reader?
Elvis and reader are in the relationship and they're planning to celebrate their 1 year anniversary soon. They both think what would be the best gifts for each other for the anniversary and they are asking their friends for help😚
There are so many gift ideas like flowers, matching jewellery, new clothes, photo albums(including photos they took when they went out for fair/amusement park idk cute ones), etc.. You can think of anything really!
Then Elvis and reader are giving gifts to each other on their anniversary day. They enjoy their gifts but most importantly they're happy being together🥺 How about this idea in a fluff, cute fics? I don't have a particular favourite era of Elvis(love all eras!) so you can choose, bestie I want your ideas💗
A Year With You.
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pairing: 70s!e x female reader genre: fluff, established relationship. warnings: strong language, brief hint to sexual allusions, mentions of nightmares. An insanely happy lovey-dovey couple (aha). wc: 1.8k notes: Hi bestie! This is a long-awaited request, I apologise for that. I am too much of a perfectionist, which is not a great combination with the world of writer's block. Nonetheless, I really did want to write this. I hope that it has met your expectations!
 You consider yourself a pretty humble person, but you do pride yourself as a great gift-giver. It is always such a wondrous feeling to see the smile of glee from your friends and family, as you gift them exactly what they wanted. Even if they don’t straight up tell you what they want, or they don’t know what they want - you somehow always ace it when it comes to gift giving. Whether that be Christmas or birthdays. . . 
But now, well, you are actually stuck. The gift-giving this time round is for neither occasion, and the receiver is not family or friends. Specifically, your boyfriend. 
“My brain is empty. Nothing.” You admit, with your elbow propped up on the table of the booth as you rested your chin in your palm. 
As per usual, at least once a week, you find yourself seated across from one of your close friends - Vivian. At your usual spot for lunch, which is the local diner in your small town. You’d normally 
catch up about anything and everything going on, and the subject of conversation this time round? Seeking advice from something you normally found relatively easy. 
Vivian takes a sip from her milkshake, “Oh, I don’t think so.” 
Your furrow your eyebrows, “No, Viv, I’m serious - I can’t think of anything.” 
“Well, what about… I dunno, a really nice scarf? With his initials embroidered?” She suggests, in obvious hopes to ease your worry, but the uncertainty in her voice is far too clear. 
You give her a look. 
“What?” Vivian questions, “It is practical! and sentimental.” She shrugs, as a matter of fact. 
Bless her heart, she’s only trying to help. But you can’t find yourself agreeing with that gift idea. It is practical, but still. . . It feels so random. There has to be something else out there. 
“I can’t just give him a scarf,” You sighed as you took a bite out of the fry. 
“Why not?” 
“It feels a little random. I don’t know.” 
Vivian tilts her head and gestures dramatically at the window beside the booth, “Y/N, I hardly believe it’d be random.” As a matter of fact, the outside was blanketed by pristine white snow, as people passed by clutching tightly onto their winter attires. 
You nod, “Yes. But it doesn’t really scream ‘Happy Anniversary’!” You emphasized. 
“I want it to be practical, definitely. Yeah. But I want it to be something memorable too.” You explain, letting out a heavy sigh, as you subconsciously tap your fingers on the table. 
Vivian clicks her fingers with a smirk on her face, “Aha!” 
“I know just thee perfect gift.” She boasts. 
She leans over and gestures for you to lean in, as she cups her hand to whisper. 
“Winter wear is not the only thing that can keep him warm this season.” She says, a smirk prominent on her face. 
Your eyes go wide at her words, as a gasp leaves you. You feel your face grow rapidly warm, no doubt the obvious blush taking space on your cheeks. 
She calmly leaned back on her seat and shrugged casually, “What? It fits the criteria of practical and memorable.” Vivian can’t help but let out a laugh at your reaction. 
You find yourself laughing, as you shake your head, “You are terrible. Oh my goodness.” 
You manage to calm yourself down, “In all seriousness though, what in the world do I get a guy who has everything?” 
“I doubt he has everything, Y/N.” 
“Well, you know what I mean. Majority of everything ever.” 
Your lunch meet-up with Vivian comes to a close after two hours of chatting, mostly about your current predicament. Unfortunately, the lunch concluded with you still not knowing what to give him. But Vivian is quick to assure that ‘the world’s best gift giver’ won’t back down for this one. 
You hope she’s right. 
“Whatcha’ think of a pair of earrings?” Elvis asks, as he leans against the wall of the living room, the sound of the faint crackling of the fireplace in the background. 
“I’d say that’s a great gift, E.” Charlie replies, as he scribbles down notes beside the list of songs on the paper Elvis handed him. 
Elvis sighs and shakes his head, “I-well, I-I dunno man.” 
“Sorry to interrupt, E. We doing Johnny B. Goode?” Charlie asks, looking up at him and awaiting his answer. 
“Yeah, yeah. Add it in.” 
Charlie swiftly nods and goes back to reviewing the list, “Alright, go on.” He encourages, despite his eyes being trained on the sheet of paper on the carpeted floor in front of him. 
“I- well, like I said… I dunno ‘bout getting her jewelry.” 
“Does she not like it? Girls are usually all over ‘em.” Charlie shrugs, not quite understanding Elvis’ dilemma. 
Elvis crosses his arms over his chest, “She likes it.  But I-I-I feel that’s what I always get her. And ya know me, man, I hate boring shit.” He sighs, shaking his head. 
Charlie looks up at his friend, after hearing the distressed tone in his voice. It was a strange situation, for he didn’t think he could recall a time that Elvis hit a brick wall when it came to gift ideas for a girlfriend. He sure did not have trouble in his previous relationships. 
“Hmm… I know!” Charlie muses, in Elvis eagerly awaits his answer. 
“Try not to get her boring shit, then.” Charlie laughs. 
Elvis’ face relaxes and breathes a laugh, “Oh, you unhelpful fucker! Shit friend you are.” He said, throwing a cushion, which Charlie catches in time. Both are laughing. 
Charlie puts both his hands up in mock defense, “I say this with all honesty; I don’t think Y/N cares much ‘bout what you give her, E. She sees you and that girl is as happy as Goddamn sunshine and rainbows. All there is to it.” He said, voice serious as he explained to his friend that finding material perfection isn’t the core of the anniversary. That, really, you already radiate happiness whenever you are close to him. Whenever Elvis is with you. 
It’s in this that Elvis finds himself breaking out into a smile. A smile so huge that he has to adjust the sunglasses framing his face, as they slip down just a little bit. 
“Happy Anniversary, baby.” You say, kissing him on the cheek, as you hand the carefully wrapped present to him. 
You find yourself biting on your bottom lip, nervous as hell. He unravels it quite quickly and his silence certainly doesn’t put your nerves at bay. 
“A journal.” He says, a voice in wonder and surprise. His fingers dance across the leather-bound, particularly his embroidered initials. 
“Yeah. It’s um, I know it’s a little random. But, I, just see you so lost in your mind sometimes. Many times. And I, uh, I know you talk to me. But sometimes when you don’t feel like talking to anyone, not even me- just write down what you feel. It might help. It’s not healthy to have a thousand thoughts running around in your head. I, um, like I don’t know if you like it. If you don’t that’s-“ Your nervous ramblings are cut off by his hand wrapped around your waist, pushing you forward to him as his lips meet yours. 
You are taken completely off guard by the unexpected kiss, but he is who he is, as unpredictable as ever. The kiss is passionate and soft, oh so soft that you can’t help but wrap your arms around his neck. 
You break apart, in which he rests his forehead yours. 
“I love it, honey. I love it so damn much. You are so good to me, so good to me.” He says softly, eyes glassy with tears. 
Your thumb strokes his cheek, “Really?” Your heart sighs in relief. 
He nods his head, “Mm-hmm. It’s everything. You’re everything.” 
He pulls away a little and you mistake this for meaning you should pull away as well, but instead, Elvis is quick to wrap his arms around your waist. He then brings you forward more, till you are sitting in his lap with your legs on either side of him. 
“Where did ya think you were goin’ baby?” He grins, his bottom lip between his teeth. 
You find yourself chuckling at him, “Nowhere it seems.” 
Elvis smoothly reaches to the right side of where he’s sat, and hands you a nearly wrapped small box. You guess that it is jewelry, which wouldn’t be surprising considering the previous times Elvis bought you a gift. You know how generous he is with gifting you items of luxury, and you are grateful, but it is not something you necessarily need. Being with him is enough, in all honesty. 
You remove the wrapping, and you gasp in surprise at the contents of the box. 
“It’s a dreamcatcher.” It was a delicate dreamcatcher, a silver color, and was smaller than normal ones. You examine it further and see that there seem to be words engraved on it ‘For you, my heart. To always have good dreams only.’ E.P. 
“Whatcha’ think, honey? I-I-I know you have bad dreams sometimes, and I hate that I can’t control it. But they say a dreamcatcher helps with that. I don’t want you getting no nightmares again. Is it…is it what you-“
Tears stream down your face as you wrap your arms tightly around him, “Thank you, thank you.” You whisper, overcome with emotion. 
It’s true. You’ve been prone to getting bad dreams lately, and you’ve heard about dreamcatchers before. But you always forget to find one for yourself. 
“I’m happy you like it, Y/N.” 
You slowly pull away from him, “Of course I do. You are so so thoughtful, E. It’s just what I needed, really. “
“I love you, darlin.’.” Elvis says, looking at you in wonder as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I love you so much.” You say as you find yourself tracing his features with your finger delicately. 
“Are you happy, baby?” Elvis asks.
“I am. I don’t care much about what gift you give me, having you here is already so much for me.” You say, truthfully with a wide smile, “Are you happy, Elvis?”
“I have the most beautiful girl with me, and her heart is so big and true. I-I’m one lucky son of a bitch.” He grins, and you laugh at this. 
You pull each other into a kiss, which turns into one of the many kisses that you would share that night. It was an anniversary that exceeded everything you could have ever hoped for. You mentally slapped yourself on why you worried so much about what to get him when really, that was never the thing that mattered most. 
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drtyelvisfantasy · 11 months
𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ౨ৎ ・゚: *✧・゚:*
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ℰ𝓁𝓋𝒾𝓈 𝒫𝓇ℯ𝓈𝓁ℯ𝓎
౨ৎ: Riding with the King
౨ৎ: One step at a time
౨ৎ: Coney Island Baby🛼🍦
౨ৎ: 19 Candles
౨ৎ: Hawaiian Tropic
౨ৎ: Queen of the jungle
౨ৎ: Solider Boy
𝒜𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃 ℬ𝓊𝓉𝓁ℯ𝓇
౨ৎ: Break It To Me Gently
౨ৎ: Puppy Love
౨ৎ: Pink Cadillac
౨ৎ: Prom Night Serenade
𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈 ℰ𝓋𝒶𝓃𝓈
౨ৎ: Love in the Hamptons
౨ৎ: Baby it’s cold outside
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sleekervae · 9 months
Past Lives [1.8]
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A/N: *Commence adorable flashback sequence*
Warnings: delinquency, nothing major
The sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a canvas of warm hues that gradually melted into the deep indigo of the night sky. A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and distant laughter. It was a hot summer night, and the city was alive with the magic that only such nights could bring.
In the heart of downtown Toronto, the streets were lined with charming cafes and quaint boutiques. Strings of twinkling lights hung above the sidewalks, casting a soft, golden glow on the bustling pedestrians. The night had drawn people out of their homes, and the energy in the air was palpable.
The night was alive with sensory delights. An ice cream truck parked at the corner beckoned to families with children, the promise of sweet relief from the lingering heat. The scent of freshly baked goods wafted from a nearby bakery, tempting even those who had just finished dinner.
As the night deepened, the stars above became more pronounced, scattered across the velvety sky like scattered diamonds. The distant sound of a train's horn added a touch of nostalgia, a reminder of the city's history and connection to the railway.
As the clock ticked on, the temperature began to dip, offering relief from the day's sweltering heat. Yet, the warmth of the night continued to envelop the city, inviting people to linger a little longer, to savor the fleeting moments of the summer.
All of this provided cover for eighteen-year-old Jade; mousy, slender and unassuming, one wouldn't notice her in the dark. She surveyed the chain link fence and the expanse of the park, security wasn't out tonight.
Behind her, nineteen, just about twenty-year-old Austin bit nervously at his lip, rubber necking around, his nerves getting the better of him as he foolishly followed his friend. He was excited, but apprehensive.
"I can't believe you talked me into this shit," he whispered, his voice barely audible.
Jade turned back to him, her usually long hair tied in a messy bun atop her head. Her eyes twinkled with excitement, "C'mon, I do this all the time. It'll be fun,"
She gave him a little wink as she produced a pair of wire cutters from her backpack. The metal strands of the fence yielded under the pressure, creating a small gap just wide enough for them to slip through. She crawled through first, slithering like a snake without hesitation. She dusted off her knees, motioning for Austin to follow.
Heart racing, Austin squeezed through the opening, his pulse pounding in his ears. Jade bent down to help pull him up. Once inside, the world around them transformed. The pool area was shrouded in shadows, the water reflecting the pale glow of the moon, like liquid silver.
They exchanged a triumphant grin before kicking off their shoes and peeling off their clothes to reveal their bathing suits. The cool, dew-kissed grass felt refreshing against their feet as they approached the edge of the pool.
"Last one in's a goober," Jade teased, her voice a hushed but excited whisper.
"What are you -- eight?" he asked, amused nevertheless.
"Come on!"
Austin rolled his eyes, a laugh bubbling from his lips. Without another word, they took a running leap and plunged into the water. The shock of the coolness enveloped them, stealing their breath momentarily. But as they resurfaced, the thrill of their spontaneous adventure surged through their veins.
They swam side by side, their movements fluid and effortless. The water felt like a secret they had unlocked—a hidden world they now shared. The pool's stillness magnified the sound of their laughter, echoing off the tiles and fading into the night.
As they floated on their backs, gazing up at the stars, Jade whispered, "And you doubted me"
"Okay, okay I admit, this is awesome," he corrected, a playful grin tugging at his lips as he turned to her, "You're pretty awesome,"
Jade's heart fluttered, thankful for the darkness lest the moon reveal the deep blush in her cheeks. She was keeping herself together for the most part, half naked with her friend in a public pool, so close to him. It was rebellious, scandalous; if her mother knew what she was doing she'd certainly keel over. All she told her was that she was hanging out with Austin, and she was lucky that her mom liked him.
"I know," with that, she turned over and dove back under the surface.
Austin didn't do stuff like this. He was usually the quieter type, didn't make waves, kept his head down and worked his butt off. If his agent found out what they were doing, he would surely be eaten alive. But right now he didn't care: filming was long and tedious, the heat was unbearable sometimes. So when Jade had suggested they break into the city public pool, he was skeptical. But he ought to have known better than to doubt her, she brought him so far out of his shell.
Hours slipped by, and the two friends lost track of time in the embrace of the water. Eventually, shivers began to run through their bodies, a sign that the late-night swim was coming to an end.
Reluctantly, they pulled themselves out of the pool, water droplets shimmering on their skin like liquid diamonds. They wrapped themselves in towels they had brought along and settled on the edge of the pool, catching their breath.
"You wanna do this again?" Jade asked, a coy smile on her face.
Austin nodded in agreement, a contented expression on his face. "Yeah, but maybe next time during the day and without the whole breaking-in thing,"
Jade rolled her eyes, nudging his shoulder, "You're such a baby,"
"No, I just don't want to get arrested," he pointed out.
"Fair," she nodded, "You're too pretty to go to jail, anyway. You might end up becoming somebody's girlfriend,"
They shared a laugh, their bond stronger than ever as they sat there, savoring the serenity of the night and the memory of their daring midnight dip.
Jade had often thought back to that night; it was a memory she cherished most. Her youth was a cluster of impulsive, stupid decisions, wishful thinking, and stars in her eyes when she thought about her future. She had so much hope for herself back then, so many plans and things she had wanted to do.
She had been nursing a crush on Austin for a while, whether or not she had wanted to admit it to herself was a whole other can of worms. When Jade had embraced her knack for song writing, only then did her feelings truly reveal themselves. The music she was writing was wistfully romantic, imagining incredibly luscious, fantastic adventures that she could only dream of.
Her first major hit, 'Roman Holiday', captured all of that. However, Jade soon realized the damage she had done to herself when she was writing that song. It was clear when she read over it that she was writing about Austin, and by that time he was already getting settled in his new relationship. She didn't release it for a while, fearing people would figure her out, call her out for her crush. Though the moment she did, it was clear that nobody really gave a shit about who it was about more than what it was about.
That song, and much of her first album helped spearhead the iconic 2013-14 Tumblr era. The subculture of being funky and weird and a passionate poet was in and it definitely helped boost Jade's music career.
Of course, Jade was older now; she was a little wiser. And her song writing looked quite different, or so her producer, Zakk, mentioned. They were listening to the very raw recordings of Jade's progress. She had a few solid tracks she was confident in, 'Evergreen' being one. Being back in Toronto, with her family and in familiar surroundings pushed her to sit on her reflections, some more uncomfortable others.
"I think I felt God strike me from the top Humbled my ass real quick I thought I had it all, but it went wrong Felt like an acid trip Bite my tongue, right my wrongs But I don't wanna deal with it"
Her voice floated beautifully along with the soft chords of her guitar, and Zakk nodded his head approvingly to the music.
"'Cause no one gives a damn shit less you're dead Or you're seventeen, an overnight prodigy, Everyone could care less 'til you're dead Or you're sеventeen, I wanna be evеrgreen"
Zakk had worked on a couple of Jade's previous albums, attuned to her unique and alternative sound, as well as her writing style. He watched her grow as an artist and a visionary, and he couldn't have been more proud to see her progress now.
"Damn," he finally responded when the demo ended. They had spent the last ten minutes reviewing her recordings, and Jade had her heart in her throat as she awaited his critiques. 'American Whore' was definitely in the running to be on her album.
"What do you think?" she asked tentatively.
He was silent at first, mulling over her sounds, her stories, "I think you've never been more honest in your writing, and I fucking love it," he told her, grinning like a proud father despite the fact that they were the same age.
She let out a collective sigh, relieved, but still apprehensive, "What would you say if I told you the label wants an album by the end of the year?"
Zakk's smile fell; he rolled his eyes, closed the laptop and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was often dismayed by corporate deadlines, no matter whether it was his bosses, hers, or society. He lived by the golden rule that you simply couldn't rush art.
"Do you think you'll be ready by then?" he asked her.
She shook her head, "Not at all,"
"Thank I say 'get fucked'. We're gonna' take our time," he decided, "And if they have a problem, they can come kiss my ass,"
"Classy," Jade nodded back.
Zakk rolled away from the desk and towards his switch board, "How many are fully written? Let's get some acapella done today and it'll set the course for your sound," he turned to her, "Is there a particular sound you're going for?"
She shrugged back, "Nothing super cohesive, yet. I got two slow ballads, two alt tracks and a classic rock song," that last one, 'Butterflies', was another particular favourite of hers. It was bombastic, fast paced, serving as an antonym for its title and expressed the anger she had kept bottled up within her.
Zakk paused, running through her demos in his head as he turned to her, puzzled, "You have two ballads?" he could recall 'American Whore', he couldn't recall the other one.
Jade realized she'd let it slip; she was still undecided on 'Little Death'. -- at least, that was the working title -- and she hadn't played it for Zakk. Mainly because -- and much to her chagrin -- it was about Austin; and she wasn't sure she should be incorporating him so much into her album.
"... Yeah," she admitted, "It's a love song,"
Zakk chuckled under his breath, "Didn't you tell me a few months ago you were swearing off love songs?"
She averted her gaze to her boots, "Yeah... well... you could say I got inspired,"
"Do you want to play it?" he asked her, trying to gauge her mood, "You know I don't care who it's about -- even if it's about anybody,"
"I know. But this isn't gonna' be a love album, anyway," she pointed out.
He scoffed back, "Call me cynical, but all the best love songs -- truly great love ballads -- tend to come from the albums not trying for love. They just feel it. You have the demo?"
She shook her head. He rolled back over to the desk, "What about the actual song? You have that on you?"
She nodded then, "... You want me to play it?"
"Is the pope catholic?"
Jade sighed heavily, her limbs suddenly felt very heavy. Nevertheless she grabbed the guitar he had hanging off his wall, got comfy with it on her lap and took some tentative strokes of the strings. If there was one thing she had to credit Zakk for, it was his persistence. He sometimes had to wrangle music out of her, more often than not the stuff she was afraid to play, that showed her vulnerabilities, was the stuff that garnered the most success. She took a deep breath as she began to sing the first few lines,
"I would drown in your holy water Got a taste, now I'm going under And let the world just fade away Treat me bad like no one's daughter Body bag, baby I'm a goner And let it all just fade away,"
She couldn't help her voice shaking as she sang, the guitar chords memorized in her fingers as she hit every note, every melody with perfection.
"Just put your hands around my throat Ain't been to heaven but I'm close Your love is a murder Your love is a murder I'll let you touch me sweet and slow Just take my body and my soul Your love is a murder Your love is a murder"
Zakk sat back in awe, taking in her everything. He noted how she kept her eyes closed, letting herself become lost in the story she was weaving, reliving every word that passed her lips.
"In your bed just the way that God made me Cover me up, baby, just lay me In the dirt 'til I'm pushing up daisies, You got a dark side and it don't phase me Cover me up, baby, just lay me In the dirt 'til I'm pushing up daisies,"
The last twang of the guitar faded out peacefully, and Zakk's silence weighed heavily on Jade. She was apprehensive about this song, not only for Austin, not to stay "on theme", but because it felt a little too personal. She hadn't felt this way since writing 'Roman Holiday'.
Zakk began to smile, "That's clearly for somebody," he noted.
She scoffed back, "You just said you didn't care," she pointed out.
"I don't. But every time you lose yourself in a song -- like you just did -- you're reliving something special. It's beautiful, Jade," he replied.
She sloughed back in her seat, letting the guitar rest agains the desk. She was mad because Zakk was right, her mind raced to the same place over and over whenever she played that song. His house, his bed sheets, his warm chest, dark eyes, the smell and the vibe. Austin was everything in this song; whether she liked it or not, he was penetrating every part of her, killing her slowly. So 'Little Death' seemed like an appropriate working title; straight up 'Murder' was another. It would certainly push her love for paradoxes.
"I'm glad you like it," was all she'd said.
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Austin had never been happier to receive a phone call than when he had Callum's. He'd flown into town for a new project, but he was more than happy to make time for his friend. Of course, the one place he knew he had to take him was Santa Monica Pier.
The scent of cotton candy and freshly baked treats wafted from the snack stalls, tempting passersby with sweet indulgence. The colorful blur of a Ferris wheel spun against the backdrop of the ocean, its brightly lit capsules carrying passengers high above the water, providing sweeping views of the coastline.
At the end of the pier, the iconic Santa Monica Pier sign stood tall, a symbol of a timeless connection between land and sea. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky painted a masterpiece of warm oranges and deep purples, casting a tranquil aura over the bustling scene.
"Boys in the Boat?"
"Yeah. Never quite taken to boating, but if George Clooney's directing, I'll learn how to tame a lion if he asks," It was clear Callum wasn't used to the West coast heat, even in February as he fanned himself off with the neck of his shirt. Austin meanwhile was unbothered, the only show of the heat was the thin film of sweat dotting at his forehead.
Austin simpered, "I don't see him working on the Greatest Showman sequel, I think you're safe," he replied.
"Reckon so," he said, "Did Tarantino ever ask you to do anything crazy?"
"Riding a horse," he replied, "My first day, I didn't even have one leg up before he threw me off,"
"Fucking hell," Callum laughed, "Tell me you landed arse-first?"
"... Sure,"
"Ah well," he shrugged, "You looked cool anyway. What else is new with you?
"Nothing, really," he wiped the sweat from his brow as he spoke.
Callum cocked a brow, "Nothing? You bought yourself a house, didn't ya? Settle back into life? Reconnect with friends?"
"Oh sure, I did all of that," he replied.
"No girlfriends?"
He shook his head, blinded momentarily by the glare of the busker's trumpet in the sunlight, "Afraid not,"
"Well, that's a shame," he marvelled, "What about Florence's friend?"
"Jade?" he said her name a little too quickly, licked the salt off of his lips, "She's just my friend,"
Callum gave him a wanton look, incredulous, "Not what those pictures said," he pointed out.
"You believe everything you read?" Austin scoffed back.
"I believed the little pep in your step you had when you came back to the table," he replied.
"We've been friends since we were teenagers,"
"Mate, you went home with her. Raff was bloody steaming!"
Austin shook his head, relenting finally, "Alright, so I kissed her,"
"Just once?" Callum smirked.
"... In public, anyway,"
His English counterpart laughed, "Aye, nice mate!"
Austin chuckled under his breath, "Keep that to yourself," he pleaded.
"Of course!"
They stopped along the railing, gazing out at the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, where the horizon seemed to stretch endlessly. Seagulls soared overhead, their cries merging with the distant music and the waves below.
Callum turned to him, perching his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, "Mathilda's coming out in a couple weeks, maybe we ought to double date? She always wanted to see Disney Land," he suggested.
As lovely as that sounded, Austin shook his head, "We're not together in that sense," he said.
"In what sense is it, then?" Callum asked.
"No strings attached," Austin replied bluntly.
"That was her idea?"
"How do you know it wasn't mine?"
Callum glowered, "Because you've been looking miffed since we've been talking about her. What's eating you?"
Austin shook his head, keeping his eye on the rippling sea below, "I think I wanna' attach some strings,"
"And she doesn't?"
Austin didn't know how else to explain, other than to start from the beginning. He swore Callum to secrecy, of course. He talked about their situation, Jade's reservations about relationships, the music she was writing, revealed how equally jealous and disappointed he was when he found out about Jade's date. Callum was at a loss for words at first, he could picture this very scene playing out in some corny romance movie. Though it was clear on Austin's face that this wasn't a joke or a post-method phase he was going through. He had fallen for Jade, he seemed to deflate as soon as he'd finished talking.
Callum gave a low whistle, "Shit. That's a lot,"
"Dating's complicated enough when you're a normal person. Tack on fame, fortune, and the eternal curse of everybody nabbing a piece off'a you, it's near impossible," he mulled.
"No kidding,"
"Does Jade know how you feel?"
"Doubtful," he huffed, "I don't want to put that kind of pressure on her, she's got a lot going on,"
"Sure, but so do you. And if you have time to have an existential crisis over this, then I'm sure she does, too," Callum pointed out.
Austin scoffed, "I'm not having a crisis,"
"If we had pints between us, I'd bet yours would be bone dry by now," he replied, "Look, there's no harm in trying, neither in being honest. If you want her, you should tell her. You should tell her all you’ve been feeling and then ask her how she’s been feeling too. How she feels about what you told her. She can't read your mind, you know?"
Austin nodded, "I know. Even I don’t know what’s going on with me half the time. And if I lose her, then she's gone forever. I don't wanna' jeopardize what we got, already,"
Callum tutted, "You're thirty, Austin,"
“And you need to be a man. You want her, right? You want this to work?” 
“Yes, if she wants it, too,” the younger man confirmed. 
“That’s already something, isn’t it?” Callum encouraged him. 
Again, Austin nodded.
"I suggest that you reflect on it a little. Think about how you feel when you were with her, when you took a pause, when you were without her. Now, I'm not saying it would be easy, but there are things you guys are gonna' have to compromise on. Be realistic. Make them small things, just two or three. Show her that you care, reach out. That’s all it takes to make a conversation work. I’m sure she'll appreciate the effort,” he moved his hand to Austin's shoulder, “And remember to ask her what she doesn’t like. Be empathetic. Suggest improvements for the both of you. That’s what women appreciate: empathy,”
Austin blinked back, ideas spinning as Callum's words echoed in his ears. He started to smile, and Callum became excited.
"You got an idea?" he asked.
"I got a couple," he nodded.
Soon enough the sun began to set, bathing the pier in a warm red glow. People equally funnelled in and out of the board walk, the noise heightening, the heat began to die down.
Austin shoved his hands into his pockets, his thumb brushing anxiously against his phone screen, "You still wanna' do the hike tomorrow?"
"Nah, I can't," Callum shook his head, "Forgot, I have a thing,"
Austin glanced at him curiously, "Just like that?"
"Just like that," he nodded, "... I can think of someone else who might wanna' go," Austin laughed to himself, "What's funny?"
"Jade never really liked hiking,"
Callum simpered, "Something tells me she might tough it out for you,"
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It had been a couple of days since Jade and Austin had spoken. He had told her Callum was in town and she wanted to give him his space with his friend. More than anything, she figured it would be best for her to start distancing herself from Austin, their last in-person conversation continuing to float in the recesses of her brain.
So, she was quite surprised when he had phoned her that afternoon. She was clicking through designers that Cam had sent her, needing her to pick out a dress for the Batman premiere. She would have to jet out to New York in a couple of weeks, but truth be told she wasn't as excited as she should've been. Nevertheless, she picked up Austin's call.
"Hey," even through the speaker, his voice was like liquid gold, "Whatcha' doing?"
"I'm tablet shopping for gowns," she replied, trying not to sound too disinterested.
"Oh? For the Batman premiere, or just for fun?" he asked.
"A little of both," she admitted, "What're you doing?"
"I just got home, I was at the pier today," he replied.
"Santa Monica?"
"Beautiful," her eye suddenly caught on a long, slinky black gown, the skirt near completely see through. She was intrigued, "How's Callum?"
"He's good, he says hi," he replied, "We were supposed to hang out tomorrow, but he's got a thing,"
"That's too bad," Jade tapped on the Michael Costello dress, only half listening at the moment, "You gonna' take the day off?"
"Yeah. But I was wondering if you were free tomorrow?" he asked suddenly.
She paused at that, "Um... yeah! Yeah, I got nothing going on," she replied, "What did you wanna' do?"
He inhaled sharply before he spoke, the idea taking Jack aback a little, "You like hiking?"
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galaxygirl453 · 2 years
⚠️My content is going to be about dark stuff maybe really dark stuff so if you don't like it don't read it and block me⚠️
⚠️I do NOT condone these stuff in real life I just like writing these stuff and read it because the writings are amazing once again I do NOT condone these stuff!⚠️
⚠️I will NOT tolerate or respect people who will hate on me or hate on others who create this content⚠️
⚠️I will be mostly doing Yandere,toxic,mean,and more dark themes/content!⚠️
⚠️If I get any hate or anything to do with harming me or anything related to that I will not hesitate to block you or report you⚠️
⚠️I will be doing⚠️
~ Incest/step-incest
~ Stalking
~ Yandere themes
~ Toxic Themes
~ Dark stuff like Manipulation,gas lighting and more
~ Smut
~Dub-con/Non-con (for innocent reader only)
~CNC (Consensual Non-Consent)
~ And more
⚠️Things I will NOT do⚠️
~ Non-con/Dub-con/rape (for regular reader)
~ Foot Fetish
~ Piss kink
~ Anal stuff like pegging
~ Armpit stuff
~ Food play
~ Transgender,gender neutral or male reader (I'm sorry for people who are males,gender neutral or transgender)
· I mostly do Austin,Olivia,Vanessa,Elvis,Priscilla, Austin!Elvis,Olivia!Priscilla and anything related to that and am working on star wars stuff which is one the master list
· I DON'T do twilight anymore so that won't be on this Master list only things I'm doing
💞= Multiple relationships.
🕯=Light Dark/A Little Dark
💉= Very Dark
Vanessa Hudgens
Musical love 🔥🕯💞
His secret,her treasure🔥💞
Mafia's housewife (coming soon)
Austin Butler
His secret,her treasure 🔥💞
Their College Love (coming soon)
Brothers and sister-in-law knows best (coming soon)
Baby sitter Alabama (coming soon)
Mafia's housewife (coming soon)
Love Of A Maid (coming soon)
Watch It Doll (coming soon)
Daddy's Naive Princess (coming soon)
Helping Hand To Relax (coming soon)
Co$t Of Being Loved (coming soon)
Ride Of Lust (coming soon)
His Sick Pleasure And True Color (coming soon)
Trapped In A Lie (coming soon)
Trapped In His Beautiful Cage (coming soon)
Past And Future (coming soon)
Obsessed With Your Obsession (coming soon)
Mrs.Baby Butler,Daddy's Here Now (coming soon)
Olivia Dejonge
Mafia's housewife (coming soon)
Love Of A Maid (coming soon)
Elvis Presley
Musical love 🔥🕯💞
Their College Love (coming soon)
Brothers and sister-in-law knows best (coming soon)
Mafia's housewife (coming soon)
Love Of A Maid (coming soon)
Ride Of Lust (coming soon)
Priscilla Presley
Their College Love (coming soon)
Brothers and sister-in-law knows best (coming soon)
Mafia's housewife (coming soon)
Love Of A Maid (coming soon)
Past And Future (coming soon)
Obsessed With Your Obsession (coming soon)
Ride Of Lust (coming soon)
My Best Friend's Sister (coming soon)
(Nothing yet)
Anakin Skywalker
Bound To Darkness ( Coming soon)
Thee Princess Of Naboo (coming soon)
Padme Amidala
Bound To Darkness ( Coming soon)
Thee Princess Of Naboo (coming soon)
Obi-wan Kenobi
Thee Princess Of Naboo (coming soon)
Ewan McGregor
(Nothing yet)
Hayden Christensen
(Nothing yet)
81 notes · View notes
headfullofpresley · 8 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Word count: 7,1K
Series summary: Elvis has worked hard to become the successful adult movie director that he is today and all that hard work is paying off by how well the public reacts to his work and how much money is coming into his bank account, despite the fact that porn is still very much illegal. Working in the adult industry is not something you saw yourself doing despite coming from a place where it always has been out in the open, but you soon find yourself swept up and away by a certain American director and right into the heart of the porn industry. The only question that remains is... will you sink, or will you swim?
Chapter summary: Elvis shows you around on set and despite your doubts about the adult industry being the right place for you, you decide to be a big girl and take part in a scene. Things don't go too well all because of that pesky virginity of yours and the ever so charming director makes you an offer you can't (and won't) refuse.
Warnings: porn director!Elvis, AU, strong language, the porn industry, sexual innuendos and all that, reader is kind of eager to lose her V-card, smut; fingering, oral (f. receiving), vaginal penetration, unprotected sex.
A/N: hi hello! honestly, i'm not too proud of this chapter woooops and i just wanted to get the smut over and done with bc... i wanna get to the angst 👀- i have ideas for this series, y'all. it won't be a very long one the way i have it planned now but like i said before it'll have heavier themes in it and y'all already know i'm a sucker for angst. so i hope you guys will stick around until the end and i hope y'all still enjoy this chapter nonetheless! 💗
read chapter 1 here | want to be added to the taglist? just ask!
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You’d never been on a movie set a day in your life.
While most of the movies that were playing in theaters in your country were imported all the way from the States, the Netherlands had some passionated local directors and actors as well. You belonged to neither groups and therefor, you had never set foot on a movie set.
Let alone an adult movie set.
The set Elvis had rented out for some of the indoor scenes was located ten minutes out of the city center. You recognized the abandoned factory from the outside and the state of it made an eerie feeling crawl up your spine. Maybe you shouldn’t have come here in the first place. Maybe this had all been a mistake.
But before you could turn yourself and your bike around and leave this crazy, impulsive idea of yours behind, you heard a heavy door open and slam shut again, followed by a booming, amused sounding man.
The American.
“You’re not leavin’ so soon, are ya?”
You clenched your steerring wheel in your hands and looked up at the raven haired man, suddenly were very aware of that you didn’t really know him. You were growing more nervous, though were still trying not to show it, but it was like this man was a goddamn mind reader – at least, when it came to you.
He saw right through you.
A cigarette dangling on the corner of his lower lip, he stepped forward to you (you didn’t miss how he only had to take three steps, because he was perfectly tall) and put his hands on the steerring wheel of your bike. As you looked up into his eyes, he looked down straight into yours – the playful grin that was settled on his face, making his eyes gleam with a hint of mischief, made your heart do a sommersault in your chest.
He really was gorgeous, yet that still didn’t take the nerves that were swirling through the pit of your stomach away. If anything, it only made you more nervous.
“Who said anything about leaving? I just need to put my bike somewhere,” you quickly said, trying to sound as playful as you could and not like you were a scared little bird.
Which honestly, you weren’t. You wouldn’t think of yourself that way- virgin or not, you truly couldn’t turn back now. While you hadn’t set foot inside the building yet, and technically could still get the hell out of dodge, your brain was telling you you were already in too deep.
Elvis nodded as he took a drag from his cigarette, that grin that made his eyes twinkle still planted on his face, and he watched you put your bike against the wall near the door he just came out of. He didn’t comment on the fact that you didn’t lock it or whatsoever and you had just made up an excuse on the whim, you were trying to leave, but he was glad you decided not to. Flicking his cigarette away, he blew out some smoke from the corner of his mouth and nodded his head toward the door as he strided over to it, pushing it open for you to go inside first.
You did and immediately you wanted to turn back around.
The old factory was as old and torn down on the inside as it was on the outside. Now maybe if you were a veteran pornstar, this would’ve been fine- you would have been a professional and would know what to do. But you weren’t and you were beginning to doubt if you were made for this kind of life.
Was this even something you wanted?
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” The director next to you spoke up as he noticed the way you were looking around as if you had just arrived in hell itself. The way your name rolled off his tongue so casually yet comforting had goosebumps rising on the back of your neck. “I ain’t gonna let you do anythin’ you don’t want, ya hear? ‘M just gonna show you around a little,”
You looked at him and although he looked like the kind of man that could get anyone to do anything he wanted to with a snap of his fingers, the little smile he was now giving you seemed sincere. Perhaps you were reading this stranger all wrong, but you trusted him.
It wasn’t like you had much to lose.
He held out his hand for you and you breathed out a deep sigh, laughing a little at the whole situation as you took his hand. He squeezed it softly as he laced your fingers together and gently tugged you further along inside the building, following the hushed voices that echoed through the big, grim space.
Camera’s and light equipments were planted in one corner, all facing and following the male actor that had a female co-star pressed against the wall, her skirt pulled up to her waist as he was pulling out soft, erotic moans from her as he had three fingers shoved inside of her.
The sight made your heart skip a beat- you didn’t know whether it was in excitement, or because you were still so goddamn nervous.
“I thought you lost the actress?” you whispered to Elvis who was still standing next to you, looking up at him. You had no idea how the film industry worked- but was he lying to you already? Why did he even offer you the position if there was a perfectly fine girl over there getting fingered?
And why in the hell did you accept?
Elvis looked away from the scene and grinned, his arms folded loosely against his chest as his blue eyes bored into yours. His voice sounded even deeper as he whispered back to you.
“I did. She’s just a stand-in,” he said, pointing to one of the camera’s. “See that? She’s only getting filmed from the waist down. I’m hopin’ that you’ll be the one on that camera soon enough,”
You stopped your eyes from widening and looked back at him, muffling a soft chuckle in the palm of your hand before you ran it through your hair. You looked around the set once more- even though the girl was just a stand-in, she looked like she was genuinely enjoying herself. Everyone seemed professional and completely focused on doing a good job on what they came here to do. Perhaps it was your virgin mind that was a little flushed at the sight before you, but part of you wanted this despite the nerves and doubts that lingered in the back of your mind too.
You wanted out of the usual routine of normal and dull life in Amsterdam. You wanted more than waiting tables and getting smacked on the ass by men that could’ve been your father or even grandfather.
You wanted more out of life.
And you were always determined to get what you wanted. Virginity and inexperience be damned.
“Well, I asked you before,” you grinned at him, spilling the words before you’d swallow them. “When do I start?”
Everyone Elvis worked with was very nice. They weren’t weird, oversexed maniacs like some people often made a crowd like this seem like. They were normal people that just happened to have a job that was slightly different from others to put bread on the table and get by.
They made you feel comfortable, as if you were among a big group of friends.
And before you knew it, you were put in a similar outfit the stand-in girl, which went by the name of Tiffany, was wearing before. The production was bigger than you expected because the make-up you had so carefully put on yourself this morning was wiped off and redone by a make-up lady who was taking advice from Elvis himself.
Apparently, he liked the lead actress to have a heavier, dark eye make-up look and when she was done and you saw yourself in the mirror, you almost didn’t recognize yourself.
You liked it.
Maybe this way, you could put your true self in the background and develop a new character in front of the camera. A character that was, according to Elvis, supposed to be innocent and naive and looking for the attention of the guy she was head over heels for, which would be Tommy, the lead actor, and would do anything to get it. You don’t even remember his character’s name, because everything was going so fast.
One minute you were standing around talking and getting familiar to Tommy, and the next you were in the same position you saw Tiffany in earlier on camera.
Back pressed against the wall, skirt up to your waist and Tommy’s hand slipping into your panties.
Now as he caressed his fingertips through your folds, you winced softly and Elvis immediately called to stop filming. Tommy took his head out of your neck and his hand out of your panties, keeping his voice low as if nobody else was allowed to hear this.
“You’re as dry as a cork,”
In any other situation, maybe you would’ve laughed at his comment, but right now you were mortified. You had touched yourself before, obviously, but you’d never experienced this before. When doing it yourself, you had no issues producing the much needed moisture. But it was as if your body was shutting down due to your nerves and when Elvis walked over to the two of you, you figured this would be the end of it.
He’d ‘fire’ you and you could go home and continue on with your boring ol’ life. And maybe that was for the best.
“What’s goin’ on, honey?” He asked as he placed a hand on the wall next to your head, Tommy standing on the other side of you. These two handsome men made you realize there would probably be plenty of girls, beginning actresses in the adult industry, that wanted to be in your spot. From what Tiffany told you as she helped you get into your little clothing that was needed for the scene, Tommy Sands was a big name in porn.
“Nothing! Nothing.. truly. I just need some time getting used to all the camera’s and stuff, I think,” you lied, flashing him the sweetest smile you could muster. You had no idea why you were trying so hard to make this work, or perhaps you did- not only were you stubborn by nature and always felt the need to prove yourself to mostly… yourself, you also knew you needed money.
You were without a job and you still had an apartment to pay rent for every month.
Elvis squinted his eyes a little at you, as if he could see right through you. If he did, he didn’t comment on it.
“Best thing to do is to just relax and pretend the camera’s ain’t here. It’s just you and Tommy,” he smiled at you and you looked at Tommy, who was wearing the same friendly smile as he nodded his head. Elvis continued when you looked back at him. “Think you can do that?”
You inhaled a sharp breath of air and nodded, not knowing if you actually could, but you had to try. Elvis grinned and very softly pinched your cheek. “Atta girl,” with that, he turned around and walked back to his spot next to the camera man.
Your heart was leaping pathetically in your chest and it wasn’t because Tommy Sands’ lips were back in your neck.
Brown eyes, sandy blonde hair, plumb pink lips and a perfectly gorgeous Colgate smile- Tommy Sands sure was a looker.
You figured if he wouldn’t be in porn, he could easily be the kind of idol nations worldwide swooned over. Yet, he wasn’t doing much for you.
The lube that was there to help you along with the scene only did the trick for a few minutes but every time Tommy’s long fingers were prodding at your entrance, you panicked and Elvis roared out a “cut!”. You were stressing yourself out, thinking that Elvis was annoyed at you for being what you figured was difficult, but he just assured you with that sweet smile and those twinkling blue eyes every time.
You wished he could take Tommy’s place.
Still, you didn’t give up and finally, with enough lube to last a lifetime, Tommy managed to slip one finger inside of you. You were supposed to moan for the camera as if you were thoroughly enjoying this, but truth was, it felt uncomfortable. And it was showing.
Elvis stopped filming once more and Tommy walked away to the side to bum a cigarette off of someone.
“I’m so sorry, Elvis. I didn’t know this would happen, but I’m sure if we try it again, I’ll be fine and-“
“Honey, did’ya ever do this before?”
“Having sex in front of a camera?”
“No, not that. Jus’ having sex.” With that infamous grin on his face, he looked down at you as if he caught you right in the middle of the act.
Which he had. You were busted, but you wouldn’t go down so easily.
You snorted as you folded your arms, letting out a soft playful scoff to add to your theatrics. “What? Ofcourse I have. I had sex plenty of times with plenty of people,”
Elvis knew that wasn’t true. He’d been in this industry long enough to know that you’d never been touched by a man in your entire life and while that wasn’t a problem for him, he knew losing your virginity on camera wasn’t an ideal situation. And despite the lead character’s innocent-like personality, he did not want this for you.
Leaning in a little closer to you, he looked into your eyes and trapped you against the wall as his hand once more came up to be placed against the concrete next to your head. “Y/N, listen to me,” he whispered lowly, the seriousness in his voice making your heart go wild against your ribcage. “Ain’t nothing wrong with being a virgin, I still want you as my lead actress, but I jus’ wish you would’ve told me. I told you when you got here that I don’t want you doin’ nothing you don’t want and I don’t believe you’d want to pop your cherry in a movie for the whole world to see. I don’t want that for you.”
You bit your tongue as you looked up at him, not even realizing you were holding your breath until it came out in a deep sigh and a breathless laugh. You felt a little foolish.
“You’re right, I should’ve told you,” you agreed, pulling your skirt down. “I guess that sums up my porn career,”
He laughed and shook his head a little, putting his knuckles on his hips as he was still hovering over you. “Didn’t ya hear what I jus’ said? I still want you in this movie. You ain’t goin’ anywhere,”
He didn’t know what it was about you, but he was intrigued and he found himself unable to let you walk out of here. You had been so sassy and confident when he first met you at the café but he knew that was only because you needed to survive in that God awful place. Something told him that deep down inside, there was a girl hidden that had so much to offer to the world and he had decided right then and there that it was his duty to help you.
He wanted to give you the world and he wanted to give the world you.
“I know a lot of people can fake an orgasm, but virginity is not something you can easily hide in a movie like this, Elvis,” you pointed out sarcastically, though he could see by the little grin on your face that the comment was still lighthearted.
“You got that right, honey, but it is something I can help you with,”
The words came out before he could stop himself. Elvis Presley never slept with an actress, no matter how many offers he had gotten. He was purely professional and it was also because he didn’t like the fact that he had seen them get fucked on camera and then had to do the fucking himself. But with you, he found himself thinking what it would be like to be in Tommy’s shoes.
How it would feel like to pop that little cherry of yours.
And you… well, you agreed.
To you, your virginity was only a nuisance. It was stopping you from making the money you needed and living the life you wanted to life. You wanted to get rid off this pesky little thing and if such a fine looking man like Director Presley was offering himself up for the job, you’d be a fool to turn him down.
So you didn’t.
“I guess if it has to happen, it’s now or never. Besides, you’re not such a bad candidate,”
Elvis laughed at your comment, rolling his eyes as he gently bumped your chin with his knuckles.
“You got that right, kid,”
He was a perfect gentleman though- you spend the rest of the afternoon talking on the balcony of his hotel room, enjoying some last rays of sun before the moon would take its place. Elvis told you about his life and you told him about yours. You trusted this silly American for whatever reason and it just felt right. You learned how passionate Elvis was about his work and that he wasn’t just in it to see people screw on camera- he was a storyteller and he assured you that the sex scenes in his movies weren’t just two people going at it like rabbits. There were emotions in there, there was a story to be told. This was one of the things that made him so big in the industry, because his movies didn’t only cater to men. It drew women in just as much; because it captured women in a light that told the public, “Look here, women like to have sex. They love to make love and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.”
Filming was cut short for the rest of the day, which the crew and cast were happy about as they all went back to their hotel to get ready and explore more of Amsterdam. You were being swooped away by Elvis to his hotel and although the topic of him taking your virginity wasn’t spoken about between the two of you anymore, you knew it was lingering on the horizon.
Sure, it got backlash from the male viewers sometimes too, as they’d complain scenes would be too “soft”, but Elvis didn’t give a damn.
He was happy with his work, and so were plenty of other people that praised him for it.
In return to Elvis’ honesty and pretty much life story, you told him yours which was far less interesting. You were alone in the big city because your parents passed when you were younger- you were raised by an aunt in a neighboring small town but as soon as you started working and saved up enough money, you went back to Amsterdam and started a life of your own. Or at least, you tried to. Jobs were hard to come by these days but you ‘lucked’ out and got hired at the café, which made just enough to afford rent. By no means were you living a luxury life or even a comfortable one at that because you were working until your feet were numb only to make ends meet. And then Elvis Presley wandered in, promising you the life of luxury you’d daydream about and offering you to let your pretty little feet rest.
Perhaps there was a reason you and him met, after all.
As the sun went down, Elvis ordered room service while you took a shower and washed off the make-up that you were still wearing from the shoot. Not bothered by your bare face, you walked back into the spacious bedroom after drying your hair and putting it up in a high ponytail, towel wrapped around your body.
Elvis looked up as he sat on the edge of the bed, raising an eyebrow as he took a deep, long drag from his cigarette. His oceanic eyes followed your every move as you walked closer to him, taking him by surprise when you slowly dropped the towel to a puddle by your feet- he did his damnest to hide that surprise though and a grin curled the corner of his mouth instead.
“You don’t wanna eat first?”
You shook your head as you took one more step forward, standing in between his slightly parted legs. Taking the cigarette out of his mouth, you took a drag from it and Elvis watched you for several seconds before his hands settled on your hips.
Above all, he was a man. And here you were, standing right in front of his nose butt naked. No way in hell he wasn’t going to respond.
No words had to be spoken as he ran his hands up your sides, making you giggle softly at the ticklish feeling. You quickly discarded the cigarette in the ash tray on the bedside table before you put your hands on his shoulders, while his hands were moving to gently cup your breasts. He looked up at you and as soon as you looked down at him and gave him a little smile, he took it as consent and suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer as his mouth was latched onto your breasts right that second.
He kissed them gently but there was a certain kind of determination hidden in his actions and you felt it as he swirled his tongue around one of your nipples, teeth sinking into the sensitive bud very lightly. Your body reacted instantly and where you had lacked in arousal earlier today, you were sure that wouldn’t be an issue tonight.
Not with this man.
He groaned softly against your skin as he felt your nails running through his hair, caressing along his scalp, and just like yours, his body responded. Before you knew it, he had you on your back on the soft, luscious bed. Your heart was hammering in your chest as his marshmallow lips were kissing their way down your stomach and to your inner thighs, being everywhere except the spot you wanted them most.
The whole ordeal barely started and you didn’t have anything or anyone to compared it to, but you already felt like you were in Heaven.
The small gasp that came from you as he slipped his fingers through your folds caused Elvis to grin and he propped one elbow in the mattress as he was laying on his stomach, face hovering above your pussy, looking up at you. He held his fingertips up, spreading them to show you the string of slick that was connecting to the two digits.
“Maybe Tommy just wasn’t doin’ it for ya, huh?” He smirked and you bit your lip as you watched him pop his fingers into his mouth, sucking your wetness off of them. A whole new wave of arousal washed over you and Elvis could see it in your eyes. Even if you had a response ready for him, he didn’t give you time to give it because as soon as he leaned his head down and you felt his tongue lick through your folds, flicking against your clit, a moan that you didn’t know you were holding in filled the room.
Tommy Sands was the last damn person on your mind- the only one you could think about was the raven haired director with the gorgeous blue eyes that was currently giving you the heavenly experience of being eaten out.
And he was good at it- damn, was he good. He knew just the right thing to do. He definitely used those pillowy, soft lips to his advantage and it worked wonders on all of your senses that were on high alert.
His arms came around your thighs to hold them spread, his long lashes caressing his cheekbones as his eyes were closed while he was moaning lowly right into your folds, sending a vibrating tingle through your bones. You could barely keep still, arching your back and hiding your face as you put your arms over it. You didn’t know what you were hiding from, you didn’t know why you were trying to get away from him when the feeling got a little too intense sometimes, but the man in between your legs wasn’t having it.
He pulled you right back, closer to his face again, and put his arm across your lower abdomen to trap you against the bed. You could feel him smirking as he looked up at you while his tongue was slithering through your slick before it flicked against your clit at an ungodly speed. You propped your elbows into the bed and looked down at him, moaning and squealing as if you had lost all control of your own body. You found yourself simply unable to keep quiet and Elvis encouraged this by moving his hand that was on your thigh lower to prod a finger at your entrance.
He could feel you tense up immediately and he pulled his head back in his neck a little, licking his lips.
“Relax, honey,” he whispered with a deep, raspy voice, sweet smile planted on his face. “Ain’t nothin’ to it. Just gotta prepare you for somethin’ bigger,”
The thought of that something bigger was already making you want to jump out of your skin, in the best way possible.
You watched as Elvis planted a soft kiss on your inner thigh as his other hand came down across your lower abdomen to let his thumb rub your clit, very slowly and gently. He collected some of your slick on the middle finger of his other hand and looked up at you as he slowly pushes it inside of you. The feeling was foreign and strange, but it didn’t make you nor was it as uncomfortable as earlier today when Tommy tried it. You didn’t know whether that was because of Tommy himself, the camera’s, the fact that you had never experienced it before or all things at once, but right now you couldn’t get yourself to worry about it. Because Elvis had managed to easily snuck in a finger knuckle deep and when he pulled it back until the tip of his finger lingered inside of you before pushing it back in all the way, something of a gasp and moan combined tore through your throat. You willingly spread your legs further as he slowly fingered you, getting you ready for what was to come, and he grinned.
“That’s a good girl,” he praised as he shot you a wink, which made you grip onto the sheets as your elbows were still pressed into the mattress, keeping yourself up because you wouldn’t miss a sight like this for the world.
Elvis’ finger started to pick up pace after a little while and when he was distracting you by switching between sucking on your clit and rolling his tongue against it in waves, he added another finger. You threw your head back as you arched your back a little and squealed softly as your toes curled- it was like your walls molded perfectly around his digits the longer he kept them inside of you and you had grown used to the feeling of his fingers pleasuring the hell out of you.
When he fingered you at a steady but comfortable pace, his tongue still latched onto your clit, you knew your orgasm was nearing. The only person who ever made you cum was you but you quickly realized that when it was done by a man, a man who knew what he was doing, it felt so much more intense. And so, so much better.
“Elvis!” you squealed as you reached a hand out to tangle your fingers in his hair, your hips trying to move along to the rhythm of his fingers which turned out to be rather difficult because his large hand was placed on your lower abdomen to keep you down. “I’m g-gonna.. gonna.. c-cum- oh fuck!”
He grinned smugly right against your clit but his actions never faltered. He didn’t pull back from your clit until you moaned loudly and he felt your muscles clenching visciously around his fingers and your thighs tremble. He pushed his two fingers inside of you, keeping them there for a bit as he looked at your facial expressions- now that was a sight he didn’t want to miss. As your hand came out of his hair and down the side of his face, he kissed the palm of your hand and grinned, slowly pulling his fingers out of you before he once more licked them clean.
“Startin’ to think I gotta change the cast of the movie to jus’ you and me,” he joked as he licked his lips and crawled up to hover above you. The necklace he wore with a large silver cross attached to the chain dangled in your face and you let out a breathless laugh, looking up at him with stars in your eyes.
Although, they might as well be hearts.
“If you want to capture a true, authentic female orgasm on film, you might as well,” you mused, catching the cross between your thumb and index finger as it swung back and forth. You looked at the diamonds adorning the piece of jewelry and ran your thumb across it, looking back at him with a smile. Elvis grinned and leaned down, softly pressing his lips against yours.
As he slipped his tongue inside your mouth, you could taste yourself and it only made you want him more. Just as you let go off the cross pendant and moved your fingers to the buttons of his shirt, there was a loud knock on the door and a voice announcing room service had arrived. You told them in Dutch to leave it at the door and Elvis raised an eyebrow at you as he laughed when he heard the person on the other side of the door walking away.
The last thing on your mind was food and if you were feeling any kind of hunger, it was for the man above you.
And it seemed Elvis felt the exact same way.
Within the span of seconds, Elvis’ shirt was flung across the room by your doing and you had never seen a man pull down his slacks as fast as you saw the director doing it now. You realised he wasn’t wearing any underwear at all and the sight of his cock springing free in all its glory for you to admire caused a wildfire to spread throughout your chest. You’d never been this turned on in your life, but at the same time your nerves were slowly but surely crawling their way back into your veins. As Elvis situated himself in between your legs, letting the weight of his cock resr against your folds and placing his hands on either side of your head, he could see the realisation of the situation in your eyes.
“Sure ya wanna do this, honey?” He whispered as he pressed a kiss on the corner of your mouth, the feeling of your hands gripping onto his upper arms sending a shiver down his spine, as well as the feeling of both your intimate parts connecting this way. “I don’t want ya doing any-“
“I’m sure,” you interrupted him, your voice coming out breathless already. Just the feeling of him being this close to you was already making you nearly lose your mind. You realised that losing your virginity was not something you just did and although you wanted to get rid of it, you’d always imagined it to be with someone you were actually in a relationship with. Someone you actually knew inside and out, but then again, your life never went the way you planned it.
And as you saw Elvis smile down at you as he placed one of his hands on the side of your face, his thumb caressing your cheekbone, you figured this wasn’t such a bad deal. Perhaps it wasn’t the way you imagined it, but maybe it was going to turn out even better.
You weren’t in a relationship with him, but for some reason you felt there was some sort of emotional connection. Whether it was a platonic or love connection, you hadn’t figured that out yet, you wanted this with him. They say you'll never forget your first time and as you looked up into his eyes when he gently caressed the tip of his cock through your folds and over your clit, you doubted the possibility of forgetting Elvis Presley even existed.
“Jus’ hold onto me,” he whispered as you gasped when he circled the tip of his cock against your clit, your nails softly digging into his flesh as you were still holding onto his arms. “I’ll be real gentle,”
You nodded your head, looking up at him in awe and not bothered one second by his necklace that once more softly swung against your chin. Elvis moved his hand down to wrap it around his length, situating himself at your entrance- looking back up at you, he couldn’t stop the small grin from breaking through on his features. The fact that you were digging your nails in deeper didn’t bother him and he slowly pushed inside of you, taking all the time you needed for him to bottom out and when he finally did, that grin was wiped right off his face.
The way you were so incredibly tight around him had him curse under his breath and he placed his forearms next to your head, fingertips caressing through your hair as he put a little more weight on you. He looked down into your eyes as he gasped softly, gently pressing his forehead against yours as you squeezed your eyes shut. He could feel your walls fluttering around him repeatedly and your thighs trembling as you had them wrapped around his waist. He shushed you softly, trying to distract you from the sting by planting soft, open mouthed kisses all over your face.
“Relax, baby, relax,” he cooed. “Ain’t gonna feel good if you don’t.”
You opened your eyes to look at him again and when he noticed a stray tear roll down your cheek, he quickly wiped it away as he frowned in concern. Worry filled his chest.
“Shit- I didn’t mean to cry,” you quickly turned your head and wiped some more tears that you couldn’t hold back away. You felt like an absolute idiot- when you first met Elvis, you had seemed so confident and like you knew what you were doing, but here you were, crying about losing your virginity.
Compared to a man like him, you suddenly felt small.
Which was the truth, but still- you hated this feeling.
“Hey, hey,” he gently grabbed your chin with his thumb and index finger, turning your head back to look at him. He smiled down at you and pecked your lips. “'S okay to cry, Y/N. This ain’t nothin’, just… as long as you tell me if it hurts or if ya wanna stop, alright?”
You let out a little laugh as you wiped a last tear away and nodded, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He leaned down more and hid his face in your neck as his fingers were back in your hair to soothingly caress your scalp while whispering sweet nothings in your ear. As you gave him the green light to move, he pulled his face out of your neck as he pulled his hips back as well, slowly thrusting forward. You gasped as you held onto him for dear life, the sting was still very much there but the longer he was thrusting into you, the more the pain turned into pleasure.
Slowly but surely your body was starting to relax underneath him and he was pulling more and more moans out of you that didn’t sound so panicky anymore. You were starting to enjoy yourself and obviously, this didn’t go unnoticed by Elvis.
Raising himself a little by putting his flat hands next to your head on the pillow again, his thrusts gained pace as low grunts rolled off his tongue, a grin curling back on his face.
“Feel good now, baby?”
You bit your lip as you looked at him, your eyes a little more sultry this time as your ankles hooked together behind his back, nodding frantically. You were unable to keep yourself quiet just like you experienced when he was eating you out and you didn’t even care if the people in the neighboring rooms heard you.
“Y-Yes! God, Elvis- it feels s-so good,” you groaned, your mind spinning with the sound of his skin connecting to yours as he thrusted into you, the melody of his deep moans and grunts being one that you wanted to play over and over again. He smirked and crashed his lips against yours, kissing you hungrily as one hand came down to grab onto your thigh. As he rolled you around and you were suddenly on top of him, you looked  down at him and admired the way his raven hair was messy and adorable, yet still so manly at the same time.
The cross pendant attached to the long necklace was resting on his chest which you found yourself obsessed with to run your hands up on, feeling his chest hair tickle under your fingertips. He grabbed onto your hips and slowly made you move onto him- all you knew to do was follow your instinct. He had no complaints as you kept your hands placed on his chest while thrusting yourself onto him, picking up the pace every few seconds. Elvis’ moans got a little louder and he moved his hands up, squeezing your breasts in his big hands.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he smirked as he sunk his teeth into his lower lip and moved his hands back to your hips to guide your moves again, licking his lips at the sight of your breasts bouncing along with your thrusts. He made you go even faster, knowing that you were feeling the same kind of pleasure as him because of the sound of your moans. “There’s a little fire cracker hidden inside ya, ain’t there?”
You laughed softly as you grabbed onto his forearms, throwing your head back as you moaned while concentrating on moving your hips which was a lot easier because he was helping you with it. Perhaps he was right and your wild side was awakened, but you figured that was exactly what was needed. For your future career, and all.
Your second orgasm was even more intense than the first one. Elvis had sat up and wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you pressed tightly against his chest as you went through it- you nearly choked him out as your arms were wrapped around his neck, your fingers tangled firmly in his locks. He grunted in your neck as your thighs trembled and your muscles clenched around him so tight that it had him spilling over the edge as well. Before he did, he quickly lifted you off of him and playfully threw you on the bed which made you squeal softly, sitting on his knees as he quickly jerked himself off the rest of the way, spurts of warm seed landing on your lower abdomen. You were still moaning despite the fact that he wasn’t even inside of you anymore, riding high on the post orgasm bliss. Elvis groaned lowly as his hips stuttered forward in his fist a few times before he let himself fall down on the bed next to you, both of you easily and comfortably slipping in the afterglow portion of things as you looked up at the ceiling, catching your breath.
“God, I need a cigarette after that,” you breathed out, laughing as you pushed some loose strands of hair out of your face, your ponytail an absolute mess right now.
Elvis thought it looked adorable.
“You and me both, kid,” he chuckled, slowly sitting up and swiping his pack of cigarettes from the bedside table, putting two in his mouth at the same time. He lit them and handed one to you, which you gratefully took before you took a long drag from it. You exhaled the smoke up to the ceiling and then turned your head to look at him as he laid on his side next to you, leaning his head in the palm of his hand. “How was it?”
“It was… amazing,” you grinned at him, rolling onto your side as well to have a better look at him. You rolled the cigarette that was in between your fingers along the rim of the glass ash tray that he put in between you before taking another drag. “I guess losing my virginity to a porn director is one for the books,”
He laughed at the grin on your face and blew out some smoke, shaking his head a little at the way your playful nature was showing once again. He liked that about you.
“As long as you credit me for giving you your first and second orgasm in your little book, all’s fine with me,” he joked back as he shot you a wink and kissed your cheek before rolling onto his back and taking a long drag from his cigarette. You laughed and nodded- obviously it was all jokes. There wasn’t going to be any book, ever.
Your life simply wasn’t interesting enough for that. Neither did you figure it ever would be.
“How about that room service?” He asked as he killed his cigarette in the ash tray when he smoked most of it. Before he could get up, you stopped him and got up from the bed. Fishing his shirt from the floor, you put it on and grinned at him.
“I’ll get it,”
“Atta girl,” he smirked as he playfully smacked your butt before you walked over to the door.
The thought of stepping out of a world where your butt was smacked on the daily and stepping into another one where the same thing was happening made you giggle.
The universe surely bends you in funny ways, but you’d take that kind of attention from Elvis Presley over any other man any day.
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taglist: @notstefaniepresley @powerofelvis @breadsquash @generoustreemystic @ab4eva @marriedtopresley @steph-speaks @ellie-24 @dollksj @webbedwebs @re3kin @wivette @eliseinmemphis @18lkpeters @rosepresley @ccab @whatstruthgottodowithit @dkayfixates @lettersfromvenus @elvisalltheway101 @that-hotdog @robinismywife @jaqueline19997 @raginginkedslut @joshuntildawn13
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ninebluehearts · 2 years
28 w/ whoever you want babes
Dw Em, I'mma do familiar ground for you and do my bby Elvis 💕💕💕💕
#28: “i wasn't that drunk last night" "you yelled parkour as you tried jumping over a bus bench and then got into an argument with a tree that you thought boo'd you" 
As you slowly blinked your eyes open, a low groan escaped your throat as you dug the heel of your palm into the side of your head. It was rare for you to wake up with a migraine; only when you're sick or hungover. And since you could barely recall anything from last night, the latter seems to be the best answer you could guess.
You slowly rolled over, your hand reaching out to feel around Elvis' side of the bed. Though, your hand was met with the cool satin sheets that covered your bed. "Elvis?" You whispered, opening your eyes even though the sunlight was trying to kill them. You scanned the room, but no luck. So, you pulled on your robe and headed downstairs.
As you ascended the stairs, you were met with the smell of eggs, bacon, and the unmistakable burnt coffee smell; Elvis did love dark roast. You followed the smell into the kitchen, your stomach turning with either hunger or nausea, though you couldn't tell.
Elvis stood at the stove, spatula in hand while wearing his 'Kiss the Chef' apron. He obviously hadn't heard you yet, because he continued to sing along to the radio he had sitting next to him on the counter, "Green, Green Grass of Home" playing through the fuzzy connection. You gently wrapped your arms around his waist, giggling when he jumped in your hold.
"God damnit, y/n! You scared the devil outta me." Elvis sighed, turning around enough to kiss you on your forehead. "Goodmornin' Darlin'. How did you sleep?"
You laid your head against his back, taking a deep, relaxing breath as you closed your eyes. "Like the dead. Didn't help this mild hangover I have though."
Elvis snorted at that. "Mild?"
Your eyebrows stitched together with confusion. "Yeah?"
"Uh-huh, there's no way your hangover is mild."
"Oh, come on Elvis, I wasn't that drunk." You said defensively, your hands folding across your chest.
Elvis turned around to face you, his eyebrow raised. "Y/n, you yelled parkour as you tried jumping over a bus bench and then got into an argument with a tree that you thought boo'd you."
Your cheeks heated up at that, a foggy memory of an argument played across your mind. "Fuck.." You mumbled. Elvis started to laugh, his entire chest shaking. "Don't laugh at me!" You gently, smacked his arm, turning around to walk away, but Elvis grabbed your hand, pulling you back to him.
"Honey, you have to admit. You would've laughed your lil' ass off if it was me." He buried his face against your neck, his arms secured around your waist.
You let out a deep sigh, relaxing in his hold. "Yeah, but it's not funny when it's me."
"I know, baby. I know." He pressed a kiss to the side of your head with a grin, gently tickling your sides before releasing you from his hold. "Now, go get dressed. I'll have some medicine and breakfast waitin' for ya when you get back."
You nodded your head as you yawned, turning around to walk away. But when you turned, Elvis smacked your ass with the spatula, an evil grin spread across his lips.
You shook your head, continuing your path upstairs. "I'll get you for that later!" You yelled out to him.
"I love you too!" Elvis said between laughs, continuing to prepare your breakfast just for you.
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liftinglatches · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Elvis (Movie 2022), Elvis Presley (Musician), Austin Butler - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Elvis Presley/You, Elvis Presley/Reader, Austin Butler/Reader, Austin Butler/You
Thirty-five year old Elvis Presley finds himself in 2022. It's suddenly up to you to get him back home. You find your future on the other side.
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The Price of Loving Elvis Presley
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF, American Actor
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Tom Jones, Jerry Schilling, Sandy Schilling
Word Count: 2256
Rating: Mature
Summary: The whole town is talking, they're callin' you a fool, for listening to his same old lies.
Tags/Warnings: Established Relationship, Love, Implied Cheating, Implied Sex, Cold Shoulder, Arguing, Angst, Fluff, Tom Jones, Vegas Residency, Tom and Elvis, Las Vegas, Reader’s Outfit , It Hurts Me // Elvis Presley
Notes: Hope you like it! I also love the irony that Elvis sings ‘It Hurts Me’ like he isn’t it to a T.
Elvis Tags: @literally-just-elvis-fics @caitlin1996 @notstefaniepresley @18lkpeters
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Request by @elvispresleyxoxo​ -  that’s ok , please could it be elvis and reader are making love and elvis calls reader a costar or another girls name she blows up and basically just gets angry doesn’t speak to him for days does stuff to make him jealous but eventually forgives him xx
I could hear him. He was pacing just outside the door no doubt building up the courage to come inside. Or rather wondering what reaction he was going to receive. I had to admit I’d given myself whiplash with the number of emotions I’d been feeling since yesterday. Not that it wasn’t justified. A couple of days ago my moods had been just peachy. Elvis was finally going to be done with his most recent stint in Vegas and had flown me and some of the girls out to meet them. He’d been happy to be almost finished with it which in turn had meant everyone had been in a great mood and he’d been particularly thrilled for us to be reunited.
Or so I thought.
We’d made it one night. In between shows he’d been all over me like a rash which I had missed. I’d even been the one to suggest we head back to the room right after his midnight show was over as our actions were getting all the more amorous. We’d barely made it back to the room before we were all over one another.
Then it happened.
She happened.
In my arms he had called out the name of another woman. Safe to say the mood was well and truly ruined. He had tried to shrug it off as though I had misheard him but that had only angered me. Our loving reunion devolved into screaming and crying (mostly mine) and eventually petered out to us spending the night apart.
That was where I was now, where I had spent the majority of the day. Away from him. My anger hadn’t subsided but I didn’t have the strength in me to argue and since he never wanted to admit he was in the wrong all communication had stopped. Until now.
I’d seen him of course. It never failed to surprise me how the man who could avoid anyone he wanted suddenly popped up whenever I was mad at him. He had made an appearance at breakfast, something that almost never happened as he preferred to rise well after noon. And then whilst I had been enjoying an afternoon with the girls by the pool he had chosen to go for an afternoon dip, his gaze falling on me at the end of every length he did, not that I took him on much.
Now he was pacing outside my door. Well, the door of my friend Sandy who had been kind enough to let me crash with her for the night since I didn’t want to go back to the suite. As I waited for the knock I blotted my lipstick, realigned my cleavage in my dress and ran my fingers through my hair to make it fall just right.
Then it came.
‘Come in,’ I said refusing to get up and let him in. As the door unlatched I busied myself with tidying away the makeup laid on the table in front of me not even looking up as he entered the room. After a moment of silence, he cleared his throat forcing me to look at him.
He looked gorgeous. He was wearing a crisp high collared suit with a white scarf that contrasted his tanned skin perfectly. In the low lamplight, his blue eyes looked electric and his supple lips looked like they needed to be kissed. Any other time I would’ve done so.
‘Hey,’ he said as I stood up and grabbed my purse off the bed, ‘wow, you looked stunning.’ ‘Thanks,’ I said with a sarcastic smile that made his fade as he realised it wasn’t going to be as easy as he thought to win me round. ‘Uh, I came to see if you’re coming to dinner…I wasn’t sure,’ he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. ‘Of course I am,’ I said tucking my clutch under my arm, ‘you got a problem with that?’ ‘Of course not,’ he said hurriedly. I nodded and moved past to stand by the door leaving him watching me with a confused look on his face. ‘Are we going or not?’ I asked. He nodded and rushed into action, opening the door so I could walk out. Though he led the way I could feel him glancing at me every so often unsure of how to take me.
We’d argued before of course and he was so stubborn I was normally the one to cave first but I wasn’t feeling it this time. Though the indiscretion could be seen as a minor one, well compared to some of the others, it didn’t feel like it. I always suspected other girls. They were part of his lifestyle. But for one of them to make their way into our bed. Our life. It seemed to hurt more than the rumours ever could. So I wasn’t going to let him off the hook easily. If he wanted forgiveness he was going to have to work for it.
We met some of the boys downstairs and headed across town to where we would be spending the evening. As Elvis was shepherded through throngs of fans, signing autographs and having pictures taken, I wandered towards the girls who were congregated waiting to go in, a fact that I knew would annoy him. He liked to have me close by in incidences like this should anything go awry. When we finally walked into the venue he appeared beside me, his large hand grasping mine tightly as he led us to our seats. He didn’t say anything but I smirked to myself at how much I was getting under his skin.
Throughout the show we didn’t talk much. Our booth was made up of just Jerry, Sandy, Elvis and I with the boys and the girls on either side rather than couple by couple. As he chatted to Jerry about how impressed he was by the act I spoke to Sandy in hushed whispers. He was right. The act was quite something, a phenomenal voice and charisma on stage yet that wasn’t what had got me and Sandy giggling like schoolgirls. He was attractive too. Not as much as Elvis but definitely rugged and handsome. Elvis seemed to notice it too, his gaze flitting to the stage as I mocked fanning myself with a napkin to make Sandy laugh. When our eyes met across the table I could see his jaw clench earning a smile from me.
When the set was almost over a stocky gentleman I had never met before appeared leaning over the booth as he spoke, ‘Sorry to bother you, sir.’ ‘It’s no problem,’ Elvis said politely, ‘what’s the matter?’ ‘Nothing’s the matter it’s just that Tom would like to offer his thanks for you attending tonight,’ he said, ‘he’ll be off stage in a minute if you’d like to come backstage and meet him.’ ‘Sure,’ Elvis said but as he glanced across the table and noted my excited expression the clenched jaw returned, ‘you girls wait here okay?’ ‘ ‘Oh no they can come if they want,’ the man said, ‘Tom won’t mind.’ ‘Yeah baby,’ I said grabbing my purse off the table as I feigned the most innocent expression I could muster, ‘unless you have a problem with me and Sandy coming?’
He glanced at Sandy and then Jerry before his gaze landed back on me. Not only did he hate having to jump through hoops for forgiveness he hated fighting in front of other people. If he agreed he’d be conceding to jump through even more hoops. If he said no he’d be the asshole. He was stuck.
‘Why would I?’ he said with a tight smile. ‘Great,’ I said, ‘then let’s go meet Tom Jones.’
The night was almost over and though I had enjoyed myself I still wasn’t happy. From the moment we had landed in Tom’s dressing room, Elvis had shifted into entertainer mode. He and Tom had had pictures together and spent ages talking about performing and how they admired each other as entertainers. We’d even headed to dinner with Tom and some of his entourage. And to anyone else, we seemed like a perfect couple.
He was so good at pretending everything was normal I had even started to doubt myself. Was I being unfair? Was I overreacting? It was one measly name. And after all, I had spent the night flirting with Tom freaking Jones to try and get a rise out of him and nothing. Maybe it was time to give up the ghost. Wave the white flag.
I had excused myself to the bathroom, not bothering to ask Sandy to come as she was too enamoured with Tom to leave. Once I was done I gave myself a once over in the mirror and tried to plaster a smile on my face though the feeling of futility never left me. It looked convincing enough though, so I exited the bathroom with every intention of heading back to the private function room we had been in though my path was blocked as Elvis appeared the minute I stepped out of the ladies, grabbing my arm as he steered away from peering eyes towards the end of the corridor.
‘What are you doing?’ I asked, wrenching my arm from his grasp though it was pretty fruitless. I was trapped between him and the wall, I couldn’t go anywhere even if I wanted to. That thought was also made clear as I peered around his shoulder and found a couple of the guys blocking this end of the corridor off. Instead, I watched his flaming blue eyes look down on me. ‘Conceding,’ he said with a small smile. ‘What?’ I asked incredulously as he pulled back, his hands going to my waist. ‘You win,’ he said. ‘Oh I do, do I?’ I asked folding my arms across my chest, ‘and what exactly am I supposed to be winning Elvis?’ ‘Me, admitting I was in the wrong,’ he said unfazed by my coolness as he moved a strand of hair off my face. My resolve crumbled a fraction as he smiled down at me. Only he could admit to his shortcomings and still seem so attractive. ‘You realised that huh?’ I said scrambling to keep the upper hand though it was slipping through my fingers by the second. ‘I knew from the moment I did it,’ he admitted. ‘And yet it took you a day to admit it,’ I grumbled pulling away from him to lean against the wall. Elvis stroked his chin with his thumb as he watched me.
‘Don’t pretend you haven’t enjoyed putting me through the wringer Mama,’ he said. I tried to protest but he raised an eyebrow, ‘the dress, the cleavage, the fawning over Tom.’ ‘He is Tom Jones,’ I said cockily. ‘Are you telling me you’d have paid him half as much attention if we hadn’t been fighting?’ ‘Maybe,’ I said feeling my cockiness crumble, ‘okay probably not and anyway it’s not like you even noticed.’ ‘What because I didn’t whip out my pistol and shoot him? Baby I noticed every time you looked at the goddamn man,’ he said pulling me to him, ‘the way you put your hand on his knee, the way you laughed at all his jokes.’ ‘Didn’t call out his name in bed though, did I?’ I said. It was a last-ditch attempt at winning and we both knew it. Though the way he sighed made me feel as though it had had some impact.
‘No, you didn’t,’ he said finally meeting my eyes, ‘but like I said. I’m conceding. You were right to be angry…I’m sorry.’ ‘Why didn’t you just admit then and there?’ I asked. ‘I don’t know. Stubbornness? I didn’t want to ruin our night…I’d just got you back.’ ‘It ruined it anyway,’ I grumbled.                                   ‘I know,’ he said placing his hand on my neck as his thumb stroked gently across my jawline. ‘You really hurt me E,’ I admitted feeling whatever resolve I had well and truly disappeared when I heard the vulnerability in my voice. ‘I know,’ he said, ‘sometimes I feel like it’s the only thing I do well…that’s why seeing you with him like that hurts so much.’ ‘Why?’ I asked. ‘What if you realise you wanna be with someone like him? I couldn’t blame you for that.’ ‘But I don’t love him,’ I said, ‘I love you.’ ‘Foolish really,’ he said with a sad smile. ‘Probably,’ I agreed placing my hands around the scarf he was wearing so I could pull him towards me. ‘What if I can’t stop hurtin’ ya,’ he murmured sadly. ‘If that’s the price of loving you I’ll pay it.’ ‘I’m lucky you still do,’ he said.
He leant down, brushing his lips against mine for just a moment before pulling back. He was right. It probably was foolish of me to love him given all the hurt he put me through and yet I couldn’t stop. Even if I had to put him through a couple of hoops before I could forgive him I never stopped loving him. I would never be able to stop because the price of loving him didn’t take away the fact that to be loved by him meant everything. And that was something I couldn’t lose.
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presleyhearted · 3 months
Yours Truly - Chapter 13.5: Soon.
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・❥・pairing: Elvis x original female character
・❥・genre: slow burn, mystery, angst, fluff.
・❥・wc: 645 words
・❥・summary: In which a 21-year-old girl suddenly finds herself having consecutive dreams of a particular rock ‘n’ roll star whom she has never met and who died 45 years ago.
・❥・ ratings & warnings: SFW. none.
❥・a/n: This is written from a different point of view. And yes, it it mostly a back-and-forth dialogue, which lacks description and detail. But all is intentional. You should zoom in, analyze, and put the puzzle pieces together yourself. This chapter was posted on wattpad months ago, I thought I already posted it on here at the same time. Sorry about that.
It is a short, but highly important chapter. 
chapter index | prev | chapter 14
"When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable." - Jess C. Scott 
[24 HOURS PRIOR. . .]
IT WOULD BE untrue if one were to say that the world is only full of purity, hope, and overwhelming happiness. However, it would also not be deemed proper to agree that only all dark madness and misery roam the earth. One cannot exist without the other. A saying that has been echoed from one ear to another. A saying that can account for a plethora of statements; you can never truly have it all. No one ever can. Furthermore, human beings have a forceful tendency to prolong what is simply out of their grasp. It is admirably optimistic, however, once again only prolonging the sheer inevitably of it all. 
How human. Hm. 
For one to voluntarily exhaust themselves for the silver of nonsensical hope? How foolish one would be to disregard the oldest rule of nature. 
Therefore, Dear readers, it would only be appropriate to simply from time to time - remind ourselves not to fall into our own warps of idealistic reverie. But of course, as it has been said many times before, humans are not known for being exceptional listeners. 
The rigorous downpour continued, and the dark-haired man could not care less - his blue eyes fixated on the spot in front of him with his right hand grasping into the air, then dropping it to his side momentarily. For just a few moments prior a woman was in front of him, her hazel eyes and radiant smile aimed at him. Not to mention, her arms around him as they danced despite the unconventional conditions, despite the water cascading down her dress and sticking to her skin. Now, at this moment, the man stands alone - the woman? vanished in a second, without the man completing his sentence. Slipping through his fingers just like that. 
The man slowly notices the umbrella hovering over him, the act of the figure beside him. He lets out a heavy sigh. 
"No- not yet." The man says, despite the person beside him not uttering a single word. 
"You are only exhausting yourself." 
"'Am not. " The man replies, shaking his head.
"It all has been more than enough." 
 "No," The man rejects, "Not even close."
"Yes, yes it it is. It has been. Listen to me-"
"No! I-I-I can't. Please, not now."
"Need I remind you that there is a limit." 
"It is not wise of you to take hold, to attach yourself like this. You know the inevitable. For your sake, I am to warn you - be done with it."
"Be done with it?! " The man scoffs, "The fuck is she? A toy? No. I-I-I have chosen this, this was my choice. Don't you dare rip this off me. You know how it's been for me. I don't give a damn about your warning, keep 'em to yourself. She needs me. I-I-I have to be there. For her. All for her. I don't give a damn how tired ya say I am, I will do everything I can. I-I-I know, I know that it will happen. But not today. Not now. I-I can't let go. I- I-I need her. It's not possible to just 'be done with it' nah. Not with her. " The man furiously shakes his head, his eyes swollen with tears. 
"Let go."
"I shall see you soon then, Elvis." 
chapter 14
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el-velvis · 1 year
List of what i want and won't write:
Plus 18+
All carachters will be 18+
Yandere x...
Will write carachters
I accept request
The ones that im obsessed in that period like:
Bob velseb
Joel from the last of us
Kink piss/poop/vomit/gore
All kind of brutality
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HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE! ✨❤️I hope you are passing some very good festivity and Im sorry if i been inactive for long.
I Will add step by step if i forgot something but this is my list!
Now im ready to re-start write, so be prepared and be happy❤️
Love you with all of my heart and thank you for the support! 🌹
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Hallway Crush
Elvis Presley x BAMF!OC Fem
Toni Stark is unlike any of the women Elvis has known. She's insanely intelligent, witty, and doesn't stand for anyone's shit. He develops a crush on her from afar, giving longing glances every time he sees her exiting press conferences when he's on the way to his concerts. Toni never notices him, more focused on escaping flashing cameras. But, what happens when Toni is gone for three months and comes back a changed woman with a certain glowing contraption in her chest?
Or: Toni Starks stays at the International Hotel pouring her time into the party life and meaningless one-night-stands. Elvis has a fierce interest in her, but then she's captured in Afghanistan and eventually comes back to Vegas as a workaholic and the metal hero we all know and love.
Not placed in the MCU or its timeline, I'm just using versions of the characters and their backstories in this story. Also will not be historically accurate when it comes to American politics and wars of the time. Priscilla does not exist in this story. Also not betaed.
Chapter 1: Let’s Start at the Beginning…
Antonia Margaret Stark was born during a catastrophic thunderstorm on May 29, 1945, foreshadowing the immense impact she would have on the world around her. Her loving mother, Maria Stark, was thrilled to welcome her baby girl into the world, while Howard Stark, Antonia's father, was quite the opposite. He needed a son. He had written in his will that his eldest child was to inherit the ownership of Stark Industries when he passed. Such a position was not meant for a woman. And he couldn't try to make an exception and have another child, as he and Maria already struggled to bring Antonia about. He was stuck and already held a grudge against his daughter for simply being born a female.
So, growing up, Antonia, or Toni as she would prefer to be called, was constantly pushed away by her father when she ever showed an interest in his line of work. At age 7, she had wandered into her father's office to show him a mechanical toy car she had built. He had been in a meeting with Obadiah Stane, Toni called him Uncle Obie, and when Howard was interrupted by the little girl's voice shouting, "Daddy, look what I made!" he slammed the door right on Toni, resulting in a few of her toes being broken. She didn't even have the energy to cry, too shocked to even feel the stabbing pain running up her left foot. When her mother found her crumpled on the floor by Howard's office door, her toy car scattered around her in pieces, Maria did not need to question what happened. She knew of Howard's distaste for their only child. Her mother simply bowed down to scoop Toni off the ground and laid her in her bed, calling a doctor to fix her foot.
Throughout elementary and middle school, Toni proved to be more intelligent than some of her teachers. She always won top prize in science fairs and spelling bees. Her mother was always there offering her sweet smiles of reassurance as well as her Aunt Peggy, one of her father's old friends from the military, who Toni looked up to for her strength, was there looking at her with pride. Uncle Jarvis, Howard's right-hand-man, was sure to attend every single one, being the father figure Toni never had. Even Uncle Obie had managed to come to a few of her events, apologizing for Howard's absence, claiming he was too "busy" with board meetings and inventing the next big military weapon.
From then on, Toni made it her life's mission to prove her father wrong, and show that she could be just as successful as him, if not more. Luckily, she was not alone in her journey, her mother supported her, buying her the textbooks she wanted and helping her change her bedroom into a lab space for her to experiment. And, of course, she had her Aunt Peggy and Uncle Jarvis who would come to the house to tell Howard about their adventures, but would always devote time to listen to Toni ramble on about electric circuits and whatever new scientific discovery she had made. Uncle Jarvis was the only man in Toni's life she truly trusted. He taught her how to ride a bike and tie her shoes. But, she had a special bond with her Aunt Peggy as well, her hardiness and red lipstick just two of the things Toni had admired about her aunt. She always took Peggy's advice, to always stick up for herself; not to move, but make others move instead.
At age 13, Toni was already enrolled at MIT, breezing through her courses, rarely paying attention to the lessons, having the occasional professor call her up to the board to solve an equation to which she would break down with ease. In 1958, she was the youngest and only female student at MIT. She was sure her name had something to do with her enrollment, but she also knew her credentials were beyond extraordinary. She constantly had a target on her back, not missing the sneers some of the boys give her, assuming she only got in on the basis of who her father was. But, she had many accomplishments at MIT, including her invention of the first form of Artificial Intelligence. She decided to create a robot to help her with her tools, which prompted her to try a new type of coding where the robot’s skills developed by learning through experiences. It also caused the robot to gain personality traits, one of which being its blatant ignorance, earning it the name of DUM-E. She graduated at age 17 with an undergraduate degree in computer science and molecular biology and eventually received two master’s degrees in engineering by age 19.
After her time at MIT, Toni spent her days on minor projects for Stark Industries because of her father’s refusal to give her an official position in the company. It was better than nothing, she told herself. She was participating in the hands-on aspects of the engineering, experimenting with welding and proper wire placement. Most of the time she had the fellow engineers question her methods or tell her to leave and let the men do the work. Her life went on like this for two years, she was content(ish), but felt she was ready to move on to bigger things.
Then December 16, 1966 rolled around which would cause Toni’s life to take a full 180. It seemed like a normal winter day, she woke up to go to the lab, before wishing her parents safe travels for their visit to the Pentagon. Her father shrugged her off with annoyance and told her not to make a mess of his penthouse while they were away. Her mother stood on her toes to kiss Toni’s forehead, before she said her last words to her daughter, “Farewell, Gioia, show those stuck-ups that you’re a Stark,” she whispered the last part before grabbing her bag and walking out of Toni’s life forever with the shutting of a door.
While working on a new rotator for the latest missile, one of the welders had handed her a rusted phone after saying, “It’s for you, Stark,” Her eyes became watery as she heard the monotone voice on the other end tell her that her parents were in a fatal car accident while en route to the Pentagon. She dropped the phone and ran into the tiny ladies’ restroom before getting sick in one of the toilets. Her father had taken her mother away from her. He took everything from Toni. Her mother was gone. Her sweet, caring, innocent mother who had seen Toni’s potential when her father hadn’t. Her mother who had made her tea and tiramisu after having a bad day at MIT. Her mother who silently stood up against Howard by supporting Toni’s passion. She would never see her again. Toni had never felt so helpless in her life. She crumpled on the dusty bathroom tile and sobbed into her knees for hours until someone had called Uncle Obie to come looking for her. When he found her in her fetal position, he pulled her onto her feet before speaking solemnly, “Come on, your mother wouldn’t want to see you like this,” Toni let out a sob at the mention of her mother before he continued, “Let’s get you home.” But Toni knew her home would no longer be home anymore without the smell of her mother’s perfume or her homemade Italian meals.
The funeral was quiet with only close friends and family in attendance. Aunt Peggy and Uncle Jarvis were there with their arms around Toni and their eyes stuck on the shiny caskets. Obadiah had wanted Toni to say a few words for her lost parents. Toni rambled on about her mother's proud Italian roots and how she devoted her time to philanthropy and helping those in need. How she never let her own emotions get in the way of helping others. How gloomy this world will be without her bright smile. Then it came to talk about Howard. Toni talked of his scientific discoveries and how the weapons industry would not be as advanced without him. She never told of anything personal because there was nothing to tell.
As Toni watched the dirt pour onto her parents' caskets, she discovered that she would do whatever she needed to do to reach the top of the pyramid. If it meant working until her body and mind broke, she would do it. She was no longer just Toni, she was Toni Stark.
After Obadiah Stane’s temporary position as CEO, Toni took over at age 21, being the youngest and only female CEO of any corporation, ever. She was a revolutionary, and she let it get to her head. She built weapons more advanced than her father’s, working herself to the bone for countless hours, becoming a scientific prodigy. The stocks rose drastically, until eventually Toni Stark had more money than God with too many properties, cars, and expensive paintings to count. Her life became a constant cycle of working in her lab for days, coming out for a day or two of partying, drinking, gambling, and meaningless sex with handsome journalists she would charm into her hotel room. She hid her pain behind lavish clothing, self-importance, and sarcasm.
She got herself an assistant, Pepper Potts, who was more a babysitter than a personal assistant, but they had an understanding of each other that led to an unbreakable friendship. She also had her butch security guard and chauffeur, Happy Hogan, who was hired more for Toni’s teasing than security purposes. But, most important of all, she met her best friend, her platonic soulmate, James Rhodes, or Rhodey Bear as Toni liked to call him. They met through the constant meetings between Toni and the military superiors. They immediately clicked and haven’t left each other’s side since. He went from U.S. Air Force officer to Toni Stark's best friend and the military's chief liaison to Stark Industries' weapons division. He was her rock and the voice of reason in her fuck-up of a life, cleaning the messes she left behind. He was the only one who saw the real side of Toni, past the façade of the rich, genius, playgirl, and instead saw the raw, emotional wreck of a human. And he never judged her for her true self, just held her when she cried.
When Toni wasn’t in New York for boring meetings and whatnot, she spent her days in the new International Hotel in Las Vegas. She had her own special penthouse built in the hotel with a lab for her late-night inventions and enough room to house 5 families. Her only companions were her two bots DUM-E and Butterfingers, who she'd brought from New York to stay in her hotel room. Though occasionally Pepper or Rhodey would visit for business inquiries, but most people knew to leave her alone while she was in Vegas. She spent her days in the VIP lounge smoking cigarettes, drinking and flirting with men twice her age. Vegas reminded her of herself, it was full of chaos and it never slept. It was her escape from New York, the escape from the death of her mother and her father’s dissatisfaction. So, Vegas is where she stayed.
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sleekervae · 10 months
Past Lives [1.7]
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A/N: If I told you what podcast I was listening to while I was writing this, some of y'all would be giving me harsh 👀. Also, if context is a little skewed, go back and reread parts 13 up to here because I did make some edits and updates. Anyway, thanks again for reading, and don't forget to like, comment, and reblog!
Warnings: heavy smut, more bashing of The Idol, some angst and mostly misunderstandings.
There were so many things Austin and Jade had chosen not to say.
He was upset because Jade had gone on a date. Yes, it was ridiculous, and very selfish, be he couldn't help it.
She still feared Austin finding someone better — more understanding, unproblematic, empathetic.
He was elated that she wanted to hide in his bed and stay there, possibly forever, possibly with him.
She loved sleeping next to him.
As much as Jade love sleeping over, she found herself enjoying waking up at there that much more. Instead of the blare of her alarm clock or the incessant barking of the neighbour's dog, she woke up to the quiet sounds of a suburban neighbourhood and the soft snores leaving Austin's lips. Instead of the blistering sun pouring through her window, she felt the gentle breeze of a ceiling fan keeping her cool. Instead of feeling every ounce of the department store blue and white duvet she'd bough, she barely felt the weight of the cream coloured quilt that covered Austin's plush bed. Instead of feeling alone in the sea of pillows decorating her bed, she felt surrounded by cozy and warmth, with Austin's arms wrapped around her waist.
Jade had always been a morning person, even against her will. Weekends and days off, sleeping in was near impossible. Her body naturally forced her awake. She'd always used that time to catch up on news and messages she might’ve missed, scroll through social media with dull disinterest, force herself up to work out, or lay alone with her thoughts eating her up from the inside out.
Rarely enough though, Austin woke up before she did.
Mornings like this, the ones where he woke with a warmth blossoming in his chest and a smile on his lips, were a quiet favourite.
He was elated to find her still asleep beside him, face pressed into the pillow and her chest rising and falling. When he looked over, took in the sight of her buried beneath the covers with her eyes shut and her fingers curled around the edge of her pillow, he couldn’t help but smile. She looked so calm, so soft and gentle, without the weight of the world on her shoulders and he couldn’t help himself as he reached out to gently brush his fingers down her spine.
She stirred quietly, a noise of dissatisfaction leaving her lips at being woken up, he whispered an apology before he spoke, “How’re you feeling this morning?”
“Tired,” she grumble into the pillow, the events of last night rushed her like an eighteen-wheeler, her voice muffled by the fabric, “ticked off, but I'm okay,” she pried her eyes open, blinking sleep out to focus on him. He looked so soft in the mornings, "Thanks for letting me stay,"
Austin hummed his acknowledgement, nudging the sheet down just enough to catch sight of his robe wrapped around her, not tied anymore, “Think nothing of it, you're always welcome,” he whispered, shifting a little closer to brush his fingers over her cheek, “You want some coffee?”
She shook her head, pouting, “Don’t leave,” she whispered, shifting onto her side and placed Austin's arm over her waist, “Can we just stay for a little bit?”
Austin knew the type of mood she was in, knew how needy and clingy she could be. He shuffled closer, held her fast to him, “No problem,” he assured her, "Did you sleep well?"
“Mhm,” she hummed against his skin, her face buried in the crook of his neck, “You're really warm. But not uncomfortably, you're perfect. I like it,”
She could feel the vibrations of his laughter and it made her own lips quirk into a smile.
"Good," he shivered as her breath fanned over his neck, could feel her smile against his collarbone. He adjusted so he was level with her, kissed her sweetly. She came alive beneath him, her already warm skin electrified as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
His kiss soon moved from her lips to her neck, and then back to her chest. His lust for her was always insatiable, always on the hunt for his next fix of her like she did of him.
Jade didn't say a word, satisfaction bubbling in her gut as she felt him against her hip. Her slim fingers slipped across the exposed skin, her nails skittered down his chest, smiling like the devil when she felt his stomach flex as her fingers neared his hipbone.
“You okay?” she hummed, trying to bite back her smugness as she pulled away and watched his face, her fingers slipped a little lower. She brushed his thigh, fingers a barely-there pressure against his skin, before she ghosted a finger over the head of his hardening cock.
"Yeah," Austin groaned, voice gravelly in his throat, he pulled his hand from her hip and guided it between her thighs. His fingers slipped between his robe and swiped through her folds, gathering the slick that had accumulated on his fingers, and he swallowed harshly as his thumb found her clit, "I'm just great. You wanna' play a little, rockstar?" he breathed into her ear, his thumb a barely-there pressure on her clit.
Jade nodded, shifting into him, quietly asking for more friction. Her hand slipped into his briefs, found his cock, stroked him slowly, steady, shuddering as he exhaled into her ear, lips pecking across her jaw.
Austin knew just how much she wanted him, he could feel it as his fingers brush through her and could see her expression overcome with bliss. He wanted to be inside her already, wanted to bury himself to the hilt and let her have what she wanted, but he didn't want to rush.
She had her own ideas, though. His eyes snapped open when he felt her push him over onto his back, her thin panties dampening as she sat in his lap. The robe fell open around her shoulders, she was disheveled and soft and so fucking sexy. His eyebrows quirked upward as her fingers tucked themselves beneath the waistband of his briefs, using her other hand to circle her palm over the slightly raised head between his thighs.
"What are you doing, naughty girl?" his voice came out in a heady whisper.
Her lip was caught between her teeth, eyes locked with his as she brought his cock out of his tight underwear, his stare faltering slightly when she swiped the pad of her thumb over his leaking slit.
"Showing gratitude,"
Bringing her thumb down to trace along the vein running down his cock, Jade smirked knowingly, she became excited as his breath hitched, chest rising and falling faster and faster the more she teased him. Whimpering, Austin watched her hand squeeze around his base, sliding up and down, her hold snug. His jaw fell open as she rubbed the velvet skin of his balls with her fingertips.
"Oh -- fuck, Jade,"
Austin huffed out a breath, head lolling to the side as he scrunched his eyes closed. Her hand worked quicker on him, urging him closer and closer to his release. She watched him open his mouth slightly, eyebrows furrowing as he let out a puff of air while trying to conceal his noises.
“Feel good?” she asked, tilting her head as she stayed in his lap. He licked his lips, eyes hooded as they slowly open before fluttering back closed as she pressed her thumb harder against his tip, “Come on, answer me,”
He groaned, biting his lower lip so hard it started to become sore. He could feel the throb quiver through his skin, he let out a soft whimper that was pure music to her ears. He knew she'd heard him judging by the smirk on her face as she worked her hand faster. He slightly bucked his hips up, gasping when she flicked her wrist and added a heavy pressure to his tip, turning him into putty in her hand.
“I asked you a question,” she leaned over, whispering in his ear as she spoke.
He gasps, “yes, fuck yes. feels so .. so good,” his voice became deeper, trailing away into nothing but deep moans. He looked so fucking pretty like that, too. His hair was becoming messy, sticking to his forehead as sweat covered him all over. He was glistening, beautiful under the soft morning glow peaking through the blinds.
She tilted her head, looking at his lips as he licked them, “You like my hand on your cock, right Austin?” he stuttered, swore he’d never felt so damn good before. He wasn’t used to her being so dominate but he was losing his mind, unable to stop the bucking of his hips as he basically fucked into her hand.
She cocked an eyebrow, “Wanna fuck my hand, hm? Come on, baby,” she kissed his neck, trailing more down to his collarbone, utilizing all restraint she had not to leave a mark, “Fuck my hand, fuck me like you’re fucking my pussy,”
He gasped, one hand tugged desperately at the sheets below him, the other gripped at her hip as she worked him, "Fuck! i’m so fucking close, Jade,” his voice became a thin whisper, nevertheless sending a spark to her abdomen and she clenched her thighs together. Austin was too focused on the intense pleasure to even notice.
She tightened her grip on his cock, “Come on, you can come, Austin. You can fuck me after you do,”
A long drawn out moan and the F-word left his lips as he released all over himself, his hips stuttering and slowing down. She gripped him tightly, watching as his cum flowed over her hand, too. She smiled to herself, seeing his head thrown back and his eyes clenched tightly. She leaned in for a kiss, he happily obliged her, one of his hands reached for the back of her neck and held her to him. His breathing settled, her giggles jingled in his ear, she loved seeing him like this.
"Are you okay?" she asked as he came down, reaching for the tissues on the nightstand.
His large hand wound up her shoulder, over her neck and to her nape, squeezing gently. It didn't matter whether he was lethargically fucked out, Austin wanted so much more to return the favour. Her soaking panties against his thigh only drove him further.
He nodded, "Get down," and she obliged him, rolling onto her back, her chest soaring. Everything about him was intoxicating as their lips crashed; she could smell his after shave, fresh detergent, it was all so refreshing and bright. The grasp on her waist became stronger, more needy, and she ran her hands along his slim figure in response. Curiously, he had curves of his own; though they were subtle, balanced artfully with soft muscle. It surprised Jade how naturally Austin responded to the slightest movements.
Though time seemed to have stopped altogether, she was growing steadily more aware of the wetness spreading between her legs. She tried to squeeze her thighs a little, her hips shifted as her clit tingled in anticipation… and of course the movement wasn’t missed. Austin's breath caught in his throat. He pecked her cheek, her neck, moving down to ravage her collarbone and chest. Holding her close, his second hard on was unmistakable as it pressed into her hip. His heartbeat skipped as her body responds lewdly to his growing erection.
“A-ah… Austin…” she pleaded as he found her nipples, giving both an equally soft, stimulating tongue lashing. His left hand ran under the hem of the robe, she could feel his fingers trail over her hip, slipping under the thin elastic of her panties.
Austin's mouth was at her ear, her skin prickled deliciously.
“You make me so crazy,” he whined, though she heard the amusement in his voice. She pressed her forehead to his, his hot breath tickling her nose as he exhaled.
Finally, achingly slowly, his fingers slipped under the lace and Jade felt him tug them down her thighs. It didn't take long for him to find her swollen nub, taking to it delicately, rolling it between two fingers. The difference in his touch made her squirm at the pressure, and though he was being gentle, the sensation was unusually strong. She peeked under heavy lids, exhilaration rushing through her at his carnal expression, he watched how he undid her. His dark eyes met her, unapologetic, a moan slipped out from her lips. She felt a slight pinch as he released her clit, his fingers sliding down…
Austin knew what touches could invoke her writhing, her little mewls and whimpers as he played with her pussy. He loved watching her come apart, like opening a delicate package lest he ruin the surprise. She met his gaze, almost challenging in her stare, pushed her hips into his fingers. He explored her, stroking and caressing her slit, soaking his fingers in her honey.
“So wet already… you’re incredible…”  he breathed. He paused at her entrance, pressing his fingertips over her for a brief second before slipping them into her with ease. They curled deep into her body, his long digits hooking her and pressing the spot that always seem to electrify whenever he touched her. Jade gasped, her eyes snapping shut as he mind zeroed in on the tingles, the repeated strokes of pleasure as his fingers bent and curled. Austin murmured something but the words didn’t register in the heat of the moment. She sighed as he stretched her walls, her lips were caught between her teeth.
His hand ran along her thigh and he lifted it up, gently pushing it back as he held her in place. Her fingernails dug into his back, her pussy angled perfectly against his waiting fingers. Again and again he thrusted them into her, quickly, hitting that same sweet spot. Goosebumps erupted across her skin as the pressure built, her moans becoming louder, bordering on desperation. But he never relented,  driving his fingers into her, skillfully, mercilessly. She couldn't locate the words to tell him how incredible it felt to be fucked like this, how she would beg him to never stop.
"Austin -- fuck! Please!" she noticed his mouth always parted, except for when she made a sound. Then he'd caught his lip between his teeth, determined to ruin her no matter what. It was too much. Her body felt hot white, all thought obliterated, words nonexistent as she stayed suspended in that limbo of extreme bliss. Austin's fingers curled inside her, pressing hard into her g-spot as her pussy contracted hard around him. The pleasure never subsided, her thighs suddenly felt cold and wet.
The realization hit her, then.
“Oh my God,” she gaped, mortified, realizing that Austin had witnessed the full brunt of what he could do to her. She was always curious to know what it was like, never having been able to squirt before, or else she could have warned him. He was a little taken aback at first, mouth agape, and Jade worried for a split second that he was disgusted. But his lips turned up into a huge toothy smile as she collapsed back against the bedspread, her body felt like it was on fire.
“Wow… that was incredible,” he said, a little pride in his voice. Jade was at a loss; on the one hand she had finally experienced a squirt, on the other... she was a little self conscious. She covered her face with her hands, though Austin took them away, kissing her knuckles, then leaning down to kiss the bridge of her nose, her eyelids and forehead and her body sunk in relief.
“I didn’t expect…I didn’t know…” she stuttered, feeling rather undone,“I've never done that before...”
"Never? That was your first time?" He seemed a little taken aback at her confession, surprised as he would've thought of all people, Jade of course would have experienced this. But she shook her head. He was the first.
His dimples reappeared, she noticed him swallow hard as his eyes traveled down her legs to the panties around her ankles. A curious grin played across his lips, and he continued to trace his fingers along her hipbone.
She reached between them, feeling his hard cock through his knock into her wrist as she traced around his V. The noise he let out was something between a moan and a choke, and she knew that he needed more. Purposefully, she slipped her fingers over his head, just rubbing softly, never letting on enough pressure even for a lick of relief.
“I won’t last long,” he warned.
“I know,” she replied. She had been the same, needing that fast relief -- and she knew Austin needed it too, “Anyway you want me,”
She tasted his gratitude on his lips, the kiss sloppy and heavy, but so erotic as he licked into her mouth. She loved to tease him, skimming her fingertips delicately, closer to where he needed her.
“Wait..” he muttered, drawing himself up, “... Turn around,” 
She obliged him happily, flattening her front to the warm bedspread. He peeled the robe off of her, finally having her open for him, glorious. Her entire backside was exposed, so was the sweat film, and she felt so vulnerably naked, nevertheless tingling with anticipation. He couldn't contain his excitement, running his hand up her leg and cupped his hand over her slick. She could feel her nipples growing hard against the sheets, enjoying the heat of his palm and the chill of the air on her back. She flinched when he leaned over her, covering her effectively to plant a kiss between her shoulder blades. She pushed her backside against him, and he guided himself into her with ease. 
Jade was still sensitive from her own orgasm and she moaned loudly as he filled her. Almost leisurely, Austin slid into her as he enjoyed the feeling of her cunt around him. Her insides quivered, and after a few long, slow movements, he grabbed firmly at her hips and started pounding into her. The snap of his hips against her ass were sharp and severe. Austin pulled out nearly the whole way before slamming back into her again, making Jade gasp from the sharp intensity. She could hear his breath grow shorter, almost whining, and he slammed into her hard. There was a pause, and a loud moan, and she knew he had reached his own high. He remained inside her for a few moments as he savoured her. Utterly satisfied, he swept her hair to the side to watch her, enamoured with her bliss.
He kept up his pace as long as he needed to, sending her toppling over the edge, her eyes rolling back in her head as he helped her ride out her high, soothing kisses dotted along your shoulder and up her neck.
“You feel so good, sweet girl,” 
Wearily, she murmured in agreement, feeling thoroughly fucked. As he pulled out of her slowly, he pressed his fingers against her entrance to stop his cum from leaking out. “I don’t wanna make a mess,” he whispered softly, reaching to grab the tissues off of the nightstand. Always with great care,  he cleaned her up, allowing her time to come down out of her headspace.
Austin wrapped the used tissues into fresh, balled them off to the side and let her turn over. He laughed as Jade clung to him, burying her face in the crook of his shoulder, twitching softly when his thigh bumped her pussy. He pressed a kiss to her temple.
They had stayed in bed for another hour. The time struck ten forty-five when Austin decided they had to get up and at least be a little productive. Jade conceded, still keeping his robe wrapped around her as he made them a pot of coffee in the kitchen. She kept staring at her phone, there were miscellaneous texts from Elsie, some from Florence, a plethora of texts and calls from Chris, and one message from Abel asking her to call him. Jade supposed he'd heard about the "date", and quite frankly she didn't want to deal with it right now, but then again she knew that pinch of anxiety in her gut would never go away until she did.
Austin stayed in the kitchen while she excused herself to another room. He could hear bits and parts of her conversation, her voice would raise when she was upset, trying to make her point without yelling. He was worried about her, he wanted her to yell and cuss and lose her mind on Abel; but then again he understood why she couldn't, lest she may give him more ammunition for his show.
He opted to make some fried eggs and toast, internally scolding himself for not having much in his fridge aside from the bare necessities. Jade had returned by the time he'd plated up breakfast, her expression gave way to how pissed off she was.
"So?" Austin sighed, bringing the plates to his table, "Do I dare ask how that went?"
Jade rolled her eyes, shuffling over to sit across from him. The eggs and toast smelled fantastic, and she was endeared to see he'd put out the peanut butter and jam on the table, that being said, she wasn't feeling very hungry.
"Abel agreed he wouldn't use any of the notes that Chris collected on me. He couldn't promise he'd do the same with the other girls in his book," she shook her head, "I told him 'you're playing with fire if you do this wrong' 'you're not an actor, you're not a screenwriter'. And he's just like 'no, no! trust me, it'll be great! we're gonna' be exposing the evil underbelly of Hollywood' and yada-fucking-yada,"
Austin smiled sympathetically, "I didn't realize you were a part of the evil underbelly of Hollywood," he mused, slicing into his eggs.
"End of the day, we all are. But that's not the point," Jade replied, "It's one thing to make a show exposing corporate bullshit, it's another to be exposing your friends' bullshit without documented consent. He's going to get himself in trouble if he's not careful,"
She started eating, but Austin was still curious, "What's this show even about?" he asked.
"A young and troubled pop star has a nervous breakdown and she starts fucking a cult leader who's posing as a music mogul and -- I don't even know," she said, "They got an old friend of yours -- Lily-Rose is on board,"
"Shit," he hummed, "If he did it right, it could be interesting," she grumbled back, "But obviously, you're not convinced,"
"I think he's still riding off of his Blinding Lights fame and he's going to crash and burn if he's not careful," she huffed back.
"Probably. You should be safe, though," he noted, "Because as far as I know, you're not fucking a cult leader,"
A smirk graced her lips, "No, but I am fucking Elvis," she mused, garnering a laugh out of him, "And my party trick is keeping that shit to myself,"
"You've done a good job, too," he simpered.
"We both have," she replied, "Less scandals we make, less headlines we create, the less panicked phone calls we get from our agents,"
"Was that a haiku?" he teased, to which she scoffed back, smiling, "You think... and if I can be serious for a moment -- you think we'll get tired of all this sneaking around one day?"
Jade glanced up with hooded eyes, pausing just before she could take a bite of her toast. A flicker of panic struck up in her chest, "... I mean -- maybe? Are you tired of it?" she asked tentatively.
"No," he shook his head quickly, trying to piece together his next words, "But -- obviously this can't be just for fun in the long run. I mean, you were on a date last night,"
Jade bit the inside of her lip, what little hunger she had subsiding as she sat back in her chair. He was making a fair point, her date was an attempt to distract her from the very thing they were doing now. Yes, they had talked about their boundaries and the limitations of their situationship; Jade had to be pragmatic that they couldn't keep this up forever. And if he was growing tired of sneaking around, or perhaps he had his eye on someone else, then who was she to stand in his way? She knew she couldn't have him, she wouldn't allow herself to even entertain the idea because she knew she was no good for him.
She tried to keep her emotions at bay, especially from her face as she spoke, "Yeah, but... you saw how that went. I mean -- whenever you're ready to stop this, we can. Just say the word,"
Austin nearly jumped out of his seat, "No, no, I don't wanna' -- I don't wanna' stop this. I'm not even thinking about that," he was being honest; Jade had become his favourite person, beyond her body and their sexcapades.
"Then, what's your point?" she asked, trying to keep her knee from shaking under the table.
Austin opened his mouth, silence all encompassing as he tried to force himself to say it, confess to her how he'd been feeling. He was coming from the perspective of if maybe, just maybe, she would give him a chance, they could try to be together as an actual couple. He wanted her so badly, he wanted to reach across this table and kiss her and keep her with him for all eternity. That being said, the signals she was giving him were telling him something else.
Instead, he put on a brave smile, "Maybe next time you go on a date, you'll stay away from the screenwriters?"
Jade exhaled slowly, anger bubbling up in her gut then, but she understood where he was coming from. Time and time again it seemed she had the worst choice in men; the only person who wasn't a total disaster choice was him. Even then, if she had pursued Austin, who was to say he wouldn't turn out the same as all the others?
"Yeah," she forced a chuckle, "Not a bad idea,"
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