#emf comic
freeced · 2 years
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who's in charge around here anyway
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tiercel · 1 year
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Written by John L. Lansdale
Illustrated by James Romberger & Marguerite Van Cook
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object-vault-9 · 1 month
Character Spotlight 1: EMF Meter's History
OOC: I was trying to plan more art or a narrative approach, but with the chaos upcoming in the next weeks in comic and my art program deleting the pens and textures I was using for this several times.... I'd like to go back and refine it better ! Its a little vague and weird in places but I didn't want to put off EMF stuff too much longer Anyway here's a summary of EMF's time at the vault, for people who missed his short duration here, plus his back story! Like always he's open for questions Under the cut since this was really long and wordy
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The 18th week after opening the vault, EMF Meter was found with a severe head wound. He was discovered by Red Ball and Push Pin, and brought back to the vault to be cared for by Mousetrap. He wasn't able to determine what happened to him. Week 22 is when he regained consciousness. The exposed portion of his circuitry were still not healing over even as he started to recover. He was back on his feet by Week 24, though still suffered frequent headaches. He reported starting to see and hear things around the vault, but struggled to describe what exactly it was. His original electric field detecting capabilities became less effective, and he got a lot of false positives that messed with his perception. Being a very deeply spiritual person, he interpreted many of these things to be ghosts, and later, possibly demons. Especially after learning of the many losses the vault suffered recently, and prior to its opening. His time in the vault he always came off as quiet and secretive. He was really close with Mousetrap and no one else, and he didn't bring up his past much. He offered to help around the clinic, and to Mousetrap's surprise he was a trained doctor, and familiar with a lot of the pre-war techniques passed down from the vault. The clinic was extremely busy at the time, and some of the vault dwellers injuries were dire, especially Timer's infected leg after she had fallen from a cliff. With supplies dwindling, on week 30 EMF took off on his own to scavenge supplies from the boarded off hospital. To enter the building he climbed to the roof, but slipped on his way back down, surviving the fall but shattering the plastic casing making up his back. Having not told anyone where he had gone, it took the vault a while to locate him after his disappearance was noticed. He luckily made it back to the vault alive and in one piece. He survived a few more weeks due to Mousetrap's careful medical attention, but he wasn't able to make a recovery this time. On his death bed he urged Mousetrap not to blame herself. But how did he get here?
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Many miles away from the vault, Emerald City, named after the fantastical city in The Wizard of Oz, is the one of the most stable settlements in the commonwealth. Known to many as simply the 'Walled City", it is notoriously difficult to get in and out of. Though well defended from bandits and wasteland threats, the city is rampant with deep rooted corruption. EMF Meter was born and raised there, and trained as a doctor. If he had stayed he'd have become an affluent figure, but he was really unhappy. The corruption that poisoned the city was prevalent in his family too, leading to both his success and his depression. Leaving behind his old life, he left the city. His journey led him to a church and cemetery. A huge, old world cathedral, barely damaged, and holding up well with its heavy stone foundation. As a doctor he was able to provide help for them that no one had been able to before. And without any survival skills, he felt he had lucked out finding a more genuine community out here, where he could really make a difference. While he provided the community with medical care, they guided him spiritually, with a strange religion unlike any of the beliefs held by objects pre-war. On the first day he was encouraged to throw everything he owned, besides the things he needed for his job, into the hole in the wooden flooring of the church. Freeing himself from its hold on him. He did so readily, believing fate had led him there. Even after leaving, he still believed deeply in things like fate, and more abstractly, demons.
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He spent several years there, where he saw the group take in many more lost souls like him. Though he noticed, that as many people as they took in, the population size remained somewhat stagnant. A lot of his friends would leave without telling him. At night, the foundation of the building would groan, giving him nightmares. He was usually advised against using his electric field detection while there. When he did use it, like when assessing the health of other gadget objects like him, he'd pick up weird readings under the building. Despite being told not to approach the hole without another convert, one night he couldn't ignore it any longer. Layers upon layers of items filled up the floor of the cavernous basement under the floorboards of the cathedral. The bones and flesh of hunted animals, the possessions of the community, and...corpses. The whole church was built on a den of an enormous mutated creature, obscured by shadows. The whole church had been occupied solely to keep it dormant, at the expense of the resources, possession and even the lives of the people around it. The people who benefitted most were the high priests that took him in...and people like EMF who could provide rarer services. EMF's skills gave him a value the other passerbyers couldn't afford. He left that night.
EMF Meter was not a man built for survival in the wasteland. Generations of almost stable city life, even if the city was nothing like a modern one, and then further years where he was taken care of at the castle, he struggled a lot with finding food and fighting off beasts. He suffered a severe injury, and fell into a near coma. When he came to, he was a lot quieter and more solemn of a man. He was suspicious of the vault's intentions, and stayed mostly close to his fellow doctor and the person who remained by his side all that time, Mousetrap. For a final fun fact, in game they shared a mutual crush
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vamprnce · 11 months
actually hate they teased and built up Peter being a teacher in sm2 (Miles told him he should go into teaching in MM, and they even have him and MJ talk abt it in the prequel comic) then just only had him be one for a few minutes like we don't even get to experience anything really of him teaching and interacting w students bc the sandman fight
I get that they had the EMF plot line w Harry later but jeez can you at least have him on the job for a few days?
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spider-xan · 3 months
I feel like one of personal my gripes with MSM1's writing is that it felt like the game never managed to meld Li helping people via the FEAST shelter and also being willing to bomb a bunch of random people just to spite Norman (instead of kidnapping/attacking Norman himself until the end under Otto's orders) in a way that feels coherent. It honestly felt like the game went "and now have him kill puppies so that Peter is justified punching him" (rewatching the City Hall bombing scene also reminded me that white Americans can only take mass death and disaster seriously if they can somehow make it remind them of 9/11). I was also really disappointed we never even got a flashback of Peter and Harry interacting with Emily , and the second game instead fell on the "saintly dead mom/wife" trope. I feel like the games liberal politics also perfectly reflect actual liberal viewpoints: absolutely can recognize fucked up aspects of the system we live in, but supremely entrenched in the idea that it is the only realistic option available by virtue of it being what they've known the most, and any attempts at change will only be carried out by people too driven by petty emotions to affect any actual positive change.
Yeah, some of the writing for the Insomniac games, while more compelling, does fall into the MCU school of writing villains where they are completely correct about the evils of society, then run off to kill puppies just so you know you're not supposed to root for them in any way or else you also support killing puppies; but yeah, the bombing plot is odd bc while I think they were going for Li having such tunnel vision that he ends up becoming exactly what he hates - someone who killed the parents of other children, and in an explosion, no less - it doesn't square with the rest of his character, especially if they were trying to avoid the Evil DID split personality trope from the comics (which is a good thing imo bc whew, Dan Slott was weird about both that and the Orientalism in the comics) and then the plot beat gets repeated with Otto and Devil's Breath later anyway, and imo it worked better there bc for all of his good, Otto definitely had a petty and egotistical streak, evidenced in his final betrayal at the end; also, even if the Inner Demons are Chinese rather than Arab, a terrorist attack on New York meant to invoke 9/11 by Eastern terrorists is, uh, a choice, on top of it happening at an event to honour a heroic cop, which is like, there's the copaganda again.
(Related to that, but while I did like the Miles and Li revenge plot in MSM2, I think it's a fair criticism from Miles comic fans that killing off Jeff as his Uncle Ben moment that drives his heroism later is an odd choice bc it's part of a bigger issue where Peter's source material is respected, even with the liberties that Insomniac was open about taking, whereas Miles got almost nothing from his comics and was more inserted into Peter's cast, but that's a whole other discussion other people have written about better than I can.)
And yeah, Emily is handled so weirdly bc I agree, I think if the game was going to do all those flashbacks and have her be a driving force for Harry's work at the EMF and then the later warped idea of healing the world as Venom, it would have helped to actually show her as she was in life versus the saintly dead wife and mother we get from Harry and Norman's perspectives - I think it would have been more interesting if the real Emily was a more complex person bc again, this is a billionaire woman who loved and married Norman, and no completely, truly benevolent person would willingly hitch their life and life's work to that and Oscorp; and I know they had her be an environmental lawyer bc that is a Good Lawyer type to most people, but in real life, most environmental lawyers work for corporations to protect their right to pollute, so I feel like you could do something really compelling there between that and her corporate ties through her husband, but yeah.
And yeah, that's another great point, re: the weird (neo)liberal politics of the game - direct action against corporations is bad and violent (and they kill puppies) and the wrong way to fight a billionaire corporation that harms and even kills people without remorse, the right way is to turn them into the police so they face justice (they don't lol), so the right thing for the heroes to do is protect the evil billionaire and corporation and not actually do anything about the evil corporation, and we're going to fight climate change with an eco-capitalist start up - bankrolled by the evil corporation, but let's not look too far into that and ask questions lol
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Name: Lillith Alder
Nickname: Lil, Lilly, Lilz
Ultimate: Ghost Hunter
Lillith isn’t anyone flashy or that would stand out in a crowd. She’s slightly above average height and dresses pretty casual. She wears khaki cargo style shorts that reach her knees, a dark green t-shirt with a graphic of a cartoon ghost on it, and brown hiking boots, nothing flashy. She has dyed dark blue hair often just left in a loose ponytail, and has blue eyes.
 She was born and raised in Wells, a small town in England. She would spend hours reading ghost stories, and watching ghost hunting shows and in turn wanted to start ghost hunting herself. From the age of 5 she saved up all the pocket money she was given, and kept doing this for years. By 13 she had enough money to buy a bunch of ghost hunting tech and gear from EMF readers, to spirit boxes, from REM pods to Ouija boards. She had it all, and she knew how to use it. She knew all the rules of the Ouija board, she knew how to handle all of the tech. And so she started recording herself searching through abandoned buildings and posting her videos online, using the money from that to travel to places even further away and search there too. By 16 she had more recorded evidence than anyone else had.
She acts brave, and does dangerous stuff with her exploring abandoned places and such, but comically is terrified of moths, despite being unphased by the stuff she usually does.
She’s incredibly soft spoken around people until she knows them better, then she’s suddenly chatty and much more confident. She also is quite the bundle of energy and is a huge thrill seeker.
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werejust-mtr · 2 years
W̶e̶r̶e̶.̶J̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶3̶.
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Title: We collect the aether
Subject: EMF technology /
Self sustainability
12/33 -
Notes: (Land owner 2051)
NFT no. 000018 [O/S]
Justopian series
WereJust 2023
[Available on opensea,
follow link in bio]
#werejust #sketchbook #Comic #ignorantart #contemporary #conceptualart #digitalart #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #darkart #artcollection #graphics #neoexpression #esoteric #ignorant #expressionism #artist #NFTart #outsiderart #futurism #outsiderart #drawing #mcabre #artcollector #scifiart #contemporaryart #primitivism #brutalism #sketch #primitiveart
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uglynavel · 2 years
I'm rewatching supernatural and I gotta admit, Sam was more of an asshole than I remember
It just hit me how much of a know it all Sam is
Especially in the first 10 seasons. He would constantly tear Dean down to make himself feel better. An episode that sticks out is that Dean makes an emf meter out of an old walkman and Sam just makes fun of him for it.
And Dean's crestfallen expression is so sad because he was so proud of himself and his brother just shot him down.
This man macguyvered an old walkman into and emf! Idk about y'all but if I had to choose a brother to be my survival partner in a zombie apocalypse I'd choose Dean.
Also they really trying to push Sam as the geek/nerd but it was Dean. He loved comics (he loves batman) and would make lord of the rings references and he would've definitely played DnD if someone took the time to explain it to him (the larping episode with Charlie)
Sam was the the pretentious nerd with a superiority complex who always reminded the teacher there as homework
Also was Dean dumb or was the opportunity to actually lean and thrive in school snatched away from him because he knew it wouldn't last and didn't see the point of putting effort into school. Sam only had the ability to thrive because Dean would skip school and hustle pool to make sure Sam had what he needed for his education
Honestly Dean reminds me of the gifted kids who struggled in school because they didn't like learning about things that didn't interest them or the way school was taught didn't keep them engaged
In conclusion Sam was high-key selfish and a jerk in the earlier seasons and John Winchester can go choke on broken glass
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I need to know how the spooky!lads met. It’s keeping me up at night (also what were their first impressions if that isn’t to much)
They didn't all meet each other at once, it sort of happened accidentally over time.
Brian had upgraded his EMF detector and found Daithi just... lurking around the bunker. They chatted and Daithi hung around Brian's bunker for a while so the two grew closer (though they annoyed each other at times). Daithi loved to troll Brian and Brian was so close to getting his own sensors to detect Daithi but he just couldn't get it to work and he felt like ripping his hair out.
Daniel met Kevin when he was pretending to be human (because he was a little bit fed up of being a vampire). He found him laughing to himself whilst building a bonfire in an alley in the middle of the night and was... very concerned. But it turned out that Kevin was fine and he just liked fire. Daniel then took it upon himself to regularly check up on Kevin since there was just something off about him. On his fourth visit he accidentally revealed that he was a vampire and then visiting Kevin became a safety measure. It wasn't long before he became emotionally attached to the human. 
One day, Brian and Daithi decided to go an explore that weird "abandoned" gothic mansion in the middle of nowhere. They just wanted to have a laugh and maybe steal some cool antiques. What they weren't expecting was to find a vampire humming while dusting a chandelier. Daniel demanded an explanation but since the pair didn't really have any malicious intent he forgave them and offered them a place to stay for the rest of the night. They stayed in contact after that encounter.
Since the three related to one another as supernatural creatures they decided to go on a camping trip together in the woods next to the mansion just for the fun of it. Daniel insisted on bringing Kevin along just because it felt wrong not to. They got lost but managed to find a small log cabin to camp in. They broke in and settled down and were immediately attacked by a big grey wolf. They screamed at each other more than the wolf and just threw the blame around so comically that Seán transformed and couldn't stop laughing. It was the first outside contact he'd had in ages and was so happy to see them that he ended up joining the camping trip and let them stay in the cabin. (He was very wary of Kevin though. He didn't really understand why there was a human among them.) 
The camping trip was a huge success. The Lads had immense amounts of fun and got to know each other. But what truly brought them together was desperately scrambling to put out the forest fire Kevin started. 
And that was the start of a chaotic beautiful friendship.
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robotofthedayblr · 3 years
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Submersion isn’t usually an issue unless in water more than a few multiples their height. Then specialized seals are necessary along with some buoyancy measures. I thought I was being funny with this comic but the robots can be terribly literal and didn’t get my attempt at humor. And they pointed out that VLF would be best suited for propagation of EMF signals via water, rather than ULF. . #robotoftheday #mylifewithrobots #robot #robots #robotart #robotartist #art #illustration #sketch #drawing #sharpie #sharpieart #sharpiepen #underwater #waterlanding #floatation #lifevest #sink #submerge #airsickbagart https://www.instagram.com/p/CSL5kqUL--K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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freeced · 2 years
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it's gotta be one or the other
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tiercel · 2 years
Being an outl*st fan is so funny because i am not but also yes i am.
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object-vault-9 · 2 months
EMF Spotlight preview
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I wanted to do them in a different style ! This will probably be short comics and writing snippets This is about EMF's life before the vault and his head injury
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wyslyyzr · 3 years
so i havent talked about this since this blogs revival, but something i thought about on my prior blog and something i need to rewrite is that erik can seriously fuck up technology. 
it’s usually not even all that intentional--he’s a live conduit for electromagnetic field manipulation, and... yep, cellphones, televisions, etc, all rely on this. emf waves carry audio and a great deal of picture information, meaning that should erik’s natural ability to control these waves intersect with an item that relies on these waves--phones, televisions, radios, signals, etc--he could very well distort, interrupt, or completely drop these waves. 
there are comics even where he suggests that he and technology “do not get along”. 
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spider-xan · 9 months
I personally like when Curt is one of Peter's profs in college, which I was kinda expecting in the Insomniac game. It was mentioned in the first game that Peter was a teacher assistant at the ESU and I thought it was for Curt's classes. I think it would've added more emotional weight in Peter's quest to cure Curt in the second game, and would make players more invested if they've had some history together besides the Lizard thing. They didn't need to be super close, but Curt could've been someone that Peter respected and was familiar with.
Oh well.
Same, anon!
I'm very happy overall with what we did get in the Insomniac sequel game with Curt and he's definitely one of my favourite versions, but I was also disappointed when his intro scene at the EMF seemed to confirm that he and Peter don't have a relationship between their civilian identities, regardless of whether Curt knows he's Spider-Man or not; like you, I also thought that given Peter having been a TA, the official blurb for the Lizard on the PlayStation site saying they had first met in college (which could be interpreted in a few different ways), and how Peter obviously really cares about him in the gameplay preview that we were going to get them being close outside of Spider-Man things and that Curt was one of his ESU professors, but I guess not; it's also weird bc there was a post-release interview where they talked about how what makes the Spider-Man villains great is their personal relationships with Peter, and they specifically cited how Connors has that element of oh, he's not just a monster to beat up, but also Peter's professor whom he really likes and doesn't want to hurt, though I guess they were speaking more generally there.
At the very least, I think it would have been helpful to have a character bio provide more background information bc we really don't know much about their history and relationship, and every cut scene they had was focused on advancing the plot rather than developing their relationship - which is fine, but I do think it's part of a broader issue with the game feeling rushed and underdeveloped at times, especially in the third act, and I would have loved if they had some more personal scenes together outside of the Lizard campaign.
Something else that felt a little muddled was how there were moments where I wasn't sure if Peter actually cared about Curt for Curt's sake bc Peter does see him as a friend (beyond Peter being a hero who helps everyone) or if he only cared about him as a means to an end to help Harry, if that makes sense? Like in the church scene when he says, 'I'm just here to save my friend', it makes the most direct sense for him to mean Curt, but then I was like, wait, does Peter even see him as a friend in this universe, and if not, does he mean he's just here for his actual friend Harry and the serum only matters in the sense of bringing Curt back to help him? Especially considering how after the failed zoo rescue, the trio doesn't seem too concerned about Curt being stuck as the Lizard until they realize they need him to help Harry, which is weird writing, now that I think about it.
Anyway, I wonder how much of the seeming lack of closeness may be due to the fact that they didn't want to repeat a mentor relationship like the one the first game had between Peter and Otto, with the irony being that the Peter and Otto relationship in the Insomniac games is just like the Peter and Curt one in the 616 comics and some adaptations, namely the 90s animated series; I think it's completely possible for Peter to have two mentors in different areas though, instead of only one or the other - but I also wonder how much was also bc they had him be an Oscorp scientist involved with the symbiote, possibly with a previous day job as a medical doctor until the Lizard thing, and couldn't have him be a professor as well; I'd love to know at what point they decided to have him tied to that plot bc the symbiote was obviously there all along, and it's common in adaptations for Connors to be the symbiote expert, but I can't tell if he was linked to it from the start or if they had other possible ideas for him until deciding on that one.
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graphicpolicy · 3 years
Preview: Specter Inspectors
Specter Inspectors preview. Everyone's favorite new internet ghost hunter sensations. #Comics #ComicBooks
Specter Inspectors Bowen McCurdy, Kaitlyn Musto (A/CA) Bowen McCurdyIn Shops: Oct 13, 2021SRP: $14.99 Meet true believer Noa, her cynical little sibling Gus, credulous camera man Ko, and skeptical Astrid. Together they head to one of the most haunted towns in America to prove that ghosts exist, armed with little more than their wits, their cell phones, and an EMF reader they bought…
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