#enby Seb
f1-disaster-bi · 2 months
I REALLY loved that snippet you did for Similar w/ non-binary Seb a while ago, so: maybe some angst for that verse, if you want?
"It's not like whatever shit he's harping on about now is real, Sebastian heard one of the drivers whisper a row or two from behind him, "There's only two genders. He's just trying to gain new fans since his season is shit"
Sebastian felt something sick twist in their gut as they heard what the other driver had to say about them. It made their chest hurt, and their eyes ache but they kept their head held high.
They would never regret coming out even if half the time, the media and some of the team misgendered them or gave them weird looks now. Sebastian had tried to ignore it and focus on all the messages of support that had flooded in, and more importantly, the messages from people just like Sebastian that now had someone to look up too in this sport. They had Sebastian proudly wearing his gender identity like armour and creating a space for non-binary people's voices to be heard by using their own.
Yet it still hurt.
It hurt to hear someone they had considered a friend talk about them with such disdain in his voice. That someone they had shared laughter and drinks with, could turn around and scorn Sebastian simply for existing.
They knew this would happen. That not everyone would be welcoming or supportive or understanding but Sebastian held their head high as they looked around the room as it started to fill out. They couldn't help but smile as they met Charles's eyes, and the other non-binary but not out driver looked at Sebastian as if they hung the moon. They looked at Lando, tucked in beside Charles and noticed how the young trans-man had started to carrying himself unapologetically since Sebastian had come out. Those two might not be out, and may never be out, but Sebastian knew how having someone on the grid take that leap had reassured them both in ways they may never be able to put words too.
Sebastian was drawn out of their thoughts when more vile words were said behind them but they were quickly silenced as an arm wrapped around their shoulder.
"Shut the fuck up with that backwards shit ", Kimi all but growled at the other driver, glaring over his shoulder, words ice cold.
Sebastian relaxed into Kimi’s side and touch, taking a breath for what felt like the first time since they had sat down.
Let them talk shit all they wanted, because Sebastian knew their worth and they knew that no-matter what, Kimi was always going to be right by their side to help them face whatever the world threw at them.
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ceoandslutler · 1 month
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this was crazy btw 💜
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loveislandthegame · 6 months
i’ll always love season 3, i know it has the reputation of being “Friend Island” and childish but honestly, it’s so cute and funny. also it’s lgbt paradise 😍
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wolfsbanesbite · 1 year
very much late (sorry)
i think we all need a little bit of enby seb in our lives because idk about you but i feel there is a lack of it (possibly with simi bc of course)
anyways, much love and i hope your day is good <3333
Hey anon!
Yessss we need more Enby Seb! My beloved. His latest Instagram reel made me so happy as his hair is so long you can just...tie that up so prettily. Just I have a lot of thoughts about it 👀👀👀👀👀
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themanirealityshifter · 2 months
💭📚🌙WR DR Script🌙📚💭
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
• { Name: Newt/Cosmo/Mars/Seb } • • { Middle Name: Fynn/Zachery } • • { Last Name: Same as in my CR } • • { Age: 24 } •
• { Pronouns: He/It/Xe/They } • • { Gender Identity: Genderfluid Genderflux Enby TransGuy } • • { Romantic Orientation: Aromantic } • • { Sexual Orientation: Myrsexual } • • { Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous; Homoalterous; Omniqueerplatonic; Panexteramo; Pansensual; Panaesthetic } •
• { Parent(s): Not included/Present in DR } • • { Sibling(s): Not included/Present in DR } • • { Other Family Member(s): Not included/Present in DR } • • { Partner(s): Darcy/Trevor [CR Last Name] } • • { Best Friend(s): My tumblr besties/Present Occasionally } • • { Friend(s): My tumblr friends/Present Occasionally } •
• { Description: Same as in my CR, except with longer hair (wolfcut) and fully transitioned } • • { Personality: Same as in my CR } • • { Accessories: Anything I Want } • • { Abilities: Shape-shifting; Summoning Powers; Mental Connection; Can speak every language; Can talk to animals/magical creatures } •
• { Extra Fact(s): Knows where any book is and how to get to it just by thinking about it; Cannot get hungry/thirsty, but can eat/drink if I want to; Sleep is always good and restful; Mental health is a bit better/easier to maintain; There are no other humans there except for my partner and I, and ones that I summon; There is peace and happiness in abundance there, and no war whatsoever; I can change anything about my DR while I’m in it; There is a whole room dedicated to never-ending ramen } •
• { General Description } •
• { A giant library set right next to the mountains, with endless rooms inside filled with every single book in the world, rooms filled with every food in the world, rooms dedicated to my very favorite and biggest obsessions/interests, and each room has a different weather theme out the window. The outside of the library, the world that it is set in, is full of green hills, plains, and mountains, and oceans that are clear water. Wild horses are usually seen on the plains. Dragons live near the library (and my partner and I get to ride them!!). } •
• { Image Claims/Inspo (all credit to original artists/posters) } •
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• { Me in this DR (Picrew Form) } •
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princemick-archive · 2 years
in light of todays events, heres a list of fellow trans and enby people that run some amazing f1/motorsports blogs.
so go and send some love and support their way!
@russilton - george and lewis main. he/him.
@kmagsy - kevin main. he/it/they.
@xiaozhous - zhou and lewis main. he/him.
@schumaclerc - mick and george. he/they.
@mickstart - schumi main. she/they/he.
@spygate - alonso main. she/they.
@jaytwo - lewis main. she/they.
@teamgreenheart - seb main. he/they.
@ilikecarsandlike4people - lewis main. he/him.
@ruszhou - george and guanyu main. any pronouns.
@zhoubottas - lewis and george main. he/they
@abtracing - lewis dan and fe main. she/they.
feel free to reblog this post btw!
(got the terfs main so go block that n dont give him the attention he wants)
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watercolor-hearts · 7 months
idk if i’m too late, but since i know there is a lot going on rn i wanted to still send this bc i thought it’s really cute
so prompt 2 from the small things that matter in romance with simi? (maybe enby seb trying on a new dress for the first time?)
anyways, love you v stay stong and be safe 🖤
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Dear Nyx, you're never too late. (I'm the one who's usually too late. Just like now.) You (and everybody else) can always send prompts, not only when the prompt list is on the top of my profile. ❤
Love you too. ❤
@wolfsbanesbite Hi dear, since you and Nyx sent me the same prompt, I've dediced to just put your ask here because I think it's better than posting the same story twice. 😊
Do you remember this drawing I made back in February? Because I do and wanted to write a story for it for so long but never actually did. Until now. 😉 (Not a whole story with everything in it, only a short one. ❤)
Enby Seb and Kimi preparing for the Autosport Awards gala, enby Seb's first public appearence in feminine clothing.
Thank your for sending the prompts and sorry for the long wait. I hope you'll like the story. 😊
Seb/Kimi • 834 words • non-binary Seb • feminine clothing • makeup • fluff • supportive Kimi • happy vibes, happy life (😂❤) • Ao3 link
“I should've bought a bra for this, don't you think?” Seb asked, observing themselves in the mirror in their red dress, Kimi standing behind them. “I feel like it's a bit flat here,” they gestured towards their chest where the material of their cowl neck dress lay with perfect loose drapes between the two golden chain strands on their shoulders. 
“Well, if what I say matters, I think you look perfect the way you are,” Kimi said, sliding both of his hands down on Sebastian's torso, feeling the perfect shape of his partner's body, and then leaning closer to their neck to hint a kiss on it, making Seb's heart pick up pace and their cheeks turn pink. “But if you want, next time we can buy you a bra, I'm sure we can stuff it with socks or something,” he added, making Seb laugh genuinely. They've always appreciated Kimi's help and problem-solving skills. 
“I don't even know what I would do without you,” they said, turning around to look into Kimi's eyes, a soft smile on their face. 
“Well, the good thing is that you don’t have to think about it.”
“I’m so lucky,” Seb smiled, their heart filled with love.
“I have something for you,” Kimi said while trying to fish something out of his pocket, “to make the look complete. I hope you like it,” he gave the little red box to Seb and looked at their face to see their reaction. He really hoped Sebastian would like his gift.
“What’s—” Seb wanted to ask as they lifted the lid of the box but when they saw the light catching the beautiful, golden jewelry, they couldn’t believe what they saw. “Oh my God, Kimi!”
“Clip-on earrings because you’ve always wanted to try them,” Kimi explained, ��And a necklace to highlight the beauty of your neck.”
Seb had to blink a few times to make the tears go away. They didn’t want to cry because the lady in the makeup store told them it's not a good idea to cry when they have mascara on. They went for the waterproof one just to make sure.
“What do you think?” Kimi asked a few moments later. “I tried to buy something simple because I don’t know if y—”
“I—I just…” Seb wanted to say something but they couldn’t find the right words, so instead they went for a hug and then a kiss. These two things tell more than words.
“Do you want to try it on?”
“Of course I do,” Seb nodded, clipping on the first earring with trembling hands and then the second one too. 
“And here comes the necklace,” Kimi said in a soft tone as he put it on and clipped it so that Seb could adjust it a bit to make sure the pendant was centered.
Seb took a few steps towards the mirror to take a closer look at their new jewelry (and completed look) and the euphoria they felt was so new and unexpected that they didn’t even know what to do or say, they just stood there with sparkling eyes and a huge grin on their face. 
“You look amazing,” Kimi said, touching Seb’s hand and lifting it up to twirl them and make them feel like a princess.
“I feel amazing,” Seb grinned while turning around, the bottom part of their red evening dress flying in the air as well as their golden curls. “I feel… I… I don’t even know how to describe it. I feel free. I… I feel like I’m myself. I’m not scared anymore. I feel confident.”
“I’m so proud of you for taking this big step. You shouldn’t have given a fuck about what people think. What matters is that you’re free and you’re your true self. People who don’t like this don't deserve to be a part of your life.”
They've never felt luckier to have Kimi in their life. They don't have to do this alone. They're not alone, and that's the most important – to have somebody they can always count on. And Seb can always count on Kimi. From the very first moment.
“I couldn’t have done this without you,” Seb looked into Kimi’s icy blue eyes, falling in love over and over again, “Thank you.”
“Glad to be with you along this journey,” Kimi said, leaning closer for a quick kiss. He really wanted to give Seb more than a kiss but he knew the taxi would be there at any minute.“We should go now,” he said after, “We’ll be late if we don’t hurry up.”
“I can’t wait to be there” Seb exclaimed, quickly getting their red purse and taking a quick last look at the mirror to see if everything was perfect and their lipstick and weren’t too smudged.
“Are you ready?” “Kimi asked, holding out his hand for Seb who then interlocked their fingers and hinted a kiss on them.
“I’ve never felt more ready in my life.”
“Then let’s go.”
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I like Sebastian, but enby Seb is top tier. I really can't wait for more CT, and the 1920s Sebardagni AU has me by the ankles.
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souperbat · 2 months
HAI I'M SEB - 15
I also do art boom
adventure time, musicals, Scott Pilgrim, South Park, hazbin hotel, good omens AND A LOT MORE IDK
DM me and be insane with me especially about superbat it would make me very very happy boom
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ravenadottir · 2 years
Not every litg character is bisexual or non binary.
who said they were?
and are you referencing the ask about bobby being enby? because if you are, that's why we said HEADCANON, anon. you can vibe with it or not, your choice, but canon is just as written as headcanon. don't forget it's all made up.
and we were speaking from experience. non binary is something that some people might take a while to realize, if they are indeed non binary. or genderfluid. and because of our own gender identity, anon and i were speculating, i don't think there's anything wrong with that.
plus, we only said henrik and bobby... i don't know where you got eVeRy cHaRaCtEr from what we talked about.
also also, talking about bisexuality, LOTS of characters are confirmed bisexuals, pan, fluid, gay at some point. season 2 alone has its majority canonically bi.
canon, "under the bisexual umbrella":
arjun - bi, either mc or elijah;
elijah - bi, either mc or arjun;
elisa - bi
hannah - bi, towards the end of the season, and you can run from the wedding with her. she can also be an li during cmm;
henrik. he confirms he's looking for connections and not girls specifically. that can be a bunch of things, including pan or demi. either way, under the bisexual umbrella;
lottie - bi, just like hannah;
marisol - bi or pan, depending on what mc says she likes, whether 'girls' or 'connections';
priya - bi, she comes out during cmm;
rocco, he says he would try with guys, on the first challenge, as he winks at them, so... fluid;
bisexual tendencies
some people just love ignoring open flirting between boys and call it "friendship" or "jokes". when i look at two dudes openly flirting and exchanging a kiss, i'm not laughing, i'm happy for the representation. y'all are historians!
bobby - melts every time he hears noah's voice and gets all jumpy and nervous, besides complimenting it openly. exchanges a kiss on the lips with noah during the season. openly flirts with noah during cmm;
gary - he can also exchange a kiss on the lips with noah and compliments it, feeling flushed right after. he shouldn't be off the list. granted there's nothing else but i guess you're worried about canon, so i'm giving you canon;
lucas - he gets attached to henrik very early on but no other bombshells behave like that, nor girls or boys. they call each other cute names and can SNIFF THE PILLOW OF THE GUY THAT LEAVES (that goes for both);
noah - he can kiss gary or bobby during the season, compliments the kiss, and flirts with bobby during cmm;
straight, no same-sex romantic, flirty or sexual interaction whatsoever, or are canonically straight:
chelsea, confirms during cmm that she's heterossexual;
as you can see, even if you don't count bi tendencies, we still have loads of bi's in the season, more LGBTQ+ than straight people, and that's just on season 2.
9 LGBTQ+ are li's at some point, whether during the season, confirmed during wedding or cmm. we only have 5 straight li's.
onto the other seasons...
season 1: bisexual, canonically or tendencies:
talia - bi, main female li;
jake - bi, confirmed he had sex with a guy in the past and says "no other boys? ah well, maybe later in the summer";
allegra - bi - becomes an li during the reunion;
lucy - bi, she's talia's ex on her route;
rohan - bi tendency. PLEASE, he kisses jake during the game and acts HELLA horny about him, besides saying he would pick jake if he could;
cherry - bi, confirmed on matchmaker, and she's the same person from s1 because cherrygate happens as well as her entire arc and characterization;
sammi (?)
out of 15 islanders, 6 are confirmed LGBTQ+, 5 of them being li's.
season 3, bisexual or gay:
tai - bi, confirmed during the first date;
ciaran - bi, he couples up with tai;
yasmin - bi;
lily - bi;
aj - gay, has come out as a lesbian on 'boat party';
rafi (?)
out of 15 people in the season, 9 are li's, and 4 are bi and 1 is gay.
as for season 4, i didn't play it but i know will, najuma and angie are confirmed LGBTQ+: najuma being bi, angie being gay and will being... bi? i'm not sure, haven't seen the confirmation but i know he's not straight. and will is non binary (goes by he/they). tiffany also goes by other pronouns... she/he/they.
majority of li's, in all seasons, are bi or gay. and we have people who are non binary or genderfluid that we didn't even count in that ask...
so... sorry to break it to you (no i'm not), but your math is not mathing.
just a quick little thing... if hearing someone saying a character is possibly bi, non binary, or whatever it is that isn't cis or straight, makes you come into my inbox and write that? i feel like you have some stuff to figure out. possibly to understand, and maybe... i don't know, work on ?? it comes across as bi phobic and those types that don't respect pronouns... that's not cute.
besides, i don't think my blog is the right place for you, i really don't. feel free to unfollow and block if you're a follower. we're in the middle of something here and you're disturbing the flow.
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axolotlwrites · 1 year
Hey, ladies, gents, enbies, and other persons that stand outside the usual categorization, it's been a while. Life is a pain in the ass, and it seems to really like my ass in particular. I'm sorry it's been so long, but I've been in another slump for a while.
This is what not taking your meds does to ya, don't do that.
Tomorrow, I'm going to start working on the Stardew Valley Sebastian mlm fic again, and I'd like to thank anybody who's waited in the dark for me to say something. Y'all are who I do this for. And to hold you over, here's some pictures of my plants!
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Names of the plants are in the alt text
And yes I will make the Maru fic after Seb, have no worries.
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wolfsbanesbite · 1 year
you ask for promts and i shall listen
what about 65 for simi? thank you i know it be amazing <3
Enby!Seb? Enby!Seb.
65. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.
Sebastian frowns in the mirror, slowly pilling up their curls experimentally. A little frown creses their brow as they carefully tie their hair up, looking at the finished result in the bathroom mirror.
Tied up hair. Camisole top and a soft knee length skirt. They were experimenting with clothing and hair styles. Looking to see what felt right.
With a groan of frustration, Sebastian takes their hair our of the tie. It felt hopeless.
Kimi is watching from the doorway, his eyes soft as he moves closer and Sebastian watches him approach in the reflection of the mirror. "What's up?"
Sebastian swallows thickly and looks down at the sink. "This outfit doesn't work."
"Why?" Kimi asks softly, his hands finding Sebastian's waist and pulling them back in tight against his chest.
Sebastian sighs. "It doesn't look good to me. I just....I feel like it's me...but not."
Kimi hums and presses a kiss behind their earlobe. "But it is you. I can see it. Why can't you?" He slowly takes the hair tie that had been dropped in the sink and moves to re tie their hair.
"Because I look at others and feel like I'm not expressing myself as I should. Like I should be more." Sebastian sighs softly.
Kimi shakes his head and he slowly gathers Sebastian's curls. "There's no such thing as expressing yourself a certain way. Only what feels comfortable. Do you feel comfortable in this outfit?"
"I do." Sebastian murmurs, enjoying Kimi's touch as he ties up their hair.
"Then fuck what people think. You do you, and you-" , he presses a kiss to his cheek as he pulls on the hair tie he had made, -are fucking georgous."
Sebastian melts at his words and turns around, shocked by the utter adoration in Kimi's eyes. "Kimi...."
"I wish you could see yourself the way I see you." Kimi whispers to them, all soft and gentle, as he leans in to kiss them.
That warm soft declaration is all Sebastian needs. They're fine as they were and they didn't need anyone's approval to live their life. They were loved.
They pull back, grinning. "I guess this outfit will do."
Kimi's answering smile is blinding.
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tagged by @show-stoppin-enby !! for some reason i couldn’t reblog the whole post but :]
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seb but a cat (make your own from this piccrew!)
tagging @le-scenariste @johnboyegabombs @ghosts-of-love @allmyfandombrainrot and anyone else ofc
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the-flower-herald · 1 year
I finally. FINALLY put myself in Stardew. I have so much fun projecting and simultaneously pretending to be someone else, and Louka is the most like me, but now I have Ronen. AFAB ENBY, smiley but introverted little geek. (She/they)
She's just getting started on her farm, Lurelin. Ronen is more of a dog person and is very excited at the prospect of a fungi cave and getting to know the locals. They're a little taken by Sam and his sweet, wild energy. And even though Alex kind of grinds their gears, two glasses of wine in and they'll admit he's an ass but a cute one.
She's big on water and loves her beach farm (hence the name Lurelin, like BOTW's southern Lurelin ocean-side village). Because of that, they're quick to sunburn despite the gallons of sunscreen they wear.
Wild, medium length hair, damaged by years of bleach but finally settling down as her normal dark blonde. A few piercings and tattoos here and there that Alex is definitely interested in. But he won't admit that either. Ronen is stubborn as hell and it rubs off on those around them.
Ronen writes and sketches in their freetime, her poems and art strewn about the cabin at any time. Elliot and her will often have writing sessions or bounce ideas off each other at the saloon. They love charcoal and water color- if they aren't covered in dirt and sweat, they're covered in graphite and paint.
Not much for makeup, but does like it- mainly mascara and subtle lip sticks- both have to be waterproof because sweat and spontaneous ocean dives to escape the heat. Occasionally does a full face for town events but other than that doesn't bother too much!
She cuts her own hair because it's cheaper that way- which also leads to very endearingly choppy haircuts they try to fix every time they have a moment in front of the mirror, but oh well! It drives Haley crazy to see it. She offers to fix it up every so often and they bond during hair time.
Ronen and Sebastian don't get along very easily, but they're amicable enough to please Sam and Abigail. Ronen finds Seb a bit too negative, they have a hard time not trying to make suggestions for his troubles, and Sebastian constantly has to remind them that they just want to complain, it's not that serious. Seb thinks Ronen is too idealistic and positive- that it's childish or off-putting. Despite that, they DO care about each other.
Shane and Ronen get on because they both like pizza, and Shane takes some of their advice to heart, and is willing to talk about his problems in-depth once they get close. At first though he was VERY hostile. Like, made Ronen cry until Emily made him apologize bad.
Overall, Ronen gets on with everyone in town, often talking art with Leah and Elliott, music with Seb, Sam, and Abby. Talking science and medicine with Harvey and Maru- despite being a farmer, Ronen finds the topics interesting and adores hearing them talk so passionately. Emily and Haley are fun to talk to about fashion, even if Emily is more encouraging for Ronen's thrifty/hippie/cottage goth vibes.
Penny and Ronen get along VERY well, both being bookworms and loving kids. She often stops by with Vincent and Jas, and Ronen talks to them all about the animals and plants and let's them play in the dirt. Ronen even gets along with Alex. She doesn't care much for sports, but understands how important it can be for people- and doesn't discourage him for enjoying them. Ronen and Alex really click over family issues, both having some.
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
My theory on Jet (+a little Rina)
Before any stans attack me because I’m a Rina and think that I’m creating this theory as a Rina, I want to make it very clear that this is solely coming from the preview and what I believe he is actually there for. However, in order for me to explain why I don’t think jet is going to be with Ricky, I need to explain where I think Ricky will actually be first.
I’ve seen a few theories running around that Jet was there to help Ricky understand his bisexuality. However, there has been a lot of evidence from Tim and videos on the Internet that make it abundantly clear that Ricky’s main love interest for s3 is Gina. I think there is a high likelyhood Nini could get brought up, like she did by EJ in episode 10 (so more as a plot device for Ricky, moving on rather than them getting together). Maybe he will only mention Nini in passing like EJ did? And I definitely see Lily trying to weasel her way in with Ricky. However, I think a lot of people have forgotten that she stole Ricky’s harness at the end of season two and that has still not been addressed. So, I believe this will be addressed and will probably cause Ricky some distrust with Lily and with girls in general. Thus, he will turn to the one girl that he always knew he could trust: Gina. But Uh Oh! Gina’s in a relationship with EJ. So that will be the main slow burn/love triangle in season three.
But what about jet? If Jet isn’t meant for Ricky, then who?? Great question. In the last promo that was shown, we see Jet make his way around Carlos. Carlos does not seem very happy with his attitude when EJ tries to introduce himself and Carlos to Jet. So I feel like Jet’s plot could go one of two ways. Either:
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1.  He is used as plot ammunition in order to help Carlos realize his dreams of being on stage. He could be a healthy/not so healthy competition that pushes Carlos to his limits and help him recognizes full potential getting him to where he wants to be: Broadway. He could care less about actually getting to know everyone else, because his main purpose is making it at the camp. It almost reminds me a little bit of Gina? Except that Jet is more of the quiet b0mbshell.
2. He could be another antagonist within Carlos and Seb’s relationship. Where Seb is gone, this would be the perfect time for Carlos to start to falter in his feelings with Seb. It was made very clear last season that Seb felt like Carlos only liked him because he was the only other queer boy (enby?) at the school. Now Carlos could be in another situation where he genuinely can prove that he actually does want to be with Seb through thick and thin, even when Seb isn’t around. And then I can see Seb also showing up for an episode or two when things start to get heated between Carlos and jet, and then Carlos still choosing Seb in the end. Thus solidifying his point he was trying to prove last season: that he will always choose Seb. While it might be a sticky plot, this could bode very well for their relationship by solidifying that Carlos meant what he said. The relationship won’t need a reason to break up. SO, we probably wouldn’t see any problems that result in a break up from them in future seasons, but rather we would just see normal relationship ups and downs.
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watercolor-hearts · 10 months
My favorite fic of yours - Enby Seb in the red dress 😍♥️
Enby Seb love. ❤ Here are all of my non-binary Seb related collages/drawings to celebrate this universe a bit, even though all of these pics are from different “stories”. 😃
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Tell me your answer to one (or more) of these questions. ❤
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