#empty cup ask
amphiptere-art · 1 year
Remember asks are open.
RBB. travels of the cube.
This ask series has been modified slightly. It is now simply a collection of sporadic travel events with a couple of asks afterwards or perhaps before to flush out the in-between. The current event is stop ya silly siren. Where after Blue Moon was saved from drowning in the sea has now latched onto the main mast terrified. Captain Eclipse and Sun were able to figure out a way to calm down Blue Moon and allow him to help by being their wind. You're currently going down into the ship with the mysterious navigator moon.
Cruel copy.
This is a Lord Moon world. Where everyone has technically die but been brought back from the dead without their memories. Or at least fragmented memories. Causing confusion and stress. The latest events that happened were Wizard went with gladiator to return werewolf to Butler by going to Witch. Gladiator left soon after while Wizard stayed behind and tried to talk with Butler. The conversation was going okay before it wasn't and Wizard left. Butler is now having a crisis.
Empty cup ask
This is the world of Honey and Cider. A Lord Lunar universe with the added twist that the servant eclipse isn't pretending. They are very much sentient but are very broken due to trauma. The wither storm has dragged you into the fray because he is bored. Right now everyone is attempting to figure out how to entertain honey and cider. While also entertaining the guests that the void has dragged in. The current guests being a pod of Mers.
Blue Moon and black star show
This is the main storyline ask Tumblr. And is the only Tumblr where I might be selective with asks, and will update with actual written story.
This takes place sometime in the future. Approximately probably about a week after RBB-earth finally came to the daycare. You can ask all characters in red blue and black. Although I'm going to mainly focus on Black Star Blue Moon and RBB Earth. Currently you guys have convinced a black star to leave and try and get help. Blue Moon has been talking to some of the asker's about their new strange behavior.
Sulky star cluster
This has reblog conversations. Which makes it so that character in that conversation is unavailable for asks. Although they will have conversations as long as it is set up properly.
This is a star holder Glam Rock Freddy world that has been taken over by black Star. Who has made it a refuge for Eclipses. There is the ones black Star directly took into the Plex, and then others who came along and set up a city outside of the Plex. Currently Cygnus is talking about repairs in a reblog conversation. Rigel is getting his bike repaired with sundown eclipse and those that live with him. Antares is at the library with Honey, Cider, and chapter trying to enjoy himself.
Stardust arcade
Completely unattached to tsams. It is a unique cast of characters trying to figure out how to be nice to everyone. The world is split between new AI and old AI. Robot rights have just started to get settled. But the new AI are making it a struggle for the old AI. Making it a struggle of verses with only you asker's and blood moon the therapist in works.
Ask the amph greater universe.
This also includes all role plays I make. Meaning that reblog conversations happen more often.
I decided to change up this thing to just be a general area to ask any of my characters. Whether they be DCA, Tsams, or fantasy. This is a place for you to ask whoever you want in an environment where they are in their universe. There's nothing to update because I just made this. This ask blog is not timeline sensitive. hopefully. I do like to consider the asks before. This ask blog can also be crossover sensitive. Meaning that to some extent, All crossovers are cannon within this ask blog.
In many of my asks your physical. The only difference is that in most it is your avatar, while an RBB it is the cube.
Also I will note some of these asks blogs are semi-story. Meaning that the previous ask is taken into consideration. This includes RBB-TfTC, CC, Empty cup, And maybe atAGU. There's only one ask blog that is selective. That being BS&BM ask. And that's mostly for a plot purposes.
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shortcakelils · 11 months
More Marigold??
:3 Please??
We love her‼️
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birdmitosis · 4 months
💔 for the chapter 3 princesses?
💔 An angsty headcanon
Like Tower before Her, Apotheosis cannot really emotionally connect to individual people, but while Tower would be unhappy and lonely if She never had people around Her at all, Apotheosis has trouble with that. Individuals are just so small, even if they wanted to get near Her. The Protagonist would be the only one who could ease that for Her; without him, Apotheosis really is a supremely lonely god.
Den can still hear the cabin and the basement -- Her cage, Her pit -- talks to Her. It's why She's starving, malnourished. It tells Her that She deserves it after what She did.
Eye of the Needle, if Adversary progresses to that point, is far less capable of being able to readjust to a more normal life. She has gotten to a point where She constantly feels unsatisfied by never having the fight She was denied. She might not be forever doomed to that, but She may fall into the trap of eternally searching for it.
Fury's rage is stoked by a severe self-loathing. She hates what She has become and hates the Protagonist for turning Her into it. Without the Protagonist around, that rage is still there, but Her self-loathing eats at Her more. She is less than what She was, She thinks, and She can never get it back. She was denied that. She takes this to mean She can never be better, so She embraces being worse even though She doesn't want to. (As a less angsty headcanon, this makes me think She might get along with Witch/Thorn/that version of Wild.)
Burned Grey remembers trying so hard to accept the Protagonist destroying what few small desires She had: to leave the cabin with him, and to not die. She tried to accept his decision, even with tears in Her eyes, but now She accepts Her desires fully even if they hurt both Her and him. She would, I think, be the vessel most upset about never being allowed Her wish in the end if not for the full understanding that seems to come with reuniting with the Shifting Mound.
Drowned Grey cannot emote and cannot quite access Her own emotions in Her death. Unlike the Burned Grey, where the dry heat that consumes the entire Construct is an expression of Her desire to burn it all down and destroy it all -- which She fully feels and is aware of -- the constant rain in the Drowned Grey's route is Her sorrow fully externalized. She can't cry and She can't even quite feel like She wants to cry anymore, but the Construct itself weeps. She thinks that drowning the Protagonist is making him feel how She choked on Her own blood... It isn't, but She does want him to feel and understand Her: the emotions She can no longer access, She needs him to be fully faced with Her sorrow at being betrayed, at not being trusted, at not being understood.
Moment of Clarity is as broken down as the Protagonist and any of his voices. They are not the only ones who have done all of this over and over and over and over and over again, after all. And they have all exhausted every other option before finally freeing Her solely because they can no longer avoid it. They can no longer do anything else. The tender moment She shares with the Protagonist is almost despite Herself... He is finally, finally letting Her out and it almost looks like he made the choice to do so. She can almost pretend he made the choice to do so. But he tried so hard to put it off until choices just didn't exist for either of them anymore, didn't he?
Thorn still has so much Witch in Her. This isn't the headcanon; it's obvious if you choose literally any of the options other than finally freeing Her. My headcanon is that if She would, of course, sometimes continue to backslide into being more like Witch in negative situations. And She would hate it. There'd be a lot of uncertainty in Her still if She could actually be better, if She wasn't still the worst.
Networked Wild, if She could actually escape like that -- even with the Protagonist and the voices -- would still always feel incomplete and too afraid to ever risk looking at and facing what She'd done, what they had done, and what it might mean for all of them. They would probably always be doomed to fall apart at some point.
Wounded Wild feels incomplete, even if She will always feel grateful for the kindness, empathy, and companionship She receives "despite" being incomplete. Maybe She can work past that eventually, but it will take her a long time, and also a long time to really feel okay facing who and what She had been and done. (Again, a slightly less angsty headcanon, but I think this means Wounded Wild-from-Beast would get along well with Thorn.)
Wraith wants so, so badly to be able to heal Her relationship with the Protagonist and to forgive him and the voices. She wants it so badly She can't let herself realize it. The one moment She allows herself to is when, if they toss themselves and Her into the abyss, She asks "WHY DO YOU HATE ME?" Her laughter that follows is at Herself for Her folly.
Arms Race/No Way Out doesn't know how to be anything other than a weapon, doesn't know how to do anything other than hurt the Protagonist. Doesn't know how to want anything else. She is joy in Her purpose, but She is nothing outside of it. She likes him, yes, but She doesn't know what to do with it. She is -- ironically, given the name of the alternate Chapter IV -- empty, maybe even more so than the Deconstructed Damsel.
Mutually Assured Destruction/Empty Cup panics because She does not know how to be anything other than what She is. If She steps out into the unknown -- if She changes -- what is She? Is She nothing if She is not the one who hurts the Protagonist? All She can do when Her armor and sharp edges crumple and strip away is to put Her heart in his hand and trust that he will be able to lead Her to what comes next.
Stranger doesn't have a Chapter III at all, but so They aren't left out entirely: what happened shook Them all up really badly at first. It wasn't just Harsh, Neutral, and Soft all pleading with the Protagonist at the end of their chapter, but Emo and even Monster as well.
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scandalouslamb · 1 month
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(your tags)
honestly, i'm just imagining his main account looking so formal, and classy (iykwim) and his finsta is just. chaos.
re: tags I put on this post by @persephoneprice
Yeah, this public facing accounts are definitely like that! For his privates/personals, it's chaos in a way, but in my imagination, it's like sparse and random chaos? I guess is the best way to describe it is maximum 5 posts at a time (he keeps deleting posts) and it's like:
A fast food cup from the top down on a white table. A throwback picture to the Capitol kids playing Ring-Around-the-Rings. Mirror selfie before event at the Presidential Palace but he's not looking at the mirror he's looking down at his phone which is chest level. A really blurry out of focus shot of an Academy classroom taken with the camera peeking out from his elbow during class. The sidewalk with his shoes poking into frame.
He just rambles in the captions, or there's no caption at all.
Like, somehow it's almost an aesthetic, but it's also clearly a guy who doesn't know what he's doing?
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empty-cup-ask · 10 months
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possuminnit · 5 months
i hope you find a water bottle with infinite water so you never have No More Water ever again
thank you met, everytime i finsih a drink i experience every stage of grief Why does it empty so fast😞
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kevin-the-bruyne · 2 months
just wanted to let you know that the toxic SandRay fic was better than you might be thinking. the two of them were mostly in character and the story progression was true to who they are. it's nice to see an edgy exploration of ray's headspace and sand's headspace--because like you mentioned and implied, they're left in a hopeful, but not fully resolved, place as a couple at the end of Only Friends. just because a good number of folks want escapism, doesn't mean there isn't space or value for a more painful/difficult story filled with angst. i hope you continue to write such challenging works, and perhaps become even bolder. kudos be damned.
First of all, I want to say how much I appreciate that you not only read my author notes but came here to encourage me over it. It means a lot and *is* exactly the kind of engagement that I feel I lack in pushing my 'edgier' stories as you say through. But I'll be using this as an opportunity to explain my struggles with writing for this fandom. The problem isn't necessarily that I don't know my stories are good. I've been writing for FK for years, was the first person to release a fic solely dedicated to FK RPF on AO3, first author to write AlanGaipa and also started writing Sandray before the show aired. Despite doing almost no promo and not being active on twitter, my fics get a very respectable amount of kudos and it would be very disingenuous of me to insinuate that I'm not a popular writer. I think for people to hear me call 'Can You Blow My Mind' a flop was very shocking because it's obviously not a flop! It got 35 kudos in one day and has over 70 comments and 165 kudos at the time of answering this ask. But people can only see the end product. What I'm referring to is the months of silence and neglect between chapter 1 and chapter 2 and that continued silence well after the release of chapter 2 when suddenly there was an outburst of interest. I had totally given up on the fic and suddenly there's 4 comments in my inbox desperate for an update. We went from 0 to 100 SO fast on that fic I had no idea what was going on or what people even wanted me to do about it hahaha.
Kind of similarly my alangaipa fic homecoming was abandoned because a popular blog promoted it on their twitter and suddenly there was an influx of people who have no idea who I am enamored with how wonderful and fluffy it is. And I just didn't have the heart to be like if I do it right, the continuation of this fic is going to be the most painful exploration of grief and loneliness this world has ever witnessed. I think no matter how popular my fics get or how many of them I release. I personally, seem to gain no discernible recognition with my readers and never get the trust in my process that is so integral to writing difficult fics. There are literally four readers who engage with me while I write these very dense and difficult fics and the months it takes me to write them is just very lonely. I would love to get bolder. I have been concocting a pirate sandray that will redefine the term toxicity lmao. But let's talk about what writing that fic might actually feel like?
It's pirate!Sand kidnapping prince!Ray for ransom. Ray who is trans will spend the entire time trying to baby trap Sand but create a terrible situation where Sand believing that Ray loves him will rape him. So what of a story that will be strife with already difficult topics like transphobia and childhood trauma with the added burdens of Ray falling in love with his rapist? Do I know if it will have a happy ending? Do I know if Ray will ever genuinely get past it? Will Sand? How can I write this story? All I know is that my willpower alone is not enough to see it through. Fanfic authors are different from regular authors and/or otherwise social med influencers in one key way - our readers ARE our writing community. They're not end users or clients or patrons, I can't manage reader expectations and write for hits because I am the one in need of management hahaha. So in many ways fuck kudos but only if there's a reader as dedicated as @kattyangel was to seeing whispered secrets finished 😂
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boredom thy name is coco
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Progress I made today:
Picked up all the laundry that I haven't done in over a month and a half (depression sucks ass and now it's getting overwhelming and my anxiety makes me not want to do it) so now it's not all over my floor
Threw away nearly everything he gave me except for the Legos and made a pile of stuffed animals he gave me to give to my friend's daughter. I might even get rid of the majority of the Legos too. Just not yet.
That's it but I have a lot of fucking laundry and I kept not wanting to get rid of the stuff bc I couldn't bear to look at it long enough to pick it up
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green-lanterns-c0ck · 6 months
"accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss" JohnKyle
John's day is going bad. His car broke down in the middle of nowhere, Ohio, his mother is in the hospital, and if he doesn't get to his meeting with his rich and eccentric potential client on time, he won't get the job, and if he doesn't get the job, he won't have the money to pay for either her medical bills or the car repair.
There's no trains, taxis, or airports in walking distance from nowhere, Ohio, and John has not slept in about three days. All in all, his day is going bad, and he's very stressed and taking the random unlocked car with the keys in the ignition made sense in the moment, okay?
It's not like he plans on keeping it! He just needs to get to the airport and then he'll leave it behind and even put a bit of change on the seat to pay for the gas. This won't hold up in any court, but it made sense in John's head when he decided to do it, and now it's too late to back out, he's already two hours in. So all in all, John's day is going so incredibly badly it'd be hard pressed to get worse.
And that's when the guy sleeping in the footspace of the back seats wakes up.
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americanpsychopomp · 7 months
auditory processing is so silly sometimes cause ill ask someone something and then have to guess what they said and hope i dont immediately do exactly the opposite
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
I think my main problem with minimalist architecture isn't even that I find it ugly and loveless (which is a separate thing I'll try not to go into) but that it just feels unfinished to me?
Like, I know this is a finished building but it just kinda looks like there's something missing and it irks me on a level that goes beyond if I think it's aesthetically pleasing because I can get that. Not personally but I can see why someone would be into the sleek and stylish cube look because of the "modern" appeal or whatever I can see how someone would explain their like of minimalism in architectural design.
But on a personal level it just feels to me like you started something and then you just. Stopped. Minimalist buildings to me feel like a work in progress that's just been abandoned and given up on. Like when I sketch something and then abandon that to sketch another idea I just had and that goes on and on and on and on so there's this abundance of unfinished sketches that have just been left to themselves but I tell myself that they're finished because "You can see what it's supposed to be. Mission accomplished." And they just make me a little sad to be honest because it looks like someone started something and then they just. left.
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empty-cup-ask · 7 months
hello been a but since ive been here how are yall
I think it's going okay. The mers seem happy. They seem to be struggling with their own family issues, but they seem happy. Cider is off reading again. Looks like he's went to the last remaining tree around here. I kind of want to join him. Relax a bit. Crossing my fingers that the world doesn't die.
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[ID: A Naruto panel from VOTE1. Naruto cries while power emanates from him, and he growls, "Your friend." End ID]
And a quick edit I ended up not even using for my web weaving! I just edited out the title :)
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maythray · 1 year
adding a "lol" to the end of my messages as if im not seething with rage
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bioaccumulation · 1 year
I need to live with a clean freak who has short hair. I am losing my mind living with my roommate with long hair that gets everywhere and she doesnt know how to clean
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