nedeii · 1 year
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justaboutsnapped · 5 months
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shodoshima-camera · 8 months
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ワイン用の黒葡萄の仕込み作業。クルクルと回るこの機械に選果した葡萄を入れると、軸と実が分かれ、必要な実の部分だけが大きな管を通ってタンクへいきます。これもなかなかに力のいる作業! 『小豆島に初めてのワイナリー ~224winery~』がOM SYSTEMのnote「わたしのまちとカメラ」で公開中です。どうぞご一読くださいね◎
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megaclaudiolis · 1 month
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Michinaga × woman
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mami0519 · 1 year
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* ~LuLufeel ネックリラクゼーション器~ EMS×温熱のW効果 10段階の電流モードを選べて、 装着すると首元がポカポカ、リラックスできていつの間にかウトウト。。🐑💤💭 #LuLufeel #リラックス #リラックスグッズ #リラックス効果 #リラックスタイム #リラックスしたい #気持ちいい #気持ち良い #EMS #温活 #温活グッズ #温活女子 #温活生活 (リラックス) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYlofvvvON/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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69creator · 2 years
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𝕝𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕞をご覧の皆さん。 こんばんは、ケチャップ大佐です。 ⁡ ⁡ パスタランキングを作るなら 第3位たらこのパスタ 第2位カルボナーラ 第1位ミートソース ⁡ くらいミートソースパスタ 結構食べます(笑) ⁡ 自分でもたまにレトルトの パスタソースかってひき肉増量したり この時はしゃぶしゃぶ用の豚バラを プラスで付け加えてやりました。 ⁡ 結構なボリュームになって ひと皿で大満足でした。 ⁡ ⁡ 好きなこと投稿しようって決めたから 自由投稿にしてもいいのに... 今までの料理、撮影スタイル、リール みたいな流れがあるから ⁡ 変なとこ几帳面なO型の性質出てきて その流れは崩せないみたいになって 結局、投稿ラグ出来ちゃう(笑) ⁡ ⁡ 最近、天気がごちゃごちゃして 暑かったり、土砂降りだったりして 身体がお手上げ状態です。 ⁡ ⁡ よく食べてよく寝て、 しっかり水分取って、汗かいて 健康な生活をみなさんも送りましょう。 ⁡ ⁡ 加齢と共に消化しにくい体質になると 今になって痛感しています(笑) ⁡ 痩せたいより今は筋肉つけたい。 でも、ひとりで頑張ってると... ふと...何頑張っちゃってんだろって なってやらなくなる。 ⁡ 目指せ魅せれるボディづくり。 僕の腹筋が割れたら載せます(笑) ↑誰得? ⁡ ⁡ 実は今、こうしている間にも #ems 腹筋ベルトをして ブルってます(笑) ⁡ ⁡ ってな訳で食べ物の投稿して おきながら痩せたいと言う謎な投稿 でした。 ⁡ ⁡ それではまた明日の投稿で See you NEXT Time👍 ✩ #foodporn #自炊なうに使っていいよ👍 #一緒に食べる⁉️ #ミートソース #自炊男子 #yummy #instafood #おうちごはん #飯テロ ✯ ��� ✯ 今日のご飯はこれで決まり‼️ ✯ 自分的パスタランキング1位の ⁡ミートソース ✯ 料理のリクエスト受付中 って来るわけないか... でも、もし来たら 頑張って作ってみます(笑) 🎶 ◦ (Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChrPjLovztp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meguchi512 · 3 months
i made this self portrait. just a glimpse into my sick and twisted reality. not like you'd understand anyways
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オランダ獅子頭 BLIND Em All 1989
I am oranda man
410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS
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lacyen · 4 months
Những bình luận nổi bật trên Võng Dịch Vân âm nhạc (phần 4)
老板教育了我一番: "“这问题就跟问男朋友你爱不爱我一样,一点意义都没有. 你见过哪个老板说不甜?哪个男朋友说不爱的?你拿个柠檬我也会跟你说甜你信不信?
Vừa lúc mua hoa quả, tình cờ hỏi ông chủ: "Quả này có ngọt hay không?"
Ông chủ liền dạy tôi: "Câu hỏi này cũng giống như việc hỏi bạn trai có yêu bạn hay không, một chút ý nghĩa cũng không có. Bạn gặp qua ông chủ nào nói quả này không ngọt bao giờ chưa? Có người bạn trai nào lại nói không yêu à? Bạn đem quả chanh đến hỏi tôi cũng sẽ đáp ngọt bạn có tin hay không?
Bài hát "Yêu"
2. 当一个女生错过最想嫁的人,她会变得越来越挑剔
Khi một cô gái bỏ lỡ một người mình muốn gả, cô ấy sẽ trở nên ngày càng kén chọn
Khi một chàng trai bỏ lỡ người mình muốn cưới, anh ấy sẽ trở nên ngày càng tùy ý.
Kén chọn bởi vì đều không thể như người đó, tùy ý bởi vì dù sao cũng chẳng phải người đó.
Bài hát "Không đợi"
3. 家人围着6岁的儿子问他的理想,儿子说他想当医生。
Mọi người trong gia đình vây quanh bé trai 6 tuổi hỏi về ước mơ, thằng bé đáp muốn trở thành bác sĩ.
Bà ngoại nói bác sĩ tốt, địa vị xã hội cao
Bà nội nói đãi ngộ không tồi
Ông ngoại nói quan trọng là sau này dễ tìm bạn gái.
Bố đứa trẻ nghe xong hài lòng liền hỏi vì sao bé muốn trở thành bác sĩ:
Đứa nhỏ đáp: "Không phải nói bác sĩ có thể chữa bệnh cứu người sao ạ?
Bài hát "Lý tưởng"
4. 人生可能要遇见四个人
Đời người có lẽ nên gặp bốn kiểu người
Đầu tiên là người bạn yêu, nhưng không yêu bạn
Thứ hai là người yêu bạn, nhưng bạn không yêu
Thứ ba là người bạn yêu cũng yêu bạn, nhưng sau cùng lại chẳng thể ở bên nhau
Thứ tư là người bạn không chắc đã yêu, nhưng lại ở bên bạn đến cuối cùng.
Bài hát "Bạn, có khoẻ không?""
5. 希望他最后娶一个像我一样的女孩,这样他就能一直记住我。又害怕他最后会娶一个像我一样的女孩,如果像我,为什么不是我?
Hi vọng anh ấy sẽ cưới một cô gái giống như tôi, vậy thì anh ấy sẽ nhỡ rõ về tôi. Nhưng tôi cũng sợ sau này anh ấy sẽ lấy một cô gái như tôi, bởi vì giống tôi, tại sao lại không thể là tôi?
Bài hát "Cả thế giới lắng nghe em"
6. 这世上最憋屈的,是越爱越远的人,和越等越大的雨
Giày vò lớn nhất thế giới này, có lẽ là người càng yêu lại càng xa, cũng như càng đợi mưa lại càng lớn.
Bài hát ""Mưa cứ mãi rơi""
7. 除了电影里,没人会等你四五年,说白了感情就是不联系就没有的东西,空空如也,走马观花,贪得无厌
Ngoại trừ phim ảnh, sẽ không có ai đợi bạn bốn năm năm đâu, nói thẳng ra là tình cảm nếu như không liên lạc thì chẳng còn gì nữa, trống rỗng, cưỡi ngựa xem hoa, lòng tham không đáy.
Bài hát "Cưỡi ngựa"
8. 世界上最厉害的人,是说起床就起床,说睡觉就睡觉,说做事就做事,说玩就玩,说收心就收心.
Người lợi hại nhất thế giới chính là người nói dậy liền dậy, nói ngủ liền ngủ, nói làm việc liền làm việc, nói chơi liền chơi, nói kiềm chế liền kiềm chế được.
Bài hát "Trải qua có tốt không"
9. 合适的人不一定要情商多高,但一定要懂你的点,知道怎么能让你开心. 这样漫长的一生共度起来才不会太费劲,他不会在你感性的时候讲道理, 不会在你气得头冒烟的时候跟你硬碰硬.
《You don't know me》
Một người phù hợp không nhất thiết phải có EQ quá cao, nhưng nhất định phải hiểu bạn, biết làm thế nào khiến bạn vui vẻ. Vậy thì một đời trải qua cùng nhau mới không vất vả, anh ấy sẽ không giảng đạo lý khi bạn xúc động, sẽ không cứng rắn đối chọi khi đầu bạn phát hoả.
Bài hát "You don't know me"
10. 愿你不管被这个世界伤害了多少回,第二天早上太阳升起来的时候, 你依旧愿意去好奇、去拥抱、去相信、去发现、去等待.
Mong bạn dù có thế giới này làm tổn thương bao nhiêu lần đi chăng nữa, thì ngày thứ hai khi mặt trời ló rạng, bạn vẫn nguyện ý hiếu kì, ôm ấp, tin tưởng, khám phá, và chờ đợi.
Bài hát "Một phút yếu lòng"
Zhihu | Lạc Yến dịch
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anemptypuddingcup · 8 months
Happy Birthday, Birthday Gal’!
Luffy x Reader (Mari in this case- But it could be anyone)) Smut.
Wooo today is the day I turned nineteen, I’m falling into adulthood- It was a good day today and I’m starting off with a birthday self insert.
I made sure to make it a perspective of you reading as the reader while adding my own twist into it.
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Contains: Just a Birthday fic full of soft smut writing- Luffy gifting Reader a relaxing night with him. Both Luffy and Reader wearing matching fluffy robes. Lots of kissing. Major hand kink- Sound or voice kink. Praise kink. Fingering. Oral (Reader receiving). Lotus. Soft sex.
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“Happy birthday baby!~ M’gonna make ya feel s’good t’night!~”
“O-Oh Luffy~ You didn’t have to~ Y-You really didn’t have to..”
“But I want to, ya deserve it after workin’ s’hard f’yaself~”
A deep yet heavy blush dusted your cheeks as you stared down at Luffy, his pretty raven curls and his cute beady eyes staring at you as he peppers loving little kisses against your chest. “Y’such a good gal~ Ya worked s’hard…s’ya deserve somethin’ so special after s’long~” You mewl out softly as you pressed your hand against his head, a little pleasure-filled sigh leaving your lips as you felt his hands rub along the soft skin of your shoulders. You moan out shakily as the slight roughness of his chapped lips trails along from your chest and down to your breasts.
“S’Soft…Th’softest in th’world~” He whispers out to you, his voice making you shudder with delight and arousal as his fingers pressed lovingly against your skin. He slowly pulls your pretty golden-yellow robe open, and sighs loving as he sees your breasts sitting there and peeking at him. He giggles softly as lays his head against your chest. “Th’fluffy lil’ robe looks s’cute on ya~ Ya like it?” He asked you, tilting his head to you. You smile softly to him and nod your head. “I love it Luffy, it’s..so soft and comfy~” You smile to him while you comb your fingers through his curls.
A sudden gasp leaves your throat as you felt feel his rough hands move to your breasts.
“L-Luffy…” You mewl out his name softly as you felt his hands press against your breasts and grope them softly. “M’hands feel good? Y’like ‘em against ya skin like this?~” Luffy whispered once again, teasing you as he pinches your softened buds with delicacy. You let out another sudden gasp as you feel him roll his fingers along your areola, making you shiver from the sensitivity.
“A-Ah!~ L-Luffy~” You mewl out his name shakily as you pull him closer to your chest, the feeling of his lips curling up into a smile against your skin. You moan out suddenly as you felt the warmth of his tongue slide along your nipple, his lips suckling on them softly as he tried his best not to make it feel a bit painful. You feel his other hand trail down your thighs and grip the hem of your panties, slowly pulling them down while he continues to suckle on your nipple.
As he pulled your panties off, he softly sets them onto the floor before his mouth pulls away from your nipple with a string of saliva attached. He pulls your legs up onto his shoulders, smirking as he licked his lips softly. “Wanna taste ya, this sweet pussy I’ve been waitin’ for after s’longggg~” He coos, pressing two digits against your bare cunt. You blush deeply and mewl out suddenly as you felt his rough fingertips trail along your slit.
“Want me t’eat ya up?~ Wanna feel m���tongue against ya cute lil’ pussy?~” Luffy asked you, staring deep into your eyes. You trembled at his tone and sighed out shakily, a little whine falling after. “Y-Yes…Please..” You say shakily to him. “Hmm? Cmon baby ya gotta say it louder if ya wan’ me t’help ya~” Luffy whisper to you, teasing you. You shudder against him and mewl out softly. “P-Please Luffy~ I-I wanna feel your tongue against me~” You sigh out a bit more confidently.
“Good gal~ Good good gal~” He praises you, pressing a sweet smooch to your little strands below. You gasp out softly as you feel his hand slide along your skin, his other hand teasing your slit and sliding his digits against your sweet hole. He suckles on his fingers a bit before pulling them from his lips and pressing them against your slit adding a bit of lubricant for easy insertion.
He smooches your clit and slide his tongue along the sensitive pearl while slowly sliding his fingers into your entrance. “Mmgh~ T-That feels good L-Luffy~” You mewl out to him, your hand pressed up against his cheek. Your hand moves from his curls and down to his face, your thumb running along his eye scar as he continues to kiss and smooch at your cunt. His tongue swirling around your clit lovingly as he enjoys the feeling of your soft hand against his cheek. He chuckles through the kisses while he begins to thrust his digits far into your entrance, making you moan out from the sudden kiss against your g-spot.
“Mmh!!~ Y-Yes right there!~” You gasp out, your brows furrowing from the sudden pleasure that you were feeling. He peeks his eyes up at you and giggles as he curls his fingers up inside of you. “Takin’ m’fingers s’good ain’t ya baby?~ Ya takin’ them so well~” Luffy praises you, brushing his tongue along your clit. Your legs trembled against his shoulders as your face scrunches up and you gasp out once again while you run your fingers back through his curls.
“Ah!~ A-Ahh!~ L-Luffy, I feel l-like cumming!~” You mewl out and arch your back, your hand pulling away from his head and up to your eyes. “Cmon~ Be a good gal and cream on m’tongue~ Ya know it’ll feel s’good if ya do~” He whispers to you, urging you to cum and cream on his tongue. You sigh out shakily as your toes begin to curl. “A-A little faster p-please!~” You gasp out to him, biting your lower lip from the pleasure.
Luffy smiles before obeying, his fingers going at a quicker pace as he urges you to cream onto his fingers. Pulling his fingers from your cunt causes you to whine out in displeasure but that was quickly replaced with pleasurable moans as Luffy stuffs his tongue past your entrance. “Ah! L-Luffy!” You gasp out a bit loudly, his rough hands gripping your hips and pulling your farther against his tongue.
You whine and mewl out and your sounds grows more shaky yet louder as your walls tightens around his tongue. Your legs shudders against his shoulders as you feel yourself finally ready to release into his tongue. Moving a hand from your hip he grabs your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours, his eyes looking up into yours with a lust and love-filled gaze.
You whine and gasp out suddenly, shutting your eyes tightly as you finally feel yourself loosen up on Luffy’s tongue. “Hah!~ MMH~ L-L-LUFFY!~” You trembled as your sweet little moans spills from your lips, your sweet essence coating his tongue and causing him to hum out in pleasure. Your mewls grew shakier while your body shuddered from your orgasm and Luffy still held on tight to your hand. Removing his tongue from your cunt, he giggles and licks his lips as he savors in the sugary taste of your essence.
“S’Sweet~ S’tasty ain’t ya baby?~” He hums happily before removing your legs from his shoulders. You hum shakily yet softly as he presses one more kiss to your lower tummy before finally getting back up to his knees. He softly cups your face and pulls you in for a sweet kiss, a little moan leaving you as you tasted a bit of yourself on his tongue.
“Shishishi~ Ya as sweet as frostin’~” He jokes, a little giggle falling after.
He grips his fluffy robe and pulls it open, revealing his toned and tanned body to you. He hissed out slightly as the robe rubs along his tip, making him shudder suddenly from the sensitivity. Your face was still flushed due to your orgasm and you could only lay there and take deep breathes while admiring Luffy’s body. He tilts his head before giggling out to you, his hand slowly trailing to your robe. “Like whatcha see baby?~” He asks you teasingly.
“I’ll always love what I see Luffy…” You answer him, your arms wrapping around his torso before you press a smooch to his scar along his chest. He gives you a wide smile before pulling your robe open even more, practically pulling it off of your body yet not all the way.
He sits down onto the mattress before pulling your into his lap, his cock throbbing up against your sticky slit. You wrap your arms around his neck before pressing a kiss to his chapped lips, a few soft moans leaving you both as you indulged in each other’s tastes. Luffy pulls your body closer to him, your back arching as he smushed his lips farther against yours.
He slowly slides his tongue past your lips fand dominates you pretty quickly, making you mewl out of how quick his pace was. Pulling back, you both take a deep breath before he bucks up against your hips. You hear him groan out impatiently as he stares into your eyes. “Ya don’ have to do anything’. Jus’ relax and lemme do all the movin’ kay?” Luffy whispers to you, his voice only turning you on a bit more than he already does himself.
“O-Okay L-Luffy~” You sigh shakily, looking deep into his eyes. He smiles before hovering your hips over his length, his tip practically rubbing and smooching your entrance. You breathe out shakily as he slowly sinks your onto his length, letting out a little hiss as he felt your walls cling tightly around his shaft. “L-Luffy~” You mewl out his name as you gripped his robe tightly, trying his best to give you time before he began to move.
“Ya feel s’good, y’know that right?” He whispers to you, making you shiver from his warm breath against your ear. You moan out softly while he begins to move your hips, his fingers practically digging deep into your skin while he thrusted up into you. He stares into your pretty eyes and admired how your face contorted from his cock thrusting in and out of you slowly.
For someone who rarely had the patience when it came to sex, he surely too his time and went at a steady pace just for you. “Can ya feel me? Can ya feel all of m’cock deep inside ya?~” He asked you, your sweet moans practically music to his ears. “M-Mhmm~ I-It feels so g-good Luffy~ This feel so- s-so wonderful~” You gasp out before arching your back so suddenly, the sudden kiss of his tip against your g-spot making you whine out so suddenly.
“Shishishi~ Look at ya, enjoyin’ my dick~ Ya practically meltin’ in m’hands. Ain’t ya baby gal?~” He whispers before nipping at your ear, making you moan out. You grip his robe softly as your hips began to move on their own, his length massaging your walls and causing to spill your voice out a little more. You hear Luffy let out a little shaky moan as he hears your moan angelically. “S-So good~ F-Feels so good Luffy~” You sigh out, your eyes staring deep into his.
“Ya voice s’cute~ Ya sound s’good when ya moan out like that baby~” He compliments, his hands moving down to grope the fat of your ass. “Cmon~ Make s’more noise f’me like my good lil’ gal~” He demanded, his praise only making you blush and tighten around him. He hissed as he felt your clench tightly around him. “Ohh ya got tighter~ Ya lovin’ that praise baby? Y’love it when I praise ya?~” Luffy presses smooches against your ear, teasing your and turning on. Your body burns up from his affection, the feeling of his lips against your ear made your heart pound and your pussy pulsate even more around his length.
“H-Hahh Luffyyy~ P-Please g-go harder~” You begged him, arching your back and hoping that he’d hit that spot just right. “As ya wish~” He says softly, pulling your hips farther onto his length and making you gasp out so suddenly. You gripped his shoulders tightly as he pounds up into you, the sound of your cunt fluttering around him making you blush even more.
“Ahhh~ Oh L-Luffy~ Mmh~ T-This feels so fucking goood~” You mewl out into his ear as he held on tight to your hips, his fingers practically leaving imprints into your hips. He groans out softly with each thrust, a few gasps leaving him as he pulls your hips farther against his. Your toes begin to curl while you wrap your legs around his hips tightly. “Ohh~ O-Oh fuck Luffy!~” You gasp out as you melt on his dick while he churned up your insides so wonderfully.
“Fuck baby~ Keep moanin’ like that, I wancha ta keep moanin’ just like that~” He groans out, his brows beginning to furrow while he bites his bottom lip from your sweet insides sucking him in. A few tears begin to prick at your eyes as you felt your orgasm growing closer, your head falling back while he fucked into you with loving ferocity. “Oh my god~ O-Oh m’goddd~” You whine out to him as you felt yourself wanting to cum, his cock making you want to burst and gush all over him.
“Ya s’fuckin cute baby~ Ya so fuckin’ cute when ya lose yaself on my dick like this~” Luffy smiles, laying his head up against your breasts while he trailed his hands up to your back. “F-Fuck Luffy~ I-It feels too fucking g-good! I-I can’t h-hold it in much l-longer!~” You gasp out loudly and your hands flies up to his head, pulling his face farther into your breasts as you felt yourself ready to cum.
Luffy continues to groan out, his groans growing a bit more heavy yet desperate as he chased after both of your highs. He unconsciously presses sloppy smooches against your breasts, making you whine out and grip his curls softly. “Luffy! L-Luffy! Luffy I-I’m gonna cum!~” You moan out a bit louder as you felt your orgasm ready to burst through, the feeling of his lips against your soft and sensitive mounds making you whine and whimper out more.
“Cum on m’fuckin’ dick baby! I wancha t’cum s’hard for me!~” Luffy groans out to you, a bit unable to keep his orgasm in any longer either. You moan out shakily and begin to squirm around a bit as you finally felt yourself reaching your peak. “Oh! O-OH L-LUFFY!~” You moan out Luffy’s name loudly and held his head tightly in your arms as you finally cream on his cock, your body shuddering heavily against his as you cream all over his length.
He groans out happily and pulls you as close to him as he could with his arms, his cum spurting deep inside of your cunt while his nails scratch along your back. “Good girl~ Oh fuck ya such a good girlllll~” He moans out, pressing his lips against yours before moaning out. You mewled out against his lips as he gives you a few more thrusts before fully stopping, a heavy yet satisfying sigh leaving him as a wave of exhaustion quickly washes over him.
“Luffy~ K-Kiss me more p-please~” You whine out all needy with him quickly fulfilling your wish with his lip. He kisses you sloppily yet deeply while you both began to slowly bask in the afterglow of each others orgasms, your arms wrapping around his torso while he kissed you so lovingly.
God this was more than you could ask for on your birthday.
“Happy Mhh~ Happy Birthday baby gal~” He moans through the smooches before finally pulling back. You pout to him before a few tears began to spill from your eyes and he laughs nervously. “W-Why’re ya cryin’ babyyy?” He asked a bit worriedly, still pressing smooches along your neck to soothe you. “I-It felt so g-good…T-Thank you Luffy…” You sniveled, hugging him tightly and pulling him as close to your body as you could.
“Of course baby, this is only th’beginnin’ thoughhh~ That was just a first rounddd~” He giggles to you, pressing another smooch against your soft skin. “We still got more ta go~ We can go as long as ya want us ta go~” He whispers to you, kissing your tears away. Your walls tightens around him as you hear him say so, making him groan out a bit suddenly.
“I-I want to go a-again…Please let’s do it again Luffy~”
“As ya wish baby gal~ Anythin’ my birthday gal wants~”
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baosam1399 · 1 year
〔Bài dịch số 989〕 ngày 31.10.2022 :
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Khi tất cả mọi người đều dành cho anh những lời chúc lớn lao, em chỉ muốn chúc anh không bị chậm chuyến khi ngồi máy bay, chúc anh khi đói mở được tủ lạnh sẽ có đồ ăn ngon, chúc hoa quả anh mua đều sẽ có vị ngọt, chúc anh mơ ngủ đều sẽ là chuyện vui, chúc anh có thể dũng cảm buông bỏ bất cứ lúc nào và may mắn gặp được người có chung tiếng nói với mình, chúc anh sau này khi rơi nước mắt đều là vì quá hạnh phúc!
(Vũ Thu Hoài/baosam1399 dịch)
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cucmokhaai · 1 year
Tiếc nuối lớn nhất của cuộc đời này đó là quen biết em, rồi lại đánh mất em, cuối cùng vẫn giấu với tất cả mọi người mà tiếp tục yêu em.
这辈子最大的遗憾, 就是认识你, 然后失去你, 最后瞒着所有人, 继续爱你.
(Hạ Họa Xuân dịch)  
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splatooneng · 1 year
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Tons of gear is coming to stores with the 2023 Spring Fresh Season! Many hot items from Inkopolis will be included, and the youth of Splatsville are itching to get their hands on some of them. Why not take a look at the shops to find your own fresh style?
Starting with the new season, each gear shop will have nine items. It seems that this will make it easier to buy the large amounts of gear that's coming in from Inkopolis We hope that you'll find your favorite gear!
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Also, items you'd see in some after-school activities, like basketballs, lacrosse sticks, and guitars, will be added. Mix 'em and match 'em with other new locker items coming this season! We'd love to see your locker filled with your own definition of fresh!
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「2023春 Fresh Season」に合わせて、ショップに並ぶギアも大量に入荷されるぞ。 ハイカラシティで人気のギアも多く含まれるらしく、バンカラ街の若者たちもソワソワと落ち着かない様子だ。 まずは、自分だけのフレッシュなスタイルを探しに、ショップをのぞいてみてはいかがだろうか。
新しいシーズンからは、各ギアショップに並ぶ商品が9つに増えるぞ。 これで大量に追加されたハイカラシティのギアも買いやすくなるようだ。 ぜひ、お気に入りのギアを見つけていただきたい。
新しいシーズンでバスケットボールやラクロススティック、ギターなど、部活動でおなじみのオキモノが追加されるぞ。 このシーズンでもらったザッカと組み合わせるもよし、新たに作り直すのもよし。 あなただけの「イカす」で埋め尽くされたロッカー、ぜひ見せていただきたい。
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missmyloko · 4 months
What Does It Take To Be #1?
'Cause 2 is not a winner and 3 nobody remembers (haha, got 'em). But in all seriousness, the results are in for this year's Shigyōshiki! This year's #1 in Gion Kobu is... Yuzuha (柚子葉) of Tama (多麻)! and This year's #1 in Miyagawa Cho is... Koaki (小晶) of Kaden (花傳)! Congratulations to both of these women on working extra hard over the past year!
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kinokoshoujoart · 7 months
hello hello i just wanted to say i love your rock art and you're hilarious and i have a question.. apologies if you've explained this somewhere before but i'm curious if you believe rock was adopted (and along with that, what's going with the picture of the child who is not rock and does rock dye his hair, etc.) and what other rock headcanons you have that you haven't shared yet, if you're willing to share them. (also thank you for doing the 30 days of hm challenge--it's making me so happy to see your daily rock art)
woah i’m so happy you like my art!!! thank you so much for the ask <33 i’m having tons of fun doing these challenges too! thanks for making em!
ohhhh man the adoption theory… i’ve been trying to get to the bottom of this for so long, this answer might get pretty long sorry about that. i’m really glad you asked so i have an excuse to talk abt it :D
⚠️spoilers / taking clown man seriously warning⚠️
i’m thinking rock was first designed as a guest at the inn, but that late in development the connection between him and tei+lou was added
looking at the concept art for tei, his bio says 「元旅人だったせいか、ナミやロックのような人物を好んで泊めるようだ。」 which roughly translates “perhaps due to being a former traveler himself, he seems to enjoy hosting people like nami and rock” uh... hosting, huh? travelers, huh?
tbh rock’s original concept art/description feels to me like. he was meant to be the annoying trust fund kid prodigal son who is blowing his rich parents money to travel on the longest vacation in the world. and everyone responsible for creating this character hates him so so so much
so i think some of the Themes about rock were unintentional at least for the first game, but were rolled with for anwl with the total revision of his character + addition of his heart events and rival heart events. especially with his 2nd rival event with lumina, ESPECIALLY with the ingame rumor lumina isn’t actually related to romana
the photo was there from awl though… so maybe the idea was meant to be hinted at in awl
stuff that makes little sense to me if rock was their son—going from well-tread to lesser tread:
shares no physical features with them aside from having darker skin tone than most of the cast
rock even brings up the fact that he looks nothing like his parents just to get defensive and say it’s none of anyone’s business
does not speak like either of his parents. more apparent in jp. he sounds. “trendy” (he tries)
tei and lou didn’t design the inn with a room for a child… his ass is NOT supposed to be in that room!! it’s for van!!
rock remembers moving to the valley for the first time but there’s not even a hint he was part of their travels, even though tei/lou were traveling until reaching the valley (you’d think rock’d jump at the chance to brag about being well traveled)
the inn is older than the farm your dad and takakura started but rock says he never met your dad (lou and even lumina did meet him)
we can now actually look at all the photos in the inn of tei and lou and their travels, none of them have rock in them.
which brings me to the infamous photo…
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other than the fact it isn’t rock, we don’t know anything for sure. both the original and remake have scenes where tei talks about this picture (strange hoe / blessed milker) but he never acknowledges the kid in the photo at all, just talks about the country they visited. it’s bizarre.
the jp flavor text when examining the picture says 「夫婦ふたりの間にうつっている小さな男の子はロックではないようです…」— “It seems that the little boy between the couple is not Rock…”.
there’s a ton of room for guessing, but personally i hc they lost a child. based on what i can see of the picture, the kid has the same hair color and skin color as tei and lou, and a similar build to them…
taking into account that rock dyes his hair, rock’s / his kids’ natural hair color is actually the same exact hex color code as cecilia’s…
if the fact that he dyes his hair is meant to say he’s their son, his natural hair would be black, yeah? but instead it’s cecilia brown
rock’s son also is described oddly specifically as “looking exactly like a small Rock”. you know who doesn’t look like rock’s kid? the kid in the photo :(
funny enough even in anwl it never occurred to me that rock was a natural blond. his eyebrows are dark and … damn those roots. i guess i just assumed he was dyeing his friggin toddlers hair
i also hc they’ve known rock longer than he’s been part of their household, and that he’s either the child of a friend they traveled with in the past or a kid they met in the “country far to the south” they traveled to a long time ago. he reminded them of their lost kid in some way
phew i hope that wasn’t too long… i’ll end on some
lighthearted rock hcs :D
i don’t want to overwhelm anyone so this isn’t all of them… haha…(makes the most overwhelming post ever as a devious little trick)
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thank you 4 reading this far :3 please take my OH DEAR GOD WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ROCK REAL wip as a little treat
since he says he’s an “earring and tattoo” kind of guy in anwl. he has a shitty misspelled hidden tattoo that says something like “never don’t give up”
the answer to rock’s question about why there’s no record player at the inn is because he literally yeeted records like frisbees as a kid
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similar explanation as to why the guest beds are blocking both balcony doors. they literally had to rockproof the inn
moved out to live independently as soon as possible without any planning, proceeded to get fired and banned from every workplace in the world (failed salaryman)
surprisingly good vocabulary, piss on the poor reading comprehension though
his stash is in the statue in front of his southern window
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megaclaudiolis · 1 month
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That's the most important.
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beatradical · 1 year
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A Glimpse of my Shiny Foxes~
Presenting.... OYA-KO - 親子 [Shiny ver.]
Available individually, or as Sets of 2. Catch ‘em now, at my Winter’s Tales Online Shop ~ >w</
Shiny Hisuian Zoroark , Zorua © Pokemon
Fan art, Enamel pin designs by Fuyu
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