#emeralds rambles
brokenolivejar · 4 months
Hey black butler fans how would you feel about black butler warrior cats au 😈
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 10 months
One of the funny things to came out of me learning about DSMP fandom-first, and not seeing a lot of the actual canon first-hand until later, was the c!Technoblade quote "For you the world Phil"
Which I discovered months down the line was not, in fact, from a dramatic lore moment of great emotional weight, probably either before or after some grand battle. It wasn't even from SMP Earth when the Antarctic Empire took over the world, which is where I'd kind of assumed it was from. No, that quote was an exasperated comment at the end of a married-couple-style squabble over bookshelves.
Still an amazing quote, great demonstration of their devotion to each other and all that, but accidentally stumbling across the actual context of it after I'd seen it used to such dramatic effect all over the fandom was really funny.
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moltengoldveins · 3 months
so we can all agree that the newest 2WEI song (take the crown) is the trailer song for an Antarctic Empires Emerald Duo pg14 movie where Techno is a gladiator who earned his freedom and has vowed to destroy the government that enslaved him and Philza is an old demigod banished to a solitary plane of existence for five decades after attempting to run a coup against the ruling class.
They meet on a battlefield, Techno having joined up as brute muscle and Phil having used some minor illusions to pass as a quirky avian and join the bombardment team. Combining some similar plot beats as Oceans 11 and Atlantis: The Lost Empire, they gather a specialized team of insurrectionists, anarchists, battle mages, and warriors to take down the imperium from the inside, eventually planning on restoring the nation to the democracy it was in Phil’s earliest memories. But will they manage it, or will their bloody pasts and violent present seat Technoblade on the throne as the Antarctic Emperor, with Philza as his right hand, the Angel of Death? (Spoiler, the second option. It’s the most controversial film finale decision of the decade.)
The movie is filmed in a style somewhere between Dune 1, the Prince of Egypt, and Topgun. (denis villeneuve is too busy and too expensive, but it’s clear they’re taking inspiration. Bold colors and lighting and a lot of shots of the sky, wildlife, architecture, or of characters’ hands.) It’s scored by an up and coming indie musician, working under the consultation of Ludwig Gorannson in his spare time as a pet project, though his association with the film doesn’t really come out until it Smashes the expected theatre income in the first two days of release and critics start Raving about it. Techno’s actor is nominated for an Oscar for one of the most compelling intricate portrayals of ptsd and platonic devotion in modern cinema, but doesn’t actually get the Oscar.
Tumblr is flooded with gif sets of Techno in the Obligatory No Armor After Gladiator Fight Scene and the Late Night Vibing With Phil In A Loose Poet Shirt scene (firelit, lots of closeups of his eyes, the film is obviously attempting to express his complex emotional state and his deep relationship with Phil, and is failing miserably at doing Anything but making him hot. The internet is ✨gay✨ about it, because when is the internet not?) Also most of the simps are calling Phil a dilf.
Fit MC is the fan-favorite side character, his four scenes and nine lines of dialogue are clipped and edited and giffed and memed into the dirt. (His armor and prosthetic, the makeup and costuming department say, were the hardest thing to do in the entire film, which is why he isn’t in too many shots.) Though, a close second is Niki, who is played by a woman built like a brick house who doesn’t wear sleeves, so…. Yeah. We all know what the response is there. The effects, including Phil’s wings, are almost entirely practical and the only real places it gets iffy is Steve, the giant war polar bear that’s pretty clearly clipping through a few snowbanks here and there. Nobody can agree on which characters are morally reprehensible.
Within a few years, very few people outside a dedicated fan base have seen it and a few assume it’s made up like Goncharov. It’s also, for some ungodly reason, been labeled a Christmas film. (most of the plot happens in the ice and snow, hence ‘Antarctic Empire.’) I guess nothing says ‘Christmas spirit’ quite like ‘unmitigated violence, platonic yearning, and overthrowing oppressors.’
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I haven’t seen anyone make a post like this about Wilbur soot, and I want to, because this specific thing is important to me.
First off, support Shelby, we love and support Shelby here, she’s such a strong and brave person and I’m so fucking glad that she said something and now we all know about this.
I do not support Wilbur soot at all. He’s a piece of shit. I don’t fucking like or support or want to see him. However I love his character
C!wilbur has always been so important to me. And since I haven’t seen anyone else say this, I want to.
It’s okay if you still like the character
Its okay if you still want fanart of the character
It’s okay if you still want to read about the character
Cc Wilbur has no creative liberty over the character anymore, especially since the dream smp has ended.
If you want to oc-ifiy the character, do it! Have fun!! Id love to see the ocs!!!!/gen
But if that character holds a really important place to you, and you genuinely care about the CHARACTER, it’s perfectly okay to still like them.
You looking at fanart of the character doesn’t give cc!wilbur any money or attention at all. Same with fanfiction
And in my eyes at least, as long as you aren’t supporting that piece of shit, if you want to enjoy a fictional character, that’s okay.
I’m still going to make fanart and write and I still have headcanons, and I also hate the content creator so much.
I really hope this post is coherent, I love all of you (/p), have some water, listen to some music, take a break. Remember it’s also okay if you’re really fucking upset about this, I am too. Just take care of yourself and do whatever it you need to do
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ib3li3v3you · 3 months
I want to talk about Sir James for a second cos i think hes an immensely underrated character.
I love how different he is from the rest of the cattons. How much childlike wonder he has, he just wants to have fun in his mansion with his family. He doesnt care about showing off or putting himself higher on the food chain like elspeth. Hes just excited that in the summer he gets to be with his family.
He seems like the kind of father that would throw anything at his kids to make them happy but never actually act like a father i think. But he loves hanging out and being one of the kids and watching silly movies (superbad, the ring) with them to him thats precious bonding time and it makes him feel like a kid as well. Maybe it was bcos he never had a chance to be a kid when he was younger so now hes living vicariously through his children.
I think its very evident of how childlike he is,when elspeth mentions how she wants to throw oliver a party. He was completely silent during breakfast but as soon as she said party his face literally lit up with so much excitement and giddiness about getting to wear his suit of armour like a child being told he can go to school in his spiderman costume.
But he can also be tough, especially in the scene where hes begging oliver to leave or demanding andwers from farleigh. Hes doing everything he can to help his wife move on with their lives, and since its all that he really knows how, he throws money at oliver to fix the situation, he gets desperate he doesnt know what else he can do after they had suffered so much loss.
Like a child Sir James just wanted everyone to be happy, to move on, to get along. Idk i think hes such a sweet and tragic character
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yume-fanfare · 11 months
i do admit that special beatmaps are creative in their ways of torture. usually hell beatmaps in rhythm games are simply a song that goes really really fast but special songs break at least 30 rhythm game laws
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robinette-green · 24 days
Did some note pages for my Joker boys.
Joker of Night
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Moon’s made entirely of porcelain
He’s from Porcelain City (the people from there are known as Pearlers) ((pulled from Pearlware which is a refined earthenware))
The ribbons and bells he added himself when he started working for the White Queen (White Queen like chess queen) - (materials and colors form outside the city are frowned. Upon by Pearlers but Moon wanted to add some color and whimsy to his outfit when he left his walled home)
Pearlers can be easily cracked and broken but Moon has only sustained one crack despite his adventures. (He’s developed a careful, graceful style of movement to avoid injury)
When a Pearlers is broken, they are repaired with a gold lacquer ( like the Japanese technique kintsugi )
Most Pearlers live around 500 years but there are a few that have lived longer
There is a stone inside their chests that give them life - eventually it will run out of energy and the Pearler will die - removal of the stone also results in death
Joker of Light
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Sun is made entirely of candy
He is from the Town of Sweets ( the people from there are known as Bonbons)
Sun’s hands and arms are made from taffy with rock candy ‘bones’ for stability
Sun’s rays are a soft orange slice candy
The ruffle around his neck is made from hard candies of several different flavors
The clothes are made from a sugarcane fabric - edible but acts like a normal fabric
Sun’s left leg is actually a prosthetic of sorts. - this new Lilly pop leg was melted on to replace the one he lost. (Jabberwock ate it) ((this new leg is stiff and gives him trouble sometimes))
Bonbons can be made from all sorts of candy but they are never sticky. (Could you imagine how horrible that could end up?) ((no sticky. Because magic ((also because I said so))))
Bonbons are edibles but please don’t eat them - they may be candy but they do still feel pain
Just like the Pearlers, Bonbons live around 500 years but some have lived longer.
There is a stone in their chests just like the Pearlers that gives them life - when the energy runs out they die - removing the stone also results in death
I think I’m going to call this the Jokers of Emeralds Au
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arsenicboobop · 4 months
i’m devastated that the only ‘kiss’ scene between we have is felix and ollie at that party... please emerald release the clip please!!! we want the directors cut 😢😢
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lostinsaltburn · 3 months
The maze scene is so fascinating.
The way Ollie is so desperate, clinging to Felix like he is everything (which he is to Oliver). His eyes are pleading with him and then it's like this complete resolve takes over, the moment he realizes Felix won't give him what he so desperately wants, when he realizes that no matter what everything has changed and cannot and will not ever go back to the way it was. It's heartbreaking to watch, to see that little glint in Felix's eye, maybe he will kiss him, maybe it will be okay but of course it's not. Emerald did a great job of even at the very last moment giving us this glimmer of hope, made us really connect with Oliver in that moment.
The poison was such a gamble, the way he handed the bottle to him. It was like him just giving up, he can't live a life where Felix isn't in it, by killing him he can immortalize him and their relationship before the truth that only they know comes out. By killing Felix, he is the only one that can say how their relationship was, he is the only one that can narrate the 'truth' of their connection because Felix isn't there to dispute it. Only they knew what it was like behind closed doors.
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cringelordofchaos · 4 months
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Ultra Chaos Knuckles
A fan-design for an imaginary form of Knuckles, where he uses the power of the Master Emerald - made by me!
Already posted about him before; here and here , hadn't gotten much better lol
I dont think he would almost ever, in any situation, use the master emerald for himself, or even for others! His sworn duty is protecting it, and not using it. He can't trust others with it, including him, he would probably think no one would even deserve to wield it's powers in the first place, it shall only be guarded from those who may abuse it. He wouldn't think he would have any more privilege or trust with it than others.
...but, in a hypothetical situation where the potential of the master emerald being the only choice, the only chance of salvation for everyone; would he ever consider?
In any case if it ever would come down to it, I have already said this before; but he would probably be extremely, extremely guilty about it, and ask the master emerald itself first. And would swear in everything, that this is the first and last time he or anyone is every going to use it. And that he would accept any form of punishment that would come with using it's powers, or making a mistake.
Nevertheless, for the right purposes, the master emerald would let him wield it's powers, and oh BOY are they powerful.
As you can see he is GIGANTIC. I was gonna make him more gigantic but then you wouldn't even see the sonic he's holding in his hands everso gently.
Holding many celestial powers at once, I swear in a fanfic concept I had at the back of my mind this makes sense.
Many cracks and veins visibly running through his celestial body, alongside the enourmous scars, are supposed to show that in this state, despite how powerful he really is, it is disgustingly painful to bear.
All the colours of the chaos emeralds are also intended to be visible in the ultra Chaos Knuckles design.
(I apologize for the bad name - it was the first thing I came up with on the spot lmao. And now I'm just used to it)
The moon on his chest is based off of the fact that knuckles' canon design thingy on his chest is based off of the moon crest, to parallel sonics Sun belly or whatever.
Also - rings ! Just thought they'd be a nice addition, also in sonic lore you COULD say they symbolize life in some way.
Feel free to ask me anything Abt him !!! Or the AU I'm thinking of !!!
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torchbearing · 2 months
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zero hour: crisis in time / star wars: episode iii - revenge of the sith novelization by matthew stover.
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brokenolivejar · 2 months
Hey gaahina shippers how would u feel abt a small pmv..
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 10 months
Okay actually I have more thoughts about the "for you the world Phil" line and its original context. So.
Even though the line isn't exactly meant as some huge declaration when c!Techno says it, and it wasn't as significant and dramatic as the fandom often makes it out to be, I still think it's incredibly sweet and it still does demonstrate so much of how they care about each other.
Because basically what c!Techno was saying was "y'know what? You yoinking the bookshelves was exasperating and inconvenient, and you're an absolute dork for it, but you're my dork and I would give you the world, so I don't actually mind. (You're my best friend so I'm gonna let you off the hook, because you could never make me mad truly with something like this)" It was him surrendering the argument to c!Phil, which isn't really something c!Techno does.
It's a much more domestic declaration of love than what I'd assumed the line was without knowing the context, but imo it says just as much (if not more) about their dynamic than if it had been some dramatic turning point or finale in the lore.
Because even when their lives aren't on the line and it's silly little squabbles like this one was, they still care about and respect each other so much
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moltengoldveins · 3 months
hm yes emduo and bedrock bros and the eggs in Space. Phil is one of the last surviving members of a fragile but technically immortal species of elytrians that is now only whispered about in fairy tales. He’s a private investigator and enforcer (space pirate and muscle) for his beloved wife’s galaxy-wide uhhh….. Independent illegal group of people dedicated to protecting order and monitoring corruption? Gang of space pirates who steal from rich people? League of assassins but with morals? Unclear what the Syndicate Is Exactly but it sure do Be. He’s the pilot for the SBI Boreas, a light cruiser with a frankly Absurd munitions outfit. (Tubbo’s his mechanic) 
Techno is a member of the only recognized sentient deathworlder species, an odd mix of orc, elf, and pig features, and is by all accounts a living legend, or a living nightmare. He’s solidly twice the size of most other species, capable of surviving injuries what most would deem a death sentence, and a highly trained warrior to boot. Now, by all human accounts the texts of his people are pretty self-explanatory, (the Art of War is 89% Common Sense by volume) but in a galaxy of peaceful races on peaceful planets, it’s complex and brutal enough to be nigh-incomprehensible. He’s on a Lot of watchlists, but he’s also the like… platonic third partner in Phil and Madam Kristin, The Lady Of Death TM’s marriage??? So not a lot can be Done about him. 
Tommy is a younger avian teen (distant relation to the elytrians, definitely Not Immortal) who Techno found breaking into the Boreas and decided to keep (Phil took one look and his Dad Instincts kicked in) and his life is going swimmingly until he gets Yoinked for leverage against his dads and mum. The organization who gets him runs a blood sport colosseum, and while in transit his cage was stuck next to this weird hairless thing?? Chained with like Heavy Duty restraints. Tommy doesn’t have a ton of time to bond with this Strange Thing before the hostage negotiations happen, but they do manage to exchange names and Tommy decides with his classic impulsive passion that This Thing And He Are Brothers For Life Now. then the negotiations immediately go south, there’s a bit of a standoff, and Techno ends up trading himself for Tommy, which is what the organization wanted in the first place. They run a Reeeeally expensive exotic show for super Rich Jerks in an undisclosed location and Techno is their latest attraction. They’re also painfully cocky, and will be dying with extreme prejudice the moment Mumza gets her claws in them. 
So Techno gets Got and shoved in a high-security cell once they reach the colosseum, along with, surprise! This strange hairless creature with four limbs. It’s Chayanne, who is A Very Human Teenager who Did Not Want To Be Abducted By Aliens, Thank You. They’re both deathworlders, which Techno Does Not Realize until they get assigned to the same team a few weeks into the battles and watches Chay rip a bug man’s limbs off (Chay is Not having a good day. His dad (Missa) taught him self defense and was a martial artist, a butcher, and a rather morbid man, so some Relevant Knowledge and some general chillness around death is to be expected, but Not a chillness around KILLING PEOPLE FOR SPORT) Techno thinks this must be a fully grown adult whatever-it-is all the way until Chay breaks down crying and sounds Just Like a shoat (baby pig) and Techno feels the Dad Instinct rising again. 
Meanwhile, Halfway Across The Galaxy: the government has been developing space flight, but are really only at the borders of our solar system when they catch some aliens in the act of Yoinking another kid, this time from an orphanage (Tallula) they don’t manage to save her, but Holy Crap ALIENS???? Missa, who saw a bit of his son’s abduction but not enough to know exactly what happened, sees the news broadcast, puts two and two together and gets plot advancement. He starts pulling strings, asking about old connections in the space force (Cosmonaut Fit Emsi, godfather to Chayanne and Missa’s college best friend, may or may not be involved in the Turning Of Blind Eyes) and manages to get access to a hanger bay with a captured alien ship in it a few months after the incident in what might be the coolest heist sequence ever not-actually-written. (It’s very cool in my head, think Oceans 11 but the majority of the qsmp cast, trust me I swear.) He launches himself right into space and proceeds to systematically work his way through spaceport after waystation after colony planet in search of The Aliens Who Steal Human Kids (Specifically My Son) 
Techno is at this point playing the long game. He knows Kristin and Phil aren’t about to leave him hanging, and that they have enough firepower to burn this place to the ground, but he’s not sure when that’s gonna happen or how he’s gonna get Chay out. Meanwhile, Chay has No Idea what this strange Exceedingly Chill Pig Man has going on, but as far as he’s concerned, this is his life now. Forever. And making allies is important. They start trading languages and Techno starts teaching Chay katas (modified for the drastically different joint structure) in their free “big open space enrichment time.” (Side note: what aliens consider almost horrific cruel and unusual punishment is at worst severely unpleasant for humans. They just can’t take psychologically what humans can, so they kinda Have to treat their slaves better than we would. Doesn’t mean it’s good treatment, but it does mean Chay and Techno are both doing significantly better than they could be.)
Finally, Phil and Kristen rock up to the party incognito, dressed to the nines and attending a Big Event To Show Off Our New Deathworlders. They see Techno in the ring and have to Play It Cool, but he seems to be doing ok actually, so that’s good. Eventually the Head Honcho Man gets into a discussion with Phil right by the viewing window, so Phil has to pretend he’s fine when he sees a door open in the arena and A @:&;!ING HUMAN STEP OUT AND SQUARE OFF WITH HIS BEST FRIEND. (Shockingly, being immortal tends to inform you of such things like Secret Deathworlds and their Scary Inhabitants) Kristin is of course Immediately On The Move, but it turns out to be not necessary: Chay just kinda strolls up to Techno and gives him a side hug (bLEASE, you want me to fight my Roommate? Get out) and while Phil is laughing to himself, the Head Honcho gets maaaaad. He pulls it around though, announcing that he “already knew the two monsters had bonded the way only such vicious creatures could, and will be giving them a challenge only they could hope to face!!” And releases, like, four of the heccin Dune sand worms into the arena. Techno and Chay proceed to fight like demons while Phil and his squad take out the party and Kristen and her squad sweep the lower levels of the colosseum in an effort to keep More Worms out of the arena. Slavers die horribly. The end. 
Meanwhile, halfway across the galaxy: Missa returns!! Now with Even More Rage! His ship has broken down and because he ain’t got no Space Green Card, he’s got to get it repaired at a place that’ll take anyone. Enter Tubbo Underscore, Syndicate Member and Tinkerer Extraordinaire. Tubbo takes one look at this guy and goes “yeah that’s not a normal guy there’s something Wrong here” and through a series of pointed questions (and aggressive preening by Benson, a rather horrifying eldritch duck-dog thing the size of a small horse) Missa eventually explains why he’s in space. Tubbo, having just recently repaired Philza H Minecraft’s ship on its way to wipe out a gladiator ring, puts two and two together to make more plot, explains his Theory, and decides to accompany Missa, getting them into the next Syndicate raid on this organization. They, along with an undercover agent by the code name of Boo (It’s a word in Old Enderian that means ‘Eldritch’ or ‘Unknowable.’ Missa has to choke to keep from laughing) storm a freighter and rescue a bunch of valuable slaves and also!! Sunny and Tallulah! They have different first languages, Sunny was treated Significantly Cushier by the slavers than Lulah bc she was younger and viewed a bit more like a pet than a fighter, and they haven’t really spoken to one another before the rescue, so their rough start happens at this point. Cue Missa and Tubbo # Struggling to keep these two feral children from each others throats while they keep searching (‘Chay was literally never this bloodthirsty, the heck???’ -Missa, holding two backpack leashes apart while the girls are trying to strangle each other) 
Meanwhile on the Boreas: CHAY AND TOMMY REUNION POG???? Techno formally adopts Chay according to his culture (think Mandalorian, but to the left) and Chay has enough language to understand, but not enough to inquire about, yknow, whether Going Back To Earth is an option. As far as the Boreas crew know, it isn’t: Earth is a no-fly zone and Chay’s been out here for nearly a year and a half. They have no idea how they’d begin to get him home. 
Then finally, on a Syndicate-owned spaceport in the middle of nowhere, Missa finds the Boreas and sees his kid across a crowded bazaar. They hug, it’s super dramatic, very tearful, (Phil and Kristen are already planning his room on the ship: if they’re gonna coparent, they’re gonna do it Right) and after a bit of waffling, both Chay and Missa decide it’s for the best if they spend some time in space before heading back to earth, what with the whole “definitely stole a star fighter and wanted by the government, the entire world knows about aliens now” bit. There is fluff. There is cultural sharing. There is hair braiding. It’s amazing. 
Then comes my literal favorite space au trope Ever: a few days into the new and improved Boreas gang’s voyage, their ship is boarded by (shock, horror) a group of Human Pirates and the crew is Immediately captured. Turns out: it’s kinda hard to keep the existence of an entire galactic community from Everyone on Earth, and these are guys who, similar to Missa, yoinked a spaceship from their military and went rogue. (I’m putting Quackity here, cause I love charismatic villain Quackity and I think it works) they pirates are very VERY “humans are gonna expand to cover the universe” “might makes right” “come, join us, and together we can rule the galaxy” about it when they realiz Missa and Chay are aboard, and the Boreas crew honestly expects Missa and Chay to join them. They’re human! They speak the same language! They value the same things! Obviously they’re gonna take that way out, we wouldn’t even blame them! (Techno feels pretty betrayed but Phil/Kristen/Tommy just look resigned) Missa and Chay play along, pretend to hate their ‘alien captors,’ and arm themselves “to help them secure the ship.”
What follows is a rather emotionally charged but Very Very Cool sequence in which Missa and Chayanne use the skills they gained in their unfortunate struggles across the galaxy to Clean House, clearing their home the ship room by room until they’ve got a pile of bloodied and unconscious or dead humans and a very very shocked new family. There might be a bit more plot after this as the family settles, perhaps a sequel made of short stories, but this is generally the end.
The epilogue is five years later, when Fit Emsi, head of the new Intergalactic Human Intergalactic Relations Organization and Expansion Section (HIROES) has his monthly checkup call with Missa and Chay, who’re having a blast with Techno and Phil and Tommy traveling the universe. Fit calls them in to consult in cultural stuff during the negotiations with, yknow, the Actual Galactic Government, the one that views the Syndicate as a crime organization, but it’s pretty well known at this point that Mumza is In Charge Of Things on the Downlow, and Fit’s still Chay’s godfather for heavens sake: there’s simply nothing the government can Do about it. Tubbo has adopted Sunny and Chay took one look at Talulah and decided “Thats My Little Sister.” Phil apparently has had a crisis recently related to some kind of ancient evil ex long thought dead, but is on the road to recovery. Everyone lives happily ever after, the end. 
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Man I love being abnormal about the dream smp in 2024
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nightmare-foundation · 7 months
Genuinely hate how people routinely excuse salems actions in The Lost Fable tbh. Specifically regarding their kids.
Like, I'm sorry, but Salem NEVER cared about them. They were collateral damage. She used her own daughters silhouettes to taunt Oz, and she was the one who attacked first.
"Those kids would've lived if Oz hadn't tried sneaking them out!" So we're agreeing that Salem was an active danger to both Oz and their daughters? She shot first, and Oz HAD to retaliate to protect them, and unfortunately failed.
And she used their kids silhouettes to TAUNT Oz and Oscar. There's never anything that so much as IMPLIES Salem grieved for their children. Even IF she grieved and moved on, no SANE mother uses her dead children to taunt her ex. And Salem isn't the type to just... move on; that isn't in her character. The only answer is that she NEVER grieved nor cared.
Meanwhile it's full on said that Oz grieved, for several LIVES, while drowning himself in alcohol in an attempt to forget what happened, possibly killing himself several times via alcohol poisoning. Any good father would react badly to losing his children in a horrible accident like that.
Also did we just... forget that Salem caused EVERYTHING in the show?? She indirectly killed Pyrrha, Penny, destroyed Beacon, destroyed Atlas, wrecked Haven, and has killed COUNTLESS innocent people including actual CHILDREN, regardless of if they were in the Academies or not. She tortured and manipulated Cinder when Cinder disobeyed her, tried the same with Emerald when she defected, tried killing hazel when he did the same. Not only that but she experimented on innocent SEWs, turning them into monsters. Plus she tortured an actual 15 year old. And that's not even getting into the sheer amount of manipulation that goes into Tyrian.
And what has Oz done?
Uh... leave out that Salem was immortal to a bunch of kids, gave them an out and told them the war was dangerous, and blamed himself for the Fall of Beacon and Pyrrhas death. The only thing that's pretty bad was the fact he lied to his inner circle, but even then just about one thing.
He could've taken Ravens shape shifting magic at any time. Oz is an immortal wizard, he could've absolutely tracked her down and taken back his magic. But he didn't, as a show of TRUST, despite the fact that she'd use her magic to hurt people. Oz left a metaphorical door open for her if Raven ever wanted to return.
If this were Salem? If he were anything like her?
Raven would be DEAD.
But Oz is actually a good person so... she's not.
The Academies were made to give people the tools and resources to protect themselves from Grimm, while also effectively helping push Salem back. People going into the Academies KNOW what they're signing up for. The Grimm aren't just gonna sit back, they're ALWAYS going to inevitably attack. It's better if people actually, yknow, know how to fight and protect others. And the youngest people normally go into them is 17 years old. And they have training missions, so if they want to back out, they can at ANY time.
Anyways Salem fucking sucks, Oz is nothing like her, and yall need to quit sucking her metaphorical dick. She's a good character, very interesting and complex, but she's genuinely horrible. If you still agree with Salem after knowing what she's done... please don't have kids.
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