#emmet years later: you said you would stop. you have not
nell0-0 · 2 years
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Emmetober day 17: Sacrifice 
Emmet: Brother, stop fainting my pokemon. It’s verrrry annoying. 
Ingo: It was a necessary sacrifice for our victory, Emmet.
Emmet: No, it wasn’t.
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blognam333z · 3 months
Submas fate brothers AU
A very dumb idea, probably going to say sorry for my future-self. If it’s cringe. However, from the events of Pokémon legends Arceus, there’s many questions on why the god of Pokémon threw two people (Rei or Akari and Ingo) into the Hisui region. Wouldn’t that just make two mortals stuck in a paradox, their fate sealed to exist in the past, not their present lives?
Dialga is not having it, he and his brother Palkia were corrupted and later captured in the events of the Sinnoh region. Though it’s not much on paper, does this have to apply to every multiverse and timeline?
They’ve made a visit to their father about it, and in an unexpected turn in the conversation, they felt sympathy for the two mortals “trapped” in this fate. How this affects the lives they left behind and forgotten. Arceus was reluctant to comply without a word. Dialga left, leaving Palkia with Arceus. Palkia never sees what Dialga sees in the time stream, not that he doesn’t believe anything in what he said. Moreover, he can’t relate to the frustration of being bound by fate. Unexpectedly, Arceus responded, “For a change, we’ll intervene; you must not allow your brother to know. This will make a new tree, an alternative universe. We only have one chance to pull this through. I will give my blessing to the first mortal to be more fit to adapt to the harsh environment of the Hisui region, and you’ll guide the lone hero by disguising as a mortal traveler. Once your duty is done, you shall return him home.”
While for Dialga, he made an unexpected visit to the distortion realm. Of course, from the neglect, banishment of his sibling to a redemption to protect the universe rather than its destruction, this is overall remarkable. However, the reason Dialga visited is for something entirely different: Giratina never traveled outside his prison for millennia, and he offered to “help” with that. Dialga assumes his father / creator didn’t agree to change fate for the better since he chose to left early, nor does he trust Arceus for his authority over everything. Being given the job as the god of time is different from the viewpoints of what Arceus observed. He explained that with his ability, he can open a portal for the “next cycle” when the first chosen one is dropped. Dialga is aware he can’t bring Giratina as a whole; otherwise, it will gather too much attention, so he has a better plan. How about Giratina giving a mortal his blessing, a piece of himself while he stay mostly on duty in the distortion realm? This would in turn avoid breaking Giratina’s banishment as he’s technically not present. With that said, Ingo was originally the first mortal transported through time, and what better match to be his younger twin brother, Emmet, to be brought in? He’ll be given the goal of purifying these Pokémon, after all the corruption originated from Giratina’s energy from his past self, and to convince the village enough to not only co-exist with Pokémon but respect the world as it is and equally important as it’s never worth destroying it or play god.
For Ingo, he’ll follow along with the missions in the original game to capture and tame Pokémon, but with mystical powers protecting him and a mysterious companion. Unaware Emmet is here too, but spawn in a different location, for he will fix the Noble Pokémon and Alphas before his unsuspecting brother does. Helping him as he should and to prevent another passenger from being on this track, being sent off to their last stop. He could bring his brother a ride back home after a few weeks, not years! Better to not be veeeerrrry late on schedule. All abroad!
How chaos ensues for the twins possessing the blessings of gods unknowingly…
Bonus: Emmet finds himself enjoying these berries more than he anticipated from the lack of resources he has, or perhaps a piece of Giratina is partially influencing this euphoria, eating for the first time, though he, as a god, admitted he doesn’t need to. But the pleasure is satisfying and beneficial for both. Giratina started to see more of the light of the wonders of creation, instead of just fixing his past mistakes.
-Emmet and Ingo are the same age as in the events of Pokémon Black and White 2.
-This Emmet isn’t angst fanon; he’s more cannon, but he is saddened to hear the fate of his brother, though he is more surprised to be summoned by Sinnoh legendaries about the situation. He is more productive in executing the plan and is glad to help due to his logical thinking; he’s straight forward on the task. Though he can be a bit unnerving being a Pokémon battling enthusiast with Giratina powers.
-Emmet’s eyes can change to Giratina’s eyes, if he wants to, or if he is using Giratina’s powers to purify a Pokémon or protect himself. He doesn’t like the wings, as they would be cramped under his coat. Instead, he looks more like a hybrid of origin form Giratina. This form is for flight, by the way; he can return to looking human. Giratina is in his head, guiding him.
-Ingo is a similar case, though much more inexperienced in how to activate it. It mostly reacts by instinct to discomfort or danger. Whenever he touches a plate, much like Arceus equipping that item, it changes Arceus' typing. The visual change affects Ingo too, including his eye color and aura. He’ll look mostly human in his journey, as Arceus' blessing is just for Ingo to protect himself with. + prevent him from having amnesia from the fall.
-Why Palkia? Well, it would be better than a phone with the text message from God, “Capture all Pokémon." He would ironically work with the Pearl clan, though he was visibly confused by the misinterpretations these humans had of him and his brother as god god, or one is false and one is true. As much as he wants to say more accurately, the fact is that they are sons of the god of Pokémon, so he’ll have to play along. Somewhat filling in as the one stranger with “amnesia” due to his behavior of not knowing the basics of mortal life. Still, he’ll follow through with his creator’s plan.
-Emmet would have his Pokémon with him, while Ingo doesn’t and has to go to develop his team.
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subwaytostardew · 4 months
The sprite work looks amazing as always, you can really tell how much time and effort went into the designs!! It's always a treat to see an update, here or on Youtube. Also, I love how we got a Ginger Island update in Winter and a Winter update in Summer. What's next on the agenda?
I didn't realize the Ginger Island update was in winter... How funny!
(Just to make a disclaimer... Updates may be slowing down from here since I have work/life stuff pulling me away from modding and Kade's route is rocky as she is trying to find a new place to live and barely supporting herself as-is with two jobs.)
As for next on the agenda... I've been meaning to make an updated checklist of things we'd like to finish before the mod is in a state where I'd consider it ready for release- so I might as well update on it here! I probably forgot some things and more things will probably break, but off the top of my head- this is what we have on our intinerary.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
To-do list
Station repair events: These will probably be shorter and not too elaborate (by our standards... They'll be more like vanilla with its 1 minute long events).
Schedules: The pathing broke. I need to figure out how to make Emmet stop sleeping in the middle of the ocean on a Friday night. I'd also like to make new schedules for when the station is built but I need to finish the events for those first so they a flag to activate upon. Cilan doesn't have a schedule at all since he spawns in the station and the game would crash if I tried to load a schedule for him without locking it behind the station repair events.
Fixing events: We need to go back and replace some of the event animations with new commands. The Pokeball effect and battle animations broke. I'd also like to try to edit some other event aspects to be less janky and more concise (the intro events pain me). Emmet's 8-heart event will need to be heavilly edited regarding this... You know how long that is.
Emmet's 10-heart event: Ingo has his done... It wouldn't be fair for him to not have one either! Aside from the station repair events, this is probably the most important event on our to-do list but also... the biggest work-in-progress. We have a lot of asset creation to do (Nimbasa... A dining car interior... Date visuals...) as well as figuring out the script. I have an idea for the main themes and what happens in the event, we just need to figure out how to execute it. We're mostly stuck on the actual... date montage part... We'll figure it out.
1.6 festivals: I felt bad enough having my original plan to have Emmet partake in the Ice Festival's fishing competition (he got sensory overload 😔... coding-wise it's just not possible for me to make him fish in a festival) and then 1.6 added not just one but TWO more fishing festivals for him to feel bad about. He likes winning more than anything, but I don't think Emmet is particularly good at fishing. Eelektross isn't either by Eelektross standards; together they make one average fisherman. I'd still like to have them comment on them (but ahhh.... Sad Emmet...). As for the Desert Festival- they for sure need to partake in that. We just need to scope out coordinates and make dialogue. Maybe make custom shops for them too? (Not too familiar with that... I haven't figured out the whole... Custom items and shops thing yet. Need to do that.)
Year 2 festivals: Apparently custom NPCs don't default to their first year of festival data and will not be present at succeeding festivals unless if I specify festival data for year 2. That means we have to make another round of festival dialogue for all the festivals! Yay... These will probably be shorter/closer to vanilla lines compared to the year 1 festival dialogues.
12-Heart events?: I know I said I would probably leave marriage events for a later update (alongside platonic routes) but... I don't think they're really "complete" as NPCs without marriage events. They're only romancable for now and there isn't really much incentive to marrying them otherwise! The events I have in mind (beachside dinner with Emmet, exploring the tidepool area with Ingo) aren't too elaborate and more just set-up for what I have in mind for the "conclusion" to their story/relationship development. I have a tendency to procrastinate so I might get sidetracked making these later. Besides, I've been thinking about the date ideas from earlier a lot and I miss coding events (my favorite part of modding… As you can probably tell… It's fun to me.)
Ingo's daily dialogue: I've been lagging behind when it comes to reorganizing the lines in Ingo's daily dialogue file to be more cohesive... It's like +20 pages long... I reorganized Emmet's but... Ingo... There's just so much...
Other daily dialogue: Elesa and Cilan have little to no lines (Cilan has ONE). We'd like to make them somewhat worth talking to even if we will be adding in their events/full routes in a later patch.
Marriage dialogue: This actually breaks if all the keys aren't filled out, so we will need to write more lines for them there. Should be easy enough.
Ingo's letters: Kade wrote drafts for them, but I'd like to polish them before release (more train terms!!! and edits for cohesion). Proofreading for Ingo is just a drag... I've also been thinking about giving him matching odd-heart events for if you try to break his heart donate his gifts to the museum.
Side/Passenger events: There's still a few events that we have in the drafts as well as event ideas that should probably be included in the main release as it elaborates more on passenger interactions+worldbuilding. Currently, I'm coding an epilogue of sorts to the Pierre/Saloon event storyline where you get to listen to Ingo infodump in an event conversation with Abigail. There's also another partially finished event of a double battle between submas that would start the Maru storyline which would include more worldbuilding around Pokemon in the valley and end with Maru helping them with care- hence why they make a stop at the clinic on Tuesdays! Buuut... That event broke thanks to 1.6. Oh well. I'll get it done eventually.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
(So this is the request for Emmet finding Ingos sweet little shiny hybrid Lopunny, I’m not to sure how good this’ll be but I’ll be attempting a lead in post to set the general mood Emmet is in about the situation before he finds the female insert which I hope to see how you write the actual interactions!)
(For the actual request some focus on size kink, a bit of fear play and then jealous boys mixed with a very protective Ingo would be great! As a reminder reader has no idea Ingo has a twin the same as Emmet didn’t know Ingo got himself a mate. Sooooo reader gets a nice big surprise well Emmet gets to be furious his brother managed to hide you from him long enough to court and pair bond with you without any competition.)
This had been bullshit, a few months worth actual and Emmet had actual hit his limit for how much he was will to deal with his twins strange behavior.
Admittedly, it was nothing major at first. Just Ingo returning to the den with something different then he smelled like and well he had ignored Emmet’s questions of what that smell was after enough questioning he got a half lie of.
‘I caught a Lopunny, to small though so let it go.’
Emmet knew that was a lie only because despite his brother astounding poker face Emmet could still read his twin like an open book.
But why lie? That was what was tripping the younger twin up now. Did he have a pet? Was there a human trainer with a Lopunny that was strong enough somehow to force Ingo to let them camp or have passage? Or maybe…
It made him think, which made Ingo nervous as his tail had dusted the ground and he continuously told Emmet to drop it, it was nothing and to Emmet’s surprise after Ingo stopped returning to the den with that scent.
His hair was always wet though…
Things started to grow tense after Emmet decided to take lead and go scout the problem areas of their territory, Ingo had been doing it for a few months now and he’d like to check it out himself. Only to get shot down, rather roughly by the other, there was a lot of bickering about it and by the end Emmet ended up with the left half of the territory from boarder to middle to scout well Ingo had the right from boarder to middle.
He didn’t approve.
Later he tried again to mix things up with scouting and every time he was shot down and he’d noticed over time it was a very specifically area Ingo didn’t want him.
It started to piss him off, it was starting to feel like this piece wasn’t their territory anymore but Ingo’s alone and the white eared hybrid didn’t much care for it.
Surprisingly he did attempt to stay civil with his twin, first he offered to go with him but when that was shot down he said he would go on alone then. That had been the first time in years the two had nearly gotten into a physical altercation but it settled with words just before.
Emmet was going to find what Ingo was hiding from him.
So he kept quiet, stayed in his brothers sight allllllll day so the older twin would let his guard down and then very very early the next day he went to the small patch of land his brother was guarding so fiercely.
Actually wasn’t so hard to find, the place just stunk of his brother like he’d over scented the area defensively, not uncommon after chasing another hybrid out but-
And then he saw you, waking up early with the sun, small and soft looking with long brown hair that almost matched the brown of your ears before they ended in bright cotton candy pink tufts.
You had all the markings of Lopunny hybrid and the behaviors too if that little barrow you crawled out of was anything to go by.
You stood in the early sun, far to care free for what you where as you closed your eyes out in the open and enjoyed a few sunbeams, you wore nothing but a green nightgown with a large neck that hung over your shoulder and exposed a bit more then a more traditional outfit would allow as it barely reached past mid thigh.
So, Emmet could think to himself as he caught the scent of something mellow, sweet, and Earthy. This was the little Lopunny his brother had ‘released’ for being to small.
His smile would nearly split his face, must have been some close call with that ‘bite' on your shoulder though.
This took me so long, solely cause I kept reading what you wrote and it kept tripping me up😭 HOPEFULLY this is to your liking.
I tried
🔞18+Only!🔞 no boning, just thoughts.🔞
Emmet wasn’t sure what’s been going on with his brother, but know he’s positive he knows.
It’s you.
You are what’s been going on.
You’re cute, he’ll give you that.
What could his brother, a Zoroark hybrid, an alpha one at that, want with such a tiny bunny?
You barely come up to their stomachs!
Those bright pink ears of yours are a dead give away! You’re so easy to spot.
A growl nearly escapes him.
Emmet can’t believe this.
All this time, Ingo has been sneaking behind his back, stopping him from checking this area.
All because of you.
He’s hurt his brother doesn’t trust him enough, to tell Emmet he found a mate.
He doesn’t fail to notice how you tense, you know he’s here, don’t you?
You stand still, the air feels tense, like you’re being watched by something that’s not happy about you being here.
It can’t be Ingo, he always greets you so warmly, tail wagging before kneeling to your height.
This feels different.
This feels dangerous.
You rest a hand on the bond mark Ingo gave you, hoping for some comfort.
Slowly looking around you, trying to find an exit or hiding spot.
You den won’t work, the opening is big enough for Ingo to squeeze in, and being an alpha Zoroark hybrid, he’s quite large.
You quickly think of any small holes to hide in.
You look over your shoulder and see him.
Your wide eyes locking with familiar yet distance silver ones.
You were shocked at how familiar he looks, yet so different.
Where there was fur, it was grey, white, and red.
Not the black and red you were use to.
But he was just as large.
His smile was almost akin to a snarl.
You barely had time to blink before he was sprinting to you.
A shriek escapes you, before your running. Just barely dodging his hand. Your heart nearly stops at the livid roar he gives, but you don’t slow down.
Emmet can’t believe it! Al this time you had been right under his nose, and Ingo lying to him!
You’re smart, he’ll give you that. You duck and roll under smaller spaces, and under tree branches. You don’t turn when you hear a branch smack him, his snarl told you enough.
You don’t know who this asshole is, but you know Ingo will show up soon, if you can’t get away you know he’ll take care of it.
“Get back here!”
You refuse to stop.
Your night shirt getting a few new holes was worth it, if it meant you got to live another day.
You make a big circle, looping back around to your den. Hoping to find your mate.
You yelp as you’re tackled to the ground, though you’re surprised you don’t touch the ground. The strange man has you wrapped safely in his arms, making sure you aren’t hurt.
“I.” His face is beside yours, panting heavily.
“Am Emmet.”
with each harsh intake and exhale of air, his chest presses against your back.
“Is..is that it?” You can’t help but be confused.
“And you, are my brother’s mate…yes?”
You two stare at each other from the corners of your eyes.
You look back to your den, then back to him.
“This is…uh, awkward. Would you like to come into my den for some tea?”
Your floppy ears twitch, as you look up at him.
You can hear his tail thumping against the ground.
“That would be nice.”
Emmet gets off of you, helping you stand. He’s nearly taken aback at the height difference of you two.
Sure, he knows he and his brother have the alpha gene and you don’t, but not even an alpha gene could help you.
You’re so tiny compared to him, like a little toy.
He follows you to your den, relishing in your apologetic chuckle about him having to squeeze in.
His brother’s scent is all over your den, you even have some of the older twin’s shirts.
Ingo must’ve helped must’ve helped you make your den just big enough to fit him. He sat awkwardly at your couch of furs.
He internally scowls, knowing his brother made this for you.
“So Emmet, right?”
His ears peek up.
“I am Emmet, yes.”
You nod as you make tea, telling him your name while you wait for the water to boil.
“I’d ask how you’d know Ingo, but looking at you it’s kind of obvious.” You smile at him, sitting on the furthest part of the couch.
“We are twins. We don’t…we usually don’t hide things.”
While his voice didn’t convey his emotions, his face sure did.
He looked so hurt, that he was surprised his brother hid such a thing from him.
Not only did his brother court you, he mated you, and bonded you! And didn’t tell him anything!
“I’m sorry.”
Emmet looks down at you with watery eyes.
“I don’t know what to say, Ingo never told me he had a brother-“
“He WHAT!?”
You jump in shock, his voice raising as his ears perk up towards you.
Your own floppy ears twisting back.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you!”
Emmet stares at you for a moment before trying to calm down.
You’re likely only use to Ingo, and seeing a strange hybrid that would usually kill you, get upset or angry, must’ve been nerve wracking for such a small thing.
You move a little closer, hoping to show you know he’s just upset by his brother’s actions. Only getting up to get the tea, he laughs at the cup you give him.
“Let me guess.”
“Yes, it’s Ingo’s, I only have a few just meant for him.”
He thanks you for the tea, before you two sit in silence, unsure of what to do or say.
“So when did you and my brother meet? Or the courting?”
You look at him for a moment before answering.
“He started coming by last year before trying to court me. You should’ve seen him, he brought me a sawsbuck to romance me, before realizing at my horror, that that’s not the way to go!”
Your laugh lightens the mood.
Looking down at you, watching you cover your mouth as your laugh slows to a chuckle.
Emmet realizes why Ingo hide you from him.
Emmet knows then and there he would’ve fought tooth and nail, to court you. Strange, isn’t it? Such a small little bunny, and the big bad wolf, as cheesy as it is.
Emmet chuckles silently to himself.
You two fall silent at the sound of footsteps getting closer, looking towards the entrance, seeing a panicked Ingo.
Only for his face pale at the sight of Emmet.
The older twin can feel himself sweating, he wasn’t suppose to be here! He wasn’t suppose to know of you! At least not yet.
You both don’t look too pleased with him either.
He knows he’s in the wrong, hiding his mate from his brother, but they are both Zoroark hybrids! He didn’t know how his hunting crazy brother would react.
“What are you doing here?”
Though he knew why.
Emmet sneers at his twin, but not before grabbing you and hugging you close to him.
“I’m just having a verrry lovely time with your mate! You know, the one you never introduced me to.”
You let out a squeak, though it’s muffled in Emmet’s chest.
The younger twin doesn’t want to admit it, but you fit perfectly in his lap.
Ingo can tell, and can’t help the low growl that leaves his throat.
“Your mate has been nothing but sweet.” The younger twin looks down at you, as you’re pressed flush against his chest.
He can feel his heart beat speeding up.
You’re so small, and nothing but sweet.
And when you look up at him, with those big doe eyes.
He’s made his choice.
He looks back to Ingo with a wide grin.
But you speak up, once you freed your face from Emmet’s chest.
It hurt to see his eyes droop and tail between his legs. He knows you’re upset with him, and for good reason, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.
“I’m upset you didn’t tell me about your brother sooner, even just a mention or heads up would’ve been nice.”
You wanted to tear Ingo a new one, but you’ll do that in private so you can truly give him a piece of your mind.
“I’m sorry, dear. I know I should’ve told you sooner, I hope you can forgive me.”
He makes it hard to stay mad.
You try to get out of Emmet’s hold, only for his arms to tighten around you.
Your yelp has Ingo growling, low and threatening at his brother.
“It’s not fair you got to court such a cute mate!” The younger twins white tail wags, thumping against the furs below him.
“And with these pretty pink ears, it’s amazing I never found them. I could’ve had such a sweet mate all to myself.”
Emmet’s grin turns smug as he glances at his brother.
Ingo is furious at his twin’s words.
“Outside! Now!”
Emmet simply chuckles and places you down.
“I’ll be riiiight back for you, cutie.”
You try to follow them out, but Ingo stops you.
“I want you to stay in here, for your safety.”
“But Ingo I-“
“My sweet mate, I adore you, but this is going to get ugly and I don’t want you to hear me like this.”
His pleading silver eyes stare at you, silently begging you to listen.
And you relent, you grab his hand and kiss the back of it.
“Thank you.”
The two bend down and wiggle out of your den, walking a little ways away so you’ll hear them less.
“You have such a cute mate, Ingo.”
The older twin says nothing as they walk, but his black fox ears tell his twin he’s listening.
“So small too! And sweet! We share everything, yet you hid such a pretty bunny from me.”
Ingo scowls, side eyeing his brother. Only stoping once he deemed it far enough away from your den.
“Where are you going with this?”
The flowy fox hybrid smiles.
“With how sweet they are, I can see why you’d bond with them. But my question is, how willing are you to share?”
He’s right, they have shared everything.
And since they are just a pack of two, it just makes sense.
“You aren’t telling me all of what you’re thinking, so spill it.”
He crosses his arms, glaring at his twin.
Who only smiles back.
“I want to be their mate too, I want to bond with them, and mark them. You’ve had them to yourself this whooole time! I want a turn to kno-“
They stare at each other, glaring daggers at the other.
“I want to mate them and to be their mate.”
“I AM their mate.” His frown deepens at his brother’s words.
“I am Emmet. I like winning more than anything. I will win their favor.”
“I will choose the next destination based on your talent.”
They didn’t hesitate to rush each other.
The results of this fight will determine if they ask you.
But Ingo is determined to prove himself worthy to be your mate.
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A Father's Resolve - Ch 1
Ingo returns after a decade - with two extra cars in tow. Years later, his kids are swallowed up by time in the same way he was. Will he be able to find them? Will they be able to make it out alive?
Word Count ~3000
"Kids, time for dinner!" Emmet called from the kitchen. Two sets of footsteps ran in the backdoor, giggling. "Make sure to wash up after being outside. Your father will be home soon." 
The footsteps ran into the bathroom, followed by the sounds of a scuffle as they fought over who could have the sink first Emmet chuffed to himself. He remembered those days with Ingo. 
He shut the back door to keep the cold air in and returned to the stove, finishing off the food and beginning to plate. Four empty plates got filled with potatoes, chicken, carrots, and some gravy each (except one, who did not like gravy). 
The footsteps ran back to him, in the kitchen, two silver mops of hair taking up either side of him. 
"When's Daddy gonna be home?" The boy asked on his left. Emmet handed him a plate. 
"Any minute now. Take your plate to the table, please, Rei. And here you are, Miss Akari." He handed the girl the plate without gravy. She grinned up at him, one tooth missing in her mouth, as she ran off to join her brother. "Don't start until Ingo gets here. What do you two want to drink?"
No sooner had he asked than the door opened in the other room. The kids immediately hopped up and ran over. Emmet could hear laughter. 
"Hello, cubs." Ingo removed his outerwear before he came into the kitchen, taking his own plate as well. "Thank you again for watching them, Emmet." 
"Of course!" He loved his niece and nephew to bits. Even if they had been a big shock to him, he would trade them for nothing. 
Emmet led the small party into his office. Ingo glanced around, alert. He ducked out and nabbed an extra chair from the break room down the hall and pulled the one from his desk forward, motioning for Ingo to sit down. He did so, allowing the two kids to sit on his lap. They dangled their legs between his, facing each other. They both still had tight holds on Ingo's coat. 
Ingo seemed to have finally found his voice. "I'm very sorry but I have no idea who you are or where I am. I recognize you are someone I knew well before my sudden departure," he added as Emmet's heart stopped, effectively stopping that train of thought before it left the station, "but I lost all my memories when I first arrived at my other terminal. Please do not assume it is because I do not wish to remember, in fact, it bothers me greatly I do not. I have been trying to remember for years." He shifted the small figures in his lap. 
Emmet bobbed his head slowly. "Well," he said slowly, "I am Emmet. I am your brother. Your twin, in fact." He kept a close eye on his brother’s eyes as he spoke. While Ingo's face was always set as stone, his eyes would always be a dead giveaway for his thoughts. Emmet paused and watched as some kind of recollection fell into them, some puzzle piece slotting into his expression. He lit up. 
"Wait… I think I remember something now." His brows furrowed as he tried to think. "You were the one who was fond of the phrase 'I like winning more than anything else.' And we battled together inside that… oh I can't remember the word… the metal box on wheels." 
Emmet blinked. "A… a train?" 
"Yes!" His voice radiated warmth. "It was a train!" Had Ingo, his own brother and fellow conductor, forgotten what a train was? Ingo blinked. "Where are we?" 
"This is my… our office," Emmet corrected. "Your desk was repurposed after a while…" 
"Oh, that's quite alright. It was a shame I wasn't able to use it." A sadness entered his eyes as he glanced around, seeing some of the photos on the walls. Reminders for the station to run smoothly, pictures of the two of them. 
The child on his left tugged at his sleeve and murmured something to him that Emmet did not catch. Ingo responded in a language that Emmet could not even guess what it was. 
Curiosity ate at Emmet. "Who are these children?" He asked, cocking his head. 
"Oh! I forgot to introduce you." Ingo looked down at the boy. "This is Rei." Rei looked away from him shyly, still unsure what was going on. "And this is Akari," he said, looking at the young girl. She was a bit more bold than her brother and waved. "They're mine." 
Emmet's mind reeled even while his heart soared. Children? Amnesia? What language was he using? Why had he come back now? What was that tearing hole? "Ingo," Emmet asked, "where were you all this time?" He blinked. Before Ingo could continue, he stood. "Actually," he interjected. "Why don't we continue this track at home? I feel that the office is hardly the place to discuss this." 
Ingo knitted his brows, but nodded. He set the two children down and they took his hands, still keeping close to his heels. Emmet opened the door to the office- 
"Emmet, are you coming?" 
Emmet jerked his head up and left the kitchen, sitting down at the table. "Apologies, I got distracted." Ingo had managed to wrangle the twins into their seats, and now that all four seats were filled, dinner could commence. Four silver heads dug in, the kids excitedly telling their father about their day between bites. 
"And then Uncle Emmet took us to a creek and there were some Tympole in it! He said we couldn't swim in it in case they tried to fight us but they were really really cool," Akari was saying. Rei was nodding. Both of their eyes sparkled as they recounted their adventure hiking across Pinwheel. 
"And some Trainer asked us to battle but we didn't have any pokemon so Uncle Emmet challenged them instead," Rei blurted, a mouthful of potato still inside. 
"Rei, please swallow before talking," Ingo chided lightly. Then he swung his gaze to his brother. "Please tell me you went easy on them. Pinwheel is full of early Trainers."
"You wound me. Of course I didn't use my Subway team." He grinned. "I only used that Gurdurr I am training up. They fought quite valiantly and even managed to take it down." 
Ingo nodded, satisfied. Emmet smirked. "And then with Eelektross-" 
"Emmet, you didn't!" 
Emmet laughed. "Of course not. I am merely teasing." 
Ingo huffed as he brought another bite of steak to his mouth. Emmet had to stifle his laughter lest he spit out his food. 
A knock sounded at the door.
"Hm," Emmet said, standing, "I wonder who that is. Were you planning company?" 
Ingo shook his head. 
Emmet crossed the living room and swung the door open. In the doorway stood a familiar figure. "Ah, hello, Elesa. Care to join us for dinner?" 
She smiled, flicking back her hair. "Only because you asked so nicely."
Emmet rolled his eyes as she came in, pulling up a chair from the office for her. "There's more on the stove. Help yourself."
"Hi, Auntie Lesa!" Akari grinned at her as she swung for another bite of carrot. 
Elesa smiled softly at the children and fixed her plate. "Hey there, squirts. Did you run your uncle in circles today?" 
"Uncle Emmet took us to Pinwheel Forest today!" Rei started to climb out of his chair. 
"Hold on there, kiddo, make sure to finish your dinner. You can tell me all about it while I'm eating." 
She joined them at the table and the children talked and talked throughout the rest of the meal. The sun was beginning to go down now. Ingo cleaned up the dishes as the kids dragged Elesa to the living room to play with them. Emmet fed their pokemon dinner before heading that direction himself. 
"And then you take this guy and put him in here," Rei was explaining. Elesa sat on her knees on the living room floor, off to the side of the couch. 
After Ingo had returned with the twins, Emmet had done his best to find a larger home. At first, he thought Ingo may want to live alone with the kids, but it turns out being a single parent to two rambunctious twins was harder than it looked. It was not uncommon for the brothers to trade off who watched the kids every other day, making sure that the Subway always had at least one of the Bosses on any given day, except Sundays. Sundays were family days. 
The home they lived in now was much more spacious than the one-bedroom apartment Emmet had downgraded to after Ingo's disappearance. It had a room for each of the children and the brothers shared a room. The pokemon seemed to approve as well. The backyard was the kids' favorite part. Usually they would run out in the mornings and not come in until evening, with the exception of meals. Whoever stayed home on a given day's pokemon team would take turns keeping an eye on and playing with the kids. 
"That's neat, kiddo," Elesa was saying. Rei was showing her the toy car set they the twins raced with. Akari was showing her how they wound up. "What do you squirts want for your birthday?" Elesa asked them. 
Since they had been born in a time without a 'proper' calendar and Ingo said they had fallen through the portal around the time of their birthday, they celebrated the anniversary of their return as their birthday. 
Ingo had just put the two small children to bed. Emmet had insisted they could sleep on his bed for the time being, he really didn't mind the couch. Ingo could sleep with them, to help them feel safe. 
"So… Hisui," Emmet said. Ingo came into the living room to talk. He had changed into a faded pair of Emmet's sweatpants and an old t-shirt. After a shower, his hair fell to about his shoulders. It was still damp. 
"Yes?" Emmet offered Ingo the mug of tea he wanted, which he took. 
"What was it like?" 
Ingi sipped his tea as he thought about it. "Hisui was beautiful," he said finally. "It was almost the opposite of Nimbasa. It was wild, settlements of people were rare. The pokemon were wild and untamed. Forests gave way to beaches, mountains were untouched by humans. Everywhere was dangerous, there was always a chance of being attacked by anything. Even a passing Happiny had a chance to injure you gravely." He took another sip of tea before lowering his hands. "But there was something beautiful about it. Something about the danger made each day something special, something amazing. The sunsets were unparalleled. The breezes through the trees, the sunlight on the mountainside…" He set his mug on the coffee table. "I lived on the side of Mount Coronet. As such, there were a myriad of ravines and cliffs and sudden rockslides. After the twins were born, we had to be more cautious about where they were at all times. It was a chore to keep the two wrangled," he chuckled. Then he grew more somber. "Their mother passed right after childbirth. Medicine in Hisui was rudimentary at best and the chances of survival after any birth are never guaranteed. With it being twins… it was just too much." 
Emmet reached over and patted his brother on the shoulder. He didn't really know what to say. 
"They just turned five. They're my entire world." He glanced over to the bedroom that they were asleep in. "I just want them to be safe." 
"And they will be," Emmet said. "Unova may not be paradise, but we do not have pokemon attacks, hardly ever. And now that you're back, you have help. You may not remember them, but we do have family and friends." 
"We do?" The question slipped before Ingo even really thought about it. 
Emmet nodded, a deep sadness permeating his bones. Yet another reminder that his brother had been swallowed up by time for a full decade with no idea who he was. 
"Perhaps it is time to head to the home station for resting," Emmet said. "It has been a long day. We can continue discussing in the morning." 
"I want a paint set," Rei said. "Daddy took us to a Daycare and they had paint there and let us make a drawing. Daddy put it on the fridge." He didn't look up from his car, the red one. The red one was his favorite, Emmet knew. 
"I want a trampoline!" Akari squealed as she wound up the blue car, her favorite. She insisted it was the fastest. "I wanna jump really really high and touch the moon!" 
Elesa snorted and ruffled the girl's silver hair. "If you do touch it, let me know if it's really made out of cheese, eh?" 
"The moon is made of cheese?" Rei asked, finally looking up with his eyebrows knitted. 
"Some people say it is. They say it's made out of stinky blue cheese." Elesa motioned up, to the ceiling, and presumably beyond that, the moon. "And that sometimes you can see the bite that a giant pokemon took out of it. That's why there's a hole there." 
Akari's eyes were wide as she considered this. "Woah." 
It was truly astounding how much they'd grown in the three years they'd lived in Unova, Emmet mused. The language had come fairly easily to them (though they still talked to each other in Hisuian sometimes). 
Akari beckoned to Emmet. "Uncle Emmet, we still have the green car and we need another racer." 
Elesa waved the yellow car at him. "Yeah come on, Uncle Emmet. Don't be a wet blanket." 
Emmet rolled his eyes and fluffed up her hair. "Only if you're not." 
"Emmet, you're such a pain." 
"Me?" He asked, feigning ignorance as she tried to fix the mess of her hair Emmet had made. "I just wanted to come and race the green car." 
"You both are horrible influences," Ingo grumbled from the kitchen. 
"You know, eight is a pretty big birthday," Elesa said, ignoring Ingo’s comment. 
"It is?" Akari asked her. 
"That's the age I met your pops and uncle at," she said. "My mom was taking me for a trip to Opelucid and they were there with their uncle. We were just walking by when someone knocked me over and spilled a drink all over my dress. Turns out, Emmet hadn't been watching where he was running and he'd been chasing a Joltik. He yelled at me for being in the way and I got so mad, I chased him," she laughed. "Ingo was behind me trying to get me to not pulverize him. My mom started chasing me down. And their uncle Drayden was chasing all of us." 
Emmet's face burned. "You were in my way." 
That only made her laugh harder. "We caused so much trouble as kids."
"And I was usually trying to get you out of it," Ingo grumbled, drying his hands and coming over to sit by the group. "Don't listen to them," he said to the kids, "we were all in trouble all the time." 
"I kinda felt bad for you, Ig. Though you often also got in on the stupid stuff we did." 
"Like what?" Rei asked. 
"No comment," Emmet said quickly, seeing his brother's warning glare. 
"Did I ever tell you what they're named after?" Ingo had asked him one day. The twins were maybe six, playing with Haxorus in the garden. 
"No, I do not believe so." Emmet and Ingo stood on the porch, watching them. The sun was warm, a light breeze stirring the leaves on the trees. They’d only been living in the house for a couple months now. There was still a lot to do in terms of making it a home, but Emmet needed a break. So he stood outside with his brother, leaning on the railing in identical fashion. 
"Did I tell you the story of the Heroes of Hisui?" His eyes stayed trained on his children, always alert, even though Haxorus was more than capable of handling them. 
"Bits and pieces." 
"There was a time when Hisui was riddled with space-time distortions," Ingo started. "I know I mentioned those. One of those is what we fell through when we landed in the Subway. A massive rip in space-time hung just over the center of the region, in Mount Coronet. And one day, two teenagers fell out of it and landed right next to Jubilife. Soon after, the Nobles, I told you about those, started to be struck by strange lightning and going into destructive frenzies. They completely mauled anyone who came near and even killed one or two.The two teenagers calmed the Nobles as they were struck and built up a reputation. I met them myself once, and guided them through the Highlands." 
He paused in his story to watch Akari as she hopped for a tree branch, pointing to it and calling to Haxorus. It lifted her up, allowing her to pluck a ripe Oran from its branches, and set her down gently. 
"And then the sky changed. It was awful, Emmet. Something I'd never wish to see again. I am not sure what happened, but the heroes fixed the sky. They fixed the rift, too. And soon after, they disappeared. I'm not sure what happened to them, but I always hoped they got to return home. Wherever they belonged. The twins’ mother wanted to name them after the Heroes to bring them luck and courage." 
Emmet nodded beside him, watching Rei run circles around Haxorus to try to grab her tail. "I think they are honorable names. They suit them."
If Ingo could smile, he would have.
[First] - [Next]
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carpe-history · 2 years
the aftermath of everything
1800 words ish, one shot. Wrote with little editing, no beta, enjoy??
DamianxAnya, Damianya, background twilyor?
It's in the aftermath of everything that Damian really got his bearings.
Seventeen. Graduate of Eden. Drafted even before that. He's heartbroken, beaten up, and his head hurts. The bombs have finally stopped falling. Rifle at his side, uniform barely on his body. Damian took a stalk of it all.
God, he was so tired. He leaned back against the wall in the dingy one-room cabin that was the safehouse Loid Forger hid them in. He was getting supplies now.
Anya was unconscious in the only bed with her ancient dog next to her, protecting her. Her pink hair had fallen from the ponytail she had kept since the first draft letters had arrived at Eden. Damian was ready to cry. She was safe. But he wasn't able to. He hadn't been able to since the war started. 
The last time he had seen her, determination in her eyes, was his last day at Eden. He had been drafted as an officer thanks to his education there. She had left her friend and ran up and hugged him too tightly. At the time, Damian had been thankful she was the firstborn of Loid Forger. So she was protected from the draft for a little longer. It was a consequence of the elite who ran the government wanting to protect their assets, a boon for them. And a relief for him.
They had never dated at Eden. He may have wanted it with every pore of his body, but with the war growing, it was never the right time. So instead, he had hugged back just as hard, poring everything he could into that hug, wishing to do more and kiss her, tell her how he felt, but that was not Damian Desmond. So instead, he would do anything to stay safe for her and protect their home.
He had been convinced that while the war was bloody and brutal, it was for a just reason. That had been a lie.
He's been betrayed by his blood family, and then he chosen to betray his blood family back.
Trapped in a cabin with his unconscious not-girlfriend, her spy father, assassin mother, old dog, and him. They escaped. The war would end because of their actions, but who knew if they would live to see true peace?
The thing is, the thing they never tell you as a child about war is that the end is never clean.
Becky was back at home, protected from most of the war, because of who her father and family were. She would take over the business if he died. Emmet was in the same boat—the firstborn child of an influential family. In other words: they were protected and exempt from the draft. Likewise, Demetrius was protected – not that Damian had seen his brother in years.
Well, he realized. Damian hadn't seen his brother in years, before this morning. So now his brother was dead.
He and Emilie weren't as lucky. He and Damian were among the last 'spares' drafted. Damian hoped like hell that Emilie was still alive.
Yor didn't move from her position at the end of the bed, knives in hand, but Damian was war trained now, and he noticed her shifting attention.
Three seconds later, a gentle knock came in code at the door. Damian responded just as softly, knocking on the floor. Loid entered the room a moment later, carrying a few bags of food.
No words were exchanged as Yor and Loid set up a meal at the table. It was small, so different than the meals he had eaten alone in the mansion or with friends at Eden Academy or the tiny meals he had been given in the field the past few months. The difference was that it was a family meal.
"Sit, Damian," Loid said, gesturing at the chair. "Anya will be up in a while. She's just tired. Using that much of her powers… it takes a lot out of her."
"She will be all right?" he had to ask.
Yor nodded. "Yes. A headache at most. But nothing else."
Damian had betrayed his blood family this afternoon. He had woken up this morning with a group of kids no older than him and was told to lead them to his family's mansion in the forests, where he would get more orders for the next battle.
He had found his brother and his mother. It had been even longer since he had seen his mother than his brother.
Damian ate reflexively, realizing it didn't even hurt to think of his brother or mother. Both were dead, and he didn't care.
They had never cared about him.
The person whom he cared about and had cared about him had been tied to a fucking lab bench with scientists all around her. She had been conscious at first, then the was an experiment of some sort, and she had been in such pain. 
He had seen them with Anya, and that was not how he had imagined them meeting on the few occasions he had even dared to think or dream about it. 
His beautiful, fierce, proud Anya. She had looked just as defiant as the last time he saw her on the steps of Eden Academy.
So he had been shocked to see Anya at that table.
His brother had told him about their plan and how her powers would be the key to winning the war. And his unit had been chosen to make sure that happened.
They had expected him to side with them. They had expected him to let them kill Anya for their plans. For their stupid war. For their corrupt government. For their power. For his father.  
At first, he had been so shocked that he went along with it, but he hoped that Anya knew he would be back. By the look in her bright green eyes, she knew something. He begged her in his mind not to abandon hope. He would get her out.
Despite her body's battered condition, her spark of determination had never been put out. If his brother's and mother's plans were right, she could hear him.
When the Forgers broke in to save their daughter, Damian was already on his way to ensuring that none of the scientists would be alive. As an officer, he had been given a handgun and a rifle. 
When he broke into her lab, her first words to him were, "Good to see you, Sy-on. I've been waiting. A good friend waits for her friends." Her words were slurred, but she was going to be ok.
"Yeah. Friends." He said, knowing he would go to the ends of the world for her. "Let's go home then."
"Might be hard." Anya had laughed a little. "As home isn't the same anymore." 
"I know. I have to follow you." He said.
She had laughed, then the guards, closely followed by her parents, burst in. He never let her go, keeping her close, even when she was doing absolutely terrifying things with her mental powers.
In the aftermath, his brother and mother were dead. However, Loid had a briefcase at the foot of the bed with enough evidence, plans, and information to end the war.
"Do you want to go?" Loid asked as they all went back to watching Anya sleep.
Damian shook his head even before he could really process the question. "As far as I care, Damian Desmond is dead." Damian Desmond died when he shot his brother for hurting Anya. "I just want to go home."
He felt their gazes in the silence.
"Home is…," Yor started to say gently, but Damian cut her off.
"Home is where Anya is." He said simply. He loved her too much to hide that now. The boy who hid and ran from that feeling had died on the battlefield long before his brother and mother had in the family mansion.
He had been worried about the letters when they stopped coming. They were barely legible letters, but they were his heart and soul at times. But he had been assured that it was a supply issue, nothing more. Some of his unit had thought he was waiting on a girl who was about to dear john him, but he knew better.
Yor nodded, accepting that.
"Love you too," Anya said from the bed, getting all three of them to jump.
As her family surrounded her, Damian stepped back, allowing them room. Yor pulled him close and held them all tight. Anya took his hand and held it tightly. He was wrapped in the arms of people who always cared for him. For the first time since he left Eden, Damian could cry. They were safe. She was alive. He was alive.
It was long before any of them could move from the bed.
When they all moved, it was so Loid could get some of the papers in the bags he had brought.
Loid glared at him for a heartbeat and sighed. "I only have plans for a family to make it over the border. Not family and friend."
"Papa. That plan will still work if Anya and Sy-on are married." Anya said, still sounding so weak, but there was laughter in her voice.
Because the statement was throwing a bomb into the conversation, Damian stared at Anya, unable to process what she had just said.
Or it should have been. But, instead, Loid looked contemplative, considering the papers. "It could work." He shrugged, "we don't even need the license when we get over the border. My word is good enough." 
Yor giggled, a bright sound in the room. "That's about as romantic as our proposal, darling."
Loid sighed and kissed his wife on the forehead, "It's also about as legal."
"Am I marrying you?" Damian asked Anya, still a bit shaken, but really that was the least of his worries. He ignored the many questions that this one conversation brought up. He would get his answers soon, he thought. 
She smiled so wide she looked just like the six-year-old he had a massive crush on, "Looks like it!"
"Then I want your name," he said, determined. He never wanted anything to do with the Desmond family again, especially his father. "Damian Forger sounds nice, right?" he had to admit that while he had never entirely written out his name and her's in notebooks, he had come close.
"Well," Loid said, surprising him, "We're going to be Briars now. Gotta let your bother know we're safe somehow," he said to Yor.
Yor smiled brightly, hugging him tightly.
"Damian Briar. Is that all right, Damian?" Anya asked, looking worried for a moment.
Damian had to kiss her. "I'm fine with it. Home is with you."
She smiled brightly and kissed him back.
Damian took stock in the tiny safehouse. He was going to be a Briar. Anya loved him too. They were all done fighting for now. In the aftermath of everything, Damion was happy.
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Who was Emmet Till?
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I wanted to post this because Carolyn Bryant Donham just died, and people will be seeing Emmett's name in the news. While I hope most people know his story, I know not everyone does. I remember in college the professor mentioning his story as a topic people could write an essay on, and two other students, both at least 10 years older than I, not knowing who he was.
Emmett was a 14-year-old African American boy from Chicago. In 1955, he was visiting relatives in Mississippi. He and some friends were in a grocery store.
The owner's wife, a white woman named Carolyn Bryant, alleged that he grabbed her by the waist and propositioned her. Some people say he merely wolf-whistled at her. And other say absolutely nothing happened.
Four days later, Carolyn's husband, Roy Bryant, and his brother, John Milam, drove to Emmett's relatives house and kidnapped him. They beat and mutilated him before shooting him and throwing Emmett's body in the river.
When his relatives notified his mother Emmett was missing, Bryant and Milam were questioned by police and admitted to the kidnapping...but said they had let Emmett go.
When Emmett's body was found days later, the men were put on trial for murder. Decades later, an arrest warrant for Carolyn Bryant would be found, but it was never served. The all-white male jury deliberated only a little over hour, and they admitted it only took that long because they stopped for a drink at one point. They voted to aquit both men of murder. A separate jury later voted to aquit them of kidnapping.
Jurors would later admit they believed the men to be guilty, but did not think they should be punished.
After the trial, Roy Bryant and John Milam sold their confession for $4k to a newspaper. That was a huge amount of money back then.
There was never any justice done for Emmett. They lived the rest of their lives without serving a day in jail for his murder.
In 2008, Carolyn Bryant allegedly told a writer that she had lied on the stand about what had happened. This was not caught on tape, and she later denied it happened....but I mean...multiple witnesses have said either that nothing happened or that all Emmett did was whistle. I'm inclined to believe she was a lying cunt who made it all up.
Now, Carolyn Bryant is dead, may she burn in hell.
But it's important that no one ever forget Emmett Till. You see, it's not just that he was murdered, suffering what no child should ever need to go through. But these things are still happening today.
James Craig Anderson. Trayvon Martin. Tamir Rice. Ahmaud Arbery. George Floyd. Elijah Mcclain.
And recently, Ralph Yarl could have very easily died.
We've come along way. Some of the murderers get convicted now. But what happened to Emmett Till could all too easily happen again.
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shaampoo · 2 years
So im kinda writing another fic (damnit this stuff gonna kill me but its like a drug i cant stop it jlksjk) where Emmet shares a body with Rex but in tlm 1 and it kinda made me wonder what if Rex and Emmet shared a body in Apocalypseburg before tlm 2 happened? cause imagine if everyone knew
let's assume they've been sharing a body in tlm1 and now they're in Apocalypseburg since everyone there is like really obsessed with being tough they like Rex more than Emmet like if they're with Rex they're ok with him but with Emmet? The only reason they arent hostile with him is because they know if they were Rex would knock their light out so imagine if Emmet knew that people felt this way about him and his friends only let Rex go to patrols so he just lets Rex go out and do whatever and he mostly only takes control when he's home or whenever he's with Lucy and his friends cause imagine how much his confidence took a hit from knowing that.
Uh well yall probably already know im gonna write a oneshot about this
Rex went home after a long day out on patrol with the others, he stretched and went inside his apartment, and closed the door
Emmet went to the bookshelf and pulled out a book and went to the couch to sit and read, as always Rex noticed that Emmet was sad. Whenever he tried to talk to Emmet about it he just brushed it off, saying that he was just having an off day
Hey, Broski you okay? Rex asked
"Yeah Rex im fine," Emmet said "Probably just having an off day that's all"
Oh please you have an "Off day" everyday Rex said Just tell me, Broski
"Rex is fine," Emmet said
Rex threw the book behind him
"No way" Rex said "Listen you've been putting this off for long enough just tell me"
Emmet stayed silent
"I'll make you drink black coffee for a month straight if you don't" Rex said
Fine Emmet said It's just people like you more
"Well you shouldn't care what people think of you" Rex said "Plus you haven't even hung around them recently haven't you noticed that they're actually tolerable?"
Well yeah but thats because you're the one talking to them! Plus you and i both know that they're only nice to me because I share a body with you! They know you'll probably punch them if they're mean
"Listen just dont let them get to you" Rex said "They're a buncha nobodies,"
Its not just them even our friends like you more! Emmet said, ever since they've been sharing a body they've been sharing feeling too, so Rex could feel Emmet's sadness and slight bitterness
"They just need me for patrols," Rex said "Its not like they're gonna ditch you completely" Emmet was silent for a few seconds
Its just im scared that if you weren't with me they would just ditch me Rex's eyebrows flew up
"What are you talking about?" Rex said, "Listen i know they did that to me, but in the next few years they would never ditch you and I'll make sure of that!"
... Emmet was silent It's just if you're in control then maybe they would go and look for us...I mean at least I know they like you. In your timeline, it was just me and they never came, maybe if I or at least you were tough they would come back, right?
"Listen, you made me realize that they would've came for me if they knew" Rex said "So i guess i gotta do the same for you, I'm calling the others because one you guys need group therapy second you need to let them know how you feel" rex got up and went for their phone
"No!" Emmet said "Listen Rex I'll tell them when I'm ready"
Broski. Rex said If you put this off its gonna get worse
"Let me at least think about it okay?" Emmet asked "It's late they would be annoyed if i called them this late" Emmet went to bed and could tell Rex was planning something
Rex woke up around 4 am, he was a light sleeper unlike Emmet.
"Alright wheres the phone?" Rex said searching the house, for some reason whenever Rex or Emmet was awake the other wasn't awake until later. Finally, Rex found his phone, he debated whether or not he should call the others but decided that if he didn't Emmet would just put this off forever. He went to his friends group chat and made a group meeting, the phones rang and everyone answered
"Ugh Emmet or Rex or both of you what are you doing calling this early?" Lucy said
"Yeah a girl need her beauty sleep" Unikitty said, then yawned
"Yeah you kinda disturbed my stargaz- i mean brooding" Benny said
"Hey guys Rex here sorry bout callin ya this late" Rex said "Actually I'm not, but anyways its about Emmet, he's kinda asleep right now"
"How does that even work?" Benny said
"Dunno" Rex said "And i kinda don't think about it, but back to the topic" Rex proceeded to tell them about the conversation he and Emmet had
"Oh wow" Benny said "He's been feeling this way the entire time?"
"I always kind of thought Emmet was a bit sad lately" Lucy said "But i didn't think it was because of this"
"I know!" Unikitty said "Let's visit Emmet to cheer him up"
"Yeah!" Benny said "It's the least we can do"
Emmet almost collapsed when he found that he wasn't in bed, though he had plenty experience to know what to do
"Woah" He said as he hit the floor
Or maybe not
"Uh Rex what were-" he spotted the phone that was on call "Rex...?"
"Hey Emmet" Unikitty said "We're coming to your apartment later kay?"
"Uh sure" Emmet hung up the call before glaring at Rex in the mirror
"What did you tell them?" Emmet asked
Listen you would've just put off the problem forever Rex said I should know because I've been doing that when I was you, in fact, i was in this position before but i didn't have anybody to make the call for me so i just ended up putting it off forever
"..." Well Rex had a point Emmet would've just put it off, after all it would've been a 'weak' and 'pathetic' thing to do...
When did asking for help become something that made him look weak?
There was a knock on the door and Emmet opened it to see all his friends
"Oh" Emmet wasn't ready to come by this fast, he expected that he would have enough time to comprehend what was probably gonna happen "You guys were fast"
"Well yeah we wouldn't miss this" Lucy said giving Emmet a kiss on the cheek
"Now how about we sit down?" Benny said, when they were sat Benny began "Listen, Emmet, Rex told us that you felt a bit...unliked"
"To quote him" Lucy said "He said 'Emmet feels like that without him we would just leave you in a moments notice'"
"I-" Emmet hesitated, did Rex really have to phrase it that way "I wouldn't put it that way"
But its true Rex said you need to be honest with them Emmet Emmet sighed
"It's just you guys seem to like him more" Emmet confessed lacing his hands together, sometimes making his fingers go up and down, like how he always does when he's nervous, "And everyone else like's him more, i..." Emmet paused "Well Rex was me in some point of time, of course you guys know this, and you guys know that in his time it was just me, and well..." Emmet looked away from them "You guys know that you guys from that time just never found him and I'm scared that its because he wasn't 'tough' enough. That you guys didn't like him, that you guys just didn't like me" Emmet tried hard not to cry, it wasn't 'tough' after all, but his hands shook whenever he stopped making his fingers moved
Lucy put her hand on his, she could feel his hands shaking, she looked at him with pity, a look he was used to when he was the one in control, but this time she hugged him
"Oh Emmet..." Lucy said "Im so sorry we made you feel this way"
"Yeah" Unikitty said "I don't know how we can fix it but we'll find a way, we always do" Unnikitty joined the hug, soon everyone was hugging emmet, who hugged them right back
Told ya Rex said
"Shut up Rex we're having a moment" Emmet said, laughing, everyone laughed too, while they didn't hear Rex they knew what Rex probably said.
The others already went home after confirming that Emmet was fine. Emmet sat on the couch
"Hey, Rex?"
"Thanks," Emmet said "I really needed that"
Anytime Ems anytime
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sunshine-vx · 10 months
Across Space, Time and Dreams (ASTaD) (Ch. 19- Part 1 of 2)
(Blankshippers DNI)
(Please refer to the beginning of chapter 1 post for complete list of CWs/TWs)
(I don't have an illustration for this chapter (reason why will be elaborated on in an extra notes section), but here's a link to some W.I.Ps for the animation that is going to be for ch. 19! (My apologies for the poor quality) (Reason why the animation isn't complete will also be elaborated on) Huge thank you to @moonlightalpha666 for helping me with this animation!)
(Reblogs are appreciated!)
(Extra notes (sorry this is so long): Hello everyone! This is Sunshine-VX!
So. The last chapter update was in May. And now it's November- half a year later.
First and foremost, I want to apologize- not for taking my time, but to anyone I've let down for taking so long. Last chapter update, I told you all I'd be making an animation for chapter 19, and that it would take a while. At the time, I had decided I wanted to post the complete animation alongside chapter 19, so I wouldn't post chapter 19 until the animation was complete. Unfortunately, I greatly overestimated myself in my ability to get what I wanted to done in a timeframe I saw as ideal. Low motivation, distractions, school, etc. have unfortunately caused the animation to take more time. And it will likely take another notable chunk of time.
That being said- The animation WILL be completed, in time. As I've promised many times, this fic, this project, will ultimately be completed- even if it takes literal years to do so.
I've ultimately decided, with the help of some of yall on a poll, that I'm going to try and continue to update my fic while working on the animation at the same time, instead of posting chapter 19 and continuing to update my fic only when the animation is complete. Obviously, with updating the fic being added to things to do, the animation will take longer to complete, and updates themselves will likely take a bit longer to complete. But again, as I keep saying, both the animation and this fic will be completed!
I also apologize for the fact that there's no illustration for this fic, I didn't have time, but I am again going to post some W.I.Ps of the animation for yall to see! Here's the link!
Lastly, I once again want to give @moonlightalpha666 a shoutout! She's been helping me immensely with the animation and a few other things with the chapter, and they've just been an amazing co-author in general!
Anyways, that's all I have to say for now- if anything else comes to mind, I will edit this. Thank you all so, SO much for being so patient and understanding- and of course, for reading! I'll see you all next time!
Now! Onto chapter 19!)
Ingo slowly opened his eyes. After a moment of feeling disoriented, he realized; he had jumped through the portal with Emmet! He was going to his origin world!
Was he there? Where was Emmet? Chandelure? The rest of their Pokémon?
Ingo quickly sat up and looked around, before all his excitement shattered in an instant, and the color drained from his face. 
He had once again woken up within his dreams; he was standing in a void, completely dark and empty. There was a floor beneath him, although he could not see it.
He was in a place where he'd call out to see if anyone would respond. Nothing.
He was in a place where a moment later, he'd feel a presence. Such a familiar, important presence. 
He was in a place where he'd try to investigate it, and it would always escape him, even if he was on the verge of finding it.
A white blur, a smile…a purple blur, a Pokémon…
…Emmet..? .….Chandelure....? 
Ingo got onto his feet and turned to look at his side, then whirled around, looking at every angle possible in the endless nothingness that consumed his surroundings. Once he had turned every-which-way, Ingo stopped, and he felt his position droop as a horrible feeling grew in his stomach.
Where were they? 
Why was he here? 
He had met them. The presences in his dreams. His family, his best friends. Emmet. Chandelure. His whole first Pokémon team! The hours before now, they had been clearer to him than ever before.
So why was he still here? 
Ingo felt himself beginning to spiral. His breathing became unsteady. He began to raise his arms, hesitating for a moment, before they were up to his chest. He fidgeted as the pit in his stomach began to feel even worse.
Why was he still being tormented by the ghost of a loved one long forgotten? Why was he still being plagued by the burden of not knowing where to belong? 
Ingo's eyes welled with tears, balling his hands into fists. What if he woke up, and they weren't there? What if he woke up, and all those things had never happened? What if he woke up, and it had all turned out to be a lie?
So many questions, and no answers presented to him now.
And so Ingo cried. He curled his one arm around himself, lowering his head and using his other arm to pull his hat down, as he often did when he was upset. Ingo closed his eyes and wept, unknowing if anyone would ever hear him. 
Tears fell off his face, and into the black abyss at his feet. 
And although Ingo, with his eyes closed, was unable to observe this, his tears made impact with the floor as if it was water, making ripples in the ground like rain hitting the surface of a lake, the impact and the ripples that came with a golden cognition, transforming into bright, colorful waves, before vanishing. It made the most gentle sound, echoing.
And then, after a few agonizing moments, Ingo felt warmth on his face, the darkness created by his closed eyes being threatened by…light?
Such a sparse glow.
But light nonetheless. Growing.
Ingo opened his eyes to look at the lower part of the void around him.
And there was…something else.
Something beautiful.
Thin light danced around Ingo's feet, and splashed around non-existent walls in the corners of his eyes, almost as if they were trying to create some sort of harmony, trying to show him something. Triangles, squares, forming. He moved, one step, then another, more golden, colorful ripples lighting up the floor from underneath his shoes, as if he was walking on water. 
Ingo stared in awe, blinking after a moment. He looked up, before being overwhelmed by the sight before him.
The dancing glows had become even brighter, and was painting something before Ingo that he could begin to understand.
A shaking triangle swayed its way into the shape of a tree. An unstable square whirled into becoming a building. There was a strange but comforting shape of a fantastic structure that spilled water endlessly. Ingo saw the shape of a path underneath him, with the texture of grass right to its side. He even began to, even if barely, see the shapes of what seemed to be people and Pokémon begin to form. 
This happened again and again. One building gave off a nostalgic vibe, as if he had visited it endless times; it was bright, in a way that was exciting. Another was a round dome, and if Ingo could hear anything other than wind and chimes, he was sure he would hear laughter and cheering.
He could even see a large, tall shape, a circle that carried smaller shapes in a moving fashion. 
Thin, shapeless waves of color capered around the terrain. Small, big, hyper, mellow. 
Ingo felt a wind on his back, and he blinked again, turning around. 
He heard a voice before his eyes could process anything, feeling a hand on his shoulder. Everything suddenly felt different.
"Ingo! I am Emmet, are you okay?"
"Lure, Chandelure, chan!"
Ingo gasped silently, and there they were. Emmet smiling brightly, Chandelure floating playfully beside him.
Ingo turned, once again inspecting the scene around him, and the dancing colors had finally painted their picture; a city. One Ingo felt he belonged in. 
Ingo stood on the pavement, grass surrounding it. There were a few water fountains beside the corners of the streets. He was standing beside a building that was colored corner to corner in bright light. Ingo for some reason knew this was a place where Pokémon battles took place along with fun activities. He often visited a loved one here. 
Then, the dome. It had many bright symbols on it, sounds like that of a party emitting from it. 
There were people and Pokémon walking down the streets, in and out the buildings. He felt he could almost recognize them, just almost, but not quite.
That was okay. He would soon.
He knew he would.
There was so much more, but Ingo had the urge to look down at his hands. He brought them up to the level of his chest, carefully, examining them.
Two, perfect, unripped white gloves, and two complete sleeves with large cuffs completely intact. His warden bracelet was no longer there, and he no longer felt the stress on his body from his time in Hisui.
Ingo flexed his hands, curling his fingers and then stretching them. 
Yes. They were his. Different, but they were his. 
Ingo faced Emmet, and spoke,
"Yes, I am okay, just got a bit lost in thought."
Emmet opened his mouth to respond, 
"You know what would take our minds off of things? The Ferris Wheel!"
Emmet pointed in an all-too familiar fashion towards that towering structure- a peculiar, spinning contraption that carried small, sightseeing cabins, decorated in multicolored lights; The Ferris Wheel, one of the city's most famous attractions.
And without knowing exactly why, Ingo vocalized,
"But Emmet, I thought you preferred the Pokémon Competitions."
Emmet laughed, 
"I do! But I want to try the Ferris Wheel this time? How about it?"
Ingo thought for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking, but whatever it was, he was content with it.
"I actually think that would be quite fun!"
Emmet nodded before grabbing Ingo's hand and dashing forward
Then, something flashed before Ingo's vision. A quick recall of one of his newest memories; Ingo with Emmet at his side, his and Emmet's Pokémon herding around him. They all cried, but they all were filled with joy. 
It was from just the other day, when Ingo had reunited with Emmet and their Pokémon teams.
Then, Ingo woke up, his face wet with tears, more threatening to fall down his face.
He woke up.
He was inside a tunnel. Emmet and Chandelure were right at his sides, Emmet's hand grabbing Ingo's, leaning against his older brother and the tunnel wall at the same time, and one of Chandelure's appendages wrapped around Ingo's other arm, resting on the tunnel floor. Ingo couldn't quite tell if they were awake or asleep, but Emmet was smiling, Chandelure's flames crackling warmly and with peace. 
Ingo just stared for a moment, before he felt Emmet move at his side. Ingo snapped his attention to his brother, seeing that his younger brother was now awake. Tears rolled down Emmet's face, although he smiled.
Emmet opened his eyes, smiling still. He wiped his tears away and chuckled. 
Ingo then heard some wispy, clinking sounds from his other side. He turned to see that Chandelure had also woken up. 
Ingo thought for a moment, before he turned to Emmet again. 
"Emmet, did…did you have a strange dream…?"
Emmet's smile changed, although it did not falter.
"I did."
"Can you tell me what it was about?" Ingo asked.
Emmet thought for a moment, before beginning to explain.
"I was in..a void. I could not even see any walls or a floor. Although I could still stand."
Ingo nodded, "My dream was like that, too."
Emmet continued, "And I have had this dream ever since you disappeared. …Have your dreams been like that for a long time?"
Ingo once again replied in the affirmative, "Yes. Ever since I landed in Hisui."
Emmet hummed to himself, "When I was in that void…you would appear often. Except far away. Distorted. Out of reach. I would try to get your attention, to get to you..but you would always disappear. And even if I did get to you…I could not interact with you. You could not hear me, nor feel me. Nothing. Sometimes I swear you would notice me if not for just a second, but ultimately, you did not know I was there."
Ingo felt his shoulders sink.
"My dreams were like that…in a way. Except it was almost the opposite as well. I'd be in a void, too. I'd be alone. But I'd always begin to feel such a familiar presence..such important ones..but no matter how much I called out for someone, no matter how much I searched…I could never find it. At times, I swear I'd see or feel something. A white blur, a smile. A purple blur, a Pokémon…you and Chandelure…..but I'd never be able to get to you."
"Was this dream different? Before you woke up just now?" Ingo asked Emmet.
"It was."
"Can you tell me how?"
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (part 2 of 2)
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u-ntitled-s-eries · 2 years
Subway Bosses + Detective!Reader - Happy Halloween!
Author's Note: A late conclusion to the Halloween month. Definitely on the longer side of things. I hope ye enjoy!
“Happy Halloween!”
A werewolf and a vampire.
You’d be hard-pressed to think of a more appropriate pair than the two standing in front of you right now.
“Well, don’t you two look all nice and terrifying for the evening. Are you headed to Elesa’s?”
“Not yet,” Ingo says. A set of bone-white fangs sticks out at you with every word he speaks. “The party’s not for another hour. We simply wanted to stop by and see you off before your patrol.”
“And to show you our costumes. Cool, huh?”
“Very cool,” you nod in agreement, though your eyes keep drifting up to Emmet’s wolf ears and you can’t help but wonder how soft his hair would feel if you were to reach up and give him a head-pat. Perhaps you can ask another day. He cocks his head at an angle and looks you up and down, the trails of fake blood going down his face suddenly looking far too angular to be natural.
“So, did you decide to wear a costume?”
“Yep!” you open up the beige trench coat you bought to show off the rest of your ensemble. The set of clothes would be right at home in an old 1920s film. You even found an old holster to clip your Pokeballs onto.
“Wonderful work, Detective! You look as though you just stepped off the set of a noir! Bravo!”
You smile and button up the coat. “All I’m missing is a flask of whiskey and a cigarette.”
“There’ll be drinks at the party. Perhaps you can still make it. When does your shift end?”
You give a resigned grin and shrug.
“Sorry guys. If you’d like, we can walk around the shops before you have to go. Think of it as on-the-job training.”
They share a glance and you can’t blame them for being hesitant. But that reluctance dissipates as Emmet links an arm with you.
“Very well, Detective!” Ingo laughs, “Lead the way!”
Many of the stores and streets are still getting ready for the influx of people, but a couple buildings have already closed up shop. Today, that means turning all the lights on and keeping the doors wide open for the trick-or-treaters that’ll be flooding the streets. Families with especially young children are already out and about, fawning over all of the decorations and costumes. As the three of you walk down the street, a few people notice Ingo and Emmet and ask for a picture of them (and sometimes with you). Younger children drag their friends and family along, going from door to door with buckets and sacks of candy, happily chanting out those magic words that guarantee at least one piece of candy.
All in all, it’s a pleasant way to spend an hour before the two have to depart. You just might have continued walking with them all the way to the party, were it not for a road blockade that had been placed to section off the street for civilians. It also serves as the boundary of your patrol route.
“Well, end of the line for me.” You smile and take a step back, “Enjoy the party- Oh! And tell Elesa I said hello.”
“Will do!” Emmet smiles, waving goodbye as he and his brother continue down the street. The farther away they become, the more your smile drops. Behind you, you can hear the noise and music slowly growing louder as more people spill into the streets. The thought of heading back into the fray on your own has you rubbing the exhaustion from your eyes. Ingo and Emmet disappear down the street and out of sight.
“Let’s just… get back to work.”
Despite the roads being freed up for more space, you still bump into someone every few steps. A couple of the shops recognize you from last year’s patrol and toss you a piece of candy; it’d be wise to save those for later, since you’re not going to be eating for a few hours. Screams and laughter alike fill the air. It’s chaotic and busy, but everyone’s happy.
The streets are so full of music and noise that you can’t even hear the sound of your phone going off. It’s only when you feel the buzz in your pocket that you take a look at the screen.
It’s probably nothing. You should just ignore it and continue with your patrol. There’s still another three hours before your shift is over, and a lot can happen in an unchecked crowd. She’s likely calling to wish you a Happy Halloween, anyway; it can go to voicemail.
You’re busy; she’ll understand, right?
The device continues to buzz in your hand as you step into an open store. Braviary’s keeping an eye out from the rooftops; you’ll be alerted if anything happens. With that rationale, you tap the screen and hold your phone up to your ear.
“Happy Halloween!”
You grin. Intuition pulls through yet again.
“You know I really shouldn’t be talking to friends when I’m in the middle of work. Gotta keep an eye out for any criminal activity,”
“Is it busy over there?”
“About the same as last year.” you poke your head out the doorway and scan the street, “The worst I’ve had to deal with so far is some light vandalization and a couple of cases of public indecency.”
“Sounds about right for Halloween.”
Over the cacophony of voices, you can faintly pick up the sound of music playing. From the street or from the call, you’re not sure.
“How’s the party? I’m not going to come back to the station and see you all in the holding cell, am I?”
“Haha! No, it’s been pretty chill,”
You would know if you actually bothered to show up.
Your smile lessens just a little.
“Look, about tonight, I didn’t mean to blow everyone off. Or, I mean I didn’t want to?”
“Hey, I get it. Work comes first. We’ll just have to find another excuse to party.”
Is it too early to suggest meeting up for New Year’s?
“Well, tell the guys I said ‘Hi’ and all that,”
“Wanna talk to them?”
“Probably shouldn’t.” As much as you’d like to, “I still have a job to do, remember?”
“Yeah, I’ll let you get back to it. Again, Happy Halloween!”
“Happy Halloween.”
You hang up and take a breath before stepping outside and back into the crowd.
Some people get a little too carried away, whether they’re drunk off the spirit of the night or just plain drunk varies from person to person, and you have to step in to keep the peace. The more brazen offenders ignore your warnings, only to immediately sober up once you show them you’re very real badge and very real handcuffs. At least you don’t have to shove anyone into the back of your police car.
What are the others doing right now? From what Elesa said, it sounds like they’re having a good time. Lots of people, loud music, enough snacks and sweets to the point of sickness. Would the night be any different if you’d accepted her invitation? At least you’d be with friends.
As the hours drag on, the streets begin to clear up. People leave on their own, in groups, and some of them while dragging their intoxicated friends along. The doors close and lights click off. By the time the eleven-o-clock struck, it was as if you turned the corner and wound up in a completely different part of Nimbasa.
The closed off streets were packed with so many people you could barely feel your own feet against the pavement, only to be completely deserted. All the music and delighted cries have vanished into the air, leaving just the soft sighs of the wind. Candy wrappers, decorations, and bits of costumes litter the ground with bright colors that stand out even in the flickering streetlights. At least the Trubbish will eat well tonight. A quick check on your phone shows there’s still half an hour until your shift’s over, not that anyone’s still around to cause trouble.
At least, that’s what you think as you look up from your screen and see a familiar face standing under a streetlight.
“I am Emmet.”
“What are you doing out here?”
“Looking for you. You're done with work soon, right?”
“Just about. I still have twenty-five minutes of patrolling.”
Twenty-five minutes. That should be more than doable. He’s lasted this long, so no point in backing out now.
“Excellent. I will join you and then we can walk back to the station together.”
“You’re joining me?”
With the way the words come out, it’s hard to tell if you’re questioning his choice or reason.
“This isn’t a walk in the park, Emmet. I’ve got to be on the lookout for crime.” The words carry a very real warning to them. Is the smile you have because it’s funny or exciting?
“Then you should have backup if you see any.”
“And you’re volunteering to call them for me?”
“I will make sure everyone reaches their destination safely.”
You look him up and down, then chuckle and shake your head. Before Emmet can ask, you turn on your heel and start walking back the way you came. His confusion twists into panic after a few steps when you look over your shoulder. The collar of your jacket and brim of your hat hide most of your face, save for one eye gazing back at him.
“Well,” you nod towards the road ahead, “Are you coming?”
The sound of his rapid footfalls and your laugh echo down the empty street. You start walking on the roadside once Emmet’s caught up with you. 
Clouds of steam form with every exhale. The Autumn air’s been getting colder with each passing day, but the chill from this afternoon has spiked to frigid. Thankfully the cold hasn’t affected Emmet’s ability to keep up your pace, but he should’ve worn a heavier jacket. He digs his hands into his pockets, pulling the material closer. The tip of his nose is starting to sting, with only his breath keeping his face warm. The fake blood is like ice against his skin.
“If you think this is bad, you should see what it’s like during the holiday season.”
Your laugh disrupts Emmet’s train of thought. Although you’re still looking straight ahead, you’re staring at him out of the corner of your eye. There’s a slight curve in your lips that betrays your otherwise neutral expression.
“Regret coming along?” Have  you always been this… playful?
Emmet laughs back and a puff of steam comes out, though not as apparent as originally. A gust of cold wind hits his back, making his teeth chatter.
He locks his smile into place when you stop walking. Your smile flattens.
You remove one of your gloves and take his hand.
You’re warm. Your skin is warm and soft, and for a brief second Emmet can easily see himself pulling you into his arms and holding you close. Close enough for the feeling to seep into his own skin. Then you look up at him with clear concern.
“Emmet, your skin is freezing! How long have you been out here?!”
Too long.
“…Longer than twenty-five minutes.” Technically it’s the truth, but you frown at the answer. You let go of him, letting the cold take your place, and he has to fight the urge to reach back for you. You hastily shuck off your coat, before shoving the item into his chest. It’s the cold that makes his legs falter and forces him to take a steady step back; that’s what Emmet tells himself.
“Here, you can wear this for now.” You’re kidding, right? He opens his mouth to protest, but you beat him to it. “I’d be a sorry excuse for an officer if I let my partner freeze to death.”
Your partner, huh? He kind of likes the sound of that. He especially likes the way you said it. The words play over and over in his head as he throws on the coat and follows beside you.
It feels almost criminal to not perform a sweeping bow in this costume, but even the empty streets are too out in the open for that. Besides, you’d probably think he’d look silly.
“Good to see you again, Detective. I hope you had a pleasant evening. Not too much trouble with the crowds.”
“Nothing I can’t handle.” you say with a shrug, “So, what’s up? I assume you’re not just lurking on street corners for fun.”
Your smile walks that fine line between impish and innocent, and Ingo can only hope any redness in his face can be excused by the chill in the air.
“The streets can be quite unsafe at night. Even for a capable officer. With your permission, I would like to come aboard for the final leg of your patrol.”
There’s no point in dancing around the question, but it still feels as though he’s said too little with too many words. Your smile lessens, but doesn’t fully disappear, and you look down to the shining wristwatch on you. Have you always worn that, or is it just part of your costume?
“That should be fine. I’ve only got a few more minutes, and it’d hardly be right of me to ignore a concerned civilian.” you look back up at him and grin, “Right then. All aboard, as you say.”
He smiles and follows beside you.
“So…How was the party?”
“A bit more high-octane than what I’m used to-“ A yawn cuts Ingo off mid-sentence, “-but still quite pleasant. Though I did have to stop Emmet back from devouring all of the candy.”
You laugh. A soft, carefree sound that bubbles up and floats through the air. “Why did the mental picture of you physically holding him back come to mind so easily?”
“Vampires versus werewolves; truly a conflict as old as time itself. From what Elesa told me, it sounds like you’ve had quite the evening yourself.” Another yawn forces its way out of Ingo. He covers his mouth, though it does little to muffle the sound.
“What can I say, people will take any reason to cut loose.” You pause and scoop up a discarded mask on the ground, “Though I’m sure the thrill of hiding who you are plays some role in it, too.”
You toss the mask in a passing trash can.
“Do you have a busy day at the station tomorrow?”
“Nothing out of the ordinary, as far as I’m aware, and hopefully the schedule will not require any unexpected stops.” He looks over and meets your stare, “Is my fellow all-nighter going to scold me for staying up too late?”
“I’m just saying, for a creature of the night, you look like you’re about ready to pass out.”
He’d argue if it weren’t for yet another yawn interrupting him.
“I’m parked a couple of blocks away. If you’d like, I could give you a lift home.”
Ingo blinks once. Twice. The words play over in his head but the weight they carry doesn’t fully sink in. In one ear and out the other. It’s not until you hold up a set of keys, that he finally grasps the concept. Confusion turns to realization, which turns to embarrassment. Perhaps he’s more tired than he previously thought.
“That won’t be necessary. I’m grateful for the offer, but I shouldn’t derail your patrol route.”
Your smile falters for a second, only to pick back up into a laugh.
“My shift ended three minutes ago. C’mon. Let me do this for you, please?”
You look up at him with nothing but sincere kindness.
He said it best himself: the streets can be quite unsafe at night.
A couple blocks later, you’re holding open the door to the passenger’s side of a lone police car parked on the side of the road.
“The back seat wasn’t exactly designed to be comfortable,” you explain, “Besides, the neighbors’ll get the wrong idea if they see you in the back.”
True. Though the thought of Emmet seeing his brother being wheeled around like a common crook might just be worth it. Perhaps another time, Ingo thinks to himself as he slips into the car. He watches you dash around the front of the car and hop into the driver’s seat.
It’s easy enough to direct you. Turn left here, take this ramp, switch lanes and get on that exit there. You offered to put the directions into your phone so he could get some rest, but Ingo quickly declined the offer; the thought of you waking him up had him sinking further into his seat. Eventually, the car slows to a halt as you pull over to the side of the road.
“Welp, here we are.” you sigh, “I’ll see you tomorrow. Or, I guess it already is tomorrow; I’ll see you in the morning.”
The doors unlock with a click, but Ingo stops just before he grabs the handle.
“Would you like to come inside? Perhaps have a drink before you leave?”
It’s only polite to ask, isn’t it?
“Going to bed early and inviting people into your home…” when you laugh, there’s an almost heavy note that follows, “You’re a one-of-kind vampire, ya know that?”
Whatever response Ingo could’ve come up with dies in his throat as you lean a little closer. “I’d love to, but we’ve both got work in the morning. Why don’t you ask me again on Friday?”
He silently nods, one hand fumbling for the door handle while the other undoes his seatbelt. The cold air greets him like a sobering slap to the face, though he still nearly trips on the curb.
“Try not to stay up too late, okay?”
With that last piece of advice, you wave goodbye and drive off, the lights of your car growing smaller and smaller until they disappear into the night.
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Submas/PLA Fic: Electric Trains are the Future Ch. 5 - Class 150 Vulcan Locomotive V -> S
Previous Chapter (4) - Current Chapter - Next Chapter (6)
The next chapter of Electric Trains is live! As stated before, updates are now on Tuesdays, and I’ll be bumping them Fridays along with posting the outline of the chapter!
Chapter Summary: Ingo boards the train of memories while Elesa and Zisu finish their battle. Chapter Word Count: 3896
Read the fic below the cut, or read it on AO3 with additional author notes! As always, Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!
They were 10 when they had first moved to Nimbasa, Ingo and Emmet weren’t ready to handle the new environment. The Village in Anville was quiet and small, everyone knew each other, and they could enjoy themselves in peace away from people.
That no longer worked in Nimbasa. Dad had gotten a new job with the Authority, which meant that they needed to be closer to the headquarters, and that they were going to be in a new school. 
Emmet had always been quiet, but he stopped talking entirely again, though Ingo was used to being his voice after 10 years of a shared life. They were a two-car train, and he would be the whistle for Emmet’s engine. But between them being new kids and being so different from others in their grade, they were quickly singled out.
They loved that Dad had gotten to work with trains more. But they hated what it meant for them. They missed home. They wanted to leave.
If you asked Emmet, it never got better. If you asked Ingo, it never got worse. They both were lying. Emmet was dramatic, Ingo was optimistic.
At first the bullies had been just mean to be mean. They called them names, stole their pencils when they weren’t looking, maybe spilled paint water on Ingo once, but the artsy kid actually apologized despite everyone else laughing.
Eventually though, some got worse. One kid in particular decided he wanted to mess with the two more, and stole Emmet’s bag. He said if Emmet wanted it back, he would have to promise to be his servant, and say it outloud. Emmet was still nonverbal, and no matter how hard he cried, or how hard he tried to get it back, he couldn’t.
Ingo was there, and he punched the bully in his face. Unfortunately, bullies are never alone, and even though the others were initially hesitant to involve themselves, they didn’t like the scrawny out-of-towner throwing hands. It quickly became a 4 on 1 while Emmet continued to have a meltdown nearby.
An Emolga dropped onto the first bully that Ingo had punched, the one who had stolen the bag, and zapped him quite hard. While Thunder Wave didn’t tend to hurt Pokemon, having your nerves overloaded with electricity was quite painful to a human. Emmet found that out a few years later before he had properly trained his Tynamo, Tiny, to not use the move on him. The other bullies quickly scattered, leaving their friend convulsing on the ground with an Emolga angrily screeching at him.
Ingo had been hit a few times by the time the Emolga had shown up, so he looked around to see who had originally shouted through a quickly swelling eye; a girl with black hair pulled up into two puffy buns walking towards them with intent. “Hello, ma’am!” Ingo shouted in greeting as Emmet slowly came back to the situation and realized his bag was now free. “Thank you for the assis-”
Ingo stopped speaking and Emmet stopped going for his bag, both in shock, when the girl stepped up and kicked the bully hard in the stomach. “Don’t steal stuff and don’t beat my friends up!” Friends? They didn’t know this girl at all. “If you do, I’ll have Skitters use Thunder Shock on you!” She turned, grabbed Emmet’s bag and handed it to him, and then picked Ingo up. “Let’s go.”
After they got to a different part of the school, the girl introduced herself as Elesa, and she was sorry for not stepping in earlier. She asked if they were ok now. They were, but neither of them could articulate it. Emmet was still struggling to speak, and Ingo was struggling to find the words he wanted to use, his mouth saying things faster than his brain could supply.
Elesa later got reported to the principal for using her Pokemon on a student, but the punishment was light because of the circumstances. And from that day, Ingo and Emmet weren’t alone. They kept Elesa there, and she kept them with her. The engine and the whistle had gained a caboose, and it was a caboose with quite a lot of firepower.
Ingo had woken up at dawn, as he normally does, and carefully made his way around the sleeping visitor. He continued to think about the dream as he gathered his stuff together, then looked back at Elesa. That was her in the dream, and her Emolga. That was the type of Pokemon it was last night that seemed to like him so much, and he guessed that dream might’ve been a memory. It was staying there, except for one detail.
Was that other boy Emmet? He couldn’t see his face clearly.
Ingo made his way to the Training Grounds, as he always did while in Jubilife, meeting Miss Zisu as she arrived. “Good morning, ma’am,” he says at a reasonably loud volume, getting a wave in response. Zisu needed a cup of tea in the morning to be her proper self, and once she had learned that Ingo works best with several cups of the stuff in him, she had brought her kettle to the Dojo and said that she would prepare them both the drink there instead. Ingo had initially said it was unnecessary, but quietly conceded that it was the easiest option, and instead helped her prepare it every morning.
He was still left craving something stronger most mornings, if only so he wouldn’t have to down three or four cups of the drink just to function. There had to be something better, why was he having trouble thinking of it?
Once both of them had tea in their system, the set up continued for the morning. After thirty minutes, Ingo spoke up. “Today is my partial day, Miss Zisu, so once we have everything set up, I will be going to check on my Lady, and then work with Akari on a project of hers.” He paused speaking to lift up two of the sandbags that they had begun using as the border for the battle arena.
Zisu took the chance to speak up. “Of course! And make sure to check in on your friend, she should probably come by today or tomorrow to figure out her plans for the Security Corp.” Ah yes, Elesa had agreed to work with the Galaxy Team in Security.
“If I see her, I’ll be sure to send her your way.” They finished setting the field up, and Ingo nodded towards Zisu, then looked up at the sky. The sun had risen further, and he estimated it was around 8 am. “I believe I should go check on my Lady. She is planning on bringing her kits in today for a bit before they go back to the Highlands.” With a nod, Zisu dismisses him and Ingo begins his way down Flaoro Main Street.
He had gotten to the intersection of Canala Avenue when he saw Lady Sneasler entering town, with her newest set of kits following her. Waving to her, Ingo called out a greeting and quickly approached. “Hello my Lady! I wanted to inform you that I have a visitor today, and that I may not be able to look after the children too long before I go with Akari.”
The Lady didn’t look very amused with him, and looked down the road to his house instead. “Sneeeeas.” She decided that she would just spend time with this visitor of his.
“My Lady, I ask that you don’t, she just arrived and I haven’t explai-” And there the Lady goes with her kids right behind, most of them waving good-bye. He waves back, sincerely hoping Elesa would be able to handle the kits.
He hears a door click behind him, followed by light footsteps quickly approaching. Pretending not to notice, he turns to keep walking and lets Miss Akari jump him with a hug. “Good morning, Uncle Ingo!” She was smiling today, though he could tell she was a little more tired than he was used to seeing. “Wanna come with me to the pastures before we get to work?”
“I would be glad to, Miss Akari!” Ingo had always enjoyed spending time in the pastures with the Pokemon, as once they had gotten used to the presence of humans, they mostly tended to be quite friendly. “I would also like to use the time to talk.”
“Of course,” his adopting niece says, starting to walk down the street towards the pastures. “Anything in particular you want to talk about, or just wanna chat? How’re you feeling after Elesa and you spent the night together?” Of course, Miss Akari, like most teenagers, wanted to hear juicy details, even when there were none.
“Specific, though getting to the pastures would make it easier. I would like some privacy for it.”
The pair arrived at the pastures and made their way in, being greeted by several Growlithe that all wanted to be pet. Akari gladly obliged before making her way further in to look for some of her main team. “So, what’s on your mind, Uncle Ingo?”
Ingo fiddles with his hat for a moment before asking. “You occasionally mention your old life.” Akari pauses on brushing her Typhlosion, Ember’s, fur before she continues. “Were they memories that you remembered, or something you came into Hisui with?”
Akari silently brushes for a moment before answering. “I remember just about everything? It was foggy at first, mostly from talking with… Arceus… when I arrived, but it wasn’t foggy much longer past that. And then I realized I was from the future, and that’s hard to explain!” She finishes with Ember’s fur before fluffing her up and kissing her forehead. “It just naturally came back, so I don’t know if it was stimuli or just time.” The next sentence was softer. “That’s why I was working hard to help you, I feel bad for remembering so much…”
Ingo immediately felt bad for making the teenager feel bad. “Do not beat yourself up, Miss Akari,” he says, coming to stroke Ember’s fur. “My cab’s emptiness is nothing to burn your engine over.”
Akari looked around for one of her other Pokemon, waving her Staraptor, Skylar, over to start preening his feathers. After a moment, she starts talking again. “I realized last night after you both left that I knew Elesa.” That was interesting for Ingo to hear. “My… Old life had me interact with a lot of Gym Leaders, and I remember meeting Elesa at one point. She had told me about the Subway at her home, run by her friends.” She gulps, unsure how to continue, though Skylar sees that she is worried and begins to preen her hair in return.
Ingo could connect the dots now. Elesa had made sure to tell him about the Subway last night, and he was remembering more of it as the day went by. “You think she was talking about me and… Emmet?” Akari nods, accidentally pulling away from Skylar, who flaps his wings in indignation and going back to preening her hair. “Did she- Did she tell you about the Subway?”
Akari pouts slightly as she thinks, then gets lightly pecked by Skylar. “Skylar! Be nice, I’m thinking!” She lightly swats Skylar’s chest, laughing, before going back to the conversation. “She said it was a Battle Subway, with two Singles Lines, two Doubles Lines, and two Multi Lines. You had apparently added it after you became Head of Transport, and appointed your brother as your Subway Boss.”
No, Emmet wasn’t the only Subway Boss.
The door to the car opened, and two teenage trainers walked in, tired from their previous battles.That makes sense, they were on a 49 Battle Streak, and were hoping to make it 50.
Ingo stood tall, clicking his heels together and gripping the brim of his hat. “Let me introduce myself again. I am a Subway Boss, Ingo.” He looks over to his left, to Emmet, giving him space to speak. Emmet stood there with his eyes closed before speaking. “What I say. What I do. Always the same. Follow the rules! Safe driving! Follow the schedule!” Emmet raises a hand, Pokeball ready and finger pointing to the ceiling before opening his eyes, all ready for the battle. “Everyone smile!”
“Well, there is nothing left to say for the person who comes all the way here.” He raises his hand, Pokeball drawn and finger pointing, to mirror his brother. “Let’s have the greatest battle, better than ever before!” Emmet takes the chance of the silence to cut back in. “Everything’s ready! Aim for Victory! All Aboard!”
Their challengers send out their Pokemon, a Samurott and an Emboar, while Emmet and Ingo throw theirs out in sync. Ingo drops his right hand from his cap to point outwards, his left hand grabbing the brim from the other side; Emmet points out to his left hand and his hand grasps the collar of his coat. The brothers were facing each other, looking out at the battle.
“We make a good two-car train, Ingo and Emmet.”
“What was that?” Ingo shakes his head, coming back fully to see Akari looking at him from underneath Skylar, who had apparently sat on her chest to properly preen her hair. Ingo swallows, and pulls his cap down.
“Sorry for the delay in schedule, Miss Akari. An unexpected train pulled into the station, and I had to ensure it was up to code.” He pulls his cap down over his eyes before looking at Akari’s confused expression. “I had a memory of the Subway. Of me and Emmet preparing for a battle with two trainers your age.”
Akari starts wiggling her way out from under Skylar, who just flaps his wings before standing. “You remembered something! That’s awesome!” She goes to give him a hug when both are startled by a loud crack of thunder on the other side of the Village. “What was that?”
Ingo looks in the direction of the sound. It had come from the Training Grounds. “It seems there is a battle. Should we take a look?” Akari was basically vibrating before she took off running. Ingo quickly follows behind, not quite at the same speed, though he has Ember and Skylar in tow.
Reaching the battlefield, they see Elesa and Zisu facing off, Zisu’s infernape being called back to its ball as it falls to the giant electric eel that Elesa was using. Eelektross. Ingo’s mind supplied the name, and he found no reason to argue. What he did find odd was the name “Tiny” coming into his mind alongside it.
The new Pokemon wasn’t out long, as the Zoroark that Zisu sent out finishes it off with an Agile Shadow Sneak. Elesa sends out her next Pokemon, his mind filling the blank with Zebstrika as the black and white horse rears up, crackling with electricity. “Wild Charge!” It was a good call, honestly. Agile Style is mostly to hinder the opposing Pokemon, rather than speed the user up, and so Zebstrika connected with its target, knocking it back.
“Bitter Malice!” And there was the response. Wild Charge eats the user’s stamina, and the ghostly energy exuding from Zisu’s Zoroark dug its way into the Zebstrika’s wound that he formed on its shoulder. Even from here, Ingo could see the wound freeze and start to go necrotic as the Frostbite set in. He winces as Zebstrika wheels around to make distance, and instead its leg buckles and it skids a few feet before losing consciousness. 
Elesa’s next Pokemon was a flat mudfish. Stunfisk? Yes, Stunfisk. The Zoroark hits it with a Shadow Sneak, which does hit the Stunfisk in the center. Which made its retaliatory Astonish much more astonishing, dealing a critical hit to the Zoroark and knocking it out. It seems that Elesa had picked up on Zoroark’s typing.
There was a crowd forming now, and the ambient conversation made it impossible to hear Elesa and Zisu talk to each other before Zisu sent out her next Pokemon. Her Luxray appears, slowly plodding its way towards the Stunfisk before reacting to his trainer’s command and sinking its teeth into the mudfish with a double Thunder Fang. It was an Agile Strike, quickly followed by a Strong.
Unfortunately, Zisu had misread Stunfisk’s typing, and its Ground typing completely negated both attacks, and left it wide open. He could almost hear the Pokemon laugh before unleashing two Earth Powers into the Luxray’s chest, knocking it out. Taking a quick look, Ingo confirmed that Zisu put Luxray’s Pokeball on her left hip next to 3 others, meaning she had already been put through three Pokemon in total. This didn’t seem to be Elesa’s final Pokemon, judging by her demeanor.
As Stunfisk took the chance to eat its Sitrus Berry, Zisu’s Ambipom landed on the field and immediately moved to strike it with an Iron Tail, taking the fish out.The next Pokemon Elesa sent out was one Ingo didn’t need to think about, a Luxray. It walks towards the Ambipom, then stops and sniffs the air. Letting out a yowl, Luxray's posture becomes instantly hostile and her fur bristles. Her? Oh right, Rivalry. What was Rivalry?
Both sides called out the same move, Quick Attack. They both disappeared from view and collided in the center of the arena before separating. Ambipom repeated the Quick Attack, while Luxray let out roar and slammed into the retreating Ambipom with a Wild Charge, both Pokemon tumbling in the dirt of the arena before stopping on Zisu’s side, both Pokemon knocked out. 
Ingo takes a moment to step into the Training Grounds to get a better look at the situation, and hears Elesa call out. “We’re both on our last Pokemon, right?” She casually tossed her ball up and down, a smirk across her face. The look was very familiar to Ingo. She always looked cute with that smile, when she’s really into a battle. Yes, she was. Thank you, Past Ingo.
“Yep! So, let’s make this count, Honchkrow!” Zisu sends out her last Pokemon, Honchkrow flying out and circling the arena before landing. Elesa sends out her last Pokemon, a yellow spider only two feet tall. Galvantula.
Ingo was not amused as he got ready for work, knowing that Emmet had not put weight on, despite his insistence. His brother was incredibly immature when he tried to cover his own impatience, and a terrible liar all around. Especially when he could hear the Joltik chittering under his brother’s coat.
“Emmet.” “I am Emmet. I am full.”
Ingo reached over quickly and pulled Emmet’s coat open, several Joltik tumbling to the ground and flailing before righting themselves on the floor, while several dozen more hung to the coat. “Why are they on your person? Why not in a container, like we agreed?” Emmet squirmed slightly as he tried to come up with a reason, his Galvantula, Fluff, scurrying around behind him.
“I would not be able to carry them all!” Emmet eventually said with confidence. “I am Emmet. I only have two arms. I am not perfect, yup!” He nodded, his smile widening as he closed his eyes into little crinkles.  “So I decided to carry them in my coat so we could take them to some of the abandoned tunnels before we open.”
“Emmet, we have talked about this,” Ingo starts, gently waving to Chandelure in the background to go grab some containers. “Putting so many Joltiks into your coat not only is a danger to them, but also a danger to you.” He looks over at Haxorus, who waves gently and also goes to get some containers. “If they build too much static, they might hurt you.”
“There’s no need to worry!” That didn’t help Ingo to not worry. “These are all Fluff’s babies. They know how to behave. I taught them how to teach each other!” Ingo didn’t want to dwell on that disastrous idea, and didn’t need to as Chandelure returned with three large shoeboxes held by Psychic, and Haxorus arrived with two large moving boxes, balanced well.
“We can have Chandelure and Haxorus help us carry the Joltik so that you do not disregard safety checks.” Emmet didn’t have a strong argument against this and relented, helping conduct the Joltiks into the many boxes.
Beeching was happy to be able to walk the streets of Nimbasa, which it normally wouldn’t do. Beeching? Where did that name come from? Oh yes, Ingo had given his Pokemon pet names back in Unova, but did not share their names. Haxorus was named after the Beeching Axe in Galar, where they had cut out hundreds of stations and miles of railways in the name of efficiency. Emmet and Ingo had debated furiously over whether it was correct or not, and Haxorus, an Axew at the time, had earned the name when he cut his way into the conversation and silenced them both.
His Chandelure was carrying several jittering boxes. What was her name? Ah yes, Salamanca! Named after the first commercial steam engine. He had been proud of that name for her back when he was young, as it referenced both the flames of a coal-fed steam engine, and the Ghost-typing made fit for a long retired train.
The Release of the Joltik went smoothly. They had arrived an hour before the morning rush to make it easy and simple, and Ingo and Emmet were able to easily transition to the morning routine.
It was a crack of Thunder that brought Ingo back to reality, and he could feel the tears on his face. Looking up, he saw Honchkrow hit the ground, but his attention quickly shifted to the Galvantula, his mandibles clicking. Clearing his throat to focus, Ingo raises his right hand, signaling towards Elesa’s side.
“This match has been decided! Bravo, Elesa… Elesa…” Ingo suddenly feels light headed, and barely registers both Elesa and Zisu rush towards him as he falls forward.
Emmet shut the book he was reading, his alarm quietly going off on his Xtransciever. That was his 10 minute warning, the Library in Opelucid was going to close. He had to wait another day for his flight to Alola to meet with Professor Burnett, the specialist on Ultra Beasts and their Wormholes. Moving quickly, he puts the book he had been reading, The Alternate Truths of White and Black by Shaga Masuda, back onto the shelf, and goes for the doorway.
“Excuse me, sir!” A voice calls for him from a bookshelf nearer to the door. He stops, and sighs in aggravation before turning to look at the person who called him over. He seemed to be a young Sinnohan man, his blonde hair pulled back into a short ponytail and his bangs exposing only one gray eye.
“I am Emmet. I am on an early flight in the morning. What do you want?” Emmet wanted this to be short, he didn’t want to waste any time with this man if he didn’t have to, even as he walks up to him.
“Sorry, sir,” the man says, grimacing lightly. “My name is Volo, and I think I have information about what happened to Elesa.” Now that got Emmet’s attention.
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Emmet's Child Gets Sent to Hisui Alone
it is time for more angst hehehe >:) if you haven’t seen the ingo version of this, it can be found here! sorry this took so long, but this is super long and it’s worth the wait i promise
cw: Mentioned death by illness, grief, unhealthy coping mechanisms
wc: ~7.4k
Emmet ▽
Your father was a regular challenger on the double line. He was an experienced trainer who collected all eight gym badges in the Hoenn region as a teenager, but never ended up challenging the Elite Four. So, when he moved to Nimbasa as soon as he was a legal adult, he found himself battling regularly on the Battle Subway.
His skills and knowledgeable team of Pokémon allowed him to battle Emmet almost on the daily. They were incredibly even battlers. The winner depended on luck. 
Your father and Emmet became great friends. They would have long conversations after every battle, just talking about whatever came to mind.
Emmet remembers your father coming down the line one day, blabbing about this date he went on with this girl the night prior.
“Emmet, I know you probably won’t believe me, but she’s the one. I just feel it in my gut, man, I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with her.”
“I am Emmet, and you are right! I don’t believe you. Now, let us battle!”
Well, Emmet was wrong. That girl your father went on that date with? That was your mother.
Nearly every day, Emmet heard from your father about his relationship with your mother. He was so excited for your father–who seemed to be in the happiest state of his life. 
Emmet recalls how giddy your father came into the car one day, around two years after that first date, and said that he had proposed to your mother and that she had said yes.
The Subway Boss didn’t cry at that, he didn’t cry when your father asked that he be a groomsman, but he may have shed a tear or two at the actual wedding…he didn’t tell your father that, however.
Even after marriage, your father would challenge the line. It was part of his routine now and it’s when he saw Emmet, how could he not? 
Sometimes your mother would come in and watch the battles, cheering on her husband. Emmet thought she was an incredible woman, perfectly suited for your father. He could not be more happy that his good friend had found someone so lovely.
Well, actually, Emmet was happier when your father announced that your mother was pregnant.
Emmet couldn’t believe it. He was going to be an uncle! Not a biological one, but still an uncle!
Would your father bring you to the station? Would he bring you to battles in a baby bjorn? How long would it take you to start battling yourself? What is going to be your first Pokémon?
Your father said all those questions would be answered eventually, but they would just have to wait and see.
“I mean, Emmet, what if they don’t even like Pokémon?”
“That is a non-issue. I am Emmet, and will make my future nibling loves Pokémon!”
Safe to say that Emmet was very excited to meet you.
Emmet was sad, however, when your father announced that he would be starting paternity leave around a month before you were due and three-to-four months after you were born. How was he to survive without his favorite challenger?
Luckily, the Subway Boss still got calls and updates about how you and your mother were doing.
Every once and awhile, Emmet would stop by and pick up your father’s Pokémon for some training. They loved Emmet as much as your parents did.
And then you were born.
Emmet was sent some pictures of when you were only a few days old.
How could a person be so tiny? How could you be so cute?
But then, around two months later, the calls and messages stopped.
Emmet could only wait so long for a response. He wasn’t a patient man.
His questions were answered after a week of silence when he received a phone call from Castelia City West-Central Hospital.
Sometimes Emmet wishes he was never curious at all, because maybe then he wouldn’t have to come to the agonizing realization of what had happened.
It was Swinub-Flu season, and this year’s strain was particularly strong. Both your mother and father had contracted the illness.
Turns out your father had a condition that caused him to be immunocompromised, and your mother’s immune system was still very weak after having a baby.
They had to be transported to Castelia City due to how fast the flu was deteriorating their bodies, but even the best of medicine couldn’t save your parents. They had died mere hours apart.
And then there was you.
Emmet knows that your mother was estranged from her family, and he knows that your father left his family in Hoenn for a good reason. So, you had nowhere to go.
How is Emmet supposed to stand by and watch the child he thought he would be an uncle to be sent into foster care? How could he watch the child of two of his, now deceased, closest friends be sent away?
And so, instead of becoming an uncle, Emmet became a father.
You’re barely two months old, still just an infant. He doesn’t know what he is getting into, he doesn't know how to take care of a child so young.
It’s hard at first. Emmet is in love with his job. It brought him so much joy and he spends so much time at Gear Station that he doesn’t know how he’s going to give you enough attention.
Luckily enough, Ingo, who is taking his responsibilities as a new uncle very seriously, covers for Emmet while he goes on paternity leave. He is forced to leave his post, but every glance he steals of your small face reminds him he is doing this for you, not for him, and Emmet would never shirk his duties as your father.
At first, Emmet wants to bring you into the station, but Ingo advises him that you are much too young to do that. Even while he’s on leave, Emmet does a lot of paperwork from home. He wants to be helpful in some way, and this is all he could do at the moment.
But you have to know that the second you are old enough, Emmet starts to sling you in a baby bjorn all around the station.
The people of Nimbasa are surprised to see that Emmet suddenly has a child, but Emmet dismisses all the commotion in the name of your privacy. The world isn’t entitled to know the circumstances behind your existence, they don’t have to know the tragedy that brought you into Emmet’s care.
But Emmet learns very quickly how your birth parents’ presence remains in your lives.
Obviously, Emmet grieves. He grieves your birth parents with a sadness he didn’t know was possible. He cares for them both. They were two of his closest friends who had so much love for each other and now they were gone.
You were born into their overwhelming love, and it still walked beside you every moment.
Emmet took in your birth father’s team of Pokémon after his passing. They are incredibly strong, full of years of training and adventures. But now, instead of choosing to continue down the path of battling, their only goal now is to watch over you.
The Pokémon start to linger around you very early on in your life. Emmet doesn’t instruct them to do that. And, frankly, Emmet doesn’t instruct them to do anything. They don’t listen to him like that because he isn’t their trainer. They aren’t his Pokémon.
They are yours.
Breloom is full of gentle kindness, despite her fighting type. Breloom holds your hand when walking to and from school, swinging her tail back and forth in time with your steps. She is like an older sister, keeping you safe and pointing you in the right direction of things. Her no-nonsense outlook towards you means that she got along great with Emmet, but obviously she loves you more than she loves the Subway Boss.
Crawdaunt is a little demon. As a species, Crawdaunt are difficult to raise and train. They are rebellious, violent, and extremely territorial. Your birth father’s Crawdaunt never abides by what Emmet wants, instead acting like a misbehaved Herdier. He doesn’t like anyone other than the fellow Pokémon in the house, no human is good enough for his good-graces. Except you, of course. Crawdaunt is putty in your palms. He yearns for your attention like a whining toddler, begging to be scratched and soothed by you and you alone.
Ninjask is a clingy bug Pokémon. He likes to snag himself on your back like a backpack or simply rest on your head like an oversized hat. Despite his immense speed, Ninjask has a tendency to laze on you or near you. If you ever leave his sight for so long, Ninjask puts his speed to use and darts around to find you. He’s a spoiled mess, crying loudly until you hold him like a swaddled baby. He is also a very jealous Pokémon, refusing to share your attention when he’s in need of it. The steady buzz of his wings and soft hum of his voice indicate how happy he is to be in your presence.
And finally Dusclops, your birth father’s partner, is your guardian. It is an eerily silent companion, stalking around the world beside you like a warden. Dusclops is a very kind Pokémon, helping those near you who need it, but Dusclops is always yours first and foremost. It never wavers in its task of watching over you, never needing to sleep, never needing to eat, never needing to leave. Your Dusclops is the shadow in every room, the passing flash on every street corner, the dreary echo in the night. Dusclops will watch over you until its spirit drifts from its hollow body. It already lost your parents, it will not lose you.
It is nearly impossible to live in an apartment with Emmet, his Pokémon, Ingo, his Pokémon, you, and all of your birth father’s Pokémon, so Emmet moves into a tall townhouse in a good neighborhood in the center of the city to have more room for you and your team to grow up.
Ingo doesn’t move out of the apartment, and Emmet’s new home is only a short walk away. Emmet isn’t completely separated from his brother, which is a terrifying concept to him, but he now has enough space for you–the newest and most important addition to his life.
Once you are old enough, it’s hard for Emmet to think about tackling the issue of you being adopted. Emmet honestly wants Ingo to tell you, but Ingo smacks Emmet on the back of the head and tells him to suck it up. Emmet is your dad, not Ingo, and it’s his prerogative to have the conversation.
“Little Buddy, we need to talk.”
At the call of your father, you pause mid-swing. You rock Ninjask in your arms, the Pokémon buzzing softly after noticing that you halt your movements.
Emmet’s smile turns into a straight line, an unexpected seriousness splays across his features.
Full of worry, you listen carefully with wide eyes. Those words never mean anything good.
“I’m sorry I did not tell you this before. I truly regret it. I am not your real father.”
You laugh in his face and go back to swinging Ninjask in circles. Emmet blinks heavily at your response.
“What’re you talking about, Papa? Of course you’re my real father!”
Emmet sighs wistfully, not knowing where to take the conversation from here.
“I did not create you. You are not biologically my own. You are adopted.”
Never one to dance around the subject, Emmet rips the bandaid off with the grace of a Tauros in a porcelain shop.
“Well yeah, obviously. I knew that a long time ago.”
How could you know? Nobody’s had this conversation with you, and Emmet never gave any hints to you about your true genetic heritage.
“How did you know? When did you learn? Ingo did not tell you, did he?”
You shake your head. Okay, you must’ve figured it out on your own then, right?
You don’t look like him or Ingo, you look like your dad, you look like you. You are fundamentally different from Emmet in the way children usually aren’t from their biological parents.
“I’ve known since pretty much forever. Dusclops told me a while ago.”
Ninjask tries to reach up his little claws and wipe his teary eyes. With the conversation now on the topic of his original trainer, the bug type Pokémon flies off to hide—gone in the blink of an eye.
You don’t elaborate on your statement, and Emmet is too surprised to ask, but it’s true that Dusclops has conversations with you.
It talks to you a lot about the past. It tells you stories about your birth parents, stories about its travels across Hoenn with your birth father, stories about meeting the other Pokémon and becoming family with them, stories about your birth father moving to Unova and meeting your birth mother, stories about how they treated you and how much they loved you, stories about their passing and how much it destroyed the other Pokémon emotionally, and stories about how amazing Emmet is and how happy the Pokémon are to have him come into your life.
Emmet is your father, and you are his kid. Through and through.
“But I don’t know why that means you’re not my dad. You’re very much my real dad, Papa.”
Emmet ignores the tears in his eyes as he scoops you up in his arms and squeezes you with a strength he didn’t know he had.
His smile beams throughout your home, salty water pouring down his cheeks.
“Yes! Yes, you are right! I’m sorry! I’ve always been your real dad, even if I didn’t make you. Yes yes! I am Emmet and I am your Papa and you are my child!”
So, if you are truly his child, then why couldn’t he expect this to happen?
If he was truly your father, why couldn’t he tell something was wrong faster? 
Emmet chases you through the house with a dusty mop, laughing loudly. In your attempt to escape his attack, you sprint out the front door and down the steps.
Your giggles echo through the downpour of the rain outside. Emmet runs onto the porch, soles stopped on the welcome mat to avoid getting wet.
A shadow that isn’t yours follows your steps along the concrete.
Emmet’s eyes watch you take off down the sidewalk, spinning water droplets off your back. It's a little dark outside, the street lights are on but it isn't late at night yet, but he can still see you a bit before the canopy of water hides you completely.
Your father calls out your name, staying under the awning to avoid getting wet (Ingo would be mad if his brother ruined another pair of socks). The mop dangles from Emmet’s hands, chest heaving from the exercise of having chased you.
The rain is loud, and the sky seems to open up wider to pour down a stronger storm.
A minute or so passes before Emmet realizes he can no longer hear your familiar laugh through the rain.
His arms sag down while his smile wavers. He feels puzzled, looking out to the abandoned streets of Nimbasa.
Suddenly, Emmet has an incredibly strong stomach ache. It feels like getting punched in the gut while paralyzed, unable to prepare for the hit.
His voice feels unsure in his throat.
“Hey! This is verrrry unfunny, kiddo! We still have cleaning to do!”
Emmet calls out again when you don't respond. He’s overwhelmed by an emotion he can’t name. He doesn’t know why he feels this way.
You should be right there. Why aren’t you saying anything?
This time, all he says is your name.
You don’t reply.
Emmet takes a deep, shuddering breath. His lungs ache like he is drowning in the rain, full of suffering and fear.
This time, when Emmet speaks, it comes out softer than a whisper. It is barely a breath off his lips.
And the ghost type responds with a bellowing, agonizing, haunting sob that reverberates through the storm.
Goosebumps rise on Emmet's skin at the noise, and your father drops the mop and sprints down the street.
When he finds Dusclops, Emmet observes the Pokémon’s catatonic state. The rain shimmers an inch or two off of Dusclops’ bandages, as if an invisible cloak of the afterlife coats the ghost type’s surface.
You are still nowhere to be seen.
Dusclops stands unnervingly still, its sole red eye staring into someplace far away from these rain-soaked streets of Nimbasa.
From the way it’s acting, Emmet doesn’t need to say a word to figure out what happened.
If Dusclops doesn’t know where you were, nobody would.
You're gone.
The preliminary investigation is unsuccessful; so is every subsequent investigation after that.
The Nimbasa Police sweep the area far more times than is necessary. Nearly 24 hours later, as Emmet watches detectives investigate the home, Ingo comes bursting in through the front door.
Ingo is frantic. His voice booms across the living room as he rushes over to his younger brother. Ingo came the second he could, but he had to wait until the station slowed down after rush-hour to come see his brother.
Emmet was no-call-no-show at the station this morning and hadn’t answered a single call or text. Ingo tried to call you as backup, but your phone came up with “caller does not exist” and the texts immediately went to “undelivered.” Full of worry, Ingo ran towards the townhouse as fast as he could.
Can you imagine what he felt when he saw the countless police cars outside?
“Emmet! Where have you been? Why haven’t you been answering your phone? Why are the police—”
Ingo’s hands shoot out and grip Emmet’s shoulders tightly, his voice loud and bleeding with concern. 
“Do not worry, brother! They just went out for a bit. They will be back later.”
“What are you talking about? Who went out? Why are there so many police officers? Who’s coming back?”
Before Ingo can ask another question, he looks and takes in his younger twin’s condition.
Emmet’s eyes are bloodshot and his mouth wobbles in a phony smile. His legs shake where he stood, exhaustion creeping up on him. Dark circles dance under his eyes as his fingers grab at Ingo’s black coat like a lifeline.
Your father answers your uncle’s questions with nothing but the simple statement of your name. Ingo, bewildered, still doesn’t yet understand.
“...are they not here…?”
Emmet suddenly collapses, knees unlocking and grasp sealing on his twin in front of him. Ingo catches Emmet and forces his younger brother’s head into the crook of his neck to hold him.
Ingo silently cries hearing Emmet’s raucous sobs, unable to hold it together seeing his own brother fall apart in his arms. He’s never seen Emmet this distraught.
Things don’t improve from there.
There is no progress on the investigation. Despite the pleads of your father and uncle, there’s nothing anyone can do. The police try all that they can, but it just doesn’t feel like enough.
The brothers enlist Elesa and other friends of theirs to help spread the word and images of you; but, it's no surprise that nothing comes from that either.
Your father then hires a private investigator or four. They’re good, sharp-witted, and renowned in their field. 
None of them find anything. You vanished into thin air, it seems. Despite all of their years of work and experience, your missing persons case is an anomaly.
After a few weeks of no progress, Emmet seems to just…return to normal.
Emmet goes back to the subway like clockwork, helping around the station and following his tasks without wavering. He wears his usual smile all the same, not a bump nor waver in his lips.
Those of Nimbasa who know or care about your disappearance are incredibly perplexed by Emmet’s behavior. After throwing everything that he is into the search for you, Emmet seemingly moves on.
It’s almost unsettling how Emmet acts as if nothing is wrong.
“They just needed some time away. Everyone does. They’re coming back eventually. Am I worried? I am Emmet. I am not worried. They are fine.”
His visage gives no hints towards continuous long nights, no signs of puffy eyes from crying, no remnants of exhaustion or sadness. There’s no clues that point to these things happening because they’re not.
The lack of emotional instability is concerning, but the actions Emmet takes are even more so.
He removes the pictures of you from the wall in his office and hides the trinkets you’ve given him from his desk. His lockscreen becomes a picture of him and Ingo rather than the three of you. Your Pokémon aren’t seen by his side at the station anymore, and Emmet stops talking about you.
It’s as if Emmet is trying to scrub your existence from his life, like he’s trying to detangle your being from his.
When other people bring you up, Emmet simply acts semi-aloof. He pretends to not pick up on the subtle cues they throw, trying to get him to speak about you and the situation.
Anyone who has any sort of perception or basic understanding of trauma responses knows that this is Emmet’s way of coping.
Four of the stages of grief—anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—are all preceded by denial.
In an odd twist of fate, alongside denying the incident that took you away from him, your father denies your life as a whole.
Ingo, understandably, is enraged at his younger twin for the way he acts.
“How dare you, Emmet.”
“I am Emmet, and you are Ingo. I do not know why you are so mad at me.”
“Just look at what you’re doing!”
Ingo gestures to the box of things Emmet is in the middle of packing. He’s taking out some of the things you left in their shared office.
Books you read, half annotated and covered in sticky notes, are buried under hoodies you forgot and topped by a pair of earbuds you used. There’s a loose art class sculpture in there as well, stuck beside a reusable water bottle covered in stickers.
“I do not see a problem in this.”
Ingo’s face flushes red, hands twisted into trembling fists at his sides.
“How could you do this to your own child?!”
At that, Emmet stands up straight and tall, as if his spine is replaced by a metal rod. With the feeling of all his muscles going taught, Emmet faces his older brother.
“You’re abandoning them, Emmet! How dare you abandon someone you said you loved so much!”
Emmet simply shakes his head.
“Brother, you are wrong. I love them. I haven’t stopped. I will love them until they come back.”
As soon as Emmet finishes his sentence, Ingo lunges forth and grips Emmet by the lapels of his white jacket.
“They aren’t here for you to love, Emmet! They’re gone! Missing! And here you are trying to erase everything that they left behind!”
Ingo is screaming, voice bellowing out from the depths of his lungs.
“They’re just away–”
Ingo yells in frustration, gripping Emmet tighter and gritting his teeth.
“Why don’t you get it, Emmet?! They’re not here! And now it seems like you’re trying to get rid of the rest of them too. How can you do this? How can you abandon the memory of your child? What kind of father are you–”
Emmet’s hands lock onto Ingo’s wrists like iron, throwing his brother off with all of his strength. The older twin is sent tumbling back, but remains on his feet.
Both of the Subway Bosses are heaving for air, staring at each other with a foreign animosity.
A beat or two passes, and neither brother makes a move to apologize or reconcile.
The silence is suffocating.
“I…I am—I am-!”
Emmet can’t finish his sentence before landing harshly on his knees, head in his palms as his forehead presses to the linoleum tile.
He screams in frustration, voice tearing with the emotion filling his soul.
Grief is a monster. It is love with no vessel to pour into. 
It consumes him, filling his chest like water, like rain. Emmet is drowning in his love for you, but it has nowhere to go. It chokes him. 
You’re not here. You’re not here. You’re not here.
Despite the concerns from his brother, Emmet doesn’t change.
Emmet finds it easier to not acknowledge your disappearance at all. It’s easier to not keep track of the days, weeks, months you’ve been missing and instead live life by the minute.
Then, he can pretend like he hasn’t read every fact that tells him that you’re statistically dead.
If he doesn’t have to think about you, doesn’t have to accept the fact you’re going to be gone forever, then he can still hold onto that dim flicker of hope buried deep in his heart.
A year passes, and despite his efforts, Emmet still can’t break the habits and routines that he embedded in himself as a father.
Every Saturday he still makes pancakes with that fruity cereal you and your team loved. Though, this time, he makes servings for one less than normal.
Sometimes on his afternoon break, when he’s disassociating more than usual, Emmet wanders out of the station and along the path he took to get to your school. You’re never there, never walking besides the other hundreds of children when they’re let out for the day.
On the 15th of every month, Emmet still walks into your room and replaces the air freshener he had set up next to your nightstand.
There’s a lot of things that have changed since you’ve been gone.
Your Pokémon don’t interact with Emmet very much anymore.
And, in all honesty, Emmet doesn’t really mind. All he can think about when he looks at them is you, and he rather not think about that.
Ninjask screeches at Emmet any time he enters a room. The bug type refuses to be in your father’s presence. He skitters outside more often than not, escaping through an open window and not returning for days at a time. Emmet wonders if the Pokémon is looking for you. Sometimes Emmet can hear Ninjask solemnly singing in the night. The haunting tune keeps him up for hours on end.
Breloom practically lives in the backyard. She cultivates the small strip of land Emmet owns behind the townhouse. What was once a barren flat section of green is now a wild garden, overflowing with plants, mushrooms, and your favorite flowers. Breloom’s happy disposition is now replaced by seriousness and sadness. Every once and awhile, the Pokémon approaches someone on Emmet’s team for a hug. Usually Eelektross is the one who provides comfort. Breloom never asks Emmet for anything. Emmet doesn’t know if he has it within himself to give the Pokémon the happiness it deserves.
Crawdaunt all but monopolizes your room from Emmet. As a species, Crawdaunt are extremely territorial. The water Pokémon refuses to allow anyone into your space except the other Pokémon that were in your care. He snaps his claws if Emmet so much as touches the doorknob. The only exception is the 15th of every month; but, even then, the Pokémon doesn’t let your father linger. Emmet never wants to, anyway.
Dusclops confines itself to the four walls of your bedroom. The ghost Pokémon never leaves, never wavers, never moves. It tries to linger in the place overflowing with your influence, as if trying to grasp onto the last remaining wisps of you. Emmet swears he can feel Dusclops watching him from the shadows around the house, but the Pokémon has made it quite clear that it does not care about Emmet’s condition in the slightest. At this point in its long, incessant, never-ending life, Dusclops feels nothing. It lost you. What’s the point of continuing this second life if you’re not here?
Despite all that Emmet does to ignore you, he can’t seem to move from the townhouse. He’s done so much to try and keep your memory from tormenting him, but he thinks moving homes would sever the tie from him to you forever.
Emmet’s mental state doesn’t improve from the constant denial of your absence.
Sure, in the first few months, not thinking about you allowed him to suppress the initial pain. It was his body’s immediate defense mechanism to protect itself from harm.
But, after a long time, the denial doesn’t work anymore.
A year and a half later, the sanity in Emmet's continued denial starts to slip. While the public’s forgotten about you, they catch on to the decay of your father’s wellbeing.
Emmet throws himself into work like never before.
His overtime hours pile up, flying through the roof. Despite earning salary pay, he gets awarded a bonus he didn’t know existed for his extra work.
He works through breaks, battles more trainers, directs more passengers, comes in early, stays in late, picks up extra paperwork, and pulls the slack left behind by some depot workers. Emmet does everything and more.
Ingo knows what’s happening to Emmet more than anyone else.
He can see his younger brother’s pallid skin and sunken cheeks, eyes catching on the looser fit of his clothes. Ingo watches from across his desk as his brother’s head sways and how his eyelids droop.
Ingo can see that Emmet isn’t sleeping right, that Emmet isn’t eating right. Ingo knows that Emmet is overworking himself.
The more time he spends thinking about work, the less time Emmet spends thinking about you. The less he sleeps, the fewer nightmares he has. The less he eats, the less he imagines you sitting across from him eating the same thing.
Ingo knows Emmet is a stubborn man. No amount of petty arguments will change Emmet’s views.
But, when Emmet’s legs give in and he nearly passes out onto the tracks mid-shift, Ingo knows enough is enough.
A week or so after passing out, Emmet goes to work like any other. But, even in a diminished mental state, Emmet can tell something’s going on.
Depot agents that usually didn’t approach him greet him as he walks by. Some of them go out of their way to give him a smile and wave before going back to work diligently.
Despite their kindness, Emmet feels odd about it.
He eventually reaches his and Ingo’s private office. It’s in one of the best locations in the subway. Here it’s quiet, secluded, and safe.
Opening the door, Emmet makes eye contact with both Elesa and Ingo. While he doesn’t expect Ingo to be smiling, Elesa’s lack of a grin rubs Emmet the wrong way.
“I am Emmet, and you are Elesa. What are you doing here? I am surprised you are not busy.”
Emmet’s question sounds happy. He has a grin on his face seeing that one of his good friends has made time for a surprise visit, but they’re not smiling back at him.
“I just really wanted to talk with you, Emmet. Can you shut the office door and come sit down over here?”
From that, Emmet goes on edge.
He obliges, but it’s obvious to see that Emmet is tense. He moves to sit in front of his brother and Elesa, but he moves far too stiffly to be feeling comfortable.
Emmet takes a seat in his desk chair that’s been pushed back from his actual desk. Ingo and Elesa are leaning against it, not sitting and staring downwards at Emmet.
Ingo clears his throat, but can’t seem to speak. He glances at Elesa for help. She nods and speaks plainly.
“We need to talk about them, Emmet.”
The air seemingly fills with static, your father’s hair standing on end. He can feel his heart jumpstart and speed up.
“Who are you talking about? Who’s them?”
Ingo feels like Emmet knows the answer already, but responds with your name anyway.
Emmet doesn’t react at all. Not shifting, not moving, not speaking, just…nothing.
“We’re really, really concerned about the way you’re processing their…absence.”
Elesa speaks gently, dancing around the subject. This conversation is uncomfortable for both sides, but it is necessary.
“You’re unhealthy, Emmet. You aren’t taking care of yourself and your body is reaping the consequences of your lack of self-care.”
“I am Emmet and I am fine.”
Emmet’s voice is tight and sharp. He doesn’t like where this conversation is going.
“You’re going to get yourself hurt if you keep acting like this. You haven’t truly grieved them, Emmet, and look what that’s doing to you.”
“Who am I supposed to grieve? Nobody I know is dead.”
Elesa’s face twists into something mournful, a few rogue tears prickling in her eyes.
“Emmet…you can’t keep doing this…”
Ingo’s voice cuts in where Elesa fails.
“It’s been two years. Acting this way does no good for anyone, and you know they would be incredibly unhappy if they knew you were acting this way.”
Emmet forcefully shoves himself up and out of the chair, brows furrowed and fists shaking at his sides.
“You are both being verrrrry mean right now.”
“It’s because we care, Emmet! We care about you so much and we want to see you happy again.”
Elesa moves to grab Emmet’s sleeve, but he yanks his arm away from her grasp before she can touch him.
“I am leaving now.”
As Emmet turns to the door, he sees Ingo’s Haxorus standing there blocking the exit.
The Pokémon is physically imposing, but it looks down at Emmet with overwhelming sadness, shaking its head as Emmet attempts to maneuver around it.
“You can’t keep running away from this, Emmet. You can’t keep denying what happened.”
“Be quiet, Ingo!”
Ingo’s taking a more direct approach while Elesa treads the unstable waters carefully. She doesn’t want to upset Emmet even more, but Ingo is desperate for his brother to get better to the point he will say whatever Emmet needs to hear, even if he doesn’t want to hear it.
“We’re just trying to help you. We all wish they were here right now, you’re not alone in that.”
“I don’t need your help! There is nothing wrong with me!”
 Elesa takes a step back, rubbing her teary eyes. She misses you greatly, and watching one of her closest friends self-destruct hurts her even more.
“We all miss them, Emmet, it’s okay.”
Emmet scrubs at his eyes, voice growing rocky and legs feeling unsteady.
He pulls down his hands and looks straight at his brother and friend, smiling pulling unnaturally wide in an attempt to feign indifference.
“There is nobody for me to miss, Elesa—”
“They’re gone, Emmet! They’re gone and they’re not coming back!
Emmet gasps at Ingo’s words as if his brother had punched him in the gut.
He can feel it, the rain filling his lungs and the world closing around him.
“Don’t say that! They will! I know they will!”
Seeing Emmet acknowledge you, Elesa steps forward with Ingo.
“They’re gone, Emmet.”
She repeats Ingo’s words in a calmer voice, but Emmet seems to become all the more erratic.
“No…no t-they can’t be…they can’t…”
Emmet’s heaving for air, fist gripping the clothes right above his heart with all of his strength. He’s now staring at the floor, not being able to look Ingo or Elesa in the eyes.
Emmet bursts into sobs, and Ingo is close enough to lunge forward and catch his younger brother before he hits the floor.
Ingo and Emmet curl into each other’s hold on the ground of their office, Emmet’s emotions leaving him unable to stand.
Elesa joins them, wrapping her arms around both of the brothers and slowly rubbing her hands up and down their backs to calm them.
This time, Ingo doesn’t cry. This isn’t about him. It’s about Emmet. It’s about you.
Eventually, Emmet’s cries turn into whispers, then whimpers, and then into nothing.
He feels the comfort of Ingo’s hand rubbing over his head, keeping him safely held against his older brother’s shoulder.
The silence is broken by Emmet’s shuddering inhale.
“I am Emmet and my child is dead.”
And so, after two years without you, Emmet finally starts the grieving process.
The years of denying your absence had torn him apart. Multiple of Emmet’s relationships soured and he didn’t care. But now, he was in a better place to try and fix them.
Slowly, but surely, Emmet starts to follow the stages of grief with his friends and family at his side.
After denial comes anger.
Emmet’s angry at himself. He’s angry that he wasn’t able to stop you from disappearing dying, he’s angry he wasn’t able to find you, and he’s angry that he tried to remove your memory from his.
But most of all, he’s angry that something took you away from him.
Emmet doesn’t understand why he hasn’t realized this sooner, how he didn’t hyperfixate on this fact earlier.
Something or someone had stolen you from his life, ripped you out of his grasp to take for themselves. How dare they.
Emmet is irate. His rage fuels him like coal in an engine, heart and mind barreling down the tracks to a destination unknown. What’s at the end of it? Closure? Revenge? You?
There are never enough answers.
However angry Emmet becomes, Ingo and Elesa are there to pull him away from an all-consuming frenzy. They calm him down, help him process his emotions, help him understand that this anger is helpful to no one.
Two and a half years after you went missing died, Emmet finds himself in the bargaining stage of grief.
This is when Emmet notices that he has so much left to do, so much left to learn.
He’s trying to get his act straight, as if that would somehow make up for all the time he spent being awful after your disappearance death.
Regret is something he feels on the daily now. The shame and anxiety of it all leaves your father struggling to get out of bed some days, but he rises all the same.
And suddenly, while simultaneously begging to Arceus to acknowledge your life, Emmet becomes stronger.
He uses the negative emotions as fuel, feeling the bad and turning it into something positive.
Emmet is alert, on top of his game, on top of his life after what’s been a long, long, two and half years.
In a refreshed state of mind, Emmet is quick to realize that something is off about the storm going on outside.
It’s more than simple thunder and lighting, it’s spiraling, all-consuming, and alive.
Standing inside the station above ground, even through the torrential rain, Emmet can hear something in the atmosphere rip and tear in two. 
The clouds turn from their murky grays and become something violet, indigo, and aegean.
Citizens of Nimbasa flood past the doors of Gear Station like the tide, drenched, screaming, and scared. Emmet stands in the middle of it all, the coastline withstanding the waves.
“Something came out of the sky!”
“It’s coming for us!”
“This is Arceus punishing us for all our sins!”
In the midst of everything, a middle-aged woman grips Emmet by his arm.
He can feel her shaking through his coat, quivering in fear. Her hair is soaked and sticking to her face.
“Subway Boss Emmet! Please, you have to protect us, you’re one of the strongest trainers in Nimbasa and this thing, whatever it is, is going to hurt us! I’ve heard about the beasts in Alola, please don’t let this be the same!”
The lady runs off before Emmet can reply.
From the outside streets, people come rushing past Emmet and flee into the tunnels underground and away from the downpour.
Suddenly, Emmet is the only one in Gear Station.
Like a statue or a talisman of strength and protection, Emmet stands tall with his partner’s Pokéball in hand. Eelektross’ capsule almost hums with energy in his palm.
The tearing noise of the odd distortion stirs again, and then all the misplaced color is gone from the sky and the sound is no more. However, the weather still rages.
A figure walks forward through the open doors of Gear Station.
“Hello there, passenger! Everyone entering must follow the safety checks. You are scaring the other passengers. Everyone must feel safe before the train can depart!”
And there it is, the thing the people said came from the sky. It walks with heavy, strong strides, a silhouette shrouded in mystery.
By now, Emmet can tell that it's the shape of a person.
The lightning outside strikes fervently, without remorse, as if trying to light the city on fire. Thunder booms across the open and empty lobby, blending in with Emmet’s voice.
Then, the mask of darkness is finally lifted.
Drenched in rain, backlit by the storm, you walk into the mouth of Gear Station two and a half years later.
Your clothing clings to your skin. It looks as if it was made for you, the garbs of blue and white. A sole red scarf dangles from your neck, torn and battered by a land that is far away in distance and time from here.
From rain you left and in rain you did return.
Eelektross’ ball hits the tile because Emmet is already running straight for you, body unfaltering and determined.
Emmet’s voice is stolen from his throat. He tries to call your name, tries to say anything, but it all comes out in a pathetic croak. After all this time, what is there to say?
Had his praises to Arceus been heard? Had the creator of all things decided that he had suffered enough? Whatever the reason is, Emmet would kneel and express his thanks for centuries.
If you recognize him, you shake the doubtful thoughts from your head, dislodging a few tears in the process, and start running.
When you finally collide, centuries of distance are forgotten in an instant. All that remains is longing, runion, and love.
Emmet all but tackles you to the ground, grasping you in his arms and holding you so very tightly. It’s as if he’s trying to absorb your very being into his, trying to make up for all the lost time and filling the nothingness that you left.
You allow yourself to be held, wrapping your arms around your father just as fervently. You can’t imagine ever wanting to let go again, ever wanting to remain out of his sight.
He pushes his face into your hair and weeps. Emmet never thought he’d hear your voice again, never thought he'd see you again, never thought he’d hold you again.
You’re alive, and that is more than Emmet ever thought could be possible.
“I am Emmet and I am your Papa and I have missed you!”
If you don’t recognize him, you steal yourself and take a deep breath, staring ahead as Emmet runs towards you.
Just like Beni taught you, you use Emmet’s momentum against him, twisting his grasp off of you and throwing him to the ground.
Emmet rolls across the tile roughly, breath getting knocked out of his lungs in the process. He scrambles to get up, but you’re already backing away from him.
“I wouldn’t think about trying that again, stranger.”
You threaten him, voice cold and impersonal. There is nothing warm about you, nothing happy, nothing loving.
Emmet watches as you slowly shuffle away, and at the sight, he can’t even bring his legs to stand.
Your eyes are soulless and your words like poison. You stare at him like an abused Pokémon trapped in a corner, not a trusting nor forgiving ounce left in your body.
Emmet scrambles in your direction, hand reaching out desperately to any part of you that might still remember him.
“What? I don’t understand! I am Emmet and I am not a stranger—wait…! No! Please don’t leave me again!”
ty for 100+ follower btw!! not deserved but whatevs i'll take what i can get hehe reposts, likes, and comments all appreciated, i rlly do love hearing all of your guys' thoughts!!
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flamyangelwings · 2 years
Uncle Clay AU: The School Problem
In which Ingo gets bullied, and Emmet gets grounded. These things are connected
When they started school, The twins had decided to try and keep the other kids from finding out who their uncles were so that nobody would try and “”befriend”” them just to meet Clay and Drayden.
-That’s what TV said would happen
-However this made making friends hard, since they never invited anyone to their house.
-Clay did most of their Parent-Teacher conferences, since if he dressed different than normal, most people didn't tend to recognize him
This worked fine until Ingo started getting bullied around age 8. Between his volume, his lack of facial expression, and being just generally ‘weird’, he was a prime target
-Ingo’s normal reaction to this was to freeze up and retreat in on himself
-Emmet’s normal reaction to this was violence
--Which meant he was getting into fights. A lot.
On top of that, Ingo was having some serious trouble with some of their classes that Emmet wasn’t
-This was, naturally, frustrating for him as the ““older brother””
-Emmet was helping with the homework, but Ingo was barely passing their tests
--There were just some things he couldn’t understand, and Emmet was telling him the answers instead of showing him how to do it
Drayden and Clay knew something was up though, and it worried them
-Ingo had started to become quiet and withdrawn, sometimes not saying anything for days, and the spark in his eyes seemed to be going out
--Though they assumed this was connected to his problems with taking tests
---Since he was 'fine' when doing the homework and only getting bad grades on the actual tests
-Emmet was lashing out at school, was always angry at home, 
Emmet spent a lot of the next few months grounded
The constant fighting finally resulted in Clay and Drayden threatening to ban Emmet from doing the Gym Challenge until he could learn to behave
-As Gym Leaders, this was the worst threat they could think of. 
--Neither of the boys thought this was fair at all.
Eventually, Ingo started protecting Emmet from having to protect him by not letting him know about bullies when he could avoid this.
-Unfortunately, this meant that the bullies got more brazen, no longer having to worry about any retaliation
Everything came to a head shortly before the twins turned 10.
-Drayden was out of the Region at a Dragon Trainer’s conference, with Clay staying to watch the boys for the week, as was the norm when Drayden had to leave town
Ingo came home one Friday with a black eye and a split lip.
-One of the bullies had gone quite a bit overboard that day
-Emmet kicked up a huge fuss and demanded to know who did it, with Ingo trying to shush him before Clay heard
--“I am Emmet, how am I supposed to protect you from the bullies if you don’t tell me when they’re picking on you?!”
--“You’re not! You’re supposed to stop getting in fights! I can handle it!!”
Clay got back from picking up groceries to hear the boys arguing and sees Ingo’s face
-Clay’s first assumption was that Emmet dragged Ingo into one of his fights but, when he asked, Ingo vehemently denied it and was offended he even suggested it.
-When Clay pressed him on it, Ingo lost his temper
--This is a ten year old child who was being badly bullied and not letting anyone know, struggling in school, and dealing with his beloved brother being in trouble all the time because he made a stupid promise.
---He said something he really didn’t mean:
--All three of them froze when he said that, and by the time the other two had recovered, Ingo had run off, horrified with himself
Ingo came home hours later, at like 11 at night, and tried to slip in quietly only to find Clay still awake and waiting for him 
-Clay was beyond relieved when Ingo came in, much longer and he was going to go looking himself but wanted to give the kid some time to calm down first, and silently guided him to the bathroom to tend to his injuries
--“...Uncle Clay?”
--“..I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-I didn’t mean-”
--Ingo starts to cry and Clay scoops him into a hug “Aw c’mere kiddo. I know ya didn’t mean it, ya goin’ ta tell me what’s been up yer ass lately?”
--Ingo finally spills about the bullies, which then leads to him spilling about the other bullies, which leads to him spilling that all the fights Emmet got in were actually Emmet defending him from said bullies
---He also spills about how much he's struggling with his math classes and "Emmet helps me with my homework, but he can't during tests and I don't get it!"
----Clay: 'Ohhh. Darn it, why didn't we think of that?'
Emmet had been unable to sleep, not knowing where Ingo was, and when he hears voices he slips out of bed reaching the bathroom just after Ingo’s confession
-Ingo and Clay both jump when Emmet runs in and grabs Ingo in a hug
--“Don’t ever ever ever leave like that again! I didn’t know where you were and you were hurt and you could have been hurt worse and-”
---Clay pulls both boys into a hug before Emmet spirals further and then takes them to the kitchen and makes some warm milk, as well as some actual food for Ingo who didn’t have any dinner
He puts the boys to bed, collapses into a kitchen chair and buries his face in his hands for a while, just processing everything, and then phones Drayden’s hotel room
-He has to phone a couple times because Drayden was “Asleep, Clay. It’s ten at night here and nearly midnight there, what’s happened that’s so important it couldn’t wait?” 
--Suddenly very awake Drayden: “Are the boys alright!?”
---Drayden did not know what answer he was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t “Ingo’s been getting bullied, badly, and all of Emmet’s ‘fights’ were actually him defending Ingo.”
The twins wake up the next day and go down for breakfast to discover that Uncle Drayden left the conference a whole day early because Uncle Clay told him what had been happening
They sit the twins down and have a long conversation about appropriate secrets and how to handle bullies properly
-With the boys squished between their uncles on a sofa in what Emmet once referred to as ‘a cuddle sandwich’
--C: “Why the blazes did the two of ya keep mum about it all this time? Emmet, you wouldn't have been in near as much trouble if you’d been up front with us from the get go!”
--D: “And you, Ingo, why would you let us keep punishing your brother for getting into those fights instead of telling us he was defending you?”
--Ingo shrugs wordlessly and gives a kind of half-glare at Emmet that feels, to the adults, very much like an ‘I told you so’.
--E: “I'm Emmet, I made Ingo promise not to tell. I thought I could handle it. I was handling it.”
--C:*sigh* “Emmet, yer a good brother, but it’s not yer job to protect each other. Not like this. That’s our job. It's our job to make sure y'all grow up safe and happy. To be there for you if something like this happens and deal with it.”  
--D: “We are proud of you for standing up for your brother, even if you went about it the wrong way. You should have told a teacher-.”
--C: “-Or one of us.”
--D: “Or one of us, yes. You should have told someone when all of this started. It should never have gotten this bad.” 
---He gestures to Ingo’s injuries
--I: “...’m sorry. I wanted to tell, but Emmet made me promise!”
---Which is the part that leads to the conversation about when it’s okay to break, or not make, promises, with the first thing on the list being ‘it’s about something that is hurting you’.
-They also work out a plan to help Ingo with his current struggles in class
--Starting with figuring out, and showing him, where he's actually going wrong
Emmet is no longer grounded, and Drayden and Clay make a visit to the school to straighten everything out.
Then they take the boys out to the beach for the weekend
-Both boys had been having a stressful time and deserved a treat
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To Me, From Another Time, Love Him.
Note: [A.NAME] is Ancestor Name. (h/c) is hair color. (f/c) is favorite color.
She didn't know how did it happen. Everything feels so unreal, all happening in an eye blink. Just a moment ago, he was right there. Ingo was right there, where she watched him across the security camera from last week, walking along the rail track with his trusty chandelure by his side, and then poof, gone with no explanation. It's like he disappeared from thin air alone. All while, leaving his pokemon with their Pokeball back behind.
Emmet decided to gather the security team to find Ingo after a long time of him not coming back. She remembers the scared look on his face. [NAME] didn't believe such a normally loud and cheerful person could make such an expression.
Chandelure, that poor pokemon, scared and alone, decided to take the remaining balls with it and find its owner, gaining nothing. And after hours of worthless searching, was found by Emmet and the security team, including herself.
Hushed whispers coming from the police just make her more frustrated as time pass by. They did no help, useless as always, she thought. [NAME] lost hope in the police long ago when they let some ten years old handle their problems instead. The detector didn't help much either, clueless, just running around like some ducklings losing their mother.
No call, no message, no nothing, Ingo left nothing behind. He was just gone. He was deemed a missing person after two days of not coming back.
The one that always cheers her on after losing a battle was now the one that needed comfort. The stress, fear, and pressure of the media make the usual younger twin so bright, so loud, and so brilliant in many ways to plan himself at home, quiet and half dead.
As if Emmet could do anything bad to his twin- his older brother- half of his soul any harm.
[NAME] has read about the connection that twins have. The bond between them is stronger than any lovers could hope to have with one another.
She holds Emmet in her arms, whispering sweet nothing to him, letting him soak her blue coat in tears, hands gripping her back, desperate to feel some warmth. Telling him that it was gonna be all alright, that Ingo will come back sooner or later.
She doesn't know that she is saying that to comfort him or herself. And at this moment, she does not want to know either way.
" Maybe it's my fault." [NAME]'s body went frozen after the words left Emmet's mouth. Her eyes widen as she stares at him. In shock, her gloved hands come flying to grip his shoulder.
" Maybe if I was a better twin... He would not have left."
" What are you saying? It was never your fault that Ingo had gone missing." She said, tears brimming in her eyes as she shook his shoulders. " It's never, never in a billion years your fault alright? So stop saying that."
His gaze came to her, again, crying. Tears rolled down the tears tainted mark before. His body shakes, hands trembling even when he is gripping his pant, trying to ground himself. " Really?"
[NAME] look at him, a pained smile on her lips. The soft " Yeah" sound like a prayer. Prayed for her friend to come back home, safe and sound. Prayed for the younger twin's sorrow to come to an end.
As the color white fade into blue, the black stand in the mountains of cold, alone and on the verge of his life.
" [NAME]?" Ingo asked after waking up, seeing a familiar woman sitting next to him. He didn't remember much but he know her name and the fact that they were some sort of close. Maybe they were friends, lovers even.
The fog clouded his vision of memories, leaving him clueless and scared. But seeing a familiar vision is always good.
The woman turns to him after hearing that. A feeling of uncomfortable settled in his chest upon seeing her. Was she supposed to look like that?
It was her, the same face but with a light touch of change. Her eyes look sharper, colder, and devoid of emotions. Her hair was also a shade of (f/c) instead of (h/c), which used to flow free and is now tied neatly using a white ribbon. The blue she wore every day is now the color of the pearl, pure and beautiful but a bit plain and trapped for her.
"I am not [NAME]," she explained, helping him sit up so she could change the blood soaked bandages wrapped around his head.
"My name is [A.NAME]."
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I'm feeling weirdly wholesome and content at the idea of the wife somehow fighting their way back to their time, if only just to make sure the sudden disappearance of Ingo in Hisui meant he got home safe - even if he forgot them, they still love him.
But as their mind is kind of shambles after fighting literal gods, they only know what they are looking for is in gear station.
Ingo getting re-united with his wife after the wife battles everyone on the battle subway.
Angsty Menace :)
My own character in game has always had the zoruark mask on, so in my case the first thing Ingo would see would be the dreaded reminder of the Hisuian Zoroarks.
Ah yes Hisuian Zoroark, the most dangerous kind of Zoroark.
Ingo, former warden of the pearl clan and current one of the Subway bosses at Gear station. After being missing for almost a decade he had returned.
No one is sure how he did, they just saw him lying on the ground and called for the paramedics.
It was a slow process to help him regain his memories, a process that is still ongoing.
He remembers Emmet.
He remembers Elesa.
He remembers his family.
He remembers his Pokémon.
He remembers the lay out of the subway.
He remembers his time in Hisui.
He wishes he could say he was happy, Ingo feels like this is a bittersweet victory.
At home his silver eyes filled with grief never leave his wedding photos.
Emmet has told him several times how much you loved him and probably weren’t mad at him, it’s not his fault his memories are gone.
Ingo still feels guilty all those times he brushed you off, you were trying to help him, were you the reason he is back here?
You probably are knowing you.
Ingo remembers how you were, especially when it came to him, he couldn’t miss a single lunch break because you’d force him to sit down and eat.
You made sure he was loved and taken care of.
You always told him not even death could stop you from taking care of him.
That night like many others he slept holding onto one of your shirts, many things were starting to lose your scent at this point.
Today like most days he stood on his battle line, the train cart filled with a somber atmosphere, a grief that can be felt just outside of the doors.
Ingo is glad to be back, truly, but his wife is back in Hisui all alone.
Despite being back in Unova for a few years he can’t let go of what he has lost.
He closes his eyes for a moment to fight back tears. He needs to stop thinking about that right now.
Ingo sighs when the cart doors open.
“Thank you for riding the Battle Subway today. I am the Subway Boss Ingo. I will….I-I.” When he opened his eyes he couldn’t finish his sentence.
Was this you? It had to be you, you always wore that Zoroark mask, the white and red of the mask seemingly mocks him.
Nothing is said.
Ingo can only stare, trying to desperately process what’s happening.
Watching a hand go up and moving the mask away.
“Nice to see you again warden.”
You smile so warmly at him.
But that’s all you got to do when your pressed against his chest, his face buried in your neck as his body is racked with sobs.
“I-it’s you! Sweet Sinnoh’s it’s you!” He can’t keep standing and slowly drags you both to the floor.
You cry into his shoulder. Both of you having death grips of the other.
“You remember me?” You only feel in frantically nod against you.
He pulls away just to cup your face.
“You were one of the first things I remembered here.” Ingo places a desperate kiss on your lips.
Your lips moving with his solidifies that this isn’t a dream, you’re really here in his arms.
“I’m so sorry.” He rests his forehead against yours.
“For what? I’m just happy you made it back here okay, I would’ve kicked Arceus’s ass a second time if you didn’t.”
You laugh at his shocked face.
“Later, I want to hold you.” You pull him back, trying to be as close as possible to him.
Ingo gives a watery laugh “is that the Sneasler kimono?”
You flush “yeah, it made me feel a little closer to you.”
“I’m sorry I ever forgot you, I’m a horrible man for forgetting the love of his life.” He feels a light smack on his shoulder.
“Don’t you dare, nothing was your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong, I’m not mad at you, you’ll always be my sweet husband.”
You smile as he curls around you, sobs and wails only escaping him.
Eventually the subway comes to a stop but neither of your move.
Everyone can wait, you just need some more time with your husband.
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A Father's Resolve - Ch 6
Ingo returns after a decade - with two extra cars in tow. Years later, his kids are swallowed up by time in the same way he was. Will he be able to find them? Will they be able to make it out alive?
Word Count: ~2400
Rei rubbed at a sore spot on his shoulder. He’d practiced a lot of rolling around today, having to dodge attacks from wild Shinx and Buizel. His hands ached from crafting his own pokeballs. It turns out, he was shockingly good at it and had made three before Akari had finished her first. He dreaded going back out and getting struck by an electric attack from another static kitten, but now that he could make pokeballs? The possibilities were endless. All it took was a chunk of stone and a single apricorn and apricorn trees were everywhere. Maybe he could try using different colors to make cooler balls in the future?
He thought back about what Cyllene had said. I set a high hurdle, catching three pokemon, that no one has been able to do, but they cleared it flawlessly. Had no one been able to catch just three baby pokemon? No wonder they were all terrified all the time, if a Shinx was bad news for them. He looked at the star already sewn onto his uniform. It had been too easy to get.
He combed his fingers through his hair and took off the new Galaxy Team uniform he’d gotten, changing into his old shirt and boxers. He wasn't ready for the other new kimono he was given quite yet.He took off the hat first, looking at it for a long time. Cyllene had given him a red hat and Akari a white bandana to wear, citing that their normal hats were 'too obvious' and wild pokemon would see them from a mile away. But Rei also looked at his old hat - his uncle's old hat. He didn't want to leave it behind. 
"Hey," Akari said softly, "that seamstress in town that gave us the other clothes? Maybe she can do something about the hats."
"Maybe." He knew he sounded depressed and truthfully, he was. He didn't really want to be here, he wanted to be at home. They'd been getting a surprise for their father and uncle in Castelia when the portal had taken them. He shook his head, a lock of hair falling into his eyes. He stared at it for a second.
“Hey, Akari,” he said. He heard her stop what she was doing and look over at him. “Do you think we should try to color our hair to make it less obvious we’re related to Dad? Just in case he is here?” Akari fidgeted with her long silver hair. He knew she loved the color of it, how unique it was. “I just worry that someone will find out somehow.” 
“How would they?” She leaned back on the mattress. “We’re fifteen. And if he is here, we certainly haven’t been born yet.” 
“But he didn’t have memories most of the time, remember?” Rei sat down on the other bedroll. “What if he thinks that he left kids behind? Or it starts up rumors or something?” He jolted his head up. "Wait. Remember what Laventon said earlier? He said it was 1831." 
Akari's eyes flicked up to look at her brother, her hands falling. "Oh Arc, he's in Hisui somewhere." 
"For around a year," Rei added. "Do you think he's Sneasler’s Warden yet?" 
"He might be." She sighed. "If that's the case, we really should color our hair. Maybe try to find something to do with our eyes."
“You can just go blonde,” he pointed out. “You don’t need to make it some super dark color.” 
“We should still match, whatever we do,” she added. “I want to match.” 
“Okay, we can do that.” He reorganized his satchel for a bit. He knew they’d get some new mission in the morning from Cyllene, it was inevitable. They were too valuable. 
“I hope we can finish this and get home before Dad realizes we’re gone,” Akari murmured. Rei paused in his task. 
“Maybe we can ask Arceus to put us back a few seconds after it took us,” Rei considered. “Then it would be like we never left.” 
“Even if not, I hope he’s okay.” She slipped on her jacket to stave off the chill as she climbed under the covers. “I’m worried about him and Uncle Emmet. If they knew we were gone…” 
“Oh, Dad would flip,” Rei laughed. “But we’ll be home before he knows it. We just have to finish the pokedex, right?” 
“Yeah, I guess. I'm gonna go to bed.” Akari yawned and snuggled into the covers. Rei stood up and turned off the oil lamp, returning to the bedroll and snuggling in. He opened his mouth to say goodnight to Akari-
A massive explosion sounded in the distance, accompanied by a huge flash of yellow. Rei bolted upright, sitting up in his covers, looking around wildly. Akari’s eyes were large and fearful. “What was that?” 
“I have no idea!” Rei crept to the door and slid it open a crack, looking around. All other buildings had their lights off. The village of Jubilife was asleep. “It seems like it wasn’t in the village.” 
“I hope everything’s okay…” Akari shivered. “I might… I might let Turnpike out. To help me sleep. I miss him.” 
Rei hurried to his bag. “I wanted to let Topsy out, too. She helps keep me warm.” 
The twins released their partners, the Mandibuzz and Braviary materializing and glancing around the small building. Topsy Turvy nudged Rei. “Oh, you guys haven’t seen this place yet,” Rei realized. “We got transported back in time by Arceus,” he explained to his bird, “and we were tasked with finishing the pokedex and then it said it’d send us home. We always have your balls on us just in case, but we haven’t wanted to show you guys to the locals because they’ve never seen Pokemon like you before.” 
“It’s the place we were born at,” Akari added. “Dad always told us how dangerous this place is and yeah, it kind of is. We have you guys on standby just in case we really need your help.” 
The birds cooed at them, each preening at its own respective Trainer. "We did get given a pokemon each at the start of it, though," Rei said. He held up the ball Cyndaquil was in. "It's in the same weird ball Dad has Gliscor in." He tossed it out, Cyndaquil looking around in confusion. When it saw the two birds, it squeaked in fear and ran behind Rei, shaking. "Oh, it's okay, Campfire." He held up his arm as the pokemon peeked around him, its fires blazing on its back. "This is Topsy Turvy. She's the first partner I ever had." Topsy bent down carefully to gaze at the small creature and chirped at it. Cyndaquil continued to shiver even as Rei carefully moved it into his lap. "See? She's friendly. She won't hurt you." Turnpike watched the little fire type from behind Topsy. Another flash of light drew everyone's attention to Akari. 
"And this is Riptide," she announced, the little Oshawott making an appearance. "You guys have seen Oshawotts before. Riptide, this is my partner, Turnpike, and Rei’s partner, Topsy Turvy. You probably won't see too much of them unless things go really bad, but they are always around!" 
"Yeah," Rei added as the Oshawott boldly waddled up to Turnpike and barked at it, almost as a friendly challenge. Turnpike stooped down low, bringing its head eye level with Riptide. Riptide clambered right up into its fluffy head, gripping the singular colorful feather on its forehead. It gestured forward, like it were steering it onward. 
Rei stood up again and turned the oil lamp back off. The twins cuddled back into their beds, their bird companions and new starters settling in for the night beside them. “Good night, Akari.” 
“Night, Rei.” A pause. “I… I miss Dad and Uncle Emmet,” she whispered. 
Rei was surprised to feel the prickle of tears at the mention of them. He was fifteen! He shouldn’t be crying! “I do too. We’ll see them again soon.” 
“I hope so.” 
Emmet's eyes opened slowly. It was still dark outside, but there was light filtering in through the dining room. He flicked the wrist slung over Butternut's abdomen towards him, activating his Xtrans. It was only 5 am. He was surprised he'd slept that long.
Looking around, he could see the dim outlines of Eelektross over the top of the couch, Archeops on his feet, Durant on the arm of the couch above his head, and the bulky top of Crustle by the foot of the couch. Judging by the various soft buzzes and snores, they were all asleep. 
Emmet sighed softly. Coffee? He breathed in deeper, trying to get that smell. Definitely coffee. It beckoned to him, and so he slowly lifted Galvantula off of him and slipped his legs out from under Archeops. Galvantula startled awake. "Sorry, Butternut," Emmet whispered. "You can go back to sleep." She curled up on the couch next to the still-asleep Archeops and Emmet slipped into the kitchen. 
A fresh-brewed pot of coffee sat on the counter, still mostly full. At the table, only one seat was taken. Elesa was staring at the wall, her eyes drooping as she cradled her steaming mug. 
Emmet said nothing as he grabbed a mug from the cabinet and filled it with the dark liquid and joined her at the table. He sipped on his drink and watched as the beginning rays of the sun shot out from behind the treeline. 
"I'm sorry." Elesa's voice made him jump. "You were right. I have no idea what we're getting into. I've been trying to act confident to raise morale but… I'm just as worried as the rest of us." She paused and sipped on her mug. "I don’t know what got into me yesterday." 
Emmet set his cup down and sighed. "I don't think I'm the one who needs an apology." 
"You do," Elesa said. She finally looked at him. Her eyes had dark circles under them. Any makeup she'd had on was gone. Her hair was in a messy ponytail. Her shoulders slumped. "Just because Ingo also does, doesn't mean you don't. It wasn't fair to you, either. Having to play middleman to try to keep us all sane." She took a sip from her mug again. "I meant what I said yesterday, though. You look awful. Not Ingo bad, but bad." 
Emmet snorted a little. He probably did. "You're starting to join the club," he teased weakly. "We just happened to get a whole week head start on you." 
"Let's not make it a competition." Despite this, there was a ghost of a grin fleeting across her lips. 
"I'm pretty sure we'd both lose right now, anyway."
They sat in silence for some time as the sun came up, the sky fading from black to orange to yellow to blue. Emmet's mug turned cold. 
"Did you see Ingo up?" Emmet asked. 
"I'm pretty sure he's still asleep. He was when I got back." 
"What time was that?" 
"Around four or so." 
Guilt washed into his bloodstream. It had been before sunset that they'd all fought. 
"Don't feel bad, Emmy," she chided, seeing his posture change. "I stopped by Skyla's for a bit to talk. And I was definitely being a jerk. I kind of deserved it." She glanced out the window. "I just hope Iggy is okay." 
"He will be when we find them." Galvantula scuttled over to him and patted his ankle with a pedipalp, getting his attention. She clambered up his legs and into his lap. He had to scoot back from the table to accommodate her rump. "I understand his rush, but a train cannot leave the station without necessary preparations." 
Elesa chuckled. "You and your train lingo. More coffee?" She stood and grabbed his mug, taking her own as well to refill. 
Emmet petted Galvantula. Usually, he would not allow her into his lap at the table, but he didn't have the energy to kick her off. He was just so drained. 
"Oh… Ingo. How long have you been standing there?" Emmet turned at Elesa’s voice to see his brother in the doorway, clothing from yesterday still on. He didn't seem much better, the bags still haunting his eyes and the bedhead quite prevalent. 
"Long enough," he said, his voice husky from sleep. Elesa pulled down a third mug as he crossed the kitchen and sat at the table, laying his arms on the table and burying his head in them. Nothing was said as Elesa finished brewing the coffee and poured out three mugs, bringing them to the table. She also brought some creamer over for Ingo. 
He slowly lifted his head and grabbed the mug, pouring some of the creamer into it and swirling it around. Chandekure drifted in from the bedroom and settled above the table, swinging to an invisible breeze. "I'm sorry for my behavior the last week," Ingo said softly. 
Emmet cocked his head, "Ingo-" 
He shook his head. "Please, let me finish. I am worried out of my mind and scared, yes, but that gives me no excuse to act like a child. I know you both want to find them too. It's not fair that you both have to try to do research and babysit me as well." 
"I'm sorry, too," Elesa said after a beat. "I was being a jerk. I've been trying to act like it's all easily solved and there's an easy way to fix all this, but there's not. I'm scared for the poor kids. But there's no reason to take it out on you both." 
Emmet continued to pet Galvantula. "I shouldn't have shouted at you two like that."
"I don't know," Elesa said. "We were both pretty far gone. I don't know if we would have listened otherwise." 
"She has a point. We should not be pushing you to that point in the first place." Ingo took another big swig of coffee. 
"Let's just all look out for each other," Emmet said. "Keep each other sane. It's all stressful for everyone." 
Elesa and Ingo nodded their heads in agreement. That seemed like a schedule they could keep. 
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