#empress freddie
whalehouse1 · 2 years
The nightmare that YJ98 unleashed for me:
1: Oh I like Cissie. Hope I get to see more of her.
2: Okay I’m enjoying Bart…and adding that to things I need to read when I get the chance.
3: Anita’s amazing. I wonder if she is in anything else.
4: Oh Marvel Jr. looks cool. Oh god this scan is killing my eyes.
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heavenlyhoundoom · 6 months
Blood Brothers.(Final part)
(Moondrop arrives at the Arcana Hunters' headquarters and hides behind a tree).
Moondrop in thought: (How am I gonna get into the building?)
M.B: You should-
Moondrop in thought: (I know you're gonna say I should make a bloodbath out of the guards and there's no way I'm doing that!)
M.B: I'm just saying that it's the easiest solution.
Moondrop in thought: (Well, the easiest solution isn't always the best solution).
M.B: Grrr...Whatever.
Moondrop: (I know, I can run into a feral cockroach end enter the ventilation).
(Moondrop does just that and ends up in the kitchen).
Moondrop: I'm in, now where could they be keeping Blossom?
Human chef: There will be no feral cockroaches in my kitchen!
(Moondrop looks up to see a the chef was about to spray him with feral bug killer).
Moondrop in thought: Oh, shit!
(Moondrop uses his vampire agility to avoid the spray and fly away from the kitchen).
Human chef: Get back here!
(Moondrop ends up in a random hallway).
Moondrop: Phew, that was close.
(Moondrop suddenly senses a lizard walking up behind him).
Hierophant: (smug) Well, well, well, looks like you aren't the only one who can use magic, Moondrop.
Moondrop: How did you know it was me!?
Hierophant: Because I casted a spell on myself that allows me to sense when a vampire is nearby.
Moondrop: No, I mean how did you know it was me, specifically?
Hierophant: Because I recognized your voice.
Moondrop: Where are you keeping Blossom!?
Hierophant: She's being fixed in the reeducation room on the top floor, but you'll never make it in time!
Moondrop: We'll see about that!
(They both change back to their original forms, they then start using magic with Moondrop using it to get to Blossom and Hierophant using it to keep Moondrop from getting to Blossom, with Hierophant getting the upper hand. He pulls out his stake sword).
Hierophant:(menacing) Any last words, Moondrop?...
Moondrop: Yes.
Hierophant: What are these last words?
Moondrop: Blossom, I'm sorry I couldn't save you, and dad, I hope to reunite with you in Heaven...
(Hierophant pauses in shock).
Hierophant:(sad) You're dad is dead too?
Moondrop: (uncomfortable) He died in the Great War of Magic when I was thirteen, I never got over it and it still negatively effects me this day...
Hierophant: What was his name?
Moondrop: His name was Oswald.
Hierophant: What a coincidence, my old name was also Oswald.
Moondrop: Really?
Hierophant: Yeah, but I hated that name because it reminded me of my abusive mother because it was the name she gave me, so I changed it to Hierophant a year after I joined the Arcana Hunters. My dad, Maurice was the only loving person I had in my life until he was brutally killed by a group of vampires when I was ten...
(It flashes back to the night Maurice died, The two were walking back home from a childhood friend's house when they were jumped by a group of vampires).
Maurice: Oswald, you need to hide.
Oswald(H): But dad, I don't want to leave you!
Maurice: Please Oswald, it's too dangerous for you to stay.
Oswald(H): Will you be okay?
(Maurice takes a deep breath, gives Oswald(H) a weak smile, and hugs him for the last time).
Maurice: I'm not going down without a fight, Oswald...
(Oswald hides in an alleyway and watches the vampires tear his dad apart from a distance, which would obviously be traumatizing. He came out when the cost was clear and runs back home when he gets back, and his mom angrily confronts him).
Abigail: What the fuck took you so long, and where the Hell is your dad!?
Oswald(H):(crying) We were walking home and dad was ripped apart by vampires!
Abigail: Well, it's your fault for being outside at night, this could've easily been avoided if you just stayed home!
Oswald(H):(crying) I'm sorry, mom!!!
Abigail: Oswald?
Oswald(H): Yes, mom?
Abigail: Let this be a lesson that all vampires are evil.
Oswald(H): I promise, I've learned my lesson.
(It cuts back to the present).
Hierophant: I've hated vampires ever since, and looking back at it know, I think it's because of my dad being killed by vampires and my mom telling me that it was a lesson that all vampires are evil.
Moondrop:(empathy) I'm so sorry...
(There was a moment of silence until Hierophant pulled out his radio to tell the hunters trying to brainwash Blossom to abort the mission).
Hierophant: Hey, Empress, I want you to stop Blossom's reeducation.
Empress: Thank God, because we've been actually fighting to get her to stare at the screen this whole time.
Monty: Come on little possum, just look at the screen.
Blossom: For the last time, I won't let you brainwash me!
Empress: Monty, stop.
Monty: Why?
Empress: Because, Hierophant order us to stop.
Monty: Okay.
(Monty unstraps Blossom from the chair as Empress turns of the screen).
Empress: We turned off the screen.
Hierophant: Good, now who wants to be the new leader?
Empress: What do you mean?
Hierophant: I'm resigning to reevaluate my life choices.
Empress: Are you serious?
Hierophant: Yes.
Empress: Well, Freddy has always wanted to be the leader.
Hierophant: Alright, then he's the new leader.
Empress: Hey, Freddy.
Freddy: Yeah?
Empress: Hierophant says you're the new leader.
Freddy: Finally!
Hierophant: But before you're leader, I want you to reunite Blossom with Moondrop.
Empress: What, why!?
Hierophant: Because I finally moved past my internalized hatred towards vampires and realized that not all of them are evil.
Empress: Okay, if you say so.
(Empress, let's Blossom and Moondrop leave, when Sundrop shows up with Astra, Finn, Jake Marceline, Simon, Lulu, and Leo).
Astra: Don't worry, Moony, we're here to help you now!
Sundrop: Mom, it seems Moondrop already won.
Astra: Oh...
Lulu: How did you win.
Moondrop: I sneaked past the guards, dodged a chef's bug spray, and-
Hierophant: Helped me moved past my vampire hatred and get over my dad's death, but I still think I'll need therapy to get over my mother's abuse.
Lulu: I hope you'll get over that.
Hierophant: Me too...
Blossom: Thank you for saving me, Moondrop...
Moondrop: You're welcome, Blossom...
(Moondrop starts blushing and forgets what he was gonna ask Blossom).
Blossom: Moondrop?
Moondrop:(blushing) Yes?
Blossom: Could you please turn me into a vampire?
(Moondrop blushes harder).
Moondrop:(flustered) W-what?...
Blossom: I want us to be together forever.
Moondrop: Blossom, I've wanted to turn you ever since we met, but wanted to take this slow and wait after I proposed, but holding back this desire felt like it was killing me.
Blossom: Well, you don't have to wait any longer, turn me, and we'll be together forever...
Moondrop: Okay, this might hurt for a bit, but then it will be soothing.
Blossom:(playfully) Oh, just start drinking.
(Hierophant covers his eyes, as he still doesn't like seeing people get bit. Moondrop eyes turn red as he positions his head into a good neck bite position and gently starts sucking Blossom's blood).
Blossom: Oh, Moondrop...
M.B: Look at my vessel finally getting some blood.
Moondrop in thought: (Her blood has to be the best thing I ever tasted, and it feels so good pouring down my throat, is this because I love her?
M.B: That and the fact that the foods and drinks we se her consume help increase blood quality.
Moondrop in thought: (Well, that explains why she was seen eating and drinking those specific things).
Blossom: Moondrop, I'm feeling lightheaded.
(Moondrop snaps out of his trance and licks her bite mark Blossom falls asleep as the vampirism kicked in).
Moondrop: Sleep well, Blossom, for when you wake, we'll get to spend an eternity together...
(Blossom wakes up after three hours at the village as a vampire).
Moondrop: Evening, Sweetie.
Blossom: Evening, Honey...
(The two kiss, they would start having double dates with Sundrop and Lulu and would even have a double wedding).
Astra: If Dad were here, he would be so proud.
Sundrop: Thanks, mom.
Moondrop: Thank you, mom.
Astra: You're welcome.
(They four would get married and start vampire families).
(The end)
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ruins-and-rewritez · 6 months
for the crows: lgbtq+ identities go!!
Tumblr media
[Photo ID: Text that reads; Kaz: I don’t I understand why I’d have to explain myself to you or anyone else. If I want to kiss Inej that’s my business not that I want to kiss her not that I don’t want to kiss her. You know what? I’m not answering this, I’ll kiss who I want and if it just so happens to be Inej then that’s merely a coincidence... (He continued to ramble on in the manner for several minutes so I had to cut the response short) ;End Text. Accompanied by a picture of Kaz Brekker (Freddy Carter) Labeled; 17, Despises Labels. End ID]
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[Photo ID: Picture of Inej Ghafa (Amita Suman) Labeled; 16, Straight-Adjacent. Accompanied by text that reads; Inej: I’m not really up for a relationship at the moment, but as a general statement I prefer men when considering the future . That’s not to say I wouldn’t consider my other choices if the occasion arose. ; End Text. End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text that reads; Jesper: Boys are pretty, girls are pretty, as long as their up for it I’m ready to kiss anyone (muffled off-screen swearing) AND.- and by anyone I mean my one and only boyfriend Wylan I definitely will never try to ever kiss anyone else (nervous laughter) ; End Text. Accompanied by a picture of Jesper Fahey (Kit Young) Labeled; 17 Bi-Disaster. End ID]
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[Photo ID: Picture of Wylan Hendricks (Jack Wolfe) Labeled; 16, Baby Gay. Accompanied by text that reads; Wylan: Boys. Definitely. I mean I’ve already got one and have no plans on exchanging him unless he does something really stupid like oh I don’t know...make out with someone who happens to look exactly like me by mistake? Just a thought. End Text. End ID]
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[Photo ID: Text that reads; Nina: gender doesn’t really matter all that much to me, everyone has always just been so unique and beautiful to me no matter how they choose to be identified. But if we’re being specific, I prefer great big brutes with absolutely horrible social skills, it’s so fun to tease them into adoring me. ; End Text. Accompanied by a picture of Nina Zenik (Danielle Galligan) Labeled; 17, Pan Empress. End ID]
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[Photo ID: Picture of Matthias Helvar (Calahan Skogman) Labeled; 18, Token Straight. Accompanied by text that reads; Matthias: I haven’t really ever given it much thought, but I guess if were to be with someone I would very much like it be someone who would challenge me. Some who would push me to be my best self. Someone unforgettable. The kind of girl you might dream of in your darkest nights.....(trailed off into thought); End Text. End ID]
Ask The Crows your own questions!
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bestfurrywife · 8 months
Character must be 18+ (if they don't have a specified age, they must be reasonably assumed to be an adult)
No explicit nsfw images in submissions, suggestive content ok
If you're submitting an indie artist's character (eg, someone's oc from tumblr or other social media) you MUST credit them
follow @bestfurryhusband lol
Submission Form
Submissions for tournament 2 are OPEN
Next contestants (feel free to submit again if you have propaganda to add):
Aela The Huntress (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
Allison Goleta (Super Lesbian Animal RPG)
Applejack (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Auroth, the Winter Wyvern (Defense of the Ancients 2)
 Bonnie (@dapper-lil-catgirl on Tumblr)
Princess Cadence (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Carmelita Fox (Sly Cooper)
Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Catty (Undertale)
Dabarella Yeetster (Adventure Is Nigh!)
Dean Hardscrabble (Monsters University)
Demona (Gargoyles)
Deoxys (Pokemon)
Diane Foxington (The Bad Guys)
Eclipsa Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Eda the Owl Lady (The Owl House)
Falin (Chimera) (Dungeon Meshi)
Fenneko (Aggretsuko)
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers)
Goodra (Pokemon)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
Laylee (Yooka-Laylee)
Lifts-Her-Tail (The Lusty Argonian Maid; Skyrim)
Lop (Star Wars Visions)
Merveille Million (Solatorobo)
Mrs. Brisby (The Secret of NIMH)
Miss Spider (James and the Giant Peach)
Moon Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Ms Tarantula/Webs (The Bad Guys)
Nala (lion king)
Olympia (Rivals of Aether)
Pinkie pie (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Princess Cadence (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Pyanfar Chanur (The Chanur novels by C.J. Cherryh)
Rainbow dash
Retsuko (Aggretsuko)
Sarabi (Lion King)
Sasha Phyronix (Ratchet and Clank)
Shahvee (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
Sophodra (Humans-B-Gone!)
Summer (Spiritfarer)
Sybil (Pseudoregalia)
The Empress (A Hat in Time)
Trixie (capitol critters)
Trixie Lulamoon (My Little Pony)
Tuca Toucan (Tuca & Bertie)
Tyranitar (Pokemon)
Vanilla the Rabbit (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Waai Fu (Arknights)
Washimi (Aggretsuko)
Wuk Lamat (Final Fantasy XIV)
Zecora (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Previous contestants:
Alphys (Undertale)
Arlinn Kord (Magic the Gathering)
Astrid (Spiritfarer)
Birdo (Mario)
Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
Cordelia Hendricks (The Smoke Room)
Dahlia Byrnes (The Smoke Room)
Duchess (Aristocats)
Erma Felna (Erma Felna: EDF)
Fenna van Houwelinck (Glory Hounds)
Fidget (Dust: An Elysian Tale)
Fillyjonk (The Moomins)
Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Freya Crescent (Final Fantasy 9)
Furryosa (Atomic Crops)
Golem (Pokemon)
Greasefang (Magic the Gathering)
Hecate (Tokyo Afterschool Summoners)
Holo (Spice and Wolf)
Hoodwink (Dota 2)
Hornet (Hollow Knight)
Ilia Shrikewood (Temptation's Ballad)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
Jenna Begay (Echo)
Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Juno (Beastars)
Krystal (Star Fox Adventure)
Laika (Laika Aged Through Blood)
Laika (Laika's Comet)
Lola Bunny (Space Jam)
Loona (Helluva Boss)
Lopunny (Pokemon)
Loveander (Palworld)
Madam Dora (The Smoke Room)
Madame Vastra (Doctor Who)
Maid Marian (Disney's Robin Hood)
Marie Itami (BNA)
Maria (Extracurricular Activities)
Meicrackmon (Digimon)
Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Molly Yarnchopper (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)
Moomin Mamma (The Moomins)
Mother Glory (Friends at the Table)
Muffet (Undertale)
Nidoqueen (Pokemon)
Princess Celestia (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Princess Luna (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Queen Bee-elzebub (Helluva Boss)
Renamon (Digimon)
Rivet (Ratchet and Clank)
Rose (Remember the Flowers)
Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Roxanne Wolf (Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
Salazzle (Pokemon)
Sally Acorn (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Soraka (League of Legends)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Toriel (Undertale)
Torque (X-Com: Chimera Squad)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Vipress (Kung Fu Panda)
Xenomorph (Alien)
Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Yona (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
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wolfsbanesparks · 5 months
What's your favorite bit of Captain Marvel lore?
Ooh that's a tough question!
I think my current favorite bit of lore is that when Billy saved Freddy's life by sharing his powers with him, he unknowingly caused Freddy's brother Kit to die. But because he wasn't supposed to die he was granted ghost powers and became Kid Eternity!
An extra bit of lore that I always find funny is that the Sivanas lived on Venus for a time and Beautia was even the Empress of Venus!
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museeeuuuum · 2 months
Who are your five favourite people from history?
1. Freddie Mercury - I shouldn't have to explain this one
2. Inez O'Reilly - a lady who no one has written about because she died in 2000. She ran PEH for a while and doctored many of the historical dresses so she could wear them when guests came through the house. She was also the first female private investigator in Canada, a politician, and a weirdo.
3. Locusta - a Roman woman who was so good at poisoning she was allowed to set up shop and sell poison.
4. Agrippinna the Younger - a murderous Roman Empress (also with a penchant for poison)
5. Selina Frances Smith - a Black musician in 19th century Victoria who I wrote a blog post about (which you can read here )
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blues824 · 2 years
could I ask inbox rqs list if it's not a trouble? Me worried Tumblr ate my rq when I sent it, thanks !!
Requests are closed!
December-February Requests:
707/Luciel Choi!Reader W/ Housewardens + Jamil (lost motivation, will circle back)
Kobeni Higashiyama!Reader W/ Housewardens (lost motivation, will circle back)
Kumagawa Misogi!Reader W/ Housewardens (lost motivation, will circle back)
Iruma Suzuki!Reader W/ Housewardens (lost motivation, will circle back)
Atsushi!Reader W/ OHSHC (lost motivation, will circle back)
Alice Kingsleigh!Reader W/ Malleus, Jade, Floyd, Silver and Trey
Vocaloid Singer!Reader W/ Overblot Crew
Prince Soma!Reader W/ Adeuce & Scarabia
Frog Prince!Reader W/ Vil & Malleus
Alucard or Dracula!Reader W/ Hashiras
Reader Rick-Rolls All of UA
Sophie Hatter!Reader W/ Housewardens
Human!Reader W/ Uta (Tokyo Ghoul)
Innocent!Reader Heard Moaning Coming From Asmo's Room
Pomu Rainpuff!Reader W/ Housewardens
Hinata Shoyo!Reader W/ Housewardens
Belle!Reader W/ Armin, Jean, Eren, and Mikasa
Morticia Addams!Reader W/ Remaining Housewardens
Luke Valentine!Reader W/ Daki & Nakime
Lisa Imai!Reader W/ Heartslabyul & Diasomnia
Hange Zoe!Reader W/ Hashiras
Shinobu Reacts to Reader Training Their Monkey in Medicine
Titan Shifter!Reader W/ Vice Housewardens
Xingqiu!Reader W/ Silver, Jack, Kalim, and Rollo
Kanao Tsuyuri!Reader W/ Housewardens
Agnostic!Aethistic!Reader W/ Rollo Flamme
Orphan!Reader W/ Other Twisted Wonderland Characters
Lord Diavolo!Reader W/ First Years
Alice: Madness Returns!Reader W/ Housewardens
Yuta Okkotsu!Reader W/ Housewardens
Black Panther!Reader W/ Savanaclaw
Luna Lovegood!Reader W/ Housewardens
Short!Athletic!Baker!Reader W/ Idia, Azul, Leona, Deuce & Jamil
Akaza!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Sun Wukong!Reader W/ First Years
Xiao!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Reader Gives Deuce & Jack a Kiss on the Cheek to Tell Them 'Good Job'
Fem!Nagito Komaeda W/ Bennett (Genshin)
Claude Faustus Flirting Headcanons
Tatsumaki!Reader W/ Peter Parker
Carrie White!!Reader W/ Housewardens
Gundham Tanaka!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Jumpy!Reader W/ Glamrock Freddy, Monty Gator & Michael Afton
Layla!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Zhongli or Malleus Draconia!Reader in the Remarried Empress (up to me)
Part 2 of Riddle Rosehearts!Reader Being Captured by Demons
Tohru Honda!Reader W/ James “Bucky” Barnes
Female Solomon!Reader W/ Xiao
Female Riddle Rosehearts!Reader W/ Scaramouche
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Xiao & Scaramouche
Tighnari!Reader W/ Nagito, Izuru, Kokich and Gundham Tanaka
Reader Returns to Twisted Wonderland and Reunites W/ Housewardens & Jamil
Diasomnia Reacts to Reader Having Hanahaki Disease Due to Someone Back in Her World
Silver/Riddle/Leona/Sebek/Trey/Jamil React to Reader Going Into Depressive Episode Because She Can’t Go Home
Class 1A Reacts to Reader Photoshopping Monoma’s Face onto a Donkey’s Face
Part 2 of Glyph Magic User!Reader
Celestia Ludenberg!Reader W/ Muzan & Uppermoons
Tarot Reader!Reader W/ Heartslabyul
Shapeshifter!Reader W/ Housewardens
Nagito Komaeda!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Kamado Squad Reacts to Human!Reader Who Hates Humans
Ado (singer)!Reader W/ Housewardens
Rarity!Reader W/ Savanaclaw & Pomefiore
Chuuya Nakahara!Reader W/ Lords & Butlers
Shang-Chi!Reader W/ First Years & Malleus
Solomon!Reader W/ Lords, Butlers, & Undertaker
Obanai Iguro!Reader W/ Snake (Black Butler)
Rook Hunt!Reader W/ Fate of the Empress Characters
Osamu Dazai!Reader W/ Heartslabyul
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Housewardens
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Staff
Male!Reader W/ Muichiro Tokito (I write for male readers as well)
Chuuya Nakahara!Reader W/ Lords & Butlers
Kamisato Ayaka!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Shenhe!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Uppermoons
Nagito Komaeda!Reader W/ Uppermoons
Gundham Tanaka!Reader W/ Tighnari, Yae Miko, and Gorou
Tighnari!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Ron Swanson!Reader W/ First Years
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Vice Housewardens
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ First Years
Part 2 of Solomon!Reader W/ Housewardens, but only with Vil Schoenheit
Tanjiro Kamado!Reader W/ Lords & Butlers
Hades and Persephone’s Daughter!Reader W/ Housewardens & Jamil
Paranoid!Reader W/ Housewardens
Lan Wangji!Reader W/ Housewardens
Yae Miko!Reader W/ Vice Housewardens
INFP!Writer!Reader W/ Steve Rogers
Celebrating x-mas with Cheetah, Killer Frost, Enchantress, Raven, Livewire, Galatea and Blackfire
Housewardens & Rollo Get Jealous Because Reader Gives Everyone a Gift
Lady Tamayo!Reader W/ Host Club
Rosalyn!Reader W/ TWST (characters unspecified) (Trash of the Count’s Family)
Shinobu Kocho!Reader W/ TWST (characters unspecified)
Apple Jack!Reader W/ Housewardens
Housewardens React to Reader Falling in Love With a Toilet Because of a Love Potion They Drank
Xiao!Reader W/ Hashiras
Nagito Komaeda!Reader W/ Tengen Uzui & Wives
Part 2 of Solomon!Reader W/ Hashiras
Platonic!Klee!Reader W/ Hashiras
Undertaker!Reader W/ Hashiras
Kyojuro Rengoku!Reader W/ Pomefiore
Inosuke Hashibira!Reader W/ Housewardens
Prequel Kalim Al-Asim!Reader W/ Hashiras
Giyuu Introduces Kamado Squad to Kalim Al-Asim!Reader
Jack Sparrow!Reader W/ Octavinelle
Part 2 Izuru Kamukura!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Tanjiro & Nezuko React to Izuru Kamukura!Reader Packing Up Demons on the Side of the Road
Part 2 of Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Uppermoons
Gundham Tanaka!Reader W/ Fischl
Shinobu Kocho!Reader W/ Housewardens or Vice Housewardens
Land Lady!Reader W/ Housewardens
Pure Vanilla Cookie!Reader W/ Neige, Kalim, Vil, Leona and Malleus
Hemokinesis Quirk User!Reader W/ Izuku, Bakugo, Kaminari and Todoroki
Telepathic!Reader W/ Malleus, Leona, Idia, and Vil
Wild Wild Pussycats React to Reader Who Likes Throwing Insults at Enemies
Yoriichi Tsugikuni!Reader W/ Phantom Blood Boys (from mutual, don’t request JJBA)
Duwang Gang React to Josuke Higashikata W/ Yoriichi Tsugikuni!Reader (from mutual, don’t request JJBA)
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Jojo & Dio
Giorno Giovanna!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Izuru Kamukura!Reader W/ Albedo
Malleus Draconia!Reader W/ Ciel & Sebastian
NOS-4-A2!Reader W/ Livewire
Luz!Reader W/ Riddle Rosehearts
Heartslabyul & Savanaclaw React to Toddler!Reader Calling Trey/Ruggie ‘mama’
Candy Candy!Reader W/ Pomefiore
Orphaned!Reader W/ Housewardens
Housewardens + Jamil React to Receiving Handmade Gift Baskets
Doom Guy!Reader W/ [No Fandom Specified]
Housewardens + Rollo React to Receiving Chocolates and Candy
Gravikinetic!Reader W/ First Years + Rollo
Vampire Dragon Hybrid!Reader W/ Azul, Lilia, Vil, Leona, and Malleus
Reader Teaches First Years + Ortho About Chinese Zodiac Signs
Class 1-A Goes to Reader’s World??
Platonic!Nayuta!Reader W/ Riddle, Malleus and Octavinelle
Human!Reader W/ Rize Kamishiro
Venti!Reader W/ Diasomnia
Ciel Phantomhive W/ Reader Who Is the Illegitimate Child of his Target
Izuku!Reader W/ Poison Ivy
Lapis!Reader W/ Twisted Wonderland (characters unspecified)
Klee!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Dio Brando!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Nene Kusanagi!Reader W/ Housewardens
Nahida!Reader W/ Overblot Crew (platonic)
Genie!Reader W/ First Years + Scarabia
Six!Reader W/ Housewardens + ADeuce
Housewardens React to Reader Wearing a Wedding Dress
Ryuko Matoi!Reader W/ Leona Kingscholar
Fairest in the Land W/ Vice Housewardens (Floyd instead of Jamil)
Mad Hatter!Reader W/ Riddle, Azul, Vil, Malleus
Scaramouche!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Muichiro!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Tanjiro!Reader W/ Hajime, Izuru, Nagito, Kokichi
Aspiring Chef!Reader W/ OHSHC
Twilight Sparkle!Reader W/ Hashira
Neopolitan!Reader W/ Hashira
Magizoologist!Reader W/ Twisted Wonderland (characters unspecified)
Luz!Reader W/ Batfam
Deon Hart!Reader W/ [Fandom Unspecified]
Kind!Muzan Kibutsuji AU
Doll!Reader (Black Butler) W/ Tanjiro Kamado
Hunter!Reader W/ Batfam
Leona, Vil, Malleus and Jamil React to Reader Singing for them at the VDC
Himuro!Reader W/ Housewardens
Black Widow!Reader W/ Rook, Malleus, Rollo and Jamil
Menace!Reader W/ Heartslabyul
Muzan Kibutsuji Reacts to Demon!Reader Being Able to Have Demonic Children
Ace, Vil, Deuce and Leona React to Reader Defending and Bragging About Them
Luz!Reader W/ Housewardens + Jamil
Kokichi!Reader W/ L Lawliet
Nahida!Reader W/ L Lawliet
Pomefiore, Riddle, and Malleus React to Reader Who, Back in Their World, Traveled With Pegasus-Drawn Chariots
Makima!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Power!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Class 1A Reacts to Capricorn!Reader
Mikan!Reader W/ Housewardens
Makima!Reader W/ Housewardens
Reader Teaches Vice Housewardens, Cater, Ruggie, Floyd and Silver About Chinese Zodiac Signs
Twst!Reader x Class 1A Girls
Effortlessly Attractive!Reader x Leona, Azul, Vil, Epel
Class 1A Girls Reacting to Reader Photoshopping Mineta’s Head onto a Pig
Izuru Kamukura!Reader x Death Note 
Izuru Kamukura!Reader x Rohan Kishibe
Part 2 Izuru Kamukura!Reader x JJBA
Tartaglia!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Elysia!Reader (Honkai Impact) x Housewardens
Spider-Man!Reader x Bakusquad
Kars!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Tanjuro!Reader x Housewardens + Vice Housewardens
Depressed!Demon!Reader x Muzan Kibutsuji
Twst Characters (of my choice) React to Walking in on Reader Singing Disco Girl
Reader Tells Leona that “He would make a very handsome throw rug”
Hela, Mystique, Viper Celebrating Reader’s Birthday
Part 2 of Carry White!Reader x Housewardens
Cyno!Reader x Bakusquad
Shiro!Reader x Housewardens
Mikasa! or Mikey!Reader x PJO/HoO
[Platonic] Eri!Reader x Housewardens + Teachers
Wei Wuxian!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Horror Enthusiast!Reader x Suicide Sadie/Clockwork
Nahida!Reader x TWST Dorms
Keyblade User!Reader x First Years
America Chavez!Reader x Housewardens or Vice Housewardens
Lilo!Reader x Platonic! First Years
Luca Kaneshiro!Reader x Housewardens
Power!Reader x Remarried Empress or Overblot Crew
Rohan Kishibe!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Kokichi!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Housewardens React to Reader’s Senior Quote Being “I should have burned this place down while I had the chance”
Reader Shows Trey ‘Is It Cake?’
Feathered Serpent!Reader x Savanaclaw/Ace/Malleus
Allen Avadonia!Reader x MHA
Nezuko!Reader Snapping With the Platonic!First Years/Grim
Menace!Reader Showing Housewardens Disney Movies
Kyojuro Rengoku!Reader x Izuru
Kohane Asuzawa!Reader x OHSHC
Rapunzel!Reader x Hashira
Rapunzel!Reader x Demons/Muzan
Spearfisher!Reader x Pomefiore, Malleus, Leona and Jamil
Lindsey Stirling!Reader x Anybody I Choose
Apex Predator!Reader x Octavinelle
Bobcat!Reader x Savanaclaw
Plant and Water Wielding!Reader x Bakugo, Kaminari, Kirishima, Todoroki
Gravity Falls x Tanjiro!Reader + Nezuko
Dendritic Vision User!Reader x Sumeru
Solomon!Reader in Gravity Falls
Undertaker!Reader in Gravity Falls
Cale Heniruse!Reader x Housewardens
Reader Sneaks Snacks to Ace, Floyd, Lilia, Kalim, Leona and Cater W/O Getting Caught
Reader With Beaver Familiar x LOV
Sayaka Miki!Reader x Housewardens
Izuru Kamukura!Reader in Gravity Falls
Eclipsa!Reader x Lords and Butlers
Daki/Ume!Reader x Overblots + Malleus
Who Would Voice the TWST Cast?
Esmeralda!Reader x Second Years
Hu Tao!Reader x Tanjiro/Zenitsu
SCP 105!Reader x First Years
Solomon!Reader in the Remarried Empress, Part Whatever
Izuru Kamukura!Reader in the Remarried Empress, Part Whatever
FNAF Fan!Reader x Diasomnia
Dragon Rider!Reader x Diasomnia
Wednesday Addams!Reader x Muzan Kibutsuji
Vanitas!Reader x Octavinelle
Runaway!Reader x Ciel Phantomhive
Dutch Angel Dragon!Reader x Diasomnia
Latina!Demon Slayer!Reader x Yandere!Upper Moons (plus Hantengu and Gyokko)
Conservative!Reader x Housewardens
Death by Touch!Reader x Deku, Iida, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Todoroki
Feather Star Mer-person!Reader x Octavinelle
Platonic!Pure Vessel!Reader x First Years/Housewardens
Dark Pearl Cookie!Reader x Housewardens
Newton Scamander!Reader x Clark Kent
Paranoid!Reader x OHSHC
Xie Weijin and Yuan Jing Confess to Their Crush
Diluc!Reader x Dick Grayson + Jason Todd
Zhongli!Reader x Demon Slayer??
Platonic!Omnitrix!Reader x First Years
Reader and Ciel Cross-Dress for a Mission
Schizophrenic!Reader x Housewardens
Toya Todoroki's Twin Sister!Reader x Muzan Kibutsuji
Muzan, Enmu, Kyogai, Rui and Douma With Reader Who Is Fascinated By Their Blood Demon Art
Quasimodo!Reader x Malleus (and a little bit Rollo)
1st/2nd/3rd Years Comfort Reader Who is Traumatized by 9/11
Housewardens React to Reader Accidentally Finding Out They Have Magic
Cyno!Reader x Leona, Jack, Kalim
Platonic!Orphan!Reader x Divus Crewel
Platonic!General!Reader x Housewardens
Raiden Shogun!Reader in the Remarried Empress
ADeuce, Trey, Scarabia With Reader Who Does Backflips When Excited
Akaza!Reader in the Remarried Empress Part 2
Xiao!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Josuke Higashikata x Hashira
Bill Cypher!Reader x Douma
Nezuko!Reader x Pillar Men
Bill Cypher!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Vil, Malleus, Rollo, Azul, Cater, Idia, and Leona x Reader Who Comes From a Long Line of Mages
Electricity Manipulator! Strong! Short!Reader x First Years
Depressed!Demon!Reader x Muzan Kibutsuji
Sea Serpent!Reader x Leona, Azul, Malleus, Kalim and Jamil
Quirk Creator!Reader x Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari and Todoroki
Half Vampire Half Vampire Squid Mermaid!Reader x Azul, Vil, Malleus, Lilia
Riddle Rosehearts!Reader in Gravity Falls
Batfamily Reacts to Bruce Marrying Kyojuro Rengoku!Reader
Overblot + Malleus x Reader Who Can Control Overblots
Wolfwalker!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Reader Hides Feelings from Octavinelle But Portrays it Through Art
Gravity Falls Crew Reacting to Douma!Reader in the Remarried Empress
Douma!Reader x Bill Cypher
Kazuha!Reader x Housewardens
Kaijudo Universe!Reader x Housewardens + Jamil
Lloyd Garmadon x Diasomnia
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eternal-masquerade · 4 months
>0 what mmusic do you like? <°o°> 0<
>0 - @insightfuleclipse (duh) 0<
A: hi love. I'm kinda aaa classic rock kinda troll. Especially a big fan of that of of of that that band Empress. Freddi Mercry wwwas a genius.
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maswartz · 2 years
DC Legacy
The basic premise of this is that the time has come for older heroes to step down and the next generation take their place. Clark Kent is now the editor and owner of the Daily Planet and vows to lead them into the future while keeping their dedication to the truth. Diana Prince is now Queen of the Amazons and has relinquished her title as Wonder Woman though she still joins the Justice Society when needed. Bruce Wayne has become mayor of Gotham City and intends to use the power of the office to fight crime at the root. However the intensified spotlight means he must give up the cowl. Others such as Oliver Queen have stepped down from active duty to become teachers to the next generation, passing down their skills and knowledge. Justice League Superman- Clark Kent Batman- Dick Grayson Wonder Woman- Donna Troy The Flash- Wally West Aquaman- Garth Red Arrow- Roy Harper Starfire- Koriand'r Beast Man- Garfield Logan Raven- Rachel Roth Cyborg- Victor Stone Green Lantern- Kyle Rayner Green Lantern- Jessica Cruz Shazam- Billy Batson Captain Thunder- Mary Bromfield Power Woman- Karen Starr JLA Reserves Supergirl- Kara Zor-El Thunderbolt- Freddy Freedman Thunderstorm- Eugene Choi Thunderblast- Pedro Peña Thunderspark- Darla Dudley Batman Beyond- Tim “Jace” Fox Captain Atom- Nathaniel Adam Green Arrow- Connor Hawke Zatanna- Zatanna Zatara Doctor Mid-Nite- Beth Chapel Argent- Toni Monetti Firestorm- Jason Rusch/Gehenna Black Canary- Dinah Lance Atom- Ryan Choi Plastic Man- Patrick “Eel” O’Brien Jade- Jennifer-Lynn Haden Obsidian- Todd Rice Zauriel Justice League Universal Martian Manhunter- J'onn J'onzz Green Lantern- Simon Baz Green Lantern- Sojourner Mullein Jemm Hawkman- Carter Hall Hawkwoman- Kendra Saunders Adam Strange Darkfire- Ryand’r Metamorpho- Rex Mason Captain Comet- Adam Blake Orion Tomorrow Woman- Clara Kendall Starman- Will Payton The Titans Nightwing- Tim Drake Superboy- Conner Kent Fury- Cassandra Sandsmark Mercury- Bart Allen Blue Beetle- Jaime Reyes Static- Virgil Hawkins Green Lantern- Tai Pham Monkey Prince- Marcus Sun Miss Martian- M'gann M'orzz Empress- Anita Fite Titans West Batgirl- Cassandra Cain Spoiler- Stephanie Brown Red Devil- Eddie Bloomberg Solstice- Kiran Yellow Arrow- Mia Dearden Tempest- Jackson Hyde Power Girl- Tanya Spears Wonder Twins- Zan and Jayna Velocity- Wallace West Outsiders Black Lightning- Jefferson Pierce Thunder- Anissa Pierce Lightning- Jennifer Pierce Grace- Grace Choi Inertia- Thaddeus Thawne Tengu- Asami Koizumi El Dorado- Edward Dorado Jr Longshadow- Ty Longshadow Halo II- Gabrielle Daou Ravager- Rose Wilson Jericho- Joseph Wilson Quake- Atlee Tsunami- Lorena Marquez The Signal- Duke Thomas Offspring- Luke O’Brien Young Justice Red X- Damian Wayne Nightbird- Chris Kent Flamewing- Jon Kent Wonder Girl- Yara Flor Kid Flash- Iris West Impulse- Jai West Teen Lantern- Keli Quintela Green Beetle- Milagro Reyes Speedy- Lian Harper Jinny Hex Amethyst Twister- Traya Sutton Animal Girl- Maxine Baker Aquarius- Cerdian Justice Society Mr Terrific- Michael Holt Green Sentinel- Alan Scott The Flash- Jay Garrick Wildcat- Ted Grant Doctor Mid-Nite- Pieter Cross Wonder Woman- Diana Prince Hourman- Rick Tyler Liberty Belle- Jesse Tyler The Boom- Judy Garrick Stargirl- Courtney Whitmore Cyclone- Maxine Hunkel Tomcat- Tom Bronson Sand- Sanderson Hawkins Jakeem Thunder/Johnny Thunderbolt- Jakeem Williams and Johnny Thunder Atom Smasher- Albert Rothstein Damage- Grant Emerson Dr Fate- Khalid Nassour
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alicelufenia · 6 months
Tag Game (tagged by @under-the-blood-moonlight)
Last Song: Libby Larkin - MAYHEM (shoutout to all my enby friends!)
Currently Watching: UHHH nothing literally now, BUT gonna start Dungeon Meshi this weekend (I heard about the lesbians)
Three ships: *pounds fists* ZenosWolGraha (literally dozens of us! actually probably less!) Tav/Durge X Minthara, Karlach X Minthara
Favourite Color: Ourple
Currently consuming: I had two chicken salad sandwiches for lunch
First Ship: Like ever? I dunno, probably from Tenchi Muyo, I read tons of fanfiction for it back in the day (early 2000s)
Birth Place: Somewhere in Maryland, USA
Relationship status: Married
Last movie: probably the Freddy Fazbear movie -_- don't look at me
Currently working on: not really anything, BUT am reading a bunch; Windwalker (Starlight & Shadows book 3), Exile (Dark Elf Trilogy book 2), bunch of fanfiction I'm behind on reading and commenting on. Oh also finishing Baldur's Gate 3 at last.
Tagging: @dhajetii @aoi-neko @violet-stormbringer @esme-the-storyweaver @heathblind @infernaliscor @xthescarletbitch @dancing--lights @w-low @dragon--sage @shadowlucario778 @sjofn-lofnsdottr @sunbeasts @uldahstreetrat @draconian-empress @starrysnowdrop @alixennial
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girlbosstourney · 1 year
Tumblr media
We have 128 phenomenal contestants, and several shitty ones that were abandoned on the spreadsheet. Some were rejected for good reasons: Freddie Mercury isn’t a girl, Princess Di died too recently, and Trish is from one lady’s single Tiktok. Some were rejected for petty and foolish reasons, such as “I don’t like Hetalia” and “I don’t like early 2000s movies.”
Under the cut is all the match-ups in plain text for those of you who with to ctrl+F for their girlboss. If your own girlboss didn’t make it in, feel free to send in asks about how I’m a fool for running this poll without including your rejected babygirl.
Additionally, feel free to peruse the original spreadsheet to see everyone who didn’t make it in. It is organized in no way shape or form besides the occasional collating of characters who had multiple submissions (notably, Vriska).
If there’s anything I should know about any of the accepted girlbosses (”The person who played this girlboss is currently being prosecuted for murder in North Carolina” or other similar aspects of despicability that should get them disqualified) please inform me off-anon, with evidence. While some of these girlbosses are literal murderers, those who have shed human blood are either fictional or have been dead for over a century, but I don’t want any current murderers around. I want everyone on tumblr to be able to enjoy this tournament if possible.
Polls should begin some time this weekend, assuming no problems arise.
Vriska Serket vs. Azula
Makima vs. Lady Macbeth
Wu Zhao vs. Asahina Tomiko
Edelgard von Hresvelg vs. Allison (Kill Six Billion Demons)
Turanga Leela vs. Emily Prentiss
Lady Dimitrescu vs. Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche
Franziska von Karma vs. Gerri Kellman
Romana vs. Missy
Hatsune Miku vs. Lord Dominator
Kim Wexler vs. Dahlia Hawthorne
Maria Calavera vs. Maria (Silent Hill 2)
Lup Taaco vs. Fig Faeth
Banica Conchita vs. Queen Maud/Empress Matilda
Lady Jessica vs. Jadwiga
Stepmother (Dimension 20) vs. Fine (Symphogear)
Princess Caroline vs. Queen (Deltarune)
Amanda Young vs. Erica Slaughter
Charlie vs. Victim
Charlotte Hale vs. Bryce Tankthrust
Edalyn Clawthorne vs. Amaya
Fujiko Mine vs. Mitsuru Kirijo
Arashi Narukami vs. Mizuki Akiyama
Bela Talbot vs. Hamyuts Meseta
Michael Burnham vs. Eva Popoff
Anna Kyoyama vs. Ava Maddox
Giulia Tofana vs. Eleanor Guthrie
Renee Minkowski vs. Katherine Pulitzer
Ozaki Kouyou vs. Ayt Madashi
Romina vs. Clytemnestra
Pioneer 10 vs. Prospera Mercury
Kafka vs. Jinx
Chrisjen Avasarala vs. Dana Scully
Grell Sutcliffe vs. Misa Amane
T'Pring vs. Della Duck
Madalena (Galavant) vs. Cersei Lannister
Baru Cormorant vs. Riza Hawkeye
Cleopatra vs. Morton Salt Girl
Susie (Deltarune) vs. Emma (The Promised Neverland)
Pearl Forrester vs. GlaDOS
Mapleshade vs. Midna
Amanda Waller vs. Victoria Hand
Chevalier d'Eon vs. Samus
The Golden Witch Beatrice vs. Morgana
Amy Dunne vs. Irene Adler
Junko Enoshima vs. Usagi Tsukino
Sharpay Evans vs. Heather Chandler
Moira O'Deorain vs. Tsunade
Welegato/Cairngorm vs. Garnet (Steven Universe)
Ada Wong vs. Medea
Shego vs. Loba
Maddie Fenton vs. Pearl Houzuki
Cala Maria vs. Morathi
Akane Kurashiki vs. Evolved One
Boudica vs. Tlacey
Larxene vs. The Administrator
Jane Johnston Schoolcraft vs. Joan d'Arc
Koyanskaya vs. Mitzi May
Eowyn vs. Chacha
Alexis Rose vs. Julia Cotton
Shenzi vs. Tak
Grandmother Raven vs. Roxanne Wolf
Toph Beifong vs. Sasha Waybright
April O'Neil vs. Misty Quigley
Rose Lalonde vs. Mia Fey
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I know you're done with your Queen fics, but that post with the dresses made me think of your Queen Empress AU. It totally made me think of Freddie in a grand ball xD When I'm having a crappy day, I go back and re-read your snippets as it's a lovely escape from reality. Please don't ever delete them : )
I promise I don't intend to delete them. I'm glad you enjoy them 💕
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heavenlyhoundoom · 3 months
Remember the wereanimals vs vampires au that I kind of forgotten about?
Well, I remembered it, and decided to add more characters to it.
Character lists
.Princess Bubblegum
.Peppermint Butler
.Sister Moon(werefox)
.Solar Flare
.Balloon Boy
.Bing Bong
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🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings 🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate 🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here ☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
🍄 When Buck and Eddie get together, it's almost imperceptible at work, other than the occasional pet names slipping out. Neither of them is willing to risk doing anything that could be considered inappropriate and being separated and unable to look out for each other on the job. They make up for it by being completely inseparable at home, one of them always having their arms or legs draped over the other or sitting in each other's laps. Eddie stands behind Buck with his arms around his waist while he cooks, Buck does the same to Eddie while he's cleaning up. Chris stops inviting friends over because his dads are embarrassing, saying he'll wait until their honeymoon phase wears off. He eventually gives up when he realizes that it never will
🍦(you do love to challenge me) three good things about Freddy Lounds:
She's smart, she figures out a way to get in and out of places she shouldn't be to get her stories without getting caught or doing anything legally actionable
She's perceptive, she saw Will in a way only Hannibal (and Matthew) were able to. She sees beyond appearances to who people truly are
She's determined, she goes after what she wants, and doesn't let anyone or anything get in the way. One way or another, she always gets her story
🪲 from Willow and Boorman’s lost memories (not the title, just the premise)
He knew he should stick to something he'd made before but this was a special occasion and it was hard not to indulge Elora when she was so excited. 
“I found this recipe and it sounds delicious, but I've always been more of a baker. Would you mind making this one for us, Boorman?” She'd looked up at him with her big blue eyes full of pleading as she held the book open for him. How could he say no?
“Anything for our empress.” He'd smiled at her, taking the book and looking over the strange recipe. It was more complicated than his usual choices but that too seemed fitting for the night. 
☁️ I walk around singing the song from this scene often, when asked why the only answer I give is to quote Pooh "I'm a little black rain cloud, of course"
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orangecreamsoda · 1 year
Multifandom tarot card deck collab! Open 8/22
Welcome to the multifandom tarot card deck collab!
I have created a tarot card PSD for everyone to use for this collab. But if you don’t have photoshop, there’s a png of the tarot card at the bottom of this post.
To claim a card, tell your username and what fandom you want.
Up to two cards per a person 
One fandom per a card
No fighting over card or fandoms
No OCs allowed
No AI generate art
In the event of someone were to drop out of the collab for any reason, then another slot will be open for everyone.
You can redo/remake your entry. You need to tell me first.
Taken Fandom:
Lobotomy corp
five nights at Freddy’s
Brutal Legend
The Owl House
Steven Universe
Steven Universe
Dead by Daylight 
Ghost and pals
Card list:
The Fool: SammylovsherBF | Undertale
The Magician: Mackncheezoffical | five nights at Freddy’s
The High Priestess: Maddygirl13 | Dead By Daylight
The Empress: UserName | Fandom
The Emperor: Cyberwolf7777 | Brutal Legend
The Hierophant: UserName | Fandom
The Lovers: Basil_Simp | The Owl House
The Charoit: UserName | Fandom
Strength : kyia7330 | OK K.O
The Hermit: UserName | Fandom
The Wheel of Fortune : UserName | Fandom
Justice: Ventune | Lobotomy Corp
The Hanged Man : Basil_Simp | Omori
Death: Thisanemoslime | Ghost and pals
Temperance: UserName | Fandom
The Devil: TunesLooney | Cuphead
The Tower: UserName | Fandom
The Star: @FuntimeTails17 | Sonic
The Moon: Os-a-lot | Rubbadubbers
The Sun: kyia7330 | Steven Universe
Judgement: Maddygirl13 | Pokemon
The World: UserName | Fandom
Deadline: Nov 5th
If you have any questions, please let me know.
PNG Tarot Card Template:
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
Auradon Royal Families
United States of Auradon - King Adam Lyon - Queen Belle Lyon - Prince Benjamin Florian Lyon
- Lady Snow White Nolan - Lord Florian Nolan -- Ambrose Nolan -- Blossom Nolan -- Conner Nolan -- Darien Nolan -- Therese Nolan -- Winter Nolan -- Ghost Nolan - Lady Rose Red
- Lady Ella Charming - Lord Christopher Charming -- Chance Charming -- Chadwick Charming -- Chloe Charming
- Lady Aurora Rose - Lord Phillip Rose -- Audrey Rose -- Ariana Rose
- Lady Alice Wonderland -- Ally Wonderland
- Lord Arthur Pendragon - Lady Guinevere Pendragon -- Arturius Pendragon -- Alexander Pendragon
- Lord Eric Delphis - Lady Ariel Delphis -- Melody Delphis -- Elspeth "Elle" Delphis
- Lord Naveen Rogers - Lady Tiana Rogers -- Bhavin Rogers -- Harshit Rogers -- Namasya Rogers -- Tavasya Rogers (adopted) -- Devika Rogers (adopted)
Queendom of Corona - Queen Rapunzel Fitzherbert - King Eugene Fitzherbert -- Princess Anxelin Fitzherbert -- Princess Gineva Fitzherbert (exiled) -- Princess Ruby Fitzherbert
Agrabah - Sultana Jasmine - Consort Aladdin -- Aziz -- Malika -- Neisha -- Nura
- Jabari (Genie) - Dalia -- Lian -- Omar -- Qadira (Jordan)
China - High Princess Tingting - Lord Ling - Empress Mei - Emporer Yao -- Princess Yi-min - Princess Su - Lord Chein Po
- Ambassador Fa Mulan - Ambassador Li Shang -- Li Liang (Lonnie) -- Li Susu (Li'l Shang) - Fa Munan - Fa Fang -- Fa Kai-Ming
Arandelle - Queen Anna - King Kristoff -- Princess Nora -- Prince Noah -- Prince Isak
- Queen Elsa
Kingdom of Atlantica - King Triton -- Princess Aquata -- Princess Andriana -- Princess Arista -- Princess Attina -- Princess Adella -- Princess Alana --- Arabella
- Ursula - Doctor Facilier -- Uma Facilier -- Freddie Facilier -- Celia Facilier -- Oceana Facilier -- Riptide Facilier
- Morganna -- Squeaky Smee -- Squirmy Smee -- Sammy Smee -- Desiree
Atlantis - Queen Kida - King Milo -- Kyan -- Kaldur -- Kelaino
Court of Olympus - King Zeus - Queen Hera -- Aphrodite -- Apollo -- Athena -- Demeter -- Hephaestus -- Hermes - Poseidon
Court of the Underworld - King Hades (exiled) - Queen Persephone (exiled) - Lord Thanatos - Lord Cerberus - Lady Megara -- Lord Nico di Angelo -- Lady Hazel Levesque -- Lady Cora -- Lady Selah -- Lord Harabolos (exiled)
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