#ended up throwing it out n replacing the empty box in the bathroom. not doing shit in this house is a choice they consciously make n they t
stoobfoobnoob · 2 years
The winner takes it all
(The abba song has nothing to do with the story I was just listening to it while I wrote it lol)
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reader x Scoups (he’s all over my fyp)
angst, breakup au, there is no happy ending
mentions: Woozi, Hoshi and Mingyu in one scene, and Seungkwan
Synopsis: You should be angry that your boyfriend of almost 10 years breaks up with you, instead you spend your time redecorating your apartment and ignore all the pain that should be consuming your heart.
No one tells you about what it’s like after breaking up with someone you’ve been with for a really long time. They don’t tell you how hard it is to come home to an empty apartment with half the decorations gone and the picture frames turned over until you found boxes to put them in. No one ever mentioned how cold the bed would be at the end of a long day at work or the fact that there are three-day-old leftovers in the fridge because you no longer need to make portions for two.
People failed to mention that breaking up with your high school sweetheart leaves you in tiny little pieces and makes you feel like you lost all the bets. 
Seungcheol always kept the apartment at 65 degrees. He got hot quickly and for the first time since moving in you’ve bumped up the ac to 75, he hated the linen curtains and said the light seeped into the apartment too much, and he never liked the smell of burning candles. So, since he left and packed his things you found yourself looking through all the old curtains and candles that collected dust in the storage closet. It was a good way to cope at first. Changing things that you both decided on to make it your own, leaving no traces of him to begin with. 
You didn’t touch any of his things in the bathroom. You left his shaving cream and cologne tucked away in the medicine cabinet and left his shampoo in the shower. 
You’ve been meaning to throw them all away.
incoming call from Jihoon
Jihoon was your friend from high school, he was the one who set you up with Seungcheol all those years ago. 
y/n: hey.
Jihoon: do you still want me to come over?
y/n: oh uh, yeah come when you’re ready.
Since the breakup, you no longer had someone to do the heavy lifting and you recently bought a new bed that needed assembling. 
Jihoon walked in to see that your apartment was no longer the way it used to be. The grey curtains were replaced with soft egg-yolk yellow ones, the furniture was rearranged, and there were new photos on the wall of you and your friends and paintings of generic scenery. 
“Thank you again for coming,” he sees the half-eaten sandwich on the kitchen island and the unopened mail with Seungcheol’s name on it. 
“Of course, I wouldn’t let you ask Soonyoung to help you.” His comment made you chuckle for the first time in a while. If he was gonna be honest he was expecting you to be a mess. 
It wasn’t every day that you break up with someone you’ve been with for almost a decade, he was expecting you to have swollen eyes and a stuffy nose with a cluttered apartment. But it wasn’t. You managed to do your hair and makeup like it was a normal regular day. 
While the two of you were gathering the materials for your new bed Jihoon asked, 
“How are you holding up?” There was hesitation in his voice, not completely sure of the answer. 
“It’s been hard, but I can do nothing about it.” Your voice was soft and you didn’t look up at him once. 
“I know you probably don’t wanna talk about him, but he’s not doing as well as you.” Your head snaps and your face shrivels up in confusion. 
“What do you mean?” You said. 
“Well, first off he moved in with Mingyu.” Mingyu was Seungcheol’s old roommate in college who was now a chef at a really famous restaurant in the city. “He hasn’t been showing up to work either and he just looks terrible.” Jihoon felt bad about gossiping about his friends. 
“He’ll be alright.” There was a bit of sadness in your tone like you pitied him.
Seungcheol fell out of love with you. He didn’t really notice that he did until he came home one night and rolled his eyes before unlocking your shared apartment. He noticed that he hated the flight of stairs he had to take every day, he hated the 30-minute drive from the apartment to his job, and he hated coming home and talking about the same 5 things with you. 
1. How was your day? 
Seungcheol always said the same things- nothing really changed at work that is interesting enough to mention. 
2. Can you replace the lightbulbs?
It had been bugging him for a while that you had been asking him to replace the bulbs when they were perfectly fine. You said that they were too yellow for the apartment and “didn’t fit the vibe” which made him clench his jaw each time.
3. Can you please turn on the heat?
There were always 10 minutes of his day when you would beg him to adjust the AC. Tell him that you were freezing and refused to grab a sweater instead of complaining; he thought it was cute at first you know. Earlier in the relationship, it was an excuse to pull you close and hug you until you both ended up on the couch. Now it was just annoying.
4. Do you want take out or no?
If there was something Seungcheol would much rather have for dinner was a nice home-cooked meal. He didn’t like contributing to the housewife stereotype that his girlfriend should cook for him all the time, but he did tell you when the two of you moved in for the first time that it would be nice to have a hot meal that you cooked for him every once and a while. Since you started working late hours, you didn’t find the time to cook dinner.
5. Should we have lunch with my parents?
He liked your parents. They treated him like they were their own, but since the two of you passed your 5th anniversary your parents would ask him if he was going to propose every time you left for the bathroom. Seungcheol started to work on days your parents were in the city. 
When he broke up with you, you didn’t overreact like he thought. You leaned back into the dining chair while he paced back and forth in front of you. The half-empty bottle of wine and the dinner plates sat in front of you like props in a movie as he told you that he wanted to end things. 
“do you love me?” he stopped in his tracks when you spoke so sternly. 
Perhaps you saw this coming or maybe you just matured so well that you didn’t pick a fight with him. 
“Of course, I love you.” He starts getting flashbacks to when he first said I love you to you, it was winter and he had to stay back after school to make up a quiz when he saw you waiting for him at the end of the hallway. You were wrapped in a thick scarf and his overcoat when he saw you, you pulled out a little bag of pastries from your bag. It was from a bakery only in the area you worked in and he had been craving them forever. He didn’t mean to say it right then and there but he did. 
Seungcheol’s ears were red and his hands wouldn’t stop brushing his hair back, “I do love you. I can’t just erase everything we’ve had and not love you... I’m just not in love with you.”
He couldn’t tell from where he stood, but your heart sank into your stomach. 
“I’m just going to ask you one thing.” Your fingers were picking at the dry skin on your lips ( a habit he hated of yours)
A small ‘okay’ left his mouth, 
“Did you fall out of love with me because there’s someone else?” He hated how you didn’t sound mad, you sounded more genuinely conflicted than angry. 
“I didn’t cheat on you.”
“I didn’t ask if you cheated, I asked if there was someone else.” 
From the way, he sat down and the awkward tension that filled the apartment you got your answer. 
When Seungcheol told Jeonghan and Joshua that the two of you broke up they practically told him he was an idiot. Cursed him out and refused to believe that you guys were done for good. 
“This is just a break, right? Not an actual break-up?” Jeonghan judged him for letting you go. Letting you slip through his fingers like that. 
You weren’t expecting him to come to his senses or come back to you a couple days after. What you did expect was the countless amount of texts and phone calls claiming that you could always count on them in times of need. 
You definitely did not expect Seungcheol to move on so quickly with a girl from your work. He started showing up at your office with flowers and a new cologne you didn’t recognize. Seungcheol started picking up your coworker, walked right past your desk, and pretended like you and him didn’t spend most of your early adulthood together. 
Seungkwan, your right-hand man at work was angry for you. Practically shooting daggers when Seungcheol’s new girlfriend walked around the office, 
“He has the nerve! I mean really?? He just had to date one of your coworkers, and why aren’t you angry??” He complained while he sipped from his coffee,
It was starting to infuriate you that you weren’t as mad as you should be. 
“Is it messed up?” you asked hypothetically while you looked through your paperwork. 
“Yes,” you answered. “But he’s not my boyfriend anymore and I can’t tell him when he can move on or with who for that matter. I wish I could be mad, but I just don’t have the energy for it.” 
A few months had passed since the breakup and Seungcheol started dating your coworker when he showed up to the office late at night.
You had stayed overtime to work on your next presentation when a figure appeared in the reflection of your office windows. His hair was longer now and it was black. He was wearing colors you had never ever seen him wear before and he was working out now. 
“What are you doing here?” Slumping into your chair before turning around to face him. 
“You got the bigger office!” Seungcheol felt the need to have small talk. It’s true you got the nicer office when you got promoted, it was something you had seen coming and waited to celebrate with him. 
“She didn’t tell you? ____ isn’t in today.” You said as you rubbed your temple. 
He just stood there scoping your new office out, 
“Oh, I’m not here for ____.” He got quiet again, feeling around in his pocket. Seungcheol didn’t look at you once when he put the box on your desk, 
“I bought this months ago for our anniversary, and it just came in today. I would’ve given in to my mother but she doesn’t like that kind of stuff. And ____ would see right through me if I gave it to her.” 
It was a little velvet black box, and inside was a ring. A yellow-gold band with a simple oval diamond in the middle.
“What do you want me to do with this?” You questioned, looking at him through your furrowed eyebrows.
“You can keep it or throw it away. I just thought I should give it to you.” He smiles one of those half-assed smiles while he rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Seungcheol, what are you doing here?” you whispered, your face riddled with an expression he couldn’t make out. 
If he was gonna be honest he didn’t know why he was there, he didn’t know why he couldn’t have just canceled the package or given it to someone else. Seungcheol didn’t know why he was standing in front of you, after months of pretending like he didn’t care. 
His lack of response was annoying you, 
“I miss you. My place doesn’t feel the same without you, it’s always so quiet and cold. I miss waking up to you, you were always so warm. ____ is perpetually always cold.” Seungcheol started to sound desperate.
“Don’t do that. Do not compare me to her, it’s not fair.” The tone of your voice made him feel small like a little kid being scolded. 
“Did you come here thinking you’d get a second chance? You broke up with me remember? Started dating my coworker, and you pretended like you and I were never a thing, and now you give me something for an anniversary we’re never gonna have,” You started to laugh out of frustration. 
“We were good together, Y/N.” He said trying to convince you. 
You shook your head in disbelief at the conversation you were having,
“If the universe gave me the opportunity to get back with you- I wouldn’t. Do you think I deserve this? To be in a relationship I have to second guess all the time, to be with someone who is so willing to throw all that we had away, to constantly have to convince myself that you love me?” You stood up facing the view from your window. 
“I do love you, I will always love you!” Seungcheol didn’t even hear the irony of what he just said. 
No one ever told him what happens when you realize you fucked up, people fail to mention the consequences of letting something great slip right out of your hands. People did not tell him how guilty he would feel or how stupid he must’ve looked to go back to someone whose heart he broke. They didn’t tell him what to do when he fucked up so bad. 
Seungcheol had little hope that you would jump into his arms and tell him that you missed him. He didn’t expect you to forgive him or accept the ring. 
“I think you should leave.” You told him, grabbing his hand to give him the ring back. 
You didn’t hear from him again after this. You never asked your coworker how things were going between the two of them and your friends avoided the topic all together.  
“I was in your arms thinking I belonged there, I figured it made sense. Building me a fence, building me a home- thinking I'd be strong there. But I was a fool, playing by the rules”
I don’t know why I wrote scoups to be the bad guy it just turned out that way 🤷‍♀️ 
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kohanayaki · 3 years
.:Time And Time Again:. (Marauders Era x Reader) Ch 8
You come across an old photo book full of untouched memories and decide to go through it with Harry, though there are some things you decide he doesn't need to know and some things you'd rather forget. (Takes place mostly through Marauders era flashbacks)
LINKS:   CH 1   CH 2   CH 3   CH 4   CH 5   CH 6   CH 7   CH 8
Ch 8 .:Snapshots, Secrets, and Sentimentality:.
“Hey, Harry?” you called out into the living room where said boy was reclined on one of the large charcoal armchairs, “I found something you might want to see.”
His eyes widened behind the round frames of his glasses as you carried over a large, leather bound book that was thick with laminated pages. You sat across from him on the couch, setting it down on the coffee table in front of you.
“We still have a few more hours before the others arrive for the meeting,” you said, “and I don't know when the next time we'll be able to talk like this will be.”
“Wait,” he said before you could open the book, “you aren't staying?”
“I can't,” you smiled at him sadly. A statement that was true for a multitude of reasons you'd rather not get into with your godson. “I wanted to show this to you before I left, though.”
With a wave of your hand the book's pages gently flipped open, revealing a number of old magical photographs. The page you had turned to had a picture of James, and you could see Harry's eyes lock onto it. His father was beaming at the camera, holding up the Quidditch cup as two of his Gryffindor teammates held him up on their shoulders.
“Now you see why everyone always tells you how much you look like him,” you chuckled, “that's him in his fifth year, same as you now.”
Harry stared in wonder at the photo. He really did look like his dad. James was slightly taller, lankier, but he had the same disheveled waves of dark brown hair and boyish grin as Harry. Their faces were nearly identical; except for the eyes, of course.
The photo right next to that one was you wearing a Seeker's crest. You were posed, standing with the rest of your team with a wide smile on your face. Harry's brow furrowed as he spotted an unknown yet somehow familiar boy next to you with curly black hair and light eyes.
“Who is that?” he asked, “he almost looks like—”
“Sirius?” you finished. Harry nodded. “That would make sense,” you said, “that's Regulus, his younger brother.”
“I. . . didn't know he had one,” Harry said in wonder.
“Well, you know he doesn't talk about his family often.”
“Right. . .” Harry trailed off for a moment, “but you knew him? His brother?”
“Yeah,” you said, feeling a tug at your heart, “We were friends, for a while.” Your eyes subconsciously looked up towards his room which now stood empty. “He, um. . . he died, some time ago.”
“Oh,” Harry said, not knowing what to say, “I'm sorry. . .”
You gave him a small smile in thanks, trying to shrug off the grim feeling the memories brought up as you turned the page of the book to the next.
This photograph was one that was moving— you and James in your Quidditch captain's uniforms. He was reaching over, ruffling your hair while you were ducking to avoid him, pushing his face away and turning his glasses askew despite the grin on your face.
“We both became team captains in year six,” you said, smiling fondly at the picture, “we'd squared off as Seekers the year prior, so it was only natural. You were already playing Seeker your first year, weren't you?”
“Yeah,” Harry said bashfully, “although my first time catching the snitch was bit rough to say the least.” You laughed at that, recalling the time he told you the story of how he had caught the snitch with his mouth his first match.
“You take after your father, for sure,” you said, “he was always a creative flier; came up with all sorts of purposefully confusing strategies as captain. By the time the other team figured out what he was doing, he'd have already caught the snitch and the match would be set.”
Harry felt pride fill his chest at your words, glad he was taking on his father's good qualities.
“So you were a Seeker your fifth year and played until you graduated,” he recalled, “but I thought you said you played Chaser before?”
“Well, sort of?” you admitted, “Not officially. My introduction to the game was unconventional, to say the least. . .”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   1974   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
James and Sirius huddled with the rest of the Gryffindor team on the Quidditch pitch, gearing up for the match. The energy around them was electric, the stands packed with students and faculty from every house.
“Remember, keep to the left,” Halls, their team captain, said sternly, “and take advantage of Parkinson's blind spot. If Rollins and the rest of the Chasers start scoring above 40 before halftime, we'll go in for the Pincer.”
Sirius nodded, determined to win this match. It was the first one of the season, so a lot was riding on this. However, his attention was diverted as the crowd's cheers suddenly grew louder. The Slytherin team had arrived on the field, marching towards them. Something Sirius didn't expect to see, however, was you, dressed in Chaser's robes next to his brother.
“What are they doing here?” Sirius scoffed as he spotted you, “they're not even on the team!”
“Rollins took a spill last practice,” Vanity said as she stepped forward. The Slytherin captain had a wicked grin on her face, “(L/n)'s a last minute replacement. Don't bother trying to argue, I've already cleared it with Madame Hooch.”
“Convenient of you to tell us ahead of time,” Halls' eyes narrowed.
“Is there a part of 'last minute' that escapes your understanding?” Vanity rolled her eyes.
“Well, no matter,” Halls said, “you've lost your best Chaser, we don't have anything to worry about.”
“That classic Gryffindor confidence,” Vanity smirked, “we'll see about that. I don't choose just anyone to fill in.”
Halls scoffed as Vanity turned on her heels, not bothering to look back.
“Seems you've found yourself another game to lose, (L/n),” James smirked at you.
“Have I?” you arched a brow, “what's our score now? 10-9?”
“10-10 since I got you with that scalene water in the Prefect's bathroom,” James reminded you, “how was being half fish for a day?”
“Marvelous, felt just like you,” you quipped.
“Settle down, everyone,” Madame Hooch said, stepping out onto the field, “Potter, (L/n), I know you two have taken to pranks on each other in class, but I don't want to see a lick of that up in the air, understood?”
“Perfectly,” you said, a smirk sneaking onto your face as you mounted your broom. 
“Wouldn't dream of it, professor,” James said with sarcastic flair.
Sirius eyed you cautiously. Gryffindor had flying class with Hufflepuff, so they'd never actually seen you fly before, but there was no doubt that if Vanity approved of you, you had to pose some kind of threat.
“Take your marks,” Hooch said, and you rose off the ground in unison, staring each other down. “Let the match begin!” With a strong, well placed kick, the Quidditch case was thrown open to release the bludgers and the snitch, and as she threw the quaffle up in the air you lunged forward into a dive. You were just about to grab the ball when a blur of red and gold nearly knocked you off your broom.
“Potter has the Quaffle!” Kingston commentated from the box, “he passes to Longbottom, who evades Catchlove and Regulus Black. Longbottom scores! The first ten points go to Gryffindor!”
The patrons in the red and gold stands went wild, the roar deafening in your ears. This was definitely different from flying class. You had to get it together.
The hair on the back of your neck suddenly stood straight up when something whizzed right past your head as you barely moved to dodge it. Sirius gave you a passive shrug from the other side of the field, a beater's bat resting on his shoulder.
“Tosser,” you grumbled under your breath. You had half a mind to throw him right through the left-field hoops without his broom, but dealing with the bludgers wasn't your job; you just had to evade and score. You wouldn't let your team down.
Your eyes searched the skies for the quaffle again, and found it as you spotted a Gryffindor snatch it out of Catchlove's hands. You built up momentum, lowering your body to your broom handle as you picked up speed, swiping the ball from the red Chaser's hands before his eyes could register. You flew under him before their team could rearrange formation and spun around quickly, swatting the quaffle towards the lower right goal with the tail end of your broom. Their Keeper dove to block it, but was one second too late. The ball flew through the hoop and straight into Regulus' hands, who looped back around and threw it through the top right, leaving the Gryffindor Keeper too disoriented and too low in the corner of the goal posts to do anything about it.
“(L/n) outmaneuvers Johnson and scores!” you heard the commentary box boom, “Regulus Black follows up with another goal, we are 20 Slytherin to 10 Gryffindor, what a quick turnaround to start off the match!”
You huffed, impressed that Regulus was able to make the most of your shot. You knew he was Sirius' brother, but that was about it. He was a year younger than you, so you didn't have any classes together and never really talked to him before.
“Nice shot,” you said, flying next to him.
“Same to you,” he said with the slightest upwards quirk of his lips.
“Oi, keep it up you two!” Vanity shouted, hovering over you before dodging the bludger that flew her way, “Black, keep point on Johnson, he's off his game today. (L/n) I want you on intercept and watch for Potter.”
“Gladly,” you smirked, flying off towards the other side of the field. You were starting to feel more comfortable in the air, like you were when you were just flying by yourself; the sounds of the crowd disappeared over the wind rushing in your ears, and you were able to concentrate on your main objective:
Kicking James Potter's arse.
And that you did. The all too confident smirk that seemed to be permanently plastered to his face disappeared when he suddenly felt the weight of the quaffle leave his hands. A victorious smile graced your lips at his dumbfound expression as you threw the ball long to Regulus, who caught it with ease, swatting Johnson away like a fly before scoring another goal.
“(L/n) passes to Black who scores another ten points for Slytherin!” Kingston announced, “it looks like the two rookie players are really hitting their stride now. Choosing (L/n) as a last second fill in is really paying off!”
Sirius' eyes narrowed, grunting in frustration as he hit another bludger your way. Regulus' head turned at the sound of the crack of the bat and signaled over to one of your Beaters, who tossed the bat his way just in time for the Slytherin to send the ball flying back towards his brother. Sirius cursed under his breath, rolling to the right and spinning out of control for a moment before reorienting himself.
“Hooch, what gives!” he shouted, “penalize them!”
“Fair play under protection,” Hooch denied him, “you've been taking headshots, Black. Be grateful I'm not docking you.”
Sirius grumbled a few choice words under his breath before flying back into the fray.
“Thanks for that!” you called over to Regulus.
“Don't mention it,” the boy said, his expression still fairly neutral save for the slight smirk on his face. How the hell was he so calm during this game anyways?
You continued to work with Regulus throughout the match; you'd found a system that worked, and your captain told you to roll with it. Pass after pass you intercepted and scored, mainly targeting Potter not just because Vanity had told you to, but because it brought you a considerable amount of personal enjoyment.
That's when you saw it— a tiny, nearly imperceptible flash of gold that whizzed by your peripheral vision. Neither of the Seekers had caught sight of it yet, but you watched as it zoomed low towards the ground, hovering just beneath one of the crowd stands.
“Oi, Talkalot!” you shouted over the crowd at your Seeker, “Dive low at Hippogriff, now!”
You'd only had  a few hours to look over the strategies that Vanity laid out for you, but you knew the Slytherin team had come up with code words for each quadrant of the Quiditch pitch so you could alert your Seeker if you saw the snitch without the other team knowing where it was. You hoped to Merlin you'd gotten the code right, and you exhaled in relief as Talkalot zoomed past you, taking a sharp dive straight down.
“Nice eye, (L/n)!” she shouted over her shoulder, her voice trailing off as she went after the snitch at top speed.
Sirius' eyes widened as he saw the sporadic move from your Seeker. That could only mean one thing.
“Halls, they've got eyes on the snitch!” he shouted to his team captain who cursed under his breath, taking off in Talkalot's direction, but her lead was too great.
“She's got it!” Kingston hollered into the mic, “Lucinda Talkalot has caught the golden snitch, scoring 150 points for Slytherin! Our score comes out 50 Gryffindor to 230 Slytherin, and this match is over!”
“Slytherin wins!” Madame Hooch proclaimed from her broom.
Everyone in the emerald stands cheered so loudly you thought their tents would topple. You couldn't believe the amount of adrenaline coursing through your body in that moment. It was a complete sensory overload as you were bombarded by the Slytherin team, mostly comprised of people you hardly even knew, and thrown on top of their shoulders and they cheered for you.
“What a game, (L/n)! I never knew you could play!”
“Where the hell have you been all this time, eh?”
“You better try out next year or you're dead!”
You laughed at the last comment from Vanity, people buzzing around you as soon as you were set down. You broke away from the congratulatory comments and pats on the back, however, as you spotted James across the field. You couldn't help but rub this in his face a little.  
“Why so blue, Potter?” you grinned as you bounded over to him, “what was that about me 'finding another game to lose'?”
For once, James had no clever comeback, and his face flushed as you laughed at his expression.
“I do believe that leaves us 11-10,” you said cheekily, doing an overly exaggerated bow before tossing your broom from your left hand to your right and stalking off.
“Not for long,” James said to himself once you were out of earshot, equal parts impressed and supremely annoyed. It was time for him to pay another visit to Zonko's. He'd show you blue all right. . .
“After that year I tried out for a permanent position as Seeker,” you said, “your father and I concluded our prank war, Sirius and I put aside our differences, Lupin vouched for my involvement with the map, and the rest is history.”
“I seriously can't believe you became such close friends only two years later,” Harry said, shaking his head in bewilderment.
“Neither could we,” you said, “it was just a series of chance encounters that we learned we were more similar than we thought. I really do believe that friendship can come from anywhere, Harry. Even more so when you least expect it. So if there's anyone around you that you think you might never get along with, I'd say it's worth it to give them a chance.”
Harry paused at your words. There were more than a few people who came to mind.
You turned to the next page, which was a spread of you and the rest of the Marauders in more casual settings. One could clearly tell you had taken them of each other, if the shaky camera movement and blurry rendering were anything to go off of.
You smiled to yourself as you saw a photo of you and Remus asleep in the Hogwarts library, lightly leaning against each other with your eyes peacefully closed. Suddenly the camera flash jolted through the photograph, and you two bolted upright. You glared at the person taking the photo and reached out to smack the camera away, the picture going blurry for a moment before resetting. Harry laughed at the brief repeating scene, as did you.
“Your father took this one,” you huffed, “because of course he did.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   1977  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You rested your head in your palm as you transcribed a few spells into your notebook. The lantern in front of you gave you just enough light to read the elaborate Latin, as the sun had long since set. Your eyelids felt annoyingly heavy, attempting to close on their own as you fought against them to stay awake.
“How are you holding up?” Remus asked with a slight grin, catching you jump awake at his remark.
You and Remus had gotten permission from Madame Pince to use the library after hours to study; after all, you two were outstanding students. If James and Sirius had made the request, they wouldn't have gotten so positive a reaction.
“I've been more awake in my life, but I really need to get this done tonight,” you sighed, “NEWTS start next week and I have to be ready.” You stared up at the boy who was looking at you with obvious concern. “I'm fine, Moony. And I don't want to keep you here, so whenever you want to head off to bed, feel free to.”
“It's no trouble,” he said, “I'll walk you back to your common room, at least. At this rate you'll fall asleep in the middle of the hall for Filch to find you.”
You gave him a light but well-meant glare, groaning as you turned your tired eyes back to the parchment in front of you.
“Why the sudden all-nighters anyways?” Lupin asked, “I thought you'd be plenty prepared.”
“My Charms marks haven't exactly been the best lately,” you admitted, “that's kind of important if I want to become an auror, Remus.”
“Really?” the lycanthrope said, surprised, “but you're always in the know on some spell or another I've never even heard of. You've even made some of your own, right?”
“Yes, but the Ministry wants people who can conjure a corporeal patronus, not someone who made up a spell that makes antlers grow on someone's head to make a very specific joke.”
“Well, I thought it was impressive,” Remus laughed, thinking back to James asking him 'why does my head feel so heavy?' “but I see what you're saying,” Remus continued, “Have you thought about Dumbledore's proposal? Joining the cause might call for some more specialized tasks that would fit you well.”
“Right,” you bit your lip, “I just. . . I don't know. It's a lot to take on. A big part of me is scared, Remus. I'm not like you guys. I can't just fearlessly leap into a battle without any second thoughts. James and Sirius gave their answers so quickly and. . . I couldn't say for sure right away like they could. Honestly, I was terrified, and I still feel guilty because of it.”
“Fear is wisdom in the face of danger, (Y/n),” Remus said, “It's nothing to be ashamed of. No one is forcing you to make this decision right away, nor are they requiring you do it alone. There's a war going on out there, (Y/n). No one would blame you for not diving into it headfirst.”
“Always the quoter of muggle proverbs,” you chuckled lightly, “thank you, Remus. Really.”
A quiet yawn snuck into the back of your throat, and you stretched out of your chair to try to get feeling back into your body.
“Maybe I should turn in soon,” you said, your voice already groggy, “just a few more transcriptions. . .”
Remus stayed by your side as you continued to work diligently, and he found himself smiling at your innate stubbornness. It was something he greatly admired about you; when you decided on something you stuck to it no matter what, sometimes to a fault. You fought to keep your eyes open, even as your head began to slope and your handwriting gradually became slower.
Lupin was beginning to tire himself, which surprised him. He was naturally nocturnal, after all, and usually had no issue staying up to the early hours of the morning. But the quiet scratch of your quill against the parchment, the occasional sound of a page turning, and the smell of your shampoo that wafted with the motion, all lulled him into a sense of ease that was much too easy to doze off to.
Just when he thought he might fall asleep, he almost jumped out of his skin as he felt a soft pressure on his shoulder. He looked to the side to see you sleeping peacefully, your head having slipped from your palm and onto the soft fabric of his sweater. His face flushed a deep red, and he thanked Merlin you were sound asleep. He was caught in between embarrassment and slight panic as he instinctualy wanted to wake you but also ensure you actually got to sleep tonight.
He meant to wake you, he really had, but his mind and body betrayed him, and without even knowing when, his eyes fluttered closed and he drifted off into quite possibly the best sleep he'd had in weeks.
The flash of the magical camera was blinding, even through your closed eyelids. White spots danced in your vision as you groaned, shielding your face from the camera.
Remus jolted awake, remembering last night's events in an instant and banging his head on the bookshelf beside him in an attempt to put some distance between you two.
James was stood there, camera in hand and doubled over in laughter.
“Prongs, you better start running before I skin you and turn you into a pair of shoes,” you growled.
“How is it that I always catch you two sleeping together?” James chortled, completely ignoring your statement, “Can't be long till you get it on to the other sense of the phrase.”
And that's when you lunged at him. Too bad he didn't take your advice for a head start.
“That twat,” you said fondly, a statement that about summed up your and James' friendship.
Harry found himself smiling as you recounted your memories with his father. It made him feel that much more grateful for what he shared with Ron and Hermione.
“Oh, Merlin,” you laughed as you saw the next picture. You, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Lily, and James were standing side by side, Slughorn smiling in the middle of all of you. “This was the first and last Slug Club party that we ever attended all together,” you said, “Like I mentioned, Lily and I had always gone, and—”
You caught yourself.
And Severus would pretend to be reluctant tagging along, you finished in your mind. After what happened he stopped attending the parties.
You cleared your throat.
“Ahem, well, we'd always gone together as friends but none of the boys ever went with us,” you said, “It was our last year, and Lily finally convinced James to tag along, because by then they were together and he was contractually obligated to do so. I talked Sirius into coming because Slughorn had been trying to get him to come for years, and I made Remus my plus one. So for the first time ever, we were all at the party.”
“So it was the last party of the year?” Harry asked.
“Um, well, no,” you laughed, “it was the last party we were invited to. Let's just say your godfather thought it would be funny to enchant the ice sculptures to chase Lucius Malfoy around the dance floor. I'll admit, watching that stupid blonde ninny run screaming from a rapidly melting octopus to the tune of a classical string quartet was pretty entertaining, though Slughorn obviously felt otherwise.”
Harry chuckled, clearly seeing the spark of mischief in Sirius' eyes, even through a photo. As Harry's gaze drifted across the page, he noticed an empty space near the corner of the book. A discolored square remained where a photo should have been, the caption reading 'Christmas, 1976.' As he saw the way you ran your fingers lightly across the page, he decided against asking you what used to be there. He instead turned his attention to the next photograph, which was one taken in an all too familiar setting.
“Hold on,” Harry said, pointing to the picture, “that's the Gryffindor common room!”
“Sure is,” you grinned, “that secret passage from the dungeons to Gryffindor tower went from being used purely for pranking purposes to a way for us to actually hang out together at night.”
You stared down at the photograph fondly. You all looked so much older than the first pictures. You and James were lounging on the couch, not bothering to hide the overly full glasses of firewhiskey in your hands. Sirius and Remus were sitting on pillows on the floor, caught in the middle of a fit of laughter before all four of you turned to the camera which flashed. A pang of hurt and anger hit you square in the chest as it did. Peter had been the one taking the photo.
“I remember this day,” you said, an expression Harry couldn't quite figure out on your face, “it was the night before graduation. Our last night at Hogwarts. . .”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   1978   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A giggle rose in your throat as you took yet another drink of firewhiskey with James and Sirius, something that Remus insisted you were going to regret come morning.
“Oh, don't be suck a stickler, Moony,” Sirius guffawed, “tonight's the night! This time tomorrow we'll be packing up camp and heading out into the great unknown.” He made an expansive gesture with his hand that was cut off promptly by James smacking him upside the head.
“I'll brew a pepperup potion tomorrow if anyone really needs it,” you assured Remus.
“Not really the point, (Y/n),” he rolled his eyes.
As you leaned back to look at the four of them, all grinning like idiots and laughing, you felt a strange sense of sadness come over you. This was your last night at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the place you had spent most of your life and where you had met the people you could no longer imagine that life without. As the reality of that fact sunk in, you grew quiet.
“Everything's going to be different after tomorrow, isn't it?” you said.
The boys looked surprised at your sudden and intense declaration, and James was the first to break the tension you'd created.
“Aww, Fangs is getting all sentimental,” he grinned, slinging an arm over your shoulder.
“I will toss you out this window, Prongs.”
He laughed, poking you in the cheek, his smile only widening as you huffed in annoyance.
“It won't be different,” he promised, more serious but with that smile ever present on his face, “we'll still be friends. We'll still be a pack. And besides, after we graduate we could go. . . well, anywhere together! Just think, the five greatest heroes Hogwarts has ever seen, going on top secret missions from Dumbledore, saving the world!”
“It'll be dangerous, James,” you said, “there's a war going on, remember?”
“What war could ever break us up, huh?” he said reassuringly. You felt your heart swell at the remark. “And besides, you're gonna have to see me next year for the wedding anyways! Lily wanted it sometime in Spring.”
“. . .”
“WEDDING?!” you, Sirius, Remus, and Peter screeched, practically in unison as if it had been planned and rehearsed. Chaos erupted in the room, and you couldn't care less if you woke everyone in Gryffindor tower.
“You sly git, when were you gonna tell us?!” Sirius whacked his friend over the head with the map.
“I just did!” James said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head, “And ow, Merlin, Pads. . .”
“You hit me first!”
“I can't believe you just dropped that on us,” you said, “Lily actually agreed to this?”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” James huffed.
“Hey, I'm just saying you tend to drift off into fantasy land when it comes to her,” you said, putting your hands up in mock surrender, “I was just making sure this was rooted in reality.”
Remus laughed at that, lifting the needle on his record gently.
“They have a point,” he chuckled.
“Yes, I actually proposed, and yes she actually agreed,” James said, a lovesick smile on his face, “I wanted to get married pretty soon after we graduated, and she had no problem with that. She said she'd want to start a family—”
“Oh GOD,” Sirius said, drunken horror on his face.
“An actual nightmare,” you joined in playfully, “imagine another one of you running around. Even Lily's DNA couldn't balance that out.”
“Alright, that's it,” James said, “you're not gonna be godparents anymore.”
“I'd be terrible at that anyways,” Sirius chortled.
“I disagree,” James said earnestly, and the comment struck Sirius completely off guard. He chocked up the welling tears in his eyes to the alcohol, taking another sip to mask it.
“You're going soft, Prongsy,” he grumbled.
“Look who's talking, tough guy,” James laughed, clapping his best friend on the shoulder.
“We should take a picture,” Peter suggested quietly, turning red when everyone stopped what they were doing to face him, “I-I mean, since (Y/n) was worried about things changing, and we're all graduating, a-and who knows when—”
“Good thinking Wormtail,” James beamed, pulling you closer and leaning down towards Sirius and Remus so you could all be in the frame.
Peter was looking down at his shoes, fidgeting with his wand.
“Peter, you don't wanna get in the picture?” you asked.
The large framed boy jumped at your voice, looking nervously between the people he had come to know as his friends. There was an oddly fearful look in his eyes that left as soon as it came— a look you wouldn't understand until years later.
“N-no, that's alright,” he said.
And that was one of the last peaceful days of your life you could recall.
“I haven't even thought about these in the longest time,” you said, staring at the faded photos, “it's crazy to look back on them. It feels both like yesterday and a hundred years ago.”
The next page immediately summoned a lump in your throat.
“This was their wedding,” you said, fighting to keep your voice level, “the year after we graduated.”
Harry looked down at the dozens of photos of the ceremony and party that took place after; James at the altar in his burgundy and gold embroidered suit, and Lily walking down the isle with a bouquet full of the flowers that shared her name. Remus raising a champagne flute to the large crowd of guests as he made a heartfelt speech. You and Sirius dancing under the floating lanterns made to mimic the Hogwarts ceiling.
“Your father never was one for subtlety,” you laughed lightly, “he wanted the ceremony to be as extravagant as possible. He pulled out all the stops. . . and then, the very next year, they announced that they were going to have you.”
You looked up at Harry, and the resemblance he shared with two of your closest late friends conjured feelings of happiness, love, and deep, cutting sadness all at the same time.
Your fingers moved to turn the page, wanting to move on to something else, but you froze as you saw the edge of the next one. So much for that plan.
“I think that's enough for now,” you said quickly, smoothing the page back down, “the others will be arriving soon for the meeting, you best get washed up.”
Harry was curious, of course, but he nodded, not wanting to press for anything else as he reluctantly headed back upstairs.
When you were left alone with the photo book you sighed, bringing yourself to turn the page to see a picture of you and Severus. You were beaming at the camera, proudly holding out your perfectly brewed Draught of Living Death, the photo having been taken by Slughorn to put up on his famous wall. One of your arms held the cauldron haphazardly, the other slung around Severus' shoulders. He certainly wasn't displaying your level of enthusiasm, but a small smile graced his expression, allowing his lips to fully curve upwards, which was as close to 'beaming' as he ever got. He looked so much younger— less burdened.
Right next to that photo was an older one from 1973. It was one you had taken from the top of the oak tree, with Severus and Lily looking up at you. You knew he'd be here soon, and you knew you should talk to him, but you found yourself stuck back in the cycle of doubting every opening spiel you came up with.
You groaned in frustration, snapping the book shut and resting your forehead on the table as stress flooded your being. You refused to live in this perpetual state of dwelling on what happened. You were ready to talk, you just had to take the first step.
Chapter 9 coming soon!
Taglist:  @sleep-i-ness, @blackpinkdolan, @parker-natasha, @ornella0910 @undertaker1827 @thatwierdo-koemi @nxstalgicnxbxdy @calaryssia @aleksanderwh0r3 @juggysgirlfriend @beautifulsweetschaos @kattirin @mialupin1 @crazy-obsessed-fangirl, @youcantbesirius @pan-pride-12​
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When Evil Doesn't Sleep
summary: Spencer has been gone far too long on a case and when he finally returns home, reader shows him just how much she missed him.
word count: 3.4k
warnings: smut, implied dom/sub undertones, pet names
Pairing: Spencer Reid/Female Reader
A/N: My first fic!!! I hope you all enjoy! <3
“Y/n I’m really sorry but it looks like the case is going to take a lot longer than we thought. We had a recent development and the profile is now pointing to a partnership so now we’re hunting down two unsubs”. You sighed as Spencer rattled off his apologies through the phone before putting him out of his misery “Spencer honey, you don’t have to apologize. Quit worrying about me and focus on catching the bad guys.”
To say you missed Spencer would be the understatement of the century. He had been in Utah for six days already and now with a pair of psychos your odds of finding him in your bed by the end of the week were growing increasingly slim. It didn’t help that you had been swamped prepping for an extra class you’d agreed to take on at Georgetown where you worked as a Criminal Psychology professor. Between both of your hectic work schedules you hadn’t had a real weekend to yourselves in a few months, and while you knew when you first started dating Spencer that it was an inevitable of his job, it had never been this crazy before. They say evil never sleeps but lately it hasn't even taken a catnap.
“I love you Y/N. I promise I’ll come home to you soon and take you out on a real date. I’m sorry darling, I have to go. I’ll text you when I get to the hotel tonight and if you’re still up we can talk for a bit okay?”. “Alright Spence, I love you too. Stay safe okay?”. “I promise, goodbye love.”
Your farewell barely made it past your lips when the dial tone cut you off and once again your boyfriend of three years vanished from your side of the country. You let out an exasperated sigh before reminding yourself that there were other people who needed his help and that you could wait for his attention - at least until that night. Continuing the trek up the stairs of your and spencer’s shared apartment, you managed to haphazardly balance your grocery bags in one hand while unlocking the door and disabling the security alarm, internally cringing at the high shriek that rattled through your brain.
Walking through the living room, you sat the bags on your kitchen counter and began reorganizing the small fridge space to fit all the perishables you had brought home, absentmindedly hoping they wouldn't spoil now that it would be just you for several more days. Moving to the cupboard you replaced the few grab and go snack boxes you had made up to try and encourage Spencer to eat more throughout the day and refilled the paper plate stash that quickly became a requirement after you realized neither one of you could tolerate doing dishes every night. You ripped open the cardboard packaging of yet another microwave dinner and set the timer before leaving to change into more comfortable attire.
Opening the door of your shared bedroom, the smell of vanilla wax melts and dryer sheets hit you like a brick and immediately sent a pang of loneliness through your chest. Spencer was usually around by the time the chores needed done, and you rarely had to do them yourself. Unfortunately, the laundry was piling up and you needed something to distract you so you spent the day running errands and cleaning the apartment more thoroughly than necessary. You walked over to the stack of black dresser drawers and pulled out the first pair of pajama pants you touched, Spencer’s old caltech sweats that now fit you far better than him considering he had received them when he was 14. They looked more like capris on him now and it was embarrassingly difficult to convince him to buy a new pair that fit him properly. You slipped on a tank top and pulled your hair back before making your way lazily to the bathroom to take off the remnants of your simple makeup.
After scrubbing your face clean and pulling your dinner out, you moved to ready the couch for yet another night of binge watching cheesy 90s movies. You selected Clueless and watched the vibrant colors pop across the screen while you dived into your meal, making a poor attempt to ignore the slight freezer burnt taste that lingered after every bite. You finished your dinner and set the bowl aside before covering yourself with a blanket and allowing yourself to sink into the cushions, desperately awaiting Spencer's text.
You were jolted out of your doze by the loud buzzing of your phone against the wooden coffee table. Clumsily you reached for it and managed to swipe the answer pad before it sent your genius to voicemail. “Hello?” you managed before a yawn ripped its way through you suddenly. “Hey Y/N, I’m sorry it’s so late. I didn't mean to wake you, I figured you’d still be up. You should go back to bed love.” For the first time, you noticed the neon green numbers on the microwave. 12:30. You stifled another yawn and shook your head in an effort to wake yourself further “No way, I just dozed off while watching a movie. I was waiting to talk to you. Besides, I’m up now anyways so you might as well stay on with me for a bit. Did you get any further today?” “Well, JJ had the idea that the partners were originally a typical dominant/submissive partnership but that something in the dynamic must have changed because the MO began to deteriorate. We think the partners must have split up now, because we’re finding similar pieces of the previous MO at separate crime scenes.”.
You processed the information he fed you slowly due to your semiconscious state but eventually you put your words in order well enough to respond. “That should be helpful though yeah? I mean, they’re used to working in a partnership so being suddenly separated from your other half so to speak would throw you off track quite a bit right?”. You could practically hear him smiling through the phone as you drew the conclusions the team had come to only a few hours prior. “Yes. We’re hoping to be able to draw them out and trap them. Play them against each other.”.”Does that mean I can stop sleeping on the couch soon?”. You heard him let out a dejected sigh - you knew he hated that you would force yourself onto the cramped couch when you had a king sized bed a few hundred feet away but he understood.
When he had come home in the early hours of the morning after an abrupt end to a case a few weeks after you had moved into his place, he had caught you curled up on the sofa with a throw pillow stuffed under your head. When he questioned you about it the next morning, you simply answered that the bed felt too big without him and that you couldn’t stand the empty feeling. “Sooner than later I hope my love. Y/N I really wish you wouldn’t do that to yourself. It’s horrible for your body. It can put you at a much higher risk for chronic back and neck pain as well as-”. “Spence. I’m not a giant like you are. I fit on the couch much better than you do, and I barely notice the difference.”. You both cringed, hearing the lie clear in your voice. Still, Spencer must have felt bad because he humored you. “If you're sure. What did you do today my love?”. You smiled sadly hearing in his voice just how desperate he was to escape from his reality and come home to you.
”Well, I straightened the house. In fact, it’s so clean i think we could use it as a sterilization room.”. He let out a soft chuckle and you could hear him begin to relax as you recounted the rest of your day, excluding the part about the microwave dinner. Spencer loved to tell you how many of the ingredients were one step away from processed garbage and you decided to opt out of the lecture for the evening. He had more than enough to worry about without having to focus on your diet while he was away. After a half hour of light conversation, a loud yawn betrayed you as you were excitedly discussing the cute puppy you had met on the way to the market. Spencer immediately requested that you hang up and get some more sleep but you refused. After a few minutes of bickering, you relented on the condition that he would read to you until you had fallen asleep. You curled up under the fluffy blanket as Spencer’s even voice recited the collection of Grimm’s fairy tales quickly lured you to sleep.
You woke up the next morning as sunlight peered through the curtains, stretching your body out to ease the aches from the previous night. You smiled softly as your screen lit up with a text from Spencer wishing you a good morning and an update that they had a solid plan for boxing in the two unsubs that afternoon. “If all goes to plan I should be carrying you to our bed before midnight tonight.”. Your smile widened and you sent back “Can’t wait to truly see you - and love you- tonight. I’ll be waiting.” You plugged your phone into the charger and straightened up from the night before when your phone went off again. The one word message glared at you from the screen and you let out an involuntary giggle. “Tease.”. You hoped it gave him something to look forward to until he was back in your arms. You sent back a simple “XO” before deciding to reread one of your favorite books for a few hours to kill some time. You made yourself a sandwich for lunch and had a few glasses of water as the clock slowly ticked by. You were over halfway through the lengthy novel when you received another message.
“We apprehended both unsubs. Hotch is postponing the paperwork until Monday so we can go straight home. I’ll see you in a few hours baby.”.  You jumped slightly in celebration before finishing your current chapter, marking your place, and all but skipping to the shower to shave and exfoliate your skin. You knew Spencer would still be heavily worked up once he arrived home and luckily, his favorite release included intertwining your bodies as close as possible and loving you sweetly and slowly.
You took your time in the shower careful not to nick yourself with your razor. You scrubbed your scalp with your nails, letting your stress and soreness melt away under the steam. You waited until the water ran cold before turning the knob and stepping out, wrapping yourself in a fluffy towel and blow drying your hair until it layed perfectly even. You applied lotion all over your skin and stepped out of the bathroom to slip on your black silk robe, knowing it wouldn’t be worth it to dress up further. Spencer would be desperate to feel your skin against his and any fabric in his way didn't stand much of a chance.
You made an actual meal for dinner, a pasta dish with chicken that could be easily reheated for Spencer when he grew hungry later in the night. You helped yourself to a serving and after quickly cleaning up the kitchen and storing the leftovers, you retreated to the bedroom to wait for his return.
You were half paying attention to the feed you opted to scroll through on your phone when you heard the door creak open and bags drop to the floor. You set your phone on the bedside table and ran towards the foyer, all but throwing yourself at the exhausted man in front of you. He took a step back from the impact but still enveloped you in his arms and pulled you impossibly tight into his chest. “Hi baby.” you whispered against the scruffy skin of his jawline, peppering kisses up towards his earlobe. He let out a long sigh of relief and picked you up off the hardwood floor, wrapping your thighs around his waist resulting in a high pitched giggle to erupt from your throat. He kissed you then, slowly at first but quickly building more passionate. Your lungs were burning when he finally allowed you to pull away, opting to kiss down your neck to your collarbones and the skin of your chest that was newly exposed as your robe slipped open.
He carefully made his way back to your room, continuing his kisses back up to your shoulder, stopping only to leave marks you knew would only grow darker as time passed. At the very least he was sure to only mark you in places you could cover with little difficulty. “I missed you so much Y/N. The entire ride home all I could think about was you waiting for me in our bed. My gorgeous girl.”. You felt your chest heat up at his words of admiration, wrapping your fingers into his curls and pulling his lips towards your own once more.
You felt him groan against you and moved to quickly unbutton his shirt, slipping it down his arms and tossing it in the general direction of the hamper. He pulled you up with him then, so you were both on your knees, chest to chest as he pulled your robe fully down your back to the swell of your ass where he grasped at you through the slick fabric. You let out a whine and you pulled his belt off, undoing his jeans desperate to continue. He grinned against your neck and pushed you down so you laid flat on your back, completely exposed to him. He kissed at your stomach, making his way down to your inner thighs. He licked a slow wet trail from your pelvic bone to the top of your clit as you whimpered desperately. “Spence, please… I need more”. He humored you, creating slow small circles with his tongue moaning at the taste. You cried out as he created the perfect amount of pressure on your clit, legs threatening to close around his head when he moved to slip one of his fingers easily inside you as the mix of your own wetness and his saliva aided him. He smirked as he felt your thighs flex before using his left hand to throw one of your legs over his shoulders at a time. He pushed a second finger in, curling them up to perfectly reach your g-spot with every thrust. Soon though, you grew impatient with just his fingers. You needed more and you knew just how to get it.
“I want you so bad Spence. I’ve waited for so long and I just can’t anymore. I need to feel you deep inside of me.”. You were positive those words would leave him just as needy as you were and he proved you right when he kicked his pants the rest of the way off and went to line himself up against you. “Wait.”. He stopped immediately, examining your face for any indication of what was wrong. “What’s the matter baby? Are you okay?”. You shook your head and smiled at his concern before switching your positions so his back was resting against the pillows as you straddle his thighs. He smirked at you as he caught on, trailing his hands up the front of your legs to rest at your hips. “You gonna ride me angel?”. You responded with an eager nod and he squeezed your hips, pulling you up further so you were hovering above him. “Sit pretty like my good girl then.”. You whined softly at his words before slowly sinking yourself down around his length, sucking in a harsh breath at the stretch. Even with how wet you were, the adjustment took longer than usual due to the dry spell you were both suffering from as of late.
When you finally felt stretched out enough to move, you slowly ground your hips forward flush against his. He groaned out, lifting you back up so you were almost completely off of him before pulling you back down. You moaned both at the sensation and the idea of being manhandled by the genius below you. You realized what he was asking though, and began bouncing yourself up and down his cock, stopping every few thrusts to grind your clit down on him. You let out soft moans, and after a few more minutes you felt his fingers dig deeper into your hips and his breaths quicken. You knew he was close and as if on cue you started rubbing fast circles against your clit as he spoke again.
“Baby girl I’m getting close. You gonna cum with me angel?” You nodded furiously in response and you felt him start thrusting up to meet you. You panted as you hurried towards the edge of your orgasm, holding on until his thrusts grew sloppier. “You ready to cum with me baby? You gonna cum on my cock?” “Yeah.. gonna cum all over your cock Doc.” You fought to keep the grin off your face when he moaned at the title. He thrusted deep into you twice, before he ordered your release. “I want you to cum now baby. Cum all over my cock.” You felt your orgasm rip through you, electricity shooting through your limbs. Spencer groaned loudly as you tightened around him before pulling you down deep and releasing inside you.
You both fought to catch your breath as you rode out your highs before you found yourself slumping against his chest, suddenly drained from your activities. You felt him chuckle at your drastic change in energy as he wrapped his arms around you again. “I know you just washed the bed sheets and we’re both sweaty but do you think a washcloth will suffice for tonight?”. You nodded against his chest before slowly lifting yourself up and off of him, rolling onto your back on the other side of the bed. Spencer swiftly made his way across the hall, returning to wipe you down gently with the warm fabric. You shivered as the cool air dried your skin, watching him move throughout your room.
He slipped on a fresh pair of boxers before tossing the washcloth in the hamper along with his previously discarded clothes. He hung your robe on the back of your bedroom door then flipped the light switch off before rejoining you in bed to slip under the blankets with you. You immediately curled up into his chest, sighing contently as the sound of his heartbeat filled your ears. You kissed his chest and whispered goodnight, drifting into your first real sleep since before he left.
The next morning you and Spencer went shopping after you successfully convinced him to upgrade to a smart phone with video call abilities. He had begun to shut down the idea as he always had before but after the mere suggestion of what it could do to better your late night hotel room chats he was the one pulling you towards the nearest phone shop. You smiled politely while Spencer took his sweet time weighing the pros and cons of each model, letting your mind drift to the first time it would come in handy. As you finally neared the checkout counter, you took Spencer's hand in your own and gave it a gentle squeeze. After running his card through the machine, the salesgirl gave him the small plastic bag and wished you both a good afternoon.
As you exited the shop, you looked up at him, nudging him to get his attention “What do you think of an app controlled vibrator?”. He stared at you incredulously for a few moments, almost stopping dead in his tracks. After recovering from the initial shock at the vulgarity of your suggestion, he shook his head with a soft smirk and nudged back against you. “Tease.” he called you once more. “That’s the reason you love me right?”. He pulled you into his side, kissing you softly. “One of many Y/N. One of many.”
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begin again - part two
Jax Teller x female!Reader
Summary: Y/N is back in Charming and gets a visit from a ghost of her past.
Word count: 2,5k words
Warnings: Bad language and a mention of a family member’s death (I can’t think of other warnings but feel free to point them out)
Author's note: For reference of Y/N’s childhood home, this is the house I was picturing. It’s only the exterior, you can go wild with the interior. HERE
Beta read by @crucifixedbitch
Four Years Later
Never in a million years did you think you’d find yourself back in Charming and yet here you are. Life happens though and certain situations are out of your control, like the passing of your mother. You came back for her funeral, and since you’re her only surviving family, you’ve been left with the task of taking care of her affairs, including the selling of your childhood home. You look around, taking in the messy sight before you.
Stacked boxes fill the small, relatively empty, kitchen space. Eventually, all these boxes will end up in storage until you figure out what it is that you want to do with them. A costly decision, but there’s no way you’re lugging them back to Charlotte with you, and apparently, no one’s looking to buy used furniture in Charming.
A sleepy S/N’s standing at the entryway clutching his favorite toy in one hand whilst the other rubs his eyes. He shuffles over to you and throws both arms around your legs then buries his little face in them.
“Hey, ace! How was your nap?”
“It was good.” His voice comes out muffled and small. “Mommy, can we watch a movie?”
You scoop him into your arms and spin him around before you set him on your hip. “I’ve got a better idea,” you press a loving kiss to his forehead and hug him to your chest. “Why don’t we leave the house for a bit? We deserve a break from all this packing, don’t you think?”
He perks up. “Can we get ice cream? Please.”
“Ice cream… with sprinkles!”
The suggestion earns you a double kiss to the cheek and the title of ‘Best Mom in the World’! Once you set him down, he dashes out of the kitchen and down the hall to the bedroom to grab his shoes. In the meantime, you grab your keys and purse from the breakfast table and wait for him at the front door.
After a stretched pause, he calls back.
“Is everything okay?”
Concerned, you make your way down the hall and find a frustrated S/N sitting on the bedroom floor, struggling to fasten his sandals.
“Need a little help with that, ace?”
He shakes his head with a huff. “I can do it myself.”
You know better than to push him when he gets this way and so you patiently wait. It takes him a moment but he gets it done, and he looks quite pleased with himself.
“Do you have everything?”
“Yep.” He makes his way over to you and links his fingers with yours, “Do you have everything?”
You chuckle. “Yes, I do.”
You say a little prayer as you leave the house — may you not run into SAMCRO.
A lot has changed since the last time you were here. Most of the small shops and restaurants have been shut down or replaced, including Hanna’s Diner, which has now been replaced by Benny’s, a fifties-themed diner. Cringe. It’s not really your style but S/N insists on eating here because the servers are on roller skates. Wanting to be inconspicuous, you ask to be seated in a booth on the far end of the restaurant.
Your waiter hands you a menu and gives S/N a picture to color in and a cup of Crayons. You order yourself a beverage, a milkshake for S/N, and whilst you wait for your order to arrive, you help S/N color in his picture. You’re engrossed in the task, joking about with your son, when your name is suddenly called by a familiar voice. Your heart lurches in your chest, a shiver traveling down your spine at the recognition — Gemma fucking Teller.
“Shit,” you murmur.
You focus your attention on your son, hoping she gets the message loud and clear: you’re not looking to make conversation with her. As her heels click towards you, you heavily regret leaving your house today. What were you thinking? Charming’s such a small town, you were bound to bump into a ghost of your past and it just had to be Gemma. She stops beside your table but still, you keep your head down.
“Jesus Christ, it really is you.”
Left with no choice, you force yourself to look up at the woman who once made your life miserable. “Gemma, hi.”
She smiles but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Hi, sweetheart. I thought you might be back in town. I heard about your mother, I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you. I appreciate you coming over,” you muster a smile.
Gemma glances down at S/N who’s engrossed in his coloring. She looks back at you. “Cute kid. Is he yours?”
“Yeah, he is.”
“Who’s the dad?”
You look away from her. “I think you should leave, Gemma.”
“It’s Jax, isn’t it?”
Your silence is all the confirmation she needs.
“Does he know?”
“Gemma,” you plead. “Don’t do this.”
“He deserves to be in his son’s life, Y/N.”
“Oh, spare me the crap.”
She opens her mouth, preparing to fire back at you but you cut her off.
“We’re not doing this, Gemma. Not now, not ever.” You abruptly rise from your seat with a huff and grab S/N. “I’m only going to tell you this once, stay the hell away from me and my family.”
You slam the money that you owe for the drinks you ordered — but didn’t get to enjoy — onto the table, and march out of the diner.
“Come on, ace, it’s bedtime.”
“But Mom!” he protests, throwing his head back and whines. “Only five more minutes. Please.”
S/N’s nighttime routine’s simple: bathtime before dinner, he’s allowed twenty minutes television time after dinner, then he’s got to brush his teeth, and once he’s in bed, you read him a bedtime story. It’s the same routine every night, with a few exceptions, and yet every night is the same struggle.
“We can’t keep doing this, ace.”
His eyes remain fixed on the television screen, lips parted, completely entranced.
He slowly tears his eyes from the screen, his face splitting into a toothy grin, “Yes, Mommy?”
“It’s bedtime.”
It looks like he might object, negotiate more time, but with a defeated sigh, he slides off the couch and walks over to where you’re standing. Together, you make your way to the bathroom for S/N to brush his teeth. He’s just rinsed out his mouth when light knocking sounds from the door.
“Who’s that?”
You shrug, “Probably one of Gammy’s friends coming to check on us. Why don’t you go to the bedroom to pick a book to read, okay?”
He climbs off his step stool and leaves the bathroom. The knocking sounds again and you announce that you’re coming. You open the door to find Jax Teller standing on the other side with his hands shoved deep in his jean pockets. A stunned expression flashes across his face as he takes in your appearance.
“Jackson, hi.” You step out onto the porch and pull the door behind you, leaving it ajar. “What are you doing here?”
Well, that’s rude. You don’t intend for your question to come out so curt and direct but what the hell is he doing at your door? Gemma, it’s got to be Gemma, and if he’s been talking to Gemma, then he must have questions. Questions you’re not entirely ready to give him answers to. You just wish he’d picked a better time to drop by.
“I, uh, heard you were in town and I thought I’d come by to see you before you left.”
“Uh, thanks. I–”
“Mommy! Mommy!” S/N yanks the door open before you can stop him and joins you on the porch, quickly retreating behind you when he sees the man at the door. With a small voice, he tells you, “I found a book to read.”
“You did?”
He nods, his eyes fixed on Jax.
“Good.” You pick him up off the floor and press a kiss to his cheek, “Go wait in the bedroom, okay? Mommy will be there in a minute.”
You set him on the ground and he scurries back into the house, leaving you alone with Jax once again.
“I can come back another time if y–”
“No, come in.” You catch yourself off guard. Why the hell are you inviting him into your home? “Unless you’re in a hurry. I just need to put S/N to bed and I shouldn’t be long…”
“Do what you gotta do, I’ll wait.”
You let him in and he makes his way over to the living room. In the bedroom, S/N has already tucked himself under the covers and he’s paging through the book, reading from memory.
“Are you ready for storytime, ace?”
He turns to you. “Is the man gone?”
“No,” you make your way over to the bed, “he’s still here.”
“Is he Gammy’s friend?”
You chuckle as you settle on the bed beside him and press a long kiss to the top of his head. You accept the book that he hands to you and read the title aloud, “A Tiger In Space by Micki Lee.”
He nuzzles into you, his head resting on your arm as he listens to you read for him, occasionally chiming in to comment on the illustrations.
“Goodnight, ace,” you press a final kiss to his forehead, “sweet dreams, I love you.”
“Goodnight, Mommy,” he yawns and shuts his eyes.
You quietly make your way out of his bedroom, leaving his nightlight on, and make your way to the living room, bracing yourself for what’s to come. You find Jax on the couch, fiddling with his pocket chain. When he hears you walk in, his head jerks up.
“I’m sorry about your mom.”
You stand awkwardly, unsure of how to handle yourself. And to think the man has seen you naked. “It’s alright.”
“How long you in town?”
“Not long,” you shuffle your feet. “I have to take care of a few things before I head back. I’m putting the house up for sale.”
“Well if you need anything…”
“I know who to call. I appreciate the offer.” You give him a tight smile, “I’ll definitely keep it in mind.”
“Anyway,” he pushes onto his feet, “I should get going.”
A wave of relief washes over you as you walk him to the front door, glad that the awkwardness was coming to an end. “Thank you for stopping by.”
“It was good seeing you.”
“Likewise,” you open the door, and with a final smile, you bid him farewell.
“I guess I’ll see you around.” He steps out onto the porch and turns to you. “I’d really like to be a part of the kid’s life.”
You’re stunned speechless, unsure of how to respond to his request but you don’t have to. Jax turns and makes his way back to the tow truck parked outside your house. You watch him drive off, frozen in place, and as you shut the door, you wish you’d said more to him.
Jax’s sudden reappearance in your life has you off-kilter and for a good portion of the next day, you don’t exactly know what to do with yourself. You’re overcome by a wave of emotions, inundated with the memories of the girl you once were. It feels like a lifetime ago but it’s only been four years. Jesus. Your love was epic, meant to last lifetimes, but shit doesn’t always go according to our plans.
In the years you’ve been apart, so much has happened. Your mother would often give you updates on Jax and the Sons. News of his incarceration affected you more than you cared to admit because a part of you always hoped that he’d see the light and distance himself from the club. ‘It’s a good thing you got away when you did, he’s a violent man. You had no future with him,’ your mother would remind you every chance she got.
You stare down at the vibrating phone that rests on the couch next to you, your boyfriend’s name glaring back at you. Worn out, you toy with the idea of allowing his call to go through to voicemail, for the fifth time this evening, but it’ll only bite you in the ass.
“Babe, hey.”
“Jesus, Y/N, where the hell have you been? I thought we agreed that you’d call me at eight.”
“I’m sorry, I was clearing out the basement and the service’s really bad down there.”
You lean into the couch, bracing yourself for an outburst that never comes. Instead, he asks about your day and S/N. He tells you that he misses you, and offers to fly to Charming to assist you with the packing. He also tells you about the puppy he saw today and how he immediately thought of S/N.
“The house feels empty when you’re not here,” he concludes.
“We miss you too. Especially S/N.” B/N came into your life shortly after S/N was born, he’s the only father he knows. “I don’t think he likes Charming very much.”
“I don’t blame him. When are you coming back?”
“Next week, I hope.”
At that moment, you hear the loud rumble of a motorcycle pulling up onto your driveway and you just know it’s Jax.
“Honey, I hate to cut this short but someone’s just pulled onto the driveway.”
“At this hour?”
“Can I call you in the morning?”
“Is it safe?”
“It’s probably a friend of my mom’s.”
A light knock sounds at the door.
“I don’t like this.”
“I promise to call you in the morning. I love you, goodnight.”
You hang up before you catch his response and toss the phone back onto the couch. Jax has his back turned to you when you open the door.
He turns around and flashes you a heartwarming smile. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No,” you return his smile and step out to join him on the porch, “is everything okay?”
A serious expression settles on his face, “We need to talk, Y/N.”
It’s about S/N, you just wish he’d let it go already. “Jax, I–”
“Hear me out.”
You sigh, “Fine.”
“Look, you don’t have to tell him that I’m his old man but I’m sure he’s getting restless with no friends. He can always spend time with Abel.”
“I just want to get to know my kid better, Y/N, that’s it.”
After a long pause, you ask, “You’re not going to back down from this, huh?”
He chuckles, “No, not really.”
“I’ve got conditions.”
“I’m all ears.”
“The playdate happens here.”
“And you can’t stay long.”
“Fine by me.”
“And no Gemma,” you cross your arms over your chest, “you can’t tell her about this arrangement.”
“That’s it?”
“Yes. Bring Abel tomorrow around noon, he can have lunch with us. He got any allergies?”
Jax’s smile widens, “None. Thank you for agreeing to this.”
“You left me with no choice.”
“I mean it, Y/N, I appreciate it.” He leans over to press a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You roll your eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
tag list:
@princesssterek @derangedcupcake @furiouscopshepherduniversity @crucifixedbitch
242 notes · View notes
yyxgin · 4 years
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PAIRING: neighbour! minho x gn reader
GENRE: fluff + angst
WARNINGS: eating behaviours, sad ending aaand I can't really think of anything else
this is a part of the @districtninewriters dear skz, with love event !! make sure to read all the other wonderful stories other members wrote for this !!
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You studied the envelope you were holding, flipping it over a few times in your hands. The quality of the paper was nicer than normal, almost like whatever inside was more important than just a regular letter. You weren’t expecting anything, let alone anything important or special.
But it was definitely your name on the front.
The handwriting was oddly familiar-- the loopy curves and edges of your name bringing you the so well known feeling of longing as you recognised the owner of the handwriting, making your heart thump with the black ink on the envelope. You quickly opened it, revealing what was inside-- a letter written on a piece of lined paper you were so sure he tore out of the notebook you gave him a few months ago. 
Your eyes skim over the sentences, making your eyes well up with tears. You curse at Lee Minho under your breath, because how dare he say those things to you over a letter? Did he really have to be such a coward not to tell you to your eyes? 
You throw the letter back to the floor of your hall-- to the place where you first found it, concluding he must have slipped it under your door when you were still asleep, opening the door and sprinting down the staircase leading to his floor. 
You weren’t going to let him leave like this.
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Your eyes skim over his room-- the room you’ve been to multiple times before, but now it looks a little different when it’s half-empty and the posters that were hanging on his walls were taken down into a big cardboard box. You hear his feet shuffling around the bedroom, making you look up from your place on the dark gray rug he had placed in front of his bed, locking eyes with the owner of the apartment-- your neighbour, Lee Minho.
You’ve met him the first week you moved into the apartment. It wasn’t anything romantic, how the teenage books always used to say, he didn’t even help you with the oh so heavy boxes you carried into your apartment all by yourself because the elevator just had to be broken the same week when you decided to move in, hell, he didn’t even take out his mail without a shirt on like the movies used to show. No. The way you met Lee Minho was kind of unpleasant and you’d be more happy to meet him any other way but this, but it seems like god had different plans for the two of you.
You met Lee Minho under bad circumstances, and those were that your washing machine broke exactly the first time you tried to use it. Well, it didn’t even break, to be exact, it just wasn’t really plugged well into the canalisation, as your neighbour himself told you when he paid you a visit after you managed to successfully be unaware of the whole thing and accidentally flood out his apartment with it. 
His face was scrunched up in frustration back then, yet he still acted polite and explained the matter to you in a calm way. When you let him into your apartment, shocked, he not only fixed your washing machine, but managed to steal your heart right there and then-- in his grey sweatpants, crouching on your wet floor. 
“I am so sorry, I really had no idea it wasn’t done properly… my cousin did it for me, since I’m totally useless and I just trusted him with it, but it turns out that I really shouldn’t have…” you mumbled, hands shaking and your lower lip nervously trapped in between your teeth. You wanted to give off the best first impression you could, yet all you managed to do was embarrass yourself in front of your neighbour and on top of that, flood his entire bathroom, which meant he had to get the walls repainted.
“It’s okay, you didn’t know. Let’s hope it won’t happen again.” he smiled, the frustration leaving his face in the instance, the furrowed eyebrows replaced by a welcoming glint in his eye instead.
“I will pay you for the paint you’re going to use for this-” you gestured to the wet spots on his walls. He managed to invite you over to his apartment that was situated exactly below yours to show you the damage, which you accepted, because it was your fault, after all. You felt terribly bad and embarrassed to be the cause of his trouble.
“No! It’s okay,” he smiled again, subconsciously squeezing your shoulder, “you don’t have to. You can… come help me repaint it and then we’ll be even.” he grinned at you. 
And that’s how you ended up at his apartment a few days later, a paintbrush sitting in your hand and a paper hat made of newspaper decorating your head made by your neighbour so you wouldn’t dirty your hair with the white slicking off the ceiling. See, Minho told you he knew how to do it himself, but the truth is, the renovation of his bathroom was clearly all just improvisation and neither of you knew how to do such a thing, but it only made it more fun for the two of you. 
You bonded over your shared frustration when trying to keep his three cats out of the small room that day. I mean, he couldn’t thank you enough when you saved Dori from drinking up the paint he left opened on the floor, a relieved sigh escaping his lips being all you needed to hear to make your heart burst with adoration.
“What are you thinking about?” Minho tears you out of your reminiscing, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Oh, nothing,” you mumble, drifting your eyes to your hands in your lap, sighing, “I just remembered how the two of us met. I’m surprised you even wanted to be friends with me after I flooded your bathroom back then.” you grin, hearing him giggle.
“I was so mad that day I seriously thought I was going to throw a fit, but when I saw your scared eyes, I just couldn’t do that to you.” he laughs, sitting next to you and offering you a glass of orange juice. He discovered your addiction for it when you bought a whole carton of it last winter and managed to drop it on the stairs, making it spill everywhere with a loud curse leaving your lips, resonating through the whole apartment complex. 
You take a sip from the glass, smiling at him and looking him in the eye again. “I would have cried if you threw a fit.” you snort.
“Oh I know, I could tell, trust me.” he laughs. It seems like Minho always knew what was the right thing to say in moments like these. Over the past few months, Lee Minho grew into your best friend. There is only so much stuff you can hide from your neighbour-- with the walls being thin and rumours spreading quickly from the elderly ladies living in your apartment complex, but to be honest, after all this time, you would trust him with your whole life.
You can’t even count the times he must have heard you crying in the middle of the night, or the times when he made the effort to go up the stairs and knock on your door when he did just so you didn’t have to cry alone. You felt a little embarrassed the first time he did it, but after a while, it was nice to have somebody to lean on when things got rough. He was always there-- exactly 20 stairs below you-- and you knew you could always count on him with everything.
“You knew me too well even back then,” you roll your eyes at him, catching the playful glint in his eye once again. 
“I wish I could un-know some things though, you know-”
“Don’t even start-”
“-like the time when you ran out of toilet paper and called me to bring some in, like seriously, Y/N?” he glares at you, teasing even the last bit of you in his so familiar nature. Yes, this was the Lee Minho you knew.
“Not my fault you used it all up the evening before when you came over! It was totally not my fault!” you yell out, accusing him.
“Not my fault your cooking made me sit on the toilet for 30 minutes-”
“Let’s just stop talking about this.” you cut him off, laughing to yourself.
It felt kind of pathetic, but he really knew every bit of you. He knew every centimeter of your apartment, and it wasn’t just because it was the exact copy of his-- just decorated differently-- it was mainly because he’s spent so much time in it. Minho was your neighbour, your first friend in this big town, he was your closest friend and your companion. You felt connected to him on a whole another level you never knew even existed before. It was crazy.
“Right. I still have to pack these things,” he nods, motioning to a few of his books sitting on his bed-side table and the cat toys laying in the corner of his bedroom. Soonie, Doongie and Dori were at his parent’s house for the time being and the apartment without them seemed even more empty now that the tree creatures weren’t walking around the rooms and jumping into your lap. 
You sigh, nodding along with him. You get up, bringing the cardboard box closer to your feet and start carefully placing the books into it, avoiding eye contact with him at all cost. With every item disappearing into the boxes and bags sitting by the door in his hall just waiting to be moved, you feel like a bit of your soul is leaving, bit by bit. It doesn’t feel right.
“Thanks for coming to help, by the way,” Minho cuts through the silence, making you look at him. His eyes look at you with sincerity and longing in them and maybe you understand the feeling way too well, but neither of you dare to act up on it. Not now, that he’s not going to be your neighbour anymore.
“It’s nothing, really,” you mumble, “that’s what friends do. Besides, I doubt you’d be able to do it all on your own, since you clearly need my help with everything in your life.” you tease, grinning at him.
He shakes his head in disbelief, poking your side. “Yeah, you’re right,” he laughs out, “but really, I mean it. It’s hard enough for me to… you know… leave… but you helped me so much with sorting out my feelings and the mess in my apartment as well, so I’m really thankful.” he nods, giving you a warm smile that always used to leave you breathless.
“It’s okay. I know it must be hard for you.” you say, closing the box and moving it to the door of his apartment. You look back to the room-- the only thing left in the small space was his grey rug you used to lay on more times than you can count, staring into the ceiling as you listened to your friend rambling about his day next to you, and his bed you, admittedly, slept a little too many times in for the fact that your own bed was literally 20 stairs away. 
“And you?” he asks, voice small and hazy.
“Me? What about me?” you furrow your eyebrows, taking a seat back next to him.
“Is it hard for you too?” he repeats.
When he first told you about the job offer he got from the other side of the state, you were a tornado of emotions. You felt lost and terrified of being lonely, but the emotion overtaking all of it was joy-- pure joy and pride that your friend was finally being recognised for his hard work and skills. You hugged him tight that day, leaving a shy peck on his cheek you regretted in the instance when you saw his reddened cheeks, telling him how proud of him you were and how he should definitely take the chance. 
It was the best thing that could ever happen to him-- and that is exactly what you told him back then. 
“Do you think I should go?” he asked, voice unclear and coated in nerves.
“Do what your heart desires.” you told him. Although you never wanted him to leave, to move out of the safe space he created for you in the apartment below yours, you never wanted him to miss the great opportunity he just had. His career and his well-being meant so much more to you than your own happiness.
And so he took the job offer and here you were, almost two weeks later, helping him move out to the other side of the country, and it hurt you, it hurt you so damn much, but there’s nothing you would have done differently.
“This isn’t about me,” you mumble, staring into his eyes. You wonder if they tell on you-- if he sees the sadness in them, the fear of losing him forever. They say your eyes are the window to your soul and you wonder if Minho sees inside, because you are inviting him in. You’re going to miss him, but you will probably never tell him. Because that would only make it harder for the two of you.
“Tell me.” he insists, taking in your emotions, his voice barely louder than a whisper in your ear as he comes closer to you, intertwining your legs on the fuzzy rug.
You scoff, shaking your head. “What do you think?” you ask.
There’s no way he doesn’t see the state you’re in. You haven’t slept in days, your dark circles making their visit under your eyes ever so often since you discovered the possibility of losing the person that is the closest to you. You tried to put a happy face in front of him, you really did, but Lee Minho knows you too well. You know he knows. You both just pretend he does not.
He rests his forehead against yours, your breaths mixing. The closeness of your bodies makes your heart race. Sure, you’ve been this close before, but it has never felt as intimate as now. You stare into his eyes for a moment before you let your eyes instinctively close on themselves just so you don’t let them wander to his lips, because that would surely let him know a little too much about the feelings you have for him. 
“It’s hard to let you go, but I know you’ll truly shine there, you know?” you let out, whispering. You open your eyes to find him staring at you, eyes filled with sadness and fear, flicking in between your eyes and your lips, just how you were scared of doing a few seconds ago. You wonder if he’s going to kiss you, if he’s going to give you the last goodbye, but he doesn’t.
His lips reach your forehead instead, placing a loving kiss onto your skin, but the butterflies in your stomach act on it with the same intensity as if it was a real kiss.
“You’re going to do amazing, Minho. Don’t be afraid. I believe in you.” 
And with that, you pay your goodbyes. Neither of you say it, but the both of you know that it might be for the last time. It feels like an end-- maybe because it is, but hell, you still treasure these moments just as much. You really did have fun with Lee Minho in your life.
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Your feet reach the bottom floor, hands hurriedly banging onto the wooden door. Your breathing is quick, hands shaking from nerves. There’s no way you’re letting him leave like that. You know you already said your goodbyes at his doorstep yesterday, but after reading the letter, things were put into a whole different perspective.
You recall the words on the paper, the sentences running through your head like a broken record as you continue to bang on the door.
Dear Y/N,
I know we already said our goodbyes, but I can’t sleep and I feel like I have to write you this letter. There are so many things I want to tell you, but can’t, simply because I am a big coward and I’m also, coincidentally, bad with words, but I guess… here goes nothing.
I know you felt it last night. I regret not kissing you on my crusty grey rug you love so much (you can keep it if you want), but at the same time, I regret nothing. Perhaps ending it all with a kiss would make it only harder for me us.
From the day I met you, I knew you were going to be someone special. And not like, special in a way that you are special, because we are all just ordinary normal people, but special to me. You stole a big chunk of my heart and you never gave it back, so I guess I’ll just let you keep it haha. I know I told you I didn’t yell at you for the washing machine because I didn’t want you to cry, but it was mainly because you were too beautiful and I got nervous, so…
You told me to do what my heart desires when I first told you the news. I know it sounds cheesy, but what my heart desires the most has always been you. I know you’d feel bad for keeping me here, though. We have always been dreaming together and my dream has finally come true. It hurts me to know you won’t be there by my side to live it with me and it hurts me to know your dream hasn't come true yet, but I am rooting for you. You know that.
Anyways, I am spiraling a little. I wish this wasn’t so hard for me. 
I should have asked you out on a date long, long ago. I missed out big time. But I guess it’s too late to do that now. 
It hurts me to know I won’t be just a floor away from you now. It hurts to know there will probably be another dude moving in in a few days that will get to live though your first meeting (and I hope it won’t be as disastrous as ours was), but at the same time, I don’t want you to be hanging on me. 
Promise me to be happy. Promise me to never change. 
And the most important thing I wanted to tell you is that I love you. I’ve always had and maybe I always will, who knows. I know it changes nothing. I guess I just selfishly, desperately wanted you to know. In case you didn’t know it already.
Oh, and your cooking’s actually nice. 
I love you. 
I’m going to I miss you already. 
— sincerely, your favorite neighbour, partner in crime, washing machine repairer, pain in the ass, and the most fabulous best friend,
Minho. ♡
Once you finally realise you own a spare key you were supposed to return to your best friend last night before saying goodbye, your hands instinctively take it out from the huddle of keys from your own apartment and unlock his front door. 
Your feet dash through his apartment, reaching his bedroom, but finding it empty. 
You nervously turn around, seeing the boxes from next to his door had disappeared, just like his suitcase had, when it truly hits you one last time-- he is gone.
He is gone and there’s nothing you can do about it now. You loved each other, but now, it’s too late.
You reach his bedroom and find the grey rug still there, waiting for you. Your feet wobbly meet the middle, letting you fall to the floor as you hug yourself on the floor, laying in the emptiness of his room, missing the way he’d always lay next to you and his cats crawled on top of your body. 
And you finally let yourself cry-- you let it all out, because the truth is, even though you never said it to him, it is so damn hard for you. It feels like a piece of you left with him.
But perhaps, what hurts you the most about it all is, that it’s never coming back. 
You didn’t even get to tell him you love him.
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monicashipslokius · 3 years
Soulmates, Actually Pt 4
(read part 1/part 2/part 3)
A sharp, shrill alarm blares before the sun has even risen, rousing Loki from a perfect slumber. Loki groans their disgust, but it’s muffled in the meat of Mobius’s shoulder.
“Easy, sunshine,” Mobius says, and the infernal man is actually trying to move.
Loki grumbles louder. Mobius, chuckling, eases Loki away from him and onto the pillow instead. It’s not the same - too soft and not nearly warm enough. Loki clings tighter around Mobius’s waist in retaliation.
“We talked about this,” Mobius says. “I have to go back to work today.”
Loki huffs in frustration as they let Mobius remove their hold and lower their arms to the bed. The pillow is a poor replacement.
For a moment, Mobius brushes Loki’s hair back away from their face. His fingers linger, feather-light, at the edge of Loki’s cheekbone. Too soon, the touch is gone.
“I’ll be back at six pm sharp.”
Loki rolls onto Mobius’s side of the bed and falls asleep again.
When they awaken, the sun is bright and the sheets are cool. Loki’s stomach rumbles. They groan as they pull themself out of bed and finally face the day.
The long, lonely day.
A week has passed since Thor’s departure - a week of Loki and Mobius redecorating and cuddling and learning each other.
They bought six plants of varying sizes, new drapes the color of the ocean, and a soft bedspread to match. Mobius fixed up the broken bathroom door, and Loki hung a few new art pieces and string lights.
The La-Z-Boy they arranged in front of a small boxy television set became a fast favorite.
“What did I tell you?” Mobius said the first time Loki relaxed deeply into the recliner. “It’s the perfect throne.”
Mobius may not understand color palettes, but the man knows comfort.
“It will do for now,” Loki told him, not wanting to give too much away.
Mobius’s smile never wavered. “Mmhm.”
Now, Loki drags themself to the kitchen to make a sandwich. Ten minutes later, they are perched on the recliner, plate on their lap, watching soap operas on television.
Claudio is surprised to find that his fiance Regina’s twin sister Georgina has been behind all of his misfortune, but the plot twist has Loki rolling their eyes.
“Amateurs.” Loki bites into an apple slice.
The hours tick by. Loki watches the anchor-shaped clock that hangs in the kitchen - much of their new decor has an ocean theme. But the more Loki watches the clock, the slower time seems to pass.
Time flew by with Mobius here. But without him...
After the soap operas, the courtroom shows begin. And then the news programs. Loki walks laps around the apartment while listening to the weather forecast for the third time - partly cloudy with a 30% chance of rain. The cost of gasoline is skyrocketing. The local high school football team might make county finals, whatever that means.
At quarter to six, Loki thanks the cosmos. Finally. Mobius will be home and put an end to this monotony.
Loki cleans up a bit, dusting some crumbs off the arms of the recliner. They place the plates in the sink.
Then, because they don’t want to appear too eager, they grab a book and stretch out on the bed.
Six o’clock comes and goes. Mobius does not arrive.
By seven, Loki is annoyed.
By eight, they are angry.
By ten, they are concerned.
Dubuque seems relatively safe. And Mobius has lived here alone for a long time before Loki.
But Loki has enemies. Many, many enemies. All of whom would be more than happy to get their hands on their soulmate.
Mobius is probably fine.
But what if he’s not?
At eleven, they are examining the photo of his office building that Mobius keeps on the dresser. Mobius had taken them to see it in the past week, though they hadn’t gone inside. It wasn’t too far a walk, if they recall. Loki is certain that they could find it again, even in darkness.
So they change into a black suit and hurry out the door. The Dubuque city streets are barren this time of night. Loki encounters no one on their trek to the office - until they barge through the front door and are stopped by a security guard.
Loki promised Mobius that they would not hurt anyone, so instead they create a projection of themself to distract the guard while they themself head toward the elevators. Following the signs for the data analytics department, they ride the elevator to the fourth floor.
They step off the elevator into a darkened field of cubicles. Each is the same - small desk, computer, and chair. All are empty. But Loki isn’t alone here. They follow a light through the cubicle maze and come to one that is occupied.
Mobius has a foot-high pile of files on his desk. He’s tapping at his computer keyboard with the index finger of each hand and peering at the small monitor.
Mobius jumps, then clutches his chest. He exhales when he sees Loki standing in the opening of his 3ft x 4ft cell. “Give a guy a warning next time.” He smiles. “But it’s good to see you. How’d you get here? Security let you in?”
Loki only frowns at him. “You said you’d be back at six.”
Mobius’s smile loses some of its brightness. “I have to work a little late. Next time we go out, we’ll get you a phone so I can call and let you know -”
“’A little late?’ Mobius, it’s been hours. I thought you were...” They won’t give name to their truest fears. That Mobius had been kidnapped or killed. Or perhaps that he had finally seen the true darkness in Loki and left of his own free will.
Mobius shakes his head. “Come on, Loki. It hasn’t been that long. It’s only...” He glances at his monitor. “Midnight? That can’t be right.”
“I assure you that is accurate.”
Mobius sits back in his squeaking chair, and rubs his hands over his face. “I’m sorry...” He releases a drawn out sigh and his whole body droops. “Boss was cheesed that I bailed on the conference. I have a lot of work to make up.”
The stack of folders towers over Mobius’s slouched shoulders.
“Would it helped if I -”
“You can’t kill him,” Mobius says.
Loki closes their mouth. Tries again. “He needn’t be killed. I could simply... frighten him.”
Mobius shoots Loki a flat look.
“Fine,” Loki says, disappointed. “But what is your intention? To stay here all night?”
Mobius side-eyes the folder mountain. “I’m going to have to.”
Mobius sighs. “Loki -”
“This is a place of employment, Mobius, not a living space.”
“It’s my own fault. I should have come back sooner.” He rubs at the corner of one eye. “Maybe I should have stayed at the conference.”
The words stab Loki between the ribs.
“Magicking away was not my best idea,” Mobius says. “I shouldn’t have run from my responsibilities. I’ll never catch up on this work.”
More stabs, a thousand tiny cuts.
“So you regret everything,” Loki says, fighting hard to keep the hurt from their voice. They are disappointed by their own surprise, their own pain. They had thought Mobius was different. They should have known.
Thor was wrong when he said no one could hold Loki’s interest. It was the other way around. Loki protected themself by leaving before the other could get bored. They should have done that here.
But they thought...
Mobius is supposed to be their perfect match.
“No, hey,” Mobius jumps from his chair. That’s all it takes to put him in Loki’s space. Loki takes a step back. “That’s not what I meant. I don’t regret everything, just some things.”
“You regret coming with me when we escaped.”
“N-no,” he says, but not without hesitation.
“You could have stayed. They weren’t chasing you. You could have told them I brainwashed you and gone on with your day.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.” The bags are heavy under Mobius’s eyes. He’s tired, Loki knows that - but Loki’s tired too. Sitting, waiting, stressing.
The room sparks with tension. Loki’s pain festers under their skin.
And Mobius regrets.
Loki takes a breath, searching for calm. For understanding. For their soulmate. “Come home,” they say, “And we can continue talking in the morning.”
Mobius exhales again, too sharp. He places his hands on his hips and looks at that damned pile of folders again. “I can’t go anywhere.”
“Mobius -”
“This is my life, Loki,” Mobius tells him. “Data analysis is my life. You have to understand that.”
Something dark in Loki’s chest snaps clean in half. “This is your life. This.” They wave a hand around. “This tiny box in a sea of tiny boxes. Where everyone else has left you here in the dark. Where your employer buries you under papers so deep that you cannot find your way out of them. Is all this extra work truly because you left the conference? How often would you work late before I arrived?”
Mobius looks away, and Loki knows they’re right. The answer, too often.
“Are you at least receiving additional benefits for all this extra time spent here?”
Mobius still won’t look at them.
“They are taking advantage of you, of your loyalty, and you are letting them.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mobius snaps, the sharpest he’s ever spoken to Loki.
Loki stands taller. They’re used to anger, to cutting words, to pain - more than they were ever used to kindness.
“I am trying to protect you,” Loki says.
“I don’t need protection from my job.”
For one wild moment, Loki thinks of grabbing those folders and tossing them across the room. They dream of throwing Mobius over their shoulder and saving them from this drab place and its tan carpet and eggshell walls.
Instead, they insist, “No, you do. You owned three photos when I first met you: one of your parents, one of a jetski, and one of this office. Can you not see how depressing that is?”
Mobius face hardens.
“You are meant for better things than this. When was the last time you even rode a jetski? Or had fun of any kind?”
“I’m an adult. I don’t need fun.”
“That is absurd.”
Mobius’s brows draw together. “Listen, not all of us could be born into royalty, and just go around doing whatever we want all the time.”
Born into royalty. A fresh sting, not one Mobius could know would hit so hard. But it does all the same. Loki steps backward from the force of it.
Mobius unhooks his arms. “Loki -”
Loki shakes their head. Mobius watches them, confusion replacing frustration, followed quickly by concern. He lifts his hand, but Loki steps back again, further out of reach.
“It’s fine,” Loki says, lying. “Stay as long as you like.” They bury the pain down deep. It’s familiar, an old, hated friend. “I wouldn’t dare dream of treading on your unhappiness.”
Mobius drops his hand. “I am happy. I am perfectly happy.”
“Good,” Loki says.
“Great,” Mobius says.
They stare hard at each other. Loki refuses to look away first.
When Mobius finally does, turning back to his cubicle and his chair and the stack of folders, disappointment floods through Loki.
They don’t wait to be dismissed, they turn and leave on their own.
Loki does not return to the apartment. Instead, they walk and they walk and they walk. They almost hope to be accosted by vagrants, so as to release some restless energy in a fight, but they see no one. They reach a river and follow it into a forest.
They sit along the riverbank and watch the sunlight crest over the trees.
Maybe they shouldn’t have surrendered the scepter. With the tesseract, they could have traveled anywhere. Now they are limited to the distance of their own two legs. Not that they would know where to go anyway.
The only place they want to be is back at the apartment with Mobius.
It’s evening when they eventually make their way back there. Their stomach growls, and they’re thirsty and tired. With some food and a good night’s rest, perhaps they could leave again with a plan this time. Hire a taxi to an airport and take a plane. Find a city of decadence and lose themself for a few decades.
They don’t expect Mobius to be home. It’s only shortly after seven, far too early for his beloved late nights. Yet as they place the key into the lock and start to turn, they barely have time to remove it before being yanked forward into the apartment and into a crushing embrace.
“Don’t leave me,” Mobius says. His arms are sure around Loki’s waist. His nose is buried in the crook of Loki’s neck and shoulder. His words are muffled by Loki’s forest-dirty suit coat. “I’m not happy. I haven’t been in a long time. Not until you. And not without you.”
Loki sags into his arms, and he holds tighter, keeping Loki upright. Keeping them safe. They close their eyes and let the warmth of Mobius’s body chase away the chill of the Iowa evening air.
“You scared the hell outta me,” Mobius says, voice shaky. “I looked for you everywhere, but I kept checking here. I kept hoping you’d come back. I’m so sorry.” Mobius leans back. He reaches up and cups Loki’s face between his palms. Gently, he rubs his thumbs over Loki’s cheekbones. “I want to be good for you.”
“How could you think you’re not?”
Regret shines in Mobius’s eyes now, more than it ever did during their argument. “I hurt you. I don’t want to ever do that again.”
Loki places their hand over one of Mobius’s on their face. “I hurt you, too, I suspect.”
“No, everything you said was right.” He swallows. “Work’s all I had for so long, and when I was back there, and they started piling it on... Everyone else in that office has always had someone, so before I would take on the extra work myself. It was better than coming home alone. It’s a hard habit to break. Loki, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to do this.” But Loki still wants to hear it. Each of Mobius’s words are a balm over their pain. Mobius keeps going. He doesn’t even stop for breath.
“I lashed out at you, and I only did that because you were right. And I didn’t want to hear it. But then you were gone.”
“I’m here,” Loki says. “I’m here now.”
“I am a lousy soulmate.” Mobius smiles, but it’s too soft, too sad. “After so long alone, I don’t think that I know how to be with somebody. But I want to learn. I want to deserve this, with you.”
“Mobius,” Loki says, and their mending heart threatens to break again. “I am no great prize.”
Mobius starts to laugh. “I’m trying to be serious, Loki.”
“I am too,” Loki says, and whatever Mobius sees on their face stops the laughter. Loki studies the softness in Mobius’s gaze, the adoration, the great care, memorizing as much as they can, in case this is the last time they see it. “I’m a monster.”
Mobius, voice flat and unamused, says, “Be serious.”
“I was not born to royalty. Not like you think,” Loki says and waits. Dread rolls over them in waves, but Mobius does not react more than a slight cant of his head. “I’m not...” It would be easier to show him, but Loki can’t. If they do, Mobius will change all of his sweet words. He won’t stand to share this small apartment with them any longer, and Loki will be back on that riverside. “How you see me is not... how I am.”
Mobius is patient. Mobius waits. Maybe Loki wasn’t wrong about Mobius after all. Maybe Mobius, like them, is imperfect and a little afraid but trying.
Slowly, Loki pulls Mobius’s hands from their face so as not to burn him with the cold of their skin as they lift the glamour that hides their Jotunn form.
They want to look away, to hide from the horror they are sure to see on Mobius’s face, but simultaneously are too desperate to see any and every reaction.
Mobius’s eyes grow wide. His lips part. He blinks a few times.
“Loki,” Mobius says, and Loki braces for fresh heartache. But then he smiles, real and true and bright, a lighthouse in a lifetime of hurt. “Blue like the ocean.” The adoration never dims from his eyes. “You are beautiful.”
Mobius insists he doesn’t care, but Loki only feels comfortable again with their glamour restored.
“Either way,” Mobius says, and sends Loki off to the bathroom to shower and change. “I’ll have dinner ready by the time you’re done.”
When Loki leaves the tiny bathroom in their silk pajamas, they find the small two-person table lit by candlelight. Mobius stands beside it, wearing one of the dark suits Loki picked out for him at the store, with a deep green tie that’s slightly askew.
“What’s all this?” Loki asks.
“I know we’re soulmates, and our fates are destined and everything,” Mobius says, tugging at his collar. A bit of pink dusts his cheeks. “But some things should be done the old fashioned way. I want to win your heart, so I thought...” He clears his throat. “I want to wine and dine you. Properly.”
“Ah.” Loki slides further into the room, heart lighter than it’s been in the past forty-eight hours. All the lingering hurts are mended. And Mobius looks delectable in that suit, just as Loki thought he would. Loki strides right up to him, reaches out, and adjusts his tie. “You are attempting to seduce me.”
Mobius’s cheeks redden. He glances away for the briefest of moments before his eyes return to Loki’s face.
“You are everything a guy could want,” Mobius says. “More than I ever dreamed.”
Loki finishes fixing Mobius’s tie, but leaves their hands flat on Mobius’s chest. Mobius takes one and brings it to his mouth. He places a kiss to Loki’s palm.
Loki shivers, but not from any cold.
“Loki,” Mobius says, giving so much weight to the name - things unspoken, maybe not ready to be said, but are known - so known, and ready to be shown.
Mobius leans, and Loki stays very still, waiting, wanting but so, so afraid.
Mobius stops just out of reach. His breath hot on Loki’s lips, he asks, “Can I kiss you?”
Loki swallows all their fear and whispers, “Please.”
Mobius closes the distance and presses their lips together.
Fireworks ignite in Loki’s chest. Their heart thunders. Their hands itch for more, so they grab Mobius by the shoulders and hold, clinging, ruining the new suit and not caring at all.
Mobius cups Loki’s jawline, guiding them closer, tilting gently, positioning Loki just as he wants them. Loki goes willingly, opening their mouth as Mobius licks his way inside.
They should have done this long ago. They should do this all the time. This should never, ever stop.
Loki moans as Mobius’s fingers comb into their hair. Mobius breaks for air, tilts his head, and comes back for more. Loki holds Mobius so close, they are certain their heart beats straight into Mobius’s chest.
It’s perfect, passion incarnate, and Loki wants so much that they -
Loki’s stomach growls. Loudly.
Mobius smiles against Loki’s lips.
Loki groans as Mobius plants one more soft kiss and pulls away.
“Wining and dining time,” he says with a wink.
Loki is both endeared and annoyed. “I will have more of this.” His stomach grumbles again. “After dinner.”
Loki doesn’t miss the flush of Mobius’s cheeks, even as his easy smile returns. “It would be my absolute pleasure, and I mean that.”
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wlntrsldler · 4 years
Falling (Bucky Barnes Series)
PROMPT: Bucky has been distant lately. Y/N doesn’t know why.
WARNINGS: ANGST, tears? sadness? 
Song Inspiration: Falling by Harry Styles
You couldn’t pin-point exactly when Bucky started becoming distant. One day you just realized his lips no longer lingered on your temple, his hand stopped finding yours in the crowd, and his eyes avoided yours in conversation. Maybe you were too blinded, too naive, to see it. You lost him slowly.. and then all at once. 
You didn’t think about it at first. He’s just busy, you told yourself, he’s an Avenger now, he has other things to worry about besides what dinner will be for tonight. You tried to pretend that you didn’t stay up until past 2AM, waiting for him to stumble into your shared bedroom. You tried to act like you didn’t notice that he barely looked up from his tablet while you talked about your day. You tried to push past the hurt that you felt when he stopped kissing you good morning. You tried, you really did. 
You spend most of your days wrapped in a blanket, in one of his old sweaters, alone on your couch. You lost hope on him coming home for dinner... or even coming home at all. These days were all the same. Everyday felt like it never ended- there was no sunrise, there was no sunset. It was just everyday, over and over again. 
The team would call you sometimes to check-in, saying how much they missed you and how you should come with Bucky to the Tower sometimes. You’d just laugh it off knowing that Bucky would insist that you not go. For your own safety, he’d always say. It was starting to sound like an excuse. Truth be told, it probably is one. 
Nat came to visit. She brought you a pound of that Argentinian coffee that you loved the last time you visited them. You went through three cups, buzzed and hyper, with Bucky’s metal arm slung across your waist. Nat knew something was wrong the minute she saw you. Honestly, she didn’t need to be a trained agent to figure it out. It was obvious, anyone could see it. 
She didn’t ask though, knowing that you’re not one to talk about things. But you knew she knew. It was in her mannerisms, her words, her comfort. She held onto you for a hug a bit longer than usual and she avoided the topic of Bucky the whole time she was over. When Bucky got home he was surprised to see you and Nat nursing glasses of wine. You were surprised that he was even home.
“Hey, Barnes,” Nat cleared her throat, refilling her glass. “Nice of you to join us.”
“Hey, Nat.” Bucky’s eyes flickered to you for a second. His eyes were empty. Since when were the bags under his eyes so dark? “What are you doing here?”
“Came to visit, Y/N.” She shrugged, shooting you a comforting smile. She placed a hand on top of yours, giving it a light squeeze. “You’ve been hiding her from us. I missed her.”
“I missed you too, Nat.” You replied, rubbing a thumb over the back of her hand. “Babe, you want a glass?”
He gulped, looking at you and Nat. “Sure.”
The hour that Nat stayed after Bucky showed up was nice. The air in the room felt lighter. You saw quick glimpses of your Bucky during the short hour. He was always like this. Around other people, he was the same, like nothing was different between you two. He replies like how he used to, not his one word, dismissive sentences that seemed like he only reserved for you.
Nat said goodbye at around 10PM, kissing your cheek and mumbling an, “I love you,” to you. You almost didn’t want her to go because you knew Bucky would go back to acting like he didn’t know you. But you knew it’s bound to happen. 
Once you shut the door, you saw Bucky get up from the couch, wiping his hands on his jeans. He started to pick up the wine glasses to take them to the kitchen. You stood by the door, listening to the sound of the kitchen faucet running. You leaned against it, taking a deep breath once you heard him shut it off. What happens next?
“Y/N,” Bucky started, coming back into the living room. “I’m gonna get ready to sleep.”
You noticed his choice of words. You didn’t know if he did it on purpose or if the words just rolled off his tongue as easily as they pierced through your heart. To sleep. Not to go to bed. Maybe you were overthinking but you always associated “going to bed” with the thought of you both going to bed together and the fact that he didn’t use those words just reiterated a fact that you knew too well: You wouldn’t be in the same bed tonight. 
“Okay.” You managed to squeak out. 
“Goodnight,” He said, awkwardly shifting his weight from his toes and his heels. “I already washed the glasses so you don’t have to worry about that.”
“Thank you.”
Bucky nodded, giving you one last look before he disappeared into the dimly lit hallway. His face looked tired. You wondered if it was because of you. 
You began cleaning up around the living room- picking up cushions, throwing scraps of trash away, and folding the blanket you always covered your legs with. It smelled like Bucky. It was the closest thing you had of him, nowadays. 
You heard him enter your bedroom, shutting the door behind him completely. You felt a drop hit your thigh. You didn’t realize that you were crying. 
How did you get here? 
You leaned back on the couch, wrapping your arms around yourself and let the tears fall until you fell asleep. 
You woke up to the sound of plates being placed on the coffee table. Your eyes fluttered open, catching a glimpse of Bucky’s metal arm putting breakfast on the table. You whispered, your voice cracking, “Buck?”
“Shit, sorry, Y/N.” He apologized, rubbing the back of his neck with the same hand. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
You waved him off, sitting up on the couch. You blinked a few times to focus your vision on the scene in front of you. Did he make you breakfast? “What’s this?”
“Breakfast. I figured you were tired.” He replied. Bucky studied your face, eyebrows furrowing. You suddenly became self-conscious, no longer used to his eyes on you. You gulped, tugging at the sleeves of his sweater. “Have you been crying?”
Your eyes widened, completely forgetting about last night. You nodded, trying to come up with a quick lie. “Oh, yeah... I watched a sad movie and I guess I passed out on the couch.”
Bucky nodded, accepting your sentence. “I gotta go. I’ll probably be home late, don’t wait up.”
Your eyes followed him as he walked out of the door, leaving you by yourself once again. You reached over for the coffee Bucky prepared. It smelled exactly like your favorite. You knew he opened the pack Nat brought with her. 
You took small bites of your food, not trusting yourself to eat the entire plate. You felt sick to your stomach. Since when did you lie to Bucky? That wasn’t like you. You sighed, putting the warm cup down. You looked around the room, eyes landing on the many pictures of you and Bucky. 
The pictures were mocking you, you were sure of it. Those pictures were a constant reminder of what you had. The Bucky and Y/N that the two of you are now are just ghosts of who you used to be. The tears started to form in your eyes once again, having to blink them away to stop yourself from crying. 
You started to tear down the pictures, placing them in a box for safekeeping. You wanted the memories, you just didn’t want them staring at you to remind you of what you lost. You began to put up the art pieces you bought from a local gallery a few months ago. The colors clashed with your furniture but it would have to do while you looked for replacements. 
You spent the rest of your day in your home office, working away and finishing projects that weren’t due for a few more weeks. You kept yourself busy to forget about everything else that was going on in your life. You looked at your clock, 11:37PM, and still no sign of Bucky. You placed your arms flat on your desk, pushing your laptop to the side, and fell asleep. 
Your slumber was interrupted by sudden movement. You rubbed your eyes, unaware of what was going on. 
“It’s okay, go back to sleep.” 
I must be dreaming.
You looked up and saw Bucky. He was carrying you in his arms, still in the same clothes he left the house in. He must’ve just gotten home. He looked down at you. For a quick second you could’ve swore that his lips curled up to a small smile. You missed that smile. “What time is it?”
“1:54.” He responded, opening your bedroom door and placing you on your side of the bed. “Been looking for you. Should’ve figured you were in your office.”
“You just got home?”
“Yeah, I’m about to head back out though.” 
“Oh,” The disappointment was evident in your voice. You pulled the blankets to cover your body, getting cozy in the cold sheets. “Where are you going?”
“Mission.” He started to dig through his drawers, pulling out a pair of jeans. “Just needed to get some clothes before I go.”
“Oh,” You repeated. “Be safe.”
“Thank you.”
That was all that was said. 
You faced away from the door, holding in your tears again. Once you heard his footsteps fade into the silence of the night, you let out a choking sob. 
Bucky was never around. 
“Y/N?” Bucky called out. “I’m home.”
The apartment was unusually quiet. He’d been gone for three days and he missed you. Things were finally in place and everything was just right. He saw the walls for the first time, confused when he didn’t see your pictures on the wall. 
“Y/N?” He tried again, walking over to the box on top of the coffee table. He dug through it, seeing the pictures he was looking for. Once he reached the bottom of the box, he left it alone, thinking that you just put them away to hang them up somewhere better. “Y/N?”
He checked the kitchen, the bathroom, the dining room- nothing. He walked into your bedroom, seeing it spotless, like it hasn’t been used in a while. It smelled of fresh laundry, untouched and brand new. It didn’t smell like you. Bucky didn’t like it. 
“Y/N? Are you in here?”
He was about to leave the room when he saw the white paper in the middle of the bed. It almost blended in with the empty sheets. It was addressed to him. 
Bucky ripped open the envelope, nearly tearing the letter in half. He frantically unfolded it, hands shaking with every word that he read. 
I love you. You know I do. I’m scared that a part of me always will. I’m bound to you... but I can’t do this anymore. 
The past few months, I’ve been alone. You’re not here anymore, Buck. I’m not mad at you, don’t worry. I get it. Sometimes people drift apart, that’s life. The thing is, I’m still here. I haven’t moved from where I started. I’m still hopelessly in love with you, watching you stray further and further away from me everyday. 
I don’t think you have the strength to let go. Honestly, I don’t even know if I do either but one of us has to. 
I love you, Buck.
- Y/N.”
Bucky shook his head, chest rising up and down. You wouldn’t leave him. You wouldn’t. 
He ran to your office, nearly tripping over his own feet. The door swung open and Bucky’s face paled at the sight. Everything was gone. Your bookshelf littered with books and random things you picked up from target- gone. Your fuzzy slippers that you only wear in your office- gone. Your laptop- gone. 
The only thing left was picture of the two of you from your first Christmas together, kissing under the mistletoe, on your desk. 
He looked down at the letter in his hands, his eyes re-reading the words “I’ve been alone. You’re not here anymore.” He thought about the past few months and all the secrets he kept from you. 
Bucky started treatment. It was a risk, Tony continuously reminded him of it every time he showed up for the next dosage. But it was a risk Bucky was willing to take. 
He wanted to be free from the Winter Soldier. He didn’t want those words to have a hold on him anymore. He wanted a shot at life, to grow old, to experience things, to live, to love- all with you. 
He wasn’t allowed to tell you. He wasn’t allowed to tell anyone. Only Tony, Shuri and T’Challa knew about it. 
For months Bucky would go see the three of them to get injected by a reversal serum created in Wakanda. He offered to be the guinea pig of the experiment. “If there’s a chance of this working, I’ll take it.”
He endured painful trials, some days he even stayed in the lab because he couldn’t move. Sometimes the serum made him physically stronger and he couldn’t control himself. His arm would touch something and destroy it, even if he didn’t want to. He had to stop himself from touching you, afraid that he’ll hurt you. He distanced himself away from you because he had to. 
He just wished he could’ve told you that. 
But this last mission was the final treatment. After trial and error, the serum finally worked. It was over. He was finally free.
Bucky couldn’t wait to get back home to you- to kiss you, hug you, love you, and murmur sweet nothings in your ear. He would be able to tell you everything that happened in his life and how it killed him to not wrap his arms around your waist or cuddle you in your sleep. He was so excited to spin you around in circles, your beautiful smile that he so dearly missed, finally making its way to your face again. 
He didn’t expect to come back to an empty home. 
Is it even a home anymore?
Bucky reached down for his phone in his pocket, his heart stopping when his finger grazed over the velvet box instead. He almost forgot. 
He pulled out the box, opening it. The ring sparkled against the rays of sun peeking through the curtains of your bare office. 
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randombtsprincessa · 4 years
All Rights Reserved. © RandomBTSPrincessa, Tulips98.
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Park Jimin x Reader (2nd POV)
Words: 3.9k
Genre: Smut
Rating: Mature (18+)
Summary: There is a little misconception between you and Jimin. What do you do? You fuck your brother’s best friend in the bathroom.
Warning: Frenemy to Lovers, Jimin exists, teeny tiny jealousy on both ends, Yoongi makes an appearance, oral (female), mild dirty talk, protected sex, bathroom sex.
A/N: To my love, to my angel, to the darling serendipity, a happy birthday, Park Jimin.
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The simmering, roiling heat of a flame lit deep underbelly, the constriction of your chest just because you set your eyes on something vile, the natural grimace that twisted your face and brought lines to your forehead…
All were reactions you were well familiar with; all pertaining to deep, genuine hate.
Which is ridiculous because you shouldn’t – can’t – hate something that has nothing whatsoever to do with you; or so you’d thought.
Well turns out, you can hate someone who has nothing to do with you in the simply case that it is Park Jimin. Park Jimin had nothing to do with you, absolutely nothing.
And yet his name brought fiery heat to the apples of your cheeks, flushed down to your chest.
All he was; was your dearest brother’s best friend. That’s all he was. He was just some guy your brother had known for ages, trusted explicitly, would always have his back and most likely throw a punch for. That’s it. Nothing very special for two bros, who would die for each other?
His involvement with you should end with that. You’d think so, right?
But Park Jimin was everywhere.
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Park Jimin was the usual crème de la crème of the male species. He had fluffy raven hair that he had a habit of running his fingers through. Plump cheeks and lips gave his face a childish glow but his eyes…
His eyes would keep you up seven nights in a row and then some. They were a flecked deep mahogany; that radiated mischief and softened in giggles at the same time. All of that would still be okay to pass off – after all, hot men weren’t exactly a lacking commodity, it was the good hot ones that were rare – if not for the fact, that there was nothing usual about Park Jimin.
Your brother Dean, bless his heart, had never managed to grow up from the freshman boy phase that miraculously slipped past the years into graduation. You had followed suit at the same university, effectively moving in with him in his recently bought apartment as he started his interning in and out of the college odd jobs.
He also forgot to mention that aside from him and you, one other person was practically always there.
You had finished homework one day, venturing out to rummage through the kitchens for something to eat until your brother returned home with takeout for dinner when you had first seen him.
A simple black shirt and jeans and head faced you, a box of fruit loops upended over a wide open mouth. You had squeaked, ducking behind the sink. You were only wearing a pair of shorts and a huge shirt with nothing underneath and a stranger stood in your new home.
When he turned, mouth bulging from the amount of cereal in his mouth, his own eyes had widened and he’d choked, coughing out almost his entire mouthful.
“Fuck, I didn’t know there was a girl in here.” He’d spat out.
Of course, the first few moments where you’d taken the liberty to run straight to your room and get properly dressed, you’d made a few keen observations. Ok, it was only one.
The guy was smoking hot.
Dean had arrived when you came back out, painstakingly admitting to having completely forgotten about mentioning you to his friends and vice-versa. Jimin stood behind his shoulder, an easy smile on his face when you shook hands.
Now…you hadn’t been planning to have anything to do with him necessarily. He was still your brother’s friend and the small flicker of excitement you’d felt when Dean mentioned that Jimin was almost always there was mostly harmless.
So, when you heard your brother teasingly warn off Jimin from flirting with you and the retort was a short, ‘no thanks, I have enough girls lined up to keep my mind off your baby sister,’ your smile vanished, replaced by a disgusted grimace.
As lax as Dean was and as open about his relationships he was, you hadn’t thought that he’d be associating with a fuck boy.
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You didn’t know when your initial disgust and disdain of Park Jimin turned into full blown hate. Perhaps it was the incessant snark, the teasing…
Perhaps it was the fact that Dean hadn’t been lying about him always being there. The times when you had a boy over, even if it wasn’t a date – he was there, on the couch, stuffed with popcorn. The times you would mention going out to a café, or an arcade with a guy, he happened to be there – spotting you all too easily and coming over to say hi.
Or maybe, it was just him being the general hot asshole. He dripped sin and no matter how hard you tried to not notice and move on from the place where you had nothing better to do but look at him, he would tease you about how he riled you up.
You couldn’t escape him.
Which made no sense…because his demeanor meant that he wasn’t a fan of yours either. You spat back retorts as fast as a gun, had compared his dick to one of the moldy carrots in your brother’s fridge, and had once physically pushed him away from a guy you had made the mistake of bringing home.
You were sure, he enjoyed it. There was something about the flare in his eyes that made you curious, wondering if maybe he was doing it on purpose…if the push and pull was something he found exciting.
You wouldn’t be surprised at all if he did.
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The same held true for your place of work.
You had scoured and scored a job as a barista at the café and bakery nearest Dean’s apartment. The situation was lovely, the workers were friendly and the pay wasn’t unfair. You were happy in donning on a simply powder blue apron and doing the works behind the register every day.
Right up until Park Jimin began to show up there as well.
At first, you thought it was because Dean was the one dragging him there; having already warned you he was going to show up and scout out your new work place – just in case. You only wished he had done without Jimin hanging about, his own head swiveling about inquisitively before landing on you, sizing you up.
You couldn’t deny the flush of heat around your neck at his curious gaze and that made you angrier.
He had started to parade around in all his glory even without your brother about, smarmy smirks throw at you while he waited for you to serve him. He would blow kisses, raise an eyebrow challengingly when you threw disparaging looks at him.
And then one fateful day he took it too far.
He stood in line at the counter, you saw him first thing when you handed out change to the customers while another co-worker, Nina, handed out the orders.
You completely turned away from the counter when it was Jimin’s turn, not catching his eyes but ears working on hyperactive as he flirted heavily with the other girl.
Nina, for all her sweetness, blushed, stammered and nearly messed up his order which had you rolling your eyes in disgust. God, he wasn’t even that good. Why were girls all over themselves for him? You could at least give as well as you got.
The final thought had your head snapping up – in horror at you. Where had that come from? Since when had you wanted to be at the receiving end of Jimin’s flirtations? Granted, you always were the one he’d pick on, zero in on, whenever he was around but he did to annoy you.
You looked over your shoulder, finally meeting Jimin’s eyes, which were already on you. Nina had still not managed to get his drink done right, adding a bit too much sugar, you’d noticed than Jimin took but he only grinned – waving a hand to show it was all fine as he dropped a couple bills on the counter.
And then he threw you a cheeky, exaggerate wink, before turning on his heel and retreating back to his customary table.
That’s it.
You snarled to yourself mentally, tapping on Nina’s shoulder a little harder than necessary.
“I’ll do the customers now, you can handle the register.”
If there was anything off about your voice or your face, Nina didn’t mention it. She was probably way too into thinking about Jimin to be very observant anyway. She obediently moved to the other side of the counter, letting you stand to the front, now facing the rest of the line.
You couldn’t feel Jimin’s usual gaze on you, for the most part whenever you glanced at him; he was busy staring intently at his phone.
So, you swiftly handled and dispensed the customers, until one guy walked into your line of sight, hands stuffed into the pockets of his coat and a nervous look in his eyes.
“Hi,” He said first thing.
You put your server smile on. “Good morning, sir. Welcome and what may I get you today?”
“Just a simple black coffee, for Min Yoongi,” The man said. You thought you caught him burying his hands further into his pockets, your smile flickering uncertainly.
“Just a simple black…? No additions?” You clarified, pen hovering over the order slip.
“Yeah no, it’s just it’s embarrassing…I’ve never had coffee in a café before, I always have my homemade blend. But my coffee maker broke so…”
None of the above information was necessary, but you could feel a small smile twitching at the edges of your lips. He was cute, shy and blushing.
“A simple black,” You scribbled the order, passing it to the kitchens, “Perhaps, you should have that machine looked at,” You laughed.
The answering laugh was slow but bubbling. “Well, I mean I could wait a few days – depending on the coffee here.” He said.
“We do have good coffee.” You considered, lowering your voice as you motioned for him to move to the checkout line. A simple black didn’t take much long to make and the line was thankfully empty for now. The paper cup stood steaming on the counter, the name Min Yoongi scrawled over in the chef’s large writing. You grabbed it quickly, putting it in a carrier and placing it in front of him.
The man carefully lifted the cup up, taking a sip, before shrugging. “It’s not half bad. Maybe, I can come by if the machine stays broken.” He lifted hopeful eyes to you.
You couldn’t help but flutter slightly. “I’d keep our simple black lane open.” You teased back and he nodded, still smiling before pulling out the bills for the coffee. He slipped in another bill to your hand.
“A tip, don’t be too eager to spend it.” He flushed heavily, turning quickly on his heel to walk out, the bell tinkling at his exit.
You glanced at the one note curiously. It wasn’t too big of an amount but what mattered was the little red numbers at the base – a phone number. You grinned to yourself. He must have written his number out when you were packing his coffee. You slipped the numbered bill into your pocket, getting back to work to the line when you saw him.
Jimin’s eyebrows were drawn together, thick lips pursed tightly as he drummed his fingers on the counter. His eyes snapped to you immediately when you walked to him.
“Want something else?” You asked lightly, trying not to ruin the small lift Min Yoongi’s number had given you.
“Yes, I would actually, if it’s fine with you.”
You glanced up, eyebrows rising at the curt tone.
“Your little friend over there couldn’t get my order straight. If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like a decent drink.”
“Park, you were the one flirting with Nina.” You scowled at him.
His jaw clenched. “Does that mean I have to suffer through a cup of torture?”
You determinedly looked down, writing down the order Jimin had wanted before, passing it to the kitchens to be processed. Jimin didn’t wait for you to ask him anything else, moving to the checkout line before you could say anything. You silently passed him his drink when it came and he took one sip, before wordlessly exiting the shop, your eyes trailing after him.
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You didn’t wait for the official lunch break. You knew he’d be gone by then and you didn’t want to talk to him about his stupid behavior in front of your brother. Grabbing a simple cappuccino to go, you tugged on your coat, exiting the shop, tracing his steps where you knew he would’ve gone – Dean’s apartment.
You didn’t have to go very far. He had stopped near a lamp post, leaning against his car, phone back out as he scrolled roughly on it.
“Hey, Park Jimin,” You arrived in a huff, fingers snapping under his nose that had him jumping – looking at you with a heavy glare in his eyes.
“Y/N, what the fuck,” He backed up into his car door.
“I should be asking you that question. What the fuck is your problem?”
The glare in Jimin’s eyes subsided, replaced with a cold indifference. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“I mean, that you’re usually a jackass to me but today you just crossed a few more lines. Why would you flirt with Nina if you didn’t like the coffee she made? And why would you take it out on me?”
“Whoa, ok, I’m not a jackass to you, ok? I was just teasing you with that girl; I didn’t think she’d be so bad at a simple coffee.”
You crossed your arms across your chest. “Doesn’t explain why you were being all stuck up and awful, simply because I served another customer before you?”
Jimin paused, eyes trailing over you. “He gave you his number, didn’t he? I know guys like him; they act all shy to get girls like you falling over them. You’re my best friend’s sister, Y/N; I’m just looking out for you.”
“That is such…” You tried to think of a bad enough word, but looking at Jimin now, the smug arch of his eyebrow, the tilt to his head – you knew he was vying for a fight, anything to get out of the fact that you had called him out on his behavior.
So you did the exact opposite.
“You acted like you were jealous, Park.” You prodded, watching his eyes widen in vindictive pleasure.
“Don’t be stupid.”
“No, no, that’s what this all is about, isn’t it? All the interruptions on my dates, all the intimidating the boys I hung about with…you were just jealous.”
Jimin was backing up now, his hand clenching his door handle. “Y/N, I’m warning you.”
“Oh please, how ridiculous could you get?” You snapped and so did he. His hand shot out; he grabbed onto the back of your coat, yanking you to him, chest pressing tight to his.
Unfortunately, your arm caught between your bodies, the paper cup crumpling from the pressure and splashing all over him. Thankfully, your coat took most of the brunt while his shirt soaked through with what was probably sizzling coffee.
“Son of a bitch,” Jimin jerked away from you, hands pulling away the fabric of his shirt from his skin.
“Oh god,” You dropped the cup in the trashcan under the light post. “Are you burnt?”
“No – no, but I need to get home. Fucking now,” Jimin growled, unlocking the car to roughly pull the door open. “Get in.” He called curtly and for once you obeyed, circling the car as he revved the engine, driving to your apartment.
The car ride was silent, except for the soft curses Jimin let out, squirming in the seat as the wet fabric cooled against his body.
Once home, you led Jimin straight to the washer, letting him unbutton the shirt so you could stash it and your coat in to wash them. Of course, watching nimble fingers work to pull away a sticky cloth from Jimin’s chiseled torso did distract you for a bit but then he opened his mouth.
“You’re paying for the shirt, you know. It was expensive.” He grumbled, leaning against the bathroom door.
You rolled your eyes immediately. “It’s just a shirt, Jimin, and machine washable, it’ll come out fine.”
“Sure, sure,” Jimin smirked. “Isn’t this awfully domestic of you, washing my clothes?”
You didn’t even deign to stand up to face him. “Fuck yourself Park,” You said calmly.
“Actually,” there was a heavy pause. “I think I’ll just fuck you.”
The next thing you felt was a hand at your chin, turning you sideways where Jimin placed his lips on yours fully.
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The squeak you let out was not the sexiest sound you could’ve made in that moment. But then, you hadn’t exactly expected Park Jimin to be kissing you in any way possible. His eyes were clamped shut while yours were blown wide open, watching his brow furrow with effort as he delved deeper into you.
Your hands had grabbed onto the sides of his waist, the curve smooth and cold under your slick palm, if not a little sticky too.
When he pulled away, perhaps to gauge your reaction, your mouth fell open about as wide as your eyes, watching him stunned.
“Yeah,” He huffed, “not exactly the most self controlled thing I’ve done.”
“But…what about all that shit about Dean and watching over me?”
“Are you kidding? He’d be thrilled if you and I got together – but he’d still knock my blinkers up and down the street for not telling him first. Which was what I was texting him about,” He pulled out his phone from his back pocket, showing you a text conversation between him and your brother.
You didn’t even glance at the screen.
“So, all that time when you were being a jerk, you could’ve just come up and kissed me?”
“Well, not really but,”
“Fuck, stop talking.” You groaned, dropping your head in your hand before growling. “Take it all off.” You dug your hand into his waist band, to drive your point home before reaching down for the hem of your own clothes, lifting and tugging it over your head.
“Oh, okay,” Jimin took a second to move, removing everything, your own jeans and underwear joining his on the bathroom floor before the both of you migrated to the wall next to the bathtub, kissing with fervor.
“You’re an idiot, just so we’re on the same page.” You managed to spill when Jimin’s lips – and better, his tongue and teeth – moved to your neck, lining the slope of your throat with harsh pink suckles.
“Babe, we both need to shut up if we’re going to finish this before Dean gets home.” Jimin looked up with a heavy smirk as he ran his tongue over your bottom lip, teeth digging in to part the seam of your mouth. You groaned, feeling him let go as he trailed his fingers down to your exposed breasts, thick fingers digging into the supple flesh, smacking one to watch it jiggle.
“Goddamn, if only I’d had the guts to just do this before when I saw you prance about the house in nothing but that huge shirt and panties.”
“Ironic, I’ve wanted you for roughly the same amount of time.” Your arms wound around his neck as he took a nipple in his mouth, sucking on it hard and rough, letting it go just as abruptly.
Your head thudded back, Jimin dropping to his knees easily. “I’ve wanted to eat this pussy for so long. All those times I’ve come over to see you on your stomach on the couch, or with some dude who probably doesn’t even know how do it -,”
“I thought we were going to shut up.”
Jimin threw you a dirty grin. “Make me.”
You smirked right back – if Jimin thought you were going to take the bait, he didn’t know you too well. Instead, you tangled five fingers in his sleek hair, yanking him closer to your core. “I will,”
His hands travelled up the expanse of your thighs, goose bumps soothed by his nails as his thumbs hooked into the apex of your legs. Jimin hummed against the burning skin, tongue placing kitten licks over the exposed clit.
If it wasn’t the sensation that had you leaning against the wall for balance when Jimin threw a knee over his shoulder, it was the fact that he never removed his eyes from your face.
His tongue traced over your glistening folds, dipping into your hole then fluttering back to your clit to suck it into his mouth, all the while his eyes burned into yours, as if he was devouring more than just your heat, your very essence.
You reached for his shoulders. “Come here,” You kissed him almost savagely, your taste on his lips as you plunged your tongue into his mouth. Fumbling with the free hand, you stroked his length, hands slickening in his arousal.
Finally when he pulled away, he went straight to the bathroom cabinet. “Your brother keeps his condoms here.” He explained.
“I don’t even wanna know why you know that.” You crinkled your nose, ignoring his chuckle as he rolled the sheath onto his shaft. Coming back to you, he kissed the wrinkle off your nose.
He grabbed your thigh, letting it rest over his elbows as he stretched one hand along the wall, holding it tightly in his. Tilting his hips at an angle, he fed his cock into you, a deep guttural groan escaping him as your velvet walls engulfed him tightly.
“I’d take a million ass beatings for a few minutes of this.” He grunted, his first thrusts slow and shallow, stretching you out before he was hefting his arm higher, parting your legs further.
The first angled deep thrust had you gasping, his lips sneaking over yours, subtly muffling the moans and whimpers by swallowing them.
Jimin maintained a steady pace, slow but deep, pushing himself to your limits, mouth wet over any inch of you he could reach, before he was pulling out, turning you to bend over the bathtub. Your fingers wrapped around its lip, tight and bloodless when he delved further back into you.
This time, however, there was nothing slow about him.
He entered you ruthlessly, fast, going even deeper if possible, his teeth clenched when you felt him lean over your, brushing away hair from your ears.
“Do you feel me, Y/N? You’ve been missing out on this.” He laughed, breathless when he reared back and then started plunging into you again, battering his pelvis against your ass.
The sounds of your broken whines accompanied the sharp slaps of your skin meeting his. His hands gripped at your neck, pushing your further down until your were completely bent in half, his head rubbing against your spot and then you were exploding – almost pulling away from him.
“Not done yet, babe,” You felt him enter you again, somewhere through the haze of your bliss, your orgasm seemingly endless as his ferocious speed kept you on the sweet edge of never quite finishing.
When he finally erupted, arms wrapped tight around your chest and waist, standing as he worded curses against your neck, you came once more, arching into the wall, before he rested the both of your exhausted bodies against it.
“We’ll have to talk to Dean if you wanna do this again.” You mumbled.
“Yeah,” He sighed. “But we still have some time.”
He glanced at you sheepishly.
“Round two?”
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harryhandstan · 4 years
kiss in the kitchen
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We’re gonna ignore the fact that I keep using lyrics as my titles cause I’m not creative enough to come up with my own
This is for @lovinhesmdcn​‘s Mean Birthday writing prompt event! My birthday this year was one of the worst days of my life so I chose to create a fantasy where that day never happened. *deep sigh* one day I will stop using my personal experiences so much in my writing but today is not that day.
I feel the need to apologize to those of you that read the sneak peek and came here expecting smut! This is pure fluff sorry :) hope you still enjoy it!
word count: 3k
Harry was still baffled at the fact that you did not care one bit about celebrating your birthday.
"It's your special day, love, wanna celebrate you. With you. Y'don't want a party or anything?"
You shake your head no, strands of hair falling from your messy bun into your face. You brush them away and bring your mug of coffee to your lips, taking a long sip. This had become Harry's daily breakfast topic, trying to convince you to let him do something for your day of birth.
"I told you, Harry. My last birthday was..a traumatic day for me and I just don't want to be reminded of that."
"I know, but," He stuffs another bite of pancake in his mouth before continuing, "This year you have me. I wanna spoil my girl and s'not fair that you're refusing me that chance."
You roll your eyes, "You spoil me everyday."
"Do not."
"Do too. Who made breakfast and refused to let me help?"
"That's not spoiling. S'just because I didn't want you to burn the pancakes again."
"That was ONE time, and it's only because YOU distracted me."
"Just wanted a good morning kiss, ya the one that got all greedy and wanted more." He waves his fork in your direction, emphasizing his point, "Filthy little tease, you are." 
"Maybe I am, but you have to admit you started it that day."
You stand to take the now empty plates to the sink. Before you have a chance to stack them, Harry is pulling you into his lap. A sticky, syrup flavored kiss pressed to the corner of your mouth. His hands moving around to interlock behind your back to keep you secure.
"If you truly don't want to do anything for your birthday, we won't. It's your day, you decide how we spend it, alright? Shame to pass up the opportunity for cake though."
You sigh, admitting defeat, "We can have cake, if that will make you happy."
"Yeah?" His eyes light up at the idea, "A party with presents too?"
"No party. Just want to spend the day with you. Maybe dinner or something, just the two of us. You may buy me one present, if you wish."
"One present, huh?"
"I mean it, Harry. No party. NO surprise guests. One present. Promise me." You hold one pinky out, waiting.
He looks at your finger, level now with his face, eyes narrowed at it before bringing a hand to loop his pinky around yours, "Deal. Any other rules?"
You shake your head no, placing your hand flat to his chest to push yourself off his lap.
He catches you quickly, a strong arm thrown around your waist, ignoring your laughter as you plop back down on his thighs.
"Y'not going anywhere yet. We have cake flavors to discuss."
When the day arrives, the two of you spend most of the morning in bed before he forces you to get up for a late lunch. 
A small square package, messily wrapped in colorful paper lay on the kitchen table in front of you, 
"This does NOT count as your present. I just saw it at the store and couldn't resist.”
He's giggly the whole time you rip the paper away, you protesting about him already breaking your rules. 
"S'not a real one, of course. Knew you'd throw a fit if I did that."
With the paper finally gone, you pull the top off the box only to gasp at what's nestled there in tissue paper. 
A crown. A more grown up version of the plastic, fake-jeweled ones you wore religiously as a child. This one sparkles silver against pastel pink paper, the afternoon light reflecting the glitter and casting a glow across your face. When you don't move to take it from its wrapping, Harry moves forward, removing it from the box to nestle it on top of your head.
He pulls back, eyes sweeping over your face, hovering there for a moment before placing a kiss to the top of your head. 
"How's it look?" He's looking at you the way you look at a sunset, like he's never seen anything more gorgeous.
"Thank you, H. You're spoiling me again."
"S'your birthday, princess, will you stop being so stubborn and just enjoy it?"
"Where're we going for dinner?"
You stand in front of your closet, post-shower, in nothing but a loose sleep shirt and underwear.  Your hair rests atop your head in rollers. Your only instructions so far from Harry were to get ready and dress nice.
"Who says m'taking you to dinner?" His voice is muffled through the slightly open bathroom door.
"Oh..I just thought.."
He emerges from behind the door, towel tied loosely around his waist, coming to stand next to you in front of his own side of the closet you share. His hand snakes around to rest on your hip before pulling you close to press a kiss to your temple.
"M'just kidding, lovie. Just want to surprise you though..can you let me do that?"
His hand resting on your mostly bare hip has you pulling your bottom lip into your mouth and casting a smirk his way.
"None of that," He quickly pulls his hand away, landing a playful swat to your thigh before smiling down at the mark he knows will temporarily form on your skin, "We have reservations, plenty of time for all that after dinner."
"Well will you at least tell me how nice you mean by dress nice? How am I supposed to decide what to wear? You know I have a hard enough time choosing when I do know where we're going."
"Then let me choose for you." He leads you to the bed, pushing you to sit on the edge, a hand coming to cover your eyes. 
You let out a deep sigh, closing your eyes.
"D'ya not trust me?"
"Of course I do. You know I do."
"Alright then. No peekin'."
You hear him shuffle away, then the sound of hangers gliding back and forth across the rod in the closet as he makes his selection.
"Will you be picking shoes as well? Or do I get to decide that?"
"I'll pick them." It's easy to visualize the smile on his lips. He's enjoying this way too much.
You hear the bathroom door open again and you temporarily peek one eye open, your curiosity getting the better of you.
"What about jewelry?"
"Ah, forgot about that. Thank you, babe." He's at your dresser now, you hear the top of your jewelry box being removed and the clink of things being removed and replaced as he carefully coordinates what will go best together.
"Can I open my eyes yet?"
"Patience, angel. Almost done."
His feet are too quiet as he returns to you, and you jump when a finger boops your nose. He chuckles before bending down to whisper in your ear, "Be ready in 20" landing another playful swat at your hip.
He's placed everything in the bathroom, hanging the dress on the back of the door, shoes and accessories on the counter.
Of course he would choose that dress. He's told you frequently how much he loves it on you, the soft, flowy fabric hugging your body and accentuating your features in the most flattering ways. Lucky for him it was one of your favorites too. You laugh when you see the shoes, a pair of low set heels. He knows you too well, knows you will most likely want a glass of wine (or two) with dinner and how dangerous your higher heels are, even when you're sober.
20 minutes isn't as much time as you would have liked, but you put yourself together as best you can with the time you are given. Thankfully your hair set easily in soft waves because of the rollers, saving you that extra time to make sure your make-up looks as decent as possible.
Harry waits for you, perched on the edge of the bed in the same spot he made you sit earlier while he selected your outfit. His head is down and when you appear in front of him he looks up, letting out a low whistle at the sight of you.
"You look like a dream, love, an absolute dream." His hands come to rest on your hips, eyes sweeping over your body, basking in the glow of your beauty. 
You run your hands through his hair, trying to ignore his hand traveling further down to dip under the hem of your dress. When his fingers graze the inside of your thigh, you tug lightly at the ends of his curls, just enough to pull his attention back up to your face.
"Thought you said we didn't have time for all that..reservations, remember?"
"Damn the reservations. They can hold the table for a bit.."
"Last time you said that, we didn't even make it to dinner, H. I love you, I love your hands..and your mouth," You run your thumb over his bottom lip, which earns you a cheeky grin, "But right now the birthday girl is very hungry and she was promised dinner."
He groans when you pull your hands from his hair, tugging on his wrist to pull him up. The new angle has him looking down at you now, and for a second you regret rejecting his offer. An evening spent in bed with him would be just as perfect, if not more, than any dinner he could treat you to. He's grinning, like he knows exactly what you're thinking.
"S'pose she was. Can I at least give the birthday girl a kiss before we go?" His hand is slipping around to the back of your neck, pulling you closer. He knows you'll say yes, and yet he still waits, wants to hear you say it.
"Hmm..the birthday girl would happily accept a kiss." 
The restaurant is far more extravagant than you could have imagined. It has you repeatedly looking down at the dress you felt so confident in 10 minutes before in the comfort of your own home. It's not elegant enough, you're sure nothing in your closet would have been. You wish desperately you had brought a sweater with you, if not to cover up as much as to have the comfort against your skin.
Harry senses your unease and quickly determines the source, taking your hand from across the table, reminding you how perfect you look. You think you detect a bit of nerves flowing from him as well, but you think nothing of it, dismissing it quickly as you projecting your own feelings onto him.
He had promised your present, your real present, would be given to you at dinner. But he carried with him no bag, no messily wrapped package like from the afternoon. Just himself and his too expensive suit, sitting across from you. He's scanning the menu, rambling on about what sounds good and you hum agreements here and there, but you can't help but be curious what else he has planned for the evening.
After the waiter comes to take your order, you take a moment to scold him, "This is too much, Harry. You really shouldn't have."
He just shrugs, brushing your reprimand off, simply saying, "S'a special night, innit?"
The food is amazing, as you knew it would be. You both stay mostly silent through the rest of dinner, just enjoying your meals and each other's company. Occasionally he stares at you affectionately as you sip your wine.
You had talked him down from the idea of a cake, deciding that dessert at whatever restaurant he chose would be the more low-key option. So when the dessert course arrives and there's still no mention of a present, you don't say anything. Truth be told you don't really care if he got you anything, he had followed your requests; no party, just a day with him and a quiet dinner. But it wasn't like him and just as you're about to question him, deciding how best to word it without sounding like a brat, he reaches into his jacket pocket.
Instead of pulling out whatever it was he was so carefully trying to surprise you with, his eyes go wide. He frantically pats all his pockets, even checking underneath the table to make sure it hadn't tumbled out and landed at his feet. He straightens, clearing his throat and you laugh at his flustered expression.
"Lose something there, Harry?"
"No, no..I, um..must've just forgotten it at home. I swear, honey, I'm so sorry. I was so careful to keep it hidden from you this past week. Couldn't wait to give it to you and I just..ruined the whole night now."
"H, I don't care. I mean, I care that you're upset, but I don't care if you forgot the present. I wouldn't have cared if you didn't get me a thing. The day with you, the dinner, nothing could ruin that."
"You're too good to me, too forgiving. I forget and you comfort me, s'not fair." He's smiling though, green eyes glowing in the candlelight between the two of you.
The next night, the two of you get a rare night in to spend together. No staying late at work for you, no extra time in the studio for him. Just takeout and trash tv that Harry always complains about, but secretly loved just as much as you. You were waiting on your Mexican food to be delivered, mixing up a batch of margaritas. You would take a night like this over an exquisite dinner out anytime. 
Harry had spent the whole day apologizing, finding little ways to try to make up for what he still claimed was a ruined dinner. You shushed him each time, just wishing he would forgive himself. 
Just as you're getting glasses down to pour drinks for the two of you, Harry sneaks up behind you. He takes your hand, twirling you around to face him, catching your waist when you almost fall.
He chuckles, but instantly the energy in the room has changed. It's different from your normal, everyday butterflies you get from his hand resting against your skin. No, this feels much heavier and it terrifies you.
"Found your present." His tone is light enough that some of your anxiety is eased, the smile growing on his face chasing any other doubts away that may have temporarily flooded your thoughts. 
Before you can say anything, he's lifting your hand and slipping a ring on your finger.
"Oh Harry, it's stunning!" Your mind doesn't even make the connection at first, you're too mesmerized by the simple beauty of the silver ring sitting snug against your skin. He's still smiling, so big the crinkles around his eyes are shining, dimples prominent on either side of his mouth. He seems to be expecting an answer, but he hasn't asked you a question..
Suddenly it all becomes clear; the fancy dinner, the special night, it wasn't all just for your birthday.
"Harry, is this a..?" You can't even say the word, it gets caught in your throat and you swallow quickly. Before you can try again, he answers.
"S'what I intended it for, yeah." He's still beaming, "You said only one present and I wanted it to be one that counts. I know we haven't really talked much about this but it's been on my mind for a while. I love you so much, you're so good to me, good for me too and I just can't imagine not spending the rest of my days with you. Having children and growing old with you by my side, if that’s what you want. S'pose I should actually say the words though, right?"
He takes a deep breath, bringing your hand to rest on his chest, his hand covering yours before speaking again, "Will you marry me?"
The next breath out of your body is a single, "Yes." You think maybe it was too quiet and he didn't hear you at first, but then his eyes meet yours, searching quickly for any more doubts, "Yeah?"
You nod, tears forming as he lifts you, spins you once around in the kitchen before sitting you on the counter. He fits easily there in the space in front of you, like he was created to be there. To be yours, and you his.
"I have a confession to make." He's looking at you like a child who just got caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing.
"I didn't forget the ring last night." He's looking down, eyes darting up at you to gauge your reaction, scared to death you'll change your mind at any second.
"You had it with you the whole time? All that was an act? Looking for the ring, pretending it wasn't really there?"
"Well, no. I didn't have the ring on me then. The waiter had it. He was waiting on my signal. But yeah the rest of it was an act..had to pretend I’d forgotten it. Did a pretty good job, eh?" 
"So when was it supposed to be delivered then?"
"With dessert, but that just," He wrinkles his nose, "Didn't feel right, didn't feel like us. I would much rather tell our children that I proposed to their mother like this than in some fancy restaurant that she didn't look comfortable in."
"I really looked that miserable, huh?" You wrinkle your nose back, trying to picture the image that Harry must've seen of you the night before.
"No, you looked gorgeous, love. I just prefer you like this. Softer and messier and fun and just not a care in the world as you dance around our kitchen making drinks for us."
The tears are spilling over now and he moves closer, hands cupping your cheeks and swiping them away.
"I love you so much, H." You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his around your middle, lifting you again. He holds you there for a minute, burying his face in your neck and securing his hands under you so you won't fall.
"I love you more, baby, so much more." He places kisses up your neck and along your jaw, landing the final one on your lips.
Whatever tragic memory your birthday held for you previously, would now forever shine instead with the reminder of his love for you.
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127-mile · 4 years
Une seconde avant noël.
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Pairing: Lee Ten x reader.
Genre: Christmas, exes, fake dating, feelings realization / Fluff, angst.
Warnings: Vulgar language, alcohol consumption.
Word count: +5.2k.
Prompt chosen: It’s Christmas Eve. It’s the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more. For a couple of hours out of the whole year, we are the people that we always hoped we would be.
Plot: What an idea to break up before Christmas, Ten thinks, as he announces to his mother that yes, you will indeed be present at the annual party organized for Christmas Eve.
A/N: This is part of the Walking in a winter wonderland collab hosted by @suh-insane​ and @neocitybynight​.
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"Do you always have to be in my way? Fuck Ten, be careful where you are going!" you growl, looking at the content of the box strewn on the floor. You have a ton of work to finish if you want to have a meal break, and Ten really is not making it easy for you. "You piss me off." you mumble as you kneel to retrieve the glitter bloxes, and sigh in exasperation when you notice of them opened. You'll find glitter everywhere for a month at this point. Who is stupid enough to think of glitter as a passable Christmas present for a child, you think, rolling your eyes.
"Can't you be polite? We have customers, damn it!" you turn your face to Ten who looks at you as if you caused the accident yourself when this idiot was hunched over his phone at the time of the impact. "And you, can't you at least pretend to work instead of checking how many sluts you'll be able to bring in your dingy apartment this weekend?" you stuff the glitters into the box while huffing, you can't take any more. If you didn't need the money so much, you would quit your job this instant.
Ten's chuckle is enough to make you angry once again. You can not stand hearing him and his stupid laugh anymore, and if you looked up at him, you would see his annoying little smile. "Are you jealous?" he asks, and you bite your lip so as not to laugh. They are causing enough commotion in the middle of the store, you do not need your boss to come and see what's going on. "Jealous? But why would I be jealous, Ten. You really need to take the time to think and calm your fucking ego, it's not good for you."
"I'm not saying you are jealous, I'm just saying that worrying about who I can bring back to my apartment is suspicious." you look at him, shaking your head. God damn his face would be beautiful with your fist pressed against. "You're so full of yourself Ten. I don't care what garbage you take home, all I want is for you to get down to work, before if you haven't noticed yet, it is almost Christmas and the store is full of customers."
"Garbage?" he asks, tilting his head, and you turn on your heels. "As far as I know, I took you back to my apartment at one point." it is too much for you. You leave the arts and crafts section, and you put the box at the feet of one of your colleagues who looks at you, incredulous. "I'm going to be sick, can you take care of it." you are not sick, but if you stay with Ten for a minute longer, you will eventually be.
You ignore a client who ask you about an interactive teddy bear they sac on TV, and you know it's wrong, but you have no choice, or you'll end up spitting your venom on a poor innocent person who wants nothing more than to please someone for Christmas. You push the door to the break room, and you walk to the bathroom. As you thought, it's empty. The boss doesn't allow anyone to go while they are working.
You push the door open, and you sit on the closed toilet. It is not the cleanest place, but it is the only place where you'll have time to think, and where you can calm your sudden urges for murder. It's sad to see where the relationship between you and Ten is. It was not always like that. There was a time when you weren't insulting each other at any opportunity, when you could smile at each other without wanting to throw up. There was a time when you were in love, and convinced that you would spend the rest of your life together.
You tense when you hear the door open, and you remain silent, pressing your hand against your mouth, as if it would help you go unnoticed when your feet are visible under the door gap. "Y/n?" of course, there is only Ten to follow you to the toilet. He approaches the door and you see by his movements that he sits on the floor. You grimace, because you do not know how long the cleaning person has stopped washing the once white tiles.
"Ten, it's disgusting on the floor." you mumble, and hear him sigh. "What do you want? What's important enough for you to follow me into the bathroom?" you ask in a voice barely above a whisper. "I am sorry." he says, and you shake your head. This is not the first time you've found yourselves apologizing to each other after a little quarrel in the middle of the store, and you know it won't be the last time either.
"We only have one week left before Christmas, after that we won't have to see each other as much anymore. Can't we make an effort to ignore each other?" your voice is so weak, Ten feels his heart skip a beat. He never wanted the situation between the two of you to become so chaotic. He wanted nothing more than to be happy. Be happy with you.
"But- but I don't want to ignore you." Ten answers, and you get up to open the door. The boy almost rocks forward, since his forehead was pressed against the door. "Ten, you need to learn about the existence of germs on the bathrooms." he smiles weakly, and he stands up too, dusting his uniform pants. "What do you propose?" you ask, cocking your head.
"We're burying the hatchet." Ten crosses his arms against his chest, and you sigh. "Ten, we've already tried dozens of times since we broke up, and it always comes back to the same scenario. It's useless."
For the first time since they broke up, you do not pull back when he puts his hand on your arm. "But we can try. For real this time. We were friends before we were a couple, maybe we can be again?" there is so much hope in his voice, and in his eyes, that you can't afford to deny him anything. "We can try." you finally say, and Ten's smile is so bright that you could almost be blinded.
"Perfect! So will you come with me to the party my parents are hosting for Christmas Eve?" he asks, and this time, you pull back at his touch, and you clench your fist to punch him in the shoulder. He whines loudly and you refrain from not doing it again. "You asshole! Why are you doing this to me?" Every year, the Lee family host a Christmas Eve party. It's always lavish, with beautiful decorations, and exquisite food. You loved spending Christmas Eve with Ten's family. So reminding you that you will not be attending this year hurts.
"But I'm serious!" he explains by rubbing his shoulder. He takes a step back to make sure he doesn't get another hit, he knows you all too well. "You are invited." you frown as you dig your hands into the pockets of your pants. "We are not together anymore, why would you parents invite me?" for a moment Ten looks embarrassed, and he is unable to meet your gaze. "Ten, what are you hiding from me?" he hops from one foot to the other, and you are ready to ask him if he feels like pissing when he opens his mouth to explain. "It may well be that I didn't tell my parents we broke up."
"But why Ten? You told me you did! It's been months now." the fact that he is embarrassed is at least a good thing, he is still human. "I was going to do it, I promise, but my mom started talking about the party, and hse said she missed you and really can't wait to see you. You know how much my mom adores you, I didn't want to break her heart!"
It's really mean to include his mother and her love for you in the story, because he knows you considered Ten's mother like your own when you first met her. "I'll tell them everything after the holidays, I promise! If you come, I'll never ask you anything again, and I'll disappear if that's what you want."
"I hate you, Ten." even though it's a phrase he doesn't like to hear, he knows you do not mean it. At least that's what he hopes, because he doesn't know what he would do if you really hated him. "So?" he asks in a whisper, and you roll your eyes. "I'll come, but this will be the last time I do anything for you. Anything, do you hear me?"
He nods, and he smiles once more. "Good, very good! We'll take my car, and I won't carge you for your share of the gasoline, don't worry." he is so excited that you start to feel the excitement too, but you do not show him, no. You walk to the bathroom door, it's time for you to get back to work, but before you leave, you turn to Ten. "I need my day tomorrow, so I'll let you tell the boss you're going to use your day off to replace me."
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The following week is the calmest week you've had since breaking up with Ten. You meet in the store, but you ignore each other. Well, you ignore him every time he tries to talk to you, it's much better than insulting him until he resigns himself to being silent. And when Christmas Eve comes, you wonder if you really made the right decision by agreeing to follow Ten. And pretend to be his partner again.
You wait outside your apartment for Ten to arrive, your hands in the pockets of your coat, and your face niched in your scarf. The cold wind is whipping your face, and the snow have started to fall on the city which is festive with the fairy lights, the decorated trees in the streets, and the laughter of the locas who are eager to come home and celebrate Christmas Eve.
Thanks to Ten, you were able to get out of work early, and also, you won't be spending Christmas on your own. That's the only positive things you can find in this strange situation. Even your friends have told you to text Ten and cancel, they all think it's bad, and they think it will do them more harm than good. And you understand them, you too wonder what will happen after the party is over, once you have to go back to your routine without each other.
But that's life, and sometimes you have to make sacrifices to avoid hurting the people you love, you think with a sigh.
When you feel ready to freeze in place, Ten's car pulls up in front of you, and you huff. Finally. He gets out of the car, and he opens the door. Seeing him do that make you roll your eyes. "I can open a door." you mumble, and when he lifts his big shining eyes, you sigh. "You'll catch a cold, Tennie." he shakes his head, and you get in the car.
You feel a weight being lifted from your shoulder as your warm up, and Ten watches you, smiling when you take off your gloves. "You want a photo, it'll last longer." you say, and he shrugs. "I'm just glad to see you." yeah, you don't believe that lie, he must already be playing his part not to be caught off guard in front of his parents.
Ten starts the engine, and begins to drive out of town. "I had my mom on the phone earlier, she is excited to see you, and so is my dad." you hum. "Me too, I really missed them." Ten's lower lip juts out, and you avoid looking at him, he knows you are weak when he acts like that. But not tonight, no. "Ten, don't forget your promise. We can't do this at every family reunion, you know that, it'll only hurt more every time.
"Yes I know, and I will, I promised, didn't I?" you nod, and you turn your head towards the window. You watch the landscape gently getting cover by a thin layer of white snow as you approach the countryside. You love the city, yes, but you would love to be able to land in the countryside, and have a simple life, far from the hustle and bustle of the city.
The rest of the road is silent, and you slowly fall asleep, you head against the window, rocked by the vibrations. It's Ten's hand on your shoulder that wakes you up. He is out in the car, and you notice that it is now dark outside. You stand up, yawning. "We're here." he says. The Lee family house is impressive, and decorated with lights. It is really beautiful, and you expected no less from Mrs. Lee whose favorite holiday is Christmas.
You get your bag and get out of the car. Your legs are numb, so you take Ten's arm to avoid tripping in the snow. Yeah, that would be fun, but you do not really want to soil your clothes now. Maybe later. You stop in front of the door, and Ten turns to you. "Ready?" and when you nod, he knocks on the door.
It only takes a minute for the door to open on Ten's mother. She looks at the both of you, and she smiles with a sweetness all her own. "My loves, how happy I am to see you! Come in or you'll get sick." Ten lets you pass, and when you enter, you are immediately engulfed in a hug. You melt, you can't help it. You feel like coming home, and god damn your heart hurt at the realization.
Ten clears his throat, and you refrain from laughing. When Mrs. Lee lets you take a step back, you both turn to the boy who frowns. "Impatient." his mother says before taking him in her arms in turn, for a shorter moment. You are pretty proud of it. "Come into the living room, the guests have already arrived."
You follow her into the living room, and you greet the guests. You and Ten have been together for a few years, so you know all of the family and friends who are used to being invited every year. "Ah, the lovers have arrived!" his father says, and you nod. You put the gifts you brought in your bag at the foot of the three, and you smile. You had a great time looking for the perfect gifts.
Immediately, you are taken aside by Ten's sister who is surprised to see you here. She is the only one in this room, besides Ten himself, who knows about your situation. Because yes, maybe you were drunk one night and called her, crying to complain about the ordeal your life had been like since breaking up with Ten. Tern is younger, but she is quite scary, so you hardly swallow your saliva when she comes face to face with you.
"What is this mess?" she asks in a whisper. "Did you get back together?" you worry your lower lip, giving Ten a furtive glance, he seems to be in the middle of a heated discussion with his father, and you shake your head. "Ten didn't say anything to your parents, so he asked me to come over, so as not to break the holiday spirit." you mumble, and if the Lee family was not there, you know Tern would go and slap her brother right away.
"You both are idiots." Tern says, and you shoulders slup. "Are you masochistic or what? Do you like hurting yourself?" you do not know what to say, you are just here to help Ten. "I know it's not the right thing to do, but it's Christmas Eve, so I'm going to pretend it's okay, smile, laugh, and be happy beofre I go back everyday life without Ten."
Tern sighs, tilting her head. "Is that what you want?" she asks before resuming. "Go back to a life without Ten? Because a person who has no more feelings would never agree to help their ex." That's the question, you don't know how you feel, your head is empty and your heart is a mess, it's been like this since Ten left. So you shrug. "I don't know Tern."
As you are about to speak, you are called out by Ten's mother who beckons you to approach. "Come help me in the kitchen for a minute, please." you nod, apologizing to Tern before joining her. There's nothing more to do, so you frown. "It's the only way to have some time with you without Ten jumping on you." she explains, and you can't help but laugh. "He learned to behave in public, don't worry."
"Is everything okay?" Ten's mother asks, and you nod. She looks worried, and for a second, you feel ready to tell her everything, but you can't, you promised Ten, and as he said himself, he doesn't want to hurt her, and neither do you. Not tonight anyway. "I'm asking because it's been a while since we've last seen you."
You nod. It's true that before, you used to visit the Lee family a couple of times each month, even though Ten was busy at work, and even more during the month of December, used to help Mrs. Lee prepare Christmas Eve. But being convinced that Ten had warned his parents, you did not do it anymore, you found it inappropriate.
"I was overwhelmed with work, I'm so sorry. But it's true that I should at least give given you a call." you explain in a weak voice, and the older woman shakes her head, placing a hand on your shoulder. "You have a job, you have a life, you have you own family, so you don't have to apologize for not having time. I get it, I was your age once."
You blame yourself more and more for the pain you are going to cause her, but you bite the inside of your cheek. Sometimes things don't go as planned, and you have to adapt. "And with Ten, is everything going well?" the question you would have liked to avoid. But you smile. "Everything is not perfect every day, but we both make an effort, because our relationship deserves it." Ten's mother smiles, she is proud to hear that her son has matured enough to do whatever it takes to keep his relationship healthy, and going.
"Don't hesitate to tell me if he crosses the line, then I'll give him a piece of my mind, believe me!" you laugh softly. You know that Mrs. Lee is, and will always be, there to help you. At least for now. But you need to stop thinking about the future, and focus on the present. You need to enjoy this last night you have with your surrogate family. "Thank you Ms. Lee, I appreciate that."
When she offers to return to the living room so as not to worry the guests, you follow her. Ten is still talking with his father, but the conversation seems to have calmed down, and you are happy. You know that the two men are used to arguing, and you have witnessed some rather disturbing scenes already, and you do not want that to happen again. You do not want to have to pick up Ten again.
"Everything okay?" you jump when Ten comes up behind you, and you turn to him. His cheeks are flushed, and you pursue your lips to stifle a laugh. "Don't tell me, your grandmother's friend?" he shakes his head with a poud, he doesn't like it when old little ladies pull his cheeks, it hurts. "My poor child. Maybe she'll stop someday."
"When she is in a coffin, yeah." Ten mumbles, and you put your hand over your mouth. "Don't say such things, Tennie!" you giggle and he smiles. He likes to be the reason for your laughter. "But to answer your question, yes, everything is fine. Your sister was a little surprised to see me here, but outside of that, like clockwork!"
Ten nods, and takes a sip from his glass of wine. He looks around him. The three, the decorations, his family, their friends, and you, and for a minute, he completely forgets that things are not the same as last year. Nothing is as before, everything is only an act. And when he turns his head towards you, and sees the lights of the tree reflected in your eyes, he thinks to himself that maybe, it was not a good idea.
See, you and Ten had a long relationship. You are his first love, and he always hoped that you would be his last. And to be honest, he still hopes so. But he knows that despite everything that has happened, all the insults you have exchanged, it would take very little time for him to fall in love again. No, he wouldn't need time at all, he is still in love, he always will be, he knows it deep down inside of him. And seeing you here, acting as your girlfriend, knowing that you'll probably never will be again, hurts like a bitch.
You think the same, and it hurts you too, but you both have too much pride to say it.
You then meet around the table, enjoying a fabulous feast prepared by Mrs. Lee. That's what you'll missed the most, the food. Ten is next to you, and every now and then, he leans in to whisper a joke in your ear. It's a tradition that you have, you try to make the other laugh, and get all eyes on yourself, knowing that it will be too inappropriate for you to say the joke out loud. At least some things are not changing.
You honestly can't remember the last time you had such a good time with Ten without it ending in an argument. What you do not notice is Tern's gaze. She watches you both, frowning. She can read between the lines. She knows that you still love each other, but are also too stupid to admit it.
The meal stretches over two hours, and when you finish, a full stomach, and ready to explode, it's time to open the presents. You get up from your chair and collect the packages. You give one to Ten's parents, one to Tern, and the last one, you hand it to Ten who titls his head. "You didn't have to, you know." he says in a whisper, and you shrug. "I know, but I got it before.. well before you know what."
Ten also gives you a present, and you arch an eyebrow at him. "I didn't want to see you pout thinking I forgot about you." he mumbles, and you smile. You open the present, and sigh. Inside is your favorite book, but not just any, the very first edition. It's old, rare, and probably extremely expensive. "Ten.." you whisper, and the boy smiles. "I know you've always dreamed of it."
What makes your heart beat a little faster is not that he gave you the book, but that he remembered it, because you only mentioned it once almost two years ago. Perhaps accusing him of never paying attention was wrong, now that you think about it. "Thank you so much Ten, you have no idea how happy this makes me." you lean over, and place a tender kiss on his cheek. And when you take a step back, you notice the rosy tint on Ten's cheeks. Cute.
"Come on, open yours!" Ten nods a minute later, the poor man needs to recover from the sudden physical contact first, then, he unwraps his present. If there is ont think Ten loves more than himself, and you, it's his watch. His father gave him his own watch for his 18th birthday, and it quickly became his most precious item, and unfortunately, he broke it a few months ago.
He thought it was irreparable, but nothing is ever irreparable, so you grabbed it one morning, and sent it over to have it fixed. It's not much for you, but when you see the tears in Ten's eyes, you knows that it was a perfect idea. "I thought I lost it." he says under his breath, and you shake your head. "I took it from you, wanted to surprise you, but I didn't expect it to take that long. I'm really sorry if I worried you."
Ten shakes his head, and he wipes his tears with his free hand, before a smile spreads over his beautiful face. "This deserves a kiss!" Ten's mother exclaims, and you hear Tern sigh loudly. "Mom, don't embarrass them." you are grateful for Ten, but you have to do it. So once more you take a step forward, and you cup Ten's face, and your face meet in the middle for a long, and soft kiss. Yeah, maybe you wanted to kiss him too. And for a while now.
"How beautiful young love is!" one person comments, and you smile weakly. Ten does the same, and you help him put the watch around his wrist. "Thank you, thank you. I don't think I will ever have enough words to thank you. It's the most perfect present." he says in a long sigh, and you smile. "I knew how much you cared about this watch." you run your fingers through Ten's hair to pull it out of his face, and realize how easy it is for you to fall back on your old habits.
The rest of the evening goes well.
You sit on the couch with Ten, and you listen to the stories the family members are telling, laughing every now and then, but you can't really focus with the heat radiating from Ten's body. Proximity in your hands. It would be so easy to take his hand, or rest your head on his shoulder.
Why the hell not, you think, it's Christmas, and you are supposed to be acting, so might as well make the most of it. You rest your head on Ten's shoulder, and if he is suprised, he doesn't show it, he lands a kiss on the top of your head. You feel his shoulders relax and you smile. You always have the same calming effect on each other. True love, but you refuse to think about it.
It's getting late, and you can't seem to suppress a long yawn, Ten notices. He stands up and you pout at the sudden lack of contact, and you sit up. "We're going to go mom, we still have a way to go, and it's snowing again." she nods, albeit a little sad, but she knows it would be too dangerous for Ten to drive if he is tired, of if there is too much snow.
"Thank you for coming, my loves, it made me very happy." once again, you find yourself engulfed in a long her that you give back with pleasure. And you thank her and Ten's father again and again for the invitation. And in a few minutes, you find yourself in front of the car. Tern follows closely behind you, and before Ten gets into the car, she puts her hand on his shoulder to take him aside. "Take care of yourself, and your heart, okay?"
Ten nods. "Don't worry, I know what to do to keep my heart safe." he looks at you to see if you heard him, but no, you are half asleep on the seat, and you would not even hear if a bomb were to explode near your ear. "Really, don't worry." he places a kiss on his sister's cheek, and he gets into the car after making sur the passenger door is closed. You collapsed into the seat, your new book clutched to your chest.
"It was a very good evening. You family is amazing." you say, and Ten can only agree. "You are right. Thank you for coming." you smile and lean your head against the window. You do not want to fall asleep, you want to enjoy your last moments with Ten, but unfortunately, fatigue quickly gets the better of you, and when you open your eyes, the car is already parked in front of your apartment complex.
"Thanks for taking me home, and thanks again for the book." you lean in to kiss the corner of his lips, but before Ten can say anything, you get out of the car. He opens the window, and you turns to him. "Have a good night, Ten." his fingers tighten around the steering wheel, and you see that he wants to say something, but he holds back. "Good night Y/n, and merry Christmas."
You walk towards the door that leads to the lobby, but the sound of the door opening and closing catches your attention. You turn around and find Ten in front of the car. You embrace your body with your arms to fight against the cold. "What are you doing, Ten?" you ask, and the boy finally approaches. He's so close you can feel his breath against your lips. "Would you like to go have coffee tomorrow? And maybe we can go check out the Christmas lights."
You smile, and you nod. "I would love this, Ten." his smile is as bright as the moon, and you chuckle softly when he places a small kiss on your lips before heading back to his car, not without a victory move that almost makes him trip in the snow.
It’s Christmas Eve. It’s the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more. For a couple of hours out of the whole year, we are the people that we always hoped we would be.
And maybe sometimes, you can decide to stay that kind of people.
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modern-vellichor · 4 years
In Her Blood; Four
Summary: The camping trip opens old wounds for everyone.
Pairing: DadsBestFriend!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: murder(not really but its insinuated), mentions of suicide, angst!!!, age gap relationship, mentions of ptsd, uncomfortable family situation, bad father figure, smut, blood play if u squint
Masterlist ||
The next morning you pack the cars. Bucky throws his case in the trunk of your car.
"you riding with me?", you ask.
"yeah, Sarah wants to drive with your parents. Didn't wanna leave ya alone", he shoots a tight lipped smile in your direction.
A look of disappointment flickers on your face, but its soon replaced by a playful and childlike grin.
"okay", you giggle.
You hop in the drivers seat, Bucky buckling himself in next to you. You pull out after Sarah and your parents, following them the whole way there.
Early 2000s punk plays through the stereo. You bang your head lightly, mouthing the words to old Blink 182. Bucky chuckles softly to himself at the sight.
After an hour you pull into a garage. You leave Bucky in the car and meet Sarah at the door to the shop, you take her hand playfully and rest your head on her shoulder while you walk in. Bucky smiles.
You come back with two cokes and a bag of different snacks. You slide in next to him with a smile and a chuckle. You launch a sandwich and the coke at him, he laughs.
The rest of the drive is silent. Only another hour or so.
You arrive at the site by noon, a small enough cabin and a beautiful lake, the dark woods framing most of it.
You take your sisters hand, leading her to the room you're sharing. Your laughs echo through old, damp wood.
Sam and Steve take the master, Bucky is left with the small guest room at the end of the hallway.
The group recollects just as the sun is going down, the sky painted bright pink and orange, a gloomy forest casting haunting shadows on the site.
The fire crackles quietly while you eat. Sam tells childhood stories, the rest of you laugh and nod along. Bucky cant help but let his gaze wander to you.
Then you're pulling off your top and running towards the lake, Sarah close behind you. You're laughing as you dive gracefully into the dark water, barely making a splash. When you resurface, your head breaks in the centre of the lake. Bucky laughs, so do your parents.
You and Sarah play for a while, swimming and diving and bringing up rocks and little shiny things you find.
The first night is peaceful. Morning arrives and Steve, Sam, and Sarah go for a hike. You stay at the cabin, you sketch the rustic view from your window.
The next evening, you all sit around the fire. You drink and you laugh, you shoot Bucky soft looks all night. Its homely and peaceful. Then you pull the box of cigarettes from your pocket, you let the flames lick it alight and retreat to the edge of the lake. You're out of the way, but Steve still sighs.
"are you kidding?", he snaps at you. "now?"
"Steve", Sam mumbles, trying to calm him down. "she's all the way over there, leave her". Its to no avail.
"those things kill you, you know", he barks.
"just like you", you murmur under your breath, he cant make out what you're saying. You make yourself small, nursing your cigarette.
"what did you say?", Sarah and Sam both start trying to calm Steve, you stay silent. "answer me, Y/N!"
"stop, you're scaring Sarah", you mumble, Bucky stands up and begins to approach, ready to jump in if needed.
"This isn't about Sarah", he's shouting now. You snap then.
"It's always been about Sarah", you crush the cigarette under the toe of your boot. "I never minded when daddy got angry, but Sarah always cried when he shouted"
"stop it!"
"Remember when you broke that plate, Sarah thought daddy got the gun from the loose floorboard and shot her sister dead. Sarah who thought daddy was gonna kick Y/N out, Sarah who thought she was gonna find Y/N dead on the bathroom floor", you shout with a sick smile, you advance on him as Steve stumbles back. He throws empty threats at you, but you don't listen.
Sarah begins to cry and Sam has to carry her inside, he closes the door behind her and runs back to Steve. He pulls Steve away by the bicep and you turn back to the lake. You sit by the waters edge, lighting another cigarette as Bucky sits next to you.
You rest your head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around you, he coos softly, half expecting you to cry. He's confused when you don't. It's a strange comparison, how Sarah went screaming, but you stood still, quiet.
"what happened, kotenok?", he purrs, soft and sweet.
You stumble over your words for a moment, "Sarah has always been more.. sensitive", you whisper, smoke drifting from your lips. "She's always been more prone to breakdowns and crying and things"
"you're like Steve, he's a suffer in silence kind of guy"
"like father like daughter, eh?"
He chuckles softly, "I guess so, yeah"
You sent him away after a while, choosing to sit by yourself. You sat there until the sun started to rise, the time Steve would normally go out for a walk. Sure enough, he came and tapped you on the shoulder.
He smiled down at you apologetically, offering his hand. You took it.
"wanna come for a hike?"
You nodded with a smile and followed after him, a few steps behind.
"I'm really sorry, about last night, about everything actually"
"its okay", you mumble, not wanting to get into it.
"I'm proud of you, you know", you stopped at his words, stunned. "yeah, I was just like you when I was young. I wanted to go to art school. I know I made a big deal of you dropping out, but I'm proud of you"
You gave a genuine smile as you hugged his side, he mumbled an 'I love you' into your hair and the two of you continued hiking in happy silence.
Sarah wasn't talking to either of you, you couldn't bring yourself to face her either. So while she was outside that evening, you slipped into your shared room and grabbed some spare clothes before trudging down the hall and knocking on Bucky's door.
"Hey", he chimed, when he took you in, he was slightly confused. "you okay?"
"yeah", you chuckled, mumbling slightly. "can I stay in here?"
He was more than happy to let you sleep in his bed, the two of you curled up together behind a locked door. He ran his hands through your hair, stroking his knuckles softly over your cheek. He traced the curve of your nose, the outline of your lips, even the line of your collarbones.
You kept your eyes closed, just let him admire you. You only opened them when he tucked himself against you, nuzzling into the crook of your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you flush against him. You loosely slung your arms around his shoulders, tracing your fingertips over the plates of his metal arm. You hummed when they clicked and whirred softly under you touch.
"you're so soft", he mumbles into your skin.
You chuckle in response, "what?"
"no one is ever gentle when it comes to that thing", he shrugs his left arm as he speaks, you watch in admiration as all the plates click in succession.
"I think it's interesting", you whisper. "It's actually kind of pretty"
He laughs at your response, but he doesn't realise that your sketchbook is filled with icy blue eyes and a shiny collaboration of vibranium where a limb should be, all sketches of varying degrees of completion.
He lifts his head to gaze at you, just for a moment before hes craning his neck to plant a sloppy kiss on your lips, you eagerly return. He crawls his way up the bed, cupping your face in calloused hands, now you're craning your neck. He slowly rolls himself on top of you, snaking one hand to the back of your neck. You kiss, because that's all you can do, with your parents right down the hall.
Eventually he falls asleep and you slip out of his grasp, finding scrap paper and a pen. You sketch the broad expanse of his back, taking extra care to map out his scars just right, you search for all the paper thin scars and the ones that look like freckles, you sketch them too. He's a beast of a man, you should be scared of him, but you aren't, you've got him wrapped around your finger.
The next morning he slides into the passenger seat next to you, you smile at him. He rests his hand on your thigh, occasionally wandering higher or pinching the soft flesh, sometimes he leans in and peppers feather light kisses to your cheek. He gently bites at your neck, making you whimper and whine behind the wheel.
When you finally pull into his driveway, he insists you come in. You wave at Steve, gesturing to Bucky's open door, he throws you a thumbs up.
You shut the door gently, and Bucky's on top of you in seconds, hand on your throat, pinning you to the door, you whimper.
"it's okay, kitten", he growls, "I won't hurt you", you stay silent. He presses soft kisses to your cheek, trailing them across your jaw and down your neck, and then he lands on your pulse point, and he bites down hard. You yelp, and he pulls you up the stairs.
He does the same thing when he has you caged against the bed, his hands massage your thighs as he trails loving kisses down your neck, before sinking sharp teeth into your pulse point, making you gasp.
He does it again once he's buried deep inside of you, one hand prying your thighs apart and the other holding your wrists above your head. He mumbles words of praise between kisses; "such a good girl for me, taking everything I give you", then he clamps sharp canines into your neck again, only this time he tastes blood.
It's a welcome taste on his tongue; warm and metallic, and strangely familiar.
When he's finished, panting and glowing in soft evening light, you examine him closely. He smiles down at you, and he wonders what you're looking for.
"you could tear open my throat, and let me die in your arms", you whisper, but you're only half here, your mind has wandered, but he knows you still expect an answer.
"I could", he says plainly, accepting of the fact that you were so fragile compared to him, that he could rip you up and tear you open and let you bleed out in his arms.
"why don't you?"
"I'm a sucker for art girls", he whispers jokingly, but when you gaze up at him, he can see that theres something bigger at play in your mind, so he takes a deep breath and tries again. "you're soft, and familiar, and you make everything a little bit better. Why would I kill the object of my affections, when I could just mark her, make her mine, and have her forever", he words it as poetically as he can, desperate to satisfy whatever thirst you needed to quench.
You nod slowly, taking in his words. Then you roll away from him and pick your jeans up from his bedroom floor, you fish around in your pockets before you pull out a carefully folded piece of paper and hand it to him.
It takes him a while to realise what it is. It's one of your sketches, he identifies that immediately. But then he realises that its him, it's his back, the night you slept in his room at the cabin. He looks at it more closely, ogling at the detail and the perfect placement of every imperfection staining his skin.
He takes you in his arms, and presses a soft kiss to your pulse point, blood seeping slowly onto his lips.
'his', you think, and a part of you wants to never let him go, and another knows that eventually, you'll need to.
@vicmc624 @adriannajackson @zizzlekwum @chipilerendi @madaroni37
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ladyblogger-margie · 4 years
Permit Pending - Part 6
Pairing: Will Miller (Triple Frontier) x F!Reader
Summary: Shortly after moving into your new home, Will leaves you behind when Santiago “Pope” Garcia shows up asking for his brothers help in South America. 
Word Count: 5344
Warnings: 18+ ONLY (Canon violence/death and language, unprotected sex, general smut, cockwarming) angst
a/n: I don’t know how it got so long, I couldn’t help myself. 
Series Master List
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Fourth Frontier
Moving day was chaotic and hectic to say the least. The weather was hot, and while you were thankful it wasn’t raining, the heat didn’t make hauling all your boxes and furniture any easier, but thankfully Benny and Frankie offered to help and you delegated the real heavy lifting to them. 
“I’ve got a fight in a couple days, maybe you should take this,” Benny said as he tried to pass off his end of the couch to you.
“Ha ha,” you mocked, “Are those muscles just for show or what?”
“He does like to show them off,” Frankie joked as he carried the other end of the couch, helping Benny to load it into the moving truck. 
“You guys are hilarious,” Benny says, unbothered by your jokes.
You watched the guys maneuver the last piece of furniture down to the truck before you turned back to your empty apartment. You’d lived there basically your entire adult life, and it had served you well. You sighed as you left your key on the kitchen counter. 
“You okay with this?” Will’s voice came from behind you unexpectedly which made you jump. 
“You scared me,” you said, clutching your heart. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” he said approaching you cautiously, “The truck is packed, Frankie’s driving it over to the new place now where he and Benny will start unloading.”
“I’m glad we started at your place this morning instead of here,” you said, looking around the place. 
Will cupped your face tenderly in his hands, “We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready. I’ll have those guys turn right around, no problem.”
You gripped his wrists and looked into his blue eyes absolutely resolved in what you were about to say, “I love you William Miller, I want to live with you, build a life with you, and grow old with you. I’m not looking for a way out.”
He kissed you softly on the forehead and you closed your eyes, breathing deeply. 
He held your head in his hands and looked into your eyes, “I want that too, all of it. Let’s go home,” he said before he kissed you for the last time in that kitchen and then you walked out of your old life and into a new one together.
At your new house, you, Will, Benny, and Frankie were eating pizza in your backyard, winding down from the long day of packing and unpacking. You were happy with how the furniture had been arranged, but exactly zero boxes had been unpacked. 
“Thank Maria again for that suggestion of packing a suitcase to get us through the move,” you said to Frankie, “She’s such a smart lady.”
“If she’s so smart, why’s she with Frankie?” Benny chirped. 
“Laugh it up,” Frankie said, finishing a slice, “But that just cost you your ride home.”
“No need, I’ll just stay here,” Benny said, stretching out and getting comfortable. 
“Absolutely not,” Will said laughing.
Benny turned to you, “You’d let me stay, right?” he pulled out the puppy dog eyes and you almost, almost, agreed. 
“Nope, sorry Benny. Though you probably wouldn’t want to stay anyway, we’ll be breaking in the new house tonight,” you said, winking at Will who flushed at your insinuation. 
Benny pretended to throw up and Frankie laughed at him when suddenly your phone rang. You stepped away to answer it inside. 
After the call you came back outside to all three guys in a tussle. 
“Benny, honey, didn’t you just say you had a fight coming up and couldn’t risk injury?” you asked, shaking your head at him. 
Benny just shrugged at you while he had Frankie in a headlock. 
“I’m sorry guys but I have to go to work,” you said, smiling sadly at Will.
“What’s up?” he asked. 
“Someone called in sick at the rec center and I guess it’s my turn to cover the desk,” you sighed.
“I thought you were on vacation time?” Will asked. 
“I was supposed to be, but I just couldn’t say no. They’ll owe me now,” you shrugged. 
Benny let go of Frankie, “So moving day’s over?”
“Looks that way. Thanks for all your help you guys, we really appreciate it,” you said pulling Frankie in for a hug.
“Anytime. By the way, once you're settled Maria says she’s bringing Hector and dinner for you, sometime next week probably,” he said kissing your check with a scratchy kiss. 
“Are you invited too?” you joked.
“If I stay in her good books, maybe,” he laughed. 
Benny hugged you and lifted you off your feet, “See you for fight night?”
“I’ll do my best!” you promised. 
Frankie turned to Benny, “Where do you think you’re going?”
“With you?” Benny said, fixing his hair underneath his hat. 
“No way man, I told you I wasn’t taking you home,” Frankie said, his eyes crinkling with a smile. 
You pushed Benny forward, “I’ll take you Benny, come on.”
You turned back to Will who fixed the hat on your head before he said, “Do you need to change or anything before you go?”
“I probably should, maybe grab a shower first,” you said, checking the time, “I think I have enough time.”
“I’ll come with you,” he said. 
“I’ll drive, it’s fine, you stay here and rest,” you insisted, running your fingers up his bicep. 
“Not what I meant,” his voice had a growl and you felt yourself grow hot. 
“We have to be quick,” you whispered. 
“I’ll take care of you sweetheart,” he said before he kissed you. He brushed your lower lip with his tongue as his beard tickled your skin. You let his tongue in your mouth as you gripped his arm. 
You broke the kiss and pulled his hand to lead him inside and into your new ensuite bathroom. You made quick work of stripping each other naked, only pausing to hang your hat carefully on the hook. You jumped in under the cold water, not bothering to wait for it to heat up.
He followed you in and immediately pushed you up against the shower wall and spread your legs wide. You whimpered as he slipped his hands between your legs and worked over your clit quickly, building a pleasure deep within you. 
You gripped his long, thick cock in your hand and pumped him with one hand and with your other hand you grab the back of his neck and pull his head down to yours. 
“Fuck me, please, before I have to go,” you beg him. 
He nibbles at your collarbone as he removes his hand from your wet pussy and replaces it with his cock. He slips inside you, stretching you out as you hook your leg around his waist and leverage yourself against the back wall. He thrusts into you stretching you out and steadying himself on his feet. 
He finds his balance and his pace as he moves his thumb to your clit. Shower sex with Will was fun, he was as thorough as ever but quick too; it was close as he’d ever get to an actual quickie. You came quick and hard, not bothering to be quiet in your new home. 
He moved his hand from your center and gripped your hips tightly as he came with a low grunt. He was panting when he kissed you very sloppy and pressed his wet, naked flesh against your own. 
You dropped your head to his shoulder, “I really don’t want to, but I’ve got to go.”
He kissed the top of your head and then washed your body much quicker than he would’ve liked. 
When you were clean you stepped out of the shower and realized neither of you had unpacked any towels yet. You looked at each other, shivering in the cold and dripping wet when you burst out laughing. 
He kissed you and led you into your bedroom where he found his gym bag and passed you a towel from inside
“Is this clean?” You asked, not really caring about the answer as you dried off. 
“It actually is,” Will said, flipping open your suitcase, “What are you wearing?”
“Crap,” you said, “I didn’t pack work clothes in there, they’re all packed away.”
Will dove into his own bag and passed you the polo shirt he was wearing the first time you two had met, “I packed this for the speech I’m giving later this week. This and jeans should get you through a shift at the rec centre.”
“Which speech is this one?” you asked.
“It’s going to be the 173rd time I say the same thing,” he said, demonstrating once again his grasp for keeping track of information. 
You held the shirt in your hands, tracing the logo on the chest you noticed then and understood now, and you smiled. You’d been together through so much since then. You two had carved out a stable, happy life together, and you were just so happy with how things were that you felt a lump rise in your throat. 
“Sweetheart?” Will asked, watching you.
“I just love you so much, you know that?” you said, wrapping your arms around him. 
“I love you too. I’ll be home waiting for you after work,” he promised and you smiled. 
“Home,” you sighed, kissing him. 
He helped you dress in your jeans and his shirt and you made him promise not to unpack anything without you, it was something you had to do together.
He walked you out the front door and found Benny sitting on the step.
“You guys are gross,” Benny teased before he hugged his brother and jumped in the passenger side of your car. You kissed Will goodbye before you slipped in the car next to the other Miller brother and you left your home behind, for now. 
It wasn’t long into the drive that Benny said, “I’m really happy for you guys.”
“Thanks, Benny. We’re really happy too.”
“Will’s lucky to have you. He needs someone in his corner, he’s always been in mine, always been there for us,” he paused and you let him find his words, “He never gives up on us, and I want more for him than just giving to others all the time.”
You squeezed his hand briefly as you drove, “You’re a good brother. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him.”
Benny smiled at you before he turned the radio on and sang along loudly the rest of the trip. When you dropped him off at his place, he gave you a hug, softer than usual and you nodded at him as he waved you off. 
Those Miller brothers loved each other and Benny felt as much like your family as Will did. You loved them, Frankie and Maria too. Will hadn’t just given you a partner, but a whole family. 
Turns out, this rec center situation was a little more complicated than they had led you to believe. It wasn’t a one shift kind of deal, you had to cover the desk for the whole week thanks to Galdys’ broken hip; apparently it didn’t matter you were supposed to be using vacation days for your move. 
Will was understanding, but it frustrated you that you came home the next couple nights with boxes piled up and your things tossed disorganized around your new home. 
You were looking around the living room mess, not quite sure where to start when you said to Will who was standing next to you, “This mess must be killing you.”
“It’s not my usual style, no,” he said and he took you in his arms, “But if this is our biggest problem, I think we’re doing okay.”
So that meant that the house didn’t get unpacked before Santiago “Pope” Garcia came back to town. You didn’t see Will after he saw Pope after his 173rd speech, you didn’t see Will before Benny’s fight which you also missed. So you didn’t see Will between when he heard about Pope’s job, and when he agreed to join his brothers in South America. The next time you saw Will, the love of your life, the man you planned to marry one day, was when he was already packing for a trip down south. 
“What are you doing?” You asked when you saw him packing. 
“I have to go away for the weekend,” he said vaguely, not looking at you. 
“What does that mean?” It’s been so long since he’s been like this with you; you two have come so far in terms of communication since he tried to ghost you all those months ago.
“Pope’s in town, he’s here to ask for our help and we said we’d go,” he said, still not looking at you. 
You’ve heard of Pope but you still haven’t met him, you weren’t sure if you should be worried or not.
“Can you share and details, or are you just going to walk out and leave me here confused?” you stood with your arms crossed in the door frame. 
He paused, his hands clenched in a fist, “I’m sorry. Pope has a job he needs our help with.”
“A job?”
“Consulting. I can’t really go into details except it comes with a good paycheck in exchange for a weekend in South America. Don’t worry sweetheart,” he paused, “I have to go because it’s this that will finally bring Pope home.” 
You crossed the room and held him from behind, burying your face in his back.
“It’s not dangerous?” you asked afraid.
Will hesitated. Consulting as Pope had suggested theoretically wouldn’t be dangerous, but he also had a suspicion there was more to Pope’s story than he had led on. There was no point in scaring you though, Tom was going to lead them safely through this and the extra money coming in would help bring you two closer to the next step. He already had his mother’s ring hidden at Benny’s and the payday could give you the wedding you deserved. 
“I’ll be safe,” he promised, turning in your arms so he could look at you. He kissed you warm and slow, tasting you, reminding himself what was really important. This job would bring Pope home, and give you security. He had to go. 
“Will you call me when you get there? When will you be back?” you said, pulling back and trying to remain focused. 
“I’m leaving in the morning, and I’ll be back on Monday, maybe Tuesday,” he said, and continued packing, “We can’t call while we’re in country, but I can call you when we’re at the airport on the way home.”
You purse your lips unsure as you watched him finish packing and decided not to say anything about your concerns. He was a professional and you trusted him. And you trusted his brothers to keep him safe. 
That night in bed you couldn’t sleep and you just watched him rest. He was your whole world, you couldn’t imagine your life without him. If something happened to him on this trip, this job, this mission, you knew it would break you. 
The next morning after a sleepless night, you kissed him goodbye with a sinking feeling in your stomach and a promise to save the unpacking for when he got back. 
On Friday you went to work wearing Will’s polo shirt again while Will and his team did reconnaissance on Lorea’s house. You spent the whole day biting your nails and snapping at anyone who tried to talk to you. You worried yourself sick checking your phone knowing Will wasn’t due to call for a few more days still. You had a naive thought that he’d change his mind and come home early. 
Will watches Lorea’s prisoners executed and he has a bad feeling in his stomach which only gets worse when Benny is compromised. As he raced to make sure Benny was secure and undetected, the doubt festered in his gut. He’s only down there because Benny was the first to sign up, and because Tom gave the okay. He never actually said yes, but he really should have said no. He just wanted to get back home to you, where he belonged. 
That night when Pope’s true intentions were revealed, he sat back feeling vindicated, his instinct that Pope was holding back proved to be right after all. He pushed back against Pope, asking who actually paid them, hoping to knock the perspective back into Pope so you could all go back home, forget this insane plan. He felt betrayed that Pope lied, but he didn’t hesitate when the others decided to join Pope. If they got this done, Pope could come home.
You’re home alone on Saturday, the boxes staring at you, mocking your loneliness. You dress in Will’s clothes, your hat firmly on your head and decide to call on Maria and Hector, assuming correctly that she is as anxious as you. When you arrive at her place, Hector is crying and so is she. 
“Maria?” you ask walking into the house slowly, “Are you okay?”
“We got in a huge fight before he left,” she said, “What if he doesn’t come home?”
“Frankie’s coming home,” you insisted, pulling her into your arms, “They all are.”
Will grabs the bags and starts filling them with the cash from the walls. The adrenaline is pumping and they all feel invincible. Even Pope seems distracted in his hunt for Lorea; there is just so much money. 
You stayed with Maria and Hector, doing your best to help out. Hector was beautiful, but you were so anxious whenever you held him; what if you were doing it wrong? You’ve never really been around kids, just liked the idea of them in the abstract. Now the only thing you knew was that Maria needed help so you’d try your best. 
Will felt the bullet rip through him and all he could see was your face. Tom held his hand and Benny patched him up, and all he saw was you. He promised to come back to you and while luckily this didn’t seem to be any worse than he’d survived before, but they still had a lot to do and a long way to go before he got home to explain this new scar to you. 
You curled in on yourself on Maria’s couch with your hat clutched to your chest when Will’s helicopter crashed without you having any idea where he was. He pulled himself out of the wreckage and threw Benny his hat as the boys spread out and tried to control the uncontrollable. 
Sunday came and went and you didn’t know Will was shot and heading out on foot through the jungle, hauling money on the back of a mule, hoping to survive long enough to marry you as planned.
In the dark of the night, he turned to his baby brother, “Benny.”
Benny jerked awake, “What?”
“If I don’t make it home -” Will started. 
“I’ll take care of her,” Benny promised.
“Make sure she gets the ring,” Will continued and Benny nodded, sincere in his promise. Will’s wound throb and ached in his side and felt less sure than ever that he’d see your face again. But the thought of letting you down, leaving you behind kept him moving forward. 
Monday arrived and you went to work wearing Will’s polo shirt again, expecting Will home later that day. You left work and he had never called. You forced work to let you take the rest of the week off - they owed you after all - and you wore Will’s clothes to Maria’s and you two held each other with Hector between you, crying over your missing partners, the other half to your hearts. 
Friday came and left Tom dead on the side of a mountain, and you were home alone, convinced Will was never coming back. You couldn’t face your home with all the unpacked boxes. If you started to unpack then you were admitting he wasn’t coming home, but leaving them like that kept you and your relationship in a limbo. 
Will helped Pope, Benny, and Frankie throw the bags of cash over the side of the mountain, the guilt over Tom’s death weighing on them all. He couldn’t help himself, he made note of the exact location of this drop and tucked that information in the back of his mind for later. He felt sick to his stomach at the thought of returning for it, but the potential of the recovery was too significant for him to ignore. 
You went back to Maria’s wearing Will’s clothes and your hat as was your new routine for the week. You went home every night, hoping Will would join you there before morning. Tonight was different though, you couldn’t make yourself leave. You couldn’t face that empty house with the boxes starting to collect dust and your cold, empty bed. Instead you stayed with Maria and Hector, finding strength in each other as best you could. 
Will and the boys signed away their money to Tom’s family. Will never meant for the others to feel guilted into following suit, he just couldn’t stomach getting rich while Molly and the girl’s had to deal with the repercussions of his failures. He signed away the money and swore to find an honest way to pay for the wedding he hoped you’d consider having with him. 
Then despite his best judgement, he gave Pope the coordinates of the money they threw over the cliff. Hoping it would either bring closure or hope to him. He wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do, but he did it anyway. After he left Pope in the street, he took the burner cell phone he got from the firm and called you, desperate to hear your voice. 
You sat on Maria’s couch as she made some tea in the kitchen. You were both cried out for now, and so you just sat in silence. Suddenly your cell rang, and Maria rushed to your side as you picked up a number you don’t recognize.
“Baby, is that you?” your hand flying to your head, resting on top of the hat you haven’t taken off since Will had left. 
“Hey sweetheart. I’m here,” Will said, sounding strange on the other end of the phone. 
“Are you with Frankie?” You asked as Maria stared at you clutching her baby with tears falling down her cheeks
“He’s here,” Will’s voice is heavy. 
You nod your head at Maria and let tears of relief wash over your own face to match those on her cheeks. She reaches desperately for the phone. 
“I’m with Maria, can you pass off to Frankie, she wants to talk to him” you pass Maria the phone and trade it for the sleeping baby whom you used to be so scared to hold and now you cling to like a life preserver.
Will is alive, he is coming home you thought to yourself over and over again as Maria muttered away in Spanish. Her tone was loving, then angry, then relieved, then angry, then she was crying, and you heard her say, “at least you’re all safe and coming home”. 
You watched as her mouth dropped open in shock as she raised her free hand to her lips. “Oh my god,” she muttered desperately, “Those poor girls”. 
You knew immediately Tom was dead, but you made her pass you the phone anyway, “Will, where is Tom?” 
You stayed with Maria that night knowing Will would be home the next evening around dinner. The next day you put off going back to the empty house until Maria put Hector to sleep and hugged you goodnight. 
You arrived back at your shared house and knew you still had a few hours until it felt like home again. You went inside, showered, changed the sheets, did a load of laundry, ran the dishwasher; all the things  you neglected since Will’s been away. You wanted everything just right for when Will came home. Plus you wanted to keep busy because if you stayed still too long you started to get mad. 
Now that you knew he was safe, you had this pent up anger desperate for release. Will told you there would be a payday to accompany Pope’s crusade and you knew that was a red flag. You were so mad at yourself for not saying anything, not trying to make him stay. And you were mad at Will for putting you through the agony of the last week. You were just so mad you didn’t feel like yourself anymore. 
You check the clock, he should’ve been home by now and you’re out of mundane chores and staring at those boxes wasn't doing anything to appease your bad mood. You put on one of his hoodies that always smells like him and you snuggle into yourself on the recliner chair that you swivel towards the front door. It was such a stereotypical man’s chair. It rocked, it had a foot rest, and a cup holder in the oversized, overstuffed arms. Many a Sunday night football you found Will asleep in that very chair.
You were instantly on your feet when you heard the sound of keys hitting the bowl by the door. When Will walked through the front hall and into your modest living room you launched yourself into his arms before he even said your name. You wrapped your legs around his waist which pulled an agonized groan from his lips that you kissed away hard and passionately as he gripped your hips desperately. 
“I love you” you said over and over and over again as you peppered every inch of his face with kisses. You nuzzled your face into his neck and breathed deeply forcing yourself to believe he was really home and really in your arms. 
You squeezed him tightly with your thighs and he gasped in pain which shocked you. You never once heard him make a sound like that. You dropped to your feet and grabbed his face in your hands, “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve had worse, and I’ll make a full recovery, though there will probably be some scarring thanks to some shotty field care. There’s no need to worry or freak out ” he said. Before you could ask a follow up question, he pushed you up against the wall and he kissed you firmly which shut you up for the next few minutes as he explored your body with his hands and mouth. 
You allowed yourself to be lost in him as he pulled his own sweater off your back and exposed your breasts to his mouth. As he sucked on your nipple he snuck a hand into your pants and teased your delicate folds. Instinctively you spread your legs for him as he groaned against your skin. You’ve missed him so much and it feels so good as he touches you, you know you’re already dripping wet with relief and anticipation. 
You reach out and try to take off his shirt so you can see his chest, but he quickly abandons your body to grab your wrists and stop you. 
“Remember that I’m fine, and it’s actually not a big deal,” he said looking surprisingly sheepish. 
That’s when you remember he’s hurt and are mad all over again at him for trying to distract you like that. 
You cross your arms across your body and gesture for him to continue. He lifts the bottom of his shirt high enough to expose a large white bandage with a red spot in the middle. You blanch when the realization hits that the red spot is not an aesthetic choice and instead indicative of the wound beneath. 
You gingerly trace the edges of the bandage afraid to hurt him as you ask, “Baby, what happened to you down there?”
“I got shot”.
You smack him gently in surprise across his shoulder, “You got shot! You were shot by a bullet and you want me to believe that is not a big deal? Your friend died and you got shot and you think I’m not going to freak out!” 
You stumble backwards into the recliner chair with so much force you launch the leg rest forward, which if the love of your life wasn’t standing in front of you with a bullet wound, the whole thing would have been pretty funny. But since he did have a bullet wound and you hadn’t gotten a decent night's sleep since he left, you just felt sick as you kicked the foot rest back down and sat with your head between your knees trying not to actually throw up. 
He fell to his knees at your feet and kissed the top of your head. You took gulping breaths trying to settle your stomach, the bile in your throat almost unbearable. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I am,” he said, his voice strained. 
“I could’ve lost you,” you said, as tears started to roll down your checks. 
“You didn’t, I’m home,” he said, his voice thick and you realized he was crying too. 
You grabbed his shoulders and balled the fabric of his shirt in your fists as you put your forehead on his. 
“Was it worth it?” you asked. 
“No,” he admitted.
You kissed him and stood up, “come on, let’s get you cleaned up and to bed. I’ll be mad at you tomorrow”.
You led him into the bathroom and ran the shower where you cleaned him up and let him hold you, touch you, cry into you. When the water started to run cold, you turned it off and wrapped him in a towel gently, drying him gingerly and redressing his injury. You inspected it and were relieved to see it wasn’t infected though it absolutely was going to scar. 
Will watched you inspect the in-and-out bullet wound through his abdomen. He realized he was shaking under your touch and he wasn’t sure how long he was going to last on his feet now that he was home. He just wanted to crawl into your shared bed and just be with you, it’s all he thought about while he was away. He was a broken man, and you were the only thing keeping him from shattering completely. 
You led him to bed and pulled him underneath the covers before you slipped his cock inside you. He held you so tight you could barely breathe and you wanted him to hold you tighter. You felt him twitch inside you and you kissed him, barely believing you had him back at all. You looked into his sad blue eyes and felt helpless. You didn’t know what he had gone through, and you realized you’d never truly understand. The disconnect broke your heart. 
He pulled you in close to his chest, feeling your skin against his and he finally felt home. He also felt guilty. He came home and saw the pain in your eyes, the pain he had caused. It was more painful than the gunshot wound to see you suffering like that. He had no idea how he was going to fix that look in your eyes, how you could look at him the way you used to now that he had broken something between you by going MIA for over a week and coming back empty handed. 
You held him as he slept but refused to sleep yourself, afraid that if you did you’d wake up alone. He woke up a few times during the night crying, or screaming, or both and you knew it was going to be a long time before he started to heal from the trauma of his trip. You held him close and lulled him back to sleep each time, all the while wondering where this ordeal has left you two and what the future would hold now because for the first time in a long time, you didn’t know what would happen next. 
Part 7 
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iamwhoami · 4 years
Hold On (Chicago PD)
Chicago PD
   Y/N finds out that she and Jay are expecting. However, before she can tell him the news, Jay gets shot and end up in critical condition.
Warnings: Pregnancy (I’m not sure if that’s a warning but better safe than sorry), someone gets shot
   Just so you know, I’m not a medical professional so the medical stuff in this probably won’t be very accurate. I did try to research into it a little so hopefully it’s still somewhat accurate.
   Also, this was requested so here you go! If you have any requests, please don’t hesitate to send them in!
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“Maybe you should see a doctor about this,” Jay told you as he pulled your hair back just in time before you wretched into the toilet.
   Once you were done, you sighed and leaned back against Jay, letting him hold you.
“I’m okay,” You told him, trying to believe that yourself, “It’s probably just something that I ate that didn’t sit so well.”
“Right,” Jay looked down at you, clearly unconvinced, “And if you believe that, I’ll sell you property in Florida dirt cheap.”
   You scowled at him, “I’m telling you Mr. Sarcasm, I’m okay. It’ll pass.”
“You’ve been saying that for the past few days and it still hasn’t passed yet,” Jay said just before you felt the urge to throw up once again. 
   While you emptied the contents in your stomach, Jay rubbed comforting circles on your back with one hand while the other held your hair out of your face.
“Just stop being stubborn and see a doctor for me,” Jay asked once you were done throwing up for the time being.
   You looked at the time and saw that both of you were going to be late for work if you didn’t speed things along so you hastily agreed and hurried on your separate ways.
   You worked as a firefighter at Firehouse 51 which was such a tight knit family that it was no surprise when all the girls caught you in the bathroom throwing up.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Brett asked, “You sure don’t sound like it.”
   You shook your head, “It’s probably just a bug or something.”
“Then shouldn’t you go home?” Stella raised an eyebrow, “Because I sure don’t want it.”
“It’s fine, it usually dies down after lunch,” You closed your eyes as you started to feel nauseous again.
   With your eyes closed, you weren’t sure what was going on but everything became quiet and so you opened them to see all three women staring at you.
“It only happens in the morning?” Brett asked.
   You nodded, “Yeah.”
“So it’s more of a morning thing?” Stella added and you looked at all three, feeling like they knew something you didn’t.
   You shrugged, “I guess so yeah.”
   Gabby smiled, “So it’s like morning sickness.”
   Those words hit you like a punch to the stomach.
“Oh my god,” Your voice was barely audible, “Oh my god.”
Ambo 61, man down from unknown causes, 98 Ashland Road
   Gabby and Brett left, leaving you and Stella in the bathroom while you tried to comprehend everything.
“I’m gonna give you some alone time to think,” Stella said and you nodded numbly. Stella gave you one last glance before heading out of the bathroom, leaving you alone.
   Were you really pregnant? You tried to think if you and Jay had even talked about having kids. Sure, you two weren’t married but you were engaged, not that it really mattered.
   You sat there on the floor of the bathroom for quite a while, swimming in your own thoughts, and was only snapped back into reality when the door swung open and Gabby, Brett, and Stella practically raced in.
“Here,” Gabby tossed you a little box and you caught it out of reflex, “Brett and I stopped by a pharmacy on the way back.”
   You looked down to see that it was a pregnancy test.
“We figured we should you two,” Brett tossed another box at you but this time you didn’t quite catch it.
“Oh,” was all you could get out as you stared down at the two boxes in your hands.
   Stella looked over at you, “So are you going to take them?”
“Huh?” Your mind still wasn’t working properly, “Oh yeah, yes I am.”
   You shakily stood up and locked yourself in one of the stalls before following the directions written on the back of the box. 
   Once you were done, you let out a big sigh and unlocked the stall before putting the two tests down on the counter and walking away. You slumped down into the corner and ran your hand through your hair, unsure how this was actually happening right now.
“How long did it say to wait?” Gabby asked.
“Two minutes,” You replied but made no effort to start the time so Stella did for you on her phone.
   The two minutes passed in silence and was interrupted by Stella’s timer going off. 
   As slowly as you could, you forced yourself onto your feet and trudged over to the counter where the two tests were placed.
   Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm your racing heart before looking down at what could change your life forever.
   Both tests were positive.
“But it could be a girl,” Brett pointed out.
“Or it could be a boy and a girl,” Stella added before taking a bite of her lunch.
   You all looked over at her, making Stella shrug.
“What? Y/N could be having twins for all we know.”
   I sighed, “Look guys, I know you’re excited but turn it down a notch please. I just want to get through today, tell Jay, and go from there.”
“Y/N, a word,” Chief Boden beckoned you over. Confused, you followed him to his office, wondering if he had overheard your conversation with the girls.
   You sat down in the chair across from him at his desk, “Is something wrong Chief?”
“I need you be very calm right now,” Boden told you which made you even more worried, “Jay’s at Med right now, he’s been shot.”
   You felt the colour leave your face as what Boden said sunk in.
“I already have a replacement coming in for you,” Boden kept going, “I’ll drive you to Med now.”
   You nodded and the next thing you knew, you were at Chicago Med, trying to find out where Jay was.
   You turned around to see Will coming towards you.
“Will!” You quickly made your way over to him, “Where’s Jay? How is he?”
   Will didn’t answer right away which immediately set you off that things weren’t so great. Instead, he led you to the doctor’s lounge where he forced you to take a seat before sitting down next to you
“He’s in surgery right now,” Will said and you could tell he was struggling to keep it together as well. “They won’t tell me anything else, but Y/N, I’m going to be honest, he didn’t look so good when he was brought in.”
   You broke into sobs and Will wrapped an arm around you, trying to comfort you.
“Will,” You shook your head, trying to sound somewhat audible between your cries, “Will, I can’t raise this baby by myself.”
   You looked up at Will, “I’m pregnant you idiot! And if Jay dies, I don’t know what I’m going to do!”
“Y/N, let’s take things one step at a time, Jay’s going to be okay,” Will told you but you knew that he couldn’t guarantee it.
“Y/N? Do you want to see Jay now?” Will asked and you nodded before being led to Jay’s room in the ICU.
“He’s still unconscious but he’s stable for the time being,” Will told you, “The next while’s going to be touch and go though.”
   You nodded before sliding into the chair next to Jay’s bed.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Will said and left the room.
   Jay’s face was pale and you noticed the bruise starting to form on his right cheek. 
   Slowly, you reached over and took his hand into yours, scared that he might crumble if you did.
“Jay,” You whispered, “You have to get better, you have to see our child grow up. You have to be there. Just hold on, okay?”
   Suddenly, the heart monitor started going crazy and a bunch of doctors rushed into the room while you were quickly led out by Will.
“What’s going on?” You asked, “What’s happening to him?”
   You were starting to become hysterical and Will had to calm you down.
“Y/N, you have to relax,” Will said.
“What’s going on?”
“His blood pressure’s tanking, the doctors are trying to fix that,” Will explained and you felt your legs give out, making him grab you just before you fell.
   You looked at the room where the doctors were bustling around Jay.
“He has to be okay,” You whispered.
   You didn’t know what you would do without him.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
Too Smart for Your Own Good: Part 8
Pairings: (Past) Machine Gun Kelly x Reader, (Past) Henry Cavill x Reader, Chibs x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, PTSD, abandonment, another dick move on Henry’s part.
Word Count: 6,114
A/N: Doesn’t have a completed end yet, but just giving you more content to try to get myself out of a writing funk.
A/N 2: Yea, I had fun with this one. Sorry, not sorry.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Negan had seen you pissed before, hell, he’d seen you down right livid. But he had never, ever seen you so furious you refused to even talk to him. He looked over at you with a small, tight smile as you walked into your messy kitchen, but you didn’t even glance at him as you bee lined past him to grab two coffee mugs from the cabinet.
“Morning, princess.” He dared, but he instantly shut up when you shot him a look that spoke volumes. “(Y/N)...”
“Save it.” You grumbled as you grabbed two K cups from the box on the counter and picked up the entire Keurig as silent punishment. He sighed loudly as you walked back out of the room past Simon, who took one look at the coffee maker in your arms and over at the spot it lived in on your counter, before shaking his head.
“Does the other house have a coffee pot still, or did she take that, too?” He asked with a glance to his boss, who was watching you walk up the stairs back to your room without a second glance.
“I fucked up with her, didn’t I?” You heard Negan ask his second in command before you stepped into the room and closed the door behind you.
“Ye took the whole damn thing?” Chibs whisper yelled as you headed into the bathroom to set the Keurig down.
“There’s a pot in the carriage house.” You said back with a shrug as you plugged your machine in. “I don’t feel sorry for them.”
“Cold hearted.” He chuckled as he made sure the pillows were all around the co sleeper and that Celeste was OK before coming into the bathroom. “No cream?”
“You get it black, or you can go down and deal with my father to get it, your call.”
“Yea, I’m no’ goin’ down ta flaunt the fact tha’ I stayed ‘ere over nigh’ to ‘im anytime soon.” He sighed as he partially closed the water closet door to use the bathroom.
“If it helps at all, he now knows better than to lay so much as a finger on you.”
“It does not.”
“Well you don’t have to see him for a week anyways, so it’s fine.” You said as you stepped over to turn on the shower while the first cup was brewing. “Besides, I need an escort through IRA territory and I’m not trusting my daughter’s life to a prospect. I have a lot of errands to do in the next couple days...”
“Luv...” You looked over at him with your eyebrow raised before following his gaze down to the tattoo on your rib cage that no one but him would know the true meaning of just by looking at it. He smirked as you moved your arm out of the way, and shook his head. “Ye did say ye’d never let me live it down...”
“You tore apart my garden for those lilacs, Filip.” You giggled as you looked at the bouquet of purple flowers in a metal milk can with a tartan patterned bow around it that represented his last name.
“Couldn’t show up empty ‘anded now, could I?”
“No, that wouldn’t have been right.” You whispered even softer as he stepped forward to brush his thumb across the bow.
“Does yer da’...”
“No one knows what it means.” You said with a shake of your head as you shivered from the goosebumps racing across your skin. “Negan asked if it was for my mom when he first saw it because lilacs were her favorite too, and I just nodded and walked away.”
“It’s beautiful.” He said with a glance up at you. “Much more elegant than mine.”
“You got a tattoo for me?”
“Subtle.” He said as he held up his left hand and stuck out his ring finger. “Black band, but your name wore off the side.”
“You’re so cute.” You giggled as you ran your fingertip across what was left of your name. “Who did it? Because that would have gotten back to Negan...”
“I did.” He said as he looked at the left over ink. “Did a stint in prison for possession seven or eight years back. Anniversary’a the last time I saw ye. Took all nigh’ bu’ I needed the pain.”
“We’ll get it re done soon if you want.” You promised as you turned on the water and stepped inside. “Coming? We have a lot of things to do today.”
“So no time for a quickie?” He teased before taking a sip of his coffee, starting yours, and stepping out of his boxers.
“What kinda girl do you think I am?” You teased as you shook an old, nearly empty bottle of shampoo to finish it off. “I wasn’t that easy back then, and as a mother and a woman of class...”
“Oh, shut it.” He laughed as he wrapped his arms your waist and pulled you into his chest. He kissed you gently as you went from washing your hair to washing his, just appreciating being together again. You couldn’t stop your mind from racing in a thousand different directions as he gently lifted you up and pinned you against the wall to slide into you, but by the time you both came, you realized that for the first in twelve years you truly felt safe. You felt at home.
“I still love you.” You said softly as you laid your head down on his chest. “I never stopped…”
“Was I supposed ta stop lovin’ ye?” He asked as he ran his fingers through your hair. “‘Cause even after all the shite I went through, I’d do it all over ‘gain to ‘ave ye in m’life.”
“You can protect me from the big bad world.” You said with a smile as you looked up at him. “I’ll protect you from Negan.”
“I may actually let ye do tha’, lass.” He said as he quickly washed his body off and stepped out of the way for you. “Yer da’s terrifyin’ when it comes ta ye.”
“My dad may think he’s a hard ass, but that man knows that I’m the one in charge no matter how much he doesn’t want to admit it. And he also knows at this point, now that he knows I know what he did, if he so much as lays a finger on you, I’m done... permanently. So being with me is as safe as you’ll ever be when it comes to my dad.”
“Tha’s somethin’ I’m really nervous ta test.”
“I can solve it today.” You said with a bob of your head as you turned off the water. “Because while I know he will never, ever admit it to anyone, possibly including me, he regrets what he did now that he’s been busted for it. And he didn’t feel shame for it until he saw the look in my eyes. Because it’s a look that instantly reminded him of my mom, and I know he can hear her freaking out at him in his memories.”
“It’s so strange ta see ‘im through yer eyes, my luv.” He huffed as he grabbed his coffee and went out to throw his clothes on from the day before. “Instead of as m’President.”
“Yea, it’s still entertaining to see him try to be ‘big bad Negan’ all these years later when I know the softie he can be since I actually remember it from when I was a kid… shit, I really don’t wanna wake her up…”
“Rip off the bandaid.”
“But she’s so cute…”
“Rip off the bandaid.” He repeated as he fastened his belt. “Ye said ye had a lot ta do, an’ tha’ ye wan’ed ‘er on Belfast time.”
“Son of a bitch.” You grumbled as you threw on a nursing tank, and a big, loose sweater over your leggings. You grabbed something cute for Celeste, that would keep her warm through out the day, and pouted at her as you kneeled on the bed and simply picked her up. “Oh, Mommy’s sorry.” You cooed as she instantly started to whine in sheer exhaustion. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know.”
“She’s cute until she screams.” Chibs teased as he sat down on the bed to put his boots on. “Then she just reminds me of you.”
“Fuck you.” You said in a sing song voice. He chuckled and threw on his kutte before putting her car seat on the bed for you. “Yes, I know, Mommy’s mean. But you can sleep in the car, baby girl.”
“I’m guessin’ yer kidnappin’ me like old times?” He asked as he took the dirty diaper from you and got up to toss it in the diaper genie you had put in your bathroom the night before.
“Well obviously, I’m a defenseless first time Mommy that needs a big strong man to protect her and her adorable little girl.”
“Well now I jus’ ‘ave ta protect such a beautiful woman, and this cute little screamin’ bundle’a joy.”
“Oh, we are as much of a morning person as Mommy is.” You said as you grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach so you could pack your diaper bag for what you needed for the day.
“Oh, we’re jus’ no’ ‘avin’ a good mornin’.” He said as he picked her up and walked over to your bedroom window. He talked to her like he had known her throughout your whole pregnancy and her whole, short existence, instead of only a few hours. He got her to sniffle her way to a comfortable spot on his shoulder as you took out what you didn’t need and replaced what you needed to. You silently glared at him as his humming put her right back to sleep, and he moved at nearly a glacial pace to lay her down in the carseat. “I’m good wit’ kids.”
“Fuck outta here.” You huffed as you threw on your boots and grabbed your diaper bag and coffee. “Alright, you carry her. He’s less likely to hit you if you’re holding her.”
“No’ reassuring.” He muttered as he checked his pockets to make sure he had everything, before putting the car seat down just long enough to put his gun in the holder under his kutte. “Safety’s on, don’ worry.” With a roll of your head, you threw your bag on your shoulder, and lead him out the room with a sigh.
“Telford!” Negan yelled the moment you walked out the door, but you could see the flash of fear in his eyes when he realized you were headed straight for him.
“You have two choices here.” You said where only he could hear you as you stopped directly beside him, but looking out at the lake behind him. “You have the choice to try to take him out of my life for whatever fucking reason you could come up with. Or you have the choice to be my fucking father and fight for me to be happy with someone with as good of heart as he has to step up and protect my daughter the same way you protected me after everything I’ve been through. And we both know he wouldn’t have patched if he wasn’t a good person.” You glanced up at him with tears in your eyes, and you could see your dad, the man that only you really got to see looking back at you. 
“Just know, I won’t stop fighting for him this time. You got lucky with Henry falling in my lap at just the right time and my research taking off the way it did. But you won’t be this time. And keep in mind, he and I both have to live with the physical proof of what you’ve done to us for the rest of our lives which is exactly why I can honestly say that if you try, you will lose everything. So you make the choice.” You looked back out at the lake with a sniff as you put your sunglasses on, while Negan took barely a half second to weight the options of loosing you, or seeing you with Chibs before he straightened beside you.
“Telford, get that baby outta the fucking cold. The fuck you standing there for, huh? And make sure my kid doesn’t get lost in some Goddamn throw pillows or whatever shit she’s got planned in that fucking head of hers for this place. Or better yet, make sure that she doesn’t lose her damn kid in throw pillows.” You nodded your head and went to walk away, but Negan quickly grabbed your arm and held you in one spot. You met his eyes for a few moments, letting him apologize ten times over in a simple look, and you choose to partially let him off the hook.
“Get the fucking prospects to return those vans before you get charged another day’s rental. We’ll talk later.” He nodded his head and leaned over to kiss your forehead, before letting you go to yell at the prospects and regain his control of his men.
“Wha’ did ye say ta ‘im?” Chibs asked softly as you set your diaper bag on the floor board and peeked in the back to make sure the only thing that was back there was your stroller frame.
“I told him to make a choice.” You said as you carefully shut the back door, and pulled open the passenger door. “And he made the right one.”
“This place looks like it fucking threw up Christmas.” Your dad grumbled to you with a shake of his head as you walked through your professionally decorated house after spending a week on the road dealing with some club shit you didn’t even care to ask about.
“It’s Celeste’s first Christmas.” You started as you looked at the sparkling entry way proudly. “And our first one not spent in a portable in years. And you know I love Christmas. Oh, and I finally got confirmation that Colson, Casie, and Emma are coming for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so it had to be even more perfect. Ash and Ashton, too.”
“You got the fucking prospects to do all this shit?”
“Fuck no.” You laughed with a shake of your head. “I hired a company. The prospects are wrapping gifts in the carriage house because fuck knows I hate doing that shit. Paper cuts.” You said with a smirk as you looked over at him. “Not pleasant. They can do the bitch work.”
“Where’s Telford?”
“Why?” You asked as the smile fell from your face.
“Need to talk to him... and you, since I know you will never trust me in a room with him again.”
“With good reason.” You said as you gestured to the stairs. “Setting up my baby monitors in the nursery while Celeste tries out her new crib for nap time. Oh, Ash is heading over to the house later today to send me some shit I need to hang out here a while longer. Do you need anything?”
“I’m heading back day after New Years.” He said with a shake of his head and a heartbroken sigh. “I lost you because of this, didn’t I?” You hesitated for a moment and sighed loudly with a small nod of your head.
“You changed my whole life with your actions, Daddy. And his even more so. You may be the president of an MC, but you are still my father. And whether you liked it or not, you had no right to do what you did, no matter what the reason. Whether it be to keep ahold of your image, or to keep me closer to home, it doesn’t matter. You had no right. So yes, in a sense, you lost me- my trust is gone. But you are still my father, and I will always love you. So in that sense, I will still be here. You’ll see me, and Celeste, and I will always be here if you need me... but we will never have the same relationship we did because of this.” You looked over at him as a few tears fell from his eyes, and his sighed as his whole body sank with the weight of his actions.
“Your mother would be so proud of you.” He started as he looked over at you with a shake of his head. “But I would have lost her over this, too, so I understand.” As gently as he could, he reached out to pull you into a hug. “I’m sorry, princess. I’m so, so sorry.”
“I know, Daddy.” You whispered back as you started to tear up as well. You both stood there for a moment, completely ignoring Simon, and the Belfast charter’s president, Jax when they walked in to talk to him, but they turned right back around to give you your space as Negan pulled away and nodded his head.
“Can I go talk to him?” He asked as he wiped off his face. “I’ll leave my gun with you, if that makes you more comfortable.”
“I’ll come up with you.” You said as you wiped off your own face with your fingertips. “You can use my room while I get Celeste up from her nap so we can go find a caterer last minute for Christmas Eve. And the gun can stay in the hall.”
“Sounds like a plan.” He agreed before gesturing you toward the stairs. You headed through the new baby gate, and up the right side of the split staircase toward the only two rooms on that end of the house, before telling Negan to wait in the hall so you could pre-warn Chibs.
“Hey, my dad wants to talk to you.” His head whipped away from his phone where he was adjusting the views of the cameras, but you nodded at him, reassuringly. “It’s OK. His gun’s staying in the hall. It’s not a bad talk, I promise.”
“‘S’more the knives tha’ got my concern.” He said as he picked up a piece of paper with the app information. “Username is yer email, password’s Celeste123107.”
“You think you’re slick.” You laughed, since the date was the day you two met.
“I thought so.” He said with a small smile as he headed out of the room, stepping over the hand gun that was laying just outside the doorway. You added the app to your phone and signed into your account to check the cameras yourself while the two men went into your room to talk, before walking over to the bed to wake up your baby girl.
“Hello, punk-a-pie.” You cooed as you gently rubbed her back. “Hi, good morning. It’s time to join the world of the living so we can go for another fun adventure. Yea.” She actually grunted at you in protest when you picked her up, and you smiled at just how adorable she was. “Oh, I know it. It’s just so hard to be a baby with such a mean Mommy. Waking you up from naps, and feeding you, and changing you all the time. How could I be so thoughtless, hmm? But that means I get to eat these chunky little thighs. And theses cute little toes-ies.” You smiled as she burst into a fit of giggles on the changing pad when you playfully ‘bit’ her toes. “Oh, I could just eat you up! Yes I could. Fuck, I’m glad you got Mommy’s chunky thighs. They are just so damn cute.”
“I second that.” Chibs said as he walked back into the room a lot faster than you expected, while Negan simply headed down stairs to find out what Simon and Jax wanted. You looked over at him questioningly as you pushed the dirty diaper into the diaper pail, but he shook his head. “Nothin’ bad. Apologized for everythin’, gave me direct permission ta go Nomad a’while ta be wit’ you. Told me ta take care of his girls.”
“He knows he lost me.” You said with a nod as you re-buttoned the long sleeve onesie and put your daughter’s jeans back on. “He knows there’s no coming back from this now. He made his bed, and he has to sleep in it and what are you doing?!”
“I bought this for ye 12 years ago.” He said as he stood beside you at the changing table where you were now frozen half way of putting Celeste in her jacket to look at a gorgeous ring in a black box. “An’ the day aft’a ye came back, when I knew ye still luved me, too, I ‘ad the prospect start puttin’ t’get’a the legal paperwork for the courts. Because I lost ye once, an’ I’d rath’a die then lose ye ‘gain. So on New Years Eve, at the exact stroke of midnight, 12 long fuckin’ years aft’a it shoulda ‘appended in the first place, will ye please, please make me the luckiest son’ov’a bitch in the entire world an’ marry...”
“Can I fuckin’ finish the...”
“No.” You laughed as you leaned over and kissed him roughly. He smiled against your lips and held you in place for a moment, before pulling back with a shake of his head.
“I was gon’ wait until the day of.” He said as he pulled the ring free while you finished dressing your now impatient daughter. “But wit’ yer dad’s blessin’... shockin’, I know.” He laughed as he took your left hand and slid the ring in place. “But we ‘ave it. An’ I wasn’t waitin’ another moment.”
“I don’t blame you.” You laughed as you looked at the ring that felt so much more right than the last one that was placed there, before showing Celeste with a smile. “Look at that, baby girl. Mommy’s getting married. And if he wants to, Chibs can become Daddy all in the same swing.”
“I’d be honored.” You nodded over at him with a laugh as you put on Celeste’s ear warmer headband bow.
“We’re just gunna wait until after Christmas to let her birth father know that all the same.”
“Aye. Don’ feel like havin’ ta fight for both m’girls in the same month.”
“What would you have done if he had said no?” Your fiancé smirked as he checked your diaper bag for you and put it on his shoulder.
“We would’a eloped. But now, ‘e can bear witness, ‘long wit’ Jackie boy, an’ this little chubby thighed cutie.”
“Well now you’ve just sent me into overdrive.” You laughed as you buckled Celeste in her car seat, and wrapped her in the car seat blanket you had. “Because now, after the caterer, I need to find a dress, and a location...”
“I’ve it all figured out.” He interrupted as he took the car seat from you. “Except the dress. My club may be loyal ta Negan, but I’ve broth’a’s a’ the table tha’ want ta see a broth’a happy ‘a the end’a the day.”
“Well then you can come with me to the caterer, then I’ll drop you and Celeste back off so you don’t see me in the dress. We’ve finally got some good luck going for us here.”
“Sounds like a plan ta me, my luv. Sounds like a plan to me.”
You had always imagined that you would be nervous on your wedding day, but as you stood in a private room in a church of all places that meant a lot to your future husband, you didn’t feel anything but excited. You tried to keep everything simple, but still put the prospects and your decorating company through the ringer to pull off a dream shared across cotton sheets that Chibs insisted you deserved, and had already been planning as long as he had the paperwork to pull off, even if it was for the ranks of the Sanctuary’s unwashed heathens.
“You know, I never thought you’d actually get to this point.” Ashleigh said as she adjusted her silver dress around her hips. “I figured when you got engaged to Henry, you were gunna get to the actual planning of the wedding and just… not. And I definitely didn’t think you’d do it this fast.”
“Henry isn’t my Filip.” You said with a look over at her as you finished a braid of your updo and pinned it on to place. 
“Yea, but don’t you think this is a little fast?”
“Ash, I really wish I could explain this… Look, I loved Henry. I did. He was smart, and, funny, and kind. He supported my work, and didn’t mind my eccentricities… but he tried to change me. He tried to pull me away from my dad, to get me away from my club. He wanted us to move to England… and all of those things I would have considered because he made me feel comfortable. But then he took it upon himself to join the Army without a single word until the day he left, and he made that choice because he needed space to think things with me through. Yea, the things you learn after the fact. That was a nice ‘good to see ya after six years’ message.
But Filip, my Filip, the one that got away… He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel safe to let my guard down, and to not be this… always put together Nobel prize winning, Ph. D. three times over doctor all the time. He brings out an innocence that I’ve never gotten to experience because I was looking out for my dad, or drowning myself in my work, or because I was more focused on being the best astrophysicist this world had ever seen. He makes me laugh harder than anyone ever has in my life. He doesn’t just mind my eccentricities, he embraces them, and shows them off like a badge of honor. He doesn’t just make excuses for those times I have my ‘moments’ as Henry called them in public. He sacrificed being truly happy in life to make sure that I had the best life that I could. And I can’t lose that man from my life again. I can live without Henry. I can’t live without Filip.” You smiled as you picked up your silver and ice blue snowflake hair piece and turned in the mirror to see what you were doing to put it on. “And besides the fact, he hasn’t batted an eye over Celeste. Henry literally ran, and put her in the NICU for a month.”
“OK, he didn’t put her in the NICU.”
“He put me in a position that put her in the NICU.” You said as you glanced over at the clock. “But it doesn’t matter. None of that matters anymore. What matters is that the man that I was meant to be with years ago, is somewhere in this church, putting on a tie for me, and a suit that he wouldn’t be caught dead in otherwise for me, and has me excited to get married in a church of all places, without even questioning ‘God’ and all that entails. What matters is he is the love of my life… and after today, he will be mine.” Ash nodded her head slowly as she fixed your hair the slightest bit and tried to avoid eye contact in the mirror.
“(Y/N), I think...”
“Hey, Princess. You’re runnin’…” Negan interrupted as he knocked on the door while he pushed it open, and he stopped and smiled as he looked at you. “Well Goddamn.”
“You’re in a church, mister.” You reminded him, teasingly as you turned and pulled the mostly white, with a double layer of light blue tulle skirt around so it was straighter behind you. “Not supposed to swear in a church.”
“Yea, yea.” He grumbled. “Old, new, borrowed, blue, right?”
“I’ve got ‘em all covered, Daddy.” You said as you watched him walk over with something in his hand.
“Well I’m still replacing your old with mine.” He said as he held out his hand to you. Your brow furrowed until you saw the glimpse of a silver heart locket on a chain. “I don’t have to even ask if you know what it is…”
“It’s mom’s.” You said with a smile as you flipped it over with your thumb. “She wore it on your wedding day.”
“Always said she’d pass it down to a daughter. Nearly made Ash miss her fucking flight looking for it. You know I can’t remember where I put shit for shit.”
“Will you quit swearing and put on the damn necklace.” You laughed as you held it out to him. “Racing a clock here.”
“Yea, yea.” He chuckled as he put the finishing touch on your wedding day outfit. He took a step back and huffed with a small shake of his head. “You make a beautiful bride, baby girl.”
“Thank you, Daddy. Now Ash, what were you saying?”
“Oh, it’s... it’s nothing.” She said with her own smile as she handed you your bouquet of blue roses that had a dark blue bandana you borrowed from Chibs wrapped around the bottom stems. With a nod, you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time, before looking back at your dad.
“You ready?” Negan asked with a small smirk.
“More than.” With a nod, he held out his arm and led you out of the back room. “Damn it, can we just speed up the clock.” You joked as you carefully and subtly kicked out the front of your gown with each step so you would trip or rip it.
“Quit fuckin’ swearing.” Negan laughed as Ashleigh walked a little faster to get next to you.
“(Y/N), I think I made a huge mistake.” She repeated, timidly at the same time you watched Henry looking up from your sleeping little girl in her snow queen dress and a giant blue bow you prayed would muffle the noise so she could stay asleep next to Ashton in their winter wonderland decorated wagon, and over at you. There was only a moments hesitation as you ran through the list of women from the club that had come to see you as you were getting ready to wish you the best before you reacted.
“Daddy, go get Frankie.” You asked, simply as you let go of his arm for a moment. “She’s got on black and silver, so she won’t clash with the colors when she pulls the wagon.”
“(Y/N)...” Ashleigh choked as you simply ignored your ex standing there and stopped in front of the back doors.
“You are dead to me.” You said to her as you fixed your own dress and forced yourself to remain calm. “Get your son, the prospect will take you back to the hotel for your things and you can go.”
“(Y/N)...” She and Henry said at the same time, which made you round on both of them with fire in your eyes.
“I don’t know what either of you thought you were trying to accomplish here, but I’m not in the fucking mood. You, Henry, I can sort of understand because we were together so long, and you’re just hoping that maybe, just maybe I’d be willing to give you a third chance after every thing you have put me through, but Ash...? What the actual fuck. Seriously, how did you think that calling my ex in on my fucking wedding day was going to go over, huh? Good? Simple? Not likely to royally piss me the fuck off?!”
“I was just trying...”
“Well now you can just try to get the fuck out of here before I fucking strangle you on my fucking wedding day. And Henry, I have nothing more to say to you. You’ve made it perfectly clear that I am not the person you want to be with. And I am sick and fucking tired of compromising my integrity to fit into your perfect wife narrative when I met someone 12 fucking years ago that never wanted anyone but me in the first place and still does all these years later. So you both can leave. Frankie, I need you to pull my flower girl down the aisle for me.” 
“(Y/N)...” Ashleigh said as she carefully picked up Ashton.
“I said NOW!” You roared with a glance back at her. “Now! I will get you home, but you are dead to me. Frankie, it’s fine, just pull her down behind you, put her in front of my dad’s seat so you can take my bouquet, and when it gets to the count down, bring the wagon back here to try to keep her away from the noise.” You told your new Maid of Honor as you fixed your dress again. You didn’t look back as the prospect that had been watching the kids escorted Ashleigh and Henry out of the church despite their protests, but your dad stopped in front of you with a look of concern.
“You need a minute?”
“I need Filip.” You said as you searched his eyes with barely a hint of tears in yours. He nodded his head and told Frankie to go, as he walked around behind you and helped you pull out your ball gown so it made the perfect bell shape.
“What have I always told you about writing off family?”
“Fuck them if they don’t understand.”
“Exactly.” He said as he laced your arm with his. “Fuck ‘em. Now quit swearing in a fucking church.”
“Daddy, we’re both going to hell anyways.” You giggled with a glance up at him. “But I’m pretty sure we just gave ourselves the best seats on the bus.”
“Fucking right we did.” He laughed as you both took the first step down the aisle. You found Filip instantly, and watched as his eyes shifted from anger directed at Henry’s back, to concern when he saw your face. You tried to tell him that you were alright, but you could tell he didn’t believe it until you were directly in front of him with your hand finally in his.
“We’re getting married today.” You whispered with a smile as you reached up with your free hand to cup his cheek. “I’m OK. I’m finally where I’m meant to be. With you.” With a nod of his head, knowing that you would never lie to him, he leaned forward and gently kissed your forehead with a sigh of relief. The ceremony was kept short by design, since it was nearly midnight, and while there was talk of God, you barely noticed it because of the man who could not stop smiling in front of you with matching tears of joy in his eyes. You stuck with generic vows, because neither of you would have made it through writing your own, and your first attempt at saying ‘I do’ came out as a choked whisper, which made his smile grow even more.
“By the power vested in me by God and man...” The priest said as the club counted down the New Year for you. “I pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. You may now kiss the bride.”
“I told you I’d marry you one day.” You whispered softly in the last few seconds.
“Finally.” Filip whispered back as he wrapped his arms around your middle and kissed you like it was the first time at exactly midnight, just like he had the night you first met in the shadows of the Belfast clubhouse. The club erupted in cheers as you held your husband’s cheeks between both hands, while the priest presented Mr. and Mrs. Filip Telford over the noise and left to get some sleep before his morning church service. You both pulled back with smiles, and you took your bouquet from Negan, who’s face read happiness and sadness at the same time.
“Congratulations, baby girl.” He said softly as he kissed your cheek before you left, since you agreed to do the reception the next night when you could get a sitter for Celeste and so the club could still celebrate the New Year. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Daddy.” You responded with a smile. With a nod of his head, he stepped out of your way so you could head out the back to collect your daughter and spend your first night as husband and wife making love until the sun came up.
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moonscriptsx · 4 years
Fools (M)
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SUMMARY: Harbored feelings over the years start to build up. Both you and Taehyung are so obviously in love with each other — well at least it was obvious to everyone except the two of you — and the world (aka Park Jimin) has made it its mission to get the two of you to realize the feelings are mutual.
GENRE/WARNINGS: College!AU, Friends → Lovers!AU; contains slight angst, (unknowingly) mutual pining, Park Jimin being an A+ wingman, and smut.
WORDS: 9.8k.
A/N: Another fic (one of my first ones, actually) that has a special place in my heart. Enjoy! xx.
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There's always an up in the air situation when it came to having a best friend of the opposite sex. Everyone always assumed that the two people were together and when they tell them they're not, they're faced with comments telling them 'Oh, you'd be perfect together!' Or 'You're pretty much together already so why not make it official?' Which can lead to one of two things; an awkward atmosphere that ends up putting too much strain on said friendship, thus the two friends drifting apart and ultimately never speaking again. Or it could lead to seemingly inevitable -- admitting the hidden feelings.
When it comes to yours and Taehyung's friendship, both of those options seem to scare the living shit out of you.
Growing up next door to one another, your friendship seemed to blossom quickly. At the tender age of five you had moved in right next to his house, the bubbly boy bounding down the sidewalk to your house when you were outside watching the movers walk in and out of your new place with never ending boxes. He had introduced himself with an almost toothless grin, the boy automatically claiming that the two of you were going to be 'best friends forever' and you hadn't exactly objected to that idea. While Taehyung was an outgoing eclectic boy, you were shy and reserved. He was always seeking out something that was most likely dangerous or stupid, and you were always there to save him before he got hurt or caught -- the two of you were polar opposites that seemed to work far too well for your liking. But from that first day you met him, the two of you were always by each other's side.
In school he was well-liked. Taehyung was considered a floater, the boy being friends with nearly everyone from all of the labeled 'cliques', and he was just an all-around good energy to be with. He adored the attention he was given and he was always up for making someone laugh, the boy affectionately dubbed a 'social butterfly' by your fellow classmates. You on the other hand would much rather blend in with the crowd, your shy nature not wanting to draw attention to yourself. Sometimes it was hard, especially when it came to being best friends with one of the most well-known boys in school, but you made it work.
You always loved the way he would walk around your high school with the biggest smile on his face as he made sure to say hello to everyone and ask how their days are going or just asking how they are in general. He just had this aura around him that made him so approachable -- to this day you believe that it's because he's so kind hearted and free spirited that people just flock to him to get at least some of his good energy.
You weren't sure when your feelings for Taehyung started to change, perhaps it was when you actually started noticing boys, but the more you get older and older the more apparent your feelings become. Somewhere in between junior and senior year of high school you started to grow nervous around the boy, a blush always forming on your cheeks whenever he smiled at you or held you close. He had always been affectionate towards you, even when you were kids, but it seemed as if the affection had magnified as the two of you grew up. He went from his usual quick brushes of a hug to wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close, the boy always making sure to give you a good squeeze as he spins you around; or when he changed from constantly ruffling your hair to kissing your cheek, and sometimes he would swipe his thumb over your lips, claiming that 'you had food on them'. For a while you were convinced that he felt the same way, that maybe the universe wasn't working against you for once and you could actually be happy with the boy you cared so deeply about -- but that fantasy was soon crushed.
You remember that day so clearly; after much convincing from your friends you were zooming through the halls to find Taehyung, your mind settled on grabbing the boy and telling him how you felt, when you see him lip locked with a girl at the end of the hallway. You felt ashamed for even thinking that there was a possibility that he could ever feel the same for you as you do him.
So you locked your feelings away, convinced that someday they would fade for the box-smile boy.
And boy, were you wrong.
Four years later you're still hung up on him. Now that the two of you are in your third year of college, you've learned to tone down the feelings a bit -- the blushing had been replaced with the annoying fluttering of butterflies, but at least they weren't noticeable. He's still by your side, though, and he's still the same social butterfly he was back in high school. The two of you are seemingly closer than ever, the pair of you living together in an off-campus apartment, and everything was fine -- despite the massive feelings you were harboring. You spent most Saturday nights cuddled up on the couch watching reruns of old TV shows on Netflix, popcorn shoved in both yours and his mouth, before the two of you would most likely engage in a pillow fight over the remote and what to watch -- usually because you wanted to watch 'How I Met Your Mother' and Taehyung wanted 'Friends' -- but it was normal for the two of you.
Your friends joke that the two of you bicker like an old married couple, your friends snickering as they tell you to date him already -- something that doesn't exactly help the feelings harbored in your mind -- but you've learned to dealt with the comments over the years.
But as the school year drags on and you find yourself spending a lot more time with Taehyung, those feelings begin to break through their confinements.
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Complete darkness surrounds your bedroom as you sleep, your face pressed into your pillow as you drift further into dreamland. Pastel colors and designs flutter behind your closed eyelids, your dream making you unknowingly sigh in your sleep as you mumble in coherent words. The colors seem to get brighter as the dream progresses, and just as the colors start to swirl and begin to form the outline of a familiar face, you're being brought out of dreamland by a booming voice.
"Wake up, sleepyhead!"
A groan emits from your lips at the disturbance, your hands grabbing swatting at the owner as you hear a chuckle from beside you. Light floods your bedroom as your curtains are pulled apart, the sun shining brightly and warmly on your face. Gripping your comforter you tug the blanket over your head and roll over, murmuring curse words under your breath.
"Go away," you mumble and you feel the edge of your bed sink down as a body lays at your feet.
"(Y/N)," Taehyung whines, tugging at your blanket covered legs. "Get up! We have to go to class."
Peeking your head out from beneath the comforter you shoot your best friend a dirty look, the boy grinning as you grumble at him.
"Since when are you so excited to get to class?"
Taehyung's grin widens as he climbs up next to you, his body laying comfortably on the empty side of your bed as he turns his head to look at you. His eyes are filled with laughter, the chocolate irises shining brightly in the morning sun as he pulls you close to him. The action makes butterflies start to flutter deep within your belly, his face burying in the crook of your neck as he snuggles into you.
"I'm not. I was just thinking that we can go get breakfast before it starts so I got you up early enough. We could go to the little café on the corner? Maybe get some coffee and breakfast sandwiches?"
The close proximity of him is starting to make you nervous, your stomach fluttering non stop as he leans over to get a full view of your face. Clearing your throat you try to push him away but he only tightens his grip.
"Tae, if you want me to get ready you're going to have to let me go," you murmur, and Taehyung pouts.
"But you're so warm!" He whines and you're trying to pry out of his iron grip, hands pushing at his body as you groan.
"Just go, Tae! You'll survive without me for a few minutes."
"Barely," he mutters, pouting. Slowly he loosens his grip and slides down the bed before his feet touch the floor. Turning to face you once more, he flashes you a grin before managing to clamber his way out of your bedroom, the door shutting behind him with a 'bang' before you're running a hand over your face.
Turning to the side you spot the alarm clock beside your bed, a frown forming on your lips when you see what time it was.
6:30 A.M.
With one last loud groan you're rolling out of bed and padding your way to the adjoined bathroom, reluctantly getting ready for the day.
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"And then he punches the guy!"
Taehyung's excited voice fills the quaint cafe, the boy throwing his hands up in dramatics as he tells you what happened at one of the parties he went to the other night. Two steaming cups of coffee are sat in front of the both of you, delicate breakfast sandwiches placed on a shining white plate as you lean forward to take a bite of yours. Nodding your head in acknowledgement, you cover your mouth as you chew.
"I honestly can't picture Jungkook punching anyone," you chuckle, shaking your head. The youngest of Taehyung's group of friends had always seemed like an innocent boy, too timid and introverted to even be associated with the rambunctious bunch. But hearing all the stories Taehyung tells you about him, you're starting to believe otherwise.
"He knocked him the fuck out!" Taehyung laughs, shaking his head at the memory. "The guy did manage to give Kookie a black eye though right before he was knocked to the ground."
Smiling you nod, lifting the coffee cup to your lips before taking a sip. Silence fell over you two then, the pair of you enjoying your breakfast as you sit in each other's company. Taehyung's gaze is on you as he watches you take a bite of your food, his tongue rolling over his bottom lip when he sees the left-over residue of crumbs on your own lips. Letting a small smile form he's leaning forward and bringing his hand up, his thumb swiping over your lips as he wipes away the food.
You hadn't expected it; your attention had been solely on your food, your mind set on chewing carefully, before you see him lean towards you. When his thumb brushes the curve of your lips your eyes are widening and your eyes find his, the butterflies from earlier fluttering to life as he smiles at you.
"Sorry," he apologizes. "You had crumbs on your lip and it was bothering me."
You can only stare at him, feeling momentarily paralyzed. It had been such a long time that he had been so straight forward like that; the constant touches and cuddles he gives you at home are something you've become accustomed to, it was a normal greeting and goodbye for the two of you. But the last time he wiped something off of your lips was when the two of you were in high school, a boyish grin was on his face and he'd lean in to kiss the corner of your mouth claiming he 'forgot a piece'.
Swallowing thickly you nod your head, your mind racing with all of the different thoughts and scenarios of what could happen next, but before you could let your feelings grab a hold you completely you're sliding your chair back and standing up, purposely avoiding his gaze as you turn to throw your things out.
"We should go if we want to make it to class on time."
With your back turned, you weren't able to catch the smile fall from Taehyung's face, the boy sighing as he silently gets up and follows you.
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Tapping your pencil against the side of your head, your tongue pokes out of the corner of your mouth as you try to think of something to write. The assignment your professor had given you was something you were certain he had just pulled out his ass, the preposterous theme making you almost cry out with stress.
'Write about someone you love. It cannot be a family member or an animal.'
Sighing you fall back against the seat, the pencil dropping from your hand as you rub your temples. As you try to wrack your brain for anything of the specified topic, you feel a tap on your shoulder and you're turning around to meet a toothy grin.
"Having a little trouble, (Y/N)?"
You're meet with the crinkly eye smile of Park Jimin, the boy motioning towards your blank paper. You nod, turning your body so you can face him.
"I have absolutely no idea what to write," you grumble. "I don't love anyone enough to write about them."
Jimin clicks his tongue, a knowing look on his face as he leans forward, arms settling on his desk as he smirks.
"That's not true," he chuckles. "You love Taehyung."
You blanche then, your mouth falling open as Jimin falls back in his seat and stifles his giggles. Your eyes are wide as you stare at the laughing boy, heat flooding to your cheeks as you vigorously shake your head.
"N-- no, I don't!" You deny, and Jimin scoffs.
"Oh please! Everyone knows how you two feel about each other. It's destined to happen sometime soon."
Your head is still shaking at his words, your heart clenching as you try to keep yourself calm.
"Even if I did have feelings for him, he doesn't feel the same way."
Jimin stares at you, his eyes blinking rapidly, before he's throwing his head back and letting out a loud laugh. From the front of the room your professor shoots him a dirty look, the burly man eyeing the two of you before he returns to his papers. Jimin is still chuckling as your body grows hotter and hotter, embarrassment filling you as you move to turn back around to face your desk only to be stopped by Jimin's hand grabbing your arm.
"(Y/N)," he says, giving you a pointed look. "You can't honestly believe that Tae doesn't have some sort of feelings for you..."
Closing your eyes your mind floats to the memory from this morning; the cuddle session in your bed, Taehyung's face buried in your neck as he refuses to let go, and then the moment from the café fills your mind and you're biting your lip as you remember the soft graze of his thumb against your lip. The way his eyes looked at you, the emotion you were able to catch behind the humorous glint. The butterflies return and -- no, you can't.
Your mind flashes to the memory from high school, the way he had the girl pressed against the lockers, lips moving with hers while your heart broke. You couldn't go through that again, you couldn't endure the pain a second time.
"He doesn't have feelings for me," you mutter, turning back in your seat.
Jimin doesn't say anything else, the boy only sending a knowing look to the back of your head before he's turning his attention back towards his paper, a plan brewing in his head.
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Shivering lightly as a breeze blew past you, you lean back against the bark of the tree you were sitting underneath as your gaze scanned the courtyard. Various students were sprawled lazily on the green grass, smiles on the majority of their faces as they sit with their friends. It was little past one in the afternoon and you were enjoying the free hour you had before you had to walk to your next class, your brain feeling like it was going to explode from the amount of words and material you had obtained in your first two morning classes. Your legs were laid out in front of you, your limbs stretching comfortably as you breathe in the fresh spring air. It was fairly quiet, apart from the few students scattered amongst the grass who were laughing wildly at their friends, and you basked in the peaceful setting.
"Hey roomie," a voice calls from beside you. Peeking over at the owner of the voice, your gaze settles on a familiar box grin as the boy plops down next to you. You can feel the butterflies start to awaken as he brushes his arm against yours, your head turning away from him as you focus your sight straight ahead.
"Hey, Tae," you say quietly. Your hands fold in your lap, fingers twisting nervously together as you watch a couple embrace each other just a few yards away. A sense of longing fills yours body then, your heart wishing that you could have something like that with someone -- or, more specifically, with the boy next to you.
Timidly you turn to look at Taehyung, who was already looking at you, and smiled at him. He returns your smile, his hand seeking out and finding yours before he holds it.
"You alright, beautiful?" He asks, tilting his head as he looks at you. You immediately flush at his words, bashfully looking away from him as you nod your head.
"Yeah," you answer meekly. "I'm just tired from class."
Taehyung clicks his tongue, nodding in acknowledgement as he tightens his grip on your hand. Shifting his body from side to side he moves closer to you and you manage to catch the scent of his cologne in the air as he peers down at you.
"Are you free tonight?"
Blinking at his question you turn to see him chewing on his bottom lip, his gaze boring into yours. Meekly you nod.
"Yeah, I am," you respond. "Why?"
Taehyung grins and leans closer to you, his fingers now sliding between the spaces of yours as he properly holds your hand.
"What do you say you and I have a movie night? I was thinking something like --"
A sickly sweet voice fills your ears as you turn your head to find a bubbly brunette making her way over to the two of you. Immediately you slip your hand from his grasp, making Taehyung frown, as you scoot away from him. The smile on the girl's face falters as she spots you but then she's grinning once more as she lets her gaze fall back on the boy.
"I wanted to ask you a question," she says, batting her eyelashes. "Are you free tonight? Because I really need someone to help me study for the exam coming up and you're pretty much one of the smartest people I know, so I figured I'd ask you."
The way she said the word 'study' made you inwardly cringe and you knew there was a deeper meaning behind her words, her actions quite clear as she stares expectantly at Taehyung. You already knew his answer though; after being friends with him for so long you knew he'd never turn down a pretty girl, especially when said girl asked him to come over.
Clearing your throat you grab your things and stand up, throwing a fake smile towards the girl and Taehyung.
"He's free," you answer for her, tossing your bag over your shoulder. "He'll be there at five."
Throwing one more fake smile towards the pair, you ignore Taehyung's protests for you to leave as you walk away from them. Angry tears are pricking the corners of your eyes and you're fighting back a scream of agony as you make your way inside the campus building. Just as you turn down the hallway to walk to your last class, a hand grabs your arm and you're being pulled down an empty corridor, your head whipping around to find a smirking Jimin staring back at you.
"Jesus Christ, Jimin," you breathe, placing your hand over your heart. "You scared the shit out of me."
Chuckling, Jimin leans against the wall and crosses his arms, his smirk slowly fading into a frown as he nods his head in the direction of the exit.
"I saw what happened out there," he says quietly, and you sigh. Adjusting the strap of your bag, you avoid his gaze.
"It's nothing to worry about," you mumble, and Jimin scoffs.
"Oh please," he says. "That girl is just someone from his class who's had her eye on him since day one. He doesn't even like her, he just tolerates her because he's the 'nice guy'."
Shaking your head you run your hand through your hair as you begin to step towards the direction of your classroom.
"Jimin I really don't have the time nor patience to talk about this right now," you deadpan. "Can I just go in peace, please?"
You had turned to walk away from him but he grabs you just in time to turn you back to face him, his eyes shining mischievously as a devious smirk forms on his lips.
"I have an idea," he says lowering his voice. "I'm going to get Taehyung to admit his feelings for you."
Rolling your eyes you try to break out his grasp which only makes him tighten his grip, a sigh escaping you as you stomp your foot.
"Jimin!" You grit out, glaring at him. "He doesn't have feelings for me! He never has, never will!"
Jimin clicks his tongue, shaking his head at you as he leans down to whisper in your ear.
"Just trust me, okay," he whispers. Nodding behind at the hallway behind you, you reluctantly turn around to find Taehyung staring wide eyed at the two of you. His jaw was slacked and you watched as his eyes squinted into a glare at Jimin, the latter proudly smirking back at him.
You weren't sure if it was on impulse or what but the next thing you knew you were being pulled into Jimin's embrace, his arms wrapping tightly around your form, as he presses his lips to your cheek. Your gaze is still locked on Taehyung, the boy visibly gritting his teeth as he scowls at the sight of you two, his body turning away from you as he stomps down the hallway. It was only then you realized Jimin's plan, a sigh escaping you as you abruptly pull away from him.
"Are we really going to try and make him jealous?" You ask to which Jimin grins, nodding enthusiastically as he wraps an arm around your shoulder.
"You bet we are!" He chimes happily.
Shaking your head, you push him off playfully.
"This is never going to work," you retort.
"Just trust me, okay."
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Staring blankly ahead at your reflection in the mirror you let out a sigh, your conscience scolding you for approving this stupid plan. A tight red dress adorned your body, the material hugging each curve and feature perfectly. Red satin pumps were on your feet, the shoes already pinching at your feet as you walk around your room to grab the jewelry you wanted.
A nervous feeling tinged in the pit of your stomach as you thought about Jimin's plan, your conscience scolding you for even going through with this in the first place. He had convinced you to go to dinner with him, a 'fake date' he had called it, so the two of you could talk about future plotting. It went against your better judgment to this but Jimin was persistent, the boy convinced that by the end of the week Taehyung will admit his feelings. There was a large amount of doubt still plaguing your mind about it but you took the chance, figuring there was nothing left to lose.
Glancing one last time at your reflection, you let out a heavy sigh before making your way out of your bedroom. Your heels clack against the wooden panels of the floor as you walk into the living room, your gaze scanning for your black clutch. Once you spotted it on the shelf by the front door you go to grab it when the door opens, your body freezing it's movements as Taehyung's gaze falls on you.
His lips part as his mouth falls open, his gaze scanning over your body as he slowly shuts the door. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as he finally meets your eyes, his hands twitching by his side -- the boy holding back from grabbing you.
"W--ow," he breathes out, and you feel heat start to coat your cheeks. Tucking your hair behind your ear you grab the clutch off of the shelf and fake a smile at him.
"Do I look okay?" You ask, twirling to give him the full look. Taehyung nods immediately, his eyes drinking you in.
"God, yes," he whispers. He makes a move to step closer to you when you side step away from him, flicking hair off of your shoulder.
"I have to get going," you say. "I'm late for a date."
"Date?" Taehyung's voice immediately lowers, his usual smile turning downwards into a frown as his eyebrows furrow. "What date?"
Sucking in a breath you shrug nonchalantly, grabbing your phone off of the counter.
"Yeah, I'm going out with Jimin."
Taehyung blanches then, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. From the corner of your eye you can see his hand twitch into fists at his sides, his teeth gritting. You make your way over to the door when he stops you, his body blocking you from going anywhere.
"Tae -- plea --"
"No," he cuts you off sharply. "You're not leaving me to go out with him."
Sighing heavily you try to push him out of the way but his feet are glued tightly to the spot.
"Taehyung, please," you plead. "I don't want to be late."
Taehyung scoffs, his arms crossing over his chest.
"No," he says firmly. "Why are you even going out with him in the first place? He's a fucking womanizer."
"He's your friend, Tae!" You retort to which Taehyung nods.
"Exactly," he affirms. "Which means I know him way better than you do."
Shaking your head, you grasp his arm and put all of your strength into pushing him away from the door, finally being successful when he stumbles out of your way. The second he's not blocking it anymore you're out of the apartment and walking down the hallway, taking note of the thundering footsteps behind you as you make your way out of the building.
Squeezing your eyes shut you turn to see Taehyung stomping towards you, his eyes blazing angrily as he stops in front of you. He's panting from chasing after you, his breath forming a cloud from the chilly night air.
"Please," he says softly. "Please don't go. You can't -- you can't go out with him."
Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel his hand press against your hip, his warm touch feeling as if it's searing through your dress, and you watch as his eyes drift downward, his gaze falling on your lips. The butterflies that you had known so well were fluttering wildly in the pit of your stomach, your heart feeling as if it was going to hammer out of your chest as Taehyung cradles your face with his free hand.
This is it... You think to yourself. This is what I've been waiting for...
"Why?" You ask breathily, and you see his gaze flicker back to your eyes. "Why shouldn't I?"
Taehyung frowns, his thumb stroking the edge of your jaw as he draws back slightly.
"What do you mean?"
Inhaling a shaky breath you close your eyes, your hand placing on his.
"Tell me one good reason as to why I shouldn't go out with Jimin tonight," you murmur. Taehyung blinks at your words, his fingers grasping your hand gently.
"Because we were supposed to have a movie night tonight," he responds, and your heart drops into the pit of your stomach.
His words make frustration pile in your body as you tear his hand from your face, your body sliding from his grasp as you glare at him. You can already feel the angry tears beginning to form in the corners of your eyes, your bottom lip quivering as you let the emotions from over the last few years start to bubble to the surface.
"You're fucking blind, Kim Taehyung!" You yell, a lone tear slipping past the barrier and down your cheek. "So fucking blind!"
Turning on your heel, you spot Jimin's car at the end of the lot. Your heels click against the pavement, the sound drowning out Taehyung's voice calling out to you as you slip inside of Jimin's car. The boy takes one look at your face and the grin he was wearing vanished, concern replacing it as he watches you buckle yourself in.
"Are you alright?" He asks. "Did something happen."
Shaking your head you sink back into the seat, angrily wiping at your eyes.
"Just drive."
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"Oh my fucking god."
Jimin palms his face as he groans loudly, the sound drawing a few people to look over in curiosity. Your lips were turned down into a frown as you angrily shove your spoon into the ice cream sundae. Different plethora's of emotions were wracking your body, your mind being sent into overdrive from the encounter with Taehyung. Your heart clenches painfully at the thought of him; his stupid box grin, his stupid eyes that seemed to shine like the fucking sun. You hated the fact that he could make you feel this way -- that he can make you feel so broken and let down without even knowing he did anything. You hated that he somehow always managed to break your heart with a glance or touch, and you hated how he would be all over you one minute and then all over another girl in the next.
But most of all, you hated how -- somehow through it all -- you still fucking loved him.
Angrily, you shoved a spoonful of the sundae into your mouth. Jimin is still shaking his head from his seat across from you, the boy letting out another groan.
"You know, for someone with such a high G.P.A, he's fucking dumb," he chided. "How oblivious do you have to be to not see what's right in front of you?"
You shake your head, your eyes squeezing shut as you feel tears threaten to form.
"I don't know how much more of this I can take," you whisper, and Jimin's head snaps up to look at you.
"I have gone through so much heartbreak because of him -- and he doesn't even know it! My feelings are clearly not reciprocated so what's the point in even trying with him anymore?! I just -- I'm done, Jimin."
Jimin's mouth falls open in shock, the boy's eyes widening at your words. Truth be told, you were quite shocked yourself. You never thought you would have a mindset like this; you had always believed that Taehyung was your soulmate but you weren't his, and you were willing to stay by his side no matter how many times you got hurt. But you've had enough -- you were truly done. You didn't want to endure the heartbreak anymore, you didn't want to believe in something that you knew deep down was never going to happen, and you certainly didn't want to see his face again after you had called him out.
Leaning forward to grab another spoonful of ice cream, you make a move to scoop some onto the utensil when your phone vibrates on the table. Immediately you freeze, your gaze falling on the contact picture of Taehyung's face, and you inwardly glare at the phone flashing back at you. You're silent as you watch it go to voicemail, Jimin sighing from across the table as he shoves a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. Just as you open yours to speak, your phone vibrates once more, your eyes falling to the screen as you watch three text messages come in.
"What did he say?" Jimin asks, mouth still full of ice cream. Sighing, you unlock your phone, the messages staring you right in the face.
From: Tae Please come home.
From: Tae (Y/N), I'm sorry. Please.
The third one makes your heart ache, the butterflies once again coming to life as your eyes scan over the last message. Your hands are trembling as you shake your head, trying not to overthink his response as you hold your phone out to Jimin, the boy immediately grinning at the screen as he hollers happily.
"I told you!" He cheers, and you shush him instantly, glancing around at the angry onlookers faces.
"Shut up," you hissed. "It probably doesn't even mean anything."
"Yeah right," he scoffs. "He's finally realized what's been in front of him this whole time."
Rolling your eyes, you stand up and throw money down onto the table before you're grabbing your bag.
"Can we leave now?" You ask and Jimin nods, the boy placing his own money onto the table as he follows you out.
The message is still embedded in your mind as you slide into Jimin's car, your heart beating rapidly in your chest.
From: Tae I love you, please... Come home to me.
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Your heart was pumping loudly in your chest as you walked down the hallway, the sound resonating in your ear drum and echoing around your brain. Those damned butterflies hadn't stopped fluttering since you read the message, the feeling making your throat clench in nervousness as you reach your apartment door. All of the anger you had felt earlier was subsided for now, your conscience deciding that one last chance was all he gets. If it isn't what you think it might be, you're done -- for good.
Taking a deep breath you give yourself a moment to collect your feelings, your eyes closing as you breathe in a shaky nervous breath. Slowly you reach forward to grab the doorknob, the metal turning and clicking open as you push it. You're met with silence; the apartment was dim, the only light illuminating the place being the lamp on the opposite side of the room. As you step inside the apartment, you spot Taehyung sitting on the couch, his eyes glued to your form as he stared at you. His legs were seemingly sealed to the floor, his arms crossed over his chest as he tilted his head up, his gaze meeting yours.
Silently you lean over to place your clutch on the shelf, kicking your heels off and placing them off to the side. Turning back to look at Taehyung, the atmosphere thickens with tension as your gazes stay locked on one another. Your heart is beating so fast that you're pretty sure it's about to pump out of your chest, the organ working overtime from all those damned feelings that were bottled up for so long finally shedding to the surface. The silence was defeaning, though, and it was making you anxious. You felt uncomfortable underneath his gaze, your weight shifting from one foot to the other, and you're finally breaking the torture as you take a small step forward.
"I'm home," you say quietly. Taehyung doesn't say anything. He's got his mouth pressed into a thin line, eyes narrowing into a glare as he stands up from the couch. You can practically see the steam coming from his ears as he stalks towards you, his feet stopping when he's standing right in front of you.
"You have some nerve," he says, voice lower than usual. "You think you can just run off with some other guy after you practically admitted your feelings?"
You scoff, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms over your chest.
"I never admitted anything --"
"Cut the bullshit, (Y/N)," he spat, causing you to inwardly flinch. His fists are clenching by his side, his teeth gritted as he glares at you. "After all we've been through you're going to act like this? You're going to act like you don't know?"
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, your head shaking as you look up at him.
"What are you talking about?"
Taehyung's jaw clenches then, his palm sliding over his face as he grits his teeth.
"Don't act like you don't fucking know, (Y/N)!" His voice raises and your head is swirling, anger pitting in your stomach as you take a step back from him.
"I don't know!" you shout. "If I knew what you were fucking talking --"
"You know that I'm in love with you!"
Shock runs through you then, his words stunning you into silence. Your eyes are wide in alarm, your heart beating too fast for comfort and those damned butterflies causing a tornado of feelings in the pit of your stomach. Taehyung's breathing heavily, the look of pure hatred on his face as he glares down at you.
"You knew how I felt about you and yet you still continue to flaunt your goddamn dates in my face. You knew that I would do anything for you, that --"
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" You screech. His words are counteracting the feelings deep inside of you, the anger that you had felt earlier overpowering the strong feelings you had for him as you mirror his glare. "You think I'm the one who doesn't know about your feelings? Are you fucking kidding me?"
The tension is thick in the air, both of you glaring at one another as you bravely take a step forward. Your chest presses against his and you can feel the warm breath from him fan against your face as you poke at his chest, pushing him back a step.
"I am the one who has been harboring these goddamn feelings for you all these years! I am the one who's been in love with you since the fucking tenth grade, Taehyung! I'm the one who was going to confess to you in junior year because I thought you felt the same way, only to see you making out with some girl against the lockers! I've loved you since the beginning, you fucking oblivious idiot. So don't you dare -- for one second -- think that I don't because --"
Your angry speech is cut off when Taehyung grabs a hold of both sides of your face and hauls you towards him, his lips smashing harshly onto yours. It's messy, it's rushed -- but it's perfect.
Reaching up you angrily slot your fingers through his hair, tugging harshly on his locks causing him to growl. His hands drop from your face as he grabs at your thighs, effortlessly lifting you up and spinning you around. Your lips are devouring his, tongues battling for dominance as he blindly walks the two of you into your bedroom. Your nails are raking along the nape of his neck, the tips digging into his flesh as he all but throws you down onto the bed. Breaking away from your mouth he's nipping and sucking on the skin of your neck, teeth biting down harshly on your flesh as he grabs at the material of your dress.
"As fucking hot as you look in this," he mutters against your skin, a smirk on his lips as he lifts his head to look at you. "I need it out of the way."
Reaching behind you he's blindly looking for the zipper before tugging it down, your lingerie covered body finally being revealed to him as he slides the dress off of you. You arch into his touch, his too large hands cupping over your clothed breasts as he kisses his way down the valley between them. Your hands are tugging at his chocolate locks before you're sliding them underneath the back of his shirt, your nails raking down his back. Gripping on the hem of his shirt, you pull it over his head before tossing it carelessly to the side. Heat pools in the space between your legs when you feel his teeth clamp down your nipple, Taehyung tonguing at the sensitive bud through the fabric. Your keening at the sensation of his mouth all over you, the euphoria of the current situation being real enough to make your toes curl and your back arch.
How many times have you dreamt of this? How many times have you wished that this would happen? Too many goddamn times.
"Taehyung," you moan, and the boy smirks against your cleavage as he lifts his head to look at you.
"Yes, baby?" He asks, a look on his face so smug that you want to slap it right off.
"Fucking touch me," you grit out causing him to chuckle.
Wordlessly he's reaching behind you to unclasp your bra, tossing the useless material to the side before he wastes no time in attaching his mouth to your now bare breast. You moan loudly at the contact, your eyes squeezing shut when you feel his teeth clamp around your nipple. The mixture of pain and pleasure fills your body and you're moaning his name as you lift your hips up, grinding up into him. You can feel the outline of his hard length through the fabric of his jeans, the friction of the material against your thigh making you mewl as you arch into him once more.
He switches his mouth over to your other breast as his hand travels south, long slender fingers tracing the outline of your body until he's reaching the hem of your panties. Slipping his digits past the fabric, Taehyung smirks against your breasts when he runs them along your folds, your breast falling from his mouth with a 'pop' as he lifts his head to look at you.
"Damn, baby girl, you're already so wet and I've barely touched you," he remarks, sliding his fingers along your drenched core. A moan makes its way past your lips as you buck your hips up into his hand, silently pleading for him to touch you. Taehyung knows, the stupid smirk on his face tells you so, but he doesn't give you what you want. Instead he's stilling his hand, his digits pausing their movements as they hover right where you want them.
"You want my fingers, sweetheart?" He asks and you whimper, nodding vigorously. Taehyung 'tsk's' his tongue, shaking his head at you. "That's not good enough, baby. You have to use your words."
I can't use my words, you fucking asshole, you mentally shout.
Your hips are bucking forward again, this time his fingers slipping between your heat for a mere second before retracting, a whine escaping you as you reach down to grab a handful of his hair.
"Taehyung," you spat. He merely blinks up at you, amusement on his features as he looks at you expectantly.
"Yes, darling?"
"I swear to god, if your fingers aren't inside me in two fucking seconds I'm going to get up and find someone else to finish me off."
His eyes cloud over at your words, a snarl escaping him as he all but tears your panties off of you. He slithers up your body until his mouth is pressed at your ear.
"You wouldn't fucking dare," he spits out and you chuckle humorlessly.
"Try me."
That was all it took for him to finally slide his digits past your folds, his mouth swallowing your moan as he pumps the two digits inside of you. Your nails rake against his scalp your lips move fiercely against his, your hips bucking up into his touch and creating a friction so delicious you're practically seeing stars behind your eyes. His tongue swirls around yours as his fingers scissor inside of you, the two digits pumping in and out of you wildly. He's humming against your mouth, the sound reverberating around your wet cavern, as he shifts his wrist. The new position causes his digits to surge deeper within you and they end up brushing a spot that makes you cry out against his mouth.
"Fuck, Taehyung!"
Your voice is shot and your thighs are trembling as he relentlessly works his digits against that spot, your nails raking down his back as you mark his flesh with angry red lines. The feeling of your nails makes Taehyung growl, his wrist twisting and turning before he's pressing the pad of his thumb against your clit, sending your hips jolting off of the bed.
"Oh -- fuck!"
It doesn't take long for him to bring you to your first release, a few harsh rubs of your clit and you're sent over the edge; your hips bucking into his touch as your thighs tremble with the aftermath of the release. Taehyung's name falls from your lips as he milks your orgasm with his fingers, the slender digits still pumping in and out of your now over sensitized core before he's slipping them out of you and bringing them up to his face. As you come down from your high, your eyes flutter open just in time to see him slip the digits into his mouth, sucking your juices off of them before he's moaning in delight.
"Fuck, now I have to fully taste you."
Slithering down your body, Taehyung lets his legs hit the ground as his hands wrap around your thighs, fingers gripping your flesh as he pulls you towards the end of the bed. His nose brushes your clit as he inhales, breathing in your scent and growling as the grip on your thighs tighten.
"You smell so good, baby girl," he mutters, and you whimper.
"Tae," you whisper, your hand digging into his scalp as you brush your hips against him, your core coming in contact with his mouth and making you mewl.
"Patience, sweetheart," he grins from between your thighs. "I'm just getting started."
Hooking one of your thighs over his shoulder, Taehyung wastes no time in leaning forward and attaching his lips to your core. The moment you feel his tongue brush against your folds, you're arching your back and melting into his touch, your core pulsing against his tongue as he laps harshly at it.
"Mm," he hums against your core. "You taste even better than I thought you would."
Your fingers are twisted in his hair, tugging and pulling at his locks as you mewl his name, your hips bucking up into his face. Blunt nails dig into the flesh of your thighs as he moves his mouth up to wrap around your clit, a lewd suck emitting from him as he brings the sensitive bud into his mouth. You're writhing beneath him, one hand tangled in his locks while the other rakes roughly down his back, your nails marking his skin as he marks your core with his tongue.
"Taehyung," you pant, causing the boy to hum against your mound. "Make me cum again, baby."
Peeking up at you through his eyelashes, Taehyung smirks against your core before he's flattening his tongue against your clit, licking harshly against the bud as he pulls you closer to his mouth. With both of your legs now over his shoulders, you're rolling your hips against his face, the friction making the coil in your stomach start to tighten, Taehyung's tongue flicking and flattening over the bundle of nerves, your body wasting no time in reaching your second release of the night as you feel yourself reach your high.
Flashes of white illuminates the darkness behind your eyelids, your entire body convulsing as you cum against his mouth. He's holding your lower body close, his tongue lapping up every last drop of your release as he hums against you, the sound reverberating against your body as you tremble against him. Your breathing is ragged, your body completely spent, but you can feel Taehyung slithering back up your body as you struggle to open your eyes. Your body is on high alert, every tiny brush of him making you moan and writhe beneath him. He's got a dirty smirk on his face, his tongue darting out to run along his lips before he's crashing them down onto yours, tongue brushing past the seam of your lips and pushing into your mouth. You can taste yourself on his tongue, the sensation making you moan against his mouth as your hands glide down the planes of his chest, your fingers brushing the hem of his jeans as you lift your hips up to meet his. Taehyung groans, his mouth pulling from yours as he pushes your hands out of the way.
You watch as he sits up, nimble fingers quickly undoing his belt before he's pushing that and the material of his jeans down his legs, his boxers soon following. Your gaze falls to the flushed head of Taehyung's cock, pre-cum leaking from the tip, and you're licking your lips as you watch him slide a condom over his length. Taehyung meets your gaze and smirks, the boy crawling towards you on his hands and knees. With his chest pressing against yours he brushes your lips with his as he lines himself up with your entrance. His hand searches for yours, his fingers fitting between the spaces of yours, and he's leaning down to latch his lips onto yours before he's finally pushing inside.
"Oh fuck," he groans. "You feel even better that I thought you would, too."
The feeling of his hard cock brushing against your walls makes both of you moan against each other's lips, his grip on your hand tightening as he sinks further into you. Your lips move in a hasty, almost desperate, kiss as he starts thrusting into you. With a rhythm building up, Taehyung's thrusts gradually faster and harder, soon the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing around the room as your lips dance blindly in the dark.
All of the pent up feelings, emotions, thoughts that were considered faulty or taboo -- it all led up to this moment; you and Taehyung were finally together. All of the hurt, the longing, the aches -- it was all worth it in the end. Complete euphoria and passion flows around the two of you, spiraling around both of your bodies as the two of you melt into one another, molding together as one -- like two matching pieces of a puzzle. You're overcome with emotion as his hips brush against yours, tears blurring your vision as you pull back from his mouth. Your hands are cradling his face, tear filled eyes looking up at him as you give him a watery smile.
"I love you," you whimper, and Taehyung can't help but let a brightening smile form on his lips. His hand is gripping yours as tight as he can, afraid that you'll slip away if he lets go, and he's leaning into your touch.
"I love you too," he whispers.
It consumes you, fills you up to the brim, and you're letting the tears fall down your face as you bring him back down to you, your lips consuming his in the most passionate kiss you've ever experienced. Flashing lights are illuminating your eyelids, fireworks booming in your mind as you kiss him slowly, your tongues lewdly mingling in a dance that was more than words can describe. He's angling his hips so that his cock delves deeper inside of you, the tip brushing against the spot his fingers did, and you're moaning wantonly into his mouth, silently egging him on with your tongue.
Your high sweeps over you in an overwhelming burst, your toes curling and your nails digging into the ridges of his spine as you clench around him, your body succumbing to the feeling of finally having Taehyung inside of you as your high washes over you in a slow moving wave. Your thighs tremble, your lips stilling against his as you cry out his name, Taehyung grunting as his lips pepper kisses along the ridge of your jaw, mouthing at your flesh as his rhythm grows sloppy. He's riding out your orgasm as his quickly approaches, the boy coming in quick spurts as he reaches his own high.
Your hands are still in his grasp, fingers laced tightly together as Taehyung rides out his release, his face dropping into the crook of your neck before he's shakily collapsing on top of you. Ragged breathing and quiet whimpers fill the room as the two of you bask in the aftermath, both satisfaction and relief filling yours and his body as you come to terms with what exactly had just happened.
The sound of a deep laugh fills the bedroom, Taehyung's shoulders shaking as he laughs against you. Confusion fills you as you turn your head to look down at him, his bright smile almost blinding you as he rests his chin on your sternum.
"Why are you laughing?" You ask quietly, and Taehyung shakes his head. Knotting his fingers in your hair, he pulls you towards him, his lips kissing you softly as he chuckles.
"We could have been doing this for three years," he comments.
You blink, his words finally sinking in, before you're grinning like a maniac. Cupping his face in your hands you bring him back up to your lips, kissing him with fervor as you roll over so that you're hovering above him.
"I love you," you murmur, and Taehyung beams.
"I love you too, beautiful."
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Your hand is tightly clasped in Taehyung's as he walks you to your first class of the day, his body pressing yours against the wall as he leans down to attach his lips to yours. Slow, languid kisses are exchanged as a way of saying goodbye for now, the two of you not wanting to part but knowing you have to. His hands are pressed to your hips now, fingers gently massaging the visible skin between your shirt and jeans. Just as his tongue runs along the seam of your lips, a voice interrupts from behind you.
"Well fuck me."
Breaking apart from Taehyung's mouth, your met with the smirking face of Jimin, his eyes crinkled in the corner as his smirk forms into a smile. Taehyung grunts, turning back to you and attaching his lips to your neck.
"Go away," he mutters to his friend, making Jimin scoff.
"Is that how you talk to someone who helped get you together with the love of your life?" His tone is full of sarcasm and you can't help but giggle, your hands pushing Taehyung away as you walk over to Jimin. Throwing your arms around the boy's neck, you hug him tightly.
"Thank you," you whisper, and Jimin pats your back with excitement.
"Anytime, dear."
Pulling back from him, you offer him one last smile before turning back to Taehyung. Your arms loop around your boyfriend's waist as you push yourself up on your toes, kissing him softly on the edge of his jaw.
"I love you."
Taehyung beams down at you, his lips capturing yours in one last kiss -- much to Jimin's dismay because 'hey, I'm still here, guys!' -- before he murmurs back to you.
"I love you too."
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Sweet Pea//i can't get her off of my brain
Request: Can I request a Sweet Pea/Reader with the song If U Seek Amy by Britney Spears, i can't think of anything plot wise but probably something to do with a party, maybe smut if you're up for it?
hey! enemies to lovers! i repeat, enemies to lovers! is that surprise though? do i know any other tropes? yes. am i going to use them in my writing? no. i hope you like it!! and have a great day everybody!! 
You’re not sure whose party this is. Rebecca’s, Ruby’s? No, it definitely begins with a J. Juliet? Nope. Jade! It’s Jade’s party. It was Juliet’s last night. Although you’re not sure how you can have two separate parties in the same house. Juliet and Jade being twins, they have to share everything, but their parties are separate, or at least thats what they tell people. Most of the time however, they blend into one. 
Its very rare that they have an empty house, but when they do they have weekend long parties. Both insisting that they’re nothing alike. But they both involve a copious amounts of alcohol, loud music, and drama. 
A flash of dark purple hair rushes past you as you walk through the front door and Jade sends you a quick wave and smile as she passes, she’s quickly followed by Juliet, with her pastel purple hair knotted in a braid and almost hitting you in the face as she chases her sister into the kitchen. 
“Give me that back. Its mine!” Juliet shouts angrily. You hear Jade laugh loudly over the music and then they’re both arguing. 
“If you wanted it, you shouldn’t have left it.” Jade replies, her voice teasing as she ignores her sisters tone. 
You’ve known them since you were a kid, and they’ve always argued like this. When it was their birthday, you had to bring the exact same present for both of them otherwise all hell would break lose. Even the box had to be identical.
“You don’t even drink. What do you want with vodka.” 
“I want to annoy you.” She shrugs. 
“Fuck off.” She snatches the bottle back and Jade pouts at her. 
“Someone’s touchy. Have you and Rebecca had a lovers quarrel?” 
“Shut up.” She huffs before storming off. She’s clutching the bottle tight to her chest when she passes you, her head hung low as she stares at the cream carpet and your eyes follow her as she makes her way through the large group of teenagers stood in the living room. 
You feel an arm around your shoulder making you look beside you, and you’re greeted with a very happy Jade. 
“Is she okay?” You ask, pointing in the direction that Juliet slumped off to.
“Yeah.” She glances towards the stairs and you see a slightly worried expression replace her smile. “Her and Rebecca had a very minor argument before the party about something idiotic and she’s been in a foul mood ever since.” 
“Anyway.” She changes the subject, the smile reappearing on her face and she greets a few people walking through the door. “Lets get drunk!” 
“You don’t drink.” You laugh, letting her lead you to the kitchen. 
“But you do though, so you’re drinking for the both of us. So, get this down you.” She hands you a shot of something bright red that burns when you drink it and tastes like a mix of fire and soil. “And this.” She shoves another one in your hand and you grimace, but down it anyway. “And take this for the road.” She gives you a red cup with an undisclosed liquid in it and pats you on the back. “I’m gonna go see if Juliet has stopped moping, but I’ll talk to you later.” 
“Have fun.” The two of you walk out of the kitchen and into the crowded living room. In the five minutes you’ve been in the drinking, there seems to be at least twenty more people just in the living room alone and you grimace as you watch the people dance and spill their drinks. 
You honestly have no idea how Jade and Juliet manage to clean up after their parties, and you’re even more confused as to how their parents haven’t found out yet. There’s been a few times where you’ve fallen asleep on the floor (or in the bath) and when you’ve woken up, the house has been spotless. 
Jade walks up the stairs, pushing past the couple’s making out before she disappears. And you’re left standing in the middle of the makeshift dance floor (the lighter patch of the carpet thats usually covered by a very expensive rug) trying to find your friends. 
You instead find Sweet Pea, looking smug as ever while he talks to some girl from your English class. The school year is coming to a close and graduation is looming. For some people, that means studying as hard as they can, getting ready for college and trying to cling on to the last bits of high school before they go off into the big wide world. 
For Sweet Pea however, he’s clinging onto something but its certainly not memories. He’s hooked up with somebody different at every single party you’ve been in the past month, and rumors are spread around the school like wildfire. 
People that have been to several parties in one night have seen him at every single one of them, all with somebody different. And it leaves you wondering what he says to these girls that gets them into bed so quickly or if he just doesn’t last that long when he actually gets to it. You’re favourite theory being the latter. 
He looks away from the girl he’s taking to, feeling eyes on him and before you can look away, the two of you make eye contact. A smirk takes over his appearance and you send him a disgusted stare when he winks at you before going back to flirting. 
The origin behind yours and Sweet Pea’s hatred for each other is unknown to everyone, even the two of you yourselves. But its notorious around Riverdale High. You don’t like him, he doesn’t like you. Its been that way since the serpents started, and even though the hatred between the two sides has long been over, you and Sweet Pea still can’t stand to be in the same room as each other. 
You find him cocky, arrogant and annoying. He finds you stubborn, irritating and very petty. When the two of you are in the same room you can bet that within two minutes there’s going to be an argument. Usually because you like to wind each other up, despite claiming to hate talking to each other. 
If there’s an opportunity to annoy one of you, the others going to take it, no matter the situation. Which has grown increasingly irritating to your friends when they can’t get through a conversation without being interrupted by Sweet Pea throwing something at you or you continuously flicking him in the head until he gets annoyed. And then it ends in name calling until one of you goes to far and the other storms off.  
You pull your gaze away from the tall serpent, now swapping spit with a blonde  and find Betty instead, sat on the sofa with a frown on her face while she holds a full bottle of beer. 
“Hey.” You don’t mean to startle her, but with the volume of the music only getting louder as you approach her, you have to practically shout. She jumps, seemingly being pulled from her thoughts and sends you a small smile as she watches you sit down. “Are you okay?” You lean in, until you’re practically shouting in her ear. It takes a few seconds for her to realize what you’ve said, but when she does she just shrugs and slumps back into the soft furniture. 
“I’m not really in the partying mood.” She replies and you send her a sympathetic smile. 
“Whats up.” 
“Boy trouble.” She huffs and looks out into the crowd. You follow her gaze until you find Jughead leaning against a wall, a drink in his hand as he watches Archie and Veronica dance. 
Large grins are on all of their faces and Betty lets out a deep sigh. The only problem is, you don’t know why one she’s referring to so you have no way to cheer her up. 
Betty’s relationship with Jughead and Archie is almost as complicated as yours and Sweet Pea-Wait. No, thats not right because you and Sweet Pea have the complete opposite of a relationship. You have an, un-relationship. Or, whatever. 
You shake your head, willing that thought and any other like it out of your brain forever, before looking back at Betty and hoping the right words to say will come to you soon. 
“Its okay.” You place a gentle hand on hers and she looks down at it. “I get it. Boys are complicated. But you are far better than any Riverdale High boy. Just think, you’ll be at college in a few months and you’ll have your pick of all the highly educated men that know what to do and how to treat you right.” You nudge her gently and a soft smile twitches at her lips. 
“I suppose so yeah.” She shrugs. 
“But tonight, we’re high schoolers. And do you know what high schoolers do at parties?” 
“They drink and make bad decision that they regret in the morning! So drink that and lets dance.” You say, pushing the bottle towards her. She rolls her eyes, but you can tell she’s suppressing a smile as she takes her first sip. “To peer pressure.” You bump your cup against her bottle before taking a drink. 
“Y/n!” Willow shouts from across the room gaining yours and Betty’s attention. Her red hair bounces as she pushes excitedly through the crowd and by the time she makes it to where you’re stood there’s a bright smile lighting up her entire face. She hugs you and then Betty, complimenting both of your outfits before finally remembering why she came over in the first place. “Have you seen Amy tonight?” 
“Nope.” You shake your head. “But I have only been in here and the kitchen so she could be anywhere.” 
“Damn.” She sighs. 
“She could be in the bathroom.” Betty suggests.
“Or smoking up outside.” You add and she ponders the idea for a minute before nodding. 
“Yeah.” She nods. “Probably. I’ll see you around.” She waves at the two of you before wandering through the house and disappearing out the patio doors. 
“Come on Cooper.” You grab the blondes hand, pulling her off the couch and into the sweaty group of people. She follows reluctantly, keeping her head down as she tries her best not to bump into anybody. 
“Baby, it wasn’t like that.” A guy you pass says desperately to his girlfriend who’s stood with her arms crossed over her chest and a scowl stuck on her face. 
“What is ‘does she take a piece of lime for the drink that I’mma buy her’ mean?” She replies impatiently and you and Betty stop a few feet away from them, wanting to hear more of whatever this conversation is. 
“I was talking about you.” 
“You were talking about me?” She repeats and you and Betty share a look, both of you knowing where this is going. When your question is repeated, you’re in a big trouble. “I have a citrus allergy, you know this.” She shouts and storms off leaving the guy alone and you and Betty holding in laughter. 
“See, we haven’t even started dancing yet and you’re already cheered up.” 
“True.” She shrugs. The song changes to something even more upbeat and the two of you start dancing (jumping around). 
Halfway through though you get distracted by a familiar serpent, passing you and a wicked smile takes over your face. 
You stick your foot out while dancing and the next thing you know Sweet Pea stumbles, spilling his drink over himself and a few other people. You stifle a laugh while he apologizes to the people around him and Betty sends you a disapproving look. 
“What the fuck!” He shouts and looks around, his eyes instantly settling on you and a deep scowl takes over his face. A few people around you stop dancing to watch what is happening, all waiting for the inevitable argument thats about to break out. You however, are unaffected. You just look at him, a sweet smile plastered on your face while you watch him dab at his t-shirt. 
“Oops.” You mumble, looking him up and down as he mutters curse words under his breath. Betty moves closer to you, a part of her worrying that an actual fight is about to break out, and you notice that even Jughead, Archie and Veronica have shuffled a little closer to the three of you. 
Betty exchanges awkward glances with Jughead and Archie before looking down at the floor, and you and Sweet Pea continue the small staring contest you’ve found yourselves in. 
He gives up first, looking down at his now stained shirt and you smirk triumphantly. “I hate you.” He mutters before shoving past you, making sure to bump your shoulder. 
“It was nice bumping in to you Pea.” You tease, watching him storm off and he flips you off over his shoulder. 
“You guys are actually ridiculous.” Betty shakes her head at you. People start dancing again, the moment seeming to have been forgotten already and you just shrug at her. 
Amy rushes past you a second later, distracting you from dancing and your eyes follow her as she runs further away. 
“I found Amy!” You say to nobody in particular making Betty laugh. 
“What do you think Willow wanted Amy for?” She asks and you send her a look. 
“What everybody wants Amy for.” 
“Weed.” You interrupt, before looking at her confused. “Where you about to say sex?” 
“What? No.” She says quickly and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “Did she look upset to you?” She’s changed the subject and you look in the direction she ran off to. 
“I mean maybe. I dunno. Is Willow around?” You ask and the two of you crane your necks to look around. You spot Willow stood by the patio doors. Her arms are wrapped around her, and she’s crying a little. You frown before slowly pushing through the stumbling teens “Are you coming?” You ask Betty, but she’s too distracted staring at Jughead. You sigh, and grab her shoulder, turning her to face you. “I think its clear who you want. Archie may have been the boy next door you had a crush on, but Jughead was your first love. Go talk to him, those college guys can wait.” 
“Are you sure?” She asks, looking at you quickly and you roll your eyes at her. 
“Yes. He looks a little lonely to be honest. If you know what you want, you should go for it.” 
“Maybe you should take your own advice.” She replies and glances at Sweet Pea sulking in the corner. 
“What are you talking about?” You frown. 
“Nothing.” She shakes her head. “Go see whats wrong with Willow.” 
“Have fun!” You smile, she nods before taking a deep breath and slowly approaching Jughead. When you get to the patio doors, Willow is no where to be seen and you let out a frustrated sigh. 
Why do high school parties always have to filled with angst and drama? Why can’t they be light, fun, easy? Why is there always something? Speaking of something...
“Sweet Pea.” You take a deep breath and turn around to face the very angry boy. 
“Y/n.” He says through gritted teeth as he clenches his beer bottle. 
“To what do I owe this pleasure.” You ask, really not caring about the situation. 
You want to know if Amy is okay, when she comes to parties she’s usually in high demand due to the stuff she brings with her, but sometimes that makes her a target. And if you’ve lost her, and now also a very upset Willow, you’re screwed. 
“The pleasure is all mine.” He smirks, looking you up and down. He’s back to his usual self and that only means one thing, he’s planning something. 
“You’re disgusting. Do you know that?” You huff. 
“Yep. You tell me at least once a day.”
“And yet you never listen.” You sigh and lazily pick at your nails. When you don’t get a reply you look back at him to see him watching a game of beer pong. 
“Sorry, what did you say?” He says, suddenly remembering what he was doing. 
“You’re an ass.”
“You also tell me that every day.” 
“I know. It’s a very tedious job but someone has to do it.” You send him a sarcastic smile and go back to looking around the crowded room. 
“What are you looking for? A life?” 
“Wow, I’m so hurt. Seriously what year is this and how old are you?” You roll your eyes. “And if you must know, I’m looking for Amy and/or Willow.” 
“Why?” His face lights up as he also looks around the dark room and you have to admit you’re glad he’s decided to help you. His height certainly gives him an advantage, and if anything does happen, you can just leave him to deal with it while you run away. 
You watch him look around, the way his jaw tightens and the muscles in his neck tense when he thinks he see’s her...oh god. What the hell had Jade given you? 
Your eyes widen as you try to ignore your drunken thoughts and Sweet Pea looks back at you confused as he waves his hand in front of your face. 
“Are you involved in the devils lettuce?” 
“The devils lettuce? Did you seriously just say that?” You snort, whatever lapse of judgement you’ve just had, has definitely passed. 
“Yes, I did. And I’m standing by it.” He huffs, moving to lean against the wall beside you. 
“Well, no. I’m looking for Amy because she looked upset. Willow was looking for her earlier but twenty minutes after they found each other, Amy stormed past me and then Willow was crying.” 
“What’s this got to do with you?” He asks rudely and you send him an annoyed look. 
“They’re my friends. I do have them things you know.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I know. It surprises me really.” He nods along. “Well, Amy told me that she’s going to meet me.” He says and your eyes widen as you turn to look at him. 
“Are you actually about to useful for once in your life?” You say, you’re tone becoming happier as he looks at you smugly. His smirk falters a little when the thought of you being cute crosses his mind, but he just does the same thing he does every time he has a thought like that. He locks it in a box in his brain and shoves it as far away as possible. “Where are you-” 
“I don’t know where or when.” He says and you huff loudly at him, punching him in the arm. “I’ve seen her once or twice around here though and I think she knows my face. I dunno, the person I used to get the dev-that stuff from, got caught and so he had to stop doing it.” 
“Was it Fangs?” 
“It wasn’t Fangs.” 
“It was Fangs wasn’t it?” 
“Yeah...it was Fangs.” He finally admits. 
“And it was Jughead that caught him wasn’t it?” 
“It wasn’t Jughead.” 
“It was Jughead wasn’t it?” 
“Yes fine! It was Jughead.” He huffs making you giggle. The two of you look at each other, a begrudging smile playing on his lips as he watches you laugh. The changing lights dance across your skin and he feels himself getting lost watching you. 
“Its hard to see with all the people standing in my way.” You mutter. “You’re a giant. Have another look.” You interrupt his thoughts and he feels his cheeks heat up at the fact that he was was looking at you like that. “Come on.” You grab his arm and lead him towards the stairs. He looks at your fingers wrapped around his arm and his mind blanks. 
It seems whatever he’s been drinking was stronger than he thought. 
“Wait.” You stop suddenly making him walk right into you. You feel yourself fall but he grabs you just in time, steadying you before the two of you jump away from each other. 
“I found them.” You point to the red head and black haired girls sat on the fourth step making out. “Well, that was short lived.” 
“At least they’re happy.” He shrugs. 
“Very happy it looks like.” You agree, the two of you watch as the kiss gets more heated and then suddenly you feel like you’re intruding. Both of you turn around and make you’re way toward the kitchen, both in desperate need of a drink, maybe not as strong as your others. 
“Damn.” Sweet Pea sighs dramatically as he leans against the counter. You don’t acknowledge him, instead pouring two drink out and handing him one. “I said damn.” He repeats and you suddenly remember why you don’t like hanging out with him. 
“I’m not gonna get any tonight.” 
“How awful. I’m sure your parts can take a day off.” You glance down and he rolls his eyes at you. 
“No, not that.” He shakes his head. “Thats fine, and it never takes a day off.” 
“Thats gross.” 
“I’m talking about weed. If Amy’s busy, where am I gonna get it?” 
“I dunno.” You shrug, now very bored of this conversation. 
“You can get it wherever you like as long as you do it outside.” Jade interrupts, saving you from a very tedious chat with someone that annoys you more and more with each passing second. Or at least thats what you’re trying to tell yourself. Because the five minutes you spent not arguing and actually helping each other, was actually quite pleasant. 
“Of course.” He says. She looks between the two of you and a knowing smile settles on her lips. Her and Sweet Pea seem to have a silent conversation while you just stand and stare at them confused. 
“How was Juliet?” You ask and Sweet Pea lets out a soft breath. 
“She fine. More than fine actually, when I found her she was already making out with Rebecca.” 
“Ohhhh.” You laugh. 
“What about you two. Have you been up to anything exciting?” 
“We watched two girls make out.” Sweet Pea shrugs, not realizing the implications and you and Jade just stare at him. “Not like that.” He blushes. 
“Willow and Amy.” You say, deciding to help him out of the hole he’s dug himself. 
“Ohhh. Aw. Thats cute.” 
“Yeah I know right.” You nod. “I think its been something thats coming for a while though.”
“What is it with everybody boning at my parties.” She wonders. 
“I think it shows how good your parties are. How many people hook up at Juliet’s?” 
“Very true.” She agrees. “Speaking of boning. You’s two seem oddly close.” She looks between the two of you and Sweet Pea and you both look at her disgusted. 
“We were both looking for Amy.” You defend yourself. The tone in your voice makes Sweet Pea’s chest ache. He no longer wants to talk to you, or anyone really, so he stays silent, trying his hardest to blend into the kitchen cabinets and figure out why he’s feeling all of these things all of a sudden. 
He’s been in the same room as you countless of times before, some would say too many times. And all of those times he’s wanted to kill you, but as cheesy as it sounds, the way you said that killed him a little and he can’t quite understand why. 
“Sure you were.” She teases. 
“Shut up.” You grumble.
“Jade, somebody’s thrown up in Aunt Vera’s vase.” Juliet rushes into the kitchen. Jade huffs loudly, placing her drink on the counter before following her sister out, leaving you and Sweet Pea in silence. 
You hum along to the Britney song playing, awkwardly looking around and trying your hardest to think of something to say that isn’t insulting. You haven’t quite realized why you don’t want to insult him yet, but when you try and thing of anything nice to say, you’re mind goes blank. 
He does look good though, even if his t-shirt is stained. And now you feel a little bad about doing that. His hair isn’t styled meticulously like it usually is. Its more hurried, less effort in it but you think he suits it more. He still has the curl at the front and you have a need to brush it away. 
nope. nope. this is not happening. nope.
“So...” You trail off, your lips forming a pout while you stare at the tiles on the floor. 
You can feel him watching you, and a blush creeps up his neck. He’s waiting for you to do something, say something, anything. But nothing happens. There’s no big, magical moment that you’re both apparently desperate for. You just stew in silence, letting the awkwardness fill the room until its almost unbearable.   
“I’m gonna look for Betty.” 
“I’m gonna go find Fangs.” 
Both of you say at the same time and rush out of the room, heading in different directions in search of anyone to talk to. 
You find Betty pretty quickly, but she’s sat on Jughead’s lap making out with him so thats a bust. Jade is busy cleaning vomit up with Juliet and Rebecca  and as much as you’re want a distraction, you’re not that desperate. Willow and Amy have just walked up the stairs so they’ll probably be locked in a bathroom or bedroom somewhere in the next five minutes. 
You’re only option is Veronica and Archie. And to your surprise, they’re not dry humping. They seem to be having an actual conversation. 
“Hey.” They reply in sync. It creeps you out but you push past it, sitting down beside them. 
“Have you seen Amy tonight?” Archie asks quickly and you nod your head, not really paying attention to what he’s just said. Its only after a few seconds do you realize whats he’s said that you look at him confused. It seems Archie Andrews is not the boy next door everyone seems to love.
“I have.” You nod. “But any dealings are cancelled for the time being. She’s busy.” 
“Doing what?” 
“What dealings? What are you two on about?” Veronica asks, only now joining in the conversation. She spaced out after saying hi, staring at the lights as they bounce around the room. 
“Nothing V.” You laugh, making eye contact with Archie. “What have you guys been doing?” 
“Drinkinggggg!” She cheers excitedly, lifting her cup up. Liquid spills out the side of it, landing on her shoe and the next thing you know she’s crying uncontrollably. 
“Some of us more than others.” Archie adds. “Come on Ronnie. Lets get you home.” He picks her up easily and she laughs loudly while flopping backwards in his arms. 
Soon its just you, sat on the sofa with half of your drink and nobody to talk to. A part of you kind of wants Sweet Pea back and you suddenly find yourself looking for him in the crowd. 
From across the room, he’s doing exactly the same thing, and when the two of you make eye contact, you find yourself smiling. 
“Why the hell did you do that?” You mumble quietly as you quickly look away. “Oh god, he’s coming over now. Fuc-Hi Sweet Pea.” 
“Er-hi.” He’s nervous. None of the usual confidence he has is in sight. He’s stood in front of you awkwardly, with his hands in his pockets while he thinks of what to say. “Bye.” He says quickly and turns around, whispering curses to himself while he moves through the crowd. 
Okay, maybe being alone isn’t so bad. That was weird. Really weird and you don’t like it. You need it to go back to normal, so you decide to follow him. Managing to catch him just before he goes back into the kitchen. 
“Pea!” You grab his arm, spinning him around. He looks slightly startled and you find yourself staring at him confused, its an unfamiliar expression on him and you feel an unfamiliar feeling stirring in your stomach. “It seems those five minutes we spend helping each other has fucked up our dynamic and I can’t stand it anymore. So I’m giving you permission to insult me.” You know you sound insane, but maybe its something you need. 
“I don’t want to insult you Y/n.” 
“What?” Your jaw drops as you stare at him in utter shock. “Why the hell not? I have plenty of things to insult.” 
“Because I don’t feel like it.” He shakes his head.
“There’s got to be something that you don’t like. What if I start?” You suggest. He just stares at you, eyebrows raised and arms crossed. 
“Why are you doing this?” 
“Because this.” You motion between the two of you. “Us being awkward and weird around each other. Its not normal. We insult and upset and sometimes cause physical pain. Thats our thing. But not knowing how to talk to each other isn’t. And not wanting to say awful things to each other, certainly isn’t. The world doesn’t feel right if we’re not verbally abusing each other.” 
“Have you just made a romantic speech about hating each other?” 
“Yes. And I’d do it all again...for you Sweet Pea.” You say, a smile twitching at the corners of your mouth while you wait for a response. 
“I have been wanting an excuse to tell you that your hair look absolutely awful tonight.” He mumbles making you grin. You move to hug him, but catch yourself in time. Sweet Pea looks at you weirdly and you send him a forced smile, trying to laugh it off. 
“So, where’s the blonde you were sucking face with earlier?” You look around. 
“I dunno.” He shrugs. “Why? Are you jealous?” 
“Yes.” You deadpan. “I’m just so desperate for you that I get jealous of any other girl that so much as looks at you. 
“Aw, babe.” He teases. And odd feeling washes over you when he says babe, a mix of butterflies and breathlessness. “You should have told me sooner. There’s plenty of Sweet Pea to go around.” 
“Have I told you today that you’re disgusting?” 
“Yes, you have in fact.”
“And yet you still don’t do anything about it?” 
“Love me or hate me, its not my fault everyone wants me.” He shrugs and you roll your eyes.
“Please. The only people that want you are either moronic or desperate.”
“Ohhhh, so that explains why you’re constantly flirting with me.” He says cheekily and you look at him offended. 
“I would honestly rather flirt with Reggie than you.”
“Ouch. You’d really chose Mantle over me?” He asks. 
“Definitely.” You nod confidently. 
“Well, thats good because look who’s coming over. Hey Mantle!” He shouts over the music, waving his arms around and your eyes widen when you quickly look around. Reggie is slowly making his way towards the two of you.
“What do you want Sweet Pea?”
“Y/n was just telling me how much she likes you.” Sweet Pea replies and you send him a death glare. He glances at you, sending you a quick wink before looking back him.
“Oh, really?” Reggie asks and turns to look at you. 
“Yes. She would not shut up about you. Just constantly, Reggie this, Reggie the-ow! Anyway, gotta go.” Despite hitting him as hard as you could, he seemed relatively unaffected by it, instead walking away and leaving you alone with Reggie.
“So, you like me huh?” 
Yep, Sweet Pea definitely won this round. 
After half an hour of small talk with Reggie, you finally managed to get away. Sending him to get you a drink so you could slip off and hide upstairs for a bit so he could find somebody else. 
You’ve decided to sit in the spare room for a bit. Your thoughts about Sweet Pea are going a million miles a minute in your head and so you need some time to think. To figure out where they’ve come from all of a sudden. Or maybe you’ve been thinking them for a while and you just haven’t paid much attention until now. Until you saw that he could actually be nice, and that you wanted to see more. 
Ever since Sweet Pea left you alone with Mantle, he’s been thinking about you. About the way you look at him when you’re annoyed, or your smile when he says something funny. Or the look you get when you’re about to insult him. You always look so pleased with yourself.
He remembers the way you looked at him when you thought he knew where Amy was, and he remembered the way his chest hurt when he couldn’t help you. 
He then remembers that you gave him a speech as to why the two of you need to insult each other. In a very sad way, its the most romantic thing anybody has ever done for him. 
But he wants more. He wants real moments with you that aren’t just filled with childish name calling and shoving. He wants sweet nicknames, and story sharing and getting to know more about you. But when he thinks about, he knows a lot. He knows you’re favourite film, you’re favourite band. He knows the reason you don’t like that one song from them and why you’re favourite is your favourite. Your memories behind you’re favourite place in Riverdale and he wants to take you there and add to them and oh
He’s the worst. He left you alone with Mantle of all people. He doesn’t mind Reggie now, but he knows what he’s like. And he knows he can get practically anybody in bed. 
“Have you seen Y/n?” He doesn’t care that he’s interrupting Betty and Jughead. He doesn’t even register the way they’re looking at him, annoyed expressions mirroring each other. He’s too busy looking around the dark and busy room, scanning the crowd for you. They shift slightly to look at him properly and a knowing smile appears on each of their lips. 
“Can’t get her off your brain huh?” Jughead teases. 
“Shut up and just tell me if you’ve seen her.” He snaps. 
“She went upstairs.” Jade chimes in as she passes and Sweet Pea sends her a thankful smile as he hurries past her. 
He takes the steps two at a time, narrowly avoiding kicking people in the head and just as he’s about to search every single room, scaring himself in the process when he interrupts couples, he see’s you walking out of one of the rooms. 
“Sweet Pea. Hi.” You say startled. “Thanks for leaving with Reggie by the way.” You grumble angrily. “For twenty minutes he talked about football and girls he’s hooked up with.” 
“Shut up.” He shushes and you stare at him offended. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Y/n. I hate you.” 
“Or at least I thought I did. I thought I hated you more than I hate peas and rich people.” 
“You hate peas?” 
“Yeah.” He nods his head. “Thats not really the point I’m trying to make though.” 
“I thought I hated you, and maybe I did for a bit. But then I think somewhere my hate got confused with a different emotion and I found myself looking forward to seeing you. Even if it was to insult you. And then tonight, we were nice to each other for the first time ever and even though it was only for five minutes, I liked it. Despite how weird and awkward it was. And I want more. I want more of it until it stops being weird and awkward and its just us. Being nice. I want to hate you less Y/n.” 
“I think what you just said was nice.” You say unsure, trying to figure out what exactly he’s trying to say. “But either way I have a need to kiss you so I’m going to do that okay?” 
“Okay.” He nods eagerly and within seconds your lips are on his, your body pushing him into a door as your fingers tangle in his hair. His hands grip your waist tight as he kisses back with just as much desperation.
You pull away first, breathless and panting and he’s looking at like you’re the only person he sees. But the sweet look is soon replaced by his smug smile and you know whats coming next. 
“I thought you’d rather choose Reggie over me.” He teases making you roll your eyes playfully. 
“Yeah, well I guess I’m moronic.” You shrug and his smile grows. 
“You’re only just figuring this out no-” He’s interrupted by you kissing him again. And he figures that whatever insult he had, can wait until afterwards. 
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